View Full Version : Gay SEX??
10-02-2005, 06:13 AM
I am curious becus it seems 2 me alot of straight guys tend 2 try try gay guys for fun. anyone let gay guy suck yr cock b4
10-02-2005, 12:11 PM
I am curious becus it seems 2 me alot of straight guys tend 2 try try gay guys for fun. anyone let gay guy suck yr cock b4Yes. It's very true. Lots of married men also like that.
Usually (a fair percentage), handsome guys could be homosexual even though they have girlfriend in the past.
E.g. Zhou Chongqing, Wang Tiancai, Xiao Yiming, Li Nanxing, Yu Hongrong, Chen Hanwei, Wang Lujiang and etc., all have girlfriend in the past. However, they have hidden gayism in them.
10-02-2005, 12:24 PM
E.g. Zhou Chongqing, Wang Tiancai, Xiao Yiming, Li Nanxing, Yu Hongrong, Chen Hanwei, Wang Lujiang and etc., all have girlfriend in the past. However, they have hidden gayism in them.
how you know? :confused:
10-02-2005, 12:28 PM
how you know? :confused:
i really cant imagine a guy going down on me... well thats me :D
10-02-2005, 12:33 PM
i really cant imagine a guy going down on me... well thats me
well.. my didi till now onli got 'dirtied' by gals :p
and it wont by a guy in my life :D
10-02-2005, 01:57 PM
E.g. Zhou Chongqing, Wang Tiancai, Xiao Yiming, Li Nanxing, Yu Hongrong, Chen Hanwei, Wang Lujiang and etc., all have girlfriend in the past. However, they have hidden gayism in them.
not forgetting, Chen chi cai and Cao guo hui. david gan (hair dresser ), andy lee (make up)
Chen hanwei bf is a angmo uncle..
xiao yiming bro also a gayboy... how i know? cose i used to be a share-holder of ...... diesel, got hear of V club? ( after the operating hour 12mn, i like to bring my ONS to go use the jacuzzi )
10-02-2005, 04:44 PM
not forgetting, Chen chi cai and Cao guo hui. david gan (hair dresser ), andy lee (make up)
Chen hanwei bf is a angmo uncle..
xiao yiming bro also a gayboy... how i know? cose i used to be a share-holder of Chen Zhicai not sure whether is he one or not.
That Steven acted in 'Growing-up' English drama in TCS channel 5 is a gay. Xiao Yiming moved out from his house in Marine Parade to stay with his gay friends outside. He eat until so old also must get money from his mother.
BoomBoomRoom Kumar, Hossan Leong, Qin Jingfeng, Zheng Wenquan, the two chaps (can't remember their name) acted in a 5 tigers local police drama and all are bloody gays! Qin Wei confirmed not gay.
I think we must back track to this topic. Too much gossips. :rolleyes: diesel, got hear of V club? ( after the operating hour 12mn, i like to bring my ONS to go use the jacuzzi )You said you brought your ONS to use jacuzzi. Eh...your 'ONS' is a man or woman? :confused:
10-02-2005, 05:03 PM
Chen Zhicai not sure whether is he one or not.
You said you brought your ONS to use jacuzzi. Eh...your 'ONS' is a man or woman?
chen chi cai.. is my boss bring him up one..
as for the Spa, i only like ga.. real 100% gal, so can only bring her go after the operating hour. last time i cheong nite club.. will ask the gal, u like jaccuzi? wanna go my place try?.. most will come.. :D
10-02-2005, 05:15 PM
chen chi cai.. is my boss bring him up one..
I knew that Chen Zhicai ill-treated his ex-wife before remarried with Xiang Yun. Not many people knew about this. Soon after his first child with Xiang Yun, he employed a big fat tom-boy 'machiam' like a gorillia size body-guard for no reasons.
as for the Spa, i only like ga.. real 100% gal, so can only bring her go after the operating hour. last time i cheong nite club.. will ask the gal, u like jaccuzi? wanna go my place try?.. most will come.. :DWah...shiok man! I never tried jaccuzi in a private pool with girl. Can give me special big discount for visiting? Got people or not after mid-night?
The only public jaccuzi I have tried with a girl is in Wild-Wild-Wet at Downtown East.
10-02-2005, 05:24 PM
[Wah...shiok man! I never tried jaccuzi in a private pool with girl. Can give me special big discount for visiting? Got people or not after mid-night?
The only public jaccuzi I have tried with a girl is in Wild-Wild-Wet at Downtown East.[/FONT][/COLOR]
nowaday... jaccuzi already outdated. many spa r already using hydrol pool. :D
well, one the other shareholder just happen to be the younger bro of xiao yiming..go ask from him lor
10-02-2005, 05:28 PM
well, one the other shareholder just happen to be the younger bro of xiao yiming..go ask from him lorForget lah! Forget lah! I requested from you and yet you asked me to ask from younger brother of Xiao Yiming. :( You funny. :D
10-02-2005, 05:35 PM
Forget lah! Forget lah! I requested from you and yet you asked me to ask from younger brother of Xiao Yiming. :( You funny. :D
cose i sold off my share liao...can not suka suka go anymore, unless tell the boss i need it urgently.. hehehe
10-02-2005, 05:56 PM
gay sex is shiok! hahaha
10-02-2005, 06:03 PM
gay sex is shiok! hahaha
althought i am gay-friendly, but gay sex is not my cup of tea
10-02-2005, 08:40 PM
How abt chen tian song. The actor ( not so famous, should be quite old ). I used to see him hang around Pearl ctr and this place not only got a lot of TN outlet, also a gay heaven.
13-02-2005, 03:48 AM
It's been said that only a man can understand another man's needs better... :D
13-02-2005, 12:22 PM
I think both of you, rookster and Fowler09 enjoys too much gay sex too much!
Remember, this is sammyboy's forum talking about pussy! Otherwise, forum owner and samsters do not welcome you both.
13-02-2005, 10:17 PM
I never tried that b4, I was just quoting what I heard from elsewhere lah!
14-02-2005, 03:12 AM
irene ang (aka wife of phua chu kang sitcom) is gay too
14-02-2005, 04:02 AM
irene ang (aka wife of phua chu kang sitcom) is gay too
i must say.. nice butt u have
14-02-2005, 09:26 AM
eerrr..... gay sex sounds so wrong?? I also cant imagine doing it with another guy .... :eek:
14-02-2005, 09:50 AM
Gay = happy.. thus, gay men gay women = happy women, happy men?? kekekke
in certain industry... u have to be gay to be famous...
in new york.. they love to employ gay in certain service sector.. like art galary.. resturants.. cause ppl generally believes that gay appreciates fine things in life better.. *puzzled*
well, in the airline.. SQ.. and of course TCS.. alot of gay men/women..
for the airline.. alot of trainer.. are gay men.. so if u wan to promot.. its best u are gay..
for TCS.. a lot of producer are butches.. and of course alot of gay power too..
too bad.. wang xian qing (little flying fish - old show) ganna catch in the gay act and gotten banish by TCS... steven definately gay.. u know why.. cause he has done his guest apprec.. in CV before.. surprise surprise...
gay and sisters are different..
gay men meaning they still have a male body ..(didnt gone thr breast implant or take female hormons... only mentally female)
sisters tries to have a female body to complete them..
I have seen really beautiful sister before..
what if... medical is very advance nowadays.. wat if.. in the future.. doctor is able to create a real pussy (but cannot get preg) and change the vocal cord.. a man can be a total woman thr surg.. soooo..
if a changed man.. who looks totally like christy chung or vivian hsu or zhong chu hong.. will u love her? and maybe marry her?
during my young cheong days.. i accidently know a gal.. who looks like zhong chu hong.. but she is a sister.. all my friends was *shock* by her looks and the air around her... but only i know she is a sister.. she likes me too.. but.. but.. sister leh.. mentally cannot accept.. sigh..
will u accept?
14-02-2005, 09:55 AM
if a changed man.. who looks totally like christy chung or vivian hsu or zhong chu hong.. will u love her? and maybe marry her?
during my young cheong days.. i accidently know a gal.. who looks like zhong chu hong.. but she is a sister.. all my friends was *shock* by her looks and the air around her... but only i know she is a sister.. she likes me too.. but.. but.. sister leh.. mentally cannot accept.. sigh..
will u accept?[/QUOTE]
wow .... nowadays ... guys who go 4 ops look so beautiful & more lady-like than some of the natural born gals .... difficult to tell .... a friend of mine who went to Thialand recently came back & showed us photos of him & some really georgeous ladies ... the right looks, boobs & curves .... when he told us the ladies were men before ... my eyes poped out! :eek:
they were so so so chio!! cant believe it that they were guys!
well bro ... i also find a big mental block to accept a gal who was a guy b4 ... also ... i guess no babies if U get married ....
14-02-2005, 04:36 PM
Apparently during the late 80's or early 90's , Edmund Chen was seen cruising certain public swimming pools.
14-02-2005, 09:32 PM
Go to one of those hip gay pubs in Tanjong Pagar and you will see many local celebrities.
14-02-2005, 09:37 PM
Apparently during the late 80's or early 90's , Edmund Chen was seen cruising certain public swimming pools.
alamak Poor Xiang Yun. :(
why she wan to marry him? :confused:
14-02-2005, 09:40 PM
once my friends dragged me to Sugar.. i saw a few tcs celebrities.. Li MingShun, David Gan and later Fann Wong and outside i was ex local male singer Tian Jing... kaoz he so short ( height)
14-02-2005, 10:07 PM
Bro Nirvana,
Is V-Club a gay club ? If not, what kinda of club is V-Club ?
Spanish Fly
14-02-2005, 10:27 PM
Imagine your dick being blow by a MAN, Gosh ! wat a fucking world.
15-02-2005, 03:52 PM
WOW! eye popper man. I did not know so many of our Media Corp guys are gays! Or is it that they have gay tendencies only? Chen zhi cai? I cant believe it. David Gan? Yes, I heard of it.
My God! So how about older actors? It seems to me that most on the list are younger ones! Any lebians in the same circle? :eek:
Good DAy
15-02-2005, 03:56 PM
How abt chen tian song. The actor ( not so famous, should be quite old ). I used to see him hang around Pearl ctr and this place not only got a lot of TN outlet, also a gay heaven.
What? Pearl Ctr gay heaven? I tot that is in Sultan Plaza? The spa known as Diamond? I know there are alot of TN, but I see all gals there what, never seen guys doing TN. THanks to those who can shed some light on it!
15-02-2005, 04:52 PM
Chen zhi cai? I cant believe it. Any lebians in the same circle? :eek:
Good DAy
older actor is wang xiang qing.. (the guy acted in xiao fei yu.. swimming TV series long time back..)
yes, chen zhi cai is a known bi-sexual (now)..
lesbians.. alot of assistant producers are butches..
17-02-2005, 06:56 PM
Chey....Irene Ang from PCK is one famous butch liao :p
19-02-2005, 01:00 PM
Yes. It's very true. Lots of married men also like that.
Usually (a fair percentage), handsome guys could be homosexual even though they have girlfriend in the past.
E.g. Zhou Chongqing, Wang Tiancai, Xiao Yiming, Li Nanxing, Yu Hongrong, Chen Hanwei, Wang Lujiang and etc., all have girlfriend in the past. However, they have hidden gayism in them.
It's true. No one is 100% homosexual or hetrosexual. All of us, men and women, lies somewhere within the two extreme ends of the spectrum which may shift in varying degrees at different stages of out lives.
I guess a lot of it also stems of curiosity. After a diet of hetrosexual sex, one tender to wonder about homsexual encounters, how it feels like. We all crave for experience.
19-02-2005, 04:17 PM
I dun know but the korean singer harisu is damn sexy.
03-03-2005, 04:50 PM
gay sex is shiok! hahaha
How shiok can it be?
Ass hole better than CB? :confused:
23-04-2012, 11:25 PM
It's true. No one is 100% homosexual or hetrosexual. All of us, men and women, lies somewhere within the two extreme ends of the spectrum which may shift in varying degrees at different stages of out lives.
I guess a lot of it also stems of curiosity. After a diet of hetrosexual sex, one tender to wonder about homsexual encounters, how it feels like. We all crave for experience.
my fren recently fuck a gay guy for fun, i am bemused and slightly disgusted abt it. But then again he always go cv n do bapok, so i dunno wat is the difference 2 b frank.
24-04-2012, 11:25 AM
What? Pearl Ctr gay heaven? I tot that is in Sultan Plaza? The spa known as Diamond? I know there are alot of TN, but I see all gals there what, never seen guys doing TN. THanks to those who can shed some light on it!
There are loads of guys doing massages, mostly in Chinatown. Been to a few. And yes, I am a bi
24-04-2012, 12:15 PM
And yes, I am a bi
congratulations.. :D
24-04-2012, 12:49 PM
How come when a guy do a guy, everyone is jumping all over it. But when a girl go down on a girl ... they say sexy? So how come it is acceptable when it comes to 2 women and not 2 men?
Human are human and they have different kind of emotions. You cannot prevent a person to feel a certain way and ban him for falling for another guy. To me, one should be given the opportunity to explore and find his/her happiness without prejudice or discrimination. ;)
01-05-2012, 08:09 PM
sometimes when man are bored might attempt to cross the road to the wild side to look for something extreme. Screwing Ladyboy is not gay, Its because they are more attractive and hottier then real woman. But if go for a gay sex then might be really Bi-Sexual already...:D
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