15-10-2011, 10:28 PM
A French-Canadian porn star took his career to new heights when he videotaped himself having sex while skydiving with the receptionist of the skydiving company where he moonlighted as a part-time instructor.
Alex Torres aka "Voodoo" has since been fired from Skydive Taft, but no termination decision has been made about his fellow Mile High Club member Hope Howell.
The award-winning pornographic actor (who was born Alexandre Boisvert) was trying to get the attention of Howard Stern.
The video shows them screwing in the plane on the way to the jump-spot, as they jumped out together, and STILL having sex as they soared through midair upon pulling the ripcord and deploying the parachute. Epic! But now the Federal Airline Administration is investigating...
Alex Torres aka "Voodoo" has since been fired from Skydive Taft, but no termination decision has been made about his fellow Mile High Club member Hope Howell.
The award-winning pornographic actor (who was born Alexandre Boisvert) was trying to get the attention of Howard Stern.
The video shows them screwing in the plane on the way to the jump-spot, as they jumped out together, and STILL having sex as they soared through midair upon pulling the ripcord and deploying the parachute. Epic! But now the Federal Airline Administration is investigating...