View Full Version : My wife with her EX, advise pls
29-01-2005, 05:57 PM
I have been married for years. My relationship with my wife is very good and steady. Everyday, she gives me a kiss before we head for our working place. And every here and then, I will buy her presents. I still have very strong feeling about her.
So, the thing that I want to some of your advice happened yesterday. My wife was taking her bath and I was cleaning my room. Yes, I will do the cleaning sometimes. Accidentally, I pressed a button on her hand phone. Usually, we don’t touch each other stuff; just have some privacy for each other’s. But that moment, I don’t know why, I feel very curious about the stuff inside the hand phone. And I know my wife will take at least 30 minutes for her to finish bathing. I start to explore the contain in her hand phone. Fuck, out of my suppraise, she still have contact with her ex after years of married. And they SMS each other A LOT, I means really A LOT!!! Yesterday only, there are 30 sms received. And the sms contains really really make me NUT.
They are like old loving couple. Saying something like you miss me or not. How sweet on their old time. What’s their plan for meet. AND more importantly, involved a lot of sexual stuff…
Upon that moment, I feel like I had been cheated for years, is she love or not what? What’s on her mind? I don’t talk to her since that. Don’t even give her a goodbye kiss before I go to work.
Please advise if you are in this condition. What will you do?
29-01-2005, 06:03 PM
My advise n opinion - Approach and talk to her openly. Don't show your temper just concern and see the reactions. I believe marital problems can be resolved peacefully without agressions, esp in your case since u n her r so in love still. :)
29-01-2005, 06:12 PM
I have been married for years. My relationship with my wife is very good and steady. Everyday, she gives me a kiss before we head for our working place. And every here and then, I will buy her presents. I still have very strong feeling about her.
So, the thing that I want to some of your advice happened yesterday. My wife was taking her bath and I was cleaning my room. Yes, I will do the cleaning sometimes. Accidentally, I pressed a button on her hand phone. Usually, we don’t touch each other stuff; just have some privacy for each other’s. But that moment, I don’t know why, I feel very curious about the stuff inside the hand phone. And I know my wife will take at least 30 minutes for her to finish bathing. I start to explore the contain in her hand phone. Fuck, out of my suppraise, she still have contact with her ex after years of married. And they SMS each other A LOT, I means really A LOT!!! Yesterday only, there are 30 sms received. And the sms contains really really make me NUT.
They are like old loving couple. Saying something like you miss me or not. How sweet on their old time. What’s their plan for meet. AND more importantly, involved a lot of sexual stuff…
Upon that moment, I feel like I had been cheated for years, is she love or not what? What’s on her mind? I don’t talk to her since that. Don’t even give her a goodbye kiss before I go to work.
Please advise if you are in this condition. What will you do?
First of all, it's already not right for you to check her sms... Since she can leave her handphone openly for you, that means that the stuffs in her handphone is no big deal to her... Would you be stupid enough to leave all the messages that you have with your outside gf in your handphone and yet, leave your handphone openly to your wife? I don't think you will... Although she is still in contact with her ex, but then that doesn't really mean anything much as they could still remain as good friends.... As for the sexual stuffs, I know that no guys will be able to take it... But can you elaborate examples of the sexual content? Sometimes, flirting among ex-bf or ex-gf is common... Although you can say that it's not right but then flirting might be just through sms only... We need to know some examples of the content then can analyse further.. But if you doesn't think that it is appropriate to say out here, it's okay.... Think of it... You can flirt with other girls through sms as well but that doesn't mean that you are into any "special" relationship with them...
29-01-2005, 06:24 PM
very good advise from mdx.. :)
29-01-2005, 06:41 PM
well said by MDX2... but mayb he was a guo lai ren??? jus kidding...
well 2e starter... Y dun u follow her wen u noe dat dey r meeting up n c 4urself wat dey r doing how dey behaved in e open public or worse stil in a confine room (hotel ; his house; car)...
den after dat can u talk it out wif ur wify n solved e problems... but can u forgive n forget after e whole issue blow over if u r stil married 2 ur wify???
dats e most important tingy rite now...
BTW fr ur words.... hmmm dis sounds quite impossible... cos U dun even kiss her anymore ever since!!! :eek:
29-01-2005, 06:43 PM
I agreed with u.........Clap clap to MDX
29-01-2005, 06:50 PM
Bro, time to a hire a private detective.... with everything on hand then will teach you how to do it.
29-01-2005, 07:08 PM
In case I am busy... here is the solution
Once all the fact in hand that she is cheating you... from this point onwards there are two things you should be clear.
.................................................. ..................................
First, do you still love her, forgive her and want her back.
Second, if no, then divorce her, quick and simple.
.................................................. ...................................
If you want her back, then a bit difficult. But not impossible. Locate the ex-boyfriend parent address and hire somebody to beat up one of the parents. At the same time, telling the parents what their son had done, destroying people family and letting you wear green hat. And you give a warning, if the whole affair doesn't stop, ask them to buy their casket first. If this comes to police affair, you always claim that you doesn't know anything and you were somewhere else.
If the boyfriend are smart, he will leave you alone and your wife dare not confront you because she has done something bad behind your back. Remember, If your wife confront you, you should shown her what you have on your hand and threaten to expose her to her parents. Remember, change your will so that if you got anything happen you, everything will go to your parents or children and not a cents goes to her. ;)
"It is the parents fault if the son are not taught manners."
29-01-2005, 07:09 PM
Bro, keep your cool when you approached your wife openly. What if there might be some misunderstanding and out of anger, you said something hurtful to her. A mirror once broken will still have cracks even if you mend it. On the other hand, ask yourself how "heavy" the sexual content her ex msg to her. If you really cannot stand it, hire a PI to do an investigation or secretly tail them to see if they are behaving intimately together. Remember, anger does not solve anything but make matter worse.
29-01-2005, 07:52 PM
Thanks for the advise.
Personally, i am not angry, but disappointed. i feel like being cheated by the one i trust most. You will understand if you been throught the same thing. I love my wife so much, and i care about her. After I see the SMS, I feel lost, and still disappointment.
Sorry, i am not able to hiring the privited detector after her. Her ex is somewhere in KL, it is unlikely they will meet, unless he or she make some travel.
For the sexual sms part, there are like, which sex position they like, and how often of her sexual activities. and some more that I have no time to read. Do you think what if the gals take this way? If a gals you know from ICQ or IRC that about this, you will know you definately can get her into bed.
I dont hv the gut to raise this matter to her, I am so scare somehow if this will make a big quarrel between us. Since we know from the first day, we have never had a quarrel.
Ai.... sometimes, I think, i go HC, TN shop, Pub and flirt with tonne of gals, what big deal with the sms? Haha... if i really can accept this, problem solve :)
29-01-2005, 07:58 PM
Consider hiring a PI to ascertain. Dun jump to conclusions yet. Still can talk things over if you can forgive n forget.
2 cents worth. Good Luck!
29-01-2005, 08:14 PM
Ai.... sometimes, I think, i go HC, TN shop, Pub and flirt with tonne of gals, what big deal with the sms? Haha... if i really can accept this, problem solve :)
see? u have the answer alr. since the guy in KL..and most prob wun meet up, i actually see no probs.
tho can understand tt u feel pissed cos ur wife is talking sex w others. but remember that technically, she still not giving u green hat as quoted from u, its just their own sexual preference and nothing about sex with each other...
TC bro.
29-01-2005, 09:56 PM
I have been married for years. My relationship with my wife is very good and steady. Everyday, she gives me a kiss before we head for our working place. And every here and then, I will buy her presents. I still have very strong feeling about her.
bro, please, get ready a backdoor for yourself:
1. for many women, if u send sms saying how u like to fuck your ex n what position she like, they cant take it. its not the cheating that hurts, but the betrayal in your feelings. if u love your wife, u shouldnt have such feelings for your ex. btw 30 sms in one day like that, its not reminiscing about old times hor.
2. even if ex is in kl, sending 30 sms a day means something is wrong w your relationship or she have some lingering feelings for him. u all married for so many years, u have to carefully examine your marriage n see what is lacking.
3. anyway get backdoor ready, dont b caught unaware n gabra when the bomb drop one day.
29-01-2005, 09:59 PM
1. Good! You can do home cleaning. That shows that you are a tidy person.
2. Yes, it may not be right to touch your people's belongings. To me, (in your case) a lawful husband has the right to touch your wife's mobile-phone and that's nothing wrong with that!
3. You have to make clear of this point first. Are they seeing each other?
4. If the above point no. 2 is yes, Observe her carefully.
We, brothers here can provide you with our views and advises. Return to forum and update us if you want to seek further helps.
29-01-2005, 10:25 PM
u have to be real decisive..
29-01-2005, 10:48 PM
Now back to home. everything seems like normal to her, doing what she did usual. I also act normal, but my feeling is boiling inside. I hv to figure out what should i do next step. Of course, i wanna to keep this family, we have been marry for 2 years, FYI, i am 29. and she is 27.
I thanks all brother so helpful,
I will report more about the sms contains if i have a chance to see it again.
29-01-2005, 10:59 PM
Now back to home. everything seems like normal to her, doing what she did usual. I also act normal, but my feeling is boiling inside. I hv to figure out what should i do next step. Of course, i wanna to keep this family, we have been marry for 2 years, FYI, i am 29. and she is 27.
I thanks all brother so helpful,
I will report more about the sms contains if i have a chance to see it again.
Dear Mango
sorry to hear about your tragic discovery. I'm more of a conversationist so whatever problems come, I always tell my wife, we must openly discuss. In fact I'm 90% honest with my wife even to the extent of who I go out with girls or guys and what I do with them but remember only 90% truth in my content. Whatever will hurt my relationship I just censor it off because to me outside flink is like some of our brothers golf session that's all. Can let go any time but wife is for a lifetime.
so my advise is date your wife out to a really nice cafe/restaurant for dinner then get the mood relax etc, then slowly express your feelings for her all over again. then slowly introduce the fact that no matter what she did, you will forgive her and love her the same. And then try slowly to probe whether she'll tell you what's going on between her and her ex. My gut feeling is she is just plain bore and sms(es) her ex for some mental entertainment.
Take it easy bro. Just don't ever throw your anger at her first. Secure her in your arms and then slowly pry open the hurts or betrayal. It is in such perceived "safe" enironment that perphaps she'll tell all.
Take care and do keep us up date, with good news hopefully.
29-01-2005, 10:59 PM
Thanks for the advise.
Personally, i am not angry, but disappointed. i feel like being cheated by the one i trust most. You will understand if you been throught the same thing. I love my wife so much, and i care about her. After I see the SMS, I feel lost, and still disappointment.
Sorry, i am not able to hiring the privited detector after her. Her ex is somewhere in KL, it is unlikely they will meet, unless he or she make some travel.
For the sexual sms part, there are like, which sex position they like, and how often of her sexual activities. and some more that I have no time to read. Do you think what if the gals take this way? If a gals you know from ICQ or IRC that about this, you will know you definately can get her into bed.
I dont hv the gut to raise this matter to her, I am so scare somehow if this will make a big quarrel between us. Since we know from the first day, we have never had a quarrel.
Ai.... sometimes, I think, i go HC, TN shop, Pub and flirt with tonne of gals, what big deal with the sms? Haha... if i really can accept this, problem solve :)
A lot of quarrels and misunderstandings are often caused by the lack of trust... She is definitely very close to her ex and this is a true fact in which you should have already know it even before you married... It's just like your current wife may have lots of bfs before and they have relationship which is more than just holding hands... This is a matter of fact which cannot be changed... The past relationship with her exs will often make her feel comfortable to talk to them on sexual stuffs.... So, you mustn't come into any conclusions just by the sms that they have been messaging each other... Some of the friends do called their good friends as Dear, Sweetheart etc.. It might be because they have gotten use to calling each other "Names"... The guy is her Ex and they have known each other for so long, perhaps even longer than you... So, it is perfectly normal that they feel more comfortable with one another and can talk on anything... I know it hurts to know that but this is the matter of fact...
I used to have the same feelings as well... The feeling of not able to be "more close" with my girl than her ex... And this results in suspicious and being paranoid... And it hurts a lot but no choice... But then you have to accept it.. And for your case, she is already your wife.. If you don't even trust her, what can I say... She can leave her mobile lying around and not afraid of being seen by you.. What does that imply? That means she trust you and she knows that even if you see it, you should have understand her... Ask youself again.. Will you be stupid enough to leave your outside gfs messages in your phone and just let your wife to see, if she happens to get hold of your mobile?? If you won't, so she won't be so stupid as well...
I have very good female friends who are either married or attached... And we do talked on anything.. It's because they feel comfortable talking to me on all stuffs... Certain things are very hard for them to talk to their bfs or husbands... They feel more comfortable to talk to their friends.. Be it guys or girls, most importantly is that they feel close to them and they trust them... And did I do anything to them besides just listening and giving them my opinion? The answer is NO... And I do know their husbands and bfs in person...
If you truly loves her, will you still "eat" the "wild flowers" outside??? What have you done yourself outside compared to just the sms that she and her ex is sending to each other... Ask youself this... And I can't imagine that you are so worked out and you doesn't even trust her.... If you do treasure the relationship, try to talk to her and treat her even better... She will appreciate it... Of course not up to the extend of questioning her in an "Interrogating" tone... Just casually chat with her and can ask something like.. "Do you still have contacts with your old friends. It's been a long time since I have seen you going out with your old friends.. " etc.. kinds of stuffs... And from there, you might be able to find out some info... I am not sure how's the way you communicate with your wife.. But you can always find something to chat about... Even if you are not able to find out info on her Exs, at least she will apreciate that you are still concern about her and her friends...
If she really was to have outside affairs, you won't be able to find out so easily.. And nowadays, the society has evolved... If she wants to leave you, she can find millions of reasons to justify her actions.... So, why not just trust her and continue loving her...
29-01-2005, 11:02 PM
so my advise is date your wife out to a really nice cafe/restaurant for dinner then get the mood relax etc, then slowly express your feelings for her all over again. then slowly introduce the fact that no matter what she did, you will forgive her and love her the same. And then try slowly to probe whether she'll tell you what's going on between her and her ex. My gut feeling is she is just plain bore and sms(es) her ex for some mental entertainment.
Take it easy bro. Just don't ever throw your anger at her first. Secure her in your arms and then slowly pry open the hurts or betrayal. It is in such perceived "safe" enironment that perphaps she'll tell all.
Take care and do keep us up date, with good news hopefully.
Bro, You are a typical Librian... :D
Me too... :D
29-01-2005, 11:04 PM
Now back to home. everything seems like normal to her, doing what she did usual. I also act normal, but my feeling is boiling inside. I hv to figure out what should i do next step. Of course, i wanna to keep this family, we have been marry for 2 years, FYI.
In my opinion, you have to ask yourself a few questions.....
1) Do you have a open communication with your both of you about how both of you feel and what you are thinking or what happen in each other's life.....
2) Do you have a good sex life? How often do both of you make love in a week?
3) Do you both have children?
for questions 1 n 2, they are more for you to work at it.....improve your communication with your wife, i mean talk to her more......tell her your feelings and ask her about hers.........have a good sex life........if you can answer these 2 questions with flying should be able to reduce other 'issues' like extra affairs, or even flirts....
as for question 3, use them to create a unbreakable bond.....go out more often together, have meals together.........spend more time together whenever possible.......
I believe she will have no time or mood to sms that guy if you can keep these in tack.................
just my two cents worth..........cheers!
29-01-2005, 11:07 PM
hey mate, keep your cool...I was in your position too....but please, please please dont use violent against the person you love or once loved. Take afew hours away from thinking about such thing and it will go away for awhile (at least it cool you down). Never resort to violence, i did that and i regretted it. Don't follow me and end up lonely in this house.
Just act normally, once you have the chance to be with her, ask her casually about her work, her ex-BF then other least you know bit by bit without directing to the subject. But if you must, just try asking non-sensitive "how's your ex doing?" or "you guys still keep in touch"..maybe from here you could understand you wife better.
29-01-2005, 11:08 PM
and once again.. i am humbled by mdx greatness.. even if Confucius were to walk the earth again, delivering his supremely authoritative and grand teachings, he could not have surpassed the manner in which mdx did..
29-01-2005, 11:09 PM
as for question 3, use them to create a unbreakable bond.....go out more often together, have meals together.........spend more time together whenever possible.......
I believe she will have no time or mood to sms that guy if you can keep these in tack.................
just my two cents worth..........cheers!
I agree with you the most on this point... Love her and pamper her more and she won't even have time to sms that guy...
Mango, trust youself and trust your wife... She has already chosen you.... So, be more confident and treat your wife even better instead of starting to neglect her... If she ever leave you in the end, it might not be because of her having outside affairs.. But it might be because that you have been neglecting her...
29-01-2005, 11:12 PM
and once again.. i am humbled by mdx greatness.. even if Confucius were to walk the earth again, delivering his supremely authoritative and grand teachings, he could not have surpassed the manner in which mdx did..
Thanks for your compliments...
I am nothing compared to Confucius and Buddha....
Maybe I am just an underage "boy" talking nonsense... :D
29-01-2005, 11:20 PM
sounds funny ler.. u really ah :)
29-01-2005, 11:23 PM
sounds funny ler.. u really ah :)
Of course not lah... If not, I think a lot of bros won't listen to my advices already... Okay lah... I think we don't TCSS here... Don't spoil the "serious" mood... :D
29-01-2005, 11:23 PM
Well... Guess all these advices are frm guys... So might wanna seek a gal's opinion.... Erm...... Think 1st thing 1st... Is ur wife's ex her 1st love??
Usually 1st love are hard to forget.... So that's why she might still continue stay in continue with her ex.... But... If she is fully aware of what is her status?? Like she is married for 2 yrs?? Well.... 30 sms with sexual contents in them..... Erm.... My friend... It'll depend on how open she is??
If for me... I won't lor... Occassional flirtin is fun jus to spice up life a little... Though I'm not married... But I'm fully awared that I'm attached so there is a need to consider the feeling of my partner... So... I'll avoid all situations that can cause any misunderstandin.... So ur wife left her HP openly and without deletin the messages... Don't know she forgets or she's careless... If she wanna give u to wear green hat... She'll b very careful on coverin her tracks..... She could left that kinda stuff ard to do some testin?? Ke ke... Like I will go out with a guy friend... But onli told bf that I go out with friend (not emphaisin what gender)... So when he suspect sometin... He'll ask and I jus tell him e truth... Though he'll get jealous & I suffer the effect of the testin... But it's worth it cause I know I'm in an impt position in his heart...
Another reason could be that she's very open... Onli can sms but no action... Jus like some cybersex online.... Ppl can go online tc but no action... Jus to have a kick...... But must know when to stop otherwise become addiction....
So oli u know the character of ur wife.... So best advice... Stay cool.. Be alert... As and when throw hints like tc sayin ur friend nowadays like to sms to some stranger gals to have sms sex or issue on wifes givin green hats to their husbands etc.. See how's her reaction?? Surely will have that kinda gulity look on her face if she's really actin bad behind ur back....
29-01-2005, 11:44 PM
In case I am busy... here is the solution
Once all the fact in hand that she is cheating you... from this point onwards there are two things you should be clear.
.................................................. ..................................
First, do you still love her, forgive her and want her back.
Second, if no, then divorce her, quick and simple.
.................................................. ...................................
If you want her back, then a bit difficult. But not impossible. Locate the ex-boyfriend parent address and hire somebody to beat up one of the parents. At the same time, telling the parents what their son had done, destroying people family and letting you wear green hat. And you give a warning, if the whole affair doesn't stop, ask them to buy their casket first. If this comes to police affair, you always claim that you doesn't know anything and you were somewhere else.
If the boyfriend are smart, he will leave you alone and your wife dare not confront you because she has done something bad behind your back. Remember, If your wife confront you, you should shown her what you have on your hand and threaten to expose her to her parents. Remember, change your will so that if you got anything happen you, everything will go to your parents or children and not a cents goes to her. ;)
"It is the parents fault if the son are not taught manners."
Interesting advise....if i may comment my opinion on your advise to him:
given the fact things did went haywire with her ex....problems lies in you on not just that guy.....secondly what has the relationship got to do with the parents. remember, you can hire to whack somemone, police can also trace the incident. More so in Sillypore.
Like you's the parents fault if their son are not taught manners.
quote this to your advise......your parents must have brought you up as a hooligan.
29-01-2005, 11:51 PM
Locate the ex-boyfriend parent address and hire somebody to beat up one of the parents.
There r little option n i think most of them r oredi listed. But bro r u serious abt tis beating up of old folk?? U can talk 2 them but not physically BEAT them up rite?? Hope tis a typo.... :eek: :p
29-01-2005, 11:53 PM
Hi Mango,
I think most of the people here have been giving you pretty sound advices. If i may i would like to share with you a little about trust and understanding.
I sms and talk alot with my ex-gf who is already happily married with children. We can talk anything from work to intimate feelings with havee for each other to the extend that we could actually go to bed.
However there's already a strong bonding in the relationship that physical contact would not have happened as compared to when we were a couple. Some have told you that there are things hard to tell their bf or husband and it's true. For example that they have sex that finish as fast as it started. How to tell hubby. We can say nothing should hide (I agree) but man has this ego that will over-rule the openness for discussion.
Just repeat what some had said. Do try to open a conversation with her. For example asking her if she contact her ex or not and that she should tell you if she has so as not to have any misunderstanding. It helps well in my ex case.
29-01-2005, 11:59 PM
I guess to guys and girls alike, the grass on the other side is always greener.
What you don't have at the moment, seems better, as usual.
As what other bros had said, the main thing is, do you love her ?
What will you do she's really cheating on you ? Think of all the possible ending, and what will you do in each of the situation. Then find a right time to talk to her. Get this out, but at a right time, to your advantage. Don't wait till an occassion when u are quarrelling or angry, that'll just make the matter worse.
Don't just keep it to urself. The crack will get bigger in times to come. Get it out, talk to her about it, but at a right time.
30-01-2005, 12:10 AM
Interesting advise....if i may comment my opinion on your advise to him:
Like you's the parents fault if their son are not taught manners.
quote this to your advise......your parents must have brought you up as a hooligan.
i was left on the street untill i was 13 year old.. so, this is wat u see now.
ok.. back to the topic,
to thread starter,
if u really love her, which i believe u do, love her more..
but.. have u think, sometime, same daily robotic routine will start to bore her.
allow me to share my story, last time, my 1st fling with a married woman, did u know wat she told me when i ask why she wana do it? ..
she said..
nowaday, our sillypore woman have a difference thinking..
same as some guy, wife must not be pretty, mistress must be.
just me half cent,
30-01-2005, 12:15 AM
i was left on the street untill i was 13 year old.. so, this is wat u see now.
Yo bro, fred not coz you are not the only one....i was even younger.....and would say have matured and still don't blame anyone. Not everyone can have the same good life.
Anyway we hope to provide the right advise to people in need and not make a bigger issue out of it....worst beating other people's parent.
30-01-2005, 12:17 AM
Anyway we hope to provide the right advise to people in need and not make a bigger issue out of it....worst beating other people's parent.
very true...
ignore that kiddo advise..he watch toomuch hk movie.
30-01-2005, 12:21 AM
erm.. is that my wife???
30-01-2005, 12:26 AM
Now back to home. everything seems like normal to her, doing what she did usual. I also act normal, but my feeling is boiling inside. I hv to figure out what should i do next step. Of course, i wanna to keep this family, we have been marry for 2 years, FYI, i am 29. and she is 27.
I thanks all brother so helpful,
I will report more about the sms contains if i have a chance to see it again.
Brother. You are not alone. I was like you once. It happen to me two years ago. I went thru sheer hell. I was retrenched and I lost my job and car. One guy begin to fetch her to and back from work. Everynite, I would cry and carried my 3 year old son wandering aimlessly in my estate waiting for her to return. I did hired a P.I. Even today, I still have the video of them checking into their hotel. Some Friends rallied around me. Some friends shun me for my state. I went to temple mediums to seek advise. One of them told me that if you, your wife and her BF age is 23,26,29 i.e 3,6,9 then you are in trouble. That time it happen to me 3,6,9. Anyway, don't believe too much. marriage is like that. If you are lucky, you will have a peaceful and lasting marriage. Sometime being good and caring is not enough. Anyway, alot of brothers here gave alot of advise in sam forum. I believe now you will never trust her anymore. Judging from the type of language use in the sms. That shows that her ex bf in closing in on his target . Her bf will pester her to apply leave so that he can be with her ,just watch out. Her handphone will become a scary object to you in the house. If you talk to her, be prepared for some nasty answer like lets break.....I am 100% on your side. I hate fu xing de niu ren. do not hurt your wife or her bf. She will hate you more. treat your wife with respect. It will take some time for her to give up her bf. Meanwhile your wife have not "cross the line yet'', so there's still hope.
30-01-2005, 12:29 AM
erm.. is that my wife???
AIA agent? stay in west?
30-01-2005, 12:31 AM
Bro Mango,
I am sorry to hear of your little crisis over there. I once had a cheating gf and the feeling sucks. But for you, its not a confirmed case of adultery yet and maybe there's some saving grace in the whole issue. But since you mentioned that he's in KL, it would appear that he is 'investing' a fair bit of money to SMS his previous gf, your wife. Did you notice that the number was indeed a global sms sent or was KL something your wife told you in the past?
30-01-2005, 12:33 AM
erm.. is that my wife???
:eek: Hopefully not leh.... :p
30-01-2005, 12:33 AM
no goodness.. heaving a sign of relief.. :p
30-01-2005, 12:36 AM
oei HIJACKING THREAD ah :rolleyes:
30-01-2005, 12:47 AM
Kekeke... It seems like the TCSS group likes to invade in all threads... :D
And I am one of them as well... :D
30-01-2005, 12:50 AM
Kekeke... It seems like the TCSS group likes to invade in all threads... :D
And I am one of them as well... :D
every thread.. in fact..
in every walk of life..
even in work..
u see friend TCSS
Sorry to hear about this. It is indeed a traumatic experience to go through.
Perhaps, you might want to consider the following:
(1) "Zhi Ji Zhi Bi, Bai Zhan Bai Shen" (Know yourself and know your enemy, and success is guaranteed).
You know her more than any of us. And you know how much you love her and her love for you. So have a cool head, analyse the personality/situation before you make any decision. Most of all, a good heart to heart talk is best (but be prepared for the worst). Once you have decided, you may like to consider the following ways:
- "Cut your losses"
If you choose to split, then imagine you are gambling in the casino, and you know (in your clear head) that your luck is going down. And you want to quit the game and cut your losses before you lose your pants. It could be a short term pain then a long term torture.
- "Do what you ought to do, and whatever comes should be the 'best' outcome."
Should you choose to continue loving her (after or without confronting her), you may like to remind yourself that you are simply doing what your heart wants. And in the event that the outcome turns out negative, you should have no regrets already.
I sincerely hope you could be at peace in such moments. All the best.
30-01-2005, 12:56 AM
ya agree.......think every forum is the same.
30-01-2005, 01:01 AM
"Zhi Ji Zhi Bi, Bai Zhan Bai Shen"
talking about the art of war.. from what i understand.. its best not to engage in any war at all!
30-01-2005, 01:08 AM
talking about the art of war.. from what i understand.. its best not to engage in any war at all!
Which is quite impossible regardless how peace loving u r. others ain't.
Bai Zhan Bai Shen does not mean u can fight any war and win all of them. It means u oni fight those which u can win. If not then u had 2 back off or use cheat code. Hehe :D
talking about the art of war.. from what i understand.. its best not to engage in any war at all!
hehehe..not exactly lah..
you just use the knowledge you gathered in your "discussions" or "negotiations" loh. :)
30-01-2005, 01:09 AM
KNN... Someone just minus 3 pts from me in this thread.... :mad:
But horr... Who cares... :D
30-01-2005, 01:11 AM
let me quote the art of war.. from chapter 3 verse 2:
Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
30-01-2005, 01:13 AM
let me quote the art of war.. from chapter 3 verse 2:
Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
See meh? I thought it's from the mightiest "Asdfghjkl"? :D
30-01-2005, 01:15 AM
I think we stopped TCSS here lah... Maybe we can go to other threads such as "Lobangs" etc... to continue... :D
30-01-2005, 01:15 AM
KNN... Someone just minus 3 pts from me in this thread.... :mad:
缘聚则幻有,缘散则幻无。是故古往今来一切事物,无非水月镜花, 犹如梦幻泡影,皆是石火电光,亦是过眼云烟。
身若浮泡,幻质非坚, 老衰病死, 若空无常,这是必然的生灭变易的规则,漂流而刹那不住的。
look at yr own signature.. how well u study it? :confused:
30-01-2005, 01:17 AM
缘聚则幻有,缘散则幻无。是故古往今来一切事物,无非水月镜花, 犹如梦幻泡影,皆是石火电光,亦是过眼云烟。
身若浮泡,幻质非坚, 老衰病死, 若空无常,这是必然的生灭变易的规则,漂流而刹那不住的。
look at yr own signature.. how well u study it? :confused:
Hahaha... That's why I say "Who cares"... :D
30-01-2005, 01:17 AM
Points kana deducted?
Well nothing new also.....before Sam change the points here lots of flame war...then now w points system anyone and whoever just minus points. I get plus fm who i also dun know except for the few iwhom i know personally.
i got minus many a times also like that. life still goes on.
30-01-2005, 01:17 AM
lol.. and here is some war spoilt for u :p
30-01-2005, 01:20 AM
Points kana deducted?
Well nothing new also.....before Sam change the points here lots of flame war...then now w points system anyone and whoever just minus points. I get plus fm who i also dun know except for the few iwhom i know personally.
i got minus many a times also like that. life still goes on.
Yaloh.. Nothing new.. That's why I also bochap... Since TCSS here, so just voice out loh... No big deal... Btw, thanks for your pts... Should be from you lah... Horr..? :p
30-01-2005, 01:21 AM
1) First of all ask for a detailed billing from the tel provider.
2) Keep it safely (you may need one day)
3) Ask yourself will you really love her after this incident
4) Give this a good thought
5) Confront one day if you decide to know her true feeling
Good luck!
30-01-2005, 01:21 AM
let me quote the art of war.. from chapter 3 verse 2:
Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
Tis u talking abt.
But lidat still fighting leh..
故上兵伐謀,其次伐交,其次伐兵,其下攻城...故善用兵者,屈人之兵而非戰也。拔人之城而非攻也,破人之 國而非久也,必以全爭于天下,故兵不頓,而利可全,此謀攻之法也。
30-01-2005, 01:26 AM
mdx.. i weep that u dun recognise ur benefactor.. :o
30-01-2005, 01:28 AM
mdx.. i weep that u dun recognise ur benefactor.. :o
So, it's you....Paiseh lah... No name mah... I see if I can contribute to you or not... :p
30-01-2005, 01:29 AM
Yaloh.. Nothing new.. That's why I also bochap... Since TCSS here, so just voice out loh... No big deal... Btw, thanks for your pts... Should be from you lah... Horr..? :p
I berry honest one....i tried to give points but hor some one went ahead of me also....message says what must spread wat points for you?????
30-01-2005, 01:32 AM
I berry honest one....i tried to give points but hor some one went ahead of me also....message says what must spread wat points for you?????
That means you have added me before already mah... Shh... Me just added you also... :cool:
30-01-2005, 01:33 AM
big.. u should say its u ma.. then we try to confuse mdx.. lol.. reminding me of confuse option in rtk..
30-01-2005, 01:35 AM
i dun know abt the topid restriction ma......i only post n talk cock here ma.....not to mentioned read stories la, FR la, children posing questions la but must of all join if possible in flame wars lor.....hahahahahaha
30-01-2005, 01:36 AM
That means you have added me before already mah... Shh... Me just added you also...
Haiz... Another i up u, u up me tread....Hehe :D :p
30-01-2005, 01:36 AM
oh yes.. the flaming arrows to shoot.. haha.. :)
30-01-2005, 01:36 AM
big.. u should say its u ma.. then we try to confuse mdx.. lol.. reminding me of confuse option in rtk..
Confuse me good meh?? :D Anyway, just added you lah... Think you deserve it after TCSS for so long.... :p
30-01-2005, 01:38 AM
Haiz... Another i up u, u up me tread....Hehe
Don't like that say leh... I only upped bros who contribute to the forum.. My points are not easy to give out wan leh.... Got filtering wan.... :D
30-01-2005, 01:41 AM
its good at u are "feng yi bei geng" with me, just as xiang yu did with liu bang..
30-01-2005, 01:42 AM
Don't like that say leh... I only upped bros who contribute to the forum.. My points are not easy to give out wan leh.... Got filtering wan....
Yes and I do believe giving is a much more pleasant then zapping. So i spend the 2 shot per day upping so much more then zapping. :D
30-01-2005, 01:42 AM
Don't like that say leh... I only upped bros who contribute to the forum.. My points are not easy to give out wan leh.... Got filtering wan.... :D
Wa like that i siao liao.......
anyway good also la to maintain a little standard
30-01-2005, 01:49 AM
I think you have doubts about your wife now.
You will keep suspecting her until you really found out the truth.
It will keep boring you all the time until you cannot take it and confront her.
To keep the matter simple and short. Employ a private detective, find out the truth.
Then decide what you want to do with the truth.
Very simple....
30-01-2005, 02:27 AM
And if you do discuss it wif your wife b veri wise..dun jump into conclusion. As in 1 example:
Even if she denies any contact wif her ex, it doesnt mean she is cheating. Y? coz it may be that she knows lettin you know it may lead to further speculation by you, so in order to prevent suspicions, she may say 'no' even when there r no feelings btwn her and the ex.
30-01-2005, 03:24 AM
I have been married for years. ..
Please advise if you are in this condition. What will you do?
Bro, I know there's a lot of advises for you and I've just read thru the 1st page. No need to go thru the rest, but here's my 2 cents worth...
Please bear with the language as I write as if I'm speaking
First, you have to prepare yourself for a break in your marriage liow... just in case...
Yes, you have been cheated by your wife. Maybe not physically but emotionally...
You've been married for years...How the F your wife and her ex have each other's handphone numbers if they have not met? NBzz Don't tell me they keep each others numbers since courting days? I don't believe that during this time, they didn't change their numbers at all...
Does your wife and you exchange sms the way she exchange with her ex? From the way you post, I don't think so. I personally don't believe that she and her ex are acting like very close friends now from the way you describe some of the sms.
I'm not saying that your wife has cheated on you. That you have to find out yourself.
But if I were in your situation, first of all, I'll call the fucking ex and fuck the hell out of him. If he's not happy, he can always meet up and I'll beat the fucking hell out of him.
Then, I'll confront my wife (definitely not slow talk hor) and give her a fucking piece of my mind. A fucking big piece to let her know not to fuck with me. I don't give a fuck whatever reasons or excuses there is. I do not allow anybody, ex or no ex, to talk whether by sms or phone or email, intimately with my wife. If my wife so like to talk intimately with someone else, then she can go fly kite with that fucking someone else.
Let me tell you, if I were to contact my ex, who is already married, and does such things with her, would fucking mean I have no bloody respect for her or her husband, thinking she's probably "cheap" to be able to still communicate with me this way.
Bro, never allow even the slightest, seemingly harmless matter happen with regards to your marriage, or else it may develop into something unpleasant.
And if you don't dare confront the fucking ex, PM me his h/p number and I'll be sending him "sweet" sms every night. :D
and oh! by the way, although MDX is also my good buddy, I will say you got every fucking right to check on anything belonging to your wife. It's b'cos everyone think it's privacy that always end up too late for you to take actions.
I think this is more than 2 cents worth :cool:
30-01-2005, 03:47 AM
Now back to home. everything seems like normal to her, doing what she did usual. I also act normal, but my feeling is boiling inside. I hv to figure out what should i do next step. Of course, i wanna to keep this family, we have been marry for 2 years, FYI, i am 29. and she is 27.
I thanks all brother so helpful,
I will report more about the sms contains if i have a chance to see it again.
Bro, by the way, next time 2 years don't say a few years hor? It's very misleading...
Anyway, I have read thru most of the advises the other bros here given to you. Although I know they meant well, I don't not agree with most of them that tells you to go slow, don't accused, don't show anger, etc, etc...
NBzzz, you try go slow, etc, etc...? Your wife will tell her ex that you found out and what happen, etc, etc and the fucking ex will be laughing inside him.
You do not need to be physical with your wife. But fucking hell, you better let her have a piece of your mind. If she dare retaliate, then say bye bye to your marriage. That would mean your wife also don't respect you.
I don't know why you are hiding the fact from her that you found out...What the fuck you still want to analyse this or that? bro.. a man has to be a man..
Just b'cos you go GL, massage, etc, etc, doesn't mean you can allow your wife to do such things... This is an unfair world. just too bad.
For the rest of the bros who feel that the wife is only having small talks with a "close friend", I want you to picture this.
Picture YOUR own wife, lying down beside you in bed every night before sleeping...
Picture YOUR wife showing you the sms from a "close" male friend with contents that are sexual, etc...
Picture YOUR wife showing you what she replied, also sexual, etc..
Then tell me that its OK for you and you will be hugging her lovingly and telling her "go ahead, write somemore, afterall, he's your very close friend"
then I'll tell you "bull Shit"
30-01-2005, 03:52 AM
BTW bro... I'm not suggesting that you accuse your wife of being unfaithful...
I saying you should give her a fucking piece of your mind, (and her ex) that this is NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! No matter what the fucking reasons or excuses!!! No need to discuss why she did that! no need to talk things over! Just give them a fucking piece of your mind. PERIOD!
Whether she being faithful or not, is up to you to find out.
30-01-2005, 04:25 AM
Sibei stress. I feel so bad for u brother.
Of course being a man, my opinion of this might be biased. But u should confront your wife. Cannot...this is really not acceptable. Though we man always fuck around but if wife do this....cannot..really cannot accept.
Divorce her. Dun need to give chance. :mad:
P.S: Paiseh if my advice is wrong but fuck sia, this is ......nvm. If u need someone to chiong aka cheat on your wife, please pm me. :D
30-01-2005, 08:40 AM
One more thing.
Okay, if I am going to talk to her, what should I expect from her? Ask not to do it again? Not contact her ex? Of course, I wanna her belong to me. If she become smarter and start to delete those SMS or start using email instead of phone, then i will never find out she has do what she promise. You know, the trust is gone. Luckily she never write dairy, else i am very sure i will read it.
The situation is like your wife caught you fucking outside gals, she has a big problem to trust you again. Now it is me to has this problem, although she is yet to have sex to her ex, but i do feel the same.
I want her back, I wanna save our marrige. so when i talk to her, what really should I expecting from her?
yang punk
30-01-2005, 11:29 AM
Mango... u should know by now why she married u. Was it love? Was it because her ex is a non-singaporean and she couldn't leave Sg to follow him to KL? Was it because you would make a good husband for her?
Yes women can remain 'dutiful' seemingly loving wives and yet keep lovers outside... just like men! I have met a couple myself and they were NOT ons!
So how does she treat you in bed? Lovingly? Kissing each other goodbye in the morning is NOT being in love. Angmohs do it all the time its just a custom or habit. Does she seduces you in bed... make love to you because she wants to please you...and not you having to initiate sex each time. Surely you can tell from there.
Frankly I agree with TV...if they are already so intimate over the phone whether by call or sms... jumping into bed with each other when opportunities arise is a forgone conclusion ... otherwise her ex is NOT a man!
So why waste time asking for advice here when you should be asking her what the fuk is happening?
30-01-2005, 11:57 AM
Hi Mango, you may want to monitor the situation first. Maybe like checking her hp to see how serious the matter is before approaching her.
Cos most likely she will start to delete away those message and you will nv koe wat they are doing behind you.
However, it maybe good if you just ask her straight to the point. Since both of you have been together for 2yrs...
Think before you decide any course of actions.
30-01-2005, 12:23 PM
I have been married for years. My relationship with my wife is very good and steady. Everyday, she gives me a kiss before we head for our working place. And every here and then, I will buy her presents. I still have very strong feeling about her.
So, the thing that I want to some of your advice happened yesterday. My wife was taking her bath and I was cleaning my room. Yes, I will do the cleaning sometimes. Accidentally, I pressed a button on her hand phone. Usually, we don’t touch each other stuff; just have some privacy for each other’s. But that moment, I don’t know why, I feel very curious about the stuff inside the hand phone. And I know my wife will take at least 30 minutes for her to finish bathing. I start to explore the contain in her hand phone. Fuck, out of my suppraise, she still have contact with her ex after years of married. And they SMS each other A LOT, I means really A LOT!!! Yesterday only, there are 30 sms received. And the sms contains really really make me NUT.
They are like old loving couple. Saying something like you miss me or not. How sweet on their old time. What’s their plan for meet. AND more importantly, involved a lot of sexual stuff…
Upon that moment, I feel like I had been cheated for years, is she love or not what? What’s on her mind? I don’t talk to her since that. Don’t even give her a goodbye kiss before I go to work.
Please advise if you are in this condition. What will you do?
Ok lets put things in perspective .... havent you been cheating on her, only to fear that she will find out.
How , lets say she found out and took this as an opportunity to say ... if you can then I can ...
Looking at your previous posts : Was in BHC last monday, due to limitation of time, I am only fuck and go. Kind of worry if my wife finding out what I did, so I don't dare to stay long time in HC.
I call at book Sally for the...
So , chill manz .... lets just put it this way , watever you have done behind her, she would probably have done behind you. All is fair in love and war.
So nothing to be angry or upset about. Think of all the good times you';ve had with another woman ... and its fair right ? You do and she does , so no worries.
One more thing.
Okay, if I am going to talk to her, what should I expect from her? Ask not to do it again? Not contact her ex? Of course, I wanna her belong to me. If she become smarter and start to delete those SMS or start using email instead of phone, then i will never find out she has do what she promise. You know, the trust is gone. Luckily she never write dairy, else i am very sure i will read it.
The situation is like your wife caught you fucking outside gals, she has a big problem to trust you again. Now it is me to has this problem, although she is yet to have sex to her ex, but i do feel the same.
I want her back, I wanna save our marrige. so when i talk to her, what really should I expecting from her?
Put yourself in the worst case scenario. U had been unfaithful to her in the past. Now assume that she too had the same. Do you love her enough to want her back? And forgive her, no matter what had happened? If yes, then go ahead and talk. If you can already accept the worst case, half the battle is already won. And for heaven's sake, if you want her to be faithful, you should do your part too.
30-01-2005, 12:32 PM
BTW bro... I'm not suggesting that you accuse your wife of being unfaithful...
I saying you should give her a fucking piece of your mind, (and her ex) that this is NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! No matter what the fucking reasons or excuses!!! No need to discuss why she did that! no need to talk things over! Just give them a fucking piece of your mind. PERIOD!
Whether she being faithful or not, is up to you to find out.
Yes, should give her a fucking piece of mind. But then you will realised that when we point the accusing finger at her, 3 fingers are pointing back at us. The fucking piece of mind is also for ownself.
30-01-2005, 03:07 PM
i got no wife la but you need to think about one thing first... what if your worse fears are true? must try to think of a solution before you go into the problem. don't just go screaming into the problem
30-01-2005, 05:45 PM
From Page 4 to 6 ... all TCSS again :rolleyes:
To threadstarter, I just up your pts from 7. Hopefully you'll be able to reply.
here's my take from woman's POV.
She gets lots of sms from that KL ex-bf... some sexual text BUT what did she reply ? You'll HAVE to know this. For all you know, she may NOT have replied him on it.
I wonder why she left the msg in her phone so openly like there's nothing wrong. Alternatively, if you're really angry, get yourself the address/name of this KL person and wack the balls out of him. Very easy to get hitman in KL.
I have to ask you this before going on. Do you have children ?!?!? Famiy court are MORE concern about the welfare of the child. They're not bothered about you and your wife if divorce is concerned. Getting a PI for evidence MIGHT help but you need to get her red-handed which means IN BED. Which hotel would let you barge in just like that ? KL maybe... pay under table and get security to get master keys etc. MAYBE...
Some one mentioned getting DETAILED billing from handphone service provider would be good idea.
But on the other hand, why would she be having SMS flings on the phone with her ex-bf and not you ? She married you so unless you're not fullfilling your part as a man EMOTIONALLY, she might wander off to her ex-bf who used to shower her EMOTIONALLY. Some men don't quite understand us, its NOT the money and car... its the EMOTIONAL part of the relationship you have to get a grasp on.
When courting, you date her out for movies, nice simple dinner, a little walk in the park holding hands... or at home watching movie together hugging, holding hands.... When was the last time you just kissed her for nothing and tell her sweet nothings like you look pretty today ? Watch TV with her... help her out in her daily chores or some thing. I am not asking you to tell her to STOP doing her house chores but HELP her... Do it TOGETHER with her. Send her a greeting card to tell her you miss her... tell her sweet things on the card. Be that ROMEO every now and then.... it WILL turn girls on.
I have a friend, he's married and some how his wife isn't giving him any thing. Zero reponses... sex in bed ONCE A YEAR in 365 days.. thats really bad and she recently went back to taiwan to see her parents and does not wish to come back to Singapore becos' she's BORED... No Friends. What I adviced him was to send her a card... telling her he misses her so badly. Instead of a call/sms, a card does wonders... but he didn't do it... he EMAILED her instead becos' he can't remember the taiwan address ( wah lao... he could have called her family to ask right ? stingy fella ). Fortunately the email worked and she confessed she misses him and has been calling each other every day.
The above is just a start. You need to find where your wife ticks. She's highly sex... get wild with her. She's the romantic sort ? sweep her off her feet !!!
And as for the KL guy. I have ZERO respect for men like him who barges in to other people's relationship without second thoughts of the repercusions.
BTW they broke up for a reason. Married you for a reason.
Confrontation is another way BUT you must be tacful. If I'm her, and get questioned like that... I won't feel easy. You know your wife much better than we do. so you must know a way to talk to her. For some woman, who are already prepared to break up, will just break it off the minute you ask her while some would just sit down and talk it out.
Confess your love for her, work it out with her... ask her what's wrong with you in HER EYES.
Like men, some KPKB if wife does every thing accept Mad Sex in bed. Some loves woman who does house work, no sex is ok. Some want BOTH.
30-01-2005, 05:53 PM
speaking of handphones, i believe there is a service whereby you can get your wife's SMS, sms'ed to your phone as well without her detection.
but if your wife finds out you're doing all that... YOU ARE DEAD. So approach this with caution.
I have a friend whose husband is doing this but he forgot one thing, he instructed the operator to forward the calls to him as well WHILE she's receiving the call.
in other words...
Caller >> Handphone1 >>> Handphone2
Handphone1 gets call/receives/talk
Handphone2 gets the call only.
But some thing gave away this 'discreet' service... before the call connects, there's a funny ring tone or short delay which is very awkward... My friend suspected some thing and called provider and the provider said "You husband requested us to do this..." Stupid service provider and husband :p
the wonderfully part is, she's not having an affair of any kind. every thing she's out... he thinks she's having some intimate affair and will call every 30mins just to check on her. wah lao... worst than prison.
30-01-2005, 09:42 PM
Bro, I know there's a lot of advises for you and I've just read thru the 1st page. No need to go thru the rest, but here's my 2 cents worth...
I think this is more than 2 cents worth :cool:
bro, stay cool. si nu.
like i told bro mango, better start making other plans for himself now (i dont mean getting new gf hor).
even if he screw the ex n wife upside down. no guarantee wont happen in the future.
31-01-2005, 03:09 AM
bro ur point view is damn good n well visioned...
the wonderfully part is, she's not having an affair of any kind. every thing she's out... he thinks she's having some intimate affair and will call every 30mins just to check on her. wah lao... worst than prison.
31-01-2005, 03:21 AM
bro ur point view is damn good n well visioned...
hi, good morning,
i recieved a disapproved vote with a FUCK YOU left behind, just check with sam.
he told me it was u.
Sir, i was so sorry, can i buy u a drink and say sorry to you u please??
pls let me know the location and date and time .
31-01-2005, 03:27 AM
obviously u didnt really read e postings here... i hav already admitted dat i deduct ur pts... SO... WAT S PROBLEM NOW?!?!?!
I WIL pm U SOON!!!
Sir, i was so sorry, can i buy u a drink and say sorry to you u please??
pls let me know the location and date and time
31-01-2005, 03:29 AM
obviously u didnt really read e postings here... i hav already admitted dat i deduct ur pts... SO... WAT S PROBLEM NOW?!?!?!
I WIL pm U SOON!!!
oh.. i remember who u r right.,. thse sick small kiddo tat stay in bukit timah.. car a bmw huh??
come.. faster PM me.. chinese new year coming.. good good
middle finger show at me?
come come.. dun say liao.. PM me
31-01-2005, 03:43 AM
u hav 2 take dis issue so personal izit... Y dun u PM me ur MOBILE NUMBER INSTEAD!!!
31-01-2005, 03:47 AM
if u r cant win mi in a flame war den how r u goin 2 win mi wif ur hands n legs let dat... ask ur ass lovers n cock suckers 2 fight 4u izit???
chinese new year coming.. come, let play it big.
i never win in a cyber flame war.
let meet outside
DIS IS WAT HE PM MI!!! :confused:
31-01-2005, 03:49 AM
u hav 2 take dis issue so personal izit... Y dun u PM me ur MOBILE NUMBER INSTEAD!!!
hello, let play.. find someone hard to eat. eat a soft one is a disgrace.
u sibei tough is it??
try me 1st ok?
and, u dun trust me to give me yr hp number, me also same.
tell u wat, u chose a samster that you trust.. and he must have at least 200 rep point and join 2 year ago.. pass him yr hp..then i also pass him my hp number,
let have a big show for all to watch on this CNY.
no one.. no one ever say to me FU*K YOU in real life, do u wanna be the one?
31-01-2005, 03:52 AM
MILFELLA , when can u grow up??
31-01-2005, 03:53 AM
now u have it, i just minus yr point with my nick.
31-01-2005, 03:56 AM
31-01-2005, 04:00 AM
MILFELLA , when can u grow up??
31-01-2005, 04:05 AM
i say do it big.. well, lipei gay? ask yr mother come try.
bark as much as u want..
hear it? get yr mother down, i wanna fuck her since u keep syaing lipei is gay.,
ok liao, limpei no time to entertain u, go get a senior samster, pm him yr hp number, and let me know when and where to meet yr mother.
i shall not reply to u in main anymore. waste my time and everybody time.
in case u miss it, 3rd time i wanna say to u, pls get yr mother come, i wanna screw her.
do not reply me as i wont reply .
OR BEST, GET A SENIOR TO ARRANGE FOR A DATE so i can fuck yr mother.
31-01-2005, 04:22 AM
wah how come we trying to help bro mango here the tread become a flaming war??? :confused:
31-01-2005, 04:25 AM
wah how come we trying to help bro mango here the tread become a flaming war??? :confused:
i had told him to use the PM box to arrange for a date.
PAISEH to all other and the thread starter.
31-01-2005, 05:33 AM
Suggest you engage a private detective to confirm your suspicions, whether all the SMS are real or just harmless chit chats...
Prince Spa
31-01-2005, 05:43 AM
I really feel sorry for you Mango if you have been faithful to your wife and she betrayed you. Be careful. This kind of thing can lead to anger and murder. Control yourself. Calm down.
But if you are one of the cheongsters here who always post FR, then I really believe you deserve it.
31-01-2005, 09:29 AM
Dear Mango,
I think there are alot of good advice given by many brothers here. They are neither right nor wrong depending on the grounds you are standing on. While many things are legal and legitimate, they may not necessary be right or wrong (morally).
You have to decide for yourself what is the action you want to take based on your desired outcome.
You say you love your wife and want to keep the marriage. I think this is very good and noble on your part. However, this requires you to be forgiving and willingness to forget in order to move on (humanly, not easy but possible).
You cannot change the past (deleting the SMS wouldn't help) but moving on and change the future does. Move on and focus on what you can built on not move back and focus on amplifying the damage.
Treat her SMS as a little flirting that you could have done it yourself.
Remember. the small things in life irritates and initiate the final collapse. Don't let it.
Would you be happy to be legally right, exposed and divorce her and then live your life miserably alone and totally cut off from the person you love just because you can't forgive in life.
My 2 cents worth.
31-01-2005, 11:17 AM
Dear Bro Mango, I symphatize with your problem as I am going thru something similar. The friggin fast n furious SMS's will kill your relationship in a hurry. Trust me, there is no smoke without a fire, and in most cases, the fire is burning and raging!!! U must be prepared to face her with this evidence before you can even move forward.
Few warning signs for bros to look out for in your wife or GF -
1) Fuckin sms like there is no tomorrow
2) Always have to meet with "friends" whenever u are busy
3) the slightest changes in habits ( even taste in Jewellry is a sure sign)
Why do I know? Cos I am a fucking sad walking victim of infidelity.
My wife started behavin strangely 2 months ago and I felt something was up especially when she keeps doing sms and suddenly she needs to meet her "friends" all the time. I suspected something was wrong and I hired a PI. Just as I suspected, the bitch was seeing some mother fucker. SHIT, I am still reeling from this shocker and I feel totally devastated, and I am still mad as hell.
I confronted her, and spilled the entire story to her parents. She claims that I did not care about her "needs" as I am always busy with my career. WTF? If not for the career, where did she get her comfy life from? Now, the mother fucker is so worried that he called my wife asking her to find out if I sent some men to kill him! I will never do anything to this asshole, cos I leave it to his retribution later to handle him. Cos there is retribution for home wreckers. She told me that he was just someone who she confided in and was a "passing friend" and nothing happended. I wish to believe her words, but gut feel says RUBBISH!
To anyone who has designs on any married women - don't break up a happy home.
However, advice from close friends and family is for me to forgive and reconcile with her. Today, I am trying to do so, but somehow, I am still mad as hell.
I really dunno what to do and I will appreciate advice from my bro's here, cos this is going to drive me mad soon.
31-01-2005, 11:46 AM
havent you been cheating on her, only to fear that she will find out.
So , chill manz .... lets just put it this way , watever you have done behind her, she would probably have done behind you. All is fair in love and war.
So nothing to be angry or upset about. Think of all the good times you';ve had with another woman ... and its fair right ? You do and she does , so no worries.
Basically I don't agree with the statements above. They tend to advise bro mango more or less to accept it or take it easy since he has also been fooling around.
I have NEVER seen a man so gracious as to allow his wife to do what he has done b'cos "all fair in love and war", eg, because he has chiong in GL or whatever, his wife can also go find and fuck a gg or lover and when she's back home, he asked her" hi honey, how was your fuck at where with who?"
This is an unfair world,.... too bad, no need to try to make it fair.
If a man is NOT angry or upset when he suspected his wife of infidelity, (suspected only hor), then either he has some problems with his head, has no love for his wife so he doesn't care, or he has no pride and is not a man...
31-01-2005, 11:47 AM
However, advice from close friends and family is for me to forgive and reconcile with her. Today, I am trying to do so, but somehow, I am still mad as hell.
I really dunno what to do and I will appreciate advice from my bro's here, cos this is going to drive me mad soon.
though i am not qualified to provide advice, i am a married man, and if i were you, i wont force myself to make up with her. i feel anything can be forgiven, but not affairs lah.
the husband busy with career so wife goes out happy hunting reason - bullshit. bull fucking shit.
i dont want to sound MPC, but men will still be men, 5000 years ago, probably the same 5000 years later.
but women, being a wife or mother, their pussy is where our kids come out from.
another man going in that area is unforgiven.
having said that, i also wish you are able to find out more but deciding your course of action.
31-01-2005, 11:47 AM
Fuck sia, Thaivistor is so right.
I dun want to offend anyone but....nabei cheebye how can u accept your wifle / girlfriend fool around outside? You got lan pah chee or not? :D
31-01-2005, 11:57 AM
Put yourself in the worst case scenario. U had been unfaithful to her in the past. Now assume that she too had the same. Do you love her enough to want her back? And forgive her, no matter what had happened? If yes, then go ahead and talk. If you can already accept the worst case, half the battle is already won. And for heaven's sake, if you want her to be faithful, you should do your part too.
Are my ears playing tricks on me or what?
Bro Free, how many girls were you faithful to in the last few months and how many are still with you? From your barbelicious bel, to walking and in hand with your rain, and then back to bel, then rain, and then film and now who? I don't know.
Of course you will want to paint a very nice picture that you all parted as friends, etc, etc, but every bro knows that was not the case lah...
If you keep advising bros to accept that since a guy have been unfaithful before, he should accept the girl being unfaithful too?
Then they'll all going to be like you, keeping changing wives like changing underwear.
No can do. You're living in a world of dreams.. time to wake up!
31-01-2005, 12:03 PM
I have been married for years. My relationship with my wife is very good and steady.
If what u have said true case for the above, u should reflect on your ownself. Eventually, u are also cheating behind your wife's back.
Perhaps she knew what u are doing outside. That's why a tit for tat, an eye for an eye. :eek:
31-01-2005, 12:03 PM
Yes, should give her a fucking piece of mind. But then you will realised that when we point the accusing finger at her, 3 fingers are pointing back at us. The fucking piece of mind is also for ownself.
It doesn't matter whether 3 fingers or whatever is pointing at yourself or not. If you want to do some self reflections later, so be it.
And if because you are worried of the 3 fingers pointing back at you, then don't point any finger at her?
Seriously I have a group of frineds who like to know of people who will NOT be angry when they discover their wives or GFs being unfaithful to them and they will "sit down and discuss", etc, etc.
What they will do is to try to woo these wives into affairs without any fear of husbands getting angry leh...
When discovered, they will just say, "you also unfaithful to your wife mah..." so you cannot be angry... and point finger at her...
31-01-2005, 12:10 PM
May i start a survey for benefit of Mango and others?
1. Husband can cheat, woman cannot cheat.
2. Husband can cheat, woman can cheat
3. Husband cannot cheat, woman can cheat.
31-01-2005, 12:20 PM
But on the other hand, why would she be having SMS flings on the phone with her ex-bf and not you ? She married you so unless you're not fullfilling your part as a man EMOTIONALLY, she might wander off to her ex-bf who used to shower her EMOTIONALLY. Some men don't quite understand us, its NOT the money and car... its the EMOTIONAL part of the relationship you have to get a grasp on.
When courting, you date her out for movies, nice simple dinner, a little walk in the park holding hands... or at home watching movie together hugging, holding hands.... When was the last time you just kissed her for nothing and tell her sweet nothings like you look pretty today ? Watch TV with her... help her out in her daily chores or some thing. I am not asking you to tell her to STOP doing her house chores but HELP her... Do it TOGETHER with her. Send her a greeting card to tell her you miss her... tell her sweet things on the card. Be that ROMEO every now and then.... it WILL turn girls on.
The above is just a start. You need to find where your wife ticks. She's highly sex... get wild with her. She's the romantic sort ? sweep her off her feet !!!
Well sis,
Sometimes we've got to analyse what the wife replied eventhough the sms cannot be seen or proven. If she did not encourage it, why didn't she tell the ex off ? Why didn't she complain to her husband that her ex is sexually harassing her thru sms? Yes, he HAS to know what's going on by confronting bboth of them!!!
She has not deleted the sms probably b'cos she forget or she tot no one will check it meaning she was careless!!! I wonder why so many ppl still feel that she left it b'cos she was "innocent", has nothing to hide, etc, etc...
sorry hor sis, A PI DO NOT need to catch you red handed as in BED, so long as you can prove that a man and a woman was in the same bedroom, like in a hotel, it is considered as evidence. A picture showing both of them coming out of the room will be enough. You think the judge will assume that the couple was just playing chess in the room?
As for the advise above, the timing is wrong. It will be well suited BEFORE the problem arises.
Now, is to deal with the problem at hand.
31-01-2005, 12:31 PM
May i start a survey for benefit of Mango and others?
1. Husband can cheat, woman cannot cheat.
2. Husband can cheat, woman can cheat
3. Husband cannot cheat, woman can cheat.
It's all about male chauvinism. :o
31-01-2005, 12:33 PM
Dear Bro Mango, I symphatize with your problem as I am going thru something similar.
Why do I know? Cos I am a fucking sad walking victim of infidelity.
My wife started behavin strangely 2 months ago and I felt something was up especially when she keeps doing sms and suddenly she needs to meet her "friends" all the time. I suspected something was wrong and I hired a PI. Just as I suspected, the bitch was seeing some mother fucker. SHIT, I am still reeling from this shocker and I feel totally devastated, and I am still mad as hell.
I confronted her, and spilled the entire story to her parents. She claims that I did not care about her "needs" as I am always busy with my career. WTF? If not for the career, where did she get her comfy life from? Now, the mother fucker is so worried that he called my wife asking her to find out if I sent some men to kill him! I will never do anything to this asshole, cos I leave it to his retribution later to handle him. Cos there is retribution for home wreckers. She told me that he was just someone who she confided in and was a "passing friend" and nothing happended. I wish to believe her words, but gut feel says RUBBISH!
To anyone who has designs on any married women - don't break up a happy home.
However, advice from close friends and family is for me to forgive and reconcile with her. Today, I am trying to do so, but somehow, I am still mad as hell.
I really dunno what to do and I will appreciate advice from my bro's here, cos this is going to drive me mad soon.
Bro, sad to hear of your situation but your experience will also be a lesson to bro mango on what to expect.
Firstly bro Mango doesn't need evidence as he has seen the sms. If the wife denies, then 100% she's cheating and also lying.
I admire your courage in "letting it go" and "retribution" etc, as for me, I will advise the opposite and confront both parties, and if possible whacked the hell out of the guy. Sorry, I've seen, too many times, people who "let it go" and end up the loser.
I don't know, and I'm not one to advise people to break up, but only for them to be realistic.
Whether the relationship can be salvage or not, doesn't depend on whether you confront, or how you confront. If it's going to fail, it's going to fail. If it's going to make up, even if you bash the guy it will still make up. There is NO such thing that if you are not able to make up b'cos you were angry in the confrontation that's why she goes to him. Believe me, I know.
31-01-2005, 12:35 PM
May i start a survey for benefit of Mango and others?
1. Husband can cheat, woman cannot cheat.
2. Husband can cheat, woman can cheat
3. Husband cannot cheat, woman can cheat.
Rule of thumb, both cannot cheat!
If you cheat, know how to wipe your mouth so dat the other party don't know and won't cheat.
31-01-2005, 04:04 PM
Rule of thumb, both cannot cheat!
If you cheat, know how to wipe your mouth so dat the other party don't know and won't cheat.
Agreed... I also feel that there is a difference between woman cheating and men. men is usually just fuck n go... no emotion involved. however for woman. its usually different althought its slowly changing now... if not the govt will have another gl for ladies to go and satisfy their needs tio bo.
I am not advocating that men can go fuck around and women cant... like wad thaiV bro said... know how to clean ur mouth...
31-01-2005, 04:40 PM
just my 2 cents worth....since you catch her sms without telling her then you also do something here's my idea...basically you want to know if she is F***ing that guy right? dun confront here lah...just keep quiet about it...then trail her or get a PI to do it...make sure you get evidence...then at least if divorse you dun lose money...:) eh? mean time keep your cool do things the "legal" way and get back at her...
31-01-2005, 04:44 PM
One more thing.
Okay, if I am going to talk to her, what should I expect from her? Ask not to do it again? Not contact her ex? Of course, I wanna her belong to me. If she become smarter and start to delete those SMS or start using email instead of phone, then i will never find out she has do what she promise. You know, the trust is gone. Luckily she never write dairy, else i am very sure i will read it.
The situation is like your wife caught you fucking outside gals, she has a big problem to trust you again. Now it is me to has this problem, although she is yet to have sex to her ex, but i do feel the same.
I want her back, I wanna save our marrige. so when i talk to her, what really should I expecting from her?
brother see my post...just do it the secret way...if no affair then ok lor continue your marriage...if got...then f**k her and get out of there! but make sure you dun kenna lots for the divorse you see? vit M most important.... then you can use the vit m to get better girl for your next me pls!!!
31-01-2005, 04:45 PM
Dear Bro Mango, I symphatize with your problem as I am going thru something similar. The friggin fast n furious SMS's will kill your relationship in a hurry. Trust me, there is no smoke without a fire, and in most cases, the fire is burning and raging!!! U must be prepared to face her with this evidence before you can even move forward.
Few warning signs for bros to look out for in your wife or GF -
1) Fuckin sms like there is no tomorrow
2) Always have to meet with "friends" whenever u are busy
3) the slightest changes in habits ( even taste in Jewellry is a sure sign)
Why do I know? Cos I am a fucking sad walking victim of infidelity.
My wife started behavin strangely 2 months ago and I felt something was up especially when she keeps doing sms and suddenly she needs to meet her "friends" all the time. I suspected something was wrong and I hired a PI. Just as I suspected, the bitch was seeing some mother fucker. SHIT, I am still reeling from this shocker and I feel totally devastated, and I am still mad as hell.
I confronted her, and spilled the entire story to her parents. She claims that I did not care about her "needs" as I am always busy with my career. WTF? If not for the career, where did she get her comfy life from? Now, the mother fucker is so worried that he called my wife asking her to find out if I sent some men to kill him! I will never do anything to this asshole, cos I leave it to his retribution later to handle him. Cos there is retribution for home wreckers. She told me that he was just someone who she confided in and was a "passing friend" and nothing happended. I wish to believe her words, but gut feel says RUBBISH!
To anyone who has designs on any married women - don't break up a happy home.
However, advice from close friends and family is for me to forgive and reconcile with her. Today, I am trying to do so, but somehow, I am still mad as hell.
I really dunno what to do and I will appreciate advice from my bro's here, cos this is going to drive me mad soon.
dude she cheated on you....and you caught her...the issue here is who get caught...she got caught dump the b**tch! oh yah the evidence is impt to get custody of your kids...guys pls be smart even though i can understand you are all furious...go the legal way to f*ck then up!!! then lead a better life than them thats the only way to punish them...hahaha
31-01-2005, 05:14 PM
If you truly loves her, will you still "eat" the "wild flowers" outside??? What have you done yourself outside compared to just the sms that she and her ex is sending to each other...
Mango, I disagree with MDX point of view stated above, IMO, there are 2 types of betrayal, physical and emotional. Physical betralay involves physically shaging another partner. Emotional betrayal involves falling in love and staying in love with another party other than your wife/gf. Emotional betrayal is the worst, no hoper, physical betrayal is hard to accept but still got a glimmer of hope. Think you should determine if she still loves you or not. If she has lost the love for you, my advise is to end the relationship, no point leow. If she still loves you, find out why is she contacting her ex, further more conversion involves such intimate topic which has made you very uncomfortable. Let her know the truth that you have actually chance upon her HP sms, see how she respond.
I'm not saying that your wife should not have male friends or stay in contact with her ex. You should work out with your wife where the lines should be drawn. For example, if she wants to stay in contact with her ex, can she accept it if you are in contact with your ex too? Another example, this is a true life example between my wife and me, I made it known to her that i dont like other males calling her dear, baby etc, especially in my presence. This is extremely disrespectful to me. She found out when I wanted to hammer her real Ah Gua colleage when that faggot address her as dear in my presence. You should have an understanding with your wife on what you are comfortable with and what you're not comfortable with. Key is communication dude. Hope things work out well.
31-01-2005, 05:42 PM
In case I am busy... here is the solution
Once all the fact in hand that she is cheating you... from this point onwards there are two things you should be clear.
.................................................. ..................................
First, do you still love her, forgive her and want her back.
Second, if no, then divorce her, quick and simple.
.................................................. ...................................
If you want her back, then a bit difficult. But not impossible. Locate the ex-boyfriend parent address and hire somebody to beat up one of the parents. At the same time, telling the parents what their son had done, destroying people family and letting you wear green hat. And you give a warning, if the whole affair doesn't stop, ask them to buy their casket first. If this comes to police affair, you always claim that you doesn't know anything and you were somewhere else.
If the boyfriend are smart, he will leave you alone and your wife dare not confront you because she has done something bad behind your back. Remember, If your wife confront you, you should shown her what you have on your hand and threaten to expose her to her parents. Remember, change your will so that if you got anything happen you, everything will go to your parents or children and not a cents goes to her. ;)
"It is the parents fault if the son are not taught manners."
I think what you suggest is correct. Beat up the parents. Let the f...ker parents feel the physical pain. Not a single cents goes to the wife. I will add some points for you. Salute!!!!!!!!!!
31-01-2005, 05:48 PM
I think what you suggest is correct. Beat up the parents. Let the f...ker parents feel the physical pain. Not a single cents goes to the wife. I will add some points for you. Salute!!!!!!!!!!
what the..... beat up the parents?? :eek:
31-01-2005, 06:58 PM
Mango, I disagree with MDX point of view stated above, IMO, there are 2 types of betrayal, physical and emotional. Physical betralay involves physically shaging another partner. Emotional betrayal involves falling in love and staying in love with another party other than your wife/gf. Emotional betrayal is the worst, no hoper, physical betrayal is hard to accept but still got a glimmer of hope. Think you should determine if she still loves you or not. If she has lost the love for you, my advise is to end the relationship, no point leow. If she still loves you, find out why is she contacting her ex, further more conversion involves such intimate topic which has made you very uncomfortable. Let her know the truth that you have actually chance upon her HP sms, see how she respond.
I'm not saying that your wife should not have male friends or stay in contact with her ex. You should work out with your wife where the lines should be drawn. For example, if she wants to stay in contact with her ex, can she accept it if you are in contact with your ex too? Another example, this is a true life example between my wife and me, I made it known to her that i dont like other males calling her dear, baby etc, especially in my presence. This is extremely disrespectful to me. She found out when I wanted to hammer her real Ah Gua colleage when that faggot address her as dear in my presence. You should have an understanding with your wife on what you are comfortable with and what you're not comfortable with. Key is communication dude. Hope things work out well.
Thanks for letting me know your point of views and I really apppreciate it... :)
After reading all the reply from the rest of the bros, I think that the best thing to do know is to talk to her directly... And just ask her without having any misjudgements yourself...
31-01-2005, 09:39 PM
1st thing first:
Take ur wifes handphone. It is evidence. You don't have to pay alimony when you divorce her cos that is evidence that she has strayed.
When you are betrayed, there is no turning back.
Lose her.
I have been married for years. My relationship with my wife is very good and steady. Everyday, she gives me a kiss before we head for our working place. And every here and then, I will buy her presents. I still have very strong feeling about her.
So, the thing that I want to some of your advice happened yesterday. My wife was taking her bath and I was cleaning my room. Yes, I will do the cleaning sometimes. Accidentally, I pressed a button on her hand phone. Usually, we don’t touch each other stuff; just have some privacy for each other’s. But that moment, I don’t know why, I feel very curious about the stuff inside the hand phone. And I know my wife will take at least 30 minutes for her to finish bathing. I start to explore the contain in her hand phone. Fuck, out of my suppraise, she still have contact with her ex after years of married. And they SMS each other A LOT, I means really A LOT!!! Yesterday only, there are 30 sms received. And the sms contains really really make me NUT.
They are like old loving couple. Saying something like you miss me or not. How sweet on their old time. What’s their plan for meet. AND more importantly, involved a lot of sexual stuff…
Upon that moment, I feel like I had been cheated for years, is she love or not what? What’s on her mind? I don’t talk to her since that. Don’t even give her a goodbye kiss before I go to work.
Please advise if you are in this condition. What will you do?
01-02-2005, 09:42 AM
Thanks for letting me know your point of views and I really apppreciate it...
No probs dude, nothing against you, just a different opinion only, cheers and have a nice day :)
01-02-2005, 10:41 AM
Bro, sad to hear of your situation but your experience will also be a lesson to bro mango on what to expect.
Firstly bro Mango doesn't need evidence as he has seen the sms. If the wife denies, then 100% she's cheating and also lying.
I admire your courage in "letting it go" and "retribution" etc, as for me, I will advise the opposite and confront both parties, and if possible whacked the hell out of the guy. Sorry, I've seen, too many times, people who "let it go" and end up the loser.
I don't know, and I'm not one to advise people to break up, but only for them to be realistic.
Whether the relationship can be salvage or not, doesn't depend on whether you confront, or how you confront. If it's going to fail, it's going to fail. If it's going to make up, even if you bash the guy it will still make up. There is NO such thing that if you are not able to make up b'cos you were angry in the confrontation that's why she goes to him. Believe me, I know.
Hi Bro, thanks for your words of advice and wisdom. I appreciate the bro's who PM me their most kind thoughts and consolation. Thanks.
Now that I am wearing green hat, I am angry and frustrated.
Problem is that I truly love my wife, and she swears that she did not do anything with the guy except confide in him that she was not happy in the marriage due to me not having time for her. Some lady friends of mine also told me that they have done the same thing to get attention from their BF's and husbands (what a fucked up thing to do!) and that I should forgive n forget.
My close friends and family keeps asking me to forgive and forget and to work at my marriage. My parents actually tell me that I am to blame too because I neglected her!!!
BUT NO ONE actually cares how I feel, no cares how angry and frustrated I am. I mean - I AM THE FRIGGIN VICTIM HERE!
Everyone tells me to go see a marriage counsellor to "work things out" - everyone tells me not to get a divorce - unless all else fails!
Problem is - how much longer do I have to put up with this shit? How much longer will I stay angry before I go crazy?
One part of me is telling me to get a quickie divorce as I have evidence, and then enjoy my life for a few years by renovating my place into a bachelors pad, sell my saloon car and buy a swanky sports car (like a Porche or a BMW 6 series), and go cheong nite club, pub, disco, KTV, etc. and screw every chick I can get my hands on until I am happy. After all, without a wife, I have the additional money to do so!
I really appreciate the view points of each and every bro here at sammyboy cos I am one mixed up and confused bro here!
Thanks to each and all.
01-02-2005, 11:04 AM
Hi Bro, thanks for your words of advice and wisdom. I appreciate the bro's who PM me their most kind thoughts and consolation. Thanks.
Now that I am wearing green hat, I am angry and frustrated.
Thanks to each and all.
I'm not one to tell you to go for a divorce or to mend your marriage. You have to figure that one out yourself. You have to take into consideration a lot of factors, like children if any. Nothying to do with her parents, nothing to do with your parents, nothing to do with friends. It's your life, not theirs. No need to see a marriage counsellor. What the fuck they know except to ask both of you not to separate. Even if your wife admits that she has commit adultery, the marriage counsellor's job is to make both of you feel that both of you are at fault. Not one party at fault.
The most important, you have to look at your wife, regardless of what she has done, is this the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with? can you picture yourself with her in your old age living happily together? Can you picture both of you caring and loving each other in your old age, til death do you part? No one can give you the answer except yourself.
If you decide she is the one for you, then give her a very good piece of your mind what is acceptable and UNACCEPTABLE for you and that you will never tolerate such things again in the future. No slow talking...instead, very firm lecture to let her know who's boss. Let out your anger and frustration (but not physical please) so much so that she may be afraid even to have a guy number in her phone again.
If you decide she isn't worth it, don't have to do what you describe like "bachelor's pad, etc, etc". Live life within reasonable limits. There's always a second chance for you.
Whatever you do, all the best to you.
01-02-2005, 12:00 PM
Hi Bro, thanks for your words of advice and wisdom. I appreciate the bro's who PM me their most kind thoughts and consolation. Thanks.
Hi bro, sorry to know about your situation. I think you need to cool down 1st before making any decision lor. I agree with bro thaivisitor that "is this the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with?" If it is, how much are you willing to sacifies? (I think time is the factor now since $$ is the issue here)
I'm in the similar situation as you b4 with my current gf lor. She was SMS like no tom and once in a while will go single dating with guys. Sometime me feel like throwing her HP out of the window. I've spend almost most of my free time with her and she still do it lor... really dunno how she think....
We used to have heated discussions almost every week on this issue. But luckily after 1 and a half yr... the sms and the mit up has become much more lesser now... almost zero.... :p
I think you need to talk to her on this lor (if you think she's worth it). Monitor on her movement. Pick her up where ever she goes. If possible attend those mit up with her friend lor if she really dun have any things to hide. And oso to know who she's meeting with. I know this is alot of time commitment if she worth it then ok lor. Else just simplity you can file for seperation and she will be no longer in your life. No more worries about her and the relationship. But this will bring out other problems if you have kids....
This seems to work for me and hopefully it will work for you as well.
Anyway it's just my 2 cents worth....
errr... sorry side track abit... yr rep power is 23!! :eek:
01-02-2005, 12:07 PM
Hi bro, sorry to know about your situation. I think you need to cool down 1st before making any decision lor. I agree with bro thaivisitor that "is this the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with?" If it is, how much are you willing to sacifies? (I think time is the factor now since $$ is the issue here)
I'm in the similar situation as you b4 with my current gf lor. She was SMS like no tom and once in a while will go single dating with guys. Sometime me feel like throwing her HP out of the window. I've spend almost most of my free time with her and she still do it lor... really dunno how she think....
We used to have heated discussions almost every week on this issue. But luckily after 1 and a half yr... the sms and the mit up has become much more lesser now... almost zero.... :p
I think you need to talk to her on this lor (if you think she's worth it). Monitor on her movement. Pick her up where ever she goes. If possible attend those mit up with her friend lor if she really dun have any things to hide. And oso to know who she's meeting with. I know this is alot of time commitment if she worth it then ok lor. Else just simplity you can file for seperation and she will be no longer in your life. No more worries about her and the relationship. But this will bring out other problems if you have kids....
This seems to work for me and hopefully it will work for you as well.
Anyway it's just my 2 cents worth....
errr... sorry side track abit... yr rep power is 23!! :eek:
Hi Bro. The rep power seems to have gone up tremendously due to Sam's kindness for a few hours only. Problem is I have used up all my power prior to this "hike" in rep power.
Anyway, problem is my wife drives and has her own car - so dat means I dun send her anywhere or pick her up from her outings.
As for the SMS, sometimes, they are valid as she uses the phone for her business.
But I have decided to try to work things out unless she decides to bail out. That way, I will not have any regrets later in life dat I did not give my marriage a chance.
I admire your patience and tenacity in the way you dealt with your wife.
01-02-2005, 12:22 PM
Hi Bro. The rep power seems to have gone up tremendously due to Sam's kindness for a few hours only.
oic... I tot u beat boss rep power mah cos i rem he's power is 12 :p
thanks for the compliment bro, btw she's my gf, not wife yet but soon. sometimes me oso wanted to quit lor... but when i think of the things i done to woo her... this is nothing lah... now it just like wooing her everyday lor... tiring but me think worth it lor....
Glad that u give the relationship another chance and hope things work out for you.
Have a great day and all the best!! :D
I have seen some of the replies from brothers here. Pure madness.
If your wife is going on dates with someone else, time to dump her.
I simply cannot imagine any brother worth his salt wearing a green hat.
My pesonal opinion.You can forgive your wife anything but infidelity.
01-02-2005, 03:42 PM
It's all about male chauvinism. :o
Wah bro, u take over the detective work while I am busy ah? Thank you thank you...heehee.
Bro, it's not about male chauvinism. It's about someone talking cock (again?)to gain attention...... :D
01-02-2005, 05:22 PM
In case I am busy... here is the solution
Woooooo....bro Ding think that they have a saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" your solution...just cannot think up a saying for a man cuckolded...
01-02-2005, 06:48 PM
First of all, it's already not right for you to check her sms... Since she can leave her handphone openly for you, that means that the stuffs in her handphone is no big deal to her...As for the sexual stuffs, I know that no guys will be able to take it...Sometimes, flirting among ex-bf or ex-gf is common... Although you can say that it's not right but then flirting might be just through sms only...
Dear Bro Mango, i will have to agree with mr. Macho man here. It is really not right for you to go thru her stuff. My wife makes routine checks on my hp and it drives me nuts. of all the girls i have ever dated/f*cked etc, No One has ever checked my hp and i feel very violated. it's like having some one go into your room and check thru your stuffs. tak boleh tahan lah!
true, if u feel jealous and angry and betrayed can understand but filrting is normal what, i filrt with my ex-lovers all the time and we never do any thing also. just talk cock about the hot solid sex we used to have and maybe if i cannot tahan i pcc. well. talk to her and see how, ok?
01-02-2005, 06:51 PM
My wife makes routine checks on my hp and it drives me nuts.
bo pian one la.. got any choice meh? :o
01-02-2005, 06:59 PM
bo pian one la.. got any choice meh? :o
Oei today so early in forum? Never tiao tang? :D
P.S: You are from which temple?
01-02-2005, 08:47 PM
bo pian one la.. got any choice meh? :o
yeah lor, no choice lor....KNNB, can only "clean up" b4 i go home lor....shitez, i better go clean up now.... :D
01-02-2005, 08:50 PM
me from the army of god church.. :rolleyes:
01-02-2005, 08:54 PM
me from the army of god church.. :rolleyes:
Me from Loyang's Tua Pek #### Temple, nice to meet u. :D
01-02-2005, 08:58 PM
me from Army of One. and I am that one... (shitez, that sounds sooooo dumb. dun deduct my points hor...feel sibeh sianz 2day)
02-02-2005, 09:08 AM
Wah bro, u take over the detective work while I am busy ah? Thank you thank you...heehee.
Bro, it's not about male chauvinism. It's about someone talking cock (again?)to gain attention......
I realise my mistake liao.
Apparently, he's more concerned with other issues. :rolleyes:
So all bros, let's forget about this fruitty mango. He's more interested in this HC gal much rather than saving his own marriage. :(
02-02-2005, 09:10 AM
I realise my mistake liao.
Apparently, he's more concerned with other issues. :rolleyes:
So all bros, let's forget about this fruitty mango. He's more interested in this HC gal much rather than saving his own marriage. :(
i remember reading something very similiar to this last year, i think the thread starter cut and plaste an earlier post.
02-02-2005, 09:21 AM
So all bros, let's forget about this fruitty mango. He's more interested in this HC gal much rather than saving his own marriage. :(
u very kaypoh...hahahhahaha :D
02-02-2005, 09:22 AM
u very kaypoh...hahahhahaha :D
U come here to cut the ribbon of this newly opened office? :confused:
02-02-2005, 09:25 AM
U come here to cut the ribbon of this newly opened office? :confused:
Appreciate ur propmpt reply...
yah i declare tat this look a safe bet for our orpid.. but pls note tat our post try to stick a bit to the topic.. e.g. sms, cheating, wife, wife showering, BHC, Gigi and husband doing household chores...lidat can liao, wun kena liao... :D
02-02-2005, 09:32 AM
yah i declare tat this look a safe bet for our orpid.. but pls note tat our post try to stick a bit to the topic.. e.g. sms, cheating, wife, wife showering, BHC, Gigi and husband doing household chores...lidat can liao, wun kena liao... :D
wun kena what??.....STD, heart disease, hypertension....or what??? :confused:
02-02-2005, 09:57 AM
wun kena what??.....STD, heart disease, hypertension....or what??? :confused:
go and wash ur mouth.... :(
02-02-2005, 10:12 AM
go and wash ur mouth.... :(
kekeke...wash liow.....but still dun know what you mean by wun kena what leh...... :D
02-02-2005, 11:26 AM
u can also sms her during office hours n let her sms 2 much with ex may cause family problem for a marriae woman.checkin ur wife hp is legal because ur wife swear 2 the republic that she will not hide anything or betray u at ROM during wedding.
02-02-2005, 02:34 PM
Dear Mango,
I feel that now that u know.. and your wife dunno... perhaps u could do something on your side... and act blur for awhile. Perhaps.... u might be able to achieve more with her unsuspecting.
But if after u do whatever u could.. and she still chose to leave u... then I guess u should be glad that u found out now and not later.
I mean... if all she does is sms... then it's fine.... let say they meet once in awhile... frankly.... it's ok also... as long as they don't end up having sex. I guess it's ok.
02-02-2005, 03:32 PM
Wow, I really admired you that you still keep you cool . I would not know what i will do if these thing were to happen to me. But my advice is that you have to really confirm that your wife is/was unfaithful to you before you do anything. Cos some of the gal just like to flirt ard but without taking any action.
02-02-2005, 04:16 PM
I mean... if all she does is sms... then it's fine.... let say they meet once in awhile... frankly.... it's ok also... as long as they don't end up having sex. I guess it's ok.
i think, generally, hardly possible, unless the flirting just started. as men, we know how itchy the poker can get.
02-02-2005, 07:47 PM
Dear Bro Mango, i will have to agree with mr. Macho man here. It is really not right for you to go thru her stuff.
So bro Mango should not have check her handphone and be like a silly fool while his wife carry on having sweet and sexy talk with her ex?
I don't know where you get the idea that its not right to check on your spouse stuff. I agree that OUTSIDERS don't have a right to check your stuff but you're talking about your own spouse.
i have no problems whatsoever if my wife wants to check my stuff although she don't.
02-02-2005, 07:55 PM
I mean... if all she does is sms... then it's fine.... let say they meet once in awhile... frankly.... it's ok also... as long as they don't end up having sex. I guess it's ok.
But my advice is that you have to really confirm that your wife is/was unfaithful to you before you do anything. Cos some of the gal just like to flirt ard but without taking any action.
Wow, seriously I didn't know that there are guys who won't mind their wives having sexy talks with their ex leh.
I mean if sms can be sexy, then of course over the phone talk can also be sexy, or even meeting once a month can be talking about sex.
You guys are really generous letting your wives discussing with other people especially ex on what sex positions they like, asking whether you miss me or not, etc.
For me no way, if any ex of my wife were to do that to her would mean no fucking respect to me and her. That guy must be thinking that her husband must be a cuckoo letting me talk dirty with his wife. this would make my wife look cheap and if my wife does enjoy it, then she IS fucking cheap!
My 2 cents worth.
03-02-2005, 01:19 AM
Wow, seriously I didn't know that there are guys who won't mind their wives having sexy talks with their ex leh.
I mean if sms can be sexy, then of course over the phone talk can also be sexy, or even meeting once a month can be talking about sex.
You guys are really generous letting your wives discussing with other people especially ex on what sex positions they like, asking whether you miss me or not, etc.
For me no way, if any ex of my wife were to do that to her would mean no fucking respect to me and her. That guy must be thinking that her husband must be a cuckoo letting me talk dirty with his wife. this would make my wife look cheap and if my wife does enjoy it, then she IS fucking cheap!
My 2 cents worth.
Well said!!! :)
03-02-2005, 01:37 AM
[QUOTE=thaivisitor]Wow, seriously I didn't know that there are guys who won't mind their wives having sexy talks with their ex leh.
You guys are really generous letting your wives discussing with other people especially ex on what sex positions they like, asking whether you miss me or not, etc.
Fully agree. Bros who advise against checking their spouse sms, please spare a though for the victim. Put yourself into Mango shoe, can you guys really take it and let your spouse talk dirty with other men? Don't mean to insult or disrespect, if any bros here are really that generous I will gladfully accept the honour! Can I have your spouse contact no. please?
03-02-2005, 01:56 AM
Wow, seriously I didn't know that there are guys who won't mind their wives having sexy talks with their ex leh.
I mean if sms can be sexy, then of course over the phone talk can also be sexy, or even meeting once a month can be talking about sex.
You guys are really generous letting your wives discussing with other people especially ex on what sex positions they like, asking whether you miss me or not, etc.
For me no way, if any ex of my wife were to do that to her would mean no fucking respect to me and her. That guy must be thinking that her husband must be a cuckoo letting me talk dirty with his wife. this would make my wife look cheap and if my wife does enjoy it, then she IS fucking cheap!
My 2 cents worth.
Well said bro. For sure, I wont be so generous lor. If let me find out she sms such sexy stuffs with her ex, i am sure to confront her for the truth. I will be like a mad dog biting at her tail and wont let go .. kekeke :D
03-02-2005, 04:07 AM
Wow.. I'm gald there are bros who see things the way I do. For a moment I tot the men in this world have changed except me. Damn it was a nightmare!!! Luckily, can wake up from it to see that there are normal men like me.."whew" :p
Ah Huat ^_^
03-02-2005, 04:08 AM
Wow. :p
u havent email me :D
03-02-2005, 04:16 AM
u havent email me :D
Don't worry, I will, tomorrow or the following day.
Ah Huat ^_^
03-02-2005, 04:17 AM
Don't worry, I will, tomorrow or the following day.
xie xie
03-02-2005, 06:14 PM
Dear Mango,
I feel that now that u know.. and your wife dunno... perhaps u could do something on your side... and act blur for awhile. Perhaps.... u might be able to achieve more with her unsuspecting.
But if after u do whatever u could.. and she still chose to leave u... then I guess u should be glad that u found out now and not later.
I mean... if all she does is sms... then it's fine.... let say they meet once in awhile... frankly.... it's ok also... as long as they don't end up having sex. I guess it's ok.
bradpitt, i am not too sure if i can agree with the above.
if i am to sms a guy while i have a bf/husband, it actually means my bf/husband isn't giving what I REALLY WANT. be it Sexually or Emotionally. If its emotionally, its even worse cos' if i am neglected emotionally by bf, i have No Other Choice cos' i need a shoulder to lean on.... that would lead to ?
you let a kite fly but if you can't control it, what happens ? if you are good at flying a kite, and if your string isn't strong enough ? it snaps.... if the string IS strong, you'll get complains... know what i mean ?
03-02-2005, 07:29 PM
bradpitt, i am not too sure if i can agree with the above.
if i am to sms a guy while i have a bf/husband, it actually means my bf/husband isn't giving what I REALLY WANT. be it Sexually or Emotionally. If its emotionally, its even worse cos' if i am neglected emotionally by bf, i have No Other Choice cos' i need a shoulder to lean on.... that would lead to ?
you let a kite fly but if you can't control it, what happens ? if you are good at flying a kite, and if your string isn't strong enough ? it snaps.... if the string IS strong, you'll get complains... know what i mean ?
Plain, I do agree with you...
For me, if I know that my gf/wife has sms to other guys and the content consists of some flirting messages, of course I will be sad... But then think of it, it could be because I didn't make her feel being loved and it could be because I didn't spend enough time for her and pamper her. Hence I will love her even more and try my best to accompany her more... Of couse communicating is very important and I will tell her directly that "I am sorry for neglecting your feeling"... And probably bring her for a holiday to relax herself...
A lot of guys doesn't realise that their wives are flirting outside could be due to their own negligence and lack of concern on their side and resulted in their wives looking for alternative care... Although life is never fair and guys will always think that they are superior then the girls... But then I feel that nowadays, the girls are getting more and more independent. I can say that some are even more independent and emotionally stronger than guys...
I like your way of describing a relationship using kite. Holding the string too tight will snap the string and the kite will eventually fly away.. However, if you loosen the string too much, the kite will of course be gone as well... Controlling a relationship is exactly the same as flying a kite... Cannot hold it too tight and when time requires it to be release a little bit, the person must be able to sense it and release it further but of course not up to the extend of releasing fully...
03-02-2005, 10:33 PM
bradpitt, i am not too sure if i can agree with the above.
if i am to sms a guy while i have a bf/husband, it actually means my bf/husband isn't giving what I REALLY WANT. be it Sexually or Emotionally. If its emotionally, its even worse cos' if i am neglected emotionally by bf, i have No Other Choice cos' i need a shoulder to lean on.... that would lead to ?
you let a kite fly but if you can't control it, what happens ? if you are good at flying a kite, and if your string isn't strong enough ? it snaps.... if the string IS strong, you'll get complains... know what i mean ?
I know some one who goes out at night to have one-night-stands with so-called STUDS ... why ? cos' her husband works like a dog every day, meeting with top dogs/clients from overseas.
according to her, her husband is "perfect" .... he provides her a posche, diamond rings of different sizes, a bungalow, a Maid to care for her and her baby boy. But her late nights always ends up with some guy with Long hair or some fella with big biceps... or just a good looking guy... humping till late at night and she goes home to hug her husband
04-02-2005, 11:14 AM
I know some one who goes out at night to have one-night-stands with so-called STUDS ... why ? cos' her husband works like a dog every day, meeting with top dogs/clients from overseas.
Yeah I know what you mean the monster did it with one little chilli padi since her old foggy does not seems to be interested to do it with her...she has everything, condo, car, cash etc...
04-02-2005, 11:57 AM
Yeah I know what you mean the monster did it with one little chilli padi since her old foggy does not seems to be interested to do it with her...she has everything, condo, car, cash etc...
so now she really got all the Cs, including a monster C _ _ k! :D
04-02-2005, 12:18 PM
so now she really got all the Cs, including a monster C _ _ k! :D
No lah monster C dun have lah if not sure kena disqualified if want to bonk maid from bro pro kang tao....
04-02-2005, 03:08 PM
bradpitt, i am not too sure if i can agree with the above.
if i am to sms a guy while i have a bf/husband, it actually means my bf/husband isn't giving what I REALLY WANT. be it Sexually or Emotionally. If its emotionally, its even worse cos' if i am neglected emotionally by bf, i have No Other Choice cos' i need a shoulder to lean on.... that would lead to ?
If you were to sms to a guy with contents like "missed me, favourite sex positions, how manys a day, etc, etc" it doesn't mean you need a shoulder to lean on... it means you're a "cheap woman" even to the guy who you are corresponding to (if he knows you're married) and both of you have no respect to your husband at all.
Any other reasons given are only excuses you are trying to create to support the wrongdoings of the woman. PERIOD
04-02-2005, 03:12 PM
Plain, I do agree with you...
For me, ...........
For you.... brudder... is... you neber disagree with any woman... samsters or otherwise.... kekekekekeke :D
04-02-2005, 03:22 PM
bradpitt, i am not too sure if i can agree with the above.
if i am to sms a guy while i have a bf/husband, it actually means my bf/husband isn't giving what I REALLY WANT. be it Sexually or Emotionally. If its emotionally, its even worse cos' if i am neglected emotionally by bf, i have No Other Choice cos' i need a shoulder to lean on.... that would lead to ?
woman just know how to talk cok.. woman dont use their brain to think and make decision.. they let their heart..
1) My friend with gf for 7 years.. from my eyes.. he did the same thing for 7 years.. nothing has change.. meaning from year 0, his pattern is A.. year 7 his pattern is A also.. at the 7 years.. one guy comes into the picture.. this guy super flower words.. attack with nice sweet words.. gifts.. etc.. etc.. until the gal heard and heart gong gong liao.. she affair started.. and when found out.. the gal says its not her fault.. its because its 7 years liao.. my friend didnt give her.. XXX.. YYY.. ZZZ.. knn.. .hear liao also pissed...
2)Guy marries gal.. guy wan to give gal a better living.. gal happy to hear that.. encourage him.. guy biz grow.. until not much time to stay at home.. gal pussy need to get fark.. go out.. meet this guy.. fark with guy... my friend found out with PI.. divorce.. gal complain its because my friend dont give her time... comfort and love.... but fark its because the gal wanted to have a bmw.. stay in a condo.. wear expensive cloths... so my friend work hard and give her all these...knn dont work hard... money fall from sky??
when things goes wrong.. the favour excuse by the gal will be.. aiyah.. the guy never give me this.. tat.. and tat.. thats why i go fark around.. :mad:
04-02-2005, 03:26 PM
bradpitt, i am not too sure if i can agree with the above.
if i am to sms a guy while i have a bf/husband, it actually means my bf/husband isn't giving what I REALLY WANT. be it Sexually or Emotionally. If its emotionally, its even worse cos' if i am neglected emotionally by bf, i have No Other Choice cos' i need a shoulder to lean on.... that would lead to ?
you let a kite fly but if you can't control it, what happens ? if you are good at flying a kite, and if your string isn't strong enough ? it snaps.... if the string IS strong, you'll get complains... know what i mean ?
If your bf/husband isn't giving what you REALLY want, leave. Why bother to keep something that you know is not gonna work out. It's real simple, isn't it ? IF you want to say you can't bear to leave yet he can't give you what you want, then WTF are you talking about ?
Your description of relationship is totally off. Flying kite ? Really, no. You are talking about a 1-way relationship. Control ? There isn't a need for control.. You respect in a relationship, you don't control. You want control, go hire a maid, ask her do this do that, that's control. You don't get a spouse and use the word control.. what world is this ?
A relationship, if one character is strong and one character is weak, is like walking. One following another, trying to follow the footsteps. The strong character should walk slower to allow the weak character to catch up so they would be walking in the same pace. If both have the same character, they can walk side by side and achieve what they want. It's about giving and receiving, not control, like flying kite. Kaoz..
04-02-2005, 04:36 PM
woman just know how to talk cok.. woman dont use their brain to think and make decision.. they let their heart..
when things goes wrong.. the favour excuse by the gal will be.. aiyah.. the guy never give me this.. tat.. and tat.. thats why i go fark around.. :mad:
True bro, when wife chose to be celibate and not have sex, man of course go out and hunt for it, then they blame us for fucking around but in the first place they were the one that refuses to do it....
04-02-2005, 05:49 PM
For you.... brudder... is... you neber disagree with any woman... samsters or otherwise.... kekekekekeke :D
Yes, I also fully agree with you... Haha...
Damn, this phrase is so useful... :D
04-02-2005, 05:50 PM
Yes, I also fully agree with you... Haha...
Damn, this phrase is so useful... :D
Wah lau, this one copyrighted by MDX for cha bors liaoz lah..
Must say like that..
TV, I second your views! lolz
04-02-2005, 11:17 PM
For you.... brudder... is... you neber disagree with any woman... samsters or otherwise.... kekekekekeke :D
Shhh... Uncle, don't pinchiak my lobang leh.... :D
04-02-2005, 11:19 PM
Yes, I also fully agree with you... Haha...
Damn, this phrase is so useful... :D
Bro, thought we talked that night already? Like that how to continue...? :D
04-02-2005, 11:21 PM
Wah lau, this one copyrighted by MDX for cha bors liaoz lah..
Yaloh... WPP, Must pay copyright fees leh..... :D
Cheap cheap only lah.... :D
04-02-2005, 11:22 PM
Yaloh... WPP, Must pay copyright fees leh.....
Cheap cheap only lah.... :D
Middleman, commission 50% :p lolz...
You so late then come and claim, another 45%, left 5% for you... hahahahah
04-02-2005, 11:31 PM
Middleman, commission 50% :p lolz...
You so late then come and claim, another 45%, left 5% for you... hahahahah
CB... But bobian lah since you have started the copyright idea.. Okay lah... 45% is better than nothing... But you must provide me a free "Bonk" in GL150 in advance and then claim from WPP... Like that I still "taan" tio... Kekeke... :D
04-02-2005, 11:35 PM
CB... But bobian lah since you have started the copyright idea.. Okay lah... 45% is better than nothing... But you must provide me a free "Bonk" in GL150 in advance and then claim from WPP... Like that I still "taan" tio... Kekeke... :D
wah, 5% got $150 ? How much you charging WPP ?
04-02-2005, 11:38 PM
wah, 5% got $150 ? How much you charging WPP ?
Oops.. Yahor... 5% only... Still thought 45%...
Like that maybe not even enough for Cat40 leh... So sad.... :(
okie lah... You treat me kopi can already... :p
05-02-2005, 10:37 PM
Shhh... Uncle, don't pinchiak my lobang leh.... :D
Sorry, couldn't avoid the temptation lah... :D
07-02-2005, 12:30 AM
waaa bro, didn't know you went into a flaming war with my brudders lah... else I would have stop it..
Have read your "exchange" with them... kekekekekeke
Sometimes, you got to take the postings with a pince of salt lah... It is afterall, meant for the fun of it and no harm was intended mah...
learn to keep cool, and see it from a perspective like you know them lah...
Will get the kakis to bring you up to speed later lah...
Cheers... :D
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