View Full Version : Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....
14-01-2005, 01:28 PM
Fellow Bros,
Don't know whether should post here.
But seeking advise of what to do?
I owe bank alot of money because bonk too much.
Anybody can advise me what to do? :confused: :(
15-01-2005, 07:43 AM
work and pay off the money? no offence but 1st time heard got ppl bonk till borrow money from bank..or isit ah long? :confused:
15-01-2005, 11:54 AM
Fellow Bros,
Don't know whether should post here.
But seeking advise of what to do?
I owe bank alot of money because bonk too much.
Anybody can advise me what to do? :confused: :(
Sorry....does banks provide loans to bonking....
Banks only do banking, don't know they are into bonking.
15-01-2005, 11:59 AM
Sorry....does banks provide loans to bonking....
Banks only do banking, don't know they are into bonking.
ya lor, what is the interest like? by annual or by per session? How to apply? :D
15-01-2005, 12:01 PM
bro~~~ so interesting what bank u owe...
i would like to apply this bonking loan man...
anyway for your problem is no a problem dont worry just continue
to bonk man.....
happy bonking~!!!
15-01-2005, 12:19 PM
Anybody can advise me what to do?
U oredi try out bank loaning. Now it's time to do some bank robbing. :D
15-01-2005, 12:20 PM
well i guess its because of credit card too much advancment right
15-01-2005, 12:38 PM
Fellow Bros,
Don't know whether should post here.
But seeking advise of what to do?
I owe bank alot of money because bonk too much.
Anybody can advise me what to do? :confused: :(
How come u can get urself in such situation: Owe banks money coz of bonking?? all i can say's wat a #### u' ve made urself of... Bonking's a pleasure, Dont BONK if you dont 've the financial ability to do so.. I advise u to reflect and get a steady income b4 goin' to bonk again!
15-01-2005, 01:01 PM
Fellow Bros,
Don't know whether should post here.
But seeking advise of what to do?
I owe bank alot of money because bonk too much.
Anybody can advise me what to do? :confused:
Hello Superman,
First, actually shouldn't post here lah... but since already post, might as well answer.
What advise do you want leh? Don't understand.
If you owe bank whether little or a lot of money, whether due to bonking or getting bonk, very simple, just pay lor...
How to pay? go ask the bank. :cool:
15-01-2005, 01:11 PM
Put a full stop to bonking activities and repay all loans....
15-01-2005, 02:17 PM
High chance could me using credit card to withdrawl money....if not then becos of using credit to go over visit health spa for bonking?
by the way, can u pls list down how much u owe per credit card and what are the bank? Only then can advise u
15-01-2005, 02:24 PM
Stop ur acts and clear the debt. As for your needs, i am pretty sure a lot of brothers here will agree that u have a pair of hands to use when u need it.
Meanwhile work and pay your debts.
Seriously, I wonder if you spend too much $$$ on Bonking or you to shy to ask for advice for money you spend liao? :confused:
15-01-2005, 02:52 PM
Hello Superman,
First, actually shouldn't post here lah... but since already post, might as well answer.
What advise do you want leh? Don't understand.
If you owe bank whether little or a lot of money, whether due to bonking or getting bonk, very simple, just pay lor...
How to pay? go ask the bank. :cool:
Shh... u r not supposed to let ppl know he is superman!
tell him 2 look for Lana or Lois, they sure can help them one..
or do like peter parker.. go take pictures. :D
15-01-2005, 02:57 PM
Go for bankrupt loh.....LIKE ME!!!
SOlve all your problem....
15-01-2005, 02:57 PM
Fellow Bros,
Don't know whether should post here.
But seeking advise of what to do?
I owe bank alot of money because bonk too much.
Anybody can advise me what to do?
Seriously, go check with ur bank for financial advise on how to re-finance your loan. Brothers over here, very difficult to help you as we dunno your financial situation etc. And when you are done with this, bonk within your means...
For bonks, Ms Five Fingers can help you a lot.. You should be very familiar with her.
ps. If you need to earn extra as a gigolo, heard bro TV might be able to help.. :D
15-01-2005, 03:02 PM
perhaps...we should really advises him on this....if he really chalk up on credit card....then bro ask him to work to clear may not be enuff.....
I used to have such experience....imagine having 13 credit card acc...and every single card limit is blown with each card at least 5k of limit....
how u going to pay up let say with a monthly pay of 3k? dont forget cpf take away some of it....u cant even cope with every card min. payment...ur take home pay will not even enuff to settle every card min. payment....
it is alrite to tok about this in here???? :confused:
15-01-2005, 03:08 PM
Wah Bro... You sounded very experienced.... :eek:
How did u get out of it ??? PM me if u can share...
perhaps...we should really advises him on this....if he really chalk up on credit card....then bro ask him to work to clear may not be enuff.....
I used to have such experience....imagine having 13 credit card acc...and every single card limit is blown with each card at least 5k of limit....
how u going to pay up let say with a monthly pay of 3k? dont forget cpf take away some of it....u cant even cope with every card min. payment...ur take home pay will not even enuff to settle every card min. payment....
it is alrite to tok about this in here???? :confused:
15-01-2005, 03:16 PM
perhaps...we should really advises him on this....
it is alrite to tok about this in here???? :confused:
i can sympathize with his situation rite now.. He must be feeling regretted of his past expenditure, may in KTVs or pubs flings. It's not late to reflect and solve ur problems. (1) One solution is to be remain dissolved, then you can start all over again (2) Another is to look for a steady source income, at the same time to defer ur loan payment. I'm not good in recommending financial advice, maybe others here would be able to help u.
Zack Tan
15-01-2005, 03:19 PM
Hey Superman,
You are in deep shit if what you claimed is true. Never know bank can extent credit for bonkings or are you saying that you have over run your credit cards for cheongings and now the bank is after your ass! The 1st thing you should do is to seek financial heip from your long time constant companion, a Miss Louis Lane but how are you going to explain your ECA activities to her? She may cut your balls off but frankly this may not be a bad thing considering the predicament you are,ke.
Seriously, you can speak to you bank about a scheduled repayment scheme. I presumed you have a regular income since the bank extented the credit to you. If the bank accept your proposal, you must work your ass off to keep to your commitments otherwise they may sue you until the only thing left for you is the shirt and shorts that you are wearing. The bank can be pretty cold on this. Cheonging KTV/HC/GL/FL can be additive, so don't start....if you start then too late liao. Must built up $ 1st mah! Don't use credit cards or "bank" loan next time for such ECA ok. Hope you learn your lesson.
15-01-2005, 03:21 PM
I used to have such experience....imagine having 13 credit card acc...and every single card limit is blown with each card at least 5k of limit....
how u going to pay up let say with a monthly pay of 3k? dont forget cpf take away some of it....u cant even cope with every card min. payment...ur take home pay will not even enuff to settle every card min. payment....
it is alrite to tok about this in here????
Think should be ok rite? since in a way it is related to sex or rather too much sex that leads to his current predicament.. in fact, this is a lesson to all.. "Bonk within your means"
anyway, banks now have balance transfer, can bring down the interest payment. They also have schemes where you pay a fixed amount each month with a lower interest rate. All you have to do is talk to your bank and get them to advise how you should proceed. They also wouldn't want a situation where you, their customer is unable to pay.
15-01-2005, 03:24 PM
Fellow Bros,
Don't know whether should post here.
But seeking advise of what to do?
I owe bank alot of money because bonk too much.
Anybody can advise me what to do? :confused: :(
Ai yah...go for self declare loh.....i just declared last month only.....the hearing is less than 1 min.....
After that have to be good boy loh....for me, its a new life for me....
15-01-2005, 04:15 PM
bro~~~ so interesting what bank u owe...
i would like to apply this bonking loan man...
anyway for your problem is no a problem dont worry just continue
to bonk man.....
happy bonking~!!!u like to loan?? easy.. apply for serveral credit cards and cash lines.. take cash advances... dont pay back.. easily hit u with 30 ~ 50K of loan at 24% per ann.. u wan? dont tok cok lah.. ppl need help u still wan to chak.. pm me that u wan to apply.. i arrange for u..
15-01-2005, 04:26 PM
u like to loan?? easy.. apply for serveral credit cards and cash lines.. take cash advances... dont pay back.. easily hit u with 30 ~ 50K of loan at 24% per ann.. u wan? dont tok cok lah.. ppl need help u still wan to chak.. pm me that u wan to apply.. i arrange for u..
What if already applied so many cc n now take home pay isnt enuff to cover the min repayment and the banks are now in the stage of seizure of your property? This kind of predicament is very hard to deal with for normal working adults, imagine the stress associated with it...
15-01-2005, 04:37 PM
If talking serious here, this is my two cents worth.
Go into MLM, Insurance or any commissin based job and start selling like MAD! No other steady fix pay job is going to help you to pay your annual loan repayment if it has burst into more than 30 K a month.
Once declared bankrupt, it is only a short term solution. You will pay it back in the long run with application for bank loan under heavy scrutiny in the future. How you going to explain to your future spouse (assuming you are unmarried now) on unable to take a loan?
"I can't take a loan because I bankrupt"
"Why you bankrupt?"
"Because I bonk too much on credit..."
*Slap* End of story...
15-01-2005, 04:43 PM
What if already applied so many cc n now take home pay isnt enuff to cover the min repayment and the banks are now in the stage of seizure of your property? This kind of predicament is very hard to deal with for normal working adults, imagine the stress associated with it...
declare bankrupt if non of ur relative can help... dont go for ah leong.. its like jumping from one pirate ship to the other.. but if u are a professional lawyer, accountant... u can kiss ur professional membership good bye...
15-01-2005, 04:52 PM
Dun know how to comfort/advice the threadstarter brother but i would like to remind brothers to chiong within your own financial capablities. :D Chiong without financial stress is lagi shioker.
15-01-2005, 04:55 PM
declare bankrupt if non of ur relative can help... dont go for ah leong.. its like jumping from one pirate ship to the other.. but if u are a professional lawyer, accountant... u can kiss ur professional membership good bye...
Thanks for the advice...but abit late...
15-01-2005, 07:25 PM
Where is the thread starter? Gone? Ask for advice and gone? Whereever you are, I believe many brohers have given sincere and good advice.Good Luck. Remember, you still have your trusty pair of hands :D
15-01-2005, 07:53 PM
option 1
take a rope and hang yourself.
born a new life , be a better man.
option 2
discuss with the bank , they will work out a way for you , they rather earn less then you dont pay at all.. i know some ppl that able to pull over this and learn his way to be a better man.
option 3
borrow from ah long , pay liao.. enjoy 1 week of fun.. then jump 1st payment.. run as far as you can , dont even come back to singapore.
option 4
sell house , sell car , sell body , sell whatever you can , still cannot?
declare bankrupt.
15-01-2005, 08:09 PM
Think option 3 is the best choice!Borrow from as many ah long as possible and dun return home. :D
15-01-2005, 09:27 PM
sad to hear u land urself into this state cos of bonk .. Hope u will settle ur problem soon and learnt ur lesson well ... :cool:
15-01-2005, 09:54 PM
Thanks Bro for you advise, but how do i go about it?
Just PMed you only...
15-01-2005, 10:07 PM
1. if you have any credit cards, go to the kitchen right now take a pair of scissors and cut all of them in half
2. go get an appointment to talk to the bank officers, they don't want you to go under - try to work out a repayment plan
15-01-2005, 11:21 PM
not qualified to teach u but my humble sugestion.working in the bank.cant solve but try to minimized.if u record is still good apply for credit cards or credit line & do a balance least u pay lesser interest & then be more wise.might take some time to clear unless u got a loan frm ur family.can pm me if u need further offence.good luck
16-01-2005, 01:37 AM
look for a gay club n find some 'cai tao', let them bonk u, earn money from them, 1/2 pay bank, 1/2 go n bonk again lor .. :D
16-01-2005, 02:07 AM
look for a gay club n find some 'cai tao', let them bonk u, earn money from them, 1/2 pay bank, 1/2 go n bonk again lor .. :D
Cheebye lah! Lanjiao advice. :mad:
16-01-2005, 02:38 AM
Thanks for the advice...but abit late...
u mean u also in this predicament?
16-01-2005, 02:42 AM
Bonk within your means, else you may end up like this: pay copyright fees anot :p
16-01-2005, 02:44 AM pay copyright fees anot
huh? got copyright for this one meh? :p
Ok ok.. 1 coffee on me if e thread starter wan 2 meet up.. :D
16-01-2005, 09:26 AM
u mean u also in this predicament?
Pretty much so...
16-01-2005, 09:35 AM
I owe bank alot of money because bonk too much.
Anybody can advise me what to do? :confused: :([/QUOTE]
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++
Dear Bro
just treat the $$$ spent on chickens as mthly membership fee to the gym for exercise workout!
if u spend the $$$ on bonking - u got the pleasure!
but if u spend the $$$ on buying gifts/ang pow to chicks (esp PRC); then u should STOP IMMEDIATELY becaz in this case u might only get pain in the end.
i'm not suggesting u to stop f..king but to bonk wisely.
16-01-2005, 09:51 AM
Pretty much so...
Man.. better start controlling your income and expenditure. Maybe you can start with writing down what is your fix expenditure. Your interest is oso considered as fix expenditure. Then budget your variable expenditure. . Have to give up on the unnecessary like taking cab, catching a movie etc.
Must be very disciplined. Anything extra goes to your re-payment
Good luck bro.
16-01-2005, 10:18 AM
Man.. better start controlling your income and expenditure. Maybe you can start with writing down what is your fix expenditure. Your interest is oso considered as fix expenditure. Then budget your variable expenditure. . Have to give up on the unnecessary like taking cab, catching a movie etc.
Must be very disciplined. Anything extra goes to your re-payment
Good luck bro.
Really too late liao...
16-01-2005, 12:16 PM
Just talk to all the banks and ur finanicial situation or engage someone to talk for u to the bank. I think there are some firm that offers this kind of service. Most important is U must inform the banks and they will work out a repayment plan for U, but that usually means U will have to stay at home for the next 2 or 3 years. Boring but at least after that, U R a free man. Dont ever borrow from a long or get new cards. U will never repay back. Best is talk to ur relatives see if they can offer a little help. At least if can clear 1 or 2 cards, the rest will be more easier for u to clear.
16-01-2005, 02:02 PM
Just talk to all the banks and ur finanicial situation or engage someone to talk for u to the bank. I think there are some firm that offers this kind of service.
forget about asking such firm to help u. they do for you for certain fee
If you got a hard time controlling your credit card expenditures, change them into Debit card. Like that, no future cash, no future urge to spend. That's why i use Debit card. Same functions as Credit card but not so impressive to show gals. At least it deter you from spending in a spur of moment.
ignis sport
16-01-2005, 02:59 PM
pls allow humble me to share my experience...
1. lost S$100k in shares in Jan04, part of it personnal savings, part of it frens joint investment & 10k fm DBS cashline.
2. lost job in Feb04, paid 50% for frens losses with personal savings, start servicing cashline repayment oso fm personal savings
3. wife left n file for seperation in Mar04, savings almost dry, still got to service cashline n support son's monthly expenses
My humble solution:
1. work part time in hotel (any job can-even dishing washing) cos got flexi hrs
2. look for fulltime job, start side-line selling anything tt came my way...pills, oils, lighting balast, car audio systems/speakers...anything tt's legal
3. work out monthly payment based on income, cut spending on everything, lock up credit card, rent out empty rooms in my flat-even if it means sleeping in hall
4. talk to mom&dad, admit mistake eat humble pie ask for help
1. got a full time job, still doing sideline, paying back mom&dad monthly (better than paying banks)
2. selling flat, so can pay mom&dad back lump sum
3. still owe S$2.5k to close fren/ins agent, he advise no hurry
4. very very PAINFULL lesson learnt
5. got a few gfs so no need to pay for bonks, if no bonks avail-use left or right hand or both
To thread starter:
1. there's always a way out, painful as it may be but if u serious abt getting out of the mess...u'll find it
my 2cents worth
16-01-2005, 04:31 PM
Brother Ignis_Sport, u are damn steady. A real man also. You were so jialat yet is on way to recovering liao. Respect. :D
16-01-2005, 04:45 PM
forget about asking such firm to help u. they do for you for certain fee
Agree with you on this. Banks prefer to talk to you direct.
And to advise on your expenditure etc, any good brothers can help you.
But at e end of e day, its up to yourself to be disciplined on what you set out to do. Nobody can help you if you don't want to help yourself.
16-01-2005, 04:47 PM
Really too late liao...
bro, its never too late. all you have to do is start NOW.
16-01-2005, 05:04 PM
bro, its never too late. all you have to do is start NOW. is never too late....if u can have the time and cash to post in here then it is not too late :D
ignis sport
16-01-2005, 09:04 PM
Brother Ignis_Sport, u are damn steady. A real man also. You were so jialat yet is on way to recovering liao. Respect. :D
thank u sir, had read ur post in the gl threads n enjoyed them v much :) i can't afford for now hence read FR hehe...
it's a humbling experience n part of life's many lessons but i hope don't hv to re-learn this one again...once more thank u sir
16-01-2005, 10:31 PM
bro, its never too late. all you have to do is start NOW.
Yes, on the recovery path also had painful lesson learnt similiar situation as wat bro ignis_sport describes spend future money...
16-01-2005, 11:10 PM
pls allow humble me to share my experience...
1. lost S$100k in shares in Jan04, part of it personnal savings, part of it frens joint investment & 10k fm DBS cashline.
2. lost job in Feb04, paid 50% for frens losses with personal savings, start servicing cashline repayment oso fm personal savings
3. wife left n file for seperation in Mar04, savings almost dry, still got to service cashline n support son's monthly expenses
Wah.. with all this.. and u can rebound back... *salute*...
16-01-2005, 11:31 PM
Cheebye lah! Lanjiao advice. :mad:
hello, cbyumseng:clark_kent
in forum, something can be real or not real, unless we see the prove. i'm not young, i enter so many forum, no such thing can not joke, joke is just to make ppl laught, this thread created by clark_kent not you, you can not joke then no reply me, if clark_kent can not joke, can tell me, if this forum can joke, then i don't joke any more, but if because you are lao jiao, can scold me like that, no point i stay here, before i leave, i can tell you Mr. cbyumseng: gan ni na beh lao chi bai !!! :mad:
17-01-2005, 02:03 AM
hello, cbyumseng:clark_kent
in forum, something can be real or not real, unless we see the prove. i'm not young, i enter so many forum, no such thing can not joke, joke is just to make ppl laught, this thread created by clark_kent not you, you can not joke then no reply me, if clark_kent can not joke, can tell me, if this forum can joke, then i don't joke any more, but if because you are lao jiao, can scold me like that, no point i stay here, before i leave, i can tell you Mr. cbyumseng: gan ni na beh lao chi bai !!! :mad:
Sigh..uncleloo u really got no shame u know. Ppl scold u liao u should hide one corner and ask yourself wat went wrong? Register since early this year got zero useful postings and post 2 stupid threads like this, like how to booking gal for overnight? Kiam gan sibo?
This thread is a brother asking us for help regarding his problems and U ARE THE ONLY CHEEBYE THAT COME IN AND JOKE. Even if u want to joke, do it at a appropriate timing. And it is more than ok to joke if u have something good to say before then. And wat have u only said?
This forum alot of ppl entertaining each other and joking around but cheebye kias like u dun pick a good timing and u call that joking? Thats lame. Fuck back to the lanjiao forums u come from. Gnn, still dare to say u old and wise? Lanjiao understand! You are not qualified to talk. :D
17-01-2005, 02:05 AM
thank u sir, had read ur post in the gl threads n enjoyed them v much :) i can't afford for now hence read FR hehe...
it's a humbling experience n part of life's many lessons but i hope don't hv to re-learn this one again...once more thank u sir
I am the one that need to call u "Sir", u know old folks always say a hero is not a hero until he suffer some setbacks in life. Anyway goodluck to you and hope u recover 100percent ASAP. :D
17-01-2005, 02:31 AM
thank u sir, had read ur post in the gl threads n enjoyed them v much :) i can't afford for now hence read FR hehe...
it's a humbling experience n part of life's many lessons but i hope don't hv to re-learn this one again...once more thank u sir
Can i old are you?
17-01-2005, 07:34 AM
Can i old are you?
He's still quite young.. and good looking too, (I know cos' I've met him)
You interested? I can help make the introduction. :D
ignis sport
17-01-2005, 08:42 AM
He's still quite young.. and good looking too, (I know cos' I've met him)
You interested? I can help make the introduction. :D
hehe...gor gor mai chong ti wah lei :D pai sei one lah
i 33yrs young, look lang gar compared to all the yen tao kous like yourself, nirvana, darkstar, poolhot gor gor, acer gor gor, popiah, vlnerna etc...
thanks for the kind words, my apologies for leaving so soon last night, kana recall by ex to talk abt my little boy
17-01-2005, 08:54 AM
Salute to you Ignis,
Think that most people would have took the easy way out.
ignis sport
17-01-2005, 08:55 AM
Wah.. with all this.. and u can rebound back... *salute*...
'salute' back :) alot of anguish & pain bitting the bullet, but every time see little son's photo...hehe MUST endure n press on la
I am the one that need to call u "Sir", u know old folks always say a hero is not a hero until he suffer some setbacks in life. Anyway goodluck to you and hope u recover 100percent ASAP.
hehe in tt case we're bros lor...but i scared 2 b hero, happy 2 b zero
thanks for the well wishes, may the winds of fortune & success blow ur way this new yr!!! huat ah!!!
Can i old are you?
ma'am, xiao didi is 33 this new yr, anything else ma'am would like to know??
17-01-2005, 09:25 AM
This thread is a brother asking us for help regarding his problems and U ARE THE ONLY CHEEBYE THAT COME IN AND JOKE.
steady bro,
He quite heng liao.. if i log in.. and saw him post like tat.. he will ganna more jia lat jia lat from me.. come.. give me a bear hug... cod fish head... this wednesday hor.. cant wait.. slurp... :)
17-01-2005, 09:48 AM
wat bro ingis sport say is true...
once u cant handle ur finance.. that means u need at least 40 ~ 50% of ur salary per month to survived... if ur repayment (meaning principle and interest).. if ur repayment of interest hits more than 50% of ur salary IMMEDIATELY talk to bank..
talk to bank that u cant pay that kind of interest.. show them ur salary slip.. tell them that u have a hard time to pay back casue u need at least 40 ~ 50% of ur pay to survived... etc..
arrange a lower interest rate.. some banks may reduce up to 12% per ann.. that means instead of paying back 24%, u only need to pay back 12% or lower if u lucky..
after restructuring ur debt.. get money..
work 2 job.. get a day time job and a nite time job.. when i just graduate from uni.. i determine to earn more than 5K plus a month.. i gotten 2 jobs.. and i am earning 6K a month at that period of time.. shiok.. but u have to give up on ur sleep...
if working hard and restructuring ur loan is too difficult a job for u to do.. the easiest way out is to declare bankrupt... sigh...... but u must weight ur pros and cons.. to be a bankrupt.. it will hinder ur future progress in life.. unless u be ur own boss and climb up.. but even if u be ur own boss.. when u wan to gain finance for ur firm and the bank knows that u are a former bankrupt.. it might be harder for u... If u are a professional...(lawyer, accountant..etc) if u bankrupt.. u can kiss ur rice bowl...
In my own opinion..
I will work my ass off than be a bankrupt.. as i mention.. if u r a bankrupt and u wan to work in a MNC as a manager.. etc.. it will be hard...
I believe as a working adult.. if u work ur ass off.. to earn 5 ~ 6 k a month is easy (legally)..
be a good boy for 3 years and u will be fine..
17-01-2005, 10:56 AM
work 2 job.. get a day time job and a nite time job.. when i just graduate from uni.. i determine to earn more than 5K plus a month.. i gotten 2 jobs.. and i am earning 6K a month at that period of time.. shiok.. but u have to give up on ur sleep...
brudder, so how's ur nite time job as a PRON STAR going :eek: ?
17-01-2005, 11:12 AM
brudder, so how's ur nite time job as a PRON STAR going :eek: ?Shhhhhhh...... show closed for 3 weeks.. ganna (personal) AV raid.. so close shop for 3 weeks.. sigh.. HELP!!
17-01-2005, 11:50 AM
Agree with you on this. Banks prefer to talk to you direct.
And to advise on your expenditure etc, any good brothers can help you.
But at e end of e day, its up to yourself to be disciplined on what you set out to do. Nobody can help you if you don't want to help yourself.
Hmm... Kena deducted by a 4 pointer for this post. :confused:
Can the kind brother who deducted me for this, advise why he disapprove of the above? Not angry or what but would like to have your view cos you deduct without leaving a comment.
17-01-2005, 12:00 PM
Hmm... Kena deducted by a 4 pointer for this post. :confused:
Can the kind brother who deducted me for this, advise why he disapprove of the above? Not angry or what but would like to have your view cos you deduct without leaving a comment.
4points!!.. definately not me hor.. that means a 8 pointer or a 9 pointer.. u sure?
17-01-2005, 01:30 PM
4points!!.. definately not me hor.. that means a 8 pointer or a 9 pointer.. u sure?
5555.. No lar.. Kena deduct 2 pts. Thats why say from a 4 pointer.. Or maybe a 5 pointer..
Haiz.. just want to know y oni? Die oso must know reason y rite? :p
Nvr mind, as long dun kena moderation can liao.
17-01-2005, 01:48 PM
5555.. No lar.. Kena deduct 2 pts. Thats why say from a 4 pointer.. Or maybe a 5 pointer..
Haiz.. just want to know y oni? Die oso must know reason y rite? :p
Nvr mind, as long dun kena moderation can liao.
Some people just enjoyed deducting others under the cloak of anonymity. Thumbs up for Sam.
If you queried too much, might create a wrong impression u are points driven.
So just let it be. And allow me to compensate for your losses. :D
17-01-2005, 01:49 PM
dont worry i will up you after 24 hours ok.. :D
5555.. No lar.. Kena deduct 2 pts. Thats why say from a 4 pointer.. Or maybe a 5 pointer..
Haiz.. just want to know y oni? Die oso must know reason y rite? :p
Nvr mind, as long dun kena moderation can liao.
5555.. No lar.. Kena deduct 2 pts. Thats why say from a 4 pointer.. Or maybe a 5 pointer..
Haiz.. just want to know y oni? Die oso must know reason y rite? :p
Nvr mind, as long dun kena moderation can liao.
Later I add u back lah .... oke? :D
17-01-2005, 01:56 PM
5555.. No lar.. Kena deduct 2 pts. Thats why say from a 4 pointer.. Or maybe a 5 pointer..
Haiz.. just want to know y oni? Die oso must know reason y rite?
Nvr mind, as long dun kena moderation can liao.
not bAD leh, one post n u get 6+1+8+5=+20pts ...
nvm lah.. sum pple deduct pts 4 free...
17-01-2005, 02:09 PM
brother DNAT ...i add you already lay.... u know what to do la.. :D
Later I add u back lah .... oke? :D
brother DNAT ...i add you already lay.... u know what to do la..
Do what ... I dun noe :rolleyes: *act blur*
17-01-2005, 02:15 PM
Teletubby love u brother DNAT!!! :D
Do what ... I dun noe :rolleyes: *act blur*
17-01-2005, 02:21 PM
Teletubby love u brother DNAT!!! :D
brudder DNAT beware... i heard Teletubby is gay..... :eek:
17-01-2005, 02:29 PM
brother DNAT ...i add you already lay.... u know what to do la.. :D
Wa lau, He's Dont Noe Any Thing lah. :p
17-01-2005, 02:54 PM
huh.. me gay meh??? not WPP meh??? :D i heard Nirvana is also gay lay.. :D
brudder DNAT beware... i heard Teletubby is gay.....
i heard Nirvana is also gay lay..
only you dare to say this .. :rolleyes: ... I dare not. Wait u kena F upside down then u know :D
17-01-2005, 02:58 PM
only you dare to say this .. ... I dare not. Wait u kena F upside down then u know :D
17-01-2005, 03:40 PM
u are a really very the "CAN"!!.. the best newbie i ever know.. who can LOVE our DNAT..
Who say our WPP and Nirvana are gay..
and say our DNAT say Nirvana gay..
wah.. i think they are going to buy a carton of butter for ur ass liao.. :)
but i look u very the up for been so brave.. clap
17-01-2005, 03:58 PM
wow u look me so up.... sure know what to do liao la... DNAT and WPP already done his part la.. now waiting for your 9 points.. BTW
kaya can or not... i prefer kaya, i dont like butter . abit too oily.. ;)
u are a really very the "CAN"!!.. the best newbie i ever know.. who can LOVE our DNAT..
Who say our WPP and Nirvana are gay..
and say our DNAT say Nirvana gay..
wah.. i think they are going to buy a carton of butter for ur ass liao.. :)
but i look u very the up for been so brave.. clap
17-01-2005, 04:46 PM
pls allow humble me to share my experience...
1. lost S$100k in shares in Jan04, part of it personnal savings, part of it frens joint investment & 10k fm DBS cashline.
2. lost job in Feb04, paid 50% for frens losses with personal savings, start servicing cashline repayment oso fm personal savings
3. wife left n file for seperation in Mar04, savings almost dry, still got to service cashline n support son's monthly expenses
My humble solution:
1. work part time in hotel (any job can-even dishing washing) cos got flexi hrs
2. look for fulltime job, start side-line selling anything tt came my way...pills, oils, lighting balast, car audio systems/speakers...anything tt's legal
3. work out monthly payment based on income, cut spending on everything, lock up credit card, rent out empty rooms in my flat-even if it means sleeping in hall
4. talk to mom&dad, admit mistake eat humble pie ask for help
1. got a full time job, still doing sideline, paying back mom&dad monthly (better than paying banks)
2. selling flat, so can pay mom&dad back lump sum
3. still owe S$2.5k to close fren/ins agent, he advise no hurry
4. very very PAINFULL lesson learnt
5. got a few gfs so no need to pay for bonks, if no bonks avail-use left or right hand or both
To thread starter:
1. there's always a way out, painful as it may be but if u serious abt getting out of the mess...u'll find it
my 2cents worth
You got my respect! :)
17-01-2005, 06:37 PM
Some people just enjoyed deducting others under the cloak of anonymity. Thumbs up for Sam.
If you queried too much, might create a wrong impression u are points driven.
So just let it be. And allow me to compensate for your losses.
Hahaha.. No lar.. brothers who know me know that I am not pts driven, if I am, I would have asked ard for ppl to up my pts. Know a few brothers who have 5pts and above who haven up me before.. hehe..
Anyway, thanks to you and Bro Dnat for upping my pts.. And to whoever wants to up my pts because want to pity me, no need la.. haha.. Appreciate it, very touched already.. I already got a lot more than the zapped pts. Please keep until when I really need the pts.. ie when I kena moderation. (Hopefully not la) hehe..
Haiz.. might as well say la.. I lost my virginity!!! That was my 1st time kena deduct pts. :eek:
So, may I know how I lost my virginity and why and to whom?
I kena 'RAPED'!! Can report to police or not? :..(
17-01-2005, 07:53 PM
Dun know how to comfort/advice the threadstarter brother but i would like to remind brothers to chiong within your own financial capablities. :D Chiong without financial stress is lagi shioker.
That is why GL/KS has the different CATs to suit individual financial "needs"...
17-01-2005, 07:59 PM
1. got a full time job, still doing sideline, paying back mom&dad monthly (better than paying banks)
2. selling flat, so can pay mom&dad back lump sum
3. still owe S$2.5k to close fren/ins agent, he advise no hurry
4. very very PAINFULL lesson learnt
5. got a few gfs so no need to pay for bonks, if no bonks avail-use left or right hand or both
To thread starter:
1. there's always a way out, painful as it may be but if u serious abt getting out of the mess...u'll find it
my 2cents worth
Brudder I salute you for the fortitude and determination....
17-01-2005, 08:04 PM
4points!!.. definately not me hor.. that means a 8 pointer or a 9 pointer.. u sure?
Oooh not me also I just joined in not long...some more I also kena minus 3 pts already by some one from another thread who called in reinforcement....wah very siong man...last few round all - no +.....
17-01-2005, 08:11 PM
Oooh not me also I just joined in not long...some more I also kena minus 3 pts already by some one from another thread who called in reinforcement....wah very siong man...last few round all - no +.....
Dun worry bro...check yr CP... :)
17-01-2005, 08:22 PM
Dun worry bro...check yr CP... :)
Hehehe to borrow some lines from you...
Thank you / Asante / Cheers / Dank u / Danke / Dziękuję / Go raibh maith agat / Gracias / Grazie / Kiitos / Maraming Salamat / Merci / Nandri / Obrigado / Shukran / Shukria / Tack / Takk / Terima Kasih / Tesekkür ederim / σας ευχαριστούμε / ありがとう / 대단히 감사합니다 / 謝謝 / ขอบคุ ณครั บ / спасибо
17-01-2005, 09:20 PM
dont worry i will up you after 24 hours ok.. :D
who are you UPing within this 24hrs huh? :rolleyes:
17-01-2005, 09:22 PM
brother DNAT ...i add you already lay.... u know what to do la.. :D it's Uncle D you're UPing again :p
17-01-2005, 09:27 PM
Know a few brothers who have 5pts and above who haven up me before.. hehe..
so direct ah........ :rolleyes:
Haiz.. might as well say la.. I lost my virginity!!!
CONGRATS........ :D
I kena 'RAPED'!! Can report to police or not? :..( of our Bro kanna 'RAPED' the C.S.I detectives
17-01-2005, 09:30 PM
i am the lawyer here... :D do you need my service???
the well known Lawyer in SB cum Lor Mee Seller cum VCDs Peddler????? :confused:
17-01-2005, 11:17 PM
hmm... Sam is the policeman here... i am the lawyer here... do you need my service???
Hahaha.. No need no need.. Thank you thank you.
Can't afford a lawyer la..
Think I'll let this past.. hehe.. If everyone who kena zapped asked police to check, Uncle Sam would be too busy la.. :D
17-01-2005, 11:28 PM
so direct ah........
CONGRATS[/SIZE]........ of our Bro kanna 'RAPED' the C.S.I detectives
Got meh? Hehehe.. :p
No need no need.. already decided to drop all charges. :o
17-01-2005, 11:31 PM
so direct ah........
CONGRATS........ of our Bro kanna 'RAPED' the C.S.I detectives
Got meh? hehe..
No need no need.. As with a lot of molest/rape victim, decided to drop all charges.
Thanks to all concerned brothers.Borrow from bro tittyhawk
Thank you / Asante / Cheers / Dank u / Danke / Dziękuję / Go raibh maith agat / Gracias / Grazie / Kiitos / Maraming Salamat / Merci / Nandri / Obrigado / Shukran / Shukria / Tack / Takk / Terima Kasih / Tesekkür ederim / σας ευχαριστούμε / ありがとう / 대단히 감사합니다 / 謝謝 / ขอบคุ ณครั บ / спасибо
17-01-2005, 11:37 PM
Borrow from bro tittyhawk
Thank you / Asante / Cheers / Dank u / Danke / Dziękuję / Go raibh maith agat / Gracias / Grazie / Kiitos / Maraming Salamat / Merci / Nandri / Obrigado / Shukran / Shukria / Tack / Takk / Terima Kasih / Tesekkür ederim / σας ευχαριστούμε / ありがとう / 대단히 감사합니다 / 謝謝 / ขอบคุ ณครั บ / спасибо
COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT (AGAIN)!!!!!!!!!! :mad: (on behalf of bro tittyhawk)'ll be getting a new case soon :D
17-01-2005, 11:50 PM
COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT (AGAIN)!!!!!!!!!! (on behalf of bro tittyhawk)'ll be getting a new case soon
Wooi! I got say borrow 1st wat.. :p
ignis sport
18-01-2005, 09:21 AM
You got my respect! :)
thank u sir, i believe u r the 6pointer that added my rep. 'salute' in return & my humble little 1pt oso :)
ignis sport
18-01-2005, 09:34 AM
Salute to you Ignis,
Think that most people would have took the easy way out.
thank u tungsten, truth is there's not easy way out :o , move in any direction oso still in f*cked up position, lan lan must hunker down n dig a way out hehe...a bit like digging pussy :D
Brudder I salute you for the fortitude and determination....
wah feel hornoured to receive words of encouragement for big gor gor Frankie. hehe sir enjoyed reading many a FR by urself...i luv chilli padi...hmmm i like....
18-01-2005, 11:03 AM
wah feel hornoured to receive words of encouragement for big gor gor Frankie. hehe sir enjoyed reading many a FR by urself...i luv chilli padi...hmmm i like....
Thank you thank you unfortunately uncle kena tembak becos someone don't like it.....maybe better dig up my old Harold Robbins and Sidney Sheldon books and learnt how to write like them....
18-01-2005, 11:17 AM
Thank you thank you unfortunately uncle kena tembak becos someone don't like it.....maybe better dig up my old Harold Robbins and Sidney Sheldon books and learnt how to write like them....
after u finish learning and gain enlightenment.. can i be ur publisher?
18-01-2005, 11:23 AM
after u finish learning and gain enlightenment.. can i be ur publisher?
U can do the editing for me first england still not powderful enuf...
18-01-2005, 11:35 AM
U can do the editing for me first england still not powderful enuf...
If i do editing.. might as well sell the books to ah beng... :)
18-01-2005, 05:33 PM
I am a Bankrupt....hohoho.....whats the difference in my life??!!
18-01-2005, 07:20 PM
huh.. me gay meh??? i heard sam is also gay lay.. :D
nabei, lucky i sayang u.. u notti gal.
today ask u come meet me u dun want...
how is life in kidergarder? got notti gal anot? :D
18-01-2005, 08:30 PM
wow. u think i stupid meh... u so fierce . later i kenna hum-tham.. how? kee kee :D
nabei, lucky i sayang u.. u notti gal.
today ask u come meet me u dun want...
18-01-2005, 09:17 PM
Btw hor.... what is your address huh???:D
you think i'll tell you meh :p
19-01-2005, 11:12 AM
Bro ignis. Cheers man!!! You hv pull thru n on yr way. I thought I was the only one in this shit trouble.
Sorry to all bros. Want to share some sorrow to lighten load.
yr 1992,ONS and stuck. Wife divorce took kid /Flat. Paid maintence 1k/mth.(salary 4k) .Mkt crash lost 150k( nearly b/rupt but spoke to bank...long repayment)and borrow from relative and tontine. Struggle and juggle till now. Loss job(Retrench) Settle bank with payout of 80k. Balance loan till date + relative 25k. Find job in 3 mth(Salary $2500). Maintence reduced to 500. Struggling but hope to settle in .......mb 5yrs.
Brother...... you are not goes on. :o
Me today bankrupt still have to pay maintainace/alimony of 900 per month for one kid and one divorce in 2000...initially made to pay 1150 by fuck up court....had to surrender my flat plus 50% of my CPF to housing loan which amounted to had to cough out another 50K to put back into CPF...surrender two insurance investment policy worth 50k to ex wife....cannot keep up with payment after bankrupt....applied to lower in 2002...fucking court said I wayang wayang bankruptcy only lower by 250 to part....i had to pay her fucking lawyer cost...something I heard is not usual for variation of order i bo piang...die die must come up with 900 every month....pple ask me why don't varied the order again....i say "fuck the lan cheow court in singapore" a divorce only a woman stands to gain...we man are losers...yesterday report in New Paper just proves my case....
So all in all any bro who is thinking about divorce....think is not the end of your problems just beginning....
19-01-2005, 11:16 AM
So all in all any bro who is thinking about divorce....think is not the end of your problems just beginning....
my male friend wans to divorce.. can pm me ur number? need advice.
10q in advance.
19-01-2005, 11:20 AM
my male friend wans to divorce.. can pm me ur number? need advice.
10q in advance. is the dinner arrangement 2nite.....time & place? :(
19-01-2005, 11:32 AM
nb... you always only think about Glory(Cunt) Hole and eating only... :mad:
my head and brain not beri big leh....can only think small things...... :D
ignis sport
19-01-2005, 11:55 AM
Bro ignis. Cheers man!!! You hv pull thru n on yr way. I thought I was the only one in this shit trouble.
Struggling but hope to settle in .......mb 5yrs.
Brother...... you are not goes on.
bro JT, thanks for sharing, i take heart that there r many in the same boat but i really hope that none have to trudge this weary path. heads up bro!!! let's soldier on n clear this shit...indeed life goes on :)
my plans are to clear all debts by Dec2005, liquidate all assets or transfer to mom b4 the divorce hits married(biggest mistake of my misarable life) with nothing...hence divorce with nothing oso...onli innocent party is my little boy...haiz
19-01-2005, 12:04 PM
Hello to all bros n lao jiaos
i also in a plight in owning banks $$
got 6 credit cards all burst amount to 24k
how i becum to this plight??
haiz play ball n play gers
ball is the killing part and go play ger oso
now every mth onli got 300 to spend and the rest all pay banks
til nw stil haven clear the bank
Anyone can help? or haf a better plan in mind?
thanks in advance
19-01-2005, 12:15 PM
Hello to all bros n lao jiaos
i also in a plight in owning banks $$
got 6 credit cards all burst amount to 24k
how i becum to this plight??
haiz play ball n play gers
ball is the killing part and go play ger oso
now every mth onli got 300 to spend and the rest all pay banks
til nw stil haven clear the bank
Anyone can help? or haf a better plan in mind?
thanks in advance
u spoke with ur bank to restructure ur interest rate already?
go get another nite job..
19-01-2005, 12:23 PM
u spoke with ur bank to restructure ur interest rate already?
go get another nite job..
thanks bro lawry for ur reply
no haven spoken to the bank yet
btw i am a professional cannot be declare as a bankrupt....
19-01-2005, 12:31 PM
thanks bro lawry for ur reply
no haven spoken to the bank yet
btw i am a professional cannot be declare as a bankrupt....
Dont need declare bankrupt lah.. u go miss 2 payment.. when they call u.. tell them the truth.. and tell them.. you would like to negociate a repayment plan with lower interest... most ppl know that u need at least 40% of ur pay to survived.. so show them the pay slip.. tell them ur living expenses.. give a little bull shit to make it to 50% of ur pay.. then tell them u can only manage 50% of ur salary.. thus, this means that u pay them 50% of ur pay for interest plus principle. (try to negociate a interest rate lower than 12%)
2) go work nite job.. u 30 liao? 30 liao drive weekend taxi.. not 30 still can have nite job.. just go search.. put ur pride aside first.. do any job to bring u extra income..
19-01-2005, 12:44 PM
Dont need declare bankrupt lah.. u go miss 2 payment.. when they call u.. tell them the truth.. and tell them.. you would like to negociate a repayment plan with lower interest... most ppl know that u need at least 40% of ur pay to survived.. so show them the pay slip.. tell them ur living expenses.. give a little bull shit to make it to 50% of ur pay.. then tell them u can only manage 50% of ur salary.. thus, this means that u pay them 50% of ur pay for interest plus principle. (try to negociate a interest rate lower than 12%)
2) go work nite job.. u 30 liao? 30 liao drive weekend taxi.. not 30 still can have nite job.. just go search.. put ur pride aside first.. do any job to bring u extra income..
thanks again bro law
mi currently 25
the bank keep calling mi nwadays and sumtimes i even off my fone
19-01-2005, 12:45 PM
Bro. many banks are offering low rate for 6 mths or 1 yr. Keep doing fund transfer. Friend in banking told me as long as you do not hit limit on the card, bank will not raise RED FLAG to stop the transfer. With this low interest rates, the amount u paid monthly will reduced yr principal loan faster. Will help you in the long run instead of paying high interest as monthly payment will be interest and principal loan.
Try it if you have not. Since u r a profesiona, easily you will get loan. All the best. :p
Brother in reading, Im just advising OK. Not haolian. last time some bro deduct my points for talking too much, advising. Im not amused but .....
how to get a loan when i have credits cards all max from almost all banks??
thanks for ur reply again
19-01-2005, 12:50 PM
thanks again bro law
mi currently 25
the bank keep calling mi nwadays and sumtimes i even off my fone
pengs.. dont off phone.. talk to them.. negociate!!! off phone.. they will throw lawyer letter to scare u.. and u have to pay the 100 plus lawyer letter fees.. u 25 only!! stamina good! work 2 jobs! day job.. nite job.. me last time also work 2 jobs at ur age.. just endure.. weekend can sleep endure 5 days of little sleep... call them up. negociate.. lidat means u black mark liao.. cannot do fund transfer liao.. so the only way out is negociate.. or beg ur parents siblings to help u first..
19-01-2005, 12:55 PM
thanks again bro law
mi currently 25
the bank keep calling mi nwadays and sumtimes i even off my fone
Better on your phone. If the bank take action against you even worse.
Talk to them. Refer to Bro Lawry's advise on how.
How many credit card you have? Credit lines? Make sure your Credit card, you pay at least the min. Since you've maxed all, apply for another card/credit line and please, this is NOT for you to spend. It's for you to transfer your credit around so that your interest is lower. That way, you will be able to pay more to your principal and in the long run cut down what you owe. In the meantime, keep all your credit card at home. :p
19-01-2005, 12:55 PM
pengs.. dont off phone.. talk to them.. negociate!!! off phone.. they will throw lawyer letter to scare u.. and u have to pay the 100 plus lawyer letter fees.. u 25 only!! stamina good! work 2 jobs! day job.. nite job.. me last time also work 2 jobs at ur age.. just endure.. weekend can sleep endure 5 days of little sleep... call them up. negociate.. lidat means u black mark liao.. cannot do fund transfer liao.. so the only way out is negociate.. or beg ur parents siblings to help u first..
mi 1 month pay minimum amount for each card ard 200 to 1 bank and total 6 banks. and after paying for a yr, to my horror i see the amount still the same!!
dare nt let my parents noe about it and even they knew it they oso can't help mi cos they depend on mi for my monthly allowance for them so i find it no point telling them.
19-01-2005, 12:57 PM
Better on your phone. If the bank take action against you even worse.
Talk to them. Refer to Bro Lawry's advise on how.
How many credit card you have? Credit lines? Make sure your Credit card, you pay at least the min. Since you've maxed all, apply for another card/credit line and please, this is NOT for you to spend. It's for you to transfer your credit around so that your interest is lower. That way, you will be able to pay more to your principal and in the long run cut down what you owe. In the meantime, keep all your credit card at home. :p
Bro i ahve 6 credit cards all max out
19-01-2005, 12:59 PM
Bro, so sorry to hear. Ever heard of Tontine??? Check with parents. Mb they myt help. Nothing to be ashamed. Be warn not to check with those advertisment promising to talk to bank on yr behalf, lots of carp. Loansharks out also.
If you are earning OK, last choice, talk to the bank.
Longer repayment like what i did..... minimum or no interest added on but last resort. Only worry future if you do need to purchase house, myt not approve.
Wish I could help further...sigh...
thanks bro for ur reply
ur reply is a help to mi liao thanks
19-01-2005, 01:01 PM
mi 1 month pay minimum amount for each card ard 200 to 1 bank and total 6 banks. and after paying for a yr, to my horror i see the amount still the same!!
dare nt let my parents noe about it and even they knew it they oso can't help mi cos they depend on mi for my monthly allowance for them so i find it no point telling them.
19-01-2005, 01:10 PM
How about applying for a loan from the banks? The interest rates should be lower. The key is, for those money u owe, borrow from another source of lower interest so that you can pay off those with higher interest. Make use of bank loans, credit lines, etc. Otherwise forever you are stuck!
In the meantime, stay home and masturbate and stop spending MONEY!!!
I also have a similar case to yours but lucky not so much, and can cover with my bonus in the end, so not so bad.
In the end, if everything is successful, after paying off, get your credit card companies to LOWER your credit limit. Many thinks that high credit limit is cool, but actually hor, when u hit it, u are basically FUCKED becoz there's no way you can find 2 X monthly salary to pay back. Unless it's bonus time.
Also, some brothers suggested getting extra job, I think that is a good suggestion becoz firstly it takes up more of your time and energy and prevent you from having free time for bonking! Time is money. Everytime you spend time thinking of your problem would be better spent WORKING to earn money to repay it.
Anyway, just my 2 cents worth, hope it helps!
19-01-2005, 01:55 PM
ok bro will head ur advice
19-01-2005, 01:56 PM
thanks Bros john teo and micheal for ur advice
19-01-2005, 06:01 PM
Bro Frankiestine, Well spoken. Just the begining is right.... Kids also suffer like shit. No regrets on the divorce though. But sure is tough days ahead after divorce. Cheers man. Not the end. You came and return from darkness so many time. Season leow...hehe. take care bro. Good luck to you. 4D today. :p
Damn talk abt luck, that day buy Burnley to beat L'pool match cancelled money refund. Yesterday forgot to buy, shit they really beat L'pool... :mad:
19-01-2005, 06:16 PM
Damn talk abt luck, that day buy Burnley to beat L'pool match cancelled money refund. Yesterday forgot to buy, shit they really beat L'pool... :mad:
hai i bought liverPOOL and becum a FOOL after the match
ignis sport
19-01-2005, 06:57 PM
hai i bought liverPOOL and becum a FOOL after the match
dear sir, i've been reading ur pleas n posts for advice n help with interest n empathy...haiz now only to find that u confess that u still betting on soccer matches :( feel sad for u...
1st n formost sir u ought to hang up ur soccer hands, cos without them u'll not b able to continue gambling...once this is done then u may put into practice the advise abt getting 2nd job, talking to the banks, etc...
point is if u don't stem the bleeding of $$, however much $$ u pump into the system oso waste time lah...if u r serious abt getting out of ur credit spin...sir u have been adequately advised by many bros here, perhaps it's time to take some +ve steps???
my humble 2 cents worth
ignis sport
'on the road to finacial recovery'
19-01-2005, 08:17 PM
hai i bought liverPOOL and becum a FOOL after the match
What the fuck! Here you are saying money no enough,
there you are betting on football matches?
Haiz.. Dunno how to die is it?.. Haiz.. There's no such thing as sure win one!
1st thing 1st if you want to control you debt.. Stop all e nonsense like betting soccer match.. Shit, I love to bet too but if you are way in the red, its time to do something AND be disciplined abt it.
If you dun take tt 1st step, really good luck to you man.,
19-01-2005, 08:23 PM
I has never bet on football before. Firstly dunno how to bet. :o
Remember once during last world cup between China and Brazil. Was at NTUC buying 4D wif my gf. Both of us got the gut feelin score will be 4-0 in favour of brazil but dunno how to fill in the betting card. So drop the idea of buying. True enuff that nite the score was 4-0. Wat a bangboss... :(
19-01-2005, 08:38 PM
I good luck to thoes Bro who are in debts!!
I just passed my second week as Bankrupt....and i am glad about it.. :D
19-01-2005, 08:49 PM
Alert!!!!! could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
20-01-2005, 12:53 AM
Bro lawry is to them...delay payment...force them to give you a debt relief programme but I would like to add on is the if you have American Express account....maybe you wish to reconsider telling them....Amex will be the 1st bank to sue u off the pants...other bank will give chance base on experience....
Bro only 25 and owe 24k...I can say that u are pretty still alive....athe age of 25 I already hit 30k.....when I reach 28-29 my total already hit 76k to be exact....b4 this I already convert my standard charted credit card & credit line and Citibank Credit Card and Rdy Credit into a 5 yr term amount from this 4 acc is roughly around 25k.....but then I have a hard time paying off the other 9 acc mthly min. payment...till it leak to my parents...who actually help me clear all the 84k debt only during dec04...
What I can say that you still can save yourself base on your to your family fast...b4 it grow up to double the amt in 2 yr time....
What I can guess tat is that you are in the government sector...which u cant afford to let your organisation know about ur debt....if not it will resulted in sack....
So do it to your family....they the only one who can help u....even if your parents doesnt hold a well paid job....for your dad is just a taxi drive and my mum is working part time only....they help me but sad to say...this son of their wipe off everything from their saving....what I can do now is to give them all my pay now and ask them to give me a daily allowance of $10-$15 daily...althought you may think that it is too little...but please know that from this moment no longer will be stress and harrass by the bank anymore.....
To date since clearing all the debt..I have not have even one card left...the banks call me up to ask me continue use the card...u know what I do? I fark them up over the phone....they got the shock of their life when I told them that I have 13 accounts....all cleared....
Credit Card is only for show to attract girls....for those smart girls they actually know how the card works....they knew you need to pay back...but for those stupid girls...they tot the card is your present present vn gf ask me how come I never put any credit card in my wallet...I answer her back : why need card? I got cash...anything use cash pay..." hearing this she shut up.....
20-01-2005, 02:24 AM
Bang the Bank's officers. All personal banking has many chio gals
20-01-2005, 09:23 AM
all the bros here good heart.. fark sexnotenough upside down... as my mama says... not wan to say u.. because we care for u...
lesnar,dont be so bad.. teach all the young fellow to go bankrupt meh?
20-01-2005, 10:26 AM
all the bros here good heart.. fark sexnotenough upside down... as my mama says... not wan to say u.. because we care for u...
lesnar,dont be so bad.. teach all the young fellow to go bankrupt meh?
I do not mean that.....
My life had changed after bankrupt....after misery after misery.....depends on individual....being chased after by banks is no joking matter... the banks can go to an extend of coming to your house and paste stickers on your furniture, electical goods or even your personal belongings.
If you have the discipline to repay the huge amounts every month, then go ahead.
I know some bros here may have families commitment, and may not think being bankrupt is a good option, but from what i know, it won't affect alot of your life.
infact, after i went bankrupt, i am more vigilant on my spending, and buy things when needs.
As for bonking, i restrict once a month since i am not attached.
Just my 2 cents worth....
Hope wont end up in a heaty argument... :)
20-01-2005, 11:04 AM
Beer also OK (ON ME) brudder john.. i like tat.. so u say next week hor.. i wait... :)
20-01-2005, 11:23 AM
Damn talk abt luck, that day buy Burnley to beat L'pool match cancelled money refund. Yesterday forgot to buy, shit they really beat L'pool... :mad:
bro, still got many matches to win back 10 times!
anyway today TOTO 1.3m, i got a good feeling one bro here will strike it sui sui and buy everyone a FL.
20-01-2005, 11:45 AM
Bro castrol, you are right. The winner hopefully will be me. I cannot buy FL. But mb can go for a bonk in GL. Provided I strike la. 2nd prize also can. :p
CAT150 treat???
20-01-2005, 11:49 AM
bro, still got many matches to win back 10 times!
anyway today TOTO 1.3m, i got a good feeling one bro here will strike it sui sui and buy everyone a FL.
Me not really gambling man becos firmly believe no one gets rich doing so not unless you are really "Du Sen". Just play play....prefer to make it rich by hard work as at least this way you know your gains will last longer...
20-01-2005, 11:57 AM
Bros Lesnar, Have been reading alot of yr posting. Life goes on bro. Good luck to you. Cheers!!!! Not to yr but yr spirit and advise. Must meet you for kopi one day. Beer also OK (ON ME) :p but lounge ,karaoke out. Money not enough..hehe.
Sure Bro.......I onz you....but wait till my pay come out at the end of the month.... :D
20-01-2005, 12:16 PM
Sure Bro.......I onz you....but wait till my pay come out at the end of the month.... :D
lesnar.. how about me??
20-01-2005, 12:16 PM
Bro, scare buay tio only.hehe :p
Oklah CAT40 lah?
20-01-2005, 12:21 PM
Oklah CAT40 lah?
Go together??? :)
20-01-2005, 12:30 PM
Go together??? :)
But must wait for JT good news leh...but if next week I cannot make it.... going HK but with family...nabeh no chance to check out those sex141 gals posted on the website....
20-01-2005, 12:43 PM
nabeh no chance to check out those sex141 gals posted on the website....
I understand ur pain brudder.... Hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhaha
20-01-2005, 12:46 PM
I understand ur pain brudder.... Hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhaha
(Cantonese) Tai tak toh sek ngm toh ngo sei lei sai loh..... :(
20-01-2005, 12:58 PM
But must wait for JT good news leh...but if next week I cannot make it.... going HK but with family...nabeh no chance to check out those sex141 gals posted on the website....
Bro, you going HK nextweek? me too...kekeke...stay where? you sneak out lah , we go meet those sex141 gals....ah law...come along ai mai? :D
20-01-2005, 01:04 PM
(Cantonese) Tai tak toh sek ngm toh ngo sei lei sai loh..... :(
I pity you Uncle Frankie. But.. thee's always a way. You let your family do their own shopping, tell them, female stuff do not interest you.. After that go see those sex141 girls.. Next, go buy some stuff for ur family to surprise them. Plan ur action early so tt u can say u have to think of what to buy, that's why take so long etc, but if u plan properly, maybe 30 min will be enough..
Good luck!
20-01-2005, 01:04 PM
Bro, you going HK nextweek? me too...kekeke...stay where? you sneak out lah , we go meet those sex141 gals....ah law...come along ai mai? :D
How to RSM already plan the itinerary for the entire week....
20-01-2005, 01:07 PM
How to RSM already plan the itinerary for the entire week....
Kekeke.....ok lorrr, which day you go? Me... Sun, Mon, Tues ...and I wasnt joking, really going to cheong those gals, even planned my research last night. mwaahaha...but alone no shiok lah.
20-01-2005, 01:26 PM
Kekeke.....ok lorrr, which day you go? Me... Sun, Mon, Tues ...and I wasnt joking, really going to cheong those gals, even planned my research last night. mwaahaha...but alone no shiok lah.
Flying in on mon leaving on fri....haiz so many days there yet a matter of so near yet so far....u going in solo?
20-01-2005, 01:37 PM
Flying in on mon leaving on fri....haiz so many days there yet a matter of so near yet so far....u going in solo?
Yah lor, lone ranger as lah bro....then I thought, at night must go cheong those 141 gals yesterday, even go to the website to choose my girl somemore hahahaha....too bad lah bro, if got kaki can show me around then good, this is my 2nd time there only so I still dont know the place well...
20-01-2005, 01:41 PM
Yah lor, lone ranger as lah bro....then I thought, at night must go cheong those 141 gals yesterday, even go to the website to choose my girl somemore hahahaha....too bad lah bro, if got kaki can show me around then good, this is my 2nd time there only so I still dont know the place well...
Ok lah like my HK friends used to tell me....HK is a place that nvr changes...ten years u come back still same landmark....anyway most important thing is u can read last time used to go solo there for biz but blur sotong dun know how to read chinese so dun even know where to hunt for FLs...
20-01-2005, 01:52 PM last time used to go solo there for biz but blur sotong dun know how to read chinese so dun even know where to hunt for FLs...
keke, same, same lah....have a good trip bro, when I come back and see you here again.....I give you short FR lah.
20-01-2005, 02:17 PM
Fellow Bros,
Don't know whether should post here.
But seeking advise of what to do?
I owe bank alot of money because bonk too much.
Anybody can advise me what to do? :confused: :(
Bro, Seriously I think you're suffering from addiction. You may want to seek treatment from professionals. In singapore, there's one called Centre for Addiction.
20-01-2005, 02:19 PM
keke, same, same lah....have a good trip bro, when I come back and see you here again.....I give you short FR lah.
Dun make it too juicy if not I knock my head against the wall for knowing what i miss...
20-01-2005, 02:33 PM
How to RSM already plan the itinerary for the entire week....
bro no swet no fret, when over there in HK, you can "fish" a few panties or bras and delight yourself, all satisfied, done and dont even have to go out.....
wo wo wait da minute, i think i should be in the other thread..... :o
20-01-2005, 03:09 PM
bro no swet no fret, when over there in HK, you can "fish" a few panties or bras and delight yourself, all satisfied, done and dont even have to go out.....
wo wo wait da minute, i think i should be in the other thread..... :o
hahaha wah lau don't spread the secret leh.... :D
20-01-2005, 03:17 PM
ah law...come along ai mai? :D
u like dat temp me goot meh?? tell me earlier.. i confirm go with u.. but.. my princess in town leh.. i have thailand trip coming up on may.. pls contact tripster... :)
20-01-2005, 03:46 PM
u like dat temp me goot meh?? tell me earlier.. i confirm go with u.. but.. my princess in town leh.. i have thailand trip coming up on may.. pls contact tripster... :)
Serious ah? Pging 4 Tripster. pging 4 tripster..u can go izit? :D but hotel all booked liao..maybe you can share my room if you dont mind.
20-01-2005, 04:00 PM
Serious ah? Pging 4 Tripster. pging 4 tripster..u can go izit? :D but hotel all booked liao..maybe you can share my room if you dont mind.
We foursome everynite!!! :D
20-01-2005, 04:05 PM
Serious ah? Pging 4 Tripster. pging 4 tripster..u can go izit? :D but hotel all booked liao..maybe you can share my room if you dont mind.
Bro Lorry meant to say is I am planning a trip up north to Hatyai. I doing travel arrangements and will jio the brudders here. If you want also can. when my details work out, I will let brudders going HKG sorry cannot make it with you. If I can I will cheong Mong Kok with you!!!
20-01-2005, 04:10 PM
Bro Lorry meant to say is I am planning a trip up north to Hatyai. I doing travel arrangements and will jio the brudders here. If you want also can. when my details work out, I will let brudders going HKG sorry cannot make it with you. If I can I will cheong Mong Kok with you!!!
Like dat miscommunication lah....I thought Ah law meant you can go all the way to HK, then got kaki mah.....I'll be there a few days only for work...talking about work, my boss now calling me..tcss to you again bro.
Fellow Bros,
Don't know whether should post here.
But seeking advise of what to do?
I owe bank alot of money because bonk too much.
Anybody can advise me what to do? :confused: :(
ignis sport
20-01-2005, 04:56 PM
I good luck to thoes Bro who are in debts!!
I just passed my second week as Bankrupt....and i am glad about it..
bro lesnar, we've met twice n u still look v cheerful on those occassions :) , didn't know u r going thru such tough times...
thou i'm still in debts, but would also like to buy 1round for u cos really respect ur courage to face such a tough situtation...salute!!
pls include me(if i may come along) when u n JT meet for kopi/beer. thx.
20-01-2005, 09:15 PM
Brothers, to share my story,
I joined a long time ago (relatively), but seldom post, but always log on to see, even when I'm overseas for my studies!
Anyway, I just came back less then a year, and after cheonging and enjoying for a while, I realised to my horror that i hit my credit limit for my credit card!
Now hor, lucky becoz of my bonus, I think I can pay it off. And altho I still keep my card in my wallet, now I have implemented a new way to keep track of my expenses:
1) Start an excel spreadsheet, use a standard format for your RECURRING EXPENSES > Things you incur every month, e.g. housing loan, car loan, handphone bills, ciggerettes, food, etc
2) Another column, add in your WEEKLY expenses from your receipts on all your credit card
3) Below, create another column to show the ADDITION of BOTH
4) PRint out one month by one month.
5) After the 3rd month, target the 2 or 3 highest spendings and tell yourself, this month cannot do that particular thing again and again! (bonking excluded, hahaha)
6) Think about ways to REDUCE your recurring expenses. Cut down on Taxi. Plan your time and use the public transport. Change your handphone plan to those lower ones.
If this is still not enough, buy a small board and pin up all your credit card receipts, highlighting the AMOUNT. (cannot implement for HOTEL81 tho, unless u are SINGLE)
Hope this help!
And please stop gambling of any kind. No end . . .
20-01-2005, 09:16 PM
I forgot, Bro Lesnar, I applaude your courage in sharing your experience. After reading your stories, I learned my mistake too!
It's hearthening to see so many bros response to help, hope we all learn a thing or two . . .
Happy Bonking !
21-01-2005, 01:00 AM
Brothers, to share my story,
Now hor, lucky becoz of my bonus, I think I can pay it off. And altho I still keep my card in my wallet, now I have implemented a new way to keep track of my expenses:
6) Think about ways to REDUCE your recurring expenses. Cut down on Taxi. Plan your time and use the public transport. Change your handphone plan to those lower ones.
And please stop gambling of any kind. No end . . .
Good advise. Am doing that myself.. ie Excel spreadsheet etc..
Can't follow on e last one.. Addicted to Soccer AND Basketball.. :(
Oh well, you win some, you lose some.. but always do within your means.. Dun go over board even if you think sure win.. No such thing as sure win one. :(
ignis sport
21-01-2005, 09:18 AM
Brothers, to share my story,
now I have implemented a new way to keep track of my expenses:
1) Start an excel spreadsheet, use a standard format for your RECURRING EXPENSES > Things you incur every month, e.g. housing loan, car loan, handphone bills, ciggerettes, food, etc
2) ...
3) .....
4) PRint out one month by one month.
5) After the 3rd month, target the 2 or 3 highest spendings and tell yourself, this month cannot do that particular thing again and again! (bonking excluded, hahaha)
If this is still not enough, buy a small board and pin up all your credit card receipts, highlighting the AMOUNT. (cannot implement for HOTEL81 tho, unless u are SINGLE)
wow, u r indeed organised man...never tot of keeping tabs in the above manner, i'll give it a go....hmmm neat n tidy indeed
thanks for sharing, think this ought to provide a clear picture on a monthly basis. thx a lot...hehe starting excel now :)
22-01-2005, 06:00 AM
I do not mean that.....
My life had changed after bankrupt....after misery after misery.....depends on individual....being chased after by banks is no joking matter... the banks can go to an extend of coming to your house and paste stickers on your furniture, electical goods or even your personal belongings................Hope wont end up in a heaty argument... :)
Sometimes I wonder how come some got shit along the way before being bankrupt while some got it plain sailing to bankruptcy?
Any bro, keep your monthly payment regular never never ever late one second! Get GIRO ASAP. Submit your monthly statement of affairs promptly! Never ever late one second! Want to travel write in personally to the Assistant OA assigned to you. Be extra polite to her/him cause your discharge is heavily dependant on them. In fact try to write in at least 2 weeks in advance. Keep an open channel of communication with them. Update them with your hp no. etc.
And if you follow my advise (AT NO CHARGE BTW) I personally GUARANTEE you that in 6 months time you'll be given the Green Status! And once you got that Green Status, you are almost as good as a discharged! Because you only need to file statement of affairs 6 months once or 12 months once depending on your OA. And as for permission to travel? Those in green zones get approval in 3 mins! (the total among of time you take to do e-filing online)
All the best bro! And remember, no everyone charges for advise and for some, advise comes with life experience. Take care you ya! And for whatever reason, don't be a kid and deduct my repute! pls grow up!
22-01-2005, 09:33 AM
And if you follow my advise (AT NO CHARGE BTW) I personally GUARANTEE you that in 6 months time you'll be given the Green Status! And once you got that Green Status, you are almost as good as a discharged! Because you only need to file statement of affairs 6 months once or 12 months once depending on your OA. And as for permission to travel? Those in green zones get approval in 3 mins! (the total among of time you take to do e-filing online)
22-01-2005, 12:10 PM
Sometimes I wonder how come some got shit along the way before being bankrupt while some got it plain sailing to bankruptcy?
Any bro, keep your monthly payment regular never never ever late one second! Get GIRO ASAP. Submit your monthly statement of affairs promptly! Never ever late one second! Want to travel write in personally to the Assistant OA assigned to you. Be extra polite to her/him cause your discharge is heavily dependant on them. In fact try to write in at least 2 weeks in advance. Keep an open channel of communication with them. Update them with your hp no. etc.
And if you follow my advise (AT NO CHARGE BTW) I personally GUARANTEE you that in 6 months time you'll be given the Green Status! And once you got that Green Status, you are almost as good as a discharged! Because you only need to file statement of affairs 6 months once or 12 months once depending on your OA. And as for permission to travel? Those in green zones get approval in 3 mins! (the total among of time you take to do e-filing online)
All the best bro! And remember, no everyone charges for advise and for some, advise comes with life experience. Take care you ya! And for whatever reason, don't be a kid and deduct my repute! pls grow up!
Its you again!!! Can you get out of here? Because once you are here, you will start a heaty argument....
Bros, can help me zap this guy here? He is a trouble maker.....
22-01-2005, 12:19 PM
hi bro lesnar wow u mia for so long i wanna clarify something with u leh ur rep power is 4 but can u deduct 2 points instead of 4 points
23-01-2005, 12:16 AM
Its you again!!! Can you get out of here? Because once you are here, you will start a heaty argument....
Bros, can help me zap this guy here? He is a trouble maker.....
You are really a pervert! Rather pay those leaches who sucks bankrupt like yourself for more money than to trust FOC advise that is 100% trustworthy! Anyway, bad karma for you. Just hope for whatever reasons your OA just don't like you.
23-01-2005, 12:45 AM
dear sir, i've been reading ur pleas n posts for advice n help with interest n empathy...haiz now only to find that u confess that u still betting on soccer matches :( feel sad for u...
my humble 2 cents worth
ignis sport
'on the road to finacial recovery'
feel kinda sad that some bros here have faced such a sticky situation... but i must say i am very very surprise that how come cheonging and betting soccer can roll up to such an amount which will/will not eventually lead to a bankrupcy...? I had a friend who face a similar situations as you all. Also a full time soccer punter, debts roll to a high 50k++.. dun know how much he spend on cheonging, din try to ask coz he's already in bad state...and very true, if met with these situations, i think better on your handphone and tok to the banks... my friend stubborn, end up kena bank letter, lawyer letter, and whatever letters u can imagine... see him so jiat lat... lend him a few Ks .. and i think i can kiss my few Ks goodbye liao....
so to all bros... please do cheong within yr limits... and yeah... to the few bros who still stand strong in the face of blizzards, I SALUTE YOU.... dun worry, no one will be sway forever.... always remember; tough time dun last, tough men do.......
23-01-2005, 11:03 AM
So you file in your statement of affairs every 6 months or 12 months?
23-01-2005, 02:05 PM
Just for info, today there's an article on SUNDAY TIMES, on more and more young people getting into depts. Quite and interesting read too! Do check it out!
23-01-2005, 03:22 PM
So you file in your statement of affairs every 6 months or 12 months?
Once a year and travel permit also valid for one year....
24-01-2005, 04:41 PM
Since we're on this topic, wonder if I can ask some questions regarding banks.... Hope I won't get zapped... :o
Some questions I have :
1) Does any bro here knows what is the timing for the bank to start drastic action ? I mean if I dun pay anything to my cards for 2, 3 months... Or wat's the longest timing I can drag ? I heard from my friend that last time he drag the banks for 1 year without paying and they still did not sue him for bankruptcy. But that was more than 5 years ago where there's no Credit Bureu.
2) Which bank will allow you to convert the CC debts to term loan ? Say 4, 5 years... Or rather, which bank will definitely not and sue your pants off if you don't pay on time...
Hope the bros here can shed some experience on this.
25-01-2005, 07:12 AM
You are really a pervert! Rather pay those leaches who sucks bankrupt like yourself for more money than to trust FOC advise that is 100% trustworthy! Anyway, bad karma for you. Just hope for whatever reasons your OA just don't like you.
You must be siaozz....
25-01-2005, 12:44 PM
Bro. Mai Ani kuan leh... :D
I'm juz finding out more oni mah... :o
You must be siaozz....
Brothers, to share my story,
good advice...snip snip. . .
this is one way (excel spreadsheet). but sometime ppl will get lazy to update excel s/s.
there are many other way, but the important thing is DISCIPLINE when dealing with your money!
Here is what i recommend:
1) Keep two accounts. One is spending account (expense). Another is Savings. (Different bank). The Expense Acct bank u will get an ATM card and get a credit card. For the SAV acct, only atm card, DON"T APPLY Credit card. You credit card pay by gyro from the exp acct.
2) for the spending one. Every month your pay goes to this acct. Immediately withdraw at least 20% and put in the SAV acct (the other bank). For the EXPense acct, keep your ATM card with u as per normal. For the SAV acct, KEEP YOUR ATM CARD AT HOME IN A DRAWER.
3) Your monthly espenditure on Credit card should not be > 30% of your pay. Keep all the receipt in your wallet. Every week (say monday evening) go thru and roughly tally in your head the amount you spend for that month. The minute the tally hit 30% of your salary, LOCK AWAY YOUR CREDIT CARD (for that month).
4) rules for SAV acct usage. Is only for emergency. mother urgent op, need to rescue gf from tsunami in thailand, etc etc.. NOTE: anniversary, birthdays, sian charbor, need to BONK is NOT EMERGENCY !
If bros follow this step u will quickly see the SAV account money go up, and no debt.
Now, the major big ticket expense that guys cannot do without is... the CAR
Here is my recommendation:
1) Tally your TOtal worth (CPF + stocks + cash + actual market equity value of your property if any)
2) your car should not >20% of your total worth.
For eg, if ur total worth is 300K, the most u can buy a car worth 60K.
3) for your down, must at least 20% of car price, take minimum loan (5 year or less). example above, car = 60K, must pay d/p 12K (cash).
4) u can use the SAV acct monies for the d/p on car. Which mean, u must save the money first before u buy a car. (like a reward).
With the above, bros should be quite safe.
hope this helps! :)
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