View Full Version : need advice...

02-11-2011, 07:20 PM
2 nights ago i was bonking an FL when the CD suddenly broke (JIALAT!!!). i only realised it after 3 or 4 pumps when i felt a bit strange them i pulled out and the scene of hell was in front of my eyes.

what is the likelihood of me getting STD or even (touch wood...) HIV... sian...

03-11-2011, 03:19 AM
2 nights ago i was bonking an FL when the CD suddenly broke (JIALAT!!!). i only realised it after 3 or 4 pumps when i felt a bit strange them i pulled out and the scene of hell was in front of my eyes.

what is the likelihood of me getting STD or even (touch wood...) HIV... sian...

This subject has been discussed to death. Do a search for "condom broke".

There is a good chance that you could have caught something. You need to get tested. Nobody here can accurately guess what your fate will be.

03-11-2011, 05:49 PM
2 nights ago i was bonking an FL when the CD suddenly broke (JIALAT!!!). i only realised it after 3 or 4 pumps when i felt a bit strange them i pulled out and the scene of hell was in front of my eyes.

what is the likelihood of me getting STD or even (touch wood...) HIV... sian...

Better go for a medical checkup.

11-11-2011, 11:57 PM
f* the condom oem. bro, which brand d u use by the way?

12-11-2011, 04:08 AM
2 nights ago i was bonking an FL when the CD suddenly broke (JIALAT!!!). i only realised it after 3 or 4 pumps when i felt a bit strange them i pulled out and the scene of hell was in front of my eyes.

what is the likelihood of me getting STD or even (touch wood...) HIV... sian...

If you didn't continue banging away for too long after the cd broke, I think you are quite safe.

Of course, "quite safe" is not really a good answer since it doesn't guarantee anything. Just go for a test after 1 month and 3 months.