View Full Version : how do u masturbate?
27-01-2005, 12:03 PM
heheh hi folkzx thought it wld be nice to share my mast exp wif u hehehe...n plz share ur wif me heh
i firzt dizcovered mastin when i was 16, after i lozt me v. actuallit i was an accidental thing i dizcovered...i was touchin myslef on the bed one dae wif nothing to do...den i found my clit...den i was wonderin wat was dat...n i touch it...den after touchin i got high...den i continue to rubba rubba...the feelin was darn nice....could feel me pussy tightening ...i wanted to njoy da sensation longer so i controlled my pussy until when i felt i could not control nemore...den i reach orgasm....could feel me pussy tightenin n expaning rapidly...da feelin darn shiok...
after i brought a vibrator...i realized a vibrator could make reach orgasm faster...put the vibrator on my clit n rub it...
one of my ex partner made m mast in front of him wif the vibrator...vibratin me clit...n when i was darn high...he thursted his errected cock into me n started pumpin me. soon i reach orgasm wif hiz cock still pumpin me...darn shiok ha ha
27-01-2005, 12:12 PM
good FR on urself! :eek:
MAn usually use hand or else use bras, g-strings or panties etc. After back from BKK, I get hard on easily for nothing. :p
27-01-2005, 12:13 PM
good FR on urself! :eek:
wanna try it? ha ha ha...juz kiddin ...rofl
27-01-2005, 12:14 PM
keke......since u start the thread.....allow me to share what i have learnt online (sorry definitely in theory only)...........keke....enjoy
Direct clitoral stimulation:
Rolling, rolling, rolling – ok, for this technique you need to place your thumb and forefinger around the clitoris and gently roll it in between your fingers. You can start off with a slow gentle roll and then gradually pick up the pace and the pressure according to what feels good to you.
Circular rub – I generally find that if I am in a hurry this technique works wonders. Just take your first two fingers from either hand and place them over top of you clitoris. Then begin moving them in a circular motion over top of the clitoris. You can vary the speed and pressure easily with this technique. I find that if I use this one I can reach orgasm in under a minute. If you want to change the feel slightly just add your favorite lube and everything becomes very slippery.
Tapping – This technique is a little different and it’s not for everyone, as with anything some things will work for some people and not for others. For this one I use my left hand to pull the pussy lips back out of the way so that the clitoris is very exposed. Then with my index finger on my right hand I lightly begin tapping the fingertip gently on the clitoris. It results in a very delicious sensation that builds to a point where you just can’t hold it back anymore.
Combination – There is nothing that gets me wetter faster than using a combination of both hands. Have your fingers from one hand playing with your clitoris, stimulating it however you wish. Take the other hand and place two or three fingers inside your vagina and begin thrusting. Basically you’re simulating intercourse with this action and it works rather nicely in tandem with the clitoral stimulation and can bring you to a rocking orgasm!
Water is your friend. It can be used in a multitude of ways to get you off! Try these out. Please avoid sending strong streams of water directly into your vagina as that can be potentially dangerous.
Running Water – I’m sure you’ve all stuck your hands under the water flow when you’re filling the tub for your bath to check the temperature of the water. Now, just imagine that same water flow landing on your clitoris. It’s a wild feeling. This is the first way that I ever got off, before I even realized what it was that it was doing. The only thing you need for this one is some time and a bathtub. Hopefully your bathtub will be shaped properly so that you can slide your butt down against the end of the tub and position yourself so that the water flow will land on your clitoris. It’s best to start of with a lighter water flow and gradually work up to a higher pressure flow. Make sure that you test the warmth of the water before sticking your pussy under it, wouldn’t want to get scalded in that area!
Water Spray – this on is just a bit of a variation on the one above. In this instance just place your thumb or finger over the faucet and then direct the spray so that it falls directly on your clitoris.
Shower Massage – this is a great one if you’ve got one of those Shower Massage devices because you can pick whether it pulses or comes out in a steady spray. There are many options. You’ll have to experiment with them to see what works best for you. Here again, you can adjust the pressure and temperature of the spray to whatever you’d like them to be. I’ve found on occasion that using cold water produces a different feeling than the warm water.
Vibrators are handy little gadgets and in my opinion every woman should have one tucked away in a drawer for those moments when you really need it. Vibrators are primarily used for clitoral stimulation but can also be used vaginally or anally if you prefer. You can try different combinations out to see which you like best.
Clit rub – Vibrators are great for clitoral control since you can change alter the speed of the vibration easily and bring yourself to the edge and then slow it down again. Pressure is a key factor as well. You may also want to try rubbing the vibrator over your inner thighs and around your pussy lips and even up over your nipples. Masturbation doesn’t have to be confined to just the clitoral area. Dildos:
A good dildo will provide you with hours of entertainment for when you’re going solo or even when you’ve got a partner to play with. It’s well worth the money to spend and get a good one that’s going to last for a long time. You want to make sure that the surface is easily cleaned. Some of the latex ones had pores in them which made them very difficult to keep clean. There’s some really cool gel dildos on the market these days. Check out your local love shop and see what they have to offer. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
External Stimulation – using the dildo on the outside of your body is probably the easiest way to do things to start off with. Here are a couple of ideas to get you started, first of all apply some lube to the dildo and lay it flat on a hard chair. Then if you position yourself above it and sit down so that the dildo runs the full length from the crack of your ass all the way up to your clit and slide yourself back and forth on it. This will provide all kinds of stimulation.
Head – You can also use the head of the dildo, it’s shaped pretty much like the real thing, and rub it against your clitoris. By applying pressure and moving the head over your clitoris in an up and down or circular motion you can provide great stimulation to the clit. The more pressure you apply the faster you will come. On the other hand just using light pressure will take you longer to reach the climax but the result will be a more intense orgasm. For better control, you may find it easier to use two hands to grip the dildo.
Internal Stimulation – The dildo also does a wonderful job when inserted into the vagina as well. Such a multipurpose kind of toy. One of the things you need to consider is the size of your dildo, it doesn’t have to be a huge monster to be effective. Simply find one that is wide enough to be snug inside your vagina and longer than what you need to insert as you have to have something to hold onto. Find a comfortable position to be in while you play. Insert the dildo into your vagina and then begin moving it in an in and out fashion. Depth of the thrusts is entirely dependent on how you feel, and the sensation will be different at different depths. Once you’ve established a bit of a rhythm start rubbing or stroking your clitoris in time with the strokes. If you want something a little different try positioning the dildo so that when it moves in and out it will pull a bit and stimulate the clitoris that way.
Double Up – Dildos come in many shapes and flavors so you can get whatever you’d like. You might want to consider purchasing a dual dildo. This will enable you to insert one end into your vagina and the other end into your anus. This way you have double the thrusting pleasure while you stimulate your clit. You can also combine the use of a vibrator in one spot and a dildo in the other. If you were feeling adventurous you could place a vibrating butt plug in your anus and a vibrator in your vagina and stimulate your clit with your fingers. The combinations are only limited by your imagination.
Odds N Ends:
Accessories – Some are other accessories that you would have lying around the house that can provide some interesting stimulation are pieces of furniture and cushions or pillows. An ottoman works nicely for example if you position yourself over it so that a corner of it pushes on your clitoris when you move back and forth. For an extra buzz, trying lifting your hands and feet off the ground when you cum. I haven’t personally tried this although it’s supposed to give you the feeling of flying
Thigh Squeeze – There are women out there who can achieve orgasm by simply squeezing or rubbing their thighs together. This stimulates the clitoris indirectly. It would be a great skill to have, then if you were out in public and found yourself getting horny you could just take care of it by squeezing your thighs together, no one would be any the wiser, except maybe those people who are reading this. So the next time you see a woman with her legs crossing and perhaps kicking her foot to hide the fact that she’s grinding her thighs together you’ll have to wonder what she’s really doing. This technique will take a bit of practice to get it down to a fine art, but that’s half the fun of learning new stuff is the practice. When you masturbate at home, make it a habit to press your thighs together when you have an orgasm. After you’ve done this a few times it will become second nature to you. Once you’ve mastered this then try pressing your thighs together when you’re ready to orgasm and won’t be able to stop it but haven’t actually climaxed yet. Take your hands away and leave it to your legs to ride yourself over the top. This isn’t going to work instantly, you may have a few attempt that die painfully but eventually it will all come together and you will be pleased with the results. Sooner or later with the help of fantasy and association you should be able to proceed using only your thighs from earlier and earlier in the masturbation. Sounds like fun to me!
27-01-2005, 12:15 PM
erm.. seems like reading FHM.. lol
27-01-2005, 12:16 PM
i tink i m veri perverted since pr sch...when i was pr 5 i started to think about being cloze to guyz n den i would squeeze my thighz together.....perverted kid rite? i din even watch porn b4 dat time n i was in ger sch i tink in my last life i muz haf been a horny fella
27-01-2005, 12:17 PM
u really so horny ah.. wow.. luckily man!
27-01-2005, 12:18 PM
ya lor...dammit...i tink i alreadi polluted when i was a kid...but funny i in all ger sch leh
27-01-2005, 12:19 PM
do u noe yingying fr 4J?
27-01-2005, 12:20 PM
??? sound familiar...she'z in dance society at st nick ar...if she iz den i noe her by face...but never talk to her. y? newae dun talk to me nething about st nickz i hate that sch. thank u :mad:
27-01-2005, 12:22 PM
i tink i m veri perverted since pr sch...when i was pr 5 i started to think about being cloze to guyz n den i would squeeze my thighz together.....perverted kid rite? i din even watch porn b4 dat time n i was in ger sch i tink in my last life i muz haf been a horny fella
din know gals have high sex drives at such a young age... :eek:
27-01-2005, 12:22 PM
i am her ma.. kekeke :p
27-01-2005, 12:28 PM
??? sound familiar...she'z in dance society at st nick ar...if she iz den i noe her by face...but never talk to her. y? newae dun talk to me nething about st nickz i hate that sch. thank u :mad:
I love that school... my first love is from there.... sigh..... :(
i am her ma.. kekeke :p
huh? you are ... yingying fr 4J? :confused:
27-01-2005, 12:31 PM
i am her ma.. kekeke :p
arrr.. xiao jie.. u do FL?? how much huh? :)
27-01-2005, 12:31 PM
what?! got so many alumna here ah??
what?! got so many alumna here ah??
you female meh? ... wow lau, I must ask a list of female samsters from MDX liao .. :o
27-01-2005, 12:35 PM
looks like i choose the right avatar liao.. kekeke :p
What is alumna har..... :confused:
looks like i choose the right avatar liao.. kekeke :p
I remember you last time got ask me how come my 'reputation box' soooo long 1 hor? :p
See no road catch no ball :confused:
27-01-2005, 12:40 PM
I remember you last time got ask me how come my 'location box' soooo long 1 hor? :p
uncle, not going for lunch? on diet?
What is alumna har..... :confused:
校 友 会 :)
27-01-2005, 12:41 PM
I remember you last time got ask me how come my 'location box' soooo long 1 hor? :p
ya lor.. i noe u got a huge capacity ma.. kekeke.. i go koon liao!
uncle, not going for lunch? on diet?
go now ... :)
27-01-2005, 12:58 PM
you female meh? ... wow lau, I must ask a list of female samsters from MDX liao ..
Hahaha... Uncle, Good suggestion... Maybe I can start consolidating a list... But recently didn't meet up with any female samsters since I have just recovered from chicken pox a month ago... Still got some left-over scars and look damn aweful... :(
Btw, I don't have female-detector leh... I think Bro Foolish is better at sensing female entity.... Long time didn't see him active in the forum... :D
I think Bro Foolish is better at sensing female entity.... Long time didn't see him active in the forum... :D
Nih now hia ... Thv ask me to ask you ..
Re: Forum littered with broken promises
Originally Posted by DNAT
eh ... female samster? didn't know until today ... hehe
you serious ah?
KNN, better ask bro MDX put all the female samsters' nicks in his signature for all to know lah...
.. you push to ah fool .. :confused:
27-01-2005, 01:08 PM
one of my ex partner made m mast in front of him wif the vibrator...vibratin me clit...n when i was darn high...he thursted his errected cock into me n started pumpin me. soon i reach orgasm wif hiz cock still pumpin me...darn shiok ha ha
So u wan to try dat again ... I'm sure many samsters here willing to help :D
27-01-2005, 01:21 PM
i am her ma.. kekeke
nice try... but me pichia yr lobang to her liao.... :p
27-01-2005, 01:32 PM
Nih now hia ... Thv ask me to ask you ..
Re: Forum littered with broken promises
Originally Posted by DNAT
KNN, better ask bro MDX put all the female samsters' nicks in his signature for all to know lah...
.. you push to ah fool ..
Kekeke... Didn't saw that post... Pai Seh...
Actually I am not that sure on who is female also lah.. Just get to know a couple of them only.... Now tone down already... :D
I remember Ah Fool keep on asking me stuffs on UG mah... That's why have to bring him into this thread...
27-01-2005, 03:05 PM
heheh hi folkzx thought it wld be nice to share my mast exp wif u hehehe...n plz share ur wif me heh
i firzt dizcovered mastin when i was 16, after i lozt me v. actuallit i was an accidental thing i dizcovered...i was touchin myslef on the bed one dae wif nothing to do...den i found my clit...den i was wonderin wat was dat...n i touch it...den after touchin i got high...den i continue to rubba rubba...the feelin was darn nice....could feel me pussy tightening ...i wanted to njoy da sensation longer so i controlled my pussy until when i felt i could not control nemore...den i reach orgasm....could feel me pussy tightenin n expaning rapidly...da feelin darn shiok...
after i brought a vibrator...i realized a vibrator could make reach orgasm faster...put the vibrator on my clit n rub it...
one of my ex partner made m mast in front of him wif the vibrator...vibratin me clit...n when i was darn high...he thursted his errected cock into me n started pumpin me. soon i reach orgasm wif hiz cock still pumpin me...darn shiok ha ha
Nice the person inside you??
27-01-2005, 03:27 PM
looks like i choose the right avatar liao.. kekeke :p
dun try to fool the people here....Actblur saw u b4. u r a guy from nus..and a veri shy one
27-01-2005, 03:32 PM
dun try to fool the people here....Actblur saw u b4. u r a guy..and a veri shy one
errr... i thk no good to pichia his lobang like where he from lah.... mayb u can edit it??
btw how's yr driving?? ;)
27-01-2005, 03:34 PM
errr... i thk no good to pichia his lobang like where he from lah.... mayb u can edit it??
btw how's yr driving?? ;)
goin on to lesson 6....hahaha not bad. after being stuck at lesson 4 for so mani lessons...yayz
27-01-2005, 03:38 PM
goin on to lesson 6....hahaha not bad. after being stuck at lesson 4 for so mani lessons...yayz
wa... pass 1 time again ;)
u not such a slow learner afterall :D
27-01-2005, 03:41 PM
wa... pass 1 time again ;)
u not such a slow learner afterall :D
hahahah yo like da feel of my boobs bro actblur? hahahhaha
27-01-2005, 03:42 PM
hahahah yo like da feel of my boobs bro actblur? hahahhaha
Haha Bro Actblur...Wah u Really Act blur leh! Act so fast without inforrming mi? Haha :p
27-01-2005, 03:44 PM
Haha Bro Actblur...Wah u Really Act blur leh! Act so fast without inforrming mi? Haha :p
hahahah jus ask him to help massage me boobs dat's alll we din do nething farnie for god's sake
27-01-2005, 03:45 PM
hahahah yo like da feel of my boobs bro actblur? hahahhaha
wa... nice, firm and quite a handful.... :p
but feeling guilty lor......
27-01-2005, 03:46 PM
hahahah jus ask him to help massage me boobs dat's alll we din do nething farnie for god's sake
Dun worry i dun mean anything my Ger... Why get so worked up? Pms huh? :p
27-01-2005, 03:47 PM
Haha Bro Actblur...Wah u Really Act blur leh! Act so fast without inforrming mi? Haha
no lah, pass b'day present mah.... then aiya... dun know what to say lah... :(
wan mi to massage for u for your 1 yr in SB?? :D
27-01-2005, 03:48 PM
Dun worry i dun mean anything my Ger... Why get so worked up? Pms huh? :p
hahaha nope i guess i did not haf lunch...n i now m grouchy becoz i hungry
27-01-2005, 03:51 PM
no lah, pass b'day present mah.... then aiya... dun know what to say lah...
wan mi to massage for u for your 1 yr in SB?? :D
I wan a Massage but not by you leh Bro! Going to Bring me to which Hc? Need mi to Read up some FR before We Set Off? :p
27-01-2005, 03:51 PM
hahaha nope i guess i did not haf lunch...n i now m grouchy becoz i hungry
then quick quick go and have yr lunch.... else later cannot gain weight again..
a hungry person is an angry person... :p
27-01-2005, 03:52 PM
hahaha nope i guess i did not haf lunch...n i now m grouchy becoz i hungry
Then Can u pls go and take ur lunch? Oh My God u already So Thin liao... U still dun wan to eat huh? Wah dun tell mi going on a diet huh?
27-01-2005, 03:52 PM
interesting writeup of a sexual awakening :)
27-01-2005, 03:53 PM
he is good at massagin me boobs...feel so comfy after dat go home me go n seh le hahahaha :D
27-01-2005, 03:53 PM
I wan a Massage but not by you leh Bro! Going to Bring to which Hc? Need mi to Read up some FR before We Set Off?
how abt JB Roman Spa?? I like that place much :p very big spa pool leh...
2day i'm free cos not miting gf.... :D
27-01-2005, 03:54 PM
Then Can u pls go and take ur lunch? Oh My God u already So Thin liao... U still dun wan to eat huh? Wah dun tell mi going on a diet huh?
oei :mad: dun sae i tink hor i hate pple saein i m skinny. i will eat la...but i in sch now once i go off pple sure come n use comp....heck.i tink i goin to eat at around 5 ba
27-01-2005, 03:55 PM
how abt JB Roman Spa?? I like that place much :p very big spa pool leh...
2day i'm free cos not miting gf....
Haha Attack to Overseas liao huh? Gf no ard liao notti notti liao so fast? :p
27-01-2005, 03:56 PM
he is good at massagin me boobs...feel so comfy after dat go home me go n seh le hahahaha
thanks for the compliment ;)
dun think will have the chance and will nvr do it again cos yr like a friend... dun want to do anything hanky panky with friend...
27-01-2005, 03:56 PM
oei :mad: dun sae i tink hor i hate pple saein i m skinny. i will eat la...but i in sch now once i go off pple sure come n use comp....heck.i tink i goin to eat at around 5 ba
That time for dinner liao lor! u might as well tell mi u going to save it for supper? =X
27-01-2005, 03:58 PM
thanks for the compliment ;)
dun think will have the chance and will nvr do it again cos yr like a friend... dun want to do anything hanky panky with friend...
hahahah...or i not nice enuff ? :rolleyes: understand understand...we talk in da forum ar next time? dun meet le den we be virtual friendsss
27-01-2005, 03:59 PM
That time for dinner liao lor! u might as well tell mi u going to save it for supper? =X
i will makan my dinner at around 9
27-01-2005, 04:01 PM
Haha Attack to Overseas liao huh? Gf no ard liao notti notti liao so fast?
your 1 yr mah so must give face lor... :D or another place will be lexon spa lor... me like place with nice spa pool.... ;)
ug, mayb take some snack lor...
27-01-2005, 04:04 PM
later. i will EAT ALOT ALOT ALOT ... :mad: me pissed off le n when i moody i eat LOADS OF rice
27-01-2005, 04:04 PM
hahahah...or i not nice enuff ? understand understand...we talk in da forum ar next time? dun meet le den we be virtual friendsss
no lah... TP guys is taking queue number for u leh... :D
we can mit up for tcss rite?? ;)
27-01-2005, 04:05 PM
later. i will EAT ALOT ALOT ALOT ... me pissed off le n when i moody i eat LOADS OF rice
yr fav food... rice :p
27-01-2005, 04:06 PM
your 1 yr mah so must give face lor... :D or another place will be lexon spa lor... me like place with nice spa pool....
ug, mayb take some snack lor...
Dun worry will have the chance de lar! u scared no chance mah bro? Still waiting for u to drive mi ard in ur nice nice car leh! :D
27-01-2005, 04:09 PM
no lah... TP guys is taking queue number for u leh... :D
we can mit up for tcss rite??
wat queue no? i up the mOUNTAIN ALREADI LA :mad:
27-01-2005, 04:10 PM
Dun worry will have the chance de lar! u scared no chance mah bro? Still waiting for u to drive mi ard in ur nice nice car leh!
no problem bro, keep me update lor. Forgot u might be working 2nite.... :D
27-01-2005, 04:11 PM
wat queue no? i up the mOUNTAIN ALREADI LA
Which mountain?? then we tcss there lor?? :D
27-01-2005, 04:13 PM
Which mountain?? then we tcss there lor?? :D
Wah but i dun like to climb mountain leh! how leh lidat? or the mountain is MT Faber there is it? Haha ya i know 1 cafe there very nice de! Dun need Climb also! :p
27-01-2005, 04:14 PM
Which mountain?? then we tcss there lor?? :D
jus leave ME ALONE ON THE MOUNTAIN...DUN COME and look for me :mad: ugly pple like me should go up to the moutain to hide away from civilisation
27-01-2005, 04:19 PM
i oso ugly.. can i join u bro? :D
27-01-2005, 04:22 PM
i oso ugly.. can i join u bro? :D
no there is onli room for one ugly person u haf to move to another mountain. this mountain is occupied by ME
27-01-2005, 04:22 PM
leave ME ALONE ON THE MOUNTAIN...DUN COME and look for me ugly pple like me should go up to the moutain to hide away from civilisation
who say u ugly??? btw mountain no battery leh... :D
Wah but i dun like to climb mountain leh! how leh lidat? or the mountain is MT Faber there is it? Haha ya i know 1 cafe there very nice de! Dun need Climb also!
nvrmind me can pick u up and we go together.... ;)
27-01-2005, 04:25 PM
[QUOTE=actblur]who say u ugly??? btw mountain no battery leh... :D
NVM LA....NOBODI APPRECIATES ME NEWAE...I' ll jus let it rot...
27-01-2005, 04:28 PM
no there is onli room for one ugly person u haf to move to another mountain. this mountain is occupied by ME
ok.. i go to the mountain next to urs.. :o
27-01-2005, 04:42 PM
NVM LA....NOBODI APPRECIATES ME NEWAE...I' ll jus let it rot...
sigh... xiao mei angry again... :(
ok.. i go to the mountain next to urs..
bro, look like u know that persistent is the key to success :D
27-01-2005, 04:44 PM
Nobodi appreciates me la! :mad:
27-01-2005, 04:45 PM
bro, look like u know that persistent is the key to success :D
hahha.. trying to learn how to have thick skin and the energizer bunny spirit! :D
27-01-2005, 04:45 PM
Who doesn't? u gotta love urself too.. Can't keep on hating urself..
Nobodi appreciates me la! :mad:
27-01-2005, 04:46 PM
Nobodi appreciates me la!
everybody will, just me won't k?? happy?? :mad:
27-01-2005, 04:48 PM
[QUOTE=actblur]everybody will, just me won't k?? happy?? QUOTE]
ya la ya la.....i seriousli should consider whether i should still remain a ger. :mad: last straw...i confirm no wan be ger le :mad:
27-01-2005, 04:48 PM
welcome to the brotherhood :D
27-01-2005, 04:49 PM
hahha.. trying to learn how to have thick skin and the energizer bunny spirit!
hahaha... totally agreed!! That's how we guys get gals :D
27-01-2005, 04:50 PM
welcome to the brotherhood :D
Haha Nice 1 Bro oxilary... So when going to jio Bro UG for next ktv session? Haha :D
27-01-2005, 04:51 PM
welcome to the brotherhood :D
thanks. i made up my mind to go for sex operation. but it will be in the future now no money and my mum will kill me. once nobodi guan wo le i m goin to change my gender :mad:
27-01-2005, 04:53 PM
Haha Nice 1 Bro oxilary... So when going to jio Bro UG for next ktv session? Haha
yahor, me oso forgot she like to watch guys going into action in ktv leh... :D
27-01-2005, 04:53 PM
why do u wanna chg ur gender..i am sure not all the nice man all dead rite? there are still some nice men around...pity for u...hope to help u..but pls dun do anything foolish k? :) cheer up on life gal!
27-01-2005, 04:54 PM
yahor, me oso forgot she like to watch guys going into action in ktv leh... :D
not interested le...dun jio me out for nething. I jus want to be ALONE :mad:
27-01-2005, 04:55 PM
dun need sex op one lar..
guys turn to gals need lar.. gals turn to guys.. just butch lors..
gal rubba rubba with gal still feel song..
27-01-2005, 04:56 PM
why do u wanna chg ur gender..i am sure not all the nice man all dead rite? there are still some nice men around...pity for u...hope to help u..but pls dun do anything foolish k? :) cheer up on life gal!
she's made up her mind.. let's all respect uglyger bro's decision
evrione deserves the freedom of choice :)
27-01-2005, 04:57 PM
YA I wan to become a guy n take revenge on all guys by snatchin their gers :mad:
27-01-2005, 05:00 PM
YA I wan to become a guy n take revenge on all guys by snatchin their gers
wa...... but rem to practice safe sex hor... ;)
27-01-2005, 05:01 PM
YA I wan to become a guy n take revenge on all guys by snatchin their gers :mad:
Haha then make sure u train urself to be more fit 1st ok? maybe u will look better than! :p
27-01-2005, 05:02 PM
YA I wan to become a guy n take revenge on all guys by snatchin their gers :mad:
ambitious.. den u can do ur master plan on the mountain while u wait for the op.. cheers :)
27-01-2005, 05:02 PM
wa...... but rem to practice safe sex hor... ;)
no one appreciates me as a point remainin a ger. tired of it :mad:
i wan to fuk ur ger the first thing i become a guy
27-01-2005, 05:05 PM
no one appreciates me as a point remainin a ger. tired of it i wan to fuk ur ger the first thing i become a guy
isit.... ??
sigh... then who talk to u until 4am and need to work next day for the past week?? wake up lah....
27-01-2005, 05:07 PM
isit.... ??
sigh... then who talk to u until 4am and need to work next day for the past week?? wake up lah....
:mad: sorry la. i goin to die world is not worth living on hate this world newae c u all
27-01-2005, 05:09 PM
:mad: sorry la. i goin to die world is not worth living on hate this world newae c u all
now the mountain was ok.. but
the world is not worth living.. of cos it's not worth living. It's existence is worthy only becos of you living.. Remember that..
27-01-2005, 05:13 PM
now the mountain was ok.. but
the world is not worth living.. of cos it's not worth living. It's existence is worthy only becos of you living.. Remember that..
yea rite. no one likes me...n i dun like this world. i live on for wat. might as well go die n donate my organs better :mad:
27-01-2005, 05:15 PM
yea rite. no one likes me...n i dun like this world. i live on for wat. might as well go die n donate my organs better :mad:
come come.. i rikes u.. i dunch mind having another younger sister or younger brother for dat instance.. but dun think u wud like that idea.. :D
anywaes suicide is a crime! dun break the law
27-01-2005, 05:18 PM
come come.. i rikes u.. i dunch mind having another younger sister or younger brother for dat instance.. but dun think u wud like that idea.. :D
anywaes suicide is a crime! dun break the law
27-01-2005, 05:20 PM
well.. you die in peace only when you die of natural cause.. u can rail/rant or watever.. at me. i still say it ain't ur time to go babe..
27-01-2005, 05:21 PM
well.. you die in peace only when you die of natural cause.. u can rail/rant or watever.. at me. i still say it ain't ur time to go babe..
27-01-2005, 05:23 PM
chill.. i was on the brink of dat.. even went to try anti depressants.. absolutely no fugging use.. i pulled myself back in time w/ no help at all. cos' nobody cared? Well.. u still have urself to love..
Hey family cares.. even if they don't.. and maybe nobody absolutely cares for now.. there would be someone in the future.. don't deny them of that chance..
27-01-2005, 05:25 PM
chill.. i was on the brink of dat.. even went to try anti depressants.. absolutely no fugging use.. i pulled myself back in time w/ no help at all. cos' nobody cared? Well.. u still have urself to love..
Hey family cares.. even if they don't.. and maybe nobody absolutely cares for now.. there would be someone in the future.. don't deny them of that chance..
27-01-2005, 05:29 PM
chill.. babe, don't think u wanna be foaming at ur mouth..
calm down.. stop thinking!
27-01-2005, 05:31 PM
chill.. babe, don't think u wanna be foaming at ur mouth..
calm down.. stop thinking!
27-01-2005, 05:35 PM
hrms.. just hope you give it a 2nd thought lors.. good luck.
27-01-2005, 05:37 PM
hrms.. just hope you give it a 2nd thought lors.. good luck.
Uglyger = mati ? :D
27-01-2005, 05:38 PM
Uglyger = mati ? :D
lol.. dunno. Uglyger = gila? :D
27-01-2005, 05:40 PM
lol.. dunno. Uglyger = gila? :D
Too much studying liao perharps, she just depressed sometimes, and sometimes she is fine. :D
27-01-2005, 05:47 PM
hrms.. stress lvl in singapore getting high arh.. :D
27-01-2005, 05:50 PM
Too much studying liao perharps, she just depressed sometimes, and sometimes she is fine.
Sigh... me oso hope she can recover soon lor... guess she only want some guy to treat her well lor... bf i suppose....
27-01-2005, 10:00 PM
:mad: i do not need anyone to treat me well. n i probably can't find neone to treat me well SO THERE. :mad:
27-01-2005, 10:14 PM
i do not need anyone to treat me well. n i probably can't find neone to treat me well SO THERE.
Hi gal, cheer up. You are probably having moody time now. You just need to have a hobby or something to keep yourself occupied.
Cheers :)
27-01-2005, 10:20 PM
i am pissed off by u!
27-01-2005, 10:24 PM
i am pissed off by u!
in depression i will roar at nebodi dat comes my wae sorry about it. but i m in a reall foul mood now. i feel i like beat up pple netime :mad:
27-01-2005, 10:28 PM
thats good.. while i prepare myself
27-01-2005, 10:31 PM
thats good.. while i prepare myself
Alamak bro u still down here talking cock arr?? Ur prog gonna start in half an hrs time. Faster go n do some make up leh! Me oso mus prepare popcorn n watch leow. :D :p
27-01-2005, 10:37 PM
ya la.. i say i was preparing now ma.. but the warships not ready yet.. and my da du du zhou lang was dead already.. think the xiao qiao i can take into my harem liao..
27-01-2005, 10:40 PM
ya la.. i say i was preparing now ma.. but the warships not ready yet.. and my da du du zhou lang was dead already.. think the xiao qiao i can take into my harem liao..
Wah ur version is the truth history izit?? Anymore secret to reveal?? Heard Zhou Yu and Lu Su got 1 leg 1.....Kekeke :D
27-01-2005, 10:51 PM
in depression i will roar at nebodi dat comes my wae sorry about it. but i m in a reall foul mood now. i feel i like beat up pple netime :mad:
depression can chiat yo one... go see GP lah...
27-01-2005, 10:56 PM
one of my ex partner made m mast in front of him wif the vibrator...vibratin me clit...n when i was darn high...he thursted his errected cock into me n started pumpin me. soon i reach orgasm wif hiz cock still pumpin me...Eh? I thought you are a butch?
27-01-2005, 11:09 PM
Eh? I thought you are a butch?
last time no...goin to become one soon
28-01-2005, 01:10 AM
lol believe it or not i actualli did tis at age of 7!!! wtf!!! i was like on bed then dunno y suddenly just play there 9maybe i m sick tat time) then the feeling came of cos no ting come out then kinda addicted did til now lol tried to stop but cant...
28-01-2005, 04:49 AM
last time no...goin to become one soon
pai seh my ang mo beri jiat lat wan hope bro who r reading dun mind :o ... we r a big family here we belong to SB if got problem u can bring up in dis forum and take some advice but wal lau u little thing say wan to die got friend die veri sad wan leh! Bro here so gd u ask how to masturbate so many bro here teach u outside no more liao wah u learn how to masturbate liao wan to die cannot like dat wan leh :o
28-01-2005, 04:55 AM
Wah ur version is the truth history izit?? Anymore secret to reveal?? Heard Zhou Yu and Lu Su got 1 leg 1.....Kekeke :D
wah bro then liu bei go zhugeliang place 9 times then they hv dun know how many leg liao hee :D
28-01-2005, 12:12 PM
zhugeliang wife according to legend is quite ugly but extremely clever.
btw, what is the airing schedule of romance of 3 kingdoms in singapore?
every thursday and friday from 11pm-1am
28-01-2005, 01:08 PM
every thursday and friday from 11pm-1am
so many sleepless souls watching it at nite? i tot it was a bit tough for sg audience as they speak in ancient mandarin... not really used to them talking in jargons...
28-01-2005, 07:42 PM
Am new here. but ya sound like u have lotsa bitterness inside u..haiz.. realli it aint worth it.. chill man.. :)
28-01-2005, 08:13 PM
hey.. how cum u all insulting my wife!!!
pls support me every thurs, fri and sat!!!
28-01-2005, 08:16 PM
hey.. how cum u all insulting my wife!!!
pls support me every thurs, fri and sat!!!
as long ur wife got hole for u to fuk can the mozt cover face when doin it ha ha :D
28-01-2005, 08:21 PM
actually.. dun need la.. my wife told me to cover my face when doing her..
28-01-2005, 08:27 PM
actually.. dun need la.. my wife told me to cover my face when doing her..
rofl....u r a joker man :D
28-01-2005, 08:29 PM
actually.. dun need la.. my wife told me to cover my face when doing her..
she dun wanna see you or ???
28-01-2005, 08:30 PM
she dun wanna see you or ???
it works both ways u noe, just dat he's the one at work :p
anywaes.. asdfghjkl.. when our army gonna start something?
29-01-2005, 05:10 PM
heheh hi folkzx thought it wld be nice to share my mast exp wif u hehehe...n plz share ur wif me heh
i firzt dizcovered mastin when i was 16, after i lozt me v. actuallit i was an accidental thing i dizcovered...i was touchin myslef on the bed one dae wif nothing to do...den i found my clit...den i was wonderin wat was dat...n i touch it...den after touchin i got high...den i continue to rubba rubba...the feelin was darn nice....could feel me pussy tightening ...i wanted to njoy da sensation longer so i controlled my pussy until when i felt i could not control nemore...den i reach orgasm....could feel me pussy tightenin n expaning rapidly...da feelin darn shiok...
after i brought a vibrator...i realized a vibrator could make reach orgasm faster...put the vibrator on my clit n rub it...
one of my ex partner made m mast in front of him wif the vibrator...vibratin me clit...n when i was darn high...he thursted his errected cock into me n started pumpin me. soon i reach orgasm wif hiz cock still pumpin me...darn shiok ha ha
The sight of you mast with the vibrator must have made him felt horny and kinky rite?
29-01-2005, 11:59 PM
annoucement: i m quittin this forum soon...i m sick n tired of everithing. goodbye
30-01-2005, 12:05 AM
verily verily..
30-01-2005, 12:36 AM
actually.. dun need la.. my wife told me to cover my face when doing her..
oh.. sir, is it true?
30-01-2005, 12:39 AM
oh no.. r u gg to do it to me? NO!
30-01-2005, 12:40 AM
oh no.. r u gg to do it to me? NO!
we r living in 2005 liao..
30-01-2005, 01:59 AM
annoucement: i m quittin this forum soon...i m sick n tired of everithing. goodbye
Another nick for tender? :confused:
30-01-2005, 02:00 AM
ur avatar seems familiar ler.. seems like.. :eek:
30-01-2005, 02:05 AM
ur avatar seems familiar ler.. seems like.. :eek:
Kapo from Bro Vigin Lover Singapore Slut thread.
30-01-2005, 02:07 AM
oic.. u must be falling for her ah..
30-01-2005, 02:09 AM
oic.. u must be falling for her ah..
ya lor. kekeke... :D
13-02-2005, 03:05 AM
bery detailed...
xie xie.. will try it out sometime.. :p
keke......since u start the thread.....allow me to share what i have learnt online (sorry definitely in theory only)...........keke....enjoy
Direct clitoral stimulation:
Rolling, rolling, rolling – ok, for this technique you need to place your thumb and forefinger around the clitoris and gently roll it in between your fingers. You can start off with a slow gentle roll and then gradually pick up the pace and the pressure according to what feels good to you.
Circular rub – I generally find that if I am in a hurry this technique works wonders. Just take your first two fingers from either hand and place them over top of you clitoris. Then begin moving them in a circular motion over top of the clitoris. You can vary the speed and pressure easily with this technique. I find that if I use this one I can reach orgasm in under a minute. If you want to change the feel slightly just add your favorite lube and everything becomes very slippery.
Tapping – This technique is a little different and it’s not for everyone, as with anything some things will work for some people and not for others. For this one I use my left hand to pull the pussy lips back out of the way so that the clitoris is very exposed. Then with my index finger on my right hand I lightly begin tapping the fingertip gently on the clitoris. It results in a very delicious sensation that builds to a point where you just can’t hold it back anymore.
Combination – There is nothing that gets me wetter faster than using a combination of both hands. Have your fingers from one hand playing with your clitoris, stimulating it however you wish. Take the other hand and place two or three fingers inside your vagina and begin thrusting. Basically you’re simulating intercourse with this action and it works rather nicely in tandem with the clitoral stimulation and can bring you to a rocking orgasm!
Water is your friend. It can be used in a multitude of ways to get you off! Try these out. Please avoid sending strong streams of water directly into your vagina as that can be potentially dangerous.
Running Water – I’m sure you’ve all stuck your hands under the water flow when you’re filling the tub for your bath to check the temperature of the water. Now, just imagine that same water flow landing on your clitoris. It’s a wild feeling. This is the first way that I ever got off, before I even realized what it was that it was doing. The only thing you need for this one is some time and a bathtub. Hopefully your bathtub will be shaped properly so that you can slide your butt down against the end of the tub and position yourself so that the water flow will land on your clitoris. It’s best to start of with a lighter water flow and gradually work up to a higher pressure flow. Make sure that you test the warmth of the water before sticking your pussy under it, wouldn’t want to get scalded in that area!
Water Spray – this on is just a bit of a variation on the one above. In this instance just place your thumb or finger over the faucet and then direct the spray so that it falls directly on your clitoris.
Shower Massage – this is a great one if you’ve got one of those Shower Massage devices because you can pick whether it pulses or comes out in a steady spray. There are many options. You’ll have to experiment with them to see what works best for you. Here again, you can adjust the pressure and temperature of the spray to whatever you’d like them to be. I’ve found on occasion that using cold water produces a different feeling than the warm water.
Vibrators are handy little gadgets and in my opinion every woman should have one tucked away in a drawer for those moments when you really need it. Vibrators are primarily used for clitoral stimulation but can also be used vaginally or anally if you prefer. You can try different combinations out to see which you like best.
Clit rub – Vibrators are great for clitoral control since you can change alter the speed of the vibration easily and bring yourself to the edge and then slow it down again. Pressure is a key factor as well. You may also want to try rubbing the vibrator over your inner thighs and around your pussy lips and even up over your nipples. Masturbation doesn’t have to be confined to just the clitoral area. Dildos:
A good dildo will provide you with hours of entertainment for when you’re going solo or even when you’ve got a partner to play with. It’s well worth the money to spend and get a good one that’s going to last for a long time. You want to make sure that the surface is easily cleaned. Some of the latex ones had pores in them which made them very difficult to keep clean. There’s some really cool gel dildos on the market these days. Check out your local love shop and see what they have to offer. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
External Stimulation – using the dildo on the outside of your body is probably the easiest way to do things to start off with. Here are a couple of ideas to get you started, first of all apply some lube to the dildo and lay it flat on a hard chair. Then if you position yourself above it and sit down so that the dildo runs the full length from the crack of your ass all the way up to your clit and slide yourself back and forth on it. This will provide all kinds of stimulation.
Head – You can also use the head of the dildo, it’s shaped pretty much like the real thing, and rub it against your clitoris. By applying pressure and moving the head over your clitoris in an up and down or circular motion you can provide great stimulation to the clit. The more pressure you apply the faster you will come. On the other hand just using light pressure will take you longer to reach the climax but the result will be a more intense orgasm. For better control, you may find it easier to use two hands to grip the dildo.
Internal Stimulation – The dildo also does a wonderful job when inserted into the vagina as well. Such a multipurpose kind of toy. One of the things you need to consider is the size of your dildo, it doesn’t have to be a huge monster to be effective. Simply find one that is wide enough to be snug inside your vagina and longer than what you need to insert as you have to have something to hold onto. Find a comfortable position to be in while you play. Insert the dildo into your vagina and then begin moving it in an in and out fashion. Depth of the thrusts is entirely dependent on how you feel, and the sensation will be different at different depths. Once you’ve established a bit of a rhythm start rubbing or stroking your clitoris in time with the strokes. If you want something a little different try positioning the dildo so that when it moves in and out it will pull a bit and stimulate the clitoris that way.
Double Up – Dildos come in many shapes and flavors so you can get whatever you’d like. You might want to consider purchasing a dual dildo. This will enable you to insert one end into your vagina and the other end into your anus. This way you have double the thrusting pleasure while you stimulate your clit. You can also combine the use of a vibrator in one spot and a dildo in the other. If you were feeling adventurous you could place a vibrating butt plug in your anus and a vibrator in your vagina and stimulate your clit with your fingers. The combinations are only limited by your imagination.
Odds N Ends:
Accessories – Some are other accessories that you would have lying around the house that can provide some interesting stimulation are pieces of furniture and cushions or pillows. An ottoman works nicely for example if you position yourself over it so that a corner of it pushes on your clitoris when you move back and forth. For an extra buzz, trying lifting your hands and feet off the ground when you cum. I haven’t personally tried this although it’s supposed to give you the feeling of flying
Thigh Squeeze – There are women out there who can achieve orgasm by simply squeezing or rubbing their thighs together. This stimulates the clitoris indirectly. It would be a great skill to have, then if you were out in public and found yourself getting horny you could just take care of it by squeezing your thighs together, no one would be any the wiser, except maybe those people who are reading this. So the next time you see a woman with her legs crossing and perhaps kicking her foot to hide the fact that she’s grinding her thighs together you’ll have to wonder what she’s really doing. This technique will take a bit of practice to get it down to a fine art, but that’s half the fun of learning new stuff is the practice. When you masturbate at home, make it a habit to press your thighs together when you have an orgasm. After you’ve done this a few times it will become second nature to you. Once you’ve mastered this then try pressing your thighs together when you’re ready to orgasm and won’t be able to stop it but haven’t actually climaxed yet. Take your hands away and leave it to your legs to ride yourself over the top. This isn’t going to work instantly, you may have a few attempt that die painfully but eventually it will all come together and you will be pleased with the results. Sooner or later with the help of fantasy and association you should be able to proceed using only your thighs from earlier and earlier in the masturbation. Sounds like fun to me!
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