View Full Version : What Do U Think Of This Guy?!
23-02-2005, 01:15 PM
Hi bros out there my friend posted in yahoo classified asking for some help as her dog was operared on and it cost a bit. Some kind souls helped a bit but then 2 days ago she recieves this e-mail from this guy named Jason e-mail ad is
[email protected].
[email protected] Add Address
Date: Mon 21/02/2005 11:14 AM GMT+08:00
Subject: Your Announcements ad on Yahoo! Classifieds
I am 34 yrs old Chinese. Married. Working as a GM in an MNC.
Presently I am looking for a part time lover as my wife will be away for two
I will be offering from S$3,000 to S$5,000 a month base on the lover looks and
figure plus sex services. I will be paying cash in advance. Two times a week, 3
to 4 hours per session.
If you are interested, please forward me your age, race, occupation, height,
weight, vital stats and a picture.
This deal will be in total discreet as I do not want my wife to find out. Thank
you and hope to hear from you soon
By the way the ad says she was just asking for some help and it never says that she was protituting herself. I'm wondering why are there people who will gladly use someone's misfortune as a means for sex and is this guy stupid he just makes a 3000-5000 offer just like that w/o seeing or anything. Well my friend was a bit offended and i just find it a bit ridiculous. Anyway sorry to take up your time and btw if anyone wants to visit Da Lu at Ballestier this afternoon or tom or fri afternon do drop me a line as really curious to try it. Thanks again.
23-02-2005, 01:20 PM
which ad will put that they are selling their body??? anyway i get your point :)
By the way the ad says she was just asking for some help and it never says that she was protituting herself. .
23-02-2005, 01:21 PM
bro i dun think the guy was really playing bastard. see. the thing is ur fren asked for help online( u neva state wat kinda help, so i presume its monetary), she might be giving pple the wrong signals. y shld she be offended? she shld expect tis kinda response. afterall u dun expect pple to come up n say "hey i really love ur dog. will give u some money." tis r my personal opinion. no offense intended.
23-02-2005, 01:23 PM
I am 34 yrs old Chinese. Married. Working as a GM in an MNC.
Presently I am looking for a part time lover as my wife will be away for two
I will be offering from S$3,000 to S$5,000 a month base on the lover looks and
figure plus sex services. I will be paying cash in advance. Two times a week, 3
to 4 hours per session.
well, finally, i guess our in-house FL sherine got a job to do liao.
faster go ask for sherine number and email back to this jason.
2 X per week, 3-4hour.. sherine.. r u up to it??
or may u can try shirley from chai chee
hope this info will be useful to jason. :D
23-02-2005, 01:24 PM
yo bro. me in informatics school now.... Sian... until 5 pm. wait i go and "Xian" some PRC and bed them....:)
23-02-2005, 01:30 PM
yo bro. me in informatics school now.... Sian... until 5 pm.
hi teletubby, hw is school today?? today wat lesson in class? last nite i upload a nice avatar for her. hehe.
today is a bored day for me, kana 3-11pm shift. and, did u know the pest is back??
and, intro some prc cute meimei to me can? :D
Hi bros out there my friend posted in yahoo classified asking for some help as her dog was operared on and it cost a bit. Some kind souls helped a bit but then 2 days ago she recieves this e-mail from this guy .
Ask your fren just ignore lor .. anyway your fren also got receive postive responses mah. Same as our postings here .. got good or bad replies :D .. ask her to take it easy eh.
23-02-2005, 01:32 PM
yo bro. me in informatics school now.... Sian... until 5 pm. wait i go and "Xian" some PRC and bed them....:)
Informatics got a lot of PRC mei mei nowadays?
23-02-2005, 01:33 PM
which one man...??? there are alot of pest in this forum....:)
hi teletubby, hw is school today?? today wat lesson in class? last nite i upload a nice avatar for her. hehe.
today is a bored day for me, kana 3-11pm shift. and, did u know the pest is back??
and, intro some prc cute meimei to me can? :D
23-02-2005, 01:38 PM
yo axlrose, dun know what u wanna do.
first u appear to be a hero, standing out for this gal who needs help for her dog.
<btw, how are u related to her>
then u blar blar blar saying this jason being so bad to yr friend.
then in the end u ask any bro going DA LU at Balestier this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon.
exactly what r u trying to drive at. what is yr main motive ah??!?!?!? :rolleyes:
yo axlrose, dun know what u wanna do.
first u appear to be a hero, standing out for this gal who needs help for her dog.
<btw, how are u related to her>
then u blar blar blar saying this jason being so bad to yr friend.
then in the end u ask any bro going DA LU at Balestier this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon.
exactly what r u trying to drive at. what is yr main motive ah??!?!?!? :rolleyes:
oi plman, Hero also lokes to drink mah .. "lai arh .. tar!" :D
23-02-2005, 01:44 PM
Hi bros thanks for all your replies. hehe me only human and a male to boot mah :) So anyone wants to go da lu don't dare go alone leh. so the more the merrier.
23-02-2005, 01:46 PM
Seriously though, advertising on Yahoo for finiancial aid is bound to have such replies.
And btw how come threadstarter didn't help his friend pay for the doggie's operation anyway. I myself own dogs, operation is costly but not up to 2 - 3k anyway. Too expensive put the dog to sleep and get a new dog for her lor.
23-02-2005, 01:52 PM
Was outstation when it happened so did not know only found out when i came back. Help out w what i can as i also have 2 dogs wc are like my "boys" Anyway hope to hear from some bros who want to go da lu me staying west side.
So anyone wants to go da lu don't dare go alone leh. so the more the merrier.
you scare the lau gohs rape you meh? .. hahaha
Ahem ... prince, where are you har? :D
23-02-2005, 01:56 PM
YA lor dick small already later kanna scared by the aunties become smaller hehe :) just want to try lah bored shitless here now.
23-02-2005, 01:59 PM
you scare the lau gohs rape you meh? .. hahaha
Ahem ... prince, where are you har? :D
Encik, yr kawan izzit. or yr DA LU kaki. kekeke
23-02-2005, 02:01 PM
By the way i really think e-mailing sherine's number to this guy would be great anybody got her hp# or maybe some bros out there can e-mail this guy some other "girls" number :p :D still waiting
Encik, yr kawan izzit. or yr DA LU kaki. kekeke
no lah .. Prince [if you pronouce in mandarin, you will know which fella] last time asked about Da Lu, kena left, right, centre by me and Nirvana .. but now he cheonged there until song y y..
as for Prince, I still owe him one Kopi .. ssshhhh .. gotta hide now :eek:
23-02-2005, 02:03 PM
:D Ok wat...what did this guy do wrong ??? He offering money for services rendered so ?
23-02-2005, 02:14 PM
:D Ok wat...what did this guy do wrong ??? He offering money for services rendered so ?
agree with cbjys...
ur female friend goes to the net and ask for help.. obviously, ppl know she needs help in money.. no money can go work... ask parents/relative for money first.. its only a few thousand dollars... but if the parents/relative/friends cant even help her with the sum of money, she can work her ass off.... office job in the day.. waitress in the nite....
why must ask from public.. does the public owe her a single cent and my god.. its money for a DOG!!! u know how many ppl in this world needs money for operation... how many ppl in this world needs money for food?
thus, if ur female friend ask money from net.. i believe 90% of the bros here will do the same thing... u let me fark first before i give u money.. so there is nothing wrong.. the only thing wrong is ur female friend's brain..
the whole issue is logical.. think with ur brain ok.. in this world where got free lunch.. of course not mentioning those suckers tat will do money transfer before the deal.. make me laugh.. hahahhahahaha
thus JASON DID THE RIGHT THING.. at least he offer her a proposal... not say lets meet up at XXX.. and talk... and drink.. and later i pass u money.. (it might be a conster)
so 3 Cheers to tat jason guy..
Nothing without labour :)
p.s. i own a dog..
23-02-2005, 02:25 PM
hey ah seng, hows ur salesgal? still wrking?
23-02-2005, 02:27 PM
hey ah seng, hows ur salesgal? still wrking?
Yeap. Cream is still working. Btw i got 3 new parttimers....all young and quite cute. Especially Gina...... :o
23-02-2005, 02:33 PM
Yeap. Cream is still working. Btw i got 3 new parttimers....all young and quite cute. Especially Gina...... :o
wah not bad ar... business gettin bigger ar.... more n more employees.
23-02-2005, 02:36 PM
wah not bad ar... business gettin bigger ar.... more n more employees.
No lah, business is slower nowadays in fact. Actually i calculated, hired partimers = better than full timers as no CPF... cheaper also....can plan manpower easier....
Btw when can jio u to chiong? KTV ? GL150 ?
Back to threadtopic:
My dog recently 4mths had this kidney operation cost me only 350 i think. This guy also very kind liao offering 3000-4000 to BAO this girl, gnn i might only offer 150/shot nia. :D
23-02-2005, 02:41 PM
Back to threadtopic:
My dog recently 4mths had this kidney operation cost me only 350 i think. This guy also very kind liao offering 3000-4000 to BAO this girl, gnn i might only offer 150/shot nia. :D
Like my previous post, op on dog/ pets dun cost really too much lor. Too expensive normally vets offers to put the pet to sleep. :)
BTW ah seng bro, never intro your part timers to us one. You can bao all 3 meh?
23-02-2005, 02:42 PM
Btw when can jio u to chiong? KTV ? GL150 ?
bro i onli chiong disco nia nowadays. ktv buey tahan la. why u only jio me tis kinda activities? u oso got dog rite? why not one of tis days we bring our dogs out for a walk together lor. haha
23-02-2005, 02:44 PM
bro i onli chiong disco nia nowadays. ktv buey tahan la. why u only jio me tis kinda activities? u oso got dog rite? why not one of tis days we bring our dogs out for a walk together lor. haha
Good idea, go park walk dog can get to know girls one ;)
Pets are such a hassle though.
23-02-2005, 02:44 PM
Like my previous post, op on dog/ pets dun cost really too much lor. Too expensive normally vets offers to put the pet to sleep
BTW ah seng bro, never intro your part timers to us one. You can bao all 3 meh?
My offer still stands loh...500purchase in single receipt = phone number of your choice. :D
Btw i wonder if this girl with dog = chio or not ? Also feel like helping....
23-02-2005, 02:45 PM
bro i onli chiong disco nia nowadays. ktv buey tahan la. why u only jio me tis kinda activities? u oso got dog rite? why not one of tis days we bring our dogs out for a walk together lor. haha
Disco? Got happenings? My new girl also like disco need to go again.
Btw scali ppl think we gay how? 2 man walking a dog...btw my dog is damn kuniang, its a chihuahua long coated.
23-02-2005, 02:46 PM
My offer still stands loh...500purchase in single receipt = phone number of your choice. :D
Btw i wonder if this girl with dog = chio or not ? Also feel like helping....
Ask threadstarter for her contact lor..
Your offers too much lah, I'll just pop by ur shop and sian them myself lor.
BTW I own a Bull terrier :p
23-02-2005, 02:47 PM
My offer still stands loh...500purchase in single receipt = phone number of your choice. :D
Btw i wonder if this girl with dog = chio or not ? Also feel like helping....
What Do U Think Of This Guy?!
23-02-2005, 02:48 PM
Ask threadstarter for her contact lor..
Your offers too much lah, I'll just pop by ur shop and sian them myself lor.
BTW I own a Bull terrier :p
I think threadstarter already quite angry le...dun dare..hahaha
Btw come and disturb my girls and no purchase ...dun lah..pls..haha
23-02-2005, 02:49 PM
Ask threadstarter for her contact lor..
Your offers too much lah, I'll just pop by ur shop and sian them myself lor.
BTW I own a Bull terrier :p
Your bull terrier want to fuck or not? My chihuahua i offer 150/shot. Got BBBJ and arserim. :D
23-02-2005, 02:53 PM
Your bull terrier want to fuck or not? My chihuahua i offer 150/shot. Got BBBJ and arserim. :D
hahaha chihuahua very hard to fuck leh.. hole so small..
23-02-2005, 02:55 PM
hahaha chihuahua very hard to fuck leh.. hole so small..
Small hole = tight...wat dog u have ? :D
23-02-2005, 02:57 PM
Small hole = tight...wat dog u have ? :D
male shih tzu...
23-02-2005, 02:57 PM
my dog is damn kuniang, its a chihuahua long coated.
just curious.. why get urself such a gay dog?
mine is a jack russel..
23-02-2005, 02:58 PM
male shih tzu...
Can lah....size quite the same. Btw male shih tzu is so nice. I think girls will like, good dog to sian girls. :D
23-02-2005, 02:59 PM
just curious.. why get urself such a gay dog?
mine is a jack russel..
Actually it is my sister, my ex dog is a PUG...died of heart attack.. :(
Jack russel is nice also....i like .
23-02-2005, 03:00 PM
Can lah....size quite the same. Btw male shih tzu is so nice. I think girls will like, good dog to sian girls. :D
ya its a gd dog to sian gals. ccb when i juz got my dog, all my frens say im fuckin gonna use it to sian za bors. THEY WERE WRONG!! i love the world. i love mother nature. i love peace. hee
23-02-2005, 03:01 PM
ya its a gd dog to sian gals. ccb when i juz got my dog, all my frens say im fuckin gonna use it to sian za bors. THEY WERE WRONG!! i love the world. i love mother nature. i love peace. hee
Fuck u understand. but i like your style..... :D
P.S: Do u comb your dog hair? Quite gay leh...
23-02-2005, 03:05 PM
Fuck u understand. but i like your style..... :D
P.S: Do u comb your dog hair? Quite gay leh...
i comb sometimes la but he dun like. the facial hair damn fuckin hard to trim, so everytime hair cover eyes, haf to send for groomin. somemore he damn hyper active. i think he neva look in the mirror b4, thinks he's a jack russell.
23-02-2005, 03:07 PM
i comb sometimes la but he dun like. the facial hair damn fuckin hard to trim, so everytime hair cover eyes, haf to send for groomin. somemore he damn hyper active. i think he neva look in the mirror b4, thinks he's a jack russell.
Active is ok..but i hate barking dogs. Lucky my chihuahua is very quiet. Where do u send for grooming? I pay 80 eachtime. I dun bother with grooming her myself, it is too hard and i scared to hurt her. :)
23-02-2005, 03:13 PM
Active is ok..but i hate barking dogs. Lucky my chihuahua is very quiet. Where do u send for grooming? I pay 80 eachtime. I dun bother with grooming her myself, it is too hard and i scared to hurt her. :)
chihuahua i dunno leh. coz the one i go at amk only specialises in shih tzus. but i seriously think 80 is expensive if they did not come over ur place to pick up the dogs. usually its 50 groomin, 30 transport. if u wan, i can give u one groomer which my fren reccommended to me. at ulu pandan.
23-02-2005, 03:16 PM
chihuahua i dunno leh. coz the one i go at amk only specialises in shih tzus. but i seriously think 80 is expensive if they did not come over ur place to pick up the dogs. usually its 50 groomin, 30 transport. if u wan, i can give u one groomer which my fren reccommended to me. at ulu pandan.
WALAO, ulu pandan. Dog is in thomson. Sometimes i see really pretty owners carrying their dogs to the vet / groomer also. made some small talks..keke. :)
23-02-2005, 03:20 PM
WALAO, ulu pandan. Dog is in thomson. Sometimes i see really pretty owners carrying their dogs to the vet / groomer also. made some small talks..keke. :)
wa lau u go to the pasir ris dog farm (pet movers) every weekend lor. went once. think its on a sat. all the dog owners gather lor. wa the women wooooo..... but then do u think i went to see the gals? WRONG AGAIN! i juz wan my dog to know more new frens.
23-02-2005, 03:23 PM
wa lau u go to the pasir ris dog farm (pet movers) every weekend lor. went once. think its on a sat. all the dog owners gather lor. wa the women wooooo..... but then do u think i went to see the gals? WRONG AGAIN! i juz wan my dog to know more new frens.
Can we imagine our dogs having sex with other ppl dogs? Especially if the owner is a very pretty girl....woohoo. :D
23-02-2005, 03:24 PM
Can we imagine our dogs having sex with other ppl dogs? Especially if the owner is a very pretty girl....woohoo. :D
*sigh* my dog gonna die as a virgin.. sendin him for spayin soon...
23-02-2005, 03:27 PM
*sigh* my dog gonna die as a virgin.. sendin him for spayin soon...
My offer still stands. 150/hr with my doggie.
My dog also sterlized liao but still can fuck. :D LAst time my neighbour told me her poodle and my chihuahua have
23-02-2005, 03:29 PM
My offer still stands. 150/hr with my doggie.
My dog also sterlized liao but still can fuck. :D LAst time my neighbour told me her poodle and my chihuahua have
Your neighbour chio bo? :D
23-02-2005, 03:30 PM
My offer still stands. 150/hr with my doggie.
My dog also sterlized liao but still can fuck. :D LAst time my neighbour told me her poodle and my chihuahua have
then u shld her told her " Mdm since ur poodle fuck my chihuahua, can i fuck u?" anyway we diff case. my dog male, sterilise aredy, not much urge anymore
23-02-2005, 03:31 PM
Your neighbour chio bo? :D
Old auntie.....but i dun mind fucking her teenage poly daughter loh. Sometimes peep over can see the hanging panties. Maybe one day i keh keh walk semi-naked near her daughter to check out her response.
Conveen got good intro, pet farm in pasir ris...i think got hope there. :D
23-02-2005, 03:39 PM
Old auntie.....but i dun mind fucking her teenage poly daughter loh. Sometimes peep over can see the hanging panties. Maybe one day i keh keh walk semi-naked near her daughter to check out her response.
Conveen got good intro, pet farm in pasir ris...i think got hope there. :D
u try go there n see. very funny. got small pool for dogs to swim too. but beware of the fleas n tics..
23-02-2005, 03:56 PM
Hi bros out there my friend posted in yahoo classified asking for some help as her dog was operared on and it cost a bit. Some kind souls helped a bit
asking for help? more like asking for a handout.
what's next? the cat? the fish? so she owes the vet a sum of money? lawyer letter looming? or actually she paid in full already?
now she got no food, no electricity, no water, no job, no family, no relatives, no friends..... etc..... ?
she should go get a character, before getting offended or upset by someone's reply to such advertisement.
no offence to bro axlrose, just my 66 cents worth.
23-02-2005, 06:14 PM
Hi bros sorry fell asleep damned bored anyway no offense taken. Anyway still waiting for reply on outing for tom or friday afternoon.
23-02-2005, 08:15 PM
Hi bros sorry fell asleep damned bored anyway no offense taken. Anyway still waiting for reply on outing for tom or friday afternoon.
Hehe, there is one TCSS outing on friday in the outting section. however its not the cheong type. Just kopi session nia.
24-02-2005, 11:11 AM
Any Bro there free today? For a "outing" at DaLu?
24-02-2005, 12:11 PM
Any Bro there free today? For a "outing" at DaLu?
Where is DaLu? a pub? :)
24-02-2005, 12:13 PM
Where is DaLu? a pub? :)
LSB........ :D
24-02-2005, 12:17 PM
LSB........ :D
La Sub Bar ... OIC. Thanks for the info.
There is another name for that - Batman And Robin :D
24-02-2005, 01:53 PM
Hi bros out there my friend posted in yahoo classified asking for some help
I'm wondering why are there people who will gladly use someone's misfortune as a means for sex and is this guy stupid he just makes a 3000-5000 offer just like that w/o seeing or anything. Well my friend was a bit offended and i just find it a bit ridiculous.
What do I think of this guy?
I think this guy is charitable but nuts...but your friend can consider herself lucky to have such an offer.
Like you said, this guy is stupid just to offer $3000 to 5000 without seeing anything cos with that money could really get him a good deal, sextisfaction guaranteed. But then again, like I said, he's charitable.
I would have offered the standard rate for a couple of hrs of overnight.
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