View Full Version : Prostate Health

14-07-2012, 08:27 PM
Hi Bros,

What do you guys do or take for Prostate Health or rather perhaps Penis Issues/Health?

I know Q&N have a health pills call PROST-AID, anyone tried it before and how is it? There are also some Chinese branding men's health pills around, can be found in Unity parmacy, not sure how those works?

Comments and discussion for our Prostate health are welcomed.

14-07-2012, 09:41 PM
Pygeum and Saw Pametto supplements work but both would lower the sex drive.

How does you know u hv a prostate problem? You did an ultrasound?

14-07-2012, 09:49 PM
i just take normal zinc pills :)

14-07-2012, 10:51 PM
Pygeum and Saw Pametto supplements work but both would lower the sex drive.

How does you know u hv a prostate problem? You did an ultrasound?

Do they lower sex drive? I didn't know.

I do not know if i have a prostate problem. Actually, i am just looking to take something on a regular/long term basis like vitamins etc where i can benefit from it, in terms of better performance, longer lasting, also would like to make it harder, as it seems over the years, whenever mine's erect, it is not as hard as my younger days where it can be rock solid, when i masterbate, its not rock solid but sometimes when it comes to the real thing, it does, but with alcholol, sometimes it doesn't.

So i am checking if there is anything one can take every day or night and see improvements on a general overall basis, both performance, last and hardening, pleasing a women more.

14-07-2012, 10:51 PM
i just take normal zinc pills :)

How does Zinc helps?

15-07-2012, 10:48 AM
Do they lower sex drive? I didn't know.

I do not know if i have a prostate problem. Actually, i am just looking to take something on a regular/long term basis like vitamins etc where i can benefit from it, in terms of better performance, longer lasting, also would like to make it harder, as it seems over the years, whenever mine's erect, it is not as hard as my younger days where it can be rock solid, when i masterbate, its not rock solid but sometimes when it comes to the real thing, it does, but with alcholol, sometimes it doesn't.

So i am checking if there is anything one can take every day or night and see improvements on a general overall basis, both performance, last and hardening, pleasing a women more.

I can totally understand that because I experienced it personally myself. The worst is when I can't get a good sustainable erection for penetration. That was the D-day for me. Stress, desperation, depression, self doubt..etc

And over the years I literally tried everything under the sun, (well everything legal that is) Some really works but I won't disclose here because I was using myself as a guinea pig.

One important link I saw was perhaps my mind was de-sensitized to excessive internet porn and eventually it took unrealistic standards just to get me up and hard until I stumble across this site: www.yourbrainonporn.com
and after nearly 2 weeks of abstaining from all porn, masturbation and orgasm, coupled with supplements, I at least start to get back some of my libido.

Try a high eggs, milk and nuts diet for the 2 weeks.

Believe it or not, you can also try applying minoxidil solution to your penis glands head to help achieve easier, harder erections. 2% should do it, but for those extreme bros can always try higher concentration such as 15% but important: make sure it is pure minoxidil and does not contain azelaic acid because azelaic acid could reduce your sex drive. But remember to wash it off before sex else you could give your partner a nasty headache or awkward questions. :o

15-07-2012, 10:51 AM
How does Zinc helps?

Should combine zinc with vitamin B complex - It really helps to speed up sperm production in the body. Good for folks who are trying to conceive.

Don't think it would do much for sex drive but healthy nonetheless.

16-07-2012, 01:20 PM
I can totally understand that because I experienced it personally myself. The worst is when I can't get a good sustainable erection for penetration. That was the D-day for me. Stress, desperation, depression, self doubt..etc

And over the years I literally tried everything under the sun, (well everything legal that is) Some really works but I won't disclose here because I was using myself as a guinea pig.

One important link I saw was perhaps my mind was de-sensitized to excessive internet porn and eventually it took unrealistic standards just to get me up and hard until I stumble across this site: www.yourbrainonporn.com
and after nearly 2 weeks of abstaining from all porn, masturbation and orgasm, coupled with supplements, I at least start to get back some of my libido.

Try a high eggs, milk and nuts diet for the 2 weeks.

Believe it or not, you can also try applying minoxidil solution to your penis glands head to help achieve easier, harder erections. 2% should do it, but for those extreme bros can always try higher concentration such as 15% but important: make sure it is pure minoxidil and does not contain azelaic acid because azelaic acid could reduce your sex drive. But remember to wash it off before sex else you could give your partner a nasty headache or awkward questions. :o

Abstaining definately help to get back strong erection

When I abstain for 1 week, every morning its rock hard just like when I was a teen.

But the down side is when you eject, damn tired

thats why I am practicing the practice from Daniel Reid, Tao of Sex, health and longevity

Where do you get minoxidil solution bro?

16-07-2012, 03:46 PM
Guess the recovery after sex period is very long as well?
We all miss the good old days of instant multiple shot sessions yeah?

Think you can get max 5% minoxidil locally but may contain all sorts of other junk. You may want to try buying it overseas - may be cheaper and pure.

Have you had any blood tests done to see what could be the cause of your tiredness?