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18-01-2005, 11:41 PM
hi's part of my feelings i would like to share n understand y i feel so pissed off wif guys sometimes....n y i wan to turn butch :mad: njoy reading.
Dear diary,
I feel that life sucks big time. I hate living in this world. Recently I have been feeling down a lot. Thanks and no thanks to the guy whom I know as kor. He cheated me of my feelings and body. And I hate him. And I hate myself. Dohz. He rejected me outright. Dohz. Reason? He just broke up with his girlfriend and recently I know the true reason why he rejected me and has not been contacting me (or rather, I feel that he is avoiding me), it is because he has been going out with one of his ex and he is considering patching up with her. Then did he ever consider my feelings when he S me? F….. All this kor and mei thing is really irritating me. He is using this Kor Mei thingy to get physical intimacy to satisfy his own horny and fuking idiot sexual behavior. I really HATE him and I do not want to contact him. But darn it, my heart cannot bear to do so. Fuk. I hate myself…for giving in to him. He says his ex is a very very nice and very very guai girl. So what m I to him? A bitch? A slut for bedding with? Fuk. I m really really angry. I see no meaning in living in this world. Bloody hell. Maybe I should not blame him after all I have just known him. Or maybe I just dun like being rejected. I dun like the feeling of not wanted. Maybe I just want to satisfy my own fancy and whims. I do not know. But I m bloody pissed off with everything in this world. Nothing seems to be meaningful. I also do not know what the hell I m living for darn it.
Yea. And on top of that hor, whenever I call or sms him, he always like not free one…give me stupid excuse like oh sorry mei I’m with my parents now cannot talk and dun sms. Or he say his ex will check his hp so cannot reply. What the … I mean even if u dun treat me as mei u wun treat a friend this wae ah. If u dun wan to contact me juz tell me la. Wat the hell.
Kor passed me a few books to read. Yea I understand those stuff and a lot of pple talk about those stuff. BUT u think doing it easy huh? I know a lot of those stuff already, in fact, a lot of those things are common sense. Yea yea. Dun tell me to compare with those less fortunate. Pls la. Lacking of materialistic comforts is better than lacking of psychological comfort. When u feel u have something missing in ur heart and in ur life, u will feel darn awful, and no matter how much food or money u have, u cannot find that missing part of ur life. And u will feel darn unhappy and pissed off. And that is now what I m feeling right now. Fuk. I m really pissed off. I have been controlling my emotions and defending myself against them by pretending things never happened – it’s a form of defense mechanism. But I guess things have finally caught up with me. What the hell. I hate this feeling. Life is so empty. Newae to come back to the issue of kor, according to him he say he really care for me. But now I m skeptical of it and I dun believe what he say nemore. Fuk it. He dun bother to call or contact me automatically unless I sms or call him. What the hell. I bet he is most probably caught up in thinking about his new found love (he told me that he is considering to patch with his ex) I hate him. I hate everything in life. Come to think of it. I used to be very desperate for guys. However, after this incident with this so called Kor, I have become very disillusioned with everything. Yea. Love me? More likely like lust for me. Guys sleep with bitches like me and when they look for girlfriends, they won’t look for girls like me. They will look for very nice and very guai girls (as what my kor described his ex as). I really hate guys now. Really Really hate em now. I feel like just switching off my mobile phone and nobody cannot contact me >:( darn I feel like committing suicide. Give a darn if people say I m selfish or what. I hate life man. There’s simply no meaning in life. And I wan to wipe that beast ( he’s not fit to be my kor – hypocrite!) from my contact list. Get him once n for all out of my life. Darn it. I hate everything in life. Can people jus stop contacting me!! Just let me be gone from this world. I hate it…..really really hate it. I dunno what the fuk I am living in this world for.
To be continued...
18-01-2005, 11:43 PM
part 2 n last part
I have never been so down b4. The past few days have been a roller coaster for me. My mood is swinging up and down. I have never been so unstable before. U noe what I feel like doing diary? I feel like bashing up people right now. I really really hate life. I HATE THIS BLOODY FUKING LIFE. I DUNNO WHAT THE HECK I M LIVING FOR.
That beast told me to read book it may help. Yea rite. God darn it. Tell me how to let go of my feelings! God darn. I jus feel like dying this life sucs. It really sucs. SUCS bigtime man. Fuk off everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The more I think about that beast, the more I am angry. And I am angry with myself. Fuk. I keep repeating the same mistake again and again. All just because I wan guyz to so called love me. What the fuk. God…why did u made me to be so desperate. Can u just take my life away? I’m really really sick off all these stuff. It’s unfair. My DAD SHOULD NOT HAVE DIED….I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE TO DIE MAN. My heart is very very cold now. Really very cold. I dun wan to give a darn about the world nemore. I just wan 2 be alone. I hate all these stuff. So darn Fuked up. I feel irritable now
18-01-2005, 11:44 PM come publish this here..
18-01-2005, 11:45 PM
Time will erases away bad memories, when that ends, a new beginning awaits you. So let time do its magic.
18-01-2005, 11:46 PM come publish this here..
Coz my sister wanted to let out her feelings.. it's good to let it out ,rather than keeping it inside.. continue.. I'm reading it..
18-01-2005, 11:48 PM
coz i m depressed n i m ugly...n this brings back bad memories. so i decided to publish part of my bad exp out n share wif u folks...n hope to hear some constructive stuff from u folks out there
18-01-2005, 11:50 PM
After a breakup or being dumped it is generally really hard to let go. I feel for you. I've been thru some rough times too. As a guy I suppose its easier to let go.
Take things easy, go out with friends, surround yourself with companions. It makes the forgetting and transition easier. From what you wrote, frankly if I may I do not think he would wanna go back to you and probably using you in the first place. So if I may hazard a suggestion, he aint worth it anyway. But who am I to tell you what to do? the choice of going forward is always up to you in the end.
Take care sis. Hope my rather short advice do help in whatever way.
18-01-2005, 11:52 PM
wah so much reply liao while I was typing my advice.
note to self... Must.. type.. faster.!
hi uglyger
there are always going to be some assholes out there who will use and abuse your feelings. i've gone through some very depressing times and i know helpless and lonely it feels to be facing your problems alone.
don't think i'm qualified to counsel or give you advice on the matter at hand but please don't end it all from an idiot/asshole.
Samaritans of Singapore Tel : 1800-221 4444
beauty is in the eye of the beholder uglyger.
best way to get back at your "kor" is to pick yourself up and make the best of what life has given you and live a great life.
remember assholes come and go but family and friends will always stay beside you.
coz i m depressed n i m ugly...n this brings back bad memories. so i decided to publish part of my bad exp out n share wif u folks...n hope to hear some constructive stuff from u folks out there
19-01-2005, 12:58 AM
Coz my sister wanted to let out her feelings.. it's good to let it out ,rather than keeping it inside.. continue.. I'm reading it..
So fast sister sister liao ah. That's gd. At least can help and advise each other. :)
19-01-2005, 01:09 AM
coz i m depressed n i m ugly...n this brings back bad memories. so i decided to publish part of my bad exp out n share wif u folks...n hope to hear some constructive stuff from u folks out there
Hi Uglyger
Remember this saying in chinese
There are no Ugly gers only got Lazy gers! Do u think u look ugly? i dun think so lor! maybe time for u to build up ur self confident i guess? dun feel depressed lar! Cheer up ok?
19-01-2005, 01:12 AM
Ah? Kor-Mei relationship can have sex one meh?
19-01-2005, 01:18 AM
coz i m depressed n i m ugly...n this brings back bad memories. so i decided to publish part of my bad exp out n share wif u folks...n hope to hear some constructive stuff from u folks out there
Aiya, today u see me liao. Still not cheered up? :D
19-01-2005, 01:23 AM
Hi Uglyger,
Just wanna to say: "one door closes but another one opens". It is Ok to feel bad after being dumped but definitely not OK to die for it. Believe me, it is always your GAIN and his loss, but if you die, it will be your LOSS and his gain.
Take care and live well
19-01-2005, 01:29 AM
Hi pple this is my very first time posting in this forum.
i ve been ard for some time but ve never said anything till now.
just like to provide some moral support to ger. i dun wan to address u as "ugly" as there s no such person in this world. each and everyone is beautiful in their own way.
to me family is my utmost priority. having been thru quite a few relationships and sad moments i discovered that yr family will always be there. whenever some shit happens they will be the one who s there and they will never give up on u.
treat each relationship as an experience. end of the day it s just not worth getting depressed over such things. u are probably just feeling lonely now.
if u ever need someone, let me noe. i ll be there....
19-01-2005, 02:14 AM
tell you what ger you put on your shorts and sneakers and go out right now and run
run and run until you cant run anymore like forrest gump then you turn round and head home
tomorrow same time you head out in a different direction and run again until you cant run then you head home
the adrenaline will give you a real high and you will get great calves and butts that men will die for and when youre that tired you got no time to think about anything just do it
19-01-2005, 03:33 AM
halo ger through i dun really noe u yet but in ur other tcss thread... can sense sum unhappness in ur words... well my side of story...
I was in love wif dis SLUT i met while working 4 a big nite spot chains... we kanda fall in love quickly n we worked fast 2 e hotels n beds... 1 day a guy cal n tell me he is her ger fren n told me not 2 mess wif her anymore!!!
SHE IS TWO - TIMED ME!!! but wait a minute... after some poking n asking around... she doesnt had only 2 of us... SHE HAD FOUR BOYFRENS...!!!
best of all i m only e P/T BF... she cant meet up wif mi on important dates like her BDay or Valentine Day... Xmas etc... claiming she got 2 stay back after work... but in end sh left wif her so call BFs 4 parties or go MAKE LOVE in cars or hotels... I got PI 2taped down all her activities... waiting 2 expose her but didnt do so until 2day... mayb bcos dere is stil alittle love 4her...
but after i got over dis whole incident... i meet my current wife now... bought a dog (jack russell) buy a house n now happliy staying 2gether...
Y bother abt being rejected by e1 u loved... love e current 1 dat treasured ur love n deserved ur love...
hope dis helps... cheers n all e best in ur future... ;)
19-01-2005, 04:07 AM
Hi UG,
After reading your story, I feel sorry for you to have meet with such a man in your life. I believe that you are going thru a transition period at the moment. It will take quite some time for you to forget him totally and let your heart and feelings heals. Maybe you can take up a hobby or make new friends to occupy your time so that you can put your past behind you. Let bygones be bygones and don't fret over it. He is not worthy of you at all.
I do hope that you spare some thoughts for your mum, your love ones and friends that still loves and cares for you. Hope that you don't do anything unnecessary to hurt your good self. If you need to let out your frustrations or feelings, we are here to lend our ears to you.
19-01-2005, 07:50 AM
this is a very common scenario nowadays...
maybe it proves there is some equilibrium being reached between girls and guys...
19-01-2005, 09:36 AM
hey girl... to me u r not ugly... saw ur pics.... nice looking... :) if i got a gf like you, i will be contented....
I was two timed before twice too.... one is i found out le, then i discover she was the girl i loved the most thru out.... she spend overnights in that guy place.... all my one and half years with her all gone.... i admitted whenever i past by her parent shop i will peep to see if i can see her inside.... i saw her a few times this way.... but since we broke up til now we never been in contact.... but then to me, she was the one i once loved and never regret loving....
another girl.... lied to me for the whole month before we broke.... i did nothing wrong.... been bringing her to buy clothes, eat nice food and so on.... in the end, she went night safari with that guy.... and she told her friends about it, and the friends told me.... not one friend but two of my friends told me these.... then when i ask her... she die die say dun have.... until recently i read her blog then i saw it.... i broke off with her when she ask me did i go and find the guy and told him she two timed us.... thats the last straw... to think.... i am kinda stupid to help her borrow money to pay her outstanding bills.... and my NSS is half gone due to her.... or else will have more money to myself......
so girl, cheer up!
19-01-2005, 11:57 AM
In this world, most of the time, its us guys who are the victims. This sort of things happens to both sexes. It happened to me before too...but I'll just blame myself for being too naive and take it as a learning experience. As we grow older, we'll face a ton of problems like family quarrels, lost of love ones, stressed down by workload etc. There are a few ways to solve these problems. Just to highlight a few :-
1) Hide in a corner and cry ur heart out.
2) Vent ur fustrations on anyone you come across.
3) spend some time to think of solutions. Can't think of any? Seek advice from ur frens and love ones.
4) drown ur sorrows with alcohol.
My choice ? Number 3... ;)
Life goes on.............................................
19-01-2005, 12:44 PM
Think that guys usually settle it over a drink with friends and that's it...
For girls, I think perhaps can consider to ring up some of your buddies to talk about it.
No one in this life is a loser... Everyone is a winner... That's how we manage to come to this world in the first place
P/s To those blur blur, I am talking about sperm and egg with no offense in anyway. Heard it from a public speaker in school...
19-01-2005, 12:53 PM
Dear Uglyger,
I share with you my philosophy in life ... and maybe it may help you also ... I am not dishing advice ...only sharing ...
1) If given a choice of beign happy or sad
- Naturally we choose to want to be happy
2) Our feelings and our actions (i.e. what we dcide to do) are ours to control. Nobody can make us do what we don't want to do.
Put (1) and (2) together ... means that we can be happy if we choose to.
But very often we say that but I cannot help feelign this way ... that is only because we allow ourselves to be affected by others.
What I have said above is what I truly believe in, but feelings are difficult to brush aside or ignore ... it will still affect us. But life is indeed wonderful adn precious, it is just that we do not see the beautiful and wonderful thing, but choose to wallow in our sadness. I feel like that too, adn that is the honest truth ... but remembering what life holds out there even though how bleak it may seem, there is always some joy out there that I can find, and when I find it I rejoice in it.
That is how I have chosen to live my life.
Just a sharing ... and I hope Uglyger ... that you can also find your happiness
Oh ... there must be something beautiful about you inside ... you just haveto find it ... and when you do ... you may watn to change your nick. :-)
19-01-2005, 01:31 PM
Dear Uglyger,
Put (1) and (2) together ... means that we can be happy if we choose to.
But very often we say that but I cannot help feelign this way ... that is only because we allow ourselves to be affected by others.
Well done bunny...clap. clap. Good that you have such an outlook and mindset. Pity UglyG in her current state will probably not be able to understand or take action. There is just too much percieved pain in her life to see possibilities.
Ugly, change your focus...your "Victim" story is similiar to many of ours out have a choice, make it a personal triumph or wallow in self pity...if you want to get out of this rut, choose to triumph...
19-01-2005, 01:49 PM
i am sorry to hear of your failed relationship.........or if there was a relationship in the first any case i sympathise with u.
i am sure many samsters have given u constructive comments....i will not elaborate any further.....
bottom line....u have to make the final choice.....if i were u, i ll pick up myself and i will go friend is worth for us to belittle ourselve. It is not easy to pull away (i have been thru it, i understand). Only time will be able to heal you of your deep cuts in your heart. Your effort to move on will definitely helps in mending your heart(although scares will always be there) much quicker.
My advice :-
Let out and let go. The grass is always greener on the other side, so why not now?
19-01-2005, 05:47 PM
I don’t think you need our sympathy but perhaps just a listening ear. Well, it’s good that you are letting it out, shows that you are ready for the new chapter. Why bother with such trivial matters in life, the road is long, what had happen, happened. Let it go then. You might be pathetic now but one day you will shine, the day will come.
No need for consolation, God help those who help themselves. Take things with a pinch of salt, be graceful when things are down, and be grateful when you’re up. Look around you, there are more unfortunate one than you. :)
19-01-2005, 08:44 PM
How ugly is ugly?...How pretty is pretty?..To each his own.Why let yr look bother u? There are more important things in life to look forward to. Whatever that has happened is now history....u need to move on and look ahead. We all age over time... If the flow of soft water can wear away hard rocks, perseverance will overcome all difficulties.
My best wishes to your future endeavors :)
19-01-2005, 09:24 PM
thankz to all who replied to thiz thread...i decided dat i will not kill myself...but i will turn butch...doez neone noe how to bind boobs ?
19-01-2005, 09:39 PM
Hey UG,
Most ppl have been in and out of relationship. Personally, my GF of 5 years broke up with me and went into another relationship after just a couple of months. I loved her whole-hearted for these five years and turn down so many other girls because of her. WHAT BETRAYER.My heart is still bleeding whenever i think about it. Turning butch is not really a solution to mending a broken heart.
I really think you should have faith in love again because what happened to you is a lesson in love. You felt the pain, then you learn how to love again. That is really how we mature and grow up. Through painful life experiences. If we felt extreme saddness then we will know what is true happiness. I believe you will find someone in future who cherish you. Mean while, just a bit of advice, go out and enjoy yourself girl. Do whatever you want to do (If you really really want to try being butch, go ahead). Have fun and try living your life to the fulless. Then shortly, cupid will send another person to you.
Take care
19-01-2005, 09:42 PM
other den i broken heart.....i haf other reason to being butch...i no look no figure....better be butch need compare wif other ger...will be much happier....dun give a damn about guyz alzo...i like to be alone a lot...i will be a loner friendz complain i like to mia
19-01-2005, 09:45 PM
To : UG
ANything as long as you can forget about the pain and start your life anew. I believe in fate and that one day the right one will turn out in your life. At least thats what keeping me from going on with life :(
19-01-2005, 09:47 PM
i tell u now...i dun like guyz nemore....numb alreadi. i;ll get on wif my life as a butch..carefree. i wun like ne guyz n guyz wun like me. i join ur gang of broz. treat me like another bro plz thankz...yo n the bindin u guyz noe how to bind boobz
19-01-2005, 09:50 PM
Hi Ger.......just want to share my very first relationship , i thought i have found THE GIRL to be my wife.....but after sometime, got dumped....but not before i got taken advantage of financially....thought at that time, that was the end of the world......but when i met second gf , the whole world was shining again :) she also i luve a lot, also things did not work out., got dumped...........but i can share with you one thing i have learnt. There will always be someone out there who will be right for you and one day you will meet HIM. Dun do anything foolish to yourself cos if u do that, u will miss the opportunity of meeting special some else.
In short, Ger, once u find another guy, the whole whole will be much brighter. I am very confident that what you are feeling now, the depression will begin to fade with the passage of time and will 95% disappear once u find the right guy.
19-01-2005, 09:52 PM
ok ok .. welcome to the club then.. anyway you can try posting on Asian gay and lesbian network. Probably will get responses faster..
19-01-2005, 09:54 PM
thankz bro.
20-01-2005, 12:15 AM
Tian Ya He Chu Wu Fang Cao
He Bi Dan Lian Yi Zhi Hua
Think that you just need some time to cool down. No judging lesbians or homosexuals in anyway... but do you know what you are getting into the first place?
Perhaps after a while you might (not definitely) find that you still like guys then what are you going to do about your (possibly in future) lesbian partner?
Taking a period off relationship is very very different from wanting to start a relationship with one of the same sex...
Do not let hurt cloud your judgement... It could hurt you further...
20-01-2005, 04:53 AM
yo ger, wun give u any of those "nobody is ugly" and "one day ur man will appear" crap. heard so much of it myself it irritates the shit outa me :mad: on a gd day it is crap. on bad days its absolute rubbish :rolleyes:
not encouraging u but here's some advice on boob binding:
but like i said in my pm to u, be prepared for a difficult life as butch. butch also got relationships. also got butch go arnd and cheat ppl feelings. 2 timers, ppl who juz wan ur body n stuff like dat. its exactly the same as any other form of bgr. juz dat its between gers. in fact, its worse. last time u only "compete" against other gers for guys. now u have to fight against gers n guys for ur ger! if u kana burn again (*choi*), where can u run to? and butch need to face society point here point there. can u tahan? u had chosen a tough road. but if dats wat u wan, its ur life.
juz 1 more advice. tink ur emotion very volatile. can suddenly happy, suddenly sad. try to look at urself more from now on and notice when u start feeling sad. n know u r sad. note down how long it lasts. den become happy again. den next time sad again, at least know how many days to count down to happiness. works for me (a periodic depressive). but mayb u need to modify abit. cause urs seems more acute and have triggering events. tink u shld be aware of the triggering events and prepare for sadness so u dun tink stupid thoughts again.
20-01-2005, 07:03 AM
[QUOTE=watmidoin]but like i said in my pm to u, be prepared for a difficult life as butch. butch also got relationships. also got butch go arnd and cheat ppl feelings. 2 timers, ppl who juz wan ur body n stuff like dat. its exactly the same as any other form of bgr. juz dat its between gers. in fact, its worse. last time u only "compete" against other gers for guys. now u have to fight against gers n guys for ur ger! if u kana burn again (*choi*), where can u run to? and butch need to face society point here point there. can u tahan? u had chosen a tough road. but if dats wat u wan, its ur life.QUOTE]
Think you really hit the nail on this one :)
20-01-2005, 07:57 AM
other den i broken heart.....i haf other reason to being butch...i no look no figure....better be butch need compare wif other ger...will be much happieri dun give a damn about guyz alzo i like to be alone a lot i will be a loner friendz complain i like to mia
So wat r u doing inside this forum ? Dun u know dat most samsters are GUYZ ? :confused:
Seeking attention ? Or tryin to create a 'turbulence' like last time ? :rolleyes:
20-01-2005, 08:00 AM
create a 'turbulence' like last time ? :rolleyes:
Fasten your seatbeats.......... :D
20-01-2005, 08:01 AM
Fasten your seatbeats.......... :D
U today sibey eng hor ? :rolleyes:
20-01-2005, 08:04 AM
U today sibey eng hor ? :rolleyes:
got to go for my medical appointment liao.......... ciao :cool:
20-01-2005, 08:06 AM
U today sibey eng hor ?
yo....just reach 100pts liao..........where's my free kopi??? :mad:
*remember our previous bet* :D
20-01-2005, 08:08 AM
...i no look no figure....
Usually hor, if ppl got no look no figure, they would be shy showing their pics in public. On the contary, ppl who are confident / proud of their looks / figures, will show their pics daringly. By using ur pic as ur avatar, I guess u belong to the second group. And lastly, ur age tells me everything u are tryin to do here is wat a typical teenage gal would do in front of her frens. I dun have to spell it out here. :D
20-01-2005, 08:10 AM
yo....just reach 100pts liao..........where's my free kopi??? :mad:
When u reached 100 pts, u got give me free kopi meh ? :confused:
20-01-2005, 08:13 AM
in life there are many ups and downs ... there are bound to people that will make use of u as a substitute .. or a plaything , wo ye shi guo lai ren just take things in ur stride lor :) time will heal all wounds .. other than him there are many other guys . don't give up the whole forest because of a TREE keep that in mind ... hope u get over it soon =)
Five Stone
20-01-2005, 08:22 AM
And lastly, ur age tells me everything u are tryin to do here is wat a typical teenage gal would do in front of her frens. I dun have to spell it out here. :D
Ha ha ha, think if we think like her, either we will had died many times over, or standing in Changi Village waiting for customer....... :D
20-01-2005, 08:25 AM
thankz to all who replied to thiz thread...i decided dat i will not kill myself...but i will turn butch...doez neone noe how to bind boobs ?
hey girl dun bind ur boobs... :) they are nice looking.... and dun because of a moment of foolishness and destroy wat is already belong to you.... this rs fails there is always another.... i got a lot of nice guy friends all cannot find gf.... then dun tell me they also need to go bind their dicks?
look at the world with an open heart, you will feel much better....
take it as "u sad and angry past one day is the same as happily past one day.... then might as well live it happily for urself?"
20-01-2005, 10:20 AM
[QUOTE=l3atu]Usually hor, if ppl got no look no figure, they would be shy showing their pics in public. On the contary, ppl who are confident / proud of their looks / figures, will show their pics daringly. By using ur pic as ur avatar, I guess u belong to the second group. And lastly, ur age tells me everything u are tryin to do here is wat a typical teenage gal would do in front of her frens. I dun have to spell it out here. /QUOTE]
dots if i m proud of my looks i WOULD haf put my face here alreadi..... :mad: i m bloody insecure of myself..n i hate this insecure feeling .... :mad:
20-01-2005, 10:51 AM
Hi uglyger,
Your entry in your blog reminded me of a hidden past which I wanted to much to hide away. Except that I'm in the position of your tat "kor". I agree that he is a #&$#($& and one who don't deserve your anger and tears. Maybe take it as a blessing that you have seen one of the worse sides on how one can be, lets just hope at least this painful lesson has been learnt and taught you how to tread carefully in this world of deceipt. In my case I made a painful decision to tell the ger that my conscience started to prick me in holding her back from finding her rite guy who can treat her well instead of satisfying my selfish needs. As wad she last said to me, sometimes we have to be cruel to be kind, thank him for teaching you such a hard lesson. learn from it and move on. You will be a better person. Wad doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Be confident of yourself and your attractivness will show in its own way. Dun be surprised if one day he calls out of the blue and says "sorry". Hope you could find a spot in your heart to forgive him, cos only then it can stop the hurt and pain. Being angry at that person only lengthens the hurt. Be smart, dun hurt yourself. Take care.
20-01-2005, 10:57 AM
ballzballz, for my ex that i love most, betrayed me, all along i never blame her, if we two that time dun break, we two will not be able to move on with our life.... sometimes u really need to be cruel to be kind....
20-01-2005, 03:38 PM
Dear uglyger,
Don't give up on yourself. The world indeed sucks in such a way as people like to gauge others on looks as in 1st impression. I am in either way an ugly guy also, face very terok which is y I need to seek out commercial sex. Do take note that u r in a commercial sex channel dear.
It is a normal thing that as human beings we like to see beautiful things.Also when guys or girls go out to cheong we look for people who looks and feels great. The reason alcohol was invented was so that ugly people get laid too..keke..just a joke. Cheer up. I don't drink nor smoke cause I treasure my body. Being ugly is not a sin, everyone is made special in this world. There is only one of u in this world. Who gets to judge people anyway?
As years gone by I have already learnt to accept the fact that it is no use getting jealous of other people who have mates or being beautiful. U need to console yourself that u r still alive and kicking, worst come to worst u r a healthy entity. If u r still insecure about yourself, try volunteering for some social work helping out other needy people. Hope u realise your worth than. I had a lot of fun helping other people myself, spending my time more fully.
Everyone wants to get laid. So do I. keke...but being ugly one can only work hard get lots of money than maybe get a foreign wife. For your case, guys when come to look for wives we do look at internal beauty. So don't worry much. Focus on improving yourself and when fate comes along u see a guy nice simply approache. Girls chase guys always easier. As for your 'kor', he is only using u. U need someone to talk to try talking to your closed friends or family. If cannot than maybe u will like to try talking to some professional counsellors look under my signature.
20-01-2005, 09:09 PM
thankz bro.
bro.. how ya liao?
taken yr dinner?
20-01-2005, 09:21 PM
bro.. how ya liao?
taken yr dinner?
hey, have u taken ur dinner? Dont go hungry leh.. still need to tahan till so late..
20-01-2005, 09:24 PM
hey, have u taken ur dinner? Dont go hungry leh.. still need to tahan till so late..
bro, i taken b4 i return to office.
bro, got see my signature?
i found my new love liao... very happy, but jialat is tat she knew abt this forum and me is nirvana.
she will know my past..i ask her to forgive me and allow me to change..
i cant fool around liao.
must be her good boy.
u happy for me?
20-01-2005, 09:28 PM
bro, i taken b4 i return to office.
bro, got see my signature?
i found my new love liao... very happy, but jialat is tat she knew abt this forum and me is nirvana.
i cant fling or fool around liao.
must be her god boy.
u happy for me?
I'm happy for u. But has she mention anything to u that makes u so happy? and wat makes you choose her? Y.T wishes you all the best.
20-01-2005, 09:32 PM
I'm happy for u. But has she mention anything to u that makes u so happy? and wat makes you choose her? Y.T wishes you all the best.
bro, thanks.
she huh? she is a simple gal.. doesnt ask for much.. plus, she also come from a not-so-good family background, so she been thru the hardship..
why i like her ? ??
many reason lor.. she make me so comfortable, she very sweet, and she stay next street to me.
20-01-2005, 09:38 PM
bro, thanks.
she huh? she is a simple gal.. doesnt ask for much.. plus, she also come from a not-so-good family background, so she been thru the hardship..
why i like her ? ??
many reason lor.. she make me so comfortable, she very sweet, and she stay next street to me.
Long time didn't get a chance to TCSS with you... :p
Really happy to see that you are happily attached to a sweet girl.. All the best to you... And must treat her well leh... I believe you definitely will....
She is really lucky to have you to "protect" her... :D
20-01-2005, 09:41 PM
Long time didn't get a chance to TCSS with you... :p
Really happy to see that you are happily attached to a sweet girl.. All the best to you... And must treat her well leh... I believe you definitely will....
She is really lucky to have you to "protect" her... :D
Hey MDX, long time no see.. how 's life? U eaten liao? U also here to wish nirvana luck? So Kind of u..
20-01-2005, 09:42 PM
Really happy to see that you are happily attached to a sweet girl.. All the best to you... And must treat her well leh... I believe you definitely will....
She is really lucky to have you to "protect" her... :D
how u know she is sweet huh?
no lah, she is just a normal gal..that is able to let me settle down with.
good abt her is that she is willing to forgive me abt my past..
yah man, will sayang her lor. now cant cheong anymore with my kaki liao. drink coffee still can lor.
time to settle down,
20-01-2005, 09:59 PM
how u know she is sweet huh?
no lah, she is just a normal gal..that is able to let me settle down with.
good abt her is that she is willing to forgive me abt my past..
yah man, will sayang her lor. now cant cheong anymore with my kaki liao. drink coffee still can lor.
time to settle down,
cham, must pao ang pow liao. keke... :D
20-01-2005, 10:12 PM
cham, must pao ang pow liao. keke... :D
best thing is... i love her wholeheartly, but hor, in her heart, she got some one else.
i wait slowly lor..just hope she will give me her heart
Big Sexy
20-01-2005, 10:18 PM
kaoz.. how come u know lay... i already tried my best to hide it from you.. dont wan to break your heart...... sorry to hurt you... but u are late.....
i came before you..:)
but hor, in her heart, she got some one else.
i wait slowly lor..just hope she will give me her heart
20-01-2005, 10:39 PM
[QUOTE=Big Sexy]kaoz.. how come u know lay... i already tried my best to hide it from you.. dont wan to break your heart...... sorry to hurt you... but u are late.....
hehe, u r here. me very pathetic.... :o
20-01-2005, 10:45 PM
ha ha... i noe who she iz le...both of u dun kek siao la...sooer or later da truth will come out rofl
20-01-2005, 10:53 PM
ha ha... i noe who she iz le...both of u dun kek siao la...sooer or later da truth will come out rofl
thanks bro
20-01-2005, 10:56 PM
...and she stay next street to me.
No wonder need to be good boy :P
20-01-2005, 10:57 PM
...and she stay next street to me.
No wonder need to be good boy :p
22-01-2005, 10:13 AM
i found my new love liao... very happy
Uncle ... good start to the new year. Congrats.
22-01-2005, 10:17 AM
Uncle ... good start to the new year. Congrats.
hehehe...abt time to settle down lor... :D
22-01-2005, 11:29 AM
hehehe...abt time to settle down lor... :D
Bro, cheers for u too... ;)
22-01-2005, 06:14 PM
Bro, cheers for u too... ;)
wah lan... u still remember where we meet?
yah.. she is indeed a great gal.. u very sharp.
22-01-2005, 06:16 PM
wah lan... u still remember where we meet?
yah.. she is indeed a great gal.. u very sharp.
Hmmmmmmm.... so congrats on the line?
22-01-2005, 06:20 PM
Hmmmmmmm.... so congrats on the line?
wan lan.. just started few day... u wanna so fast bao angbao to us? :D
22-01-2005, 06:27 PM
wan lan.. just started few day... u wanna so fast bao angbao to us? :D
Got start better then no start lor... Who the lucky gal?
U not going to intro to tis Kor Kor? :D
22-01-2005, 06:32 PM
Got start better then no start lor... Who the lucky gal?
U not going to intro to tis Kor Kor? :D
she?? she stay next street to me lor.. hahaha, when the time is ripe.. will tell u lor... :D
22-01-2005, 06:57 PM
From uglyger last reply, I guess I know who liaoz.. haha sorry first post after reading then guess liaoz.. lolz
Pretty straightforward.. isn't it ?
UG : In a battlefield, only winner or loser, and love belongs to the battlefield. Wanna put your heart into it, then prepare to lose it loh... pessimistic it may sound but no choice one.. butch you think would not have any relationship ? Nowadays I think ladies most of the time more heng xin than guys loh..
Big Sexy
22-01-2005, 11:11 PM
can i guess...if i guess correctly got reward or not..:D
she?? she stay next street to me lor.. hahaha, when the time is ripe.. will tell u lor... :D
22-01-2005, 11:15 PM
can i guess...if i guess correctly got reward or not..:D
S leong, u already know liao.. heheh :D
ugly ger wana meet u , but she want u to wear the ang-bao hat when meeting her
Big Sexy
23-01-2005, 12:06 AM
i swear i dont know who she is lay...:D
u already know liao.. heheh :D
01-02-2005, 11:47 PM
wah lan... u still remember where we meet?
yah.. she is indeed a great gal.. u very sharp.
Sure.Up the slope & somewhere down there lor...hehe..u got strike $$$ tat time after meeting me?? Btw,ur avatar looks cool...Stay cool always.. ;)
02-02-2005, 12:30 AM
Sure.Up the slope & somewhere down there lor...hehe..u got strike $$$ tat time after meeting me??
bro, u must come my place.. see my wind-water liao..
my buy so long 4d, not even pey-sai. :(
yah, up the slope and down the hill , but i shift HQ liao. :D
02-02-2005, 12:37 AM
hope that your name is not linda.
u sound like one of my friend.
long time no contact her liao.
if you are her, PM me. dun be sad. :)
if you are not, then just take things easy.
go buy bandage and wrap around your will flatten your boob. normally a B or C cup and above person will have diffculties.only those AA or A cup can totally flatten the boob with this.
16-02-2005, 10:07 PM
coz i m depressed n i m ugly...n this brings back bad memories. so i decided to publish part of my bad exp out n share wif u folks...n hope to hear some constructive stuff from u folks out there
Relax..i believe not all guys are just u haven't met one yet.. :)
16-02-2005, 11:17 PM
Sis UG,
Life as we know it is full of ups and downs! If it was not meant that way, life would be dull! Thru experience whether it is good or bad, we learnt from our mistakes and grow stronger.
There will ALWAYS be happy times in your life, there will ALWAYS be sad times in your life.
Honestly, how many of us had never had a heartbroken relationship? My guess is there every single one of us had gone thru it. Thru it we grow stronger! We learnt to let go when its not meant to be.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! You might not be pretty in your own eyes or some other people's eyes, there will also be people who will find you pretty and attractive. You might not have a beautiful face but how long can a beautiful face last? 10 yrs? 20 yrs? It will also be gone when we aged!
Its the internal beauty that counts for it will last a lifetime.
So cheer might not have met your Prince Charming yet. He is out there somewhere waiting for you! To him, you are his "Sleeping Beauty" or "Cinderella"
Be happy! :)
17-02-2005, 10:33 AM
i tell u now...i dun like guyz nemore....numb alreadi. i;ll get on wif my life as a butch..carefree. i wun like ne guyz n guyz wun like me. i join ur gang of broz. treat me like another bro plz thankz...yo n the bindin u guyz noe how to bind boobz
Actually hor,
I think the last thing the guys here know about is binding boobs
They are probably experts on setting them free...
17-02-2005, 10:49 AM
Actually hor,
I think the last thing the guys here know about is binding boobs
They are probably experts on setting them free...
very the correct!!!!
17-02-2005, 10:50 AM
thankz to all who replied to thiz thread...i decided dat i will not kill myself...but i will turn butch...doez neone noe how to bind boobs ?
don't do that uglyger .... i have a friend who went thru what U are going thru ... after a few unsuccessful realtionships with guys who just wanna sleep with her & did .... and they left her ... she felt useless & fed-up with guys ... tot that girls was the solution ... whe went steady with a girl & started a lesbian realtionship .... brought many heartaches to the family & finally broke up .... a more broken person than ever .... so so so ... dun go down that road .... life will be better when U cheer up ... stop looking down on yourself or have low self esteem ... U r special in your own way .... someone special will come along someday ... dont be in too a hurry to junp into another relationship .... my 2 cents worth ... hope it helps ...
part 2 n last part
I have never been so down b4. The past few days have been a roller coaster for me. My mood is swinging up and down. I have never been so unstable before. U noe what I feel like doing diary? I feel like bashing up people right now. I really really hate life. I HATE THIS BLOODY FUKING LIFE. I DUNNO WHAT THE HECK I M LIVING FOR.
I can understand how you feel, the last time I had a blind date, that girl never turn and told the date organiser that I lied about myself and said that I was fucking ugly, which in fact I did nothinh to lie about myself. That's was the 2nd time she stood me up without reasons and I spent on movie tickets.
For me, even my parents have given up hope on me to find a life time partner, so I am afull time dedicated cheongster.
Last night, even my good friend gave me a pat on the back after our golf practise, he asked me to find a GF so that I will not get so much into WLs, FLs or TNs. I maintained that for me paid sex are still the best as I forsee myself never ever having a life time partner, if it happens, it must be someone up there sleeping on the job.
Don't worry, UG, you are not the only one here. Life has to go on.
17-02-2005, 11:46 AM
[QUOTE=nirvana]bro, u must come my place.. see my wind-water liao..
my buy so long 4d, not even pey-sai. :(
hey bro.. CNY got grab many pussies bo???hehehe
me got lobang for u, dun know if u are interested or not.... recently got to know a 25yo singapore PR from JB from 1900 -Chatline. Who stays in Clementi... knows that she is a very high sex drive lady and initailly planned to meet up for bonking few days ago.. :( but cheebeh maybe when we met up, she finds my LARD not tempting enuff for her leh... so maybe u fit-fit , should be able to up her...
during our meet-up chat, she mentioned that she is interested in 2 plus 2 or tama.. looking for those with 6packs build and long lasting guys..( nabeh, once again... i dun fit the bills..).. i shall cut the story short a brief description of her k...
age. 25-26yo. long dyed hair
ht . 1.58 or 1.6 the most.
wt. 51kg like that... a little bak onli.. still very bonkable k.
body, a little fleshy with maybe a 34B cup.., trimmed pussy .. ( thats wat she told me lah)
horniness... ( i am sure whoever able to fuck her will have a great time..)
if u interested to get her bro.. u can sms me lah.. u got my numbers rite??
KONG XI FA CAIs.... hehehee
18-02-2005, 12:18 AM
[QUOTE=nirvana]bro, u must come my place.. see my wind-water liao..
my buy so long 4d, not even pey-sai.
yah, up the slope and down the hill , but i shift HQ liao. :D
Wah bro, did i mention ur avatar looks cool ?? Now i think i better not go over coz wind crashes with water when i saw ur new avatar..Too much "shar chi liao.. :D
18-02-2005, 12:53 AM
age. 25-26yo. long dyed hair
ht . 1.58 or 1.6 the most.
wt. 51kg like that... a little bak onli.. still very bonkable k.
body, a little fleshy with maybe a 34B cup.., trimmed pussy .. ( thats wat she told me lah)
horniness... ( i am sure whoever able to fuck her will have a great time..)
if u interested to get her bro.. u can sms me lah.. u got my numbers rite??
KONG XI FA CAIs.... hehehee[/QUOTE]
wow... :D
18-02-2005, 12:56 AM
[ar..Too much "shar chi liao.. :D
bro, u must come leh.. i have a pond in my living room, dunno where is the money position.. hehehe
help leh..
22-02-2005, 11:29 PM
Hi hi...Well it seem like late reply. Well in life we meet good and bad people and as the saying goes it takes sec to know someone but it take ages to forget that someone. Wht happen is not what you want and it cannot be reversible so learn from it and lead a good life. This time of kor or friend there are plenty at those pasar malam. Well look around for better one belive soon you find someone better cheers!
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