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View Full Version : True Story of my gf

09-09-2012, 11:49 AM
Hi, new poster here, I'm trying my luck writing my story here so here goes...

Before the start of this story, I want to talk a little bit about myself. Hopefully, some of you can relate and have a better insight to the various spectrum of my mind during my adolescent sexual exploits.

On the summer of 1999, my best friend died in a traffic incident and a strange uncle constantly tries to sexually harass me whenever I walked to school. My parents had unreasonable high expectations from me and various incidents happened. It made me emotionally divorced and isolated from people. Anyway, I’ll go on with the introductions and won’t bore you with many details. I’m a shy, introverted guy with really low self-esteem. I grew up autistic and to boot, really short.

Like 156 cm short… thankfully, god taketh some but he also giveth some. I’m a pretty boy with cat eyes, soft features and thin lips. By no means that I’m handsome, I’m just… well, pretty. Boys reach puberty late so I was really popular back in school. What I mean is that many guys are short until they hit 15, 16 and have their growth spurs. Since that’s the case, girls pick the one with the pretty face.

So you could imagine… most people see me as an isolated, quiet, enigmatic pretty boy(And somewhat arrogant). I’m like the kind of character that you see in comics and fantasies. Once I entered secondary school, I began to notice that many girls, older or younger are quite interested in me. The more aloof and detached I am, the more they crushed over me. Which is frankly, still very puzzling to me up till today.

My first girlfriend was Jiayi. We met after I was allocated to top class, she is the class monitor and the teacher was worried about me. Being extremely quiet and apathetic to most things, Madam Sum thought it was best that the outgoing, cheerful and optimistic Jiayi would balance things out a little. Jiayi is everything I am not. She is taller then me, about 172. Tanned, athletic and friendly.

I’m smart and she’s dumb. Well, not really. She did really well in her studies but once she was allocated to the top class, her performance in comparison to all the top students was dull. So one day, she asked me to help her study and I said yes.

Jiayi was in the track team. She had runner legs, a toned body and a pleasant face. Her face was egg shaped, big oval eyes and a slightly stubbed nose. Her breasts are still not fully developed, probably B cup. Her eyes are a little big but it complimented her face naturally somehow. I loved how she wears a ponytail and how she reties her hair once in a while. Jiayi’s hair would fall all over, scattered behind her long nape and she would pull it up messily and nonchalantly. But what turns me on the most is that she speaks near perfect English. Jiayi stayed in Canada during her childhood and her parents moved to Singapore for some reason. I don’t know about you but I love it when a girl speaks well and fluently.

We started dating on and off since 15. Nothing sexual happened during that time. I came from a poor family and her family is really well off. But the killer was, she was Christian and she mentioned that she really wants to save herself until marriage. It wasn’t important though, I wasn’t interested… yet. I guess I’m just a late bloomer.

Fast forward 2 years, we both completed our O levels and got in the same Junior College. Jiayi and I were separated into different classes. I began to notice girls. I didn’t flirt with any of them though. I was already in a relationship with Jiayi so I made a constant remainder to myself. See but touch no evil.

The first girl that caught my eye was Cherylene. She was short but still slightly taller then me. She had neat center parting hair down to her neck, slender body and a ridiculous rack. Jiayi was C cup by then but Cherylene was D. I never bothered to ask but it was obvious she had Caucasian blood. Cherylene had big round eyes, sharp but short nose and a dimple smile. And yes, she speaks good English.

Cherylene would constantly tease me about my height and my soft features. Whenever we hang out, she would introduce me to her friends from other class as her girlfriend. I kept faithful to Jiayi but I began to notice that we would pull apart and then back together. On and off, like most first love. I started noticing guys trying to flirt with Jiayi and she would teasingly reciprocate.

What really angered me was that it feels like Jiayi tries to hide me away from her classmates. Somehow, it felt like she was ashamed of me. A tall dark athletic girl dating a mismatched short pale guy always breed negative wind. The worst part was her conflicting religion against mine non-existing one. Jiayi tries to convert me to Christianity all the time and I always have some snobby sarcastic remark to make. We start to have serious screaming matches.

There were too many words so I’ll just lead off with the last one. “You are incapable of loving anyone but yourself. Do you know how hard it is to be in a relationship with you? It’s just like you, to make a joke out of everything.”

As expected, I have the terrible time at school the next day. I saw Jiayi in the canteen but she ignored me. I didn’t sleep well and my mood was starting to show.

“Hey girlfriend.” Cherylene stepped over and pat my head. I kept silent but was burning inside. She didn’t read the atmosphere and rubbed my chin.

“Stop it.”

“Stop what? Stop growing taller?”

“Cheryl, not today.” I covered my face with my palms and breathed deeply.

“What’s wrong?” Cherylene inched forward but unsure of what to do. I didn’t reply.

“I’m sorry… Don’t be mad anymore…”

“It’s not you, just that some things happened and I’m not feeling well because of it.”

During class that day, I could feel Cherylene glancing at me constantly. I felt a little sorry then, to have made her worried. Jiayi still didn’t text me and the nagging feeling couldn’t go away.

“Let’s go watch a movie.”

“No, I’m busy. Another time.”

“Cmon, you owe me.”

“For what?”

“Nothing yet. I’m using my future favors.”

At this point, I was pretty bumped out so I decided to go out with Cherylene. After school, we went to a HDB void deck and sat down. For the first time, I had a long talk with a person. I talked about Jiayi and our relationship but didn’t go into details. Cherylene listened. At the end of it, I didn’t feel any better but I managed to gain some clarity. We went on the watch Pirates of the carribean 2. During the movie, Cherylene leaned her head against my shoulder and I could smell mango-ish scent from her hair. My heart pounded a little and every so often, I glanced at her collar to try and sneak a peek at her breast. The theatre was dark so I didn’t see much but I was excited. My erection pushed against my pants and I shifted uncomfortably throughout the movie. I can’t recall a bit of what I watched then.

After the movie, we walked towards my old secondary school. It was planned for renewing and renovation so it was empty. The students went to a temporary school in Bedok. It felt good to be nostalgic again. We walked to the front gates and saw the security guard sleeping.

“Let’s sneak in.”

“What? No way.”

“Way. Let’s go the back and climb the fence.” Cherylene dashed off and I followed suit.

Anyone who had P.E lessons that involves running around a school should know how far it is to run to the back of the school. I arrived panting and heaty, I could feel the sweat coming. We found a spot of the fence with spikes cut out. Some punks probably did it to trespass and graffiti all over it. Cherylene gave me whimsical smile and motioned me to climb first. I went over fairly easily and watched as she climbs.
“Don’t look at my panties.” Cherylene said as she crossover the top of the fence. I turned the other way but sneaked a peek. She was obviously having trouble climbing over with a skirt but it gave me some good time to look. She was wearing a light blue undie with a small teddy bear north of her butt. I had another erection and tried to push it upright so it’s not obvious.

She finally landed. I couldn’t tell why but I was getting so turned on by her. She was a little sweaty and her hair was mapped messily against her forehead. The slight smell of her hair, sweat and body was too arousing. At the back of my mind, I kept thinking of Jiayi but my cock was near exploding. It was swollen and struggling against my tight pants. I looked at her cherry wet mouth and I never wanted more but to shuff my cock into her mouth.

I snapped myself out of it and led her around. It was nothing like my old school anymore. The classrooms were there and the places were the same but all the tables and chairs are messed up, dusty and dirty. Graffiti were all over but it was strangely comforting. Nobody was here except for the old sleepy security guard at the gate. I led her to the school hall and we sat down at the backstage.

It was near evening and it was getting too dark. I fiddled against the lights and on the backstage lights. The old spoiled piano was still there where I said against it for 4 whole years nearly every day during recess. I would sneak in there alone and quietly think about all thing non important. Cherylene sat where I sat in her uniform. She was picture perfect. I leaned against the wall opposite of her.

“I love this place.”

“It’s not gonna last.”

“Hmm… how long have you been with Jiayi?”

“3 years.”

“Are you happy with her?”


“Want to know a secret?”


“A few girls in our class have a crush on you.”

“I suspect some boys do too.”

“Hahahaha, I’m serious.”

“Who are they? You know, I’m always curious that if girls have the same crush and they’re friends, how would that work?”

09-09-2012, 07:42 PM
Great buildup

09-09-2012, 10:10 PM
Great buildup

Thannks. Please up my points if u like it

10-09-2012, 12:14 AM
keep going bro..

10-09-2012, 12:23 AM
Cb idontknow... U really is kiam gan plus tou gan.. Knnbccb keep copy paste other bro's stories for fuck? Cheese bye Kia, puiii

10-09-2012, 12:30 AM
pitching tent

10-09-2012, 12:45 AM
Mind sharing the link for the original full story?

10-09-2012, 01:07 AM
heemmm.. why bro ?? why ?

10-09-2012, 02:44 AM

Only know how to follow father.. Wonder do u need to see me fuck your gf/wife first then u also follow my pattern fuck them?

10-09-2012, 04:26 AM
This bro really buey paiseh sia. Even I as a silent reader am kinda pissed to you flooding the forum with all your copy paste work. Just quit being and grow some balls already.

10-09-2012, 07:32 AM
Great effort. Please continue.

10-09-2012, 08:31 AM
Support & bookmark yr threads.