View Full Version : Sex Camp ...

12-02-2011, 05:57 AM
This a story about my friend and not me.
I will use first person view while relating the story ...

It all started when I was working with Polytechnic, I was assigned a group of 6 girls on a cross disciplinary subject (CDS). This CDS is about how to start up a new business. I was like the guardian to them, when they are overseas.

We went to a village oversea. That is where the story begins ...

12-02-2011, 09:34 AM
interesting, administrator with 6 girls..

12-02-2011, 01:31 PM
Any mass orgy ... If yes , will be interesting hehe

12-02-2011, 04:59 PM
Yes, there is Mass orgy.

About the 6 girl: (average poly girl)
1 Malay girl who go by the name of CJ (She is JQ's girlfriend)
1 Chinese girl by the name of Veron
1 Chinese girl by the name of Hui Ling
1 Chinese girl by the name of JQ (She is a butch)
2 other girl, which I don't really remembered, because they were not consented by their parent to go oversea for this project. This 2 girls are the SYT and only babes in the group. With those two girls not going on the trip, I put sex totally aside, no sex thought as all (did not buy condom for the trip).

So it is a total of 5 of us that went for this trip.
It was a week trip to Cambodia, village area.
We arrive at the airport and was pick by one of the social project coordinator there, her name was Irene, she was sort of attracting my attention when we first meet. She was around 30+, and was slim when compared to the poly girls, with much bigger boobs as compared to the poly girls. She act as our tour guide as well as translator there. Sex came back to my mind. She was very friendly towards me, then towards the girls, and maybe of the age gap between them. In my mind, I think probably she was interested in me. Her part of the story came later.

Got to go now story continues later, when I am back.

12-02-2011, 08:02 PM
Nabei, all girls & only 1 guy :D

13-02-2011, 12:50 AM
96 ... y got so good de kt sia ... :o

13-02-2011, 01:30 AM
U're so lucky the only guy with all the gals.

13-02-2011, 06:00 AM
Nabei, all girls & only 1 guy :D

Yes all girls and only 1 guy, if the girls you are referring to is the poly girls.

It is pretty tough job, it only meant to say that you are to protect those girls, when overseas.

Seriously at night walking on the street on Cambodia can be dangerous.

It is full of beggars back then, not sure if now still full of beggars or not.

Definitely it got to be a guy's job, to bring them oversea, but not every time is all girls, sometime it can be all guys.

During RNR, when we are at the town area, staying in the hotel:

If all girls, it can be pretty troublesome, especially when at night they want go buy things, need you to accompany them, and sometime is must accompany them to go more than 1 time, because they are fickle minded and sometime they forget this and forget that.

If all guys, I will ask them not to go alone and ask them to get their own stuffs, while I relax in the hotel.

13-02-2011, 06:02 AM
U're so lucky the only guy with all the gals.

Where got lucky?
All the girl is see and no touch ...
Although some is can touch and play around, but not to the extent of bonking them ...

13-02-2011, 06:47 AM
Physical description of the girls and some sideline stories:

Starting with HuiLing, she has the biggest boobs among the 4 girls. Her boobs was not the only 'WOW' things she have, they was accompanied by some baby fat at her stomach area. In short, she was short and chubby. She look nerdy, and very traditional. Her leg was totally cannot make it (lots of mosquito bites. Her body which did not turn me on initially turn me on later on, while on the trip.

How I find out this is because of this incident that happened in the village.
It was end of the day of project work, and all of us was heading back to the camp. It was already at night, the weather was very cooling and enjoyable. We all lined up to shower before having dinner together. It was six of us including Irene.

The shower place where we shower was not directly at our camp site. So we paired up to walk to the shower place. The shower place got only 2 shower cubicles. I was hoping I can accompany Irene to walk to the shower place, get to know her more, and see if during RNR can have some action.

But too bad it turn out that the one I accompanying is HuiLing. We was the last pair to go for shower.

During showering half-way, it appear that there is a black out or power supply.

I was soaping half way, I froze for a movement, as I got shocked. The next thing I knew was I hear HuiLing screaming, and there was banging on my door.

I opened the door slightly, my intention was to find out what happen to HuiLing, and HuiLing immediately rushed in, and hugged me very hard. At that movement, I don't know why but I hugged her too.

Her boobs was pressing hard on chest, and somehow it just feels great. Both of us was wet and sticky because of we are covered in soap. Maybe that is one sexy factor, that excite me.

There we are standing in the same shower cubicles, both naked and hugging each another. We were hugging each other for no longer than a minute, as I have a hard-on and is pressing against her stomach. Surprisingly, I find her stomach fat soft and comfortable when pressed against my little brother.

Upon feeling my hard-on, she seem to stop hugging me so tight and start to push away from me, trying to maintain a distance. As she was doing this, suddenly the light went back on. Almost immediately, we was standing facing each another. Both of us got a nice view of each another body from head to toe. I saw her boobs and her shaved pussy. She was looking at my little brother too. We was like standing there for a few minute, before something unexpected happened ...

Got to go and catch some sleep, story continues later if I am not busy ...

13-02-2011, 07:27 AM
camping for more....

13-02-2011, 02:51 PM
Please continue with your story soon... :):)

13-02-2011, 02:53 PM
Interesting ..... Waiting for more ....

13-02-2011, 05:47 PM
camp here liao..

13-02-2011, 08:50 PM
camper reporting in too... :D

15-02-2011, 12:31 AM
camping. quick update :D

15-02-2011, 08:19 PM
There we are standing in the same shower cubicles, both naked and hugging each another. We were hugging each other for no longer than a minute, as I have a hard-on and is pressing against her stomach. Surprisingly, I find her stomach fat soft and comfortable when pressed against my little brother.

Upon feeling my hard-on, she seems to stop hugging me so tight and start to push away from me, trying to maintain a distance. As she was doing this, suddenly the light went back on. Almost immediately, we were standing facing each another. Both of us got a nice view of each another body from head to toe. I saw her boobs and her shaved pussy. She was looking at my little brother too. We were like standing there for a few minute.

HuiLing, suddenly step back and shut the door. That was definitely not what I would expect her to do.
I thought she would run back to her own cubicle.

She quickly used both her hand to try cover her pair of delicious boobs and pussy, while I was still 'eye feasting' on her figure. Never really thought she has such a pair of big boobs, maybe it could be because she was always wearing loose and over size clothes most of the time. Maybe any naked girl with big boobs standing in front of you exposed, you would get interested (excited).

At this point of time

I was so into looking at her and was already picturing in my mind about bonking her raw in the cubicle. She started to converse with me.

Her: Can you please turn around?

Me: Sorry, I was ... (back to reality)
(I turned around almost immediately)

Her: Can you please promise not tell anyone, what happened in here?

Me: Really sorry ... Yes I will keep this a secret...

As I was conversing with her, I was keeping my head slighted and facing her and speaking to her, with my eye roaming around her body occasionally looking at her face, as I realize that this might be it, no more chance to see anymore, she is going to move out soon...

I think she noticed that I was still looking at her.

Her: Is this the first time you saw a girl naked?

I paused around, damn what should I reply, should I lie and say 'Yes it is my first time', or tell her the truth 'No'. I scare if tell her yes, might spoil the image me being a man. She would have the image of a virgin boy. I scare if I tell her no, she would know that I am attached, and I would definitely hit the bottom of her chart of scoring her, and high chance she would lose interest in me. Decide to tell her no.

Me: No, but why do you ask?

She removed her hand from her body, revealing her boobs and her pussy. My eye stopped roaming randomly as there are things now for me to focus on. I noticed she has large nipple areola.

Her: Why are you are still looking at me, even though you are back facing me?

I turned my head, and faced the wall immediately. I don't really know what to say.

Me: Sorry ... I was ... It wasn’t intentional...
(I decided to be act as a good guy, though really deep down I am a rotten bad guy)

Then there was silent for a while. I don't know what she was doing

Suddenly I felt both hand hugging around me with her boobs press against me again.

Her: What do you think of my body, since you have seen other girl naked before?

Me: Hmm ... your body looks beautiful ... (in my mind, I added "I would fuck you anytime")
In my mind, I am thinking which man will give a damn at this type of time about what they think about your body, when all they think of is to have sex with you...

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" - Just then, someone knocked on the door

To be continued...

16-02-2011, 02:37 AM
"Bang! Bang! Bang!" - Just then, someone knocked on the door
She hugged me harder. I got shocked too.
"Bang! Bang! Bang!" again ...

I removed her hand around me and ask her to keep quiet. I ask her to hide behind the door
I push on the shower tap and started washing off the dry shower form on my body, after that I wrap the towel around me and open a small gap at the door to take a peek outside. I saw a young girl outside, told her that I will continue to shower in English, and told her not to disturb, not sure if she understand. I moved back in, and latch the door.

As I took off my towel, HuiLing push the shower tap and started washing. I moved into the shower area and hugged her from behind, with both my hands going under her arms and started playing with her boobs.

Me: You have very nice and big boobs.
Her: You have very nice big cork as well.

I continued to play with her boobs and rub and pinch her nipple. She seems to enjoy it very much. I went on to french her, with my left hand still fondling her left boobs. I was the one doing most of the tongue work, during the kiss. Not much action from her tongue, I think should be her first tongue kiss though.

My right hand has already started moving to her 'love hole'. Slowly, I used my right index finger and start to feel her clitoris. Her clitoris showed sign of pleasure as I moved my finger in a small circular up and down motion. Her nipple starts to harden as I play with her clitoris. I stopped frenching her and move my head toward her right boobs and immediately and begin to lick and suck her nipple. I start fingering her wet vagina, inserting my finger into her vagina in fast drawing strokes. As I continue my attacks on both her boobs and her 'love hole', HuiLing started to moan softly. This continues for only a short while, before she had orgasm. I guess I done my part way to well and she got really horny, and now it is her turn to eat me.

She turns around and starts stroking my cork. She then starts to bend down, giving me a nice view of her assets deep valley view. She started licking my dick head. I almost cum, her licking was damn good. As she was about to suck my cork, I ask her to stop. I told her to use her boobs to rub against my cork as she begins to give me a blowjob.

Her blowjob was good, within minutes. I pulled my cork out of her mouth and ejected all my sperm onto her boobs. She spread the sperm on her boobs and even takes some off with her finger and put into her mouth to taste. I asked her, how it tastes, she told me it was a bit salty.

We then start to wash ourselves real clean, we still rubba rubba as we was cleaning ourselves, she told me to get serious and start to properly clean up. She told me that we are out for too long and the others might suspect that something happened. She took my tower and wrap around herself and go get her towel for me to use. All her stuffs were at the other shower cubicle. She dress up real quick and came in and pass me her towel to use, as my towel was already too wet and used by her. Her towel smells nice. I dry up myself real fast and meet her outside, and headed back together with her.

On the way, she was really quiet. Upon reaching our camp site, she hop onto me and pull me closer to her so she can whisper into my ears (my shoulder was totally touching her boobs and she seem not to care) I even purposely rub my shoulder against her boobs as she was whispering to me, she told me, that she enjoyed her shower session very much, and told me to keep this as a secret between ourselves. I told her I have a great shower session too, and will keep this just between us. I kissed her on her cheek right after telling her. She slaps my butt and tells me to behave myself.

Both of us, reached back to our campsite quite late, I explained to all who were concern if anything happen between HuiLing and me, as I guess everyone was jokingly placing HuiLing and me together as couple, told them that only one side can shower so we have to wait for each another to finish showering and before we even reach there, there is already someone showering and we have to wait for our turn. I guess everyone buy the story, as the next following day, there was no more joke about me and HuiLing. HuiLing and I behave as if nothing had happened, though we still continue our own private shower session every single day.

At certain point of time, during one of our shower session, that HuiLing got so horny that she wanted to have sex with me. (In my heart, I thought wasted, should have brought condom and prepare for such situation.) I told her no, as I do not have condom and do not wish to get her into trouble. She accepted that and we continue our shower session, ending each shower session, happily and sextisfied, with us holding our hand walking back to the campsite.

Up my rep if you do find the story nice.

More coming up soon, involving other girls...

17-02-2011, 01:24 AM
Next up is Veron ...
She is the person who are always liaising between me and the girl back in SG, regarding oversea trip items. She is one tough nut to crack and really no chance at all to get her.

It was only during RNR, when we were staying at the hotel, there was this chance at which I could strike her alone, but it was a fail attempt.

She was the only girl that want to go out at night to buy stuffs.

So I and Veron went out together. While on the road, I take advantage of situation and start to hold her hand. She kind of resisted at first, but slowly got used. I moved further on and try to hold her waist and slowly moved up her armpit and to her side of her boobs. She has the smallest boobs of all the girls, and she is the very slim type of girl. She seem not to feel anything and I lightly press against the side of her boobs, until it is quite obvious, then she pushed me away.

We went to buy ladies menstrual padding, and some other stuff.

Along the way, I asked her if she were hungry and wanted to have a bite before heading back. She agreed. We went to this cafe, ordered sandwiches and drinks.

This is how we were sitting at the corner of the cafe, we were sitting facing each another, with me sitting against the wall, facing her.

We were having our supper, when suddenly I felt her leg against mine.
I was wearing a pair of short (those thin material), She was wearing FBT short.

She rub her leg against mine. At first I thought it was accident, and I continue eating as of normal. As we was speaking, her leg moved higher up.
I paused biting my sandwiches and freeze a movement. Maybe that teasing feeling is 'shiok', I look at her and she was smiling at me, being affected by her legs. Her leg teasing skill really powerful, my whole body hair stands as she play her leg against my leg. I slowed down my pace of eating, each time her leg moved up and down on my leg.

Suddenly she stopped, and she start pushing the table nearer to me so her leg can reach further up. I helped her, as I really want her leg to be up and pressing against my already standing cork.

She started working her leg up down motion on my leg and getting closer and closer to my cork. Suddenly her leg this time round went straight for my cork and kicked my cork.

" Ouch! ", she kicked with some strength. As she saw me in pain, she was laughing like a crazy bitch ...

Veron: This kick is for molesting me at my boobs, you think I have no idea, what you were trying to do?

Me: Come on, I was just trying to be friendly and was like wanting to hold your shoulder, just that I missed your shoulder and my hand land up touching your boobs.

Veron: Don't bluff, you act as if you don't know what you are pressing ...

Me: If I were pressing your boobs, you should have reacted and tell me off then. You give me the wrong signal, and now you kick me?

Veron: What wrong signal I give?

Me: You allowed me to press against your boobs, for such long time, such that I even feel that we could have a relationship ...

Veron: I did not want to make you lose face, that why I never make a scene earlier on ...

Me: So you make a scene here?

Veron: This is to teach you a lesson to keep your hand to yourself ...

Me: You should keep your leg to yourself too, the way you rub your leg against mine seriously are you hinting to me that you want me tonight?

Veron: No this is to trick you, and get your defense down so that I can kick you. I only use a bit strength to kick you, be grateful to me ...

Me: (Word-less)

We finish our meal quietly without having any thing else to talk about.

On our way back, I did not want to have any physical contact with her at all.

Veron: Why you never hold my hand, like you used to when we were walking the streets?

Me: Sorry, I would not want any miss-understanding anymore ...

Veron sensing that I was angry and avoiding her (maybe she knew that she took it too far), she start to hold onto my hand.

I was still angry and so I pushed her hand off, and put my hand behind my back. She then went on to hug my arm and say in the most gentle manner "Sorry.", I could feel my arm in between her boobs, though I was still quite piss off with what she did.

As we was walking back, I start to think about what happen if Veron big mouth and go tell everyone, what happened just now, I would be in deep shit.

Upon reaching the hotel, I break off from her hug and told her that I am no longer angry anymore, don't have to worry about me being angry, but please keep this a secret between me and her. She agreed.

Anyone interesting to hear more?
Anyone can ask question if anything interest you, or after reading you don't understand ....

More to be posted soon ....

Up my rep if you do find the story nice.

17-02-2011, 01:34 AM
ur poly tp?

17-02-2011, 08:40 AM
ur poly tp?

Yes it is T P , now I no longer working there already ...

17-02-2011, 11:13 AM
pls continue..cant wait :D

17-02-2011, 11:07 PM
very interesting... please continue!

18-02-2011, 02:59 PM
Nothing more?

19-02-2011, 05:57 AM
Next involve the two girl:
CJ (She is JQ's girlfriend)
JQ (She is a butch)

They are lesbian and they engage in sexual activity during the camp ...

There was this place in the forest, they once went nude and mutual masturbate each another.

JQ looks like a boy, behave like a girl, speak like a boy ...

CJ look 100% like a girl, have nice boobs size and big nipple ...

I was walking around the village, when I walked pass one of the room, I saw them touching each another, almost naked, I quickly drop my pant and my session begin ...

JQ was naked and was very flat, while her partner CJ was bountifully filled.

JQ started off by kissing CJ's ears. CJ seems to enjoy very much and they begin to kiss passionately, you can even see their tongue in action from side view.

All this while, while I was watching, I start to massage my rod.

At times, JQ's hand was playing with Cj's boobs., at time she move on the masturbate CJ.

CJ was sitting on the table while JQ was standing. JQ rub her hand on CJ pussys, while another hand, rubbing CJ's nipple.

CJ shows a very shiok face.

JQ start to move down south and begin licking and sucking her nipple and then they kissed again.

After a while their role exchanges. CJ start to to turn aggressive and started to kick and suck JQ nipple.

After a while they switched again, and they went for 69, initially they started off fingering each another pussy. I guess they got horny and start to lick each another pussy. There was soft moan to be heard ....

At this stage, I already cummed and have put my pants back on.

They was enjoying their oral sex so much that, they cummed many time, I guess, as I saw their body shivering in esctasy, after they cumeed ...

More to be posted soon ....

Up my rep if you do find the story nice.

19-02-2011, 02:11 PM
Next involve the two girl:....
Up my rep if you do find the story nice.

Bro, my advice to you. Stop asking for point. It will automatically goes up if ur stories are captivating.

The more u ask, the more irritated we get.
The more irritated we get, the lesser point u gain.

Anyways, its a nice story. Do cont. Thanks

21-03-2011, 12:55 PM
bro..more pls

21-03-2011, 05:46 PM
im camping here for more bro