View Full Version : testing testing trying to download photo

31-03-2012, 03:18 PM

31-03-2012, 04:10 PM

Big Sexy
01-04-2012, 09:50 AM
mate..use the img tag..
add to the link and close it with
e.g paste your link here [/ img]
or simply use the insert picture icon, check out the newbie helpline.



01-04-2012, 10:02 AM
or simply use the insert picture icon, check out the newbie helpline.

He's trying to DOWNLOAD a photo. The image tag is for displaying an image that has been UPLOADED.

Big Sexy
01-04-2012, 01:11 PM
yea sam. you are right..;)

to be honest...i dont actually quite understand what he wanted when he said he is trying download a photo???:confused:

clicking on the hyperlink will only display the picture,
it wont download the file...
the user will need to right click on it to download it..
likewise, a right click with the right mouse button on the displayed picture and will allow the user to save it

He's trying to DOWNLOAD a photo. The image tag is for displaying an image that has been UPLOADED.