23-03-2011, 07:26 PM
Im a Gal here wish to grant my hubby wishes ~~
He alway wanted in having sex with 2 girls at one time . so i hope i could grant his wishes~ (better than he find himself!! )
I will pay for the hotel cost n caps . so u wont need to pay for anything just make my hubby happy :)
Interested Applicant pls Pm me ur Age n Photos .
I will arrange and inform those that are accepted with my contact no. so we can furture discuss.
Hope to hear frm u Soon !
Chinkae :):p
.+*One Things to make ur partner Happy is by Granting his/her wishes*+.
Im a Gal here wish to grant my hubby wishes ~~
He alway wanted in having sex with 2 girls at one time . so i hope i could grant his wishes~ (better than he find himself!! )
I will pay for the hotel cost n caps . so u wont need to pay for anything just make my hubby happy :)
Interested Applicant pls Pm me ur Age n Photos .
I will arrange and inform those that are accepted with my contact no. so we can furture discuss.
Hope to hear frm u Soon !
Chinkae :):p
.+*One Things to make ur partner Happy is by Granting his/her wishes*+.