View Full Version : Bachelor party

26-10-2012, 03:47 AM
hey guys,

i need recommendation.me and my friends 6 guys wants to do a bachelor party..maybe in hotel suite in kl. we would like to have girls (duhhh) at that party. been looking at the escort sites and find out its very expensive.plus...its not even for 3-4hours..usually min is 2 hours and then need to pay price for 1 girl. adoi

do u guys no any FL or any agency that offer bachelor party package?

its much appreciated.we want to do it sometime in november

thank you

26-10-2012, 04:18 AM
Seen u r having it in KL u mayb want to post it at this sector

The Malaysian Commercial Sex Scene

U can find it in t main page

27-10-2012, 11:58 PM
thanks man