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View Full Version : doc dont believe my case as im below 30

06-09-2011, 04:26 AM
I am 26, have consulted a few doctors, told them due to pcc last time, now the hardness, duration, sperm and size is decreasing, but they dont believe me, thus decline to give meds to me and only ask me don't think too much...

I know my thing best, but they keep telling me is my mental because they say i am very young... Is there any bro here have similar experience?

Is it due to low testosterone level? my testosterone level is about 12, which is on the lower edge of the normal mean range, but I suppose it is below normal level for my age.

I found that my tool size has decreased a lot, sperm load also seem not so much and warm dy, last time will sweat during sex, but now no more

pretty sure that it is due to testosterone deficiency? But no doctor is willing to help me on this.

Anyway to increase the tool size, hardness and duration?

Thank you.

07-09-2011, 08:00 PM
I am 26, have consulted a few doctors, told them due to pcc last time, now the hardness, duration, sperm and size is decreasing, but they dont believe me, thus decline to give meds to me and only ask me don't think too much...
Doctors usually do not entertain.

Anyway to increase the tool size, hardness and duration?
Use searching engine. You can solve your queries.

08-09-2011, 02:26 PM
it might be more mental like the doc said

relax and stop thinking about it
give yourself 1-2 weeks break from release
let the body work itself out again.

your mental stress (of underperforming) might be the factor that is prolonging these situations

15-09-2011, 02:07 AM
Doctors usually do not entertain.

Use searching engine. You can solve your queries.

thanks i mean is there a way that solve the root of the problem? cause i dont wanna take steriods for long term..

15-09-2011, 02:08 AM
it might be more mental like the doc said

relax and stop thinking about it
give yourself 1-2 weeks break from release
let the body work itself out again.

your mental stress (of underperforming) might be the factor that is prolonging these situations

for duration, maybe yes...

but size and hardness will really affect meh?... especially size..:confused::confused:

i went to travel 1 month also cant solve the problem leh:(

15-09-2011, 03:32 PM
if the doc words u dun believe, non of us here will qualify.

try ask god?

go climb Mt Everest then sit there mediated in naked and talk to God and ask him why and how.

15-09-2011, 04:16 PM
Steroids if i am not wrong has quite some negative side effects in the long run. One of which leads to a smaller tool in some cases.
Maybe u should stop Ur sexual activities for a while bro.
See if, when the urge is really great, u can do it or not.
Also, what they say might be true, that its just in ur mind.
In that case, should just approach a psychologist or psychiatrist for help,
If u cant solve it on ur own.

And bro, lifestyle affects! Stay healthy be healthy exercise n keep off smoking or drugs if u do! That helps.

15-09-2011, 04:18 PM
Check this out



16-09-2011, 03:36 AM
Yes there is... And i am saying this from experience...

But first let me try my best with with your problems from what you wrote..

I am 26, have consulted a few doctors, told them due to pcc last time, now the hardness, duration, sperm and size is decreasing, but they dont believe me, thus decline to give meds to me and only ask me don't think too much...

I know my thing best, but they keep telling me is my mental because they say i am very young... Is there any bro here have similar experience?

Firstly the doctor might be correct.. the reason why you might notice your size and duration might be decreasing could be because of pressure to '' do well'' while having sex.. if you dont believe me.. go ahead and check out


instead of double checking your performance, how much you sweat when doing it, how many cc of sperm will come out of your scrotum you should be having sex like this...


Is it due to low testosterone level? my testosterone level is about 12, which is on the lower edge of the normal mean range, but I suppose it is below normal level for my age.

I found that my tool size has decreased a lot, sperm load also seem not so much and warm dy, last time will sweat during sex, but now no more

pretty sure that it is due to testosterone deficiency? But no doctor is willing to help me on this.

now... do really think steroids are the best ideas? havent you heard stories about how steriods makes your balls smaller? yes.. a freind of mine who is into steriods stacking even confided that he notice his balls are getting smaller... wouldnt that add more to the list that will make you low self confident?

Anyway to increase the tool size, hardness and duration?

This is a major yes... But fret not.. i am not going to be recommending you pill or 'extenders' or all that shizz.. what i am doing now is all natural... but it will take effort.. if you are going to pussyfoot your way around it.. then dont say doctors.. nobody can help...

ready to know what i do? ...

wait for it....

wait for it...


bwahahaha, yup... i do jelqing..its old news.. everyone know about the benefits of jelqing.. google it.. but the thing with all the jelqing videos in youtube is that they dont really tell you what to do before the main jelqing exercise itself...

Im sure that you wont be lazy and not google jelqing.. so it means you will noe what or how to do it..

But the thing is.. you need a routine. Jelqing is an exercise routine.. it has warm up,strecthing and the jelqing itself.

Firstly,you gotta warm up.. that right... go and take a hot shower... and with that warm water... spray it on your didi... dont spray on the ball or you will kill your sperm.

After that... you gotta do stretching for your didi for 10 mins.. you dont have to pull your didi so hard like it looks like a tug of war... just enough till you feel the pull..

stretch your didi for 30 secs and then gently slap your didi to your thigh to let the blood flow for 30 secs. thats one min gone...

so what i always do is to do the strecthing/slapping combo by pullling it left ,right,up,down and forward, thats already 5 mins.. continue the same thing for another 5 mins.

And now for the main jelqing... take some lubrications and do your jelqing....

what lubrication you want to use its up to you..but for me i use ''minyak biul'' or biul oil that can be bought only from malay shops that sells traditional oil.. old marsiling, bedok, joo chiat complex have this oil.. Biul oil is made from the animal called biul.. or ferrets.

so how long to do your jelqing? it should be 10 mins for the first week.. with an increment of one min every next week..

so week 1 is 10 mins
weeks 2 is 11
weeks 3 is 12
week4 is 13 so on and so on...

this is considered basic... as time goes one there will be an advanced phase...

then what do you do after the jelqing exercise?

.. after all that stimulations..do you really want to stop at that? pcc lah~! :D

some are against pcc afterr jelqing, some says ok.. as for me.. i say.. why not... it will kill 2 birds with one stone..

but then after pcc...dont go and wash your didi with cold water or any water in fact... its like immediately after going for intense exercise you go to shower... siao ah.. fever lah like that... must warm down first right? you should always wait 30 mins before washing your didi.. so what to do during that? watch youtube?

always make a habit of massaging your didi... that my fren.. is your cool down... how i massage them is by doing this


and that is how to extend thy didi with jelqing... it will take a while but it is sure worth it.. in the first 2 weeks alone i make to fatten up my didi from 10 cm to 13 cm.. longer.. i never count how much that time... but lets say... when i was at a 5 star hotel massage/spa in indonesia last 3 months ago, the massuese who gave me a hj told me she like my didi because its long... AND IT GOT ME A FREE BONK WHEN SHE CAME TO MY ROOM AFTER WORK~!!!

BUT like i said... if you're gonna pussyfoot your way out, then no one can do anything about making your didi longer.

OK.. here are somemore tips i can share you because i am a saint..

dont to the jelqing everyday... you try going to gym everyday.. see if you can tahan or not... same lah with you dick... do it every alternate days... so jelqing one day.. rest one day.. jelqing one day, rest again one day...

KEGEL EXERCISES when incoparated along with the jelqing routine will hasten your elongation process... and kegel exercise is a proven method to make your erection stronger.

Vitamin E helps with sperm counts and sperm 'thickness'

And here is a tip from an indonesian friend of mine... his dick is so big its literally like a dildo.. 8inches long and 6 inches thick... and he has 2 wives because his first wife cannot tahan his thickness..

He use stale tea... yup... as stupid as that sound... he leave a cup of tea overnight to make it stale and uses it too massage his dick everyday..

but there is also a technique to massage your didi with stale tea... my hand tired and its 330 in the morning... maybe next time i will post about it..

or yah... one more tip... this is from a prisoner fren of mine on how to prolong your sex timing...

get a brush.. you know those brush with plastic bristle? and get those... get your didi hard... and brush your didi head away... how long you brush is up to you... brush until you can see your reflection also no problem.. but what it does is when you keep brushing your didi... that tingling tingling feeling you get when you rub your dick head helmet will eventually go away.. once you lose that feeling, it means you can already tahan for quite a bit..

ok lah... i tired.. anything... just pm if you need a any more help... remember... a wise man once said that nobody can love you if you cant love yourself first... well, since i am a wise saint too... my words of wisdom for you is young samurai with low sexual confidence is...

the woman cant enjoy sex with you when you cant enjoy sex itself...

Thank you.

No problem :D
up my rep points if anyone think this are good.. i especially created this damn account just to reply to this thread... see how dedicated i am?


25-09-2011, 08:58 PM
I am 26, have consulted a few doctors, told them due to pcc last time, now the hardness, duration, sperm and size is decreasing, but they dont believe me, thus decline to give meds to me and only ask me don't think too much...
Western doctors usually tell you masterbatiuon (PCC) no harm. They completely have no idea how terribly bad PCC is for all men.

In our TCM (if you are a Chinese), PCC is extremely harmful! It is pointless and useless to consult western doctors about your health problem (in your case).

sperm load also seem not so much and warm dy, last time will sweat during sex, but now no more

Please refer to this post (right click (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=6383670)).