View Full Version : Thailand marriage
19-01-2005, 05:53 PM
Hi guys,
Was wondering if any bro out here married a thai wife in Thailand before. I did call up the embassy in Bangkok, there is some documents that is required before the legal marriage can be done in the Amphur office.
1. A letter to prove I'm not currently married.
2. A letter to indicate if I have or have not commited a offence in S'pore.
3. A letter to indicate if my thai wife have a work permit in S'pore.
As I'll only be in Thailand for 3 weeks, therefore time is essential. Can any bro advice me how can I obtain this documents. Furthermore, I'm not in S'pore, as I currently in UK. Hope to seek some advice from any bro out here. Many thanks.
19-01-2005, 09:36 PM
I don't think you can seek much advice from here.
1. Since you are in UK, I assume the Singapore embassy can't do anything for you. Unless, you engage a law practioner and request a simple letter onbehalf of you to Singapore embassy. This is the only thing the lawyer can do for you. *Please note: lawyer must be appointed by the Singapore embassy in UK.
2. Nobody can settle those documents on behalf of you in Singapore. You will have to personally fetch these documents at your own hands.
3. Usually, the respective officer from various government's department in Singapore would like to see your 'face' personally. Sometimes, interview may also be required.
19-01-2005, 11:21 PM
Cheers mate, thanks for the feedback.
24-01-2005, 07:24 PM
And wishing u a happy marriage all the best in getting the necessary documents in time...
25-01-2005, 12:02 AM
You can do this in Bangkok
1. you need to get a form from the embassy that states that you are single and free to marry.
2. you need to fill this in and get it translated. Plenty of places in BKK
3. go back to the Embassy with the original and translated copies they will certify it and charge you a fortune. It cost my mate 2000 Baht don't know what the Singapore embassy will say.
3. take that paper along with your GF and passport to the Ampur and you'll be married by lunch time if you go early in the morning.
Note that if you want to bring her back to Sillypore or the UK you need to check out the rule and regs and that is a whole other problem. there have been threads on that before.
Oh the other thing to know is that it will give her a little bit of hassle in that her name will no longer be a Thai one so they will assume Farang costs
The other way that people get around this is to marry in the local Embassy i.e. not under Thai law. but you need to figure that out with the local embassy as what is possible because it is diffferent for each contry.
Hope that helps a little bit
25-01-2005, 02:03 AM
You can do this in Bangkok
1. you need to get a form from the embassy that states that you are single and free to marry.
2. you need to fill this in and get it translated. Plenty of places in BKK
3. go back to the Embassy with the original and translated copies they will certify it and charge you a fortune. It cost my mate 2000 Baht don't know what the Singapore embassy will say.
3. take that paper along with your GF and passport to the Ampur and you'll be married by lunch time if you go early in the morning.
Note that if you want to bring her back to Sillypore or the UK you need to check out the rule and regs and that is a whole other problem. there have been threads on that before.
Oh the other thing to know is that it will give her a little bit of hassle in that her name will no longer be a Thai one so they will assume Farang costs
The other way that people get around this is to marry in the local Embassy i.e. not under Thai law. but you need to figure that out with the local embassy as what is possible because it is diffferent for each contry.
Hope that helps a little bit
Hi all,
To all experience brothers out there, So what is the best way to marry a Thai? Marry in Thailand or marry in Singapore? Confusing mak mak....
Anyone can advise?
25-01-2005, 05:12 AM
Thanks to all the bro for the wonderful feedback. I had sort out the document of marital status which cost me 35 sing. However had abit problem for requesting the Certificate of No Criminal Conviction. The CID department need a official letter stating the reason for it and this will cost me 45 sing. Seem like very document required money. And this all the requirement of the Singapore embassy in Thailand, and not the Amphur office. :confused: No offence but seem abit irony to me as Sin is trying to make profit even when I register outside motherland. Alas, guess I'll still need to do it. Once again thanks for all the bro invaluable advice.
25-01-2005, 05:15 AM
Hi all,
To all experience brothers out there, So what is the best way to marry a Thai? Marry in Thailand or marry in Singapore? Confusing mak mak....
Anyone can advise?
Hey gunner,
If you are not in a hurry, maybe I can post it over here the complete process when I done my marriage in 3 months time huh... :) So you can judge yourself which is better. Do let me know.
25-01-2005, 11:56 PM
Hey gunner,
If you are not in a hurry, maybe I can post it over here the complete process when I done my marriage in 3 months time huh... :) So you can judge yourself which is better. Do let me know.
Hey Brimmy,
I really appreciate your reply. Do keep us updated. I am sure there are many Sin-Thai relationship going on. Your valuable process will definatly benefit many people.
26-01-2005, 01:51 AM
Hi all,
To all experience brothers out there, So what is the best way to marry a Thai? Marry in Thailand or marry in Singapore? Confusing mak mak....
Anyone can advise?
I am not sure on what the law is now since it got changed but it used to be that if a girl married a frang then she could not own land. I have to go figure this out, does anyone know the situation now?
The other main hassle is that her name changes to your name then people assume she has money and prices go up. Not all the time.
But other than that there is no real issue with difference in marrying in Thailand but remember in divorce the judge will always look more favourably towards the girl. Not really a problem if you don’t end up with kids etc
I married my Thai girl in the Amphur in Thailand but I am not a Singaporean so I did not have to do the stuff with the CID only had to prove to the Thai authorities that I was free to marry again. I have not really had any problems other than to translate the marriage cert and then copy it a million times for every Visa application etc.
26-01-2005, 09:11 AM
Cheers mate. :)
26-01-2005, 09:39 AM
All brothers,
After looking through this thread, I have a question which I will like to ask all of you here. Will you marry a Thai/Viet/Cambodia/Myanmar girl who has worked in LSB before? Do you mind marrying her and bring her to Singapore if she has worked in JB LSB previously? Any bros have experiences?
26-01-2005, 07:41 PM
All brothers,
After looking through this thread, I have a question which I will like to ask all of you here. Will you marry a Thai/Viet/Cambodia/Myanmar girl who has worked in LSB before? Do you mind marrying her and bring her to Singapore if she has worked in JB LSB previously? Any bros have experiences?
Hi MachoDevilX, well your question really did hit the spot as it is quite difficult to answer. If one say he wouldn't mind but there is a possibilities that maybe his family, relatives and friends might talk behind his back even when they give him their blessing. However, marriage is based on the couple, as long as they are happy then it ok. But can they endure the days to come from other gossip? Well, I guess it really depend on individual character strength. This comment is based on my own humble opinion. Hope I didn't offend any bro or gals out there. If I did, I would like to apologise and ignore my comment.
As for humble me, I'm luckly not to be in such a tight spot, as my "wife to be" had not work in any bar. To my knowledge, she from pretty decent family and background.
Cheers everyone
Thanks for sharing!!!Cause i think i also wanna get a thai gf :)
26-01-2005, 10:47 PM
Hi MachoDevilX, well your question really did hit the spot as it is quite difficult to answer. If one say he wouldn't mind but there is a possibilities that maybe his family, relatives and friends might talk behind his back even when they give him their blessing. However, marriage is based on the couple, as long as they are happy then it ok. But can they endure the days to come from other gossip? Well, I guess it really depend on individual character strength. This comment is based on my own humble opinion. Hope I didn't offend any bro or gals out there. If I did, I would like to apologise and ignore my comment.
As for humble me, I'm luckly not to be in such a tight spot, as my "wife to be" had not work in any bar. To my knowledge, she from pretty decent family and background.
Cheers everyone
Thanks for replying...
I think a lot of guys still have the thinking that bonking other girls are fine but own wife must be "pure'.... At least "pure" in terms of not working as FLs/WLs etc. before. This is pretty sad for the WLs and FLs. I personally find that they also need love and no one will actually want to be working in the industry if there is a choice...
For me, frankly speaking, if I really love the girl, regardless of whether she is FL/WL or working in the S*X industry before, I will still marry her. Since I find that she also deserve someone to love her, pamper her as well as taking care of her for the rest of her life... Of course during the initial phase will very difficult since family might object, might meet her customers outside etc... But I think after few years time, everything will be better since the customers will tend to forget her... And the family will also gradually accept the fact that their son has truly love her....
27-01-2005, 12:33 PM
Thanks for replying...
I think a lot of guys still have the thinking that bonking other girls are fine but own wife must be "pure'.... At least "pure" in terms of not working as FLs/WLs etc. before. This is pretty sad for the WLs and FLs. I personally find that they also need love and no one will actually want to be working in the industry if there is a choice...
For me, frankly speaking, if I really love the girl, regardless of whether she is FL/WL or working in the S*X industry before, I will still marry her. Since I find that she also deserve someone to love her, pamper her as well as taking care of her for the rest of her life... Of course during the initial phase will very difficult since family might object, might meet her customers outside etc... But I think after few years time, everything will be better since the customers will tend to forget her... And the family will also gradually accept the fact that their son has truly love her....
Good luck bro MachoDevilX, I can see u really feel for these gals. :)
27-01-2005, 12:45 PM
Good luck bro MachoDevilX, I can see u really feel for these gals. :)
Don't worry.. I won't fall for the girls easily... I respect them as they are and repect them as friends... I do feel for them since I can feel that they are nice girls and deserve guys to treat them well and with respect... They also need friends and listening hears... For me, I am not a person who will fall in love easily.... Not just towards WLs/FLs but also towards normal SG girls. I usually not easy to fall for any girls unless got the really special bonding of "Yuan"... The girl whom I declare I love is really the one whom I have strong "bonding" with... Once I have fall for her, I will love her whole-heartedly and only concentrate on her and nothing else.. And the feeling will be forever...That's why I won't really bother too much on whether the girl has worked as FLs/WLs before...
27-01-2005, 01:02 PM
Seem like very document required money...
Bro ... den wat u expect ... here's sillypore :D
Anyway ... GONG Xi ! GONG XI ! ;)
27-01-2005, 01:22 PM
Hi guys,
Was wondering if any bro out here married a thai wife in Thailand before. I did call up the embassy in Bangkok, there is some documents that is required before the legal marriage can be done in the Amphur office.
1. A letter to prove I'm not currently married.
2. A letter to indicate if I have or have not commited a offence in S'pore.
3. A letter to indicate if my thai wife have a work permit in S'pore.
As I'll only be in Thailand for 3 weeks, therefore time is essential. Can any bro advice me how can I obtain this documents. Furthermore, I'm not in S'pore, as I currently in UK. Hope to seek some advice from any bro out here. Many thanks.
Bro, assume you're Singaporean.
3 weeks is a lot of time. you can come here, make love to your GF, apply for marriage cert, and by the time your GF tells you she's 3 weeks pregnant, she's already your wife.
First you need to go to Thai Embassy in Singapore to get an updated copy of documents required which includes
1. Letter to prove you're currently not married which you can go to hgih court to make a stat declaration which is free.
2. Go to Criminal Record Branch of CID which is behind OG in Chinatown (unless changed) where they will give you a certificate of no criminal record. Must have passport pic if I'm not mistaken.
3. With her passport, go to MOM to get letter to say your GF has NOT owrk in SG before. If has work, cannot married hor. (To go round this, make sure she change name and change passport).
4. Letter of employment to state salary.
With these documents, go to Singapore Embassy in Thailand(BKK) and submit to them where they will provide you with a letter summarizing all the details. This leeter must then be translated into Thai by an authorised translator.
With this letters (both original and translated, go to Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and get it endorsed by them. Let them know you are getting married.
Then with the documents, you can go to any ampur to marry.
Since time is limited for you, I suggest after you get letter from Singapore Embassy, go to an "Alien Marriage Agency) and they will arrange all the documentations including Foreign Affairs, etc and also bring you to a nearest Ampur to register your marriage with everything sign first. (Done within 2 days) If marriage certificate not on time, they will arrange for your marriage certificate with translation into English to be send it to your wife normally within a week.
I know, b'cos I'm married to a thai in Thailand. :)
27-01-2005, 01:27 PM
If you're not in SG but need the documents, I believe you can have a family member get the cert of no criminal record for you with a letter of authority form you, and photo.
Letter to say you're not married can be done in SG embassy in UK or endorsed by a notory public.
Anybody can take your GF passport to MOM to get the letter to say she has NOT work in SG before.
Letter of employment... if you don't know how to do it, then I get one for you saying you are my OKT manager in Hatyai :D
27-01-2005, 01:35 PM
Uncle ThaiV, you are the man.. From your detailed info, I might consider finding myself a Thai wife also... :D
27-01-2005, 01:55 PM
Getting married to a girl who worked in the se* industry is not really an issue.. U gotta know her frm tat place initially... As long as when she's with u after the contact finishes and doesn't step into it again... tats important.. bro, we are men of the same boat! :D
From your detailed info, I might consider finding myself a Thai wife also... :D
27-01-2005, 02:07 PM
Getting married to a girl who worked in the se* industry is not really an issue.. U gotta know her frm tat place initially... As long as when she's with u after the contact finishes and doesn't step into it again... tats important.. bro, we are men of the same boat! :D
****Claps Claps****
Totally agree with you... If she is not working there, I think might not even know her in the first place.. And needless to say, understand her and marry her... This is called fate...
Just one thing to point out...
Too bad that for Singaporean, if anyone of us fall for a Thai/Viet/PRC/Cambodia girl in Malaysia while visiting the LSBs and intending to marry her, it's harder for us to bring her back to SG unless she got a passport in which most of them doesn't have... That's why have to wait for her contract to end first before finding means to get them a passport and bring them to SG... And sometimes, might not be able to find her once she is back to her hometown.. Sad to say, there is really no choice even if we like the girl a lot...
Whereas for bros who are Malaysian, can just ask the girl if she wants to follow. If the girl agree, can just escape out and stay with him... But of course, any bros who promise the girl must really treat her well and take care of her since she can even escape for the sake for you...
27-01-2005, 02:11 PM
Indeed, i seen a few done tat.. But mostly with bad endings... Those malaysian bastards.. Sweet talked her away and force her to sell elsewhere.. I've a fren who married lsb girls.. He never tot of bringing them to singapore, he keeps them in their hometown.. and he plans to migrate there too.. However this is for the more financial stabled bros..
Bro, its fcuking difficult to get them to sg.. U need to have a lot of time, effort and money.. i had been through it..
Whereas for bros who are Malaysian, can just ask the girl if she wants to follow. If the girl agree, can just escape out and stay with him... But of course, any bros who promise the girl must really treat her well and take care of her since she can even escape for the sake for you...
27-01-2005, 02:37 PM
Indeed, i seen a few done tat.. But mostly with bad endings... Those malaysian bastards.. Sweet talked her away and force her to sell elsewhere.. I've a fren who married lsb girls.. He never tot of bringing them to singapore, he keeps them in their hometown.. and he plans to migrate there too.. However this is for the more financial stabled bros..
Bro, its fcuking difficult to get them to sg.. U need to have a lot of time, effort and money.. i had been through it..
Yup. A lot of bastards just sweet-talked the girls to follow them and then eventually sell them elsewhere... Really CB but this is no choice since the girl follow them willingly... But frankly speaking, after you read the next thread that I will be starting in the Malaysian section, I think you will be feel that at least the girls doesn't have to return and suffer back in their hometown, especially the Myanamr girls... Their life there is really hard... Unlike those who are from Chiangmai or Bangkok, their life is much better compared to those who are living at the Thai-Myanmar border...
I know... Somemore, most of them doesn't have passport and have to spend lots of $$ just to make one... And then have to bribe the officials etc... Unless the guy is loaded, if not it is almost impossible to bring them to SG...
I hope the guy who took my friend away can really take good care of her... I just get to know that she is doing well.. If not, trust me.. As long as I know where the F**ker is, I will track him down and rest assured that he won't have a good time for the rest of his life...
27-01-2005, 02:45 PM
Totally agreed with u bro.. The cost for passport for those border girls.. Costs abt 4k++ sgd.. Haha, u shared alot of sentiments with me man.. i must meet u and have a long seesion with u liao~
I hope the guy who took my friend away can really take good care of her... I just get to know that she is doing well.. If not, trust me.. As long as I know where the F**ker is, I will track him down and rest assured that he won't have a good time for the rest of his life...
27-01-2005, 02:50 PM
Letter of employment... if you don't know how to do it, then I get one for you saying you are my OKT manager in Hatyai :D
Hi Thaivisitor, Thanks a lot for the information. It is indeed very detail. Hope everything will go smoothly when the "once in a life time" (Cross my finger) comes. This letter of employment really made my day bro...:D. Anyway, once again thanks.
27-01-2005, 03:16 PM
Hi Thaivisitor, Thanks a lot for the information. It is indeed very detail. Hope everything will go smoothly when the "once in a life time" (Cross my finger) comes. This letter of employment really made my day bro...:D. Anyway, once again thanks.
Didn't realize someone's getting hitched!!!
Congratulations Brimmy!! Wishing u a happily married life forever & ever!!!
27-01-2005, 03:56 PM
Didn't realize someone's getting hitched!!!
Congratulations Brimmy!! Wishing u a happily married life forever & ever!!!
Cheers mate.:)
Wah Lau, Brimmy never even mention occupation of his wife to be so dont take it for granted that she's in the S*X industry. She could be a perfectly normal 'good' girl coming from a respectable family. :D
27-01-2005, 11:59 PM
Bro, assume you're Singaporean.
First you need to go to Thai Embassy in Singapore to get an updated copy of documents required which includes
1. Letter to prove you're currently not married which you can go to hgih court to make a stat declaration which is free.
2. Go to Criminal Record Branch of CID which is behind OG in Chinatown (unless changed) where they will give you a certificate of no criminal record. Must have passport pic if I'm not mistaken.
3. With her passport, go to MOM to get letter to say your GF has NOT owrk in SG before. If has work, cannot married hor. (To go round this, make sure she change name and change passport).
4. Letter of employment to state salary.
With these documents, go to Singapore Embassy in Thailand(BKK) and submit to them where they will provide you with a letter summarizing all the details. This leeter must then be translated into Thai by an authorised translator.
With this letters (both original and translated, go to Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and get it endorsed by them. Let them know you are getting married.
Then with the documents, you can go to any ampur to marry.
Hi Bro,
Thanks for your info as I am also planning to marry my Thai GF in a few months time.
Just like to check one more thing with you. Do we really need to register in Thailand after I married her in S'pore (Registered in S'pore).
I thought we only need to get every thing done here will do?
Thanks again for all the info.
28-01-2005, 01:02 AM
Hi Bro,
Thanks for your info as I am also planning to marry my Thai GF in a few months time.
Just like to check one more thing with you. Do we really need to register in Thailand after I married her in S'pore (Registered in S'pore).
I thought we only need to get every thing done here will do?
Thanks again for all the info.
I have several friends who have married their Thai girlfriend abroad but not Singapore and never register in Thailand. Personnally I don't see the point if you marry abroad, unless there is property in her name.
28-01-2005, 04:16 AM
Wah Lau, Brimmy never even mention occupation of his wife to be so dont take it for granted that she's in the S*X industry. She could be a perfectly normal 'good' girl coming from a respectable family. :D
Cheers eddy, well she is indeed from a decent and respectable family. I get to know her when we are both studying in the same Uni overseas. :)
28-01-2005, 04:26 AM
Hi Bro,
Thanks for your info as I am also planning to marry my Thai GF in a few months time.
Just like to check one more thing with you. Do we really need to register in Thailand after I married her in S'pore (Registered in S'pore).
I thought we only need to get every thing done here will do?
Thanks again for all the info.
Congratulations bikee69. As for my case I wanted to legally register in both country for the following reasons:
1: To apply PR on both our respective country.
2: Would like our kids to have dual nationality until they reached the relevant age for them to decide themselves.
3: Would like to retire in Thailand in future.
That the plan, but we all know plans tend to change :). Anyway, like I did mention to bro gunner, my marriage comes before yours, I can post the relevant information for you to prepare yours. :)
28-01-2005, 11:44 AM
i must meet u and have a long seesion with u liao~
Waaa ....Incredible Hulk meets Tarzan... :D
28-01-2005, 11:48 AM
Hi Bro,
Thanks for your info as I am also planning to marry my Thai GF in a few months time.
Just like to check one more thing with you. Do we really need to register in Thailand after I married her in S'pore (Registered in S'pore).
I thought we only need to get every thing done here will do?
Thanks again for all the info.
If you have a marriage cert for SG or for that matter any country (which is recognised by that country), it is sufficient and will be accepted by Thailand as legally married.
BTW, if you already married to her in SG, ROM will not give you a letter to say you're single, nor can you do a declaration.
28-01-2005, 11:53 AM
Cheers eddy, well she is indeed from a decent and respectable family. I get to know her when we are both studying in the same Uni overseas.
All Thai Girls are decent and respectable and comes from decent and respectable families.
Any girl working as a call girl, does not makes her or her family indecent or unrespectable.
They may be poor, have a lot of hardship, uneducated,....but they're definitely respectable and decent.
My humble opinion :)
28-01-2005, 11:56 AM
All Thai Girls are decent and respectable and comes from decent and respectable families.
Any girl working as a call girl, does not makes her or her family indecent or unrespectable.
They may be poor, have a lot of hardship, uneducated,....but they're definitely respectable and decent.
My humble opinion :)
i second that. :)
28-01-2005, 12:05 PM
I have several friends who have married their Thai girlfriend abroad but not Singapore and never register in Thailand. Personnally I don't see the point if you marry abroad, unless there is property in her name.
If that's the case, then there's also no point in registering a marriage (whether to Thais or locals) in SG is it? unless again, also have property to her name?
People register their marriages for various reasons, like some already quoted... PRs, etc. Also you give the girl a sense of confidence and security.
Although in Thailand, many marriages are not registered, this trend is slowly fading away and more and more are being registered. There will come a time in the not too future where most marriages are registered.
If you happen to be one of those that are not, can you imagine one day your kid asking you "are you the husband to his mother?" and where's the proof like what many of his friends have.
Imagine the situation in SG, and you know what I mean. Try explaining it to a local kid with things like " its ok so long as we love each other" and you think he'll take your reason? No way.
28-01-2005, 12:45 PM
Brofastbud, Thanks for the pts, will up you tomorrow (24 hrs)
28-01-2005, 12:57 PM
Waaa ....Incredible Hulk meets Tarzan...
Maybe he means booking a special "session" with you.... :D
Uncle, you in SG now huh? Miss your exciting story leh... I have also MIA for quite sometime... And it has been a long time since I join DNAT's TCSS outing.... Got to look up for him and chak Ryan face to face... :D
28-01-2005, 01:38 PM
Maybe he means booking a special "session" with you....
Uncle, you in SG now huh? Miss your exciting story leh... I have also MIA for quite sometime... And it has been a long time since I join DNAT's TCSS outing.... Got to look up for him and chak Ryan face to face... :D
Will be back on 31 Jan. Was back monthly and normally have coffee at GL Lor 10. Weekends Bro DNAT little bit got problem cos Queen always around. But Ryan was often around. :D
28-01-2005, 01:42 PM
Will be back on 31 Jan. Was back monthly and normally have coffee at GL Lor 10. Weekends Bro DNAT little bit got problem cos Queen always around. But Ryan was often around.
Okay. PM me when you are here... Long time didn't hear your stories... Me ear kian kian... :D And long time didn't hear Uncle DNAT's "long" stories as well.... Ryan forever free lah... always like to meet up and chak people... :D
29-01-2005, 01:20 AM
1: To apply PR on both our respective country.
3: Would like to retire in Thailand in future.
Hi Bro Brimmy,
Congratulation to you too.
For my case, I will apply PR for her in S'pore but not sure will I be applying the PR in Thailand.
For your pt 3, that what I intend to do so in the future when I retire.
maybe we will become neighbour in the future... :p
29-01-2005, 05:23 AM
For your pt 3, that what I intend to do so in the future when I retire.
maybe we will become neighbour in the future... :p
Glad we share the same point if view. Till then, take care
Cheers :)
10-02-2005, 03:16 PM
Dear TV,
I have a question to ask you. I have a thai GF, she used to work in HDY before. She is asking me to married her in thailand this comong April.
She say that for me, a singaporean to marry her required 30,000 to 40,000Baht. Is that true?? Need to verify with you.
A samster PM me the folowwing question, so I tot I might as well answer it in this thread for the benefit fo others, and also others who have experiences to share.
Bro, 30,000 to 40,000 baht is not a lot of money, but if you're talking about the costs of documentation, etc, it don't need to be that much. Check with any "Alien Marriage Agencies and they will give you a breakdown. Some of the items can be done by yourself.
Look thru this thread again to gather the info, go over to Thai Embassy in SG to see whether any changes in requirements.
Maybe you GF is talking about the cost of the wedding too, including dowry, etc.
PS: Now I become like "aunt Agony" or "dear Aggie", kekekekekeke
10-02-2005, 07:00 PM
PS: Now I become like "aunt Agony" or "dear Aggie", kekekekekeke
Hi thaivisitor,
Well, I'm sure all the bro here really appreciate your invaluable advice and opinion on this topic. I thank you... :)
10-02-2005, 07:24 PM
If she wants a party and a Buddhist blessing then this is cheap.
You can easily blow 20-30K on a party esp if there is a large family.
10-02-2005, 09:07 PM
great advice here. however, only to those thai girls that hasnt worked as a WL in SG b4.
cant seem to find a good route whereas the status of the girl is a ex-WL in SG.
Malaysian Datuk
10-02-2005, 09:23 PM
great advice here. however, only to those thai girls that hasnt worked as a WL in SG b4.
cant seem to find a good route whereas the status of the girl is a ex-WL in SG.
haiz.ex-WL in SG got no route except to 'change passport' but can marry but cannot be PR because PR need fingerprints. And you will also have to live in fear of your past catching up with you in SIN, so migrate and live happily everafter in Thailand or even 3rd country like Malaysia is the best....just my 2 sens worth :)
10-02-2005, 10:42 PM
ex-WL in SG got no route except to 'change passport' but can marry but cannot be PR because PR need fingerprints. And you will also have to live in fear of your past catching up with you in SIN, so migrate and live happily everafter in Thailand or even 3rd country like Malaysia is the best....just my 2 sens worth :)
Malaysia consider 3rd country meh?
Anyway, I believe have route to SG one la. Very hard, but can work out esp if got $. I also remember that after they ORD, they cannot come back to SG for 2 years except on social visit. After so, then possibly able to apply PR. Not sure....anyone can verify?
I am also confused about the change passport thingy.
What's that all about? An illegal process?
Care to elaborate more on the 'change passport' thingy?
10-02-2005, 11:02 PM
ex-WL in SG got no route except to 'change passport' but can marry but cannot be PR because PR need fingerprints. And you will also have to live in fear of your past catching up with you in SIN, so migrate and live happily everafter in Thailand or even 3rd country like Malaysia is the best....just my 2 sens worth
Datuk is probably right with regards to the PR b'cos of fingerprinting.
As for the living in fear, there shouldn't be any problem whatsoever. I know of WLs are are now married and living in SG under social visit (stamp monthly) and they are here for many years now. There were occasions when they went to GM and met some old customers. They behave very well, saying hi, and telling them that they are now married, some with kids, etc. Most people will just wish them the best and life carries on. Infact, there is an ex-WL who is married to a guy who use to cheong with his brothers. Even the brother has booked her before when they went to GL together. But all is well with them.
One more thing, there is also an ex-WL who is married (by changing passport) has kids and living in SG. It been quite many years liow but recently she got her PR approved (the subject of her being an ex-WL was mentioned during her interview), after failing several times.
I think SG has criterias for PR and mostly is the stability of the husband so as to ensure that the girl is not a liability to the country. So there is still hope for you guys. :)
10-02-2005, 11:05 PM
Malaysia consider 3rd country meh?
I am also confused about the change passport thingy.
What's that all about? An illegal process?
Care to elaborate more on the 'change passport' thingy?
bro, its a legal process, but don't think its too good to mention all the loopholes in this forum leh... know what I mean? :D
11-02-2005, 04:50 PM
Hi brothers, :)
Please share your valuable experience. How many brothers here had actually married a thai wife in singapore. And afterwhich, successfully get a PR status here?
Wonder how much time does it take to get the PR status to be approved? In between, what are the potential problems faced. Do education & occupation matters?
Malaysian Datuk
11-02-2005, 07:12 PM
Hi brothers, :)
Please share your valuable experience. How many brothers here had actually married a thai wife in singapore. And afterwhich, successfully get a PR status here?
Wonder how much time does it take to get the PR status to be approved? In between, what are the potential problems faced. Do education & occupation matters?
Thanksbro I share my took my wife one half year of monthly stamping before being granted 1 year pass and in between PR application rejected once before approved the 2nd time. So total time spent is 3 years from marriage to PR. Many potential problems and the whole process was a real pain in the ass with lots of uncertainties. There are alot of factors involved and education, occupation of BOTH parties (ur wife & you) matters, as is your income level (high and stable). Was told that working in Government sector helps too. And note that unsuccessful PR application must lapse half year before applying again. Important also for your wife not to leave SG too regularly and NOT to work before PR is approve, having offsprings also works in your favour. There will also be interviews to acertain the relationship between you and your wife. My experience is almost 10 years ago so some things and procedures might have since change though.....
12-02-2005, 01:14 AM
Hi brothers,
Wonder how much time does it take to get the PR status to be approved? In between, what are the potential problems faced. Do education & occupation matters?
I married a thai wife in Thailand. Brought her back to SG and applied PR which was approved within a month.
My wife has only sec 3 education in Thailand (don't even know whether pass or not), a ex-divorcee with a son (at time of marriage was 4 yrs old), no working experiences other than as a farmer planting crops.
12-02-2005, 01:38 AM
I married a thai wife in Thailand. Brought her back to SG and applied PR which was approved within a month.
My wife has only sec 3 education in Thailand (don't even know whether pass or not), a ex-divorcee with a son (at time of marriage was 4 yrs old), no working experiences other than as a farmer planting crops.
bro TV, thanks for info.
I like to know if u command good income or r u in Gov sectors dat allow ur application to be that smooth?
12-02-2005, 02:24 AM
bro TV, thanks for info.
I like to know if u command good income or r u in Gov sectors dat allow ur application to be that smooth?
Well, I was an ex-SAF officer until 1990. Never missed any ICT. Was also seconded back to SAF for 6 months to be in UNIKOM (United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Oberver Mission), which I think is what lends to my credentails when I applied for my wife's PR.
Basically, I believe the govt helps you out when you help them out. :D
12-02-2005, 05:17 AM
thanks evrey1 especially TV for his great insight and valuable advice.
so i guess marry a WL in SG is the normal procedure as non-wls?
no fingerprints wadsoever right?
the WL on social visit, while doing her marriage stuff, how long can she stay in SG b4 having to stamp for extention ?
how long shud the WL maintain this routine b4 she can start applying for PR?
12-02-2005, 05:53 AM
thanks evrey1 especially TV for his great insight and valuable advice.
so i guess marry a WL in SG is the normal procedure as non-wls?
no fingerprints wadsoever right?
the WL on social visit, while doing her marriage stuff, how long can she stay in SG b4 having to stamp for extention ?
how long shud the WL maintain this routine b4 she can start applying for PR?
If your wife-to-be is an ex-SG WL, I advise you to marry her in Thailand.... NEVER marry her in Singapore.
12-02-2005, 10:01 AM
I married a thai wife in Thailand. Brought her back to SG and applied PR which was approved within a month.
My wife has only sec 3 education in Thailand (don't even know whether pass or not), a ex-divorcee with a son (at time of marriage was 4 yrs old), no working experiences other than as a farmer planting crops.
Uncle, I salute you for loving your wife truly regardless of her past..... :)
12-02-2005, 01:37 PM
so i guess marry a WL in SG is the normal procedure as non-wls?
no fingerprints wadsoever right?
the WL on social visit, while doing her marriage stuff, how long can she stay in SG b4 having to stamp for extention ?
how long shud the WL maintain this routine b4 she can start applying for PR?
Marrying a WL in SG or anyone for that matter, no fingerprints are required. But I believe that ROM requires some documents like from MOM which must say she has never work in SG before.
For for extensions, it depends on immi. If you purchase a one year ticket (but must stamp one month, cannot leave open), immi at airport will normally stamp a month for her. Therafter, SIR will also stamp a month. If immi at airport stamp 2 weeks, SIR will also follow suit.
There is no time frame when she can apply for PR. But if she is rejected the first time, you need 6 months before you can apply again.
One good way is once if you have kids (kids will get citizenship), you can apply for dependent pass first.
12-02-2005, 01:49 PM
Basically, I believe the govt helps you out when you help them out. :D
my guess was right as i dun tink the gov grant permit so easily. same to my side of story.
tried to get permit for my wife from Bangkok but never succeed until i announced that i was working for the gov in the past then kana granted.....
u work for big boss and big boss will grant u ur small small wish. As usual.
Anyway bro TV. Thanks for feeding info.
12-02-2005, 04:01 PM
trammy why not to marry my girl in sg?
tv: thans!!! so b4 i gt down to preperations on the marraige i shud get her a 1yr ticket right?
12-02-2005, 04:42 PM
trammy why not to marry my girl in sg?
tv: thans!!! so b4 i gt down to preperations on the marraige i shud get her a 1yr ticket right?
I would advise so. But there are some preparations you can make even before buying the air ticket, etc. like getting the letter from MOM regarding previous work status.
Why don't you just go down to ROM and confirm the requirements.
12-02-2005, 04:50 PM
I know of WLs are are now married and living in SG under social visit (stamp monthly) and they are here for many years now.
How much must they pay to get stamp monthly?
So there is still hope for you guys. :)
You're such a nice guy TV. I guess your rep points reflects it too :p
Thanks for patiently answering my newbie questions.
12-02-2005, 05:08 PM
How much must they pay to get stamp monthly?
Immi do not charge for stamping/extending passports. :cool:
12-02-2005, 09:13 PM
Bro, the choice is yours. if she can provide u the happinese u looking for, why not??? They are human also. But word of caution, u must be able to forget their past. Failing which it will be disaster. Imagine if one day u quarell, all the past will come out and it really hurts.
Wish you the best if you decide to marry her. i know of many friends who married Indo / thai WL. They are happily married now and with kids. But its best to keep their past strictly between the 2 of you........I can only say...nothing too be ashamed of... Stand tall. They need love and happinese too. Good lucks!!! :p
Good advise bro. :)
13-02-2005, 02:46 AM
[QUOTE=TooFast]How much must they pay to get stamp monthly?
on this issue...bro TV is half right. You do not need to pay for having the stamp monthly.
But everytime after 3months of stamping (meaning ur gal stay in S'pore for three consecutive months) you will need to pay a sum of $40 at the immigration upon collecting the passport for any further extentions.
Bring your NETS or Cashcard as it will be faster than paying cash....(if not you will spend ur time there watching Mr Bean or Tom & Jerry whole day...) :p
13-02-2005, 03:06 AM
[QUOTE=TooFast]How much must they pay to get stamp monthly?
on this issue...bro TV is half right. You do not need to pay for having the stamp monthly.
But everytime after 3months of stamping (meaning ur gal stay in S'pore for three consecutive months) you will need to pay a sum of $40 at the immigration upon collecting the passport for any further extentions.
Bring your NETS or Cashcard as it will be faster than paying cash....(if not you will spend ur time there watching Mr Bean or Tom & Jerry whole day...) :p
40 bucks on a monthly basis? If so then quite ok la. I was expecting a few hundred...
13-02-2005, 07:01 AM
Wish you the best if you decide to marry her. i know of many friends who married Indo / thai WL. They are happily married now and with kids. But its best to keep their past strictly between the 2 of you........I can only say...nothing too be ashamed of... Stand tall. They need love and happinese too. Good lucks!!! :p
yo bro. happily married staying at ?
tv: thanks.. upped u . is it ok if i pm u in future regarding such matters ?
13-02-2005, 12:26 PM
yo bro. happily married staying at ?
tv: thanks.. upped u . is it ok if i pm u in future regarding such matters ?
no problemo, but if it's something the bros here can learn from, might as well ask here...
13-02-2005, 01:25 PM
40 bucks on a monthly basis? If so then quite ok la. I was expecting a few hundred...
bro $40 u pay is when ur gal stamp 3 times liao at the immigration (meaning she stay in Sg for 3months) then when prolonging the stay due to waiting for permits or visa the 4th stamping you will need to pay that $40.
be aware that sometimes the officer will ask ur gal to returm to her own country for about 6months before she can return bk into Sg. have to show air-ticket also.
13-02-2005, 03:40 PM
be aware that sometimes the officer will ask ur gal to returm to her own country for about 6months before she can return bk into Sg. have to show air-ticket also.
Is the officer hinting for a bribe? :rolleyes:
Malaysian Datuk
13-02-2005, 08:59 PM
I would advise so. But there are some preparations you can make even before buying the air ticket, etc. like getting the letter from MOM regarding previous work status.
Why don't you just go down to ROM and confirm the requirements.My time din require MOM letter or anything declaring previous work status....but one requirement confirm need is a Thai translator, Thai Embassy will provide one for you. (back then the price was S$200 but heard from friends now increased already).
As for applying for PR.....letter from MP might help also (provided ur MP is minister, better yet if its PM or WongKanSeng)
13-02-2005, 10:17 PM
wad would they ask during the declaration of her work status?
14-02-2005, 12:35 AM
My time din require MOM letter or anything declaring previous work status....but one requirement confirm need is a Thai translator, Thai Embassy will provide one for you. (back then the price was S$200 but heard from friends now increased already).
As for applying for PR.....letter from MP might help also (provided ur MP is minister, better yet if its PM or WongKanSeng)
Yes, I heard of asking MP to write letters too. My ex-neigbour is an odd-job labrour. Apply for PR took 5 years and didn't manage to go through. After help from MP, it finally went through. I really wonder what is the exact requirements that they are looking for???
14-02-2005, 10:00 PM
ask MP to write letter? how ar? i mean.. inside write wad..?
15-02-2005, 12:59 AM
wad would they ask during the declaration of her work status?
You are supposed to declare if she has ever worked in Singapore.
15-02-2005, 09:27 PM
My time din require MOM letter or anything declaring previous work status....but one requirement confirm need is a Thai translator, Thai Embassy will provide one for you. (back then the price was S$200 but heard from friends now increased already).
As for applying for PR.....letter from MP might help also (provided ur MP is minister, better yet if its PM or WongKanSeng)
I had called up the Thai Embassy in Singapore. Now they can fax you a list of approved Thai Translator to you. Any translations of documents can be done by these approved translators and later endose by the Embassy.
BTW, what are the necessay documents required for PR applications + ROM? And what are the necessay Thai documents that are required for translation? I asked the Thai Embassy, they told me that they are not sure.
Any bro here can remember/help?
Most bros seemed to be going along the line that their tiraks are coming over to SG. Anyone thinking of the other way round? Go live and work there? I for one am working towards that. Then later come over to just register the Thai marriage with ROM. Is this move more difficult?
How difficult it is to get a PR there? What are the conditions? Any lau chiau who has become a Thai PR can share your experience? I know of a friend who even opted for his kids to adopt Thai citizenship after 14 years there.
16-02-2005, 11:04 AM
Most bros seemed to be going along the line that their tiraks are coming over to SG. Anyone thinking of the other way round? Go live and work there? I for one am working towards that. Then later come over to just register the Thai marriage with ROM. Is this move more difficult?
How difficult it is to get a PR there? What are the conditions? Any lau chiau who has become a Thai PR can share your experience? I know of a friend who even opted for his kids to adopt Thai citizenship after 14 years there.
There is no necessity to register your Thai Marriage with ROM. Your Thai Marriage is recognised anywhere in the world.
Your kids, if born in Thailand, do not need any options as they will be automatically Thai citizens.
Your kids, if born in Thailand, do not need any options as they will be automatically Thai citizens.
My understanding is that our kids will have dual citizenship until they are 21, after which they must opt between the SG or Thai citizenship. Am I correct? If yes, it does open up an option to them that is not normally available. Thanks so much Bro Thaivisitor.
Anyway my approach not to get married so fast but rather ku-man first. Marriage is probably 1-2 yrs down the road, cos there are many things that I wanna achieve before that.
16-02-2005, 03:09 PM
My understanding is that our kids will have dual citizenship until they are 21, after which they must opt between the SG or Thai citizenship. Am I correct? If yes, it does open up an option to them that is not normally available. Thanks so much Bro Thaivisitor.
Anyway my approach not to get married so fast but rather ku-man first. Marriage is probably 1-2 yrs down the road, cos there are many things that I wanna achieve before that.
No, they don't have dual citizenship. But I understand that before their age of 21, I can apply for them for SG citizenship.
16-02-2005, 03:13 PM
He approach MP...wrote a letter requesting to check why rejected??? Received letter fm ICA. Guess wat is the reply...... sorry confidential.....entry at the discression of the ICA officer on guranntee of entry!!!!!!!
I am a bit blur. What about the whole social visit/stamping monthly process?
19-02-2005, 11:46 PM
No, they don't have dual citizenship. But I understand that before their age of 21, I can apply for them for SG citizenship.
I think they do have dual citizenship till the age of 21 when they r required to take oath if they want to be a Singaporean and give up their Thai citizenship. Application for your child is best done b4 he/she is 1 yr old... if not, expect lots of paperwork. ;)
20-02-2005, 01:17 PM
I gt a friend who use to date malaysia WL before.. They wanted to get married but kenar reject many times.. My friend seek MP for help and advice..
Mp told my friend something like this " Declare your Income Tax around 35-40k per year, Ur chance will be higher getting it approved " Now they are happily married in singapore..
20-02-2005, 01:24 PM
What you mean by declaring your income tax around 35k-40k income per year? You got me all confused.
What you mean by declaring your income tax around 35k-40k income per year? You got me all confused.
It believe that would be an indication to the Govt that the guy is in a position to support his wife. Given the current job situation, unless the lady has a skill that is valued in the job market here, she would be seen as competing with the locals. So if she is going to stay home and be a housewife, the chances are better.
20-02-2005, 01:46 PM
Thanks Bro esp TV for all the valuable info posted here!
I'm thinking of getting married to a Myanmar ger too tt i knew in GM. But she doesnt have a passport and it costs 10000rm juz to make 1... Seems like it's almost impossible to get her to cum to sillypore... Only option left is 4 me to go Thailand to find her and get to know her beta bah...
Bros, any suggestions? Would greatly appriciate it! Thanks! ~
20-02-2005, 01:54 PM
I think they do have dual citizenship till the age of 21 when they r required to take oath if they want to be a Singaporean and give up their Thai citizenship. Application for your child is best done b4 he/she is 1 yr old... if not, expect lots of paperwork. ;)
Yes you are right on the above.
My kids are sg born. Dual citizenship is given to them easily.
Sg side very easy to get but the most troublesome one is getting a thai
citizenship for your sg born kids.Alot of paper works.Some even have to do
DNA tests to proof relationship.
I will be going for my thai PR final interview tomorrow. :D
Wish me luck !!
20-02-2005, 09:54 PM
I think they do have dual citizenship till the age of 21 when they r required to take oath if they want to be a Singaporean and give up their Thai citizenship. Application for your child is best done b4 he/she is 1 yr old... if not, expect lots of paperwork.
By SG law, Singapore citizens are not allowed to have dual citizenships.
Those that have 2 citizenships are doing so without informing our govt. I know many have done that but actually it is against the law.
You will noticed that whenever there is any requirement for declaration of citizenships, none of these parents will declare that the child has 2 citizenships. They will declare whichever is convenient to them.
20-02-2005, 10:01 PM
Yes you are right on the above.
My kids are sg born. Dual citizenship is given to them easily.
I will be going for my thai PR final interview tomorrow. :D
Wish me luck !!
My reply as above.
Good luck for your PR interview.
20-02-2005, 10:11 PM
Thanks Bro esp TV for all the valuable info posted here!
I'm thinking of getting married to a Myanmar ger too tt i knew in GM. But she doesnt have a passport and it costs 10000rm juz to make 1... Seems like it's almost impossible to get her to cum to sillypore... Only option left is 4 me to go Thailand to find her and get to know her beta bah...
Bros, any suggestions? Would greatly appriciate it! Thanks! ~
After the cost of the passport, the next is the cost of her exit permit which will be different depending on the type of visa she is applying. ! week social visa is cheaper than 1 year visa to go for work, which is cheaper than a visa to get married abroad.
Going to Thailand to see her is of course a cheaper option in the short run.
20-02-2005, 10:48 PM
By SG law, Singapore citizens are not allowed to have dual citizenships.
Those that have 2 citizenships are doing so without informing our govt. I know many have done that but actually it is against the law.
You will noticed that whenever there is any requirement for declaration of citizenships, none of these parents will declare that the child has 2 citizenships. They will declare whichever is convenient to them.
I think i need to correct you on this misunderstanding.
Dual citizenships are not allowed in sg for the adult citizen only but an exceptional case is given to children under 21 yrs old. My sg born children were given sg passports by SIRS.
I delayed getting their thai passports , not until 6 yrs later.I have decided to return to thailand for good after i have enough of sg life. My 3 children thai passports were issued by the royal thai embassy in sg.
After we have acquired the 3 thai passports for our kids, we were told to proceed to SIRS to officially inform them of the second thai passports.
Since i were there at SIRS buildng, i made further enquires about children holding dual passports. The SIR officer there, informed me that children born of 2 different nationality parent are legally allowed to hold 2 citizens and 2 passports, till they reach 21 yrs old.
Until that day, they are given permission to use any of the 2 passports to travel in/out of sg.Before we left SIRS, they endorsed a sg immigration stamp behind their thai passports.Which they clearly stated that the holders of these thai passports are sg citizen at birth.
With the thai passport and SIRS stamp at the back of it. We passed through the sg airport check point without any major problem at all. Once we are back to Thailand, we proceed to use their thai passports to enter into thailand.
Till today, our children are holding 2 passports. But due to the liability of NS in sg for boys. I have decided not to renew the sg passport for my 2 sons after their first sg passport expired.
The above is my true personal account. :)
20-02-2005, 10:50 PM
After the cost of the passport, the next is the cost of her exit permit which will be different depending on the type of visa she is applying. ! week social visa is cheaper than 1 year visa to go for work, which is cheaper than a visa to get married abroad.
Going to Thailand to see her is of course a cheaper option in the short run.
long run wad will u recommand ?
20-02-2005, 10:56 PM
I think i need to correct you on this misunderstanding.
Till today, our children are holding 2 passports. But due to the liability of NS in sg for boys. I have decided not to renew the sg passport for my 2 sons after their first sg passport expired.
The above is my true personal account. :)
Thanks for the corrections, I learn something new today amidst all those bo liow posts by newbies which was making me think whether this SB forums is changing for the worst or not, kekekekeke
Also, passport expired does not mean citizen ended. May be you like to check up on the NS liability thing on what is the procedure to inform them that you want to surrender the citizenship.
20-02-2005, 10:59 PM
long run wad will u recommand ?
Have to know fuller picture, like financial status, how close is the relationship, etc, etc before can advise lah.. bro...
20-02-2005, 11:01 PM
heh sorry la bro, cuz me trying to find out the rough cost for apply her to stay in singapore for a longer time like 1 mth each stamp.
my girl is also from myanmar. but came to sg with a thai passport. so can say her myanmar passport is untouched.
21-02-2005, 12:26 AM
heh sorry la bro, cuz me trying to find out the rough cost for apply her to stay in singapore for a longer time like 1 mth each stamp.
my girl is also from myanmar. but came to sg with a thai passport. so can say her myanmar passport is untouched.
Wwwaa.. Bro vmtech, that means actually thai passport oso can cum to singapore? So good, u can c her in sg.. me not so fortunate.. So she has to re-new her visa for how long each time? Social visit visa?
Thanks bro TV for the advice. Can i oso ask roughly how much is a trip to thailand? (accomodation, transport, air-tix, food etc.. all normal standard will do, need not be high class..) Me love-sick loh...
21-02-2005, 12:43 AM
What you mean by declaring your income tax around 35k-40k income per year? You got me all confused.
ermm meaning u have to declare that u earn around 40k per year..But oni for slef employed oni if i am not wrong..
21-02-2005, 02:22 AM
Can I summarise it this way? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
For ex-WL who had worked in GL "Legal" Brothels (fingerprints registered with ICA/AVB), not possible for them to come to Singapore again and apply for PR because fingerprints still in the ICA/AVB system. Even with change of passport, etc, still the same scenario as the fingerprints remain.
Unless they come to Singapore on social visit VISA, and do a renewal monthly at ICA as a dependant's pass, whereby no fingerprints checking is necessary.
Am I correct to say this?
21-02-2005, 02:28 AM
Can i oso ask roughly how much is a trip to thailand? (accomodation, transport, air-tix, food etc.. all normal standard will do, need not be high class..) Me love-sick loh...
Cost per trip depends on many factors.
1) Location in Thailand you are going.
Normally, for bkk cheaper. Cos have many choices and competition. Cheapest I have done for Sin to Bkk is 85 inclusive of tax return trip via Tiger Air. If to Chiangmai, Chiangrai, Phuket, etc. Different price altogether. Normally S$200 onwards.
2) Accomodation
I assume u talking about bangkok. If short term, less than a month but more than a week, might be cheaper to take a service apartment. The last time I heard was about 4k baht to 20k baht dependant on location and facilities.
3) Transport and food
Unless you dine in high class joints all the way. If not, 1000 baht/day is a safe bet for 2 persons.
21-02-2005, 05:52 AM
Thanks for the corrections, I learn something new today amidst all those bo liow posts by newbies which was making me think whether this SB forums is changing for the worst or not, kekekekeke
Also, passport expired does not mean citizen ended. May be you like to check up on the NS liability thing on what is the procedure to inform them that you want to surrender the citizenship.
The trick for sg boys to escape NS laibility is at age 11 yrs old.
Don't apply for their pink IC at age 11 ,NEVER to renew their sg passport when the first one expired and the important of all, GET YOUR BOYS OUT OF SG BEFORE THE AGE OF 11 YRS.If not, they will have to serve back 2 yrs NS to sg govt at age 16 irregardless whether they want to keep their sg citizenship or not at age 21 yrs.
Herre the link :
American Citizen Services
Under Singaporean law, an individual who automatically acquires Singaporean citizenship at birth retains that status even after acquiring U.S. citizenship. Male U.S. citizens who automatically acquired Singaporean citizenship and continue to reside in Singapore are liable for military service once they reach the age of 18. Possession of U.S. citizenship does not prevent Singaporean citizens from being subject to this law. Males may not renounce Singaporean citizenship until after completing at least two years of military service. Individuals who may be affected by this law should contact the Singapore Immigration and Checkpoints Authority for details.
National service liable males who migrate overseas before age 11 and have not enjoyed significant socio-economic benefits of citizenship, (e.g. applied for a Singapore Identity Card or studied in Singapore beyond the age of 11), will be allowed to renounce their Singapore citizenship if they do not wish to fulfil their NS obligations. They will be required to register for NS with Central Manpower Base and apply for deferment from full-time NS (NSF) till the age of 21, pending the renunciation of their Singapore citizenship. They can continue to make short social visits to Singapore and will not be required to serve NS if they renounced their citizenship at age 21.
21-02-2005, 10:16 AM
[QUOTE=forumer]Cost per trip depends on many factors.
Thanks bro forumer for the info! But, i'm going to Chiang Mai.. Coz she cant go until BBK tt far... She's near the Mynamar/thai border.. Mebe for 3days lidat.. Itz on a weekend... think mebe going in 3s or 4s not confirmed yet.. izit safe to say $500 per pax for everytink is enough? Total 2k?
21-02-2005, 04:52 PM
Thanks Bro esp TV for all the valuable info posted here!
I'm thinking of getting married to a Myanmar ger too tt i knew in GM. But she doesnt have a passport and it costs 10000rm juz to make 1... Seems like it's almost impossible to get her to cum to sillypore... Only option left is 4 me to go Thailand to find her and get to know her beta bah...
Bros, any suggestions? Would greatly appriciate it! Thanks! ~
From what I heard from a Myanmar girl who have applied passport before, it doesn't require RM10,000. The making of passports have to be done at Yangon and you have to travel there first. And I think the legal age to make passport is around 20+. But then of course the age can be fake accordingly. Most importantly is that the girl know how to speak Myanmar language. She told me that there will be lots of people asking you on whether you want to make passport and the price is much cheaper. She paid RM6000 which she claims that it is too much since it's through an agent. Maybe around 4k is more than enough... If you know the military personel, it is even cheaper.
I believe she is not exactly in Thailand. Probably Tachilek (Myanmar) unless she has moved to stay in Maesai. The girls around that region are often confused on whether they are in Thailand or Myanmar... You can choose to fly to ChiangRai directly or if more budget, fly to Bangkok first and then take a train there. But then it shall took longer time. Staying there for 3-4 days won't allow you to understand her enough. If you can, stay there for a while longer and perhaps visted there once and then if you are not able to stay there long enough....
21-02-2005, 05:16 PM
Cost per trip depends on many factors.
1) Location in Thailand you are going.
2) Accomodation
3) Transport and food
I also planning to make a trip up to Maesai. My friend told me to fly to BKK and then take a Coach from BKK to Maesai :eek: . She told me that the duration will be around 1day.... Haiz..... Wasting time....
BTW, If i'm planning to spend SG1K ( Air fare included) is it enough??
21-02-2005, 05:39 PM
I also planning to make a trip up to Maesai. My friend told me to fly to BKK and then take a Coach from BKK to Maesai :eek: . She told me that the duration will be around 1day.... Haiz..... Wasting time....
BTW, If i'm planning to spend SG1K ( Air fare included) is it enough??
Talking a coach from Bkk to MS takes abt 10 hrs not a whole day. Whether 1k is enough depends on how/where u spent it. ;)
21-02-2005, 10:34 PM
I believe she is not exactly in Thailand. Probably Tachilek (Myanmar) You can choose to fly to ChiangRai directly or if more budget, fly to Bangkok first and then take a train there. But then it shall took longer time. Staying there for 3-4 days won't allow you to understand her enough. If you can, stay there for a while longer and perhaps visted there once and then if you are not able to stay there long enough....
Thanks bro MachoDevilX for the valuable info! u hit every nail on the head man bro! TT right, think she confused oso.. And she told mi to go ChiangRai too.. 4000rm-6000rm... amounts to abt 2-3k sg too.. kinda ex too.. heard from sum locals today at chinatown when i was shopping tt we can check wif the burma embassy in sg abt the passport tinky.. they say shld not b so ex..
Bro, can suggest roughly u tink how many days shld i spend there? Coz might end up if my friends tt go wif me get bored den tt not very nice.. How much roughly is the budget too?> provided everytink all normal standard, not too good neither izit WW2 standard.. say everytink abt 3stars... thanks alot!
21-02-2005, 11:22 PM
Talking a coach from Bkk to MS takes abt 10 hrs not a whole day.
this would be the best idea if on budget especially if you arrive in BKK before 4pm, and board the night bus which will reach Maesai by the morning.
If you fly from BKK to Chiangrai, you still need to get transport to Maesai. Train takes too long.
My 2 cets worth
Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!
22-02-2005, 12:58 AM
Thanks bro MachoDevilX for the valuable info! u hit every nail on the head man bro! TT right, think she confused oso.. And she told mi to go ChiangRai too.. 4000rm-6000rm... amounts to abt 2-3k sg too.. kinda ex too.. heard from sum locals today at chinatown when i was shopping tt we can check wif the burma embassy in sg abt the passport tinky.. they say shld not b so ex..
I don't think your girl has a valid identity card in Myanmar if she is less than 20 years old... And I personally don't think the Burma Embassy in SG can do anything much regarding the making of passport in Myanmar... The response of the Burma Embassy in SG is also pretty unresponsive. But you can try to call them.
Myanmar Embassy of Singapore : 6735-0209
From what I know, the only way for a Myanmese to make identity and passport is through Yangon... And if you are to bring her to SG, you must be her guarantor. Frankly speaking, if she is already in Myanmar now, you are considered yourself lucky since you doesn't have to spend any few thousands ringgit just to send her back home...
To me, if you truly love her, SGD$ 2-3k is definitely worth it since the total amount could be quite a huge sum, including the $$ to her parent etc. But of course consider that you want to marry her and not just for the sake of fun.... And be prepared to give quite a huge sum of "$$" to her parent. Just be prepared for the $$ issue since it will be the most important factor...
Bro, can suggest roughly u tink how many days shld i spend there? Coz might end up if my friends tt go wif me get bored den tt not very nice.. How much roughly is the budget too?> provided everytink all normal standard, not too good neither izit WW2 standard.. say everytink abt 3stars... thanks alot!
I think it really depends on how well you already know her... For me, 1-2 weeks is the minimum if you seriously intend to bring her back to SG to marry her since it allow you to understand her slightly more during the 2 weeks time... If you can, 1 month or more will even be better... if you can't stay there for long, I will advise you not to give her empty promise first... And you can always visit her again and then decide whether she is the one for you.
I think Bro Hakoshu is the best person to answer this question since his "friend" has been through such things before...
22-02-2005, 03:44 AM
You can choose to fly to ChiangRai directly or if more budget, fly to Bangkok first and then take a train there. But then it shall took longer time. Staying there for 3-4 days won't allow you to understand her enough. If you can, stay there for a while longer and perhaps visted there once and then if you are not able to stay there long enough....
Another alternative to going up to Maesai, is to take the AirAsia flight from bkk to chiangrai, then from there take a cab up to Maesai. Cost for the flight from 600 baht to 2000 baht, and taxi about 600 baht. Around 50-100 Singapore dollars. Total travel time about 1.2 hours(plane) and 1 hour (taxi), better than taking bus which wastes time... not cheap also, about 900 baht.
22-02-2005, 03:46 AM
BTW, If i'm planning to spend SG1K ( Air fare included) is it enough??
SGD 1K is more than enough for a short trip, about 5 days to 10 days.
22-02-2005, 03:57 AM
Thanks bro MachoDevilX for the valuable info! u hit every nail on the head man bro! TT right, think she confused oso.. And she told mi to go ChiangRai too.. 4000rm-6000rm... amounts to abt 2-3k sg too.. kinda ex too.. heard from sum locals today at chinatown when i was shopping tt we can check wif the burma embassy in sg abt the passport tinky.. they say shld not b so ex..
Bro, can suggest roughly u tink how many days shld i spend there? Coz might end up if my friends tt go wif me get bored den tt not very nice.. How much roughly is the budget too?> provided everytink all normal standard, not too good neither izit WW2 standard.. say everytink abt 3stars... thanks alot!
Haha, U actually think of calling the Myanmar embassy? The staff there are the most unfriendly people I have encountered.
Anyway, a friend who had applied passport for his myanmar gf, paid about US$1200 for it to be done. Around 1 month waiting time. It can be fast if you know the right person.
22-02-2005, 03:58 AM
SGD 1K is more than enough for a short trip, about 5 days to 10 days.
u serious?? i easily spent more than 1.5k the last time i went on a 6 day trip..
22-02-2005, 04:05 AM
u serious?? i easily spent more than 1.5k the last time i went on a 6 day trip..
Assuming 1k is spent this way.
350 on airfare and transport. Left 650 for exchange to 15000 baht approx.
Hotel in Maesai about 500-800/day, so for 5-10 days about 5000baht roughly, left about 10000 baht to spend.
Assuming he does not call any female companion, as meeting his gal, no cost incurred there.
So basically 10000 baht to spend as he wishes on food and entertainment for the next 5-10 days.
22-02-2005, 08:59 AM
Haha, U actually think of calling the Myanmar embassy? The staff there are the most unfriendly people I have encountered.
For this, I totally agree with you. The staffs at the Myanmar Embassy always got the kind of "bochap" attitude... Don't think they can be of any help...
22-02-2005, 11:29 AM
Thanks Bro esp TV for all the valuable info posted here!
I'm thinking of getting married to a Myanmar ger too tt i knew in GM. But she doesnt have a passport and it costs 10000rm juz to make 1... Seems like it's almost impossible to get her to cum to sillypore... Only option left is 4 me to go Thailand to find her and get to know her beta bah...
Bros, any suggestions? Would greatly appriciate it! Thanks! ~
To E-Moron,
Before you decide whether to marry her to SG or not, I have an advice for you. You have to make sure that she follow you is because she loves you and want to be with you and not because of her wanting to get out of her hometown. To me, this is very important and it determines whether the relationship will last long... A lot of the girls there are satisfied if a guy can bring her to make passport and marry her to other country. But for me, I cannot accept the fact that my girl follow me because of wanting a better life and not because that she loves me. What if there are other Singaporean guys who also like her and want to marry her? Who will she choose? Will she still choose you because of who you are and not because of purely wanting a better life? All these questions, you have to confirm before you decide whether to marry her to SG... That's my opinion. Although for such things, there could be no definite answer but then for me, I wouldn't marry someone who doesn't love me because of who I am....
22-02-2005, 11:46 AM
You have to make sure that she follow you is because she loves you and want to be with you and not because of her wanting to get out of her hometown. To me, this is very important and it determines whether the relationship will last long... A lot of the girls there are satisfied if a guy can bring her to make passport and marry her to other country. But for me, I cannot accept the fact that my girl follow me because of wanting a better life and not because that she loves me. What if there are other Singaporean guys who also like her and want to marry her? Who will she choose? Will she still choose you because of who you are and not because of purely wanting a better life? All these questions, you have to confirm before you decide whether to marry her to SG... That's my opinion. Although for such things, there could be no definite answer but then for me, I wouldn't marry someone who doesn't love me because of who I am....
May I ask how to determine that? Even if she say you are the only one, and lied you also LL.
Another alternative to going up to Maesai, is to take the AirAsia flight from bkk to chiangrai, then from there take a cab up to Maesai. Cost for the flight from 600 baht to 2000 baht, and taxi about 600 baht. Around 50-100 Singapore dollars. Total travel time about 1.2 hours(plane) and 1 hour (taxi), better than taking bus which wastes time... not cheap also, about 900 baht.
OneTwoGo also flys to CR for 1350B one way. Consider renting a car from CEI airport, since taxi 2-way is already 1200B. SMT (National) Car Rental gives quite good rates. I normally rent at 1400 for a compact/auto, but that is my regular price. Maybe can get at 1500B
22-02-2005, 12:55 PM
[QUOTE=MachoDevilX]To E-Moron,
Before you decide whether to marry her to SG or not, I have an advice for you. You have to make sure that she follow you is because she loves you and want to be with you and not because of her wanting to get out of her hometown.
Thanks bro MachoDevilX for all the advice n info~ she's going back to Mynamar next month n she's above 20yrs so shldnt be much worry abt d identity tinky.. Yah, i'm not gg to be so hasty as marriage is a once-in-a-lifetime tink.. But i'll truely wanna noe if she does truely love me n want to be wif me n not like she juz wanna get out of her hometown..Which is y i wanna go ChiangRai to confirmz tt since she cant cum to sg.. Any ideas how to confirm tt? keke It would GREATLY help mi cum to a descision, coz like bro TooFast highlighted, if she lied to u u oso LL... Quite a big gamble to take, wif a few thousand $$ on the line which is quite a hefty sum for a quite poor man like me...
22-02-2005, 01:01 PM
I think Bro Hakoshu is the best person to answer this question since his "friend" has been through such things before...[/QUOTE]
Bro Hakoshu, do u or ur friend happen to have any advice for mi on this? Thanks alot and would greatly appriciate it!! :D
22-02-2005, 01:14 PM
May I ask how to determine that? Even if she say you are the only one, and lied you also LL.
At least she tells you and you have to ask yourself how much you trust her... If you trust her, you will believe in her and even if she lie, just accept it since there are always risks involved in believing someone regardless of whether she is true or not...
22-02-2005, 01:25 PM
Thanks bro MachoDevilX for all the advice n info~ she's going back to Mynamar next month n she's above 20yrs so shldnt be much worry abt d identity tinky.. Yah, i'm not gg to be so hasty as marriage is a once-in-a-lifetime tink.. But i'll truely wanna noe if she does truely love me n want to be wif me n not like she juz wanna get out of her hometown..Which is y i wanna go ChiangRai to confirmz tt since she cant cum to sg.. Any ideas how to confirm tt? keke It would GREATLY help mi cum to a descision, coz like bro TooFast highlighted, if she lied to u u oso LL... Quite a big gamble to take, wif a few thousand $$ on the line which is quite a hefty sum for a quite poor man like me...
Same as my last post... How much do you trust her? Do you really love her? If you do love her and trusted her, then you don't have to bother too much on whether she is trying to lie to you... As long as the words come out from her mouth, you will determine whether to believe or not... And of course, try to ask her a few times on what makes you so special to her... And if you have known her long enough, you should have know whether she is $$ minded... There are bound to be some minor loopholes if she is lying... An eg will be that you can bring her to a jewellery shop and say you want to buy a necklace/ear ring/ring for her and see which one she choose. From there, you can roughly guage whether she want you to spend $$ on her and how much can you afford to suit to her lifestyle. If she choose something that she likes and it's not that ex, at least you know that she is not trying to con a lot of $$ from you... Most importantly is whether you can afford to provide her a "comfortable" life and whether your financial power is able to fulfil her basic needs. I know if you decided to marry her, it could mean around SGD$10,000 but then it really depends on whether you want to risk the $10,000 on her...
No one can tell you what to do... Only your heart can, since both of you must have been through certain things together...
22-02-2005, 02:30 PM
No one can tell you what to do... Only your heart can, since both of you must have been through certain things together...
Thanks bro for the valuable advice~ 10k??? tt quite alot man.. Will use the jewerelly shop "trick" to test water when i mit her in ChiangRai.. keke ~ Good idea~ Well.. Time to do sum self-soul-searching...
22-02-2005, 05:41 PM
kekekekekeke, I really admire the advises of bro MDX and also sometimes other samsters who, BTW, are not married to a Thai yet. kekekekeke
I think I'll just continue to sit back, relax and enjoy this thread lah... kekekekekeke
Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!
22-02-2005, 08:15 PM
dear brothers
What are the hints and implication when a Thai girl says she wants to bring you home to meet her parents? Does it mean marriage or any other thing? She is an innocent girl not working in the flesh trade.
23-02-2005, 01:33 AM
OneTwoGo also flys to CR for 1350B one way. Consider renting a car from CEI airport, since taxi 2-way is already 1200B. SMT (National) Car Rental gives quite good rates. I normally rent at 1400 for a compact/auto, but that is my regular price. Maybe can get at 1500B
1400 for 1 day... for a 7 day trip, nearly 10k baht excluding petrol. Don't think this is what he wanted. :)
23-02-2005, 01:36 AM
Any ideas how to confirm tt? keke It would GREATLY help mi cum to a descision, coz like bro TooFast highlighted, if she lied to u u oso LL... Quite a big gamble to take, wif a few thousand $$ on the line which is quite a hefty sum for a quite poor man like me...
To be frank, you dun seem to be sure. If you are not sure, or have doubts about the r/s in the first place. Then dun commit...
Until u are sure, then u start to commit. I can't estimate how much u will spend along the way for that to happen though. Maybe during your first trip, maybe after a few trips.
23-02-2005, 01:38 AM
Thanks bro for the valuable advice~ 10k??? tt quite alot man.. Will use the jewerelly shop "trick" to test water when i mit her in ChiangRai.. keke ~ Good idea~ Well.. Time to do sum self-soul-searching...
if your gal is from myanmar, dun think she can venture to Chiangrai legally unless she has a Thai as her guarantor. Fyi...
23-02-2005, 01:39 AM
dear brothers
What are the hints and implication when a Thai girl says she wants to bring you home to meet her parents? Does it mean marriage or any other thing? She is an innocent girl not working in the flesh trade.
I guess she likes you... marriage maybe, but I guess she would have talked to you about it if really marriage.
How do you know she is not in the flesh trade?
23-02-2005, 01:46 AM
What are the hints and implication when a Thai girl says she wants to bring you home to meet her parents? Does it mean marriage or any other thing? She is an innocent girl not working in the flesh trade.
Must there always be hints? Why are you so suspicious? If she says she wants to bring you home to meet her parents, it means just that - she wants to bring you home to meet her parents! If she wants to marry you, she would have said she wants to marry you.
Also, what do you mean by innocent girl? Is she a virgin? Never had boyfriend before? You're her first?
BTW, pse do not bring out WLs for comparison hor... Why? girls in the flesh trades are "not innocent" izit? And only girls not in this trade are innocent?
23-02-2005, 01:47 AM
Same as my last post... How much do you trust her? Do you really love her? If you do love her and trusted her, then you don't have to bother too much on whether she is trying to lie to you... As long as the words come out from her mouth, you will determine whether to believe or not... And of course, try to ask her a few times on what makes you so special to her...
I think a lot of doubts came from the stories they heard about Thai Gers. I mean look at this forum. Most of the experience they share, usually end up they cheating the guy feelings.(I won't say usually actually coz I have yet to read a successful story on it. Bro Free's account seems too perfect liao. LoL...sorry ah no offence intended) Also got novels talking about it.
In short, too many negativity have been spreaded to the Thai Gers. All this fear is enough to instill doubt on the relationship irregardless how much you love her. That's my thought lor.
Even the boss thinks dating a WL is rediculous.
No one can tell you what to do... Only your heart can, since both of you must have been through certain things together...
One can only learn from experience......................
dear brothers
What are the hints and implication when a Thai girl says she wants to bring you home to meet her parents? Does it mean marriage or any other thing? She is an innocent girl not working in the flesh trade.
Generally it means that she is at least quite (to very) serious about you and considers you as a prospective partner, at the very least. But you must know whether you have reached a point in your relationship where both of you are open to a long term relationship, if not marriage. Also have you at any point talked to her parents, at least on the phone?
I can share 3 different experiences:
Case 1 - her parents are aware that we have been seeing each other for over 2 years (though there a was pretty long break in betweent they are not aware of. I talked to the parents regularly, since a few weeks after she started her Uni. But because her parents are very traditional and conservatiive, and literally untainted by materialism (very rare nowadays). Unlike most Thai parents that we hear of (who will really welcome their daughter having a foreign bf, this couple is actually apprehensive and fearful, and it took them a good 1.5 years to believe their precious is safe with me. But they are very afraid of their neighbours gossiping and hence, they chose to come meet me in the city instead, as they really wanted to know who their daughter is dating. This couple views visiting the, at their home as something very serious and I will be expected to ask for her hand and at least discuss engagement when I visit. When I have done that, they would feel honored and all would be ok, as I would then be following their traditional approach. (it happened for her eldest sister). As such even though they really want to welcome me to their home now, the time is not right yet, and if we were to meet within the next 1-2 months, I think it will have to be at CR again,. But once the daughter is firmly established in her career (proabably with the next 6 months, they would like me to go, and have already extended the invitation.
Case 2 - another decent gal, whom I have known as a friend for 2 years (a Uni classmate of the above) has always liked me and her mum likes me too. I also talked to the parents occasionally and they are actually hopeful that I will date their daughter after they learnt I had broken off with my girlfriend. We had maintained contact. Recently, she came to BKK to visit her brother & sister (actual siblings) and we met up for a few days over the CNY since I was also there. We enjoyed ourselves lots (even a bit romantic) and She invited me to visit her home (been there once together with my then gf). In this case, it is much more open and less traditional and visiting her parents would simply mean we are dating but it does not signify an impending marriage, but rather something hoped for. She told her mum about the invite and her mum even endorses it and invited me to visit them during Songkran or anytime I am free. Again no materialism is involved (though not as much as the above)
Case 3 - one who really loves me with all her heart and I consider her as my tirak. Visiting her mum would be for us to get to know each other better, since we have talked over the phone. Nothing special to discuss (unlike the 1st case) cos the mum's assumption is that we are already working towards marriage. In this case, the mum is happy with me even though I am a foreigner (if not welcomes it) and even tells her daughter that she should reciprocate my love for her. The level of materialism is also low, though higher than the 1st and 2nd. No expecting to face any demands/requests to buy expensive gifts and jewellery (unlike some scary stories I have heard), and the focus is more that we should start saving for our future. But her mum does hope that her daughter can at least give her some "pocket" money monthly as a gesture of filiallness (a small sum of 2k-3k baht which I think is absolutely fair), while she continues to work on her farm.
So I encountered 3 cases with 3 different results/expectations. So I would say that yes, while the visit means something important to the gal, what it really implies depends very much on the gal herself and her parents and also the state of the relationshop you share.
There is also a Case 4 - where her parents take you as a golden goose and expects you to take care of the whole family and perhaps provide a life luxury. Luckily I have never encountered this myself, but I know these parents exist.
23-02-2005, 02:20 AM
Bro Free, based on what you have written, the girls that you are involved with are actually non-WL.
Am I correct to say that?
23-02-2005, 02:24 AM
BTW, pse do not bring out WLs for comparison hor... Why? girls in the flesh trades are "not innocent" izit? And only girls not in this trade are innocent?
Uncle, I totally agree with you... (Btw, you are not puying horr... So, I am not C***H***ing now)... Kekeke...:D
I have to say that girls in the flesh trade can be innocent as well... Being in the flesh trade is just a job to them and they are selling their service to guys to earn $$... It doesn't reflect on how "innocent" they are... And some of their mentality can be naive and innocent. Most of the WLs whom I have encountered, are actually very kind and innocent at heart... At least towards me after I get to know them better....
And of course we are not trying to flame anyone... Just want to bring the message clear that being in the flesh trade doesn't mean that the girls are not innocent...
Bro Free's account seems too perfect liao. LoL...sorry ah no offence intended) Also got novels talking about it.
So you think it is perfect? Man, I see it as a headache, even a heartache! At least 1 gal will be hurt, which ever way I choose. Also quite siong having to call/talked with at least 2 gals each day (frequency varies with each gal). Thank goodness for starhub. Still hit >$300/month :eek:
Tell you what is the irony :( with my "perfect" story. Even as I am assured and feels very good/happy that she really loves me and wants to come back as she had promised. Now that Uni is over and she is working, the problem is I have already another tirak for some time liao and we are very close & loving. In a way I had let all the negative stories distract me and give up on her keeping her promise and that she is ever coming back. But, how to accept her back now, even though I still love her very much? I can't simply dump my tirak aside cos she has given me so much love in response to my love for her? Of all the TGs I have dated seriously, my tirak loves me the most.
I used to think that I cannot love more than 1 woman at anyone time, but now, to my horror, I know I can. But then none of these 2 gals will accept having to share me with another, and so choose one, I must - and soon too. In fact, as the time slowly creeps towards the time for the visit to the gals' maternal homes, I know that the one I chose to visit 1st is synonymous with the gal I will choose. Dun think I will visit a 2nd home, cos I dun want any one to lose more face than they already will.
BTW Bro TooFast, it is ok by me if you dun believe my story. No offense taken as I alone have to walk my journey. My friends who know me will know it is true. I got more than enough photos taken with these gals and friends who know both me and the gals. Anyway my point here is not to proof anything. I am simply sharing. There are always 2 sides to a coin. So while there are a lot of failures, there are also successes (albeit a lot less).
So bros who choose to embark on such a Long Distance Tirak Relationship (LFTR) need to be aware of both possibilities and decide for yourselves. No one else can walk your journey nor dictate how you should walk it. Do listen to constructive advice, but digest them and see how they apply to your own situation.
23-02-2005, 02:37 AM
So you think it is perfect? Man, I see it as a headache, even a heartache! .
Bro Free,
TooFast is still young lah... at 21, trying to grasp all the experiences of others to "learn" from them.
What he don't realise is that every girl is a different girl, and no matter how much advises people give to them, no matter how much others share their experiences, he can only know it when he too walk the path, and his experience will again be different and what he has gathered cannot be applied at all. :)
Bro Free, based on what you have written, the girls that you are involved with are actually non-WL.
Am I correct to say that?
You are right. None of them are WL/FL when I started dating each of them. What they do in the past (decent or not) before I started to love them, I dun care and dun need to know. Yet I do know (cos all tell me about themselves - good or bad) but it still makes no difference to me. I dun live in their past, for it is the now and the future I care about and strive towards. Hopefully with one of them.
However I want to emphasize that while there are bad girls amongst the non-WLs there are also some good gals amongst the WLs. It just so happen in my case that none of the gals I dated seriously are still WLs (or never been one) by the time we dated. For your info, I do not look down on WLs/FLs, esp those who had to sacrifice for their family, and have very good friends (some who I am close enough to treat them really as Nong-Saos, with a proper brotherly-sisterly r/s.
23-02-2005, 02:49 AM
Would like to quote some comments that were made in the Filial Daughter thread.
Some people think every girl is the same.
No girls are the same. But the difference won't be very huge. If they are WLs that is..
Very good comments. Right on the spot. Though everyone is different, the difference won't be very huge ;)
Cute huh. Esp "But the difference won't be very huge. If they are WLs that is.." Took me a while to digest what that means.
23-02-2005, 02:53 AM
Everyone's experiences with WLs are different.... mostly unpleasant I guess, explaining the negativity.
1400 for 1 day... for a 7 day trip, nearly 10k baht excluding petrol. Don't think this is what he wanted. :)
Yep u are correct. Dumbo me. Must have use the wrong head to think this time :D
Cute huh. Esp "But the difference won't be very huge. If they are WLs that is.." Took me a while to digest what that means.
I think it depends on how you see them and exactly what r/s you have with them. Having several WLs/FLs as my Nong Saos has allowed me to see a different facet of them. With me, they need not put on a mask and cos I am interested in them as individuals & persons with feelings deserving of respect and not as tiraks or sex objects (no, I dun bonk my NongSaos - once I see/call them as such), they are open to share a lot of their joys/hopes/dreams/pains/problems with me. Also being able to converse pretty fluently in Thai (unless topics gets too specialised) helped lots, cos they are comfortable to talk.
I dun see them at their work place, all dolled up, but meet them (sometimes really dressed-down) at their homes or meet somewhere convenient and spend time with each other, and generally hang around w/o any sex involved (or the thought of it). Rarely do I get physical with them, and if yes, it will only be during the periods I am single and there is a mutual need/desire. Even then not with all of them. No commercial transaction involved, though I may buy them some inexpensive gifts. Once I am attached, I will not touch any of them, nor will they touch me. We have that understanding pretty clear.
So if you ask me, are there any differences? My answer is "LOTS". A different answer perhaps, but then I view them from a totally different angle than most.
23-02-2005, 01:12 PM
if your gal is from myanmar, dun think she can venture to Chiangrai legally unless she has a Thai as her guarantor. Fyi...
Thanks for the info bro forumer! Thats kinda sad news to me though.. Tt means i gotta go to the area near the thai-myan border? Or even into mynmar? After checking wif sun tourist agents in sg, journeys to Chingmai n ChingRai are actually more expensive than BBK and they say there's nothink there as a tourist attraction.. But according to my ger, there are~ Kinda mixed-up, coz i'm gg wif my friends and i dun wana make dem go there juz to accompany mi but for them to enjoy the trip oso...
Bros any suggestions on this matter? Thanks! :D
23-02-2005, 04:49 PM
Thanks for the info bro forumer! Thats kinda sad news to me though.. Tt means i gotta go to the area near the thai-myan border? Or even into mynmar? After checking wif sun tourist agents in sg, journeys to Chingmai n ChingRai are actually more expensive than BBK and they say there's nothink there as a tourist attraction.. But according to my ger, there are~ Kinda mixed-up, coz i'm gg wif my friends and i dun wana make dem go there juz to accompany mi but for them to enjoy the trip oso...
Bros any suggestions on this matter? Thanks! :D
If she's from Tachilek, she can get a border pass while will allow her to move freely in Chiangrai province of which Maisei is one of the "towns". She cannot move out of ChiangRai.
Tourist Attractions depends on what are the interest of your friends. Everywhere in Thailand has tourist attractions.
Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!
23-02-2005, 08:03 PM
Some cases I found from the Filial daughter thread that I personally believe that it's strong enough to doubt your current tirak. I hope I am not off topic here. Heh. Will be a bit long so pai seh pai seh ah.
Has a steady SG bf who is giving her $20k baht per month. She is staying in Bkk while family stayed in CR. Knew her bf at the MP & she is known to have quit the scene 2 years ago. Now working behind his back. I asked her how come she still needs to work when she has a monthly income from him & it's nota small amount. She told me she spends alot, but also pitied & loves him as well. But while saying, noticed that she still manages to smile & feel abit pai seh.
Which sets me wondering, if a TG really loves a guy, would she be able to quit the scene & settle for something simpler almost immediately? Or would she work & save up first?? Both assuming that there are no or not much problems at home?
I dunno, but I just feel she just loves him as a lip service.This one is about the family.
Bros, share my story....met a Thai WL from Hydaai 14 yrs ago. Free her fm OKT. Sent her back to Changrai.Bought a house, bike and all household stuff. Got married to me though she know I tied dn in Sillypore. Happy 2 yrs. Family face value up. Bought land and cattle with money sent monthly.Had a younger sister,age 15. Told family to let her lead normal life not in Flesh trade.If not, i shall not return. One day, sister missing!!!.Probe , was inform on holiday. But wife face tell otherwise. Sleeping time check her wallet, found name card of sister working in massage joint in pattaya. Confronted and answer that Its their parent choice and there was nothing she can do. i left and never to return.... 3rd yr my ex wife back at work in Hydaai.SC's tirak case. It's a bit too long so I will just give you the post count.
24-02-2005, 12:24 AM
Thanks for the info bro forumer! Thats kinda sad news to me though.. Tt means i gotta go to the area near the thai-myan border? Or even into mynmar? After checking wif sun tourist agents in sg, journeys to Chingmai n ChingRai are actually more expensive than BBK and they say there's nothink there as a tourist attraction.. But according to my ger, there are~ Kinda mixed-up, coz i'm gg wif my friends and i dun wana make dem go there juz to accompany mi but for them to enjoy the trip oso...
Bros any suggestions on this matter? Thanks! :D
there are some discos/pubs... around the area, but nothing like bkk's pubs. If you are looking for bkk equivalent... hahaha, forget about it. Maesai quite boring place frankly.
24-02-2005, 11:32 AM
Some cases I found from the Filial daughter thread that I personally believe that it's strong enough to doubt your current tirak. I hope I am not off topic here. Heh. Will be a bit long so pai seh pai seh ah.
Bro, are you crazy? :eek:
never use other people's experiences to advise another. Especially in postings which you don't even know how accurate the postings are.
secondly, if someone is thinking about marrying the tirak, don't even give any opinions unless you want to be responsible for the someone's future happiness or unhappiness. :cool:
Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!
24-02-2005, 11:44 AM
never use other people's experiences to advise another. Especially in postings which you don't even know how accurate the postings are.
TV, I think you misunderstand me.
I am not trying to advise ppl with these experiences. Hell, I even need advices myself.
I am trying to point out that these cases made strong impacts in maintaining a relationship with Tirak.
Like sometimes when the tirak fly this person aeroplane, if this person never read these experiences b4, most probably he will think of something positive or won't think so much.
But after reading enough of these experience, they will think alot lor.
Then you know, sometimes, you really want to ask them whether they are trying to cheat you anot. But you know if you probe too much, the relationship might go sour. You know what I mean.
Then he will be like in the middle struggling for trust...
TV, I think you misunderstand me.
I am not trying to advise ppl with these experiences. Hell, I even need advices myself.
I am trying to point out that these cases made strong impacts in maintaining a relationship with Tirak.
Like sometimes when the tirak fly this person aeroplane, if this person never read these experiences b4, most probably he will think of something positive or won't think so much.
But after reading enough of these experience, they will think alot lor.
Then you know, sometimes, you really want to ask them whether they are trying to cheat you anot. But you know if you probe too much, the relationship might go sour. You know what I mean.
Then he will be like in the middle struggling for trust...
End of the day, one needs to look at both sides of the coin for every situation preferably over a prolonged period. Collect as much info as possible, if possible - from people who know her and better yet the both of you. Consider the possibilities and the probabilities. Then write down all the different situations/scenarios together in a chronological order and look at them as objectively as possible. I think more often than not, if there are "problems" or descrepancies, it will be obvious. Why fear the relationship going sour? If it is going to go sour as you seek the truth in love, and not in a accusing manner, then youi have gained and not lost. The gal should really be trying to help you by being transparent with you, if she is really serious about you. She should be aware of the many horror stories you are exposed to.
Just a small example - for the case of TGs. There are many cases where the TG prefers that you dun know Thai well. This is a big cause for suspicion. On the other hand, there are those who not only work hard to teach you to speak, read and write Thai, they even go on to teach you their dialects (eg Pasar Neur or Issan, so that they can speak to their friends w/o having to worry that you might not understand. If anything, they wish you can understand everything they are talking about). Been on both sides, and the difference in trustworthiness is obvious.
After all, there is only 1 version of the truth and many for the lies. A lie will often need another to cover up and over time, they will be exposed. The true story will remain the same from the beginning to end, irregardless.
24-02-2005, 07:02 PM
Thanks all bros esp bro TV n bro forumer for the info! Have TEMPORARY solved the prob by gg to BBK next mth to mit her, coz she agrees to wait at BBK for me when she goes back from Malaysia before gg back to her home in Myanmar.. She says she's gg 2 stay wif her friend in BBK n join mi for a few days of fun when i arrive at BBk.. Well, it doesnt realli solve the prob fully, but at least we still can c each other... Let's c how our fate makes up bah~
Thanks again all bros! Have received plently of good advices from the veterans~ Really appriciate the help~ Thanks to SBF too! :D
24-02-2005, 07:28 PM
End of the day, one needs to look at both sides of the coin for every situation preferably over a prolonged period. Collect as much info as possible, if possible - from people who know her and better yet the both of you. Consider the possibilities and the probabilities. Then write down all the different situations/scenarios together in a chronological order and look at them as objectively as possible. I think more often than not, if there are "problems" or descrepancies, it will be obvious. Why fear the relationship going sour? If it is going to go sour as you seek the truth in love, and not in a accusing manner, then youi have gained and not lost. The gal should really be trying to help you by being transparent with you, if she is really serious about you. She should be aware of the many horror stories you are exposed to.
bro Free, I know its in your "trade" lah... but the way you put it like asking him to wirte a thesis leh... kekekekekeke
Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!
bro Free, I know its in your "trade" lah... but the way you put it like asking him to wirte a thesis leh... kekekekekeke
No lah, Big Bro. Just a simple Spreadsheet with 2 columns (one for True/Most Like True and the other Lies/Suspicious). A simple addition will show which is the likely scenario. Write on paper oso can liao.
BTW, I am using this process myself now to decide on my choice. In my case, very few items on the "Lies/Suspicious" column (cos already screened in the past or would not spend time to get to know them), so had to go by how many items for the "True/Most Likely True" I can list down for each, to the best of my knowledge.
Almost at the point where I am now down to 2. Seems like after Rain, I know what type to avoid (even for decent ones). Was actually tempted to keep 2 but both have parents living in Phayao! :eek:
24-02-2005, 09:10 PM
No lah, Big Bro. Just a simple Spreadsheet with 2 columns (one for True/Most Like True and the other Lies/Suspicious). A simple addition will show which is the likely scenario. Write on paper oso can liao.
risk analysis is not meant to use for matters of the heart lah...
Sometimes you will come to conclusion that girl A is better in many ways, but your heart yearns for girl B more...
That's what makes life interesting leh...
Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!
28-02-2005, 11:24 PM
risk analysis is not meant to use for matters of the heart lah...
Sometimes you will come to conclusion that girl A is better in many ways, but your heart yearns for girl B more...
That's what makes life interesting leh...
Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!
What make him so sure that he chose them and NOT their chose him instead. :D
They may have couple of thai BFs chasing them, for all you know. :p
01-03-2005, 12:43 PM
What make him so sure that he chose them and NOT their chose him instead. :D
They may have couple of thai BFs chasing them, for all you know. :p
It takes 2 hands to clap, of of course obviously they have chosen him too lah...
risk analysis is not meant to use for matters of the heart lah...
Sometimes you will come to conclusion that girl A is better in many ways, but your heart yearns for girl B more...
That's what makes life interesting leh...
That is so true. And I agree risk analysis is a poor reflection of matters of the heart. In my case, all the points on my spreadsheet has go to do with feelings, and not what are the good and bad points of each gal. Even gthen, they are only good to narrow down the choices. After that, I let my heart's feelings (including gut feel) take over. The final choice I made may surprise some, cos I have more or less chosen the one who is the least pretty (Dancer came up tops here) , the least educated (all the other 3 are grads) and also with the "worst" past, and even most "broken" family. Not to mention the smallest "numerical" age.
Why? Cos we both are at the stage where we both know we are really happy and comfortable with each other on a day-to-day basis, and our expectations of the future is based on practical stuff. And just as she is sure I love her (I do love her most), I am also sure she too loves me (and I am her only one too). And the way she goes about loving me, with a love of the sacrificial kind, tips the final scale. My love for her is of the sacrificial kind too. So probably we are least likely to abuse or to be abused the love we share.
Actually I felt the pressure to choose and commit, cos she is the one who did it first. Compared to the rest, she is more than ready, and her almost every action shows it. Guess somehow, our hearts knew.
What make him so sure that he chose them and NOT their chose him instead. :D
They may have couple of thai BFs chasing them, for all you know. :p
If I had not been sure that they love me to the exclusion of others, I would have been in a easier position, take my own sweet time and instead of bpuat hua maak maak. Anyway I am relieved that I close to making the final decision, if not already made it. I like in a "holding" stage now.
Malaysian Datuk
03-03-2005, 11:04 PM
Yes you are right on the above.
My kids are sg born. Dual citizenship is given to them easily.
Sg side very easy to get but the most troublesome one is getting a thai
citizenship for your sg born kids.Alot of paper works.Some even have to do
DNA tests to proof relationship.
I will be going for my thai PR final interview tomorrow. :D
Wish me luck !!
Cheers!!it wasn't so troublesome last time i think its becoz of PM Thaksin......i even need to do DNA tests to take my newborn out of Thailand, but at least its subsidised (B$2k only). They even have a 'family package' for 7k!
04-03-2005, 01:31 AM
Same as my last post... How much do you trust her? Do you really love her? If you do love her and trusted her, then you don't have to bother too much on whether she is trying to lie to you... As long as the words come out from her mouth, you will determine whether to believe or not... And of course, try to ask her a few times on what makes you so special to her... And if you have known her long enough, you should have know whether she is $$ minded... There are bound to be some minor loopholes if she is lying... ... Most importantly is whether you can afford to provide her a "comfortable" life and whether your financial power is able to fulfil her basic needs. I know if you decided to marry her, it could mean around SGD$10,000 but then it really depends on whether you want to risk the $10,000 on her...
No one can tell you what to do... Only your heart can, since both of you must have been through certain things together...
Firstly, I am a newbie in the TG game... Had some tiraks in CHina and SG before...
Read stories and here abt the "faithfulness" of the TGs and something hit me in the head today... TGs dun think like SG/China and other Westernised females... TGs are more family oriented and self-sacrificing and this makes them admirable, no matter what they do for a living...But sometimes, I have doubts as to whether to believe the words she says... As Bro Macho mentioned above, words coming from her sometimes dun match her actions adn we would know.. Another bro advised me that we shld not doubt them, we shld threat them as being honest, that they meant what they said... True, and if we love them, we shld believe them... Yet a nagging doubt remains in my mind... An e.g. is when she asked me not to book her every week, saying that it is very ex.. ( no thanks to the blooding sucking bastards...). Also not to visit her at her workplace, as she says she cannot work if I am ard, and need to spend time with me.. (Probably afraid i may lar kai with other gals.. kekekeke). Shld i believe her that she is saving $$ for me? Or she has "other plans"? We have no other means to see each other, except thru bookings and visits to her "office".. so how? I dun believe we can wait until she goes home then build upon our relationship... by then, nothing will be left as the feelings would have dried out long ago....Dun see her ever?? SUch nagging tots... :(
Is it me/ my culture that spawned this doubt, or is it really she is lying? My China tiraks and SG Gf never gave me this unpleasant feeling.. Only this TG tirak does... IS it her then? Her culture? Her lifestyle?Or is it just me? I believe her & love her with all of my heart, and yet, sometimes I get some less in return... 'nuf said... we shall see...
04-03-2005, 03:06 AM
... is lying? My China tiraks and SG Gf never gave me this unpleasant feeling.. Only this TG tirak does... IS it her then? Her culture? Her lifestyle?Or is it just me? I believe her & love her with all of my heart, and yet, sometimes I get some less in return... 'nuf said... we shall see...
hmm in my opinion.. the real test of love begins only when she ORD... tt's when u start with her, her family (whether they are sucking ur girl dry by asking her work in the s*x industry again) and her hometown..
hmm in my opinion.. the real test of love begins only when she ORD... tt's when u start with her, her family (whether they are sucking ur girl dry by asking her work in the s*x industry again) and her hometown..
To a very large extent, I agree with you. For the several successful cases that I know of, all of them really started only after her ORD when she goes home (esp for the TG herself). Then it becomes a long Distance Relationship and the guy who still keeps in contact with her (even on a daily basis), visits her regularly and continue to show her the "care and love he had for her" when she was still here - is the one that she will feel touched by and seriously consider as a long term partner. Why the phase in " " quotes? Because that's when the genuine are differentiated from the bluff, the men from the boys. The one who perservered is the one who is sincere, isn't it? Cos most of the rest of her "tiraks" (I really hate to use this word, as it is used wrongly) would simply fade away and find new targets.
She no longer has any obligations to serve any other men, and she is free to open her heart and choose for herself. That heart was "harden" is now free to love another wholeheartedly. If he is the type of man she wants, then the chances are that much higher, and typically the main issues would be whether he would mind her past, since he knows everything. Whether he can support her may not be so critical for a ex-WL, esp if they had been wise enough to save up a large portion of their past earnings. If she was only a FL who was here to meet a short-term critical need, the need for support may still be tbere, and thus would be a factor for her to consider.
Perhaps at this stage, it becomes like a normal Long Distance Boy-Ger relationship, no difference from the one I have now.
04-03-2005, 06:13 PM
The one who perservered is the one who is sincere, isn't it? Cos most of the rest of her "tiraks" (I really hate to use this word, as it is used wrongly) would simply fade away and find new targets.
Whether he can support her may not be so critical for a ex-WL, esp if they had been wise enough to save up a large portion of their past earnings. If
Perhaps at this stage, it becomes like a normal Long Distance Boy-Ger relationship, no difference from the one I have now.
Ok, here's a case scenario thing. If assumingly, you have known her for say 1 year 3 months working in GL, when she ORD, would it be too abrupt if you proposed right away?
I believe some girls might see it differently. but generally, does it seems possessive or does it gives security to her future?
04-03-2005, 06:33 PM
Perhaps at this stage, it becomes like a normal Long Distance Boy-Ger relationship, no difference from the one I have now.
Wow, i realli have to agree wif u bro! tt sorts of smoothen my heart n feelings man! Thanks! Yeh, after dey ORD n d man tt continues to shower her wif REAL love n concern might realli b d 1 for her.. though long-distance relationships r realli hard to keep... but if d trust is there n d love is there.. IMHO, i feel n hope tt it will sum how work out.. :D
04-03-2005, 08:26 PM
yeah long dis r/s very hard...
My girl just ORD last week. Went to myanmar where there's no HP so she cant call me. Somehow she gave me a call b4 she went back while in BKK, so we setted upon me calling her once a week on her village fone.
She said every week that day at that time.. she'll walk out and wait for my call.
It's very hard from contacting her almost evryday while she's in GL, to onli once a week, and WORSE Still unable to see her!
Currently still going well.. hope nothing screws up.. but i do have to agree.. long distance relationship.. not ez..
04-03-2005, 08:44 PM
yeah long dis r/s very hard...
My girl just ORD last week. Went to myanmar where there's no HP so she cant call me. Somehow she gave me a call b4 she went back while in BKK, so we setted upon me calling her once a week on her village fone.
.. long distance relationship.. not ez..
Yo Bro! Same ~ haiz.. u r man on the same boat.. but at least i can mit her in BBK soon.. I hope, if nothing goes wrong tt is.. How abt hopping to myanmar to c her? Yah, mine oso no fone, but planning 2 buy her 1 when i mit her in BBK for her birthday present.. keke so can call mi liaoz.. :D Me planning on wat 2 do oso ~~~
04-03-2005, 09:13 PM
LDR(Long Distance Relationship) is always tat hard to mantain unless both have the faith and love to carry on... And it must be surplus for both ingredient..
04-03-2005, 09:21 PM
Ok, here's a case scenario thing. If assumingly, you have known her for say 1 year 3 months working in GL, when she ORD, would it be too abrupt if you proposed right away?
I believe some girls might see it differently. but generally, does it seems possessive or does it gives security to her future?
my POV... not advisable, unless you and her are already in a r/s while she was in GL and you two have talked about marriage before.
Wouldn't it be not so ideal if she agreed to your proposal for her future security? I tot it'd be better if she agreed cos she wants to be with you because of love, etc.
But then again, each person's scenario differs, so...... :p
04-03-2005, 09:24 PM
Somehow she gave me a call b4 she went back while in BKK, so we setted upon me calling her once a week on her village fone.
She said every week that day at that time.. she'll walk out and wait for my call.
I was told most of the phones are for internal dialling, so you might wanna check see whether the village phone can be called or not. :)
yeah long dis r/s very hard...
My girl just ORD last week. Went to myanmar where there's no HP so she cant call me. Somehow she gave me a call b4 she went back while in BKK, so we setted upon me calling her once a week on her village fone.
She said every week that day at that time.. she'll walk out and wait for my call.
It's very hard from contacting her almost evryday while she's in GL, to onli once a week, and WORSE Still unable to see her!
Currently still going well.. hope nothing screws up.. but i do have to agree.. long distance relationship.. not ez..
Welcome to the World of Long Distance Tirak Relationship. It is not going to be easy, but it is possible. My tirak may not be from GLCat40, but the journey for you from now on will be somewhat the same as mine. She is there and you are here. There will be a lot of similarities in our walk, assuming the reason why she called you is that she hopes something more will develop from henceforth.
Take heart Bro VMtech. I have a "Kor kor" who has walked the path before you. In fact he is my forerunner and his own r/s has given me much strengtyh to carry own with my own journey. It is been more than 2 years since they started.
His tirak (I do not mean the way "tirak" is used in GL, but the real meaning of tirak - darling and/or loved one) is from Myanmar too (they meet near the Mesai border). At one point they too talked once a week and she rides the bike out for a long distance just to get to a point where there is a network signal. They reached a point where he could even sense when she would call! And he is right almost every time! It is really amazing. That is love in the highest order - telepathy between two lovers. It takes time, but it can happen. Nowadays, my tirak and I often too tried to reach each other at exactly the same time. In fact it just happened a minute ago :cool:
Now my kor kor & his tirak are at the point where they are definitely close to getting married. But not before a turbulent period when there was another guy pursuing her at the same time. Even though she wasn't keen on that other guy, her nature did not permit her to tell him off directly. Hence the period of agony for him. Finally she did, when he literally went to her home unwelcomed. That was when Kor Kor finally knew he was in her heart all these while.
Haven;t seen my Kor kor in SB for a long long time now. Must be too busy with his tirak liao.
04-03-2005, 10:29 PM
I was told most of the phones are for internal dialling, so you might wanna check see whether the village phone can be called or not. :)
Hi forumer.
yeah it's onli internal dialing. so meaning.. i can call her but she cant call me.
tt's why she asked me to set a date and timing every once a week where she''ll wait for my call there.
kindda touched by the way she said it haha
04-03-2005, 10:34 PM
Welcome to the World of Long Distance Tirak Relationship. It is not going to be easy, but it is possible. ...
yeah thanks alot..
we're just gonna go at weekly calls to each other at the moment.. hopping to myanmar to pay her a visit and have a look at her surrounding will be next but not so soon... the cost is kindda high.. and worsts till im not a high salary waving guy..
Girls under 20 in myanmar doesnt have a valid passport.. so when she came to GL, she was "smuggled" .
so in order to return to SG in future.. she said she'll nid to make a new passport.. legal or illegal way i not sure.. but it's gonna cost... maybe up to 5K?
regarding this i nid to ask the more seasoned bros in myanmar about it..
P.S: bro free, upped ur pts, thanks for all the exp u posted here about ur r/s
the money she earned in GL.. well , VERY OBVIOUSLY she doesnt get to keep it. it'll be given to the mother or the brother. so i guess. that money will have to be saved up by me slowly .. haha..
Hi forumer.
yeah it's onli internal dialing. so meaning.. i can call her but she cant call me.
tt's why she asked me to set a date and timing every once a week where she''ll wait for my call there.
kindda touched by the way she said it haha
Expect there to be times when she will miss the call at the predetermined time for all sorts of reasons, rightly or wrongly. Even forget when she is too involved or pre-occupied with something. Most of them seemed to have problems dealing with several things at a time and will often go sequentially.
At times like these, it is going to test your love, patience and trust. My advice here is to be Jai Yen Yen (stay cool) and give her a chance to explain. You may miss the appointment too (though we in SG are far less likely too).
08-03-2005, 11:55 PM
Expect there to be times when she will miss the call at the predetermined time for all sorts of reasons, rightly or wrongly. Even forget when she is too involved or pre-occupied with something. ..
Just to update..
Btw, thanks ThaiVisitor for upping my pts
Monday came and i called my girl back in her homeland.. made a stupid mistake by setting the time (decided upon calling her every monday @ 12pm) but i forgot about the time diff in SG and KyiangTong!
so i called her at 12pm (SGtime) which is like 10.30am there.. was shock to hear her voice almost immediately, apologised to her about the screwup i made . she say she noticed it, so she has been waiting between 10.30am to 12noon (myanmartime) so that both time diffs can be met.
At least both of us are trying at the moment..
Dont wish this thread to become a private "blog" like that of SM's thread in the GL section. my pt is... u nid both hands to clap... and i'm able to clap now bcause she's my other hand..
Bros out that with the current r/ships bear in mind, if u wont try.. u cant expect ur other half to do the same as well..
like mentioned earlier.. the REAL JOURNEY begins when she ORD.
Cheers! (wao shiong leh 10min call to Myanmar Via Starhub 018 costs 8.50 - 10bucks)
..... she say she noticed it, so she has been waiting between 10.30am to 12noon (myanmartime) so that both time diffs can be met.
At least both of us are trying at the moment..... u nid both hands to clap... and i'm able to clap now bcause she's my other hand..
Bros out that with the current r/ships bear in mind, if u wont try.. u cant expect ur other half to do the same as well..
like mentioned earlier.. the REAL JOURNEY begins when she ORD.
(10min call to Myanmar Via Starhub 018 costs 8.50 - 10bucks)
So glad for you bro. When the other hand claps as well, it is a good sign. May this continue to be so. U are right, both must try. The reason why I chose my tirak from out of 4 I dated is she tries the hardest (consistently) and that to me means she loves me the most.
haha, another bro soon gotta eat roti and water to pay for phone bills. Maybe go see if got phone card for myanmar. If you are keen, I have a contact of a bro who has walked the road before you. He started even before me, and in my opinion is more successful than I, cos still the same Myanmar gal. Let me know.
09-03-2005, 12:38 AM
Ok, here's a case scenario thing. If assumingly, you have known her for say 1 year 3 months working in GL, when she ORD, would it be too abrupt if you proposed right away?
I believe some girls might see it differently. but generally, does it seems possessive or does it gives security to her future?
When the girl ORD, the relationship just started only. GL is only warm up.
When the girl ORD, it means she might be liable for RESERVIST or OVERSEAS ATTACHMENT or in some occasions MOBILISATION. So it depends whether you can get her to ROD instead of ORD.
jokes aside. You want to give security to her future, you have to make sure her family all taken care of well. Then do a lot of things for her family, then when she see this, which girl will want to work? Unless you are married personnel or she don't see any future leading to the relationship, if not, she will not take it seriously.
The bottomline is with money, you can do many things. Without money, you can talk till the cows go home, you can promise her the stars, the moon and you can never accomplish any of the above.
This is how I see it, picking up on the good points SC put forward here
When the girl ORD, the relationship just started only. GL is only warm up.Now the r/s becomes a "normal" one (well almost cos u still got to deal with the knowledge of the past and the possible consequences), and whether things work out or not depends on how the 2 of u can work it out, and of course on personality compatibilities.
When the girl ORD, it means she might be liable for RESERVIST or OVERSEAS ATTACHMENT or in some occasions MOBILISATION. So it depends whether you can get her to ROD instead of ORD..This one will really give u an insight into her family and herself. If after all she has done, and family still not contented, tough unless she willing to ignore them. I've seen gals who die die also don;t go back for reservist, etc and I have seen those who go back at first recall signal. And of course gals in between. U got to make a decision here. The interesting cases will be the ones where she claims her family dun know about her past work. Now, one will really know if they know the truth or not
You want to give security to her future, you have to make sure her family all taken care of well. Then do a lot of things for her family, then when she see this, which girl will want to work? Unless you are married personnel or she don't see any future leading to the relationship, if not, she will not take it seriously.This care for family thingy, one cannot agree more. But how much care is needed is relative. I will always weigh wants versus needs. If can afford, I do, if cannot, sorry. She got to choose. This area I have been lucky.
As for married man, none of my 4 (actually 5) gals would be interested in being a Mia Noi. I got no fate to enjoy such luxuries lah :( . But I have some Nong Saos who can take it! Anyway I made it clear upfront I dun want a Mia Noi.
The bottomline is with money, you can do many things. Without money, you can talk till the cows go home, you can promise her the stars, the moon and you can never accomplish any of the above.Correct, money talks, bullshit walks. Question is how much is sufficient. Better talk it out. Dun assume. Be prepared for the hidden needs that were not stated before hand. Chances are she dun even know about them until they cropped up. If lucky, very few (like mine - so far only once and lucky not much), If not, can be every month got something new, some with stories that are just unbelievable.
Note that the good (and smart) gal will seek a balance between protecting you and taxing you. Ask for too little, her family or she suffers, too much scared u nuai and then lose u. Best are those who wants to work a decent job to supplement what u provided. Here I lucky on all 4 (no, 5) counts.
my POV... not advisable, unless you and her are already in a r/s while she was in GL and you two have talked about marriage before.
Wouldn't it be not so ideal if she agreed to your proposal for her future security? I tot it'd be better if she agreed cos she wants to be with you because of love, etc.
But then again, each person's scenario differs, so...... :p
Incidentally, I knew of a few gals (also heard the same about some Vietnamese), who look at the man, believe that he will be a good husband and father and decide she will marry the guy 1st and work towards loving him.
One of my ex (Rain - not included in the 4) wanted to do that, cos at the time we started (after being casual friends for a while), she like me very much, but love only a little. Further her kid & I love each other like real father and son, so much that those who dun know us will never realise we are not flesh & blood. He even looks like me! She wanted to grow her love for me as time goes by. If only she was more romantic, we could have been married by now!. Too bad we were completely opposite in this one area - a very impt area to me. Each time we quarrel, this difference is the cause of it! 100%
09-03-2005, 04:27 AM
Maybe bro TV or Bkkguy or any bros here can help..
my baby girl coming to this world soon in early April.
currently i got my wife (thai) a long term pass in sg. (awaiting to apply PR after my baby birth).
1. when we got married 3yrs back we went tru proper channel in Sg. But i didn't endorse anything in Thailand. So should i actually let known to the thai gov that me and my wife is married in sg?
2. what is going to happen when i let known to the thai gov.? there will be record of my wife married to me in sg? her property in thai will be affected? she got to change her name(bearing my surname?)?
3. me had browse tru the text by bro TV and Bkkguy about the status of our babies. I like to know if i had not declared anything yet to the thai gov on my marriage with my wife in sg will it affect my child's status of being a thai PR in future?
4. i was thinking of registering my baby in sg once my wife deliver here. then follow by going to thai embassy to register my new born baby (so that my child will be recognise in both country). advisable to do so?
bottom line is that i want my baby to be sg citizen but holds a status in thai too.
Please advise. Thanks.
09-03-2005, 03:23 PM
1. when we got married 3yrs back we went tru proper channel in Sg. But i didn't endorse anything in Thailand. So should i actually let known to the thai gov that me and my wife is married in sg?
2. what is going to happen when i let known to the thai gov.? there will be record of my wife married to me in sg? her property in thai will be affected? she got to change her name(bearing my surname?)?
3. me had browse tru the text by bro TV and Bkkguy about the status of our babies. I like to know if i had not declared anything yet to the thai gov on my marriage with my wife in sg will it affect my child's status of being a thai PR in future?
4. i was thinking of registering my baby in sg once my wife deliver here. then follow by going to thai embassy to register my new born baby (so that my child will be recognise in both country). advisable to do so?
1. There is no compulsory procedures to inform the Thai govt that you are legally married. Your marriage certificate is recognised anywhere in the world.
2. When you let the Thai govt knows that you are both married in SG, then the Thai govt knows that you are both married. Your marriage will not affect any of you wife's property. Your wife has the choice to use your surname or her maiden name.
3. No, like I said in (1). When you apply for your child's citizenship (why PR?)in Thailand, it is not your citizenship but your wife's citizenship that determines the child's citizenship in Thailand. Your child, under normal circumstances will get the citizenship.
4. Yes, there would be really advisable to have your child registered with the Thai Embassy. Bear in mind, when child is of legal age, he has to surrender one of the citizenship.
2. When you let the Thai govt knows that you are both married in SG, then the Thai govt knows that you are both married. Your marriage will not affect any of you wife's property. Your wife has the choice to use your surname or her maiden name.Remember reading somewhere that the Law has been changed to allow this. Previously she would have lost the rights of a Thai citizen if she marries a foreigner.
Did I read wrongly?
09-03-2005, 07:50 PM
Just to update..
Cheers! (wao shiong leh 10min call to Myanmar Via Starhub 018 costs 8.50 - 10bucks)
Yo, u can try buying those calling cards from provision shops or those mobile shops along GL. Much much cheaper than using IDD.
10-03-2005, 12:19 AM
Maybe bro TV or Bkkguy or any bros here can help..
my baby girl coming to this world soon in early April.
currently i got my wife (thai) a long term pass in sg. (awaiting to apply PR after my baby birth).
bottom line is that i want my baby to be sg citizen but holds a status in thai too.
Please advise. Thanks.
Read Everything you would like to know is mostly there.
10-03-2005, 02:54 AM
Read Everything you would like to know is mostly there.
thank you bro. i will look into it. :)
just for interest's sake if you could do what u said below and get away with it w/o any legal implications, would u spare her life? If yes, what would u do with her?
(It's ok if you dun wish to answer - I understand I may be threading on very sensitive grounds. If so, just ignore this post ok? cheers!)The only way to stop the rot, is to massacre her entire clan. Though I will go to Hell, but then Hell may be a better place to stay then in Heaven Really would like to meet up with u if I have the chance. Think u would make a good friend.
Take care,
04-04-2005, 01:51 AM
Quoting thaivisitor's informative post from page 1,
1. Letter to prove you're currently not married which you can go to hgih court to make a stat declaration which is free.
2. Go to Criminal Record Branch of CID which is behind OG in Chinatown (unless changed) where they will give you a certificate of no criminal record. Must have passport pic if I'm not mistaken.
3. With her passport, go to MOM to get letter to say your GF has NOT owrk in SG before. If has work, cannot married hor. (To go round this, make sure she change name and change passport).
4. Letter of employment to state salary.
Are the same documents required for marriage in any other Asian country? Or only for Thailand?
Kinda wondering why a Thai woman cannot marry a Singapore guy if she has worked in Singapore before.
04-04-2005, 02:48 AM
Quoting thaivisitor's informative post from page 1,
Are the same documents required for marriage in any other Asian country? Or only for Thailand?
Kinda wondering why a Thai woman cannot marry a Singapore guy if she has worked in Singapore before.
Only for Thailand. Other countries, please check with the embassy concerned.
As to why regarding working in SG, only MOM can give you the answer.
04-04-2005, 02:50 AM
find MP bro, MP can help heehee
Only for Thailand. Other countries, please check with the embassy concerned.
As to why regarding working in SG, only MOM can give you the answer.
This seems to go for work permit holders. and domestic helpers too. My own brother made the mistake of marrying his wife (a Malaysian who had worked in SG as a work permit holder in a hair salon) in Malaysia 1st w/o clearance from SG. Ended up when they tried to register their marriage in SG, it was rejected and she was not even allowed into SG, cos deemed to have broken the immigration rules. For years she was refused entry until a few years ago.
So if u must register yr marriage in SG, better check with MOM. For my own case, I am not too concerned as I planned to get marriage in LOS and then register the marriage here later. If for any reason they dun approvem, they they can go lump it. What really what are the pros & cons of also registering in SG later? Need the Lau chiaus to give us a pointer for sure!
04-04-2005, 03:30 AM
Only for Thailand. Other countries, please check with the embassy concerned.
As to why regarding working in SG, only MOM can give you the answer.
if we are talking about ex-WL, i can understand...
but if the thai woman was employed in Singapore for normal job, why would that be a concern? :confused:
04-04-2005, 03:41 AM
if we are talking about ex-WL, i can understand...
but if the thai woman was employed in Singapore for normal job, why would that be a concern? :confused:
MOM doesn't have records of girls working as WL.
General, work permit holders are not encouraged to marry Singaporeans.
04-04-2005, 03:42 AM
This seems to go for work permit holders. and domestic helpers too. My own brother made the mistake of marrying his wife (a Malaysian who had worked in SG as a work permit holder in a hair salon) in Malaysia 1st w/o clearance from SG. Ended up when they tried to register their marriage in SG, it was rejected and she was not even allowed into SG, cos deemed to have broken the immigration rules. For years she was refused entry until a few years ago.
So if u must register yr marriage in SG, better check with MOM. For my own case, I am not too concerned as I planned to get marriage in LOS and then register the marriage here later. If for any reason they dun approvem, they they can go lump it. What really what are the pros & cons of also registering in SG later? Need the Lau chiaus to give us a pointer for sure!
So is the clearance from MOM for our own benefit in future in case we want to bring our foreign wife back to Singapore(via a long term visit pass)?
I assume if the girl/woman has worked in Singapore before, the marriage cannot go through?
I have checked through the ROM website and this is what it says.
1) The law does not require couples who contracted marriages overseas to re-register (includes "converting" or "endorsing" a foreign marriage certificate) with the Singapore ROM. The marriage certificate issued by the competent authority of the foreign country may be accepted as prima facie evidence of a marriage between the parties named in the certificate.
I do not think there is a need to "register" or "endorse" the foreign marriage in Singapore unless you intend to apply for a Social Visit Visa, or Permanent Residence for your foreign wife in future. I may be wrong...
04-04-2005, 03:44 AM
MOM doesn't have records of girls working as WL.
General, work permit holders are not encouraged to marry Singaporeans.
you mentioned the presentation of the woman's passport at MOM for the verification of previous job records.
what if the woman doesn't have a passport and does not intend to get one in the near future cos don't intend to leave Thailand, what relevant document to present to MOM?
I do not think there is a need to "register" or "endorse" the foreign marriage in Singapore unless you intend to apply for a Social Visit Visa, or Permanent Residence for your foreign wife in future. I may be wrong...
Correct. Wouldn;t it be better if your spouse can come and go with you? I also think it is always good to have a record here that you have been married to this woman in Thailand? Any differing views?
04-04-2005, 05:08 AM
Correct. Wouldn;t it be better if your spouse can come and go with you? I also think it is always good to have a record here that you have been married to this woman in Thailand? Any differing views?
when u mention "come and go with you", i presume u mean being able to travel in and out of Singapore with you.
Thais would need to apply for a VISA to come over, and using their own merit can apply too. Having a marriage cert would enable u to apply for Long-Term VISA. With this Long Term VISA, she can stay longer in Singapore and also move in and out of Singapore on multiple trips without applying for VISAs.
ROM doesn't keep records of foreign marriages. Correct me if I'm wrong.
01-05-2005, 11:39 PM
From what I heard from a Myanmar girl who have applied passport before, it doesn't require RM10,000. The making of passports have to be done at Yangon and you have to travel there first.
I believe she is not exactly in Thailand. Probably Tachilek (Myanmar). The girls around that region are often confused on whether they are in Thailand or Myanmar...
Just came back from MaeSai/Bangkok trip today after visiting my GF there.
Bro MachoDevilX is right that some girls there are rather confused whether they are Thai or not and this also include my GF. After visiting MaeSai, then I found out that she is not Thai but Burmese and she just got her Myanmar IC and no passport.
No choice but have to find way to apply a Myanmar passport for her. After talking to some of my friend in Bangkok, she can apply a so call Non-Citizen Thai passport to come to S'pore but that will cost me 100,000bt :mad: . This is definately out.
Manage to speak to another friend's friend who is a Burmese herself and own a travel agent in Bangkok, according to her, I can bring my GF to Yangon to apply the passport for her there. The cost is roughtly around US$300-$400 but need to have somebody who can speak Burmese to go with you. As the waiting time is around 1 month, so she have to go back to MaeSai to wait for the passport there and return to Yangon to collect her passport when it is ready :( .
Heard that there are some Agency in Pennisular Plaza that I can approach to apply the Myanmar Passport and Visa. Wonder is any Bro out there tried.
If not, I will check it out with my Myanmar friend there and keep you update ASAP.
01-05-2005, 11:48 PM
Yup, abt 4k sing...... Is tat true tat go yangon and make passport is only 300-400USD?? Y the difference? Btw, i used to have burmese gf too...
They are shan..
Bro MachoDevilX is right that some girls there are rather confused whether they are Thai or not and this also include my GF. After visiting MaeSai, then I found out that she is not Thai but Burmese and she just got her Myanmar IC and no passport
No choice but have to find way to apply a Myanmar passport for her. After talking to some of my friend in Bangkok, she can apply a so call Non-Citizen Thai passport to come to S'pore but that will cost me 100,000bt :mad: . This is definately out.
02-05-2005, 07:41 AM
when u mention "come and go with you", i presume u mean being able to travel in and out of Singapore with you.
Thais would need to apply for a VISA to come over, and using their own merit can apply too. Having a marriage cert would enable u to apply for Long-Term VISA. With this Long Term VISA, she can stay longer in Singapore and also move in and out of Singapore on multiple trips without applying for VISAs.
ROM doesn't keep records of foreign marriages. Correct me if I'm wrong.
U can choose to inform ROM of your foreign marriage or you can choose not to. But once u have apply for PR for your wife (thru filling up Entry Permit forms and getting Long Term Social Visit Pass for her), government records will automatically show that you are married. This is just a little info that i know when i applied for PR for my Vietnamese wife. :D
02-05-2005, 11:40 AM
Yup, abt 4k sing...... Is tat true tat go yangon and make passport is only 300-400USD?? Y the difference? They are shan..
The 4k sing is for Thai Non-Citizen passport and the 300-400USD is for Myanmr passport.
Not sure if my GF come to s'pore with Thai Non-Citizen Passport got any problem or not but i think I should face a lot more problem when applying PR status for her compare to if she hold a Myanmar passport.
02-05-2005, 04:06 PM
brothers out there, pls correct me if i am wrong.i need some advice for my friend. My friend has a thai gf and he intend to bring her to s'pore to stay with him. So firstly,he should apply the passport for his gf and also for visa for entry into s' is the question,can he get it done in s'pore and if so,where can it be done? the visa can be done at the s'pore embassy and passport at the thai embassy izzit? How long can a visa last and how many times can it be extended? if his gf failed to get her PR even after they are married, does it mean that she has to go back to her country? Or is there any means for her to stay in s'pore? Like on social visit pass or wat? sorry for ignorance cos i know nothing bout this stuff and my friend is not educated as well, so no choice got to seek help from brothers out here. Hope kind brothers out there are willing to give help and advice.
04-05-2005, 11:07 PM
Went to Peninsula Plaza in the evening to check around with the shop over there. To my surprise that they are no longer applying myanmar passport for people as they are saying that it is very easy and cheap to apply for Myanmar passport in Yangoon now. It take a bout 1 week waiting time to get the passport after applying.
I will be going up to Yangoon with my GF in July to apply the passport for her. Will post the procudure here when I am back from there or any Bro here have already tried that pls let me know. Thanks
04-05-2005, 11:57 PM
1 qn.. about those passports done in yangoon etc, are those legit or done illegally ? in yangoon whree do i go and ask and get it done ?
and if my GF was a GL WL b4.. can she make and is it valid for her to come SG ?
Bangkok Master
05-05-2005, 02:47 AM
1 qn.. about those passports done in yangoon etc, are those legit or done illegally ? in yangoon whree do i go and ask and get it done ?
and if my GF was a GL WL b4.. can she make and is it valid for her to come SG ?
If she came to Sg with the fake thai passport, then it will have no problem cos her real identity is burmese so no records of her entering Sg. But there will 1 factor concern, that's the finger print issue......still not sure whether they are checking on it these days!
05-05-2005, 09:03 AM
she's however able to return to SG as a tourist status?
05-05-2005, 02:17 PM
[QUOTE=vmtech]1 qn.. about those passports done in yangoon etc, are those legit or done illegally ? in yangoon whree do i go and ask and get it done ?
The Passport is the Legal type. Not sure where to do in Yangoon but my colleague's brother is there and he will help me up when I am there.
hi everyone.... esp to Thaivisitor. :p
erm.. recently i know a thai gal in bkk... still doing her uni studies. Got to know her thru indecent ways. Talked to her and found out that she just started this job. <1wk. Was being force to work as she borrowed money to fund her uni studies. She was not able to repay the money fast enough and they force her to work.
Previously she was working in a reputable place. Got to know more information from her. She was quite hesitate to tell me as she feels shld be a secret to herself. But she finds me very very different from others, so she revealed to me. She was very frank with me. Can sense it. Though din know her for very long, but really had strong feelings with her.
Then i decided to help her as she only started out that "new" job. She declined my help initially and told me that I shld use the money for myself and she will settle her own problem. In the end, I still helped her with the loan and now she no longer needs to work there anymore. She was very happy and grateful to me that I had made her life more meaningful.
I never regretted helping her. Now, she is working in a reputable restaurant and studying too...
My qns to brudders here.... was i stupid in my act? To me, I never regretted helping her.
08-05-2005, 03:17 PM
Bro. I dun think u are dumb... I think its always right to follow wat ur heart told u... But with a limit too.. How much do u know abt her? How trustable is her?? And u know her long enough... I was once caught in such encounter too.. Only difference is she wasn't a WL or not yet.. Cos she met me b4 making tat decision to sell or not to sell...
erm.. recently i know a thai gal in bkk... still doing her uni studies. Got to know her thru indecent ways. Talked to her and found out that she just started this job. <1wk. Was being force to work as she borrowed money to fund her uni studies. She was not able to repay the money fast enough and they force her to work.................
Bro. I dun think u are dumb... I think its always right to follow wat ur heart told u... But with a limit too.. How much do u know abt her? How trustable is her?? And u know her long enough... I was once caught in such encounter too.. Only difference is she wasn't a WL or not yet.. Cos she met me b4 making tat decision to sell or not to sell...
well, i'm really following my feelings at that time when i was helping her. She is already out of the scene... and now happily pursuing her studies. And I'm happy for her too.
Even when i told her that i'm going to bkk to look for her, she would tell me if too expensive don't go. As she knows I had burnt quite a big hole in my pocket. ahahah...
She know what is her priority in life. She needs to complete her studies and to find a good job. As she is the eldest in the family, she knows she has responsiblity towards her parents and siblings.
For me, i wont want to pressure her a lot, as its tiring for her to work and study at the same time. Moreover she dun leave with her parents and have to do the chores herself.
08-05-2005, 09:41 PM
This type of thing happens all the time.... Glad tat u are following ur feelings....
well, i'm really following my feelings at that time when i was helping her. She is already out of the scene... and now happily pursuing her studies. And I'm happy for her too.
Then i decided to help her as she only started out that "new" job. She declined my help initially and told me that I shld use the money for myself and she will settle her own problem. In the end, I still helped her with the loan and now she no longer needs to work there anymore. She was very happy and grateful to me that I had made her life more meaningful.
I never regretted helping her. Now, she is working in a reputable restaurant and studying too...
My qns to brudders here.... was i stupid in my act? To me, I never regretted helping her.
Good for you. End of the day, even if you cannot become tiraks (assuming dun make it), I believe you will remain friends for life, if not as a bro/sis relationship. This I say from my own experience as I walked a similar path before.
Good for you. End of the day, even if you cannot become tiraks (assuming dun make it), I believe you will remain friends for life, if not as a bro/sis relationship. This I say from my own experience as I walked a similar path before.
hi bro, yes i agree with u. at least now i know she is happy. of cos i do hope we will make it. hahaah.....
10-05-2005, 09:20 PM
1 qn.. about those passports done in yangoon etc, are those legit or done illegally ? in yangoon whree do i go and ask and get it done ?
and if my GF was a GL WL b4.. can she make and is it valid for her to come SG ?
You must get the reliable person to help you then the passport is legal and not so costly .
11-05-2005, 02:57 AM
brothers out there, pls correct me if i am wrong.i need some advice for my friend. My friend has a thai gf and he intend to bring her to s'pore to stay with him. So firstly,he should apply the passport for his gf and also for visa for entry into s' is the question,can he get it done in s'pore and if so,where can it be done? the visa can be done at the s'pore embassy and passport at the thai embassy izzit? How long can a visa last and how many times can it be extended? if his gf failed to get her PR even after they are married, does it mean that she has to go back to her country? Or is there any means for her to stay in s'pore? Like on social visit pass or wat? sorry for ignorance cos i know nothing bout this stuff and my friend is not educated as well, so no choice got to seek help from brothers out here. Hope kind brothers out there are willing to give help and advice.
Please read from start of thread.
Anyway, passport must be done personally. So if the girl is not in SG, how can she apply for her passport here?
To apply for a passport is easy in Thailand. The girlk must be at least 20 yrs old or else need her parents to endorse.
She can come on social visit and apply for PR. If PR not approve, just keep coming on social visit.
11-05-2005, 03:01 AM
The 4k sing is for Thai Non-Citizen passport and the 300-400USD is for Myanmr passport.
Not sure if my GF come to s'pore with Thai Non-Citizen Passport got any problem or not but i think I should face a lot more problem when applying PR status for her compare to if she hold a Myanmar passport.
There is no such thing as Thai non-citizen passport. It is actually for a fake passport for the burmese.
11-05-2005, 03:06 AM
1 qn.. about those passports done in yangoon etc, are those legit or done illegally ? in yangoon whree do i go and ask and get it done ?
and if my GF was a GL WL b4.. can she make and is it valid for her to come SG ?
According to my sister who has work in the SG embassy in yangon, making the burmese passport is not a problem and not expensive.
the expensive part is getting the visa to come to SG. Although the SG embassy does not charge much, the burmese need their authorities permission before they can apply thru our embassy. That's where the cost comes in. Cost differs from social visit to work permits to those getting married.
11-05-2005, 03:35 AM
hi everyone.... esp to Thaivisitor. :p
erm.. recently i know a thai gal in bkk... still doing her uni studies. Got to know her thru indecent ways. Talked to her and found out that she just started this job. <1wk. Was being force to work as she borrowed money to fund her uni studies. She was not able to repay the money fast enough and they force her to work.
Previously she was working in a reputable place. Got to know more information from her. She was quite hesitate to tell me as she feels shld be a secret to herself. But she finds me very very different from others, so she revealed to me. She was very frank with me. Can sense it. Though din know her for very long, but really had strong feelings with her.
Then i decided to help her as she only started out that "new" job. She declined my help initially and told me that I shld use the money for myself and she will settle her own problem. In the end, I still helped her with the loan and now she no longer needs to work there anymore. She was very happy and grateful to me that I had made her life more meaningful.
I never regretted helping her. Now, she is working in a reputable restaurant and studying too...
My qns to brudders here.... was i stupid in my act? To me, I never regretted helping her.
Different bros will advise you differently. So let me give you my 2 cents worth. I'm not giving any advises or opinions, just statements of facts but of course, there might be a minority which may deviate from these facts.
Thai girls are very good at charming foreigners, especially Singaporeans and Malaysians due to our culture that makes us soft hearted.
Many people have already been charmed by them and still do not realised that eventhough 3rd parties may see thru it and advise them accordingly, but always fail as when a person is in "love" no matter what you say, they won't listen.
Thai citizens, if they qualify for university can always get a loan from the government to further their studies. The loan is payable back after they completed their studies. There is no time limit for loan repayments and they pay as and when they have a job, etc. That is why the government is always "losing money" in these loans but they still lend it to those who wants it. So, even a poor thai can further his or her studies if they qualify.
Personal loans in Thailand, meaning loans from so called loan sharks, are not like in SG. First of all, money will only be loan out based on collectarals like house, cars, motorcycles, etc. Nobody will ever loan out money to anyone without any assets backing. Also, no loanshark will loan out money to strangers. That means they will only lend to those they know, like in the same village, city, town, etc. There is never any fixed period in repayments too. Many Thais just pay the interest monthly. Loansharks do not harassed anyone for repayments as most thais honor their debts. They may "review" and "repackage" the repayment. That is why you don't see any loanshark cases like those in SG, in the local thai newspaper.
Being forced to work to repay loans is a thing in the past. Those days brothels operate on this manner but the authorities have already step in. Any place that have a WL being forced to work to repay debts will be in trouble with the authorities and may be closed. So Owners of such places will never want to take such risks.
Many girls work as WLto feed their lifestyles. There are also those who work to repay debts, but definitely not study loans. Debts like those of parents or their personal debts like gambling, etc. Believe me, I know as I associate with many such girls while many guys do not.
I'm not saying your girl is not telling the truth, and some bros here will of course "side" with the girl eventhough they have not even met her. I'm just saying that many people have been conned by many thai girls who are experts in matters of the hearts and they are really very convincing. They always makes us feel "different" and "special", etc, etc. The people who have been conned or are being con by thai girls will never admit it. For them, their particular girl is always the different one, the one who is telling the truth, the one who is etc, etc and so on and so forth.
For you, anyway, what is done is done. It doesn't matter whether she is bluffing or telling the truth. As long as you feel comfortable about it, than it's fine. But I would suggest that you "see" her the way I "see" so that if she turns out the way I put it, at least you have no hard feelings. It's just like when I give to a beggar or a fake monk, I know the beggar/monk is not really a beggar/monk, probably some syndicate or con man. But I give knowing that so I have no quarrels with myself.
this is my 2 cents worth and I believe Bangkok Master can vouch for my observation.
11-05-2005, 11:34 AM
hi bro TV, how is your interview with the SHERINE?
11-05-2005, 12:25 PM
hi everyone.... esp to Thaivisitor.
erm.. recently i know a thai gal in bkk... still doing her uni studies. Got to know her thru indecent ways. Talked to her and found out that she just started this job. <1wk. Was being force to work as she borrowed money to fund her uni studies. She was not able to repay the money fast enough and they force her to work.
Previously she was working in a reputable place. Got to know more information from her. She was quite hesitate to tell me as she feels shld be a secret to herself. But she finds me very very different from others, so she revealed to me. She was very frank with me. Can sense it. Though din know her for very long, but really had strong feelings with her.
Then i decided to help her as she only started out that "new" job. She declined my help initially and told me that I shld use the money for myself and she will settle her own problem. In the end, I still helped her with the loan and now she no longer needs to work there anymore. She was very happy and grateful to me that I had made her life more meaningful.
I never regretted helping her. Now, she is working in a reputable restaurant and studying too...
My qns to brudders here.... was i stupid in my act? To me, I never regretted helping her.
Yes!! You've been stupid.
Sorry for been frank.
It's better to face the realilty than to blind by her Vodoo.
Listen to bro thaivisitor advices and move on.
Since you've already given out the money to her,take it as doing charity.
DON'T EVER go back and look for her again.
If not, next time round, you not only lose your pant but your heart too. :D
Bangkok Master
11-05-2005, 02:38 PM
Different bros will advise you differently. So let me give you my 2 cents worth. I'm not giving any advises or opinions, just statements of facts but of course, there might be a minority which may deviate from these facts.
this is my 2 cents worth and I believe Bangkok Master can vouch for my observation.
Steady Lah Bro, so long never online, once come back give solid solid advice huh........... :D
Bro Sacs, not need to feel bad cos I believe most Thailand players would had experienced this kind of shit before including myself so it's normal to pay school fees to learn from experience.
Just take it easy, remember what you want to do, do it with no regrets and make sure you're happy about it and that's it................I'm sure your life will be more happy...........Choke Dee Na Krub!
11-05-2005, 03:25 PM
hi bro TV, how is your interview with the SHERINE?
Have been quite busy. She was actually free during my last trip but I cock it up myself by forgetting to wake up in time. :(
Hi everyone,
firstly i wan to thank bros who commented to my thread. I'm open to all feedbacks and views. Thats why i'm here for.
I agree with bro Thaivisitor, the thai gals are good at captivating guys like me. bro, after her loan was paid off, she showed me a IOU. written in thai. which of cos i do not know what it means. well, she could have got it at the point of time when i was not with her and see went to pay her debts or it could be for real. I'm not sure.
bro bkkguy, heheeh.. u are too frank man. shoot all the way in my heart. aaha.. just joking. thanks for keeping my head clear and alert now.
Well, i din felt regretful after helping her. For now, almost 2 wks. no sms, no calls from her. Before that, i called her to clarify things, she told me she not the talkative kind and dun like to talk much. she prefers to be alone reading books and doing her own things.
Maybe she more of the introvert kind and likes to stay home most of the time and dun like to meet ppl. thats what she told me and she likes to slp alot. I told her, if she love someone else, just tell me and dun lie to me. she says she won't lie to me, cos she hate liers.
how true? i dunno. Well, why i'm telling you bros abt my situation is becos 3rd party does see things more clearly. When it comes to matters of heart, the person involve usually does not think straight.
So, any advices?? :) free feel to shoot! :p
kop khun khrap!
12-05-2005, 10:31 PM
Hi everyone,
I agree with bro Thaivisitor, the thai gals are good at captivating guys like me. bro, after her loan was paid off, she showed me a IOU.
Well, i din felt regretful after helping her. For now, almost 2 wks. no sms, no calls from her. Before that, i called her to clarify things, she told me she not the talkative kind and dun like to talk much. she prefers to be alone reading books and doing her own things.
Maybe she more of the introvert kind and likes to stay home most of the time and dun like to meet ppl. thats what she told me and she likes to slp alot. I told her, if she love someone else, just tell me and dun lie to me. she says she won't lie to me, cos she hate liers.
how true? i dunno. Well, why i'm telling you bros abt my situation is becos 3rd party does see things more clearly. When it comes to matters of heart, the person involve usually does not think straight.
So, any advices?? :) free feel to shoot! :p
kop khun khrap!
Hi bro
always visit and stay with her
always call her instead she call you
always visit her family
May be even she have your baby
If you can,t do it
I do not know the true
You do not l know the true
Unless you are very lucky man
She did'nt call you ,may be she was busy with her boy friend on the bed and you said she like to sleep a lot (with her boy friend)
All the girl will never tell lie to us ! ha! haha !
She only love you only .
She may paid the loan for her boy friend
So do as I said and find out the true
Your may refer to my case in the thread Hatyai after dark
To find out the true you must put in a lot of time ,energy and $$$
otherwise it is very difficult for you to play this game
I hope you not feel offended
15-05-2005, 12:15 AM
Hi everyone,
Well, i din felt regretful after helping her. For now, almost 2 wks. no sms, no calls from her. Before that, i called her to clarify things, she told me she not the talkative kind and dun like to talk much. she prefers to be alone reading books and doing her own things.
Maybe she more of the introvert kind and likes to stay home most of the time and dun like to meet ppl. thats what she told me and she likes to slp alot. I told her, if she love someone else, just tell me and dun lie to me. she says she won't lie to me, cos she hate liers.
how true? i dunno. Well, why i'm telling you bros abt my situation is becos 3rd party does see things more clearly. When it comes to matters of heart, the person involve usually does not think straight.
So, any advices?? free feel to shoot!
kop khun khrap!
Doesn't matter now if she's telling the truth or not. What is done cannot be undone. You already helped her, so let it be even if she cheated you.
You'll probably be going thru a few such cases before you wise up. This is life and these are Thai girls, if you know what I mean. :D
27-08-2005, 07:27 PM
Hi brothers,now that my friend problem is settled,i now personally have a problem and this has been affecting me for weeks. I have known this ger for quite some time(about a year now) and now we are planning for our marriage. She is from myammar (lives near the thai and myammar borders) but stayed in thailand for a very long time. i did some research on the net and found that it is more tedious to bring her to singapore as she is from myammar as compared to a thai nationality. As handphones are not allowed in myammar, it is hard to stay in contact with her once she is back to her homeland. Also, for myammar nationality, it is necessary to get a entry permit to enter sg. My question here is is it possible for her to change her nationality to thai using the legal way? She told me that to get a real thai identity needs about 12000 to 15000rm. Anyone can verify it? Also, i have never been to myammar before hence the fear is there to travel to myammar alone. Any brothers know what is the fastest means of transport from yangon to Shan state? i was told that it takes 3 hrs from chiangmai to travel to her hometown by bus but the borders are not always open hence i don't want to take the risk. Hope some brothers here can give me some advice... Really appreciate your help as i am going crazy soon thinking of how to go about doing it. Also, i am not having a high salary and $$ is a big problem to me.
28-08-2005, 05:09 PM
If your GF is staying near the Thai/Myanmar border, u can fly to Chiang Rai and took a taxi to MaeSai which is the Thai Border town. Air Asia fly to Chiang Rai from Bangkok. The Taxi Fare is 700 Baths. The MaeSai border open daily from aroung 9/10am (can't recall the actual time) till 6pm. You can go the Tachiliek from MaeSai easily. Can pay US$5 to get a day pass even without any visa. U can apply Myanmar visa at a cost of S$35 in S'pore
As to convert to Thai Citizen, I dun think so there is any legal way. Usually is thru the illegal method. Dun think worth the risk.
To fly from Yangon to Shan state will cost u US$96 one way (not worth it. thru Thai is cheaper).
You can apply the passport for her at Yangon and bring her to S'pore if you want to.
Let me know if u need info of getting the Myanmar passport.
29-08-2005, 11:50 AM
My question here is is it possible for her to change her nationality to thai using the legal way? She told me that to get a real thai identity needs about 12000 to 15000rm. Anyone can verify it?
She is lying.
There is no such thing that she can 'buy' a thai identity with money.
If she do it.Most properly is fake thai ID card.
FYI,myammar ppls need to apply for work permit in order to work in thailand.
If thai ID card can buy so easily, you think they still need to apply for work permit. ;)
29-08-2005, 08:45 PM
I think what she meant by "buying" the thai identity is thru the illegal way. But you need to have lobang inorder the get the identity. And might need long waiting time.
30-08-2005, 10:17 PM
i m not sure,but she says she has asked around and ppl told her its around that price to get an ic and it can be considered a geniune ic. She told me that taichilek can make passport? izzit true? Basically i know nothing about immigration thing, thats why i am so troubled. In myammar, handphones are not allowed, izzit true? i have heard from friends. In order for her to come to singapore, she needs a visa, how does she go around applying it? anything i can help her do in singapore to enable her application of her visa to be successful?i also heard that there is only one day visa given to visitors visiting taichilek and the authorities will hold on to your passport until you leave taichilek. Is it true? Sorry brothers if i asked too much, but i really do not know what to do and i really love her a lot. This problem is weighing me down day by day. hope brothers out there can help me, millions of thanks...
31-08-2005, 10:18 AM
As to convert to Thai Citizen, I dun think so there is any legal way. Usually is thru the illegal method. Dun think worth the risk. There are legal avenues, i.e UN political refugee status but I guess this option is not open to you
31-08-2005, 10:22 AM
She is lying.
There is no such thing that she can 'buy' a thai identity with money.
If she do it.Most properly is fake thai ID card.Many countries if you invest money than you can be PR and then citizen.
FYI,myammar ppls need to apply for work permit in order to work in thailand.
If thai ID card can buy so easily, you think they still need to apply for work permit. ;)Paying so much money for a ID card is not easy for them....
Da Ming
31-08-2005, 10:48 AM
Many countries if you invest money than you can be PR and then citizen.
Paying so much money for a ID card is not easy for them....
Talking about this Thai ID card i would like to share a true story about this
brudder from the old delphi forum. Sorry for not able to disclosed his nick.
during 1 of his numerous trips to LOS, she met and fell in love with a WL. After being together for few months, my friend planned to marry her and bring her back to Singland. Can see that this brudder really love her deeply.
Spent alot of $$ on her over the months such as allowance and gifts etc. This WL told him she didn't has a Thai ID card. As we know without ID Card how to apply for a passport. This gal tell him it will required about SDG12k-15k to make a new ID Card. After some thought, this brudder finally gave her this lump sum and with full of hope. Suddenly this gal disappeared for few days and uncontactable after received the $$...this brudder searching high and low for her. finally she appeared again and drop the bomb shell to him.
She still want to continue working as WL and decided not to come Singland....
This brudder really lost of words....pity him too :(
07-09-2005, 06:43 PM
Talking about this Thai ID card i would like to share a true story about this brudder from the old delphi forum.
Suddenly this gal disappeared for few days and uncontactable after received the $$...this brudder searching high and low for her. finally she appeared again and drop the bomb shell to him.
She still want to continue working as WL and decided not to come Singland....
This brudder really lost of words....pity him too
Happens all the time... not surprised to hear but always nice to hear again so I can remind myself not to trust the Thai too much... ;)
07-09-2005, 07:35 PM
Cheers mate.:)
Dun forget to post more movies hor. :p
07-09-2005, 09:26 PM
She told me that taichilek can make passport? izzit true? In myammar, handphones are not allowed, izzit true? In order for her to come to singapore, she needs a visa, how does she go around applying it? i also heard that there is only one day visa given to visitors visiting taichilek and the authorities will hold on to your passport until you leave taichilek. Is it true?
Like I said earlier, you can spend money on getting the geniune IC in the illegal way. I do not want to elaborate much on this as it does not worth the risk.
As for applying the passport, the ONLY location is Yangon. HP is allowed in Myanmar but it depend on the location as the reception there is very bad especially the country site and the cost is expensive. My GF is still holding the Thailand line and call me from the border.
You can apply the Visa from the Myanmar Embassy in S'pore. Cost $35 for 1 month. Day visa can also get from the Myanmar custom at Tachiliek and cost US$5 and the custom will hold your PP till you leave.
08-09-2005, 10:16 AM
[QUOTE=bikee69]Like I said earlier, you can spend money on getting the geniune IC in the illegal way. I do not want to elaborate much on this as it does not worth the risk.
Can a fake thai ID card get your a geniune thai passport ??
Might as well go get a fake thai passport.
Kao san road plentiful. :D
09-09-2005, 12:17 AM
Can a fake thai ID card get your a geniune thai passport ??
You can try it out and let us know the result :p
09-09-2005, 01:26 AM
She is lying.
There is no such thing that she can 'buy' a thai identity with money.
If she do it.Most properly is fake thai ID card.
FYI,myammar ppls need to apply for work permit in order to work in thailand.
If thai ID card can buy so easily, you think they still need to apply for work permit. ;)
Yeah, myanmar is a army country. So many myanmese want to get out of myanmar and work overseas but it is very very very hard unless you belong to the rich.
09-09-2005, 01:56 AM
In order for her to come to singapore, she needs a visa, how does she go around applying it? anything i can help her do in singapore to enable her application of her visa to be successful?i also heard that there is only one day visa given to visitors visiting taichilek and the authorities will hold on to your passport until you leave taichilek. Is it true? ...
Most of your questions already answered.
Why don't you PM to bro MachoDevil X as he has gone thru the process of applying for a passport and visa for his girl (also from Tachilek) at Yangon?
He has also gone to Tachilek to meet his girl, flew from there to Yangon to do the passport thing, etc, etc.
He should be the best person now to seek advise as his was only done a couple of months back.
The important thing is that you go there yourself to make sure thnigs are done and not send money for her to do herself, in case after you sent the money, both she and money disappeared.
09-09-2005, 02:12 AM
Why don't you PM to bro MachoDevil X as he has gone thru the process of applying for a passport and visa for his girl (also from Tachilek) at Yangon?
He has also gone to Tachilek to meet his girl, flew from there to Yangon to do the passport thing, etc, etc.
He should be the best person now to seek advise as his was only done a couple of months back.
Ya, you are right but his GF is from Khiang Tung lah, not Tachiliek.
Bro Jackdaniel80 you can also PM me if you want to for the application of the Myanmar PP as I am the other one beside Bro MachoDevil X that going thru all the hassle and will be going to Yangon again in 2 wks time to collect my GF PP :D
Right now is not so difficult for them to get their PP liao compare to 2 yrs back and the cost is not really that high. You definitely can afford that.
18-09-2005, 05:28 PM
After hearing so many brothers' advice, decide to make a trip down to tachilek next month. Btw, i have been searching high and low for tachilek map but can't find it. Any brothers here know where i can get it? I am afraid if my gal suddenly turns her back on me, i will be totally lost in a unknown land. Also, one brother has posted that the myammar custom will hold on to my passport until i leave tachilek. Is it safe to leave my passport with the myammar custom? i am going to a land that i have near been before and undoubtly, there are fears. Passport is the most important thing to a traveller and i have worries if i leave my passport with the custom.
19-09-2005, 02:08 PM
I have known this ger for quite some time(about a year now) and now we are planning for our marriage.
I am afraid if my gal suddenly turns her back on me, i will be totally lost in a unknown land.
i think you better dun go lah...............
25-03-2007, 05:44 PM
To all Bros who share,
Thx 4 d info. :)
26-03-2007, 12:53 AM
Happens all the time... not surprised to hear but always nice to hear again so I can remind myself not to trust the Thai too much... ;)
This is not a problem with the thais.. its the WL thingy.. we all know that WL shld not be trusted so easily.. Thai ladies are generally better than average singapore ladies, in terms of moral character.
30-04-2007, 10:04 PM
This is not a problem with the thais.. its the WL thingy.. we all know that WL shld not be trusted so easily.. Thai ladies are generally better than average singapore ladies, in terms of moral character.
I agree with u on the character thingy.
Sin women are damn dao... and bitchy....
30-04-2007, 10:17 PM
I got a question to ask all who knows...
If a thai girl agrees to marry you could it be a scam for money as in sinsot and gold or the real (love you) deal? :D
Do Ex-WL take marriage seriously?
01-05-2007, 06:57 PM
I got a question to ask all who knows...
If a thai girl agrees to marry you could it be a scam for money as in sinsot and gold or the real (love you) deal? :D
Do Ex-WL take marriage seriously?
All WL are human beings, i know that they are in this situation coz they have no choice. They do make sacrifices for their families and love ones. This i y admire them alot, not like the Sin women. I already lost track of how many "C"s....
High till Dry
01-05-2007, 07:07 PM
Think get thai gals who wants to settle down (usually late 20s & above)
For those that are young and still wants to make tonnes of $$, we can give a miss....
01-05-2007, 08:07 PM
All WL are human beings, i know that they are in this situation coz they have no choice. They do make sacrifices for their families and love ones. This i y admire them alot, not like the Sin women. I already lost track of how many "C"s....
Hey, are you in the mist of preparing something? :D
01-05-2007, 08:16 PM
Hey, are you in the mist of preparing something? :D
Got meh ?? :D
01-05-2007, 09:52 PM
Think get thai gals who wants to settle down (usually late 20s & above)
For those that are young and still wants to make tonnes of $$, we can give a miss....If still young but willing to give up making tonnes of $, can proceed? :D
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