View Full Version : chinatown complex

03-08-2011, 08:29 PM
cut the story short, today during lunch time, i went from my office in shenton way to makan in chinatown, after which i walk around in people park center after buying 4D, and in the basement of the shopping i found a shop, quite well decorated and high class one, the door states for ladies only, i knocked on the door and asked for massage, i went in, a gal wearing uniform massage me, and the rest is history, the massage is good and the special is good also.
the lady who massaged me is singaporean and during the special they will lock the door also, to give u total comfort.

massage: 40 for 1 hr
special : i try FJ for 70
environment : 7/10
boobs: 8/10
looks: 8/10

03-08-2011, 10:19 PM
so TS you are a female ?

03-08-2011, 10:22 PM
Bro, can pm me the contact? Thanks

03-08-2011, 10:25 PM
people park center or complex?? i think yr female only meant for e masseur? lolx..

03-08-2011, 10:53 PM
just to clarify, it is in people park center, and on the door, there is a sign "for ladies only" guess it is their idea to help take cover for the shop, btw i am a male lo

03-08-2011, 11:07 PM
that's surprising. maybe im suaku but never know existence of such a shop in ppc. bet most bros familiar with chinatown would not have known this joint too. sounds like a dam discreet shop but yr clues spoil all the fun liao. all bros need to do is to goto #b1 n look for a shop with the 'for ladies only' sign.

03-08-2011, 11:12 PM
just pass the details to 5 of the bros here, have fun

03-08-2011, 11:19 PM
dont think its in the basement floor or maybe we all thought it was really for ladies only and did not bother to venture furthur .

03-08-2011, 11:21 PM
Sorry TS,

you are creating problems with your post. You are not helping anyone here.. Either you are naive or your intentions are questionable.

03-08-2011, 11:41 PM
sorry bro., i only pass them to those with high points and power

04-08-2011, 12:00 AM
i've never come across a 8/10 gal in ppc in recent years. ok TS, give u benefit of doubt, will go ppc to check it out over the weekend. hope the shop still survive by then. n yes, pls ask them not to take down that sign which is a vital clue! :cool:

04-08-2011, 12:04 AM
The whole ppc is so crowded and sometimes can see mah da kai having lunch there… very risky…

04-08-2011, 12:06 AM
she look like those syt and ol

04-08-2011, 01:07 AM
cut the story short, today during lunch time, i went from my office in shenton way to makan in chinatown, after which i walk around in people park center after buying 4D, and in the basement of the shopping i found a shop, quite well decorated and high class one, the door states for ladies only, i knocked on the door and asked for massage, i went in, a gal wearing uniform massage me, and the rest is history, the massage is good and the special is good also.
the lady who massaged me is singaporean and during the special they will lock the door also, to give u total comfort.

massage: 40 for 1 hr
special : i try FJ for 70
environment : 7/10
boobs: 8/10
looks: 8/10

shld be a new shop, three weeks ago i saw ex l* z* masseuse
come back and survey the plc.

04-08-2011, 01:24 AM
shld be a new shop, three weeks ago i saw ex l* z* masseuse
come back and survey the plc.

LZ boss (if we r on d same frequency) is still quite a looker for her age. she was 1 of those whom i patronised when i 1st started chionging the TN scene 10 years back. she was wkg in this joint SEASONS with anthr gal SS (whom i lost her whereabts n til today is still 1 of my all time favourite) in #B1 then.

04-08-2011, 01:54 AM
bro oven,u got try mabel behn spa?
Now mia.
Also m**n spa, y * y* spa, mei m*.
Still around.

04-08-2011, 07:14 AM
Can pass the details to me? Thanks.

04-08-2011, 10:40 AM
I have tried one shop on 4th floor last week that provides good service, but not aware of this one

04-08-2011, 02:53 PM
ppc ctr lah dei!
Wheeeere got fourth floor???

04-08-2011, 03:00 PM
basement shop, shld be new shop,
there use to be a lady only shop at second, or 3rd
flr,open day time.
If basement then its shld be new.
Think malaysian not sporean.
Sporean wont do this type, they freelance.

04-08-2011, 04:23 PM
Was around the area just now.Remember the shop 'for ladies only'.So knock knock and a lady in uniform open the door.Ask for massage but she says for ladies only.Peiseh la quickly walk away.Maybe I am not suay ker enough??!!

04-08-2011, 09:54 PM
just pass the details to 5 of the bros here, have fun

Hi bro,

I went down there just now, I enter the slide door and asked for masaage. they said don't have. Please don't play us out. You sure the shop provide?


04-08-2011, 10:17 PM
Hi bro,

I went down there just now, I enter the slide door and asked for masaage. they said don't have. Please don't play us out. You sure the shop provide?


thk bro for informing:)

04-08-2011, 10:29 PM
dont ask for massage, they trying to conceal, try asking for facial or etc, confirm have one, guarantee + chop:)

04-08-2011, 11:08 PM
dont ask for massage, they trying to conceal, try asking for facial or etc, confirm have one, guarantee + chop:)

wahh ... u gave away so many details ... im sure the gal(s) will be surprised (shocked, suspicious?) at the surge in walk-in enquiries these few days. now im contemplating if i shd recce this shop over the weekend. ;)

04-08-2011, 11:10 PM
now the security guard at basement position his chair , and always
looking at people moving in and out .:confused:

04-08-2011, 11:13 PM
2 type of threads, with her knowledge, without her knowledge.

so she shock, there is surge in ppl walkin.
even jagar also scare.:eek::eek::rolleyes:

05-08-2011, 02:44 AM
thk bro fai and vigilant for update.

U know, one prc gone , another will come and take over.
Today i did not recce, i sure know its that shop , formerly left
vacant by the shandong woman.
Now another prc make it into a beauty shop, with classic
decoration. A white clothing like nurse pull over lady sitting at desk.
Her face can tell u she a prc.

Note, its not first class shop. As mention by ts.
There is none in ppc, not in chinatown.
If marina bay sand shop is class one, then the shop in
ppc should be around class four to five.

Maybe next time i try third floor beauty shop.
Try my luck.

06-08-2011, 12:02 AM
was there recce, but tot i saw the sign 'for ladies' on the either 2nd or 3rd floor next to a barber shop, but did not ask coz too many ppl. u guys can check it out.

06-08-2011, 12:49 AM
dont listen to him, its not second nor third flr shop,
its basement, as mention by ts.

06-08-2011, 01:22 AM
do not confuse with chinatown complex, which is at smith street.
Also ppc is ppl park centre.
Not ppl park complex.

06-08-2011, 02:56 AM
shld hv try 3rd floor barber shop.

06-08-2011, 06:53 AM
shld hv try 3rd floor barber shop.

Aren't the ladies there a little old? The last time I walked past that place I noticed that the ladies are all almost 50 or could even be older and they don't appear attractive at all. Do they have syts now?

06-08-2011, 10:06 AM
Aren't the ladies there a little old? The last time I walked past that place I noticed that the ladies are all almost 50 or could even be older and they don't appear attractive at all. Do they have syts now?

one place has younger malay but not syt - same place I have regular massage with two at one time - one gives good massage other is ok - when comes to HJ can roam but they wear pantyhose so not too much bottom but as been regular get to suck nipple while one sucks mine - ages must be 40's(no good at judging) body big like auntie in markets - damage $100 - $50 each

as say no for everyone but for me ok - also as ang moh maybe get extras - but get one hour and good release - rates from others is $20 for hour massage and $30 for HJ

07-08-2011, 02:40 AM
one place has younger malay but not syt - same place I have regular massage with two at one time - one gives good massage other is ok - when comes to HJ can roam but they wear pantyhose so not too much bottom but as been regular get to suck nipple while one sucks mine - ages must be 40's(no good at judging) body big like auntie in markets - damage $100 - $50 each

as say no for everyone but for me ok - also as ang moh maybe get extras - but get one hour and good release - rates from others is $20 for hour massage and $30 for HJ

ok thk bro for update on t**** reflexology,
but one local milf had left, join the milf ghetto
at second flr, so nowaday i dont try the mly joint.

07-08-2011, 12:01 PM
ok thk bro for update on t**** reflexology,
but one local milf had left, join the milf ghetto
at second flr, so nowaday i dont try the mly joint.

hi bro not reflexology place ......if you want details PM me - as say milf/gilf and one younger malay but not a beauty but lets autoroam

07-08-2011, 10:24 PM
today went to PPC n recce ... shop was closed. signboard clearly says 'Strictly for Ladies only'. will recce again another day. muz see how STRICT they are! :D

07-08-2011, 11:03 PM
so strict that, i notice the three camera head at security
counter is aiming onto that corridoor lane.
As i pass by the corridoor, my mind still thinking
of karen shop renew reflexology.,though it had been
gone already.

Try the massage chair,$ 2. Per trial.


Maybe must wait for lady boss not around,
when the local lady mend the counter.
Since ts went there lunch time, so better to try
during lunch time.

08-08-2011, 10:48 AM
i've never come across a 8/10 gal in ppc in recent years. ok TS, give u benefit of doubt, will go ppc to check it out over the weekend. hope the shop still survive by then. n yes, pls ask them not to take down that sign which is a vital clue! :cool:

If the guy's 65 years old, any lady below 40 would be 8/10 ..in their eyes..

08-08-2011, 01:20 PM
dont ask for massage, they trying to conceal, try asking for facial or etc, confirm have one, guarantee + chop:)

Bro! You play me out again. Just now I went to the shop and ask for facial but they don't entertain leh... Are you sure or not???? KNN.


11-08-2011, 11:43 PM
wahhhh ... seems like a lot of old birds cum chinatown lovers here! nolstagic place eh??? :D :D :D. but whr is TS now??? pls come out n clarify leh. dont come n intro lobang n leave bros in the lurch. so far seems like other than TS, no one reaped any fruits from there yet! :rolleyes:

12-08-2011, 02:05 AM
2 shp down toward internet, got one beauty shop.
There is one milf lady doing decent massage.
$40. ﹑per hr.

14-08-2011, 09:54 PM
wahhhh ... seems like a lot of old birds cum chinatown lovers here! nolstagic place eh??? :D :D :D. but whr is TS now??? pls come out n clarify leh. dont come n intro lobang n leave bros in the lurch. so far seems like other than TS, no one reaped any fruits from there yet! :rolleyes:

Yah how come no more FR on this thread anymore can TS please clarified… it's kind of embarrassing to be told off like that

15-08-2011, 03:21 AM
she look like those syt and ol

got the shop ph no.?
Want to phone in , hopefully the syt answer call.
Hope the boss not around. Maybe wednesday lunch

18-08-2011, 05:25 PM
Hi TS :)

I now at Chinatown!
Can u pm me the location please?

Thank You!

19-08-2011, 01:39 AM
..ppl park centre , c* l* very good masg
Jg is 30 dlr only.
A fair prc from yangtze jiang su region.
U can hear her wu dialect accent like those
shanghainese woman.
Not fuzhou, first met her thought was a fuzhou prc.
The shop has good privacy, she and her partner work

19-08-2011, 03:21 PM

I'm very interested in this massage joint. Can share the contact and location? Thank you so much!

19-08-2011, 08:52 PM
cut the story short, today during lunch time, i went from my office in shenton way to makan in chinatown, after which i walk around in people park center after buying 4D, and in the basement of the shopping i found a shop, quite well decorated and high class one, the door states for ladies only, i knocked on the door and asked for massage, i went in, a gal wearing uniform massage me, and the rest is history, the massage is good and the special is good also.
the lady who massaged me is singaporean and during the special they will lock the door also, to give u total comfort.

massage: 40 for 1 hr
special : i try FJ for 70
environment : 7/10
boobs: 8/10
looks: 8/10

so she lock the door, so i will try when the boss not around, during lunch time

19-08-2011, 08:53 PM
so TS you are a female ?

ts had a fj over there . he is male:confused: