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09-03-2005, 06:36 PM
whether u make or lost, is ur problem. Even if u make, i unlikely to accept ur kopi. :p
oei.. how can u say the opposit thing with our singapore top corporate restructurer.. nikki tan.. he says ACCS still very goot leh.. thats why singpost made such a big buy into ACCS.. synergy leh... :D

09-03-2005, 06:38 PM
it is singpost and not singtel. ;)
pardon japboy.. he kopi boy.. dont know anything about corporate world one... :D

(no money to own a handphone or a watch... how to differ singtel and singpost...)

09-03-2005, 06:48 PM
pardon japboy.. he kopi boy.. dont know anything about corporate world one...

ya loh.. i kopi kia only... dunno wat is singtel o singpost.... kekeke.... but still affiliated....

anyway, not much of synergy to speak of... one selling drinking n another selling computer games...

i can foresee d ceo of singpost gng on d same path of hp's ceo.. kekekeke..... :D

09-03-2005, 06:50 PM
Brudder Shiokday, smth for ur reference on ur french kiss...

Is a French kiss French?
CAN the French lay claim to the lip-locking, tongue-lolling art of kissing?

Well, yes and no.

The term French Kiss was introduced to the English language in 1932, according to Boston College's English professor Michael Christian in his book The Art Of Kissing, published under his pseudonym William Cane.

He wrote: '(It) was a slur on the French culture, which was thought to be overly concerned with sexual matters.'

However, the earliest evidence of the wet kiss was discovered in India through the Kamasutra and other ancient texts dating as far back as 1500BC, BBC Radio reported.


The ancient Romans were also known to be generous with their kisses.

They also kissed the hands of their parents, tutors and leaders as a sign of respect.

These days, cheek-to-cheek kissing is a form of social greeting in Europe and the Middle East.

Middle Eastern statesmen and businessmen are known to give each other two pecks on the cheeks as a sign of goodwill.

The Dutch and Belgians dish out three kisses, but two kisses would suffice for the Spanish and the Scandinavians. Never between men though.

Indigenious cultures like the Maoris, the Eskimos, and the native Americans greet one another in quite a different way.

They bring their faces together, nose together, and feel each other's breath.

It represents a spiritual union of souls, Nicholas Perella, author of The Kiss: Sacred And Profane, said.

10-03-2005, 08:50 AM
Is a French kiss French?
CAN the French lay claim to the lip-locking, tongue-lolling art of kissing?

Well, yes and no.
It represents a spiritual union of souls, Nicholas Perella, author of The Kiss: Sacred And Profane, said.

Thank you teacher...........good morning teacher..........


10-03-2005, 08:52 AM
oei.. how can u say the opposit thing with our singapore top corporate restructurer.. nikki tan.. he says ACCS still very goot leh.. thats why singpost made such a big buy into ACCS.. synergy leh.
corporate restructuring is all about giving stakeholders confidence and he is one of them up there. But i have seen a few that are one notch above him and maybe his sifu if u know what i mean. ;)
pardon japboy.. he kopi boy.. dont know anything about corporate world one...
(no money to own a handphone or a watch... how to differ singtel and singpost...)
Brudder Shiokday, smth for ur reference on ur french kiss...Is a French kiss French?
CAN the French lay claim to the lip-locking, tongue-lolling art of kissing?
be it japboy or kopi boy or corporate boy, he is one hell of a kisser boy :D

10-03-2005, 08:54 AM
be it japboy or kopi boy or corporate boy, he is one hell of a kisser boy :D

as long as he dun kiss and tell................


10-03-2005, 09:03 AM
Brudder Shiokday, smth for ur reference on ur french kiss...
CAN the French lay claim to the lip-locking, tongue-lolling art of kissing?

Master Japboy
from how on my opinion of u have totally taken new turn regardless what lawry says about you.
but i suggest that u buy urself a new watch and be less chew nei time. :D

10-03-2005, 09:05 AM
as long as he dun kiss and tell
goot morning. had u kopi already?
u lidat say Master Japboy goot meh? :cool:

10-03-2005, 09:11 AM
goot morning. had u kopi already?
u lidat say Master Japboy goot meh?

good morning sir!

had my teh ni already, how about u?


10-03-2005, 09:19 AM
but i suggest that u buy urself a new watch and be less chew nei time.

moonwatch... i wear...

talker... goot.... u r.... master shiokday....

dang~ dang~ dang~ da~ da~ la~! (star wars soundtrack) :D

10-03-2005, 09:33 AM
moonwatch... i wear...

talker... goot.... u r.... master shiokday....

dang~ dang~ dang~ da~ da~ la~! (star wars soundtrack) :D

teacher, u talk very chimp..........i catch no ball........


10-03-2005, 09:55 AM
teacher, u talk very chimp..........i catch no ball........

his engiris always made mi blur blur also.
dun know what he talk. so chimp one.

10-03-2005, 09:59 AM
his engiris always made mi blur blur also.
dun know what he talk. so chimp one.

tat's why he's the teacher mah.........

ho say bo bro?


10-03-2005, 10:22 AM
good morning sir!

had my teh ni already, how about u?

not a drop of H2O until now. :( bad day today.

10-03-2005, 10:26 AM
moonwatch... i wear...

talker... goot.... u r.... master shiokday....

dang~ dang~ dang~ da~ da~ la~! (star wars soundtrack) :D
lidat say me goot meh?

i don't like star wars. Prefer Star Trek. Beam be up scotty. :D

10-03-2005, 10:27 AM
not a drop of H2O until now. bad day today.

i treat u lim ang moh teh loh.

[QUOTE=plman2002]his engiris always made mi blur blur also.
dun know what he talk. so chimp one.[QUOTE]

where got chimp? i tot sum one used to drink "mo sui" since young n hence now he got a lot of "mo sui"?

10-03-2005, 10:31 AM
where got chimp? i tot sum one used to drink "mo sui" since young n hence now he got a lot of "mo sui"?

who's tat? can't be me....i bo tuck chey 1.........


10-03-2005, 10:49 AM
latest news..

3 directors of singpost are bar from voting cause they own in total 6.7m shares of ACCS... i bet these 3 must have been going down to loyang tua peh kong to pray for the involment of singpost.. :D

10-03-2005, 11:07 AM
latest news..

3 directors of singpost are bar from voting cause they own in total 6.7m shares of ACCS... i bet these 3 must have been going down to loyang tua peh kong to pray for the involment of singpost.. :D

like i said, buyers beware ;)

10-03-2005, 11:09 AM
i treat u lim ang moh teh loh.

10q 10q... but do i have to wait veri long to have my ang moh teh? ;)

10-03-2005, 11:11 AM
10q 10q... but do i have to wait veri long to have my ang moh teh? ;)

depending on how soon he buys his watch..........


10-03-2005, 11:21 AM
depending on how soon he buys his watchoh dear, in that case i sure die of thirst liao :(

10-03-2005, 11:24 AM
oh dear, in that case i sure die of thirst liao :(
even if he promise u... u will have to wait india (bombay) timing for ur drinks..
So u better chop down one catus to drink first.. before u die


japboy today can meet or not? (2/mar/05).. ok ok.. can met after 10pm..

u know wat.. he came the next day.. (03/03/05) 12plus AM....


10-03-2005, 12:12 PM
latest news..
3 directors of singpost are bar from voting cause they own in total 6.7m

Law, you like that say your partner in crime har?

Dont come smoke us already, you looked like that Accord CEO, have the same age.. Are you HIM??

Come, be honest, I am sure two bottles of Chivas will pacify the brothers here..

10-03-2005, 12:14 PM
depending on how soon he buys his watch.......

Stand correct. It depends on how soon he learns how to read his watch.

He is definitely rich enough to buy many watches..

10-03-2005, 12:17 PM
Come, be honest, I am sure two bottles of Chivas will pacify the brothers here..
now cannot.. CPIB watching me.. everyday.. they hide behind the shadow fellowing me...

i can see them everyday... (5th sense)

10-03-2005, 01:21 PM
japboy today can meet or not? (2/mar/05).. ok ok.. can met after 10pm..

u know wat.. he came the next day.. (03/03/05) 12plus AM....

lidat sed mi goot meh?

i said i can meet after 10pm..

but u leh?.. go there, sit down there, bum not warmed up oreadi left~!... scared 2 c mi n jio u smsb chapt 10k izit?

He is definitely rich enough to buy many watches..

u d tow kay... not mi... i'm jz a poor old worker... no money n hence no honey~! :eek:

10-03-2005, 03:25 PM
u d tow kay... not mi... i'm jz a poor old worker... no money n hence no honey~! :eek:

e the real poor old worker is here. :mad:

10-03-2005, 04:52 PM
e the real poor old worker is here. :mad:

Errrr....the real...supa poor, supa old, supa over worked and under paid worker aka slave is moi...kanashii.... :(

10-03-2005, 04:53 PM
e the real poor old worker is here. :mad:

u looking for me?


10-03-2005, 05:39 PM
u looking for me?

weiii... i'm d real one n yet so many posers now laying claims on this supreme title~!... kekeke... :D

10-03-2005, 05:51 PM
weiii... i'm d real one n yet so many posers now laying claims on this supreme title~!... kekeke... :D

I am the slave boss who are over-working because of workers like you who are surfing SB Forum during office hours!! :cool:

10-03-2005, 05:55 PM
I am the slave boss who are over-working because of workers like you who are surfing SB Forum during office hours!! :cool:
oei.. u lidat say me goot meh??? :mad:

10-03-2005, 05:59 PM
oei.. u lidat say me goot meh???

Hello, you Accord CEO you worker meh? You better take goot care of your company.. dun wait till JM come in hor.. now want to let go of your shares still not too late.

By the way, I still feel you too young to head a listed company..

10-03-2005, 06:01 PM
Hello, you Accord CEO you worker meh? You better take goot care of your company.. dun wait till JM come in hor.. now want to let go of your shares still not too late.

By the way, I still feel you too young to head a listed company..
next time bug ur handphone when u send in for repair.. record all ur sms send and chat over the mobile and send it to ur family... :p

10-03-2005, 06:04 PM
next time bug ur handphone when u send in for repair.. record all ur sms send and chat over the mobile and send it to ur family...

dun need lah... jz post it in the link plaza.... :eek:

10-03-2005, 06:05 PM
dun need lah... jz post it in the link plaza.... :eek:
good idea :cool:

10-03-2005, 06:16 PM
next time bug ur handphone when u send in for repair.. record all ur sms send and chat over the mobile and send it to ur family... :p

Few issues here:

1. I dont repair handphones, I just change them.
2. I dont keep sms, too dangerous for me
3. Pictures are all inside my RS MMC card, so I will take it out before I send for repairs, if I ever send it in for repairs.

Like that you can do anything to me meh?

No wonder your company under investigation! Simple thing also cannot rationale properly.. :D

10-03-2005, 06:25 PM
3. Pictures are all inside my RS MMC card, so I will take it out before I send for repairs, if I ever send it in for repairs.

lidat got 2 rob u of ur RS MMC card oreadi...


10-03-2005, 06:30 PM

Please take my clothes.. :D

11-03-2005, 08:42 AM
Had my teh ni liao.........time to start work........i.e. log on SBF.........


11-03-2005, 08:49 AM
Like that you can do anything to me meh?
I read somewhere that there is a software that can activate ur bluetooth and get ur HP data including pics :eek:

11-03-2005, 08:51 AM
Had my teh ni liao.........time to start work........i.e. log on SBF.........


good morning SIR.

where my teh ni? :cool:

11-03-2005, 08:51 AM
Had my teh ni liao.........time to start work........i.e. log on SBF.........

u got collect salary from Sam every month or not.....
I get S$3000 monthly becos I only work part time...... :D

11-03-2005, 09:01 AM
u got collect salary from Sam every month or not.....
I get S$3000 monthly becos I only work part time...... :D

knn.........he short change me.........i work full time and he only paid me $2,000..........nbzzzzz........must complain to CASE and MOM liao........


11-03-2005, 09:23 AM
u got collect salary from Sam every month or not.....
I get S$3000 monthly becos I only work part time...... :D
i got snooked, no salary and not every teh ni :mad:

11-03-2005, 09:24 AM
good morning SIR.

where my teh ni? :cool:

where RK1?

calling RK1 !!!! Shiokday wants your ni...........


11-03-2005, 09:26 AM
i got snooked, no salary and not every teh ni :mad:

u also work for SBF ah?


11-03-2005, 09:27 AM
knn.........he short change me.........i work full time and he only paid me $2,000..........nbzzzzz........must complain to CASE and MOM liao........

what to complain, willing buyer and willing seller. at least u get 2k, i don't even have teh ni :D

11-03-2005, 09:29 AM
u also work for SBF ah?

not exactly work but more so to use his resources to make friends, tcss and bonk a few FLs if avaliable. :D

11-03-2005, 09:37 AM
not exactly work but more so to use his resources to make friends, tcss and bonk a few FLs if avaliable. :D

i am a representative from boss.. boss say u use his resources.. so please pay $5000 rental..

please deposit this $5k into my account immediately.

POSB - 123 - 5432009 -2

thank u..



11-03-2005, 10:28 AM

i am a representative from boss.. boss say u use his resources.. so please pay $5000 rental..

please deposit this $5k into my account immediately.

POSB - 123 - 5432009 -2

thank u..


lawrytransferred liao...5000 Rupiah :D
now i can report to CPIB... hahaha

11-03-2005, 11:00 AM
transferred liao...5000 Rupiah :D
now i can report to CPIB... hahaha
u careful hor..

boss of CPIB held shares in my ACCS.. later he spot check on u instead... :D

11-03-2005, 11:30 AM
u careful hor..

boss of CPIB held shares in my ACCS.. later he spot check on u instead... :Dnvr mind, still got CAD what :p worse case, i go to stock exchange to stop ur shares from trading. hehehe

11-03-2005, 11:36 AM
nvr mind, still got CAD what :p worse case, i go to stock exchange to stop ur shares from trading. hehehe
TO do that u have to buy my shares first... than u can complain under unfair treatment to minority act..

so u brought my shares already? :D

11-03-2005, 12:01 PM
TO do that u have to buy my shares first... than u can complain under unfair treatment to minority act..

so u brought my shares already? :D
i don't need to be covered by the minority act...just need to PM them that got insider trading and u die liao. hehehe

i nvr believed in buying shares esp with ppl like u running the business...take all my hard earned Vit M to buy sport cars, go ktv, book 10 girls at one time, bonk 1 and ask the rest to finger themselves :D

11-03-2005, 12:07 PM
I read somewhere that there is a software that can activate ur bluetooth and get ur HP data including pics :eek:

Hello, never heard of smart can already, dont act smart?

First, we were discussing when/if my phone is sent in for repairs.
Second, if I dont activate bluetooth, you die die also cannot access to my phone. And if I set security status on, you will never be able to sync with my phone. Liddat how to hijack the pictures? You forgot you talking to a IT consultant har?

Morning morning make me scold people.. :mad:

11-03-2005, 12:12 PM
Morning morning make me scold people.. :mad:

mi hot ler.........buy u a teh ni to cool down..........


11-03-2005, 12:15 PM
mi hot ler.........buy u a teh ni to cool down....

Still my shifu most sayang me.. but I want to teh the ni myself one can?? :D

11-03-2005, 12:19 PM
Still my shifu most sayang me.. but I want to teh the ni myself one can?? :D

no problem........

Calling RK1 !!!!!!

et needs your ni !!!!!


11-03-2005, 12:43 PM
no problem........

Calling RK1 !!!!!!

et needs your ni !!!!!

sorry 2day fully booked.....which time slot u want for 2morrow????

11-03-2005, 12:44 PM
sorry 2day fully booked.....which time slot u want for 2morrow????

not me.........ask et911........


11-03-2005, 02:38 PM
Calling RK1 !!!!!!
et needs your ni !!!!!

Dun wan.. RK's lau ni ni, and ni lau lau.. can have young and perky ni or not? Pink if have the best..

11-03-2005, 02:41 PM
Dun wan.. RK's lau ni ni, and ni lau lau.. can have young and perky ni or not? Pink if have the best..

if have then the queue veri long liao.........got Japboy, Shiokday, PLman.........and the list goes on..........


11-03-2005, 03:09 PM
if have then the queue veri long liao.........got Japboy, Shiokday, PLman.........and the list goes on..........


u no goot.. u forget about me??? :(

11-03-2005, 03:28 PM

u no goot.. u forget about me??? :(

u busy being OKT mah.........


11-03-2005, 03:30 PM
u busy being OKT mah.........

bo pian... must keep up my income level so tat i can go watch TV together with u.... :D

11-03-2005, 03:31 PM
u no goot.. u forget about me??? :(

He did not forget, you do not qualify. Your nipple black color ones..

11-03-2005, 03:32 PM
Your nipple black color ones..
pengs.. after that nite u swore not to tell anyone about us.. :mad:
I dont wan u anymore!!!

11-03-2005, 03:37 PM
Morning morning make me scold people.. :mad:
goot morning hor.
u post at 12.07 pm... still morning meh? me already worked like dog for almost 5 hrs liao. u boss meh, can come to orbit at 12 and scold here scold there. :cool:

11-03-2005, 03:42 PM
if have then the queue veri long liao.........got Japboy, Shiokday, PLman.........and the list goes on..........D
oooi i was the first in the Q, why Japboy now ahead of me :mad:

NB i post pink nipples only, everyone all become lau tiko. i thg i was the only one that is tiko.
ok ok the Q for 36C pink pink nipples is as follows.
1. Moi
2. Japboy
3. Looksee
4. Lawry
5. Plman2002/insomnia/DNAT ??(et911 not in Q cos don't want 36C but if got pink one he is ok.
6. anyone else?

11-03-2005, 03:45 PM
oooi i was the first in the Q, why Japboy now ahead of me :mad:

because he bribe me..........


11-03-2005, 03:50 PM
because he bribe me..........

i bribe with with one nite with Eastpipper!! ai mai?? :)

11-03-2005, 03:57 PM
goot morning hor.
u post at 12.07 pm... still morning meh? me already worked like dog for almost 5 hrs liao. u boss meh, can come to orbit at 12 and scold here scold there. :cool:

I typed the message before 12pm, that is why morning to me at least.

What time I come to work is none of your business. You work like a dog my problem ah? As if you are giving your salary to me...

It still does not give you the right to come in and act smart. Already told you smart can already dont act smart, still doing the same thing.

I not boss meh, I am boss mah.. why? Not happy? Blow ah? :p

11-03-2005, 04:04 PM
i bribe with with one nite with Eastpipper!! ai mai?? :)

i rather take cash.........


11-03-2005, 04:12 PM
pengs.. after that nite u swore not to tell anyone about us.. :mad: I dont wan u anymore!!!

Sorry sorry.. before you go, can I have a one last shot?? Please?? :D

11-03-2005, 04:23 PM
I typed the message before 12pm, that is why morning to me at least.

What time I come to work is none of your business. You work like a dog my problem ah? As if you are giving your salary to me...

It still does not give you the right to come in and act smart. Already told you smart can already dont act smart, still doing the same thing.

I not boss meh, I am boss mah.. why? Not happy? Blow ah?
ooiii did i say that i worked like dog ur problem? did i say i am giving u my salary...don't be thick skin hor...anyway my salary only enough for ur one nite out. :p

i nvr say i smart or acting smart. talk about the software was something i heard, my farking 2cents worth. lidat u not happy with me? wat me to blow u some more... :eek:

11-03-2005, 04:26 PM
because he bribe me..........

uncle LS, or should i address u as uncle money face... i had such high esteem for u... but now...dun noe what to say... :cool:

11-03-2005, 04:45 PM
uncle LS, or should i address u as uncle money face... i had such high esteem for u... but now...dun noe what to say... :cool:

just say:" I'll pay more than Japboy!"


11-03-2005, 04:50 PM
ooiii did i say that i worked like dog ur problem? did i say i am giving u my salary...don't be thick skin hor...

Then you tell me for what? I not interested in your salary anyway, nor did I say I want it in the first place....

i nvr say i smart or acting smart. talk about the software was something i heard, my farking 2cents worth. lidat u not happy with me? wat me to blow u some more...

Got people act smart go out and shout "I am acting smart!" one har?

See act smart again, I ask you "Blow ah" and you say I want you to blow me... sigh.. :cool:

11-03-2005, 04:53 PM
want me to find a gal to blow u or not...

ceasefire before sam comes in to kill the thread.. :D

With regards to the above, where can we find a gal in TP that provides bj during office hours ah? Not keen in above 30 yo ones hor... and to your question, yes I want!

11-03-2005, 04:58 PM
With regards to the above, where can we find a gal in TP that provides bj during office hours ah? Not keen in above 30 yo ones hor... and to your question, yes I want!

RK not good enough for u?


11-03-2005, 05:01 PM
RK not good enough for u?

RK add to his services already meh? Hang cheng so bad until now must give blow jobs on top of letting people teh his ni ni ah??

11-03-2005, 05:05 PM
RK add to his services already meh? Hang cheng so bad until now must give blow jobs on top of letting people teh his ni ni ah??

One-stop-shop concept mah........


11-03-2005, 05:14 PM
ceasefire before sam comes in to kill the thread.. :D

With regards to the above, where can we find a gal in TP that provides bj during office hours ah? Not keen in above 30 yo ones hor... and to your question, yes I want!
wah liao.. today, u so hot huh? never drink jia jia liang teh? or is it because i dont wan to give u the last shot.. u look for shiokday?!?!??!?! :rolleyes:

11-03-2005, 05:16 PM
just say:" I'll pay more than Japboy!"
ok lor
i will pay more than Japboy. just say only rite. :D

11-03-2005, 05:19 PM
ok lor
i will pay more than Japboy. just say only rite. :D

then u shall be the first in the queue...........

also just say only..........


11-03-2005, 05:22 PM
then u shall be the first in the queue...........

also just say only..........

but i am serious to exchange my FL - eastpipper for the first one on the queuue leh.. since i serious and not say say only.. u better be serious and put me first on queue hor.. :)

10q in advance..

11-03-2005, 05:27 PM
ceasefire before sam comes in to kill the thread.. :D

With regards to the above, where can we find a gal in TP that provides bj during office hours ah? Not keen in above 30 yo ones hor... and to your question, yes I want!
kekeke soon or later he will come with the rate that we are going.

ah law saw one girl at TP during lunch time, veri cute not sure if can provide bj... may need to go back there to hunt her down...i think about 21 -22 yo. Ah law tio bo?

eyes got tears... and more tears... 10q 10q for the pic in ur thread...some more put "this one for shiokday"...keeping that pic as my new avatar :D

11-03-2005, 05:29 PM
ah law saw one girl at TP during lunch time, veri cute not sure if can provide bj... may need to go back there to hunt her down...i think about 21 -22 yo. Ah law tio bo?
wah liao.. that one till now i still regret.. should have run up to her and get to know her.. damn cute with damn fair powdery skin.. sigh... shit man.. wasted..

11-03-2005, 05:30 PM
wah liao.. today, u so hot huh?

Not that lah.. the intern who works under my table today on MC.. so very heaty.. :D

11-03-2005, 05:34 PM
Not that lah.. the intern who works under my table today on MC.. so very heaty.. :D
wah liao eh.. ur company share wan to sell some to me or not? i buy some and be director of ur company? i wan some intern to work under my table at ur company too.. :)

11-03-2005, 05:39 PM
wah liao.. that one till now i still regret.. should have run up to her and get to know her.. damn cute with damn fair powdery skin.. sigh... shit man.. wasted..
i will keep a look out for u...but if see better one i take first ok?

11-03-2005, 05:41 PM
kekeke soon or later he will come with the rate that we are going.

Not to mention people getting worried that we will clobber each other.. :D They dont know us well enough yet...

ah law saw one girl at TP during lunch time, veri cute not sure if can provide bj... may need to go back there to hunt her down...i think about 21 -22 yo. Ah law tio bo?

Basket got this type of kang tau nebber jio me. Ah Law, see mi see brother??

eyes got tears... and more tears... 10q 10q for the pic in ur thread...some more put "this one for shiokday"...keeping that pic as my new avatar :D

Check the thread again. More pictures for you inside there.. especially today's posts.

11-03-2005, 05:42 PM
Not that lah.. the intern who works under my table today on MC.. so very heaty.. :D
how long u nvr tao already... better find a girl to tao tonite... if not sure siao chiong nao. :D

11-03-2005, 05:44 PM
wah liao eh.. ur company share wan to sell some to me or not? i buy some and be director of ur company? i wan some intern to work under my table at ur company too.. :)

The magic question - How much can you offer?

My table can only accomodate two interns (underneath the table) at one time. But usually I only let one come in at a time.. only when I am extremely hot den I will let both come in at the same time. The interns are usually from NUS or NTU, sometimes Poly, business students. I always interview them personally. How? Gam bo?

11-03-2005, 05:47 PM
how long u nvr tao already... better find a girl to tao tonite... if not sure siao chiong nao.

All your fault! I go around hunting the twa ni ni pictures for you until the siao flowed reverse way...

But some of the pictures I posted today DAMN swee.. :D

11-03-2005, 05:47 PM
Not to mention people getting worried that we will clobber each other.. :D They dont know us well enough yet...kekeke...brudders we are and brudders we will be.

Basket got this type of kang tau nebber jio me. Ah Law, see mi see brother?? u got time to join us meh...i thg u already quite happy sitting on ur chair being serviced.

Check the thread again. More pictures for you inside there.. especially today's posts. i everyday also read ur thread one. already saw today post. 10q 10q

11-03-2005, 05:52 PM
u got time to join us meh...i thg u already quite happy sitting on ur chair being serviced.

Waur liao, you guys want to meet for lunch, I must drive in CBD, pay the toll, nevermind, parking farking expensive (if I can find)..

And dont ask me to take bus hor, I dunno how to and dunno which bus to take. MRT too far for me.. One alternative is to come fetch me.. :D

11-03-2005, 06:07 PM
Waur liao, you guys want to meet for lunch, I must drive in CBD, pay the toll, nevermind, parking farking expensive (if I can find)..

And dont ask me to take bus hor, I dunno how to and dunno which bus to take. MRT too far for me.. One alternative is to come fetch me.. :D
we can fetch u but will it will cost u :D
alternatively, next time we meet u outside CBC lor. swee bo?

11-03-2005, 06:10 PM
All your fault! I go around hunting the twa ni ni pictures for you until the siao flowed reverse way...

But some of the pictures I posted today DAMN swee.. :D
i appreciate what u have done. words cannot express how i feel...

agreed that today pics damn chio bu. esp some of the SGgal...neh neh damn big and solid...shit thinking of it i think need to go pcc liao... :D

11-03-2005, 07:05 PM
Waur liao, you guys want to meet for lunch, I must drive in CBD, pay the toll, nevermind, parking farking expensive (if I can find).

bloody hell... u so stingy one.. tua tow kay n still so stingy.. i look down on u (frm a chair!)... kekeke...

having a good time talking behind mi back ar... i've paid Looksee an obscene amount of money for dat spot so dun any one of u take dat away frm mi... kekekek....

11-03-2005, 08:23 PM
we can fetch u but will it will cost u :D
alternatively, next time we meet u outside CBC lor. swee bo?

Can can.. liddat can.. :D

11-03-2005, 08:25 PM
i appreciate what u have done. words cannot express how i feel...

agreed that today pics damn chio bu. esp some of the SGgal...neh neh damn big and solid...shit thinking of it i think need to go pcc liao...

Well, you can always use cash to express how you feel.. :D

More pictures coming up...

12-03-2005, 05:08 AM
Well, you can always use cash to express how you feel.. :D

More pictures coming up...

wah bro.. soo unlike u leh... 8.25pm, n ur online??? :rolleyes: hmm...

14-03-2005, 08:20 AM
wah bro.. soo unlike u leh... 8.25pm, n ur online??? hmm...

How about now? 8.25am and I am online... :p

14-03-2005, 08:41 AM
How about now? 8.25am and I am online... :p

wah!!! so early ah? last nite never sleep isiz?


14-03-2005, 08:44 AM
wah!!! so early ah? last nite never sleep isiz?

Morning! It is more like last nite never drink.. :D

14-03-2005, 08:50 AM
Morning! It is more like last nite never drink.. :D

since u so early this morning, please allow me to buy u a teh ni..........


14-03-2005, 08:52 AM
Morning! It is more like last nite never drink.. :D
rare visitor indeed... so early har... goot morining...i got 2 bottles of nice wine...bring to ur orbit?

14-03-2005, 09:47 AM
since u so early this morning, please allow me to buy u a teh ni.........

Thank you thank you.. teh ni is good.. but I dunwan lao lobert's ni ni hor..

14-03-2005, 09:55 AM
Thank you thank you.. teh ni is good.. but I dunwan lao lobert's ni ni hor..

sorry hor........tat's all i can afford..........


14-03-2005, 10:01 AM
Thank you thank you.. teh ni is good.. but I dunwan lao lobert's ni ni hor..
my dear 911.....I may be lao...but my ni ni still solid hor.....
but anyway I also retired providing such services liow... :D

14-03-2005, 10:05 AM
my dear 911.....I may be lao...but my ni ni still solid hor.....
but anyway I also retired providing such services liow... :Di nvr try u ni ni. when u coming out of retirement? :p

14-03-2005, 10:19 AM
i nvr try u ni ni. when u coming out of retirement? :p
can u pm me your pic and CV.....If u are attractive enough I will cum out of retirement....just for u...swee boh... :D

14-03-2005, 10:27 AM
my dear 911.....I may be lao...but my ni ni still solid hor.....but anyway I also retired providing such services liow...

So now you concentrating on your BBBJ services only har? Tot LS say you now give complete package..

14-03-2005, 10:32 AM
So now you concentrating on your BBBJ services only har? Tot LS say you now give complete package..
dont mention about LS...I sacked him as my okt liow......u want to be my new okt??? :D

14-03-2005, 11:05 AM
dont mention about LS...I sacked him as my okt liow......u want to be my new okt??? :D
look at RK's avatar and thinking he wants to be in FL... my di di cannot stand liao.. die.. any doctor to recommend? :eek:

14-03-2005, 11:08 AM
look at RK's avatar and thinking he wants to be in FL... my di di cannot stand liao.. die.. any doctor to recommend? :eek:
different pple got different taste.....as for your medical problem I can recommend my vet to u...... :D

14-03-2005, 12:37 PM
can u pm me your pic and CV.....If u are attractive enough I will cum out of retirement....just for u...swee boh... :D
no pic. my stats
1.55 tall, 120kg in weight, 40cm waistline and with lots and lots of hair.
am i attractive enough for u my dear? :D

14-03-2005, 01:03 PM
1.55 tall, 120kg in weight, 40cm waistline and with lots and lots of hair.

lots of hair where? muz specify...

e.g. lots of hair by d side n below but little on top.... :D

14-03-2005, 01:20 PM
lots of hair where? muz specify...

e.g. lots of hair by d side n below but little on top.... :D
if u are referring to my little didi top, sorry hor there is no hair. :p

14-03-2005, 01:32 PM
no pic. my stats
1.55 tall, 120kg in weight, 40cm waistline and with lots and lots of hair.
am i attractive enough for u my dear? :D

u r physically more attractive than some of the FLs i saw in GL........want me to be your OKT?


14-03-2005, 01:42 PM
u r physically more attractive than some of the FLs i saw in GL........want me to be your OKT?

can but no commission ok? benefits in kind can :D

14-03-2005, 01:44 PM
can but no commission ok? benefits in kind can :D

no problem..........for every deal i broke for u, u buy me a coke..........


14-03-2005, 01:50 PM
no problem..........for every deal i broke for u, u buy me a coke..........

with my stats if u can get a deal...i buy u a month of coke plus teh ni every morning delivered to ur orbit. but i wat 36C pink pink nipples one hor...kekeke

14-03-2005, 01:52 PM
with my stats if u can get a deal...i buy u a month of coke plus teh ni every morning delivered to ur orbit. but i wat 36C pink pink nipples one hor...kekeke

i think et will fit d bill purrrfectly~! :eek:

14-03-2005, 01:54 PM
with my stats if u can get a deal...i buy u a month of coke plus teh ni every morning delivered to ur orbit. but i wat 36C pink pink nipples one hor...kekeke

FL can choose clients 1 ah?

talking about 36C........sat with 1 last friday at Dynasty.......but dun know nipples pink pink or not.......didn't get to QC..........


14-03-2005, 01:55 PM
i think et will fit d bill purrrfectly~! :eek:

i tot his is 36E?


14-03-2005, 01:59 PM
i think et will fit d bill purrrfectly~! :eek:
i tot his is 36E?
lidat say et goot meh? 36E is not his tits hor but his butt kekeke

14-03-2005, 02:00 PM
i tot his is 36E?

Hello, my chest big but not cheng hor..

Btw, I kinnda miss that green hulk's presence.. too bad he is out till end of the week..

14-03-2005, 03:08 PM
FL can choose clients 1 ah?

talking about 36C........sat with 1 last friday at Dynasty.......but dun know nipples pink pink or not.......didn't get to QC..........

I tot u retired liao??? :)

sigh.. today bad day!!!! bad day!!!.. sian..... :(

14-03-2005, 03:24 PM
FL can choose clients 1 ah?

talking about 36C........sat with 1 last friday at Dynasty.......but dun know nipples pink pink or not.......didn't get to QC..........

if FL is high class one, sure can choose client kekeke
did u take a pic of the 36C? :D

14-03-2005, 03:26 PM
if FL is high class one, sure can choose client kekeke
did u take a pic of the 36C? :D

the face or the neh neh?


14-03-2005, 03:52 PM
the face or the neh neh?

if u have both it would be nice. :D

14-03-2005, 03:54 PM
if u have both it would be nice. :D

sorry, both also dun have...........


14-03-2005, 04:03 PM
sorry, both also dun have...........
knn lau tiko fell into another trap again. :cool:

14-03-2005, 04:07 PM
knn lau tiko fell into another trap again. :cool:

walk rite into it.........hehehehehehehe..........


14-03-2005, 04:08 PM
walk rite into it.........hehehehehehehe..........

my pleasure...always goot to make a lau uncle laugh and be happy :p

14-03-2005, 04:39 PM
sigh.. today bad day!!!! bad day!!!.. sian..... :(

Why? Your intern no come?

14-03-2005, 04:41 PM
Why? Your intern no come?
shiokday knows of my agony................... its all the condom fault!! :mad:

14-03-2005, 04:51 PM
shiokday knows of my agony................... its all the condom fault!! :mad:
can see but cannot eat feeling quite painful. :(

14-03-2005, 04:56 PM
shiokday knows of my agony................... its all the condom fault!! :mad:

Alamak.. you kena something?

14-03-2005, 04:56 PM
can see but cannot eat feeling quite painful. :(
can eat.. i have a mouthful of pussy juice.. :(

14-03-2005, 04:57 PM
Alamak.. you kena something?
wah liao..... u lidat curse me goot meh!!!! (considering continuing my friendship with et911)... grin... *touch wood*

14-03-2005, 04:59 PM
Alamak.. you kena something?
if kena something maybe better for him kekeke
can eat.. i have a mouthful of pussy juice..
did u use a straw to drink the juice :eek:

14-03-2005, 05:01 PM
wah liao..... u lidat curse me goot meh!!!! (considering continuing my friendship with et911)... grin... *touch wood*
i am wondering how many ppl will guess it rite the 1st time like me (chest up, head high high)

14-03-2005, 05:06 PM
if kena something maybe better for him kekeke
u lidat say me goot meh?? :mad:

14-03-2005, 05:09 PM
u lidat say me goot meh??
i mean kena bbbj hard and fast what :cool: what are u thinking? :confused:

14-03-2005, 05:11 PM
i mean kena bbbj hard and fast what :cool: what are u thinking? :confused:
today really monday blue for me.. waste my cab fare up and cab fare down.. and lunch money....

14-03-2005, 05:22 PM
wah liao..... u lidat curse me goot meh!!!! (considering continuing my friendship with et911)... grin... *touch wood*

Brother, I was concern for you. You kena baby also no good, kena HIV I also worry..

But if you no kena because no buy CD, then you deserve to be hit on the head..

14-03-2005, 05:24 PM
But if you no kena because no buy CD, then you deserve to be hit on the head..

*hit me baby one more time...* :(

14-03-2005, 05:35 PM
*hit me baby one more time...* :(

KNNz.. you a big disappointment. Let me go buy the biggest mallet at the hardware shop downstairs later and settle you.

Never heard of withdrawal method meh deh?

14-03-2005, 05:37 PM
KNNz.. you a big disappointment. Let me go buy the biggest mallet at the hardware shop downstairs later and settle you.

Never heard of withdrawal method meh deh?
Not me leh... the cat refuse entry without protection... u think i dont wan meh..

14-03-2005, 05:39 PM
Not me leh... the cat refuse entry without protection... u think i dont wan meh..
play safe and be safe...there is always another time... :D

14-03-2005, 05:41 PM
KNNz.. you a big disappointment. Let me go buy the biggest mallet at the hardware shop downstairs later and settle you.

don't wack him lar...he has been a goot boy today...just not eought sex that's all :D

14-03-2005, 05:42 PM
play safe and be safe...there is always another time... :D
dont wan another time lah.. i have a firece tigress at home.. scare too many another time.. ganna glued...

one off event.... but she really game for anything... anal also can.. cause i poke her anal and her meow meow at one go.. she enjoy it man... loving every moment..

14-03-2005, 05:44 PM
don't wack him lar...he has been a goot boy today...just not eought sex that's all :D
PCC considered?? self sex??? :(

14-03-2005, 05:44 PM
Not me leh... the cat refuse entry without protection... u think i dont wan meh..

You have not made her high enough... Disappointment lah you..

14-03-2005, 05:46 PM
You have not made her high enough... Disappointment lah you..
I have made her cum 2 times by llicking and fingering.. but but... the force is TOO STRONG!!!! i cant beat the FORCE!!! :(

14-03-2005, 05:46 PM
one off event.... but she really game for anything... anal also can.. cause i poke her anal and her meow meow at one go.. she enjoy it man... loving every moment..

Then you say you never do??

14-03-2005, 05:49 PM
one off event.... but she really game for anything... anal also can.. cause i poke her anal and her meow meow at one go.. she enjoy it man... loving every moment..may i have her contact so that i can finish off what u have not done? :D But after all ur fingering and making her so high, it could be a tough act to follow:

14-03-2005, 05:51 PM
Then you say you never do??
FINGER BRO!! FINGER!!! .. sad.. u have to remind me of this sad afternoon again.. call urself my brother... :(

14-03-2005, 05:52 PM
may i have her contact so that i can finish off what u have not done? :D But after all ur fingering and making her so high, it could be a tough act to follow:
ok lah.. tomorrow lunch, we go into details...

14-03-2005, 05:53 PM
may i have her contact so that i can finish off what u have not done? But after all ur fingering and making her so high, it could be a tough act to follow:

This is a job for Ham Sap Man.. :D Pass her to me!

14-03-2005, 05:54 PM
FINGER BRO!! FINGER!!! .. sad.. u have to remind me of this sad afternoon again.. call urself my brother... :(

CCBz.. next time dont shake my hands, no high-fives also please..

But seriously, why not ask her to shake you leh?? Toot!

14-03-2005, 05:56 PM
CCBz.. next time dont shake my hands, no high-fives also please..

But seriously, why not ask her to shake you leh?? Toot!
u dont finger??? :eek:

complicated story.. when we lim beer i tell u.. or tomorrow u come down raffles place have lunch with us?? u can bio chio office gal here too... kekkeke

14-03-2005, 06:00 PM
u dont finger???
complicated story.. when we lim beer i tell u.. or tomorrow u come down raffles place have lunch with us?? u can bio chio office gal here too... kekkeke

I dig.

Sure let me know when you want to drink, Tootsie. :D

Go back and vent your anger.. :p heeheehee..

14-03-2005, 06:00 PM
ok lah.. tomorrow lunch, we go into details...maybe out of orbit...sms early to confirm. et buying lunch?

14-03-2005, 07:09 PM
Hello, my chest big but not cheng hor..

Btw, I kinnda miss that green hulk's presence.. too bad he is out till end of the week..

No wonder mi ear so itchy.

14-03-2005, 08:00 PM
No wonder mi ear so itchy.

Just dont talk about me during my in-camp. I am having my range, wait I bobo shooter I come out look for you.. :p

14-03-2005, 10:42 PM
Just dont talk about me during my in-camp. I am having my range, wait I bobo shooter I come out look for you.. :p

In camp??!?!??! simi lai eh. can eat one or not.
u can come n look for me here meh?!?!??! kekeke

14-03-2005, 10:49 PM
Hello, my chest big but not cheng hor..

Btw, I kinnda miss that green hulk's presence.. too bad he is out till end of the week..

wah kao... miss him, dun miss superman meh>?? :(

15-03-2005, 09:13 AM
hahaha... dat fella muz b visiting CM2 every nite n dun wanna cum back... now i'm all alone... et go 4 in-camp.... sianz liaoz loh.... :(

15-03-2005, 11:35 AM
In camp??!?!??! simi lai eh. can eat one or not.
u can come n look for me here meh?!?!??! kekeke

Bloody Ah Pek.. I know you retire liao, but I still have to serve hor..

15-03-2005, 11:37 AM
now i'm all alone... et go 4 in-camp.... sianz liaoz loh..

My in-camp is at the end of the month lah, thought I told you guys liao.. now I can still go drink with you if you want.. In camp from 27 March.

Superman, yes I do miss you. But since you have found the galfren at TP we have decided not to disturb you. Let you slowly eat her, tired of her first and you will come back.. :D

15-03-2005, 01:12 PM
My in-camp is at the end of the month lah, thought I told you guys liao.. now I can still go drink with you if you want.. In camp from 27 March.

u told which gf of urs? :mad:

but gd luck 2 u... it's bloody hot now....

as for plman, he's not retired but chao keng one lah... kekeke... :eek:

15-03-2005, 07:23 PM
hahaha... dat fella muz b visiting CM2 every nite n dun wanna cum back... now i'm all alone... et go 4 in-camp.... sianz liaoz loh.... :(

me not like you, mi didnt had the chance. haiz~~~~~~

15-03-2005, 11:03 PM
Superman, yes I do miss you. But since you have found the galfren at TP we have decided not to disturb you. Let you slowly eat her, tired of her first and you will come back..

ooi bro.. sure u missed me?? dat time call u, nv even ans my call.. sigh... anyway, since when have i found a GF at TP?? which one??? haha mayb like u, too many liao leh.. but then still vy much single leh..keke i haven get "MBA" status ok... haha still vy much SNA....

anyway bro, been checking out TP pubs these few fri nites after lessons... well i noticed a new found joint which i guess all of us, especially u, would be vy much interested leh.... keke definitely vy interesting concept... haha :D

16-03-2005, 09:40 AM
me not like you, mi didnt had the chance. haiz~~~~~~

dun bluff.... muz b gng to all those jap ktv in papong~! :mad:

16-03-2005, 09:47 AM
My in-camp is at the end of the month lah, thought I told you guys liao.. now I can still go drink with you if you want.. In camp from 27 March.

in-camp also can book out and cheong what.........


16-03-2005, 10:19 AM
in-camp also can book out and cheong what.........

different.. in normal life.. he cheong pub's ladies.. in camp.. he has to stay back to cheong female army mates..

(ning ke sha cuo! bu ke fang guo!!) :cool:

16-03-2005, 10:25 AM
different.. in normal life.. he cheong pub's ladies.. in camp.. he has to stay back to cheong female army mates..

(ning ke sha cuo! bu ke fang guo!!) :cool:

[SIZE=3][B]Lawry, please PM SAM to delete this thread

"MY 105 encounters from BATAM - SILENT MOB! (fr unkle D) "

you created it, you clean it up - dun say I never inform you hor ...


I am serious ... dam serious :cool:

16-03-2005, 11:45 AM
dat time call u, nv even ans my call.. sigh...

.... new found joint which i guess all of us, especially u, would be vy much interested leh.... keke definitely vy interesting concept... haha :D

You forgot the rule Dont Call me, SMS me har?

As for the joint, you waiting for what??

16-03-2005, 11:48 AM
in-camp also can book out and cheong what......

Shifu, nowadays they dont give you "spare" time during in-camp anymore. They will compact all the training programmes into the shortest possible period, so you will have hardly time to idle.

For example, a previously 7 days in-camp will be compressed into a 4-days programme nowadays. A 14 days will be compressed into a 10 days one.

That is why nowadays people KP in-camp shiong, actually it is because of the change in schedules..

16-03-2005, 11:49 AM
different.. in normal life.. he cheong pub's ladies.. in camp.. he has to stay back to cheong female army mates..

Brudder brudder, my unit no char bor, even chief clerk is a man.

16-03-2005, 11:53 AM
Brudder brudder, my unit no char bor, even chief clerk is a man.
Send complain letter to Mindef?

1) male admin oficor not gentle enough!
2) Discrimination against female
3) Mindef HR department not doing a good job to recruit woman into army
4) U feel disgusted to be serve by those 302 clerks.. u need real female clerks..

enough for mindef to take action?? :D

16-03-2005, 02:20 PM
That is why nowadays people KP in-camp shiong, actually it is because of the change in schedules..

thanks for the up-date, i'm glad i got no more ICT.............


16-03-2005, 02:27 PM
thanks for the up-date, i'm glad i got no more ICT.............


FYI ... this thread was created
17-02-2005, 01:52 PM

will be one month .. as at today.


16-03-2005, 02:46 PM
FYI ... this thread was created
17-02-2005, 01:52 PM

will be one month .. as at today.


rental expired?

but business quite good leh..........


16-03-2005, 02:48 PM
rental expired?

but business quite good leh..........


rental hikes .. 300% :cool:

16-03-2005, 02:51 PM
rental hikes .. 300% :cool:

then u should pay me.......i'm the landlord aka threadstarter........


16-03-2005, 02:52 PM
then u should pay me.......i'm the landlord aka threadstarter........


sorry hor ... SAM is the landlord :D

16-03-2005, 03:34 PM
sorry hor ... SAM is the landlord :D

then how u know rental hike 300%? u are boss's agent?


16-03-2005, 06:44 PM
then how u know rental hike 300%? u are boss's agent?so you managed to find the 36C with pink pink one yet for me? :cool:

17-03-2005, 08:32 AM
so you managed to find the 36C with pink pink one yet for me? :cool:

still searching..........be paitent mah..........your requirement veri high leh.........


17-03-2005, 08:39 AM
still searching..........be paitent mah..........your requirement veri high leh.........

goot morning Master LS. no 36C can have teh ni first? :D

17-03-2005, 08:45 AM
goot morning Master LS. no 36C can have teh ni first? :D

teh ni? no problem........whose ni u want? Japboy, et, Ah Law or PLman?


17-03-2005, 09:06 AM
teh ni? no problem........whose ni u want? Japboy, et, Ah Law or PLman?

i hearsay that ur ni is the best among the best. Can i have ur ni :D

17-03-2005, 09:10 AM
i hearsay that ur ni is the best among the best. Can i have ur ni :D

sorry.........i only got cheese.........no more ni liao...........


17-03-2005, 09:30 AM
sorry.........i only got cheese.........no more ni liao...........

u nvr let me squeeze how u know no more ni liao. :cool:

17-03-2005, 03:21 PM
u nvr let me squeeze how u know no more ni liao. :cool:

u think go market buy oranges ah? can anyhow squeeze meh..........


17-03-2005, 03:27 PM
u think go market buy oranges ah? can anyhow squeeze meh..........


*scratch head* have leh.. when i go wet market since i still sucking lollipop days.. i saw/still see many aunty when they buy apple, orange, banana.. they will squeeze here squeeze there.. and leave the finger nail mark of approval...
seems like market standard leh...

so can shiokday squeeze and leave finger nail mark of approval too?? :D

17-03-2005, 05:12 PM
so can shiokday squeeze and leave finger nail mark of approval too??

nowadays pple oso do.. but more discreetly... like all those aunties at d fruit store below d TP market...

can c alot of pple swarming d fruit stalls leaving their mark of approvals... kkekekeke...... :D

17-03-2005, 05:17 PM
nowadays pple oso do.. but more discreetly... like all those aunties at d fruit store below d TP market...

can c alot of pple swarming d fruit stalls leaving their mark of approvals... kkekekeke...... :D

u so busy today ah? now then appear..........


17-03-2005, 05:35 PM
u so busy today ah? now then appear..........

yap.... bz sianing mi office's auditor... PRC gal... face passable but figure damn shapey... nei buay... realli hoped i can bang her in d conference rm now.. but she's gone home oreadi.... haiz... :D

17-03-2005, 05:37 PM
yap.... bz sianing mi office's auditor... PRC gal... face passable but figure damn shapey... nei buay... realli hoped i can bang her in d conference rm now.. but she's gone home oreadi.... haiz... :D

then u pcc in the conference room lor..........


17-03-2005, 05:37 PM
yap.... bz sianing mi office's auditor... PRC gal... face passable but figure damn shapey... nei buay... realli hoped i can bang her in d conference rm now.. but she's gone home oreadi.... haiz... :D
never pass it to me and let me score?? :(

18-03-2005, 08:43 AM
never pass it to me and let me score?? :(

passing to u should not be a problem..........i'm concern about the scoring part........can u?


18-03-2005, 09:26 AM
passing to u should not be a problem..........i'm concern about the scoring part........can u?

bro, dun chak our lawry lidat leh... he always sed dat i always chak him... so if u oso start, he will not pop into dis thread again... kekeke...

n bro, so soorry i can't pass 2 u as i wanna score miself.. I oso watched Hitch ok... so dun pray pray~!

anyway, found a pub in TP dat has tons of party gals working inside there... alway table-top dancers r a bit fat, they r wearing bra for work there! :eek:

nx time i'll bring u guys there as i've got a target oreadi... kekekeke... a PRC gal~! woohoo...

18-03-2005, 09:36 AM
anyway, found a pub in TP dat has tons of party gals working inside there... alway table-top dancers r a bit fat, they r wearing bra for work there!

nx time i'll bring u guys there as i've got a target oreadi... kekekeke... a PRC gal~! woohoo...

let me know when.......but next week is not good for me.........


18-03-2005, 09:42 AM
anyway, found a pub in TP dat has tons of party gals working inside there... alway table-top dancers r a bit fat, they r wearing bra for work there! :eek:

nx time i'll bring u guys there as i've got a target oreadi... kekekeke... a PRC gal~! woohoo...
am i invited? ;)

18-03-2005, 09:43 AM
let me know when.......but next week is not good for me.........

i think until next week will b d only time good for me.. as i'm gonna b full-booked for whole of nx month... got an asian tour coming up soon... :D

18-03-2005, 09:46 AM
i think until next week will b d only time good for me.. as i'm gonna b full-booked for whole of nx month... got an asian tour coming up soon... :D
ok ok.. acknowledge liao.. pls pm me the pub name and address pls.. 10q in advance :)

18-03-2005, 09:47 AM
i think until next week will b d only time good for me.. as i'm gonna b full-booked for whole of nx month... got an asian tour coming up soon... :D

in tat case u guys go ahead, i'll try to c if i can make it........


Lau Chek
18-03-2005, 10:15 AM
anyway, found a pub in TP dat has tons of party gals working inside there... alway table-top dancers r a bit fat, they r wearing bra for work there! :eek:

nx time i'll bring u guys there as i've got a target oreadi... kekekeke... a PRC gal~! woohoo...

wear bra but abit fat :eek:

18-03-2005, 10:30 AM
wear bra but abit fat

baby fat..... but i think d rest of d gals r not too bad..... got abt 3-4 PRC gals working there as well... (big ad for et~! :eek: )

i'm not gonna tell lawry in case he undertake stealth mission again.. .we'll go together... kekeke...

lau chek interested izit?

looksee brudder, really not free? dun regret hor~! :D

18-03-2005, 10:32 AM
baby fat..... but i think d rest of d gals r not too bad..... got abt 3-4 PRC gals working there as well... (big ad for et~! )

i'm not gonna tell lawry in case he undertake stealth mission again.. .we'll go together... kekeke...

lau chek interested izit?

looksee brudder, really not free? dun regret hor~! :D
wah zan... wait for u to come and bring us there.. all cannot go liao loh... base on ur record.. verified by plman and et911.. u normally will met at 12am.. this timing.. Looksee, me and lau chek already home liao lah... :rolleyes:

Lau Chek
18-03-2005, 10:35 AM
i'm not gonna tell lawry in case he undertake stealth mission again.. .we'll go together... kekeke...

lau chek interested izit?

looksee brudder, really not free? dun regret hor~! :D

i can go for happy hr. btw i haven't call kim yet(the v.gal at the pub which we last cheong) got too many fl to cheong recently, all came out at one time.

18-03-2005, 10:40 AM
looksee brudder, really not free? dun regret hor~! :D

u like tat make me gian good meh?


18-03-2005, 10:41 AM
am i invited? ;)

must invite 1 meh? u think wedding dinner hah?


18-03-2005, 10:51 AM
must invite 1 meh? u think wedding dinner hah?

i not thick skin meh...later go and chased out by 地头蛇 japboy how? :o

18-03-2005, 10:53 AM
i not thick skin meh...later go and chased out by 地头蛇 japboy how? :o

like tat ah? then i better ask also........Mr. Japboy, am i invited?


18-03-2005, 11:06 AM
shiokday and LS.. u guys can go meh? japboy favour timing is 12am leh..... :rolleyes:
I admit first 12am cannot for me...

18-03-2005, 11:42 AM
shiokday and LS.. u guys can go meh? japboy favour timing is 12am leh..... :rolleyes:
I admit first 12am cannot for me...
ya hor...mi happy hrs one...uncle LS also, no?
come to think of it with japboy's timing, i think we should just invit ourselves :D

18-03-2005, 12:19 PM
baby fat..... but i think d rest of d gals r not too bad..... got abt 3-4 PRC gals working there as well... (big ad for et~! :eek: )

I interested. You no bring me there? Or at least give me the address... quick quick, we go tonite.. else next week I got to clear work for my in-camp the following week..

BTW Superman, I know what you talking about for the East Coast pub liao.. they are all dancers, being paid to be party gals cum waitress. Lucky that night no go, else pok, majority of them know me..

18-03-2005, 12:31 PM
ya hor...mi happy hrs one...uncle LS also, no?
come to think of it with japboy's timing, i think we should just invit ourselves

alo... put time, put place n i'll be there doing dinner w u pple until closing time~!... :D

i'm thinking of next tues....

invitation will be sent thru pm but need 2 register here...

now got:
1) Japboy
2) Lawry
3) Looksee
4) Shiokday
5) any more?

18-03-2005, 12:34 PM
invitation will be sent thru pm but need 2 register here...

now got:
1) Japboy
2) Lawry
3) Looksee
4) Shiokday
5) any more?
i am not falling into ur trap again...last time vote this vote that but in the end u nvr show up at Neil :mad:

18-03-2005, 01:10 PM
how many times do i need to say, brudder?

last time when i'm gng there, u guys told me 2 go RS instead.... now u r pinning d blame on mi?

dis time round i'll b there for dinner til pub closing time~! :D

18-03-2005, 01:24 PM
how many times do i need to say, brudder?

last time when i'm gng there, u guys told me 2 go RS instead.... now u r pinning d blame on mi?

dis time round i'll b there for dinner til pub closing time~!
u bluff old man hor...ah law's BD was at neil...where go tell u to go RS...wait till plman come back tonite to clarify... ;)
u come dinner for starters dun MIA and appear 5 mins b4 closing iszit? :p

18-03-2005, 01:27 PM
u come dinner for starters dun MIA and appear 5 mins b4 closing iszit? :p

How come you know he always do that ah?

18-03-2005, 01:33 PM
How come you know he always do that ah?
ppl once bitten twice shy...i kena at least twice already still not scare dark meh...any outings by japboy must take it with a pinch of salt ;)

18-03-2005, 02:22 PM
How come you know he always do that ah?

alo... i'm not so jialek okie? dun paint such a bad picture of mi in sb... now everyone oso scared of mi....

i oreadi put BIG BIG oreadi... i belong 2 after supper gang.... all u guys r d b4 10pm gang... not sync w new gang~! :eek:

nvm... we can ask plman 2 verify... dat was d action dat night... i called et's mobile 2 tell him i'm coming down... plman picked up d call n asked mi 2 go 2 RS instead... dat's d whole story in a nutshell... :mad:

18-03-2005, 02:24 PM
Can any kind samster indicate the location of the yellow river for japboy to jump down and clean himself? :)

18-03-2005, 02:28 PM
Can any kind samster indicate the location of the yellow river for japboy to jump down and clean himself? :)
ooi i have great respect for the yellow river...don't dirty it hor :cool:

18-03-2005, 02:30 PM
ooi i have great respect for the yellow river...

who wanna jump into a river of pee?... hahahah... i no scare... throw ur horses at mi loh... kekeke :D

18-03-2005, 02:35 PM
... throw ur horses at mi loh... kekeke :D
u can ask at law to help u on this one. :p

18-03-2005, 02:38 PM
u can ask at law to help u on this one.

i tot u oso can do dat wat~!... kekekee :D

18-03-2005, 02:40 PM
i tot u oso can do dat wat~!... kekekee :D
nvr nvr assume when u not sure or tot...i only help to push ppl into the e river except yellow river. :p

18-03-2005, 02:42 PM
u can ask at law to help u on this one. :p
how can i throw my horses to japboy!!! u think i so kind?? i wan my horses for myself to ride.. crazy meh.. got lobang anyhow anyhow give ppl.. its my horses leh.. u know how hard for me to breed them... :rolleyes:

18-03-2005, 02:57 PM
got lobang anyhow anyhow give ppl.. its my horses leh.. u know how hard for me to breed them...

c everyone, dis type call brudder frm another muther?.... haiz.... i always know ur stand but was still disappointed upon hearing dis.... :D

n u dun breed them... those horses r d amercian mutangs.... born free n wild..... beautiful running on endless green pastures..... u jz lure them into ur elaborate trap of illusion.. :eek:

18-03-2005, 03:00 PM
how can i throw my horses to japboy!!! u think i so kind?? i wan my horses for myself to ride.. crazy meh.. got lobang anyhow anyhow give ppl.. its my horses leh.. u know how hard for me to breed them... :rolleyes:
ur mazi is 2 legged or 4 legged :D ...if 2 legged, i agreed u keep to urself...but when u don't wat liao also can throw him wat...if possible throw at me first hor?

18-03-2005, 03:05 PM
ur mazi is 2 legged or 4 legged :D ...if 2 legged, i agreed u keep to urself...but when u don't wat liao also can throw him wat...if possible throw at me first hor?
steady.. u wan my most recent horse? i can pass u.. kekkkekekkeek.. :D we create a plan to pass this horse...

18-03-2005, 03:06 PM
nvm... we can ask plman 2 verify... dat was d action dat night... i called et's mobile 2 tell him i'm coming down... plman picked up d call n asked mi 2 go 2 RS instead... dat's d whole story in a nutshell... :mad:

Let me be the fair person here (plman in central station, preparing for his 5pm flight, he just called).

JPK DID call us around 10pm, to tell us he is coming down (1st meeting supposedly with Shiokday). He did come down, but not to RS, but to Tiger Bar.

Second meeting, JPK DID call us around 10pm (Lawry Bday right?), but we told him we heading towards RS, that is why he no go Neil Road.

My comments fair JPK?

But that being said, JPK took 2 DAMN HOURS PLUS PLUS to detour from Neil Road to RS.

Other than the two incidents (wonder if he is trying to avoid Ah Law), he has been very punctual with his appointments with plman and myself, only late for most 30mins.

18-03-2005, 03:10 PM
Other than the two incidents (wonder if he is trying to avoid Ah Law), he has been very punctual with his appointments with plman and myself, only late for most 30mins.NNB.. this is wat happens when u have another brother from another mother (evil step mother.. just joking :D )..

18-03-2005, 03:12 PM
Let me be the fair person here (plman in central station, preparing for his 5pm flight, he just called).

JPK DID call us around 10pm, to tell us he is coming down (1st meeting supposedly with Shiokday). He did come down, but not to RS, but to Tiger Bar.

Second meeting, JPK DID call us around 10pm (Lawry Bday right?), but we told him we heading towards RS, that is why he no go Neil Road.

My comments fair JPK?

although i wasn't there tat nite, base on my limited knowledge about Japboy, he's not the "put aeroplane" type.........

like tat say got free beer from Japboy or not? hehehehehehe.........

18-03-2005, 03:39 PM
NNB.. this is wat happens when u have another brother from another mother (evil step mother.. just joking)..

i think so too.... pooor mi... afterwards kena humtum 4 things which u do~!

Other than the two incidents, he has been very punctual with his appointments with plman and myself, only late for most 30mins.

avoid him for wat? i not scare anyone.. .kekeke...

brudder, we always meet ard 11pm remember?~?!....

pai seh lah..... dat 2 times i need 2 pacify mi queen.... if she ordered mi 2 do sum stuff, cannot reject rite?.... :D

mi engine is as good as urs~!

although i wasn't there tat nite, base on my limited knowledge about Japboy, he's not the "put aeroplane" type.........

swee... got free beer~! one jug for u n u muz finish it w/in 30mins (for u only)... kekekek

nvr nvr assume when u not sure or tot...i only help to push ppl into the e river except yellow river.

like i sed, u n ah law belongs 2 d b4 10pm gang, dat's y hard 2 meet up... if stay a bit longer, i'll b there in no time.... normally ard 11pm plus...

18-03-2005, 03:56 PM
Let me be the fair person here (plman in central station, preparing for his 5pm flight, he just called).

Other than the two incidents (wonder if he is trying to avoid Ah Law), he has been very punctual with his appointments with plman and myself, only late for most 30mins.
the man has spoken...although ham sap but got good memory.
plman bringing back some sashimi?

like i sed, u n ah law belongs 2 d b4 10pm gang, dat's y hard 2 meet up... if stay a bit longer, i'll b there in no time.... normally ard 11pm plus...
okie okie now i stop chak u...next we meet in between...u come at 9 and i leave at 11 swee bo. if u can meet earlier, dinner on me. gam bo?

18-03-2005, 04:53 PM
okie okie now i stop chak u...next we meet in between...u come at 9 and i leave at 11 swee bo. if u can meet earlier, dinner on me. gam bo?

plman coming frm kl lah.... so maybe bring u mee sotong instead? :eek:

brudder, i'll b there for dinner.. .coming in ard 7pm (CBD off)... so dinner n oso one jug on u for chaking an innocent fella~! :mad: