View Full Version : Lucky Encounter with a student
Bangkok Master
13-01-2005, 02:06 AM
Last nite was really one of the best time that I had since I had been staying in Bangkok for the last 6 months. After I finish my postings of SB forum on my topic of +Thai University Students+ last nite, I got a call from 1 of my customers, her name is Meaw. She is 21 years old currently pursuing her degree in Bangkok University. She is fair and silm with small breasts but her young and innocent look make up for her under-developed size.
She was 1 one those which I had been setting my radar ons since she signed up with my company to improve on her English. So the call was to check out whether am I available to help as she was locked out of the house by her family due to returning home late. Of course I can help......I said to her(as deep inside my mind was laughing" Ho Say Liao, maybe got belated new year special"). She wanted a place to crash in for the nite and I offered her immediately without any hesitation. So I told her to catch a cab and come to my place in Ratchada as she was somewhere nearby in Ratchayothin.
So after 20 minutes, my phone rang and the call was from the security guard of my condo telling me that I had a visitor. I sped down to the gate like "Flash Gordon" just to receive my new year present. The guard was actually whispering to me as I went past him " Pi, wan ni mi poo ying ma yum, song sai diaw rap roy nair nair(Bro, today got girl visit u, so suspect later u will finish her off surely) and I reply...Ooi Pi, mai kow chai pit, kao pen nak rian phom, wan ni zer phan har, ma har phom chuay noi krap!(Oh Bro, dun misunderstand, as she is my student , today she have some problem so look for me to help out). I knew Meaw heard everything we said but she just acted as if nothing had happen and asked me if it's ok for her to stay for a nite and I told it's perfectly alright as I stay alone and my gf had went to Rayong with to check out our part time business.
As we enter my condo, I notice something which sent my "PRICKY" to red alert as she was bending down to take off her shoes, her bum was facing me with tight panty lines on her tight mini skirt and it sent evil thinking to my mind how good if I can get to "Doggie" with her uniform on! I "kay siao" drop my keys near to her bum just to take a closer look on the curves of a young firm KA CHNG! In my mind, I was thinking, "jit pai xiao liao", I must find an opporunity to reach my objective as I wasn't sure whether I have a chance as she look innocent to me.
After we chatted about why she got locked out and later about her school work, love life and she asked if she can take a shower. Of course I replied and I pass her a towel plus my gf pajamas and led her to the toilet. As the sound of her undressing in the toilet send raptures to my hungry member and I was taking out my laundry from the washing machine. And I notice there was a tiny view from the slit of my sliding toilet door, I just couldn't control myself but just try to peep quietly what was going on inside. OMG.......her skin is so fair and her body is slim with still developing perking breasts plus her patch was fresh and u can smell the freshness even a mile away. My mind was going through with confusion of thoughts crashing but luckily big daddy was able to control little Joey from taking over control.
After she came out of the toilet, I pretended to act like I was going to sleep and I told her she can take the bed and I can just sleep on the sofa as I was staying in a studio apartment. She told me it's okay as she doesn't mind sharing the bed with me. In fact I thought that's it........sure can liao! But till then I still never muster enough courage to take the iniative. After some talk, we decided to call it a day and sleep I was slapping myself as my prize was slipping out of my hands.
I wasn't really falling asleep as "How to fall alseep beside a 21yr old beautiful girl" but "Bo Bian Lan Lan have to fantasise in my mind for the time being". As I was begining to doze off the suddenly slap on my crotch with her hands due to the change over awake me and immediately "Stand up for S'pore". I wasn't able to control myself with Meaw's hand on my dicky and soon she realise it and move away shyly and said "Kor Toad Na Ka, Chan Mai Tang Jai"(Sorry, not purposely)......."Pi xxxxxx, Khun siao ler plao"(Bro, u shiok a not?) I reply "nair norn(sure) To my surprise, she just came over and gave me a kiss and without any hesitation I grab my chance to wrap my hands on her and led my tongue into her soft and sweet mouth.
I french her her like there's no tomorrow and it lasted abt like 15 minutes and we broke off exhausted. I quickly unbutton her pajamas and kiss her fair and lusious body..oh that feels good man! Arrgh.....she moan softly, char cha,Pi(slowly,Bro) she let out. I unbuckle her bra and begin to work on her *fresh from the oven* pair of breasts, it taste delicious as the nipple was small and hard light brownish coloured. I suck her till she stopped me from detaching her nipple away from her blossoms and it's time for some 69 action. I went down to her "Hoy"(Oyster) and started to tongue the out curves of a young pussy. Oh the juices just flows out in split seconds and it was coming like the tsunamis attacking the coast. "Pi, Mai Wai Laew"(Bro, can;t take it anymore) she groan, the harder I penetrate the louder the groan and she just took my member by surprise and slip into her small and petite mouth. It' been a lot time since I have BJ young babe so the feeling was sensational. I was controling myself as I know I can come anytime due to the extensive sucking from her, her willingness to suck makes up the excitment more then the feeling..........Si Bay Song Ah!
My face was full of splasm after the fiercely fought 69 battle, and we french again with 1 hand playing her breast and the other doing drilling. "Mai Roar Liao"(don't wait) she said. At the next moment she ordered my filled with saliva hotdog to enter the dragon. As I slowly insert my member, I can feel the tightness of her cunt and the deeper I try to venture she was grabbing me on the back with power. Uh....Uh......Uh..... Siao.....Siao......Siao(Thai word for Shiok)"Pi, Mai yut(Bro,don't stop) I was on missionary with my head trying to reach her small but nice nipples. Next comes the pattern change with her in the *Goddess resting on the Lotus flower* she rocked me like ridng on a wild horse from the outback. She had me on something that I never experience before is she suddenly increase the speed of the font and back action for a top speed of a ferrari until I stopped her as my spermy was at the tip of the gun.
Lastly I finish her off with my favourite asking her to grab the frame of my bed and forming an arcing position. I just pumped her from the back and as usual hands pressing the boobs and licking her neck furiously. She was cumming and she was fighting with ecstasy, it took me a fabulous 15 minutes to jet off at the rim of her ass hole and the rest was history...............
And I manage to do something naughty this morning while she was asleep......
*While writing this FR, my naughty joey had once again been call into action, but this time it's just PCCing................Hope that everyone will like the FR and I will try my best to FR some more babes in future! Please add some hardwork points if you feel aroused!
Bangkok Master
13-01-2005, 02:09 AM
Just now too "Kan Cheong" forgot to attached her pictures that I took while she was asleep............Enjoy!
13-01-2005, 02:15 AM
wow bro B.M the oyster look so fresh lah!!! well done!
khorp kun mak khrap... :D
Bangkok Master
13-01-2005, 02:23 AM
wow bro B.M the oyster look so fresh lah!!! well done!
khorp kun mak khrap... :D
Mai pen rai krub, Thanks for the support!
Will be back with more..............
13-01-2005, 02:26 AM
bro BM me just now too excited and see the picture 1st then later me read ur FR and siao liao siao liao...POWER!!! :D can imagine her fresh Hoy kana ramp by you jialat jialat....
Up u lah!!!.............Btw me tink u shld invest a cam to video down the happen moment and i feel that more of this kangtao will cum again!!
13-01-2005, 02:35 AM
nice girl you got for yourself
13-01-2005, 03:14 AM
And I manage to do something naughty this morning while she was asleep......
Uncle ... dun stop leh.
13-01-2005, 03:16 AM
[QUOTE=Bangkok Master]Just now too "Kan Cheong" forgot to attached her pictures that I took while she was asleep............Enjoy!
bro Bangkok Master, just to side track a bit
may i noe what is the meaning of the thai words in ur signature?
13-01-2005, 04:22 AM
I think it means wish you good luck.... is it?
13-01-2005, 07:04 AM
read already didi steam steam... anyway u lucky chap! sorry cant up u :) but thanks for the great post
13-01-2005, 08:07 AM
Wowo... this is a great babe
Maitong Kit Mak
13-01-2005, 08:18 AM
Just now too "Kan Cheong" forgot to attached her pictures that I took while she was asleep............Enjoy!
Bangkok Master....What a Lucky Man!
So u are a Archan in Bkk? ;)
Bangkok Master....What a Lucky Man!
So u are a Archan in Bkk? ;)
bro me going there on 19th January, any place to recommend for bonking. I know I should research through all the threads. But I need some guide around Bangkok. I will be staying at Baiyoke Sky Bangkok Hotel. Can please help. Kam SIa. :)
13-01-2005, 10:38 AM
Just now too "Kan Cheong" forgot to attached her pictures that I took while she was asleep............Enjoy!
Defeinitely a rare gem you've got...wonder when will i be so lucky :confused:
13-01-2005, 11:07 AM
Just now too "Kan Cheong" forgot to attached her pictures that I took while she was asleep............Enjoy!
Oh Man I super STEAMED sia after reading ur FR and then seeing the gal in question. Her breasts might be A but the rest of her bod is oso A man !!
U one lucky bro. Keep it up.
Woweee... bro..u 1 lucky dude.... yr fr then delicious :eek:
13-01-2005, 01:01 PM
walau eh, wat school, i also want to apply. partime cleaner :D
13-01-2005, 01:15 PM
Bro BM,
Good FR and nice photo you got there. Can really fantasize about her when reading your FR. :D
13-01-2005, 01:26 PM
walau eh, wat school, i also want to apply. partime cleaner :D
Sure u want to apply?? Make sure while working there, u dont ever kena lock out, if not wait call Bro BM for help, the next day your pix appear here in SB kekeke :D , Just Kidding
BM Well Done, up u 6 pts as reward, remember to do Spore more proud in BK.
13-01-2005, 01:30 PM
everyone thinking of going bangkok to stay liao..hahaa
13-01-2005, 01:31 PM
Just now too "Kan Cheong" forgot to attached her pictures that I took while she was asleep............Enjoy!
Wow wow... Damn Chio girl... Got more pics bo??? :D
You are one lucky chap... Thanks for sharing the pics and your encounter here.. :D
13-01-2005, 01:36 PM
Last nite...I french her her like there's no's time for some 69 took me a fabulous 15 minutes to jet off at the rim of her ass hole and the rest was history..........
woh lao... juz step in to office and on PC than log-in than u... sianx man.... my didi also sing song liaox... nice FR and pic bro BK Master... hope u encounter more incident so we have more FR and pic to c in the near future... wadx a lucky guy u r man... cheers, :cool:
13-01-2005, 02:15 PM
Hi BM,
I dont care whether the story & gal is true or not. But it really make me stand lo. The fresh look of the HOY made me wet too. I support u Bro.
Well done. Keep Up the story.
Bangkok Master
13-01-2005, 06:59 PM
Dear All,
I want to thank everybody who came into this thread, for the support and those who really bother to give comments and encouragement.
Just for the info to all who are curious about the the story and the pics, I did really screw my student but the pics was just from somewhere else to spice things up a bit, I thought of letting all SB bros to enjoy and fantasise while reading my FR. Since someone had voiced out about the pics, I will have to stand up for that and say sorry. Actually I had never wanted to post her real pic but since that's the case, I will post the real pic given to me by her to make up for the mistake.
Lastly Thanks to all who added my rep pts and if anyone who wants to deduct, it's ok with me cos my main objective here is to share my experience in Bangkok. And I will keep it coming............
13-01-2005, 07:01 PM
Wahhhhh Phiang a, chio, I melted once I see her..........
A rare gem indeed :)
13-01-2005, 07:21 PM
siao liao siao liao!!! Bro BM the real gal as u mention who is ur real student picture is much much much cute and chio lah!!!!! is she the one u bonk??!!
as in your story u said she kana lock out of her house bcos she back late...... if me her late me also wait lah!!!! :D
13-01-2005, 07:33 PM
Very good!! Dee mak mak~ chorp pooying thai mak mak~
Bkkmaster, Khop khun mak krap~ :)
13-01-2005, 10:20 PM
The pic was actually posted in this forum before. Are u sure she is the girl u Fucked of is it a made up story?
ya, pictures looked a bit unreal. was about to mention it but was unsure. the new link also look phony. but dun care la, all the places bkkm mentioned are really cool places
capital! capital! watson! ;)
13-01-2005, 10:27 PM
superbly chio bro.. and a superbly written FR! good work and effort! :cool:
13-01-2005, 10:33 PM
Dear Bro,
Well written. Thanx
13-01-2005, 10:37 PM
Wah...definately a good catch in the begining of the year. Thank for sharing. She looks so tender..
13-01-2005, 11:07 PM
think tonight many will pcc over her liao.. hehe :)
14-01-2005, 01:42 AM
wah fantastic thai bro Bankok Master...I mean both the language and the girl... :D
14-01-2005, 01:54 AM
wah she look so damn innocent..
thanks for sharing
14-01-2005, 03:03 AM
Waaaalaaueh.......damn chun chun :D
Very lucky lah you. Can pass some luck to me ? im also a teacher, but i teach guitar lah. hahahhaaaha......
14-01-2005, 04:59 AM
superbly chio bro.. and a superbly written FR! good work and effort! :cool:
nice gal :)
14-01-2005, 05:06 AM
bro can post more of that gal's pix ?
18-01-2005, 11:23 AM
Yo BRo,
You a one lucky man.... can i have some of these contact??? hee hee :D
18-01-2005, 12:04 PM
The actual one is even better than the 'stand-in'....
One lucky chap you are!
18-01-2005, 12:13 PM
hehe, very nice story & pixs too, thks :)
18-01-2005, 12:38 PM
Nice story and pictures, but I prefer real than fantasy. Anyway, good pictures of your real gal :)
Bangkok Master
02-02-2005, 03:15 AM
Recently I managed to convince Siam Cement Ltd to signed up a corporate package to send their employees to my company to improve their english. So I managed to contact their Human resource department chief who was a lady who is about 35 but her looks can easily pass off as late 20s. Her name is "Joob" and the first time I saw her she was with a black semi translucent and I could see her flowery patterns on her 34C bra covering her bosoms. WOW! I got a F***ING HARD ON with my torpedo raring to fire under my pants cos I never thought that she could be so sexy as before I only spoke to her on the phone and thought that she was quite old. She is quite fair as she's originated from Chiangmai and what I like about her was she had got a super steam face with small eyes like those in japanese AV movies.And her body frame is like a "LC Kia"(LC125 motorcycle) enough to carry 1 passenger seating behind(good Ass). Although her age is quite old but her body makes up for the loss in youth.
After finishing signing the contract, we were chatting about our social life and she was asking me whether do I party and which place do I frequent. So I invited her for a meal on Fri so to thank her for giving me the contract and she accepted my offer. Deep in my mind was thinking "How would it feel to shag a mature lady like her? and how am I going to stand a chance?" I would be lying if I had never thought of bonking her cos immediately after work on the particular day I went home and wanked off the living daylights of myself while thinking of her. It's been a long time that I "Double Par" (Double PCC) for a long time as the stake of screwing a mature lady was too excited and never in my life I had the chance to bank "Lao Chio". So I was really hoping to score on my "Lao Goh" debut.
Finally it was Friday and I had managed to cook up some lame excuse to my gf by stating that I was going to Rayong for business so to clear the way for some action. We had dinner at Siam Supper Club and after a couple of drinks the conversation began to lighten up with sexual discussion and even talked about her ex-bf preferences on sex. I was begining to feel that my investment on the 1200baht per head dinner was worthwhile after all. After dinner, she mention that it was too early to go home and I suggested to go to Thong Lor to relax. So off we headed to Booze in soi 10 and found ourselves a cosy corner to chill out. After 3 stubbies of henieken, I was feeling a bit tipsy cos I'm not a good drinker and she was also started to feel hot and the music was begining to start to get high with the band playing some real hot hits. I started to move closer to her with our bodies touching each other and with no rejection from her, I boldly told her that how good she look although she's 35 and I even told her that if I was born earlier I would have make her my GF. To my surprise, she reply that she doesn't mind having a younger bf but how the hell am I going to settle my gf? With my eyes fixed on her steamy eyes, I move forward to plant a smooch on her ears and she just wrapped her hands around my body. Wah Lau, with the boobs pressing against my body, my mind began to sober and my "Ku Ku Jiao" was erected to READY MODE! We began to frenched for a good 2 minutes and my naughty hands felt the grip of her it feels so shiok and I kept caressing her ass and her tongue was licking like a King Cobra. Till That I knew that it was time to move on and I asked her if it's convenient to go to her place or we can check into a hotel. To my shock, she told me that her bf is at home. KNN, I didn't know that she was attached like me. So how? I told myself there's no way that I would only "dribble outside the goalpost without scoring".
So bo bian, decided to check into a hotel and I took over the wheels of her car cos I felt that she was in no state to drive. On the way to the hotel, she suddenly caress my "Lan Jiao and Lan Pas" forcing me to step on the accelarator coming to a point that I felt like stopping the car and fuck her in the car. She unzipped my pants and let her hands run wild on my Joey.......Oh! the hands was so cold but yet feeling great. Once we reach the hotel, I quickly finish up the registration and even the receptionist knew that we going to have a nice FXXX tonite!
She ripped my top off like incredible hunk once we entered the room and immediately sucked my nipples like an hungry child craving for milk. I pulled her skirts up and played with her pussy under a beige flowered panty. The suction was too great and I never felt so good before being sucked. It was my turn for action and I undress her and what I saw was better than expected. She had a pair of great tits half-covered with the matching beige bra, I proceed to unhook her bra and although her boobs was a bit saggy but who will care about it at this point of time, I devour myself into a delicious pair of creamy neh nehs. As I was covering the whole of the left breast, she let my hungry member out of my undies and delicately stroking my darling with freestyle strokes. As I work my way down she filpped herself to acquire some 69 action and mouthed my already full-stretched manhood. I spread her legs wide and start to clean her inner area of her thighs and subsequently moving to the clit. The momentum of the licking was too much for her as she let my cock out and started to moaning with words............Arhh...Arhh "Mai yut"(Dun Stop) I wanted her to climax before stopping and her body was trembling and trying to push my head away. The more she struggle, the more I tickle her pussy, the cunt juices was flooding my face like nobody's business and the feeling was sensational! It prompted her to continue to push my "German sausage" into her mouth with experienced strokes.
I was begining to cum as her BJ was absolutely untouchable. I was really glad to ENCOUNTER HER BJ cos mature ladies really know how to take care of our beloved penis. I told her I can't take it anymore so we stopped for a breather and she was ready for me to put my cannon into the forbbiden area. With the amount of cunt juices, my cock slipped into her vagina as smooth like applying KY. I grabbed both of her breast and bury my face like there's no tomorrow, she was screaming as I pump her in missionary for a good 10minutes and she wanted me to fuck her in doggie. As I bonked her from the back with both hands on her 34C tits,my tongue counter lick her back making her impossible not to shout......Ung....Ung....Ung, "Guy set laew"(cumming soon) "Siao mai"(Shiok a not) I asked. Umm........she reply, "Yak dai chan raew ger mai"(Want me to go faster) I asked again. "Aow" (Yes) with her answer, I ignited my nitro engine to increase the intensity of my drilling, sensing that I was going to cum I pull out in order to stay alive longer, and hug her whole body before shafting my key into the keyhole again. This time we frenched and we licked each other on the neck and I continue to lapped her from the front. She cropped her legs around my body while we fucked and the close contact made us really feel like lovers having the first fuck......I can't describe the feeling but it really made me flet so good as I didn't wanted to let her go and determine to cum at this position. Until a point of no return, wanting to cum at the same time I push my 29yrs old engine for the last time and within 3 minutes of "Urg, Arh, Umm, Ung, at last with Urrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhh........ahhhhhhhhh! My machine gun fired out the last rounds on her body and we collapsed on to the bed..............................
Finally I managed to nick a goal for my "Lau Chio" Champions League Debut, hopefully it won't be the last time that I bonked her cos I really like the way we hugged and I was even contemplating to ditch my gf for her but anyway sh'e attached. Too bad she can't stayed with me for a nite but nevertheless I had achieved my objective!
Lesson learnt from this FR was "NEVER UNDERESTIMATE A MATURE LADY'S BJ"
Hope that everybody who enjoy reading this FR can reward me with some hard earned rep points! I will try my best to update this thread with more actions provided I can get to know more girls!
02-02-2005, 03:57 AM
I was drooling while reading! :p Thanks for the sharing! :)
02-02-2005, 04:01 AM
Geez..great report bro... u are having ur luck In siam country...can i learn english in ur school too??? hehehe
keep up the good work..
02-02-2005, 06:55 AM
wow... wat a FR u hav dere...
next time wil PM u wen i m back in BKK 4 transit...
cheers... :cool:
02-02-2005, 10:32 AM
Wat a great posts..steam liao after reading..more pls
Bangkok Master
02-02-2005, 10:42 PM
Thanks for all the bros who bother to visit this thread and every constructive comments is appreciated! Thanks for all the support.............. :D
just curious...u joined this month.
the last update was in feb, how did u even noe the existance of this thread, how did u noe if he was lying?
are u stalking his every threads or u are someone who knew him long ago? :confused:
Ah Yat
25-05-2005, 11:39 AM
Did you have penetrate your student's anus during that sexual encounter?
25-05-2005, 11:56 AM
Thanks for all the bros who bother to visit this thread and every constructive comments is appreciated! Thanks for all the support.............. :D
Nice story bro waiting for your other stories :D Up your rep already.
why are u asking so many questions?? does it concern you??
you joined since 2002 and you dont know what's going on?? :confused:this is a forum right? freedom of speech....i am posting a query. does it bother you? if you dun like people to question your actions, then dun do it. :rolleyes:
25-05-2005, 04:19 PM
wahhhhh...siao liao... now u post the real picture and she is even better looking......
25-05-2005, 04:45 PM
bro Bangkok Master,
that was a great FR. Keep up the good work!
staying in a thai uni hostel, I am sure u fucked many thai uni girls
more stories pls, we are waiting....kekeke...
and dont forget the pics you took... :Dhey ugly piece of shit...go on zap my points. go create 92 more acct to do so... :rolleyes:
25-05-2005 03:05 PM you are the one asking stupid question when it doesnt concern you.
25-05-2005 11:33 AM pls continue writing your fake stories...enjoy
BKK time i come n u sure must get some lobang for me... :)
26-05-2005, 06:11 AM
Thanks for all the support.............. :D
Uncle ... you bonked this BangCock Master & then discarded like tissue paper?? Just like what I did with ... anyway, she's been on your toes since?? :o
Bangkok Master
26-05-2005, 12:46 PM
Uncle ... you bonked this BangCock Master & then discarded like tissue paper?? Just like what I did with ... anyway, she's been on your toes since?? :o
Case Closed............. :D
26-05-2005, 12:58 PM
oi newbie, if you got nothing to contribute, just lay low in the background...
please dont criticise others....
Case Closed............. :D i like ur signature...
Bangkok Master
26-05-2005, 04:04 PM
Case closed??
U mean you cant get anymore bonks from your uni students??
nevermind lah, just make up something and post some pictures that you took will do, i m sure bros here will enjoy it anyway.... :D
You don't even know what the fuck am I'm talking about then you bark like a dog.......ppl discussing among ourselves doesn't concern u! Please go and continue fantasies being a HANDSOME MAN! :D
I dun need you to teach me to fuck my stds cos remember you are handsome and I'm David Beckham...............hahaha
26-05-2005, 06:06 PM
Case Closed............. :D
Uncle ... how to close case when the fcuker just zapped me?? :mad:
Bangkok Master
26-05-2005, 06:51 PM
Uncle ... how to close case when the fcuker just zapped me?? :mad:
*PS If you want return fire, just target Sex Maniac 2 can already. He's the psycho overheading all the clones, I'm sured that he will be deeply disappointed to see his SM2 nick go into moderation again.......... :D
Bangkok Master
27-05-2005, 11:36 AM
only a person with a fragile ego and low self esteem (like you) will feel disappointed when his points is being zapped and being called a liar.
tell you what, why dont you tracked him down in toa payoh and kill him?? problem solved. :D
Lucky Encounter with a ... 26-05-2005 09:30 PM fuck you pervert cheebye
If I'm the pervert CB then you are the pervert LAU CB cos you the one who started all the shit! Why u BUAY TAHAN already huh? Like that how have a tirak in GL?
If you are not with a fragile ego and low self esteem, why dun u use your SM nick and face me? Or why are you so concern about your SM2 nick been zapped into moderation? You can always created another 200 acc and zapped me into moderation. By now who is the real liar and loser, everybody knows liao, I no need to say anymore. Like what you say about me, even you create so many clones, you are still infront of me in the hatred poll. So why not you create another few more to defeat me and lie to yourself. Only you can think of killing another person while flaming in the forum, I think you must either suffering from mental problem or man filled with hatred............luckily I not in Sg if not maybe kanna kill by u already....hahaha
Lastly I hope you will read my signature again to remind yourself.......... :D
jungle boy
27-05-2005, 01:02 PM
bro bangkok master, regardless of what other young bro is trying to do in your thread, you have my support! please continue with your other adventures, good one! :cool:
28-05-2005, 07:00 PM
Bro BKK master, we are still waiting for more of your stories. we wont mind even if it's fake. Since u live in Thai uni hostel, must have alot of free fucks.
sorry. i got no more free fucks. i now roam NANA plaza, soi cowboy and MPs for sex. :o
Bangkok Master
26-01-2006, 12:52 PM
It's been quite a while since I had been involved into some "ENCOUNTERS" as due to work and into some real shit.
After coming back for a while, all I got was some commercial sex from the usual scene without any real excitement of pitching some real encounters until recently I was surprisingly given an opportunity to hitch up someone which I never even dare to dream of bonking.
I'm working for some magazine company and life was real boring as there was no life at all. Everyday was the same with work until 1 day I met Margaret. She was one of my prospective clients which I was aggressively chasing for $$$. In fact they were 1 of those fat carrots who can really make my pay cheque nicer. Usually we will meet at her office in Suntec city for discussion or sometimes over lunch to fit into her schedule. As time goes by our relationship began to grow closer as she needed me to give more discounts to control her budget and I needed her to pump in $$$ to meet my target.
So we moved from clients to close associates and I realized that she got no social life at all except for work, and from official business talk to discreet conversation made us even closer. Everything was still calm and normal as I didn’t dare to make a move on an older lady as I had never in my life tried pitching for a 35 year old. Until that eventful Friday, when I was beginning to pack up for home, she called and asked me out for dinner. The conversation goes like this:
Her: So are you free for dinner later?
Me: I’m really hungry as I had a late lunch just now
Her: But I’m REAL hungry…
Me: OIC…so what you want to eat?
Her: I want to eat jap food and also something else…
Me: Wow, you got a big appetite…you sure you can finish?
Her: How about gng to Marche? Cos they had real good german sausage…
Me: Okay since u like german sausage, (how about my sausage later…hehe) I didn’t know you like big stuff…
Her: Hey you naughty boy! Actually I prefer Asian size cos I dun like it too big…
Me: Alright…mine’s asian size so you wanna try?
Her: So do you have a thick member?
Me: How thick you want? So you are looking for Gao Heur- hokkien for grouper fish and slang for thick cock.
Her: Oh… I like being filled up right to the walls…
Me: How about the circumference size of the old $1 coin…kidding
Her: Well…that’s enough to make me squeal…giggling
Me: Okay what time are we meeting?
And the rest is not important, I headed to Heeren with my heart pounding like crazy, my mind was filled with lust and I was really horny after the conversation. Through out the journey I was having a hard-on thinking what might happen next………continuing after lunch.
Bangkok Master
26-01-2006, 02:38 PM
The dinner was as usual and she really went for the german sausage and I was looking at the way she feast the long and thick piece of meat. I was choking myself with rusti and crepe, she gave me a wink and she purposely took the end of the sausage and play with her lips and it went into her mouth like a penis up and down and frolicking the head like as if we are engaging into foreplay. I was feeling like crazy, looking at a lady playing with a piece of sausage in a restaurant when I can’t even release my brother into life.
Throughout the dinner my mind was wandering can I get her into some real action later, at a point she was teasing me by sticking out her legs and pushing her toes to my crotch. I realized some young girls sitting beside us were looking at us and I wanted to quickly finish up and proceed to part 2. She was really a cock teaser and subsequently another conversation started:
Her: So how? You like my frolicking of the sausage?
Me: (Oh yah! I want my dick in your mouth now) You like to give BJ?
Her: That depends…whether am I in the mood or do I fancy the dick?
Me: You meant you choose the dick you wanna suck? What if your husband’s dick doesn’t look great to you?
Her: If that’s the case, I will give BJ a skip
Me: So before you marry? You give a cock check first lah?
Her: Absolutely…I want a clean and circumcise prick
Me: (Thanks to my parents, mine’s already heading out)
Her: How about your?
Me: I’m a sunak kia…keke you want to suck?
Her: I want to savour it with honey
Me: Really? Then can I top up with sour cream as well…keke
With that I knew the fuck is in the bag and we head off to cold storage to get the special kits she wanted to use later. Guess what she got honey, sour cream and nutella. It was more like a picnic outing instead. I suggested going to lavender but she wanted Balestier as it’s nearer to her place.
When we reached the hotel, the guy at the reception gave me a kind of “ Jiak Lau Goh huh” kinda of look which made me felt uneasy but I was really too horny to worried about such things, I wanted to see her naked 34-26-32 body quick. Just when the lift door shut, she pushed her lips against mine and we engage into a short tongue fight.
Once inside the room, we were like teenagers who had never had sex before; I grabbed her and pushed her to the bed. She gave me a CFM look with a smile and we French with my hands auto-roaming her boobs. She had a pair of great tits with although quite soft but still can almost fill my hands. Saliva was spilling out from our mouths, I moved to remove her top and I was greeted by Miss Wacoal yellow coloured with floral patterns. My face was all over her creamy body and moving from chest to biting her bra. She had got a nice scent dunno whether is it the perfume or her body smell. I slowly unclad her bra and her neh-neh just sprang out to my face. I saw what I like, she had light brown normal size areolas but her nipples were eraser types probably due to her previous flame biting…keke. I can see the curves of the shape of a mango for her boobs and I was like a crying baby sucking for milk. I had my longest 15 minutes boobs sucking session of my life with her moaning for more…
sorry got appt now TBC in the evening.
Bangkok Master
26-01-2006, 07:02 PM
I guess the sucking sensation proved too much for a 35yr old and she almost ripped my shirt off. She was as fierce as an Africa cheetah that went hysterical. While I decided to move towards south, I though why the rush I flipped her over with her back facing me, I kissed her neck slowly moving down to her back, spinal all the way to the arc of Mount Ass. I didn’t know why I had the courage to ass-lick her that moment, She was very responsive with her moving her bosom up in the air, then I buried my face down to the tightest channel of valley and extend my existing 4.5cm tongue out to play with her hole.
Suddenly the atmosphere got frenzy, the moans got louder and the breathing got stronger. She basically was pushing her fucking asshole against my face to get her ultimate shiokness. On the other end I learnt a valuable lesson for “Remember to wash up before performing ass-licking act as I felt I taste some residues from her….Pui…yucks! I wanted to stop and change the area tasting but she wanted more from there. I had to carry on until she gave me the signal to stop at that moment I felt more like a sex slave to her.
I excused myself to the toilet to wash my mouth after my act. And she came in and hugged me from behind and apologies for not cleaning up properly before. While I was gaggling, she went for my trousers and off in went down to my knees. I really didn’t know she was into bondage as well; she slapped my butt real hard until I screamed….it is painful I retorted. Come on, I promised you more excitement coming up later she command. I reluctantly let her continued her sick actions and finally she turned me over and pulled my undies apart, my member was starved for action after all those fore playing. I guess she must be damm experienced in handling dickies as the way she hold, stroke and feel resembles a Lau Jiao cock sucker.
She stared at me with a wicked smile and there my cock was the german sausage waiting to be eaten. She kissed my head with a soft touch while I was waiting for her to push it in; she gave a bite on my cockhead…WTF! Where got ppl bite cock head while giving BJ. My mood was already half way gone and she knew the bite was far too much. Then she pulled my cock skin back and hump the dick at a go…Wow from pain to sensation. From there it was one way traffic, I wondered how deep is her throat, she can cover almost my entire bro. She started with slow and strong strokes slowly increasing the tempo and each individual suck comes with suction. Only 5 mins into the sucking, I was cumming and I indicated to her and suddenly she did something special. She pulled my hard-rock member out from her mouth and took it against her face and slapped it real hard interchanging with sucking….the feeling is exceptional, arrrh…I moaned. She knew I was gonna cum and with her experience; she dragged my cock to her 34B breasts and rubbed it vigorously. How Bangkok Master? You luv it? Show me you luv it…gimme the look…I want you to say I luv it real loud! She shouted. I was like a vulnerable boy waiting to be laid. She pressed my cock into the long kang and tit fuck me. Yeah…cum on my boobs...dun you dare to show me the innocent face again…understand? I nodded in reply. Now I will let you know who is in charge…cum you bastard spray all your cum on my body and face…..Wah Lau! I had never encountered such a pervert in sex before in my life. The sensation was getting too much and……..errr……arrrh…..arrrh…eruuh it’s cuming….it’s cuuuuuming…I ejaculated some rite in her breasts and the rest went on her face and she seems happy to let the sperm smear all over her body…….TBC
Bangkok Master
26-01-2006, 10:14 PM
After her cock sucking performance, we proceed to wash up and this was the time I got to see her naked. She had a fair complexion dabbed with long hair right over her shoulders. When she was taking off her undies, I was standing by the side bioing her, wanted to catch the 1st sight whether did she had a lau CB...hahaha.
As we were washing u, we both apply soap for each other and I was being naughty of consistently rubbing her nipples and pressing her breasts. She returned the favour by stroking my joey and soon we were getting aroused. I wanted a do a turkish bath with her but there was no way you do it in a transit hotel. So I had an idea we apply as much soap as possible to our body and I proceed the standing version of turkish bath with our body rubbing each other and the kick gets better everytime when I was moving up from her legs I gave a hard rub on her cheesecake. Well it did the trick, the faster I rub the louder she wailed. The movement got me standing again, thanks to the energy pill from my colleague I could extend my bro in such a short time. She was surprised how fast I regain my composure.
Her: Wah, you so fast can steam already huh?
Me: Of course I'm a long distance runner always got stamina(can talk cock lah when got extra support...keke)
Her: I must check out how far can you go
Me: Bring out all your stances lah...I want to see how pervert you are?
Her: So you luv to be torture is it?
Me: Why not I torture you can?
Her: What you want to do to me?
Me: Can I call my friend along to fuck you at the same time?
Her: want me get poke by 2 dicks together? But I'm not into this?
Me: Wasted if not I can fulfill my childhood dream of performing the porno stance with my friend.
Her: But I luv to get whip or cuffed but I dun have the equipment with me today, next time we will do it at my place...
Me: Heng ah if not I will be "Pian Ti Lin Shang" with scars....
I carry her out to the bed and started to kiss her passionately, When I was to execute my painting job to her body...KNN the phone rang. Hello mister, time up soon you want to extend a not? Wah Lau Eh....okay lah change to overnight lah and I slammed the phone down to continue my action.
I was getting anxious as after almost 2 hours haven't fuck yet...I shorten my foreplay and went straight to making her real wet by tasting her cunt. Another thing I realised she got multiple inner layer of skin on her CB, I was puzzled how come the CB so special like that one never see before? Aiya dun care lah, just carry on my licking, I asked her to spread herself real wide and I just went for the kill....Nrg...Nrg...Nrg...She started to shake and I was busy exerting my revenge for the biting on my cock by pressing my tongue on her clit and squeezing her boobs hard. She wanted me to fuck her now but I just act blur continue to lick until she tremble and pushed me away...Haha you also buay tahan one...TBC
28-01-2006, 08:46 PM
UR Good, will up u.
29-01-2006, 12:09 AM
BKK Master...
your stories are super horny...
I need a Hand Relieve now.... :p
Wa Lan Eh bro bangkok master... power sia u... pls keep it cumming n flowing... waitin for ur next installment to make us stand up for singapore... haha...
01-02-2006, 11:34 AM
Bro BM,
Keep it up men...... will up u...
01-02-2006, 11:49 AM
Bro BM,
Waiting for your next installment throughout CNY!! Hope to see your posting soon. Looks like you came back for good. Any more stories from BK?
Bangkok Master
01-02-2006, 09:54 PM
After getting ready to fuck her finally, then I realized that we left out the special props in the plastic bag, which supposed to be the highlight of the day. I asked her how she say what flavour I want, I had tried honey previously with a WL before so I decided I will go for the sour cream this time.
She carefully open the lid and scoop a portion of sour cream and placed into the mouth and what caught me unaware was she took my dick at a go and arrived at almost to the base of my tool. I admitted it felt kinda of funny, but viewing the way she worked my sour creamed cock was astonishing. Slurp...urp...she delicately lick my shaft and the spillage on my groin area.
Her: You like it?
Me: Not Bad...
Her: The cream taste delicious but your cock taste better...
Me: Really so you want my cock fulltime or parttime...keke?
Her: How about overtime...hahaha
Me: You got high sex drive huh?
Her: I was born to be a SLUT...
Me: (Never expected she so "jian") like that today I'm the Slut Slayer...
Her: That depends how hard you fuck me later...I hate sissy!
Frankly speaking due to the oily base for the cream it hardly ignited any power to my booster. The sex talk was much better. So I told her not to waste anymore time, we rushed to the toilet to perform a SAF shower and we were back to the bed.
I wanted quick action so just fingered her a bit and the CB valve was declared clear with CB liquid flowing, I spread her missionary and my torpedo slipped into the wet CB in a joist. PIAK...PIAK...PIAK...I wanted to fuck her real hard due to her comments, Mmh....Mim...Umh the stereo system was getting louder, although her CB quite lau but lucky not loose. While I pumped her, I wanted to humiliate her to increase the excitement,
Me: So tell me who is the fucking Slut?
Her: ...Urh...Urh...mmme
Me: What is your fucking name?
Her: Maaarggggaret!
Me: Louder! How you want me to fuck you...Slut?
Her: She wanted to ignored me...umm
Me: If you don't answer me, I going to fucking stop...
Her: I want you to fuck me deeper!
Deep inside my heart was a fucking achievement as never in my life did I managed to get a lau goh to be submissive. I turned her to the side and continued to whack her sideways, she screamed louder due to my curvy cock, just fyi if you have a curvy cock try fucking your partner sideways and it will have greater effect as it's like your cock scratching her CB.
I felt like cuming so quickly switch position and I wanted to fuck her in doggie hard and fast. Before I could turn her, She pushed her lau CB onto my face and caught me off guard. Before I can say a word, I was giving her a CB licking good. She was a real fighter, from facing me slowly turning 360 degree to her ass on me. Throughout the turning process, she never failed to take her 35 yr old abalone away from my mouth. I can feel her abalone enriching with juices probably due to the long period of non-productive hours. While I was trying to pinch my tongue to her deepest point, she free fall to my rod again and sucked like a lollipop.
I knew I couldn’t withstand this kind of tension long enough so I carry her butt up and did a flip over and insert my spear into her oyster like a kingfisher…hahaha! I wasn’t gonna let her off easily without a good bonk. 1 thing good about season player was they know how to position themselves easily in any position. I grabbed her from the back and trounced her cunt up and down while I tried to beep her boobs with my index finger playing the Spanish guitar. I guess the arcing position was too tedious for us so I made her kneel down and pulled her left hand to the back, to enhance the doggie fuck. This was taught by a WL to enhance the friction contact on the internal cunt wall that will definitely please any lady to the maximum.
The finale was building up and I gradually twist her to the side and squat fuck her faster, I began to feel her tighter and wetter and from the look of her sextify expression, I was laughing in my heart.
Me: So Margaret, you wannnaaa meee to go faster and deeper?
Her: Uuuurrr…. Please don’t stop…I’m gonna cummmm…
Me: I want you to suck my cock when I cum…can?
Her: Let me cum first then say…
Me: (I knew she won’t do a CIM but I had a plan)
Her: Uuurrrr………hur….hur…nurh…arrrrh….I’m cumming!
Me: (Suddenly there was a jerk from her and clamping feeling from her cunt)…I didn’t want to stop, I was cumming as well, without a word I pulled out my dick and slotted into her mouth without letting her enough time to reject and GOAL! I sprayed my sperm into her mouth with some of the residue dripping onto her caught her by surprise but too late she got the taste my sperm and it choked her a bit.
Her: Hey you naughty boy, how dare you let me eat your sperm?
Me: Cum on…it will help you to look younger?
Her: Really? But it taste saltish…you got urine left behind is it?
Me: How I know? Anyway just take it as a form of practice; next time I will spray on your face and let you do mask…keke
Her: I don’t care you must drink more of my cunt juice to even up…
Me: Okay…you want me to get a water bottle to save it for tomorrow’s lunch?
Bangkok Master
01-02-2006, 09:56 PM
After getting ready to fuck her finally, then I realized that we left out the special props in the plastic bag, which supposed to be the highlight of the day. I asked her how she say what flavour I want, I had tried honey previously with a WL before so I decided I will go for the sour cream this time.
She carefully open the lid and scoop a portion of sour cream and placed into the mouth and what caught me unaware was she took my dick at a go and arrived at almost to the base of my tool. I admitted it felt kinda of funny, but viewing the way she worked my sour creamed cock was astonishing. Slurp...urp...she delicately lick my shaft and the spillage on my groin area.
Her: You like it?
Me: Not Bad...
Her: The cream taste delicious but your cock taste better...
Me: Really so you want my cock fulltime or parttime...keke?
Her: How about overtime...hahaha
Me: You got high sex drive huh?
Her: I was born to be a SLUT...
Me: (Never expected she so "jian") like that today I'm the Slut Slayer...
Her: That depends how hard you fuck me later...I hate sissy!
Frankly speaking due to the oily base for the cream it hardly ignited any power to my booster. The sex talk was much better. So I told her not to waste anymore time, we rushed to the toilet to perform a SAF shower and we were back to the bed.
I wanted quick action so just fingered her a bit and the CB valve was declared clear with CB liquid flowing, I spread her missionary and my torpedo slipped into the wet CB in a joist. PIAK...PIAK...PIAK...I wanted to fuck her real hard due to her comments, Mmh....Mim...Umh the stereo system was getting louder, although her CB quite lau but lucky not loose. While I pumped her, I wanted to humiliate her to increase the excitement,
Me: So tell me who is the fucking Slut?
Her: ...Urh...Urh...mmme
Me: What is your fucking name?
Her: Maaarggggaret!
Me: Louder! How you want me to fuck you...Slut?
Her: She wanted to ignored me...umm
Me: If you don't answer me, I going to fucking stop...
Her: I want you to fuck me deeper!
Deep inside my heart was a fucking achievement as never in my life did I managed to get a lau goh to be submissive. I turned her to the side and continued to whack her sideways, she screamed louder due to my curvy cock, just fyi if you have a curvy cock try fucking your partner sideways and it will have greater effect as it's like your cock scratching her CB.
I felt like cuming so quickly switch position and I wanted to fuck her in doggie hard and fast. Before I could turn her, She pushed her lau CB onto my face and caught me off guard. Before I can say a word, I was giving her a CB licking good. She was a real fighter, from facing me slowly turning 360 degree to her ass on me. Throughout the turning process, she never failed to take her 35 yr old abalone away from my mouth. I can feel her abalone enriching with juices probably due to the long period of non-productive hours. While I was trying to pinch my tongue to her deepest point, she free fall to my rod again and sucked like a lollipop.
I knew I couldn’t withstand this kind of tension long enough so I carry her butt up and did a flip over and insert my spear into her oyster like a kingfisher…hahaha! I wasn’t gonna let her off easily without a good bonk. 1 thing good about season player was they know how to position themselves easily in any position. I grabbed her from the back and trounced her cunt up and down while I tried to beep her boobs with my index finger playing the Spanish guitar. I guess the arcing position was too tedious for us so I made her kneel down and pulled her left hand to the back, to enhance the doggie fuck. This was taught by a WL to enhance the friction contact on the internal cunt wall that will definitely please any lady to the maximum.
The finale was building up and I gradually twist her to the side and squat fuck her faster, I began to feel her tighter and wetter and from the look of her sextify expression, I was laughing in my heart.
Me: So Margaret, you wannnaaa meee to go faster and deeper?
Her: Uuuurrr…. Please don’t stop…I’m gonna cummmm…
Me: I want you to suck my cock when I cum…can?
Her: Let me cum first then say…
Me: (I knew she won’t do a CIM but I had a plan)
Her: Uuurrrr………hur….hur…nurh…arrrrh….I’m cumming!
Me: (Suddenly there was a jerk from her and clamping feeling from her cunt)…I didn’t want to stop, I was cumming as well, without a word I pulled out my dick and slotted into her mouth without letting her enough time to reject and GOAL! I sprayed my sperm into her mouth with some of the residue dripping onto her caught her by surprise but too late she got the taste my sperm and it choked her a bit.
Her: Hey you naughty boy, how dare you let me eat your sperm?
Me: Cum on…it will help you to look younger?
Her: Really? But it taste saltish…you got urine left behind is it?
Me: How I know? Anyway just take it as a form of practice; next time I will spray on your face and let you do mask…keke
Her: I don’t care you must drink more of my cunt juice to even up…
Me: Okay…you want me to get a water bottle to save it for tomorrow’s lunch?
02-02-2006, 01:01 PM
Been busy lately huh? :D
Keep up the good work. ;)
02-02-2006, 01:50 PM
Love the chick u bang in bangkok bro...
really SYT.... keep up the good work
02-02-2006, 04:29 PM
woh BKK master, your FR fucking good..... thanks so much sorry not qualified to up you..... you got so much luck.....
02-02-2006, 07:33 PM
Great Encounter Bro BM. May u bless with more luck in the New Year :p
02-02-2006, 09:24 PM
woh BKK master, your FR fucking good..... thanks so much sorry not qualified to up you..... you got so much luck.....
Luck, for once had nothing to do with this. call it charm if you like. :D
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