View Full Version : Got conned in IRC
04-02-2005, 04:43 PM
Hi guys, despite reading all the stuff here about being conned in IRC or chatlines, it never really hit me until today! I was in the IRC chatting with with this girl when she offered me sex for $100. She said she needed $50 to top up her Hi-Card and the remaining $50 in cash. Told me to top up her hi-card first before meeting her. Was really very suspicious initially, but when I ask her to verify whether she is indeed a female, she called me readily. She sounded so hot over the phone! My little head took control and I went to an ATM in AMK (where she is supposed to live) to top up the card. After topping up, I called her and confirmed that I've top up the card, afterwhich she says she will have to verify the card value first before meeting me. F**k.... after putting down the phone, never hear from her anymore! Repeated calls to her resulted in no one answering the phone! :mad:
Just want to share with you guys! The nick is NorthGal and her number is 81313886. Dun be conned by her! I've learnt an important lesson man.... $50 down the drain... Let's unite brothers! Bombard this number with calls until the card number reached the low value again!!!
04-02-2005, 04:44 PM
Hi guys, despite reading all the stuff here about being conned in IRC or chatlines, it never really hit me until today! I was in the IRC chatting with with this girl when she offered me sex for $100. She said she needed $50 to top up her Hi-Card and the remaining $50 in cash. Told me to top up her hi-card first before meeting her. Was really very suspicious initially, but when I ask her to verify whether she is indeed a female, she called me readily. She sounded so hot over the phone! My little head took control and I went to an ATM in AMK (where she is supposed to live) to top up the card. After topping up, I called her and confirmed that I've top up the card, afterwhich she says she will have to verify the card value first before meeting me. F**k.... after putting down the phone, never hear from her anymore! Repeated calls to her resulted in no one answering the phone!
Just want to share with you guys! The nick is NorthGal and her number is 81313886. Dun be conned by her! I've learnt an important lesson man.... $50 down the drain... Let's unite brothers! Bombard this number with calls until the card number reached the low value again!!!
........................ :D .............................
................................. :rolleyes: ........
04-02-2005, 04:47 PM
Let's unite brothers! Bombard this number with calls until the card number reached the low value again!!!
Then who pay for our Hi-card. You? :D
04-02-2005, 04:48 PM
Just want to share with you guys! The nick is NorthGal and her number is 8*******. Dun be conned by her! I've learnt an important lesson man.... $50 down the drain... Let's unite brothers! Bombard this number with calls until the card number reached the low value again!!!
Interesting join date + post numbers + posting of other ppls number. How long would this thread stay... Hmmm....
I am beginning to wonder..
04-02-2005, 04:52 PM
initially, but when I ask her to verify whether she is indeed a female, she called me readily. She sounded so hot over the phone! My little head took control .Just want to share with you guys! The nick is NorthGal and her number is 81313886. Dun be conned by her! I've learnt an important lesson man.... $50 down the drain... Let's unite brothers! Bombard this number with calls until the card number reached the low value again!!!
Haiz another ying xiong nan guo mei ren guang....
04-02-2005, 04:53 PM
Interesting join date + post numbers + posting of other ppls number. How long would this thread stay... Hmmm....
I am beginning to wonder..
Unless the TCSS team invade here? or else i think maybe 1 day lor? Well i see familar nicks like bro warresg and cbjuiceyumseng liao! :D
04-02-2005, 04:54 PM
Hi guys, despite reading all the stuff here about being conned in IRC or chatlines, it never really hit me until today! I was in the IRC chatting with with this girl when she offered me sex for $100. She said she needed $50 to top up her Hi-Card and the remaining $50 in cash. Told me to top up her hi-card first before meeting her. Was really very suspicious initially, but when I ask her to verify whether she is indeed a female, she called me readily. She sounded so hot over the phone! My little head took control and I went to an ATM in AMK (where she is supposed to live) to top up the card. After topping up, I called her and confirmed that I've top up the card, afterwhich she says she will have to verify the card value first before meeting me. F**k.... after putting down the phone, never hear from her anymore! Repeated calls to her resulted in no one answering the phone! :mad:
Just want to share with you guys! The nick is NorthGal and her number is 81313886. Dun be conned by her! I've learnt an important lesson man.... $50 down the drain... Let's unite brothers! Bombard this number with calls until the card number reached the low value again!!!
Le me say this (excuse me for a moment.... kekekekekekekekekekekekekeke)
Coming back to the subject.... kekekekekekekekekekekeke
OK, OK, serious now... hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Bro Hornyhunk, personally I don't think its fair that you gather us to support your folly, and even post her number here...
Kudos to her intelligence mah....
take it as a lesson learnt, or better still, as a joke... kekekekekekekekekekeke
04-02-2005, 04:56 PM
Le me say this (excuse me for a moment.... kekekekekekekekekekekekekeke)
Coming back to the subject.... kekekekekekekekekekekeke
take it as a lesson learnt, or better still, as a joke... kekekekekekekekekekeke
lolz, you today si beiz good moodz hor ? :p but today quite a few jokers lah... cannot blame... lolz
04-02-2005, 04:57 PM
Bro, dont believe those gal in IRC, take this lesson.
04-02-2005, 05:00 PM
lolz, you today si beiz good moodz hor ? :p but today quite a few jokers lah... cannot blame... lolz
seriously you read his post.... how not to laugh.??? :D
04-02-2005, 05:03 PM
dis is like writing a person's name n mobile number behind d door in d toilet... but dis toilet door is for d whole of SB 2 c... kekekeke...
but luckily she only con u $50 n not whole of $100.. i think u will grow wiser as u learn frm dis kinda mistake... remember dun spearm rush brain can oreadi...
04-02-2005, 05:05 PM
Hi guys, despite reading all the stuff here about being conned in IRC or chatlines, it never really hit me until today! ................. ...........Dun be conned by her! I've learnt an important lesson man.... $50 down the drain... Let's unite brothers! Bombard this number with calls until the card number reached the low value again!!!
If it's true, then take it as a lesson learnt. Getting others to call her? What happen if you are not telling the truth and simply want to sabo someone?
Btw, since you have her number, you can report this matter to the police what. :rolleyes:
04-02-2005, 05:07 PM
Interesting join date + post numbers + posting of other ppls number. How long would this thread stay... Hmmm....
I am beginning to wonder..
No jokes or tricks Montbank... I admit I've not been a regular contributor to this forum but if you remembered, almost all the posts in the forum are almost being deleted due to maintenance quite some time ago. After that, I was almost "alienated" from this forum as I was overseas with limited Internet usage.
Right now, I just want all to be wary of this girl and her number so anyone else who happened to come across this in the future should know they will confirmed be conned! No disrespect to you bro - Believe me or not, it's your choice, I can't control it. :)
04-02-2005, 05:07 PM
She sounded so hot over the phone! My little head took control and I went to an ATM in AMK (where she is supposed to live) to top up the card.
I also sound very hot over the phone...wanna try ? But hor, make sure ur ATM still got $$$ inside leh...coz my HP bill 3 mth nvr pay liao... :D
04-02-2005, 05:08 PM
I have repeatly. repeatly.. post at least 10 times.. to warn ppl not to engage with anyone who ask u to transfer any form of money before sex.. pengs.. still have stupid fool ganna.. and the northgal.. u are not the only one.. a few ppl complain about her liao.. she stays around ANG MO KIO... so many stupid fool. i think i will employ a fat pig that has beautiful voice and partner her to con others.. use beautiful voice to con money transfer..
04-02-2005, 05:08 PM
If it's true, then take it as a lesson learnt. Getting others to call her? What happen if you are not telling the truth and simply want to sabo someone?
Btw, since you have her number, you can report this matter to the police what.
And what will he say to the police???
This IRC girl which promises me sex for $100 ask me to deposit $50 first to top up her card and then when I call, no reply?? kekekekekekeke
KNN, if I were this Hornyhunk and got conned, in the first place, I wouldn't even dare post and let the other samsters know...
KNN, I will just suck thumb and knock my own head... kekekekekekekeke
04-02-2005, 05:09 PM
I also sound very hot over the phone...wanna try ? But hor, make sure ur ATM still got $$$ inside leh...coz my HP bill 3 mth nvr pay liao... :D
Then he must go to ... oops cannot pichak where you stay... lolz.. hahahahahah
04-02-2005, 05:09 PM
I also sound very hot over the phone...wanna try ? But hor, make sure ur ATM still got $$$ inside leh...coz my HP bill 3 mth nvr pay liao... :D
can u make me cum over the phone?? but but.. u must make me cum 3 times before i transfer hor..
04-02-2005, 05:10 PM
I have repeatly. repeatly.. post at least 10 times.. to warn ppl not to engage with anyone who ask u to transfer any form of money before sex.. pengs.. still have stupid fool ganna.. and the northgal.. u are not the only one.. a few ppl complain about her liao.. she stays around ANG MO KIO... so many stupid fool. i think i will employ a fat pig that has beautiful voice and partner her to con others.. use beautiful voice to con money transfer..
I got a beautiful and really hot voice....I can be ur partner ? :D
04-02-2005, 05:11 PM
Lucky you oni kana $50.
I had encountered a few instances.
Got this guy fren, who always hang out in irc...den after a few weeks of chatting over irc and fone..... SOP scene comes out...ger no money pay for bills...blah blah blah.... den request atm transfew money. Den so happen that after a few months of such transfer... I think about 1K+ later and after repeated attempts to get the ger out.... suddenly hp no. not in use. and also means money gone...left with a bruised ego and a few months of pent up sperm..... resulted in him jioing me out at 2am to make a trip down to geylang to vent his fustrations..... Den one nite as i was out with another group of frens (guys and gers), this fren of mine joined me.... and after talking to this ger fren of mine (dun ask me describe her....she is a fren and I dun wan to sound get the idea....) he discovered that she is working at the same place and started to enquire bout this "xue ting" working over there..... den my fren just say dunno her..... after this guy fren of mine left.....
*drum rolls*...... this ger fren of mine turn out to be this "xue ting"..... OMG... such a chio name use on her is definetly not suitable..... she requested I not leak out this info.... when asked why she did it.... she just said very plainly...."he ownself willingly wan to transfer mah" also commonly known as..."stupid"....... till today I did not disclose this to tat fren of mine.... just to take note that there are such women out there..... Beware my fellow cheonging brothers..... be very careful.....
As for thread starter..... I agree that the ger did not have a "good heart" in cheating "innorcent" you..... take it as a lesson learnt..... remember.... offer only when service rendered...... if not follow my style.....
Let her know beforehand.....
Meet liaoz.... den pay half.... pay remaining after deed is done....+ tips if satisfied. If I kana your situation, probably just take it as charity and curse like mad....which you have already done.... 8)
04-02-2005, 05:11 PM
can u make me cum over the phone?? but but.. u must make me cum 3 times before i transfer hor..
How many times must I tell u ? Bro lawry already said this 30 times and u still willing to be cheated by me ? :p
04-02-2005, 05:11 PM
Btw, since you have her number, you can report this matter to the police what.
Hmm... maybe he did?? Jus now i pass by police headquarter heard alot of laughter outside oso can hear.... :D :p
04-02-2005, 05:12 PM
Then he must go to ... oops cannot pichak where you stay... lolz.. hahahahahah
Go ahead and tell him I stay in Balai....I dun mind. :D
04-02-2005, 05:12 PM
I have repeatly. repeatly.. post at least 10 times.. to warn ppl not to engage with anyone who ask u to transfer any form of money before sex.. pengs.. still have stupid fool ganna.. and the northgal.. u are not the only one.. a few ppl complain about her liao.. she stays around ANG MO KIO... so many stupid fool. i think i will employ a fat pig that has beautiful voice and partner her to con others.. use beautiful voice to con money transfer..
bro .. no need atm lah ...can transfer money online also cards accepted too .....
04-02-2005, 05:13 PM
And what will he say to the police???
This IRC girl which promises me sex for $100 ask me to deposit $50 first to top up her card and then when I call, no reply?? kekekekekekeke
KNN, if I were this Hornyhunk and got conned, in the first place, I wouldn't even dare post and let the other samsters know...
KNN, I will just suck thumb and knock my own head... kekekekekekekeke
I really don't know what he will say to the mata. But since he sounded quite pissed, I thought I just help him out with another one of my foolish ideas mah....kekekekeke
If I were him, I won't even bother walking out of my house, let alone go top up her Hi-card...........but then again, maybe I am just foolish..........kekekeke
04-02-2005, 05:14 PM
Wah lao no one ever listen to my advice one. read the thread on finding girls on irc lah.
My advice was "NEVER believe anyone on irc or online EVER!"
must add hor... disclaimer.
Unless you know the person well enough and pleasant company excepted.
04-02-2005, 05:16 PM
I got a beautiful and really hot voice....I can be ur partner ? :D
Wah, I love hot voices. Er, can give me your number?? :D
04-02-2005, 05:17 PM
Go ahead and tell him I stay in Balai....I dun mind. :D
Don't lie lah... you stay in Realms of Everquest!!! Mai ke ke, I saw it in your location... lolz
04-02-2005, 05:17 PM
Wah, I love hot voices. Er, can give me your number?? :D
My HP bill 3 mth nvr pay liao...y dun u help me pay then I give u my number ? :D
04-02-2005, 05:18 PM
I have repeatly. repeatly.. post at least 10 times.. to warn ppl not to engage with anyone who ask u to transfer any form of money before sex.. pengs.. still have stupid fool ganna.. and the northgal.. u are not the only one.. a few ppl complain about her liao.. she stays around ANG MO KIO... so many stupid fool. i think i will employ a fat pig that has beautiful voice and partner her to con others.. use beautiful voice to con money transfer..
Now you know hor. And people call me Foolish.........kekekeke :D
04-02-2005, 05:18 PM
Don't lie lah... you stay in Realms of Everquest!!! Mai ke ke, I saw it in your location... lolz
Knn....bao toh me.... :o
04-02-2005, 05:19 PM
My HP bill 3 mth nvr pay liao...y dun u help me pay then I give u my number ? :D
Nbz, who u think I am? A fool ah?.............. :D
04-02-2005, 05:21 PM
NBzzzzz.........another TCSS thread...........
04-02-2005, 05:21 PM
Nbz, who u think I am? A fool ah?.............. :D
From the look of ur nick, who dare to call u a 'fool' ? :D
04-02-2005, 05:21 PM
Wah, I love hot voices. Er, can give me your number?? :D
I AGREE.. dont pm hor.. post number here.. to benefit other samster who wans to hear a HOT voice.. .:)
10Q in advance.. *wink*
04-02-2005, 05:22 PM
NBzzzzz.........another TCSS thread...........
KNN, u know its a TCSS thread and u still want to post. U worse then foolish man............ :D
I also sound very hot over the phone...wanna try ? But hor, make sure ur ATM still got $$$ inside leh...coz my HP bill 3 mth nvr pay liao...
List your HP number here ... uncle pay for you :)
kiam kan .. ;)
04-02-2005, 05:25 PM
Since bro Lawry and uncle foolish / Dnat requested to hear my sexy voice, I'll give them my hp number = 999 12345
Call me quick to hear my HOT voice....:p
KNN, u know its a TCSS thread and u still want to post. U worse then foolish man............ :D
arh fool ... last nite hor RC say bad things about you leh - he said: ".. everyone drinks kopi but ah fool one person relak relak down there drinks beer .." :D
seriously, after CNY we go lim beer at JE .. ?? I like to lim beer with you leh .. hehe
NBzzzzz.........another TCSS thread...........
dun bluff lah ... your fav :D
04-02-2005, 05:27 PM
seriously, after CNY we go lim beer at JE .. ?? I like to lim beer with you leh .. hehe
Seriously Unkle DNAT loves to brag about one thing...
He always say, " I never merlion before!! "
Retiring soon leh, who wants to help him... lolz
04-02-2005, 05:28 PM
KNN, u know its a TCSS thread and u still want to post. U worse then foolish man............ :D
i post on behalf of Ryan..........
KNN, I will just suck thumb and knock my own head... kekekekekekekeke
you lidat say yourself goot meh? :o
Seriously Unkle DNAT loves to brag about one thing...
He always say, " I never merlion before!! "
Retiring soon leh, who wants to help him... lolz
ar ber then ...
Heng arh! last nite never merlion ... :D
not like you .. eat ark-bak liao merlion ... lidat the duck very sayang .. :o hehehe
04-02-2005, 05:32 PM
Wah Tcss Team Really Come Invade the Thread liao!
Here Come the Lau Da Bro DNAT!!! :D
04-02-2005, 05:33 PM
ar ber then ...
Heng arh! last nite never merlion ... :D
Jioing brudders who can drink... let's give Uncle his first merlion before he retire... lolz
04-02-2005, 05:33 PM
i post on behalf of Ryan..........
u lidat bully a handicapped person goot meh?
04-02-2005, 05:34 PM
not like you .. eat ark-bak liao merlion ... lidat the duck very sayang .. :o hehehe
got drunken pawns, drunken chicken but never heard of drunken duck........nice or not huh?
04-02-2005, 05:34 PM
Jioing brudders who can drink... let's give Uncle his first merlion before he retire... lolz
I'm a Poor Drinker But i'm willing to try can? :p
04-02-2005, 05:35 PM
u lidat bully a handicapped person goot meh?
temp disability dun bully, wait till he recover meh?
04-02-2005, 05:35 PM
ar ber then ...
Heng arh! last nite never merlion ...
not like you .. eat ark-bak liao merlion ... lidat the duck very sayang .. hehehe
Sorri to disturb but bro, u think GlobalVoice can sustain or not? Nextweek feel like buy some. :D :confused:
04-02-2005, 05:35 PM
I'm a Poor Drinker But i'm willing to try can? :p
When next TCSS session Or-Kui-Niced by our Uncle, then we help him lah.. ;)
Hmm... maybe he did?? Jus now i pass by police headquarter heard alot of laughter outside oso can hear....
wat the fish u pass by Cantonment Road? ... orrr ... you go Pearl Ctr for TN ... ;)
04-02-2005, 05:37 PM
When next TCSS session Or-Kui-Niced by our Uncle, then we help him lah.. ;)
Uncle Dnat,so which u perfer? Beer? Liquor? Pls State ur Perferances here! :D
04-02-2005, 05:38 PM
Uncle Dnat,so which u perfer? Beer? Liquor? Pls State ur Perferances here! :D
WRONG!!! Uncle love Stout !!! lolz.. of course lah.. must have some whiskey as prelude before Stout.. then after which we give him some Bintang Bir, he say very smooth one... hor DNAT ?
Sorri to disturb but bro, u think GlobalVoice can sustain or not? Nextweek feel like buy some. :D
3 days before CNY the mkt sentiments usually very good .. but must watch very closely and cannot 'tam-sim' :) make a bit must clear position liao
04-02-2005, 05:39 PM
你们好坏,人家受骗,你们还落井下石 :D
Uncle Dnat,so which u perfer? Beer? Liquor? Pls State ur Perferances here! :D
zhuar chow chwee :)
04-02-2005, 05:40 PM
WRONG!!! Uncle love Stout !!! lolz.. of course lah.. must have some whiskey as prelude before Stout.. then after which we give him some Bintang Bir, he say very smooth one... hor DNAT ?
PT Taken Down! Stout? Hhmm Looks Like i Must Do some Training today liao! :p
04-02-2005, 05:40 PM
U guys very naughty leh.
People already 'liao lui' and yet u all laugh at his misfortune... Like that good meh? :p
Btw, is it SAFE here? :o
04-02-2005, 05:41 PM
wat the fish u pass by Cantonment Road? ... orrr ... you go Pearl Ctr for TN ... ;)
nbzz...MS...u go buy shirts again isit??? :D
04-02-2005, 05:41 PM
zhuar chow chwee
that one is after you merlion and go L12 pick liaoz.. then we drink at L10 kopitiam one... ;) hor ? :)
你们好坏,人家受骗,你们还落井下石 :D
you compensate him the S$50 lor ... :D say until so nice ..
04-02-2005, 05:42 PM
你们好坏,人家受骗,你们还落井下石 :D
Uncle RK, help him share his pain share half his loss lah... lolz
04-02-2005, 05:42 PM
wat the fish u pass by Cantonment Road? ... orrr ... you go Pearl Ctr for TN ...
KNN u fogot my favourite tau liang place is KS meh? :D
nbzz...MS...u go buy shirts again isit??? :D
bo lah ... tis round is shirt size not right, must go and change :D
Jioing brudders who can drink... let's give Uncle his first merlion before he retire... lolz
Nih now hia ... mai kei kiang - uncle can bring you out to see the Batam world sure got methods to suppress your sabo 1 ... this one you still must learn ;)
04-02-2005, 05:48 PM
Nih now hia ... mai kei kiang - uncle can bring you out to see the Batam world sure got methods to suppress your sabo 1 ... this one you still must learn ;)
hahahahah uncle don't believe brudders in sb can make him drunk woh... wah lau.. DNAT confirm power.. :p
04-02-2005, 05:49 PM
nbzz...MS...u go buy shirts again isit???
Underwear tis time... hehe. Go 6c6c g-string c wear oredi nice onot. :D
04-02-2005, 05:49 PM
you compensate him the S$50 lor ... :D say until so nice ..
to the thread starter......pse post your acct nos. so can I can transfer the money..... :D
04-02-2005, 05:50 PM
3 days before CNY the mkt sentiments usually very good .. but must watch very closely and cannot 'tam-sim' :) make a bit must clear position liao
8cents nia. 1 lot = S$800, 10 lots = S$8,000, 100 lots = S$80,000
Can make 10 percent = :D
Underwear tis time... hehe. Go 6c6c g-string c wear oredi nice onot. :D
you wear g-string (w/o shirt and pants) go 'pai-ni' .. I say you good :rolleyes:
04-02-2005, 05:54 PM
you wear g-string (w/o shirt and pants) go 'pai-ni' .. I say you good
U use 2 do tat?? :eek: :D
U use 2 do tat?? :eek:
sorry ... today I pang kang liao .. hehe :D Mon continue ..
04-02-2005, 05:57 PM
you wear g-string (w/o shirt and pants) go 'pai-ni' .. I say you good
jz hop by for kopi session @ lot10 n walk 2 lor14 for dat garment shop beside d hotel 2 get dat g-string n walk back can oreadi... kekeke.
05-02-2005, 12:09 AM
hi guys, thanks for all your advices! will remain firm the next time similar things happen again. haizz... although it's just $50, but still feeling a bit sore coz $50 can be spent on better things! :)
05-02-2005, 01:11 AM
sorry ... today I pang kang liao .. hehe Mon continue ..
Oi oi mai chow leh. 2nite i guard duty bery sian 1 2 find ppl tc leh. Keke :D :p
05-02-2005, 01:37 AM
Oi oi mai chow leh.
Uncle...........that was posted Yesterday @ 1756Hrs're 7 hrs late :p
05-02-2005, 01:39 AM
Uncle...........that was posted Yesterday @ 1756Hrs're 7 hrs late
Oi Mon wu on boh? Dont act blur say dunno hor. :D
05-02-2005, 01:42 AM
Oi Mon wu on boh? Dont act blur say dunno hor. :D
pai sei........can't make physio appt.........tat's why i kept quiet........ :o
05-02-2005, 01:45 AM
pai sei........can't make physio appt.........tat's why i kept quiet........
Psst... theraphist chio onot ar? Say leg pain ask her 2 give u a rub. Not the left 1, not the right 1 but the ctr 1. :D
05-02-2005, 01:51 AM
Say leg pain ask her 2 give u a rub. Not the left 1, not the right 1 but the ctr 1. :D can you disclose my tactics here........ :mad:
05-02-2005, 01:54 AM can you disclose my tactics here........
Huh?? I tot it's printed on pg12 of the cheongster hand book wat?? :confused: :p
05-02-2005, 02:00 AM
cheongster hand book
i flipped and flipped just say go TN can use this tactic leh....... :D
05-02-2005, 02:12 AM
i flipped and flipped just say go TN can use this tactic leh.......
Err...wat edition u using arr?? :D
Gosh u r using the student version. No gd!! Mus get the Teacher's version. :p
05-02-2005, 07:52 AM
Err...wat edition u using arr??
Gosh u r using the student version. No gd!! Mus get the Teacher's version. :p
nbzz....must be surfing dont know what xyz this hour still on line......
heard u hv a secret manual.....can borrow or not..... :D
Big Sexy
05-02-2005, 08:14 AM
my account number is 093-23888-88... Tat Lee Bank. Please transfer all your money+ property to this account. Thank you. Appreciate it very much. :)
pse post your acct nos. so can I can transfer the money..... :D
05-02-2005, 10:50 AM
to the thread starter......pse post your acct nos. so can I can transfer the money..... :D
unkle .... me kenna conned also leh of a couple of thousand ...if can ...please do transfer to my account leh ....
05-02-2005, 11:00 AM
rules of engagement should be bonk 1st then pay...$50 lesson that'll last a life time :) considered value for money???
05-02-2005, 11:24 AM
my account number is 093-23888-88... Tat Lee Bank. Please transfer all your money+ property to this account. Thank you. Appreciate it very much. :)
nbzzz...u too greedy liow......offer u 1inch u ask for 1 mile..... :mad:
05-02-2005, 11:25 AM
unkle .... me kenna conned also leh of a couple of thousand ...if can ...please do transfer to my account leh ....
no your bank and acct nos and I will do it....... :D
05-02-2005, 08:22 PM
Hi guys, despite reading all the stuff here about being conned in IRC or chatlines, it never really hit me until today! I was in the IRC chatting with with this girl when she offered me sex for $100. She said she needed $50 to top up her Hi-Card and the remaining $50 in cash. Told me to top up her hi-card first before meeting her. Was really very suspicious initially, but when I ask her to verify whether she is indeed a female, she called me readily. She sounded so hot over the phone! My little head took control and I went to an ATM in AMK (where she is supposed to live) to top up the card. After topping up, I called her and confirmed that I've top up the card, afterwhich she says she will have to verify the card value first before meeting me. F**k.... after putting down the phone, never hear from her anymore! Repeated calls to her resulted in no one answering the phone! :mad:
Just want to share with you guys! The nick is NorthGal and her number is 81313886. Dun be conned by her! I've learnt an important lesson man.... $50 down the drain... Let's unite brothers! Bombard this number with calls until the card number reached the low value again!!!
Hi!! My Hi-Card needs topping up too... Can help? I will try to sound sexy on the phone too :)
05-02-2005, 08:41 PM
my account number is 093-23888-88... Tat Lee Bank. Please transfer all your money+ property to this account. Thank you. Appreciate it very much. :)
Can transfer liabilities too? I have alot leh... :)
06-02-2005, 05:09 PM
U guys very naughty leh.
People already 'liao lui' and yet u all laugh at his misfortune... Like that good meh?
Btw, is it SAFE here?
Nbz, you must be the one who deducted my points saying I "Rubbing salt on to ppl's wound"........... :mad: Ooi, why u don't dare to put your nick down ah???........... :D
Hello, ppl say u believe meh. Maybe just someone who is out to sabo another one leh? Nowadays got many such ppl around leh. Oh btw, if you pity him hor, how about pity me also leh. I yesterday kena con by 13atu. Can deposit $50 into my bank acct boh ah?
06-02-2005, 05:13 PM
arh fool ... last nite hor RC say bad things about you leh - he said: ".. everyone drinks kopi but ah fool one person relak relak down there drinks beer .."
seriously, after CNY we go lim beer at JE .. ?? I like to lim beer with you leh .. hehe
Uncle u dun sabo lah. I know u have been going for secret drinking training. If I lim with u, I sure merlion first. Maybe if RC help me out, I still have some chance. :D
But seriously hor, if you want to experience merlion, I know many TCSS bros can help out one. ;)
hi guys, thanks for all your advices! will remain firm the next time similar things happen again. haizz... although it's just $50, but still feeling a bit sore coz $50 can be spent on better things! :)
Hello bro .. its amazing to see that you joined in Jan 2002 .. though you don't post often, but at least visit this forum more often to learn somethin outta it such that your con encounter would be avoided ..
cheers :)
I yesterday kena con by 13atu. Can deposit $50 into my bank acct boh ah?
Me too ... :(
If I lim with u, I sure merlion first. Maybe if RC help me out, I still have some chance. :D
KNN.. tok serious 1 lah .. NBzz :rolleyes: we go drink beer .. relax 1 .. hehe
07-02-2005, 12:44 AM
KNN.. tok serious 1 lah .. NBzz we go drink beer .. relax 1 .. hehe
got lim-king beer session neber jio mi?.... basket.. lemme buy u a beer can? :D
07-02-2005, 12:46 AM
got lim-king beer session neber jio mi?.... basket.. lemme buy u a beer can? :D
I thought some people going to sleep? :rolleyes:
07-02-2005, 03:17 AM
Sorry to say,
You kinda make an easy target.
Hope you learn from your lesson well and not fall for another.
07-02-2005, 08:43 AM
treat it as a lesson dude.... cao cao so clever also kanna once.... now no more liao.....
07-02-2005, 09:00 AM
KNN.. tok serious 1 lah .. NBzz
since when u talk serious?
to the thread starter......pse post your acct nos. so can I can transfer the money..... :D
你 又 在 拿 别 人 的 户 口 帐 号 来 洗 黑 钱 hor? :rolleyes:
07-02-2005, 10:26 AM
chated with her before, she was using galgal20 as nick...claimed to be mixed chinese/malay .. named Lisa..
she : u got know one fl name lisa?
me :malay?
me : i know one malay lisa only
she : shes a mly mix chi
me : y?
she :thats me
me : u r from ITE ?
she :nop
me : opps.. that means diff persons, what u work as?
she : me working
she :dun ask
me :ok
me :so how
me : i am waiting for ur sms
she : can give me your asl? vital stats and rate?
she : 36b-26-32
she :22/f/woodlands
she :rate 100
me :wat time u normally free to deal?
she :actually i need it right now
she :if u nt free then forget it lor
me :where to meet u?
she : my place ,woodlands blk 802 st 81
me :then where shall we go to do?
she :my place lah i live alone wad
me :your parents not at home?
she : i live alone wad
she : i dun live with my paRENT
she :u got my number right
me :yes
she :wads my number?
me :8131****
*< she sms me so i got her number>
she :okok
she :if u want u sms me
she :im going offline now
she :bye
since when u talk serious?
why you aim at me? ... aim at robert mah ... ;)
07-02-2005, 04:05 PM
KNN.. tok serious 1 lah .. NBzz :rolleyes: we go drink beer .. relax 1 .. hehe
Ok ok. After CNY, I call you. Must be serious liao........btw, you want to serious or you want to relax? :D
Ok ok. After CNY, I call you. Must be serious liao........btw, you want to serious or you want to relax?
we meet up for beer after CNY = serious
drink beer that time = relak
JE lah ... ah tu got no excuse to siam .. hehe ;)
07-02-2005, 04:16 PM
Ok ok. After CNY, I call you. Must be serious liao........btw, you want to serious or you want to relax? :D
he's serious to buy u a drink..........u can relax and enjoy the drink..........
07-02-2005, 04:18 PM
Tomorrow i am going hk liao. So now wish u all a early
07-02-2005, 04:19 PM
Go HK for new year is it??? :p Buy for me Lao Po Bing!!!! ;) Tomorrow i am going hk liao. So now wish u all a early
07-02-2005, 04:20 PM
Go HK for new year is it??? Buy for me Lao Po Bing!!!!
CNY no production.........
07-02-2005, 04:23 PM
CNY no need to eat??? CNY all people close shop??? Then CBJyumseng go HK for what??? See people close shop??? :p CNY no production.........
07-02-2005, 04:25 PM
CNY no need to eat??? CNY all people close shop??? Then CBJyumseng go HK for what??? See people close shop??? :p
if memories serve me correctly, CNY in HK is very boring.........
07-02-2005, 04:27 PM
Does that mean that CBJyumseng goes HK to PCC himself??? Do they still open at the market to sell pork??? He can buy a piece back to hotel to replace his hands....hehehehehe :p if memories serve me correctly, CNY in HK is very boring.........
07-02-2005, 04:28 PM
i was actually a kampung kid from yung long. Going home celebrate CNY abit plus crossing over to shenzhen with me cousins. New Year we eat "poon choi" in hong#### which is actually a casserole filled with fish, chicken, meat, abalone, etc.
Shenzhen in chinese new year not so good in BBS, KTV but discos still got alot of girls. :D
Go HK for new year is it??? Buy for me Lao Po Bing!!!! ;)
不 要 骗 啦 , 要 买 <龙 虎 豹 > 是 吗 ?..... 老 婆 饼 ;) hehe
07-02-2005, 04:30 PM
Go HK for new year is it??? :p Buy for me Lao Po Bing!!!!
You beri the smart. LPB very nice one. Ok, since not difficult on luggage, i bring u some . ;)
P.S: Best served when warmed in microwave.
07-02-2005, 04:30 PM
Then can buy for me lao po bing??? hahahahha :p
Ask the KTV gals to make for you lor..... she is your lao po after that liao mah........i was actually a kampung kid from yung long. Going home celebrate CNY abit plus crossing over to shenzhen with me cousins. New Year we eat "poon choi" in hong#### which is actually a casserole filled with fish, chicken, meat, abalone, etc.
Shenzhen in chinese new year not so good in BBS, KTV but discos still got alot of girls. :D
07-02-2005, 04:31 PM
i was actually a kampung kid from yung long. Going home celebrate CNY abit plus crossing over to shenzhen with me cousins. New Year we eat "poon choi" in hong#### which is actually a casserole filled with fish, chicken, meat, abalone, etc.
Shenzhen in chinese new year not so good in BBS, KTV but discos still got alot of girls. :D
i grew up in north point...........
07-02-2005, 04:31 PM
i grew up in north point...........
Wat is north point? Woodlands sibo ?
07-02-2005, 04:32 PM
Obrigado.... thank you.... arigatou....xie xie.....kumxia......dor zhei....shayanong.... :p Pay you when you are back town....You beri the smart. LPB very nice one. Ok, since not difficult on luggage, i bring u some . ;)
P.S: Best served when warmed in microwave.
07-02-2005, 04:34 PM
You beri the smart. LPB very nice one. Ok, since not difficult on luggage, i bring u some . ;)
P.S: Best served when warmed in microwave.
everytime i bring LPB, must hand carry otherwise always crushed.........
btw, they always come to Singapore during mid autumn festival to sell.........
07-02-2005, 04:34 PM
Obrigado.... thank you.... arigatou....xie xie.....kumxia......dor zhei....shayanong.... :p Pay you when you are back town....
Please lah...its beri cheap....Btw Miki of GL150 also killing 2 bird with one stone.
07-02-2005, 04:34 PM
Can you advise me if an eskimo really needs a refrigerator???? thinking of selling some of my top range fridge there.... :p i grew up in north pole...........
07-02-2005, 04:35 PM
Wat is north point? Woodlands sibo ?
u dun know north point in hk?
07-02-2005, 04:35 PM
People with no sincerity will always come up with alot of excuses.....
See how sincere CBJyumseng is...... :p
everytime i bring LPB, must hand carry otherwise always crushed.........
btw, they always come to Singapore during mid autumn festival to sell.........
07-02-2005, 04:35 PM
everytime i bring LPB, must hand carry otherwise always crushed.........
btw, they always come to Singapore during mid autumn festival to sell.........
Alot of brands one, i buy only the LPB from this shop in Yung Lung, brand forgotten. But was told this is the best.
Yap, moon festival lagi alot. Gnn did u also noticed hong#### mooncakes got include plastic knifes and forks inside the box/tin? :D
07-02-2005, 04:37 PM
Alot of brands one, i buy only the LPB from this shop in Yung Lung, brand forgotten. But was told this is the best.
the shop name is call Han Hiong (in cantonese).....
07-02-2005, 04:38 PM
This reminds me of a time when i got to bring some roose goose.
I had brought 2 x roose goose and i was stopped at the hong#### customs as they told me got the metal hook embedded inside the goose.
Fuck man, i got to "korek" the goose and dig the metal hooks out. Sibei paiseh. Fuck the gooseman for forgeting about the hook. :D
07-02-2005, 04:40 PM
the shop name is call Han Hiong (in cantonese).....
Heh heh...u also know har. Looksee = Hong#### veteran ?
So shiok, from home in Yung Lung its only 20min drive to china only......looking foward to my "tuina" at Ying Hu Shang Chuang. :D
07-02-2005, 04:40 PM
The customis to remind the last time to "korek" properly!!!! :p Fuck man, i got to "korek" the goose and dig the metal hooks out. Sibei paiseh. Fuck the gooseman for forgeting about the hook. :D
07-02-2005, 04:41 PM
Fuck man, i got to "korek" the goose and dig the metal hooks out. Sibei paiseh. Fuck the gooseman for forgeting about the hook. :D Finger fark a goose.. that must be something new tat u dont see everyday... :) 3 cheers to cbjys.. heh heh..
07-02-2005, 04:42 PM
The customis to remind the last time to "korek" properly!!!! :p
Btw u and the rest are going to stay in Singapore for CNY? Sian leh...CNY stay here. Thailand seems a good destination. :D
07-02-2005, 04:43 PM
Finger fark a goose.. that must be something new tat u dont see everyday... :) 3 cheers to cbjys.. heh heh..
Its damn cheebye loh. The customs really dun give chance to any metal objects. Somemore their customs is consolidated one...unlike Singapore's. So many ppl look and point and laugh. :o
P.S: Normally this shouldn't happen as goosesellers will remove hooks totally. But i think this goosesellers broke the hooks during removal. Btw never bring chopped pieces of goose back, as the taste sort of disappear afte chopping.
07-02-2005, 04:47 PM
No moni what to do??? Stay at home watch tv lor....relax abit.... ;) BTW I dun think they can keep still for too long.... :p Btw u and the rest are going to stay in Singapore for CNY? Sian leh...CNY stay here. Thailand seems a good destination.
i was actually a kampung kid from yung long. Going home celebrate CNY abit plus crossing over to shenzhen with me cousins. New Year we eat "poon choi" in hong#### which is actually a casserole filled with fish, chicken, meat, abalone, etc.
Shenzhen in chinese new year not so good in BBS, KTV but discos still got alot of girls. :D
wow lau eh .. din tell me you from HK ? 顶 .... ;)
now Sg also got sell 盆 菜 .. but beri expensive
07-02-2005, 04:49 PM
No moni what to do??? Stay at home watch tv lor....relax abit.... ;) BTW I dun think they can keep still for too long.... :p
Think nothing to chiong here. Damn Pek chek for u guys. Maybe try and be nice to wife/gf abit and hope for the best...muahahhahahahhahah
07-02-2005, 04:50 PM
just curious.. china banned the production and consumtion of FA CAI!!..
so those fa cai in the market real or fake ones?
07-02-2005, 04:51 PM
Bon Voyage amigo!!! Ate logo!!! Tchau! :p Think nothing to chiong here. Damn Pek chek for u guys. Maybe try and be nice to wife/gf abit and hope for the best...muahahhahahahhahah
07-02-2005, 04:55 PM
wow lau eh .. din tell me you from HK ? 顶 ....
now Sg also got sell 盆 菜 .. but beri expensive
Was born there but raised up here. Got PR then Citizen then National Service. But parents often go back hong#### as with many hong#### emmirgrants. Ok ok...i am a lanjiao FT but also serve ns hor. :D
Fuck the SG 盆 菜, gnn its the same as eating laksa or chicken rice in hong####...cannot make it want.
Actually 盆 菜 is poor people food according to father. As many hongkees leave hong#### for overseas liao (yunglong ppl especially), they come home and wanna a taste of home so they add expensive ingredients like abalone, prawns, etc. Whereas last time it is supposed to be only left overs or whatnots to be shared for the wholefamily.
Wat makes 盆 菜 so tasty because of family ppl eat together = anything also taste good and happy.
The technique of choosing the various foods/dishes and how to stack the ingredients are very important sia. Often the more expensive food are stacked on top and later the juice from the expensive food will flow down to the chicken / meat downstairs. Lagi best. :D
i grew up in north point...........
北 角 ?? ... sure anot? dun bluff lah ..
I grew up in 西 湾 河 .... :)
07-02-2005, 04:56 PM
just curious.. china banned the production and consumtion of FA CAI!!..
so those fa cai in the market real or fake ones?
Not sure leh, but u can try asking those bros who sell "hai wei". Btw if i am not wrong i eaten before taiwan and japanese fai cai. So not only china have.
07-02-2005, 04:57 PM
北 角 ?? ... sure anot? dun bluff lah ..
knn........i talk serious u dun believe.........
07-02-2005, 04:58 PM
The technique of choosing the various foods/dishes and how to stack the ingredients are very important sia. Often the more expensive food are stacked on top and later the juice from the expensive food will flow down to the chicken / meat downstairs. Lagi best. :D
So isnt it the same as buddha jump over the wall?
07-02-2005, 04:59 PM
北 角 ?? ... sure anot? dun bluff lah ..
I grew up in 西 湾 河 .... :)
Gnn......west coast sibo ? ROFL....
Have u all seen the old TVB show by周润发 's 网中人? I live in those kampong house with a small pond. :D
Gnn, how come so many hong#### immigrants so handsome like edison chan? Limbei look like that?
07-02-2005, 05:00 PM
So isnt it the same as buddha jump over the wall?
Budda jump over wall = soup/stew dish.
This one is not. Some dishes comprises of the poon choi might be steamed, fried, boiled, etc. :)
07-02-2005, 05:02 PM
Ok man...time to stop TCSS...even though CNY, sam also never give bonus yet punishment only.
Tree fall monkey disperse. :D
07-02-2005, 05:07 PM
Budda jump over wall = soup/stew dish.
This one is not. Some dishes comprises of the poon choi might be steamed, fried, boiled, etc. :)
but the method a bit same lah.. all the ingri stack from top to bottom in a big pot.. solid..
Gnn, how come so many hong#### immigrants so handsome like edison chan? Limbei look like that?
fyi, my frens call me 豆 皮 佬 :o
07-02-2005, 05:11 PM
ganna ZAP 14 points.. (2 times) from sammy for asking about dishes.. sigh..
07-02-2005, 05:13 PM
ganna ZAP 14 points.. (2 times) from sammy for asking about dishes.. sigh..
u r not alone..............i kena 21 points...............
time to leave this forum liao.............
08-02-2005, 10:43 AM
u r not alone..............i kena 21 points...............
kekeke....did I miss the Happy Hours 30% discount.......1hit=7pts....
kekeke....did I miss the Happy Hours 30% discount.......1hit=7pts....
uncle Robert
恭 喜 发 财
红 包 拿 来
08-02-2005, 11:13 AM
uncle Robert
恭 喜 发 财
红 包 拿 来
恭 喜 发 财
红 包 拿 来
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