View Full Version : Interesting situation with a girl - need brothers' please...
29-01-2005, 11:54 PM
Hi brothers out there,
I have a interesting situation with a girl who leaves me puzzled and wondering abt the situation/her intentions.
Not long ago, i got to know a girl who is unattached and want to woo her now after she stirred up some interests. however, things she does always keep puzzling or pondering over the situation.
earlier the month, she called me out for dinners/breakfasts which i didnt make it as i already got appt fixed then - time gap fillers?
i didnt think too much in it as it wud have been friendly to ask a friend out for meals, rite?
recently, she was very ill and suddenly sms me to say she was ill and was recovering and resting well at home - probably to explain she has "MIA" for a few days.
i was puzzled and thought that only bf/gf do that, isnt it? scracthing my head of course!
while she didnt recover from her illness, she called me to say she was going leaving office early as she was still ill.
again, i was puzzled! still scratching my head leh...
week ago, she called that she has done her haircut and was trying to ask me out for dinner, but i was with my friends for dinner, bad timing...
i didnt know she was going for a haircut
finally i asked her out for dinners and things were like normal friends and that i enjoy the time with her. she seemed ok too.
i must say she is a hard core workaholic and she wud hardly reply my calls or sms while at work or after her late work hours. asking her out during weekdays is real difficult as she wud prioritise her work first. that leads to delay planning to fix a confirmed time/day - including weekends too. she wud priortise her events for the day first before confirming if there is any available time slot to go out....otherwise it wud be another day.
maybe i should not have too much hopes?
so brothers out there, is there any advice for me or cud there is better solutions to these?
Thanks a lot, guys!
30-01-2005, 12:01 AM
wow.. btw nice avatar.. :p
30-01-2005, 12:09 AM
wow.. btw nice avatar..
KNN, boy need advise and you talk about his avatar... :mad:
But hor... I do agree that his avatar is really nice leh.... :D
30-01-2005, 12:34 AM
Is workaholism her nature or is it merely a spike in her workload? Maybe a case of peak season for a particular industry? But if a girl's a hardcore workaholic, I don't think I will get too serious. Once in awhile still can but permanently playing second fiddle isn't quite my cup of tea. :cool:
30-01-2005, 12:34 AM
KNN, boy need advise and you talk about his avatar...
But hor... I do agree that his avatar is really nice leh....
KNN u another 1. Thief shout catch thief. Kekeke :D :p
Actually hor, it either go or no go nia mah. Go ahead n woo nut b prepare tat she treat her work more important then u. Or jus fuck it and b normal friend. Looksee Looksee and let nature take it course lor. Hehe.
30-01-2005, 12:45 AM
reminds me of what william congrave once said.. kekeke :)
30-01-2005, 12:47 AM
reminds me of what william congrave once said.. kekeke
William who?? Ximi lang lai n wat did he say?? :confused: :p
30-01-2005, 12:53 AM
microsoft said something about thief catch thief ma.. wait.. i check google first.. oh yes..
"He that first cries out stop thief, is often he that has stolen the treasure."
-- William Congreve, Love for Love, III, XIV.
30-01-2005, 12:55 AM
microsoft said something about thief catch thief ma.. wait.. i check google first.. oh yes..
"He that first cries out stop thief, is often he that has stolen the treasure."
-- William Congreve, Love for Love, III, XIV.
Alamak now i lagi confuse?? Its William Congreve or William Congrave?? :p :p
30-01-2005, 12:59 AM
ops.. i made a mistake.. its Congreve.. but I dun like him.. Oscar Wilde better..
30-01-2005, 01:02 AM
ops.. i made a mistake.. its Congreve.. but I dun like him.. Oscar Wilde better..
Oh yes tat guy is cool!!! He look abit like Bret hart!! Hehe :D
30-01-2005, 01:03 AM
erm.. do u mean ben hur?? or dun tell me u referring to the cloth-less BH??
30-01-2005, 01:05 AM
Alamak now i lagi confuse?? Its William Congreve or William Congrave?? :p
Chimm sia.... I lia bo balls.... :D
30-01-2005, 01:26 AM
erm.. do u mean ben hur?? or dun tell me u referring to the cloth-less BH??
U dont watch WWE? :D
30-01-2005, 01:27 AM
Chimm sia.... I lia bo balls....
Ouch!!! Oi dont bite me leh! :D :p
30-01-2005, 01:27 AM
oh.. then u mean the clothless BH ah.. i dun watch it ler.. prefer wwe wif my bro..
30-01-2005, 01:30 AM
oh.. then u mean the clothless BH ah.. i dun watch it ler.. prefer wwe wif my bro..
Err... Hehe nvm. The pt here is "Oscar Wilde is better then W.Congreve" :D
30-01-2005, 01:31 AM
oh yes.. i think u got it.. lol.. fully agree with u..
30-01-2005, 01:39 AM
oh yes.. i think u got it.. lol.. fully agree with u..
Now then you got it... But horr... Until now, I still blur leh.. But nevermind lah... My IQ is too low.. So cannot catch up.... :p
30-01-2005, 01:46 AM
mdx, dun need to be too modest la.. u are the rarest talent of our age.. who can think of and design plans of divine perfection.. that is, on how to sian women lar..
30-01-2005, 01:49 AM
Now then you got it... But horr... Until now, I still blur leh.. But nevermind lah... My IQ is too low.. So cannot catch up....
Oi blur is ok, but hor don't act blur hor. :p :p
30-01-2005, 01:53 AM
Just do it.
Don't think too much...
30-01-2005, 01:56 AM
reminding me of something, gstring.. btw the chinese variety on ch8 last time got explain why its called gstring.. anyone noes?
30-01-2005, 02:02 AM
reminding me of something, gstring.. btw the chinese variety on ch8 last time got explain why its called gstring.. anyone noes?
30-01-2005, 02:04 AM
After TCSS so much in your thread, here's my views...
The answer is actually very simple... It depends on whether you like her or not... If you do like her, go for it and win her heart... It really doesn't matter whether she is a workaholic or not... In my opinion, it's more towards like you feel that she is interested in you and that's why you feel that you might have a chance to be together with her... And this might not be like...
It's like someone is offering you a nice and cheap watch to you but then you have never thought of liking this watch but since someone offer it to you at a really cheap price, you just take it... But then you might not even like it in the first place....You are confused yourself... A lot of guys are confused on such feelings and that's why a lot of relationships do not come to a good ending....
So, think about it on whether you do like her... Chase her only if you like her... Once you have more or less confirmed your feelings for her, then you will know what to do yourself...
30-01-2005, 02:08 AM
mdx.. pls dun quote so much ler.. i cant digest ler..
30-01-2005, 02:10 AM
mdx.. pls dun quote so much ler.. i cant digest ler..
Settled.... :p
30-01-2005, 02:16 AM
i need to sleep and f at the same time.. :eek:
30-01-2005, 02:19 AM
i need to sleep and f at the same time..
Did u go read up on the website i post?? :D
Now u noe wat's G-String? :D
30-01-2005, 02:43 AM
Did u go read up on the website i post?? :D
Now u noe wat's G-String?
Knn......2am still not sleeping?
So wats a G-String? :rolleyes:
30-01-2005, 03:39 AM
i must say she is a hard core workaholic and she wud hardly reply my calls or sms while at work or after her late work hours. asking her out during weekdays is real difficult as she wud prioritise her work first. that leads to delay planning to fix a confirmed time/day - including weekends too. she wud priortise her events for the day first before confirming if there is any available time slot to go out....otherwise it wud be another day.
That's your typical Singapore Girl, one moment want to do her own thing and be independent, then every now and then, needs a man to make her feel like a princess...
She'll contact you only when she needs you, or when sick in bed got nothing better to do.
But, wait for this...She probably does like you, not just making use of you. It's just a matter of getting yourself to the top of her priorities. This is how our girls are like nowadays... Us guys just have to figure them out... :rolleyes:
30-01-2005, 03:58 AM
Hi brothers out there,
I have a interesting situation with a girl who leaves me puzzled and wondering abt the situation/her intentions.
Thanks a lot, guys!
OIC... this is a new way to start a TCSS thread? :confused:
30-01-2005, 04:20 AM
That's your typical Singapore Girl, one moment want to do her own thing and be independent, then every now and then, needs a man to make her feel like a princess...
She'll contact you only when she needs you, or when sick in bed got nothing better to do.
But, wait for this...She probably does like you, not just making use of you. It's just a matter of getting yourself to the top of her priorities. This is how our girls are like nowadays... Us guys just have to figure them out...
Fucking well said by brother Klown. Cheers.
There was this girl also made use of me. But i can't blame her also, its a "2 hands clapping" thing. Only regret is i didn't fuck her due to the little bit of coinsenice (see? i got so little, spell also wrong) i have. :D
Relak, and try to beat her at her own game if u can. BGR game if can control properly is very exciting one.
Good luck! :D
30-01-2005, 05:10 AM
tho this gonna b another tcss theard. keke... :D
men n women r the same.
we like to be carefree and cheong without any worry but in the end of the night we want some women to hug while we are sleeping.
same goes to women, whether they are workaholic or not, they also need someone be there for them when they are lonely.
Bro Dazedreamers,
if you like her, no harm of trying going after her. wat do u got to lose?
if she really cannot make time for you, ask yourself if you ok with that.
if not, then treat her as normal friend and move on.
if she likes you, she will probably make time for you.
Good relationship require communication between the 2 parties.
Good luck.
30-01-2005, 10:27 AM
Hi brothers out there,
I have a interesting situation with a girl who leaves me puzzled and wondering abt the situation/her intentions.
Not long ago, i got to know a girl who is unattached and want to woo her now after she stirred up some interests. however, things she does always keep puzzling or pondering over the situation.
earlier the month, she called me out for dinners/breakfasts which i didnt make it as i already got appt fixed then - time gap fillers?
i didnt think too much in it as it wud have been friendly to ask a friend out for meals, rite?
recently, she was very ill and suddenly sms me to say she was ill and was recovering and resting well at home - probably to explain she has "MIA" for a few days.
i was puzzled and thought that only bf/gf do that, isnt it? scracthing my head of course!
while she didnt recover from her illness, she called me to say she was going leaving office early as she was still ill.
again, i was puzzled! still scratching my head leh...
week ago, she called that she has done her haircut and was trying to ask me out for dinner, but i was with my friends for dinner, bad timing...
i didnt know she was going for a haircut
finally i asked her out for dinners and things were like normal friends and that i enjoy the time with her. she seemed ok too.
i must say she is a hard core workaholic and she wud hardly reply my calls or sms while at work or after her late work hours. asking her out during weekdays is real difficult as she wud prioritise her work first. that leads to delay planning to fix a confirmed time/day - including weekends too. she wud priortise her events for the day first before confirming if there is any available time slot to go out....otherwise it wud be another day.
maybe i should not have too much hopes?
so brothers out there, is there any advice for me or cud there is better solutions to these?
Thanks a lot, guys!
Bro Dazedreamers, u r fortunate than me... Me interested with a gal at my work place, asked her out for dinner twice but she rejected me... asked for her contact she refused to give... but later I found out that she always SMS my new colleague (my new teammate & lunchmate just joined us 3 weeks ago)... sigh...
So, if u really like her, do go after her... Maybe it is difficult in the initial stage, due to her attitude to her work... but just dun give up... I can sense that (from your post) she is interested in u too... Just try your best to change her priorities: i.e. put u on her first priority, then follow by her work...
30-01-2005, 04:38 PM
That's your typical Singapore Girl, one moment want to do her own thing and be independent, then every now and then, needs a man to make her feel like a princess...
She'll contact you only when she needs you, or when sick in bed got nothing better to do.
But, wait for this...She probably does like you, not just making use of you. It's just a matter of getting yourself to the top of her priorities. This is how our girls are like nowadays... Us guys just have to figure them out... :rolleyes:
Well spoken, like a man at his best, simple but precise to the point. As you said, it could be either way. Should ask you come my thread to giver some pointers. :D
30-01-2005, 08:36 PM
Bro Dazedreamers, u r fortunate than me... Me interested with a gal at my work place, asked her out for dinner twice but she rejected me... asked for her contact she refused to give... but later I found out that she always SMS my new colleague (my new teammate & lunchmate just joined us 3 weeks ago)... sigh...
So, if u really like her, do go after her... Maybe it is difficult in the initial stage, due to her attitude to her work... but just dun give up... I can sense that (from your post) she is interested in u too... Just try your best to change her priorities: i.e. put u on her first priority, then follow by her work...
Honestly, if you don't attack early, she knows all your faults after a while and you can forget about it liao. If you get her to like you 1st, then slowly learn about your short comings, she might accept them.
30-01-2005, 08:46 PM
Well spoken, like a man at his best, simple but precise to the point. As you said, it could be either way. Should ask you come my thread to giver some pointers. :D
I did say we have to figure them out, but I did not actually mention that I myself has yet to fully understand them!!! It takes more patience and my lifetime to do that!!! I got a younger sister, personally I care for her a lot, but I can't stand her guts when it comes to how she treats the guys that try to date her... She will make use of them for all they are worth and they won't even get to touch her...She's really thick skinned and knows exactly what she is doing. Singapore women... I give up... :cool:
30-01-2005, 09:06 PM
I did say we have to figure them out, but I did not actually mention that I myself has yet to fully understand them!!! It takes more patience and my lifetime to do that!!! I got a younger sister, personally I care for her a lot, but I can't stand her guts when it comes to how she treats the guys that try to date her... She will make use of them for all they are worth and they won't even get to touch her...She's really thick skinned and knows exactly what she is doing. Singapore women... I give up... :cool:
I also give up liao... actually quite a while ago
Too stuck up for my liking!
30-01-2005, 09:09 PM
Singapore women... I give up... :cool:
Honestly i wont really blame your sis, afterall the guys are attracted to her and she sees the opportunity to get something out of the situation. I would really see it as the guys are pretty useless, like the files see shit and fly straight to it. To them, nothing is impossible for a pussy. :cool:
30-01-2005, 10:17 PM
i think its we the men who got the shorter end of the stick..
30-01-2005, 10:26 PM
Hi mates, thanks for all your replies! :D
I am overwhelmed by your responses and appreciate your advices!
Special thanks to brothers nuclearkid, microsoft, gstring_lover, MDX, klown, cbjuiceyumseng, nekiddawg, brotherchiu & OceanEleven.
Though I got 4 gf in the past, the last one was years back - like 6-7yrs ago...I am rusty already. They were started smoothly as both parties were liking each other mutally. Of course, during this period, there are other encounters but with no chemistry.
But this time round, I am having a challenge. She is the only girl whom I rack my brain out! :p Trails of hints left behind leads to different answers/outcomes. Though it may be a surmounting task, I have not done it before. Furthermore, these days girls are very different compared to 6-7yrs back. Ok, I admit I do like her and now I will observe things and stragetise my moves. Besides, I have got nothing to lose - except my ego, but who cares! Even in the end, if nothing comes out, at least I have experience it - and that I get to keep her as a friend!
Enough said, I am appreciative of the responses/advices from brothers out there. Thank you!
25-02-2005, 10:59 PM
Hi all brothers out there,
After my last post, i have been observing this girl's reactions to my advances for about a month. It is concluded that she is not interested in me! Alas...what a wham! Anyway, she invites me over to her new place for makan next month and let's see how it goes from there - strange and contradicting rite, guys?
Any comments? Thank you guys!
26-02-2005, 12:24 AM
wow! nice avatar leh.. :)
Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!
GL Lor 10 Coffeeshop TCSS Session On 1 March 2005 [/QUOTE]
26-02-2005, 01:29 PM
wow! nice avatar leh...
KNN... another one.... +++ing abt his avatar...
btw, very nice i agree but who's she?
Do not despair.... wekkm i think she need sum one 2 +++ 2 n know dat sum one cares for her (cause i think she's so lonely w/o a guy in her life due 2 all d work..)... n playing hard 2 get....
n for a gal like her... dis kinda gals, she got a super hard protective outer shelf n it'll take time for u 2 chip her armour away bit by bit using time n sincerity..... if u do have time n effort 2 climb dat ladder of hers... give urself 6 mths to a yr b4 u call it quits... kekekeke.... (coz i'm cannot wait 2 long if not sianz oreadi.. max 3mths for me...)
we sillyporean man are paying sillyporean gals w fool's money.... willing 2 do anything 4 a pussy... but wat goes ard comes ard... i hoped she dun meet her match sumday as she's gonna suffer big time~!...
for mi... it's comes n goes.... i do go after a couple of them n thank god they are genuine nice gals n dun make use of me...
noticed dat for sillyporean gals, once they put down their armours for u, they do it perpeturally until u betray their trust (kena caught eating supper outside~!) :eek: ...
but of course i may b wrong but it's mi 2 cent's worth... kekekek
26-02-2005, 01:41 PM
maybe i should not have too much hopes?
so brothers out there, is there any advice for me or cud there is better solutions to these?
form the way u write, it seems like she have some liking 4 u or maybe wanna give if a try ...
she may be very busy but the way i see is that she trying to find time to meet up with u which is maybe a good sign .... she oredi automatic call u and ask u out when she free liao but then if u do like her, i tink u should go meet her lor ....if she's really worth it, i think your freinds won't mind ....
i know its not nice being called out to action as and when she needs but ask yourself where do u c this relationship going in future ....
26-02-2005, 01:52 PM
Do not despair.... wekkm i think she need sum one 2 +++ 2 n know dat sum one cares for her (cause i think she's so lonely w/o a guy in her life due 2 all d work..)... n playing hard 2 get....
i dun tink she playing hard to get but he is ...the way he write is that everytime she free ...she ask him out but he not free...
we sillyporean man are paying sillyporean gals w fool's money.... willing 2 do anything 4 a pussy... but wat goes ard comes ard... i hoped she dun meet her match sumday as she's gonna suffer big time~!...
noticed dat for sillyporean gals, once they put down their armours for u, they do it perpeturally until u betray their trust (kena caught eating supper outside~!) :eek: ...
i tink about the armour ...all gers are the same and this is not just sillypore ....
persistence is always a winner ....guys tend to dump their feelings in much faster than a ger and thus end up disappointed .....gers are more slow cookers cos they cannot affrod to be hurt being the so call weaker sex ...
so have patience & lots of persistence and i do agree that once a ger like u its very hard 4 them change their mind unlike man ...but then we man are loyal out of loyalty .....
26-02-2005, 08:18 PM
Btw, the avatar is Denise Keller - the MTV VJ, do a search and u will get it.
my friend (who is close to her) sounded her out and i was told she doesnt have any feelings and prefers someone with sense of security. anyway, i go along from here and observe how matters fall in place...
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