View Full Version : How Little Do We Know About...
16-06-2011, 07:46 PM
Cheryl's background: mid to late twenty, decent family background, successful career for her age, short black shoulder length hair, stylish and always wear tight outfit to work with matching branded bag, high heels lovers, and love to wear G-strings or thongs underneath. :D
Chery's attitude: not so friendly, a little bitchy and a little materialistic in a practical way.
Cheryl's work: demanding, dealing with high network client directly which leave a little time for her to socialize outsize work.
The tricky part about Cheryl is: rumor has it that she is a lesbian with another girl in the office. (not the straight girl - straight girl lesbian as we wish, but more to butch and straight girl lesbian) and sadly she is easily considered as top three hottest girl in the office. (what a waste huh?)
My relationship with Cheryl was nothing but being her close cube mate,lunch buddy or coffee break buddy. The idea of taking work seriously in professional manner scrap the intention to get to know chick from the office and try to develop further relationship with them. And due to lack of interest I have with Cheryl which she can see it rather obvious, she somehow put her guard down when it comes to me. She often ask opinion about her work, client and talk about personal life openly too which she doesn't do much to other colleagues. I guess one of the reason she always put her guard up is because she constantly receive "the look" from our lovely nearby colleagues who simply captivated by her and the cheeky fake smile that other department colleagues always give her. Sometime she even complain that some guy sees her like she wear no clothes and it is out right disgusting to sight the view as she said.
One fine day, Chery's lesbian partner (Lisa) went straight to hospital due to chicken pox and she is left alone to handle this highly famous difficult client that almost every one in the office hate. Obviously since the dateline is nearing, she will not be able to do it by her self since Lisa is out for 3 weeks and there is no body in the office that she is comfortable working with are keen to help her (which mostly her female colleagues). I am sure if she is not that picky and willing to chose her male colleague, she will be able to have a one whole soccer team to help her case, since by working together you will spend a lot of time with her (in and outside office). But being a stubborn as she is, she told the partner that she will try to handle it herself since she is not comfortable working with the rest after ensuring the partner that she can meet the dateline accordingly.
And by the way, she did not ask me to help her to handle because I have more things on my hand as compared to her. I did talk to her on the day we all knew Lisa will be out for 3 weeks that I wish I could help her but my hands are full since most of my team members are juniors which require me to manage & monitor their work closely.
to be continued..
16-06-2011, 08:47 PM
Camping here for more
16-06-2011, 09:53 PM
Almost 3 days have gone by and it seems that she cannot handle all the responsibilities by herself. Judging by the amount of phone calls, email, conference call she received and for her to stay back and eat her lunch and dinner in front of the computer make me realize that she is actually under a lot of stress, responsibilities and also tight dateline to meet. I feel bad for her, but at the same time, her being stuck up and choosy to chose her substitute team member make me want to teach her some lesson towards her attitude. So moral support is the only thing I can offer for the time being with a few pat on her back. :D
Friday 10.30pm..
Cheryl: What are you doing Max? *pulling her chair closer towards me and wrap around her arm around my arm so she can lean on my shoulder*
* she once told me that I smell good which explain why she is comfortable being closely around me, so don't get too excited first alright :D
Max: Well.. there is this new club called Filter that I have never heard the name of, that I need to be there in an hour or so because my good friend is throwing a birthday party there and I don't know where the heck is the place. *trying to Google map the place*
Cheryl: Huh.. are you leaving me behind? Not fair.. who will be entertaining me throughout the night if you leave then? *upset face*
* I like to make her laugh with my sarcastic joke and other spontaneous lame crap. She even enjoy seeing me get irritated cause of my junior's stupid questions.
Max: To be honest, I don't really feel like going to club too and rather head home and hug my pillow. Besides I barely club anymore so I think there will be a lot of unfamiliar faces that I will see later. But it's my good friend so, its hard to not to be there.
Cheryl: I can use some drinks and dance a little. Its Friday night and I am stuck here doing this stupid presentation. Ugh!
Max: Well you can come accompany me, but my suggestion is to go home and rest since you look like need one. Besides, when you're tired, you are not productive and tend to make more careless mistake.
Cheryl: I can't, I don't plan to work over the weekend so I need to finish this tonight cause I will be having meeting on Monday first thing in the morning.
Max: So whats the weekend plan then? At least it's good to know that you will be having a weekend rest.
Cheryl: I wish! I am helping my family to move. We are moving house. Remember I told you about this last week? *pinch* You never remember anything that I said.
Max: Ouch, okay okay!
Cheryl: Can I come if I can finish this stupid presentation before your party over?
Max: Sureee.. why not, just give me a ring once you're done.
Cheryl: Okiees.. call a cab now so you won't be late. I will text or call you later.
Max: Sounds good, see you little girl.
to be continued..
16-06-2011, 10:00 PM
a nice start. hope to get more story :) cheer!!
16-06-2011, 10:43 PM
awaiting for more news :)
16-06-2011, 11:36 PM
Saturday 1.30am
Its 1.30am and I start to wonder whether Cheryl will be coming or not. Otherwise, I can make some excuses and be a party pooper so I can leave the party early and head home. Besides its not like we can talk and catch up much with some of my friends since the table my friend book is just right beside the DJ and super loud sound system (aka stupid move). So I decided to grab my phone and text her.
Max's sms: Hey Cheryl, I am thinking to head back soon and since I have not heard from you, I will see you next Monday instead. Have a good weekend Cher.
Cheryl's sms: Sorry Max, I didn't realize it's already 1.30am! But I have not finished yet, I still need to do the slides and do final review. Ugh! I guess you will not be to date me tonight :p
Max's sms: Hey its cool, you do your thing and head home safely after alright. Good night Cher.
Cheryl's sms: Again, I am sorry dear not letting you know earlier. Hope you had a good time there.
Alright, time to head home I told myself. Gonna head to washroom, say bye and head home soon. So I went to the bathroom and only to realize that the queue is so long since the bathroom is shared for female and male. This is insane I told myself. Alright I'm gonna head out and use the hotel bathroom. So I went out and only to realize the hotel bathroom is closed temporarily cause someone puked on the door. Amazing huh? So I went back up to the club and pathetically queuing for the washroom. As time slowly pass by, my phone vibrate and Cheryl surprisingly call at 1.40ish am.
Cheryl: Max! I just realize that nobody else at the office but me! And I never worked this late before, so I'm scared!
Max: What the.. How old are you Cheryl? I am sure its gonna be all fine. And cant you bring your work home instead?
Cheryl: Nooo I will not be able to work from home, too many distraction.. and since I realize that I am alone in the office, I feel so scared and keep thinking that there is someone that watching my back!
Max: .... seriously? You? Scared?
Cheryl: Yees! And don't laugh at me okay!
Max: How close for you to wrap up the work?
Cheryl: I'm almost done with the slides but I have not review it.
Max: How many pages the presentation you will need to review?
Cheryl: Err.. near 400 pages?
Max: What the heck..
Cheryl: Can you help me do quick review over the weekend pretty please?
I was surprised that she actually ask for help since I rarely see her asking for favor. So her request actually got me taken aback. After so much sweet talk and persuasion from her. I finally agree to her ridiculous request and told her that I can do quick review over the weekend. She finally sounded really happy (of course..).
Max: Alright alright, so leave it on my table or email me and I will have a look. Now go home and drive safely alright.
Cheryl: You are the best Max! I owe you one!
So back to my own problem after solving her. TO PEE! Shit I have been holding this for so long and the queue is still pretty long. The bouncer just inform the people that queue that the other cubical is being hostage by a girl that will not stop puking. So we only have one cubical in operation as for now. Amazing huh? Another 15 mins passing by and I finally get my turn to release. So back to my friend right after to say good bye and a little chit chat and hi-bye to the rest of his friends.
Finally! Taxi stand! But queuing yet again.. *sigh* There are 5-6 people in front of me and judging from the secluded-ness this place from the main road, its gonna take another 10-15mins before I can head home. Further waiting, at last I am the second person to board the cab. But then again... I feel someone tapping me from behind, so I turned around and to my surprised its gorgeous Cheryl who made a surprise visit to the club. I was totally shock and caught off guard. She laughed and quickly pulled me from the queue.
Cheryl: Comee, lets party! Drink, dance and get drunk!
Max: What, where, how..
Cheryl: I wanted to call you when I arrive here but since I saw you in taxi stand on the way so never mind. Its meant to be surprised visit, anyway since you will help me over the weekend its only right for me to be here with you.
Max: Hehe well thanks, that's sweet. But I know deep inside you also looking forward for drink dance and drunk! *cheeky smile* By the way, I guess this is our official first date huh after I know you all along?
Cheryl: Oh yea.. it is our first date! So you will pay for my drink rightttttttttt? *her arm once again wrapping around my arm as we proceed upstairs*
* As I mentioned before, I do go out with her for lunch and coffee and even dinner, but Lisa is always around with her so we never had one on one time ever before. Beside I think Lisa is pretty cool to talk with, so I don't mind the idea of going out together 3 of us before.
Open the door, and the second round of the party begin again for me... :D
to be continued...
16-06-2011, 11:46 PM
Great writing bro! Keep it uo and dun keep us waiting for too long.
16-06-2011, 11:54 PM
Sounds like another great story.
Please carry on...:)
17-06-2011, 06:15 AM
Starting campfire and please... bros who wanna camp here bring some food and drinks!!!
17-06-2011, 09:12 AM
interesting story! camping for more updates. :)
17-06-2011, 09:47 AM
Waiting for more .
17-06-2011, 12:56 PM
So we tried to squeeze in between my group of friends and many of them surprised to see me again with a hot chick. Got few cheeky smile from my good friends and random toast to celebrate what they think my catch of the night. Little that they know that Cheryl is my friends from work. Anyway things, rather get awkward since its already 2ish am and a lot of my friend are either high or talking rubbish. So I excused my self and decided to bring Cheryl to the bar instead. Beside the bar is far away from the sound system so I can talk easier with her.
Cheryl: Why are we moving here Max? Your friends are nice, I don't mind being around them.
Max: Yeap I know they are nice, and I also know that you are pretty comfortable there. But I am also very sure, that you are more comfortable here.
Cheryl: Hehe so sweet of you. Soo.. You have not buy me any drink yet. The one on the table back then was your friends, so it wasn't counted. Anyway I am not high enough to start dirty dancing with you. Hehe..
For once I actually thinking to scrap my policy for not screwing around people at work. But before any of that thoughts move forward I scrap it out and decide to stay on my original game plan. I do have to admit, the close proximity our face together make me want to plant my lips on her lips and french her all the way since every time she look at me and talk she always have this slutty sexy look that planted on her face. But heck, think straight Max I told myself. By the way, the club is rather small so we rather squeezing each other pretty much everywhere and anywhere.
Max: Hey man, give us whatever this lady want and I'll get a beer for myself.
Cheryl: What..? You cannot drink beer my dear. You have to accompany me to drink whatever I feel like drinking okay. I will let you pay though hehehe...
Max: Okay but not too much alright, remember I want to review your work tomorrow sober..
So there goes Cheryl talking to the bartender and here I am left with no idea of what she is ordering. The only think I know is the bartender looking at me after she finished ordering with this "good luck face". So we continue with some talk about how she loves the club, and happy for being able to club after her long week. She mentioned that Lisa does not really like to club so she rarely has chance to go to club and dance. She also mentioned that every time she goes out with Lisa, they always order wine as compared to liquor. So she does miss the feel of hard liquor gushing down through her throat. I am sure she is looking forward to dance as she already started to dance a little just between my thighs while we wait for our drink to be served. I was sitting in the standing chair near the bar by the way so my thighs are open due to my sitting position so she is able to dance a little in between.
Bartender: Here goes your drink sir.. I will light it up anytime you are ready and this is the bill.
For once open my eyes so big knowing that she ordered so many just for two of us. 4 shots of Tequila or similar, 2 flaming Lamborghini or something similar and A BOTTLE OF Belvedere Vodka with a jug of mixer. I for once never thought of her this way. Its either she is dying to get drunk or she is really a good drinker. It really came unexpected for me and the idea that I need to work tomorrow adds up the fear of all these drinks in front of me. But shit, what the heck lets do it as I said to myself.
Max: You are insane Cheryl. Light it up for us man.
Cheryl: Yeaaaah! Lets drink!
2 shots of Tequila each followed by flaming Lamborghini, boy it has some kick at that time given that I have actually drank some prior to meeting up wit Cheryl. Cheryl, however looked pretty excited and continue to pour the vodka with the mixer for both of us. Shit I feel like the woman here. So I told my self, I'll take control from now on. So I took out my Blackberry and ask her to do the same.
Max: Hey since the place is closing at 3-4am, we need to drink faster so we can dance later. So lets play this game, who ever destroy the brick later will have to drink the vodka for 3 sec straight from the bottle.
Cheryl: Hehe okay, but I never played that games.
Max: Its easy, I rarely play the games too. (okay I lied a little there, I do play the games often when I'm bored but not until hours of hours of playing)
So here we are playing the games, and of course I do have the upper hand since I am more familiar with the games. So at least, now I am a little more in control as I keep winning for straight 4-5 rounds. Seeing no hope for herself, Cheryl suggested that we play other game instead of this. Something that both of us familiar and does not involve gadget as she is pretty amateur towards gadgets games. So she told me to play questions game.
Cheryl: Lets play questions game, otherwise I will keep losing and you remain sober while I am doing my dirty dance with you. *giggles*
Max: Alright is this like truth or dare game?
Cheryl: No its simply question game, if you refuse to answer the question then you need to drink. That simple.
Max: You know this question game will end up to be dirty question game at the end of the day most of the time right?
Cheryl: *wink* who knows..
Max: Alright.. lets shoot! Ladies first as always..
to be continued...
17-06-2011, 05:20 PM
So here goes Cheryl first question the immediately caught my attention:
Cheryl: When was the last time you masturbate.
Max: What the heck.. what kinda question is that..
Cheryl: Well since you said this game will end up to be a dirty question game, might as well start it off as a dirty question game right? *giggles*. Come on Max, answer or drink!
Max: Fine! During my last business trip to Tokyo as I said. 2 weeks back I guess?
* I seriously blame the in house movie that is offered and for the duration of the business trip that make impossible to go out and do something something. (Its still an excuse I know)
Cheryl: Haha such horny guy.
Max: Shush.. now its my turn, same question!
Cheryl: Nop my dear, you cannot use the repeat a question.
Max: Alright fine, if that's the case, when was the last time you had sex.
Cheryl: Shit. Pass me the vodka.
Hmm. It got me thinking, whether she has not have it for a while or she is still a virgin. The idea of her being a virgin still does not make sense though. So I keep the idea that she has not been getting it for a while.
Cheryl: Oh my God, now I regretted ordering the vodka since I have drank pretty much one third of that by myself. *pinch my thigh* I hate you Max.
Max: Well who started the game, beside you said you want to dance too after this.
Cheryl: Alright alright, next question. Have you ever fantasized having sex with me?
Again shit head, her question always come unexpected. Damn I told myself. She is really unusual yet pretty open minded. But I guess the answer is pretty simple for this question for me.
Max: Nop sweetheart. As much as I think you are gorgeous, beautiful and smart. I have never thought of that. I have thought of having sex with Wendy though. *laugh* (another hot girl in the office by the way)
Cheryl: What! You never? Am I too fat for you?
Max: No my dear, your figure is very sexy. Appropriate hip size, perky butt and decent bust. (she's just a B cup though)
Max: So anyway, I'll take it as two questions. So I am entitled to ask you two questions in a row too. Hehe.
Cheryl: Not fair!
Max: First question is: have you had one night stand before? Second question is: how many times you had orgasm in one single day?
Cheryl: One night stand yes, but not really with total strangers but more to friend of a friends of mine. And second question: err.. I guess 5-7 times?
Max: No shit? Self masturbation or from having sex with someone.
Cheryl: Argh, pass me that Vodka again! But you owe me one question two mister, so I get to ask two questions in a row.
Max: Haha oh yea, I didn't realize that I ask a question too just now.
So after round and rounds of question, guess who decided to drink instead of answering more. Cheryl of course. :D Our Vodka bottle is half way and I can sense that Cheryl is trying as hard as she can to stay focus to answer the question. I look at my watch and told my self. Geez, we drank this much this fast. This is insane. I do have to admit that she can hold her liquor pretty well considering that the last meal she had was long time ago. Also she managed to drink all that in such a short period of time without water nor anything in the middle. She is pretty good I would say.
Anyway as we are getting high due to massive consumption of alcohol we had over short period of time. Our conversation and body movement start to become more casual and touchy between each other. She can comfortably rub my inner thighs or my chest and I can comfortably put my two hands on her perky butt or her waist just to get her close by me since the place is still very crowded. We do flirt a little and she sometimes run one finger up and down from my cheek or lips to my chest. It was good I would say. We enjoy each other and my hands surely enjoy her naked butt since I cannot feel her underwear at all at that time. I bet its either G-strings or T-strings. Who knows. And trust me, she has some serious perky small butt underneath for local Chinese Singaporean.
Max: So should I let you seduce me over there sexy girl? I assume the alcohol have managed to get you there.
Cheryl: Hehe, alright. Why don't you stay here and come after I send you a signal. I will dance myself and seduce you from far away first. *giggles*
Max: Geez you are already mentally seducing me already Cher.
Cheryl: It'll get better my dear.
to be continued..
17-06-2011, 09:23 PM
hey bro! VERY VERY nice story! keep it up! ill be waiting :D
17-06-2011, 09:24 PM
cool story :)
17-06-2011, 11:56 PM
Do keep going
18-06-2011, 01:48 AM
Nice :D:D:D
18-06-2011, 12:51 PM
How Little Do We Know About...
Excellent writing here.
Tell us more! Tell us everything! :D
18-06-2011, 06:21 PM
So there she goes Cheryl, elegantly walking to the dance floor stealing some glances from other tables that were positioned near the tiny dance floor. She seems like having a good time dancing herself closing her eyes and acting like couldn't care about anything else. I guess all the work in the office made her deprive for all these good times. With her beauty, sexy dress and sexy dance its only normal that the guys around her starting to notice her and stealing a few glances even though they already have their own girls to dance with right in front of them. I thought to myself, she is indeed a stunner inside and outside the office. I never really thought how lucky I am to actually get closed with her and building such a trust towards her so she decide to be real nice to me and drop her guards every time she is around me. All these time, nothing else matter as my eyes locked to the sight of Cheryl dancing sluttishly sexy right there just few meters away from me.
And here goes the Caucasian guy with his cheeky smile trying to get closer to her. It is obvious that he is hinting to get the permission to dance together with Cheryl. I smiled a little thinking that "dude, you will get rejected by her" knowing how harsh she is to stranger or even to colleagues that she does not really familiar in the office when they are trying to be funny to her.
But only to my surprised, she reciprocated and even allow him to pour her some Vodka that he holds in his hand, straight to her mouth. Boy, I didn't expect that at all. She looked at me shortly after that and smiled. She continued closing her eyes and now they are both dancing together. For Caucasian I guess being touchy is alright when it comes to dance floor, so he started to put his one hand to Cheryl's waist. And again, she seems like she's fine with that as she continue dancing and leaning closer facing backward of this Caucasian guy. I bet Caucasian guy think he hit the jackpot hence he lower his hands to Cheryl's inner thigh area and continue to pour the Vodka to Cheryl's mouth with his other hand. Damn my heart is actually burning at that time. I feel like going there and punch his cocky face. But heck, before I realize I actually get jealous over this. So I told myself, keep it cool and let her have fun if she really is having fun. Besides Cheryl and I, we are just colleagues or there is no reason for me to get jealous over this I told myself.
So I turned away facing the bar area again only to start my mind wild over what would happen to both of them. Will they start french kissing, petting. Will she start grinding his Caucasian cock. Argh, shit what is wrong with me. So I pour the Vodka that I have in front of me and mix it before I drink it. I took out my Blackberry to try to divert my mind by reading email from work. *scrolling down and up pretending like I am doing something* And finally I get so curious and I turned my head around once again only to realize that they are actually dancing face to face so close and his one hand is actually on her perky butt. Shit I told myself. God dammit, I should just french kiss her when I had the chance and bring her straight away to my place. So here I am rather getting frustrated in the bar also trying to face away the scene that anger me or even make me feel jealous over her for the first time.
But suddenly, I feel someone is hugging me from behind and I could feel a pair of boobs pressed against my back. I quickly turned only to realize its Cheryl.
to be continued..
18-06-2011, 08:55 PM
exciting, keep it up! :)
19-06-2011, 01:30 AM
do continue bro! i love it when the TS doesnt stop for a long time between each post. up!
19-06-2011, 11:36 AM
Max: Hey, done having fun?
Cheryl: Why you are turning away and didn't watch over me Max.
Max: Well, I thought you are in the safe hand and looking like having some fun back there (in rather irritated tone)
Cheryl: *giggles* Are you jealous Maxy? You are, aren't you?
Max: Heck, Cher..
Before I could continue with another word, she immediately planted a kiss on my cheek and pull my hand bringing me to the dance floor. I told myself, Jeez I feel like mentally fucked by her somehow. So we get a spot to dance together in the middle of the crowd and she wrap her arms around my neck. So I reciprocate to put my hands on her waist area. We are dancing face to face closely and she again smile at me and lean her heads on my shoulder. I whisper to her then:
Max: Whats up with that guy earlier Cher?
Cheryl: *seductively smile at me* I knew you were jealous back there Max admit it. Hehe.
Max: Okay yes, a little jealous. I thought you want to seduce me from the dance floor but only to realize that you were actually having fun with some other guy.
Cheryl: I did that purposely to catch your attention my dear. You told me earlier that you were not attracted to me, so I got upset earlier and try to do something to change your mind.
Max: Geez really?
Cheryl: Uhum.. besides, that guy started getting really touchy and started to talk nonsenses.
Max: You made my worried back there Cher.
Cheryl: Aww now not only you were jealous over me but you already worried about me too. That's sweet Maxy.
Max: Oh geez what did I start.. *rolled my eyes*
Since I get either embarrassed or a little awkward after she said that (which whatever she said sadly become a fact) I turned her around and wrap my arms around her waist. She then fully lean back to me and ask me to hug her tighter from the back. Since we hugging closely there is not much dancing we can do therefore Cheryl start grinding her ass towards my half harden cock that I also only realize that I am actually getting a little turned on by her action. She then also hold my hands with her hands and move it downward from her waist, to her inner thighs, quickly brushing over her pussy area and back to her navel or waist area repeatedly. Damn, I am getting hard all the way with that moves. And considering that she is wearing a cotton material or similar dress I could really imagine rubbing her naked body as there is only that much in between my hands and her body. A piece of thin cloth dress I would say.
to be continued..
19-06-2011, 01:03 PM
Great piece of story, keep it up :D
19-06-2011, 01:13 PM
Yeah , very erotic story with nice writing . Tanx .
19-06-2011, 02:38 PM
Solid story! Keep it up! Camper here
19-06-2011, 10:02 PM
this story is interesting...slow but steady
20-06-2011, 02:08 AM
In my mind the urge to bring her back to my place and savor her fresh is near unstoppable anymore. The only thing that stopping me behind is to think about Lisa and my idea of not ruining one's relationship or something similar. So I try to control myself every time my nose touch her nose. We were so close till I can feel her breathing down my neck. Her seductive look yet while she is intoxicated is making things worse for me. Deep underneath my pants, my cock is bulging hard and stiff like a freaking iron rod. Our lips literary just centimeters away and I am pretty sure that she won't resist me if I plant a kiss to her lips and slide my tongue in. Her one hand move away from my hand and now she place it near my crotch area, rubbing it slowly and gently while she let out slight moan while I breath out down her neck.
It was like a mind games between both of us. I bet we know under circumstances is not right for us to have sexual relationship but both of us dying to see who will make the first move that night. Out of the sudden, lights up and music suddenly change. THE CLUB IS CLOSING FOR THE DAY! What the fuck I told myself. Can you just wait for another 10-15mins before you on the light. Geez. I get really frustrated and I guess since the mood is totally run away from the both of us. We smile while we look at each other. She wrap my arm and suggest that we should make a move.
Max: Hey Cher, where did you park the car?
Cheryl: Oh I have the valet coupon in my bag, hang on second.
Max: You know what, I will drive you home tonight. You don't seem sober enough to drive. I don't want you to get into trouble with the traffic police.
Cheryl: *smile away* aww thats sweet dear. Thank you very much, I really appreciate that. And by the way, thank you for the drink too though. I know it wasn't cheap. But we can keep the bottle till the next time we come here again right?
Max: Hehe yeah, don't worry about that.
So once her car came, I opened the door and let her in first before I drive away from the place. There was nothing much going on in the car that night, she decided to play some music from her iPod and turn the way she seat around to face me. She then put her hand on my left thigh and humming for the music that is played in the background. One thing I know, she sure had a lot a fun earlier. And the way she smiled while she was closing her eyes humming the rhythm of the music make me happy somehow. At least I manage to make one's day ended up in a happy ending towards the busy start that I believe she had earlier on the week.
After I dropper her off, she suggested me to take the car and only to return it tomorrow once I am done from work since she is busy with house moving and all. I agree with the idea since it rather convenient for me too. She did text me that night saying that she had really good time and was really happy being pampered by me. She also throw me a kiss over the sms but heck nowadays that mean nothing anymore.
So here goes busy Saturday, doing my work and helping out to review her work too. Bad Saturday I would say. I dropped her car after work and ask her out for quick dinner around her place. She obliged and accompany over the dinner. She looks good wearing casual and still remain foxy as ever as she managed to steal many glances around people nearby the eateries. But nothing much going on, pretty much just casual talk and a fun conversation that keep her smiling throughout the dinner.
So let me fast forward and skip the detail on that day.
Next weekend come along and it seems that her work is approved by our partner and she got a huge points by doing it by herself. She whisper to me after she sat on her desk, and said "thank you my dear the work is approved and its good to go." I was really happy that she managed to pass the first stage smoothly by herself. Little that I know that the partner do realize that I do chip in something with her work. So I got called in and he explained to me that he knows that I did take part on her work and suggested me to accompany her to fly to Hong Kong to present the work to the client directly.
I am in total surprised after I heard that. Mixed feeling though, partly happy and partly worried. So the partner called her in and explained to Cheryl exactly what he told me earlier. And once he asked Cheryl whether she likes the idea or not. To my surprise that she does not think for any second but to immediately said "Yes I think that is good idea!"
So there goes my Wednesday to Thursday, booked to be in Hong Kong with Cheryl, just the two of us. So let me fast forward a little to the time when we have reached in Hong Kong safely. By the way, a lot of colleagues are shocked and surprised to hear that I get to go with Cheryl on a business trip since she never gone to business trip with anyone else but Lisa.
to be continued..
20-06-2011, 03:03 AM
juicy story!
20-06-2011, 11:23 AM
Great story~!
wow TS.
Very well written!
U have another follower for your story!
20-06-2011, 04:45 PM
Good Job TS..
keep it up..
another blockbuster cumming...
20-06-2011, 04:48 PM
Please dont stop , nice writing .
20-06-2011, 10:06 PM
Hong Kong, Wednesday 03.30pm
Max: Ready Cher? If this presentation goes well and the client likes the idea, you owe me a drink tonight.
Cheryl: Alright, but since I will be buying the drink will you be doing dirty dancing to turn me on? *giggles*
Max: Nop, you get me the drink and you do the dirty dancing too. Only towards me this time around, and no one else.
Cheryl: Haha still can't get over it huh?
So presentation goes on, and it seems like Cheryl outfit keep the client alert pretty much all the time not only due to her presentation. Her knee length skirt with high slid keep us wondering and lusting her smooth long legs every time she walk over from one board to another board. Her low cut top also keep some eyes raised every time she bend down to pick a file from the chair and pass it around to the client. It was successful bottom line. The client are happy with Cheryl presentation and I bet they are also happy to be able to see such beauty for almost an hour plus.
So a little chit chatting after the presentation, she politely decline few request to join the client over the company's night out since its Wednesday with the excuse that she has to fly back to Singapore early on the next day. I pretty much happy to know that she did not accept any of those request. Otherwise, my date night with her will be ruined because of that.
Cheryl: Max! *hug* It finally over, hopefully they like it and we can hear good news once we're back in Singapore.
Max: Yeap, good to know its finally over for at least few days. So whats your plan for the rest of the day?
Cheryl: Lets go shopping! We'll go back to hotel and change then we head out just after that. It won't be long shopping I promise. Just a few places.
Max: Alright alright, we'll do that.
Since our hotel is just in Causewaybay area, I don't mind to accompany her to shop since its not like I have anything in mind that afternoon. Cheryl wore light brown super tight mini skirt, and sleeveless white spaghetti with her sunglasses. I guess I should thank HK hot weather that day, otherwise I will not be seeing any of that. Anyway, we had good time back there. We walk and act like a couple and it was refreshing somehow. She tease me a little every time she tried new heels in some shoe shop. She will ask me to sit or stand in front of my so I will cover her skirt when she change her shoes. She does know by me sitting or standing in front of her that I will have direct view of her lacy white with purple stripes thongs. :D
Her skirt is so mini and tight that every time she tries a new shoes, I will get a quick preview from her on whats underneath Cheryl's skirt. Sometimes I try to shun away so I won't look so perverted by starring at her thongs but sometimes the way she uncross her leg its unexpectedly that I had no choice but to see :D.
There is this one time that the heels are rather complicated cause it uses a chain strap so she has to lift her leg on up higher from the other hence unable her to cross the leg. And since the shop is facing the window so there is enough light for me to be able to get a clear good 15-20 seconds view of her thongs. And let me tell you, it was one of the best upskirt moment of my life.
I am glad that I chose to accompany her to shops, because she is into shoes and most shop that she went in is a shoe shops. So its a good 2-3 hours shopping trip that I have ever been. :D
to be continued..
21-06-2011, 01:21 AM
Btw, thank you for the support and great feedback from you all. It motivates me to keep writting ;) Again, thank you.
It would appear that u might be seeing not than just upskirt!
Great story ts!
21-06-2011, 08:27 AM
camping for more. been following your story very diligently.
21-06-2011, 08:53 AM
im 1 of ur fans, SUPPORT it!
Oink Oink
21-06-2011, 01:15 PM
Nice story and well written. Me also camping here.
My humble points to add to your motivation. :D
21-06-2011, 05:18 PM
very wonderful story bro. keep it up :D
22-06-2011, 12:30 AM
As time get nearer to dinner time, we decided to head back and drop the shopping bag before we go out to Central area. We went to each other room to shower and get change. As a guy, I'm done with all that in just 20 minutes. I know Cheryl will definitely take longer than that hence I text her asking how long she will be done. She then text me back explaining that she is too engrossed trying her new shoes so she has not bathe and change yet. She then invited me in to wait in her room so I can munch at the snack as we bought along few snacks while we went out shopping earlier.
So I went to her room, knocked a little before I entered since the door is left open. The I saw her wrap only with her towel running to the bathroom like a little girl apologizing that she has yet gone into the shower. Imagine, one snap away and I can remove the towel to uncover her sexy body. That was one of crazy thought that I had back then. So while she was showering, I went to look around for the snacks plastic bag and since I can't find it, I ask her where did she put it. She then said its already inside her luggage on the side compartment. So without hesitation I opened the luggage frustrated to find something to eat and only to my surprised, I saw her used purple-ish white lacy thong and bra the first thing I open her luggage. Being so curious and a little perverted at the time I picked up the thong and boy it was all soaked in Chery's pussy juice just right in her pussy area. It still very much wet and I can also see white stain in the purple line of the white lacy thongs. Sucha horny little girl I told my self. Damn that sight instantly turn me on. (pardon my fetish, it always turn me on when I know the girl is soaking wet underneath) And once I put it down back to where it was, I saw two little transparent bag for used and unused thongs. And believe me, its all either G-string, T-string or thongs, no conservative underwear you can find in there.
Cheryl shouted from the bathroom asking whether I found the snack or not. And for fuck sake, that scared the shit out of me. I thought my perverted act is caught by Cheryl. So I replied to her immediately after that. Soon after that I took the snack and close her luggage before I get even more curious on whats inside. So I turned on the TV and watch the news while eating my snacks away. As time passes by, Cheryl went out from the bathroom only with the towel to the table area where she already prepared which dress she wanted to wear. I saw that before, and I also saw the matching shoes, bags and accessories that she put together side by side her dress. She turned around and ask me to cover my face with pillow or anything while she changes. Pretty daring huh?
So finally after she dry her hair, put some make up and look at her self in front of mirror for the LONGEST time, she finally said that she is ready. I told her I could take a nap earlier if I know its gonna be this long! So anyway, Cheryl wear purple white and pink stripe Herve Leger dress lookalike (or maybe it is Herve Leger?) that looks absolutely fantastic on her body. (you can try to Google Herve Leger just in case you are wondering what kind of dress she wore that night) Its wrapping her body tight and it has an elegant classy touch to it. Yet of course a little revealing since its the backless on the back that reveal that she did not wear any bra underneath that since I can see a little of her nipple shape underneath the dress.
So the place for dinner is just upstairs our hotel. Its in the highest floor and its pretty famous spot for dinner since the place got a great view. We ate, we drank, we joked around a little and I could tell that she is really enjoying her time. By the way, she almost finished the whole bottle of wine by her self since I am not really a wine lover and only drank half wine glass out of it. Yes, she dealt with the rest of it. But since she is a pretty good drinker I bet she will not get drunk anytime soon over a wine bottle.
We went out, hailed a cab and went straight to Lan Kwai Fong area to head to this club downstairs the shop house or the alley (something like that). And man it was packed. Hong Kong land is more expensive than Singapore somehow which explain why the club is even more crowded than Singapore. So we tried to head towards the bar area and while Cheryl hug my arm while we are passing by I can confirm to myself again that she is not wearing anything bra underneath the dress as I can feel her nipples brushing over my arm again and again. And that feeling really turn me on yet again.
Once we reached the bar, we ordered a bottle (since its cheaper rather than glass over glass of cocktails that will never get us high or drunk). And decided to stay back to end of the bar table where we can get really comfortable talking and drinking. We talked, we teased each other but the most interesting conversation happen when Cheryl already rather highly intoxicated (thanks to the wine from dinner earlier and massive consumption of hard liquor over short period of time).
to be continued..
22-06-2011, 03:21 PM
cum back soon ts. ;)
22-06-2011, 03:36 PM
camping for more nicely written
23-06-2011, 02:41 AM
Cheryl: Do you consider yourself to be a conservative men or more towards open minded aggressive men Max?
Max: Well it depends Cher, you know in business or work place I am rather open with new ideas and even aggressive with the approach. But in term of family and love life, I guess I am more towards conservative side.
Cheryl: Oh really? What about towards the sex life Max? Are you conservative or aggressively open minded?
Max: That is actually a good question Cher. Tell me what do you think instead of me telling you.
Cheryl: I think you are conservative Max. I think you are a missionary man. *giggles*
Max: (slightly taken a back with her answer) What made you think so?
Cheryl: Nothing really, just woman's intuition.
Max: Then I guess woman's intuition is not always correct all the time then.
Cheryl: Reaaaaally Max? *smile* So what do you think of me? Do you think I am conservative or aggressively open minded Max?
Max: You are aggressively open minded towards the people you are close by Cher. That's what I think, but I never thought you are a conservative girl though.
Cheryl: Cheers to that Max! *gulp half of the drink that remain on her glass*
Cheryl: Damn right I am no conservative and I'd love being fucked.
Geez, that reply almost got me chocked from the drink that I just drank. I was speechless for awhile after hearing that. She seems to be able to maintain her composure while saying that though, she also still continue to look straight into my eyes with her seductive intoxicated slutty look.
Max: Wow, what did you say Cher?
Cheryl: I said I am no conservative girl and I'd looooooooooveeeeeee being fucccckeeed. (in slow seducing deep tone)
Cheryl: Maxy you just told me that I am open minded and aggressive. Shouldn't you expect that at all?
Max: *blank stares*
Cheryl: Hehe, you think I don't like a cock huh?
Max: I think you are drunk but it's good to see another side of you Cheryl. *quickly sip my drink*
Cheryl: I am not drunk yet Max, I am still s-o-b-e-r. A little tipsy but I like this feeling.
That conversation put me in the awkward moment since she is rumored to be a lesbian with Lisa, a little taken a back I would say. But heck it's good news that she loves cock. Conservative men huh? I told myself. So after few questions that rather weird after she said she loves being fucked I decided to play it along. Fuck it, I told myself, lets play it along and get down and dirty.
to be continued..
23-06-2011, 09:29 AM
Wooooo.....nice one bro!!
23-06-2011, 11:50 AM
Keep cumming !! Love the build up
23-06-2011, 12:34 PM
Nicely written Max!
Keep it going!
23-06-2011, 12:46 PM
keep it going bro
23-06-2011, 01:12 PM
waaaa...this cheryl sure kena fuck upside down..hehe
23-06-2011, 01:13 PM
absolutely scintillating story bro! camping here eagerly waiting for more! :D
23-06-2011, 07:27 PM
* Munching Twister cheese flavor *
Nice story and good in decribing the face action xD camping here as well.
23-06-2011, 07:33 PM
Stay tune for next installment once I have finished my errands.
Btw, please kindly help to rate my thread! I hope by then more eager eyes will be interested to read my little sexcapades :D
Thanks in advance to many of you ;)
23-06-2011, 09:25 PM
I've no power to up you, and can only rate your thread! Nice read!
Me too! Rated ur thread. Cheers
Ps. Paiseh no power to up u.
24-06-2011, 01:24 AM
Max: With or without condom Cher?
A little taken a back I would say from her face, but she immediately give me this cheeky smile and response to my question.
Cheryl: Ugh no, I like it raw. I like the feel of the warm wet cock after its lubricated well with my saliva inside my pussy. That is the best, not like some cold, fake lubricant rubber that doesn't even taste nice. Although I always have to practice safe sex therefore the guy need to use one but it doesn't mean I like one.
Max: Good. Next question, are you wearing anything underneath your dress tonight Cheryl?
Cheryl: Nothing on top but only a strings underneath, now Max you are not so conservative as I thought now.
Max: *raised my eyebrow*
Cheryl: But you are still conservative in my mind. Just not that conservative. Hehe.
Cheryl: Wait by the way, are you dirty talking with me naughty Max?
Max: Yeap, this is what conservative man do Cher nowadays. Dirty talking.
Cheryl: Will a conservative man mentally fucked girl's mind too nowadays?
Max: You have mentally mind fucked me since our first night out in the club Cher.
Cheryl: Hahaha.. so do you think I am mentally mind fucking you right now Maxy?
Max: No shit Cher, you have and you are still doing it right now.
Cheryl: Does it feel good being mind fucked by me now Max?
Max: I am sure its not as good as literally physically fucking you Cher.
Cheryl: *opened her eyes wider with her raised eyebrow*
Before I could say another word, she put her one finger on my lips and ask this question.
Cheryl: Lets say, despite of our circumstances back in Singapore whatever it is. And say we are ignorant, selfish and life only for the day and not worrying about tomorrow.
And before she could say anything else..
Max: I would have fucked you Cher.
to be continued..
24-06-2011, 07:54 AM
faster..faster..steam oledi...
24-06-2011, 09:24 PM
No power to up you so I have rated this thread.
Keep it cumming TS!!!
25-06-2011, 12:52 AM
Following this thread now. Camping by pitching tent. Rated 5 Stars for this thread. TS keep up the good write. :)
25-06-2011, 01:22 PM
Cheryl: Then what are you waiting Max?
Max: *a little taken a back since what she said is rather hypothetically question*
Cheryl: *giggles* So what are you waiting? Lets go..
Max: *finish all the drinks I have in my glass*
Cheryl: Lets go dancing I mean.. *giggles some more*
Max: No shit? You seriously annoy the hell out of me.
Cheryl quickly grab my hand, put my palm on her butt cheek and led me to dance floor. I seriously being fucked by Cheryl in my mind. Up, down, left and right. One moment she turn the hell out of me on and the other moment she can divert and cool down the desire in a quick snap away. We are now in dance floor hugging each other like a couple and then she said:
Cheryl: I told you right Max, I like to see you get irritated. Its so cute and manly somehow.
Max: Ya ya..
Cheryl: It makes me want to be submissive towards you.
Max: huh?
Cheryl: Do you know, it also turn me on.
Max: Then in that case its hard to turn me on then, since you made all the blood goes to the brain instead going to the right direction.
Cheryl: But I can feel your hard cock underneath your pants the other day in the club my dear. It seems you can still work it out despite the circumstances.
Max: You little horny girl.. *grab Chery's ass with my two hands and pull it to my crotch area*
Cheryl: Oooh.. Maxy!
Max: Is it hard enough for you now Cher?
Cheryl: Uhum, but I can only be sure if I grab it with my hands.
Max: My pleasure Cher..
Cheryl: By the way do you like the feel of my butt Max?
Max: I do, but it would be better without the dress on.
Cheryl: Is this the kind of butt do you like to see when you fucked me from behind? *again with her slutty seductive face*
Cheryl: Sorry my dear, let me rephrase my question. Is this the kind of butt do you like to see when you doggy me?
Max: I swear Cher, I will not let you get a way with this. I am going to pull your dress and rip your strings apart once we are back in the hotel.
Cheryl: But sweetheart, you know we can't do that right? Its all hypothetically. Remember conservative men do dirty talking. So here I am dirty talking with you my dear.
Max: What?
She quickly kissed my neck and bite it. She then open her mouth a little to allow her tongue to lick the side of my neck. I am sure I got a few love bite from her that night. She let it go after a while and turn her face just in front my face. She look at me and stick her tongue out to lick my lips. More like to taste my lips. Right after she did that, I tried to kiss her but she quickly turn her face a little to the side so I can only kiss her cheek. She then put her head on my shoulder and said:
Cheryl: Who said you can kiss me my dear? *softly spoken*
Cheryl: I thought conservative men only do dirty talking and nothing else? Beside good conservative old men will not take an advantage towards little innocent girl like me right?
I went further a bit and bit her little ear, I also slide my tongue out to tease her ear. She let out slight moan when I did that and said continue to moan a little till I stopped doing that.
Cheryl: You know why I don't mind going to Hong Kong with you Maxy?
Max: Why Cher?
Cheryl: Because I know you will let me have fun, and will not take advantage over me. I also know that you will keep me safe with you and take care of you. That's why I never have any hesitation to come here with you.
Max: What made you think of that Cher?
Cheryl: As I said earlier, its woman's intuition. *smile*
Max: I did say woman's intuition is not always correct all the time didn't I?
Cheryl: Maybe.. but I am pretty sure towards this one.
to be continued..
25-06-2011, 03:50 PM
Cheryl is seriously trying to mind fuck author up down left right...
25-06-2011, 08:54 PM
Cheryl is seriously trying to mind fuck author up down left right...
I fully agree with you man. Classic case of "now you see it, now you don't".
I wonder if I can tahan like TS :)
25-06-2011, 09:04 PM
niCE STORY , Pliz cont.
26-06-2011, 10:30 AM
Add to my favorites... waiting for more.
26-06-2011, 10:32 AM
Cheryl is seriously trying to mind fuck author up down left right...
You really have no idea how annoying it was. :mad:
26-06-2011, 06:17 PM
She signed to head back to the bar and after another few rounds of drink we decided to call it a day and head back to the hotel. We went out the club, called a cab, went in and she sit closer to me when we boarded the cab. She was on my left while I was on the right side of the passenger chairs on the back. She whisper this to me:
Cheryl: Can I touch your cock Max?
Max: By all means Cher.
She then placed her left hand on top my my pants and start finding her way toward my hardened cock. There was a road works just outside the club hence the traffic was rather slow around the area. Besides, that club area is only one way traffic. So we got a little time to play before we get back to the hotel. For once I do be thankful for the road works that happened that night. While she was rubbing my cock with her left hands, I whisper her back:
Max: Since your right hand is free, why don't you do me a favor.
Cheryl: Tell me what do you want darling..
Max: Slide your fingers to your pussy and tell me how wet is that.
She giggled for a bit and quickly slid her hands under neath her short dress. Her two hands are now busy with rubbing my cock and rubbing her pussy. She let out a soft moan while closing her eyes shortly after that and whisper back to me:
Cheryl: My pussy is all wet Max, I think I soaked my strings completely just now.
Max: You didn't only soaked your strings just now. You soaked your strings for the whole day Cher. I saw your other strings when I open your luggage to take snack.
Cheryl: mmmhmm.. so naughty. But I think this one is even more soaked that the one in the luggage.
Max: Which fingers do you use to rub your pussy now?
Cheryl: The middle and the index one Max. Why?
Max: I want you to slid it even deeper to your pussy and take it out so you can have a good taste of your own juice.
I can feel that her right hand went a little deeper and she let out another deep breath shortly after that. She opened her eyes and look at me while she guided her right hands to her mouth. It was wet and I could even spot it during night time. It was rather glossy and sticky when to two fingers touch each other just right before it entered her mouth. She sucked her two fingers and smiled at me while her two fingers still remain in her mouth. I whisper back to her:
to be continued..
26-06-2011, 06:27 PM
Welcome back bro :D
was waiting for your story to be continue xD
* munching Potato Chips with Cheese Flavor *
26-06-2011, 08:57 PM
Waiting for more. Nice story.....:)
27-06-2011, 12:05 AM
more brother more! can't wait
27-06-2011, 01:50 AM
Max: How it taste Cher?
Cheryl: A little salty but it taste good Max. This is my first time tasting my own juice.
Max: Your first time doesn't turn sour huh this time around.
Max: Now let me ask you another question. Have you feed someone else with your pussy juice straight from your own finger Cher?
Cheryl: *shakes her head signalling she never done that before*
Max: Now I want you to do that for me. Slide your two fingers back to your pussy and let me taste your juice this time around.
Smiled and she immediate slide her two fingers back in with her eyes opened straight looking at me while she rub her pussy. She smiled soon after that and offer me her two fingers lubricated with her juices. I immediately asked her to put her two fingers in my mouth and I made sure I did not leave any more of her juice in her two fingers. She grabbed my cock even harder when I suck her two fingers hard. I still have my pants on though just for your information, so don't think I did crazy stunt in the taxi. :D
Cheryl: mmmh.. Max you are so dirty. You make me feel like I am your little dirty horny girl. *bit her lips*
Max: But you are, aren't you?
I saw that we are approaching out hotel area soon since Central and Causewaybay is really not that far and point our hotel building to her. She got my signal and quickly tidy up her dress that were pulled up while she fingered herself earlier. I quickly take my wallet and pay the taxi driver with some tips to it was a joyful ride for me.
to be continued..
27-06-2011, 04:36 AM
Lickin her finger :eek:! don forget 2 lick d cherry:p
27-06-2011, 08:04 AM
The true story behind Finger Lickin' Good...haha
27-06-2011, 09:02 AM
Nice steaming story. Next comes the main course?
27-06-2011, 09:10 AM
The true story behind Finger Lickin' Good...haha
Damn erotic! Bet the cab driver could smell the musky scent of her pussy juice! ;)
27-06-2011, 10:53 AM
CAMPING!!! woot a great way to start the day hard and up after reading :)
27-06-2011, 01:43 PM
Wetting good story!
! of the most teasing story...NICE!
27-06-2011, 03:26 PM
been camping here for a long time just to read the next instalments . . .
how i wish got Cher in my office too . . .
27-06-2011, 04:23 PM
Nice story , please continue , very steamy indeed .
28-06-2011, 12:41 AM
I helped Cheryl to board out from the taxi and held her hand. I asked her to accompany me to the convenient store just beside the hotel to buy one or two croissant. She didn't know what I want to buy there so she was surprised to see me buying a croissant. We went back to the hotel straight away after that and while we were waiting for the lift, she then asked me:
Cheryl: Why don't you eat me tonight Max since you are so hungry? *wink*
I kept quite and continue to eat on my croissant while I looked at her eyes deeply while we went in to the lift. We were standing opposite each other leaning on each sides of the lift.
Max: I want to Cher, but it doesn't seem like the case for the night.
Cheryl: See, my woman's intuition is right.
Max: uhum.. *step forward closely to Cheryl*
Cheryl: I told you I am safe with you.
Max: Yeap.. *one more step forward closer to Cheryl*
Cheryl: And you will not take an advan..
Before she could finished her sentence I immediately dropped my croissant and went straight to her lips and plant a juicy kiss to her sensual lips. I opened my mouth a little to slide my tongue to french her right there in the lift. Good news brother and sister, she opened her mouth a little too and slid her tongue out. There we were french kissing madly in the lift up to the floor we stay. I groped her butt with my other hand and her pull her hair a little with my other hand. We were like a fucking long lost lover who has not seen each other for years. I stopped kissing her a split second and told her:
Max: You are wrong Cher, your woman's intuition is wrong all the time. I will take an advantage over you and I am taking it right now.
Cheryl: mmmmhh Max..
to be continued..
28-06-2011, 10:21 AM
Damn erotic! Bet the cab driver could smell the musky scent of her pussy juice! ;)
Ha..ha..ha...:D what happen the cab driver becomes horny? :eek:
28-06-2011, 02:42 PM
Camper reporting in... :D
28-06-2011, 06:47 PM
TS, very well written, 2 thumbs up. Longing for more and your action to the flooded hole. ^^
28-06-2011, 06:53 PM
nice nice story written format.. :)
28-06-2011, 07:40 PM
Another great writing!
great great... if got picture (of the lady) illustating would be better. haha
faster update.......
29-06-2011, 06:41 PM
I continue to french kiss her before she could say anything. The lift opened and we continued to do so all the way to in front of her door room. While I stopped kissing her cause I need to find her key card (its inside my wallet since Cheryl didn't bring anything out that night), she immediately start unbuttoning my shirt. Boy she surely seems like don't like to waste anytime. Finally the door opened and we went straight to one side of the bed. We were still standing just right in front of her bed and kissing each other madly. Her tongue and my tongue locked again and again and we also bit each other lips in between. I quickly pull up her dress, just enough so I can grab her pussy with my hands. She let out moan when I did that and I pull aside her strings and opened her pussy with my index and ring finger just right to let my middle finger have the allowance to play with her clit. Her pussy is soaking wet and it was clean shaved (she mention to me later on that she did IPL). I rub her clit with my middle finger and move my finger in circle before I slid it in to her wet pussy cunt.
Cheryl: mmmhh.. mmhhh.. Max.... mmmh..
I decided to strip her naked out of her gorgeous dress, so I quickly pulled down her dress with my two hands, all the way down the floor. There goes Cheryl, beautifully standing naked just covered by her lacy white strings. Lacy white in the front and 2 thin lines in the back. Her boobs is nicely proportionate according to her size. She has nice aerola and small pinkish nipples. I wrap my arms around her waist, pull her closer and ask her:
Max: Do you want me to fuck you now Cheryl?
Cheryl: mmmhmm.. *nodding slowly with her eyes slightly open*
Max: How bad do you want me to fuck you Cher?
Cheryl: Real bad Max, I want you to fuck me right here right now.. I want to f..
Before she could finished her sentence I grabbed her up and pushed her down to lay straight towards the end of bed (still with her strings on). I got down onto my knee and grab her two legs and spread it apart so wide so I can have a good view of her pussy while she was on top of the bed just with her one line string barely enough to cover her pussy area, well she also still have her high heels on. :D I bit her strings and bit it aside. I kissed the area around her pussy and licked just outside her pussy with my tongue. My move drove her crazy. She keep positioned her pussy towards my tongue so I can lick or kiss her pussy. But heck, after all those mind games she played, I am not gonna go easy for her. I will make her beg for anything tonight..
to be continued..
30-06-2011, 12:05 AM
Ha..ha..ha...:D what happen the cab driver becomes horny? :eek:
Can see but cannot touch then.. :D He got mind fuck again by her indirectly.
30-06-2011, 12:23 AM
i'm sure we got mind fucked as well bro .... keep up the story bro
30-06-2011, 12:52 AM
hey dude, i love your story.
i like the details--very easy to get visual about your story.
more than that, it reminds me of my younger days. remem i met a horny gal online who was otherwise your normal, english speaking, mild mannered, well brought up (stayed in landed property with rather established parents), fairly soft spoken.
because of the contrast, she was a damn good tease in my opinion. (i dislike girls who are horny and openly vulgar and crude at the same time-- they may get my groin stirring but definitely got no tease factor which to me is a valuable attractive factor for a fling).
ok, please, back to your story bro.
Max: Hey, done having fun?
Cheryl: Why you are turning away and didn't watch over me Max.
Max: Well, I thought you are in the safe hand and looking like having some fun back there (in rather irritated tone)
Cheryl: *giggles* Are you jealous Maxy? You are, aren't you?
Max: Heck, Cher..
Before I could continue with another word, she immediately planted a kiss on my cheek and pull my hand bringing me to the dance floor. I told myself, Jeez I feel like mentally fucked by her somehow. So we get a spot to dance together in the middle of the crowd and she wrap her arms around my neck. So I reciprocate to put my hands on her waist area. We are dancing face to face closely and she again smile at me and lean her heads on my shoulder. I whisper to her then:
Max: Whats up with that guy earlier Cher?
Cheryl: *seductively smile at me* I knew you were jealous back there Max admit it. Hehe.
Max: Okay yes, a little jealous. I thought you want to seduce me from the dance floor but only to realize that you were actually having fun with some other guy.
Cheryl: I did that purposely to catch your attention my dear. You told me earlier that you were not attracted to me, so I got upset earlier and try to do something to change your mind.
Max: Geez really?
Cheryl: Uhum.. besides, that guy started getting really touchy and started to talk nonsenses.
Max: You made my worried back there Cher.
Cheryl: Aww now not only you were jealous over me but you already worried about me too. That's sweet Maxy.
Max: Oh geez what did I start.. *rolled my eyes*
Since I get either embarrassed or a little awkward after she said that (which whatever she said sadly become a fact) I turned her around and wrap my arms around her waist. She then fully lean back to me and ask me to hug her tighter from the back. Since we hugging closely there is not much dancing we can do therefore Cheryl start grinding her ass towards my half harden cock that I also only realize that I am actually getting a little turned on by her action. She then also hold my hands with her hands and move it downward from her waist, to her inner thighs, quickly brushing over her pussy area and back to her navel or waist area repeatedly. Damn, I am getting hard all the way with that moves. And considering that she is wearing a cotton material or similar dress I could really imagine rubbing her naked body as there is only that much in between my hands and her body. A piece of thin cloth dress I would say.
to be continued..
30-06-2011, 07:34 AM
Bravo... Bravo..... Claps!!
Just hope that the onstallment is longer thou....
30-06-2011, 12:21 PM
hey dude, i love your story.
i like the details--very easy to get visual about your story.
more than that, it reminds me of my younger days. remem i met a horny gal online who was otherwise your normal, english speaking, mild mannered, well brought up (stayed in landed property with rather established parents), fairly soft spoken.
because of the contrast, she was a damn good tease in my opinion. (i dislike girls who are horny and openly vulgar and crude at the same time-- they may get my groin stirring but definitely got no tease factor which to me is a valuable attractive factor for a fling).
ok, please, back to your story bro.
Thank you very much :D And I couldn't agree more that a girl should not be too horny and openly vulgar. They should give enough hint for us to start the game. Anyway apart from the sex, the hunting is the fun part too.
Bravo... Bravo..... Claps!!
Just hope that the onstallment is longer thou....
I promise I will write longer tonight.. stay tune.. :D
30-06-2011, 03:11 PM
Can't wait for the next episode..You make my day..everyday bro..
30-06-2011, 05:37 PM
enjoy reading ur stories...
waiting for the next installment
30-06-2011, 06:09 PM
waiting for the actions to start... :D
30-06-2011, 09:36 PM
Camping for the action to start! :D
30-06-2011, 11:56 PM
So she grabbed my head and tried to directed it to her pussy while she said:
Cheryl: Can you please lick my pussy Maxy. Pleaseeee....
I went straight with one big lick from the bottom part of her pussy to the top and sucked her clit to finish it. One move and she moaned so loud showing sign of relieve.
Cheryl: Ooohh Max.. yeah just like that, mmmhmmmm..
I will not give her easy tonight I told myself, she will have to beg to get my cock filled her pussy. I will not give her control nor anything, not on the bed. I tongue fucked her pussy there, I licked her pussy clean, I licked her clit all over and it all taste delicious. She loved it when I licked her from bottom to top slowly. She always let out loud moan every time I did that. But the best thing is to see her body tremble every time I lick her pussy. She always try to get away or move up every time my tongue circle her clit, but with a little persistent grab with my two hands on her legs, she can only surrender to that and jerked after I consistently repeat the same. All my mouth was covered with my pussy juice, all over it. I asked her:
Max: Do you want to taste your pussy juice Cher?
Cheryl: mmmmh kay...
Max: Come here then..
She quickly went up and went to kiss me straight. She kissed and licked my lips like a cat to make sure that she clean all her pussy juice from my mouth. I opened my eyes and watched every moves she does. What a horny little slut I told myself.
Cheryl: Fuck me Max, you make me all so wet. Can you please, please, please fuck me now dear..?
Max: You little slut, do you think I am going to fuck you tonight after all that you have done to me. *stand up*
Max: I am not gonna play any of your little tricky mind games anymore.
Cheryl: no.. no.. no.. Max you can't do that to me.. *with her panicked tone*
Cheryl: This time is real Max, no more mind games. You have me all yours now..
Max: Yea, you think so? You think I am buying that? *try to button up my shirt*
Cheryl: Look Max, I am really sorry if I played with your feelings and all before but look Max, I am yours tonight. *she quickly went down from the bed to her onto her knee to try to unbutton my pants*
Max: So no more games, nothing.. You gonna be my slut tonight and I am gonna do whatever I want tonight with you huh..
Cheryl: Yes Max I promise..
I look at her eyes straight and brushed her hair with my hand.. I grabbed her hair after and made her look at me..
Max: Do you know that I am going to fuck you hard tonight Cher..
Cheryl: mmmhmm..
Max: I am gonna be rough and hard on you Cher.. Do you like it rough and hard..
Cheryl: Yes Max, I like it rough and hard..
Max: I am gonna put my cock deep inside your wet pussy..
Cheryl: *breathe heavily and bit her lips*
Max: I am gonna make sure I take out my cock and let you taste your wet come later.
Cheryl: Fuck me baby.. fuck me now..
Max: I am gonna make you come again and again and I'm gonna make your fucking scream like there is no tomorrow..
Cheryl: Uhummm.. and where do you want to come Max..
Max: Where do you want me to come little slut..?
Cheryl: I want you to come in my mouth Max.. I want to taste it..
Max: Yeah?
Cheryl: I want you to come here in my mouth.. *stick her tongue out sluttyly*
Max: Uhumm.. then what you gonna do about it..
Cheryl: mmmh.. swallow it..
Max: All?
Cheryl: Uhumm... every single bit of it..
Max: You fucking dirty slut..
to be continued..
01-07-2011, 12:14 AM
wow bro! can't wait for more
01-07-2011, 01:27 PM
funny, entertaining and sexy story! keep it up!
01-07-2011, 09:35 PM
funny, entertaining and sexy story! keep it up!
I didn't know I make funny story :confused:
02-07-2011, 09:36 AM
Pls continue quick... Looking forward to your next installment
I didn't know I make funny story :confused:
he has a weird sense of humour?
when u leaving us hanging for more of your WONDERFUL STORY he will laugh?
Pls update soon!
02-07-2011, 05:56 PM
By that time, Cheryl had successfully unbuckled my belt and she quickly pull my pants down. By the time she wanted to pull down my boxer I held her head with my two hands and turn it up so she can see my face clearly. I told her:
Max: Suck it and make sure you suck it good Cher..
She quickly pull down my boxer with the desperate eager looks to satisfy me on her face. She saw my cock finally out in the air and she said:
Cheryl: Oh my its so big Maxy.. do you like me to do it with or without hand Max?
Max: Without Cher..
She put her two hands on my legs and stuck out her tongue to lick the shaft of my dick all over. She then went to my dickhead and pee hole. Just with her tongue, no hands. When it was lubricated enough she threw this slutty look to me and cupped my dick head with her lips slowly. She suck it really good just the dickhead, not anywhere further for that moment. I can also still feel that her tongue teased my dickhead inside her mouth. What a wild cat I told myself. Never really thought she is a pretty good cock sucker. She then went further to put my dick to her small mouth. It was slow and sensual I would say. In and out in and out her slow and sensual blow job. Heck it was actually mind blowing. But I kept my cool on and didn't let any moan or sign of satisfaction. I told her:
Max: Make it really wet Cher, I like wet blowjob. Put your saliva on it and make sure its all wet.
Cheryl obliged and I can now feel that she used her saliva more and more. I saw it around my lips when she sucked my cock in and out. It was good, warm and definitely wet. She has this tight mouth and I didn't feel her teeth at all. But I will make her do more to get my dick sticking inside her dripping wet pussy.
Max: Is that really what you got Cher? That's it?
Cheryl immediately give a faster and deeper blowjob and her one hand went to grab my dick.
Max: no no.. no hand Cher!
To my surprised she lowered that hand and she went to touched her own pussy while she was blowing me away. What a view of a beautiful girl, totally naked right in front of me just covered with a lacy white strings that barely even covered her own pussy, sucking my cock and masturbating herself while she was closing her eyes.
I grabbed her heads and start mouth fucking her slowly. She let go her rhythm and start following mine while I was mouth fucking her. It was perfect. It was like jerking your own cock but not with your hands but with a warm wet mouth of pretty girl. After a while I took out my cock from her mouth slowly and I saw her saliva still linger around in between her lips and my cock. It was so wet, my cock.
to be continued..
02-07-2011, 06:07 PM
Nice story bro... I love the mindfucking part. I had played this with a few of my flings. The more you play their mind, the more fucking horny and slutty they get. Sexy girls know their way around, but once you play them at their own game and get them to want it more rather than you want it more... the fuck is explosive, hehe ;)
02-07-2011, 07:30 PM
Please dont stop , nice writing .
03-07-2011, 06:52 PM
Max: God, you are such a horny little slut..
Cheryl: *smile*Lay down on the bed Max.. I still want to taste your cock..
I quickly took off my shirt and went to the bed. She took off her heels and followed me to the bed. She asked:
Cheryl: Do you want me to keep my strings on Max?
Max: Yeah.. I am gonna fucking rip it apart later Cher.. now come here and suck my dick..
Cheryl: *smiled and quickly put my dick in her mouth*
It was fucking good and I didn't even bother to ask her to stop after she gave me long one, it was a long sexy blow job. She tried to deep throat me sometime but she just cant do it all..
Cheryl: Your cock is sooo sooo hard.. I want it inside my pussy Max..
I grabbed her head and mouth fuck her again slowly. All the time she was blowing me on bed, I only found out now that she used her one hand to keep rubbing her pussy. Once I saw that I told her:
Max: You are just one horny slut Cher.. Cant let your pussy idle for a while huh..
Cheryl: *she shyly smiled and giggled*
Max: Sit on my face Cher, let me taste your wet pussy.
Max: Is it still wet..?
Cheryl: Its dripping wet Max..
She went up, and lower her self so her pussy can be right on my mouth.. She grabbed the bed frame so she has some support while she is doing that.. It was fucking wet her pussy. Its so wet that is fucking glossy all around it. It taste good and the more I licked it the faster she move her pussy up and down on my mouth. Now instead of mouth fucking her, my mouth got fucked by her pussy.
Cheryl: Ohh Max.. Oh its soo good..
I grabbed her ass and push it back and forth so I can continue the momentum the moment she slow down..
Cheryl: Oooh.. Oooh,... Ahh... *breathing heavily* Maax..
She quickly moved away her pussy from my mouth..
Cheryl: Max you almost make me cum.. *still breathing heavily*
The moment I knew she almost cum again I grabbed her, and ask her to do 69 with me.. This time around I told myself I am not gonna let her go if she gonna come. I noticed that she always hold herself while she is climaxing somehow... This time around I used my two fingers and slid it to her pussy. She let out loud moan when I do that in a quick snap. I used my thumb from my left hand and put it on her clit while she continue to blowing my cock. The deeper and the faster my fingers go, the messier her blowjob become and she again started to jerk and spasm a little. To my surprised this little slut squirt a little when I curved my fingers down like a hook... That is her fucking g-spot I told myself..
I quickly turned her around, she then laid straight on bed while I sat just beside of her and immediately hooked my two fingers to her weak pussy spot. No shit the little girl squirt, spasm and jerk a little immediately every time I pull my two fingers..
Cheryl: Oowhwh.. Oooooooooh... Aaahh Maaxx.. dont stooo...pp..... *panting*
The moment she tried to move her body back away from me, I quickly grab her strings, ripped it apart with my two hands and opened her fucking legs wide open and put my cock in her pussy.. One slide and it all went in on her pussy.
Cheryl: OOoooooowhh... Ooohh... wooow.. Itss. s.. s. soo big Max.. Oooh its so goo.. ood..
I rested my cock deep inside her pussy and that alone enough to made her spasm and jerk a few times.. She opened her eyes.. and she rubbed her self from her pussy up to her boobs down again.. My two hands were still holding on her legs to make it both up in the air. I made her spread her legs so big so I can have a good view of my cock in her pussy. I left it there for a good minute and she started to fucked my cock by pushing her body to my body..
Cheryl: Maxx.. can you please please please start fucking me already.. I want you to fuck me now baby.. I want you to fuck me so bad..
Max: uhumm.. You want to be fucked so bad huh..
Cheryl: mmhmm... please baby, please I am begging you.. fuck me please... *she lowered her left hands to her pussy and start fingering her clit while the other hand grab her right boob*
That sight really turn me on and I began to start fucking her slowly... It was tight her pussy... so wet, so tight and so warm... I can feel that her pussy wrapped around my cock so tight that it feels that her pussy never want to let it go ever..
Max: I want you tell me that you are coming alright Cher..
Max: I want you to tell me out loud that you are going to come...
Cheryl: oooh.. ookay Max..
I keep fucking her deep and fast while she keep fingering and touching herself.. Her eyes were rolled behind time over time and she never stopped moaning and scream a little every time my dick went all in. The sight that I had was absolutely mind fucking.. Time after time I started noticing a white patch of her pussy juice began thicken like a white cream and it started to covered a quarter of my shaft with it. She is absolutely wet when I fucked her there. I used one of my finger, rub the creamy pussy juice and showed it to her.
Max: You see Cher.. you are so fucking wet down here..
Cheryl: Mmmhmm.. Let me taste it Maxy..
I put my finger that had a patch of her creamy pussy juice in her mouth and she licked it clean as if that it taste so fucking good. After that I decided to switch and I lower her legs so she can close her legs while I was fucking her in missionary style. This way it allows me to plant my tongue in her mouth and for her tighten her pussy wall.
Max: Gosh your so tight Cheryl..
Cheryl: Don't you like my tight little pussy Max..
Max: Fucking tight..
Cheryl: Why don't you come inside me dear..
Max: Ssshh.. Don't fuck my head up..
This position make me last even longer and able to control my urge to orgasm pretty well. My constant fuck to her pussy soon only build up her orgasm phase and I can feel that her breathing were more and more uncontrollable. She grabbed my butt and pull it closer to her so I get to fuck her deeper..
Cheryl: Ooooh.. oohh.. Aaahh.. Max don't stop okay.. Fuck me deeper Max.. Fuck me..
Max: Yeah..
Cheryl: Right there baby.. ri..gght.. thee....reee....
Max: Come little slut..
Cheryl: Maxy I think I can comeee..
The moment I heard that, I increased my tempo.. I fucked her deeper, faster.. more furious and hug her so tight.. I can feel that she really close to her orgasm and in a split of second she let out a fucking loud scream, moan and jerked uncontrollably...
Cheryl: Max Max Max.. I am coming.. I am coming don't stop.. Don't fucking stop Maa.. aaaaaaaaaaaaggh.... Ahhhhhh... Aaaaahhhh....
to be continued..
04-07-2011, 01:14 AM
Nice story bro... I love the mindfucking part. I had played this with a few of my flings. The more you play their mind, the more fucking horny and slutty they get. Sexy girls know their way around, but once you play them at their own game and get them to want it more rather than you want it more... the fuck is explosive, hehe ;)
She still mindfucked me even up to date.. the constant flirt and tease sometime give me hard time to "concentrate" at work. :(
04-07-2011, 10:52 AM
as a female samster, i must say.. this story is gd. *LIKE* :)
04-07-2011, 05:05 PM
Thanks for the story . Gd writing . :)
04-07-2011, 08:12 PM
keep it cumming!!!
Thanks for the story . Gd writing . :)
04-07-2011, 08:52 PM
Oh wow! Intense story bro! Keep it coming! ;)
05-07-2011, 08:26 AM
Thank you for the support guys and girls! I am writing another long installment and hopefully I can finish it by tonight. :D
05-07-2011, 02:12 PM
Thank you for the support guys and girls! I am writing another long installment and hopefully I can finish it by tonight. :D
Can't wait to read it! :D
05-07-2011, 11:33 PM
So you think I am done?
Heck no.. I am not gonna surrender just with two positions. I am gonna fuck her all night that night. If I can make her come till she faint heck I am going to do it. So I lifted my self up from top of her body.. I pull out my cock that covered with her creamy pussy juice and put it straight in her mouth.. I asked her to taste her own pussy juice and clean it good.. She obliged and she started with the back of my shaft with her tongue and quickly engulfed the remaining of it when she can use her mouth to clean it. She licked it good and she make sure that there is nothing left there but her wet saliva.
Max: Does it taste good Cher.. do you want more of that later..
Cheryl: Uhum.. I want that and your cum too Max.. all in my mouth..
Max: Did you swallow all of your creamy pussy juice Cher..
Cheryl: *nods slowly* all of it..
Max: Good girl.. now turn over and let me fuck you from behind..
Max: Wait wait.. let me fuck you there near the window..
Cheryl: *She turned back and looked at me with her seductive smile..*
I guided her to the writing table near the window and while she hold the table I pushed my dick deep inside her pussy again. She let out moan and I continue to fuck her from behind there standing doggy position (my fucking favorite position) right facing the view of HongKong Bay. We were staying in high floors and with the unblocked views there are no worries of being spotted by anyone. She loved it, and I think this also turn her on quite a bit.
Cheryl: Do you think there is anyone watching us baby..
Max: I don't fucking care Cher..
Cheryl: I think its good if someone is watching me being fucked so hard by you Max..
I continued to fuck her vigorously while I grabbed her boobs with my two hands at the same time allowing me to play with her hardened nipples. She is shorter than me by some so she had to close her legs while she was being fucked doggy from behind. This only benefits me cause the tighter her pussy wrap my dick, the easier and the faster she can come. And I was right.. not long after I fuck her non stop.. her knees began to shake and she told me that she couldn't take it anymore..
Cheryl: Oooh Max... aaahh.. I.. I think I can come again Max..
It seriously just take a constant hard fucking to make her come.. as long I keep my dick hard and erected and as long I fuck her in constant same tempo to the same spot she will easily come. That what I found out about Cheryl. And when she comes, nowadays I always make it a habit for her to tell me out loud and let it go. She later admit it that she initially really shy to let me know that she reached her climax every time she is being fucked by me. But anyway, after she came she immediately collapsed, but it didn't stop me there to fuck her, I let her stay on her knees while I got down on my knees and continue to doggy fuck her from behind. I held her two hands and I put it on her back near the waist (like being handcuffed) so I make sure she kept her body straight up while I fucked her from behind.
This drove her crazy as she continued beg me to stop. She said she couldn't take it anymore as she just came and heck I really don't give a shit. I fuck and fucked her again until she scream out my name and told me that she came again. This time she collapsed on the floor after I let go her hands, and guess what.. I did not stop.. I continue fuck her pussy from behind and at this state she really had no energy to fight back and she can only let me fuck her pussy deep from behind. I fucking fucked her like a dog nonstop and she couldn't even say a word but just continued to pant and moaned loudly.
Fucking her on the floor did tire me up a bit since this move is more tiring than standing doggy or even fucking on the bed. So I grabbed her arms and pull her to the bed.. I want her to be on top of me, but I know at this stage she is nothing and will collapse on to me anytime soon if I let her ride me. So I put her on top of me, but backwards so she can face the ceiling while I fuck her from behind. This allow me to grabbed her boob and finger her pussy with my other hand.
Cheryl: Max ooh Max.. you are insane.. I .. I couldn't take it anym.. Aaaahh.. Ooowh.. Ooooh..
This is really the time when she really become my slut and sex slave. I can do anything I want, without even think of her. I made her come over and over again and the sight and the sound of her coming is really keep the momentum going for me. If she didn't keep continue to come.. chances are I wont be able to keep going and keep turned on that long.
Cheryl: Max Max... ooh you need to come Max..
Max: Not yet Cher..
Cheryl: Baby let me blow you so you can come inside my mouth okay..
Cheryl: Let me rest for a while and I promise I will let you fuck me again after. I really couldn't catch my breath..
to be continued..
06-07-2011, 12:35 AM
1 word
06-07-2011, 01:08 AM
You are a real fucker!! Nice powerful writing...
06-07-2011, 10:04 AM
Power. Mind fucking vs Real fucking!
06-07-2011, 10:09 AM
1 powerfull fuck..respect..
07-07-2011, 12:04 PM
+10 power fuck :D
Sexy Under
07-07-2011, 02:20 PM
Read until I also need to catch a breath. :D
07-07-2011, 08:17 PM
Read until I also need to catch a breath. :D
Take a deep breath sir, next installment is coming ahead. Don't lose yourself yet :D
08-07-2011, 04:11 PM
My mind bogged! Can't progress any further, a hardon and need to PCC in the toilet. What a good write-up, steamy, juicy, sexciting and above all intensified my urge to have a good PCC now. Cheers bro!
08-07-2011, 05:32 PM
great story bro!!! cant wait for update
Rasta Marley
08-07-2011, 07:10 PM
Thank you for the support guys and girls! I am writing another long installment and hopefully I can finish it by tonight. :D
Good posts and writing; just upped you for your continuing contributions :cool:
09-07-2011, 02:57 AM
Happy camper with snacks and pillows bunking in ^__^
Actually read ur thread after i finished the other thread about Gin before registering for this forum =p
09-07-2011, 03:49 AM
camping here.
09-07-2011, 07:54 AM
Bro TS....your story power lei....:D:D:D
09-07-2011, 04:24 PM
I could use some breather I told myself, so I agreed and let her blow my cock again. She knows what I want, she put her two hands behind her back as if like she got handcuffed and started blowing my cock. She also dripped some saliva from her mouth since she knows I like a very wet blow job. She make sure my cock is covered with her saliva before she put it back in her mouth. I saw she tries to please me and be a good girl by following whatever I said to her, so I told her:
Max: Come here Cher.. come up here..
Cheryl looked at me seductively while she continues to slowly blow my cock up and down. I pat the bed signalling her to come up and lay just beside me on my left. She released my cock from her mouth but only to seduce me by sticking out her tongue to give my shaft a good one slow lick from my balls up to the tip of my dickhead. She came up, laid beside me and leaned on my chest.
Cheryl: Max you are indeed serial fucker. *pinch my arm*
Max: Was it good Cher?
Cheryl: Uhumm.. you really fucked me good sweetheart. I love your cock deep inside my pussy.
Max: You know I am still gonna fuck you till I come right.
Cheryl: mmhmm... *stretch her left hand and slowly stroke my cock*
While she did that I couldn't resist to plant a kiss and french her slowly. She let out a soft moan and reciprocate to my kiss. It was slow passionate kiss rather than animal like french kissing that we did earlier. I played with her lovely pair of boobs while she continues to slowly handjob me. We french, we bit each other lips, we licked each other lips, we placed our hand in each other private area tease a little here and there. This time around we did it like a couple instead. We passionately kiss and hug each other closely. I brushed her hair and told her how beautiful she is. I put my finger on her back moving in motion like drawing something. It made her let out soft moan and it seems she is pretty sensitive while I touched it with my finger. She keep her hand on my cock and everytime I had a pre-cum she make sure that she spread it over so it wet my cock. Her nails teased my balls and her sensual moan always make me want to have her more.
I decided to move on top of her while we continue to kiss each other. I held her two hands make sure it tied up to the bed while I continuously kiss from her lips, chin, neck, ear, down to her beautiful shoulder, just right below her armpit, moved a little to the side of her boob and licked around her lovely two hardened nipples. I licked her body from navel area up to her cleavage. She couldn't do anything because my two hands held her two hands tied and placed it just on the right and left of her head.
I flicked her nipples and bit it a little just soft enough to make hear let out little moan. She tried to grinned to my cock everytime her pussy make a contact with my cock. Sometimes my dick was placed just outside her pussy and she tried to rub it off to her pussy entrance. She opened her eyes and said:
Cheryl: Max.. make love with me now.. I want to feel you inside me..
to be continued..
09-07-2011, 05:20 PM
One of the best written thus far.. cheers.
09-07-2011, 06:16 PM
awesome! keep it coming
09-07-2011, 06:49 PM need to cum you know :D
10-07-2011, 11:19 AM need to cum you know :D
But if I come early then the story will become very short :D I was doing it for the advantage of many of us now. :D
10-07-2011, 11:56 AM
One of the best written thus far.. cheers.
I agree too ^__^ felt a connection the the last part whether intentionally or not. Seductive and more passionate this time round.
10-07-2011, 03:26 PM
Omg!! My dick is going to explode now!
11-07-2011, 10:18 PM
I held my cock and brushed it over on her pussy lip..
Cheryl: mmmmmhhh... don't you want to put it in Maxy..
Max: Put what in Cher..
Cheryl: Put your big hard cock in my wet pussy...
I put just the dickhead inside her pussy and she let out moan while she bit her lips. She looked at me and said:
Cheryl: I want you to put it deeper Max..
Max: mhmm..
I slid my cock deep inside her pussy and we both fucked and kissed each other passionately right there in conservative missionary style. It was slow, passionate and good. It was a long strokes everytime I penetrate in and out her pussy. We kept this position for sometime, constant thrust and constant tongue fight that we had during missionary turned me on real bad. I love the sight when she stuck out her tongue to reach out to my mouth while I fucked her missionary. It seems like she loved to french or tongue fight when we do missionary. Her tongue sometime licked her own lips too like she tasted and satisfied with the best food ever. Her two hands constantly grab my butt and pull it over closer to her everytime I thrust her pussy. It seemed like she love it deep and a little rough at times. I saw her eyes, and she was like high in ecstasy over the time. Her pussy was real wet too that I could feel her juice dripping to my balls. Her constant moan and little scream together with tight grab on my butt or tight hug it all add up together. The sight of her there drive my mind mad and push the urge for me to come even closer. I told her:
Max: Cher I think I can come soon..
Cheryl: Lets come together Max..
Max: You're close baby?
Cheryl: I can come anytime Max*with her eyes barely open* .. oooh...
Max: Yeah.. then come Cher..
Cheryl: aaaaawwwhhh.... oooooohhh.. mmmhhhhh..... mmhhhhhhh.... mmmmmmhh..... baby ple..eaee...seee. comee..
Max: Yeah you like it Cher...
Cheryl: Your cock is so big and hard Max... oowhhh... Aaahhhhhh *short scream*
Cheryl: Come inside me Max....
Max: I'm gonna come inside your mouth instead okay..
Cheryl: mmmhhmm... I want to taste it..
Max: *breathe heavily*
Cheryl: Come Maxy, come inside my mouth.. *stick her tongue out*
Max: Open your mouth baby.. get ready... I am gonna come soon alright..
Cheryl: mmmhmmm...
I pulled out my cock from her pussy and went standing up on the bed while she got up to her knee and stuck her tongue out and look at me with her seductive look. I put my cock just at the tip of her tongue and started spraying my load on her tongue and in her mouth.. She took it all... Geez I remember how much I shot inside her mouth. It was at least 4-5 big spray of cum to her mouth. Her tongue was covered by my cum and she immediately put my cock in her mouth after taking all in. I can feel all the sperm and her saliva around my dick as she still keep my cum inside her mouth. My dick is too sensitive after coming so I told her to stop blowing me and show me whats inside her mouth. She opened her mouth to show how much load I had in her mouth.
Max: Swallow it all Cher..
She looked at me, closed her mouth and swallowed it all one time. No sense of disgust or anything. She swallowed it all as if that's the best thing she ever tasted before. She quickly went to give me another blowjob which I need to stop cause its just too much for my dick. After she reluctantly released my cock from her mouth, she then said:
Cheryl: Its bitter Max!.. too much alcohol and coffee..
Max: Yeah..?
Cheryl: but I love it.. I love to swallow your cum..
Max: You sucha dirty girl Cher..
Cheryl: to be honest, let me tell you little secret
Max: Whats that..?
Cheryl: *whisper* this is my first time swallowing cum.. *giggle*
She quickly went up to me and kissed me again...
to be continued..
11-07-2011, 11:20 PM
Huat ah!!! Hahaha!
12-07-2011, 07:00 PM
I agree too ^__^ felt a connection the the last part whether intentionally or not. Seductive and more passionate this time round.
Yea, it was one of the passionate moment we had, considering that most of the time its more towards lusty relationship. It was slow and gentle towards the end at that time. I still remember.. ;)
12-07-2011, 08:50 PM
wassay I love following your story man TS, very very descriptive :p..
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