View Full Version : Suspected Yeast Infection

14-10-2012, 11:25 PM
Developed rash on my penis head ad went to DSC for checkup.
Both STD test and fungus test for rash came back negative and doctor told me that the bumps are too small to diagnose.

Research on the net seems to point towards male yeast infection.

Signs I have include
a) rash on penis
b) Stomach bloating
c) bubbles in urine

Any clinic/doctor recommendation since DSC cant do anything about it?

15-10-2012, 06:54 AM
Stop worrying lah. If doctor cannot diagnose, who else can? Stomach bloating and bubbles in urine can be caused by so many other things. These could be just isolated and independent symptoms with no relation to each other.

On the other hand, You are right in seeking a second opinion. There is another doc mentioned quite often in the forum. Could not recall the name. Just dig around, not difficult to find. Mean time, stop bonking.

BTW, you wear helmet or go raw?

15-10-2012, 10:38 AM
Yeast = Fungus

If Fungus came back negative, then there is no yeast.

Go guardian, get a PH4.5/5.5 body soap.

Stop washing your penis with fragrant soap.
Keep it clean and dry, even under your foreskin (If you have)

I was there before, as long as it's not yeast/fungus, you are probably just having a bacterial infection, and if you have a girlfriend, she better gets checked out too, as she might be having a bacterial infection as well.

Because if that's the case, you guys will be passing it on to one another.

17-10-2012, 12:39 PM
Bloating in stomach might be colon cancer...best to see a general practitioner and ask him refer u to specialist for proper diagnosis bah :p

06-11-2012, 08:15 PM
application of clotrimazole for 7 days (twice a day) will quickly cure fungal growth. you will start seeing improvements overnight, but you need to finish the 7 day course to reduce chance of remission

however, fungus does not account for bloated stomach and bubbles in urine.... :confused:

Developed rash on my penis head ad went to DSC for checkup.
Both STD test and fungus test for rash came back negative and doctor told me that the bumps are too small to diagnose.

Research on the net seems to point towards male yeast infection.

Signs I have include
a) rash on penis
b) Stomach bloating
c) bubbles in urine

Any clinic/doctor recommendation since DSC cant do anything about it?

07-11-2012, 09:21 AM
Developed rash on my penis head ad went to DSC for checkup.
Both STD test and fungus test for rash came back negative and doctor told me that the bumps are too small to diagnose.

Any clinic/doctor recommendation since DSC cant do anything about it?

If DSC can't do anything, means you are not get STI/HIV illness lah. Time to visit a GP doctor for domestic illness.

07-11-2012, 11:51 AM
... rash on ... penis head ... DSC.. STD test and fungus test..negative... Any clinic/doctor recommendation ?..
Already 3 weeks. Rash disappeared?? Otherwise, take photo and post here (if you want more advice) and/or see a GP for peace of mind (2d opinion). IMHO, could be balanitis if you use soap to wash penis head recently.

Many types of non-STI rashes: http://menshealth.about.com/od/diseasesconditions/a/penis_spots.htm DSC is the best/cheapest. All the best. Cheers.

11-11-2012, 01:33 PM
Many types of non-STI rashes: http://menshealth.about.com/od/diseasesconditions/a/penis_spots.htm DSC is the best/cheapest. All the best. Cheers.

Thanks for the link, its very useful :)