View Full Version : Anyone tried this type of masturbation ..
On the bed you masturbate then when u reach teh orgasm, u grip your penis to prevent sperms from coming out, u lie down with back facing the ceiling with your hand still gripping hard your penis to prevent the sperms from shooting out.
anyone tried this? :confused:
27-01-2005, 11:42 PM
On the bed you masturbate then when u reach teh orgasm, u grip your penis to prevent sperms from coming out, u lie down with back facing the ceiling with your hand still gripping hard your penis to prevent the sperms from shooting out.
anyone tried this? :confused:
woooo... isn't this painful to ur dick? :eek:
28-01-2005, 12:24 AM
On the bed you masturbate then when u reach teh orgasm, u grip your penis to prevent sperms from coming out, u lie down with back facing the ceiling with your hand still gripping hard your penis to prevent the sperms from shooting out.
anyone tried this? :confused:
How old are you ?
28-01-2005, 12:53 AM
tried using a rubber band?
tried using a rubber band?
not at all.
shiok? yes.
dont grip like u want to take out the whole penis lah, grip with 2 fingers thumb and finger. just ncie to stop the sperm from flowing out.
28-01-2005, 01:15 AM
not at all.
shiok? yes.
dont grip like u want to take out the whole penis lah, grip with 2 fingers thumb and finger. just ncie to stop the sperm from flowing out.
So..... your point is.....??? :confused:
28-01-2005, 01:56 AM
1st time i hear of it ...
Usually u apply pressure at the base of ur penis ... somewhere between the scrotum and anus ... anyway the idea is that if u apply pressure there u will achieve orgasm without the mess of ejaculation ... don ask me man ... i just read it somewhere many years ago when i was still in my teens ... share a damn stupid incident with u guys on this subject.
Out of curiousity i tried it once ... niavely thought it would save me the hassle of cleaning up ... KNN big mistake man ... yah orgasm without cumming ... but after that ur bro/balls feel wierd ... like choked like that (just doesn't feel quite right) ... anyway wondered around for like half a day with this wierd feeling in my balls (tell u ah it's a fcuking gao-eh feeling ... sorta like a sudden jock itch when u r in a very public place and u can't scratch ... only worse) b4 wanking myself again normally in attempt to clear the chokage ...
Hell man ... i mean it sounded logical to my 13 yr old mind at that time ... but whatever it was it worked and my bro felt better again ... KNN haven't been too adventerous while whackin my lup cheong since then. Just keep it simple ... :D
28-01-2005, 06:29 AM
bro... while reading i was dying of laughter liao... ROTFL... its alrite 2b adventurous but @13yo dun u tink (yeah rite 13yo dun really tink much do 1st ask questions later) its 2 dangerous 2play wif ur life long manhood shelflife shorten by at least 50years... u r 2playful... :confused:
28-01-2005, 07:35 AM
bro... while reading i was dying of laughter liao... ROTFL... its alrite 2b adventurous but @13yo dun u tink (yeah rite 13yo dun really tink much do 1st ask questions later) its 2 dangerous 2play wif ur life long manhood shelflife shorten by at least 50years... u r 2playful... :confused:
I was laughing badly after I read this thread too. my god you just make the start of my friday doesn't seems so bad now. hehehe.
28-01-2005, 08:06 AM
1st time i hear of it ...
around for like half a day with this wierd feeling in my balls (tell u ah it's a fcuking gao-eh feeling ... sorta like a sudden jock itch when u r in a very public place and u can't scratch ... only worse) b4 wanking myself again normally in attempt to clear the chokage ...
Hell man ... i mean it sounded logical to my 13 yr old mind at that time ... but whatever it was it worked and my bro felt better again ... KNN haven't been too adventerous while whackin my lup cheong since then. Just keep it simple ... :D
Wah lan eh bro... i laugh till tears roll down.. classic case of BLUE BALLS.... i kena before something like that also... balls feel like lead... :eek: whole mind and body also buay tahan till u beat the willy n set the spearms free...
done this for 5 years liao, save my hse tissue.
28-01-2005, 09:43 AM
.. classic case of BLUE BALLS.... KNN now thinking back ... lucky no serious damage ... skali balls really turn blue (like suffocated like that) and drop off or something than really jiat lat sia ... :o
KNN what can i say ... just glad my damn kok story made some other bro's day a bit better ... just recollecting and telling it again brought a smile to my face last night ... the folly of youth ... hahahahahaha :D
28-01-2005, 09:56 AM
Bach: IMO, not a healthy way, got a friend who had trouble making his wife pregnant. Went to sought help from fertility specialist. One of the advise given was to release the sperm every 3 days, this is to ensure that the sperm stored at the testicles are fresh and healthy.
Your method doesnt release the old batch of sperm. But then again maybe you're young and no plans for babies yet, so should be ok for you lah. Anyway how much are a few pieces of tissue? Do you really need to save until like that? :eek:
ne iihcomik
28-01-2005, 09:57 AM
Thanks, bro jdi813, u brought a smile to my face as well. Damn funny.
I read about this pressing penis thingy. I think the idea is to press the tip of your didi when u r about to ejaculate. It is supposed to prevent the ejaculation and keep u hard for a longer period of time. Then can shake longer..... Should work for sex too. I tried it 3 times....couldn't get it to work, and gave up.
Thanks, bro jdi813, u brought a smile to my face as well. Damn funny.
I read about this pressing penis thingy. I think the idea is to press the tip of your didi when u r about to ejaculate. It is supposed to prevent the ejaculation and keep u hard for a longer period of time. Then can shake longer..... Should work for sex too. I tried it 3 times....couldn't get it to work, and gave up.
yeah, just press at the place between your head and the "branch" the sperm will ejacualte but then return back sicne it can shoot out. do it for 5 years liao. always do ebfore sleep (no nd to take tissue etc etc)
anyway about the tissue thingy to save i jsut kidding ler. lol :p
28-01-2005, 11:11 AM
Bach: IMO, not a healthy way, got a friend who had trouble making his wife pregnant. Went to sought help from fertility specialist. One of the advise given was to release the sperm every 3 days, this is to ensure that the sperm stored at the testicles are fresh and healthy.
Your method doesnt release the old batch of sperm. But then again maybe you're young and no plans for babies yet, so should be ok for you lah. Anyway how much are a few pieces of tissue? Do you really need to save until like that? :eek:
hello bro, "much are a few pieces of tissue? Do you really need to save until like that?" this is damn funny. The every 3 days release theory is true? First time hearing this but sounds logical as fresh sperm cells are stronger and have longer lifespan. A female friend of mine actually did hand stand after intercourse with husband so that the sperm won't flow out, of course its a myth and totally absurb but she eventually got pregnant doing this and swear by it that it helps.
28-01-2005, 12:07 PM
The every 3 days release theory is true? First time hearing this but sounds logical as fresh sperm cells are stronger and have longer lifespan. A female friend of mine actually did hand stand after intercourse with husband so that the sperm won't flow out, of course its a myth and totally absurb but she eventually got pregnant doing this and swear by it that it helps.
Well, it's recommended by some fertility expert so should have some truth in it. Also recommended is not to wear underwear(for male that is
) when going to sleep. This is to keep the testicle cool. Apparently, underwear will make the testicles closer to body, that will result in an increase in temp at the testicle area. No good for sperm. Then again someone here posted an article about testicle getting twisted and blood supply getting cut off and result.... Men's nightmare :eek: so donno to wear or not to wear.....
Your female friend must have impressive arms. Wah lau Hand stand after intercourse, surely there must be an easier way than that... Like maybe lying flat facing up, just bend the knees and lift up the buttock area, easier right :D
28-01-2005, 12:14 PM
On the bed you masturbate then when u reach teh orgasm, u grip your penis to prevent sperms from coming out, u lie down with back facing the ceiling with your hand still gripping hard your penis to prevent the sperms from shooting out.
anyone tried this? :confused:
NiceGuy Bach
For a musician you have very unusual way to get high
I am very surprised to know that it is what you call shiok
I think it would be quite simliar to the gripping actions if a woman knows how to control her muscles.
Hope you don't suffocate your manhood :D
28-01-2005, 12:23 PM
So..... your point is.....??? :confused:
If you apply a lot of pressure to the base of the Penis just before you come it stops you from coming. The theory is that by doing this you can train yourself to last longer during sex so get more enjoyment when you finally come.
I have tried this a few times and it does make for a more intense climax.
28-01-2005, 12:25 PM
I have read on the net about Injectulation. It is acheive through meditation and qi gong.... i heard ppl after having injectulation, the urine is quite milky.
woman stop having menstrating after 40+ but men dont stop ejaculation after that... thats why woman out live man
28-01-2005, 04:36 PM
alrite who is dis smart alec 2 invent such a skill 2 get high???
but heard fr a yoga teacher dat by doing so u r storing ur sperm for a major shooting spree... cos u hav not been releasing n ur sperm is stored day by day... 1ce released... all hell break loose... major flooding incident...
1ce i was wif dis slut... yeah slut... she had 4BFs... excluding me... i wasnt in e mood 2 release 4a week so meetup out of e blue wif her on new year eve in 2001... i fuck n shoot inside her all e way... wif out second thought guess wat... while stil cumming my juice actually flowed out of e hole n wet my thighs n e bed...!!! a major flood!!! in e end we started a second round soon after but it a normal shoot out dis time... :cool:
If you apply a lot of pressure to the base of the Penis just before you come it stops you from coming. The theory is that by doing this you can train yourself to last longer during sex so get more enjoyment when you finally come.
I have tried this a few times and it does make for a more intense climax.
last friday is my first ever fuck with a girl (yes, before that i never even do penetration before), i need to masturbate myself to cum sia. i cant cum in her pussy
is what u sadi true
28-01-2005, 05:31 PM
Not really advisable 2 do tat. When u stop the sperm frm flowing out, sometime it flow back inward rushing up all the way to the brain.... Hokkien ppl called tis "Xiao Chong Nao" kerker :D :p
28-01-2005, 05:58 PM
sperm gets shot back into ur bladder.. i think i remember seeing that it's bad or sumtin.. can't remember.
But it should get passed out as urine.. and how would u noe? Ur urine is all foamy and bubbly..
28-01-2005, 06:08 PM
If you apply a lot of pressure to the base of the Penis just before you come it stops you from coming. The theory is that by doing this you can train yourself to last longer during sex so get more enjoyment when you finally come.
I have tried this a few times and it does make for a more intense climax.
agreed wif bro fastbud... thats one of the way to prevent early ejacuation... duno y some brudders feel it funny and risky...
28-01-2005, 06:39 PM
On the bed you masturbate then when u reach teh orgasm, u grip your penis to prevent sperms from coming out, u lie down with back facing the ceiling with your hand still gripping hard your penis to prevent the sperms from shooting out.
anyone tried this?
KNN, can't even remember when was the last time I PCC for myself leh...
Now I only fuck, or have someone do it for me like in a "special" leh...
BTW bach, why the fuck you want to PCC if you want to prevent your sperm from coming out? :eek: KNN I tot people PCC so that they can cum.. "sign" times must have change...... :confused:
28-01-2005, 06:40 PM
[QUOTE=thaivisitor]KNN, can't even remember when was the last time I PCC for myself leh...
Now I only fuck, or have someone do it for me like in a "special" leh...
BTW bach, why the fuck you want to PCC if you want to prevent your sperm from coming out? :eek: KNN I tot people PCC so that they can cum.. "sign" times must have change...... :QUOTE]
Some do that for health or training purposes wor....i cannot. :confused:
KNN, can't even remember when was the last time I PCC for myself leh...
Now I only fuck, or have someone do it for me like in a "special" leh...
BTW bach, why the fuck you want to PCC if you want to prevent your sperm from coming out? :eek: KNN I tot people PCC so that they can cum.. "sign" times must have change...... :confused:
its the feeling of climax that people when masturbate not to see thier sperm coming out.
p/s:dont need to use vulgar and swear to make ur statement impressive err..
peace & cheers
28-01-2005, 09:28 PM
... dont need to use vulgar and swear to make ur statement impressive err ...Relax lah bro ... it's all just a figure of speech ... no vulgar or malicious intent ... chill man :D
Relax lah bro ... it's all just a figure of speech ... no vulgar or malicious intent ... chill man :D
Just like NS days.
28-01-2005, 11:50 PM
its the feeling of climax that people when masturbate not to see thier sperm coming out.
WTF! Times must have changed. Those days dat I know, its when the sperm shoots out that you call climax... Didn't know now climax is when you don't see sperm coming out.
last friday is my first ever fuck with a girl ...... i cant cum in her pussy
Well at least you climax in her, according to your definition.
Cos as far as I know, if you can't cum inside a woman would mean you have a serious problem....
29-01-2005, 01:43 AM
All the Masturbation techniques you can every think of and then some more
with demos for the ladies
American Pie eat your heart out
29-01-2005, 03:28 AM
well... since its e 1st time den its okie... sum guys takes afew times of practises den dey can cum in e pussies... (of cos i m speaking fr experience)... at least u stil need 2 PCC 2cum... afew of my frens havnt C actions alreadie game over... but after afew rounds of practises... dey r back 2 normal... but sum guys jus cant help but cum B4 C actions dat bcos e small head is ultra sensitive n e erectile functions of e dick is 2hot... wen u PCC... e few sec B4 u cum... dun u feel dat ur dick is slightly hotter dan normal cos e blood is bring all e nerves n engry 2it!!! n dats y girls wif very tight pussy walls or enjoy sex alot (mostly ur love 1s) wil feel dat e dick is getting hotter n harder while her man is busy pumping away...! :cool:
last friday is my first ever fuck with a girl (yes, before that i never even do penetration before), i need to masturbate myself to cum sia. i cant cum in her pussy
is what u sadi true
29-01-2005, 03:53 AM
erh... fr my biology class... its e protein n e sugar dat is being discahrged fr ur body dats y its foamy...
any1 care 2 comment on dis??? :confused:
But it should get passed out as urine.. and how would u noe? Ur urine is all foamy and bubbly..
29-01-2005, 03:56 AM
erh... fr my biology class... its e protein n e sugar dat is being discahrged fr ur body dats y its foamy...
any1 care 2 comment on dis??? :confused:
i read it off somewhere.. anywaes semen contains protein
29-01-2005, 04:04 AM
Yeah correct!!! but e proteins wil not be broken down 2 Amino acids unless its being digested by stronger acids... so e foamy tingy is ... ??? :confused:
29-01-2005, 05:02 AM
I dunno how true dis is.. but from what i've read in the past..
if you hold it.. it shoots the other way round into ur bladder.. and gets passes out as urine.. vv foamy and bubbly... dat's all i've read.. how and why, i really dunno.. HEHE. :D
29-01-2005, 10:44 AM
sperm gets shot back into ur bladder.. i think i remember seeing that it's bad or sumtin.. can't remember.
But it should get passed out as urine.. and how would u noe? Ur urine is all foamy and bubbly..
Maybe its people like that who tend to develop prostatitis?
29-01-2005, 07:43 PM
well prostatitis is not form dis way... its due 2 e cancerous cells dat r reform due 2e food consumed or e body contains 2much -ve atoms...
we getting out of topic again... shall we drop dis den...
but its e thread starter who says dis kinda of PCC is good 4e health... but izit really dat good meh... :confused:
Maybe its people like that who tend to develop prostatitis?
29-01-2005, 09:00 PM
Ulose zine if the cum goes if dun cum out mayb more zinc.
30-01-2005, 12:25 AM
done this for 5 years liao, save my hse tissue.
just to save the house tissue... bro, u r the man!!
did u know, the climax was when the sperm shoot out..
let me suggest, next time u go macdonald, get more paper .. or u can dun order anything.,. just walk to any counter, ask for paper..
macdonald earn alot, they dun mind it.. :D
30-01-2005, 01:23 AM
done this for 5 years liao, save my hse tissue.
LOL another way to save tissue is to get a gf that does CIM
LOL another way to save tissue is to get a gf that does CIM
yeah! lol..
anyway abt the tissue thingy it just a kidding lah bro .. relax!
what i mean by climax is still the sperm ejaculate but it didnt shoot out because i prevent it with my grip. thats what i mean. i mean, i didnt mind seeing my sperm shooting out, as long i got the feeling.
anyone know about the male infertile way dunno what it call, i leanr in biology class, but it cut the sperm duct so the sperm would not flow. i really forget the name of this method.
30-01-2005, 11:12 AM
anyone know about the male infertile way dunno what it call, i leanr in biology class, but it cut the sperm duct so the sperm would not flow. i really forget the name of this method.It's called a Vasectomy ...
30-01-2005, 10:25 PM
yeah! lol..
anyway abt the tissue thingy it just a kidding lah bro .. relax!
he he he bro. MAybe u cud try applying to be a psoter boy for Save the Rainforest campaign. I'm sure they'll speed upp yr approval for some1 that saves trees by not using tissues..... :D . Sorri bro, but cudn't help it. Cheers and happy 'climaxxing' or whatever u want to call it.
he he he bro. MAybe u cud try applying to be a psoter boy for Save the Rainforest campaign. I'm sure they'll speed upp yr approval for some1 that saves trees by not using tissues..... :D . Sorri bro, but cudn't help it. Cheers and happy 'climaxxing' or whatever u want to call it.
winks ` and peace
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