View Full Version : soft swing, may be hard. Single guy scroll on

11-10-2012, 03:24 PM
Hi everyone, finally manage to convince my FB into swinging, but both of us are still very new to this. So she propose that the party will start with some drinks first and if she feel comfortable with it then we shall start with soft swinging, and see how far we can go from there. Otherwise, we will watch if you all don't mind.


We are looking for 1 -2 couples
Single guy NEED NOT apply
age: <30
sorry but she only willing to swing with chinese couple
Room will be paid by me but BYOB
currently she agree on swinging but in any case that she have cold feet and withdraw, please don't flame me. tyvm

11-10-2012, 03:27 PM
TS, ur title states single guy scroll on. But your post say looking for couples.

So which is the right one?

11-10-2012, 03:30 PM
Let me know I can bring some booze down.. but have to let me know early.

bro i suggest you start off slow with MMF - no penetration/ light touch and oral.
2-3 couples very intimidating.. esp if she feels her body is not up to par.

At most one other couple.. don't ruin her first time if not it'll be the last time.

11-10-2012, 03:38 PM
TS, ur title states single guy scroll on. But your post say looking for couples.

So which is the right one?

single guy scroll on = don't bother clicking

Let me know I can bring some booze down.. but have to let me know early.

bro i suggest you start off slow with MMF - no penetration/ light touch and oral.
2-3 couples very intimidating.. esp if she feels her body is not up to par.

At most one other couple.. don't ruin her first time if not it'll be the last time.

talked to her bout it. she don't mind getting drunk and start fucking around ;) noted on that, changed to 1-3 couple

11-10-2012, 03:40 PM
single guy scroll on = don't bother clicking

Pai seh. my english sibeh bad.....i hokkien pai

11-10-2012, 03:47 PM
Pai seh. my english sibeh bad.....i hokkien pai

Nothing to do with your England :) Just clarifying with T/S better than having mis-understanding :p

11-10-2012, 03:51 PM
Let me know I can bring some booze down.. but have to let me know early.

bro i suggest you start off slow with MMF - no penetration/ light touch and oral.
2-3 couples very intimidating.. esp if she feels her body is not up to par.

At most one other couple.. don't ruin her first time if not it'll be the last time.

Slow and Steady sounds good ... getting drunk is pointless ... pleasantly tipsy would make things look all nice and cosy :D

Your personal experience as a new initiate ?