View Full Version : Close to 9000 questions have been answered by DSC clinic

17-09-2012, 11:03 PM
The Questions & Answers (Q&A) database is as early as year 2003 to the recent 2012.

Link to view: http://www.dsc-sexualhealth.com.sg/qna_list.asp

Sample Question
Can our records in DSC be removed?

Sample Answer
The DSC Clinic will require patients to register with original personal identification document. All medical records will be kept private and confidential. In Singapore, STIs are notifiable infection (for statistic purpose) under the Infectious Diseases Act but the person's personal particulars such as name, I/C, address, contact numbers will not be made known in the notification. There will be no immigration impact for any foreigner. HIV/AIDS is another notifiable infection under the Infectious Diseases Act. The person will be referred to Communicable Disease Centre, Tan Tock Seng Hospital for further investigation and management. If a foreigner is tested positive in Singapore, under the Immigration Act, he/she will be deported. This Act applies to HIV/AIDS infection only.

17-09-2012, 11:07 PM
Sample Question
Hi, I would like to ask will you get stds but is HIV negative?

Sample Answer by DSC Clinic
The transmission of the respective STIs like HIV, Gonorrhoea, etc is subjective to the partner(s) involved. If the individual has a single infection, he or she may be able to transmit that particular infection only. However, if the individual is carrying 2 or more infections like Herpes together with HIV, these infections may be transmitted. Therefore, the receiving partner may be infected with these 2 infections at the same time.

Link to view: http://www.dsc-sexualhealth.com.sg/qna_list.asp

17-09-2012, 11:11 PM
Sample Question
I recently had protected sex with a prostitute. I had my condom on at all times. However, she was squirting throughtout the whole session and was squirting on my body. I am worried if she was infected with stds, her squirts may transmit them to me. But i had my condom on at all times, so the squirts are on my body and not my genitals. I also frenched kissed her for a while. I am worried abt getting several stds now. Please advise.

Sample Answer by DSC Clinic
If you did have protected oral, vaginal and anal sex, the risk is minimal for STI and HIV. Condoms, when used correctly and consistently and where there is no breakage or leakage, provide effective protection against STI and HIV. There is no risk of getting STI and HIV through kissing, deep wet kissing or French kissing, unless there are bleeding lips, gums or ulcers in both parties at the same time, and even this is considered a low risk.

Link to view: http://www.dsc-sexualhealth.com.sg/qna_list.asp

17-09-2012, 11:14 PM
Sample Question
I am very worry about my last encounter. Basically we just did kissing and wet kiss. My partner did not ejaculate but i did. But however when i spit out my saliva in mouth i found that there some blood product. I didn't see anything bleeding from my gum, but i found out that there is a small ulcer on the side of my mouth. Am i in high risk. Please let me know. I will make an appointment for check.

Sample Answer by DSC Clinic
There is no risk of getting STI and HIV through kissing, deep wet kissing or French kissing, unless there are bleeding lips, gums or ulcers in both parties at the same time, and even this is considered a low risk. There is no documented case of someone infected through this mode. Since you did not mention about the cause of your ejaculation, we assume that this is not related to penetrative sex like oral and anal sex.

Link to view: http://www.dsc-sexualhealth.com.sg/qna_list.asp

17-09-2012, 11:18 PM
Sample Question
I want to clarify that is my activity a risk for any STd/HIV infection. Sucking breast nipple of a prostitute (let there was a little milk in her breast) and masterbation by prostitute with message oil. Nothing Else i did.

Sample Answer by DSC Clinic
The activities did not put you at risk for STI and HIV.

Link to view: http://www.dsc-sexualhealth.com.sg/qna_list.asp

17-09-2012, 11:40 PM
Sample Question
Recently during my business trip in china, i had unprotected oral sex and protected oral sex with a sex worker. I am having a bad sore throat and feeling unwell about 2 weeks after i have returned. I would like to know if my HIV risk is high and should i go for an HIV test?

Sample Answer by DSC Clinic
HIV is diagnosed through a blood test, not through signs and symptoms. Your problems are not linked to HIV infection. You may wish to see a doctor to find out the cause of the problem.

At the same time, if you are worried about HIV infection, you may wish to do a screening for HIV. When doing a HIV screening (ELISA or Rapid), you need to take note of the window period, which is between 1 to 3 months or 4 to 12 weeks after an exposure. You can go for a HIV test at the 1st month(4 weeks) as a baseline and repeat at the 3rd month(12 weeks) for a conclusive result.

Link to view: http://www.dsc-sexualhealth.com.sg/qna_list.asp

17-09-2012, 11:45 PM
Sample Question
Hi, I would like to know if a share food, cultery, or share a drink and use same cup and straw with a person of unknown sexual history. Am I at risk for STI? I also share a peice of fruit with a ktv girl, will i face danger? What about using a toilet bowl and my penis touch the public toilet bowl? Thank you

Sample Answer by DSC Clinic
Sharing of food, cutlery, utensil etc and using toilet, have not been known to transmit STI and HIV.

Link to view: http://www.dsc-sexualhealth.com.sg/qna_list.asp

17-09-2012, 11:46 PM
Sample Question
I went for a massage recently and i rub my penis against her backside. She was lying down and i was rubbing her from behind. All this while, she was wearing her G-String and i was in disposable shorts. Is there any possibilites that i contracted STD or HIV. Thank you

Sample Answer by DSC Clinic
These activities do not put you at risk for STI and HIV.

Link to view: http://www.dsc-sexualhealth.com.sg/qna_list.asp

17-09-2012, 11:48 PM
Sample Question
Dear Doctor, I would like to find out if the following activities will put me at risk for STI/STD/HIV. I went to a massage with special services.

1. I was naked and i lie on a table with towels and do not know whether a person before me could be lying on the same table. the towel look clean but i not sure. Same goes for the towel i used to cover myself. Can i get STI/STD from towels that are not sure clean or not?
2. I fingered the girl. Am i at risk?
3. I used the same hand to finger to masturbate myself, am i at risk?
4. I suck her nipple.
5. we kissed. I have no cuts or ulcers. I don't think she has.
6. She carressed and rub my asshole. She did not insert her finger
7. She used her breast to masturbate me
8. She use her hand to handjob me. with oil pour on top. I don't think her hand got cut.
9. I hug her standing both naked. I don't think my penis touch her vagina. since i taller my penis rub her waist.

Sample Answer by DSC Clinic
It is unlikely that you will be at risk for STI and HIV from these activities.

Link to view: http://www.dsc-sexualhealth.com.sg/qna_list.asp

11-10-2012, 02:06 AM
I LOL at this


Hi I bought carrot and have annal sex without condom will that lead to hiv. what happens if the carrot is not clean how many percent will i contract hiv in that cause?


It has been established that HIV transmission takes place in four ways :
1. Unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner
2. Blood transfusion with contaminated blood and blood products
3. Sharing contaminated syringes and needles
4. From infected mother to child during pregnancy, at birth or through breast

12-11-2012, 09:23 PM
I LOL at this


Hi I bought carrot and have annal sex without condom will that lead to hiv. what happens if the carrot is not clean how many percent will i contract hiv in that cause?


It has been established that HIV transmission takes place in four ways :
1. Unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner
2. Blood transfusion with contaminated blood and blood products
3. Sharing contaminated syringes and needles
4. From infected mother to child during pregnancy, at birth or through breast

Haha. .lame lor