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21-06-2012, 01:23 PM
Recently met an Ex school mate of mine (10 to 15 years back), guys im in my early 30s. I could hardly reconise her, a major transformation, I only could recall her when she told abt some incidents which was created by me .
U knows la bros, I was not the quite type, and always kenna call my discipline master …. Even gt public canning twice . she even reminded me that .

1stly I would talk abt her physical appearances in those days. She was my 1 year junior , typical flat chested mummy’s gal who had two pony tails with braced teeth and wears the Asia’s
Longest Skirt which covers 6 inches below her knees. Talks loudly n easily noticeable during recess.But Today , wavy upper waist length ,highlighted hair and stands @ a height nt more than 160cm and weight lesser than 55kg.(By now bros could gauge her size).Athelete tummy which probably had regular workouts as it was so flat which made her breasts curvy and gave the hour glass figure .Slim shaved long legs with butt hugging grey skirt and red blouse with top 2 unbuttoned and no excuse to miss that visible palm held able breasts’ flesh .Erotic sleepy pair of eyes with Beautiful long curvy eyelashes and threaded eyebrows , missing braces with a captivating smile which had a CFM look.
We were standing just 15-20metres away from the control station n since it was an interchange ,and peak hour , a lot of them were passing us and I saw most had glanced back to get a 2nd look “ us ,,,, dun knw why also ,, mayb because of her … too striking .
Our conversation lasted about 5-10minutes, I could also study her body lingo that she was rushing for time .i knw I hv to end the conversation bt also wanted to stay on more with her ,,,, aiyoh I beh tahan cant stop peeking at her cleavage off the 2 top buttons… hmm as usual she said she got to go as she had to meet her sister for a family dinner ,

SHE: ok la I gtg to go and nice to see you aft so long
ME: ya me too
SHE: ok see you catch up with you again mayb, this is my name card you can give me a miss call , me really gt to rush
ME : wah gt name card ah … hmm let me see what u doin ( In my heart I thinking JACKPOT liow finally gt contact )
Ok see u soon .,
Mai tui liaow,, quicky SMS her my ctc n came with a reply noted

What happened nxt ,,, I will continue aft seeing bros n sis's responds n hope bros can up me PTs too

21-06-2012, 05:09 PM
Continuing ,,,,

Two days passed , I was wondering y no call or sms yet , mayb she caught me glimpsing at her cleavage, so kind of bad repo I created,,, oh mayb I should make the 1st step …all this tots where running in my mind while watching Mr bean’s Show on Tv .. then heard an wassap tone from my 4s
Saw an unfamiliar no ,,, with a txt of ‘’ hi what u doin?’’
I wondered who , hoping that it was her , checked her name card, n realise that it was her , no displayed with +65 and I did not attempt to save her no too

Me : hi I tot u wun call
She : No la, was busy with the wedding stuff

I was shattered down aft seeing thz msg,but I dun know why I bother since I myself married… hee hee
Me: aah so u getting married ?
She : aiya no , my sister’s

Relived ,,,, ok thinking still gt chance I txt bk

Me: so u married ?
She :ya of course , been married for 2 years

Totally damage, no hope Liao. Since she was married , I wanted to maintain the chat clean

Me: WOW good for you , what’s hubby doing ?
She : Hubby attached to some overseas ops , just left last night , will be outstation for a year …sob sob
, so what abt u , married ? kids?/
ME : yup married two years ago , kid yes a 5 month boy,,, u any kids ?/
She : nope , hubby been busy with outstation projects n doesn’t wanna commit , mayb after a year or two , what wify doing

Me : wify currently on unpaid leave ,, stayin to look aft boy

She : wow that gd ,,, k so you free over the week ends wanna meet up , im still in ctc with some of the schl mates ?/
I was in low moral ,since the conversation was so clean n bored , didn’t want to go too bt did nt want to turn her off so agreed to meet up over the week end

M: hmm ok juz let me knw where n when will be ther ..
She: ok sure ,,, so u bringing ur wife?
Me : me nope ,,,
She : ya if not u cant flirt with your old friendsz lol
I was taken back aft seeing this txt … didn’t knw wat to reply , I can see that she is trying to be a little cheeky

Me: yaya of course , I need to be fair with u ma , u hubby nt arnd , u too need to flirt rite ?/
I guess that was a good indirect hint
She : lol .. ‘’ blushed’’ okaie will update u the status

To be continued ,,

22-06-2012, 12:15 PM
Wah , my story so boring meh ,, no broz support leh ,,, no motivation to continue ,, no comment too. Like that hw ?? Sianz

22-06-2012, 12:27 PM
Bro.. No replies doesn't mean no one is reading... Am waiting for updates and willing to hear your stories... Bring them on brother...!

22-06-2012, 12:46 PM
bro please do continue... eagerly waiting to continue reading....

22-06-2012, 12:50 PM
Ok ok, I show myself, camping here to wait for more ok? ;) :D. Cheers bro............

22-06-2012, 01:07 PM
camping camping...please continue :)

22-06-2012, 05:16 PM
Guys , just to info , I will name her as Linda (not real name of course ,worried she might be reading thz too …lol)

VENUE was finalised at Bojangles in bukit timah @6.30PM
I Was there by 6.00, since I was early I ordered a peg of brandy on the rocks.
The waitress too looked not bad , I was eye washing her while waiting for the other one.
Suddenly someone patted me from my back of my shoulder, who else could it be., must be her la, so I turned back trying to give an un expecting look …. WTF it was my Brother In Law Alex..(my wife’s younger bro) Bastard and what the hell is he doing there?? OMG I really didn’t knw how to react , but managed to keep cool .
ALEX: What u doin here bro? with a peg
Me: No bro it’s a casual meet up with my ex school mates, suppose to be at 6.30 anyway I was early so just to kill time with this peg , anyway what u doin here ?
ALEX: Oh I werk here
I was Dumb folded when he told me that , guys just imagine how I felt
ME: You work here ,,?? U mean Here ?/
ALEX: Aiyoh pls la bro , u think I no life ah … my office is on top this bldg..
Me : oohhh… ( With a big relive)
Alex : ok then I shall catch with u ,,, will b coming over thz weekend to see sis n junior
Me : alright u better get goin u look tired ,, go and have a gd rest man (actually chasing him away)
I didn’t want him to have an wrong idea of me with that girl .
Alex : ok bye ,,..

Jus aft seeing alex driving off , I saw Linda… Holy Shit ,,, is she here to seduce me ?? OMG she was gorgeous
Impossible I gt drunk with that peg of brandy. That freakum dress or an shag dress….
She was an absolute BREUG in that .She is an hottie with a naughty body. OMG hw am I going to react to her normally , and how am I to avoid looking at that bulging flap of skin that have magical powers which can suck my eyes
Linda: hi …seemed like you are early ,,, so hw many peg so far?/
ME: ooh ,, no la , its just the 1st one , came at 6.15 n met my bro in law coincidently , he werks here ,, anyway what drink would u like , can I get u ?
Linda : hmm … ok where the menu , mayb more choices..

The waitress passed her the menu ,, as usual women , couldn’t really decide wat they want, in the end she called for a Bloody Mary….and another peg for me …
I called for some finger food to go together with and our conversations started with from her O Point game which she used to play those days , which I dun really bother those days ,. An hour passed and there was a call for the 2nd servings , This time she called for a 4 shots , we cheers boths shots simultaneously .,.. oh boy , that was really faster and a cheaper way to get high man ….. we walked out further to get some puffs to stabilize the alcohol level ,, I can see that both of us were tipsy , we have to hold on the railings to hold ourselves now and then ….the clouds gt darker and more an more ppl were coming in. Linda began to laugh for small issues , knew that she was getting to the peak … an dame me too followed her lauging to her lame jokes ,.. she even pushed me lightly at my chest and it was the beginning of our physical contacts I guess …….
Guys will continue …..

22-06-2012, 05:33 PM
Things are starting to getting spicy from here on... keep it up bro !

You reminded me to faster catch up with ex schoolmates.and see how they are doing
One of them just delivered.. maybe got chance to try some milk ^_^

22-06-2012, 10:25 PM
sigh ! I have already lost contact with my old school mates:o

22-06-2012, 11:47 PM
Both in marriage status. This is getting spicy.

23-06-2012, 07:30 AM
Please continue.

23-06-2012, 09:33 AM
I am here to support .

23-06-2012, 09:36 AM
More pls...

23-06-2012, 01:34 PM
Joining the support. Quick quick quick!

24-06-2012, 12:34 AM
Continue bro..nice story.. :DD

25-06-2012, 12:37 PM
Here I com again…

Before I continue I would thank all broz n sis for the support and posts

It was abt 2345hrs, bar was getting quite , my mobil ranged and it was wifey asking what time I will be back , told her I will be late as I missed all my friends n even told tht I met her bro to gain her confidence tht im nt really flirting with anyone ,,,heehee
Felt a bit guilty also la ,, cos I really love my wife but my lust for this Linda made me lie ,,,. Linda was really enjoying and I too enjoyed watching her curves and moves, thee was one time she caught me directly looking at her cleavage ,,,

LINDA: Hey Hey I saw u ,,, ah aah why u staring at my chest ah ,,,, Naughty ah .. why guys like that ah ??
Me: oops ,,, no erhh,… wat u talking abt ?
LINDA: common la , its ok that’s like a compliment to me , if not no point me wearing if no one see
ME : you mean u are ok me staring at ur ,,,,,, erhm erhm
LINDA: ah ,,, its ok I feel good anyway bt why guys are so attracted to womens’ breast
Me: not only breasts ,, Looks too ,, u look very beautiful and mmm….
LINDA: mmm… what ? ,,,, hope im not turning u Hhorny …(blush blush )
ME: what happ if I say yes …
LINDA: aaghh ….
ME: let me ask u , do girls turn horny when they get drunk or tipsy ?
LINDA: Hey testing water is it ? trying to find out whether im as horny as u ah ?
Anyway im not horny yet !! maybe …….
ME : maybe?//….
I called for another shot of two ,…. But bar closed ,,, too bad

LINDA: its ok shall we heard off to another place , I feel like dancing shall we hit to Quay…. Get ourselves loose , at least ur horny level will go down,,,( Smiling _)

We took a cab to boat quay hit in to ARENA … ordered two shots… this time we got sober , dance floor was jam pack … there were two farangs staring at her boobs , I didn’t care so much ,,, we danced n jumped and really enjoyed … she was very close to me and most of the time I get to brush off her breast and I knew she felt that too ..My little brother began to react ,,, . then DJ played and song cant really recall , but sang by beyonce ,,, she stated to make her sexy moves and u knw guys with that fuck dress ….. she came near me rubbing her ass at my brother ,,,, and put one of her hands on my back of my head caressing me ,,,, u knw what she was doing that a while and the other was touching my upper thigh ,,,, .. wah ….. see beh ho…. Ah … turned back an stated to put both her hands around my shoulder ,,,, gave that eye contact ….. I confirmed the fish has bite the bait …. She whispered …..in my ear with a warm slow blow at my ear …

LINDA: You are hot and hard now ?

… omg … wtf …. Im a lucky man ,,,, mai waste time …. I hold her waist tightly and stated moving ,,, floor too crowded ,,, I gt this opportunity to rub my little hard rod to her pussy and she too gave way ,,,,, her thin dress made my dick feel her pussy and her eyes , gave me a hot look asking for more
I slowly go dwn to her neck and start to kiss lightly , she took willingly , by this time I knw wat she wants ,,, her hands began to hold me tightly n she was giving in to me by rubbing her pussy at my thighs ,,, then we started to look at each other ,,, no words bt juz eye ctc ,,, both faces getting nearer n nearer ,,, she knw I was comin to taste her lips
She slowly and voluntarily closed her eyes n gave a little gap on her mouth to allow my toughie to penetrate in ,,,,, almost there ,,, song was over ,,,, f##^* k man wat a waste ,,, we went bk to our table , ths time I was holding her hand like my steady gerl,,,, Ther was a little more drink which we had , gulped that ,,, we didn't talk much ,,, felt that we are doing something wrng n liked that ,,, I asked her whether she wanted to leave e Plc n go somewhere ? She knew wat I was up to , she agreed to leave the Plc ,,,,
We heard to the taxi stand ,,, I didn't knw to go hotel or mayb a park ,,, felt too indecent to go straight to hotel , I asked her where she wanted to go .,, she said anything ,,,,,
Was tht a hint to hotel or wat ???
I told her tht shall we go to mount faber ,,, she was fine bt saw a little disappointment on her face ,,,, oh shit guess o cork up the climax ,,,,,
Juz before our turn to get the cab her phone ranged ,,,,

Keep guessing guys will continue soon ,,,

25-06-2012, 01:02 PM
Good stuff bro, hurry and continue ya! Steaming stuff coming up! Cheers bro ..................

25-06-2012, 02:22 PM
Please continue , keep it up. . . .

25-06-2012, 03:27 PM
Keep it up. . . Nice one

25-06-2012, 03:39 PM
Camping for continuation.


25-06-2012, 03:50 PM
Please continue . . . Thx u bro

26-06-2012, 11:26 AM
Bros and siss , to make it more interesting , can u all guess n posts what was the call abt in the taxi stand ?? ,,, while me drafting what actually happened

26-06-2012, 12:04 PM
Either her hubby called or another girlfriend called to check out what she's doing and want to join in?

26-06-2012, 12:05 PM
The husband call loh.....

27-06-2012, 07:20 AM
Please come back soon. Thanks.

27-06-2012, 12:28 PM
it was call from sister ,,,, her bro in law to be had met in an accident an hour earlier and he is now in A&E…. what a tragic for her ,,, their big day was just in a week time…. I really pitied Linda’s sister …
I let her get the cab to go 1st ,,, offered her whether she needed me to acScompany her , bt she declined told me to go and rest …me went back home thinking abt that evening whatever has happened and felt why life was like that ,,, unexpected things happen in ppl life … , its all in the game.
I did not really feel that it was a waste that night ,,, all I wanted is to just look at her but it leaded far way further ,… I did not call her for two days .i knew she has to be with her sis..didnt wanna disturb her … but I called the 3rd day , wanted to ask abt her bro-in-laws condition … she said he was fine ,,, not too serious , now admitted in ward an she was abt to call me . she felt so sorry the other day ,,, she wanted to stay longer ,,, does not seem that she has regretted those lusty moments at Arena…. She told me she would call me this weekend ,,,

27-06-2012, 05:48 PM
Waiting for next installment .

28-06-2012, 09:54 AM
Next episode Coming soon ,,, editing in process .,, bros standby ur tissues .,, in case

28-06-2012, 10:13 AM
Happy camper here liao.....your story reminded me of a fling i have w a ex-classmate....kudos!!

30-06-2012, 01:29 AM
camping up bro

30-06-2012, 02:31 AM
Please continue.

30-06-2012, 03:51 AM
camping waiting for TS

30-06-2012, 12:09 PM
Here u go guys. ,,,,,,

She called the following Friday aft,,, planned to meet up again the same place ..
As usual ,, she was gorgeous with a mini body hugging dress which reveals all her assets .
Drink till tipsy ,,, both of us knew why the 2nd meet up was .. I confirm that she really needed a hard bonk from me
This time our discussion topics were more into sexual .

Linda: Seemed like you easily turned on the other day , Did you regretted what you missed during our last meet up ?
ME: Me turned on ,,, where no la?/
Linda : so what I felt hard was not your rod ? so what else you were keeping inside ur zips ( teasing me )
ME: okok ,,, dun make me paiseh … that’s the part we guys cant hide to girls that we ar not turned on … ,,, ok la of course Who wouldn’t? Everything was so nicely carried away,… u ar dam hot too ..
Linda: Why u intended to hit Mount faber ?
Me : nice high View mah ,,,,, romantic some more
Linda: so you bring me there to see the view ONLY not me ah ??
ME : aiya no lah … ok so I will today bring you to a place where I can only see you how? (Waited to see her reaction)
LINDA: only me ?? hmm/…. Where ?
ME: hotel la where else … between four walls I can only see you rite?
Linda :you are ,,,,, ( she pinched my thigh)

Hours have passed , this time both of us were excited abt the next move … waiting for the bar to close at … so that we will have a reason to move on … ..
This time I was more daring … I jus kept on looking now and then at her breast .. she didn’t mind that too ,,,she jus pretended that she nvr saw ,,, then I just popped out the golden question to her
ME: shall we leave this place >??
Linda: why ,,, getting bored?
Me ; no … looking for more
Linda looked puzzled , I place the tip on the tray and left the place with her ,,,, hailed a cab ,,and told the taxi uncle to go to Hotel Fragrance at balestier which has an discreet entrance via the back …. She gave me a naughty stare in the cab an whispered : ,, Naughty boy ,,,, so thz is wat u meant by goin for more?

ME: sorry I couldn’t resist anymore n didn’t want to waste time ,,,, before any unexpected call ..

Went to the reception , asked for slots ,,,, dammed no slot need to wait half hour , so seated there at the small couch … chatted to her softly ,,
She was teasing me that I looked more nervous than her ,,, of course man ,,,, im a married man , what happens if any cousins popped out …
Receptionist called us and gave the key …. I quickly grapped it and went in …
I jus couldn’t wait ,,, she too ,,, the moment I closed the door she started hugging me from my back and her hand holding my chest … I turned back to look for the gates to heaven ,,, (lips) started to taste it like an hungry monster…
Before I coiuld know it , we were in the hot tub…. She started to kiss down my chest and stomach, while pulling at my belts loops and pockets slowly getting down to my knees out , she looked at me and smile ….. (Tah boleh take it liaow) …. Then she massaged my balls with one hand and the other moved my shaft up and down .She slowly Suck the head of the penis and swirled her tongue around the tip. Brother gt harder and harder … she moaned and sucked harder ,squeeze the base of my penis …. I knew I gonna blast anytime ,,, didn’t want to end it so soon ,,, so I quikly got up ,,, hold her upper arms and started to kiss her lips again ,,,,, this time I wanted to give her a breast massage which I learned many years back ,(i was doing freelance in those bachelor days,,, massage services to women ,,,, last time it was good , now too common , not too discreet ,, so a lot of women now scared also, nothing great guys ,,, most clients are more than 40 , vry rare to get below 40… in 2 years I only gt 1 which is 32, sexy rich house wife living in maplewoods condo @ bukit timah ) …. Ok I come back to the story ,,,,,
I Gently rub down the upper chest and collar bone ,continued down to the outer rib cage and under arms,around the outer edge of her breasts,,then I worked my way firmly and up onto the lower part of the breast that hangdown when she is up right, slowly rubbed down and up between the bossoms and slide with a moderate pressure …

LINDA: OMG ,,,,, who the hell you are ,,,,,u ar driving me crazy ,,,,, I want u in me …..

I reached to the nipple ., I continued the motion then I gently squeezed her nipples between my fore finger and thumb … slowly wet the nipple with my tongue and blew on it sofly …. I knew it has given the extreme pressure she squeezed my arms so tightly that left her hand prints …. I moved down to prime motivation factor in any males life ,,,,,, HER PUSSY,,,,, it was drenched ,,,, teased her cunt and ,,, she was so wet that it was nice enough foer me to slide in a couple of fingers in and out ,,,, I could her her moan getting louder as I gradually fingered faster and harder ,,,my fingers were drenched with her cum ,,,,
She then started to figit ,,,,, u knw wat bros …. She staeted to squirt …. …( that was my intention actually ) …but Nt so much like u see in the porn bt really a lot of cum …. She gt so high ,,,, … I knew she has not experience this before ,,, the way she react ,,,, I knew she will sure come back to me …..RTF ,,, haha .. ,,, this tim e I took my shaft which has been soften abit ,,,,, brought her to her mouth ,,,, she was so high ,,, she gulped my ………will be continued ,,,,,

30-06-2012, 01:37 PM
Well done bro, finally the conquests!! Hoping for more plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, cheers ...........

02-07-2012, 09:54 AM
Please carry on.

Rasta Marley
02-07-2012, 10:41 AM
Just read this interesting thread. Late camper reporting :-)

02-07-2012, 10:58 AM
more bro! look forward to it

10-08-2012, 11:56 AM

Hi broz ,,, really sorry for the long break , was outstation … nw bk to the pool

Wher was I ,,,,, hmmm,,, aah she gulped my shaft and started sucking it , she did paid attention to my whole penis instead of just concentrating on the head,, she swirled her tongue around the tip while pumping with her fist and lovingly massage by balls ,,,, a lots of deep throat in between she then got up the bed , while kneeling on the bed she STARTED to play my nipples with her nails and slowly tongued them … slowly moved up to kiss my neck and suck a little .She then whispered at my ear : Did u bring the protection ??
Me : Err oh …Shit nope I did not ( you knw la I only used bring along when I was not married, For a moment I knew it I had screwed up that moment , my hard dick began to softened ):(
Linda: its k, just be in control ok … I dun want to be in trouble too
Me: ok sure dun worry ,
Linda : u can Cum in my mouth , but pls dun loose control k
She went dwn again to blow my soft flute to reform back ;;;;;
This time my shaft was hard enough to pierce through ,:D I slowly slid up her, our mouths met and then my cock was up against her pussy. I could feel her heat, as I slowly pushed into her, mmm this was good. I moved in and out , momentum was out in the beginning and my dick slipped out of tht wet pussy , she stood up and made me lie , She placed one hand on my cock, raised it and guided it to her pussy as she sat down on me. Her pussy was so wet it slid inside instantly, and the sensation was amazing. She started moving up and down slowly, her tits bouncing rhythmically. As she got faster, her moaning got louder and louder. I gently pulled her to me and started to play with mouth … she too kissed me vigoursly , me holding her fleshy butt and helping her up and dwn …my dick was by now about to blast anytime ,,, I wanted to change the position into missionary, pushed her dwn and jumped on top of her , grabbed tightly onto the sides of her hips and thrust my shaft all the way inside of her, my entire cock disappearing. Linda let out a small scream, reaching out and wrapping her arms tightly around me and hook both her legs around my hips …. Pumping was getting harder and faster ,,, she began to join in, moving her hips in motion with my thrusts, helping herself to take all of me into her body over and over again, in between them as i began to fuck her faster and ran my thumb over her clit in circles. Back and forth, back and forth. I tried to keep the rhythm of my thumb in rhythm with my thrusts.
she couldn’t help herself stop moaning, me too started to breath faster,,,,, like IPPT 2.4 reaching the last 100 meters…
by this time she was enjoying it so much that she was not even bothered to ask me whether I was about to cum, me too either,, e sensation made my brains cells shut and just about to come I wanted to do it a little more and wanted to come out at the last 0.01micro second to shoot out in her mouth or wherever except into her cunt … just about to leap out like a grasshopper to shoot , I didn’t realize that she was crossing my hips too tight that I couldn’t retrieve back on time , the 1st power round went into her pussy,,,, but I didn’t show any sign of panic to her I still continued to move out and shoot out the balance of my little babies onto her mouth ,,, she took my dick willingly and suck the entire shaft clean and sperm free… realizing that I had took out the rite time ..lol ..
I dropped on the other side of the bed breathlessly; she came over onto my chest leaning her chin over looking at me
LINDA: “Thank you,”
ME : “For what?”
LINDA: “I am glad that it was perfect
ME: “You know what would make this even more perfect?
LINDA: “What’s that?” (Curiously)
ME: “If we did it again.”
LINDA: “no not today please,,, im worried u might have the balance of ur sperm which can make me pregnant
(In my mind I was thinking ,,,, of course there is …. In you )

The next day she called me , wanted to meet up again the following week ,,,,

Hi all , tks for enjoying if senior n power bros like my story Pls up my PTs ,,, n for junior bros , sis or newbies u can appreciate my story by pm me contacts to fling ,,, so I can come up with more stories ,,,
Anyway another story " scandal with my sis- in - law " is OTW ,,,, so stay tuned bros and sis

10-08-2012, 03:26 PM
Staying tuned for your next story.

10-08-2012, 06:22 PM
Thanks for the story bro. That's all with Linda?

10-08-2012, 10:15 PM
Power. More pls

11-08-2012, 12:30 AM
so,we're going to have another SIL affair?:)

11-08-2012, 06:45 AM
Please share. Thanks.

11-08-2012, 10:00 AM
camping for more!

30-08-2012, 10:14 AM
It's been 19 days. Where is the update? But thanks for sharing.:cool:

30-08-2012, 12:02 PM
woo nice story .. keep writing bro

02-09-2012, 01:34 AM
So bro TS, is this the end of the story here? Curious to know what the aftermath of you planting some of your seeds inside of her! ;). As well, you mentioned that she called you, so more intense bonking! Cheers bro ..............

04-09-2012, 12:31 PM
Ya bros ,,, sorry for nt updating ,,, been busy wit the other upcoming story ,,, anyway she did nt call , recently met her with her wit another guy , boyfriend I guess , she intro me to him , conversation was norm , nt too long , aft tht she said bye ,,, so it shld b an end to tht ,,, , relieved , even thou she were to conceive , she knw nothing could hap ,,,, pls support me the next thread