View Full Version : Sex Addicition
20-06-2011, 12:50 PM
Are bros here seriously sex addicts? Going for paid sex, seeing porn, having sex illusion for OL..
If you are single, think it ok, but what if u are attached??
20-06-2011, 01:03 PM
Tiger Woods may have a better answer to this. :D
20-06-2011, 01:07 PM
a seriously sex addicts have strong sex drive, no matter single or attached, he need sex any moments
sometime external temptation also play a part, if u got free lunch, u will reject??
20-06-2011, 01:11 PM
Tiger Woods may have a better answer to this. :D
Good one! Join his fan club and write to him, TS :D
20-06-2011, 01:17 PM
i think most sexually active men will be addicted to sex :D
20-06-2011, 02:50 PM
if u got free lunch, u will reject??
well...depends on the light.
i predict this will never happen to me.
20-06-2011, 03:01 PM
siao liao, TS talking about me :D
20-06-2011, 04:34 PM
Are bros here seriously sex addicts? Going for paid sex, seeing porn, having sex illusion for OL..
If you are single, think it ok, but what if u are attached??
sex addiction is the worst thing ever. Not fun at all, every freaking second you are thinking about it, spending money you dun have and fucking shit which you will never even look at. And when you dun get sex, you cant think straight, cant even do simple things like a sudoku puzzle.
First step to solving it, you need to know you have a problem. And all the talk about getting a hobby is pure crap. Go IMH and seek proper help.
i am seriously addicted to sex since i broke up with my gf... i pull a lot of girls lately...and i would fuck them even if they are flat chested, i am a boobs man... but i am so hungry of sex that i would fuck any decent looking girls these days.... i used to have high standards...
20-06-2011, 05:40 PM
i am seriously addicted to sex since i broke up with my gf... i pull a lot of girls lately...and i would fuck them even if they are flat chested, i am a boobs man... but i am so hungry of sex that i would fuck any decent looking girls these days.... i used to have high standards...
when u hungry, u take any food
20-06-2011, 05:46 PM
a seriously sex addicts have strong sex drive, no matter single or attached, he need sex any moments
sometime external temptation also play a part, if u got free lunch, u will reject??
I agree with bro bblove. Few yrs back, i was attached to my gf. There was once she went out station wif a few of her gfs and i decided to go club wif my dudes since she's away and i gt nothing to do anyway. So happen to meet tis young chick or we all call syt. Abt 20-23?? Managed to bang her like crazy before the club closed. LOL..... Damn was she tight and wet.
Morale is, if as long there is honey, there will be bees. And if the bees dont take the honey, well, tats one damn stupid bee.
Just my 2 cents worth.
20-06-2011, 07:42 PM
Convert your religion and get your wives to join OWC ? :D
20-06-2011, 09:42 PM
Channel your energy to do something u like to end of day u will have not much energy for sex.
If ur only hobby is sex.....then u r in deep trouble. Best consult a psychologist:cool:
20-06-2011, 10:01 PM
I actually think it is a good "Addiction" !!! Well, at least better than doing Drugs or Gambling. Important is don't forget to wear a rubber ! Cheers.... ha ha :):p
20-06-2011, 10:19 PM
If u cant control it, you're addicted, although i dont mind meeting the female counterpart of sex addiction. :D
21-06-2011, 10:53 AM
I actually think it is a good "Addiction" !!! Well, at least better than doing Drugs or Gambling. Important is don't forget to wear a rubber ! Cheers.... ha ha :):p
Yes, agreed :D this is healthy addiction :)
21-06-2011, 11:47 AM
Yes, agreed :D this is healthy addiction :)
Bro, forgive me but I beg to differ. Please allow me to explain why.
To you, maybe healthy if you can control the urge. but being able to control - that not consider addiction.
Addiction is something unable to control. Like addiction to drugs. you will go into "cold turkey" when being resist from the "thing" you need, in this case sex.
I have a very close friend who almost lost everything because of sex addiction. I will illustrate his story if you guys are interested to know.
To me, all addiction is unhealthy. moderation is healthy. (within your means)
21-06-2011, 12:09 PM
Are bros here seriously sex addicts? Going for paid sex, seeing porn, having sex illusion for OL..
If you are single, think it ok, but what if u are attached??
To me, all addiction is unhealthy. moderation is healthy. (within your means)
It really does not matter if you are single or attached, addiction, no matter sex, drugs, gambling, smoking, etc, is not good.
Remember, everything in moderation. And that includes your veg.
(o)(o) Tuner
21-06-2011, 12:41 PM
Bro, forgive me but I beg to differ. Please allow me to explain why.
To you, maybe healthy if you can control the urge. but being able to control - that not consider addiction.
Addiction is something unable to control. Like addiction to drugs. you will go into "cold turkey" when being resist from the "thing" you need, in this case sex.
I have a very close friend who almost lost everything because of sex addiction. I will illustrate his story if you guys are interested to know.
To me, all addiction is unhealthy. moderation is healthy. (within your means)
Hi Filanuke
Please share your friend's story with us.
21-06-2011, 01:43 PM
It really does not matter if you are single or attached, addiction, no matter sex, drugs, gambling, smoking, etc, is not good.
Remember, everything in moderation. And that includes your veg.
Well I usually go for bonk (paid sex) once a month, but I have seen my buddy in this forum getting into alot of shit....
Personally I not having much problems, but as bros mention as long there is honey, there will be bees.
21-06-2011, 01:49 PM
Well I usually go for bonk (paid sex) once a month, but I have seen my buddy in this forum getting into alot of shit....
Personally I not having much problems, but as bros mention as long there is honey, there will be bees.
It is always good to hear that you are not having much problems. Well, sexual addiction is not the end of the world., the person just need to get appropriate help.
I am afraid it is true though, it takes either an incredibly strong-willed bee, a cowardly bee or a simply foolish bee not to get nectar...
21-06-2011, 02:02 PM
I will illustrate his story if you guys are interested to know..
pls do share bro ... thanks.. :)
21-06-2011, 04:13 PM
The story goes all the way back many years ago. This close friend of mine is like my brother. We study together in pri sch. Keep in contact till now. There are a group of us but I’m the closest with him. Let’s call him “Jon”.
Jon first introduction to commercial sex was in his (I think) 17 or so. He hasn’t visited any yet but he see other of his friends talking about it and he got excited. He had a GF (3 yrs together since 15) then and had sex with her (lost his virgin to her) before too. But they broke off due to a series of misfortune (long story too). So he was pretty sad and all so he said to me that he was to go geylang. I didn’t stop him but I just told him to be careful and use a CD. I haven’t been there before then so didn’t that it’s a must to use CD.
After that incident, He was like always talking to me about geylang and how pretty the girls are. And ask me to go along. I didn’t reject but follow him to look see look see. Every time he is there he will sure go for a short time. To be honest, I was tempted too. Thai girls are really pretty plus the stuff they wear.
I still remember that year was his O level. Of cos he didn’t make it due to all the temptation he has. I tried talking to him about it but he keep telling me he knows what he is doing.
Then I start to wonder, where he get the money from? He work part time in a convenient store as a storekeeper and cashier that pays him $4 or $5/hr and he is like going very often. When I question he keep telling he has his way of “earning” money. Later I found out that he was actually stealing money from the cashier using some special method of accounting which will tally up at the end of the day. I told him to stop doing that but he didn’t listen.
Sooner his boss got a little suspicious but he was quite smart and knew that and quit his job the next day. He then found a higher paying job $6/hr and continues to waste his money in geylang. At this point I was also living my life busy work and studying so I didn’t have much time to care about him. Just catch up with him once a week to make sure he is ok. He told me he has not been frequent geylang and only once a month or so. I was relief and happy for him. For Now...
There's about 10 year worth of story of him. if you guys are really willing to read and not bored by my lousy english and writing skills, let me know. I will continue. else, I will stop here.
Or I can shorten the entire story into a few paragraph too. Let me know.
21-06-2011, 08:37 PM
Shorten into paragraph will be gd. Do share bro.
22-06-2011, 12:58 AM
I’m glad that you are interest in him story.
Anyway to cut short the story, I will just point out those important events of him.
Event 1. He got the know some other friends who are also in to geylang girls and the cheong together. Then he kena KC with one of them and he goes there almost every other day. From short time to booking.
Event 2. He met a girl, his 2nd GF. Good for him, since then he stop going to geylang. He enter army and the girl broke off with him cos she know another guy. Broke his heart and he got depress. And started to go back to geylang. This time, he got even deeper. He went to look for CAT 80 and Cat 150. Imagine his NS pay… how to support this type of hobby? I seriously dunno how he survive but he did thou.
Event 3. He came out of army, when to study. Mean while also go geylang cos he work part time Graduate and start working full time, earn more, got a 3rd GF, stop going to geylang. GF broke off with him cos he is not ready to get married but GF wanted to get married. He continue to go geylang, sometime cat 40, sometime cat 80, sometime cat 150.
Event 4. Got to know 4th GF but this gal quite young and have issue. So they didn’t stay together for too long. This time, he started exploring different stuff. From PRC FL to Thai hotel FL to Thai “model” ($200) type to Korean to Euro. I think other then local FL, all he try before. When he has no money, he will go back to cat 40(50 now) or even indo gals. His mind is all about sex only.
Event 5. A turn in his life. He met 5th GF who eventually became wife. He told me wanted to stop the commercial sex but I guess he step in too deep. Cannot get out. Even pay for sex after married.
Event 6. Final stretch… He found a “ok” paying job, have OT pay and he started going for more and more of those expensive FL. Wondering the streets of geylang, going to hotels, health centre. Get this point he is out of control. He went out of money and start using credit line and credit card cash advance to satisfy his lust. It’s like point of no return. I would say almost bankrupt. There’s event once he went to health centre, pay with credit card and his wife found the bill. Almost got divorce, but manage to convince wife that he just there for massage and nothing else.
Here is how he got out.
On the monetary level, He seeks help from us friends. Told us every single details and we then know he is in deep shit. We manage to help him consolidate all his credit card into a loan and he did a fix installment to the bank and unable to apply credit card meanwhile. He started working part time to save up some and to clear his debt.
On the mental level, we suggest him to pick up a different hobby. He started working out as a hobby and quit smoking (only social). We also suggest to use some of the money to treat himself and wife for some gourmet dining, buy himself some gives as a form encouragement that he didn’t pay for sex. Divert all his energy from the addiction to something else like learning something new.
Right now he seems happy and have stop paying for sex entirely. Although sometimes he will join us to clubbing, KTV, and event massage. All in moderation and with our watch and supervision. Since then all thing seems good.
Btw he is in this forum too. I have gotten his permission to tell you guys this, in hope that you guys can learn from his experience.
If any of you are facing this problem, I suggest tell a close friend and seek help. Dun be a hero and think that you can do everything alone.
22-06-2011, 10:58 AM
Well said bro filanuke.... At least there is friends around him for support.
22-06-2011, 12:54 PM
Nice to know that good friendship and support saves the day. ;) Let's start a sexaholics anonymous group :D
22-06-2011, 02:03 PM
thanks for the story bro filanuke. :)
22-06-2011, 05:20 PM
Thanks Fila bro, that was a great story! I hope your friend has managed to control his strong appetite for sex.. Maybe he should just try for a child that will keep his mind occupy with more important stuffs other than sex.
For guys with HSD, maybe u can consider to go work as a gigolo, at least u r paid for engaging in sex.. U earn money in the doing n don't have to fork out a single cent. = kills 2 birds with 1 stone.
23-06-2011, 05:13 AM
Well I usually go for bonk (paid sex) once a month, but I have seen my buddy in this forum getting into alot of shit....
Personally I not having much problems, but as bros mention as long there is honey, there will be bees.
Once a month... that is hardly an addiction. An addiction is when you think about it all the time, even when you are not actually doing it.
23-06-2011, 10:41 AM
Reading all the posts on sex addiction, am glad to know I'm not as bad.
I try to keep myself busy always, with work or sports activities. However, the mind cannot be occupied 24hrs a day. There will be periods where there is just nothing to do. That's when I will wonder and wander. These wandering will lead me to FLs. I don't like to go Geylang or health centres. Geylang is too crowded and never thought health centres were worthy. These bouts of wandering will last maybe a week before I 'wake up' and started getting myself busy again.
During these bouts of wandering, friends and colleagues will sometimes ask why I look so lost or moody. So much so, they now comment that I'm having that time of month when my mind and body starts wandering.
Outside of these wandering periods, I'm a very active and sociable person, whether in sports or work or outings with friends.
Maybe, it's just a psychological problem that I need to get help with.
23-06-2011, 11:37 AM
Well I usually go for bonk (paid sex) once a month, but I have seen my buddy in this forum getting into alot of shit....
so far, i'm on minimum twice a month...would love to cut down to once a month.
apart from sports and diy to relieve the needs, couldn't think of other ways already :(
and i have no intention to look for a gf/fb/fwb just to clear the need.
24-06-2011, 03:39 PM
oh dear...
is me problem considered an addiction ?...
me tink of sex all the time...
have sex about 3-4 times a week...
2 shots min per sex session...
one of me most recent encounter...last week...
3 sessions in a day...with 3 diff 3 diff hotels...
24-06-2011, 08:04 PM
Paying for sex if you can afford it is surely no problem,just don't resort to rape.For a moment of folly you will pay a dear price for it.Having a girlfriend or fb is the best.
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