View Full Version : Looking for girls that allow videoing...

21-12-2011, 04:51 PM
i'm looking for fl who allow videoing for meeting... of course the videoing is not for free... will "reward" u... and is purely for my own viewing only.. n so no worry... any girls interested pm me. thks

22-12-2011, 03:06 AM
FLs will more likely accept your request than normal gals .

22-12-2011, 08:06 AM
thanks for the bro/sis who up me... even though i still in negative point.. hehe

any bro who got gal friend / fl that allow the above, can introd to me too? thanks in advance....

maybe to elaborate abit to the girls/fls who interested but scare of the video being leaking, these are who i normally will do,
- afer taking video using camcorder, i will immediately go home.. of course during the journey, i will ensure the camcorder wont lost..
- reach home immediately transfer the video from the camcorder to a portable harddisk n immediately delete the video from the camcorder
- password the video n keep in the computer
- i only watch the video when at home..
- will not copy the video to other portable device like hp, thumbdrive, portable harddisk, etc.. bcos these devices if carry out of the hse, can be lost..
- last thing if computer spolir then dun repair just destroy it

so will all these precaution, the video will not be leaking away...

22-12-2011, 11:54 AM
i'm looking for fl who allow videoing for meeting... of course the videoing is not for free... will "reward" u... and is purely for my own viewing only.. n so no worry... any girls interested pm me. thks

How significant is ur reward ? 1K, 5K or 10K ? If u r juz reward a few hundred bucks, hv better save ur trouble. Base on ur rep pts, probably many Fls will give it a miss...

22-12-2011, 12:23 PM
is it necessary to create 2 new threads ON THE SAME DAY, jus to look for gers tat allow u to video the 2 of u fxxkin?? :mad::mad:

here's ur the oth thread, which is less than 24hrs of tis thread!
videoing of FL (with FL permission) (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=264183&highlight=)

pls be considerate! :mad::mad:

22-12-2011, 12:32 PM

It's not juz safeguarding measures. Nothing is 100%. It's the mutual trust and faith in u. U can dun do any promises and the lady may agree to do it based on these 2 factors. End of the day is how u treat them and how they feel for u. Respect them and u'll get lots more satisfactions other than shoots.

22-12-2011, 01:10 PM
How significant is ur reward ? 1K, 5K or 10K ? If u r juz reward a few hundred bucks, hv better save ur trouble. Base on ur rep pts, probably many Fls will give it a miss...

bro u mean few hundreds there will be no girls willing to do videoing? hehe.. i ever video some local girls with a few hundreds...

as for rep poimts. when we are negative, does it tell that the person is totally not trustworthy? different pple hv diff views on diff things.. so when some with power dun like some pple view, they can just use their power to zap these pple... but at the end of the day, wad does he gain? maybe at most not allow the other party to post immediately n need go through moderator.. hehe..

anyway oso thanks to those who up or zap me... hehe....

22-12-2011, 01:13 PM
is it necessary to create 2 new threads ON THE SAME DAY, jus to look for gers tat allow u to video the 2 of u fxxkin?? :mad::mad:

here's ur the oth thread, which is less than 24hrs of tis thread!
videoing of FL (with FL permission) (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=264183&highlight=)

pls be considerate! :mad::mad:

hmm so if i create 2 threads in 2 diff days then will it be alright? The 2 thread are of diff topic.. one is abt discussion on videoing for fl and the other is just for me to look for gers for videoing.. ok rite? hehe

23-12-2011, 06:14 PM
Offer SGD$1,000,000. I am pretty sure we can find you some local porn star wannabe. :D

23-12-2011, 06:48 PM
bro u mean few hundreds there will be no girls willing to do videoing? hehe.. i ever video some local girls with a few hundreds...

as for rep poimts. when we are negative, does it tell that the person is totally not trustworthy? different pple hv diff views on diff things.. so when some with power dun like some pple view, they can just use their power to zap these pple... but at the end of the day, wad does he gain? maybe at most not allow the other party to post immediately n need go through moderator.. hehe..

anyway oso thanks to those who up or zap me... hehe....

Ha bro... gd for u if u hv done that. Only pity the gal who did that for u. If u think that rep pt not important, up to u. I been a newbie b4 and ever hv -ive rep pt before. i know the difference. For ppl like u who always in the -ive of cos can't feel the difference.

23-12-2011, 08:56 PM
Pass you some contacts ;) :p

