View Full Version : didi got burning sensation when peeing

08-06-2011, 11:56 AM
Hi Bros

Just now when i pee, there was a burning sensation in my didi (not exactly painful but uncomfortable). This morning when i pee after waking up still ok. I check small head, looks perfectly normal. Last time had commercial FJ was last Fri. Before dat have been lying low, did not FJ for few weeks, maybe more than a month.

Is this STD? Can normal GP check for STD or must go "STD clinic" like Kelantan lane?

Thanks for any info/advise given.

08-06-2011, 04:20 PM
errr...where did u go to have dat commercial fj last week?

09-06-2011, 12:23 PM
Most likely an infection. Sometimes soap can cause this. Been going to bathhouses?

09-06-2011, 07:23 PM
sounds like bacteria infection. check this out


10-06-2011, 10:23 AM
I also have that feeling too after the soapy bath. (Think few weeks ago).

After FJ/BBJ went up to clean up with Johnson Johnson baby wash and after hrs, the first pee could feel a bit burning sensation pain. (Felt liked when shampoo soap get into your eye during bathing time) After that, the rest of the peeing are back to normal without any pain.

Izzit normal or need to go for check up?


10-06-2011, 10:55 AM
Could be NGU.
Make an appt with DSC.
The male nurses are professional and helpful. There is no need to be afraid going there.

10-06-2011, 11:38 AM
Thanks all. Went to see doctor and did a urine test. Said is urinary tract infection which is rare among men (more common among women). Read up further on the web, one possibility is bacteria enter didi during sex. Not considered an STD. But they also say the most common bacteria dat causes this is e.coli (the one dat is causing havoc in europe now).

Dun know whether its from the Cat50 gal i FJ last week :(

10-06-2011, 11:52 AM
Thanks all. Went to see doctor and did a urine test. Said is urinary tract infection which is rare among men (more common among women). Read up further on the web, one possibility is bacteria enter didi during sex. Not considered an STD. But they also say the most common bacteria dat causes this is e.coli (the one dat is causing havoc in europe now).

Dun know whether its from the Cat50 gal i FJ last week :(

So bro, how long ur pain last after visit Cat 50 gal?

You went to DSC for checkup?

10-06-2011, 03:01 PM
this is why even during BJ its better to cap up. i believe u were having protected sex? don't forget BBBJ can spread STD, why take the risk? we all enjoy commercial sex, in order to play more we have to protect ourselves and stay clear from risky acts. always use the rubber. hope you recover from UTI soon.

10-06-2011, 04:37 PM
Nowadays...its the bbbj that is spreading a lot of STDs. When I was based in Vietnam, company doctor told me lots of the guys getting Stds despite wearing condoms during sex. Its the Bbbj that was spreading chamlydia. Same thing is happening in Singapore. My good buddy nevers fucks without a condom. He was astounded when told by DSC that he had chamlydia. He surmised that it can only be thru bbbj...cos he loves getting them!

11-06-2011, 03:55 PM
Thanks all. Went to see doctor and did a urine test. Said is urinary tract infection which is rare among men (more common among women). Read up further on the web, one possibility is bacteria enter didi during sex. Not considered an STD. But they also say the most common bacteria dat causes this is e.coli (the one dat is causing havoc in europe now).

Dun know whether its from the Cat50 gal i FJ last week :(

Can drink cranberry juice. Also stop sticking contaminated pickles up your azz.

11-06-2011, 10:18 PM
Yes. BBBj can spread all these STD. Let me share my experience.
I not ashame because i hope you guys can learn from my mistakes.

I got STD during one of my unprotected sex in balai. It is Gonorrhea.
Always on off have a tingling sensation. And then follow by white or yellow liquied coming out from your pee hole. Urine also have burning sensation

Second time i got it from bbbj again I again felt abit sharp and tingling sensation. Then next few days. The liquid flow out again. This time is non-gonorrhea.

The third time is with a malay fl. I was drunk and once i realised. The condom was broken. But i thought should be ok since she my regular. Book her on off for about one year. But then it happened. But the flowing liquid is more of sometimes transparent or milky colour. The doctor confirmed is UTI or urine tract infection.

Ever since all this. I can conclude is once you ever got it. It best you
wear condom for BJ. It seem like my body is so easily attack by these bacteria. Some guys may never get it at all even when the girl have std.
So it is still best to wear it.

I taken finally take all the necessary test. After which...is always bj and fj with condom. no more bbbj. I know some guy always sneer...want to play dont be afraid. I also one of them...i though i invisible. I have bbbj for about 5 years history and also ok. It then hit me once and thne follow by twice and third. actually still got one more time...i cant remeber..so is actually four times. You wont feel the pain till it hit you. Really troublesome...to take half day go there...wait long long. and do urine test. Its not worth it.

So i now always cover with condom...not foolproof...but so far ok for last 4 years.

just my thought.. the choice is up to you

12-06-2011, 10:24 AM
The Cat50 WL only give me bj, not bbbj.

12-06-2011, 02:53 PM
Yes. BBBj can spread all these STD. Let me share my experience.
I not ashame because i hope you guys can learn from my mistakes.

I got STD during one of my unprotected sex in balai. It is Gonorrhea.
Always on off have a tingling sensation. And then follow by white or yellow liquied coming out from your pee hole. Urine also have burning sensation

Second time i got it from bbbj again I again felt abit sharp and tingling sensation. Then next few days. The liquid flow out again. This time is non-gonorrhea.

The third time is with a malay fl. I was drunk and once i realised. The condom was broken. But i thought should be ok since she my regular. Book her on off for about one year. But then it happened. But the flowing liquid is more of sometimes transparent or milky colour. The doctor confirmed is UTI or urine tract infection.

Ever since all this. I can conclude is once you ever got it. It best you
wear condom for BJ. It seem like my body is so easily attack by these bacteria. Some guys may never get it at all even when the girl have std.
So it is still best to wear it.

I taken finally take all the necessary test. After which...is always bj and fj with condom. no more bbbj. I know some guy always sneer...want to play dont be afraid. I also one of them...i though i invisible. I have bbbj for about 5 years history and also ok. It then hit me once and thne follow by twice and third. actually still got one more time...i cant remeber..so is actually four times. You wont feel the pain till it hit you. Really troublesome...to take half day go there...wait long long. and do urine test. Its not worth it.

So i now always cover with condom...not foolproof...but so far ok for last 4 years.

just my thought.. the choice is up to you

You are worried about BBBJ leading to ghonnorhea when your worry should be HIV. BBBJ is basically direct injection of HIV from mouth to dick.

16-06-2011, 10:59 PM
Not trying to scare you but sometimes its normal to have that burning sensation.

For my fren it persisted for quite sometime and he went to see doctor. Was told he kenna some bacteria infection and given some medication and was cured

20-06-2011, 11:26 AM
sorry to hijack thread TS...

for those blood test that offered by GP or SATA for example, it includes STD but it does not say much...

is such test good enough or there's another specifically for HIV?

so best is to go for speicific tests in Kelantan lane for example?

sorry again for hijack!

25-06-2011, 02:31 PM
I have that burning sensation before, it will go off in a day or two.

25-06-2011, 06:01 PM
I used to have this on and off, doc told me its ok as long as no blood and continuous pain..

26-06-2011, 09:55 PM
hi all, i recently have this burning feeling when peeing too, then upon examining the pee hole, i realise there is an ulcer there. i dont have casual sex and i am my gf's only partner too. will the ulcer go away like normal mouth ulcers can any guys advise? thanks

27-06-2011, 04:38 AM
hi all, i recently have this burning feeling when peeing too, then upon examining the pee hole, i realise there is an ulcer there. i dont have casual sex and i am my gf's only partner too. will the ulcer go away like normal mouth ulcers can any guys advise? thanks

ulcer? looks like herpes to me...
get a check, dude...

i hope you can come back clean, if not please ask your gf to for a checkup also...
and ABSOLUTELY SAFE SEX now, herpes can greatly increase your chance to get HIV...

27-06-2011, 10:15 PM
ulcer? looks like herpes to me...
get a check, dude...

i hope you can come back clean, if not please ask your gf to for a checkup also...
and ABSOLUTELY SAFE SEX now, herpes can greatly increase your chance to get HIV...

I just came back from the doc he gave me some cream to apply. Just abit more info, i do not have have sex with my gf before both of us are still virgins the most is only bj from her. In this case shiuldnt be herpes right?

09-07-2011, 08:23 PM
I have contracted some form of gonorrhea or uti just recently. Im still on Doxcyciline antibiotics but i might need to go back to extend my course as the healing is pretty slow. This is probably the 3rd to 4th time i have contracted this. All from bbbj. I stopped bbbj a while back. And i also contracted a skin condition from cat50. called molluscum contagiosum. recovered from that and learned how to avoid that the hard way. I started getting bbbjs recently because i ventured into cat150. and now kena gonorrhea again..


Yes. BBBj can spread all these STD. Let me share my experience.
I not ashame because i hope you guys can learn from my mistakes.

I got STD during one of my unprotected sex in balai. It is Gonorrhea.
Always on off have a tingling sensation. And then follow by white or yellow liquied coming out from your pee hole. Urine also have burning sensation

Second time i got it from bbbj again I again felt abit sharp and tingling sensation. Then next few days. The liquid flow out again. This time is non-gonorrhea.

The third time is with a malay fl. I was drunk and once i realised. The condom was broken. But i thought should be ok since she my regular. Book her on off for about one year. But then it happened. But the flowing liquid is more of sometimes transparent or milky colour. The doctor confirmed is UTI or urine tract infection.

Ever since all this. I can conclude is once you ever got it. It best you
wear condom for BJ. It seem like my body is so easily attack by these bacteria. Some guys may never get it at all even when the girl have std.
So it is still best to wear it.

I taken finally take all the necessary test. After which...is always bj and fj with condom. no more bbbj. I know some guy always sneer...want to play dont be afraid. I also one of them...i though i invisible. I have bbbj for about 5 years history and also ok. It then hit me once and thne follow by twice and third. actually still got one more time...i cant remeber..so is actually four times. You wont feel the pain till it hit you. Really troublesome...to take half day go there...wait long long. and do urine test. Its not worth it.

So i now always cover with condom...not foolproof...but so far ok for last 4 years.

just my thought.. the choice is up to you

19-07-2011, 06:08 PM
I used to have this on and off, doc told me its ok as long as no blood and continuous pain..

Thanks for sharing, I always have this in the 1st peeing after shooting (even after pcc shooting), but no paining in subsequent peeing

21-07-2011, 08:30 AM
Bro TS, all the advices given from the brothers here are good for your knowledge. However, it is better to consult a medical doctor to relief your worry ;)

21-07-2011, 09:52 AM
Bro TS, all the advices given from the brothers

"Advice" is a non countable noun; you do not add an "s" to make it plural.

"Advice" is like "Rice". You say... "Please pass me the Rice." You don't say "Please pass me the rices" because "Rice", like "Advice", is a non countable noun.

There are many other examples. To test your knowledge of non countable nouns, go to English Language Quiz - Countable or Non-countable Nouns (I-TESL-J) (http://a4esl.org/q/j/ck/ch-countnouns.html) and take the test.

21-07-2011, 05:06 PM
"Advice" is a non countable noun; you do not add an "s" to make it plural.

"Advice" is like "Rice". You say... "Please pass me the Rice."

There are many other examples. To test your knowledge of non countable nouns, go to English Language Quiz - Countable or Non-countable Nouns (I-TESL-J) (http://a4esl.org/q/j/ck/ch-countnouns.html) and take the test.

Thanks Boss for your kind advice. Mine is singlish very bad. That’s why Sillypore needs Foreign Talents. I will enroll to take a test from English Language Quiz site soon :D

04-08-2011, 02:49 AM
last time i got same thing, sometimes milky discharge
Nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) iirc
just go see DSC directly, if go polyclinic they also refer u there, that's what happened to me :o

04-08-2011, 10:11 AM
last time i got same thing, sometimes milky discharge
Nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) iirc
just go see DSC directly, if go polyclinic they also refer u there, that's what happened to me :o

Bro is this considered as STD? I understand some times urinary infection may not be due to STD. Doc used to recommend drinking lots of berries base juice to help clear infection..

04-08-2011, 11:42 AM
Just to share my own personal experience and knowledge. UTI can be caused by non STD bacterias that exist in the vagina which could happen during unprotected sex. My GP actually advice to drink water before and after sex so as to flush the bacterias out. In the case of STD bacterias that cause UTI (NGU), no matter how much water or cranberry juice that you drink wont help to improve the condition.

02-10-2011, 11:16 PM
bros.. Can I ask how soon after ur encounter i.e. BBBJ that the infection kick in?

03-10-2011, 05:08 AM
....After FJ/BBJ went up to clean up with Johnson Johnson baby wash and after hrs, the first pee could feel a bit burning sensation pain...

what's up with the JNJ wash ? Somebody told you JNJ can wash away STD/HIV ? :confused: