View Full Version : ultimate sexual fantasies

24-05-2011, 01:16 AM
i am just a 27 yr old normal looking woman here, recently it came to me hving dreams of being bonked by guys , one by one at a time, with 7-8 taking turns.
am i turning pervertic or why is it becoming of late that i have such thoughts.

i never done any of these so far, anyone here who has such problems like me?

24-05-2011, 04:43 AM
Hey sis it's normal to have fantasies... That's what makes life all interesting!

If I may share, my fantasy will be to have sex 24/7... But to achieve this, my bf will have to have superhuman stamina! Multi-player games aren't suitable for me...

24-05-2011, 05:38 AM
Is that why you are here, sis? You are taking the first active step towards fulfilling your fantasy?

You have come to the right place.

Problem is the next step, as you will have no shortage of bros forming a queue. Are you actually gong to allow it to happen? :D

24-05-2011, 07:59 AM
If I may share, my fantasy will be to have sex 24/7... But to achieve this, my bf will have to have superhuman stamina! Multi-player games aren't suitable for me...

LOL...it is possible!

I have done a sex marathon of 68 nos. sex sessions continously in four days with my FB on a holiday in Bali, except for some breaks for meals and some sleep. This includes 24 nos. sex sessions within the first 24 hours. I only ejaculate my semen on the 68th session. Every sex session was concluded with multiple orgasms from my FB, while I only had dry orgasms. It was a most thrilling though exhausting experience!

24-05-2011, 09:17 AM
Hi babe it's normal to have tat thought as u r starting to open up ur wild side which I have too . Jus tat didn't gt the chance to enjoy wild sex wif a group of kakis

24-05-2011, 10:03 AM
MultiO : Dude ... that's over-kill ... haha you're a sex machine? You did it like its the end of the world or going out of fashion ...

NSL : interesting fantasy and quite a funny bit about not into massively multi-player Orgasmic role playing game. How long has your bf lasted ?

Rosalind : sexual fantasy is one thing ... getting down and dirty that's another ... or are you looking for validation ? :)

24-05-2011, 10:22 AM
TS, would u like to make your ultimate sexual fantasies to reality?

If u do, i would take queue no. 1 :D :D

24-05-2011, 10:24 AM
TS, would u like to make your ultimate sexual fantasies to reality?

If u do, i would take queue no. 1 :D :D

Can I be in queue no. 2?

24-05-2011, 10:26 AM
Maybe TS is deprived so becomes sex-starved, I don't mind to fulfill your fantasy :D so I am queue no. 3 :)

24-05-2011, 10:27 AM
Can I be in queue no. 4

24-05-2011, 10:27 AM
haha bros ... she's asking has anyone else have these thoughts of gang=bang/orgy ... no invites yet lah ...

ok ... maybe the sillypore thing to do is queue up ... i'm no.5 ... even though you have no idea why you're queuing up for.

24-05-2011, 10:42 AM
hi TS....

it is a PERFECTLY NORMAL fantasy which can be easily turned into REALITY !!

I am NUMBER 6 reporting for your call of duty here !!!

24-05-2011, 11:04 AM
Can someone please answer T/S question before we start a pointless queue all the way to JB ?

24-05-2011, 11:17 AM
i try to answer....

TS, I believe there are some people out there who have such fantasies.

Unless you are looking to materialise it, (and I assure you there will be no shortage of keen participants) let it remain a fantasy.

Some of these fantasies could be life-changing(for better or for worse), ie if you have been suppressing your urges for the longest time, and you want to release that animal in you, you can go ahead and try with maybe, 2 guys for a start.

But once you've tried it, what if you are addicted? You fall into a dangerous spiral of experimentation and realisation....

It might be a time for discovery for yourself but make sure you do it within the limits of your self control..

24-05-2011, 11:25 AM
Bangster : nice :) can we get back to queuing up ?

24-05-2011, 11:28 AM
Don't waste time lah....
She only fantasising...
Have a gd day..!

24-05-2011, 11:31 AM
delete post

24-05-2011, 11:39 AM
TS, I think its quite normal for some women to have such fantasy thoughts. My ex-GF had her sex fantasy of getting bonk by four guys at the same time. It's just a thought she shared with me, not something that she intended to fulfill.

24-05-2011, 11:39 AM
Bangster : hehehe then why you in the queue why you reply ? I see hope rising from the East ... maybe tomorrow ... maybe another day ...

24-05-2011, 11:40 AM
as they say ... the only way to make your dream come true is to wake up :rolleyes:


start a thread in sbf :D:D:D

24-05-2011, 12:04 PM
It's alright 2 have fantasy... my fantasy is...
2 Papayas on my left, 1 Abalones on my right, 1 Abalones on my squid & 1 Abalone on my hotdog... ;)
i am just a 27 yr old normal looking woman here, recently it came to me hving dreams of being bonked by guys , one by one at a time, with 7-8 taking turns.
am i turning pervertic or why is it becoming of late that i have such thoughts.

i never done any of these so far, anyone here who has such problems like me?

24-05-2011, 12:44 PM
rob_onny : sounds like your fantasy same as someone I know ... FFFFFFFM

Happywoody : hahaha for last resort ... there's always FL dome 1/2/3

Multiorgasguy : a shared thought ic ... she became an Ex once you tried to make it happen for her ?

24-05-2011, 08:34 PM
i am just a 27 yr old normal looking woman here, recently it came to me hving dreams of being bonked by guys , one by one at a time, with 7-8 taking turns.
am i turning pervertic or why is it becoming of late that i have such thoughts.

i never done any of these so far, anyone here who has such problems like me?

Don't worry, sis,..it is normal for all of us guys & gals to hav different kinda fantasies now & then...nothing unusual to worry abt ...its part & parcel of our sexual make up...don't feel bad k..

24-05-2011, 09:00 PM
well sis having ones fantasy is harmless. Everyone has their own fantasies in different way. Just that some do turn their fantasy into reality and some dont. Well if you want to make it a reality i am in for queue no 7. You decide if that fantasy of yours is to be in reality or not. cheers!

24-05-2011, 09:48 PM
LOL...it is possible!

I have done a sex marathon of 68 nos. sex sessions continously in four days with my FB on a holiday in Bali, except for some breaks for meals and some sleep. This includes 24 nos. sex sessions within the first 24 hours. I only ejaculate my semen on the 68th session. Every sex session was concluded with multiple orgasms from my FB, while I only had dry orgasms. It was a most thrilling though exhausting experience!

what you mean by dry orgasms?

24-05-2011, 10:17 PM
that means...not ejaculation of sperm..

but farting at the point of no return..

24-05-2011, 11:22 PM
Dry orgasms mean getting the thrill of rhythmic orgasmic spasm in your penis without ejaculation of semen. Because there is no refractory period, one does not feel tired, the penis remains hard and erect, so one can continue on making love for hours.

24-05-2011, 11:45 PM

its sharin/talkin time again......

was browsing thru afew forums, realised dat
- plenty of gangbangs or orgies goin on...
- more gals lookin for sum sort of attachments (temporary anot, its alrite, most important is a veri fulfilling outing)
- more gatherings/drinking/tcss coming from sbf here
- and many more......

all d above were a rarity a couple yrs ago (nv imagine dat it wud happen b4) hwever it seems like that most gals r comin out, demand their fair share of joy, happiness or even orgasm (they oso want to release:D)

clitoris orgasm i can provide, while vaginal orgasm is a slightly profound act to perform (but its not difficulty) needing more technique than usual.
but i prefer to go for coffee, chats, sharing, understanding...
since we r all lonely creatures in tis world, we need sum sort of connection 1 way or d other....
if need b, pm me.

jz sharin,

well, as i was sayin about more gals joinin......

i am just a 27 yr old normal looking woman here, recently it came to me hving dreams of being bonked by guys , one by one at a time, with 7-8 taking turns.
am i turning pervertic or why is it becoming of late that i have such thoughts.

i never done any of these so far, anyone here who has such problems like me?

fantasies r onli fantasies, since they onli "play" within individual's mind and act upon your desire (playing as a film director)
while in reality of acting those fantasies, it might require certain degree of understandin, communication, sharin, commitment, or even no string attached agreement (as d fantasies might grow stronger which interrupt into individual's family or working life) and many other contributing factors, in turn complicating matters.
who knows????
but anything can happen under the sun.......

jz sharin,

25-05-2011, 02:02 AM
i am just a 27 yr old normal looking woman here, recently it came to me hving dreams of being bonked by guys , one by one at a time, with 7-8 taking turns.
am i turning pervertic or why is it becoming of late that i have such thoughts.

i never done any of these so far, anyone here who has such problems like me?

Hey TS,

If it is 1 or 2 occasions that u had this dream...then just take it as a "wet dream" but if you are having those dreams often...then I guess is time to turn your dream into reality? :p

02-09-2011, 12:09 AM
fastasises are indeed in everyone's mind be it a guy or girl but again to live out the fantasises are not something which is as easy as just saying or thinking


02-09-2011, 09:32 AM
i am just a 27 yr old normal looking woman here, recently it came to me hving dreams of being bonked by guys , one by one at a time, with 7-8 taking turns.
am i turning pervertic or why is it becoming of late that i have such thoughts.

i never done any of these so far, anyone here who has such problems like me?

Interesting..... my wife's had erotic dreams where she gets fucked by multiple men. In one dream, it was consensual at a party. In 3 other dreams, it was forced. Looks like women getting such dreams are not that rare :D

02-09-2011, 06:00 PM
Cant imagine how it feels like if you have say , 7-8 men all serving you ... like gangbang movies .... sometimes when I see scenes like this, I thought , wow , thats a lucky girl , and wonder how it feels like if I am the girl , enjoying all these men serving me , touching , licking, kissing every parts of my body ...

If I am a girl , I would think that I will enjoy it !
This life, I am a man , so naturally I would love to have a group of gals serving me :D
or a so-called reverse gangbang.

05-09-2011, 02:40 PM
fastasises are indeed in everyone's mind be it a guy or girl but again to live out the fantasises are not something which is as easy as just saying or thinking

Maybe you miss a men touch for too long?? :D But come to think of it i haven't touch my other half and she got no such dream maybe have but she a low libido person cheers