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11-10-2012, 01:05 AM
officially welcome back, i have bookmarked this thread since last year.

11-10-2012, 01:08 AM
Welcome backk !!!!!!!

11-10-2012, 08:31 PM
With the conference over, Pei Pei and Clive were back in Singapore. On the plane ride back, Pei Pei had broached the subject of ending their affair. She was surprised that she was actually a little reluctant to do so, but she knew it would be a mistake to keep it up. On Clive’s part, he knew it was the better thing to do, even though he would have loved to keep her as a fuck buddy. So he agreed, and they agreed to forever let the weekend be a secret between the two of them.

Ming Qiang noticed a change in Pei Pei. She seemed more of a woman now, and less of the girl that she used to be. He wondered if it was possible that Clive had managed to get into her pants. Though it was highly unlikely given the tight legged nature of Pei Pei, he had seen enough by now to know that even the most uptight girl could become a whore under the right circumstances. And Pei Pei would surely pose an irresistible attraction to Clive.

He knew Clive. They had gone for drinks regularly, and traded stories of their conquests. They had even recommended different escort agencies to each other in countries they visited. Ming Qiang was aware that Pei Pei’s profile was the kind of girl that Clive usually went for – petite with a fresh face. The more he thought about it, the more he began to have a certain suspicion. He noticed that Clive’s hands would linger on Pei Pei’s shoulder just a little longer than she should have been comfortable with, yet she seemed totally at ease. And he noticed that Clive no longer sneaked glances down Pei Pei’s cleavage like her used to. It was almost as if he’s seen more than that…

Yet everytime he tried to chat Clive up and talk about Pei Pei, he would just be dismissive and appear to not be very interested. On his part, Pei Pei was still very reluctant to talk to him, always keeping their conversations short. She now seemed to exude such an overwhelming sense of womanhood that it would drive him insane to be in close proximity with her. The nude pictures of hers that he had were so deeply burned into his mind that he would always be picturing her naked whenever he saw her. A few times he wanted to reach out and rip off her clothes and do her in her own cubicle, but he was of course not going to ruin his life. He contemplated blackmailing her with the nude pictures, but he knew she might just call the police to have him arrested. The frustration gnawed away at him, and he became increasingly unhappy in the office.

One day, Clive handed Ming Qiang a hard drive and wanted him to copy out some archives, so that he could work on a report while Clive was overseas. As Ming Qiang sorted out through the drive, he realized this was Clive’s personal hard drive, and he found a folder marked “Private”. Of course he tried opening it up, only to realize that it was password protected. It was also a huge file, with more than 100GB locked away inside. Ming Qiang smiled to himself, as he assumed that this was Clive’s private porn stash. However, eager to know if there was any other sensitive information inside, he quietly copied out the data, taking his time to return the hard drive.

That night he went home and set his decryption software to work, and then he got the greatest shock of his life. Also the most pleasant.

11-10-2012, 09:01 PM
just love that write up :D

12-10-2012, 12:11 AM
Welcome back! Pls carry on n dont leave us again

12-10-2012, 03:56 PM
Awesome Story writing!

Upped you with my humble 10 points ^^
Hope you can return the favor :)

12-10-2012, 11:06 PM
Ming Qiang didn’t get any sleep at all the whole night. As he decrypted the password to Clive’s private folder, he found that there was nothing inside except pictures and footage of Pei Pei. It was all the videos Clive took of her in the shower, of him raping her, and of them having sex. His heart pounded away as he first realized what he was watching, and he must have masturbated to the footage at least 5 or 6 times, until he was unable to do so anymore. Clive had used HD cameras to capture the footage, and so what he had was better than any porn Ming Qiang had watched before. The videos were all dated, so he could track the progression of what Clive did. He also found a folder with all the pictures of Pei Pei that Clive had taken with his DSLR.

Knowing that he had in his hands something that could ruin the lives of both Pei Pei as well as Clive, he decided to be careful in how he handled the footage. But at the back of his mind was an insatiable desire to fuck Pei Pei, especially since the instrument to get her in bed was finally at hand. He decided he would blackmail her into sleeping with him.

For the next few days, he satisfied himself with just masturbating off the video footage, since there was so much. He loved the fact that not only was the video of a high quality, but the sound was also fantastic. Using his Beats Audio headphones, he delighted in the sound of Pei Pei’s moans, exquisitely sensual yet with that hint of shyness at being so wanton. Too bad there was no facial closeups, since Clive’s videos were all shot with the hidden camera on the tabletop. However, Ming Qiang was glad to see that the snowy white body he has been dreaming of possessing since they were in NUS has not changed. If anything, Pei Pei had filled out even more nicely since then, her girlish body back then now bearing some maturity, and a greater lushness.

At work, he would cast glances at her, picturing how she would look as he stripped her of whatever she was wearing that day, and how he would remove item of her clothing. Many times he was tempted to email her a picture of her naked photo, and to test her reaction to him. But he didn’t want to be rash, and so he waited while he plotted the perfect plan to turn her into his sex slave.

Poor Pei Pei had no idea what was about to befall her. After returning from her business trip, she had gone home to find Justin being in a very hungry mood. Barely has she taken a shower after returning before he had pounced on her, and removing her clothes with a huger that surprised her. She assumed that he had been sexually deprived for all that time that she was away, and felt guilty that she was actually betraying her husband and getting plenty of action. Little did she know that all the while Justin was doing her, he was thinking of Adeline and how turned on he was by their passionate love making. On her part, after her tryst with Clive, she was more confident in her love making as well, and Justin was amazed at how she suddenly seemed bolder and more assertive. She even found herself comparing Clive’s technique with Justin, something which caused her to blush and immediately push out of her mind. After 10 days of being apart, both found themselves very satisfied with each other.

Pei Pei found herself in a very good mood in the following week, having been newly promoted. True to his word, Clive had been the gentleman and not pursued her about their affair overseas. With Justin being so attentive to her once more and being so satisfied in bed, she felt like everything in her life was as good as they could ever be. Even though she still felt a shadow of guilt for having betrayed Justin, she locked it away in her heart. She had heard many stories from her girlfriends of adulterous relationships and secret affairs in the office, and had always thought it was something she would never do. Yet after what happened to her, she began to recognize the irresistible appeal of an illicit affair, and was surprised to find herself sometimes missing Clive’s arms around her.

12-10-2012, 11:07 PM
On her birthday, she was eager to finish up her work and go home, Clive was away and she had taken half a day off. She was planning to go home to bake something for Justin. Just as she was getting ready to leave the office when she was alone in the pantry, Ming Qiang suddenly walked to her and handed her a card which said “Happy Birthday, Sexy!” on the envelope. Being uncomfortable, she tried to smile and thanked him, then walked away. He stopped her by asking “Aren’t you even going to open it?” Not suspecting anything, she opened up the envelope and found two photos inside. One was of her in her younger days, lying on his bed dressed in a pink top with blue jeans. She recognized what it was and began to tremble, looking up to stare at him with angry eyes. What do you mean by this?” She demanded.

“Look at the other picture first, baby. Don’t get so angry.” She flipped to the other picture and gasped, suddenly feeling weak in her knees. She was on his bed, totally naked with her legs opened wide. “You took pictures? How could you do this to me? How many more are there?” She demanded in a whisper, realizing that she was in the office, and didn’t want others to hear what was going on. “I have plenty more, and they have been satisfying me on many lonely nights ever since you dumped me, sweetie”, he leered at her, drawing one finger across her chin. She angrily slapped her hand away and told him “You better return me every single picture, Ming Qiang. Otherwise I’m going to call the police.”

“Do you really think I’m stupid enough to show you such a picture only to have you threaten me with the police? You’re pretty enough, but you’re really as dumb as it gets. Now, unless you want your darling husband to know what really happened in your recent “business trip” with Clive, you will follow me to my place where I have something else to show you.” Pei Pei was stunned by what she just heard. How had Ming Qiang found out? She knew better than to follow Ming Qiang home, but what else could she do? With her mind in a daze, she simply followed Ming Qiang out of the office, and got into the car.

Ming Qiang knew about her half day leave. He overheard her telling her colleague she wanted to surprise Justin, and knew that the whole afternoon by herself presented the perfect opportunity for him to fuck her senseless. He had set up his own bedroom with his own set of video cameras. Having always been a tech buff, he had set up the room such that the cameras would start recording once he turns on the bedroom lights. He had 3 different cameras set up in different angles, and he didn’t even care that two of them were not very well hidden. He had Clive to thank for the idea. Of course, he didn’t know that Clive used hidden cameras, but seeing Clive’s personal stash of “Pei Pei’s Porn”, he was determined to star in his own series of “Pei Pei’s Porn”.

On the short drive home, Pei Pei was very silent, while Ming Qiang was eager to get home. He had waited too long to fuck her, and he was eager to get down to the action. When she asked “what do you want to show me at home”, she was expecting only more pictures of herself in the nude. She remembered now, what had happened that fateful afternoon when she had gotten drunk. Yet never had she even imagined that Ming Qiang could have been so despicable as to actually have taken pictures. Ming Qiang simply told her that she will have plenty of time to see what he wanted to show her, and that she should just relax. He reached out to stroke her thigh, pushing her black skirt up to reveal her milky white thighs. She pushed him away forcefully and scolded him “Don’t touch me!” He simply sniggered, and thought to himself “I’ll be touching you plenty later on, that’s for sure!”

12-10-2012, 11:37 PM
Don't stop now Bro....

No power to up u, but I can bump to first page !!


12-10-2012, 11:47 PM
Thanks for the effort. Upzz :)

13-10-2012, 01:26 AM
poor Pei Pei:(
all the men she meets only want to take advantage of her:mad:

14-10-2012, 01:12 AM
When they reached his house, he motioned for her to sit down at the living room couch, which she hesitantly did. He closed the windows and drew the blinds while Pei Pei nervously looked on, then he turned on the TV. Having already set everything up to perfection, he started playing the video of Pei Pei’s first day in the US, changing her clothes in the hotel room. Her hands flew up to her mouth as she stifled a gasp, slowly recognizing what it was that she was seeing. How could this be? Someone was quietly filming her? Ming Qiang had a friend? Slowly dawning in on her, she began suspecting if it was Clive. But even so, it seemed like quite an impossible thing to do, since she had seen no cameras in the room!

Ming Qiang had quietly gone behind to pour out a full glass of vodka into an ordinary glass, and put it on the table in front of her. He then used the remote to switch to the next video he had prepared, which was of her smiling at Clive while giving him a blowjob. She cried out in shock at this, and spun around to look at Ming Qiang. “Who gave you this? How did you ever come by it,” she demanded in shock. He quietly locked his gaze at her and turned up the volume, so that there was no mistaking Clive’s moans of pleasure while she was going down on him. She turned her head back to stare at the TV in horror, and then her eyes widened further as the footage showed Clive pushing her back on the bed, and her unmistakable voice begging Clive to fuck her. She could not believe what she was seeing, and felt her heart sink as she realized that she was absolutely at the mercy of Ming Qiang. She reached out in her state of shock and started to drink the water in front of her. She had downed a big part of it before it registered that it was not water. Realizing that it was alchoholic, she choked at the drink, and started to cough. Ming Qiang sat down and and started to force her to finish the vodka. Grabbing her by the chin, he lifted the cup and made her drink it, not caring that the excess alchohol was dripping down her neck and wetting her beige blouse. As she struggled to cope with the vodka and Ming Qiang’s violence, the liquid inevitably made its way down her throat, and together with the burning sensation of the vodka also came the dizziness associated with it. She felt her spin and herself going weak. She continued to choke and cough away and she collapsed back on the couch.

Ming Qiang loved the scene right in front of her eyes. The helpless Pei Pei, in her silk beige blouse and black knee skirt, with her lace bra visible through the wetness of her top, absolutely at the mercy of him. He knew of her very poor tolerance towards alchohol, and a big glass of vodka would allow her to be pliable enough that he could have her way without too much resistance. He picked her up easily and carried her towards his bedroom, while Pei Pei begged him feely to stop. He turned on the lights in the room and threw her down on the bed. As Pei Pei felt herself slamming onto the bed, she froze up at the sheer violence of the act. She realized that Ming Qiang was not going to be gentle with her, and she was powerless to stop him. It was a very frightening prospect, and she felt like a trapped animal. Ming Qiang meant to have his way with her, and she resigned herself to her impending fate.

14-10-2012, 01:13 AM
As she felt the lights blinding her, she used her hands to cover her eyes. In her semi-conscious state, she could feel Ming Qiang’s hands squeezing her breasts. As she tried to protest, using her arms to shield her breasts, he didn’t need to use much strength to force her arms aside. Spreading them out wide, he pressed his whole body on hers and began to kiss her all over her face. He could taste her salty tears on her cheeks but he didn’t care. This was what he had waited years and dreamt of doing. He wanted to eat her whole face up. Her angelic face with that too-good-to-fornicate expression had tormented his dreams, and here she finally was, at his whim and fancy. He could feel her warm and soft body under his, and her squirming only served to turn him on even more. Knowing that the cameras were rolling, he was careful not to block off the angles with his body.

Kneading away at her breasts while listening to her feeble wails of protests, he started to unbutton her blouse. As Ming Qiang felt her again resisting, he growled at her “stop struggling, or else I will rip this whole thing off and you can go home naked.” Immediately he felt her stiffen up, before reluctantly dropping her hands to the side. As he quickly unbuttoned off her blouse and pulled them apart, his eyes widened in appreciation at what he saw. Womanhood at filled her out more than he had remembered. Her breasts were not only bigger, they seemed more mature, and more lush and ripe. He pushed her bra up quickly to expose her nipples, and loved how they were still the same tiny pink tips that he so loved. As he engulfed her right breasts with his mouth and twirled away at her nipples with his tongue, he could hear her anguished moans as she tried to twist her body away. When his lips left her breast, she could feel the icy coldness of his saliva settling on her exposed skin.

Pei Pei soon gave up her struggle, resigned to the terrible fate that awaited her. She could feel his wandering hands all over her body, as he caressed every inch of her body, sometimes with a violence that scared her, yet other times with a tenderness that would offer some reprieve from her nightmare. Part of her was still numb from the shock that not only did Ming Qiang know of her affair with Clive, he even had video footage. Her mind was swirling under the influence of the vodka as well as shock, wondering what she should do. Her mind was a blank, and she could think of no one to turn to. She could not possibly tell Justin. And since no one knows of her affair with Clive, she could tell no one unless she gave away her secret. She did not know if she could trust Clive now, since there was no other possible explanation for the videos, other than that he had recorded everything in secret.

Ming Qiang was feeling himself lose control. Her body felt so soft and tender, so warm and inviting. Her skin was flawlessly pa;e as he had remembered, and she was even more enticing than the last time he had seen her. She had been totally unconscious then, and its never as fun when the girl is not awake. Here, Pei Pei was definitely awake, and the sort of helpless surrender that she was now displaying appealed very much to the dark side of Ming Qiang. He was angry with her for having denied him and always pretending to be such a chaste girl. Yet she had fucked Clive with the kind of abandonment and enjoyment of a sexual nymph that should have been his pleasure to enjoy while they were dating. He vowed that he would make her pay today, for all the cold showers that he had to take, and the blue balls that he had to suffer when she constantly denied him the joys of her flesh.

14-10-2012, 11:07 AM
TS. Thanks for the continuation.......:)

15-10-2012, 12:14 PM
wah swee la bro. thanks for carry on the story

15-10-2012, 08:25 PM
One of the better stories out there, do continue.

16-10-2012, 12:23 AM
the 'fruit' has been eaten so many times, no longer forbidden already, seems to be free for all, like the sort of own time own target carry on sort of stuff!:(

16-10-2012, 01:25 AM
Thanks for all your supports, bros.

Well bro callmebad, the beauty is that before you get to eat it, the fruit is still forbidden to you. No matter how many times other people have eaten it, no?


No matter how many times Felicia Chin may have been fucked, she still remains a forbidden fruit to me, one that I would LOVE to try one day.


16-10-2012, 01:26 AM
As she laid there on the bed, having given up the resistance, he got up and started to take off his clothes. She sensed him sitting up and tried to get up also, only to feel a violent shove back on the bed and the command to lie there. Whimpering, she laid to her side and tried her best to cover up her nakedness. He quickly stripped himself naked, then reached out for the zipper to her skirt. The latch was quickly undone, and the soft sound of the zip as it was quickly pulled was covered up by the sound of Ming Qiang’s heavy breathing and her stifled sobs. With one swift pull, Ming Qiang removed both her panties as well as skirt, leaving both of them stark naked. He loved how she looked as she laid on her side, her arms and legs both crossed as she tried her best to protect the last shreds of her modesty. He deliberately wondered out loud “You look fucking good, baby. Maybe I should take some pictures of you as a keepsake.”

Her face immediately turned to look at him with panic, as she pleaded with him not to. “Well, if you are a good girl and please me today, I won’t take any pictures of you. But if you resist and I don’t enjoy myself, then I will take out my camera and start shooting away. Don’t forget I can always send the video of you and Clive to your loving husband anytime. So you better give me the fuck of my life today.” Out of sheer terror at hearing his threats, she could only slowly nod her head as she looked at him with her tear-streaked eyes. She slowly sat up, and moved towards him. Ming Qiang stood on the edge of the bed, and waited to see what she would do. She reluctantly reached out with her arms and pulled herself close to him, before she volunteered her lips to him. Opening his mouth, he began to French her slowly, sensing her initial flinch when she came into contact with his lips. He didn’t wait, but simply forcefully mashed his own face against hers, and snaked his tongue into her mouth.

His hands wandered from the nape of her neck down to her bottom, where he used both hands to grab them. He gave them a good hard squeeze, before kneading them in his hands. As Pei Pei ‘s tongue finally started to snake out in response to his kissing, he intensified the pressure on her butt, forcing them closer to his body. He heard her moan and her body momentarily stiffen as she felt his rigid penis press against her stomach. He didn’t care, loving the feel of their naked bodies coming into contact with each other. His hands drifted to the front of her body as he once more caressed her breasts, and loved how sensitive she was to his touch. He could feel her nubile body trying to twist away from contact with his penis but he deliberately kept thrusting it against her. The more she moved, the more alive she felt and the more enjoyable the fuck will be. It wasn’t long before he couldn’t take it anymore. He detached himself from her, then pushed her head down towards his penis. “Suck it” he ordered.

Pei Pei was reluctant to go down on him, having only ever done it for Clive, but she had no choice. Reluctantly, she opened up her mouth, and before she could mentally prepare herself, he shoved his whole penis in, feeling his penis head reach her throat. Immediately her hands shot up to push him back as she started to choke. He let her go and watched her fall back on the bed as she started to cough and cry. “You’d better do a good job, or else you will soon become the next internet sensation, along with Clive,” he threatened. It was bad enough that he threatened to send the video to Justin. She was suddenly horrified at the prospect of the video becoming public. It was unthinkable that anyone should see herself performing those sex acts, especially with a man who wasn’t her husband. She looked at Ming Qiang with hate-filled eyes, but she obediently took his rock hard penis and inserted it into her mouth.

16-10-2012, 01:26 AM
Ming Qiang had been waiting for this moment for the longest time. Fucking her was easy. Getting her to blow him off would be the ultimate act of degredation for her, and something he wanted her to experience to punish her for all the time she had denied him in the past. As her lips started to lubricate his shaft, he was amazed at what a natural she was. From the footage he had watched, he knew it was probably the first time she had ever blown anyone off. She was awkward and slow at first. She had then gotten better at it. Yet here she was, absolutely at ease with the act, blowing him off with the kind of efficiency of someone really used to doing it often. He wondered how often she had done it without being caught on footage. Perhaps with Justin, or perhaps even with other guys! On Pei Pei’s part, she simply wanted to get it over and done with. After having been subject to the kind of abuse that Ming Qiang was giving her, a cold sort of anger settled into her. She told herself not to be the victim, but to be strong. So if he wanted her to blow him, she would do it was efficiency, and get it over and done with as soon as possible.

Ming Qiang was enjoying having her blow him off. Her soft lips looked incredibly sexy as they wrapped themselves around him, and he could feel her tongue as he slipped in and out of her mouth. He could feel himself getting more and more aroused, and he started to moan and dirty talk to her. “Yes, baby. That feels great. You dirty little whore, giving a blow job like a professional. To think that you wouldn’t even let me touch your breasts when we were in university. All this while you pretended to be such an innocent, yet you are nothing more than a sex creature.” As much as Pei Pei tried to ignore what he said, it brought back the not-too-long-ago memories when she was still a good girl with a very simple life. She had a loving husband, a career that was going places, and she had always kept herself chaste and honorable. Yet in the space of barely 3 months, all of that had changed. She had committed adultery on a business trip with her boss, and now she was being raped by her ex-boyfriend, re-living that painful memory of what had nearly happened in his dorm all those years ago. She soon found tears once more welling up in her eyes, and soon she was crying to the point where she could no longer carry on with her blowjob.

Ming Qiang knew his words had struck home, and he had succeeded in breaking her down. He wanted to degrade herself to the point where she felt absolutely worthless. He knew that was the only way to control her, and to make her his own. If he succeeded in totally breaking her, not only would she never go to the police, she would be his to control. Having seen her as the ultimate standard of a chaste and unreachable angel, she would represent the ultimate enjoyment if she could be turned into his own sex slave. Seeing how she was no longer able to continue, he pushed her back on the bed and climbed on top of her. Spreading her legs wide, he positioned himself between her, ready to enter her. She knew what was going to happen, and tried to beg him one last time. “Please don’t do this, Ming Qiang. Please let me off. I’m not like that. I don’t know what I slept with Clive, but I ended it already. Please don’t rape me. I don’t want to do this to Justin. Please let me go.”

16-10-2012, 07:01 PM
Whao! good write up. :)
Do keep it coming.

16-10-2012, 11:51 PM
as I read the latest update, somehow it reminds me of during 2nd World War, Japanese soldiers went round raping women after they conquered a territory

that Ming Qing is like one such person!:mad:

during oral,Pei Pei should just bite off his cock and turn him into a eunuch :p

17-10-2012, 01:22 AM
Ming Qiang simply stared expressionlessly right into her eyes, then with one shove, forcefully entered into her. This drew a scream of shock and pain from Pei Pei, as Ming Qiang relished the moment he had been waiting for all these years. He had finally entered into the sex goddess he had masturbated about on countless nights, and the girl he had despaired of ever having. With one hard shove he buried himself all the way to the hilt, and he stayed in there for a moment without moving, letting himself savor the sensation of his dick deep inside of her tight and hot body. She wailed in despair and tried to move herself, but where could she turn to? Trapped under his frame, impaled by his rod, she could feel him inside of her, pulsing and alive. She had not been well lubricated, since she was definitely not aroused at all by what was happening to her, and she felt almost like a virgin when Ming Qiang came tearing into her. Yet despite the pain from her vagina, she began to feel the slight stirrings of arousal as she felt his dick twitching while buried deep inside of her.

She didn’t recognize it at first, but she could hear him. “God, you are really fucking tight. To think that after all that pussy action you were giving Clive, you would have been loosened up more. Can you feel me inside you, you dirty bitch? Can you feel me sliding in and out of you?” She closed her eyes in despair at his degrading words, but he carried on. “Yes, you little whore, your juices are starting to flow. Beginning to like it now, aren’t you? You can fight all you want, but you’re nothing more than a dirty and sex-hungry bitch. Once a guy begins to pump you, your juices come flowing out and you start enjoying yourself.” She realized in horror that he was right. She was getting aroused, despite the fact that she was being abused both physically as well as mentally. What was wrong with her? Was she really the dirty whore that Ming Qiang is calling her? How could she start to find herself aroused by her rapist? She could feel her own juices as they begin to flow, and the familiar feeling of arousal that also overcame her as she finally allowed Clive to fuck her in the US. She felt the shame overcome her, and once more the tears started to flow down her eyes.

Ming Qiang, feeling her juices being released, was secretly elated. It made his thrusting a lot easier, and once she had started to lubricate her own tunnel, he was able to navigate her tight channel much more easily. He started slowly, sensing her reluctance still, but as she began to get more and more wet, he started to pick it up by thrusting harder and harder. Each time he slammed into her, she would moan from the pain. He wanted her to beg him. After having fantasized about fucking her for so long, even her moans of pain sounded incredibly sexy to him. He didn’t have to wait long before she cried out in her weak voice “Please, Qiang, please be gentle.”

“Beg me,” he panted while continually slamming away at her. “Beg me to fuck you gently.” He accented that with a few exceptionally hard thrust, making her cry out from the pain. He had lifted her from under her thighs, so that her hips were suspended in the air. This allowed him to thrust harder from a kneeling position, and as she screamed out loudly from the pain, he suddenly felt her body growing limp from exhaustion. “Please… Qiang.. fuck me.. gently…” she sobbed as those words left her lips. “Listen to yourself, bitch. Listen to yourself begging me to fuck you. How is it rape when you are begging me to fuck you”, he sneered at her. Too weak to protest, she covered her face with one hand as she tried to defend herself saying “No, that’s not what I mean. I mean…” She never got to finish her words as Ming Qiang once more slammed himself into her. “Say it again, bitch. Beg me.”

Pei Pei gave up her protest. She simply wanted him to stop. She had never been fucked so violently before, and she felt like he was tearing her up inside. “Please fuck me gently. Please fuck me gently, Qiang…” she begged, then wailed in shame at what she was asking of him. Ming Qiang smiled at her capitulation, and slowed down his pace. Feeling a little tired out from his exertions himself, he let her body down and started to gently caress her body. Reaching forward, he lifted her head up and tenderly kissed her on the lips. As she automatically responded to him, she felt grateful for the reprieve. In her tired, confused and intoxicated state of mind, she was feeling very vulnerable after the abuse she had just suffered. So despite the fact that it was still the same man on top of her and sexually abusing her, she was now seeking solace in this moment of tenderness. As he also very slowly resumed his pumping action, she no longer fought the intrusion into her body. In her more relaxed condition, Ming Qiang also found it easier to thrust in and out of her. As she began to give off faint moans of pleasure now, he kept on kissing her while beginning shallow but faster thrusts. This brought louder cries of delight from her as he suddenly felt her arms grab him by the shoulder.

Her sex moans also picked up, as she no longer responded to being raped, but was responding to being fucked. Ming Qiang was different from Justin and Clive. Ming Qiang was a sex pervert who had a history of bedding young virgins, and turning them into sex crazed girls. Part of the process was to psychologically break them down, so as to remove the mental barriers of being sexually resistant. The next was to thoroughly fuck them so that she would have nothing left to hold back. This he intends on doing to his utter enjoyment. He began his familiar repertoire of in and out, varying the position slightly as well as the tempo of his thrusts. Pei Pei still had her momentarily protests, but she was generally getting overwhelmed by the sex, and was responding more and more to being fucked. Even as her hands would be on his chest, trying to push him away feebly, she would also arch her back and reach for her hair, moaning loudly at increasingly regular intervals. Ming Qiang was an old pro who could really go on and on, and he did. This went on for a good 30 minutes, with short breaks in between where he again went back to caressing her body and even once eating her pussy out. That brought some of the loudest cries of pleasure from her as she climaxed from the experience. Finally, he decided it was time and entered her once more, only to increase his intensity in pounding her. Within five minutes, he was slamming her so hard that she was becoming hoarse from her screaming, begging him to stop. He then finally let go, and ejaculated deep inside of her.

17-10-2012, 08:11 AM
Hi bro Javlooking

Thanks for a great story, indeed. Very well written. You are a genius. It reminds of the good ol' days, when the newspaperman came round once a month to sell the "yellow" book at $5 each. I placed a standing order on a monthly basis. The stories were varied, good and well written. The "yellow" books were so called as it was in plan yellow cover, and has such great sexiting stories such as these. One day, I was out for a meeting and the newspaperman just left a copy on my desk - and imagine my horror when I came back to discover that my supervisor, a sweet sexy lady had glanced through the book, and ever since then, she has always given me a funny look.

Bro Javlooking, perhaps you can compile all your stories, with the pictures included, and put them in pdf format, so we can carry them with us on our travels, and read in the airplane or in airport.

Thanks once again for your great stories and writing skills.

17-10-2012, 09:21 AM
that was a farking nice n hot story bro. thanks for it.

18-10-2012, 11:27 AM
more more more.....

we want more !!!

ups for u Bro !!

18-10-2012, 07:43 PM
Thanks for the compliments bro. Glad to know people are enjoying the story.

Just make sure you recognize its a fantasy and not play it out in real life!

18-10-2012, 07:44 PM
Pei Pei felt like she was going crazy. She had just experienced the most intensive sexual experience of her life. She has just been physically and mentally abused by a vile man, and her body felt broken and torn in so many places. So why was it that she had felt so good, and even now was still in the throes of heat and desire? Panting away, she could only cry to express out she felt, and cry she did. Big sobs of pain and anguish, crying to express her trauma, her loss of innocence once more, and at how Ming Qiang’s words were so hurtful yet believable. Maybe she really was nothing more than a whore with a misguided impression of herself. Even as these thoughts were in her head, she could hear Ming Qiang once more, saying “You were made for fucking, baby. You look so incredibly beautiful now. Just look at yourself, and listen to yourself moan. I’ll bet you were enjoying yourself just now. I think you cummed at least 4 times. Am I right?”

As Pei Pei maintained her silence, he pressed in on her and applied pressure, asking “I asked you a question. How many times did you cum?” Pei Pei turned around to look at him, still catching her breath and with hate-filled eyes retorted “None at all. How could I ever enjoy sex with a man like you?” Ming Qiang simply smiled at her and said “Good answer. I guess we’ll just have to go one more round until I am able to please you, don’t you think?” Pei Pei panicked at the thought and quickly pushed him away saying “No more, please. I beg of you. Please… Yes, I came 4 times, alright? Happy?” She then once more burst into tears at her admission. She can’t believe she had just admitted to having sexually climaxed to Ming Qiang while he raped her. How could she? What was wrong with her?

Ming Qiang merely smiled at her. He had invited the admission, knowing what it would do to her. He let her calm down a little, covering her with a thin blanket which she gratefully accepted. He had done so because he didn’t want her putting on her clothes, and a blanket would be easier to remove. He wasn’t done with her yet, but she didn’t know that. Finally, she calmed down enough to ask him “Now that you got what you want, can you give me that video? And also anymore that you have?” This was the cue that he was waiting for. He took out his iPad, which contained a lot more of the clips, and started to show her. “I have a lot of videos, honey. How about one session per video?” She looked at him in horror. The thought of having sex with him in exchange for the video was bad enough. But there seemed to be so many! How could this be? Ming Qiang started to play each video, fast forwarding at regular bits and then skipping to the next one. He was careful to select only the ones where she was having consentual sex with Clive, and nothing else that would have been incriminating. He was saving those for further occasions. Pei Pei broke down at what she was seeing. “How did you get all this? Why are you doing this to me? Please just give me the videos. Please… “

Ming Qiang put the iPad aside, lifted her up to hug her despite her struggles and said “you can think about it. I can wait. But since its your birthday, I will give you a special present. One more round with me and you can have whatever was in that DVD in the living room.” Without waiting for her to reply, he started to kiss her again, and quickly removed that blanket to leave her stark naked once more. And even though this time she closed her lips to stop his tongue from snaking in, he quickly moved to her neck and her ears, and was soon eating up her body once more. The blanket had kept her warm, and the body sweat that was still on her only made it more sexy. It didn’t take long for Pei Pei to get into the act. Ming Qiang knew that once a guy had fucked a girl and gotten her to enjoy it, she would be very quick to allow him to have his way with her again. And so this proved to be the case. Pei Pei just gave up the struggle and let him have his way with her. She soon felt his roaming hands on her breasts and kneading them. Despite herself, she was really enjoying his hands as they applied just the right pressure on her. And he was a lot more gentle now, making the whole experience so much more pleasant. Her soft moans got louder, and she found her own hands involuntarily seeking out his back and his arms, sliding them all over her body as she got lost in the sensations now racing through her body.

18-10-2012, 10:52 PM
Ups for u bro !!

Don't stop yet... Pls... Rest after round two lah

18-10-2012, 11:59 PM
looks like a Justin Lee-type of rape!

20-10-2012, 11:06 AM
Ming Qiang didn’t wait long, quickly entering her body once again. She had cried out, not in pain or anguish but in pleasure. Ming Qiang was good in bed, and she was such a sexual creature that she naturally responded to him physically. “Do you like it?” he whispered to her. Pei Pei remained silent, only moaning in response to him as he gyrated his hips while buried deep within her. He asked again and she very shyly nodded her head, keeping her eyes closed. Not satisfied, he asked once more “Answer me, you dirty little whore, are you enjoying yourself?” He then intensified his thrusts slightly as she finally answered him, making her answer come out louder than she intended “Yes! This feels good!” she cried out. He then stopped and made her sit up. “Fuck me,” he ordered her. He then laid down on the bed, and made her climb on top of him. This time round she didn’t protest, but just quietly resigned herself to do whatever he asked. Opening her legs wide to straddle him, she sunk herself down upon his shaft, and the sensation suddenly took her breath away. As she sought to stay sitting up, he started to pump away at her. Not being familiar with this position, Pei Pei was concentrating hard on staying upright. Ming Qiang loved her in this position, especially since it provided the best angle and footage for his own cameras. As she got the hang of it, she started to be more proactive, and intensified her own actions in order to derive greater joy from Ming Qiang. But he wasn’t going to cum so easily. He had bigger plans. He finally told her to stop, and then laid her down in her back. He pulled her hair away from her back, and started to kiss her nape. Making her then go into doggie style, he started to carress her breasts, drawing soft moans of pleasure from Pei Pei. Spreading her legs, he started to stroke her clitoris, telling her “I have a special birthday present for you. Happy birthday, sweetie.”

Pei Pei had no idea what he had in mind, so it was an absolute shock when he suddenly rammed his penis into her butt. She felt a foreign object enter into her anus, and before she could react to it, he was halfway inside of her already. She screamed, first in shock then in pain, her eyes wide open at the intrusion. “Ming Qiang no! Please! Not there! Please! You’re hurting me! Take it out! No! Please!” She screamed again and again, even as Ming Qiang grabbed her hips tightly, groaning at her tightness. With a few hard shoves, he entered deeper and deeper in her, ignoring her cries of pain. Pei Pei nearly fainted from the pain she was feeling. She felt her entire ass being ripped apart, and the more she tried moving the more Ming Qiang followed her. Finally, she knocked her own head against the bed wall, and found that there was no more escape for her. She pressed her own hands against the wall for leverage, and felt her head explode as Ming Qiang finally succeeded in sinking himself all the way into her ass. He had actually secretly taken out a tube of lubricant he had prepared on the side of the bed, and smeared himself very generously with it. Even so, Pei Pei was so incredibly tight in there that he nearly thought he wouldn’t be able to succeed in entering her from behind.

He had long decided that this would be his climaxing act in dominating her, being the final of degredation. She had been fucked by Justin, and had blown off both Clive and him. But her ass was virgin, and he wanted to claim her first time in something. Now that he had finally buried himself fully into her, he kept still for a while to let her recover from the pain. She was weeping from his intrusion, crying “why did you do that? Why are you hurting me like this? Please take it out”, while he simply loved how tight she felt. He seldom does anal penetration, but Pei Pei was different. To be able to butt rape her was the epitome of his fantasies, and he knew this was the best time to ever do so, while she was at her most vulnerable. Indeed, now that her sobbing had ceased a little, and he had adjusted to the tightness, he started to very slowly move in and out of her. The lubricant was doing its work, keeping him moving while being able to feel her butt cheeks squeezing his rod with both tightness yet softness, which was his only joy in anal sex.

When he felt her ass beginning to accommodate the intrusion, he started to pick up speed. Pei Pei’s cries of pain increased, and she was again screaming at Ming Qiang to pull out of her, so great was the pain she was feeling. After a few minutes, he decided that he had enough. He had achieved his objective of further breaking her in, and this was clearly not as enjoyable for both of them. Pulling out of her, she immediately collapsed on the bed and went into a fetal position. He disregarded her feelings, and simply pulled her legs out straight, spread them out wide and resumed pounding of her vagina. She screamed at him to stop, but he was like a mad man. He just kept pounding away for a good 10 more minutes, by which she had screamed herself hoarse and was reduced to just pitiful moans of “please stop. Please let me go. No more, please. I can’t take it anymore.” This was interspersed with sex moans that was music to Ming Qiang’s ears. Finally he could feel the pressure building up in his balls, and with a loud moan, he emptied himself into her for the second time. Pei Pei gave one loud wail as she once more felt his hot semen pumping into her. She was exhausted from her ordeal, and sensing that Ming Qiang was finally done with her, she gave one last shove to push him off her, before assuming once more the fetal position, softly crying to herself. Ming Qiang once more covered her up with the blanket, before kissing her on the cheek and saying “You’ve been a great fuck, Pei Pei. You were made for fucking. We are going to be having a great time together, you and I.”

Pei Pei felt like she was going to go crazy, and decided to just shut out what he was saying, it wasn’t long before she drifted off to sleep, and in her relaxed state, Ming Qiang pulled off the blanket once more to take in the delicious sight of her. With her disheveled hair, her skin glistening from sweat, and the cum still leaking out from her vagina, she looked like an awesome porn star who had just finished her great masterpiece. He whipped out his own camera and started to take picture after picture of her from various positions. After that, he removed each of his video camera from their place of concealment, and was very happy to see that they worked flawlessly. The footage he captured was priceless, and he would be re-living these moments for a long time to come. He quickly kept all the cameras before lying down beside her to sleep.

20-10-2012, 11:22 AM
One of the nice fictional stories in here...keep it up mate ;)

20-10-2012, 11:42 AM
This is darn awesome !!!
One of the best writers here. !

21-10-2012, 12:50 AM
Thanks for all the support bros.

Hmm... wondering how I should carry on after this.


21-10-2012, 11:11 AM
OMG. This is damn AWESOME.

21-10-2012, 12:03 PM
excellent writing skills!

21-10-2012, 05:36 PM
Thanks for all the support bros.

Hmm... wondering how I should carry on after this.


how about peipei found out that sex with her husband is not as good as before anymore she felt the need of something more therefore she 'you can continue with what u want peipei to do here' lol.

or perhaps a threesome with clive and ming qiang

21-10-2012, 08:04 PM
Or, Pei Pei carrying the illegitimate children of Clive and Ming Qiang. That will be something for Justin to scream about!

22-10-2012, 11:16 PM
...TS running out of creative juice? Some good ideal alredi shared. My 2 cents, Pei Pei shld find out about Justin miss deed n do something, n more excitement should also come from the blackmail process. Keep up the good work!

22-10-2012, 11:38 PM
how about Pei Pei invites Ming Qiang pretending she didn't have enough of him and while giving him oral, Pei Pei bit off his cock and threw it away to feed the chicken as a punishment to Ming Qiang for the way he treated her:p

22-10-2012, 11:47 PM
Ming Qiang awoke to the sound of Pei Pei crying, and found that she had gotten dressed already. She was holding the iPad, and he knew she was trying to delete the videos inside. However, with the password protection, there was no way she could do so, and she could only sit in the floor and let the truth sink in. She was the helpless victim of a blackmail and rape, and she knew this was not the end. She saw that he was awake, and demanded that he return the DVD in the living room. He nodded, and got up from bed, still not wearing anything. She averted her eyes, and he laughed at her saying “take a good look, honey. Don’t be shy. You and I are going to get really familiar with each other.” She ignored him, while he walked out and removed the DVD from the player. Handing it to her, he said “here you go, honey. I’ll return you one DVD at a time. I have a total of 12, all of different footage. I’m looking forward to our next session.”

She asked him “how do I know that you really have 12? What if you only have 5? Or what if you actually have more? And what about the copies on your iPad? And your PC?” Ming Qiang grinned at her and replied “Very good, you are thinking clearly once more. Well, you will only have to take my word for it. And you don’t have any choice. If you don’t give me what I want, I will just release the video anonymously to Justin. If you go to the police, your video will find its way to the different sex channels on the internet. As for whether or not I really have 12 DVDs, we can always sit down and enjoy each DVD before we try to repeat what we saw. How about that”? He reached out to cup her face. She flinched from it, but he reached further to grab the nape of her neck, pulling her in, saying “You’ve always pretended to be such a good girl. But with a face and body like yours, you were made for fucking, baby. And I’m going to be enjoying your god-given talents for a long long time.” His other hand traced the curves of her breast as he said that, while she simply turned her face. She couldn’t bear to look at him, and wanted nothing more than to escape from him. He laughed and kissed her on the cheek and told her “happy birthday, sweety. Go enjoy yourself with your husband. I’m sure he’ll want to fuck you tonight, and I’m sure you’ll be ready for him. I’ve already warmed you up anyway.” Laughing, he led her to the door and let her out. After watching her run out the door, he went back to his PC, and began to download the videos he had recorded into his PC. He had quite a lot of editing to do, and he was going to enjoy every bit of it.

Pei Pei could not remember how she made it home. She jumped straight into the shower, and started to wash herself. She rubbed and rubbed, wanteding scrub away every inch of her skin, as if doing so could remove the shame that she had been subject to. She now bitterly regretted her indiscretion with Clive, knowing that it had cost her more dearly than she had imagined. She had always been a good girl with a good upbringing. She had always stayed away from the liberal lifestyles of her friends. So how could she have ever ended up in the position that she now finds herself, having had an affair with her boss, then finding herself blackmailed and raped by her ex-boyfriend? She sat on the shower floor in horror as her mind replayed the rape, and the nightmare of being anally penetrated by Ming Qiang. It was such an act of degredation that she could not believe it had happened to her. More than the pain of the flesh that goes away, was the pain of knowing that she had nothing left to cling on to. All her sense of self-worth went out the window on this afternoon when she should have been celebrating her birthday.

She sat in the shower for a good 30 mins, letting the hot water run over her skin until she was red. In her mind, she went through shock, anger, confusion and worry. What was going to happen to her now? Who took the videos? How were the videos taken? Who could she turn to, since she can’t bring herself to tell Justin? How many more times will she have to endure being violated by Ming Qiang? What if he continues to blackmail her and doesn’t stop? After some time of wallowing in her own confusion, she seemed to suddenly shake herself out of her inner world, and told herself she needed to be strong and get ready. Justin was going to knock off soon, and she had to get herself together. Steeling herself to face her husband, she finished up in the shower and ordered pizza.

23-10-2012, 12:51 PM
Great contiuation... wondering wats next. Dun let us wait too long bro

24-10-2012, 12:27 AM
Justin may probably be too tired when he reached home to give Pei Pei another fuck:)

24-10-2012, 12:39 AM
Getting herself all dressed up in her sexiest little black dress, she made up some excuse about being held up at work and so could not cook like she was planning to. Justin was amazed at his wife. She looked incredibly hot in that dress, and her scent nearly drove him to rip off everything and do her on the table. He couldn’t wait for dinner to be over so that he could jump her. Despite maintaining his affair with Adeline, he genuinely appreciated the fact that his own wife was literally fucking gorgeous, and he was glad that he had snapped her up before the other guys came calling.

He sensed that she had a slight hesitation when he first reached out to grab her, but she immediately seemed to reverse herself, and was the one initiating the sex. She was aggressive, and she looked like she was hungry for him. Burying his face in her chest, she felt so hot and soft that his own desires were very quickly baked to boiling point. Pei Pei had decided that she would need to be aggressive in order to overcome her own revulsion towards sex after what had happened to her that afternoon. She hoped that by going to bed with Justin, she could redeem herself and find solace in the arms of the man she truly loved. So she tried her best to arouse him, and wanted him inside of her. He very quickly stripped off all his clothes, and proceeded to carry her into the bedroom. Throwing her on the bed, he prepared to mount her. Poor Pei Pei had a momentary stab of terror when she was thrown onto the bed, recalling the violence of the afternoon. She compensated by stripping herself while lying on the bed, and opening her own legs wide to invite Justin.

Needing no further invitation, he immediately dived forward and entered her with one swift thrust. He heard a satisfyingly loud cry from her, and wasted no time in doing the familiar in-out. He was hungry for his wife, and seeing her in this new and bold manner excited him. He had appreciated the chaste and shy innocence that she exuded when they first got together, and when they first started to have sex. But he was a man who had always desired someone closer to Adeline’s type, sexually daring and able to lead the session at times. Thus this new side to Pei Pei was exciting Justin no end. At the back of his mind he wondered why, but he was too busy using his dick at this time to also use his head. Pei Pei noticed how much Justin was enjoying himself, and was glad that at least she was able to please him. As for herself, it took a lot of self control to hold herself together, since she was reminded of Ming Qiang’s violation just a few hours ago.

Justin soon felt the pressure in his balls growing, and decided he was going to make this a quickie. He’s had a long day at work, and he had spent the whole week fucking Adeline. Besides, Pei Pei had never really liked long sessions. He knew she preferred to cuddle after sex, and talk instead. He liked this new side to her, the wild side. And having satiated his desires for her, he was ready to now spend some “quality time” as a couple.

Strangely enough, he found that she was unwilling to talk tonight. He asked her about work, and how things were after her promotion. She sounded evasive and reluctant to say much. Justin was puzzled how her suddenly sexual liberation seemed to have made her more closed up, but he shrugged it off as just women being women. He was happy to not talk too much anyway. Pei Pei tried her best to swallow her feelings, but once Justin fell asleep, she could not hold it in anymore. She went into the toilet, locked the door and started crying once more. She felt dirty and cheap, like she had just been used again for her body. All the pent up emotion she had restrained when making love to Justin all came out in a flood, and she somehow felt even worse than she had this afternoon. She started the shower and stepped into the running water, partly to hide the sound of her crying, and partly to try and wash off the filth she felt she had on her. She could not stop thinking about both Ming Qiang’s rape as well as Justin making love to her, and found herself unable to separate the two events.

Making love. She told herself the difference is that she made love to Justin but was raped by Ming Qiang. But then why was she aroused, and even had multiple orgasms? In fact, she felt even more aroused by Ming Qiang’s abuse this afternoon than she was by her own husband. Was she really the cheap whore that Ming Qiang had said she was? She could hear his every word ringing in her head, and burning in her ears. She had learnt since she got married that she loved sex. The feeling was amazing, and Justin had been such a tender lover. Clive had then shown her that beyond the tenderness of Justin, sex could also be fun and spontaneous. But now Ming Qiang had come along and ruined everything. Her sexual experiences would forever be tainted by the horror of her rape, and the cold blooded abuse she suffered at the hands of her tormentor. She remembered his hands all over her. Rough, maybe even cruel. His total lack of consideration for her, seeking merely his own gratification. His words of insult that she could not refute. Telling herself once more that she needs to be strong, she resolved to not be conquered by Ming Qiang. There was no one she could turn to, no one she could tell. She would therefore have to depend on herself, and find a way out of this sex trap she had landed herself in.

25-10-2012, 10:05 AM
After Pei Pei left his house, Ming Qiang started to work on the videos that he had stored away. Carefully editing the footage, he managed to compile from the best of each angle, the complete turn of events for the afternoon. He was very pleased with what he did, since this was a very significant date. He wanted to have a mini-movie of the first time he ever fucked Pei Pei, and how he achieved his aim of fucking her in every single hole, all in the space of one afternoon. She had been even better than he had hoped for. Her nubile body had been so responsive to his thrusts, that he was amazed at her. She had always been such a prude, even when it came to her behavior in the office. He had imagined that even though he would love the idea of fucking her, she would be a little boring and passive. But she had surprised him with her ability match him in the act. He found himself become very aroused when watching her. Aside from her reluctance, which he was confident of eventually overcoming once he had broken her, she was as good as some of his favorite JAV actresses. She sure as hell looked better, had an equally good figure, and had a nymph quality to her that was the opposite of her usual reserved and cool exterior. Her husband was a real lucky bastard to have gotten his hands on her. And Clive was the proverbial boss who could not resist the allure of such a babe, and he evidently was good at getting his way.

No matter. He now had taken his turn with Pei Pei, and he also had videos to keep as memories. He contemplated sharing the video with his best friend, with whom he had since long shared his desire for Pei Pei. He had seen her naked pictures also, and always agreed that it was a shame Ming Qiang didn’t get to poke her. After some consideration, he decided against it. What he had done was still an illegal act, and even though he knew she would never go to the police, the less people that knew about how he raped her, the better. When Pei Pei comes round to accepting him and the sex is more consentual, he can always then show him the footage of those sessions. He looked forward to the next day in the office.

Pei Pei showed up the next day, dreading the thought of seeing Ming Qiang. She found an email from him in her mailbox, with an attachment. The email simply read “Could stop thinking of you. Can’t wait till I ______ you again”. She looked around to make sure no one was around her before she opened up the attachment. It was a video still of her in the hotel room wearing only her bra and panties. She quickly closed it and deleted the email, immediately clearing her trash bin. She suddenly remembered that she still had her sex video in her handbag, having forgotten all about it after going home. She had been too preoccupied with her trauma, but now she suddenly recalled that it was still in her bag. She didn’t dare to take it out now, but resolved to dispose of it once she got home. That day at work, she was distracted and unable to work properly. She was glad that Ming Qiang had left her alone. On his part, he knew she needed some space. If she broke down in the office, it would create problems for him and ruin his masterplan.

When Pei Pei got home that day, Justin was not back. He would be working late tonight. Taking the DVD out of her bag, she was about to destroy it, when something made her hesitate. She wanted to watch it, to try and figure out how the video was taken. After a few moments of hesitation, she finally put the DVD into the player, and sat down to watch. Try as she might, she could not figure out how the footage was shot, since the angles were usually where the table was, and there could not possibly have been a camera there. And since it was a reputable hotel, there could not have been any sleazy “in the wall” sort of video cameras which she had seen in some movies. But watching herself as she gave Clive a blowjob, she was shocked at seeing how wanton she looked, how sex hungry she was. It was as if someone had shot an arrow through her heart – Ming Qiang was right. She really was a slut. Two months ago, if she had ever seen a girl do that to someone else, she would have condemned her as an immoral whore also, a tramp who had no decency and sense of self worth. It would have been unthinkable that she would have ever been in that sort of position. Yet, there was no denying what she was seeing in the video. Watching herself, witnessing her own spontaneity and even desire as she was sucking Clive off, she felt her shame return, all the more as she found herself slightly aroused from the footage.

She remembered how Clive felt, how he tasted and how she had been in the throes of desire and passion. He had been so tender, despite the animal desire she could see in his eyes. She could hear herself asking him if it felt good, and she could see how eager to learn she was. It was unbelievable how she had totally transformed herself on that business trip. She remembered how she had fingered herself in the shower, missing Justin and having him inside her, and she told herself that the decision to have an affair with Clive must have started there. Her loneliness drove her to seek the attentions of a man who evidently desired her greatly and had shown concern to her.

She suddenly found herself reluctant to destroy the video. Despite how crazy the idea was, something inside of her was tempted to engage in a deviant behavior, ask if daring herself to do something naughty and keep it. After all, she had a good time with Clive. Even though she still could not figure out how the videos came to be, she reasoned that it could not have been Clive, since he himself would have been implicated in this scandal. She decided that Ming Qiang must have pulled this off with some devious scheme, which she plans on finding out. She contemplated going to Clive, but she couldn’t decide if she could fully trust him. Making up her mind, she took the DVD out of the player, and then kept it in a safe location. She told herself she needed to keep count of how many Ming Qiang has given her, so she should just hold on to them for now. Satisfied with that explanation, she felt better about keeping hold of her own sex tape.

25-10-2012, 04:06 PM
Excellent build up.

So looking forward to your next post.

You are the man!

26-10-2012, 12:40 AM
just wonder, do some women behave like Pei Pei, even when rape, still can cum?!

27-10-2012, 10:09 PM
Don't stop! waiting for your updates...

29-10-2012, 03:09 AM
Don't stop don't stop :p

29-10-2012, 03:20 AM
Great story.. please continue.... Thanks

29-10-2012, 10:28 PM
Take your time TS. but do give us a SEXCITING continuation! :D

30-10-2012, 01:29 AM
Thanks for all your positive feedback, bros.

Am thinking how i should continue this without it becoming just boring sex.

30-10-2012, 01:29 AM
Meanwhile, Justin was in a foul mood. Adeline had told him that their affair was getting boring, and she was going to call an end to it. He got her to agree to still be each other’s booty call if they were feeling lonely, but their regular trysts on Thursday evenings would have to come to an end. He was surprised when he learnt the real reason: Adeline was pregnant. Of course, his first question had been whether or not the baby was his, since he had always entered her raw and ejaculated inside of her. However, she appeared unconcerned and told him in no uncertain terms that the baby was definitely her husband’s. On his part, he was just glad to not take any responsibility, so he left it at that and wished her all the best. However, he now was left once more in need to a new fuck buddy. Pei Pei was amazing, and he still enjoyed sex with her. Especially since she now seemed to have gotten bolder and their love making was more exciting. However, a man like Justin could never see himself only having one sex partner. He was a horny bastard who has an eye for the ladies, and is always eager to try them out.

He recalled one time when he had visited his nearby clinic’s doctor, and was struck by just how pretty she was. She was really slim, and very flat chested. Normally these girls turn him off, since he was always a breast man. But she had a really girly quality about her, and when she smiled it was like the sun rose in her eyes. She was probably around 27, and obviously born into a good family. Immaculate grooming, posture as well as speech, Justin found himself temporarily mesmerized by how she was so refreshingly different. “Maybe its time to go visit my doctor, see if she could be the cure to my problem,” he mused to himself. So it was that Justin took time off from work to go home, pleading a stomach flu. Being still work hours, there was no one in the clinic when he walked in, and so he got to see the doctor really quickly.

“Hi Ruth”, he greeted her when he walked in. “Hi Justin!” she replied in her usual friendly tone. He was such a nice patient, and even though he wasn’t the best looking man in town, he had a very easy demeanor, that made him very approachable and easy to talk to. She liked patients like this, as compared to so many others who came with a bad attitude and questioned everything she said. She had come out from med school, and opened the clinic with the help of her father once she had served finished her bond. She was a competent doctor, but always lacked a little bit of self confidence in herself. She therefore particularly disliked patients who always questioned her treatment, and probed deeper. She was afraid she might not be able to answer them and come off looking stupid. A patient like Justin who was not only obviously rich and successful, but who also trusted her and was always so nice, was a rare treat for her. And boy, did he have a great body. She herself always enjoyed a well toned body, and ran regularly to keep fit. She knew she was flat chested, but she always didn’t mind since a big chest would have made it more difficult to run. Besides, she enjoyed being able to go braless occasionally since she hardly needed much support.

Luckily for Justin, this was one of those days. She was wearing a simple grey skirt with a white blouse, with the top two buttons undone. She had over her a pink cardigan, which coupled with her little girl next door looks, was such an enjoyable sight for Justin. They struck up a conversation, Justin remarking that she seemed to have very free afternoons, and how he should have studied harder to become a doctor. She laughed at his teasing, and suddenly dropped her pen. While she bent over to pick it up, Justin was treated to the unmistakable sight of her right mound with the cute pink tip. His eyes widened in appreciation, and he barely managed to look away before she sat back up again. Ruth never suspected anything, and they carried on conversing for another half an hour. Finally, she prescribed his medicine, and he got up to leave. Feigning an afterthought, he asked for her Facebook contact, so that he could add her to his list of friends. She hesitated since she doesn’t usually add patients, but since she had really enjoyed her conversation with Justin, she made a snap decision and gave him her email address. Afterall, it wasn’t her handphone number, and Justin doesn’t look like the kind who would harass her for medical advice.

Justin left the clinic with a sense of accomplishment, knowing that step one of his plan had been achieved. He went home and started to look through her photo album, checked though her information, and confirmed that she was not seeing anybody. She had a lot of pictures, but mostly taken with girlfriends. Many of them were also very pretty, he noted. One thing he regretted about Pei Pei was that none of her girlfriends were worth looking at. They were nice people, but nowhere near the sort of beauty that she was. He always fancied one day having a go at his wife’s girlfriends, but he had not found anyone worth trying. Ruth, on the other hand, had plenty of girlfriends that she was evidently close to, given how many pictures she took with them in various places and at various locations. He counted 4 that he would love to have a go at, and with a little bit more cyber stalking, determined that only 2 of them were attached or married. He finally found what he was looking for, a shot of Ruth that showed off her very lean figure, flashing that bright smile that lit up her whole face. With her hands clasped behind her back, she looked like a little girl shyly smiling for the camera. It was a great shot of her, and he quietly saved it into his handphone, to add to the collection of girls he was targeting.

30-10-2012, 01:50 AM
Thats another turn around! Im looking forward for more surprises frm u :)

30-10-2012, 11:25 PM
One week after raping Pei Pei, Ming Qiang decided that it was time. She should have sufficiently recovered her composure from that last encounter. Besides, he was getting too horny, and could not wait anymore. So he sent her an email on monday, with yet another attachment, this time of her in the shower with her fingers stuck up her own love hole. All that the email read was: See you this Saturday at my house at 10am. Bring an extra set of clothes. Pei Pei froze up when she saw the email. She had been dreading Ming Qiang’s next appointment, but she told herself she needed to get it over and done with. She told Justin that she had a company event to attend, and that he needed to take care of lunch himself. On Saturday, she showed up at Ming Qiang’s house at 10 sharp, dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans. She didn’t bother to get dressed up or made up, not wanting to give Ming Qiang the satisfaction of seeing her at her best. Ming Qiang opened the door, and smiled at her when she walked in.

“My my, nude make up to go with the nudity this morning?” he leered at her, earning a glare from Pei Pei. Trust him to turn anything into a lewd joke. She wished she had a comeback at him, but was at a loss for words. “Let’s get this over and done with, Ming Qiang. I want to go home soon.” She tried to sound firm, demanding that he not waste time. He merely smiled, and used his fingers to softly caress the back of her arms. She stopped, shivering slightly inside at his touch, feeling a touch of revulsion, but also a tinge of anticipation. Trying to remove that, she asked to see the DVD that she was going to take back today. Ming Qiang simply reached for the remote, then turned on the TV. Immediately, the footage was displayed, where Clive was riding her hard on the bed, and she was calling out his name again and again. Ming Qiang had turned on the volume really loud, and the sound of her sex moans was loudly broadcast out to the whole room.

With a gasp, she scrambled to reach for the remote control, but Ming Qiang refused to hand it to her. Desperate, she ran to the TV and manually lowered the volume. Ming Qiang signaled for her to sit down on the couch, then used the remote to start the DVD from the beginning. “Let’s watch a show together to get us warmed up, shall we?” Pei Pei reluctantly sat down, and started to watch herself. Clive had pulled her to him from behind, and she was still dressed in her business suit. She remembered that they had just finished a morning conference session, and he had told her they should skip the afternoon part. Blushing to herself at the memory, she recalled how she had readily agreed, knowing what he had in mind. Clive had unbuttoned her jacket while licking away at her earlobe, and she had her left armed raised to cup the back of his head. She now realized they were standing next to the window with the curtains open. Amazed that she had never noticed it before, she now realized that being only on the 8th floor, they had been making out in the full view of whoever had been looking up. Once more, she was struck by how she could abandon her modesty completely while having a sexual affair with her boss. By now she was in her spag strap top, with both straps off the shoulder as Clive slowly took time to savor each bare shoulder. Both their movements were slow and sensual. Clive was gentle and tender, while Pei Pei was demure yet responsive. It wasn’t long before Pei Pei found herself caught up in her own sex video, and was staring at the screen with a look of both concentration as well as fascination.

Ming Qiang looked at her and smiled, quietly walking to the back before softly placing his hands on her shoulders, giving it a very soft squeeze. Slowly moving into massage, he found her pressure points and let his fingertips apply slight pressure, drawing a soft sigh from Pei Pei. Despite herself, what Ming Qiang was doing felt good, and she felt a little bit of her own tension leave her body. Soon, his hands had wandered over to the nape of her neck. He was slow and deliberate, no sudden movement, and all his actions were very gentle and tender. He wanted her relaxed, and he knew that the video would put her in a much better mood for the next few hours ahead that he had planned. As his fingers pressed in, they found her meridian spots. Pei Pei had been stressed out by work as well as her predicament, and her stiff neck felt the releasae brought about by Ming Qiang. As she watched her breasts being massaged by Clive, she was at first not aware that Ming Qiang’s hands had wandered down to her own breasts. It was with a shock when she suddenly realized that both his hands had wandered down to her front, and were very gently caressing her through her t-shirt and bra. As she turned her head to protest, Ming Qiang brought his own lips down on hers, applying a gentle yet first pressure on hers. Pei Pei helplessly allowed herself to be kissed, the sounds coming from the DVD making her feel very strange. She was being aroused by seeing herself making out with Clive, and to be fondled by Ming Qiang felt both repulsive yet strangely exciting as well.

As Ming Qiang’s fingers found her ear lobes, she gave a soft moan and a shiver, and began to respond to his kissing by snaking out her own tongue to receive his. She heard herself moaning as Clive was slowly eating her body, and she could smell Ming Qiang’s breath on her face as she kissed him back. She had come here knowing that she was going to be fucked by him, and so she was already prepared to not resist. However, she had not known how she was supposed to behave. It felt wrong to participate in sex act like she was a happy participant, but she also knew that resistance was not an option. In that moment of indecision, her bodily functions made the decision for her. She started to feel the heat in her building up, and soon she was readily kissing Ming Qiang back, her attention no longer on the DVD that played out her secret tryst with Clive. Instead, she was totally focused on Ming Qiang now, and how his hands were roving all over her body. She’s always had a very sensitive body, and Ming Qiang was very good with his hands. Even as he was kissing her, his hands had found its way under her t-shirt, and was now very softly moulding her breasts through the sheer material of her bra. Having pressed her down on the couch, Ming Qiang had leaned in on her until his body was now on top of hers, and through his very thin shorts, she could feel his penis pressing in on her stomach.

As her own arms snaked around his shoulders, he used one finger to pry open her bra, and very softly flicked at her nipple with his fingertip. This brought short gasps and breaths from her, as her body twitched in response to his stimulations. He felt her arms frantically circling his shoulders, and knew that she was definitely getting into the mood. This was going to be easier than he had anticipated. When he felt her own hands sneaking in under the back of his shirt, he pressed in harder, mashing his face against hers. As he heard her moan in protest, he suddenly lifted himself up, and removed his t-shirt in one fluid motion. As she opened her eyes to see his naked body, he could see that she had no fight in her today, only a soft look of surrender.

31-10-2012, 01:46 AM
yes yes yes yes ! next next :D

31-10-2012, 01:11 PM
Waiting eagerly for update, great story.

31-10-2012, 01:33 PM
Hopefully we have more of Clive's scheme to have Pei Pei doin office sex heee

31-10-2012, 07:55 PM
Oh yes.. Can't wait!

02-11-2012, 01:01 AM
Getting up from the couch, he carried her up and brought her into his bedroom. Once more, by turning on the lights, he activated the video cameras in the room. As he laid her down on the bed, she sat up on her own, and in one quick motion removed her own t-shirt. Inside, she was wearing a soft pink bra, which she reached to her back to unclasp. Ming Qiang stopped her by saying “no, leave it on. It like how you look with it on you.” She paused, then stopped to look at him, as if asking him he wanted her to do next.

Gloating at how much more at ease she had become with him, he knew that with familiarity soon came acceptance. With some skill, he will soon make her his own fuck buddy. She would still be unwilling because she was married, but with the sex tapes he’s now making of hers, he knew he could own her for as long as he wants. He quickly stripped off his pants and let his semi hard penis spring into view. “Make him hard,” he told Pei Pei, pointing at his man tool. By standing on the edge of the bed and leaving her on the bed, he forced her into a crawling position in order to blow him off. It was a beautiful sight to him, seeing her in her pink bra that showed off her snowy white and flawless skin, and her jeans that showed off the top of her beige panties. Her long hair tumbled down the sides of her face, and when she wrapped her lips around his tool, he could feel her moist heat as it encircled him, and then he felt her tongue as it started to twirl away at his member. It wasn’t long before he quickly hardened up, and he was enjoying how she slowly worked away at blowing him off. After a couple of minutes, he started to moan at how she was expertly pleasuring his rod, and when she heard him do so, it seemed to have the effect of encouraging her to try harder. In response to her own increased intensity, he suddenly grabbed her by the hair and began to thrust into her face. This brought an immediate protest from her, muffled by the fact that his dick was still in her mouth. She tried to push him away but had no leverage, especially when he was grabbing at her hair. She could feel him slam his groin into her face again and again, and his pubic hair was getting up her nose and tickling away at her face. As he took in her muffled grunts and weak attempts at pushing him away, he quickened his pace and thrust deeper and deeper into her, until her saliva was running all the way her chin, and she was making gurgling choking noises. Then with a loud groan, he grabbed her head by the hair with both hands, held her in place, then cummed inside of her mouth.

Pei Pei’s eyes opened wide as she felt her whole face pressed up against his groin, then she felt his member throb as wave after wave of his semen came found its way to the back of her throat. It was the first time she had ever had cum inside her mouth, and it took her absolutely by surprise. She tried harder to push herself away, but Ming Qiang was prepared for that. By holding her tight, he forced her to swallow his cum, which judging by the repeated gurgling swallowing noise coming out from her, she had done so. Finally, he released her, leaving her to fall back to her back on the bed, gasping for air as she used her hands to wipe her mouth and try coughing out whatever she had swallowed. She felt disgusted at what Ming Qiang had just made her do. She had blown off Clive a few times, and had even blown off Ming Qiang the last time round, but never had she ever had someone ejaculate inside of her mouth. It made her feel dirty and used, as if she had entered deeper yet again down that path of no return, the last shreds of her innocence being cruelly taken from her by this hateful man. With tears in her eyes, she curled up into a fetal position on the bed, feeling every bit as vulnerable and worthless as she had the last time she was on his bed.

Ming Qiang simply looked on at her with an evil smirk on his face. He had carefully studied the videos of her and Clive, and concluded that she had probably never swallowed cum before in her life. Having missed out on doing that to her the last time round, he had been eagerly anticipating the moment when he can claim another of her “first”. Watching her lying on the bed, he was very turned on by the sight he beheld: Her petite and slim figure with her tight figure hugging jeans that showed off her well shaped legs, and her upper body only covered by that cute pink bra which had both straps now off her shoulders and dangling on each side of her, with her hair all messed up and partially covering up her face. Her body was shuddering from her choking and crying, and he loved how she looked so helpless and vulnerable in front of him. For a moment, he felt a great sense of pity for her, and wanted to be gentle with her so that she could recover some of her own self worth. But then the memories of how she had refused him the right to the prize of her virginity only to open her legs for her boss came back to his mind, and his sadistic nature once more took over. He had big plans for her, and he had everything all “scripted out” so that he could edit everything into his movie after she leaves.

He went to his cabinet by the wall, opened it and took out a fishnet body suit, which he had often seen porn stars wear. He had especially made a trip down to a sex shop to buy them for her, and ever since he did, he could not wait to see her put it on. Ming Qiang threw it on the bed and then instructed her to put it on. She slowly ceased her sobbings, and sat up in bed with her red-rimmed eyes, staring in confusion at the black material on the bed. Holding it up, her eyes slowly widened in amazement at what she was seeing. She had never seen such a perverted piece of clothing before, and she wondered where had he gotten it from. She was disgusted at how depraved he was, and hated the fact that she was at his mercy. “Put it on, baby. Don’t keep me waiting. Otherwise I won’t let you go home tonight, and you’ll be stuck here pleasing me”. She glared at him with eyes of hate, then got off the bed reluctantly. She told herself to just do what he asked, and the sooner she gets it over and done with the better. She slipped her jeans off her hips and down her calves, before gracefully skipping out of them. She turned her back on Ming Qiang, not realizing that she was facing on of his cameras. If she had been in better composure, she would have noticed it amongst the other things in the room. But she was too disoriented to be paying attention, and so again fell victim to Ming Qiang’s ploy. She removed her pink bra, and was left standing buck naked in front of the camera. She then picked up the fishnet bodysuit, and took a little while to figure out how to put it on. She finally got it on, and did not know what to do, feeling somehow even more naked after putting it on. She was very conscious of the fact that her skin was showing so clearly, and the fishnet in no way protected any shred of her modesty.

Ming Qiang’s eyes gleamed when he saw how she looked. The bodysuit only served to enhance her body, the contrast showing off how ivory her skin was. Her figure’s was accentuated by the netting, which helped to enhance as well as highlight every single curve. Her awkward embarrassment and self-consciousness only served to arouse him even more. She tried covering up her private parts with her hands when she turned around, but under the quiet gaze of Ming Qiang, she soon gave up as she realized the futility of her gesture. Nervously shifting sideways, she gave Ming Qiang an inquiring look, wondering what he had in in mind. He told her to lie back down on the bed, and watched how she tried crossing her legs to hide her modesty, but only allowing him to appreciate her finely shaped thighs and how they very nicely contoured their way to her butt.

03-11-2012, 02:48 PM
Waiting patiently for the next instalment.

Thank you so much for writing one of the best stories ever.

03-11-2012, 04:02 PM
great story bro please continue

04-11-2012, 09:04 AM
This story rocks!!! Keep it coming!!!

04-11-2012, 01:31 PM
Nice story, waiting for the next part.

06-11-2012, 12:49 AM
He went to his cabinet, and this time drew out a huge vibrator. He had always seen it being used in Japanese porn, but had never really been able to use it on one of his girlfriends since the girls found it too degrading. This was the perfect opportunity, since Pei Pei had no choice but to obey his every whim and fancy. Pei Pei stared in horror at the huge vibrator he had taken out. When he got onto the bed and turned on the machine, he loved the soft whirring that it gave off, but when he started to aim it at Pei Pei’s pussy, she sat up in panic and said “no way are you going to stick that in me. That’s just too big. What the hell is that?” he laughed and told her “just relax. I won’t be sticking this into you. If I did, you wouldn’t be able to feel me afterwards, and I definitely wouldn’t want that, baby. So rest assured that the only thing that’ll be going into you today will be me.”

Pei Pei still felt a momentary wave of disgust and apprehension that his words about sticking himself inside her, but she was relieved that the giant machine in Ming Qiang’s hands was not going inside of her, so she finally laid herself back on the bed. “Close your eyes”, he whispered to her as he lightly kissed her on the lips. He had left the vibrator running on the bed, and was using his hands to roam all over her body to relax her. She felt his hands once more applying a soft but firm pressure on her breasts, then on the side of her body, tracing her shape down to her hips, before pressing in on her pussy. She closed her eyes and let herself go, telling herself that she might as well let him have his way with her and be done with it. As he began to stroke her pussy lips through the fishnet material, she gave a sigh of pleasure, and her legs started to open up a little more. He whispered to her “I’m going to now give you the pussy party of your life. Just relax and enjoy.” As she wondered what he meant, he took the vibrator and gently pressed it against her. She opened her eyes in shock and tried to get up, but he pinned her down with one hand, while still applying steady pressure to her. He had turned on the speed to “low” so as to give her time to get used to it. As the vibrator made contact, and Pei Pei first felt it as the low whirring device with a soft touch landed on her pussy lips, she gave off a cry of surprise and terror, wondering what Ming Qiang was doing to her. As she felt herself restrained and the prolonged contact finally caused her to register what was going on, she felt like her mind was going to explode at the sudden intense sensation.

It was sight like it had been scripted straight out of an JAV movie, with Pei Pei in her black fishnet bodysuit, held down by Ming Qiang who was forcing the vibrator on her pussy. Pei Pei quickly gave up the struggle to give up, instead now moaning uncontrollably and squirming away on the bed at the stimulations that the vibrator was producing. Less than 20 seconds into it, Pei Pei was already whining away at the feeling, begging Ming Qiang to take it off. She started to give off sustained whines as her body responded voluntarily, and the whines got longer and more intense, before she suddenly cried out in ecstasy as she had her first climax of the day. Ming Qiang took the vibrator off her for the moment, and left her breathlessly panting from the experience. As she felt her head still spinning from this new intense experience, she asked Ming Qiang what that was. He loved how she was so innocent that she had never even heard of a vibrator before. She could not believe that such objects existed. People actually make them for sex? It sounded so perverted. However, it had really been so enjoyable, that the thought momentarily flashed in her head that she should go online to see where it is being sold. She quickly flushed that thought out, guilty that she should be thinking about such things.

Ming Qiang took off his t-shirt, leaving himself totally naked, and climbed on top of her. Reaching out, he softly kissed her and found her very quickly responding to him. No longer reluctantly, no longer stiffly, but with a soft surrender that told him he had again crossed another level of her barriers against him. As they savored the moment of intimacy, letting their hands run all over each other’s body, he slowly unzipped the bodysuit from the side, and letting his hands sneak in under the material, loving the feel of her soft smooth skin with the texture of the fishnet running over the top of his hands. When he started to strip her of the bodysuit, she was very responsive, and eager to get it off her. It was as if she couldn’t wait to touch her bare body against his. The vibrator was still having an effect on her, leaving her much desirous of even more. When he lightly brushed her vaginal lips with his finger, he not only brought a tightly controlled moan of ecstasy from her as if she had been eagerly anticipating it, but he also found that she was dripping wet, and all ready for her. Appreciating her very well trimmed bush that looked so neat, he knew that she must was waiting for him to enter her. Instead, he slipped further down and started to eat her pussy.

When his tongue first brushed against her, Pei Pei felt like she had been jolted by a lightning bolt. Even though Clive had gone down on her before as well, she had never been as well prepared for it as she was now, with her heightened anticipation as well as the intensity of her experience with the vibrator. So when Ming Qiang’s tongue found her clitoris, and applied a firm stabbing pressure on it, she lost control and gave a loud moan of sheer joy, arching her back upwards at the sensation of pure pleasure as it raced its way through her whole body. She looked absolutely amazing, a small petite body with just enough curves to distinguish her as a woman, naked on the bed while letting a guy eat her pussy. She had the face of an angel, but at the moment bore the expression of a sex hungry nymph in the very throes of her desire. As she finally rested her hips back on the bed, she voluntarily opened up her legs, silently welcoming Ming Qiang to penetrate her. Panting away with her eyes closed, Ming Qiang was sorely tempted to enter her, since she was such inviting sight. Instead, he grabbed the vibrator, turned it on once more and started to apply the same firm pressure on her vagina. Almost jumping up from her position at the contact, Pei Pei’s eyes opened wide at the sensation, and her big Bambi eyes stared at Ming Qiang in an indescribably expression, with surprise, protest, desire and anticipation all summed up in it. Ming Qiang, sitting down beside her, leaned in to kiss her before applying heavier pressure with the vibrator.

Pei Pei slammed her own body back on the bed, and began to squirm as the vibrator did its work. Her nubile body was half twisting left and right, and her hips alternated between heaving and pressing down on the mattress as she both sought to escape from the machine, and also adjusting herself to harvest the best sensation possible. Her moans got more and more prolonged, as well as louder and louder. Ming Qiang would periodically lift the vibrator up to give her a few seconds of reprieve, before applying the pressure on her once more. By teasing her repeatedly, he brought her to the brink of climaxing, but always delaying just that little bit more until she found herself craving satisfaction. Her hands snaked out to grab the vibrator to keep it pressed against her pussy, until she finally cried out in ecstasy, as she cummed. Her moans of pleasure ended with what sounded almost like a squeal, as her hips twitched away uncontrollably, and she used her hands to cover up her vagina as if to stop her juices from flowing out like a river. She was moaning under her heavy breathing “Oh god, that was amazing. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.”

06-11-2012, 01:14 AM
This write up is simply magnificent! Til i dont have enough thumbs to give it more thumbs up!

06-11-2012, 09:53 AM
OMG OMG OMGGGG!! this story is simply amazing...!!

06-11-2012, 10:45 AM
Nice story :D

08-11-2012, 12:59 AM
Thanks for all the encouragements, brothers. (and sisters, maybe!!!)

Its good to know people are reading and responding, and that I'm not writing something nobody is reading.

08-11-2012, 01:02 AM
Ming Qiang quietly waited until her spasms subsided, and she had stopped panting so badly, before using the vibrator to apply pressure once more to her. As she gave a squeal of shock, she tried to protest to Ming Qiang saying “no more, I can’t take it anymore. Stop, please stop.” He gave her an evil grin, before using his other hand to gently play with her nipples. As he was applying very gentle and intermittent pressure on her vagina, she didn’t protest too much, but only squirmed on the bed, and started to run her own hands all over her own body and over her head as she felt the stimulations come from multiple sources of her body. Her moans sounded as if they came from deeper within her, as if the sounds were forced out of her despite herself turning hoarse. Every now and then she would give off a loud yelp when Ming Qiang sustained the pressure on her, and she even tried to clasp her own thighs around the vibrator. But the feeling was so intense that her legs shot apart again, as she could even feel the insides of her thighs quivering away at the contact. The heat she felt inside of her was unbearable, and she felt her fingers moving towards her own love hole, fingering away at herself to derive even greater stimulation.

She was like a drug addict, for whom the drugs never seemed enough. In the throes of her passion, she wanted more. So as Ming Qiang watched her using her own fingers to add to the sensation, he used his thumb to gently flick at a button, to bring the vibrator intensity up a notch. She felt it immediately, giving a loud cry that sounded like both a moan and a shout, and her body thrashed about on the bed at the shock caused by the sudden increase in intensity. “Oh god, please stop. I can’t take it anymore”, she squealed, trying her best to escape from the machine that was the source of both intense joy as well as great torment. Ming Qiang restrained her, but he didn’t need to use too much strength, She was weak from exhaustion, and asher whole body glistened from the sweat that resulted from all her exertions, she had precious little left of a fight in her. He listened as he heard her squeals got higher and higher pitched, longer and longer, and how she became more and more hysterical in her begging of him to stop, before applying even firmer pressure, until she finally gave off a loud and hoarse prolonged scream, her eyes squeezed shut, before he removed the drenched vibrator. She was so tired she could even speak, even though her lips were moving as if she was mouthing some words. Her long soft hair was plastered against her alabaster skin by the sweat, and her pussy was still twitching away in spasms as they registered yet another climax.

Ming Qiang was rock hard by now, and he quickly got on top of her, pressing his whole body down on hers. Her sweaty body exuded the heat that was coming out of her, and there was a dirty kind of exhilaration from mashing his own naked body against her hot wet frame. As he began kissing her, she enthusiastically kissed him back, with a very intense desire that mirrored her sexual condition at the moment. She had totally lost track of what was going on. The vibrator had nearly driven her insane, and the climax that came almost knocked her unconscious. She was feeling both giddy and light headed from the encounter, and when Ming Qiang’s strong and hard body covered hers, she was once more lost in the intimacy of the act. Kissing him back deeply and hungrily, she found her hands wandering all over his body, cupping his ass and pressing them down, loving the feel of his rock hard dick was now pressed against her vagina. On his part, he loved how the length of his dick ran up and down her soaking wet pussy, Each time he drove his hips up and down, sliding his dick over her labia, she would give off a soft cry at the contact. When he felt her pressing down on his hips, he knew she was pretty much desperate for him already. He was in no hurry, however. He had all afternoon.

08-11-2012, 01:03 AM
He slowly worked his way down her body, taking his time with her neck, down to the collar. He then took exquisite care with the top of her breasts, coming closed to the nipples a few times but never actually touching them. As he let his tongue circle the entire circumference of her breasts, he felt her moans getting more dragged out, as she anticipated his lips over her super-sensitive nipples. He went down to the bottom of her breasts, using his nose to prod and smell her scent, before crushing his lips down on each breast and sucking deeply, producing an angry red love bite on each of them. He smiled to himself, knowing that this would prevent her from having sex with her husband for some time, since she can’t let him see her hickey. Knowing that she was all his gave him a great sense of satisfaction. It was also his intention to isolate her from her husband, since denying him of sex with her was definitely going to drive a wedge between them in their marriage, and this could only mean further progress in his plans to utterly own her. Finally, sensing her desires were reaching a fervor, he quickly engulfed her right nipple in his mouth, letting his saliva fall over the peak of her beautiful breast. She sighed in relief at his touch, arching her right chest upwards to press in deeper into his face. Her hands found the back of his head, and she cupped him fiercely against her, relishing the feel of his mouth eating away at her chest.

As he took turns with each nipple, he slipped one finger down to her pussy, and brushed it gently. He found her still slick, as he continued to give off juices. She twitched at his touch, and as if the touch had triggered anew a fresh wave of desire, she clutched at him even harder, and pressed him even closer to herself. He let his lips work further down to her stomach, enjoying what a flat tummy she had. Her very trim waist was a big reason why her breasts looked bigger than they actually were. She was a very petite girl, with breasts that would have looked small on another girl. But she had a very trim waist and a shapely ass, lending a very womanly figure to her frame. The most amazing part about her is that she managed to not look bony at all, with her soft snowy white flesh filling up every part of her with no ugly protusions of her bones. Ming Qiang marveled at the phenomenal beauty that she was. Justin was really an extremely lucky bastard. But then again, maybe not. After all, her extraordinary beauty was exactly the reason why she was first drug-raped by her own boss, before being forced into a secret affair with her ex-boyfriend. So perhaps the trouble with marrying a beautiful girl is that you stand a much higher chance of being made a cuckold, good girl or not.

08-11-2012, 09:32 PM
Superb writing skill n the story line is really interesting, keep up the good work!
Can't wait for the next installment :)

09-11-2012, 02:27 PM
'LIKE' ... 'LIKE' .... super 'LIKE'!!!

09-11-2012, 08:54 PM
im only at page 2, and i feel like i'm reading something better than 50 shades of grey. damn awesome writing bro

09-11-2012, 08:56 PM
This story will fetch a few thousand dollars if you publish a book bro !

09-11-2012, 10:39 PM
High praise indeed. Thanks for your support, bros.

Next installment coming up soon.

A little busy this weekend, I will post something up later and then hopefully soon next week.

09-11-2012, 10:51 PM
When he finally worked his way down to her vagina, she was literally trembling with anticipation. As his tongue once more found her love hole, she cried out in pleasure, her legs repeatedly opening and closing, as she was lost in the sheer overwhelming sensations coursing through her. Her hands were flailing all over the bed on her sides, pulling at her hair and rubbing through Ming Qiang’s hair. He expertly twirled around her labia with his tongue, before finding her clitoris once more. Yet again, using a short and repeated stabbing action with his tongue, he stimulated her until he felt her thighs quivering from tensing up, as she sought to keep herself from totally losing control. When his tongue dipped into her love hole itself, he heard her moans go up another octave, as she again cried out “Oh my god. I’m going crazy. Stop it. Stop it! Oh god! Please baby, please stop. I cannot take it anymore! Ahhhhh!!!!”

When Ming Qiang heard her call him “baby”, he gave a big smile to himself. He had really succeeded in breaking down the barriers. Refusing to ease up on her, he carried on stabbing with his tongue, until she finally cried out in quick successive bursts, and climaxed yet again. She went on for a good 20 seconds, her face in a contortion of sheer bliss mixed with sweet agony, before going into a fetal position, whimpering away as she sought to regain her breath. Ming Qiang sat beside her, and gently ran his hands over her body, enjoying how soft and pliable she felt, with every inch of her smooth white skin available for him to savor. He felt his way around her perky ass, meaty enough yet not making her look fat, her well trimmed pussy now red yet glistening with her own juices, her white thighs with the faintest of tan lines from the skirts she wears to work. What he loved the most was always her facial expressions, as she was able to look both like an absolutely fresh-faced innocent, yet display such a wanton desire when in the throes of passion. With her soft long hair eased to the side, she was truly as perfect as Ming Qiang could ever have asked for. Leaning in to kiss her, he said to her “enjoyed yourself, baby? You look absolutely amazing.”

Pei Pei froze at hearing what he said. Turning around to face him, she looked into her face as she finally registered what had happened. She had been enjoying herself! She had even called him baby! It was almost like a throwback to such a long time ago when they were dating. She had never called Justin “baby” since then. Confused, she wondered what was she doing. They say sex is an act of intimacy. Could it be that these moments of intimacy had broken down her resistance? That was unthinkable! She was being blackmailed and raped by a man she loathed! Yet here she was, not too long ago, basking in the heat of passion with the very same man, and she had reverted back to the kind of familiarity which she had with him long ago! “Baby? What’re you thinking?” Ming Qiang asked her softly. Shaken out of her reverie, she was at a loss of words. Seeing how she seemed so undecided, he leaned in to kiss her. Unable to decide what to do, she once more responded instinctively, closing her eyes and kissing him back. It was a soft and slow kiss, sensual and tender. As their tongues slowly snaked out to feel each other, they were like two fencers as they sought each other out, slowly and cautiously, exploring each other and getting to know how each other moved. As she felt their tongues sliding past each other repeatedly, she felt the last bit of resistance in her give up. Surrendering to the passions of the body, she totally gave herself up to the moment, and fully committed herself to Ming Qiang. She wrapped her arms around Ming Qiang, and kissed him passionately.

Sensing the slight change in Pei Pei, Ming Qiang decided to close in for the kill. Manouvering their bodies so that he was once again over her, he let his rod slide up and down her pussy lips. Pei Pei in turn was matching his hips, moving up and down, evidently more than ready for him to enter her and seal the act. He sat up, and positioned his rock hard dick at her entrance, and then proceeded to tease her by rubbing his mushroom head against her labia repeatedly, now and then stabbing at her clitoris. This brought a loud whine from her, followed by soft moans as her hands flailed wildly on the bed as if she did not know what to do with them. Each time Ming Qiang slowly and deliberately slid his tool along her entrance, she would cry out in anticipation, only to realize he was still teasing her. Driving up her desire to a fervor, he drove her into an uncontrollable state, her hands stretching out towards him only to find that he was out of reach. Finally, she resorted to begging him, saying “baby, I want you now. Please. I want you now. Come in now, please! Please… please… please…” He ignored her, driving her crazy. She began to move her hips, trying to make him enter her. Each time he would allow his mushroom head to semi-penetrate her, drawing a loud moan of desire from her as she anticipated him finally entering her, but he would withdraw and press his dick against her clitoris instead. Pei Pei felt herself going absolutely wild, crazy with desire for Ming Qiang’s dick to ram into her. Her mind was filled with no other thoughts other than of having him inside of her, filling her up fully and deeply.

09-11-2012, 10:53 PM
Nice story :)

10-11-2012, 02:18 PM
Waited so long after the Justin with Adeline tryst.. Finally! Damn worth the wait! Please continue... :)

14-11-2012, 12:49 AM
Waiting till neck very long for your update

14-11-2012, 08:44 PM
With one firm push, Ming Qiang finally shoved himself all the way inside her, causing Pei Pei to scream out in satisfaction at having finally gotten what she craved. Ming Qiang himself nearly lost control when he thrust himself inside her – she was so hot inside, so slick yet so tight. She gripped him like a vice, and even as his dick throbbed away inside of her, she was so sensitive that she was responding to him moving deep inside of her. As he slowly moved himself in and out of her, she was so eager to keep him inside that her own hips followed his, plastering her own body tightly against his. As he thrust at her in a circular manner, she moaned at the sensations she was experiencing, loving the feel of how hard he was, yet how smoothly he was gliding in and out of her. She felt her own desires threatening once more to overwhelm her, so when she felt that he has suddenly slowed to a stop, she frantically thrust her own hips up and down as her own accompanying moans sounded more shrill and desperate. This was not easy for her, since she was the one lying below him, but she was so desperate for gratification that she was past caring. She would do whatever it takes in order to achieve satisfaction. Ming Qiang had anticipated this, and had deliberately slowed himself down when he sensed that she was reaching yet another high. Watching how she was desperately taking the initiative, he smiled to himself, since the cameras were taking all of this in. This was definitely not a rape scene. In fact, today’s footage would show that she was even more eager than him, wanting it more badly and trying harder. He finally responded by moving himself again, allowing her to slow down and take it easy.

He proceeded to fuck her hard. One after another of very hard thrusts, as he heard the familiar and very satisfying sound of their hips colliding with a resounding smack. Each time he did so, she would cry out, a moan that was sharp but dragged on into a whimper. Her arms covered her own chest as if she was trying to hug herself, bracing herself against the extreme sensations of both pleasure as well as pain. It was excruciating for her, but she didn’t know if she wanted him to stop. She’s never had such intense feelings before, whether it was with Justin or with Clive. It was exhausting, but after all that he’s done to her this afternoon, she was desperately craving something more intense and exhilarating. So as she felt him thrusting so hard inside of her, threatening to tear her up inside, she was crying from the pain. However, there was also a kind of sweet joy from it all, as if the adrenaline had kicked in to give her a rush of sheer pleasure. Her own legs went up to encircle his back, grabbing him in a tight pincer grip, pushing him to go deeper with each thrust, even as her hands went down to her own pussy to feel him as he was ripping her apart with his strokes.

It was hard, it was brutal, and she was loud in her response. Huge shrieks of sex moans that echoed all around the quiet room as she totally abandoned herself to the throes of her lust. “Oh god! Oh my god! Oh my god!!!” she would cry out as he continued to stab away, her voice sounding weak from all her screams yet gaining strength from his thrusts. By now Ming Qiang was also working up a lot of sweat, and finally decided that it was time for her to play her part.

Pulling her up into a sitting position, he made her mount him and do all the work. He thought she would need some time to get the hang of things, but she was a natural. Quickly getting into the rhythm of things, she was soon writhing her hips back and forth while riding him, leaning forward to gain her balance. This caused her to be using her arms to squeeze her breasts together, making them look especially beautiful – two snowy peaks capped by her pink nipples. Absolutely gorgeous. He made a metal note while admiring them to pay attention to how it looked on the video. Such a position was a perfect opportunity to do screenshots and keep. Pei Pei was so good in this position that Ming Qiang quickly found that he was about to cum. But he was not done, so he suddenly started thrusting with his own hips, breaking her rhythm. She felt a sharp stab of pain when Ming Qiang had thrust upwards into her, crying out in surprise before covering her own mouth at the shock of pain she felt. He quickly sat up, holding her in a soft embrace with his dick still buried deep inside of her. Kissing her softly, he brushed aside the hair from her face, before looking into her half-closed eyes and telling her “God, you are so damn beautiful. I should have cherished you more when you were mine.” Pei Pei felt her mind spin at his words, confused as to what he was really saying. Was he simply saying this to please her, was he telling her that he still loved her?

As he eased her down, to lie on the bed, he flipped her over to doggie position, and started to run his dick over her pussy from behind. However, remembering how he had cruelly raped her anus the last time round, she began to protest, fearing he would do the same. “Shhh… don’t worry, baby. I won’t do anything to hurt you. Trust me.” As she hesitated, not knowing if she should believe him, he softly entered her from behind, making her once more abandon her thoughts. She actually loved being fucked from behind. Clive had been the first to do that to do, and she had loved how she really felt his dick slamming into the roof of her pussy. He was feeling the urgency of his own desires, but he was determined to last as long as he could. Thrusting away at her while she tried her best to hold her hips steady was amazing. Her butt was soft and cushioned his thrusts really well. Her legs, in a semi-closed position while kneeling facing forward made her pussy feel even tighter, bringing him even greater pleasure.

14-11-2012, 08:46 PM
Finally, he felt that he was ready to cum, unable to control himself any longer. Ming Qiang had been dying to satiate his own hunger since seeing her naked body, but he had denied himself in order to bring about the utter conquest of Pei Pei. Now that he had finally accomplished his mission, it was time to claim the sweet rewards of his hard work. Slowing to a stop, he let his hard rod linger in her slick wet channel for just a few moments longer, drawing a soft sigh from her as she tried to catch her breath and take that brief moment to recover. He then flipped her around on to make her lie on her back, and brought his own face up to her. Once again kissing her softly, it quickly intensified as they regained their momentum and let their desires guide their actions. With his hands gliding all over her sweaty body, both straining to catch their breath as they sucked the air out from each other’s lips, Ming Qiang’s hands found their way to her hips, before cupping them and then shoving himself inside her once more with a grunt. A sweet cry from her gave momentary pause to their kiss, before she embraced him with greater relish, holding him so tight as if she never wanted to let go. She had never made love like this before, and right at this moment she felt more intimate with him than she ever had with any man, including Justin. It felt almost as if she was making love to him, wanting him to totally possess her, and be as deep inside of her as she could let him. She could sense that he was tensing up, and knew that he was finally ready. His thrusting became more forceful, and she let go of herself, her arms spread wide to grasp both sides of the bed as her legs wrapped themselves tightly against his back.

A few more thrusts, and Ming Qiang knew he was cumming. “I’m cumming baby. Oh god, you are so fucking amazing. I’m cumming!” he screamed, as she again used her arms to grab onto his body, as if she was afraid she was falling. Both their moans reached a climax together, and then he groaned loudly as he felt himself spewing into her, his second ejaculation of the day inside of her. She could feel his hot semen pouring into her, like hot lava as it erupted inside of her, and she held him tightly, relishing the feel of the consummation of their desires. Her hoarse voice was still moaning away as she savored the last moments of the passion. She could smell the sweat of their bodies, and even though she was someone who detested untidiness, she loved the feel of their naked bodies intertwined together, soaking in the sweat of their rigourous love making. She felt she must be crazy, basking in the satisfaction of their desires. She should have been repulsed by him, and disgusted by the fact that this was wrong. He had blackmailed her into sex. This was rape. So why had she ended up enjoying it so much? In fact, she was had not merely enjoyed it, she had craved it. She had invited him, encouraged him, and given herself up to him so willingly!

Once more, as it did after she had slept with Clive, tears came to her eyes. Was she really such a slut? She dared not face up to that fact, but she could not deny it. Every time she had slept with another man, she had been reluctant to do so at first, but had always ended up welcoming it, and even desiring it. She knew she was brought up to be a good girl, and she had always prided herself on being sensible, knowing where to draw the lines and not cross them. Adultery was always a clear cut taboo, and she would never in a million years imagine that she would become the sort of wanton woman that she was now. Her tears came fast now, until they became wracking sobs, as all the pent up tension released the dam inside of her.

For all of Ming Qiang’s abilities to seduce a woman in bed, he was unable to grasp the finer emotions that a woman feels. Wondering why she would cry so hard after he thought he had so successfully seduced her, he tried to put a comforting arm over her, only to have her brush it off. She felt dirty, and she felt unworthy of Justin’s love. At this moment, any touch from Ming Qiang only confirmed how worthless she felt, since she knew that she no longer would reject it. Unfortunately, he perceived her actions as a rejection of himself instead of mere self-loathing. Frustrated, he again put his hand out and grabbed her, asking “what’s wrong? Was I that bad in bed, that you have to cry like this?” She didn’t know how to reply, but simply cried harder at his words. In his eyes, was she really nothing more than a tramp who cried when the sex wasn’t good? Was this the man she had felt so intimate with, and to whom she had given herself totally over to? What had she done? What had she become?

Ming Qiang, frustrated at her silence, tried a different tack. “Sorry baby. I know I was wrong to force you. But I still love you, and I’m still crazy over you. All these years you’ve been away from me, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. And so when you walked back into my life again, I just went crazy. I knew I had to have you, otherwise I’ll go crazy.” His words only served to crush Pei Pei even more. She now saw that he had always seen her as a sex object, and he was overcome with desires, that’s why he had raped her. As anger welled up inside of her, and not being in control of her emotions, she lashed out at him. “So are you happy, now that you’ve gotten my body? You’ve always wanted it, didn’t you? That’s why you got me drunk, took those disgusting pictures of me, and now you’re blackmailing me into having sex with you? Ming Qiang, I hate you. I really do. You may have my body as often as you want until I reclaim back all my DVDs, but after that I want you out of my life. I don’t want anything else to do with you. Are we clear? I hate you!”

His own anger rising now, as he become more frustrated with confusion at her reaction towards him, he sat up and told her coldly “Fine, have it your way. I will have all the fun I will with your body. After all, you’re already used goods, and won’t mind going through a day having sex with me, Clive as well as your pathetic husband. By the time I’m done with you, your pussy will probably be so loose from overuse, that you won’t be suck a great fuck anymore. I might as well enjoy you now before no one wants you anymore huh?” He stormed off, leaving her to take in his words, once more sobbing her heart out at what she was hearing. He ran out into the living room, angry at what he perceived was her rejection of him. He had done everything right, he told himself. She was having such a great time, why the hell would she suddenly reject him? “It must be because she’s a gold digger.”, he told himself out loud. That’s why she would be with her high flying hubby, as well as sleep with her boss. He felt a pang of regret, since he genuinely liked her. She was kind, she was compassionate, and she had always been outstanding. He had half wondered if it was possible to steal her back from her hubby, but now all of that has changed. He saw her as nothing more than just a gold digging whore, and he knew now that he would fuck her with no remorse, happy to just satisfy his sexual needs. He also decided that the means are now at hand for him to turn her into his sex slave, with all the new footage he was now gathering of her, on top of whatever he stole from Clive.

He was going to enjoy himself, and he’s not going to care anymore how much it hurts her. He was going to exploit her for all she’s worth.

14-11-2012, 08:49 PM
great story! Thot the drug could be better used though.

14-11-2012, 08:53 PM
Thanks for your patience, bros.

Up me if you like my latest update.:D

14-11-2012, 09:15 PM
Absolutely well worth the up Bro Javlooking.

The latest update is fantastic and i really like where it's going.

I anxiously wait for your updates every day.

Kudos to you Bro.

14-11-2012, 09:53 PM
nice update bro waited so long

19-11-2012, 01:02 AM
Waiting for you, i'm waiting for you Jav !

20-11-2012, 12:52 AM
Justin, in the meantime, was becoming more and more obsessed with Ruth. He had struck up a chat with her via Facebook, and then slowly worked up a routine with her. By the end of 2 weeks, he’s got her phone number, and was regularly texting her. Being just 5 years older than her, he was able to still converse with her on many things. She was fun, more than up to a banter with him, and she felt at ease with him because he would talk about his wife, making her feel that he wasn’t trying anything funny with her. She was glad, since seldom was she able to be friends with her patients, for fear of any complications. Yet being friends with her patients had always been what she wanted, seeing it as a natural outcome of caring for them. So it was a welcome experience to have made a good friend in Justin. He even talked about bringing his wife down to see her when she fell sick. Too bad it didn’t happen because his wife’s company was on a different insurance plan, and so would have been unable to make any medical claims with her clinic. More and more he had talked abt introducing her to his wife, and she was quite interested to meet the woman behind such a guy. She had briefly entertained the notion that if he was single, she would have easily found him attractive, but she quickly brushed it off as nonsense, since he was obviously happily married.

Justin had deliberately guided the conversations along the way, making her feel at ease by being non-threatening. Of course, he was never going to let Ruth and the wife meet. That must never happen. Meanwhile, he has learnt much about her. She was confused about dating, not having had any serious boyfriends in the past. She had always been so focused on her studies, and she has enough girlfriends to keep her social life active without the need for boys. She likes confident men with a sense of humour, and she hasn’t met too many of them. Justin knows that its because she was only looking for guys that were her peers. She needed to be looking at guys older than her. Guys like him. Feeling like he’s on more solid ground now, he was elated at finally having gotten her handphone number. By doing a little more research on the internet, he managed to figure out her favorite styles of music, movies and activities. He was thus able to sneak them in during their conversations, feigning a similar interest. Ruth was pleasantly surprised at their common interests. That in turn helped her open up more to him, and feel a greater sense of kindred spirit. Very quickly, in the space of a couple of months, she found herself looking forward to their daily chats, and felt free to tell him things that she normally wouldn’t tell a friend.

Justin’s obsession with Ruth also meant that he was neglecting Pei Pei. He found that she was becoming a little weird, and their lovemaking had become a little awkward again. Missing the days of her being that confident and playful sex kitten that he thought she was finally becoming, he dismissed it as stress from her work, not realizing that it was actually her double life taking a toll on her. After the initial love bites that Ming Qiang had made on her breasts, she had to feign some excuse to avoid sex with Justin for a week, and she knew how frustrated he was at her lame excuses. The once-golden couple slowly drifted apart, and each began to care more only about what was going on in their own lives. Pei Pei made her work the main focus of her life, feeling that it was the only thing left which she had control over. She worked hard, and was glad when she saw that she was producing results in the company. She told herself that she would get promoted to a position where she could have some measure of control over Ming Qiang, so that she would no longer be totally under his control.

20-11-2012, 12:52 AM
The past two months had been hell for her. He had raped her twice more, once even calling her into Clive’s office while he was overseas. The minute she had gone in, he had locked the door, then proceeded to yank up her dress, and ripped off her panties mercilessly. She barely managed to stop herself from screaming. He had then made her lean over his desk, and taken her immediately, regardless of the fact that she was dry, and thus making it very painful for her. He grabbed and pawed at her breasts through the smooth material of her dress, crumpling it in the process. He was harsh and uncaring, first messing up her hair when he grabbed at them. This drew gasps of pain from her as she continued to struggle to keep from crying out loud. The whole process had taken no more than 10 minutes, and he had once more ejaculated into her, before getting quickly dressed and left her alone in the office, cum dripping from her pussy, and collapsed on the floor from despair at her plight. She tried her best to smooth out her dress, and noticed that some of his semen had gotten onto her dress. She sought around the office desk for some tissues to wipe it away, then used more to wipe her tears away. Bunching her torn panties in her hand, she had then run to the toilet to freshen herself up, dispose of the panties and straightened out her hair.

After regaining her composure, she had finally stepped back into the office. Ming Qiang saw her coming out, and marveled at how she could recover herself so quickly, and did not look like the state he had left her in 15 minutes ago. However disheveled she was, she really was extraordinary how quickly she recovered. Her ability to act like nothing had happened as she was back at her desk was also remarkable. He sent her an email, which simply said “That was a great fuck. Hope you enjoy the rest of the days without your panties. Suggest you either just stop wearing them to work, or else use cheap disposable ones.” She had been disgusted when she saw the email, and fought back the tears welling up in her. She told herself to be strong, and not let herself be defeated by this vile man. She sent back an email that simply said “You owe me a DVD.”

Ming Qiang smiled to himself when he saw her reply. He liked feisty women, and he liked how she rallied from her predicament. Ten minutes later, he went back into Clive’s office to retrieve his camera, having placed two on the bookshelves to capture the action. By now, he had built up a small collection. He knew he was running out of DVDs to give her, and he was planning what his next move was going to be. He had finally showed off his video collection to his best friend, who had then begged him to be let in on the action. He had actually refused, since he felt some degree of possessiveness and even protectiveness towards Pei Pei, but now that he regarded her as nothing more than a worthless whore, he was wondering how he could take his own pleasure to the next level. Some ideas began to form inside his head…

20-11-2012, 06:48 AM
threesome lai liao..........:D

camping for more.....

20-11-2012, 08:39 AM
Poor Pei Pei, there is no going back already. She is going to be use n abused :(

22-11-2012, 03:02 AM
In the meantime, Justin’s obsession with Ruth was growing. There was such an easy going manner to her that he felt he was developing a real crush on her. Over dinner one night with his best friend William, who had always harbored a secret crush on Pei Pei. He had been very angry with Justin for having continued to fool around behind Pei Pei’s back, feeling that she deserved better. But since he was himself a married man, he knew that his own crush on Pei Pei means he had no moral high ground by which to blame Justin. He knew about Justin’s long-standing affair with Adeline, having heard Justin gush about how good she was in bed, and how magnificent she was. Boy, had he been angry, as he pictured poor Pei Pei back at home waiting for Justin to come home, unaware that he was having a good time while betraying her. “If Pei Pei was mine, I’d never treat her that way”, he always told himself. Ever since Justin dated Pei Pei, William has secretly admired her from afar, always wondering what it would have been like if he was the one who met her first. Pei Pei had always trusted William, and even confided in him when she was first harassed by Ming Qiang. All in all, William found himself increasingly disliking Justin, begrudging him for having claimed Pei Pei then mistreating her the way he did. Justin, unaware of all that was going on inside of William, told him that he plans to bed Ruth before the end of the year. He outlined a few plans, and ask William what he thought. William, putting on a good face, merely replied that he knows Ruth better, and will know what the best plan of seduction would be.

Pei Pei received some bad news: Clive was being posted overseas, and would soon be leaving. He had asked her out for dinner one last time, and she had agreed. She struggled with whether or not to tell him about Ming Qiang, but decided that its better not to. She still didn’t know how Ming Qiang could possibly get his hands on such footage, but she didn’t think its possible that Clive would have done it, since his own face was clearly visible. More importantly, she didn’t want to risk Clive going to the police and making it a big issue. She could not afford to let her affair with Clive be known by Justin. Even worse, if her multiple rapes by Ming Qiang were to ever emerge, she wouldn’t ever know how to face anyone anymore. She would have a put on a brave face, and say goodbye to Clive. She was going to miss him.

They had dinner at Orchard Parade Hotel’s Black Angus, since Clive was staying in one of the rooms there. His lease had just expired, and so the company had paid for his accommodations for the last week in a hotel, instead of extendind the lease. She was wearing a silken electric blue halter neck dress, which as usual fit very snugly against her body. It was cut off just above her knees, and because the material was so soft, she was wearing the only G-string she owns. In order not to have any unsightly straps showing, she was wearing a silicon bra, which helped to further accentuate her curves. She looked absolutely ravishing, and she knew it. She had taken the trouble to make-up for this dinner. It was the last time she’d be dining with Clive, and she wanted to look her best.

It was a pleasant dinner, talking about where Clive was going and what he’d be doing. Pei Pei enjoyed herself very much, perhaps the first time she had ever done so in a long time. Having felt so alone for the past couple of months, she was glad to spend some time with a man she felt a lot of affection for, and with whom they had been so intimate not so long ago. He was still attentive, sensitive and easy going, and the time passed very quickly. Finally, they called the bill and he had invited her upstairs for a nightcap. He had a twinkle in his eye, and she half hesitated, wondering if he was being cheeky. Still, she felt reluctant to say goodbye, and so accepted his invitation. She was also curious to see what sort of room the company was paying for him to stay in.

Once through the door, she had been amazed at what she saw. It was a very lovely suite, very well lit and very lavish. She didn’t know that this was actually not his room. He had booked this suite just for tonight, so as to impress her. He had plans for her tonight, and wanted to set the tone. Of course, he had also set up the same cameras he had used in the US, and was planning to film all the footage possible. It would be the last time he gets to fuck this beauty, and he was really going to miss her. He still remembered how she looked at her wedding, so pure and virginal. He had also been through his own video collection multiple times, admiring how she looked so pure and unblemished right before he ravished her for the very first time. Now, as she stood in his room in her silk dress and looking incredibly hot, he was tempted to just rip the whole dress off her now and do her hard. But that was not his style, and he wanted to end their time together on a good note. Who knows, maybe he will get an encore one day if he comes back, or if she similarly gets posted overseas.

22-11-2012, 04:59 AM
Camping for more!! Thanks.

22-11-2012, 07:53 PM
damn nice story. can't wait for more

24-11-2012, 12:20 PM
bro, i spent the whole night reading from page 1 to page 24. i must now say that you have got yourself another fan. fantastic writing and i am dying for the next installment...... kudos to you:)

24-11-2012, 09:40 PM
Thanks bro!

Glad to have you on board.

24-11-2012, 09:42 PM
“Looks like our company is doing really well, to be able to afford such a room for you, Clive.” She teased him, not knowing the truth of the matter. “Of course. I am, after all, an exceedingly important man. An absolute asset to the company. I’m good in my work, good with colleagues, even good in bed.” He had leaned in to whisper to her the past part, and given her a wink. She was shocked, then couldn’t help but laugh at how outrageous he was. “You are terrible! What a thing to say!” she had replied him, using her palm to give him a friendly slap on the arm. He had then proceeded to open up the bottle of wine on the table, and poured out two glasses. He had, prior to this, sprinkled a small amount of ecstasy in one glass, just enough to loosen her up without making the effects obvious. He handed her the glass and raised a toast “to our better futures!” She raised her glass also, and downed everything in one gulp. She had been a little nervous about coming into his room, not sure what to expect. His little joke about being good in bed unnerved her even more, as it brought back a hundred little memories of their time together, but also of Ming Qiang’s blackmail. So when Clive handed her the glass of wine, she had nervously swallowed the whole glass in one go. “Whoa! Slowly, my little princess. You were never a good drinker in the first place. You should take it easy.”

She realized he was right. Already, there was a sudden rush to her head as she felt herself flush at the sudden influx of alcohol. Clive thanked his lucky stars, since her unexpected behavior would only further help to mask the effects of the ecstacy. Feeling suddenly dizzy, she had taken one uncertain step backwards, and Clive quickly reached out to grab her by the arm. “You ok?” he asked. She smiled at him and simply nodded her head. In sudden close proximity, they found themselves looking into each other’s eyes, as if time had suddenly been suspended. Clive leaned in and gave her a very soft and slow kiss on the lips. She froze up, unable to react to it. She didn’t know if she welcomed it, or if she should push him away. “I’ve missed you. And I don’t just mean the sex. You really are such an amazing woman.” He whispered to her, still looking into her eyes. And that did the trick for her. Tentatively, and almost awkwardly, her arms reached out to encircle his shoulders, and she kissed him. Slowly and hesitantly at first, but then more hungrily and with more passion. In less than a minute, they were in a fierce embrace, and an even fiercer kiss.

Clive loved how she smelled. Her hair always smells fresh, even though it was at the end of a work day. As he ran his hands along her silky smooth arms, he felt himself growing hard very quickly. This sex goddess was amazing. She’s always looked incredibly hot. A petite body with immaculate grooming and posture, she had always exuded a copious amount of subconscious sex appeal. However, she was a good girl, never a flirt and very careful with her behavior, lending her an air of chastity that made her at the same time unattainable. Yet here she was in his arms, very willingly participating in this sexual tryst with a man that wasn’t her husband. He felt a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment in knowing that he had succeeded beyond his wildest expectations in unlocking her. To have her now in his hotel room as he films the last installment of his sexual affair with this gorgeous married lady, was indeed the magnificent climax to his short stint in Singapore.

Pei Pei felt his hands roam from her arms to the sides of her breasts, and she realized that she’s missed his touch. His big, strong hands that were both firm yet gentle, running down the sides of her body, cupping her sensitive breasts through the sheer fabric of her dress. His fingers found the front of her breasts, where his fingertips gently brushed across where her nipples where, drawing a soft gasp from her, making her twitch slightly as a shiver coursed through her. She felt warm from the alcohol, warm from his embrace, and there was a thrill that was racing through her as she felt his hands on her body. As always, his touch never failed to excite her, and she quickly found herself wanting him very badly. Reaching behind her head, she started to undo the clips in her hair, dropping them on the floor as she let her hair down. Clive immediately was treated a the scent of her hair as the tendrils fell in between their faces. He broke their kisses to look into her face, and see the look of desire that was written all over it. Knowing that she wanted him as much he wanted her, he reached behind her even as she gathered up her hair to expose the nape of her neck. He found the knot easily enough, and with a small yank, undid the knot to her halter neck dress. As the soft material slid off her shoulders to expose her smooth white skin, she used one arm to keep the material from totally falling off to expose her breasts. Looking into his eyes, she told herself to treasure tonight. She may not love him the same way that she loved Justin but she felt very safe in his arms, and she knew that his going away would close a very sweet chapter in her life. It had been a painful acceptance for her that she was committing adultery, but after that she had come to treasure the kind of intimacy she found with Clive.

Clive looked into her angelic face, her arms chastely covering her modesty as she stood defenceless before him, and he felt a knot in his stomach. She was too beautiful to give up already. He told himself he would make this a night to remember for both of them. Reaching out to her, he slowly clasped her arm that was covering herself, and pulled it away. As her dress fell even further down the front, her glorious breasts came into view, even as they remained covered up by her silicon bra. She looked gorgeous in her half dressed state, both arms by the side as she simply stood there, giving him permission to do whatever he wanted with her. Her dress had now fallen to her waist where they remained, resting in a bunch on her hips. He whistled at the sight, and told her in a slightly hoarse voice, “You look so beautiful, I wish you were mine.” Feeling deeply moved by his words, Pei Pei reached for his face and replied “I’m here now, am I not? And I’m now all yours…” Her voice trailed off, as she understood what his words meant. In a different situation, she might really have fallen for Clive. After all, he was also everything she could have asked for in a man.

He reached out to cup the sides of her breasts, and gently peeled the silicon bra off, exposing her upper torso entirely. Her skin had a glow of its own, so smooth and white and yet so soft and luminous. He bent his face down and took in one nipple with his mouth. She gave off a moan of sheer pleasure as his tongue came into contact with her, and she stumbled a few steps backwards. He grabbed her before she could fall, and as they laughed at themselves, he led her over to the bed where he laid her down on the smooth sheets. As he removed the strands of hair that covered her face and shoulders, he again resumed his work on her nipples, using his tongue to twirl with one as he used his fingers to twirl with the other one. She felt the familiar jolts of electricity coursing through her body as he expertly played with her, and she was feeling the familiar tingles in her loins as her body responded to Clive’s manipulations. Her body heat was warming up, and she felt her head spin as she felt herself getting lost in the heat of her passions. Her own hands were running all over Clive’s body, and her fingers started to run through her own hair as she felt herself losing control.

24-11-2012, 09:43 PM
Clive sat up, and started to pull the rest of her dress off her. As Pei Pei raised her own hips to let him pull the thin material off, her black g-string came into view. It was the first time he had seen her in one, and he whistled in appreciation, telling her that she looked absolutely magnificent in it, and that she should wear nothing except a g-string from now on. She blushed at his comment and wanted to protest, but found no words to speak. She was pleased at what she heard, but wasn’t too keen to banter. Her own needs were now raging inside of her, and she wanted him inside of her. After stripping her dress totally off her, he took time to stroke her legs, which were cold from the aircon in the room. His hot hands felt like little fires that he was lighting on her skin, drawing sharp gasps of pleasure from her as they made their way over every inch of her body. When he arrived at her vagina, he paused to admire how well trimmed she was. This was an extremely neat and well groomed lady. To shave would have made her appear to be like a girl. To have her bush so well trimmed only served to declare she was a ripe woman, one whose body had a natural lushness to it that could drive a man crazy simply by looking. Pei Pei raised her head to see why had he paused, and then felt a shiver course through her when she saw him staring intently at her pussy. She therefore saw the look on his face when he suddenly moved in and gave her pussy lips a firm lick.

Throwing her head back at the sudden sensation, her whole back arched upwards in joy at the electric feel. From her lips came a prolonged cry of joy, her crystal clear joy filling the silence of the room as Clive smiled to himself. She had always been great in bed, her moans always a highlight. She was so different in heat from her normal person. She was open, she was expressive, and she exuded sex from every pore of her skin. Clive enjoyed a woman’s moans. It told him that he was doing it right. And so he varied his tempo and his technique, drawing different sounds from her. As she allowed him to have his way with her body, she was treated to all kinds of sensations from anticipation to surprise, from a slow build up till an intense apex, from her reserved demeanor to her wanton moans. She felt as if she had lost all control of her body, and was unable to do anything except to respond to Clive’s expert manipulations. But she didn’t want to fight in. In fact, she craved it. It had been too long since she had felt safe and secure in the arms of a man, and Clive always made her feel like a lady.

Clive loved how she was so wet so fast. He sat up and started to remove his clothings. Sensing that he had stopped, Pei Pei looked up and saw what he was doing. Sitting up also, she whipered to him “let me”, and began to undress him. He let his arms fall to the side, and let her slowly remove all his clothes. She loved how he looked. He didn’t have the amazing body that Justin did, but she felt very comfortable looking at it. To her, it represented all the warmth and security that she had been lacking for the past few months. Hungrily, she unzipped his pants and undid the button, letting it drop to her floor. She smiled at seeing his dick straining against his boxer shorts, and she whispered to him “Its time to let him out of jail.” Her fingers reached into the elastic band of his boxers, and started to pull them down. As his rock hard dick sprang out into view, she lowered the boxers to bed, then while still bending down, proceeded to take his whole penis into his mouth.

Her actions were sensually slow and deliberate, and it was the action of a woman eager to please her man. Clive groaned in pleasure as her hot lips closed over his member, and he felt her warmth and wetness enclose him. His hand reached out to caress her head, marveling at how her hair felt so smooth and soft. As she licked and sucked away at her, he was amazed at how much better she had become. Remembering that he was the one who had first made her give him a blowjob, he imagined how she must have taken her new-found skill and practiced on Justin back home. She was really good at it, and he was enjoying himself so much that he almost wanted to cum in her mouth. She kept up her pressure, being both gentle yet eager, her hair now felling all over her shoulders as her rapid in-out movements with her head shifted them all around. He reached out to gather them up, exposing her clear shoulders and the incredibly sexy nape of her neck. Even when giving a blowjob she had amazing posture. Straight back, with her chest thrust out, Clive loved the way she looked right now. Her own breathing got deeper and louder as she sighed and moaned, trying to catch her breath as she worked away at him. He made up his mind that he would cum in her mouth since he’s never done it before so he allowed himself to indulge, his own moans matching her and getting louder and louder before he used both hands to grab her hair on each side, and ejaculated into her with a loud groan.

Pei Pei sensed that he was cumming, and was half tempted by sheer instinct to withdraw. But she also sensed his desire to cum inside of her since he made no move to push her back, and she was eager to please. However, the amount of jizz that came pouring out of him was more than she was prepared for. Clive had not had sex for a little while now, being so busy with his transfer back overseas. He was carrying a full load, and he absolutely let Pei Pei have it all. Unable to deal with the amount of cum that was shooting its way into her down and down her throat, she was swallowing part of it before she even realized. Her eyes widened in shock, before they softly closed in acceptance of what had happened. She had done this willingly, and so even though she did not expect it, she was able to accept what had happened. She was glad that he had done what he did, since he was evidently very pleased with her. As she finally pulled away, she collapsed back on the bed with cum dripping down her mouth unto her breasts, gasping for air as she choked a little from his semen.

24-11-2012, 09:49 PM
swee good story

25-11-2012, 11:24 AM
Definitely one of the top rated stories in sbf ever! Thanks for this!

26-11-2012, 06:41 AM
Very Exciting Story! I'm addicted.

26-11-2012, 01:38 PM
how Pei Pei changed from an innocent girl to this state as she was manipulated by Clive n Ming Qiang...very good writing skill..bravo!

26-11-2012, 01:51 PM
My first best story bro! Keep it up!

Off-topic: I think i just saw a sis wearing blue dress reading this forum with a big ipad on a bus :D

26-11-2012, 06:40 PM
Finally Pei Pei had swallowed Clive's sperm. One of the objective to have Pei Pei to swallow his load.

27-11-2012, 09:56 PM
Do continue. :)

29-11-2012, 01:47 AM
It was a glorious sight for Clive. In the soft light of the hotel room, Pei Pei was like a little girl, clad only in her tiny g-string, sitting on the bed panting for breath with cum dripping out of her mouth and landing on her delicious snowy white breasts. Her immaculate hair was now all mussed up, and strands were sticking to her face due to the sweat caused by her exertions. She looked up at him with an almost shy look, as if asking if he was pleased with her. He smiled, and went to fetch some tissues from the table. Wiping her mouth and her breasts to remove his jizz, he then settled down in the bed with her. Softly kissing her, he then thanked her for what she had done for him. “Thanks for that, darling. It was unbelievable. YOU were unbelievable. I wish I could take you with me. Your husband is truly the luckiest guy in the world for having snared you. I hope he cherishes you.” She felt herself choke at his words. Its been a long time since anyone was so tender towards her, or made her feel like she was so precious. As her eyes started to well up with tears, he quickly wiped them away saying “Hey hey hey, you ok? What’s wrong with you? Did I say something wrong?”

Not want to spoil the night, she quietly shook her head and said “Its nothing. I’m just being silly”. She then leaned over to kiss him before he could ask anymore. The kiss was tentative at first as she merely sought to stop him from saying anything else that would make her cry. But it immediately turned fierce as she felt a strong wave of emotions wash over her. She loved Clive, she realized. Somewhere along the way she had shifted her affections away from Justin, and she realized that the one who actually was able to understand her and touch her soul with just a few words, was Clive. But she knew it would never work, and that Justin was actually a really great husband. It was a bittersweet realization, and she knew this would always be buried inside her troubled and lonely heart. She felt her own emotions overwhelming her, and she responded with greater passion towards Clive, her breathing laborious as she kissed him with all the strength she could muster.

He was quick to respond to her, his own desires once more rising to meet hers. As he broke away from the aggressive kiss, she was still moaning in passion as his tongue was licking her face and her ears. There was nothing tender in the moment, just a pure and raw desire for each other as they worked their tongue and hands over each other like two animals bereft of any thoughts except of their carnal cravings. He was grabbing her breasts as if they were stress balls, using more force than normal. This drew a sharp gasp of pain from her. She was used to his tender gentle ways, and the last time she had felt such hard hands, it had been under the merciless treatment of Ming Qiang. However, this time round she found it thrilling. She was experiencing a whole new side to herself, where sex was not about love and tenderness, but it was about a more extreme sensation, a thrill that came from being awoken to new boundaries that had never been explored before. In the pain she felt from the way Clive pawed at her breasts, she felt her whole body tingle with delight, and she felt alive like never before. Her own moans taking on a deeper quality that sounded like grunts, she was throwing her head back and arching her body to press herself harder against him. Both bodies were wet now from the exertions, despite the air conditioning in the room. His mouth moved downwards towards her neck, then further down to her breasts. Through the cold air of the room, she could acutely feel his warm breath on her breast, as he licked and ate her breasts. His actions were hard and intense, and it sent her spine shivering from the intensity of the experience.

She felt like she was tingling from top to bottom, and that her own head was spinning from the thrill. What she didn’t know was that her feelings were partially the result of the ecstasy tablet he had spiked her drink with. Clive himself was having difficulty controlling himself. He wanted her, and he wanted her really bad. After working his way down to her very flat and taut stomach, he rested his face against it and enjoyed the warmth that came from deep inside of her. He pushed himself up, kissing her once more as her lips welcomed him with hunger. His fingers lightly brushed her pussy and she cried out in joy from the contact. Her body twitched at his touch, and her expression took on a look of desire as she knew that it wasn’t long before he would enter her and once more claim her totally for himself. She wanted him inside her badly, and she felt her own anticipation threaten to explode from within. “Clive,” she whispered, “I want you now. Take me. Take me now please.”.

29-11-2012, 01:48 AM
He ignored her, but carried on setting fire to her skin with his kisses and his tongue. His fingers would lightly caress the surface of her skin before squeezing and rubbing her everywhere, as he enjoyed how smooth her skin felt. She whined when he wasn’t responding, as she felt her own self going crazy. “Clive,” she begged louder now, “I need you. I need you now. Please. Now Clive, please.” Clive once more used his fingers to brush her labia lips, now dripping wet from her love juices. As he made contact, she cried out loudly with an ecstatic moan, her own body arching up to meet his touch. He was amazed at how sensitive she was, and how much she desired to have him inside her. He could not tell how much the drugs helped, but she really was amazing right now, and the best part was that he had it all on recording. This would be a frequently revisited memory on his lonely nights, that was for sure. He carried on for a while, fingering her pussy and drawing moans from her as she squirmed in her sexual heat, as well as squeals of delight whenever he managed to rub her at the right spot.

Finally he had her where he wanted, weak from all her exertions, limp on the bed and still crying out in desire, wanting him to take her. Adjusting himself, he let his rock hard dick position itself right against her. She could sense him, and her moans rose in anticipation, ending in a breathless squeal of climactic delight as he finally entered her. He was slow and deliberate, deliberate contrast to their hot and heavy petting when he had pawed and grabbed at her like she was a cheap prostitute. He now entered her with the kind of tenderness that told her how much he cherished her, and just how precious she was to him. She absolutely melted in his arms even as she felt him deep inside of her. As he thrust away inside of her, he could hear her soft moans as she clung on to him tightly. She felt extra sensitive tonight, extra alive to his every touch, and she wondered how much it had to do with the alcohol that she had downed. Whatever the case, she could acutely feel his rod as it slid in and out of her, and the unbelievably feelings were driving her crazy. Everytime he buried himself deep inside of her, she felt her heart jump and she felt like she was falling. He was so soft and tender towards her, and his slow measured movements allowed her to milk every last drop of sensations from the moment. It was a very rich experience, and she knew this was probably the last time that they would be making love. The depth of emotions that she felt further enhanced how she felt, and it wasn’t long before she felt like she was going to go crazy.

Her hips started to move in response to him, and when she started to intensify in her movements, Clive knew that she was ready to cum. He was tempted to cum alongside her, since she really was driving him crazy, but he held back and then gave one final plunge deep inside of her and held himself in there while she gave out a strangled and prolonged scream as she climaxed in joy. He two arms were wildly beating both sides of the bed as she threw them wide open, her hips throbbing from her own orgasm, as she then grabbed her hair using both hands in a display of unbridled ecstasy. It was a beautiful sight for Clive, and one which he would never tire of seeing, coming from the glorious beauty that Pei Pei was. He’s slept with glamor models before, and some were even actually very nice girls even though they were pretty damn hot and pretty as well, but none had the combination that Pei Pei had – beauty mixed with a lush womanliness, and a strict conservative upbringing that gave her an air of unattainability. He was pretty sure that other than Justin, he was the only one to ever have bonked her, and he was glad that he was able to do so. It made his conquest of her especially sweet, even though it was obviously not true. But every man has their fantasies about the woman of their dreams, and Clive was no different. Not knowing the truth would forever keep his memories of her sweet and perfect.

29-11-2012, 01:48 AM
When he felt the tension leave her body, he knew that she was ready to continue once more. Still inside of her, he began to harden again almost immediately. Pei Pei could feel the difference immediately, as she gasped and opened her eyes wide to give him a stare that conveyed both a pleasant surprise as well as a raging desire that was still burning inside of her. He started to slide in and out of her again, slowly and deliberately, softly kissing her lips with relish as he felt her body tremble at his control. She was once more moaning softly as he thrust away at her, this time her voice taking on the sort of nasal quality usually associated with someone who had just woken up. She sounded like she was already in a semi sex coma already, and that her actions were nothing more than an instinctive reaction to how she was feeling. As Clive looked at her in that state while he fucked her, he suddenly felt a deep emotional tug at his heart, as he was struck by how beautiful she looked. This lovely woman who was someone else’s wife was not fucking him, but was making passionate love to him. And even though he could not explain or even identify what he was feeling, he felt overwhelmed with his emotion, like his heart was about to burst.

Grabbing tightly to her body, with her legs tightly wrapped around his waist, he started to pound her hard, the sound of their hips smacking loudly resonating in the silence of the room, matched only by the moans of both Pei Pei and Clive as they wantonly indulged in the sweetness of their adulterous affair. “Oh my god, oh my god, oooohhh my gooooooood”, she cried out again and again as she felt Clive sink deeper and deeper into her, feeling as if their hips were almost about to merge into one. And despite that feeling, she wanted him even deeper still, wanting him as deeply inside her as he could get, wanting him to own her absolutely for the moment, and for the night. She was in complete ecstasy. Clive responded to her screams of delight, his thrusts getting harder and harder, until he was causing Pei Pei physical pain. In turn, her screams got louder and louder, until she was screaming herself hoarse. Unable to contain himself anymore, he gave a loud groan and then ejaculated all inside of her. He could feel her walls closing in tightly, just as her arms and legs were doing. Both bodies were panting in exhaustion, yet unwilling to let go, as if they wanted this moment to remain forever. This was the climax of intimacy, and they both did not want the moment to go away.

29-11-2012, 05:39 AM
Upz..... for Clive and Pei Pei.....:D

29-11-2012, 07:37 AM
a masterpiece at work!! bravo..!!

29-11-2012, 02:25 PM
you really write well
very impressing
very catchy title that can capture readers imagination
you should consider coming up writing a book related to some sexy stories, maybe you will get rich
how I wish I can have half of your skill
each day, coming up with things to write is a real struggle for me
well done, keep it up

30-11-2012, 09:27 PM
Another stupendous update.

Looking forward to your next update.

30-11-2012, 10:58 PM
Hopefully Clive will get her pregnant hee

01-12-2012, 07:35 AM
Please support your favourite writers at the poll (http://www.sammyboysexforum.com/showthread.php?p=8155346#post8155346)

04-12-2012, 12:18 AM
The rest of the night did not go easy for the both of them. Pei Pei wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of the night with Clive, but she had a husband to go home to. Clive resented that but knew she was right. They made tender love one last time after a short break, and then she went to get changed. They both knew it would be their last time together, and it was with a heavy heart that they parted.

When she got home, Justin was waiting. He knew she had a dinner to go for, but he had been obsessing over Ruth for the past few days until his balls felt like they were going to explode. When he saw how gorgeous his wife was, in that electric blue halter neck dress with the silicon push-up bra, he felt himself grow hard almost immediately. He jumped her from behind, and started to kiss the nape of her neck. Pei Pei, after being intimate with another man tonight, was hardly in the mood. But she knew better than to reject her husband. As his hands roamed over her body, he marveled at how his wife could have such a tight body. She doesn’t work out as much as he does, but she had a natural tautness to her skin that didn’t reveal any hint of cellulite at all. He quickly undid the halter neck, and let the dress fall to the ground. Not waiting to engage in more foreplay, he stripped off his clothes and then laid her down on the bed. Within seconds, her bra and panties were also off, and he plunged right into her.

She was still hot inside from all the love-making with Clive, and even though she was not properly lubricated since Justin had not taken any time for her, she was loosened up enough that it didn’t really hurt. It was a double blow to Pei Pei, as the contrast between how Clive treated her and how Justin was now treating her, told her very clearly who was the one who truly cherished her. Justin felt like he was merely using her body, as if he had a natural right to her. She felt numb inside even as she felt her body begin to respond naturally to his thrusting. He pounded her for a short while, even as she felt only half-engaged in the act. When she felt hot semen pouring into her for the third time tonight, she half wondered what would happen if she ever got pregnant. Lucky for her, she had secretly started taking birth control pills, since it would be an absolute disaster if she had ever conceived Ming Qiang’s baby.

Justin grinned at her when he was done, and told her “I missed you.” She played the part of the loving wife and told him how much she missed having him inside of her. Both played the same game of many married couples, fucking each other while thinking of someone else, then pretending how much they loved each other. Pei Pei told him “I better go shower. Tonight’s dinner was so long and tedious, I really felt so bored and tired.” He nodded and admired her nude form as she walked into the shower. Having satisfied himself, his mind was already wandering back to Ruth, and plotting how he could get her into bed. They’ve progressed to the extent of having weekly dinners now, and on more than one occasion he had the cheap thrill of catching sight of her nipples when glancing down her blouse or from the side, since she had a habit of leaving the first button unbuttoned. Even though she was most likely an A-cupper, she had a different sort of innocence about her. Despite being in her twenties, she didn’t seem to be someone who had dated long, and so she had a certain freshness about her that brought Justin back to 10 years ago. He missed those days, and he liked that Ruth made him feel that way once more.

Pei Pei stepped into the shower, closed the door and turned on the shower head. She stood by the side of the flowing water, with tears beginning to flow from her eyes. She could still feel Justin’s sperm inside of her, and even though she knows that as the good wife she should not feel anything negative about it, but tonight she felt disappointed. She felt like Clive treated her like a treasure, while Justin only used her. This was never in a greater contrast than tonight, when both men had been intimate with her. With Clive she had felt like they were making love, while Justin had felt like the one-night-stand for her. It was crazy, and she didn’t know how to feel. She was confused, and felt very lonely. Still feeling her husband’s touch on her body, she stepped into the shower to wash it away, wishing instead that she could feel the warmth of Clive’s arms around her once more. She scrubbed at her body, rinsing her pussy, wanting to remove every trace of Justin from her body for tonight. She told herself she was just upset at losing Clive, and that after being silly tonight, she will need to get over this crush on Clive. Despite all that she had gone through in the last few months, from starting an affair with Clive to being repeatedly raped by Ming Qiang, she still wanted things to return to normal. And she steeled herself to behave that way, not realizing that steeling herself was exactly how she was becoming irreversibly hardened into someone else.

04-12-2012, 01:14 AM
Upz.... for Pei Pei.....:D

07-12-2012, 09:47 AM
After Clive left, Ming Qiang sensed a slight change in Pei Pei. Some of the fight seemed to go out of her, and she seemed a lot less happy. He realized how much Clive meant to her, and it also told him that her marriage was not as perfect as it seemed. He was privately pleased at that, meaning to exploit the situation. Forcing Pei Pei into sex was never something he intended to do for long. He only wanted to make her suffer at first because he was angry at her. She had rejected him with all that bullshit of being chaste and pure, and to find out that she had consented to an affair with Clive, even though he had drugged raped her into it, pissed him off big time. He had failed to claim her cherry, and knowing that she was such a special girl, he was also disappointed to lose out on her. When he had misunderstood her the last time round into thinking that she had rejected him the second time, he was twice as bitter. But every time he saw her angelic face with that unconscious sexuality as she moved around in the office, he could not help but find himself wishing that he was able to conquer her heart. He decided that he would give it one last try.

He approached her one day at the office, and told her that he was sorry for the way that he had treated her. He was apologetic, and he told her that he never meant to hurt her. After feeling so very lonely since Clive left, this was very unexpected. Her surprise soon turned into suspicion, wondering if he was up to any tricks. As she was still trying to figure him out, he handed over a small bundle, tightly wrapped and sealed. “These are the remaining DVDs, which I am returning to you”, he whispered to her. She was shocked, and quickly grabbed them, before shoving the bundle into her desk drawer. Feeling a sudden elation at what he had just done, she looked at him gratefully, now suddenly convinced that his apology must be at least partially real.

Still looking at her, he told her “I’m really going to miss you. You were incredible, the best girl that I’ve ever known. I’m returning you all these, since I don’t want to blackmail and hurt you anymore. However, I’m asking you for one last time, just for me to always cherish our time together. I’ve given you the DVDs so that you don’t need to say yes to me because I’m holding the aces. But I really hope you’ll agree to this last session together.” Pei Pei looked uncertainly at him. It was unlike him to be putting himself at the losing end. He had nothing to offer her, even though he could have easily blackmailed her for quite some time more, judging by the size of the bundle. Before she could clearly think through it, she found herself nodding and agreeing to his request. He smiled, put his hand on her shoulder and thanked her. “So, let’s go over to my place tonight after work? I’ll buy you dinner.” She could only nod again, before sitting down and wondering what was she thinking. How could she have just agreed to sleep with Ming Qiang once more, especially since she didn’t need to? But she was grateful for his remorse, and she could sense how sincere he was in his apology. Feeling very vulnerable right now from her loneliness, she was literally clutching at straws for someone she could be close to. And no matter what had happened between them, he had been her first boyfriend, and they had been physically intimate many times.

After work, they went off to his house. Ming Qiang was glad that she had said yes, since he had already set his house up for another of his sex video series, and he was excited to be able to claim a consensual sexual encounter from her. That was a critical piece missing from his collection. And he knew that by playing this card, he was giving one last shot at being able to convince her to start an illicit affair with him behind Justin’s back. He reasoned that if she could do it with Clive, she would not have any qualms about doing it with him, provided that she found him worth the effort.

07-12-2012, 09:48 AM
After a quick dinner, during which he was careful to talk about things which made her comfortable, such as how she was after graduation, how did she find her job so far, and even if she missed Clive or not. Seeing her shock at being asked that question, he knew he had struck a raw nerve. She decided that since Ming Qiang knew about her affair with Clive anyway, he was ironically the best person to open up to. So she started to talk about Clive, and about how the affair began. Knowing how it really happened, since he had all the video footage of it, he marveled at how well Clive had planned everything, successfully seducing such a virtuous wife into becoming an adulterer. He was truly the master at this. To be able to rape a girl and then convince her to become his fuck buddy might be despicable to some, but it achieved the same end after all. And since every guy lies to get a girl into bed anyway, why was Clive any more wrong? Pei Pei felt herself opening up, and everything came pouring out of her after that. It was a relief to talk about Clive to someone, and about how she had felt so guilty over the affair. But from Justin’s own distance to Ming Qiang’s blackmail and rape, she had felt that Clive was the only person whom she felt safe with. It was incredibly ironic to Ming Qiang that she should feel so much comfort in Clive’s arms, since he was the first to violate her.

After dinner, they made their way back to his house. Once through the door, she headed straight for his bedroom. She wanted to get this over and done with. Even though she was glad for the time they had over dinner, she still could not get over the fact that she was coming back to the house where he had first so brutally raped her, then blackmailed her into further sexual encounters. She was also keenly aware that she was here out of some bizarre sense of obligation towards him, something drastically from the willingness she had in her heart when she entered Clive’s hotel room. As she turned on the lights and entered the room, she paused at the center of the room in front of the bed, looking at the sexy lingerie that spread out. It was pink, and it looked really expensive. As she stared at it, she felt Ming Qiang’s hands wrap themselves around her waist from behind. “Go change, sweetheart. I want to see how you look in them. Treat it as a parting gift from me. After tonight, I’ll never get to see you in it anymore.” She merely nodded, then slowly stepped forward to retrieve the lingerie. As she turned towards the toilet to change, he grabbed her wrist and said to her “just change here. I’ll wait. I don’t want to waste any second that I have left with you.” She looked at him with an undecipherable expression, then turned back towards the bed, with her back facing him. Ming Qiang smiled, since he anticipated that she would do that. She was now facing directly his camera, and she started strip.

She first reached behind her to remove her hair clip, letting her hair down. Her immaculately combed and pinned hair came tumbling down, framing her face softly. She looked the most vulnerable at this moment, a symbolic gesture of letting down her guard. As she peeled off her black cardigan, her bare arms were exposed by her sleeveless blouse. It was a pale peach colored blouse that complimented her skin tone very well. The cardigan was dropped to the floor, and then she reached for her buttons. A moment’s hesitation, then she began to undo the buttons. Pulling the blouse out from her skirt, she then took it off, leaving her top exposed except for her black bra. He always loved seeing her in a black bra, since her unblemished skin was doubly accentuated by the color contrast. Reaching behind to undo her bra clasp, the lacy material quickly joined her cardigan and blouse on the floor. Naked from the top, she paused for a moment as she considered what she was doing. She was offering herself up voluntarily now to Ming Qiang, since he no longer had a hold over her. Believing that he had surrendered all possession of her sex videos to him, she could have easily refused him. Yet here she was, in his room, removing her clothes and changing into a sexy lingerie while he stood behind her in full view. She had no idea why she had agreed to this. Her hands unbuckled her thin blue belt, and soon after that her skirt was unclasped. Dropping the material to the floor, she stepped forward to pick up the pink lingerie. Victoria’s Secret. No wonder it looked expensive. It felt soft and smooth in her hands, and cool to the touch. The intricate lacings on the front was beautiful. She admitted that this was something she would definitely have bought had she seen it in the stores.

Ming Qiang stood silently behind her, watching her as she undressed. When she removed her skirt and let it drop to the floor, he saw how perky her butt was, something which he hadn’t really noticed till now. Having always been a breast man, he had mainly focused on her very beautiful naked breasts, and not taken much look at her butt. Yet right now, he stared at her perfectly formed butt which also had no trace of cellulite, and admitted that it looked even better than how it felt when he was grabbing them. He felt himself growing hard just looking at her, and his heart started to beat faster. Pei Pei had by now slipped the lingerie on, and it fit her perfectly. Lacy on the top and silky below, it hugged her body so nicely while showing off her curve. When she turned around, she looked perfect. Framed by the softness of her hair, the pink lingerie gave her a look that was ozzing sensuality without making her look like a cheap slut. What a lucky bastard Justin was, to be the one who had claimed such a girl’s cherry! It must have been such a treat to have been the first to enter her, to unlock such a delicate piece of art and to hear her sweet moans as she allowed the first man in her life to enter into her. Pushing aside such regrets, he now took two steps forward to stand right in front of her, causing her some momentary uneasiness. She was still unsure as to what she was doing, and she didn’t really know how to react to him. Her emotions towards him had always been very confusing. She had found him repulsive years ago when he got her drunk and took advantage of her. She had then hated him when he first raped her by blackmailing her with those pictures. But he had then taken her into such a sweet tenderness when they were having sex that she felt herself opening up to him. But he had then turned back into a monster, saying some very ugly things to her and even raping her inside Clive’s office. But he was her first boyfriend, and such guys always have a special spot in a girl’s heart.

07-12-2012, 10:11 AM
up this thread !!

Bro.... dun leave us hanging.....

07-12-2012, 08:02 PM
Yes yes.

Not when we are so close.

Please update soon.

10-12-2012, 11:22 PM
Thanks for your patience, bro.

I think there's only a very small group of bros reading this, judging by the comments and readership count, but I shall complete this story in order to thank all of you for your encouragement and support.

10-12-2012, 11:23 PM
When Ming Qiang tender reached out to brush a few stray strands of hair from her face, his fingers light ran across the surface of her cheeks. She shrunk back just a little, before she composed herself. Sensing a little of the tension leaving her, he leaned his face in and kissed her on the cheeks. “You look amazing in this lingerie. I’m glad I bought it for you. Can I just take one picture? Just for memory, so that I can capture this moment of you forever?” She looked at him with alarm in her eyes, and said “No, Ming Qiang. No more pictures. Please don’t.” He had no pressured her, but gave her a sad smile and said “Ok ok, fine fine… No pictures. Just… let me take a moment to have a good look at you, to forever remember this moment.” He then stepped back a bit, his hands still grasping her arms, and slowly let his eyes roll over her, starting from her angelic face, down to her smooth and white neck, down to where the lacy cleavage showed off her soft and sensual breasts. He took in her curves which the lingerie displayed to good effect, and breathed in the distinct scent that she had. He had not really wanted to take a picture of her, since his cameras were rolling, but he wanted to give her a small victory so that she would ease up and relax. Once more, Pei Pei was manipulated into a sense of comfort, feeling that Ming Qiang really respected her this time. She was glad he had not pressured her into the picture but had respected her decision.

After letting his gaze sweep over her sufficiently to make her feel embarrassed, he cupped both cheeks with his hands and stared into her flawless face. Slowly leaning into kiss her, his took his time with the moment. Stopping mere millimeters away from letting their lips touch, he lingered for some time, enjoying the smell of her proximity, and enjoying the anticipation as he sensed her own breathing increase. He felt her hands hesitantly touching his waist, and then he leaned in to kiss her. She gave off a soft sigh of relief as their lips finally made contact, quickly parting as their tongues found each other. They softly fenced around each other, their tongues darting in and out of each other’s mouths, as they prodded and poked away, teeth making contact with teeth as they ate each other’s’ mouths up. Her own breathing became heavier as she felt his arms tighten around him, pulling her closer to his body. She told herself that since she’s already committed to doing the dirty deed with him once more, there’s no point in thinking about it so much. She should just let go and let what happens be. Her last lingering thought was that it might not be such a bad thing, since she had such a mind-blowing sexual encounter the last time she was at his house. Amongst the three men she bedded, Ming Qiang was by far the most experienced. The fact is, Justin was probably as good, but he had never bothered to try very hard with Pei Pei, since he always assumed that she was such an innocent that getting an orgasm out of her would satisfy her. He’s never counted on the fact that she was receiving a lot of “extra curricular” sessions outside, and by comparison sex with him seemed dull and uninteresting.

Ming Qiang let his hands very slowly feel its way over her whole body, loving the softness of her body under the silky smooth texture of the negligee that she was now wearing. From her back down to her delicate waist, he could feel her body trembling slightly at his touch. He moved around her body so delicately that it was almost like a tickle. Feeling her body shift at the stimulation, he could sense the heat in her slowly build up. When he finally felt his own body tense up from desire, he grabbed her waist forcefully to pull him in. Her breath rushed out of her with an “oomph” as her body crashed against his, and then he felt her hands snake up to the back of his head as she began to kiss him back. Knowing that she was now fully into it, he smiled to himself. He planned on giving her another mind-blowing session, and there’s no way she could reject him after that.

His hands found their way to her sides, and slowly rode their way up until they were cupping her breasts. When his thumb prodded their way across until they came to her nipple, he lightly brushed them through the sheer lace of her negligee. Her body instantly jerked at the touch, but kept herself from withdrawing away. Looking at him with her large liquid eyes, she seemed to be pleading with Ming Qiang to be gentle with her. She’s had too many bad memories of his rough handling, that she was genuinely afraid of him. Ming Qiang’s response was to very softly clasp her right breast with his hand, and very softly began to knead away at it. In slow circular motions, he squeezed and massaged her through the material, and he could hear her breath catch when he exerted a little more force. His other hand slipped down her back to her buttocks, where he smoothly stroked at both cheeks, which both tickled as well as stimulated her. Her body pressed in harder against his as she was increasingly aroused, and her kiss became more intense. With soft moans of hunger, she started taking a greater initiative to respond to him, her hands beginning to wander over his body, and finally starting to unbutton his shirt. He let her undo his shirt, but did not take it off. Before she could take it off, he grabbed her wrists and lightly kissed them before letting them fall to her side. He then started to pull the strap off her right shoulder.

10-12-2012, 11:24 PM
Sliding it off and exposing her right shoulder, he planted his mouth right over it, and started to bit her shoulder softly and repeatedly. She felt his teeth marks and the warmth of his breath on her shoulders, and shuddered slightly while giving off a soft moan. Resting her head against his chest, she felt his tongue as it began to lick her along her shoulder blades, his wet and hot tongue tracing a fine line, letting the wetness that remained start to feel cold from the coolness of the room. His tongue found its way to her neck, and up to her earlobes. As he softly sucked at her earlobe, she breathed out his name “Qiang…”, her face an absolutely wanton expression of desire. Her right hand was grasping at her hair while her left hand was holding on the nape of his neck. When he licked the inside of her ear, she gave off a loud moan, her legs nearly collapsing beneath her. He switched side to work on her other ear, navigating his way slowly from her neck from one end to the other, while using his hands to slip the remaining strap off her shoulder. With both shoulders bare now and the negligee stopping just below her bosom, she looked so sexy that Ming Qiang wanted to rip everything off and just plunge straight into her. Instead, he spun her around so that she would be facing his cameras, and then pushed her hair to one side, exposing the nape of her neck. While he softly licked at it, he let one hand caress her breasts, while using his other hands to just run over the front of her body. Her own hands restlessly found his, and at other times feeling her own body and squeezing at her own breasts as she felt her own desires rising beyond her control.

Finally, he lowered her negligee until it slipped over her modest breasts, exposing her nipples. The rest of the negligee quickly fell off the top of her body as she lifted her hands to free them from the straps. The silky material now bunched above her hips, hugging them softly while she stood there exposed. She lifted one hand to reach behind for his head, thrusting her own breasts out for an even greater exposure in front of the cameras, not aware that her own wanton actions were spelling out her own doom. All she could think of now was what an incredibly great lover Ming Qiang was, and how despite the sheer absurdity of the situation, she wanted him to satisfy her so badly. As his hands cupped over both her breasts, her own hands quickly cupped his, as if she wanted his hands pressed in even deeper into her. He was different tonight. So tender yet so strong, and his slow deliberate movements were driving her crazy with desire. Her own hands sought out the remainder of her negligee, and using both thumbs to wedge the insides, she gave a firm push to let them slide off her. Now totally naked except for her lace white black panties, he could feel his own erection pressing against her butt. In one swift motion, he stripped off his shirt, and then reached for his pants. She heard him unbuckling his belt, and turned around to look at him.

Seconds later, both bodies were pressed against each other once more, standing only in their underwear. His rigid penis was pressed against her vagina, separated only by two very thin pieces of material. She was very wet down there, even without his having worked on her at all, and so she could feel very clearly how hard he was down there. Her hands slipped down to his underwear, and she reached one hand in to cup his hard rod. When Ming Qiang felt her cool fingers wrap themselves around his hard member, he felt even more aroused than ever. This was a first for him, that she would reach out for him so readily. As her hands very softly and slowly stroked at his turgid penis, he got so excited that he nearly came. God! This girl was amazing! She was such a natural at arousing him, that it was hard to believe she had been such a chaste girl. He knew that even with Clive, she was an unwitting victim. Yes, she did turn herself into an adulterous woman eventually, but she had really been someone determined to protect her chastity and reserve herself solely for her husband. All the virgins he had broken in during his years in NUS had gone on to have multiple sex partners. Some of them who got married had even hooked up with him a few times, just for old times’ sake. Pei Pei was different. Yet she of all people would have been the ultimate prize for any man. She was such a natural in bed, sensual and eager to please, so sensitive to stimulations and looking like an utter sex goddess.

11-12-2012, 10:05 AM
Thank you Bro Javlooking for the update.

Another great update.

Really hoping you will continue the story as i see quite a few arcs that could happen:
1. Pei Pei submits to Ming Qiang willingly?
2. His friend comes into the picture?
3. Justin and Ruth?
4. William comes to the rescue?

My favorite story so far.

Faithfully waiting for your next chapter.

WRX Impreza
11-12-2012, 04:56 PM
I am more interested in Ruth....

12-12-2012, 09:16 PM
waiting for Ruth adventure too :D

13-12-2012, 08:47 AM
He walked her to his bed, and then laid her down. As she laid there looking at him, inviting him to do whatever he wants to her body, he reached out to grab her panties. But instead of stripping them off, he used both hands to grab them by the side, and ripped the material. As the fabric tore with a loud rip, she gave off a soft scream of surprise, covering her mouth with both hands in shock. Her eyes opened wide as she felt her insides shudder at the sudden violence. Momentarily, fear overcame her as she was afraid he was going to resume his rough treatment of her. Instead, she found him smiling gently at her, as he teased her by saying “this is my trophy, and my souvenir. I’m keeping this memory of you, and you’re going to be going home naked below.” She softly chided him for being naughty, but before she could properly protest at is actions, he stripped off his underwear to let his rock hard penis spring into view. Again her eyes widened in amazement at the view, since it looked like his penis was so rigid that it was going to explode. As he climbed unto the bed itself, he opened his legs wide to straddle her, slowly coming forward until he was kneeling at her face, asking her to lick his penis. Her hands reached out to softly caress it, before she closed her eyes and took him into her mouth.

He felt her whole mouth closing over his member, and the sudden warmth and wetness that engulfed him was sheer heaven. While lying on the bed, her head movements were restricted. But she never did like moving her head so much anyway. It always made her giddy. But she was great with her tongue and her suction, as she twirled expertly away at his rod, playing with it as if it were her hands. She sucked at it like a lollipop, almost as if she was trying to use it like a straw to suck out his cum. He lightly moved his hips to help her make up for her restricted movement, and on a few occasions he nearly had to pull away from her mouth to keep from cumming. It took a superhuman effort on his part to hold himself in, wanting to prolong this session for as long as he could. Her own slurping sounds got louder and she worked on him, and his own mans encouraged her that what she was doing was right. She was spurred on to do even more, wanting to please him and satisfy him. Surprised at herself for being this way, she told herself that nothing she did tonight made sense. But she was following her heart, and right now she was focused on pleasing Ming Qiang, and making sure the consummation of tonight was to the ultimate pleasure of both of them. After a good ten minutes of this, he finally decided that it was time. He couldn’t hold himself in anymore, and despite his initial plans of doing otherwise, he decided he was going to make her swallow every drop of his cum. He had not been having any sex for a week now, and he was carrying a full load. His moanings got louder, his thrustings intensified, and he got ready to blow. Pei Pei sensed that he was cumming, and after her experience with Clive, she sensed that Ming Qiang also was going to cum in her mouth. Being a bit more prepared this time, and was less of an instinctive revulsion to deal with, she was ready to receive him. With a long groan, his hips spasmed away while he erupted inside her, his penis thrust all the way down her throat. The initial shot hit the back of her throat, making her gag. Her hands instinctively started to push away at his hips as she fought to breath, but she didn’t have the strength to push him away. As his penis spasmed away inside her mouth, her own moans were a mixture of satisfaction as well as alarm. A few seconds later when he was done spewing his seed into her, he withdrew, leaving her choking on the bed as she tried getting up for air.

Ming Qiang pulled out and sat to one side, aware of the angles of his cameras, and not wanting to block off the footage of Pei Pei’s disheveled look as cum dribbled from her lower lip and on her chin, her mussed hair making her look twice as sexy. She sat up choking, until tears came into her eyes from her coughs, and quickly Ming Qiang reached out behind her to slap her back and help her catch her breath. When she recovered a little more composure, she turned around with a reproachful look, his actions still catching her off guard despite the fact that she thought she was prepared. He smiled at her instead, and thanked her for what she did. He had no idea she had swallowed Clive’s cum 2 weeks ago, and so he had assumed he was the first to have made her do so. She merely looked down on the bed, and something inside her told her that men were actually all pretty much the same. She just had to get used to this side of sexual intercourse that she was not comfortable with. After all, if the objective was to please the man, she had to learn, didn’t she? Eventually she knew Justin would also do the same to her, and so she told herself she might as well learn how to do it, and get used to it.

13-12-2012, 10:12 AM
welcome back Bro !!

13-12-2012, 11:27 AM
Upz.... for Ah Qiang and Ah Pei.........:D

13-12-2012, 11:48 AM
vote 5 stars for this story

14-12-2012, 04:55 AM
Really forbidden fruit story :D

14-12-2012, 08:21 PM
I think there's only a very small group of bros reading this, judging by the comments and readership count,
I disagree on this. A silent reader is still a reader.

14-12-2012, 08:26 PM
Great story...

14-12-2012, 10:01 PM
Thanks for your patience, bro.

I think there's only a very small group of bros reading this, judging by the comments and readership count, but I shall complete this story in order to thank all of you for your encouragement and support.

Bro I disagree on this. I am a silent reader and have always be looking forward to your updates. I really miss the days of One Eye Snake and your stories are just as good as his.

Keep the updates cumming....

15-12-2012, 12:28 AM
I like your story very much..... :p

15-12-2012, 12:31 AM
support bro pls keep em cumming

15-12-2012, 01:14 AM
Support! Always looking forward to your updates bro.

15-12-2012, 01:48 AM
Bro JAV,

It may be disappointing not getting the desired number of readers to this thread.

Nonetheless, the quality of your writing has never been in doubt by those who follows the story.

And we really appreciate your time and effort in continuing this story. It sure brightens our day when an update comes :)

15-12-2012, 10:57 AM
really appreciated the great stuff

15-12-2012, 11:58 AM
This is a Five -Star Thread..... cannot be one if no one vote for it !

TS, I enjoy reading your story. Dun keep me and other waiting.... :D

15-12-2012, 07:04 PM
I hope there would be office blow job and sex

16-12-2012, 02:56 AM

I sure wasn't fishing for compliments, but I'm very touched by the response. Thanks for all your words of encouragement, bros.

Have a really busy weekend, will post a new update right after that. Thanks for waiting so patiently!

17-12-2012, 12:35 AM
Can't wait to read your latest entries to spice up my dull monday, Bro javlooking. :D

P.S: List Of UPPEES is not in full due to the capacity limitation of the signature function (not be longer than 300 characters excluding BB Code markup). Rest assured I've all ur nicks n u'll be awarded. If I do missed u, kindly PM me. :)

Appreciate the PM, Bro David_Ginola, Bro Rw6828, Bro Myo_Swee, Bro XboxSG, Bro Best123, Bro Ahnook78, Bro bhoven, Bro VOGS, Bro nacho, Bro desk13, Bro BatistaSG, Bro steamystreamsg, Bro Linkus, Bro Regaine, Bro evo7_5, Bro Thongchai and Bro 4am'rs!

17-12-2012, 12:37 AM
Looking forward to your next entry

17-12-2012, 11:05 PM
Seeing that she had regained her composure sufficiently, he leaned her back down on the bed, making sure she was comfortable, before settling down beside her. Doing nothing more than just hugging her, he held her tight against him and told her how much he treasured her, and how much he regretted not having cherished her more to treat her better. “Yet you are more beautiful now than you ever were, and even though I know you will never ever be mine, part of me will always love you no matter what. I’m so glad that tonight you agreed to come, and that we were sharing this moment here not because I blackmailed you. Thank, Pei, for giving me this. I will remember this night forever.” Pei Pei, in the warmth of his embrace, and hearing such words of tenderness, was again reminded that even he showed a greater appreciation of her than her own husband. Even though she knew this was normal, it hurt her to see that, and it drew her a little closer to Ming Qiang. He was such a sweet man when he chose to be one, and she knew that despite how their relationship had ended, he had been a very attentive and sweet boyfriend. Feeling funny inside of her, she kissed him and told him that she was very hurt when he had first raped her. But she was glad that at least she could close such an ugly chapter in her life now. She suddenly paused and then asked him, “you’ve never told me how you managed to get collect the videos of me and Clive. I was really shocked.”

Ming Qiang knew that eventually she would ask such a question, and he was prepared. Lying that he had actually made the booking for Clive and her, he had arranged to put them up at a hotel where his best friend now worked. He was the one who had set up her room, since he had only intended to film her in the privacy of her room. It had been an unexpected bonus when he ended up with footage of her affair with Clive. Hearing his story, part of Pei Pei bitterly regretted having ever agreed to go on that trip with Clive. She had heard many times about women who ended up in bed with another man while on an overseas business trip, but she had always thought it would never happen to her. To now see how such a decision turned her world upside down as she slept with not just her boss, but was now in bed with her ex-boyfirend… What a cruel twist of fate life had dealt her.

Ming Qiang saw her eyes drifting off, and knew she was thinking back to how her life had all fallen apart. Not wanting her to dwell on that, he reached out with two fingers to pinch her chin, and turn her face towards him. Leaning in, he started to kiss her. His hands quickly settled down on her body, pulling her closer in. As his semi-flaccid penis made contact with her pussy, he was pleased that she no longer shrank back, or had any instinctive withdrawal. Instead, her hands automatically sought out his body in response, and clasped him as she kissed him back. She told herself she was already damaged goods anyway, sullied past the point of no return. Why mourn that which has already been lost and which she can never get back? She finally understood why so many of her friends had told her that “after a while, you’ll get used to it, and you’ll even come to like it.” She told herself that Ming Qiang was actually a pretty incredible lover, and she should just enjoy it. Just for tonight. After tonight, when she ends the affair with Ming Qiang, she can go back to being the dutiful wife of Justin, and put all this behind her.

He loved how her body so quickly warmed up, and how she felt so soft to touch. Running his fingertips up and down the sides of her body as she laid on her side, she shivered from the ticklish touch, but also because there was something sensual in the way he touched her. Somehow, Ming Qiang had a magical way of getting to her, making her feel excited when he put his hands on her. As his fingertips finally traced the circumference of her breasts, and lightly ran its way over her nipple, she shuddered from the contact, and felt the familiar tingles in her loins. She could sense him growing hard very quickly, and goaded him further by thrusting her own hips against his, grinding them up and down against him. Her own breathing became from labored from her exertions, causing her moans to grow louder from the heavy breathing. Ming Qiang found himself incredibly turned on by her wanton desires. He wasn’t used to this side of her, since she had hardly ever offered herself up free to him. Going with the flow, he quickly snuck both hands around her waist, and grabbed at her perfectly formed butt, cupping them and squeezing them. He knead away at both cheeks, alternating between soft and slow caresses, as well as hard and hungry grabs. He would whine and gyrate her hips when he used too much force, but he knew that it was turning her on. His rock hard dick could feel her wetness as it continued to brush against her love entrance, and every now and then he would thrust his hips to make himself slide against her entrance again and again, drawing out long moans of desire from her at his stimulations.

He finally broke his mouth away from hers, and worked his way down her neck, until he arrived at her lovely chest. Although some might have found her to be slightly flat chested, he loved how she looked, since it helped to maintain her petite look. He knew that if she was more top-heavy, she would lose that schoolgirl innocent look she had, which was such a turn on. As his lips hovered above her nipples, she felt an unbearable tension inside of her, desperate for him to lick her there. She could feel his hot breath, and could feel his tongue as it circled round her breasts, and even her areolas. He would, however, continue to avoid her nipples, and now was letting his mouth hover directly above them, breathing his hot breath on her right nipple. With a moan, she arched her chest upwards, offering her breasts up to him, inviting him to taste and to claim her twin peaks as his prize. Seeing her desperately raising her breasts to him, he smiled and with a suddenly lurch, engulfed her left breast with his mouth. A gasp of pleasure escaped her lips, as her eyes closed in delight at his contact. Her breasts were soft, smooth and snowy white. Her delicate skin was soon red all over where his hands and mouth was pawing them, her nipples taut from his stimulations. Pei Pei felt her own heat rising, and she could feel her own pussy dripping with her juices. Every touch from Ming Qiang felt like he was setting her on fire, and his firm yet gentle hands was doing a good job of setting every inch of her on fire.

17-12-2012, 11:06 PM
His penis was now repeatedly rubbing against her dripping pussy, until it was glistening wet. He could feel her own hips straining to position herself so that he could enter her, and he deliberately moved in the opposite direction to prevent her from being able to do so. All his while, his hands continue to roam all over her, with a caress or a squeeze timed with her body gyrations so as to induce her soft yet anguished moans of desire. When he felt her turning more frantic with her attempts to guide him in, he heard her begging him “Qiang, come inside me now. I want you inside me. Please.” He ignored her, but deliberately let his penile head linger at the entrance of her, nearly entering her but slipping away at the last second, drawing cries of anguish that sounded almost like a tormented cry. Her begging got more desperate as she felt herself going crazy from yearning, and she was grabbing him tightly around the shoulders with her own head raised, saying over and over again “Please, Qiang. I want you now. Now, Qiang. Please… please… please… Oh God! I’m going crazy. I want you now!”

He positioned himself at her entrance once more, and then with one smooth thrust, entered fully inside of her. This draw a loud and very prolonged cry of ecstasy from her, as she finally felt him penetrating her, and burying himself deep inside of her. She could feel his shaft filling her up completely, and the feel of having him filling her up so fully was unbelievably incredible. When he entered her, he was unprepared for the heat inside of her. She was so hot! Incredibly hot. No wonder she had begged him so hard just now. He was so surprised by her heat and so aroused by her desperate moans of pleasure, that he almost came after just a couple of thrusts. Barely controlling himself in time, he thrust deep inside of her and stayed still for a moment to regain his composure. He barely got himself in control when he felt her starting to rotate her hips in response to his suddenly stillness. Evidently she was in the throes of desire, and couldn’t bear to wait for Ming Qiang to carry on. It took a lot of effort on her part, since she was below and he was on top, and it only showed how desperate she was for him to carry on. So he did, once more resuming his familiar thrusting action in and out of her. He pounded her continuously for a good ten minutes, pausing every now and then to catch his breath, only to have her look at him from her lust-filled eyes, and her soft whine at him to not stop. This was a side of her that he had never seen before, and it goaded him to carry on faster than he usually would. And so it was that after merely 10 minutes, he was ready to ejaculate. He pumped her faster and harder, letting her own moans and screams rise in intensity, and then as he half-shouted out to her in pleasure “I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”, he felt her hands grab his butt and gave him a firm push towards him. He gave one last thrust, and then felt himself pour into her pussy as he felt her also climaxing away, her hips breaking out into spasms of her own.

It was an intense experience for them both, and not one that Ming Qiang often felt. He seldom every reached a state where both parties would climax together, and surprisingly this had come so easily for him and Pei Pei. Both were clinging on tightly to one another, panting heavily and being in the moment where they were felt absolutely as one body, with nothing between them except for the sweat from their bodies. Ming Qiang could still feel himself inside of her, and the warmth that was still enveloping his member. He softly slipped out of her, and could feel his own cum oozing out of her pussy. Looking at Pei Pei’s face, he was surprised to see that she had tears in her eyes. Ming Qiang was very sensitive since his last rejection by her, and so instinctively he wondered if she was once more regretting their tryst. “What’s wrong, baby?” he asked her, unsure of what response he would get.

She opened her red rimmed eyes, looked at him and didn’t speak for a moment. He saw that there was no anger nor bitterness in her eyes, just a sort of sadness that made him feel a lump in his throat. Pulling away slightly from his body so that they had a bit of space between them, she then reached out one hand to land on his face, saying to him “Nothing, I’m alright. Don’t worry ok?” She gave him a wane smile, and then closed her eyes once more, still trying to catch her breath. Another tear slid out from the corner of her eyes, which Ming Qiang caught with his finger. As she again turned her head to face him and opened her eyes at the contact, he asked her “then why are you crying?” She merely shook her head and did not reply any further. Frustrated with her non-commital reply, he decided to change to a different line of conversation, so as to distract her from whatever it was that bothered her. So he put his hand on her bare stomach, and started to rub his hands on her bare skin, saying to her “That was an awesome time we had. You really are the most amazing girl that I’ve ever known, and I don’t know how I’m going to let you go. You enjoyed yourself too, baby, did you not?”

Pei Pei finally opened her mouth, and said “Yes, that was unbelievable. You are an incredible lover, Qiang. But this cannot carry on. I have a husband whom I love, and what we’re doing is wrong. You were wrong to blackmail and rape me, and it was wrong of me to have agreed to come here tonight. I had the most amazing night of my life, and I will always remember your strong arms around me. But I cannot let this carry on. Do you understand?”

Ming Qiang felt like he had been hit by a rock. When she said he was an incredible lover, he was certain he had sealed the deal. But to have her then cut off his feet by again rejecting an affair with him, he felt bitter to the core. Was nothing he did ever good enough for her? No matter how hard he tried, she never seemed to be able to accept him. He knew she would never accept an arrangement to be a fuck buddy, so an affair was the only way to make her his. And to have her so absolutely rejecting him was a bitter pill to swallow. However, he was wiser than the last time round, and knew better than to blow up at her. Better to keep the friendship, and then consider if he could exploit it any further. Ming Qiang forced himself to calm down, then replied her saying “I understand. Its not easy to accept losing something so precious, so beautiful. But I understand. And I won’t force you anymore. I promise.” Pei Pei felt tears welling up in her anymore at his promise, since it meant that her nightmare had finally ended. Ming Qiang had finally let her out of her prison, and she could move on from this absurd episode in her life. With Clive gone, and with Ming Qiang setting her free, she could finally try to let things return to normal in her life, and go back to what it was a year ago. As she began to softly cry, she reached out embrace Ming Qiang once more, her relief so plainly evident in her whole person.

They made love one more time that night, as Pei Pei was swept away by Ming Qiang’s love-making as well as gratitude towards him for setting her free, and he obviously took whatever he could get. When she finally got up and left, Ming Qiang gave her a big hug and told her he was glad at least they’re back to being friends. She gave him a big smile and left his apartment, not seeing how his smile turned into a determined gaze at her retreating back. He was going to make the bitch pay for rejecting him. How he was going to make her pay.

17-12-2012, 11:44 PM
worth the long wait..... :)

19-12-2012, 10:05 AM

Another excellent update, with a build up to the next chapter.

Can't wait for The next installment.

Thanks for a fantastic story Bro.

20-12-2012, 01:28 PM
Wow bro... You're a real good writer. I chance upon this thread yesterday and just couldn't stop reading from pg1 till pg27.... Continue writing. Thanks. A 5 stars rating for this thread.

20-12-2012, 09:06 PM
Supporting! And awaiting the next update!:D

20-12-2012, 11:02 PM
The same weekend that Pei Pei was finally free from Ming Qiang, she planned on doing something to celebrate her liberation with Justin. Of course, she could not tell him what she was celebrating, so she just said that she had spontaneously booked a chalet for the weekend, and they were going to go have fun. When Justin received her call, he cursed her timing, since he had also booked a chalet for that weekend, to invite Ruth over. He planned on making his move, and so booked a colonial house which was deserted and far from public scrutiny. He had invited some office staff over to give a pretext of throwing an appreciation dinner for the completion of a project, and had casually invited Ruth along as well. She had never been to a colonial house before, having always only seen them from the outside while passing by. So she readily agreed. Justin told her to pack a bag for the night, since there were many rooms there, and she saw nothing wrong with that. Justin’s heart was racing when he invited her, wondering if she’d take the bait. Seeing how readily she accepted the invitation, he knew that his plan was moving closer to success.

Justin asked his wife if she could re-schedule the chalet to the following week, since he had a busy weekend with a company retreat. She was disappointed, but said she’d check. Justin saw her look of disappointment and decided that he had better not neglect his own wife, so the next day he made a booking for a holiday to the States for the end of the year. When she told him disappointedly that the chalet dates could not be changed, he surprised her with the holiday instead, turning the situation around. Pei Pei very happily let him off for the chalet, telling him that she would think of people to invite there instead. That night they made love for the first time in a week, during which Pei Pei could not help referencing Ming Qiang’s techniques in bed, and how he seemed much more able to please her. Guiltily, she found herself wishing Justin had Ming Qiang’s skill, making love to Justin while thinking about her e boyfriend. Justin, on the other hand, could not get his mind off Ruth. He kept picturing himself on top of her, pounding the life out of her, when in reality he was screwing his own wife. They both were very satisfied that night, but for very different reasons.

The weekend quickly arrived, and Justin played the good host with good food, and good music. Everybody was having a great time – but Ruth didn’t show up. Justin had received a message at 8:30pm, saying that something had cropped up and she was going to be late. He was so frustrated that he nearly screamed out in anger. His whole plan was ruined! He had spent all this time and money to organize this with the express purpose of seducing Ruth into bed with him, and now all that effort had gone down the drain. Of course he controlled his emotions, and tried to make the best of the occasion. Then suddenly at 10, his phone beeped again, with a message from Ruth that said “Is it too late if I come over now? ;)” He was elated, since this worked out even better. He replied saying “Plenty of food and drink, and still plenty of rooms left over. Pls come!”

In reality, none of his colleagues were informed about the stayover. So by 1030 all of them had gone home, or had gone off for more partying. He had played the good boss, telling them he needs to stay back and get some work done since his wife would be joining him tomorrow. By the time Ruth showed up at 1045, the whole chalet was empty except for him. He heard her cab pull up at the driveway, and made a show of cleaning up when she ran into the house. She paused when she saw the empty apartment, then apologized profusely for being so late. He was quick to wave off her apologies, telling her to leave the door unlocked as his colleagues were off partying but might come back late at night to sleep it off. “Sorry Justin, I just had a really miserable evening. I got into the worst possible argument with my best friend.” She started to explain, before hesitating a little. This was, after all, a most private matter. However, she needed an outlet and Justin had been such a great listening ear. “She accused me of trying to steal her boyfriend. I told her nothing happened since I didn’t even like him, but she wouldn’t accept my explanation. I even told her… I actually had someone else in mind, but she was like a mad woman who would not listen to anything I said.” When she said the part about liking someone else, she rushed over the part and looked a little embarrassed, not looking Justin in the eye. He privately suspected that she was talking about himself, and was elated that the attraction wasn’t just one way. This would make his evening much easier.

Saying how sorry he was to hear that, he offered her some food, and then asked her if she preferred red or white wine. He was surprised when she asked for beer instead. Seemed like she needed to work the frustration out of her system, and Justin was more than happy to ply her with alcohol. As they sat on the couch to talk, he admired her lovely legs, shown off by her short skirt that had ridden up her thighs. From certain angles, he could see her panties – an exciting red hot colored lace pair, that matched her red bra straps. Her brown skirt was matched by a white blouse that, while covering most of her upper body, was transluscent enough that he could see her black bra through its thin material. Her hair was tied up, exposing her shoulders and neck with their well-tanned lines. This was a girl who enjoyed being in a sun. She evidently did not have the best of complexion, but she had an incredibly lithe and tight body, evident when she moved around with the lightness and agility of a ballerina. Her girly voice, now with a tinge of anger at how her best friend would believe a guy she’s known for 2 years instead of Ruth, was cute in her own special way. It sounded like a little girl who was pouting, and he knew that she would get over it in the morning. In the meantime, he was going to milk her emotions for all its worth. Asking more questions about what happened, he achieved the dual purpose of stirring up her emotions and making her drink more, and secondly of getting her to open up to him and being vulnerable.

He learnt that the guy had started messaging her behind her friend’s back, asking her out to the movies. She had always declined, and refrained from telling her best friend for fear of hurting her. But after being spurned, the guy sought to drive a wedge between them by telling her that Ruth had tried to ask him out several times. Justin know who her best friend was, and judging by how she looked on Facebook, he didn’t blame her boyfriend for trying to pick up Ruth instead. He also knew that he had to act fast, since someone like Ruth was prime property, and it was only a matter of fact before someone discovered such a secret treasure. He planned to claim her first, and he had more than a sneaking suspicion that she might still be a virgin. His last virgin had been his wife, and he longed to again break in such innocence.

20-12-2012, 11:13 PM
Thanks for all your support, bros and sis!

21-12-2012, 11:48 AM
new suspense !!!!

22-12-2012, 02:02 PM
hope TS give us few new chapters before X'mas....

26-12-2012, 08:45 AM
Hi TS, Happy Boxing Day.. Hope today we are able to get a present from you.. Drying now..

01-01-2013, 02:32 AM
Hi Bro Javlooking.

Happy New Year.

Waiting anxiously for next update.

07-01-2013, 12:13 AM
Pei pei... oh pei pei... please come back soon...

07-01-2013, 12:35 AM
Happy New Year !!!

Pls come back TS

08-01-2013, 08:39 PM
Please come back.

Miss Pei Pei so much.

09-01-2013, 05:16 PM
Bro javlooking... Where are you? Miss Pei Pei so much!

14-01-2013, 12:49 AM
Bro Javlooking,

Anxiously waiting for your next update.

Thanks a million.

14-01-2013, 11:38 PM
Sorry bros, had an ultra busy holiday with a couple of family emergencies. I'm finally back now. Good to know I was missed. :D

14-01-2013, 11:38 PM
Already he could see her face becoming flushed under the influence of the beer, and he had quietly swapped a new can for her after “accidentally” spilling her first can which was two-thirds drunk already. He expressed his sympathies for her problem, flattering her with praises about how she was such a beautiful girl, its not surprising that guys would be interested in her. She blushed at hearing his words, and quickly picked up her beer can to drink more in order to cover her embarrassment. Guzzling up faster than she was used to, she could also feel herself getting flushed. However, after such a night as this, she was prepared to get drunk. Besides, she was in a chalet with a nice dependable guy like Justin, and they weren’t going to be alone. In her half intoxicated state of mind, she convinced herself that she’s going to be alright. He got her to talk – a lot. The more she talked, the more she felt thirsty and drank. Soon she was on her fourth can, and was starting to lose control. By now she was sitting in a most unlady like manner on the couch, unaware that her skirt had totally ridden up her thighs and putting her red panties in clear view of Justin. He took out his phone on the pretext of sending out a message, and quietly took a few pictures of her in that position, as keepsake for his collection. She was feeling warm from the alcohol, and had soon unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse, exposing her black bra with the red hot bra straps.

Justin soon moved from sitting on the couch beside her, to sitting beside her. He offered her even more food, and when she refused, he offered her another can of beer instead. By midnight, she had finished her sixth can of beer, and was already slurring her words. She had a pretty high alcohol tolerance usually, but six cans in one night was more than she had ever drunk before, and she felt very high from her intoxication. Justin started to ask her more intimate questions, framing it in a fun way, acting similarly drunk. He asked her about previous boyfriends, and what she liked about them. He tried to sound her out about who she was currently interested in, and she nearly blurted it out, stopping herself only at the last second, before bursting into laughter as if it had been incredibly funny. By now they were tumbling over each other on the couch, laughing and having fun, bumping shoulders and acting like two teenagers. Justin, trying his luck, surreptitiously leaned on when laughing and put his hands on her thigh. Seeing that she did not have any response to what he did, he declared himself to be feeling quite drunk, and moved to lie down – which he did by resting his head down on her lap. With his face now pressed right against her groin and stomach, he could feel the heat coming from her lap. His cheek was resting against her taut stomach, through the thin material of her blouse, and she felt very warm. Looking up at her face, he saw that she was looking down also into his eyes, her face an indescribable expression.

As they suddenly went quiet, he quietly said to her “I don’t believe you are single. How could someone as pretty as you be unattached?” She blushed and tried to deflect away, saying “You must be the only person to have ever called me pretty before. I don’t look like a supermodel, nor do I have the figure of one. You must be really drunk to be saying such things to me.” She then giggled as if she said something very funny, before starting to laugh again. Justin knew she was actually laughing to cover up her delight at his words, and he knew that he had her already. Time to close the deal. Sitting up so that his face hovered right in front of her breasts and under her chin, he stared intensely into her eyes, causing her laugh to falter and end off awkwardly, she found herself staring back at him questioningly before he gave her a quick kiss.

On the lips.

15-01-2013, 01:29 AM
As she felt his lips close in on hers, she was shocked. She had admitted to herself since some time ago that she had a crush on him, and had even scolded herself for having a crush on a married man. She had simply dismissed herself as being silly, since he was such a great guy with an incredibly hot looking wife. There was no way he would be interested in her that way, and that was one of the primary reasons that she had allowed herself to get so close to him. Yet here he was, suddenly kissing her on the lips! She felt her mind swirling from the shock, and the alcohol made it very hard for her to think properly. In her mind, something was telling her to push him away. Yet there was also a part of her that very much wanted the kiss to go on. And so it was that when Justin broke the kiss and sat up to face her, she still had her eyes closed, savoring what he had just done. As he kept his own face mere millimeters away from hers, she finally opened her eyes to look at him, a dreamy look with a big question mark in the gaze she returned him.

Then she leaned in and kissed him back.

It was tentative, as if she didn’t really know if she should kiss him. But once their lips made contact, Justin went in for the kill. He parted her lips with his tongue, and it immediately snaked in to find hers. His hands went around her to cup her from behind and draw her in closer, and then he proceeded to kiss her intensely. It was deep, it was strong, and yet he controlled himself to not be too fierce and come on too strong. He knew this was a delicate period to balance. If he pushed too hard, she would push back and he would have lost his moment. So he pushed her a little more each time until he felt her reciprocate, then he would push her even more. After a mere couple of minutes, they were both locked in a ferocious and hungry kiss, both breathing heavily through their nostrils as neither wanted to break the kiss for air. Justin’s hands were itching to feel up her body, but he was determined to play his cards right. He had simply let his hands wander up and down her back, and mussing her hair while pressing her head in closer to him to kiss her deeper. She evidently enjoyed what he was doing, and was making all the familiar moaning sounds of delight even as she sought to match his own ardor.

By now both had gotten up from their positions on the couch, instead kneeling on the couch so as to allow their bodies to completely touch, and he knew she could feel his erect penis pressing against her. Being a doctor, she would be well aware of his anatomy and would know what that meant. Still, she would grind her own hips against him as if she was taunting him to do more. After a good 5 minutes of their kissing, when they finally slowed down for a breather, he let his hands cup her cheeks, for a slow and deliberate kiss, enjoying how she tasted with the beer still in her mouth. Her lips felt fuller when he kissed them than he had expected, and she was pretty good with her tongue. It had been a little awkward at first, but they had quickly adapted to each other’s rhythm and pattern, and they were almost effortlessly in sync. His hands wandered down to her neck, before settling down on her breast, feeling her through the sheer material of her blouse. At his touch, he felt her reflexively draw back with a gasp, as if she could not believe he would start touching her there. But he was desperately hungry for her, and as he pressed his whole hand against her right breast, he loved how soft she felt. Expectedly, unlike the more full-figured women he was used to bedding, she was decidedly small. But there was a delightful sensitivity to her that intrigued him. He remembered how her pink nipples had looked on those occasions that he had peeked at them.

Even as his hands lingered on her breasts, he felt her tentatively drawing near to him once again, having allowed him to touch her that way. His hands began a soft kneading action on her breasts, drawing small gasps of moans from her as her sensitive mounds responded to his soft massaging hands. Her body would quiver from his touch, even as his fingers lightly brushed across the surface of her breasts where her nipples were. Her hands would grab hold of him whenever he did that, as if she was afraid she would fall off the couch. He loved how she clung on to him so instinctively, pressing her own body with his hands still on her breasts tightly against his chest. As Ruth felt her own body rising in heat as she responded to Justin’s touch, she felt her own head spinning. She had never allowed any guy to touch her like that before. The few previous boyfriends she’s dated were all proper guys who had never dared to take it further than a kiss on the lips, and an arm around the waist. Yet here she was with a married man, letting his hands roam all over her body, and resting on her breasts! Having never experienced such sensations before, she admitted that the rush was intoxicating, and she found herself wishing he would not stop and would carry on. Plenty of time to stop him, she thought to herself.

15-01-2013, 01:30 AM
After determining that Ruth was not resisting his forward advances, he began to reach for the buttons on her blouse. Ruth was so lost in the confusing yet overwhelming feelings she was going through, she never even realized what Justin was doing until four of her buttons had come undone, and she felt the coolness of the air on her chest. As she opened her eyes in surprise, she tried to push back a little and called out his name in uncertainty “Justin…”, with a lingering question in her eyes, asking if what they were doing was right. Of course she knew it was not right, but she did not want to admit it to herself. She was strongly attracted to this man, and with the alcohol lowering her inhibitions, there’s a quiet voice inside of her that’s desperate for him to carry on. She still comforted herself by thinking that there was plenty of time for her to stop him later on. Justin did not force her, but simply held her firmly in his arms, until he felt her resistance once more melt away. Undoing the last button of her blouse, he parted the material to reveal her silky black bra with its red hot straps. She looked very sexy, especially with her inexperienced uncertainty in such a situation. She seemed awkward, unfamiliar with the circumstance she now found herself in, and did not really know what to do.

Her body, however, took over where her mind was unsure, as Justin’s roaming hands once more sent shivers of delight coursing through her body, as they once more resumed their slow sensual kiss. His hands were now enjoying the feel of her small breasts through the material of her bra. After kneading at them, his fingers crept in from the top of her bra cup, until his right hands finally made contact with her nipple. Ruth’s response was electric, a first moan of surprise that escaped her lips as her body buckled. They both tumbled back on the couch, and her eyes were staring straight at Justin, shocked that he had gone so far. With her body now exposed and only protected only by her bra, she was suddenly keenly aware of the position she was in. She whispered “what if someone comes back? Should we be doing this?” Justin, seizing the opportunity, quickly suggested going back to his room. “You’re so drunk. Maybe I should just bring you to your room and let you rest.” Slightly disappointed, but also relieved at what Justin was saying, she nodded her head, and let him lead her to the room, using her hands to hold her blouse closed.

Once they were in the room, Justin turned on the air conditioning, while she immediately went to lie down on the bed. Her head was still spinning from what had happened, and she found herself unable to think clearly. She heard the door close behind her, and closed her eyes. Suddenly, she felt Justin’s hands one more on her hips, and raised her head to look. He was sitting on the bed, looking at her. “You’re such an amazing girl, Ruth. I’m sorry for what I did just now, but I couldn’t help myself. You are just too beautiful.” He then leaned in to kiss her once again, before she could do anything about it. She felt Justin’s whole body lean in on hers, and once more his lips closed in tightly over hers, and his tongue snaked inside. It was strange to taste his tongue, but it was warm and slippery, and it made Ruth feel her insides turn, a sensation that was a mysterious to her as it was magical. His hands deftly found the back of her bra clasp when he lifted her up for just that brief moment, then she felt her bra loosen. With a shock, she realized that he had effectively stripped her naked from the waist up. Feeling a slight alarm at how fast things were going, she tried a tentative push at him, only to be met with a fierce resistance that was strong yet not threatening to overpower her. Caving in to his pressure, she capitulated and allowed him access to her breasts, something she had never allowed any man to touch before.

Justin loved the feel of her soft pliable body as he watched her slowly give in to his pressures, knowing that he was stoking the fire inside of her. As she started to moan from his touch, her own body began to twist and move about to receive his touch, and when he tried to take off her blouse, she willingly helped him to remove the material. In a few swift seconds, she was totally bare-naked from her waist up, and he was surprised to find that underneath that lean figure of hers, she was actually quite a shapely girl. She still had small breasts, but her entire body had curves enough to show that she was well past the young adolescent stage, and was truly entering into the early stages of her womanhood. And Justin was going to help her complete that journey tonight.

15-01-2013, 11:56 AM
Welcome Back TS !!!
no points to up you.. but i'll bumb the story to page 1

15-01-2013, 04:58 PM

It has been one long wait but it was sure worth it! Looking forward to more exciting episode of Forbidden Fruits.


15-01-2013, 06:54 PM
Another of my fav writer (:
Thumbs up! Luv Pei Pei !

16-01-2013, 11:11 PM
His tongue snaked out from her mouth where he had been engaging her in a series of protracted tongue dueling, finding that she was a pretty decent kisser for such an inexperienced girl, and found its way to her ear. A single lick and a breath of his hot breath was all it took to generate an electric response from her as she shivered from the sensation, and responded by clinging on tightly to him, a single breath escaping from her as she faintly breathed his name “Justin…” He carried on his assault on her senses, his fingers quickly finding the pert buds on the peaks of her gently sloping breasts, and as he softly caressed them he could sense that she was going crazy from what he was doing to her body. He smiled to himself, knowing that as sensitive as she was, the best part of the show was far from over, and he would have her screaming his name by the time he was done with her tonight. His tongue now found her neck, and as he savored the warmth emanating from her neck, breathing in the sweet scent of her body, he felt her hands hesitantly creeping under his t-shirt, to feel his naked back. Throwing his body back suddenly, he quickly removed his t-shirt and let her have a quick look at his well-toned body. He was pleased to see that she had a mystified look in her eyes, as if she was looking in wonder at his physique. He knew his body was very attractive to the ladies, and it was always the greatest motivator for him to be so disciplined in his gym work. As he once more pressed his own bare body against hers, she felt the warmth of his body as it tightly pressed itself against her, and the alien sensation was so strong that she felt like she was going to burst from the inside. Letting their bare bodies connect and rub against each other, he soon found his own rising desires threatening to burst out of control.

He moved down to her collarbone, and then finally arrived at the top of her breasts. As he used his nose to smell her nipples, she gave off such a strong moan and arched her body upwards that he knew she was dying to have him taste her nipples. Slowly but deliberately taking her right nipple into her mouth, he delighted in hearing her long and protracted cry of pleasure. As his tongue circled her pink tip in a slow sensual fashion, he could feel her whole body squirming in delight. A muffled squeal would escape her lips whenever he brushed his tongue right over the tip of her nipple tips, and he could feel her arms holding on tightly to his body in a fierce embrace. Deciding to take it one step further after a good ten minutes, he resumed kissing her again and letting his hands roam over her body, kneading and massaging her breasts and going lower. When he reached her stomach, he shifted his hands to her thighs instead, and started to caress them. Bringing up her right thigh to caress the smooth insides of her skin, he moved further up until her was right at the tip of her pussy. Knowing that she was aware of his actions, he deliberately delayed stroking her through her panties, and he could sense her anticipation.

By not rejecting his hands, Justin knew she had given her license to take things further, and when his fingers first brushed against her pussy, she broke the kiss to give off a loud moan of delight. Justin wasn’t surprised to find that her panties were already soaking wet. A couple of soft strokes were enough to send her into a rush of ecstasy as her whole face spoke of the unbearable pleasure Justin was giving her. When he inserted one finger under her panties to make contact with her vaginal lips, she cried out in surprise, shocked that Justin would go so far. A couple of seconds later, her mind exploded as his fingers expertly found her clitoris. As he lightly fingered her on her love bud, he heard her moans getting more and more frantic, before she cried out loudly and shuddered into a spasm, as she had her first orgasm for the night. He looked up to find her staring at him with her eyes wide open. When she showed up at the chalet, this was the last thing she would have expected to have happened. She was not supposed to be half naked in bed with a married man, letting him touch her privates and bring her into heaven with his technique. Yet it felt so good that she didn’t know how to tell him to stop. All she could do was to stare at his naked torso, and feel her own desires still raging inside of her.

Justin was looking back at her with contentment, knowing that this was going to be a great night. As he leaned in to her face and kissed her tenderly, he could feel her whole body melt into him, and he decided it was time to move on. He started to lick his way down her body once more, and when he got to her waist, he lingered on her belly button while searching out the clasp of her skirt. Luckily for him, it was located on the side which made it very easy for him to undo. As he unzipped the material, he continued to eat away at her taut stomach, and soaking in the warmth of her body as she continued to remain lost in her senses. With one quick gesture, he reached his fingers under the waistband of her panties, and removed it along with her skirt, dragging it down swiftly past her ankles. She opened her eyes wide in surprise, and sat up in shock. “Justin, maybe we should stop…” she started to protest, her senses starting to get the better of her. Heavy petting and letting him explore her body was one thing. To strip off all her clothes totally was another, and she knew that she was on the precipice of going down the path of no return. Justin looked at her with a slightly naughty look, and didn’t reply. She looked so irresistible, half sitting up on the bed with her legs tightly shut, her hands folded over her chest in an attempt to protect her modesty. Her face was flushed, she still had that dreamy look in her eyes as if she had just woken up, and she radiated that innocence of a girl who was on the brink of womanhood but had not yet crossed over to the other side.

16-01-2013, 11:12 PM
He leaned in cupped her face in his hands, looking at her and said “I’ll stop if you really want me to. Just tell me when.” He then slowly lowered his lips to hers, and kissed her softly. Ruth wanted to tell him to stop, but when his lips made contact with hers, the words died in her throat. She was confused, and she actually really didn’t want him to stop. It felt so good, and she had a really big crush on him. She knew where this was headed, and she told herself she was a sensible girl. But when she found herself in such a position, she was unable to control herself. The heat inside her body, the itch in her loins, coupled with that burning desire she had to explore the sexual experience she had heard so much about, she found that she was unable to muster up the willpower to tell him to stop. Very quickly she found herself kissing him back, and very quickly felt her whole head spinning. Lying back on the bed, she vaguely saw from the corner of her eye, Justin taking off his pants and underwear. She surrendered herself to the moment and told herself that if she were to lose her virginity tonight to a married man, at least its to someone she really liked.

Justin laid himself completely on top of her, their bodies tightly knit together, with his throbbing manhood positioned right at the entrance of her entrance. He made no move to penetrate her yet, knowing he cannot rush the moment. He wanted to make her beg him, so that there was no question of her consent. He savored the taste of her lips, and how quickly she caught on to their rhythm. She was kissing him back with relish, her own hands cupping his head as her tongue also explored his mouth hungrily. His hands wandered freely over her well toned and very tight body, appreciating how lithe and flexible she felt. Unlike the full bodied and lush figure of Adeline, or the petite yet well proportioned frame of his own wife, Ruth was something different that he relished. Of course, not every intern he had bedded was so full figured, but they all were sexually active way before he bedded them The action was fast and furious most of the time, and lacked the kind of finesse that he was now enjoying. Ruth was both awkward in her inexperienced, shy in her demeanor, yet unable to hide the eagerness in her as she explored her own sexual awakening for the first time.

Justin’s hands soon found their way to her butt, and was cupping them with delight. They were meatier than he expected, and she was sensitive enough that she would be wriggling her hips in reaction to the way he kneaded them in his hands. From her lips would escape soft whines of unbearable pleasure as she felt shivers course through her. This action had the added benefit of letting his rock hard penis brush even harder against her pussy lips, and he could feel her juices lubricating his hard shaft. Ruth was well aware of what it was that pressed in against her secret entrance, and she was surprised at how much she longed for him to steer himself inside of her. This was not how she had ever envisioned herself losing her chastity. This was so wrong, yet she couldn’t care less. Justin was a wonderful man, and even if she knew this was a silly crush for which she was going to pay a high price for, at this moment she wanted nothing more than to live in the moment and do this crazy thing. As she felt his rod pressing and sliding against her pussy, she tentatively reached down to touch it. She had of course seen a penis many times in the course of her work. But this was the first time she had enclosed on in her hands, especially one that was as turgid and primed as Justin’s. Her sudden action jolted Justin, and the feel of her hands surprised him such that he nearly came. Her hands were indeed that of a professional care giver. Firm and sure, yet tender and gentle. Even Pei Pei could not match her in the way Ruth handled his rock hard penis. As Ruth slowly felt and probed at his manhood, a bit awed at how it seemed to be so big that she could stroke her hand up and down the whole shaft, Justin felt his own head blow from the sensation.

He renewed his kisses on her lips with passion, doing his level best to suck all the air out of her mouth, and felt her hands loosen at his attack. A moan of delight escaped her lips as her hands loosely remained on his love shaft, and he started to thrust his hips against hers, letting his penis ram against the entrance of her loins. She would cry out in a mixture of desire and pain as she felt him slamming himself hard against her, lost in that haze between his teasing and awaiting the moment when he would finally penetrate her and seal her induction into womanhood. When it was evident that Justin was not in the same kind of hurry that she was, she found the ache in her loins to be unbearable. “Justin,” she breathed in desperation, “I want you now.”

17-01-2013, 02:38 AM
Welcome back bro, this is the best story so far...:)

18-01-2013, 08:17 PM
thanks for coming back!

enjoying the development....:)

18-01-2013, 09:34 PM
thats a good one... please carry on. thanks

19-01-2013, 09:43 AM
The storyline just gets incredibly delicious from chapter to chapter. Please do not stop writing or prolonged the waiting. If u start a website selling your stories, even if it is a subscription basis, I am sure you will find no less the same demand from people who are reading this thread.

Simply the best!

20-01-2013, 02:26 AM
“Justin,” she breathed in desperation, “I want you now.”

Bro, we also need you now to continue how Justin is going to break her virgin

21-01-2013, 10:13 PM
Justin smiled to himself and ignored her. The one thing he’s learnt is that a prolonged and delayed desire makes for greater gratification. Teasing her to the point of desperation would make the moment so much more rewarding. Using his fingertips to work on her nipples while kissing her neck, he worked on her to a fever pitch, when her begging would sound more desperate, as she repeated his name again and again in breathless whispers. Again he felt her fingers close in on his shaft, squeezing it with a kind of urgency that momentarily brought physical pain to him. He knew she was losing control, and he told himself that the time was near. What he was unprepared for was that as he continued to move his hips and brush against her pussy lips, Ruth suddenly used her fingers to lift his penis up at an angle to position his mushroom head to be aimed right at her pussy lips. With his next thrust, he found that he had suddenly half entered into her.

The cry of anguish from her was unforgettable, as she felt her insides being split apart. Despite how well lubricated she was, it was still her first time, and he had not even used his fingers to loosen her up yet. Still, between the heavy breathing that was taking place now as she sought to catch her breath from the pain searing through her insides, she looked into Justin’s surprised and concerned eyes, and told him “keep going. I want you inside me. Please.” Justin needed no second invitation, and after the initial shock of having entered her before he planned to, he started to take in the sensations of her warm love hole. The walls were closing in so tightly around him that he was having difficulty pushing further into her. Wriggling his hips, he pushed her legs wider open to give himself more room, then started to thrust slowly, stopping when he could see she was in too much pain. Her channel was naturally very slick from all the love juices that she was giving off, but the going was very slow and he could see that she wasn’t enjoying herself very much. Knowing that pain would quickly wear off any libido that she had, he took it real slow and went back to slowly smooching her. Whispering in her ear, he told her how incredibly hot she was, and how much he wanted her body. Ruth felt her heart soar when she heard that Justin desired her. To know that it wasn’t a one-sided desire was a big deal for her, as it somehow made their illicit tryst more meaningful. To her, it meant that it wasn’t a cheap one night stand for Justin, but that they genuinely had feelings for each other. The effect on her magical, as she grabbed him in a fierce embrace and kissed him back, before pushing her own hips out to meet his thrusts.

She broke her lips away from the kiss to give off a cry of agony as she felt his shaft sinking further into her, and she felt her hymen tear. The pain was intense and excruciating, but in the passion of the moment, she was able to ignore a lot of the pain, instead focusing on how she felt to have most of his member inside of her. She felt so full, so complete. She had just been deflowered, and she knew that she had finally crossed the last barrier, and there was to be no return now. Justin’s heart leapt when he felt himself piercing through her hymen, and he knew that he had done it. Her hot and incredibly tight love channel was squeezing his penis so firmly yet there was so much warmth in it that the feeling was incredible. To know that his plan had succeeded exactly as he intended also gave him a great deal of satisfaction. He had done it! He had claimed Ruth’s virginity! Knowing this was a pivotal moment for her, her whispered into her ear “You are so incredibly tight, and so unbelievably beautiful. I think I’m falling in love with you.”

21-01-2013, 10:14 PM
The effect on Ruth was electric. Her eyes stared hard into Justin’s, and it was as though everything about tonight was worth it. Giving up her first time to him was no longer a crazy and stupid decision. Instead, it was absolutely the right thing to do. She had always told herself it was a silly crush. After all, they had only known each other for a few months. Yet when Justin told her that he loved her, she allowed herself to finally believe that she also felt the same for him. And whatever else might happen to them after tonight, it was an amazing way for her to have given her first time to someone. Feeling her own heart threatening to overwhelm her, she closed her eyes once more and held him in a fierce embrace. With their bodies now tightly mashed together, she could feel Justin slowly rotating his hips while still buried deep inside her. The pain was still sharp, and she knew from her medical training that for some girls it would take a while before sex is enjoyable. It would seem that she was unfortunately one of them. Nevertheless, mingled with the pain was such a sweet sensation that she could not describe. The intimacy of the moment was so intoxicating that she felt like she had just lost her soul. She no longer existed, instead, there was only their two bodies fused into one. She felt as if she now totally belonged to Justin, and it was sheer bliss.

As Justin felt Ruth adjusting to himself, he started to move more. Slowly thrusting in and out, he moved at a slow and deliberate pace. He was amazed at how eager she was to lose her virginity to him, but he was now determined to make it up to her for the pain. Distracting her by tantalizing her sensitive nipples, he heard her draw a sharp gasp of pleasure when as his tongue snaked its way over her lovely breasts, stabbing at the soft mounds, running its way over her nipples and giving her body the soft tender treatment that it has never known before. Ruth cried out in anguish at certain moments when tried thrusting a little harder, but that quickly diminished, as she finally adjusted to the size of Justin’s shaft inside of her. Sensing that her discomfort lessened, he began to thrust a little more, and he decided to go missionary style. Sitting up from his prone position, he started to let his fingers drift its way down her taut stomach, and then he laid one finger on her clitoris, and gave it a simple stroke. The effect on her was electric, as she cried out in amazement, and raised her head to look at Justin. Her eyes were wide open, but within seconds she closed them and threw her head back in pleasure as Justin continued to stroke her clitoris. His fingers were getting a little bloody from her ruptured hymen’s blood, but he didn’t care. Ruth looked incredibly sexy at this moment, and he regretted not having a camera to capture this moment.

Knowing she would be very raw, he decided that he should finish up soon. There will definitely be other times, and he didn’t want to make the first time all about his own pleasure at her expense. So he whispered to her “I’m going to pick up the pace. Try and keep up.”. He gave her a naughty smile, then began to thrust a little quicker, causing her to tense up at the anticipated pain. Knowing that it will pass in a moment, he carried on and soon he heard her moaning away. Thrusting a little deeper still, he reveled in the warmth of her channel, and the slickness of her well lubricated pussy. Very soon, he himself felt the buildup in his groin and he knew it was time. Leaning in once more to grip her body with his own, he carried on grinding at her hips while kissing her on the lips, before one last intense burst where he climaxed and ejaculated deep inside of her. He felt his sperm pumping deep inside of her, and he could feel her arms gripping his body tightly as she realized what had just happened. She gave a long moan of pleasure as she felt him releasing inside of her, and after that she continued to hold him tightly in a fierce embrace as she panted away to catch her breath.

22-01-2013, 09:19 AM
morning woody subsided.... then another after reading this....
Thumbs up TS

22-01-2013, 11:26 AM
This story is Epic, and written in a very made-believable manner in our era. I like it!

28-01-2013, 05:17 PM
Waiting anxiously for update.

Miss Pei Pei.

29-01-2013, 09:02 PM
Pei Pei is taking a break. Get to know Ruth a little more!


29-01-2013, 09:03 PM
Justin could not believe what had just happened. Ruth was truly an amazing girl, and he was elated that he was the one who had claimed her virginity. A good girl like her would never turn into the sort of sex sluts that many of his interns became, and he knew that he would always have a special place in her heart after giving him her first time. As they slowly released their locked bodies, Justin tenderly kissed her, and she snuggled her way into his arms as they lay side by side. “Thank you, Ruth. That was amazing.” As Ruth laid very quietly by his side, she didn’t say anything except to lean in closer to him to acknowledge what he had said. They lay on the bed in silence for some time, breathing in each other’s warm presence and catching their breath, before Justin finally asked her “do you regret having given me your first time?”

Ruth shook her head even as her face remained buried in his shoulders, and Justin had to use his fingers to raise her chin to look at her. She was crying.

“So you do regret what just happened?” Justin asked.

“No, I really don’t. Don’t ask me why I’m crying, but it was amazing, and I would do it all over again.” Ruth replied.

Justin didn’t need to say anything more, but just held her in his arms, where Ruth felt so safe. She felt his body heat, his strong arms and firm body pressed in against hers, and she felt like she could not belong anywhere else. The fact that he’s a married man means they could never be together, since Ruth could never imagine ever breaking up a family. But she doesn’t know where to take this friendship anymore, and right now she didn’t want to think. She just wanted to bask in Justin’s arms and enjoy the moment. As she felt his arm gently stroking her, she could feel the slight throbbing pain in her pussy, and she reached down to tenderly touch it. Feeling his cum oozing out of her, she suddenly gasped and sat up. “Justin!” she cried out. “I’m not safe right now. This is my fertile period!” Justin, trying to comfort her, just pulled her laughingly back into her arms and said “You’re a doctor! How can you not have heard of a morning after pill?” She blushed and sheepishly tried to defend herself “Well, I’ve never done this before, doctor or not. Can’t blame me cos its not my specialization.”

Justin looked at her fondly and said “Well, its MY area of specialization, baby. Allow me to teach you.” With that, he tenderly kissed her once again, and soon they were back in each other’s arms again, like two newly weds as they explored each other’s bodies eagerly and insatiably. Justin took it slow this time round, making her lie on her front while he explored her back, and kissing every inch of it to the soft sighs of contentment from Ruth, as she mumbled about the joys that she had been missing out on. As Justin’s hands sensually caressed and massaged her body, Ruth looked like a natural in bed as she responded to his touch, her body gently rolling from side to side in a steady rhythm to her moans, and soon she flipped herself over once more and pulled Justin in to kiss him.

His hands automatically reached for her breasts, even as her hands reached out for his half-turgid penis. As her hands again made contact with him, she was amused to feel it twitch, before almost instantly hardening up even more. Her hands, both soft and tentative yet also exploring and playful, was just the sort of behavior that Justin always wished from Pei Pei. With Pei Pei, it was always as if she would be amazed at what she was learning, yet seldom was she the one who would be so willing to explore. When he felt her giving his rod a squeeze, he laughed out loud and sneaked his hand down to her pussy. A quick flick of his fingers and she arched her hips as a cry escaped her. She was new, and terribly sensitive to his touch. When he was stimulating her clitoris just now, she felt like she had died and gone to heaven. No amount of textbooks and descriptions could have lent justice to how she felt when she finally experienced the joys of womanhood. To let a grown and experienced man touch her, feel her body and to share the most intimate moments possible between 2 persons, was an experience she had always read and heard about. Tonight in the most unlikely of scenarios, she was finally getting a taste of what all her friends have been urging her to try. Nevertheless, she could never imagine doing it with a stranger she met in a pub. Justin was different. He was so comforting, and made her feel so safe. She felt his fingers linger on her labia lips, softly swishing them left and right as the remnant love juice from what happened just now mixed with the fresh batch of lubricants that was now steady streaming out of her. He was getting her freshly wet again, and she could feel that same buildup of heat inside of her as her body took over and responded to Justin’s expert manipulations.

29-01-2013, 09:04 PM
Justin knew that he’s had his fun already, and achieved his objective. Now it was time for her to shake off the trauma of the pain when he took her virginity. Now is the time when he makes her exclusively his, and to cement this affair. His fingers continued to flick away at her pussy lips, deliberately spacing out the times when he would come into contact with her clitoris. Each time he did, he felt her hips twitch as she gasped in pleasure, and soon she used her own hands to direct his fingers towards her clitoris. She really was in heat, and she was desperate to satiate her lust. As Justin focused more on her clitoris, she really turned up the volume of her moaning. When he used one finger to press down on her love bud, and then continue the pressure while applying it in a circular motion, she cried out louder and louder while sounding more and more breathless. As Justin maintained his actions on her, he started to kiss her nipples once more, before slipping his fingers in and out of her pussy, all the while making contact with her clitoris. Ruth’s moans got more and more frantic as she breathlessly cried out Justin’s name again. Within seconds, the inevitable happened as she stiffened, and her hips started to convulse. She moaned in sheer ecstasy as Justin brought her to her first ever climax. Crying out “Oh my God!” and “Justin..” repeatedly, she buried her face in the pillow as she rubbed her legs together, leaving Justin to admire the aftermath of her orgasm.

When she finally opened her eyes to look at him, she had that dreamy face of wonder at what she had just experienced. It was better than anything she had ever expected, and she finally began to understand how her friends could go crazy and sleep with strangers. If sex felt this good, and it was regardless of your partner, she could begin to understand the whole fuss about it now. Of course, she could still never imagine herself letting a stranger undress her and enter into her most intimate embrace, but now she understood how overwhelming and powerful sexual desires could be. Already she felt its intoxication working on her, and she wanted more. After finally being unlocked, having preserved her chastity for so many years, she was now ready to embrace all that her womanhood had to offer.

Ruth reached out to Justin and pulled him back on top of her, enjoying the warmth of their two bodies as they pressed naked against each other. She could feel Justin’s dick slowly hardening as it brushed once more against her pussy lips. Even though she was still feeling sore, she felt her own desires urging her to give it another go. She wanted him inside her again, trusting that it gets better and better. And if what she just experienced was a benchmark to go by, she can’t wait till she finally gets “broken in”. Spreading her legs wider as an invitation, she kissed him and started to let her own hands roam over his body. He had such a terrific build, not the sort of muscular frame that some people who worked out had, but the sort of lean yet hard body which she loved. It was part of what she first found attractive about him, but soon it became more about the sort of connection she felt she had with him. As her legs wrapped themselves around Justin’s waist, she used them to press him tighter against herself, desperate for the feel of his hard rod firmly against her pussy.

04-02-2013, 09:59 PM
Justin needed no second invitation, as he once more plunged himself into her, feeling her tight pussy firmly gripping his dick like a vice. As she cried out again from the pain, she also felt herself adjusting much faster to him, and as her slick channel opened up to receive him, she once more found herself overwhelmed by the feeling of having him inside of her. She could feel every thrust and every withdrawal, and the electric sensation of him gliding in and out of her was such a thrill. Very quickly she found that the discomfort was gone, and what was left was just the pure sensation of being fucked by someone very special to her. For someone who was a virgin until just a few minutes ago, she was very quick to pick up some of the little techniques, timing her own hips to latch his so that she could derive the greatest joy from his thrusts. She was soon moaning away, her soft voice changing to a shrill cry whenever Justin increased the speed, and then dying down to a whimper when he finally slowed down to let her catch her breath. Justin saw how quickly she adjusted to him, and decided that she can actually go longer this time round than her first time. He wanted to make this session a mind-blowing one for her, so that she would never forget about tonight. As he carried on pounding her, he tongued all her sensitive points, moving from her ears down to her neck, before once more working on her nipples. By now Ruth’s hands were flailing wildly on the bed, as she would cry out “Oh my God, Justin!” between moments when she would grab him tightly around the shoulders, and then pulling at the bedsheets, not knowing what to do with her hands. Her cries became more frantic, as she started to beg him saying “Justin, I can’t stand it anymore. I can’t stand it anymore. Justin…”

He ignored her as he carried on pounding her. Her cries became more and more shrill, before he finally burst into a series of really hard and fast thrusts, making her scream out loud at what she was feeling. He pulled out of her without having cummed, and she collapsed on the bed in a heap, almost as if she was in a semi conscious state. She was exhausted yet exhilarated at the same time, and was struggling to catch her breath. She felt weak, and suddenly unable to move her arms and legs. Instead, she just laid on the bed panting hard, her eyes still closed and her mouth open wide. Her hair was a disheveled mess, but it merely lent a more womanly and sexier edge to her usually young girl neatness. As she was content to lay in that position to recover, she felt Justin pull her legs open, and braced herself for another round. Instead, she got a surprise.

Justin leaned in and tongued her pussy, which drew an immediate twitch from her hips, as she cried out in surprise. She had never known such a feeling before, of a wet and warm tongue, soft and hard at the same time, as it brushed against her very tender labia lips. The feeling was indescribably, and the first time he brushed his tongue across her pussy, she felt like she just experienced an instant orgasm. He hands grabbed at Justin’s hair in a panic, as she felt like he was going to fall off the bed. He felt her fingers grasping his hair, and intensified his licking. As her own hips swiveled in reaction to his stimulations, she kept rocking her body from side to side as she felt her own body exploding from what he was doing to her. Justin’s tongue kept repeating the same motion of brushing her labia lips, before stabbing away at her pussy entrance, knowing how it was driving her crazy. As her moans degenerated into long shrill cries that sounded like a balloon losing its air, she finally gave one loud cry before she cummed, her hips and stomach muscles twitching uncontrollably as her hands cupped her own vagina as she moaned in the aftermath of her climax.

Justin smiled at the sight of Ruth in the throes of her sexual delight, admiring her lean and tight body as it carried on with its slight convulsions. Ruth’s moans had turned very kittenish and soft, as she finally let go of her pussy and just laid on the bed as if utterly exhausted. Justin didn’t wait but simply pounced on her again, drawing a moan of surprise from Ruth, as she didn’t know that he wasn’t finished with her yet. As Justin snaked his way right back into her still well-lubricated channel, a protracted squeal of both dread as well delight escaped from her throat, as she once more felt him squeezing into her very tight pussy. For Justin, the sensation was so sweet, since the feeling was so reminiscent of his wedding night with Pei Pei. The thrill and delight of bedding Pei Pei has long since waned, since she was so readily available for him. But Ruth was fresh and exciting, and until not so long ago she was a totally inaccessible temptation for him. Yet here he was thrusting into her right now, to the wonderful sounds of her moans and groans of pure pleasure, Ruth’s own spontaneous nature making her urge Justin to thrust harder and deeper into her.

He carried on pounding at her, varying his tempo and the depths of his thrusts. He tried a few different positions with her, and found that when he made her ride him, she was especially wild, happy to do all the work herself while he laid himself on the bed. She was enthusiastic and eager to please, and to see her awkward yet absolutely wanton behavior in bed, he was really glad that all his efforts at seducing her paid off. A few times, her eagerness nearly caused him to lose it and cum, and each time he had to stop her so that he could shorten the whole session. In different positions and postures, using different ways to stimulate her, he got her to orgasm a further 3 times, each time begging him to stop. She could feel her whole body threatening to explode from what Justin was doing to her, and even though her pussy felt so sore that it was almost causing her too much pain to endure, the heat in her and the rush in adrenalin caused her to enjoy the session too much to care. Each time he brought her to heaven and she felt herself lose control in a spasm of pure pleasure, she could not help but cry out his name. She now felt that she really loved him, and no one could possibly make her feel the way that he did.

04-02-2013, 10:03 PM
Finally, Justin himself was exhausted by their love making. It had been an epic session, lasting almost the whole hour in all, and he was ready to allow himself the ultimate gratification. After her latest orgasm where she was past any thoughts of shame, she was lying on the bed with her legs spread wide, her hips twitching intermittently, with her hands covering helplessly limp by her sides. Justin simply let his hard rod slide inside her yet again, and escalated from a slow pump to a quick series of thrusts. Ruth did not even have energy left to cry out, merely whimpering softly “Justin, oh Justin, please. I can’t stand it. I really can’t stand it anymore. Justin…” He whispered into her ears “Are you ready, my darling?”, causing her to open her eyes to look at him, finally registering what he said. She then reached out to grip him tightly, her legs also lifting up to cup him. With a few more thrusts, he finally gave a loud groan and then ejaculated once more into her, his hot stream of sperm pouring out into her. She gave a strangled squeal as she felt him pouring into her, and gasped breathlessly “So hot, oh god its so hot!”. Justin remained inside her for a long time, their bodies tightly knit together as one as he continued to lay on top of her, both of them replete in their lovemaking. Finally Justin leaned his face over and kissed Ruth, who could only feebly kiss him back. He then flipped over on his back, and they quickly fell into an exhausted sleep on the bed.

The next morning, it was well after the sun had come up before either of them stirred. Justin was the first to get up, while Ruth still laid asleep in the bed. She was lying on her side and facing him, and there was a soft smile on her face even as she laid reposed on the bed. She looked even more beautiful in the light of day than she had last night. He softly peeled off the blanket covering her up to marvel at her naked form. She didn’t have the lushness nor the perfect complexion that Pei Pei had, but there was a youthfulness and tightness to her body that Pei Pei never had. On impulse, he reached for his phone, and took a couple of pictures of her. When he saw her stirring from her sleep due to the cold air in the room, he quickly put his phone away, and leaned in to kiss her.

“Good morning, beautiful.” He greeted her, as she slowly stretched and opened her eyes. She gasped when she realized she was lying naked on the bed in full view of Justin, and snatched at her blanket before covering herself totally. After a couple of seconds, she finally lowered the blanket and peeked out from the top at her. “Good morning,” she sheepishly replied. “Why are you covering up your heavenly body?” he teased her as she blushed and dove under the covers once more. He laughed and ripped the blanket off her in one fluid motion, leaving her crying out in surprise and protest. As her eyes opened wide, she realized that Justin was also naked, and his penis was right in sight. After that instant of instinctive embarrassment where she tried to look away, she quickly gave up that pose, and took a closer look. Bemused, Justin just kept quiet while she was gazing at the organ that had ripped into her last night and deflowering her. After a couple of seconds, Justin broke the silence and asked “do I have to pay for this medical exam?”

Ruth giggled and then suddenly her eyes widened before her eyes softened. Justin looked down and realized she was looking at the trace of dried blood smears that still remained on his penis. As her gaze went down to the mattress sheets, she saw the unmistakable patch of blood where her torn hymen had bled out. Suddenly her mood turned more somber as it finally registered inside her mind what had happened to her. Justin quietly cursed inside himself about the need to always deal with such an aftermath after bedding a fresh virgin, but with Ruth he felt a great deal of fondness and so wanted to be extra gentle with her. As he reached out with one hand to cup her face, he sat down beside her and asked her “Regrets?” She gazed into his face, and quietly shook her head. “Enjoyed yourself then?” he pressed further. Ruth barely managed to hide the shy smile that crept across her face, before she looked at him and nodded.

05-02-2013, 04:15 PM
always enjoy ur story!

06-02-2013, 03:09 AM

Stay tuned, Pei Pei is returning soon!

06-02-2013, 01:20 PM
yea !!

Ups for TS !!

06-02-2013, 06:16 PM
Fantastic story!

06-02-2013, 11:38 PM
Justin grinned and said “good”, before he lightly kissed her. “Ruth, thank you for last night. You gave me something so precious, and something which was not mine to claim. Last night was my fault. I should have treated you better, and not let your first time be with a married man. But you were so beautiful that I could not help myself. The truth is, I’ve liked you for a long time now. And last night after we kissed, I just could not control myself anymore.” Ruth stopped him by impulsively lunging in to kiss his lips, before she pulled away and gazed at him.

“Justin,” she tentatively spoke, “last night was crazy. And amazing. I’ve also had a crush on you for a long time, but I never imagined that we would end up together. You’re married, and I’ve never even been naked in front of a guy before. But giving you my first time was something I chose to do, and you made it very special for me. Maybe I will regret it next time, I don’t know. But right here and right now, I’m so glad it was you.” She kissed him again, and he responded with his heart beating wildly. He could not believe how easy she had made it for him. She said she chose to give her virginity to him! She said she had no regrets and even felt that it was the right thing to do! He was off the hook! As their lips lingered on each other, his tongue reached out to stroke her lips, and met her own tongue in reply. After a few tentative strokes, their kiss gathered in intensity, before his arms reached out to engulf her once more.

They made love yet again, this time with Ruth being more assertive as her sexual coming of age dawned. Justin tried to get her to give him a blow job, but she didn’t want to, citing hygiene reasons. Justin laughed and didn’t press her. He loved how their love making was playful and very interactive, very different from the other sexual partners he had, including Pei Pei. He admitted that Pei Pei was undisputedly the more gorgeous woman, and there was plenty about her that was sensual. Yet Ruth had a different kind of attraction for him, and he felt that they connected much better. When it suddenly registered that Justin’s colleagues might be in the other rooms, she gasped in panic, and burst out laughing when he confessed in a shamefaced manner that no one was staying over, and he had only invited her to come along cos he realized that she would not have joined him if it had been an exclusive date.

They had so much to talk about now that the tension of their unspoken attraction for each other was finally out in the open, and as they laid back on the bed in conversation, there was just so much to talk about. They made love one more time in the shower, before Ruth protested that her vagina was too sore to do it anymore. He laughed and told her that she would have to blow him off in the shower then, since there was no more issues about hygiene when he was so clean. To his surprise, she actually agreed. She knelt down on the shower floor, and tried to llick his balls before proceeding to take his penis into her mouth. Bringing to life in no time at all, she quickly mastered the technique and soon had Justin feeling the sheer bliss of Ruth’s submission. He deliberately ejaculated in her mouth to her squeals of protest, as she laughingly chided him for being “such a gross pig”. They both felt like teenagers in the first spring of romance, and were using words of endearment on each other that would have made anyone cringe. Ordering pizzas into the chalet, Justin and Ruth pretty much hung around the room itself in their birthday suits, sometimes in conversation, sometimes fondling each other, as if they were trying to live out their entire romance in the space of one weekend.

They agreed not to dampen their spirits with talk of the future, and would save it for a further date. Ruth knew he had to go home to his family, and she made a date with her BFF, knowing the she would have to tell someone, and get some support after he leaves and reality sets in. When Justin finally got home to Pei Pei, he felt a twitch in his heart, as his heart-stoppingly beautiful wife greeted him with a kiss, and told him she prepared dinner already. He felt like a damn lucky bastard, but knew that eventually one day he would have to pay for his ways. Right now he was having a major crush on Ruth, but it was crazy because his own wife was such a to-die-for creature. Brushing off his dilemma, he resumed his two faced life with the ease that came from years of practice.

In the meantime, Ming Qiang continued to watch Pei Pei in the office with both longing and hate. The bitch had rejected him despite his best efforts, and now that he had finished editing his collection of their sexual trysts together, he had a very large collection of videos featuring Pei Pei’s indiscretions. Knowing he had the power to ruin her life made him feel nothing but anger. He really liked her, and if she had only accepted him, her life would have stayed perfect. He hated her for having forced him to destroy her life. It was irrational and even vindictive, but Mming Qiang was a wounded animal who only wanted to satisfy his petty anger. After some considerable planning, he finally decided what to do. Having maintained their friendly relationship after the whole blackmail episode, he could see how Pei Pei’s disposition had brightened up once again. With the whole cloud of an illicit affair coupled with the nightmare of blackmail and rape having been firmly put behind her, she finally felt that life could resume back to normal, and her life was back on track. Justin seemed to be in a happier mood also, and Pei Pei felt like the nightmare of the past year was finally over.

07-02-2013, 07:10 AM
Thank you so much TS.

Excellent work!!!

So looking forward to the next installment with Pei Pei.

07-02-2013, 08:29 AM
more please......

07-02-2013, 09:49 AM
Hard on Hard on. Keep up the good work. Waiting eagerly for next installment.

10-02-2013, 11:38 PM
Ming Qiang one day approached Pei Pei when the office was empty, and asked if she was keen on karaoke. As she looked at him questioningly, he explained that he was meeting a business client, and instead of a sleazy KTV he thought a karaoke would be a better option. “Usually Gina would come with me, but she’s on leave for the week. So I just thought I’d ask if you were free. I don’t think he’s going to enjoy it much if its just me and him. I’m trying to ask a few other along as well.” Gina was his assistant, a middle aged woman who was a good worker, but was away for 3 weeks for travel. Pei Pei thought that if he was going to ask Gina along, it should be a pretty safe appointment. She was even impressed with Ming Qiang’s decision to skip the sleazy lounges and try for something better. Assuming that it would be fun with a bunch of clients, she agreed to show up. “Great! So see you this Saturday afternoon at Partyworld Liang Court at 2pm!” Ming Qiang said out loud, knowing that no one was around to hear. After all, he wasn’t planning on asking anyone along.

On Saturday when Pei Pei showed up at the KTV, Ming Qiang was with a very decent looking man in the room. However, she was a little apprehensive since no one else was around. A quick round of introductions later, Pei Pei sat down beside the client, sandwiched between him and Ming Qiang. He explained that he was too slow in asking the others, and they all had appointments. Pei Pei wondered in her heart if she should leave, since she naturally still had some reservations about Ming Qiang. But while she hesitated, she also didn’t want to spoil this deal. The company the man represented was big business indeed, and she also didn’t want to compromise the business because of her own lingering suspicion. The client’s name was Anthony, and he seemed like a very decent man, very respectful and considerate in his attitude. He apologized for having dragged her out, saying that Ming Qiang had mentioned to him she was married. “I told Mr Wang that you need not have come, but he kept insisting that you won’t mind, and how you loved to sing.” Actually, Pei Pei didn’t. But she could not possibly deny that, and so just decided to play the part of a good PR and help Ming Qiang clinch the deal.

She had a sweet voice, even though she wasn’t an outstanding singer, but she soon got into the mood of the occasion, and even began enjoying herself. The two guys order beers, while Ming Qiang ordered a glass of hot honey for her without even her asking. She assured herself of Ming Qiang’s intentions when she saw that, and chided herself for having been so suspicious, letting her guard down in the process. And so it was that when she excused herself to visit the rest room, she could not have known that Ming Qiang whipped out a small vial of rophypnol, and laced her honey with it. There was only a mouthful left in it so that she would finish the whole vial in one gulp, yet he knew the honey would cover whatever trace of taste the drug had. When she returned, the first thing she did was to finish up the last bit of her honey. That was the cue for both men to excuse themselves to the restroom. They knew that when they returned, she would be unconscious on the couch for the next 3 hours.

Once outside the room, Anthony shook Ming Qiang’s hands. He was actually Ming Qiang’s best friend, and had long harbored a deep lust for Pei Pei, especially after having seen the videos of her and Clive in action. He had finally been so desperate that he offered Ming Qiang $50,000 for the chance to bed Pei Pei once. Money was not a problem for Anthony, being a very rich Indonesian Chinese, and after watching a few videos of her in action, including how she fingered herself in the shower, he was prepared to go to extreme lengths to nail her. Ming Qiang wasn’t prepared to pimp Pei Pei at first, but after her rejection, he thought he might as well get rich if he could not get the girl. So he accepted Anthony’s offer, and set up today’s session. Anthony had also booked the whole wing of Partyworld, to ensure that no one walks past and chance upon him and Pei Pei. He picked Partyworld because it was easier to convince Pei Pei to show up here than in a hotel room, and it offered more privacy than in a restaurant. Anthony handed Ming Qiang the stack of cash, and he handed Anthony 5 condoms. “Use them sparingly, bro”, he joked to Anthony with a wink, and then walked off. He had thought about setting up another hidden camera inside the room, but decided that it was too dark to capture anything. Beside, he’s got enough to get him going already. After today, Pei Pei was going to find herself once more dragged into hell and he would be free to own her anytime he wanted.

10-02-2013, 11:39 PM
Anthony took a quick trip to the toilet before sauntering back into the room. The music was playing loudly, and as he expected, Pei Pei was lying unconscious on the couch already. She was wearing a nice black round collared top that showed off her figure very nicely, and a dark blue pair of pants that hugged her trim legs and showed off the shape of her curves. A red belt around her narow waist only served to enhance her figure. Her shoulder length slightly wavy hair covered her face as she lay slumped on her side on the couch. Somehow, she managed to retain her elegance even in her unconscious state, her face bearing a very serene and composed expression. She really was an exquisite beauty! Anthony sat her upright on the couch, and took a moment to just take in the sight of her. She had looked gorgeous in all the pictures and videos that Ming Qiang showed him, but there was an aura about her in person that really made her so captivating. The face of an angel with her baby soft flawless skin, her rosebud lips and perfectly proportioned features, he regretted that he would not be able to look into her luminous eyes while fucking her. Maybe next time, he told himself. He stood up and turned on the lights to the brightest, so that he could properly appreciate the flawless beauty of her skin. She looked so peaceful and tranquil, and he admired the way her chest rose and fell as she breathed. The black top she wore clung to her body and gave him a very good view of her contours. Anthony whipped out his phone and started to snap a few pictures of her. After having seen Ming Qiang’s collection, he decided very early on that he was going to get his money’s worth today.

As he again sat down next to her, his hands reached out to touch her bare arms, and he caressed them softly. They felt cool to the touch, due to the air conditioning in the room. As he let her head rest backwards against the couch, he brushed the strands of hair still lingering on her face away, and used his fingertips to trace her outline. What an amazing beauty, he marveled. No wonder so many guys were dying to get their hands on her. If he had been first to spot her, he would have spared no expense in wooing her. As such, knowing she was used goods, he was only interested in fucking her, nothing more. He had bedded models by the dozens, and even a couple of minor celebrities. There’s much that you can do if you drive an expensive car and have a lot of cash to wave around. But none could compare with the sort of charms that Pei Pei had. He leaned in and breathed in her fresh scent, before placing his own lips on top of hers to get his first taste of her. As his tongue snaked in and opened up her mouth, he could smell how even her breath was sweet and fresh. As he made contact with her soft and warm tongue, he felt his own excitement grow. He was finally getting to taste this goddess for whom he had paid so much money. He would have been willing to pay more, knowing how much some celebrities charge for one night. He had always wondered whether it was worth paying the $100,000 fee that a few A-list local celebrities commanded, since he always thought they were too cheap to be worth that kind of cash. But Pei Pei had been a virginal beauty, and remains a virtuous wife who had only fucked Clive and Ming Qiang because of their treachery. She was a wholly different aspect, and paying $50,000 was something he was happy to throw away to have access to such a delicious novelty.

As he used moved his lips away from hers, his tongue traced the contours of her jaw, enjoying the soft and clean taste of her skin. When he pulled his face away, he saw how her lips and lower jaw now glistened with his saliva, giving her a look of sensuality, almost like he had cummed on her mouth. By now Anthony’s penis was already raging inside his pants, and he was dying to rip off all her clothes and do her multiple times. But he had 3 hours, and he was going to make it worth his while. In fact, he was counting down to the three hours, so that he could be around when she woke up from her drug induced sleep. He had raped a couple of girls before while they were drunk, and he realized that he loved how they had a look of panic and despair when they woke up to realize what happened. It was a twisted fetish, but it wasn’t something he could help. It had happened only twice so far, and the girls were nothing special. They were pretty enough, and young enough to still care about having gotten drunk and slept with a stranger. It was going to be a real treat for him to be able to satisfy his deep sexual fetish on someone like Pei Pei.

His fingers snaked in from the side of her sleeveless top, and immediately dove under her bra to cup a feel of her breasts. Soft yet firm, warm and smooth… just the way that he had imagined it would feel. As his fingertips brush across her nipple, the comatose Pei Pei gave a slight lurch, and a soft moan escaped her lips as she subconsciously readjusted her body position. What an incredibly sensitive girl this was! What a treasure! Anthony felt his heart beating faster at seeing how Pei Pei reacted to his caresses. Ming Qiang was such a fucking moron for having screwed up his relationship with her in the first place. He knew he was going to have to fuck her again when she was conscious. In the meantime, he would get himself acquainted with her body. He proceeded to reach for the her top, and pulled it loose from where it was tucked neatly beneath her pants. As the material came loose, and was beginning to pull it off her when suddenly the door slammed open. “What the fuck,” he thought to himself when he heard the door slam against the wall, before he felt himself pulled off the couch from behind, and thrown into the corner.

11-02-2013, 12:47 AM
Thanks for the CNY update Bro !

14-02-2013, 12:09 PM
“Who the hell are you? And what have you done with Pei Pei?!” the man shouted at Anthony with his face flushed with emotions. “I’m warning you, you better tell me otherwise I’m going to call the cops and her husband. What the hell did you give her?” Anthony leapt to his feet in anger, about to retaliate for having been thrown to the side. He abruptly stopped short, and realized how vulnerable he was, and how he could get into a lot of trouble. Cursing his luck, he coldly told the man that she had merely fallen asleep, and would wake up in a few hours. He then walked towards the door. When the man tried to stop him, he violently shoved him back to get back at him for the initial throw, then Anthony fled from the scene. There will be other opportunities with other girls. In fact, he might even get another chance with Pei Pei, since Ming Qiang now owed him one and there were all those videos still available for blackmail. Better to make good his escape now and hope that asshole doesn’t call the cops.

It was in fact William who had chanced upon Anthony and Pei Pei. He had been at Partyworld, with some colleagues, and had stepped out to answer a call. Happening to walk past the wing which Anthony had booked, he decided that it was a quiet enough spot to take the call since the rooms in this wing didn’t seem to have anyone using them. But as he paced up and down the wing, he noticed a light from one of the rooms, and glanced in when walking past. What he saw shocked him into putting down the phone almost immediately. He would recognize Pei Pei’s face anywhere, and even her form was so familiar to him that he could almost instantly recognize her. All he saw was her head leaned back against the couch, with a stranger fondling her breasts from under the material of her black top. He could not believe what he was seeing. As he watched Anthony pull the top out from her pants, it became very apparent that Pei Pei wasn’t a willing participant after all, but was in fact unconscious. He immediately barged into the room to stop him. He was burning with rage that someone would do such a thing to his angel. After Anthony had fled from the scene, he turned back to Pei Pei, and was just about to call Justin when he stopped.

He simply stopped and stared.

Pei Pei was beautiful.

And this was probably his only chance to kiss her.

His heart was beating wildly as he contemplated his actions. Boy did he want to do it! She was lying here unconscious, and the stranger was definitely not returning. He felt his whole face flush from the excitement and dilemma. Finally, he reached out and put his hand on her bare arm, the first time he had ever touched her there. She was soft and smooth, and she felt wonderful. Shaking her slightly just to check, he called out “Pei Pei! Pei Pei!”

Getting no response from her, he gave her another shove, this time a little harder. She simply just slumped to the side and remained still, totally knocked out by the roofie. As William drank in the sight of his deepest desire, and how her very sensual and shapely body was now draped on the couch, he finally reached out with his arms to pick her up, and in seconds had her lying in his lap, her face upturned to face him. Feeling like his heart was going to explode from beating too fast, he lowered his lips tentatively, and finally pressed them against hers. Oh such sheer heaven to have finally tasted her soft warm lips, and to feel them pressed up close against her, until their faces were touching each other. William had fantasized about being able to do this ever since he had gotten to know her. But she was his best friend’s wife, and was forbidden fruit. He knew there was never going to be a chance for him to kiss her. Yet as she lay lying in his lap, knocked out and unable to respond, he had finally been able to fulfill his fantasy. His tongue softly reached into hers, and upon encountering the warmth of her tongue, he found himself having a raging hardon. From every fibre of his feeling, he could feel her body as she softly lay against him, and he was very aware of how she emanated this air of sensuality even in her sleep. As he carried on kissing her, his hands inevitably wandered over her body a little, and soon settled on her breasts, his right hand cupping her breast through the fabric of her top.

14-02-2013, 12:10 PM
Once more feeling like he had died and gone to heaven, he knew he was touching the untouchable, the feel of her soft mound in his hands was an amazing sensation. She was big enough that it filled his hand up, but she had never seemed that big from the times that he had seen her. As he caressed, squeezed and savored the feel of her boobs, he carried on tonguing her and breathing the smell of her face. After a good 3 minutes of doing that, he finally detached his lips from hers, and just held her body close to him. “Pei Pei, you really are so gorgeous. And beautiful. Too bad you can’t be mine,” he whispered as he squeezed her body against him, loving the scent of her hair. As her soft body pressed tightly against him, the heat generated from their bodies was causing his insides to churn, even as the hardon in his pants started to grow unbearable. Increasingly he found himself wondering if he should just explore Pei Pei’s body more. After all, he’s already kissed her and fondled her boobs. He would really love to see her body. As he eased her body back onto the couch, he could not help staring at her angelic face, and let his eyes slowly wandering down her whole body, taking in every curve and every inch of her body. The more he stared, the more his breathing increased in intensity, and he felt his face flush from the excitement and suppression. His hands subconsciously wandered to his raging penis, and he started to massage them.

Finally caving in to his desires, he told himself it wouldn’t hurt to just wank off to her naked frame. He then poked his head out the door quickly to reassure himself that no one was nearby, then closed the door and moved back beside Pei Pei. Her black top having already been tugged loose by Anthony, William reached for the hem of her garment and started to lift it up. After having caved in to his baser instincts, his excitement was raging beyond control. He tugged her top off in a frenzy, nearly ripping the material, and his eyes opened wide when her bosoms came into his view. She was wearing a simple bra with flower prints, but it was the first time he had ever set his sights on her lovely breasts so directly. The closest he had ever gotten had been glimpses at her cleavage, and that had always been sufficient to get him fantasizing about her in a frenzy. To now have a full unabashed view of her soft white cleavage was a heavenly experience. He slipped both straps off her shoulders, and admired how she looked with her bare shoulders, before he reached out to unbutton her pants. Her zip soon followed, and he then turned to her shoes. He carefully took off her pair of heels, before pulling Pei Pei’s blue pants off her. As her panties came into view, William’s breathing was so loud and his heart beating so fast, he wondered if he was going to faint from the experience. He had never ever done anything so crazy before, and was always by nature a timid man. Yet here he was, boldly undressing his best friend’s wife in a public setting!

She was wearing a pair of lace white panties that covered her ass so nicely. The material was so thin that it was almost translucent, and her skin tone could be seen through the lace. As he carried on pulling the pants down, her milky white thighs soon came into view. William felt his face flushing and his head feeling a little dizzy at the whole experience, and he soon had both her black top and blue pants in a heap on the floor. All that was protecting Pei Pei’s modesty now were her bra and panties, and William was fast losing control. No longer even pausing to think about what he was doing, he undid her bra clasp and then ripped her bra off. As her snowy smooth mounds came into view, William’s penis was so rock hard by now that he nearly came in his pants from the excitement. A 3 year fantasy that was being satisfied in the space of 3 minutes was nearly too much for him. He stood in the room staring at her body, now almost naked with only her white translucent panties protecting her secret region. He suddenly ran two steps to the light controls and switched on the room to the brightest, to get a good view of her body. On an impulse, he whipped out his phone and started to snap pictures of his goddess as she lay on the couch. Her naked legs were drapped to the side, as her arms remained raised over her head. Her hair was in a mess on the couch and her breasts were stretched out in plain view, inviting William to take in the full view of them in all their glory. As he snapped away, his erection was getting painful and he quickly pulled off his own jeans and underwear, letting his rod spring out from its prison. After some frantic snapping, he reluctantly put his phone down, before ripping her panties off her.

14-02-2013, 12:38 PM

Lunchtime hard-on

16-02-2013, 01:46 AM
The minute he did that, he regretted his actions. Her ripped panties were now a dead giveaway of what had happened. He had planned on re-dressing her before taking her back, thus becoming her hero for having saved her. But in a moment of heat, he had unthinkingly given in to his base instincts, and had ripped off the sheer material to give vent to his sexual tensions. Panicking a little at what his rash actions had done, he decided that he now had no choice but to detach himself from the scene. She would have no reason to suspect him, as long as he left no trace of himself. Regretting the fact that he would not be able to gain more credibility with her, he told himself he might as well milk the situation. Not satisfied with merely some pictures, he started to rearrange her in various positions on the couch, taking in shots of her in various lewd poses, trying to give himself more tangible pictures of her as he had always fantasized. As he moved her around and his hands kept coming into contact with her bare skin, he could no longer restrain himself but freely groped at her body. Her soft breasts felt divine, and he loved how pliable they felt in his hands. His rock hard dick would bump into her body and he would rub them against her repeatedly, letting his own sick fantasies become reality. He even thrust his cock into her mouth and took a few pictures, nearly cumming inside her mouth when he felt the heat of her mouth and the smooth wetness of her tongue. When he was finally satisfied with the pictures he had taken, he sat down to rest a little from the exertions. As he continued to stare at her naked form, admiring every inch of her perfect skin, he found his own raging desires overpowering him. He had merely wanted to look, now he wanted to touch.

His hands reached out to once more roam over her body, his fingertips running through every inch of her motionless body, from her flawless face down to the gentle slopes of her breasts, past her taut stomach and down to her trim thighs. He squeezed, he stroked, he rubbed and he caressed. It was a priceless opportunity to have such unfettered access to her body, and he could not believe that Justin would actually find another woman attractive after having landed such a beauty. He finally could not resist it, and lowered his head in, his tongue zooming in right to her nipple. The first taste was exquisite, as he finally tasted her breasts, and his tongue made contact with that fine and smooth snowy white skin. Her body was still cold from being naked in the air conditioned room, and her nipples had hardened enough for him to get a real thrill from sucking it. While he started slowly nibbling at her breasts, he soon got more frantic as he carried on, before he opened her mouth and attacked it with his own, his tongue piercing its way inside and loving how she tasted. Even in her unconscious state, she was giving off some faint responses to all the external stimulations, and even though it caused William to fly into a panic the first few times, thinking she was waking up, he soon found it even more thrilling to have some response from her.

It was inevitable that as his hands wandered all over her, they would arrive at her pussy. When his fingers brushed her pussy lips, he was amazed to find that she was already wet. When his fingers first made contact, the outside of her pussy lips were dry as he expected., Yet one flick of his fingertips, and as the pussy lips parted, he immediately felt the warmth and wetness of her juices. Pei Pei was sprawled on the couch with one leg on the floor, her legs already spread as a result. William thus had very easy access to her love tunnel, and after a couple of strokes he could feel her lubricants spilling out already. His fingers snaked its way into her channel, and he was amazed at the warmth inside of her. Even as she laid naked and cold on the couch, she was so hot on the inside! His own penis was throbbing uncontrollably, and he extracted some of her lubricants to rub onto his rod, stroking away to the sight of her naked form.

He stroked a few more times before deciding that he would cum soon if he carried on. Instead, he sought to relief himself by painting her whole body. His tongue started to make its way all over her face, before moving down to her neck and the rest of her body. He licked, he sucked, he kissed, he smelled. He took his time to feel and explore every part of her body. He especially loved how her ass was so well formed, firm yet soft at the same time, and how it lent such a great curve to her hips. She was truly an exquisite beauty. William would divorce his wife in a second and let his own family be destroyed if it meant that he could own her.

Pei Pei by now was giving off soft moans in her sleep as William carried on his assault on her body. As William grabbed at her curves and molested her body, she subconsciously reacted to the stimulations, and even in her drugged state she would shift her body with a moan whenever William hit a particularly sensitive spot. When he was finally done with painting her body with his tongue, he once more resumed his attack on her pussy. He wondered how far he should take it, and was sorely tempted to just rape her, but he could not bring himself to go past that last boundary. He told himself he would touch, he would taste, and he even took pictures as a keepsake. But to actually consummate the act and violate her would be one step too far. So he did everything else. He pounced on top of her and let their bodies be completely in touch with each other. As he did so, with his dick primed right outside her pussy, he was so tempted to just stick it in. Instead, he resisted and merely rubbed himself against her now soaking wet entrance. Taking in the smell of her body and warming herself up with his own body heat, he soon sat up and was about to wank himself off, wanting to ejaculate all over her face. But something about the way she moaned made him want to do more.

16-02-2013, 01:47 AM
He instead used his dick to rush against the entrance of her pussy, using his dick to caress her, and stimulate her further. He was rewarded by seeing her face frown even as her eyes remained close, and her soft moans escaping her lips as he carried on his assault on her. He used his rock hard penile head to press in on her clitoris, and hearing her moans go up just that little bit. He got more excited watching her, and he rubbed himself against her lips harder. A few times he thought he was going to rub himself into a frenzy and cum right there and then, but each time he would just control himself, wanting to see Pei Pei’s expression of being in heat. He was intoxicated with her, and didn’t want it to end. A few times when he pressed in on her clitoris, he nearly slipped inside of her, and felt his penis head entering her slightly. The idea drove him insane, and he nearly wanted to just plunge all the way in. But he still managed to stop himself in time and instead resumed his feasting on her body and especially her delectable breasts. But he was addicted to her moans, and it wasn’t long before he resumed using his erect penis to rub against her pussy. By now Pei Pei was so wet that if she had been conscious, she would have cummed long ago. As it was, everytime he slipped and nearly entered her, she would give off a different moan, a low sound almost like a grunt as her body felt the first sign of intrusion. He instead carried on using his dick to press on her clitoris, getting a bigger response from her each time he did it. Finally, he rubbed himself frantically against her entrance before once more pressing down hard on her love bud, drawing an extra loud moan from her. Pei Pei’s body reacted to his stimulations, and her body arched itself when he pressed down. William was unprepared for her body’s movement, and the result was that he suddenly felt his whole penis head pop inside of her.

She gave a grunt when he entered her, and he was shocked at what he had just done. When his mushroom head entered her, the warmth and wetness of her channel took him by surprise, and he was dumbfounded. His whole mind went blank, and he unthinking pushed himself further inside of her. It was almost as though he was being sucked in by her, and before he even registered what he was doing, he was fully embedded inside of her. What had he just done! He had told himself he wouldn’t do it, yet now he was buried up to the hilt in the pussy of his best friend’s wife! The feeling was indescribable, and she was so hot inside, so slick and so smooth, that he starting to slide in and out before his brain could react. He did it! He was fucking her! Whether he meant to or not was beside the point. He was well past the point of no return. It was no more than a split second later that he just abandoned all thought and focused on fucking her. She was amazing. She was tight, but she was well able to receive him. She was now giving off a series of low sounding moans, and her breath would explode out of her each time he rammed himself into her. William was like an animal now, only concerned with fucking this goddess he had wanked off to on countless occasions. He was getting all sweaty from his pounding, and he knew that he was pounding so hard as to be causing her some pain, as seen by the frown on her face and the unconscious look of distress she was giving off. But he didn’t care. This was probably the one and only time he would get to do this, and he was already no longer able to think beyond the pleasure of the moment.

He was of course in no condition to control himself, and so after relentlessly pounding away at her for no more than a few minutes, he felt the buildup in is balls, and with a loud groan, he gave off one last series of thrusts and with a loud cry, ejaculated himself deep inside of her. He could feel his dick twitching inside of her as he erupted, spewing his hot seed deep into her. Her face was pink from the exertion, and her was also breathing heavily from his pounding. He collapsed on top of her, and he stayed that way for quite a while, resting and catching his breath, before he finally got up and pulled himself out. Immediately, his own cum oozed out of her dripped all over the couch. Picking up his phone, he captured more pictures of her in a disheveled state, especially with his cum ozzing out of her entrance. This was a one-off experience that he wanted to always remember, and he was going to make sure he had plenty of pictures to keep.

After he had finally satisfied his animal instincts, the reality finally hit home. He had just raped his best friend’s wife, and he had no idea how he was going to salvage the situation! There’s no way he was going to be able to “save” her now, and there was no scenario he could envisage where he could come out of it looking good. The good news is that she had no idea of his presence, and the guy she was with obviously had no idea who he is. So he did the only thing that he could think of – he got dressed, removed any traces of his presence, dimmed the lights and then he escaped from the room. He went into the toilet, and after being satisfied that he looked sufficiently normal, he returned to his own room with his friends. The whole episode had taken no more than 40 minutes in total, and so he was able to plead the excuse of having a long phone call to answer regarding work. Although he was still feeling a towering guilt towards Pei Pei for what he had done, he was nonetheless exhilarated that he had finally fulfilled a long harbored fantasy of fucking her. He made sure that his phone was carefully tucked out of sight, just in case someone accidentally borrowed his phone and saw those precious pictures he now possessed.

16-02-2013, 12:26 PM
Bro, your writing skills is truly awesome. He same goes to your creativity. Every twist of the storyline is masterfully crafted.

Please don't waste your talent. You should really start a blog or website to publish your work.

16-02-2013, 01:50 PM
Thanks for the compliment bro.

I used to wonder about the low readership for my stories, but I'm glad that those who read really like what I write.


16-02-2013, 06:07 PM
Thanks for the compliment bro.

I used to wonder about the low readership for my stories, but I'm glad that those who read really like what I write.


your stories are so mindblowing. please do continue!

WRX Impreza
16-02-2013, 08:10 PM
Please continue.... It's a great great story...

16-02-2013, 08:53 PM
Good stuff

Keep it cuming dude

17-02-2013, 09:13 AM
Thanks for the compliment bro.

I used to wonder about the low readership for my stories, but I'm glad that those who read really like what I write.


With your writing skills, I can assured that there is no low readers here. Just silent readers! This whole thread can easily be published into a story book! :-)

18-02-2013, 01:37 AM
Thanks for the encouragement!

This story will start winding down, as I doubt I can keep the story up much longer before it sounds too unbelievable.

Part of the storytelling act is knowing when to end it.

Still wracking my brains for ideas on how to end the story of poor Pei Pei's life.

Should I give her a happy ending? Or a really tragic one?

18-02-2013, 03:30 AM
Thanks for the encouragement!

This story will start winding down, as I doubt I can keep the story up much longer before it sounds too unbelievable.

Part of the storytelling act is knowing when to end it.

Still wracking my brains for ideas on how to end the story of poor Pei Pei's life.

Should I give her a happy ending? Or a really tragic one?

I will vote for happy ending :)

18-02-2013, 03:54 AM
fucking awesome novel!! can get it published liao. so erotic :p hahaha well done!! keep it up!! :D:D

18-02-2013, 11:01 AM
I vote for happy ending too. But not without a threesome. Hahaha...

18-02-2013, 05:10 PM
I vote for happy ending too.

18-02-2013, 07:12 PM
Pei Pei already kenna so much left right center. So I'm for happy ending too :D

18-02-2013, 07:48 PM
Excellent story and writing bro!

Maybe you could end off, whereby PP is too distraught with her life and she takes her own....

19-02-2013, 11:02 PM
I vote for happy ending.

Pei Pei has suffered enough.

20-02-2013, 12:04 AM
"Happy" ending where she become a nympho and have regular secret sex rendezvous with different guys. :p

20-02-2013, 06:54 PM
You do not have little readers ts who knows some are silent readers like me :). I vote for an ending such that peipei finally accept that she's a whore and from them on she happily get into action anytime she desires. Happily and satisfied as she is :).

22-02-2013, 01:59 AM

Thanks for all the feedback!

Sorry, work has been crazy for the past 2 months, and I haven't had time to properly write.

I'd rather take my time than produce junk, so be patient and wait har?!?!?!?!

27-02-2013, 10:42 AM
Your story is simply the best in sbf , keep up the good work and update soon

27-02-2013, 02:14 PM
happy ending for pei pei

04-03-2013, 06:08 PM
Hi TS, anymore update?? Like to read more..

04-03-2013, 10:07 PM
waiting for updateeeeeeeeeee!!!

07-03-2013, 10:19 AM
Thanks for the encouragement!

This story will start winding down, as I doubt I can keep the story up much longer before it sounds too unbelievable.

Part of the storytelling act is knowing when to end it.

Still wracking my brains for ideas on how to end the story of poor Pei Pei's life.

Should I give her a happy ending? Or a really tragic one?

how about peipei getting gangbanged & finally going into the media industry as a Porn star like Annabelle Chong?

WRX Impreza
08-03-2013, 08:48 PM
The wait is getting too long. Hope to hear more updates soon...

08-03-2013, 09:54 PM
Hoping to read more updates from TS soon

13-03-2013, 01:01 AM
Sorry for the long delay, bros. Thanks for all your encouragements. Here's the next installment of poor Pei Pei.

Poor Pei Pei laid naked on the couch, and only started to stir after another 45 minutes. The drug was supposed to work longer, but the cold air caused her to finally wake from her drug induced sleep. As she slowly came to, she was immediately aware of how cold she felt, and then as the cobwebs in her head cleared away, she became aware that she was cold because she felt like she wasn’t wearing anything. She immediately sat up with a start, and was shocked to find that it was indeed the case! She was stark naked on the couch in the KTV with the lights dimmed! Her eyes swung wildly around the room and she saw her clothes in a heap on the floor. Right on top of the heap was her ripped panties, and her bra was lying on the table top. Frantically getting dressed, she tried to collect her thoughts on what had happened, and as it slowly came back to her, she was horrified at the thought that she had been raped by Ming Qiang and quite likely Anthony. She grabbed her clothes and put them on, pausing to stare in horror at her ripped panties, especially poignant in light of her plight. Angry and red hot tears streamed from her eyes as she now sat curled up on the couch, recalling what had happened right up till the point she had lost consciousness. She felt inside her pussy, and she could still feel traces of semen inside, which threw her into another round of distressed cries. The fact that she was raped once more was undeniable. The only question was whether it had been Anthony, Ming Qiang, or both. And because of her past history, she dreaded the thought that one of them might have taken more pictures of her, and could result in further blackmail.

As she sobbed and sobbed, different scenarios kept playing out in her mind of how she could have been molested, and the thought that a stranger like Anthony had his hands all over her and was inside of her disgusted her so much that she nearly vomited from even the thought of it. She had no idea how much time she spent sitting there on that couch, replaying the various scenarios in her head. Going to the police was out of the question. This would be sensational news, that a lady had been drug raped inside a KTV by her colleague, and she would never be able to manage the shame, the attention, and also what her husband and friends would think. And god forbid, if she went to the police and Ming Qiang were arrested, he could very well implicate her by revealing her affair with Clive! She concluded that he knew how she would react, and so felt safe in setting her up like this. To think she had actually trusted that scum, and thought that he had a change of heart!

As Pei Pei sat there in the semi-dark room, she seriously thought about ending her own life. She was nothing more than just a very normal girl who grew up taking good care of herself, and always dreamed about marrying a good man and settle down into a life of bliss. She had no idea what went wrong, and why her past two years had seen her whole life turned upside down with repeated rapes and betrayals. She knew she was beautiful, but until the past 2 years it had always been a blessing. She had always tried to be a positive girl and think the best of people around her, but it had made her trust the wrong people and gotten herself hurt again and again. She felt so helpless in the face of her plight that all she could do was curl up and cry, feeling so lonely with no one she could turn to and open up. The last thing she had that she valued was her marriage, and she could not risk losing that by making what had just happened known to anyone. Again, she felt like she had no choice but to accept her predicament.

In the meantime, Anthony had angrily called Ming Qiang to tell him some asshole had come along and ruined their plan. When Ming Qiang heard Anthony’s story, he panicked, thinking that he was now in deep shit. Anthony, on the other hand, was just damned pissed at having his moment disrupted. He was so close to tasting that forbidden fruit, and to have it snatched from his jaws was something he had never experienced before. He was used to getting his way, and the only thing that he wanted more than to fuck Pei Pei, was to get even with the bastard who had caught him in the act. After Ming Qiang got the full story from Anthony, he wondered if he should rush down to the KTV to look for Pei Pei, but decided against it. Better to stay far from the scene of the crime, so that he could plead his innocence if anything should happen. Ever since he raped her, he was pretty confident that he could drug her and let Anthony have his way without anything happening. But the introduction of a mystery third party was worrying. There was always the chance that a distraught Pei Pei could spill the beans on the whole saga. There was the risk that this person could encourage Pei Pei to go to the police. The more Ming Qiang thought about it, the more he got a little worried. Finally, he picked up the phone to message her, telling her to give him a call at her earliest convenience. Truth be told, he didn’t have any plan. He was flustered, and acted on impulse. He figured he would have to go along with the conversation and at least try to find out what happened. He promised Anthony that he would settle the matter for him, and that he would eventually be able to get his hands on Pei Pei. After all, the last thing he wanted to do was to hand back that $50,000 he was given for pimping Pei Pei.

And so it was that when Pei Pei finally regained some composure and checked her phone, she found the message from Ming Qiang. As her anger welled up in her, she called back immediately. When Ming Qiang answered her call, he heard an angry and tearful woman asking how he could have done something like that to her. Pei Pei was hardly coherent, since the minute she heard his voice she lost all her composure and started crying again. Ming Qiang could hear no voices in the background and concluded that she was alone. That was a good sign, since if the mystery guy had stuck around it would have indicated that he was in trouble. All he could hear was Pei Pei sobbing and saying “How could you? I trusted you, and yet you did something like that to me.” Finally, he got tired of her sobbing and tried to calm her down saying “Stop making such a big deal, baby. After all, nothing much happened to you. Why are you making such a big fuss out of it.”

Pei Pei screamed back at him hysterically “What do you mean nothing happened to me? I woke up naked on the couch. You and that other bastard raped me and left me here without any clothes, and you dare say something like that? You bastard! You pig!” She carried on sobbing while Ming Qiang hung up in shock. Some sick bastard had caught Anthony in action, and after chasing him away, had raped Pei Pei instead? What a fucking asshole! An incredibly lucky asshole, but he really could not believe what he had just heard. What were the odds! His mind started churning now, and he decided he should act quickly. He had stayed near the KTV, and he decided that the best thing to do was to rush over, since she was evidently still in the room and still alone. Better to talk to her face to face rather than risk her going to find someone to talk. She sounded like she was losing control, and he needed to be there before that happened.

13-03-2013, 01:20 AM
Fantastic update Bro.

Looking forward to more - hopefully very soon.

19-03-2013, 12:16 AM
When Ming Qiang arrived at the KTV, she was expectedly still sitting on the couch, her tear streaked face making her look so brittle and vulnerable, removing that mask of maturity that she had developed over the years. Ming Qiang took one look at her and felt his heart jump again. She looked now exactly like she had all those years ago when he had first seen her naked form, her look of innocence mingled with shock and even despair. When she looked up and saw him, she charged towards him with her fists, pounding on his chest in anger and shouting at him for having done this to her. He knew that he was safe since she still hadn’t called anyone, and he decided to shock her into submission. So her told her a half truth, that he had indeed drugged her but Anthony had wanted nothing more than to just look at her, and enjoy her physical beauty. “Think of it this way, if he wanted to rape you, there are easier ways. I could try to recover some of your videos to blackmail you. We would not have picked a public place like this.” Pei Pei, even as she cried that she won’t believe anything Ming Qiang said anymore, privately realized that there was some sense to what he said. After all, the reason she had agreed to come to the KTV was because this was in town, and was a public place. But it still does not explain how she ended up violated and naked on the couch when she awoke. When confronted with this, Ming Qiang went with the truth to shock her further.

Pei Pei sat back on the couch in a daze when she was told that it was a complete stranger who had done this. Someone had barged in, pretended to know her and chased Anthony out. She had then been raped by a complete stranger, someone whom she did not even know! What did he look like? Was he safe? What if he has STD? Was there more than one? The idea was too much for her to bear, and she helplessly collapsed into Ming Qiang’s arms, who was trying his best to look sorry and offer his support. She sobbed her heart, until her eyes were painful and she found herself with not even the strength to walk. Ming Qiang told her “do you want me to send you home?” She did not really want to go home in her current state for fear that Justin might be home, and so she asked if she could go to his home to freshen up first. Poor Pei Pei was not thinking, and had no idea how she had just set the stage for her own doom.

Ming Qiang led her to his car, all the while texting for Anthony to hang around near his house, as Pei Pei was now on the way over. His mind was moving very rapidly now, since the time of playing nice guy was over since the minute he had spiked her drink in the KTV. He now had to fulfill his bargain with Anthony so that he could pocket the money. If the bitch would not be his, he settled for making her his bitch.

Once in his house, he told her to sit down while he poured her some water. He then slipped into his bathroom to plant his hidden camera and turned it on. It’s a good thing he kept the camera charged. Ever since his encounter with Pei Pei, he had used them on various one-night-stands that he had brought home, since it allowed him the option of recalling which ones were worth keeping in touch with when they contacted him subsequently. He then innocently came out with a towel and a set of change saying “Here you go. Go take a shower, wash off the unhappiness. You might want to change into this first. I can wash your clothes if you want.” Pei Pei was too distraught to say much, but only shook her head. She was glad to have the option of a shower, and headed straight into his room. She locked the bedroom door behind her, and then locked the bathroom door as well. She needed to feel safe, and Ming Qiang was not someone she trusted. However, the irony was that everytime she was in despair, she always had no option to turn to except him.

As she stripped off her clothes once more, she stood still in front of his mirror to take a good look at herself. She had a very nice trim figure, and she especially liked how her hair would frame her face when she let it down. All the time that she had let her looks be her pride now seem like a cruel joke, since she couldn’t help but feel that it was the cause of her woes. As her thoughts again spiraled down the path of despair, tears welled up in her eyes once more. To think it had all started out with that fateful night with Clive. Poor Pei Pei had no idea that she had been the victim of rape more often than she realized. She finally turned and walked into the shower area, turning on the water to let it run over her. She knew that she would never go to the police with what had happened to her, and so she just couldn’t wait to wash off the dirt on her. She had never felt more unclean, not even when Ming Qiang had raped her for the first time in this very room. At least she knows him, and they had dated before. To have been raped in the KTV by an unknown stranger was a real trauma for her. At the back of her mind, she started to blame herself for having slept with Clive and triggering the whole chain of events. Maybe she was at fault. Maybe she really was a slut who deserved what happened to her. After all, actions have consequences. So perhaps this was a natural progression for someone who engaged in adulterous affairs. Bitterly, she scrubbed at her body, wanting to remove all traces of the stranger who had violated her.

After an infinitely long time, she emerged from the shower with her body red all over with scrub marks. Her soft and gentle skin was an angry red from the hot water, and she had a doubly vulnerable look when she emerged. Picking up her own clothes, she stared at them and suddenly felt a great sense of revulsion at putting them back on. She instead put on the clothes that Ming Qiang had prepared for her. A loose t-shirt and a pair of shorts. After what happened today she did not really want to show off so much leg, but she could not bring herself to put her pants back on. She walked out into the room intending to take up Ming Qiang’s offer to wash her clothes first. Instead, she found Anthony in the living room, chatting with Ming Qiang. They both looked up when she walked out into the room, and she thought she detected a strange look on Ming Qiang’s face.

She walked up to him and angrily demanded to know why Anthony was her. He was the reason that her drink got spiked and she got raped as a result. Anthony reached out and stroked her arm with an obvious leer, saying “Don’t be like that, sweetheart. I missed you.” She jerked back her hand and wanted to slap him. Instead, as her hand came swinging down, he grabbed her wrist with an iron grip and said “I tried to be nice, but I see you like it rough.” As her face registered a look of shock, he stood up and grabbed her from the waist, and started to kiss her on the face. As she screamed and shouted in protest, she found that he was too strong for her. “Qiang, what are you doing? Quick save me!” she cried out in panic, as she felt Anthony’s lips and tongue all over her face. He had her in an iron grip, and even as he kissed at her squirming face, one hand of Anthony had reached down to grab her butt, feeling the tightness of her flesh.

Ming Qiang merely stood there with a cold expression and said “Enjoy yourself, buddy.” Shocked temporarily into numbness by Ming Qiang’s words, Pei Pei now realized that her day was going to get worse. With some ease, Anthony reached down and lifted up Pei Pei. Carrying her struggling form close to him, he then proceeded into the bedroom. He threw Pei Pei down on the bed with a violence that frightened her. With a snarl, Anthony told her to keep still if she doesn’t want to go home with bruises and love bites she can’t explain. On hearing that she froze up, since she had told herself repeatedly that Justin must never know what happened to her today. Frightened by Anthony’s threats, she struggled to contain herself, before slumping back on the bed in despair, totally giving up the fight. She had a hopeless look in her luminous eyes, and she had no fight left in her. Anthony, seeing that she had stopped struggling, began taking off his own clothes. In a matter of seconds, he was naked. He was also rock hard already, sensing that his prey was all his to enjoy. This was even better than at the KTV, since now he had the privacy of a bed and room all to himself. Ming Qiang had told him he was free to do whatever he wanted with Pei Pei, and he couldn’t wait.

19-03-2013, 12:28 AM
upz for poor Pei Pei.....:D

25-03-2013, 07:57 AM
Waiting anxiously for next installment.

Thanks Bro for a great story.

26-03-2013, 12:01 AM
How could Ming Qiang stand watching her get taken by Anthony?!? He should have joined in the fun!!!

04-04-2013, 11:52 PM
Sooo looking forward to update.

10-04-2013, 12:46 PM
wondering how's PeiPei now.....:D

10-04-2013, 04:58 PM
any more updates? ;)

13-04-2013, 01:25 PM
ts plz come back

16-04-2013, 03:40 PM
still waiting for your update

27-04-2013, 11:46 PM

Please come back.

Really miss Pei Pei.

Thanks so much for a great story.

03-05-2013, 06:13 PM
TS where are u leh

23-05-2013, 01:16 AM
still waiting for Pei Pei..

28-05-2013, 12:22 AM
no more ts update?

11-06-2013, 03:32 PM
Aiyoh I check back this thread almost everyday hoping that there will be an update but there is none....Sigh

11-06-2013, 05:32 PM
Ha ha.. TS is busy in Photo showing at another Thread...

20-06-2013, 09:49 PM
waiting waiting

20-06-2013, 09:57 PM
Poor Pei Pei! How could they did this to her?:mad:

31-07-2013, 09:27 PM
Why all good story writer will suddenly disappear without finishing their story... One of the best I ever read for long time...

11-08-2013, 10:18 PM
wondering how's Pei Pei now?

12-08-2013, 11:53 PM
haha.... one 10 pointer old bird or 5 pointer premium bird jus zap
me for the above posting....!
u know who u r ? u suay many years.... hahaha....:D

12-08-2013, 11:57 PM

So poor thing kenna zap.

Sorry for disappearing. Life really too busy lately. But here's a series of pictures for the bros here. This is the girl that I model the story of Pei Pei after. A lot of traits I described inside is like her, and of course I'm someone who knows her well enough and always had a secret crush on her.


13-08-2013, 01:04 AM
Ming Qiang merely stood there with a cold expression and said “Enjoy yourself, buddy.” Shocked temporarily into numbness by Ming Qiang’s words, Pei Pei now realized that her day was going to get worse. With some ease, Anthony reached down and lifted up Pei Pei. Carrying her struggling form close to him, he then proceeded into the bedroom. He threw Pei Pei down on the bed with a violence that frightened her. With a snarl, Anthony told her to keep still if she doesn’t want to go home with bruises and love bites she can’t explain. On hearing that she froze up, since she had told herself repeatedly that Justin must never know what happened to her today. Frightened by Anthony’s threats, she struggled to contain herself, before slumping back on the bed in despair, totally giving up the fight. She had a hopeless look in her luminous eyes, and she had no fight left in her. Anthony, seeing that she had stopped struggling, began taking off his own clothes. In a matter of seconds, he was naked. He was also rock hard already, sensing that his prey was all his to enjoy. This was even better than at the KTV, since now he had the privacy of a bed and room all to himself. Ming Qiang had told him he was free to do whatever he wanted with Pei Pei, and he couldn’t wait.

He took a good look at her, and how her wet hair which plastered themselves against her flawless face made her look so sexy. The oversized t-shirt did not hide the frame of her body and her trim yet womanly curves. Her lovely creamy white legs which were left exposed by the shorts looked like they belonged to a teenage girl, instead of a grown woman. She laid still on the bed, still in shock at the rapid turn of events. When she regained her senses, it was when she felt someone tugging at her shirt, trying to pull it over her head. She suddenly realized that Anthony was trying to take her top off and she again started to squeal and struggle, fighting his hands. She suddenly felt a shock as his hand flew across her cheeks in a sharp slap. There was a blinding flash in front of her eyes, then she felt her cheek grow hot from the sting. Frightened by the violence, she was stunned into submission by sheer terror even as he again reminded her to keep still. “I am going to have my way with you, my little beauty. Whether or not you want it, its going to happen. As she stared back at him in horror, knowing full well what was to come next, he started to rip the t-shirt off her.

She felt her body being yanked around as the t-shirt tore, and as her body came into view, his lust-driven eyes took in the sight of her lovely mounds which he had first caught a good look at earlier in the day. This was even better than at the KTV, since she was conscious and could react to what he was doing. This was definitely much better than violating a dead fish, however gorgeous the fish was. As Pei Pei tried her best to hold herself still as Anthony ripped the material off her, she cringed instinctively when his bare hands came into contact with her skin. Clad only in her bra and shorts now, her whole body shuddered in tears as she sobbed in fear. Her wet and red rimmed eyes only served to inflame Anthony further as her vulnerable state appealed to his twisted and sadistic desires. Even though she tried to look away, she could see his rock hard dick from the corner of her eyes, and dreaded the thought of him impaling himself inside of her. As she felt his hands once more sliding up her thighs to her panties, she again cringed but managed to hold herself together and not turn away. She was genuinely fearful of Anthony and how violent he might get. Anthony’s hands were not gentle, but forceful and eager to explore. As his hands ran up her legs, he groped, squeezed and he pinched. When his hands found the elastic band of her panties, he ripped them open in one motion, tearing the fabric with a violent jerk, drawing a loud cry of panic and fear from Pei Pei. She was crying now, great big sobs as she begged Anthony to stop what he was doing.

“Shut up and enjoy it, bitch”, he growled, all the while admiring her very shapely and milky white legs with their flawless complexion. Pei Pei felt his hands roughly seize the edge of her panties, and hear the sound of the material rip as he mercilessly broke the elastic with one hard yank. The material painfully pressed into her other side, as her delicate skin was not used to the sort of rough treatment that Anthony was now subjecting her to. As he proceeded to pull the torn panties off her, she reached out to her sore side to rub at the chaffed skin, where an angry red line had now developed around her hips. Her smooth creamy skin, red from the violence and wet from the perspiration brought on by fear, made her look more pitiful than she had ever looked in all the previous situations she had found herself in. This was the first time she had been fully conscious and was being forcefully raped. Even when Ming Qiang had first raped her, he had gotten her drunk before that. Now with Anthony violating her while she’s fully conscious, his violence scared her into a shock that made her unable to react other than to cry in abject terror. Anthony held her torn panties in his hands, taking a whiff of that womanly scent that he had been craving for from this petite goddess, and appreciated the shaved and very well maintained pussy that was now on open display. Unable to wait any longer, he pounced onto her body and crushed her with his own frame, as a fresh wail of anguish escaped from her throat. Pei Pei, despite having already accepted that she was no longer the chaste wife she always thought she would be, was nonetheless still the sort of girl who takes sex very seriously, and cannot accept that her body was now going to be invaded by a total stranger.

As Anthony’s lips viciously sought out hers and mashed against her, she could barely keep herself from gagging. Instead of forcing himself into her mouth, he decided to explore her body instead. It gave him a perverse delight to know she was too fearful of him to put up a fight, and he just used his lips and tongue to enjoy her face, her ears and her neck. He loved her scent, and how she gave off such a sweet womanly fragrance that only heightened his senses and drove his kissing into a frenzy. His hands wandered all over her body, pawing away at her breasts and her waist, grabbing and squeezing. There was nothing tender at all in the moment, and Pei Pei could only wail in despair as she felt herself being pawed like a cheap prostitute. Anthony felt himself going crazy at the access to her body, and just how everything about her seemed to turn him on further. Her petite body was so incredibly tight, and she felt so soft in all the right spots. Unlike some girls who were skinny until their ribs and bones can be seen, she had a roundedness to her body without looking fat. She would have been an extremely successful lingerie model, especially with that angelic face of hers which always managed to look like a little girl right on the verge of womanhood. As Anthony sprawled his naked body on top of hers and felt her warmth as their bare skins touched each other, there was nothing like a little girl that he could feel about Pei Pei. There was such a lush sensuality about her that he found absolutely overwhelming. Usually girls who have such sensuality are bold and assertive, and even flaunt what they have. To find such a perfect combination of virginal shyness yet sexual sensuality was extremely rare. Pei Pei was aware of how good she looked, but she was always determined to save herself for her husband, and never entertained the idea of having more than one sexual partner in her lifetime. She found the very idea to be repugnant, and so the trauma of Ming Qiang’s rape had already pushed her to the limit. To now feel Anthony’s body on top of hers and knowing what will come next brought her to a new level of despair which she had never imagined before.

13-08-2013, 01:05 AM
Anthony’s rock hard dick was already pressing at her entrance, and she could feel it rubbing against her vagina. Unlike the previous encounters with Ming Qiang where she eventually could not help feeling aroused, she had no such feeling with Anthony. This stranger had violently thrown her on the bed and proceeded to rip off her clothes, before pouncing on her and pawing her. The waves of disgust were threatening to spill over into nausea, and she was doing all she could to hold herself together. But as his hands wandered all over her, and as she felt his tongue painting her bare skin wherever it landed, she could not help moaning in anguish at what was happening to her. What came out was a half choking sound between sobs and pitiful pleas to stop. It wasn’t a pretty sight, but Anthony had a perverse delight in being able to dominate a woman in such a manner. The more she cried out in despair but remained helpless to prevent his assault on her, the more satisfaction it gave him. So for all of poor Pei Pei’s attempts to beg him to let her off, it only served to inflame him further and drive his desires wilder. As his throbbing member continued to be lodged firmly between her legs and her crotch, the heat from her thighs was driving him almost to cum. Pei Pei. In her attempts to keep her legs firmly closed only served to pleasure him further, and Anthony quickly decided that he wanted more than to merely feel her body up. Using his fingers to pinch her nipples hard, he caused her to cry out from the pain, arching her body upwards in reaction to his cruel hands. He used the moment to drive his knees inbetween her legs, and then instantly split them open. Pei Pei’s eyes opened in panic at what he had just done, but it was too late. In a matter of seconds, both of Anthony’s legs were now inside of hers, and had forced her thighs apart. His mushroom head was positioned right outside of her entrance, and as he started to push inside of her, Pei Pei’s eyes opened wide in panic as she once more tried to struggle and push him off, crying “Please stop! It hurts! Please don’t do this to me, I beg you! Please don’t!”

Anthony didn’t even bother to fight back at her, but simply drew his hand back and gave her a big slap right across the cheek. As his hands flashed across her face, Pei Pei felt like her eyes were going to explode as she found her face thrown to the side, and a sharp stinging pain that burned her left cheek. In stark terror, she stopped moving but remained sprawled back on the bed, her hands going to her cheeks to nurse the tender skin where he had hit her. Anthony growled “I said I won’t be asking you to keep quiet again, bitch. You can moan and beg me for more, but anything other than that will only bring you more unpleasantness. Now shut the fuck up and enjoy this.” He then spit into his hands, used it to lubricate his shaft, and then with one sharp push, entered her with a loud groan. Pei Pei felt a sharp pain in her vagina as he forced his way into her tight and dry channel, but she had lost all the fight in her. Only a long painful grunt came out of her as she clenched her eyes together in anguish at his intrusion. On Anthony’s part, he couldn’t care less. He’s raped other girls before, and he knows that it was uncomfortable at first. However, he was confident that he would eventually get her juices going like in the case of all the other rape victims. In fact, he got away with all of the other cases because he had the girls screaming in pleasure by the end, that he was confident in using the argument that it was consensual instead of forced. Pei Pei’s tunnel was very dry since she had not felt an ounce of stimulation, and it was extremely painful for her. The sharp pain nearly caused her to faint, especially in light of all that she had gone through for that day. When his shaft snaked into her, she felt like she was being torn apart down there. So it was with some relief when Anthony did not start the in-out immediately, but just stay inside of her. She could feel his thick stick throbbing and pulsing inside, filling her up completely. But she was glad that he stopped moving, since it gave her a momentary respite.

When Anthony forced his way inside of her, he was surprised at how dry she was. He realized he had gone too fast, and that carrying on in this manner would not bring him any joy. But he was amazed at how hot she was inside of her, and just how amazing she felt when he was buried inside of her. So he decided to loosen her up a little by just staying inside and gyrating his hips. Having his nude body fully pressed up against her hers and soaking in the feeling of having finally claimed this petite beauty for his own was enough for him, for now. It was time to work on getting her juices flowing, and that meant dialing down on the violence and using a little finesse and technique. As he pulsed inside of her and slowly rocked his hips back and forth, he heard soft grunts from her as she adjusted to him. But after a couple of minutes of gentle rocking and also licking of her neck and ears, he heard the unmistakeable sound of a soft sigh. He could also feel her channel slowly becoming lubricated, and knew that he was on the right track to unstopping the dam.

Pei Pei could feel herself being impaled by him, and the pain was so great she nearly choked from crying. But as he slowly pulsed and slowed down inside of her, she finally gave up fighting out of sheer exhaustion. As she did so, she found her channel also loosening up a little, and as Anthony continued to play with her body while remaining inside of her, she soon felt her body begin to respond on its own. Despite her revulsion, Anthony was a skilled lover who was able to provoke the body’s natural response to stimulation despite how the woman felt, and she could feel her love juices slowly beginning to leak out of her pussy. As she became more lubricated, she could feel Anthony’s dick slowly sliding in and out of her, and the familiar sensation of being fucked began to build up. A slow tingle started in her body, and before she could contain herself, a soft sigh escaped from her, surprising even herself. The familiar feeling of a rock hard penis sliding in and out of her love channel was causing her body to respond accordingly, and to her horror she could feel her own lubricants starting to slow and coat Anthony’s shaft. As Anthony increased his thrusts, she tried to cover her mouth, horrified that her body should have responded to his vile rape with the same reactions as when Justin was making love to her. What was happening to her?