View Full Version : Need advice on date with tai tai
13-01-2005, 10:10 PM
Hi Bros !
Because of the type of work (that deals with trade) I meet a lot of people, and have the chance to meet top executives, GMs, CEOs, etc. Furthermore, sometimes I attend social dinners and meet more of these people. Myself I am just the average Joe. I am not rich, but I am not poor, just OK. On a few social functions occasions I've met this tai tai (who has investments). This tai tai is at least in her late 40s or early 50s, because she has 2 sons who are studying in the university.
We got along well and we exchanged e-mails. She sends me those chain e-mails with info almost on a daily basis and she keeps me updated on her social life and even sends me pictures of her at functions. I've had a bit of a suspicion that she liked me or at least regarded me as a friend. Today, she contacted me saying she has a social function dinner in a five star hotel in the Orchard area next week and according to her "her girlfriend who was her partner to the dinner, cannot make it, so she asked me if I minded being her partner to the dinner ?" I replied that I felt honoured to be invited. Then she told me she doesn't know where the hotel is (come on lah !!!), and that if I could guide her because she wants to drive there (so she's thinking of giving me a ride). I explained to her where the hotel is (sorry bros, cannot reveal the name of the hotel for privacy reasons, but it's a top class hotel in Orchard) but she says she still cannot locate it. So then she asked me if I have a car. I said yes and she suggested for me to pick her up. I said OK. Later she send me an SMS with her address, she lives in a upscale condo a few blocks away from Orchard.
I need your advise Bros (please no flaming) :
A) The car I drive is an old car from the early 90s, which I have had for years but cannot afford to buy a new one. The radio cassette player (I don't even have a CD player inside my car) does not work, one of the automatic windows is spoilt, and my car is manual (it's not even automatic). To make matters worse sometimes even the aircon will spoil every now and then. This tai tai is going to get the shock of her life when I drive her in my car, because she is probably used to driving Mercedes, BMW or Jaguar.
What should I do Bros, be confident and just pick her up in my car or tell her my car is not up to the mark for her, and I wouldn't mind she give me a ride in hers ? Or because this tai tai sems to like me, she will accept my car even though I am not rich, just the average Joe ? My car could be a liabilty instead of an asset for this date, I don't know what to do ?
B) Every time I have seen this tai tai on a social dinner she's never with a date or a male companion, so I supposed she is divorced or a widow. However, last week when I spoke to her, she mentioned her husband briefly, I was a bit surprised, but pretended not to be. What do you guys think ? Maybe her old man is too busy working, travelling on busines, or he has a mistress, who knows ? But why do you Bros think she is inviting me for dinner ? Is she tired or bored of her husband ? Why she never attends dinners with her husband ? And how come from among all people she knows from her business connections,and because her girlfriend "cannot make it to the function" she invites me ? What do you Bros think ?
13-01-2005, 10:16 PM
rent a car? :p
13-01-2005, 10:38 PM
Not a bad idea Bro ! But just for a dinner, I think it's not worth it.
Maybe some kind Bro in this forum can lend me their car ;) (just joking lah !)
Has any of you Bros ever dated a tai tai or acted as male companion of a tai tai to a upscale dinner ?
rent a car? :p
13-01-2005, 10:41 PM
wow.. good lobang.
i also want. hee
13-01-2005, 10:49 PM
I will tackle you question one by one. Please be patience in reading.
My Opinion to A
1. Do not ever presume her favourities and preferences.
2. Invite her to your car. Believe me, she will be happy that you can give her a lift if you sounded her that what is your condition of your car in the first place.
3. If she rejects or you’ve found her giving excuses in your car lift, politely request her whether she is able to give you a lift in her car and you’ll take over the wheel in return with your gentleman etiquette. Do not assume that she will automatically granting you a lift in her saloon car. Ask before you do anything and never make assumption!
My Opinion to B
1. Do not ever and never assume that she is divorced or widow.
2. Mentioned nothing much about her husband does not mean anything.
3. Do not ever be so busybody poking into her private family affair. (E.g. finding out what her husband does for living)
4. Inviting you for dinner does not mean anything.
5. She never attend dinner with her husband does not concern you. Now, you starts to probe your nose into her private affair.
6. She has her reason why she is inviting you. No.1, she is comfortable with you. No.2, function is suitable for couple with opposite sex. So, when her business associates see her with a man, it looks presentable. Just like an SAF officer who has to bring his wife/girlfriend for function.
Just be yourself. Do not talk unnecessary with people in the function. She will be very happy if you do not talk too much of yourself as well as her. Your relationship between her (in this case) is sensitive. Please do not ‘yak’ too much infront of other people (including your friends or family).
13-01-2005, 10:50 PM
erm.. i just saw on the internet someone is willing to lend his car for a whole week for anyone who gives him a Gmail invitation! lol :D
13-01-2005, 11:41 PM
My advise is to be honest and tell her straight that your car might not be up to her standard. No point for u to rent a nice car just to pick her up, waste money lah, then when other day see u drive different car, u really do know how to hide your face. Also u have to think of more excuse to cover here & there.
Just tell her straight, if she really like u as what u say, maybe tomorrow she ask u to meet her at Performance Motor, kekeke :D
14-01-2005, 12:02 AM
aiyah bro, my car also maciam want to pumchit like dat...if I were you just pick her up with my own car lah, then use my sweetalking charm to bonk her. normally these kind of rich tai tai ..they already so rich, so they look for you not for money but for company and pleasure...teo bo?
btw. please dont forget to share this lobang with me ok? kekeke
14-01-2005, 12:05 AM
Just be yourself. Do not talk unnecessary with people in the function. She will be very happy if you do not talk too much of yourself as well as her. Your relationship between her (in this case) is sensitive. Please do not ‘yak’ too much infront of other people (including your friends or family)
Bro diesel is here to give his sexpertise, with a body like that... sure talking from experience lah kekeke. :D
14-01-2005, 12:36 AM
Dear Bro Chatoh,
I would like 2 share my bit...(maybe less than 2 cents worth)
Perhaps, b4 deciding to socialise with them(Tai Tai),it would be best to set first principles or a no. 1 ground rule for yourself.
No. 1 rule, it is best not to get entangled with another man's wife or mistress(some careless loverboys paid for with their lives, no laughing matter when the jealous hubbies r megarich and powerful.U jus have to be careful). If they lie to u, saying they r widowed, or single; that is another matter altogether.For when complications arised like the hubby appears,u know where u stand n perhaps could stand firmly on your own ground. Yes, the hubby might take your explaination of not knowing a lame excuse, however, when u know u r in the light u speak differently confidently. Your stance is, U r being acussed not guilty of.
U might think your Tai Tai scope is limited bcos widowed or single r somewhat much lesser in numbers.Not really, eversince SG becoming more cosmopolitan, once u get into the right circles, contacts take off like a concorde jet...
Next,U might wanna ask yourself, this few questions in the begining:
What am I into this relationship for?
1)Is it for companionship?
2)Is it jus for adventurous sex?
3)Is it for money?
(when time pases by, all three sometimes get mashed up,but being clear headed on how it started, it helps when u wana end it all, or continue)
If u r into it for companionship, hard 2 say, some of my friens luv matured ladies and being pampered by them.When time goes by emotions r involved. Ahhh...dats the intricate part...I cannot explain, only for the involved to find out...
Perhaps, u have to play the dating game well, when u r into adventurous strings attached, move on to others, stay in touch also,but certainly out to hunt for fresh meat...brand yourself as a worthy sparring partner...
When U r in it for money, then nearly every move U make on her would be a calculated deceit in action.No matter how,it is still wise to package your intentions with suave tender care. Coming clean on this issue, usually hurts much and does not help at all. Meaning to say,marketing yourself as a gig to Tai Tai is emotionally and spiritually draining, much worst off than a WL ang pai.The real PRO, 'sells' himself to his chosen ones not with a one time off fee attached but with an elevated lifestyle, a total packaged deal. The Tai Tai willingly wants to see U make and do good in society.She certainly feels proud and substantiated as a woman in able to provide for her man or lover.The downside, U would be a hardened man, both in spirit and in mind, after all the calculated moves...
Having said all this, your first few dates, or even multiple dates with them, might not further develop into anything 'special'. It is, however,best to leverage on your contacts in the new circles of friends by the Tai Tais. Socialise more, meet more of their circles. Perhaps, even mixed pleasure with Biz...who knows one day, a pat on your shoulder,"Welcome to the Big Boys Club!" Martin...Ferrari...haha jus a fancy thought...
Forgive me bro for being so LOH SO.Now answer to your first question:
Perhaps, it is best to let her see the real outter you. need not impress her with outer trimmings, cuz she might have seen too much of that.Drive in your old car, at the same time show her in deeds not words, "It is the best at the moment I can offer."
The answer to your second question, I think; the first rule has answered it.
14-01-2005, 01:07 AM
gong xi fa cai to u too mister! surely u are speaking from ur lao jiao-ness.. ur writing is really superb.. shows ur rich experiences in maneuvering relationships and sianing women.. plus the depth of the passage.. is in my opinion.. unique and in fact, comparable to the sun zi art of war.. :p
14-01-2005, 01:20 AM
There may not be a function in that hotel. Once you are in the hotel, she will start telling you cock and bull story and coax you into the hotel room. So don't worry about the condition of your car. In fact the more 'lok' your car appears the more secure she will feel because she knows she has value in your eyes. She is old and the only asset she has over you is wealth. So go ahead and drive a 'lok' car. If you perform well in the hotel room during the first night, the second time you will be driving a new 350Z or RX8 liao.
Bro, just one warning. Are you a good painter ? If you want to have any success of tais tais, your tongue job must be superb.
BTW, your car can be old, but you make sure you dress up smart hor. Don't forget you owe us a field report.
14-01-2005, 01:25 AM
If you perform well in the hotel room during the first night, the second time you will be driving a new 350Z or RX8 liao.
i like this the best! hehehehe.. care to enlighten me the two models above is which brand car ah.. me gong gong one.. :p
14-01-2005, 01:37 AM
YO! bro asdfghjkl,
U flatter me brother.
Thanx for your comments.
Its nice to meet U here after so long...U were the first senior samster who welcomed me into this forum.Thank You once again.
14-01-2005, 01:41 AM
i like this the best! hehehehe.. care to enlighten me the two models above is which brand car ah.. me gong gong one.. :p
350Z is the Nissan Fairlady Sports Car lah. The RX8 is the ferocious looking Mazda RX series.
14-01-2005, 01:55 AM
no doubt they are your personal favourite? ;)
14-01-2005, 01:55 AM
Out of courtesy, you may wish to tell her that your car is born in the 90s that needs tender care.
Trust me she is not keen on what car you drive but rather how you are going to drive her body. She would have her fair share of marques.
Look out simple hints during the meeting. Like her asking you whether you are attached or not.
14-01-2005, 08:38 AM
Thanks to the all the Bros who gave their wise opinions !
I woke up this morning and I am really impressed and grateful with all you guys.
As Bro Diesel said a "dinner means nothing". I might only play the role of a social companion to this tai tai and end of the story. Anyway, I am also kiasu now that this tai tai mentioned to me about her husband briefly. As Bro Mister911targa mentioned my body could end up dumped in Sungei Buloh or MacRitchie Reservoir in the middle of the night if her old man is the jealous and vengeful type. In principle I will NOT take the lead or make any moves. This lady is just too high clas and any wrong move or comment from my part can spoil the whole thing. I will just let things flow naturally, not presuring myself or her (if I go with the mindset that I have to score that night I'll be under extreme prressure). Moreover, I believe and should be confident that IF this tai tai really WANTS me I should let her take the initiative, therefore, she can never blame me for seducing her.
As one Bro, suggested, I will tell this Tai Tai about my car and if she's fine with that. Let's see what happens.
I am not with lady for the money. It's not the first time I have a had a relationship with older women, I have had on at leats 4 or 5 occasions. I would say it is for the thrills of being with a mature woman. On two previous occasions I have had relationships with women 20 years older than me !!! Mature women, will treat a younger guy with some much care. They make you feel like YOU are their MAN. They please you sexually and pamper you like a puppy (I am talking in the sentimental sense not $ sense). One even offered me anal, even though she was 49 years old and had never done it in her life. She would beg me to lick her pussy and bite her nipples.
This tai tai (focus of the story) looks quite OK for her age, and her looks are so classy, she stands out from a coffee shop auntie. Even the way she speaks is so high class, she speaks in perfect British Council English grammar, she will not use Singlish at all, she even claims she cannot speak Mandarin because she is English educated and lived in England.
As I said Bros, I thank you all for your words of wisdom. I will post a report on my date, but as I said Bros, maybe it just turns out to be a friendly date where I acted as a male companion and that's the end of the story.
Bye Bros !
Thanks !!!
14-01-2005, 10:54 AM
... It's not the first time I have a had a relationship with older women, I have had on at leats 4 or 5 occasions. I would say it is for the thrills of being with a mature woman. On two previous occasions I have had relationships with women 20 years older than me !!! Mature women, will treat a younger guy with some much care. They make you feel like YOU are their MAN. They please you sexually and pamper you like a puppy (I am talking in the sentimental sense not $ sense)...Thanks !!!
Yeah! U can say that again SAM!(Bro Chatoh)
14-01-2005, 10:59 AM
Not a bad idea Bro ! But just for a dinner, I think it's not worth it.
hmm.. Chatoh.. .do u actually know wat is call net working and how to net work and gaining success thr net working..
The comment "not worth it" shows that u really does not appreciates opportunity that comes to u.. oh well.. if thats the case.. why dont u tell her.. u have a friend (me) that is willing to be her date.. I think its 110% worth it.
14-01-2005, 11:02 AM
Just be yourself. Do not talk unnecessary with people in the function. She will be very happy if you do not talk too much of yourself as well as her. Your relationship between her (in this case) is sensitive. Please do not ‘yak’ too much infront of other people (including your friends or family).[/FONT][/COLOR]
Well said, my sentiments exactly. Just to add on a little, why bother about who you are. Tell her honestly and I guess she will accept it, else you can park your car at her place and drive hers. No point hiding as you are not looking forward to woo her, or any other business involved. If she belittle you for your car, then perhaps it is time to move on.
As for B, I think there is no need to worry as well. Do not bother with too much details, especially in her private life, if you dont mind, you can share yours with her. While at the function, behave in a gentleman way and I think this will go a long way for you.
Have fun. :D
14-01-2005, 11:18 AM
hmm.. Chatoh.. .do u actually know wat is call net working and how to net work and gaining success thr net working..
The comment "not worth it" shows that u really does not appreciates opportunity that comes to u.. oh well.. if thats the case.. why dont u tell her.. u have a friend (me) that is willing to be her date.. I think its 110% worth it.
Not only him, I want also, please let her know...the network can lead to a better networth...hmmm!!!
14-01-2005, 11:52 AM
Not only him, I want also, please let her know...the network can lead to a better networth...hmmm!!!
oei, not afraid i get angry?? :mad: keep cuting my queue...
14-01-2005, 02:44 PM
Hey brother i have an idea for u. call her on the day for the dinner. Tell her your car break down, so u have to go over to her place to meet her. then she will drive you to the hotel. After the dinner when u lead her back to her house, pretend u need to go toilet or feeling topsy, if she really likes u, when u go to her place , the action will starts rolling, i ahve tried this tricks once. It works very well. Good luck to u, remember to post ur fr.
14-01-2005, 03:06 PM
Thanks Bros !
I contacted the tai tai today through e-mail before my lunch break and humbly explained about my car being old and not luxurious and it was the only thing I had, and if it was acceptable to her or else she could give me a ride in hers. I apologized for the inconvenience.
After my lunch break I logged into my computer and alamat, she send me an e-mail saying I can leave my car at her condo and go in hers.
What do you guys think ? Her prompt reply shows that she must be a bored housewife logged to the internet and who has nothing to do at home, or maybe she likes me ???
14-01-2005, 03:20 PM
Her prompt reply shows that she must be a bored housewife logged to the internet and who has nothing to do at home, or maybe she likes me ???
Just take up her offer and take things like bro diesel had said. If situation permits, u can try ace_rc's plan of feigning drunk.
The rest is up to you to 'perform' or enhance.
14-01-2005, 03:28 PM
Thanks Bros !
I contacted the tai tai today through e-mail before my lunch break and humbly explained about my car being old and not luxurious and it was the only thing I had, and if it was acceptable to her or else she could give me a ride in hers. I apologized for the inconvenience.
After my lunch break I logged into my computer and alamat, she send me an e-mail saying I can leave my car at her condo and go in hers.
What do you guys think ? Her prompt reply shows that she must be a bored housewife logged to the internet and who has nothing to do at home, or maybe she likes me ???
GO GO GO !!! :D
14-01-2005, 03:29 PM
Thanks Bros !
After my lunch break I logged into my computer and alamat, she send me an e-mail saying I can leave my car at her condo and go in hers.
What do you guys think ? Her prompt reply shows that she must be a bored housewife logged to the internet and who has nothing to do at home, or maybe she likes me ???
Hi Bro, returning you email prompty doesn't means that she's at home, she can do it in her office wat. Even if she's at home, she might be checking her investment or any other via the internet and happen to read your email lor.
Or she might be even reading SB now :D
Bro. stay cool and keep a clear mind lah.
And dun expect anything that is going to happen that night. ;)
Cos no expectation = No disapointment mah
anyway just my 2 cents worth....
14-01-2005, 03:30 PM
aiyah! have it occurred to you that she may be reading this right now... :rolleyes:
14-01-2005, 03:30 PM
GO GO GO !!! :D
U got nothing better to say meh? :p
14-01-2005, 03:32 PM
U got nothing better to say meh? :p
Din manage to help give a little moral support lor... :D
14-01-2005, 03:42 PM
Thanks Bros !
I contacted the tai tai today through e-mail before my lunch break and humbly explained about my car being old and not luxurious and it was the only thing I had, and if it was acceptable to her or else she could give me a ride in hers. I apologized for the inconvenience.
After my lunch break I logged into my computer and alamat, she send me an e-mail saying I can leave my car at her condo and go in hers.
What do you guys think ? ??
It means that she does mind your car and next time, if theres a next time, do rent one.
14-01-2005, 04:18 PM
Hi Bros !
Thanks for your advice.
It's true, as the old birds say in this thread advise. It is better to go the dinner with a cool head and with no expectations or mental stress. Just let things flow naturally. If we 'click" good, if we don't it was just a nice dinner at a nice hotel.
Will keep you guys posted with a FR in a few days.
Bye !
14-01-2005, 04:34 PM
Hi Bros !
Thanks for your advice.
It's true, as the old birds say in this thread advise. It is better to go the dinner with a cool head and with no expectations or mental stress. Just let things flow naturally. If we 'click" good, if we don't it was just a nice dinner at a nice hotel.
Will keep you guys posted with a FR in a few days.
Bye !
Good luck! Btw weather is bad, and lao goh can lower heat. :D
14-01-2005, 04:50 PM
from my few humble experiences, most loaded girls or rich ladys dont give a damn whether you got money or not.
they want your time.
so the best thing is, be honest with her about what you have or dont have (financially).
this is becos there is something about you that makes her horny! :D
just my 66 cents.
14-01-2005, 06:07 PM
I agree with you Bro Castrol !
Many years ago I met in a club a 49 year old Filipina. She was sitting all alone at the bar and nobody approached her. I had the guts and went up to her to strike a conversation and tok cok. We had a drink and she was flattered that I took interest in her.
Nothing happened that night, we just exchanged phones. Two days later she called me and invited me for coffee. We talked cok again and she told me her husband was an old Ang Moh expatriate, working for a foreign company, who was sexually impotent on the brink of retirement who had no interest in her and who had no sexual life with her, and her husband was often outside of Singapore on business. Nothing happened that afternoon, but I noticed she liked me by the way she talked to me and smiled at me, it was very flirtatious. When we walked to say goodbye, I was going to shake hands with her, and she actually grabbed by my arm and pulled me towards her and kissed me on the cheek a goodbye kiss. That I knew was a signal she liked me.
Next day, she called me again, and told me she was inviting me to the cinema. I accepted. While watching the movie, after 5 minutes, she started putting the popcorn in my mouth. When I did the same, she sucked my fingers as simulating a blowjob. Somehow we started french kissing, she was so steamed that she made introduce my hand inside her blouse and made me touch her tits inside the movie theatre and then I lost control and guided her handed towards my dick. We just coudn't take it anymore and headed to a transit hotel.
That was the beginning of our affair. It lasted about 4 months. With that lady I had raw sex, and I "had' to give her 2 shots every time we met. She would command me to lick her pussy and bite her nipples. I was putty in her hands. I was like her sex slave but I loved it, had some of the best sex of my life with her. As Bro Castrol says, these ladies don't care about money. This lady also told me the same. She does not need money at all because her husband provides for all her expenses, she can shop where she wants in Orchard Road malls, what she needs is company, because her husband completely ignores her and does not give her sex.
I had the same experience many years ago. I dated an attractive 42 year old divorced lady. Similar story. She was depressed because her husband had dumped her for another woman, and all the dates after her divorce she had were with arrogant and materialistic bastards. So, when we dated we clicked, we shared similar tastes, etc, and our dates were fun, she knew I was in the relationship for her ( I truly liked this mature woman and had feelings for her), not for the money. These mature women don't care about your status or bank account, they just want company. Furthermore, they will sometimes take the initiative for you to make love to them, not like young girls who you soemtimes have to beg to have sex with them.
I never date women, be them young or mature for $. I do it for the thrill of the affair. So Bros, who think I am going out with this tai tai for money, please don't get me wrong. Thanks.
Bye !
14-01-2005, 06:42 PM
[so do u know any this kind of ladys??
14-01-2005, 11:58 PM
Though all these info may b slightly offhand coz we hav no idea how old r u. a range perhaps?
15-01-2005, 12:35 AM
Good read. Like my master always say.
15-01-2005, 01:40 AM
OK, Check out my analysis:
She is rich, so there is almost nothing she wants except for most prob, love and attention. She knows you are not super rich, so she wont expect much from u, again.. wats the thing you have and dont have? Almost nothing.
What she wanst is ur dick, ur attention and ur pampering and sweet talk. Her husband is probably somewhere sleeping with some PRCs liao.
So grab the opportunity, show her how true you are, drive your own car, make her feel teenager again.
Good luck bro.
15-01-2005, 06:33 AM
Good lobang here with Tai Tai,and so much meaningful advices from brudders here.
One cannot go wrong in this forum with women... :p
15-01-2005, 08:33 AM
Thanks Bros !
I contacted the tai tai today through e-mail before my lunch break and humbly explained about my car being old and not luxurious and it was the only thing I had, and if it was acceptable to her or else she could give me a ride in hers. I apologized for the inconvenience.
After my lunch break I logged into my computer and alamat, she send me an e-mail saying I can leave my car at her condo and go in hers.
What do you guys think ? Her prompt reply shows that she must be a bored housewife logged to the internet and who has nothing to do at home, or maybe she likes me ???
Simple as 123, I do not think that she look down on you but rather sometimes one has an image to upkeep. Like the SIA stewardess, there are no rules against them taking MRT to work but of them do so. Reason? The image to upkeep. Same case here. :)
15-01-2005, 09:00 AM
All the bros have good replies n comments on what should the thread starter do...Now it is up to bro chatoh to decide what to do next... :)
15-01-2005, 09:21 AM
All the bros have good replies n comments on what should the thread starter do...Now it is up to bro chatoh to decide what to do next... :)
Let's hope he enlighten us with the course of the events. :D
Let's hope he enlighten us with the course of the events. :D
Wah lau, so early. :p
15-01-2005, 05:05 PM
Brother Chatoh...relax a bit. I think one of the reason u post here leh, is because u too excited liao. cooler ok? :D
Gnn, this girl can be makan one...relak. The meat is at your lips liao.
15-01-2005, 10:38 PM
dear bro chatoh,
since u r posting on this website n thread, your plan is to bonk her n not network. dont email or tell her things like your car is no good, your tux not branded etc anymore. women r sensitive n she may think u trying to run road.
just go with her for the stupid dinner n try to score afterwards.
15-01-2005, 10:43 PM
so the FR ler.. :p
16-01-2005, 11:21 AM
so the FR ler.. :p
confirm no FR from him. hee
16-01-2005, 04:57 PM
dun tell me still bonking at the hotel? :eek:
16-01-2005, 10:28 PM
Bros !
The dinner is next week. Wait for the FR lah !
16-01-2005, 11:02 PM
Bros !
The dinner is next week. Wait for the FR lah !
it is okie for me.
take your time. hee...
16-01-2005, 11:10 PM
slowly ler.. tai tai likes things go slow slow one.. kekeke :p
16-01-2005, 11:22 PM
slowly ler.. tai tai likes things go slow slow one.. kekeke :p
like old secondary dating. slow slow.
their favourite. sure like you.
but some like fast. best ONS immediately.
must see the tai tai type leh.
20-01-2005, 03:03 PM
Hi Bros !
Here is my FR for my date with the tai tai. Bros, sorry but there's nothing kinky or steamy in my report.
As one bro pedicted, nothing happened.
Here is my FR :
Yesterday before lunch time, the tai tai calls me and she tells me her friend who could originally not go to the dinner function, had decided now to go. Kanna ! So now, it would not really be a date. I know some guys are thinking about a threesome, but come on lah ! Now it was her friend who would drive us to the hotel.
OK, I went to the tai tai's place at 6:30pm, as agreed. I went up to her flat and had a drink. I complimented her on her dress and told her she had a nice place. Five minutes later her friend showed up. Soon afterwards we left towards the function. The function was very classy and there were many tao kays and VIPs. The tai tai introduced to many people. I was with her all the time and followed her lead, I felt a bit like a toyboy, and was a bit paiseh people might think I am her loverboy, becuase the age gap between us is quite significant (almost 20 years I think). There was a moment during the dinner function when I was alone for a few minutes and as I was picking up a drink, an OK looking late 20s or early 30s northern Indian lady tried to make a move on me (seduce me), and try to strike a conversation with me. I acted politely and left the scene. I felt that the tai tai had invited ME to this function and it would look very rude that I began to strike up conversations with other women, especially much younger than her. I acted like a gentleman throughout the dinner. After a while, the tai tai said she was tired and told her friend and I to leave. I followed suite. We went back in her friend's car back to the tai tai's place. There we had a drink and some munchy munchy. We talked like almost two hours, almost up to 11 pm.
That's when her friend said it's late and we left. Anyway during the long conversation the tai tai said her friend and her were both divorced.
Anyway, the tai tai has invited me again (but also with her friend) to another social function tonight to an art gallery.
Throughout the night I acted as a gentleman and never made any moves on her. This lady is not an ah huay or ONS, so you must behave accordingly when you are in her company.
What do you guys think ? The fact that she is inviting me again for another social function ? Does it mean something, or she is just using me as a companion to social functions ?
20-01-2005, 03:20 PM
Hi Bros !
Here is my FR for my date with the tai tai. Bros, sorry but there's nothing kinky or steamy in my report.
As one bro pedicted, nothing happened.
What do you guys think ? The fact that she is inviting me again for another social function ? Does it mean something, or she is just using me as a companion to social functions ?
What we think is not impt, what you think is impt. If you interested to bed her then go for it. Pardon me for being straightforward, the only thing you can offer her is your time, companionship and perhaps your mojo. I guess she has life's luxuries, what she lust for could be the above. Still be a gentleman, respect her decision and play along smartly. :)
20-01-2005, 04:28 PM
Bro OceanEleven !
Thanks for your advise.
Yes, this lady has a lot of $, I can see from her luxurious flat near Orchard Road. She does not need money and she knows that I cannot afford to spoil her financially. Anyway I am not interested in her money, but in the thrill of bonking a mature woman who will treat me a like a man and lust me.
I don't know what will happen. Let's just see.
Thanks for your support.
What we think is not impt, what you think is impt. If you interested to bed her then go for it. Pardon me for being straightforward, the only thing you can offer her is your time, companionship and perhaps your mojo. I guess she has life's luxuries, what she lust for could be the above. Still be a gentleman, respect her decision and play along smartly. :)
20-01-2005, 04:31 PM
What do you guys think ? The fact that she is inviting me again for another social function ? Does it mean something, or she is just using me as a companion to social functions ?
Hi bro, I think she access you lah. as they are rich tai tai, they must make sure that u r not a flirt, and will only be good to them. Face (mei zi) is very important to them (Rich ppl). They dun want ppl that talk too much to other ppl, cos afraid u might leak info about them. They oso want to make sure that u can present yurself well so that u won't loss their face.
I think they will test you a few more times (maybe 2-3 times more) before they decide to let u bonk. Think u should read up some books on Arts now so that u can impress them when need.
Anyway this is only my 2 cents worth....
Gia You bro !! ;)
20-01-2005, 04:36 PM
huh? tai tai? but... cannot leh... later your didi see her face, your didi shrink...
20-01-2005, 04:56 PM
huh? tai tai? but... cannot leh... later your didi see her face, your didi shrink...
Seems that you are pretty demeaning in your words. By any chance this post had went thru any intellectual contemplation before putting into words? :cool:
20-01-2005, 05:01 PM
Seems that you are pretty demeaning in your words. By any chance this post had went thru any intellectual contemplation before putting into words? :cool:
Just a case of sour grapes lah....I am sure he must be secretly wishing he has the same luck of hooking up with some rich tai tai... :cool:
20-01-2005, 05:41 PM
Throughout the night I acted as a gentleman and never made any moves on her. This lady is not an ah huay or ONS, so you must behave accordingly when you are in her company.
What do you guys think ? The fact that she is inviting me again for another social function ? Does it mean something, or she is just using me as a companion to social functions ?
bro, i'd say time's wasting, and before she really starts treating you as a chaperon, go bonk her already! ;)
20-01-2005, 06:16 PM
Bro Castrol !
I am kiasu Bro. I don't want to mess up things and lose this lobang. I just act as a gentleman and see what happens. If I try to be aggressive and make lustful advances, it can backfire and she can even take me to court for molestation. I'll just see what happens. Tonight I have to attend another function. Wish me luck Bros.
Bye Bro Castrol !
bro, i'd say time's wasting, and before she really starts treating you as a chaperon, go bonk her already! ;)
20-01-2005, 10:41 PM
Maybe some of the hair also turm white oredi or do u turn but then sure she is more experience
20-01-2005, 11:59 PM
Bro - been there once before (many years ago). IMHO I don't think this is going anywhere. She is lonely 40's something divorcee. (sorry I didn't check back before i started to write this - so I am guessing she is 40 something) She knows she is on the fence. Most guys of her age and older are looking around for (relatively) sweet young things. If you are a guy in your 40s 50s then you want a 20 or 30 something "SWT" on your arm, not a "past sell by date" middle aged woman. So she isn't going to pull anyone and she is unlikely to be attractive to her age group. So what does she do to amuse herself - well she's got the cash, maybe some looks (don't know) and maybe even a bagfull of issues. She's insecure (not finacially) but emotionally and she knows she's going to be in the "granny" catagory very soon. So... she thinks, let's have abit of fun. Find myself a toy boy. Sorry, my friend, I do not wish to offend, but (IMHO) you are a plaything. What's she going to do in the future - when she's played you for a while then you are history and it's onto the next game. Next game is what - stick a sexy ad in who knows. She likes having the attention of a virlile young man (you are 20 years younger yes?- reminds her of her youth. But it's danger written large. Maybe you of course are seduced by the moneyed life style - maybe you would like to drive a BMW, live in an Orchard Road appt. Be invited to functions and events... Enjoy while you can, but see it for what it is. And remember the molestation case.....
If you invested the same anount of emotional energy into a younger ger then the rewards might be greater and more enjoyable.
Just my 2 cents worth. Been there did it... wasn't much fun in retrospect - made myself look an idiot believing I could chase after a rich divorcee and believing what she said. Found out after her "diary" was the hilarious gossip of her coffee morning and I was the star attraction!
Go well, and go safe bro.
Bro chatoh, what bro batami said could well be true. But if you are still keen in that potential bonk, i reckon she would like some attention from you. Just be attentive to her needs (e.g. like handing her a tissue before she opens her mouth to ask for it, getting her chair, closing the door after she gets into the car, etc). Basically, like what you said - a gentleman, plus anticipate her needs. If she felt good and pampered, she would relax and become really comfy with you. ;)
Good luck, bro!
21-01-2005, 10:15 AM
Bro Castrol !
I am kiasu Bro. I don't want to mess up things and lose this lobang. I just act as a gentleman and see what happens. If I try to be aggressive and make lustful advances, it can backfire and she can even take me to court for molestation. I'll just see what happens. Tonight I have to attend another function. Wish me luck Bros.
Bye Bro Castrol !
ok, she could be "3 times a lady", and perhaps she has a flair for romance! :D
best of luck bro chatoh!
21-01-2005, 10:40 AM
Hi Bros Batami, Pary and Castrol :
Yesterday I attended my second social function with the tai tai and her friend.
Same stroy, she introduced me to people and we had some food at the function. I always behaved like a gentleman. At the end of the function, her friend drove us back. She drived the tai tai to her flat and then she drove to a carpark where I had left my car.
Conclusion : Nothing happened bros. I am not making any moves on the tai tai and she is not making any moves on me. The situation has become a stalemate. As somes bros pointed out, maybe this will lead nowhere, or maybe she just needs a chaperon to attend functions with and I play that role. Maybe that's all.
21-01-2005, 01:18 PM
Hi Bros Batami, Pary and Castrol :
Yesterday I attended my second social function with the tai tai and her friend.
Same stroy, she introduced me to people and we had some food at the function. I always behaved like a gentleman. At the end of the function, her friend drove us back. She drived the tai tai to her flat and then she drove to a carpark where I had left my car.
Conclusion : Nothing happened bros. I am not making any moves on the tai tai and she is not making any moves on me. The situation has become a stalemate. As somes bros pointed out, maybe this will lead nowhere, or maybe she just needs a chaperon to attend functions with and I play that role. Maybe that's all.
Find an opportunity to test her, maybe offer her a drink at some nice place, have a hearty talk, when everything came loose after some drinks, tell her how sincere you are.. then , see what's her reaction..
But try not to be too desperate.. gals like her must go slowly, yet steady.. :D
24-01-2005, 03:18 AM
Think she could be trying to play hard to get :)
24-01-2005, 08:24 AM
Hi Bros Batami, Pary and Castrol :
Yesterday I attended my second social function with the tai tai and her friend. As somes bros pointed out, maybe this will lead nowhere, or maybe she just needs a chaperon to attend functions with and I play that role. Maybe that's all.
Enough of maybe, perhaps, who knows? Bro, make some moves, you are veteran enough to know what are the humble hints to suggest to her. There is nothing wrong for you to feel sexually attracted to her, I think she would be proud to know that. You are not chasing her skirt, it is just an adult's game of seduction and lust, sensuality vs mind games at its best! ;)
Enough of maybe, perhaps, who knows? Bro, make some moves, you are veteran enough to know what are the humble hints to suggest to her. There is nothing wrong for you to feel sexually attracted to her, I think she would be proud to know that. You are not chasing her skirt, it is just an adult's game of seduction and lust, sensuality vs mind games at its best! ;)
Sometimes you need a little bit more of tickling to do. Cannot be that she bring you out for these kind of socialite function and hope that her hubby at home will not know. Sometimes it just need a telephone booth and a red underwear to bring out the superman.
24-01-2005, 10:10 AM
i am betting tai tai wants bro chatoh to be more than a chaperon, and bro chatoh surely wants her abalone! :D
24-01-2005, 10:24 AM
Bring it to the next level of the game.....
Bro instead of Chatoh, show her your lan jiao tau liao. :D
Bring it to the next level of the game.....
ya something is going to happen so.....o..... :D
i can 4 c. good luck to bro.
24-01-2005, 12:25 PM
Sometimes you need a little bit more of tickling to do. Cannot be that she bring you out for these kind of socialite function and hope that her hubby at home will not know. Sometimes it just need a telephone booth and a red underwear to bring out the superman.
Someone got to do some work here, function after function is getting nowhere. She is a lady with status, cant really expect her to invite him up for coffe, dress in a give half ball nightie, does a ala Sharon Stone cross leg right? :D
Someone got to do some work here, function after function is getting nowhere. She is a lady with status, cant really expect her to invite him up for coffe, dress in a give half ball nightie, does a ala Sharon Stone cross leg right? :D
if she have exquisite taste and fine dining, bring her to Alkaff mansion on top of mount faber, then after a wonderful evening, jalan abit there, then you may have a better chance to mount on her on mount faber. The thing here is that she is a person of status, that's why she may until now haven't make a move. She may feel neglected and and unwanted, by making a move on her may get her more proactive as she needs to feel desired and wanted. go slow on her, ja yan yan (slowly in thai), you really need some sweet talking, not loh soh, compliment her dressing, blah blah. if she's really into "duck", she will not waste time on bringing you to functions. Proactive, initiative, sometimes you have to be strategic about this. Sometimes, if let her wait too long, she will become sian and probably look for other companionship. Minus horny pussies, women in general need that emotional switch to get the ball rolling. :p
24-01-2005, 07:01 PM
bro, at least drop hints as she may not know for sure if u r interested. maybe thats y she have not taken any initiatives yet.
and dont forget the network part, trust me its important. In the corporate world its not what u do but who u know that gets u up the ladder fastest. and u never know there might be another itchy tai tai looking for fun too...
Have Fun
24-01-2005, 11:57 PM
Proactive, initiative, sometimes you have to be strategic about this.
sounds good to me to be strategic.. kekeke :D
25-01-2005, 07:55 AM
Hi Bros !
She (tai tai) sent me an SMS over the weekend. On Sunday I called her. She wants to attend a function with me today. I hope something starts happening. I feel like am losing this game or it is not going anywhere. Maybe I am just playing the chaperon role. Will write a FR tomorrow to let you bros know what happened this evening.
sounds good to me to be strategic.. kekeke :D
Adviser you are at it again, doing best what you do best. YOur avatar is my idol in life, screwing people without them knowing. heehee :p
25-01-2005, 10:15 AM
No need to put on a show, u r what u are and since she asked, let it be expected
25-01-2005, 10:17 AM
No need to hide, since she ask u, then let it be. Just be yourself
25-01-2005, 11:28 AM
Brother Chatoh, learn how to turn down her dates at times maybe helpful too...if she assume you wil always be available for her...then she may not want to secured your total attention...b'cos you are too easy to be dun need to bend to her needs all the time...b'cos woman sometimes loves the beast in us... :D
25-01-2005, 11:39 AM
Hi Bros !
She (tai tai) sent me an SMS over the weekend. On Sunday I called her. She wants to attend a function with me today. I hope something starts happening.
Here comes another chance, first we have to agree that she does not detest you, so next you must make her to like you. After function maybe should find a chance to go to her place for coffee, maybe say use washroom or what. Talk to her, like wooing your GF, shell like the fuss and attention. Slowly but surely. :D
Go chatoh! Go chatoh! Go chatoh! Go chatoh! :D
25-01-2005, 01:14 PM
Bros !
Thanks for the support !
I hope I can score !
Go chatoh! Go chatoh! Go chatoh! Go chatoh! :D
25-01-2005, 04:00 PM
Well bro, I don't think u are at a loss even if u don't get to lay her. Look on the bright side. I think she's already doing u a favour by bringing u to these high society functions where u get to meet many towkays and powerful ppl. Socialise more with these ppl for your future instead of just thinking of a bonk. Bonks can come later, your future's more important!
Cheers! :D
25-01-2005, 04:26 PM
erm.. future is indeed of a paramount importance.. have to weight the pros and cons i guess..
25-01-2005, 04:51 PM
Socialise more with these ppl for your future instead of just thinking of a bonk. Bonks can come later, your future's more important!
Cheers! :D
maybe bonk already bro chatoh will have better future?
sugar mummy?! :p
25-01-2005, 04:57 PM
It's definitely better to have the pie n eat it. But since nothing's developing currently, go for whatever's available in front. :D By then, he'll have a sugar mummy n many contacts!
25-01-2005, 07:22 PM
The golden rule when dealing with an older divorced lonely woman : You give love for sex and she will give sex for love.
25-01-2005, 11:03 PM
Hi Bros !
I returned like 45 minutes ago from my "date". Nothing happened Bro.
I got to drive her nice European car to the function. She introduced me to people. She drank two glasses of wine. She was a little dizzy. I thought this would make her horny. When I drove her back home I complimented her saying that she looks attractive and her dress looks nice on her. Upon reaching the carpark of her place I was thinking I might get a chance to walk her to her place, I even offered myself to escort to her flat, but she said she was tired and needed to sleep. Sian ! We just said goodbye in the car park and I left.
Bros, this is leading nowhere. It's true I been invited to places with taw kays and important people, taht I cannot deny, but I think my target of bonking a mature lady is going down the drain. This tai tai just uses me as a chaperon, but she does not even flirt with me after I complimented her on her looking attractive.
26-01-2005, 02:53 AM
Hang in there bro. If you quit then no chance liao. Perserve still got chance.
Hi Bros !
I returned like 45 minutes ago from my "date". Nothing happened Bro.
I got to drive her nice European car to the function. She introduced me to people. She drank two glasses of wine. She was a little dizzy. I thought this would make her horny. When I drove her back home I complimented her saying that she looks attractive and her dress looks nice on her. Upon reaching the carpark of her place I was thinking I might get a chance to walk her to her place, I even offered myself to escort to her flat, but she said she was tired and needed to sleep. Sian ! We just said goodbye in the car park and I left.
Bros, this is leading nowhere. It's true I been invited to places with taw kays and important people, taht I cannot deny, but I think my target of bonking a mature lady is going down the drain. This tai tai just uses me as a chaperon, but she does not even flirt with me after I complimented her on her looking attractive.
Hey bro how about trying to be a bit rough? Have you tried holding her hand? Giving her massage when she said that she's dizzy or tired? The basic of all approach like in the cinema if your date is feeling cold, offer to hold warm her hands with your hands. You cannot be forever waiting for a fish to get hook without throwing a line into the water. Maybe at the moment in the car before she got down, grab her hand, test water lah from time to time. Human is a living organism which has countless and never ending surprising behaviour. They don't work like you expect them to be most of time. Not all behaviour all explainable. A person like her who attends countless functions cannot be high or dizzy easily after 2 glasses. Give a good thought about it.
26-01-2005, 09:31 AM
Bros, this is leading nowhere. It's true I been invited to places with taw kays and important people, taht I cannot deny, but I think my target of bonking a mature lady is going down the drain. This tai tai just uses me as a chaperon, but she does not even flirt with me after I complimented her on her looking attractive.
Bro, it's not even started, why lose heart. Do you have anything to lose by attending functions with her? No, I guess unless you detest such outings. Secondly I dont get laid now and then by telling the gal that she look great, so what's so special about your compliment? Invite her out nex time, why dont you take the initiative? Why be lead by the nose? ;)
26-01-2005, 02:50 PM
Hi Bros !
I returned like 45 minutes ago from my "date". Nothing happened Bro.
I got to drive her nice European car to the function. She introduced me to people. She drank two glasses of wine. She was a little dizzy. I thought this would make her horny. When I drove her back home I complimented her saying that she looks attractive and her dress looks nice on her. Upon reaching the carpark of her place I was thinking I might get a chance to walk her to her place, I even offered myself to escort to her flat, but she said she was tired and needed to sleep. Sian ! We just said goodbye in the car park and I left.
Bros, this is leading nowhere. It's true I been invited to places with taw kays and important people, taht I cannot deny, but I think my target of bonking a mature lady is going down the drain. This tai tai just uses me as a chaperon, but she does not even flirt with me after I complimented her on her looking attractive.
Hang in there bro. U should have offered her a massage to relief her headache. Next time just cheeky ask her for a goodnight kiss and watch for her response. ;)
There was once a sculptor who found a huge stone and he finished a scuplture after few months. A friend of his told him that he had done a great piece of art work, the sculptor said that the scuplture is always there, he just chipped away the unwanted edges. She may be really horny inside waiting for you to discover. :p
26-01-2005, 04:59 PM
Hey bro how about trying to be a bit rough? Have you tried holding her hand? ......... You cannot be forever waiting for a fish to get hook without throwing a line into the water. Maybe at the moment in the car before she got down, grab her hand, test water lah from time to time. .....
I totally 200% agree on this!!
Many years ago I was going after this pretty gal, whom also had another guy going after her.
For the whole year, we were close emotionally, to our friends, we are almost like a couple, but I never hold her hand, let alone hug or kiss her.
I was waiting for her to make her decision to accept me officially as her BF.
We finally "broke up" after 1 year, as it was leading no where, and after yrs later, I realised from another close fren that she complaint I nvr even take the courage to hold her, hug her etc!!!
Claimed if I had done so she will most probably accept me!!
My god, up to this day I still bang the wall whenever I recall this, and so regret never eat her up!!! I was too good a guy when I was younger!
Sigh! Going to bang the wall again!
Moral : Eat when you can, try even if you hesitate, else it will be on some1 plate and you can only regret thru ur life!!!
27-01-2005, 02:37 AM
if she have exquisite taste and fine dining, bring her to Alkaff mansion on top of mount faber:p
Alkaff mansion close laio - haunted place
Alkaff mansion close laio - haunted place
Like tat ah, then bring her to that fort canning country club or siloso beach. Or make a pinic basket yourself with red wine to go along.
27-01-2005, 08:45 AM
Like tat ah, then bring her to that fort canning country club or siloso beach. Or make a pinic basket yourself with red wine to go along.
How about the Padang and the Changi beach? :D
How about the Padang and the Changi beach? :D
Padang on and off will let people see unless they go to the restaurant at SRC SCC. A few years back, a female buddy and me went to the Al Fresco and we were watching the fireworks from the NDP Preview nearby. Sometimes, a tai tai like her needs to feel that she still worth the effort. 没有付出,哪有收获! :)
27-01-2005, 11:48 AM
A few years back, a female buddy and me went to the Al Fresco and we were watching the fireworks from the NDP Preview nearby. Sometimes, a tai tai like her needs to feel that she still worth the effort. 没有付出,哪有收获! :)
So what happened to buddy? Any "fire works" after that? :D
All women like men to fuss over them, they simple adore the attention.
27-01-2005, 11:53 AM
All women like men to fuss over them, they simple adore the attention.
absolutely true.. good advise!
27-01-2005, 12:03 PM
absolutely true.. good advise!
No need advise one, spent a few years with some girlfriends and listening to them bitching about their beaus makes you an expert. Call her too often is termed as "Possessive ", dont call her often enough is termed as " Bo Chap" her........... :o
So what happened to buddy? Any "fire works" after that? :D
we nearly become one couple as many of friends speculated but later she married her ex whom she broke up with. We openly talked about sex, her first time etc. Now a mother, the reason why she got married was because she and her hubby only tapped the ez-link cards after go on board the bus. :D
27-01-2005, 12:22 PM
reverse the situation.... asked her out instead. And take the lead. What she need is for somebody to take charge. She need a MAN and a MANHOOD. Why should you let her bring you to her world and you instead bring her to yours. Take control. And it will drive her off balance.
28-01-2005, 02:14 AM
reverse the situation.... asked her out instead. And take the lead. What she need is for somebody to take charge. She need a MAN and a MANHOOD. Why should you let her bring you to her world and you instead bring her to yours. Take control. And it will drive her off balance.
Yo bro try standard trick :
when u having coffee with her at home(home better chance) or cafe just lean over to pick off something from her hair .. say like "oh something stuck on your hair " like that then u have chance face to face very close ---- if she really like ya! eyes will contact with passion or better she close eyes waiting for your lips! if nothing happens even so close face to face U better boink out & leave it keep her as just a fren! :D
28-01-2005, 02:44 AM
good advise too.. but vivid imagination is needed for it to succeed! :p
30-01-2005, 11:31 PM
Yo what happened to this come no follow up story one????
We wanna hear what happen with U & the Tai Tai lor CNY coming are you spending time shopping with her until MIA from here? or too bz boinking?
Update us lor!!!!!
01-02-2005, 03:08 PM
A) The car I drive is an old car from the early 90s, which I have had for years but cannot afford to buy a new one. The radio cassette player (I don't even have a CD player inside my car) does not work, one of the automatic windows is spoilt, and my car is manual (it's not even automatic). To make matters worse sometimes even the aircon will spoil every now and then. This tai tai is going to get the shock of her life when I drive her in my car, because she is probably used to driving Mercedes, BMW or Jaguar.
What should I do Bros, be confident and just pick her up in my car or tell her my car is not up to the mark for her, and I wouldn't mind she give me a ride in hers ? Or because this tai tai sems to like me, she will accept my car even though I am not rich, just the average Joe ? My car could be a liabilty instead of an asset for this date, I don't know what to do ?
i think from her interaction with you she already know you are an average joe.No offend intended, i think you are below average becos your car dont have CD player, auto window spolit and air con some time not work. I think you better rent a car.
B) Every time I have seen this tai tai on a social dinner she's never with a date or a male companion, so I supposed she is divorced or a widow. However, last week when I spoke to her, she mentioned her husband briefly, I was a bit surprised, but pretended not to be. What do you guys think ? Maybe her old man is too busy working, travelling on busines, or he has a mistress, who knows ? But why do you Bros think she is inviting me for dinner ? Is she tired or bored of her husband ? Why she never attends dinners with her husband ? And how come from among all people she knows from her business connections,and because her girlfriend "cannot make it to the function" she invites me ? What do you Bros think ?
Just play along, let thing happen naturally, you are not rich, a guy(cant get pregant), single (I assume), so what have you got to lose? Play along lah.
01-02-2005, 03:17 PM
Thanks Bros !
I contacted the tai tai today through e-mail before my lunch break and humbly explained about my car being old and not luxurious and it was the only thing I had, and if it was acceptable to her or else she could give me a ride in hers. I apologized for the inconvenience.
After my lunch break I logged into my computer and alamat, she send me an e-mail saying I can leave my car at her condo and go in hers.
What do you guys think ? Her prompt reply shows that she must be a bored housewife logged to the internet and who has nothing to do at home, or maybe she likes me ???
As the song goes, "If love fits, wear it baby, and if it feel good put it on..."
01-02-2005, 06:27 PM
Hi Bros !
I've been quite busy lately. Friday, the tai tai invited me to another function, turned her down, because I went out with friends.
Anyway I went from one extreme to another. On Saturday night I called this Filipina maid who I had an affair a long time ago, but we still keep in contact and have stayed as friends. I told her I wanted to see her on Sunday. On Sunday I picked her up from her condo (whre she works). She asked me "where do we go ?" I told her I wanted to make love and rubbed her legs and thighs and straight we went to a hotel in Balestier. So simple. A fOC bonk (2 shots) with no hassle or pressure. So different from the tai tai. All I want is to bonk the tai tai (but it is so difficult), I am not interested in $ or power. Seducing a maid is so much easier.
01-02-2005, 06:36 PM
sounds interesting to me.. :eek:
01-02-2005, 06:58 PM
No choice man...want to eat quality tai-tai cheebye= work harder loh, maid cheebye easier = not so worth money.
I think part of the thrill leh come from the sianing part and most exciting is when about to know u can fuck liao. :D
01-02-2005, 07:01 PM
Seducing a maid is so much easier.
Bro. I am so disappointed in you. You have lowered the bar so as to satisfy your ego. Not fair to the tai tai and the maid to a certain extent. Please continue to woo the tai tai. You will get into her pants soon. The signs are all there and yet you failed to see it. She is waiting for you. All of us want to see your FR with this tai tai. Not some Filipina maid. Where got challenge? :)
01-02-2005, 07:41 PM
sianing a tai tai offers as much challenge as hooking a fish as shown in peterfish's avatar.. erm.. pike ezit :p
01-02-2005, 08:33 PM
Bro Cha Toh, i've gone through the entire thread and all i can say is this, "You Lucky SOB!" :D You must be damn hamsome, man.....KNN...make me jealous as hell....(i uglk toad) :)
Got so many lobang with so many different girls. must be damn shiok! I wish i had the same luck but now, no chance liao....kena tied down....
anyway, after reading thru all you have posted (which is good), you neber say any thing about chatting and conversations with the tai tai!!! So you all just go, eat, and cum back ah? no rite? Seduction at any level (IMHO, please 4give if i wrong) is all about....the power of your tongue and mouth and i dun mean eating pussy hor (now That cums later). Smooth talk bro... smooth talk...! Flatter, chatter, tease, titillate, be a little cheeky, be a little charming...make it seem like you are interested in her as a person (altough all we want is to bonk) a little naughty after you make some cheeky remarks... from my humble experience, ladies in their late 30s-40s are not shy about sex as they already done it for so many years..but they like you to be subtle at 1st and then slowly build up to that moment of turth.... after that 1st time in bed, Na Buayz...they just called you and demand sex ....
So bro, if you still gianz, use your mouth power man! i live fantasy thru you liao lohzzzzzz..... Cum On, You can Do IT!!!!!
01-02-2005, 10:47 PM
WOW Chatoh!
Please leave me some contacts for your partimers! I also wanna boink someones maid/taitai/nurse/doc/gf/anything also hehehehe!
I will make you my best buddy! freeflow! hahahaha!
02-02-2005, 08:20 AM
sianing a tai tai offers as much challenge as hooking a fish as shown in peterfish's avatar.. erm.. pike ezit :p
O Almighty Zhu Ge Liang. You are indeed very knowledgeable. :) A pike it is indeed.
02-02-2005, 11:03 AM
Hi Bros !
Bro Soulin I am not a handsome guy, I'm just average. Everything is based on statistics. I learnt this from a old and experienced cheongster. He told me that in order to get women, you have to try your luck based on statistics. What he meant is, most probably you will get a lot of rejections and failures, but eventually you will also succeed with some women.
Bro Soulin 74, you might think I am like Thierry Henry, Rooney or Owen who are good at scoring. No way Bro ! I have gone through a lot of failures and rejections in the art of seduction, but at the right moment and at the right place I have scored like the Greeks did in the Euro 2004 and achieved sucess on those occasions.
Some girls are easier than others.
So far I have had FOC flings with two maids, the last one is the one I posted in my last message. It is true, maids are quite an easy target. They lead lonely and boring lifes from Monday-Saturday, so they want fun on their day off. But I must admit,that I have failed also sianing some maids. Like I said, it is all statistics : I failed seducing some maids (like 3 I think), but scored with 2 maids.
Also certain ethnic groups are easier (please bros don't take this as a racist comment). Filipinas are easier to seduce. I had luck with a Malay chubby (almost fat) not very attractive (almost ugly) minah in Orchard Towers. I got 2 FOC BBBJ in my car from her on two different dates, not to mention french kissing and rubba rubba all FOC. No money transaction at all. Another Malay fat girl who works in a petrol kiosk has asked me more than once to take her out on dates, but unfortunately, she is too fat and CMI in terms of looks. Chinese and Ang Mo is more difficult. It is quite challenging.
Today I am seeing the tai tai again, she is inviting me for lunch at an Orchard Road hotel with a bunch of people. So, I don't think there will be any action.
Bro, Warmnites, if you send me a pm I can give you the Filipina maid's contact. It's up to you if you score, it all depends on your sweet talking and seducing techniques.
Bro Peterfish, maybe I could not live up to expectations of some Bros in this forum as to being able to succeed with the tai tai. I again emphasize I am not Any Lau of Sylverster Sim so my choices for women are limited. I must take what comes available. Forgive me Bros, if I cannot score, sianing a tai tai is not an easy task for me, I am not used to that type of situation.
Bye Bros !
02-02-2005, 12:24 PM
1. Like most bro here, i am waiting for your FR with that Tai Tai
2. You said you rejected her invitation for 1 outing, what is her reaction?
3. Try this next time, tell her you know/spot/seen this gal and you are attacted to her, see her response. Pretend to ask her for advise on courtship and romance on this gal, see what she say.
4. There is definately some reasons why this tai tai is asking you out all the time and response promptly to you email, sms etc. What does she hope to get out of the relationship with you? That the key question.
5. What do you want from this tai tai? ONS, long term discreet sexual relationship, just a company or what?
6. What you want and what she want, does it match, if yes Ho Say Liao!!!! If no, fuck it stay at home and watch EPL or go fuck your maid.
2 cents worth. :)
07-02-2005, 10:16 AM
Hey Bruder
Any further development with the tai tai?
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