View Full Version : First Time Decisions Come in Pls

25-04-2012, 06:51 AM
Hi Samsters I would like to ask You guys something. Im now 27 Yrs old and still Single
but Cant control the urge to have sex. I consider visiting a Prostitute those that r Legal ones. I heard that even with condom on There is still Risk of HIV? I am wondering if I use a condom but around my thighs and pubic hair have some body pimples There will be risk as long there is any open wound right? Just checking also Are there any Cases that People get HIV from those legal houses? If not Raw

Hope you guys will help to answer my question
I know some might say If scared dont go If go Dont scared
But how would some guys feel when at the age of 27 Have not Hug a girl
or touch any girl before? There will be an urge to do some things.
I Pcc till no more feelings.
I Hope that you all will be kind to help me out
Sorry if This Thread bothers You guys Cause there are many of the same kind out there

25-04-2012, 12:54 PM
Your risk of HIV is low provided the condom doesn't break but you're still at risk of catching a whole host of other nasties like Herpes, Genital Warts and Hepatitis.

Condoms provide very little protection from viral STDs which are transmitted via skin to skin contact as they do not cover the base of the shaft of the penis and the scrotum.

My advice is to continue jerking off till you find a faithful partner. You appear far too paranoid. You sound like the sort where a 5 minute fuck becomes 6 months of agonising anxiety and despair. Don't let me catch you starting a thread like this one next week. :D http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=206189

It's simply not worth it.

Hi Samsters I would like to ask You guys something. Im now 27 Yrs old and still Single
but Cant control the urge to have sex. I consider visiting a Prostitute those that r Legal ones. I heard that even with condom on There is still Risk of HIV? I am wondering if I use a condom but around my thighs and pubic hair have some body pimples There will be risk as long there is any open wound right? Just checking also Are there any Cases that People get HIV from those legal houses? If not Raw

25-04-2012, 09:13 PM

27 is still young lah. Should give your virginity to your future wife.

Be pro-active. Join more social circles and hobbies. Get to know more girls. Leak out news that you are single & available. Sure can find a gf or wife if you don't set too high a standard.

The GL girls will give you angpao & laugh behind your back if you give them your virginity :)

25-04-2012, 09:22 PM
I fuck around for 20 over years still never die......the more scared u r u die faster :D

25-04-2012, 11:09 PM
Hi All Thanks for the reply But I doubt I can even find a Girlfriend
Im 27 and only working in Sales 1.2k A month I only look average and Im fat. What choice do I have I really wanna find a good Gf but all seems impossible. Re.
member a newspaper article say sg girls dont want blue collar guys. I tried to upgrade but I suck in courses Maybe some of you can guide me what to do. Sorry if its off topic But I feel useless and hopeless in my life due to lack of education

26-04-2012, 02:48 AM

Life is too short, so go for broke! HIV is only for homos, hetero, no problem!

You're a young guy with high level of testosterone so take advantage before you lose it!

27-04-2012, 02:10 AM
27 years without a fuck is a long time. If you want to do it, you should. And if you feel that you are not likely to nap a gf, consider ending your very long dry spell by engaging the services of a sex worker. That may be the best way.

Don't be too paranoid about STDs. Except for AIDS, there is effective medication for most of them. And so long as you put on protection, you should probably be ok.

Good luck in your quest to get laid.

27-04-2012, 07:18 AM
If you want to do it just go and try. $50 for a bang is reasonable.
But i can sense that soon you will be spending your pay in prostitutes. And soon the legal house of routine sex does not excite you anymore and you will crave for KC trap.. Sex without emotion is not better off then pcc looking at porn, honestly.

What sales do you work as? 1.2k working as Sales is crazy and unbelievable. Doesnt sound real to me. If any case its real, have u consider changing jobs?

27-04-2012, 08:40 AM
I am almost the same situation like you many years ago.

It is a difficult decision to go GL. After heard many stories just to assure myself the precaution to take. After all, the girls in GL also do not want to get any STD. Because some regular customers really request for RAW sex.

Anyway, usually for first time, no kissing. Don't go GL when you are not feeling well. Let the girl service you. That's all.

Good Luck.

Big Sexy
27-04-2012, 08:51 AM
mate.. take a look at all the pictures in this thread (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=29801) and then
decide again whether you would still like to visit a whore..;)


I consider visiting a Prostitute those that r Legal ones. I heard that even with condom on There is still Risk of HIV?

27-04-2012, 10:58 AM
Omg wtf is That shit? To TS, you should improve yourself first. Go workout, eat better, take a course on something you are passionate about. You may even consider an overseas wife next time. in the mean time, just go geylang and knock yourself out have a good time. Don't repress yourself.

27-04-2012, 02:32 PM
The way you post here you look like a concerned person like bro sammyboyfor said, then this thing may not be for you. The guilty feeling that is going to haunt, worst if permanent all you wish is you can turn back the clock. For short term pleasure, it is just not worth it. If you decide to go, then forgo thinking too much, but take lots of precaution advice from bros in this forum. The decision is yours to make.

Hi Samsters I would like to ask You guys something. Im now 27 Yrs old and still Single
but Cant control the urge to have sex. I consider visiting a Prostitute those that r Legal ones. I heard that even with condom on There is still Risk of HIV? I am wondering if I use a condom but around my thighs and pubic hair have some body pimples There will be risk as long there is any open wound right? Just checking also Are there any Cases that People get HIV from those legal houses? If not Raw

Hope you guys will help to answer my question
I know some might say If scared dont go If go Dont scared
But how would some guys feel when at the age of 27 Have not Hug a girl
or touch any girl before? There will be an urge to do some things.
I Pcc till no more feelings.
I Hope that you all will be kind to help me out
Sorry if This Thread bothers You guys Cause there are many of the same kind out there

27-04-2012, 03:37 PM
mate.. take a look at all the pictures in this thread (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=29801) and then
decide again whether you would still like to visit a whore..;)


hi big sexy, i just dont get your point here.
are you trying to scare him off here?
i would rather encourage him to go to legal house and have a bang there?
oh come on you are 27 and your big bro has not meet the right "lobang" except being lied by your hands everyday?

IMO, wear the thickest condom and give it a try, you will be fine.
stop being too paranoid.

Big Sexy
27-04-2012, 03:59 PM
i am not trying to scare him off or stop him from visiting whores...
he is old enough to decide what he wants to do..
and if he has decide to do it.. nothing is going to stop him...
however he deserved to know what he is getting into..dont he?
Legal house doesnt mean he wont contract Stds/HIVs
like sam said..we have enough of those " please please help me. i am worried sick: threads..:D

hi big sexy, i just dont get your point here.
are you trying to scare him off here?
i would rather encourage him to go to legal house and have a bang there?
oh come on you are 27 and your big bro has not meet the right "lobang" except being lied by your hands everyday?

IMO, wear the thickest condom and give it a try, you will be fine.
stop being too paranoid.

27-04-2012, 08:56 PM
Hello Bro Alex20,

Pls don't despair. Let us do some analysis:

1) You are 27. You still have a bright future ahead of you.

2) You can change job, or upgrade yourself by studying hard then change job, or if you are not the studious type you can try a job you like and maybe later become self employed. As you are 27, you can afford to try many many things before you hit the "gold pot".

3) For a woman, the most important thing is that the husband must have a good career. Hence, your focus should be on your career.

4) Average looks are fine. That means you are not ugly :)

5) Fat?? Then exercise. My fat friends became "hunks" after they hit the gym. In fact, fat guys have greater advantages in becoming hunks because they are big to start with.

6) You are still a virgin. That is hot property and a valuable asset :)

7) Based on the above, you have a great future. No point destroying it by going to GL and risk getting STDs & Aids. Once you did it, it will be even more difficult to pursue your future wife. Worse, you lose $$ and motivation to work hard.

8) Finally, its Your Life!! It is up to you whether you want to be positive or negative. Take the Bright Highway or Down the Back Alley. Only you can help yourself. It is a cruel world out there my friend. Do take care and make the Right Decision :)

28-04-2012, 02:17 AM
There is an unjust stigma against sex workers, their clients and in fact, everyone connected with the sex industry.

Sex workers are essentially professionals who provide a much needed service. We are humans, and sex is a natural need. When it cannot be fulfilled in the "normal" ways, turning to the professionals is the most common sense thing to do. Seeking the services of professionals should not be seen as taking the low road or what-not. That is society's narrow-minded and moralistic perception that one should feel free to ignore.

That said, all precautions should be taken against STDs. This essentially involves the use of the condom for intercourse.

03-05-2012, 09:00 AM
Hi All Bros Thanks for your kind words. I saw the Disgusting Hiv/Aids Picture that one of you posted it Looks Fucking Disgusting. I might sound Kiasu but Are there really cases of Fucking Legal House Whore and Use Condom kena Hiv still?
I feel sad for my life 28 No looks no girls

04-05-2012, 01:14 AM
In a scale of 1-10 how fat are u?
And whats yr height?

08-05-2012, 07:38 PM
mate.. take a look at all the pictures in this thread (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=29801) and then
decide again whether you would still like to visit a whore..;)


That is kaposi sarcoma. People with HIV die because of a weak immune system; illnesses are rampant when your immune system is weak.

They do not die of AIDS; AIDS aid the progression of illnesses that will cause death. A weak immune system is due to a low CD4+ level in the body. CD4 is a co-receptor and it can be found on antigen-presenting cells.

There are 2 types of HIV and some people are immune to HIV.

Lastly, not all HIV-infected people develop AIDS. No matter how much you trust someone, always use protection.

08-05-2012, 07:40 PM
Hi All Thanks for the reply But I doubt I can even find a Girlfriend
Im 27 and only working in Sales 1.2k A month I only look average and Im fat. What choice do I have I really wanna find a good Gf but all seems impossible. Re.
member a newspaper article say sg girls dont want blue collar guys. I tried to upgrade but I suck in courses Maybe some of you can guide me what to do. Sorry if its off topic But I feel useless and hopeless in my life due to lack of education

Secondly, please 'upgrade yourself' by pursuing tertiary education.