View Full Version : is porn really that bad?

23-04-2012, 03:34 AM
Many of us are productive members of the society and it happens that we enjoy a daily dose of porn. I heard so much about how bad is porn. I remembered how the school counsellor warned us of the consequences of watching porn like becoming a sex addict, committing sex crimes and essentially screwing up your lives. :eek:


Is porn really damaging? Now that I am young, should I give up before it is too late? :confused:

24-04-2012, 12:40 AM
Porn is bad for your health if you are one of them acting whereby other guys is constantly screwing you from behind. It'll tear your asshole.

24-04-2012, 09:03 PM
Porn is bad for your health actually.

According to Medical Research, after watching too much porn accumulated over many years, a man will not be able to perform as well in bed matters due to visual oversaturation :)

24-04-2012, 11:57 PM
article is written from a very religious christian point of view. My question to you is "what is your religious belief?" if you think that it offends your religion then yes it is bad for u, if not scientifically it is said that one can lose interest in normal sex because of too much stimulation from porn creating an desire unachievable in normal intercourse. In simple sense, you are lost in the fantasy...

26-04-2012, 07:38 AM
Everything in excess is bad. So don't beat yourself up if you watch porn once in a while:D

27-04-2012, 07:32 AM
I watch porn everyday to mastaubate when i am not physically having sex girls.
No porn how to mastabate?
Porn taught me what is clitoris, g spot and how to satisfy my girl.
Porn is educational if you view it in the right way.

29-04-2012, 02:53 AM
Everything in excess is bad. So don't beat yourself up if you watch porn once in a while:D

He should beat himself off instead. heheh

29-04-2012, 02:58 AM
Porn is bad for your health actually.

According to Medical Research, after watching too much porn accumulated over many years, a man will not be able to perform as well in bed matters due to visual oversaturation :)

Do you have links to that research ?

I'm skeptical of the research, because no matter how much porn you watch, it cannot be more stimulating than sticking your dick into a real woman, feeling the heat of her pussy engulfing your dick, touching her boobs, smelling her body and hearing her moans.

The multi-sensory overload is way more powderful than any visual-saturation on a screen. But the day they have realistic virtual reality porn is the day that too much porn will be bad for you.

29-04-2012, 04:03 AM
Many of us are productive members of the society and it happens that we enjoy a daily dose of porn. I heard so much about how bad is porn...

Is porn really damaging? Now that I am young, should I give up before it is too late? :confused:

In more positive terms, many are turned on through watching porn. It's not harmful if you do not become addicted to it. Nowadays I hardly watch porn anymore, but much prefer the real experience of living out my porn fantasy.

Honestly, when one is young, one's sex drive is high and one thinks of sex constantly. It is probably a good idea to give up your porn habit, but I doubt if you can -- it is probably something you enjoy doing too much to want to give up completely.

At the bottom line, sex is as much a need as your need for food and drink. You have to learn how to manage your sexual needs just like your need for sustenance.

And please, don't buy all that religious bullshit about porn being a sin and all that nonsense. Come to terms with the fact that humans, like all other animals, have an in-built drive to fuck (and even if we can't fuck, we want to watch others fucking and imagine ourselves doing it -- porn!). It is a law of nature.

29-04-2012, 09:21 AM
Do you have links to that research ?

I'm skeptical of the research, because no matter how much porn you watch, it cannot be more stimulating than sticking your dick into a real woman, feeling the heat of her pussy engulfing your dick, touching her boobs, smelling her body and hearing her moans.

The multi-sensory overload is way more powderful than any visual-saturation on a screen. But the day they have realistic virtual reality porn is the day that too much porn will be bad for you.


29-04-2012, 11:59 PM

Interesting read. But it would seem much of the problem is due to too much wanking, which of course would cause problems with a 2nd shot if the man is getting older.

It would seem quite obvious that, if you are going to be bonking your girl tonight, you probably shouldn't be wanking off that afternoon unless you are a strapping young fellow who can shoot several times a day.

01-05-2012, 11:13 AM

This is something nice to watch about porn.

05-05-2012, 05:33 AM
In more positive terms, many are turned on through watching porn. It's not harmful if you do not become addicted to it. Nowadays I hardly watch porn anymore, but much prefer the real experience of living out my porn fantasy.

Honestly, when one is young, one's sex drive is high and one thinks of sex constantly. It is probably a good idea to give up your porn habit, but I doubt if you can -- it is probably something you enjoy doing too much to want to give up completely.

At the bottom line, sex is as much a need as your need for food and drink. You have to learn how to manage your sexual needs just like your need for sustenance.

And please, don't buy all that religious bullshit about porn being a sin and all that nonsense. Come to terms with the fact that humans, like all other animals, have an in-built drive to fuck (and even if we can't fuck, we want to watch others fucking and imagine ourselves doing it -- porn!). It is a law of nature.

Good analogy, humans like all animal have needs to reproduce, so for guys the male hormones will over drive your needs, so managing needs like bro sgjoey say is very true.

Underline porn also helps you control your needs but like the other bros said don't get addicted to it, which disrupt your normal life.:cool:

08-05-2012, 07:26 PM
Everything comes from the mind.

18-05-2012, 10:30 AM
Article is reasonable. But lets be realistic. Hard not to watch porn at all. As with everything in life, know yr limit and not get so addicted to it.

18-05-2012, 11:39 AM
how young are you, 14?

01-06-2012, 05:03 AM
currently 18 and a virgin. I would like to hear a wide variety of opinions from anons here.

Any personal experiences and testimonials?

There is much research for and against porn but I believe most contains some sort of biased, esp from religion.

I am not addicted to porn as I can control. But I am unsure if there are any long term side effects of watching porn. thx

03-06-2012, 10:56 AM
currently 18 and a virgin. I would like to hear a wide variety of opinions from anons here.

Any personal experiences and testimonials?

There is much research for and against porn but I believe most contains some sort of biased, esp from religion.

I am not addicted to porn as I can control. But I am unsure if there are any long term side effects of watching porn. thx

I dun see wats the whole fuss abt porn.. Like the viewers who have the choice whether to watch it, it's the performers free will to go into porn industry just like the infamous Annabelle Chong.

For those who's decide to enter the sex trade, they have already put themselves at risk to sexual diseases, HIV, unwanted pregnancies. Their life, their call..the article is too exaggerating.

U hv the right to choose whether to view it or not, however u might need to seek professional medical help if u can't control ur sexual urge, constantly of ways n means to obtain it to the extend of harming other ppl..

So u been surfing this forum since 15 n still a virgin?? Seem like porn doesn't have much impact on u n dun nid to worry so much ;p

03-06-2012, 11:20 AM
Porn itself is not bad. The mind behind the perverted thoughts is really bad. :D

03-06-2012, 02:40 PM
depends how u look at it bro..for me it's good :D

Mr Lion
03-06-2012, 02:49 PM
tell me, in this tech savvy age, who can live without ever watching porn?? :D

04-06-2012, 03:23 PM
tell me, in this tech savvy age, who can live without ever watching porn?? :D

If my memory serves me right, there is a NoPorn Lui T*** Y** that said he doesn't watch porn :p

09-06-2012, 01:17 PM
i used to watch and collect porn as if its a daily affair. Soon it became routine. Fucking my gfs really bore me out very soon due to less intense simulation (visually) compared to the JAV girls.

these days i stopped searching for porn, maybe watch once in a while while browsing the link xchange forum. And i noticed i performed better in bed with the OC.

10-06-2012, 12:33 AM
i used to watch and collect porn as if its a daily affair. Soon it became routine. Fucking my gfs really bore me out very soon due to less intense simulation (visually) compared to the JAV girls.

these days i stopped searching for porn, maybe watch once in a while while browsing the link xchange forum. And i noticed i performed better in bed with the OC.

fully agree, study show that watching too much porn will make you lose the exciting part of ML process and less sensitive, and reasonable porn will spicy your sex life :D

12-06-2012, 04:44 PM
its good to spice up sex life

15-06-2012, 03:21 AM
i feel sad for u thinking porn is bad TS...
porn reflects real life... and it is a fantasy that most ppl craved for
u can call it a dream maybe but it let yr imagination run wild and really enjoy the pleasure of different kinda movement

it also educated u to provide your partner with interesting fulfilling sex life

i guess for your sex life, its jus liked strip and poke case closed

15-06-2012, 04:19 PM
Too much of everything is always not good lah....
but the too much is depend on people, how much is too much for them...

anyway, for my experience....
i think i watch to much porn/hentai... or i am one of those who is delayed ejaculation????
i masturbate fine can ejaculate... while watching porn..

but when i try to ejaculate when having real sex...... i can hardly do it, and i dunno how long must i do it haha tried goes to pay for sex (as i dun have GF) and up wasting time not ejaculating.. even given 2-3 hours.......

i guess for personal case, watching too much intense porn make me not too stimulated enough for real one?...or i got inner probelm hahahah

25-06-2012, 12:06 PM
As the well known saying goes, anything in excess is bad for you. Even vitamins which boost your health when overdosed can also poison you.

So even the porn which we enjoy can also cause us to live in our fantasy so much that real world sex does not stimulate us anymore.

Found some information on Sexual Attention Deficit Disorder (SADD) which all brothers might be interested to read. Of course, if you are still single, then please go ahead with your current routine.

www.understandingsadd.com/ (http://www.understandingsadd.com/)