View Full Version : i feel so sad with my first bonk D:

13-11-2012, 02:15 AM
i felt kind of sad...it's my first time she doesn't seems to like it....cus i took long time to cum my first shot she was like u want cum? i say haven't yet she start ridding harder and harder like want break my lowerpart of body.............haissss inexperince of me :( . i need some more practice i guess..I NEED A SHIFU WHO CAN IMPART ME SOME SKILLS :( sadly i dont really know how bonk a girl...:confused:

14-11-2012, 02:54 AM
At first you don't succeed try and try again ;)

16-11-2012, 02:20 AM
try again and again

16-11-2012, 02:52 PM
Cheers up bro....i also keep learning now... I cant event do more den 5minut...how bad am i....

17-11-2012, 05:30 AM
Don't get yourself down. Practice makes perfect.

19-11-2012, 09:36 AM
Bro there will be always better on tomorrow . Look forward :-)
It is not your fault, is the girl no mood or no patient,
So forget it n sure u will get much better ones in the future

19-11-2012, 01:22 PM
Dun be sad and depressed...try until shiok...the world is too small to get sad over such minor thing....i believe more tries will bring you more shiok sexperiences...

05-12-2012, 07:40 AM
Haha bro cheer up! I always think tat it is a good thing if u can substain longer. And remember u r the customer, feel free to bonk her to till very last minute (of cuz rmb to leave enough time for showering

05-12-2012, 07:53 AM
I NEED A SHIFU WHO CAN IMPART ME SOME SKILLS :( sadly i dont really know how bonk a girl...:confused:

Dun worry, a lot of samsters here are willing to show u how to bonk your ger. Just invite anyone to show u the skill.......

05-12-2012, 08:04 AM
Like they say, Practice makes perfect
Have you practiced ?
Stay Cool, Don't expect too much from yourself

10-12-2012, 06:14 AM
Bro, don't worry. There will be fucks so amazing you will want to RTF again and again and there will be other fucks so bad she would have to pay you to RTF. The most important things are chemistry and communication. You have to be at ease, be nice to her, compliment her and show respect. Also tell her what you like and ask her what she likes. Unless you are just wanting to robofuck the girl, sex for you will always be best if she's having a good time too. When I bonk a girl, I really focus on giving her a good time. When she has a good time, I have a good time. Of course for that to work, the chemistry must be right. If a girl doesn't enjoy being with you, sex will be no good.

12-12-2012, 10:16 AM
U need to know is a good thing that u can sustain long. for WL they love customer to eject fast so that is a quick job/$. For a fuck on GF. i believe they will love a long ride. As why u cant cum soonest is may be the fore skin is not stretch as it stroke thus the sensibility is not there yet thus harder to steam for faster eject ur loan, Enjoy the long last fuck b4 u complain why u eject so soon.

12-12-2012, 04:43 PM
Dun worry, a lot of samsters here are willing to show u how to bonk your ger. Just invite anyone to show u the skill.......

Anyone except naemlo....Ba xa oii :D

Btw, samsam430, dont worry, be happy. U r in good shape to make them press u to cum :D

12-12-2012, 08:09 PM
Anyone except naemlo....Ba xa oii :D

ba xa oi....

14-12-2012, 01:58 PM
WL will definitely want u to cum fast, to them is a job, finish faster collect $$ and go for next job or take a break.

My gfs only complain if i cum too fast (esp when doing it after some time apart).

26-12-2012, 06:24 PM
don't give up bro. have confidence, and don't jack off too much :)

26-12-2012, 09:27 PM
fail once, then try second time. keep bonking her until u got it right.