View Full Version : Shrinking tool...

11-01-2012, 11:09 AM
I think my dick is shrinking.... Anyone have means to counter this? Or at least tested enlargement product?

11-01-2012, 11:31 AM
First time heard that own 'tool' can shrink. Probably I'm too ignorance :o

11-01-2012, 11:41 AM
Too much 冰火五重天 at HC. :D

11-01-2012, 11:56 AM

But, too much 冰火五重天 will shrink (冰) but still expand at the heat (火). Probably 冰冷五重天 will shrink and shrink further. :p

11-01-2012, 04:25 PM
Too much 冰火五重天 at HC. :D

I no read Chinese... :-(

11-01-2012, 05:41 PM
I no read Chinese... :-(

too much fire and ice BBBJ at HC. Heat cause expansion, cold cause contraction. Seems like yours can only contract bt cunt expand? :D

Seriously, r u fat? Cause if too fat the extra fats will cover up your didi and make it look small:eek:

11-01-2012, 06:32 PM
What do you mean by shrink? Do you mean that it is not as hard as before or do you mean after erection, the actual length is shorten. That is if you did actually measure the size before.

11-01-2012, 07:58 PM
You better go see a doctor before your willy shrink and shrink and Vanished !!!!!

12-01-2012, 01:44 AM
liao liao better go for a check before really liao liao:D

12-01-2012, 12:12 PM
Wah u guys are really helpful... I think it's because I'm gaining weight lah... Damn damn.... But really, have anyone tried any enlargement cream or anything... Does it really work?

12-01-2012, 12:15 PM
The only enlargement product i have used before is something called leech oil,
i used to get it from http://leechoil.atwebpages.com

Not too bad seems to work for me :)

How long have u use it? Does it really work? I might be interested to try this... Thanks for the link bro!!

12-01-2012, 12:17 PM
I think you better go to see a docator

12-01-2012, 08:03 PM
all these type of cream and stuff dont trust it lar. wait eat liao lj become even smaller how?

the size of ur dick depends on ur DNA and ur bloodflow.

The better bloodflow u got, the harder and bigger ur dick can be.
Not saying that ur dick can go over 100% max size but it can be at 100%

so work out, dont drink, dont smoke, eat healthy and sleep healthy.
Then U can Fuck like a Bull.

see which 1 u prefer? Drink, smoke, food, nightlife or SEX

13-01-2012, 02:44 PM
Are you still having your morning/nocturnal erections? Any other health issues? (fatigue, feeling cold, weight gain).

Get your hormones checked. thyroid, testosterone, DHT, estradiol.

You said you are getting fat. Belly in men = higher rate of converting testosterone in estrogen within the fat cells. High estrogen (female hormones) = Limp and shrinking dick.

13-01-2012, 05:36 PM

My tools shrinked by half during my teenager. Scared a lot of me.
Pale and simply cannot have any erection. I'm impotence at 21.:(

It happened during my rugby games in JB, been hit from the back and groin. Next day woke up my dick smaller,numb and worst part it's totally malfunction.

So bro joe kill, did you ever fall or been hit before especially at your back??

13-01-2012, 05:59 PM
I think my dick is shrinking.... Anyone have means to counter this? Or at least tested enlargement product?

You have psychological inferior complex problem. Use it or lose it. that is the answer. Never heard of dicks getting smaller before problem, but those who think their tool is too small, yes.

16-01-2012, 12:00 PM
I believed if you hurt somewhere around your cock or your back it will shrink your cock or even make you impotence. Why because i had experienced it.

Fortunately, i regained my erection after self struggling for 6 months but still loss half inch of my length. Until today still never stop finding and searching the best solution to maintain & improve the performance.

My journey :
1. Massage - Went to more than 30 traditional massage not shop rather than individual , just name it..malay, chinese acupunture, thailand, indonesia, even went to Borneo to try Orang Asli treament over there. Not so much success...the best i think in Majidee, Johor Bahru ( Used to treat for Minister ). I dont' know whether that old man is still alive. Want to try prostate massage at Perling, JB. Cancelled due to masseur was a gay. Afraid, rather than poke his finger to my butt, he poke his cock...:eek: Rather be safe than sorry

2. Oral / Pills - Swallow many pills to test the effectiveness...self guinea pig,
- Indonesia Jamu - Pills or powder blend with egg and other things
- Bodybuilding Supplement like MHP T-bomb, Nutrex Vitrix, Nitrix Oxide like MRI NO, BSN NO, USP Labs Jack and etc ( Not much, but improve intensity during work out - really especially USP product )
- Male Supplement - mostly i will test for 2 to 3 months, vigrx, sinrex, vimax, prosolution, maca ...gain nothing, totally just a hype.
- Hardcore pill like viagra and cialis, never try before probably will test this pills soon. ( Already consult with my friend doctor, as long as i maintain my good health, should be okay to try once a while )

3. Tools or Gadget - i Tried also
- Vacuum Pump - Please do not use this, make your cock swollen and weaker
- Power Extender - This one even bullshit, use it one and throw it away
- Peloop ( Magnet ) - Also for me was useless
- Waterpump ( Original Bathmate ) - This one okay, already used it for 3 months, can see improvement at least. Will keep on monitor. Normally use it before make love...double my girth.
- Fleshlight STD - I think it's good, intensity is high, feel like real pussy also, only setback is to find place to use it discreetly and storage. The best training now, went to Ocean for BJ or BBBJ.
- Prostate Massager - I used Aneros Helix, now i'm believer, really support to improve performance

4. Oilment - Leech Oil, Donga Oil, Superman Oil...Still cannot felt the effectiveness except Camel Hump Oil, now using it...quite satisfied

My list can continue on....but like i said, I'm still searching the best method and remedies to sustain and improve my prowess. Only those who had experienced impotency would understand.

Currently :
1. Maintain good diets - Low fat and carbo, high protein
2. Training - 3 times at gym for one solid hr and cycling every night for 20km
3. Cock Training - Bathmate during shower, very convenience, 15 minutes/day
4. Massage - Use Camel Hump Oil after shower, Recovery for cock tissue after workout
5. Twice a week, prostate massage using Aneros, quite effective
6. Make Love - 4 times/week..+ 1 time for cheong ( Still capable )
7. Eat Supplements :
- Stop taking unnecessary pills that cost a bomb.
- Fish Oil - A must for good strong heart ( Find the best )
- Tongkat Ali extract - at least 1g/day for 4 days on + 3 days off.
8. Cheonging - Extra boost, i used Urat Madu, quite effective, next time will try cialis or viagra.

Anyway bro....the only thing that i did not consult, is a doctor....but i did consult my friend lately ( a doctor ) just to get sample of cialis.

16-01-2012, 05:19 PM
I believed if you hurt somewhere around your cock or your back it will shrink your cock or even make you impotence. Why because i had experienced it.

Fortunately, i regained my erection after self struggling for 6 months but still loss half inch of my length. Until today still never stop finding and searching the best solution to maintain & improve the performance.

My journey :
1. Massage - Went to more than 30 traditional massage not shop rather than individual , just name it..malay, chinese acupunture, thailand, indonesia, even went to Borneo to try Orang Asli treament over there. Not so much success...the best i think in Majidee, Johor Bahru ( Used to treat for Minister ). I dont' know whether that old man is still alive. Want to try prostate massage at Perling, JB. Cancelled due to masseur was a gay. Afraid, rather than poke his finger to my butt, he poke his cock...:eek: Rather be safe than sorry

2. Oral / Pills - Swallow many pills to test the effectiveness...self guinea pig,
- Indonesia Jamu - Pills or powder blend with egg and other things
- Bodybuilding Supplement like MHP T-bomb, Nutrex Vitrix, Nitrix Oxide like MRI NO, BSN NO, USP Labs Jack and etc ( Not much, but improve intensity during work out - really especially USP product )
- Male Supplement - mostly i will test for 2 to 3 months, vigrx, sinrex, vimax, prosolution, maca ...gain nothing, totally just a hype.
- Hardcore pill like viagra and cialis, never try before probably will test this pills soon. ( Already consult with my friend doctor, as long as i maintain my good health, should be okay to try once a while )

3. Tools or Gadget - i Tried also
- Vacuum Pump - Please do not use this, make your cock swollen and weaker
- Power Extender - This one even bullshit, use it one and throw it away
- Peloop ( Magnet ) - Also for me was useless
- Waterpump ( Original Bathmate ) - This one okay, already used it for 3 months, can see improvement at least. Will keep on monitor. Normally use it before make love...double my girth.
- Fleshlight STD - I think it's good, intensity is high, feel like real pussy also, only setback is to find place to use it discreetly and storage. The best training now, went to Ocean for BJ or BBBJ.
- Prostate Massager - I used Aneros Helix, now i'm believer, really support to improve performance

4. Oilment - Leech Oil, Donga Oil, Superman Oil...Still cannot felt the effectiveness except Camel Hump Oil, now using it...quite satisfied

My list can continue on....but like i said, I'm still searching the best method and remedies to sustain and improve my prowess. Only those who had experienced impotency would understand.

Currently :
1. Maintain good diets - Low fat and carbo, high protein
2. Training - 3 times at gym for one solid hr and cycling every night for 20km
3. Cock Training - Bathmate during shower, very convenience, 15 minutes/day
4. Massage - Use Camel Hump Oil after shower, Recovery for cock tissue after workout
5. Twice a week, prostate massage using Aneros, quite effective
6. Make Love - 4 times/week..+ 1 time for cheong ( Still capable )
7. Eat Supplements :
- Stop taking unnecessary pills that cost a bomb.
- Fish Oil - A must for good strong heart ( Find the best )
- Tongkat Ali extract - at least 1g/day for 4 days on + 3 days off.
8. Cheonging - Extra boost, i used Urat Madu, quite effective, next time will try cialis or viagra.

Anyway bro....the only thing that i did not consult, is a doctor....but i did consult my friend lately ( a doctor ) just to get sample of cialis.

Holy smokes dude you really know your stuff. I take L arginine and tongkatali and my lovers are complaining I have too much stamina.
Can you recommend a good source for tongkatali? What's recovery for cock tissue? My problem now is my refractory time is too long. What can I do to speed it up? I am looking to try the bathmate too, is the strap necessary?

17-01-2012, 02:29 PM
Don't waste money...
After searching high and low...as summary those are quite effective to me maybe not to all.
1. Stay healthy, control your diets and regular exercise - Basic thing
2. Prostate Massage - Really helps for men health. I used aneros currently, why i said this during my massage with an old masseur. He just massage the groin, ball area and between your ball and anus . Normally our ball not balance...when he plucked my ball, sound like bone cracking...and nicely my balls round and balance. That's why when i learn about prostate massage. I'm excited. So when you do prostate massage, normally a liquid mostly like jelly come out from your cock. That's why when you seldom make love...your come was quite thick like jelly...this is the remaining semen from your previous pcc or sex.

Why don't you guys asked your self....during orgasm, is all the semen came out?? There will always be a remaining...that's why when you watch blue film...the porn star will massage their cock until the last drop...but still it won't came out all. This remaining can become a culprit of our cock power. You must drain it from your prostate.

I'm not specialist...this is only based on explanation by greatest masseur, and I'm quite believer..

Other tips that i learnt :
1. Treat your ball with cold treatment...put some ice, see whether there is pulsating movement at your ball. If no...then problem...seek medical advice.
After that, squeezed it by following your heart beat
2. Reduce cow girl ( i like this position ) - long term can make your dick sinking into the body. Don't know whether is true or not
3. Blow Job or Hand Job...prevent if your partner just cooking or eating something with wind like onion...can make your cock weaker...that's why we need to massage to eliminate wind.
4. The real culprit of shrinking dick if not because of health...is fat. you need to reduce belly fat
In Mens Health magazine, they say for every 15 pounds shed you gain half an inch to your lenght. Its not that its growing, your just uncovering more. Hope that helps ;)

3. Supplements
Once again don't waste money...multivitamins is good but if all unit weight is in mcg or mg, then no meaning. You can get this from your normal eating diet.
- Find something to support heart, eat a lot of fish...it's good for heart, mind and joint....it's good to support sex with strong heart, mind and joint. Otherwise eat Fish Oil...Find the best one when high EPA, DHA and etc and it's not that expensive.
- Tongkat Ali - try to source at pharmacy, ...do not consume powder, find extract...the best extract i find in Malaysia is in ratio 1:30. The brand Nuprep 100 or Tonex from rainforest herbs. I used Tonex provide 300mg ratio 1:30 of extract tongkat ali....not so expensive, one box RM82/month
- Others, because i train in gym, optimum whey for protein, USPlabs jack for NO, Scivation Extend for BCAA...still clean, not yet use steroid.
- Now trying dhob capsule, under testing for male health.

Will continue.....i already tried so many supplements...let me share with you guys next time....most are scam.:mad:

Timmyh...for bathmate... i think you can go ahead..i'm quite satisfied with this product. Use this and impress your wife, every time i came out naked from shower...the cock look really awesome like porn star....adios

17-01-2012, 02:58 PM
Wow, dick really can shrink? better go measure and record down.

17-01-2012, 03:51 PM
My best measurement method...since teenager..
use toothbrush, average toothbrush 15cm to 17cm ( 6"~7"). You can measure during your shower..Everyday:D

17-01-2012, 11:33 PM

My tools shrinked by half during my teenager. Scared a lot of me.
Pale and simply cannot have any erection. I'm impotence at 21.:(

It happened during my rugby games in JB, been hit from the back and groin. Next day woke up my dick smaller,numb and worst part it's totally malfunction.

So bro joe kill, did you ever fall or been hit before especially at your back??

I think this could be one of the reason... I fell on my back before... Accident and sports... But luckily mine still working fine....

17-01-2012, 11:35 PM
I believed if you hurt somewhere around your cock or your back it will shrink your cock or even make you impotence. Why because i had experienced it.

Fortunately, i regained my erection after self struggling for 6 months but still loss half inch of my length. Until today still never stop finding and searching the best solution to maintain & improve the performance.

My journey :
1. Massage - Went to more than 30 traditional massage not shop rather than individual , just name it..malay, chinese acupunture, thailand, indonesia, even went to Borneo to try Orang Asli treament over there. Not so much success...the best i think in Majidee, Johor Bahru ( Used to treat for Minister ). I dont' know whether that old man is still alive. Want to try prostate massage at Perling, JB. Cancelled due to masseur was a gay. Afraid, rather than poke his finger to my butt, he poke his cock...:eek: Rather be safe than sorry

2. Oral / Pills - Swallow many pills to test the effectiveness...self guinea pig,
- Indonesia Jamu - Pills or powder blend with egg and other things
- Bodybuilding Supplement like MHP T-bomb, Nutrex Vitrix, Nitrix Oxide like MRI NO, BSN NO, USP Labs Jack and etc ( Not much, but improve intensity during work out - really especially USP product )
- Male Supplement - mostly i will test for 2 to 3 months, vigrx, sinrex, vimax, prosolution, maca ...gain nothing, totally just a hype.
- Hardcore pill like viagra and cialis, never try before probably will test this pills soon. ( Already consult with my friend doctor, as long as i maintain my good health, should be okay to try once a while )

3. Tools or Gadget - i Tried also
- Vacuum Pump - Please do not use this, make your cock swollen and weaker
- Power Extender - This one even bullshit, use it one and throw it away
- Peloop ( Magnet ) - Also for me was useless
- Waterpump ( Original Bathmate ) - This one okay, already used it for 3 months, can see improvement at least. Will keep on monitor. Normally use it before make love...double my girth.
- Fleshlight STD - I think it's good, intensity is high, feel like real pussy also, only setback is to find place to use it discreetly and storage. The best training now, went to Ocean for BJ or BBBJ.
- Prostate Massager - I used Aneros Helix, now i'm believer, really support to improve performance

4. Oilment - Leech Oil, Donga Oil, Superman Oil...Still cannot felt the effectiveness except Camel Hump Oil, now using it...quite satisfied

My list can continue on....but like i said, I'm still searching the best method and remedies to sustain and improve my prowess. Only those who had experienced impotency would understand.

Currently :
1. Maintain good diets - Low fat and carbo, high protein
2. Training - 3 times at gym for one solid hr and cycling every night for 20km
3. Cock Training - Bathmate during shower, very convenience, 15 minutes/day
4. Massage - Use Camel Hump Oil after shower, Recovery for cock tissue after workout
5. Twice a week, prostate massage using Aneros, quite effective
6. Make Love - 4 times/week..+ 1 time for cheong ( Still capable )
7. Eat Supplements :
- Stop taking unnecessary pills that cost a bomb.
- Fish Oil - A must for good strong heart ( Find the best )
- Tongkat Ali extract - at least 1g/day for 4 days on + 3 days off.
8. Cheonging - Extra boost, i used Urat Madu, quite effective, next time will try cialis or viagra.

Anyway bro....the only thing that i did not consult, is a doctor....but i did consult my friend lately ( a doctor ) just to get sample of cialis.

Wow u really know ure stuff. Can open up a consultation clinic Liao... Anyway I guess best is to keep a healthy lifestyle aye.... Thanks bro for the detailed post