View Full Version : HCs quality in KL sucks big time
25-02-2005, 11:41 AM
First time user to the site and i find it SUPERB!!!
Great cheonging stories and a great site for info exchange for the fellow cheongster in Asia.
Let me share my 2 cents worth of experiences with u bros. I am a regular cheongster in Msia, Sin, Bangkok, China, HK for the last 6 years. I have bonked over 300 girls and counting. I do most of my cheonging in KL unless i get to cheong abroad. I have visited nearly all the HCs and also the local NCs in KL. And this is what i have to say.
The quality of chicks in KL sucks big time!! PORK CHOPS everywhere!!! With due respect to the other cheonging bros who frequent the famous HCs in KL, all are not up to standards at all. Compared to the chicks 2-3 years ago, they are totally disgusting. (Or maybe i'm just used to foreign chicks)
I find myself losing interest in the local HCs scene as there are no quality chicks to bonk anymore. Price is no object as quality is more important. Any bros who can give some good suggestions are highly appreciated by me and also the other readers as well.
For me, I would post some of my other great experiences with u guys soon (anyone interested??)
05-03-2005, 09:58 AM
Hi! KL Player, I am a S'pore PR from KL. Have not cheong KL before but really interested as I am going to Genting maybe next weekend or so. Read on another thread Genting is not happening anymore. Sigh... With a due respect to your experience at KL, any good recommemdation? KL or Genting also can.
Thanks in advance.
07-03-2005, 10:32 AM
Dear Bro Xp,
My 2 cents worth of advice on Genting:
Due to the recent crackdown on PRC chicks in Msia, good quality chicks are hard to come by these days. If u are in Genting and in the casinos, these PRC chicks are very easy to spot. They are sexily dressed with heavy makeup and will often stare at u with a CFM look (Come Fuck Me). Charges are $ RM 300 per shot, however u might be able to bargain for a better price due to the recent crackdown as business are harder to come by for them now compared to the good old days. Back then i had a few gems up in Genting before.
Word of caution: If u follow them to their room, (usually quite run down room) make sure u ask if they have new towels for u or not. Very often, they have only one towel that is shared by their customers. Damn TULAN after coming out of the shower shivering and have to use a towel used by God knows how many dudes before u! Taking them to ur room can also be safer and more comfortable. However, pls pls pls lock all ur valuable items in the room safe first before u even start to do anything!!! Heard of stories of bros being spiked and all their cash, watches and even clothes being stolen. Be careful and enjoy.
My advice in KL:
While in KL, do try out Mandarin Court Hotel , Level 7 on Jalan Maharajalela. Must try Wendy (PRC) Kar Ling (PRC) or number 33 (Local). In my opinion, they are the best HCs in town at the moment.
Wendy (PRC) at $ RM 230.
Looks:8/10 (pretty face with nice & fair skin)
Height: 5"5'
Service: 8.5/10 (great service like she's ur GF, slow and tender)
BJ: 8/10 (good suction)
Body: 8.5/10 (37D-24-36 yep, no typo there. And its real!!!!)
FJ: 8/10 (any position u want)
Return factor: 9/10 (even i can't remember how often i bonked her)
Kar Ling (PRC) at $ RM 230.
Looks: 8/10 (very pretty with a bit of a sluttish look)
Height: 5"5'
Service: 7/10 (Average)
BJ: 7.5/10 (sucks a bit fast, if u like it then its ok)
Body: 8/10 (36C-24-35 and its real too!)
FJ: 8/10
Return Factor: 8.5/10 ( i think i bonked her 3-4 times)
NUMBER 33 (Local)
She is Ang Pai there and u might have to wait a bit. Otherwise, try to call up first to book her. I can't remember their number, any bros can help out? I must point out that she is a full package type of chick. That means massage and FJ. Cost $ RM 200 all in.
Looks: 7.5/10 (slightly matured est 30++, but great SKIN!!!!!)
Height: 5"5'
Service: 8/10 (Average)
BJ: 7.0/10 (sucks a bit fast, if u like it then its ok)
Body: 8/10 (36D-25-35 with a slight tummy, but still great body)
FJ: 8/10
Massage: 7/10 (soft massage, i like it hard so 7 for her)
Return Factor: 9/10 ( i think i bonked her >10 times)
Trying any of the above will put a smile on ur face, trust me. If ur appetite is good, u might want to try Mid Valley Hotel Spa. Wide variety of choices but that place is packed like sardines. If u don't mind bumping into familiar places, then give it a go. Remember, fortune favours the bold.
Hope that helps and happy cheonging.
07-03-2005, 01:13 PM
Dear Bro Xp,
Hope that helps and happy cheonging.
Wah Bro KL that's very informative and precise!! No way am I going to miss Mandarin Court then! Anyway I think have to postpone my trip to next weekends coz my buddy's wife just gave birth... Paiseh...
07-03-2005, 03:28 PM
Dear Bro Xp,
No need to paiseh. U take ur time as the HC is not going anywhere.
Anyway, i would like to give u some extra info on a joint that i frequent these days. Its the Regency Spa at Dorsett Hotel, Jalan Imbi (next to Ritz Carlton Hotel).
Its a vegi spa meaning that no FJ in this joint, only HJ. If u r into a good massage after a long days work, then u might want to check this place out. It very clean, however it is not that big compared to the other spas in town. This place is loaded with Japanese guys. Why? Someone pls tell me.
Once, I had this massage by this local chick (sorry, i don't remember her name or number) that was very good. Then she continued to gently touch my ass and my little brother. As you guessed it, soon i was standing straight up like a flag pole. I then moved my hands all over her body and etc. To my suprised, she then undo her bra and lift her small polo t-shirt up to reveal a great 36C pair of tits. It was a very rounded and firm pair of tits and i loved it. Man, i was squezzing and milking it like i'm from Africa (starved) or something. I must say that the element of suprised was such a turn on. I must say that this is very rare in a vegi spa, and that has been a great experience for me.
The joint is famous for their HJs which are not rushed or fast until it feels like they are peeling the skin off ur little brother. They do it quite slowly and gently, which is quite a turn on for me. However, the HJ is extremely expensive compared to other places. They charge RM $ 100 just for the HJ.
Anyway, i will try to find out what is the chicks number or name and post it here for the bros who might want to give it a go. No guarantee that she will undo her bra though.
My new target there is now the facial girl which i saw the other day when i was leaving. Man, she's cute. Looks very pretty, i think shes probably 21 or 22. Body is superb 34B-24-35 and very fair. I doubt that any extras can be done with her but, just having her do a facial for me is a starting point. Maybe if I can just get her number........after work....after some courting..... ha...ha...ha....who knows???
Any bros who frequent the same Spa who knows which girl massage therapist which i had (that undo her bra) pls let me know. Or any other good reccomendations pls post reply. Anyone tried the facial from the pretty SYT?
From a seasoned HC kaki which has given up hope is now trying Vegi spas instead. What has the world come to??
Anyway, I'm planning to go to China again soon to do some cheonging there. Will post my experience soon.
07-03-2005, 04:15 PM
First time user to the site and i find it SUPERB!!!
Great cheonging stories and a great site for info exchange for the fellow cheongster in Asia.
Let me share my 2 cents worth of experiences with u bros. I am a regular cheongster in Msia, Sin, Bangkok, China, HK for the last 6 years. I have bonked over 300 girls and counting. I do most of my cheonging in KL unless i get to cheong abroad. I have visited nearly all the HCs and also the local NCs in KL. And this is what i have to say.
The quality of chicks in KL sucks big time!! PORK CHOPS everywhere!!! With due respect to the other cheonging bros who frequent the famous HCs in KL, all are not up to standards at all. Compared to the chicks 2-3 years ago, they are totally disgusting. (Or maybe i'm just used to foreign chicks)
I find myself losing interest in the local HCs scene as there are no quality chicks to bonk anymore. Price is no object as quality is more important. Any bros who can give some good suggestions are highly appreciated by me and also the other readers as well.
For me, I would post some of my other great experiences with u guys soon (anyone interested??)
Whoch HCs you go to? I go to HCs now and then and I see many quite okay ones. Breasts maybe a bit small, face not model type but body quite okay. Definitely not pork chop.
Or maybe my standard is much lower than yours? :D
07-03-2005, 04:47 PM
Dear Dathinman,
No offence to any bros out there who are regular cheongsters when i said that the chicks in KL HCs are pork chops, including u dathinman. What i mean to say is that i'm very dissapointed with the quality of chicks available these days.
I frequent HCs like Sunshine, Mandarin Court, Genesis, Mid Valley Spa, Life Center Spa, Deluxe, Crystal Crown, Armada and etc. I've tried many, many chicks there including the Ang Pai's but still find them just average. Maybe u can recommend some goodies to me and let me 'test drive' and give u a report here in the forum?
In reply to ur comment that my standards are higher than yours, as posted in other threads in this forum, another man's posion is another man's meat.
For an indication on what standards / quality chicks are to me, pls read my reply to Bro_Xp earlier. Pls give ur comments. Thanks and hope that u r not offended (or anyone out there)
07-03-2005, 05:14 PM
I am frm Sin, have been to a few HCs in KL like the Federal Hotel and the Life Centre, I must say I am happy with the level of service there. Has there been some changes lately ? My last time to KL maybe 12 mths ago.
07-03-2005, 05:50 PM
I am frm Sin, have been to a few HCs in KL like the Federal Hotel and the Life Centre, I must say I am happy with the level of service there. Has there been some changes lately ? My last time to KL maybe 12 mths ago.
Dear HuiGe3387,
U got me wrong bro. The level of service in most of the KL HCs are good if not excellent. Its the spa managers job to do so. And let me reiterate again, that the chicks level of service are good too. Its the quality (face, small boobs, lousy body, dark skin etc) that i'm complaining about.
On Federal Hotel or better known as Deluxe to some, once in a while u can find a gem or two there. The managers there will usually call me when there are new chicks. Tried one last month out of courtesy as the manager (Ask for Choy) has been very freindly to me. Went there, saw chick, reluctantly said ok, shower, bang and left RM $ 260 poorer. Nothing to shout about. U know that feeling of remorse u get after u cum? Well, i was feeling remorse even before i cum!!
On Life Center, not too bad, not too good these days if compared to ur 12 months ago. I once bonked this great PRC chick there two days in a row. Great pair of boobs and very shy as just started work there. No need to post her name for u bros as she balik kampung liao.
Now, this place main attraction is the VIP karaoke rooms which has karaoke, jacuzzi, water bed and 3-4 adjoining rooms. You can opt to bonk ur friends chicks (swapping) and have a great time for 2 hours. Check with the manager as i believe there are still some PRC chicks there.
By the way, they have some of the PORK CHOPS that i am complaining about. 2-3 local chicks which always group together and talk like tramps (loud, foul language and etc). Once, after viewing by my group of friends and rejected by us, one turn away and said "don't support local chicks, go and F..K the PRC chicks lah" in a very sarcastic way. Well, no need to say that after that incident, she has been blacklisted by my group forever. I won't post her name her as she also have to make a living right? All in all, yep Life Center is still worth a try. Having said that, i haven't been there for like 4-5 weeks liao.
Any recommendations from any cheongsters?
08-03-2005, 11:41 AM
Hi all cheongsters out there,
I have been surfing this site for a while and I think its time i make my contribution. I am a local here in KL and I must say you guys have made this site a wonder. I can never find one like this in Malaysia. They have a few in Hong Kong, now one in singapore. May be I will start one in Malaysia. Haha...
KL Player, I must admit I agree with you that the HCs' girls' standard in KL are not good, or pretty standard. I think many cheongsters here deserve more than just a standard bonk. Sorry I keep stressing on the "Standard".
Anyway, here's my contribution:-
1. HCs with the most number of girls
it has to be Mid Valley Midway Spa. They have about 60+- girls including some old masseur. Quality is standard with the exception of one or two knock out (not very often). I have tried quite a number of girls there and they are all really normal and the procedures pretty standard. Girls worth trying: Dont know how to recommend. They are all the same. Try 77 angie if you want a good massage and some surprise. She is about late 20s but still a looker.
2. Other HCs
Tried Chanel as recommended by other cheongster. Yes anal provided but to me it makes no difference. I rather like her tit fuxk. Kitty is pretty. They also have a miss malaysia runner up or something which she charges slightly more. But trust me, she is not pretty at all. One or two Malay lookers there sometimes.
Crystal Crown
This place is not "the" place in PJ area. Its always full and if you want to book a looker, you will have to wait for at least 2 hours. There is a girl by the name chris, a 3 days advance booking is required as her reservation list span that many days. Never had the chance to try. Others like angie, tiffany, joanne are all passable.
Subang Blue Apple.
Dont bother!
Summit Topaz spa
Quite good selection. Tried jasmine (tall and pretty) and yuki (short but big boobs)
Concorde hotel.
Avoid this place... all old women
Federal Hotel
Used to be my favourite becos of the quality of the girls. Not so now as the quality of the girls seems to have dropped a lot.
Green Elephant.
Girls change a lot. I guess because they are running a few HCs as they are all under the same management. Tried a few.... Cant remember the name. Quality are above average here. Am going to try this girl by the name suki highly recommended by the captain as she apparently looks like su qi (HK star).
Sky River
A very nice and cosy place. You can hang out there for the whole night and the captain doenst keep bothering you. All the girls are PRC. So far the best in KL in terms of quality and variety. You will definitely find one that you like there at the spa.
Spa De Palace.
Never bonked the same PRC twice as none of them worth the money except for this girl Regine (I think). Nice boobs and above average service.
Captain not very friendly. Tried May as recommended by other cheongster. Yes, model type body may be.. but she looks pretty old and ugly. Never seen a pretty girl there.
Would appreciate all cheonsters' (especially KL Player) recommendation. Am looking for pretty face, good body and excellent service girl in KL, which is rare to find in KL.
Happy cheonging keep it safe!
08-03-2005, 03:22 PM
Hi all cheongsters out there,
I have been surfing this site for a while and I think its time i make my contribution. I am a local here in KL and I must say you guys have made this site a wonder. I can never find one like this in Malaysia. They have a few in Hong Kong, now one in singapore. May be I will start one in Malaysia. Haha...
KL Player, I must admit I agree with you that the HCs' girls' standard in KL are not good, or pretty standard. I think many cheongsters here deserve more than just a standard bonk. Sorry I keep stressing on the "Standard".
Anyway, here's my contribution:-
1. HCs with the most number of girls
it has to be Mid Valley Midway Spa. They have about 60+- girls including some old masseur. Quality is standard with the exception of one or two knock out (not very often). I have tried quite a number of girls there and they are all really normal and the procedures pretty standard. Girls worth trying: Dont know how to recommend. They are all the same. Try 77 angie if you want a good massage and some surprise. She is about late 20s but still a looker.
2. Other HCs
Tried Chanel as recommended by other cheongster. Yes anal provided but to me it makes no difference. I rather like her tit fuxk. Kitty is pretty. They also have a miss malaysia runner up or something which she charges slightly more. But trust me, she is not pretty at all. One or two Malay lookers there sometimes.
Crystal Crown
This place is not "the" place in PJ area. Its always full and if you want to book a looker, you will have to wait for at least 2 hours. There is a girl by the name chris, a 3 days advance booking is required as her reservation list span that many days. Never had the chance to try. Others like angie, tiffany, joanne are all passable.
Subang Blue Apple.
Dont bother!
Summit Topaz spa
Quite good selection. Tried jasmine (tall and pretty) and yuki (short but big boobs)
Concorde hotel.
Avoid this place... all old women
Federal Hotel
Used to be my favourite becos of the quality of the girls. Not so now as the quality of the girls seems to have dropped a lot.
Green Elephant.
Girls change a lot. I guess because they are running a few HCs as they are all under the same management. Tried a few.... Cant remember the name. Quality are above average here. Am going to try this girl by the name suki highly recommended by the captain as she apparently looks like su qi (HK star).
Sky River
A very nice and cosy place. You can hang out there for the whole night and the captain doenst keep bothering you. All the girls are PRC. So far the best in KL in terms of quality and variety. You will definitely find one that you like there at the spa.
Spa De Palace.
Never bonked the same PRC twice as none of them worth the money except for this girl Regine (I think). Nice boobs and above average service.
Captain not very friendly. Tried May as recommended by other cheongster. Yes, model type body may be.. but she looks pretty old and ugly. Never seen a pretty girl there.
Would appreciate all cheonsters' (especially KL Player) recommendation. Am looking for pretty face, good body and excellent service girl in KL, which is rare to find in KL.
Happy cheonging keep it safe!
Finally i found someone like u to share my point of view. We're on the same wave / frequency bro!
I must say that ur post is very informative and straight to the point. Very commendable for ur first post and keep it up man, we need more people like u!
On Mid Valley Spa, u r right. I don't believe that i have tried 77 angie yet. Will definitedly take ur word and give it a go. I love suprises, he...he...he...
On Armada Spa, tried Channel as recommeded by the cheongsters here. Not bad, so so. But i didn't try the anal cos i felt a bit reluctant. Does it smell when u F..K the anal?
On Crystal Crown, bonked Chris (ang pai) once and let me tell u that it is nothing to shout about. KL_LOCAL is right that u need to book 2-3 days ahead to have a go at her. Maybe my expectation is so high after waiting for my turn after 3 days to bonk her, that it has surpassed on what she actually delivered. Well, if u never try, u never know. I would recommend another so called 'Miss Malaysia ......... something' that is better in terms of looks and body. The damage is about RM $ 270 or 280.
On Subang Blue Apple, skip this place at all costs. However, i would like to share with u guys that this is the place i 'open ceremony' many years ago.(First HC i went to and got laid) Mmmm, the tought and memories are so sweet........... Anyway, forget about this joint.
On Summit Topaz Spa, this is one joint i haven't tried yet. Cos i work in KL lah. I think i will try Jasmine as u said. Will post when i 'test drive' her liao.
On Concorde Hotel, after the renovation, it went down hill all the way. Have they hit the bottom yet? I don't think so.
On Federal Hotel, u said it man, not so good anymore. It used to be my weekly joint when they have all those lookers that come in almost every week. Their prices were always above market rate at RM 230, RM 260 and RM 280. I would say that it was worth every penny. I even tried a RM 1000 model once (per shot) there and came out smiling! Yeah, expensive but little brother was nagging me lah, being the good big brother, i let him indulge lah! This is where i had the best looking PRC chick ever in KL. Her name is YU YU (RM 280) and she is smoking. Model looks and body. Fake tits though. Sad to say that she stole my heart when she left many years ago. If ever there was 1 chick that i will keep as a mistress, YU YU is the one. She was the benchmark!
On Green Elephant, never tried that place and never will. Advised to do so cos that place is patronised by all the Ah Bengs and mafia kakis. Quite dangerous......Any comments anyone?
On Sky River, dude, this was the place for me when Subaru KTV was so hot during a few years ago. Went to the KTV for some drinks and then went down for some action. Since then, paiseh to go as the main entrance is very open to the public eye. Wish there was a separate entrance. for those who like mirrors, this is the place. Whats good there, bro KL_LOCAL?
On Spa de Palace, u said it all (refer to my earlier post)
On Genesis (HSBC building on Jln Sultan Ismail) totally out of my radar screen. Captains have needles up their asses!!!! Every chick also good to them. Once, this captain actually said, finding hooker only what, no need to be as choosy as chosing a wife. KNN, damn TULAN until today!!
Additional : Relaxa 5 or something (behind Life Center)
Went there a few times with a buddy, had a few lookers there before. But heard they were 'sapu' by the cops very often. Didn't dare to venture there again. Any updates?
As a special treat for u KL_LOCAL, activate ur PM (private mail) and i will send u a mamasan's contact. She is operating in a famous 3-4 star hotel in KL and she has some goodies, meaning girls that come out to work temporary or once in a while. Mostly students looking for some quick cash. Has foreign goods too!!! Russian, taiwanese, etc. Tried many there before and those are not the type of chicks who go to work in HCs or Spas. Her contact is a special privillege (reward) for u, for ur great post. All chicks RM 230 except foreign chicks RM 250.
To others out there, keeping cheonging. But do post for the benefit of other cheongsters!
08-03-2005, 05:10 PM
To everyone and especially SB,
Sorry that i quoted the entire post from KL_LOCAL. Received a good advice from a kind bro against doing so, bcos points will be taken away from u. So, beware everybody.
08-03-2005, 05:46 PM
I might be passing Mint Hotel in a few days time and wonder if its still operational. Heard that the hotel is closed but how but Ginza Spa?
Speaking about Ginza Spa.... they have plenty of chicks there. Not too bad actually. I tried many there before but this chick, is one i will never forget.
Her name is Salem. About 23-25 years old. Great body 36D-24-36 with a height of 5'7". Her skin is slightly tan but still ok. It went like this.....
One day as I was coming back from JB, little brother was itchy and I had to make an unplanned stop at Ginza Spa. Went in there about 4.00pm and ask the captain whats new and good. Was recommended this chick named Salem. Due to high traffic and paiseh to sit in the sardine packed lounge, i obliged and went to the room to wait. After 5 mins, there she was........
Beautiful face with a sweet smile. And her boobs were staring straight at me, wanting to burst out of her cheongsam. Yeah!!! Jackpot!!! Seldom get these goods in KL. Strip myself in record time and went to the shower. Her body was superb and before i know it, flag pole was up. Then she gently washed it, and suck it. Great feeling. Without any delay, i grabbed her tits and squeeze!!!!
Proceeded to the mattress and she gave me a slow cat bath and the most erotic and sentimental BJ ever. OOHHHH!!! Nearly went to heaven, but then gave her tits a good sucking first to calm myself down. Tasty. Bonked her quite ferociously and she really enjoyed it. Before i cum, she told me to CIM and i nearly cum upon hearing it. Another Jackpot! I should be so lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky
Immediatedly climb on to her face and stuff little bro in her mouth and she sucked like no Man, that cum was so prolonged that it felt like i cum and cum and cum!!!! And she swallowed the whole load. Yep, no spitting. Ca chink, another Jackpot!!!!
What a great f..k. Wanted to have another go (seldom have the urge for 2nd go asap) but have to rush for a meeting. Showered, put on clothes and tipped the captain for the great recomendation. Word of advice, its good to tip the captains so that they remember u and will serve u better the next time.
What a sweet memory! Anyone knows where this Salem is now, pls let me know.
08-03-2005, 05:49 PM
Thank you for your reply and clarification KL_player.
Pork chop usually refers to ugly and unappealing girls. I was curious when you refer to the HC girls as pork chop. If they were that ugly and unappealing you wouldn't have bothered to go anymore, right?
But I would agree that nowadays most of the HCs are so-so, standard, run of the mill etc.
08-03-2005, 07:09 PM
To all cheongsters and especially KL player,
Thanks for the response. I am just excited about this whole thing. Newbie here.
Bro KL player, if you are thinking of making a trip all the way to USJ topaz spa, my advise is that you do away with the trip as the quality of the girls are at par with those you can find in PJ/KL.
After posted my first post in the morning, got horny and went to Armada for my fix. Actually called up Mandarin Court and was told that Wendy is still in China. Lets talk about Mandarin Court before I continue with my sexescapes to Armada. Was at Mandarin Court two week ago and bonked Jia Ning. As mentioned by Kl Player, yes she is indeed very pretty and very GFE. French kiss from begining to the end. I personally like her very much. But there is still something lacking which i dont know what. So i guess i wont be going back for her again.
Coming back to my afternoon sexescape to Armada. The place had about 20+ girls while i was there. Quality average. Bro Kl Player, the facial girl at Armada very chioh also leh. Really chioh, her name is irene. Anyway, had a girl by the name chelsea. Very very young, (a bit too young and petite for me). PINK nipples. small tits though. But her deep throat impressed me. The rest are just standard. Checked witht the captain, the ang pai there are as follows: Chanel, Kitty 66, jeans, and a miss malaysia something (not pretty).
I agree with kl player that sky river can be obvious to the public especially when you walk in and out of it. But i normally go around 11-12 midnight so i think it is ok. All the captains are generally nice and will give honest commments on the girls. Was a regular there (3 times a week) two months ago. Like the place cos you can do anything (food, tvs, footballs, foot reflexology) and the captains never pressure you into choosing a girl and get on with it. I was once there for like 5 hours just relaxing. Thats is what i like about the place. try 617, she just came back from China after 3 months break. Friendly girl. I like her. TAKE MY ADVISE AND DO NOT TAKE 609. A fellow samster once poster and described her until like out of this world. For me, she was a like a dead dog. And she has fake boobs which was a real turn off. Couldnt come and she reluctantly jerk me off. Actually that was my only disappointment there at Sky river. The rest of the girls are ok. no complaints.
I am someone who really do not mind paying more a good quality girl. I once paid 380 for ferrari at Federal but she was just ok. Still looking for good ones. So if any samsters out there know of where to find good quality girls, please do share with us.
I will continue to post my report as it comes along. Thank you all for you support.
P/s Bro Kl player, thanks for the offer for the private number. I will try to open my PM, newbie here. Alternatively, please email me at
[email protected].
09-03-2005, 10:17 AM
French kissing with Jia Ning huh? Lots of GFE sensation right? I am glad u enjoyed urself.
So with Irene at Armada, anything that can be done with her except facials?
Cum on the face? Ha, Ha, Ha. Its a joke. Im going for one of ur recomendation. Either Kitty 66 or Jeans soon.
I tried Ferrari twice, years ago and agree with u she is just so so. Always wear 4-5 inch platform shoes. Once the shoes r off, man she is damn small sized. Including her boobs. Service is just the regular stuff u get now and then. Have u tried Yu Yu before, KL_LOCAL?
I have received numerous PMs from the forum users here for the mamasan's contact. However, i have to say that putting her name and contact here for everyone is not a very bright idea. This is for safety reasons. If anyone reading this forum is an undercover or a whistle blower, then she will be busted right? Then, I have no more jalan or lobang anymore right? That wouldn't be too nice right? Life would be meaningless then right?
But, if regular cheongsters who post regularly and wants her contact, then i will be more than happy to share with the bros. This way, everybody can share info and that is my main objective in this forum. One condition, u must always post ur experiences and NEVER EVER post her name, contact and location in the forum. Always remember, WITH GREAT POWER, COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITIES!
P/S KL_LOCAL. Check ur PM for ur reward!
09-03-2005, 11:42 AM
Bro Kl player,
You mentioned girl 33 from Mandarin court. Her name is LV or something right. The captain there told me about this local girl. But never got a chance to meet her. What does she look like? is she pretty?
09-03-2005, 12:21 PM
Just wondering if cheongsters out there still remember Chile Hotel Spa in Puchong 2 years ago. Still miss the place until today. The place had like 80+ girls from China. And the quality was top class. The place had been closed down by the authority. I still remember going there and had like two sessions with two different girl in one night. That place was like a little china to me.
Sigh..... Of course that was the time when Subaru KTV had like 160+ PRC girls. Almost every HCs in kl had PRC girl.
Hope those days will come again.
By the way all cheongster out there, I was at Sky river Friday/Saturday a week ago and when I got out of the place after doing my 'business'. I saw quite a few couples coming out of Fusion Sports Bar (In between Subaru and Bintang Palace) and walking towards the car park. You know those uncles and pretty chicks. Walked near them and was surprised to find that the girls are all PRC (their accent gave way). So my guess is that these girls are freelancers working at Fusion Bar. Can anyone confirm?
09-03-2005, 02:29 PM
On 33 from Mandarin Court, don't know her name. For a full description on her, read my post #3 in this thread. She's a must try for serious cheongsters. Highly recommended.
09-03-2005, 03:49 PM
Dear fellow cheongsters,
Let me share why i'm quite reluctant to give the mamasan's number.
A few years ago, i used to frequent the private flats in Wisma Cosway, KL. Had a great time there. But as you guessed it, everyone knows that place. It was so infamous until the cops also knew that place.
One fine day, saw this 17 year old beauty that was just incredible. Great body, boobs, looks and the first day on the job!!! Yeahhhhh!! Immediatedly took her into the room and strip her. What a sight. Her tits were so big and firm. Young mah!!!
Suddenly, the mamasan banged on the door and asked us to put our clothes on. We did it and exited the room. Was told to stay quite as there are cops in the building. Being the 17 year old first timer, the chick immediatedly open the main door to rush out (trying to escape). KNN, the moment she opened the door, the cops pushed her into the apartment.
Busted!!! Me, my buddy, mamasan and a few customers were all busted. Had to show IC and etc. The cops took the chick's picture and led her away. I felt so bad as she was crying like a baby. Poor girl.
As for us, after some questioning, the cops didn't bother us liao. As for me, luckily i wasn't caught in the act with the 17 year old chick. Or else...... who knows, lock up, found guilty, prison and whip my ass, never can write this thread then....... Very lucky indeed. The gods must be saying that, this KL-player has not done enough 'charity' yet, so let him go to help out the chicks who are in need of help.
After that incident, one thing was bothering me for the next whole week. What u might ask? I can't get that chick of my mind!!! How can i miss that chance to tapao her. She was fresh.
Crack my brains and fully utilised my resources to find out whats her real name and where she is now. And u know what, found her!!!! Made arrangements with a HC and got to ta pao her there and then after
2 weeks. What an accomplishment!! It shows to what extent a man will go, to satisfy his little brother. If thats not brotherly love, i don't know what is.
The story here is, i don't want this mamasan's contact revealed to avoid turning her place into this Wisma Cosway thing again. She has put in a lot of hard working years to build this joint to where it is today. Her clientele is not huge, as its a very 'exclusive' group. But i must say that she is doing very well. Hope u bros get my honest meaning to all this.
Thanks for reading my very long post. Will try to keep it short and sweet next time.
10-03-2005, 11:17 AM
Any cheongsters out there with info or suggestions on Eastin HC, PJ.
10-03-2005, 03:03 PM
Though Chile Spa is quiet for the time being, there are still some activities going on there. Was told that the SPA will not be back for at least the next 2 months.
If you have the contacts, you still can have some action there. However, choices are limited and prices are quite steep too.
11-03-2005, 02:14 PM
To all cheongsters out there,
I am a bit disappointed that not many brothers out there willing to share their experience with KL working girls. I am sure you guys have loads of experience, please share.
Thanks to Brohther KL_Player, I found the private services. Was quite a good experience considering that I have never done this before. Looking forward to more gems in the future.
Tried Suki of Green Elephant days ago. Above average girl in her early twenties, not more than 22. Really look like Su Qi (the HK/Taiwanese star). Very friendly.
Looking forward to more replies from cheongsters out there.
KL_Player, keep up the good work dude. I am sure more brothers will appreciate our effort in posting and in return post some reports on KL girls.
11-03-2005, 04:19 PM
Totally agree with u KL_LOCAL, why no bros out there are sharing their experiences?
This is the purpose of this forum and also why this thread was created. I see that we are getting plenty of views but still not much participation from other bros. Come on, we need more participation......girls, experiences, dos and don'ts, new chicks, info, etc.
I envy those foreign threads on Shanghai, Macau, HK, Shenzen, etc. Many info to be shared there. We should emulate them.
Sigh....looks like its just me and you, KL_LOCAL.
11-03-2005, 04:35 PM
To all cheongsters,
Been to the HC at New World/Renaissance Hotel at Jalan Ampang today. No action at all. Therefore, only took the massage. Be warned that, the massage is provided by 40-50 year old aunties who always ask u for HJ offers. Yuck!
This place was once my favourite joint (2 years ago). Had my first seong fei (2 at 1 go) over there. Very nice....2 pairs of boobs...2 BJs at one go...
Because of the lack of quality joints these days, i thought of venturing to this HC again to check it out. Very dissapointed.
Looks like, instead of giving tips on where to get quality chicks, i'm giving tips on where not to go.
Hope that helps.
11-03-2005, 04:40 PM
Hi bros
I share...
Went 3 times in KLCC area:
1) Green Elephant (i think)
Few girls avail so i went for a fair malay.Can't remember name
Damage = 228
Looks = 5.5/10
BBBJ = 6/10
RTF = No no
2) Federal
A lot of girls, from 230 - 300. Tried one Queen "Something"
Damage = 230
Looks = 5.5/10 (At first glance chio, take off so so only, regret)
BBBJ = 6/10
RTF = No no. Talk too much and really damn SOP
3) Along the street type
PLS dun visit these
Looks = 3/10 (about mid 30s-40s)
RTF = No no. Shit, i paid her 60+50(for so called HJ) and left. Really shitty attitude and service. At first i dun wan, she complain say i should not come so early then dun wan service "suey" so i said ok la, lick lick la. After that she take my dick i said dun wan i want her to lick my nipples and as I try to touch her breasts, she moved away and say 50 for HJ if i dun wan then cannot see breasts. Breasts another 50. CB, i paid and ask her to FO. CB
CONCLUSION: I still prefer SG TN anytime.
11-03-2005, 04:52 PM
Dear Geylang_18,
So glad to get ur info. Thanks.
To the KL dudes out there, not PAISEH ah to get our bro from Singapore to contribute while u guys r not sharing?? Apalah?
Anyway, thanks again for the info and to our bro across the causeway, well done. So sorry that our KL girls dissapointed u. Hope u continue reading this thread for more goodies...
Ps: Bro...our good chicks are all working in ur Geylang liao. I know cos i frequent Geylang too! KNN, got to cross border to eat local food! What has the world come to? :)
11-03-2005, 05:58 PM
Dear Geylang_18,
So glad to get ur info. Thanks.
To the KL dudes out there, not PAISEH ah to get our bro from Singapore to contribute while u guys r not sharing?? Apalah?
Anyway, thanks again for the info and to our bro across the causeway, well done. So sorry that our KL girls dissapointed u. Hope u continue reading this thread for more goodies...
Ps: Bro...our good chicks are all working in ur Geylang liao. I know cos i frequent Geylang too! KNN, got to cross border to eat local food! What has the world come to? :)
Brother...KL got a lot of places to F around...plenty of girls to be F...
last week i went to CitiTel next to Midvalley megamall...look for Bebe..she is No 2 in Cititel..good in massage, nice to see, good body cutting, can chat, F kungfu also not bad. Try lar...but u need to go there see Ah Sin for ealr booking in advance...coz a lot of people book her.
Another one is Crystal Crown Hotel near PJ area...her look just simple and nice...Amboi...Sucking Kungful and licking ass fantastic...till my ass feel hot hot..
Try to avoid Amada Hotel...30 min for RM198...cibai ...the girl name Chelse..very hot temper...service very bad...i asked her for few Fucking position..scolded hai betuil...
Ok..will share the rest some other days.
11-03-2005, 05:59 PM
Dear Geylang_18,
So glad to get ur info. Thanks.
To the KL dudes out there, not PAISEH ah to get our bro from Singapore to contribute while u guys r not sharing?? Apalah?
Anyway, thanks again for the info and to our bro across the causeway, well done. So sorry that our KL girls dissapointed u. Hope u continue reading this thread for more goodies...
Ps: Bro...our good chicks are all working in ur Geylang liao. I know cos i frequent Geylang too! KNN, got to cross border to eat local food! What has the world come to? :)
The heat is still on now. Also, another round of operasi going on now (illegals, drugs/fengtau). That's why I think bros here keep quiet only. Besides, local bros tend to hang out in another forum.
11-03-2005, 06:08 PM
Hi bro's
I went to De Palma hotel yesterday, HC name is Megami, i like this place becoz this place is quiet n captain is frenly (Alex). Around 10 gers there mostly malay gers, tried almost all of them before n only to recommend is Pinky... Good attitude n service.
Damage: RM180, full package is RM210.
Dun try the massage there, quite poor...
11-03-2005, 06:14 PM
Hi bro's,
If u think to go Holidays Villa HC pls think again! Gers quality there are far below par, then u may think to take a massage session only but u still got the ger in ur room u've rejected before. All captains there just try everything to get u f**K a ger n nothing else.
Opposite Holidays Villa is Sucasa Service aparment, HC here is much beter then the 1 in Holidays Villa... somemore they allow to call outside gers. Damage RM230.
11-03-2005, 07:12 PM
Have been a regular at Kowloon and Wilayah for long time. These two HC probably belong to the "no frills" type and so cost of massage is resonable. Cost of extras is resonable too. Only problem is that the ladies there may not be very young but if you want a good massage plus extra if the one giving you the massage seems acceptable you can always ask.
No too long ago I noticed a new HC just next to Wilayah. Wonder if anyone has any information about this place.
12-03-2005, 02:01 AM
Wah Lau......
I didnt go onto the site for one day and we have so many bruders out there here to share their experiece. This is getting better.
Keep it up guys!!!
Yours faithfully here is now running out of place to visit..... went to Sky River just now and didnt go with the PRC. I have bonked most of them before and just did not want to go at the same girl again. So took foot reflexology and a decent massage. Both were good. And dont get me wrong guys, the quality of the girls there are still alright. Its just that I was expecting new ones. The captain told me that they might have more than 20 girls later in the month or early next month. Cant wait till then. And if any bruders out there has the tendency for young, really young girls, you should check out this place. All girls with the number starting with 3 are very very young. Scarily young, there is this girl who looks like a primary school kid. Definitely not my type. But some brothers out there might be interested. The only one worth bonking, in my humble opinion, is still 617.
On my way out of Sky River, I purposely walked towards Superstar KTV in the hope of seeing some girls. Boy I wasnt disappointed at all. Three girls came out of the lift while i was going to the car park to collect my car. Two malay and a chinese. I wouldnt hesitate to give them a 9. I think I have to visit another forum KL Ktv to ask our senior cheongster TCK306 there. Wondering how much to ta pao these girls home. They look so irresitible. I even had the crazy idea of waiting outside the ktv and ask the girl directly when i see one that i like. Crazy huh. Its just that I am not that kind who go to KTV. I really would love to visit the KTV.
Thats all for now guys. Keep up the good work.
Ooh... if you guys are interested in decent massage followed by some hand job. Sunway lagoon hotel spa is not a bad choice too. Ask mummy for recommendation. I cant remember the number of the girls but what girl no. 3 did to me was so impressive i went back to her three times. After the massage, she would ask if you would like extras, say yes and the rest is up to me to know and up to you to find out. Trust me, you wont be disappointed. No sex though. The extras will set you back RM110. But i personnaly think it is worth it.
12-03-2005, 10:04 AM
Good morning Malaysia!
What a great morning to see all the participation from our KL bros. Thank you all for sharing, Bro lkh45386, dathinman, Dekuip, BLUESMAN and KL_LOCAL, keep it cummin!
FYI, my 2 cents worth of advice on KTVs (to KL_LOCAL):
If u have plenty of cash, time and love alcohol, then KTVs are heaven for men. Back then when i was a SUBARU, Emico and Vegas kaki, life was great. 5 days in a week i'll be at these joints. But, after about 6 months of these activities, I did some basic accounting and realised that i have lost a PERDANA V6 for all that fun.
Was it worth it?? During that 'spell' period, every thing was worth it, but when i ponder on what i did back then, totally regretted it! U knowlah, economy still in the doldrums now..... how to afford all that.
A simple breakdown on KTV cost per night for the bros out there:
Room charges: RM 200-300 depending on size (sometimes waived for kakis)
Mamasan tips: RM 50-100 each.
Managers: RM 50-100 each. (they usually hang out with u, drinks, games)
Chicks: RM 400-600 each (per booking per night)
Extra: RM 1000-1500 (per shot with chicks, usually not overnight)
Service boys: RM 5-10 each (sometimes per visit)
Alcohol: RM 150-500 per customer (depending on what u drink)
Food: RM 200-300 (depends on type of food u fancy)
Hotel: RM 200-400 (u need this if u can't bring her back home)
For me, an average night costs about RM 1,500 all in. And not every night get laid somemore. If every night ta pao the chicks, i would have lost a BMW 318i already.
Anyway, lesson well learned for me. No more KTVs for me unless absolutedly necessary (business, etc) Prefer to HCs to KTV these days. But do try it for fun, just don't get hooked to it. FYI, i do cheong KTVs these days, but only in China (superb selections and quite value for $). Maybe i'll post my China stories soon, but it will be on the other threads posted by other seniors.
Thanks to all the bros who shared, u guys r great!!!!
12-03-2005, 10:16 AM
I am from singapore,
Can i have the contact, can you tell me where is sky river.
Me only go to Mid Vallay, Ferderal , Palace de spa and Green Elephant.
My email is
[email protected]
12-03-2005, 01:34 PM
Good morning Malaysia!
There are bros who visit KTVs together. They go in a group of around 4-8 guys and during happy hours. In this way, each person spends about RM150-RM200 only. Girls on butterfly and not booking of course. Extras are not included. That's not too bad.
12-03-2005, 04:11 PM
Thanks bro's KL_player n KL_LOCAL, i will try to post more info's here.
I use to go Nikko Hotel HC, but since 2 months ago this HC has run down... i like the room very much, 5 star! The captain said they will inform me when they got a new place to start business again.
I would like to say something about safe n unsafe hc's, may bro's KL_player n KL_LOCAL got more info abt it:
I personlly think 'Chong Nam Hoi' is the most safe place to cheong.
Unsafe hc's i got Radisson, Nova n South City.
Pls correct me if i'm wrong.
13-03-2005, 12:10 PM
I always forget my username and password. so lazy have a posting sometime.
All the HC you all mentioned, I also visited before.
chow kit area.
Wilayah HC, last time a lot of mature woman (I am mature woman fever)
But the problem, a lot of good one already resigned, now remain a few terrible one. Long time never been there, dont know the situation.
But massage RM50, HJ RM30, FJ RM100 it is worth.
Another nearby HC Plaza, also a lot of mature lady. But costly than Wilayah a bit. Mostly chinese. I like this place, coz a lot of decent look mature lady, like fucking other people wife. hehe and it is not pack.
Ampang Area
Flamingo Hotel. Usually malay. Costly and so so only.
De palma: a few a good chinese girl there, usually malay girl. Queenie, I like her body massage plus HJ, RM100 usually her hand and breast to turn u up. You can roaming anywhere.
(all the HC mention above also lousy facilities, if you have high specification, it is not a place suitable you.)
I visited many HC before, let me remind first..........................
13-03-2005, 04:26 PM
Hey bros,
It's my first post. I'm so thank u to all of contributions especially KL_player and KL_local. U guys motivated me to do my fist post here. I go out those HCs sometimes like 1 in month. I try new place every time.
-Perl International-
I visited Perl International Hotel Spa. I forgot the name. I thought there was special but HJ only. If u go there, u must get doble session for HJ. Girls not pretty at all. Massage not good at all. Single =88RM, Double = 144RM. Not worth trying.
When I went there, there were only 2 gals. maybe it's coz right after CNY.
I tried Joyce. Dark skin local, 5/10 look, 6/10 body. Her foreplay was so good. probably best I ever had. her vacume ass suck was something I never tried. Sucking my cock is cool. I was shaking my body. She said some guys cam in her mouth before going to dig whole.
ok, post more as I found or from my experience in KL.
13-03-2005, 05:05 PM
JJ spa just normal place, simple wilayah and hotel plaza. Dont bluff by it website. The price there similar hotel plaza. But facilities is new.
14-03-2005, 10:57 AM
Have been a regular at Kowloon and Wilayah for long time. These two HC probably belong to the "no frills" type and so cost of massage is resonable. Cost of extras is resonable too. Only problem is that the ladies there may not be very young but if you want a good massage plus extra if the one giving you the massage seems acceptable you can always ask.
No too long ago I noticed a new HC just next to Wilayah. Wonder if anyone has any information about this place.
The hotel is Residence Hotel, JJ Spa.
OKT is is Benny.
FJ is RM188.00, FJ + Massage (another gal, 45 mln) is RM228
14-03-2005, 02:09 PM
Finally found out where Sky River is, it's located at the Ground Floor of Subaru KTV, KL Plaza Block C.
The spa looks quite decent inside, large area with a foot massage area, facial, jacuzzi and the main lounge. Asked captain what the damage was and he said RM218. When I went there there was only a few PRC girls. Picked one with no. 338. Looks quite young (18-20), not as young as KL player mentioned (primary school look a bit too exaggerated, more like form 6 or college look la...heheh)
Girl no. 338
Looks - 7/10 (very cute)
Body - 6/10 (33b,23,34)
FR - 5.5/10 sop but not much experience
BJ - 5/10 sop
RTF - no
14-03-2005, 05:57 PM
Thank you Bro Selim for telling about Residence Hotel, JJ Spa. Was just curious to know more about the place before trying.
Price seems a little on the hight side and hope the ladies there are up to the standard.
I prefer Wilayah still cos once in a while there will be ladies available that is value for money.
Best to call and check with the captain before going there anyway.
By the way, Bro KL Player & KL about meeting up sometime for coffee. I think Bro Powerguy is looking to this too.
14-03-2005, 06:29 PM
Bro TD0620G,
Glad you like Sky River, Sorry didnt reply your inquiry on the direction to Skyriver earlier. But you still manage to find the place...... what an extent a man will do to achieve what he wants....
Ok ok.... may be not primary school kids, but 338 is one of the smallest and youngest girl there. Really not my cup of coffee. There is one girl that I have bonked more than 5 times there at Skyriver, her number is 633 but she has gone back to china. Not sure when she will be back. Will let everyone here know when she comes back. She is really pretty, curly hair, c cup boobs, friendly. She is young but she's got a really sexy look. Cant wait? too bad... will let you all know when she is back. Sky river is a nice cosy place, I personally like to visit the place especially when i have nothing to do at night. I can stay there from 11 till 2. Watch tv and stuff... They play r rated movies in the tv room sometimes :D
Brother Bluesman,
I dont like coffee lah..... :D ... hee just joking. Dont think it is such a good idea lah since a lot of the brothers like to stay anonymous. There are Datuks, Tan Sri, Listed companies' directors here you know.... Of course I am not one. Please do share your experiece.
I myself just came back from Armada. Had a little foot reflex. and bonked a girl by the name jeans. Looks like malay but is Ipoh chinese. Freaking good AR and out of the world BJ. Count stand for even a minute when I finally did her missionary. Hee hee... I might be a bit exagerrated here with the AR and BJ. But really both were really good.
Please brothers, I am really running out of places to go nowadays. I seldom bonked the same girl twice even when the service is good. "When you tried something good, you would want something better".
Cheers and till next time, take care.
14-03-2005, 09:01 PM
Thank you Bro Selim for telling about Residence Hotel, JJ Spa. Was just curious to know more about the place before trying.
Price seems a little on the hight side and hope the ladies there are up to the standard.
I prefer Wilayah still cos once in a while there will be ladies available that is value for money.
Best to call and check with the captain before going there anyway.
By the way, Bro KL Player & KL about meeting up sometime for coffee. I think Bro Powerguy is looking to this too.
Care to share the FR from Wilayah? any number can recommend? Long time never been there. I prefer chinese. Mature is ok.
14-03-2005, 11:55 PM
Care to share the FR from Wilayah? any number can recommend? Long time never been there. I prefer chinese. Mature is ok.
Just call captain from Wilayah tonight to check what's available. Told him my visit be 2 or 3 days time. According to him there are 3 or 4 minahs available.
Perhaps you can go and try one name June. She seems ok to me but am not sure if you will find her up to your standard. Don't know how to rate her but to me her looks...boobs...figure....presentable.
15-03-2005, 12:02 AM
Bro MoneyMoney
Sorry forgot to add the following :
June is chinese so she may be your cup of tea.
She does massage and so do not participate in their parade of package girls for viewing.
Ask captain for her for a massage and negotiate for extras in private.
Good luck.
15-03-2005, 12:07 AM
Brother KL Local.
No problem man. I can understand the reason for staying anonymous. If I am in the same status as you mentioned perhaps I would want to remain that way too...hehehehehehe.
Want to curi makan must also clever to wipe mouth right?
Take care.
15-03-2005, 02:51 AM
Just came back from a shot holiday in KL & was staying in Regent Hotel (acroos fm Lot10). The Health Centre/Spa in the hotel has some good massage & the girls will actually go up to yr room.Had a chinese lady the other nite in my room-good massage skills, offered me BJ-RM100,FJ-RM200-opted for BJ w/condom & she just stripped off her top & bra.good size tits at least a 34B,fair skin but she looks around mid-30s.Just yesterday, was walking around Imbi Plaza / Low Yat Plaza area & saw this joint - BB Sauna along Jalan Imbi, looks 'inviting' but didn't go in as I was with some friends-probably next trip. Has anyone tried this joint before?do they have extras besides massage?Based on recommendations, I'll definitely try the joint @ KL PLaza on my next biz trip as the company usually booked me into Regent Hotel
15-03-2005, 10:51 AM
Dear Cheongsters,
Been away for a few days and this thread is booming. Great stuff guys!!! Keep it up and a warm welcome to the new bros.
With the recent participation from all the bros in this thread, i took the liberty to go 'hunting' for some good stuff, so i can post it for u guys. How generous of me.
Went to Armada yesterday, and the place was packed. Went through the usual chat with captain, Alex. Whats new etc.....First group of chicks are nothing outstanding. Then went for foot massage. During the massage, saw this superb sexy chick No 31 named Blue. Asap ask the captain to book her.
Went to room very anxiously...KNN, minutes seem like ages. Finally she came in. Very pretty face with a great body. She is very fair with curly hair. Height of 5'5". Told me she was a student in NZ. (hurry, she is leaving in a month's time). Great attitude, when in shower, she asked me i want to f..k or massage first? Then she reccommended f..k first as its more shiok for me. Ok lah, gave my ass a good 'drill' and then proceeded to give me a BJ. Good attitude here again as she said she will BJ me until i ask her to stop. Very good. BJ for 5 min as she sucks very violently (not my type) so ask her to stop.
Immediately she rode me (asking me first) and what a sight, bouncing young firm tits! I'm a boob man, so believe me when i say this is a pair of good tits. Squeeze gently and hear her moan.......Heaven.......She ran out of breath and so i f..k her next. Another good point here, is she always runs her long fingernail thru ur balls when u f..k her. Very kinky feeling, and she asked whether i liked it or not? Well, yes indeed. Plus point again is she doesn't give u that BS fake moan which i HATE!!!!! Cum not too long after that, cos she has a very pretty face. Major plus point is the lights r left at full setting, meaning u get to see her in real light during the entire f..k. (other girls will dim the light, to cover some defects they have, dark cunt, bad complexion, etc). And, major plus point is, she has a very well groomed pussy.
Looks: 8.5/10 (model face like a HK actress, can't remember name)
Body: 8/10 (35C-24-35 with very fair and juicy nipples, yeah!)
BJ: Suction is 10/10 (very violent, not for me)
RTF: 9/10 (one round with her is never enough)
And for those who are following this thread carefully, trust my pick on this chick. She's a gem and a sure win. Best gem of year 2005 (so far) for me. So, what r u guys waiting for, make ur bookings now to avoid dissapointment!!! Post after 'test drive' ok?
PS: As for those bros (KL_LOCAL) who r waiting to try Wendy from Mandarin Court, she is back from CHINA. Met her yesterday at a restaurant in PJ. Still looks great, and she is another top pick from ur humble, aptly named KL_player. :)
15-03-2005, 12:03 PM
Bro KL _ Player,
You lucky man.... I wanted to book her instead of Jeans two days ago when i was there. But when I asked the captain whether her service was good, the captain told me she was new and recommended me jeans. Damn.... I am so horny just looking at your post on Blue. I saw her that day, got curly hair, very fair right.... Damn ... going to see her later.... ooh... may be i should go see wendy. Man..... Things are getting better here. Yahooooo.....
Thanks Bro KL player and all brothers who share their experience here. Keep it up.
Cheers :D
15-03-2005, 12:08 PM
Bro Kl Player,
I just called up mandarin court hotel and was told that wendy was not back yet. Could she have retired? Damn she better dont be.....
15-03-2005, 12:31 PM
My, my, my... u r a little busy bee aren't u. Calling Mandarin Court so soon. Glad that my post made u horny.
On Wendy, trust me shes back. I even chatted with her yesterday. Maybe she has been 'pao' by the 2 dudes i saw her with yesterday at the restaurant. Well, shes too good for the HC life anyway. Wish her all the best....Wait, that means that i will never bonk her again!!! Sorry, hope that she ends up in the HC again soon.
At the mean time, I believe No 31, Blue will take care of ur little brother. If only Wendy and Blue can be combined into one chick. Awesome. Or, 'seong fei' with them. Ha, ha, ha....dreaming already lah.
Go bonk 31, and i'll be waiting for ur post bro.:p
15-03-2005, 01:00 PM
I am definitely going to Armada to see Blue later in the afternoon. It would be a pity (for us cheongsters) if she stopped working for the HCs. Jia ning is already very good for me, but if KL player can recommend her over Jia ning, she is definitely worth the try. When I spoke to the receptionist at Mandarin Court spa to see whether Wendy was back from China., She sounded puzzled so I presumed she hasnt reported to the spa yet since she arrives in Malaysia. Or may be she didnt even go back to China, may be she was here in Malaysia with the two dude all this while.
Wish me luck!
15-03-2005, 01:11 PM
helo, how are you all?
ok another place i would like to recommend today is Grand Season Hotel.
Got a spa there with hot pool, sauna,steam, nice food also
Very nice facilities.
Many local selection.
A lady name "Cash". Very nice sexy body massage, but HJ.
FJ and BBBJ also nice! Of course, she is mature lady but with beautiful look.
15-03-2005, 01:42 PM
Thanks bro. money money,
Used to go Grand Season Hotel a few times. That was quite some time ago. Quality seemed to have dropped the last time I was there. The only one i can remeber is this girl by the name Diamond. Looked wild and horny. BJ was good but only 10 seconds of FJ. Why 10 seconds? thats because after 10 seconds of pumping she asked if i wanted to CIM. So I said ok. then she took my little brother and blew it to glory. Nothing to shout about. This extra service of CIM cost me an extra RM50, which I dont think its worth paying. A lot of other girls provide this service free of charge. Wanna get CIM for free? here's the trick. After pumping for a while (time up to you but make sure you can hold), then tell the girl that you are really tired and if she could blow you off. I think 50% of the ladies will do that for you. Its a different feeling altogether.
15-03-2005, 02:36 PM
for grand season hotel, another angpai name "coco"
if you visit plaza hotel or jj spa, the you better visit grand season hotel.
You must tell the captain, what kind of lady you want. If not, he will give u a dinasaur girl.
I am massage and HJ fever.
Another place Summit Hotel USJ.
My favourite is Donna 50 (mature) and JC (mature) too. Good massage and HJ. no regret.
15-03-2005, 09:59 PM
Ho ho ... what a thread! Some of the places mentioned here are blasts from my past!!
Blue Apple - yea baby yea. Frequented this place weekly during its heydays. Even met my uncle there a couple of times and he recommended me to try the Malay girls. Havent been back there for years, so don't know whats the scene there now.
Armada, Crystal Crown, Eastin, Concorde, Federal, Jalan Alor, Bond Towers, Sun Complex, block of apartments just off end of the Federal Highway (can't remember the exact name) - those were the places that I used to frequent during my years of cheonging in KL (now living/working in Singapore). Heck, I even went to Hicks Mansion a couple of times - wonder if anyone from KL even remembers this place.
Last year had a trip up to KL and took the ooportunity to visit Deluxe in Federal. Got Ferrari and the experience was satisfactory if a bit rushed. Was approached a couple of times by touts handing out name cards along Jalan Bukit Bintang, but never checked them out beyond asking for the price and services offered - maybe the next trip.
16-03-2005, 10:50 AM
Thanks to Bro KL player,
I tried Blue from Armada yesterday. As I have seen her before, it wasnt a surprise when she came in the room. What surprised me was her boobs, C-D solid natural cup man. Very sweet girl and service is top of her priority list. I would give her a 7.5 overall.
P.s. She complained to me that the captains and the other WLs bullied her. i.e captain not passing her the tips the customers give her and other WLs are not talking to her. I could see tears in her eyes when she was telling me all those. I really pity her. So if you guys want to tip her, bring the cash in otherwise it would go to the captain. Poor thing.
I should probably stop cheonging for a while (few days lah). Been cheoging none stop for the past one week since joing this forum. Need some rest lah.... unless anyone of you can recommend another good one. Was supposed to rest yesterday but when kl player post came in....... just had to go. hahaha.....
16-03-2005, 01:19 PM
hmm.. info in this thread seems more updated.. thanks for all the contributions. will check out some of the places when i'm down in KL.
Prince Spa
16-03-2005, 02:59 PM
After permanently moved here to KL for more than 2 years in order to cum in pretty KL girls' vaginas, I agree with the thread starter that the quality of KL girls has dropped drastically. I purposely cum here to stay after I tried so many pretty KL girls after a holiday here in KL.
I was a Federal Hotel regular when there were PRC & Russian chicks there. Oh I miss fucking raw Anna of Federal Hotel, She is a teenage (17 according to her) Russian babe who looks like Laetitia Casta. Very gorgeous & sweet. There also was this Russian babe whose skin is super white (the whitest girl I ever fucked) & look like a model too. Her name is Catharina. She was 18. Then there was another Russian babe who looks like Salma Hayek but prettier. I bonked her twice. But the best of all was Anna. I miss her. She is from Uzbekistan.
The local girls in Federal Hotel used to be very pretty too but now I find that the price does not justify their looks. Standard has dropped. They have a set of different prices at Federal. I tried that Miss Malaysia runner-up too = Ferrari. It costs me RM380 - the most expensive HC girl in KL I ever fucked. More expensive than Russian but not worth it because she didn't treat me well. I am disappointed that I could not do a lot of thing with her like sucking her vagina. Don't want to sabotage her. Probably she doesn't like me. The OKT told me that she used to charge RM1000 per night.
I used to be a regular at Cititel when they have good quality locals & PRC there. Now no more PRC. Locals are not my taste. I miss Yang Yang the PRC girl I used to fuck twice a week there. Last week after I read at WSG forum that there was this Lala which I think I used to fuck I decided to call but so disappointed that she is no longer working there. So, I decided to pay Cititel a visit. So many girls were paraded in front of me. More than a dozen I think but all not my taste except two.
I could not decide between Sissy (CC) & Coco there, Coco looks prettier & sexier with nice skin as her dress is damn sexy but CC looks like a teen whom you always see hanging out with boyfriends queuing up for tickets at cinema. I chose CC instead of Coco because Coco looks very fierce as she didn't smile. I am scared that later in the Hotel room a lot of thing cannot do like what I have experienced with many Cititel girls in the past. The girls there mostly are business minded like. Cannot touch a lot of things.
Went to the room & later CC cum. Close up she doesn't look as pretty as I saw 2 meter away from me when I was in 3rd floor. Then get undress & her skin was quite fair - yellowish white. But her boobs very small. She does not allow me to suck her breasts. I regret & feel tulan liao. Cannot suck her vagina either. Why generally all Cititel girls like that? I should have booked Coco instead.
She washed my penis then continuosly washed my ass. So, I know what is cumming or in store for me later. She asked me to lie down & turn around. She licked my ass where my shit comes out everyday. :D So shiok. Very shiok. Honestly I have fucked HC girls more than 1000 times & I am ashamed that I have experienced ass licking only less than 5 times.
Then continue with fucking her. Difficult to cum because I tahan not to cum to make my RM208 more worth it. The room very hot I perspired like a dripping faucet. Only 25 minutes of fucking & she asked me to hurry up because time is running out. Then I have to masturbate myself before I inserted back my penis into her vagina.
After fucking her I felt regret & remorse. I am longing for Lala or any GF like pretty girls that I could fuck but there was none. I am longing for good old days in KL where I can try pretty Russian ang moh vaginas. But now no more. I am longing for pretty PRC girls but now very difficult to find & if I found one they will be here for a while only. So I am now a regular at Spa de Palace at Life center. They have pretty girls once in a while but the pretty girls there will be there for about 2 weeks only. So, I am sad.
I miss PRC XiXi(dunno how it is spelt) at Mandarin hotel. But she gone back to China already.
Sky River has PRC & I went there once only that is 2 months ago. The first time I went there was when I cum here to stay in KL about 2 years ago & was "chased" away because I look so young & youthful with my bag on my back they thought I must be a schoolboy or what. I don't like Sky River as the place is dirty & old to me. The room is very small & dirty. Also they have this secret door that you have to go through. If got fire surely will die inside naked one because very difficult to come out as they locked the door from outside.
The next day after I fucked CC at Cititel, I masturbated early in the morning with my pillow. That shows that I was not sextisfied with CC. I don't want to sabo her because I don't expect her to treat customers very well as this fucking business is not a pleasant job to do because you have to fuck different type of people daily - some are old & some are young like me, some are ugly & some are handsome like me. :D
I decided to go back to Singapore to try Carnation or the new pretty girl last time I saw when I was back home in Singapore. I know where the pretty KL girls have gone to. They have gone to DHC, Marina Grove. That is the place where the pretty gorgeous KL girls been hiding. They are earning good Singapore money & will go back to KL as millionaires. No wonder cannot find pretty local girls in KL. I went to buy train ticket. I used to take plane but decided to try train for a change.
But this morning I cancelled my trip to Singapore to fuck Carnation after I read what kl_player posted on a girl in Armada hotel last night. I never been to Armada before but I will go there later tonight to cum into 31's vagina. Hopefully she is as good as what kl_player's wrote as judging from his writings I believe kl_player has a high taste in women like me since he's been complaining about the quality of KL girls. I hope I will not be disappointed as I have wasted my train ticket. I will provide FR later tonight after I cum back from Armada.
I never like to go to Armada because I heard the quality of the girls there are not good. Also it is out of town in PJ. I been to Crystal Crown in the past & was a regular there to in fucking the babe there Amy. I been to LDI to try Yoko but disappointed because she is too old for me. I am so disappointed because I heard so much about Yoko in WSG. I cannot blame other people's tastes. I just hope I can trust kl_player's taste.
How much they charge? Is the business done in hotel room or in HC? What floor is the HC? What is the phone number? I will call Armada hotel later.
FR on CC:
Look: 6.0 (I am very high class with high taste person she might be 7 according to your standard). Her teeth not straight like Colgate teeth. But I don't mind if the teeth like Laetitia Casta but hers doesn't look like one & she is no Laetitia Casta. She looks like one of the young girls in Guangzhou acrobatic troupe that performed in Mid Valley recently before Chinese new year. But that young China girl is definitely far prettier than her. The fair & prettiest one. I hope you know what I meant if you saw that amazing acrobats from China. So, if you want to imagine fucking her you could try CC.
Boobs: vrey small & cannot suck her boobs.
Vagina: average vagina & cannot suck but her vagina hole quite big
BBBJ: Very good
AR: Very good
FJ: Don't like because she doesn't seem to enjoy it. She looks like in pain & it makes me feel like raping her instead of making love with her.
RTF: No ... my penis itchy to try Coco & some other girls there that I saw at the lobby
Price: RM208
Overall satisfaction: Not sextisfied & felt so depressed after fucking her & that is why will go to Armada tonight to find comfort with pretty girl.
I hope I will not be disappointed tonight. Wish me luck.
16-03-2005, 03:41 PM
Bro Prince Spa,
What a great fr, man! A warm welcome to you (to this thread).
I must say, i really enjoyed reading ur post. Very detailed and full of emotions.
I'm glad we share the same view on the quality of HC chicks. Its definitedly not worth ur while to come over from Sin, just to stay and bang KL chicks. However, things are looking up for u now, as u found this thread. Its purpose is to spread info on quality HC chicks for cheongsters like me, U, KL_LOCAL, etc....
Care to explain more of the DHC, Marina Grove to me??? Sounds very interesting....i might take a trip to Sin in April.
Regarding my taste on chicks, u will not be dissapointed my fellow bro Prince Spa. Try my recommendations for urself, and let me know what u think. By the way, ur name is really fitting for a dude who f..k more than a 1,000 HC girls. From ur post, i assumed that u r below 28? However a record of 5/1000 for ass licking is totally 'unacceptable' for ur status.
Armada HC is on the 2nd floor but do not be confused and go thru the hotel's lift. U must use the shopping podium's lift to go to the HC. Ask around, when there. RM 198 per shot and its done in the HC. Rooms are acceptable 7/10. Captain's name Alex.
Please also try my other top picks:
Mandarin Court Hotel: Jia Ning (Kar Ling), NO 33 (slightly matured but still ok) and a must try is Wendy (check my previous posts).
Good luck for the night. Once again, love ur name, love ur post and love ur style. Welcome to this thread and keep on posting ur FR's. :)
Prince Spa
16-03-2005, 10:10 PM
After posting the earlier message I went to take bath, washed my hair, washed my penis clean clean so that won't waste so much time to clean my penis at Armada. So excited coz I am going to see 31 today. I've been longing for a really good fuck in KL since the beginning of this year after ended last year with a good fuck with Carnation & until now I still haven't found what I am craving for.
Then on the way out, I called Armada hotel & asked them to transfer me to spa. Asked for Blue but the OKT seems at first not to know anyone by that name. Then I kept on repeating Blue and he told me that Blue is on leave today. :mad: I asked when she'll cum back & he told me probably tomorrow. In other words probably will not cum back tomorrow either. I think not my luck these past few weeks. Wanted to try Lala at Cititel & she's not working. Went to Mirama & was shown half a dozen girls & all not my taste. So, today no luck again. My penis is really suffering. Should've gone home to Singaporea coz I could be fucking Carnation or Ribena right now. Very sad.
Then I decided to go to Coffee Beans. Ordered a cup of coffee & take a seat. Suddenly, a very very damn pretty gorgeous young Chinese babe came & sat right in front of my table. So shiok looking at her. Pretty like a model or actress. She is the perfect face of Carnation of DHC. Sharp nose & very sophisticated exotic look. Then I said to myself probably this is my lucky day after all. The moment I have been waiting for finally cum here where I will finally meet my Miss Right.
Then, there was this one guy cumming out of nowhere purposely cum to sit nearby to stare at her. Finally, the guy left.
She sat there for a while. She stared at me & I stared at her. Dare not smile at her. I told myself surely the boyfriend will cum one. The boyfiend surely must be ordering coffee now. I looked at counter but nobody. Always like that one. Good thing never happens to me. :(
Suddenly she approached my table. I was so happy. Then, she jumped & jumped right in front of me calling out her friend. I didn't look behind as I thought surely must be her boyfriend one. But her belly button really nice & her skin so fair & when she swinged her ass her ass so nice to fuck if I could fuck.
I felt relief because her friend was a female. At least got hope. Then I saw her went to another table to ask for lighter from another guy sitting & smoking nearby. Damn! I should've smoke. How I wish I am a smoker. She was busy talking to her friend & I was busy drooling at ogling & lusting & fantasizing of her becumming my GF. Once in a while she stared at me and I quickly look somewhere else pretending that I didn't look at her. She must know that I was staring at her. This kind of pretty girl really got confidence one with their good look.
Then, she went to another table again to disturb the guy who was talking to his group of friends. Damn! Next time I must bring cigarette & lighter with me so that I can be prepared for this kind of situation. It looks like she is a chain smoker.
Suddenly she received a phone call. I think must be her boyfriend. Pretty girl like this surely taken & grabbed & fucked early by other guy. A while later, she was walking towards my table. I was so happy but disappointed when she asked for lighter from a guy smoking behind me. I should have smoked if I want to sit at smoking section.
I was enjoying my front view when she bent to take something in her bag. Her breasts so nice. I can feel that my sperms are flowing towards the head of my penis wanted to cum out. How I wish I can masturbate right in front of her in the public. Then an ugly looking young tanned skin pimple face with thick spectacle Chinese guy came to sit on a table somewhere near me.
A while later her friend left & this ugly guy was actually her boyfriend. Probably they are going to see movie. I felt so sad & embarassed. Probably the boyfriend must have been observing this late 30s dirty old man (i.e. me )drooling at his girlfriend. Some guys have all the luck. Some guys have all the pain. How I wish I can fall in love with someone pretty like her instead of fucking HC girls all the time. I was envious at the fortune of others who have pretty girlfriends. What must I do to find one? Should I go and steal other's girlfriend?
I went back home a sad, disappointed & dejected man. At first I thought of visiting Mandarin as recommended by kl_player but I am afraid that Wendy is not working there yet. Don't want to call because it was late already and I don't have my own car. I don't think KL is as safe as Singapore to hang out & walk alone late at night.
So, tomorrow I am going to go to Mandarin & look for Wendy as I believe 31 must be having her period now where her vagina is in the me(n)ss with blood. Is the number 31 fixed at Armada? She better be good because my expectation & longing for pretty girlfriend experience girl is now very high after seeing this gorgeous babe at Coffee Beans. What I am scared is that Wendy is the same pretty white girl I fucked at Miramar that I could not recall her name because both Hotels are actually using same PRC girls but using different names. If I am not mistaken her name was Wendy also. She didn't treat me good.
17-03-2005, 01:48 AM
Prince Spa, I think you'd be going on a neverending quest if you're looking for a gf feeling from WLs working in KL. Maybe you should try visiting Hadyai or Bangkok where not only u may find that gf feeling but end up having a real gf as well ;) (beware of tirak traps though). Heard that Hanoi is pretty good too but I haven't had the opportunity to visit.
I must admit that after visiting Thailand I find that there is something missing in most WLs working in KL. It's more like a business transaction and emotionless and the 45 min time limit doesn't really help. After the 45 min fix you're back to square 1. If you just wanna have fun, release steam or had a hard day's work, it's ok but not to purchase that gf feeling effect. Once in a blue you may find a certain connection but that is rare.
Prince Spa
17-03-2005, 02:23 AM
Prince Spa, I think you'd be going on a neverending quest if you're looking for a gf feeling from WLs working in KL. Maybe you should try visiting Hadyai or Bangkok where not only u may find that gf feeling but end up having a real gf as well (beware of tirak traps though). Heard that Hanoi is pretty good too but I haven't had the opportunity to visit.
Thanks for your suggestion. Thai & Vietnamese girls not my taste lah. I never fucked a Thai girl before. I admit that many of them are pretty but not my taste lah. I never go to Thailand before. Heard so many girlie boys there. Sekali fucked a girlie boy how? :eek:
My taste is Chinese girl especially PRC & Malaysians. I also like Japanese girl because they look very polite but I never try a Japanese girl before. Would love to. Dying to. I also like Russian or Uzbekistan girl. I don't mind marrying Uzbekistan girl.
Tomorrow must really cum because cannot tahan liao... I am worried later go to bed I would abuse my pillow again. :D
17-03-2005, 03:01 AM
hheheh I admit Bangkok a bit dangerous especially those go go bar areas but Hadyai I haven't spotted any girlie boys before. Actually Thailand got Thai chinese girls also some of them look just like Malaysians :)
Anyway good to read your FRs also.
17-03-2005, 10:52 AM
Bro Prince Spa,
It's good to have you here in our thread. One of the best postings I have ever seen. I wish I can write more like you. But seriouly.... If Blue 31 is on her period. My best bet would be to for Mandarin Court Hotel. I dont think Wendy is back yet (Back in KL but not reported at work). But please try Jia Ning as recommended in my previous post as well as KL Player's post. She is very pretty and she gives me the GFE which I dont seem to find anywhere else in KL.
You sound so poor thing. Dont worry brothers, all of us here will help you out with our regular posting and test drive to make sure you will never regret moving to Malaysia.
17-03-2005, 11:29 AM
Dear Bro moneymoney,
Donna of Summit? Is she the 40+ year old auntie? I think i had her not long ago. Paid additional RM100 to try her 'body scrub'. Nothing to shout about. Her boobs are ok considering her age. But the lower part is a real let down. 'Mini jungle' pussy. *sigh*
Surprisingly she can offer FJ also. At 40+ wonder how would her service be?
Happy Cheonging.
for grand season hotel, another angpai name "coco"
if you visit plaza hotel or jj spa, the you better visit grand season hotel.
You must tell the captain, what kind of lady you want. If not, he will give u a dinasaur girl.
I am massage and HJ fever.
Another place Summit Hotel USJ.
My favourite is Donna 50 (mature) and JC (mature) too. Good massage and HJ. no regret.
17-03-2005, 05:32 PM
Donna FJ? dont know. wait you to check it out.
call her recently. but she is not working.
De Palma. A lot of pretty local malay girl. example mary, baby, panny. high class and clean.
how about you?? Any recommendation for HJ lady?? pls share to us. Thank you.
17-03-2005, 09:21 PM
After permanently moved here to KL for more than 2 years in order to cum in pretty KL girls' vaginas, I agree with the thread starter that the quality of KL girls has dropped drastically. I purposely cum here to stay after I tried so many pretty KL girls after a holiday here in KL.
I was a Federal Hotel regular when there were PRC & Russian chicks there. Oh I miss fucking raw Anna of Federal Hotel, She is a teenage (17 according to her) Russian babe who looks like Laetitia Casta. Very gorgeous & sweet. There also was this Russian babe whose skin is super white (the whitest girl I ever fucked) & look like a model too. Her name is Catharina. She was 18. Then there was another Russian babe who looks like Salma Hayek but prettier. I bonked her twice. But the best of all was Anna. I miss her. She is from Uzbekistan.
The local girls in Federal Hotel used to be very pretty too but now I find that the price does not justify their looks. Standard has dropped. They have a set of different prices at Federal. I tried that Miss Malaysia runner-up too = Ferrari. It costs me RM380 - the most expensive HC girl in KL I ever fucked. More expensive than Russian but not worth it because she didn't treat me well. I am disappointed that I could not do a lot of thing with her like sucking her vagina. Don't want to sabotage her. Probably she doesn't like me. The OKT told me that she used to charge RM1000 per night.
I used to be a regular at Cititel when they have good quality locals & PRC there. Now no more PRC. Locals are not my taste. I miss Yang Yang the PRC girl I used to fuck twice a week there. Last week after I read at WSG forum that there was this Lala which I think I used to fuck I decided to call but so disappointed that she is no longer working there. So, I decided to pay Cititel a visit. So many girls were paraded in front of me. More than a dozen I think but all not my taste except two.
I could not decide between Sissy (CC) & Coco there, Coco looks prettier & sexier with nice skin as her dress is damn sexy but CC looks like a teen whom you always see hanging out with boyfriends queuing up for tickets at cinema. I chose CC instead of Coco because Coco looks very fierce as she didn't smile. I am scared that later in the Hotel room a lot of thing cannot do like what I have experienced with many Cititel girls in the past. The girls there mostly are business minded like. Cannot touch a lot of things.
Went to the room & later CC cum. Close up she doesn't look as pretty as I saw 2 meter away from me when I was in 3rd floor. Then get undress & her skin was quite fair - yellowish white. But her boobs very small. She does not allow me to suck her breasts. I regret & feel tulan liao. Cannot suck her vagina either. Why generally all Cititel girls like that? I should have booked Coco instead.
She washed my penis then continuosly washed my ass. So, I know what is cumming or in store for me later. She asked me to lie down & turn around. She licked my ass where my shit comes out everyday. :D So shiok. Very shiok. Honestly I have fucked HC girls more than 1000 times & I am ashamed that I have experienced ass licking only less than 5 times.
Then continue with fucking her. Difficult to cum because I tahan not to cum to make my RM208 more worth it. The room very hot I perspired like a dripping faucet. Only 25 minutes of fucking & she asked me to hurry up because time is running out. Then I have to masturbate myself before I inserted back my penis into her vagina.
After fucking her I felt regret & remorse. I am longing for Lala or any GF like pretty girls that I could fuck but there was none. I am longing for good old days in KL where I can try pretty Russian ang moh vaginas. But now no more. I am longing for pretty PRC girls but now very difficult to find & if I found one they will be here for a while only. So I am now a regular at Spa de Palace at Life center. They have pretty girls once in a while but the pretty girls there will be there for about 2 weeks only. So, I am sad.
I miss PRC XiXi(dunno how it is spelt) at Mandarin hotel. But she gone back to China already.
Sky River has PRC & I went there once only that is 2 months ago. The first time I went there was when I cum here to stay in KL about 2 years ago & was "chased" away because I look so young & youthful with my bag on my back they thought I must be a schoolboy or what. I don't like Sky River as the place is dirty & old to me. The room is very small & dirty. Also they have this secret door that you have to go through. If got fire surely will die inside naked one because very difficult to come out as they locked the door from outside.
The next day after I fucked CC at Cititel, I masturbated early in the morning with my pillow. That shows that I was not sextisfied with CC. I don't want to sabo her because I don't expect her to treat customers very well as this fucking business is not a pleasant job to do because you have to fuck different type of people daily - some are old & some are young like me, some are ugly & some are handsome like me. :D
I decided to go back to Singapore to try Carnation or the new pretty girl last time I saw when I was back home in Singapore. I know where the pretty KL girls have gone to. They have gone to DHC, Marina Grove. That is the place where the pretty gorgeous KL girls been hiding. They are earning good Singapore money & will go back to KL as millionaires. No wonder cannot find pretty local girls in KL. I went to buy train ticket. I used to take plane but decided to try train for a change.
But this morning I cancelled my trip to Singapore to fuck Carnation after I read what kl_player posted on a girl in Armada hotel last night. I never been to Armada before but I will go there later tonight to cum into 31's vagina. Hopefully she is as good as what kl_player's wrote as judging from his writings I believe kl_player has a high taste in women like me since he's been complaining about the quality of KL girls. I hope I will not be disappointed as I have wasted my train ticket. I will provide FR later tonight after I cum back from Armada.
I never like to go to Armada because I heard the quality of the girls there are not good. Also it is out of town in PJ. I been to Crystal Crown in the past & was a regular there to in fucking the babe there Amy. I been to LDI to try Yoko but disappointed because she is too old for me. I am so disappointed because I heard so much about Yoko in WSG. I cannot blame other people's tastes. I just hope I can trust kl_player's taste.
How much they charge? Is the business done in hotel room or in HC? What floor is the HC? What is the phone number? I will call Armada hotel later.
FR on CC:
Look: 6.0 (I am very high class with high taste person she might be 7 according to your standard). Her teeth not straight like Colgate teeth. But I don't mind if the teeth like Laetitia Casta but hers doesn't look like one & she is no Laetitia Casta. She looks like one of the young girls in Guangzhou acrobatic troupe that performed in Mid Valley recently before Chinese new year. But that young China girl is definitely far prettier than her. The fair & prettiest one. I hope you know what I meant if you saw that amazing acrobats from China. So, if you want to imagine fucking her you could try CC.
Boobs: vrey small & cannot suck her boobs.
Vagina: average vagina & cannot suck but her vagina hole quite big
BBBJ: Very good
AR: Very good
FJ: Don't like because she doesn't seem to enjoy it. She looks like in pain & it makes me feel like raping her instead of making love with her.
RTF: No ... my penis itchy to try Coco & some other girls there that I saw at the lobby
Price: RM208
Overall satisfaction: Not sextisfied & felt so depressed after fucking her & that is why will go to Armada tonight to find comfort with pretty girl.
I hope I will not be disappointed tonight. Wish me luck.
Hi! I too like you was a regular @ Deluxe a few years back when my had a GF in KL. Use to patronize them almost every week. No offend, Ferrari is only a Miss Malaysia Chinatown and the service is give you is consider her SOP.
The most beautiful WL I ever bonk there is Regina. However, she left the scene in mid 2003 to venture oversea...
17-03-2005, 10:26 PM
To all cheongsters,
All i can say is, Deluxe HC is not so deluxe anymore. Its heydays are over. :mad:
Prince Spa
17-03-2005, 10:43 PM
Hi! I too like you was a regular @ Deluxe a few years back when my had a GF in KL. Use to patronize them almost every week. No offend, Ferrari is only a Miss Malaysia Chinatown and the service is give you is consider her SOP.
The most beautiful WL I ever bonk there is Regina. However, she left the scene in mid 2003 to venture oversea...
Thanks for the info . Yes, I remember she told me Miss Malaysia something but runner up only. I think I have fucked Regina but I cannot recall her face. I fucked almost all pretty local girls there from 2002 onwards. I regret that I did not write down the names of all the girls I have fucked and the number of times I fucked them.
Prince Spa
17-03-2005, 10:53 PM
Oh yes, I mean oh no. Today I called Armada again. 31 still not working. So I think I am right. She must be bleeding now. I mean her poor vagina. I don't know how it feels. Is it painful?
So disappointed. Wanted to go to Mandarin but decided to go and watch movie first. It is called "HITCH." How I wish I can hire a love doctor that could help me to hitch or hooked up with someone.
At Mid Valley got Honda Formula 1 girls. One of them really beautiful & fuckable. So fair. Could it be that 31 is taking leave to be F1 girl? Hopefully she is as pretty as claimed by the samsters here.
After the movie went to Mandarin but disappointed at the choice of the local girls there. No more China girl. Jianang & Wendy already gone back to China according to the OKT.
Wanted to go to Cititel. Called them up to check whether Coco available or not but nobody pick up the phone. The place must be really packed like hell. Thought of going to Spa de palace & book the VIP room but the last time went there the Chinese girls are not cummable to me. Can fuck lah but not cummable.
Went home disappointed again tonight. So I decided to release myself later by abusing my pillow. I really need to release the tension that has built up in me since fucking CC at Cititel last Friday. Don't want to fuck a HC girl because nowadays getting old already. If the girl is not pretty very difficult to cum & felt like fucking my pillow is better. :(
17-03-2005, 11:20 PM
Oh yes, I mean oh no. Today I called Armada again. 31 still not working. So I think I am right. She must be bleeding now. I mean her poor vagina. I don't know how it feels. Is it painful?
So disappointed. Wanted to go to Mandarin but decided to go and watch movie first. It is called "HITCH." How I wish I can hire a love doctor that could help me to hitch or hooked up with someone.
At Mid Valley got Honda Formula 1 girls. One of them really beautiful & fuckable. So fair. Could it be that 31 is taking leave to be F1 girl? Hopefully she is as pretty as claimed by the samsters here.
After the movie went to Mandarin but disappointed at the choice of the local girls there. No more China girl. Jianang & Wendy already gone back to China according to the OKT.
Wanted to go to Cititel. Called them up to check whether Coco available or not but nobody pick up the phone. The place must be really packed like hell. Thought of going to Spa de palace & book the VIP room but the last time went there the Chinese girls are not cummable to me. Can fuck lah but not cummable.
Went home disappointed again tonight. So I decided to release myself later by abusing my pillow. I really need to release the tension that has built up in me since fucking CC at Cititel last Friday. Don't want to fuck a HC girl because nowadays getting old already. If the girl is not pretty very difficult to cum & felt like fucking my pillow is better. :(
Bro dun be sad, there's lots of other nice place to hang out, i just found out a place where PRC hang outs. But must fish them. No gerentee can get lo. Sum r there to look for customers, others r there wif customers. This place is at Sunway. ;)
18-03-2005, 01:40 AM
All brother out there,
May i have your attention please.... I want us all to moan for our prince spa's pillow. Can we have a two seconds of silence please........ :(
Bro Prince Spa, You need to get out there and find a girl!!! Seriously, abusing your pillow the way you do is not healthy.
Good news (I am very sure) for you is that Jia Ning is not back to China. She just didnt turn up for work today. I myself also called to try and make a booking for her. The captain could be pulling your legs no one is there to bonk any of their local girls anymore. Jia Ning just moved into her new house last Friday and she loves her room. Spend a bit on the room so I am pretty sure she wont just leave like that. She is here on student visa so unlike other PRC (one month) she can stay for a year. and she's only been here 4 or maximum 5 months (Will somebody confirm this?). Take my advice, call mandarin court spa tomorrow at 1-2 to see whether she is there before you travel all the way there to see her. I wont be in town to fight with you. I would love to see her on Saturday. She really is like a friend to me now, and also to many other brothers out there :( . She told me some brother asked her to join him and his friends to some pulau for a holiday. She is very nice and i can see that she has made a lot of friends.
Bro Cunt man,
Where exactly can I find these PRC at Sunway? Pyramid? Q Bar? red box? I dont know why but I have preference for PRC over all races. Not that their service is top notch, but it is their personality that i like. You will be surprised that many of them are actually very knowledgeable. Compared to many rude locals, they are the darling of Cheongsters (correct me if i am wrong) .
And to all brothers out there who are thinking of visiting the Land of Smile (LOS) aka Thailand. Please do not go near go go bar (Patpong in Bangkok). You will be disappointed. Places you should/ must go when you are in Bangkok is Poseidon (or many other recommended in other threads). I have been there about 6 times and boy the place is filled with beauty. Check out the model lounge on the third floor... We are not talking about normal girls, we are talking about Penthouse models (Really Penthouse Models). Imagine yourself wanking to a penthouse magazine and then have the chance to actually bonk the same person. It is freaking amazing.
Thats all for now. Keep it up guys. This thread is going to be the hottest thread very soon.
Prince Spa
18-03-2005, 02:07 AM
... We are not talking about normal girls, we are talking about Penthouse models (Really Penthouse Models). Imagine yourself wanking to a penthouse magazine and then have the chance to actually bonk the same person. It is freaking amazing.
Ang moh 's Penthouse izzit? Ang Moh girls? Like that I feel like going leh.
Prince Spa
18-03-2005, 02:42 AM
Is Chris of Crystal Crown worth trying? How pretty? You can use a famous HK actress as a standard of comparison. How much actually because the samster here posted the price as RM280. Not sure the Miss Malaysia or Chris.
I was a regular there when Amy was ang pai there. Is Chris better looking? I find that Amy was above average only.
What about Jean of Armada? Is 31 the prettiest in Armada? I am really desperate for pretty girls. Sorry for asking so many questions.
18-03-2005, 10:18 AM
Bro Prince Spa,
Not Ang Moh's Penthouse lah... Thai Penthouse.
As for Chris, She is quite small sized. Never bonked her before because you always have to make a booking three days in advance. According to the captain, her service is good and she has got quite good body. Never tried her. Our brother KL_player tried but said nothing to shout about.
Jeans is not the type where you will look at her and say "Yeah, fuckable". You may or may not like her. Why dont you try Chanel (2) if you are going to Armada and Blue is still bleeding. Dont worry about not cuming, both of them will make you cum. Both have different type of skills to make you cum.
Take care.
18-03-2005, 12:46 PM
this thread is great....thanks to bro kl_player and kl_local for all the information.
a bit of infor to share......
1) vegi spa - beside dorsett, try sunway resort. the spa is called oasis. the massage there is good and all the girls do hj. some of them offer more than that but u would have to be nice to them and good at dirty the way, the extra service u either pay the girl in the room or pay at the counter as tips (and it varies according to the girl). The current ang pai is No.18 and 66.
2) bangkok - I go bangkok very often. I agree with kl_local, DUN GO patpong. go poseidon or copa cobana. Along rachadapisek, a lot of massage parlour and Fxxx joints.Use to be able to get prc at some of the disco there like sparks but they have closed down. Another place is the siam hotel cafe...the chicks are there for u to choose.
all in all, from my short years of cheonging experience(4 years only), the prc are the best i had cos they are willing "players". the problem with thai girls is that they dun like to do BJ (BBBJ or with condom) and damn, i luv a go bj. but kl/pj girls, looks aside, can be a great experience if u are willing to sweet talk them and treat them nice.(of course if u r good looking then u can get them to do anything u want) :cool:
18-03-2005, 01:08 PM
Bro Lingwu74,
A warm welcome to the thread. Thanks for sharing. I personally quite like Sunway Oasis Spa... I know most of them do HJ. But it is hell trying to get a pretty one. Their massage are generally better than normal HCs. It is the problem of getting a pretty one. They dont let the girl parade themselves. I have tried no. 3 (my favourite there) , 99, 78. Any pretty girl that you can recommend to me?
A little information to share.
HCs with PRC (personal favourite):-
Spa De Palace 15+
SkyRiver 10+
Sucasa 3+
Dynasty hotel 5+
Mandarin Court 2+
Would appreciate if any brothers out there can update the above list. Would love to know the whereabouts of PRC.
Thank you.
Prince Spa
18-03-2005, 01:32 PM
I think we better keep PRC thing low profile. Later kena raided how?
Just talk about pretty girls. Don't care PRC or not. Of course PRC tends to give better service and prettier. Just call them PRetty Chicks lor as our secret code.
18-03-2005, 01:39 PM
Bro Lingwu74,
I have tried no. 3 (my favourite there) , 99, 78. Any pretty girl that you can recommend to me?
no.18 and no.66 good ones. but u would have to make your booking when they open at 11am cos they are usually fully book for the whole day. hey no.3 is yuki rite?
A report of my recent jaunt....
I was a little early at Sky River, so there weren't many ladies working yet. In fact, I saw the first batch report for work... Fancied none of them, so just had a proper massage and scooted off.
Went to Deluxe on a spur, hoping that the heydays of Victoria, Regina, CK, etc have been revived with some new stock.... but alas, the first 4 or 5 girls paraded didn't stir my loins.... Then came Jerica, who had just finished with a john. I only caught a quick glimpse, but at least she managed to make my blood pressure rise a little. Waited a while more and managed to see another 2 chicks, but none better than Jerica, so I told the captain she'd be the one...
Knock knock, and in she came. She has a cute and mischievous face and she looks young. Like a fresh-faced poly student. Or those young and starry-eyed chicks you might see at The Heeren. She's about 1.6m, has fair and smooth skin, boobs are possibly B-cup and has slim legs.
TCSSed a little and she said 'I'm your neighbour'.... meaning she hails from JB. Asked her why she didn't work in JB instead and she said the biz in KL is better. Took a shower in the squeezy shower cubicle and then started the action. She's the slow-and-easy sort at the start, with a decent catbath. BBBJ was not bad, with some deepthroating action. And it was longer than some of the other chicks I remember. No AR, and she proceeded to ride me - which was quite enjoyable. Switched to doggie and she seemed to like that position, gyrating to match my rhythm. Switched position again to missionary, which I like.... All the while she gave me quite a GFE feel, as she likes to hug and press her body against mine where possible. Her moans were also not fake-sounding, as they became louder and faster when I pumped up the pace.
Finally shot my load, cleaned up and left. Given my expectations after the disappointment of seeing the first few girls, I left reasonably satisfied....
Name: Jerica
Location: Deluxe
Looks: 7/10
Body: 7.5/10 (Take note - I'm not a boobs-man)
BBBJ: 7.5/10 (nice deepthroat)
FJ: 7.5/10
GFE: 7.5/10
RTF: Yes
Damage: RM260
18-03-2005, 04:47 PM
Welcome to the thread Brother Imom,
Thanks a lot for your post. But I dont think I will ever go to Deluxe again. I was there last week and just because I didnt like any of the girl I saw, the captains showed me Lan Jxxx face. Damn tulan. Come on man.... it is not that I dont have the money, if you have pretty girls, I will go. Damn tulan. So dont think I will be going in a while unless there is really real gem in there.
Brother Lingwu74,
Thanks for the info. I am not sure whether no. 3 is yuki. I seldom ask for the name. Hard to remember lah. All I know about her is that she used to be the receptionist at the spa before becoming a massage girl. What is 18 & 66 like? any description. Am thinking of going later. Thank you.
Brother Prince Spa,
How was your day today? Hope you are feeling better after the last fucx on last friday at Cititel. Managed to find your pretty girl or should i say PRetty girl? Good point there on the PRC. I dont want to have the same thing happen again like it did two years ago. Things are getting better cos a lot of PRetty girls are coming back to town.
18-03-2005, 05:19 PM
Brother Lingwu74,
Thanks for the info. I am not sure whether no. 3 is yuki. I seldom ask for the name. Hard to remember lah. All I know about her is that she used to be the receptionist at the spa before becoming a massage girl. What is 18 & 66 like? any description. Am thinking of going later. Thank you.
Oh I know who is it. I didn't like her service though. No.18 is really cute....pussy wet easily and very gf feeling too. She may look shy but dun let her fool u (she will request that u dun tell others but common, good things are meant to be shared among brothers rite!). No.66 got great pair of titts. I think her's the best in there. Hey I might be going there with a fellow cheongster too. Maybe we might bump into each other! Let me know which girl you tried ok.
Prince Spa
18-03-2005, 10:43 PM
Fellow cheonster KL_LOCAL,
I called Armada again today. The OKT sounds really friendly. But 31 still not working. Disappointed. Don't want to go to Armada because my character is a man pleaser one. Sometimes the girls are damn ugly and I feel like not fucking but in order to please the OKT I will said okay. The other night at Mandarin, it was the third time I left HC without fucking a girl. I think I should be more assertive & firm with what I really want.
I have this problem of difficult to cum since last year. I don't know whether is it I tahan not to cum early or my penis is becuming impotent. I am afraid that by the time I reached 40 my penis will be impotent & no woman will want to marry me.
This is my 3rd year in KL & for the past 2 years especially the 1st year I been cheonging a lot. Visit HC twice or thrice a week but now slowing down. Wasted a lot of money on ugly girls in order to find pretty girls.
I don't need to work & I got enough money to fuck weekly until I reached 70 or 80 but what I am afraid is that my penis will die first before I die.
I finally abused my pillow today. Cum alot. My horniness already gone. I am sane again. So I think I will stop visiting this forum for a while until I get horny again.
I am a very faithful guy. I am looking for a damn pretty girl (GFE) that I could return to fuck every week. I hope 31 will be the one. If she is the one I will thank you for that. If she is not then all I can say is that your taste & mine are different. My expectation is very high. Probably that is why I am still single. How I wish I can have a wife at home. Don't need to masturbate. Don't need to sacrifice my pride to go to HC. Don't need to fuck somebody's daughter without the parent's permission.
Should I grumble that life is unfair to me? Looking at other people's GF I am envious of the BF. What is so special about the guy that make the pretty girl want him? What do I lack? This kind of thought really make me depress and miserable because all I need is a wife and that is why I cannot understand why some guys who have wife at home still visit HC.
Prince Spa
18-03-2005, 10:51 PM
Sorry to hear about you tulaning Deluxe OKT. So far the OKT there treated me well except one fat guy whom I hardly see working there. This fat OKT once charged me extra RM50 for one Russian babe. The week before I saw this babe in the photo album that he showed me & was told by another OKT that the price was RM300. I decided to take my regular chick because at that time my penis was craving for my regular chick & my penis consoled my brain to try this chick next week.
I asked that fat guy why the increase in the price and that fat guy told me that this Russian chick is a model. I went to check with the cashier and another OKT & in order to save this fat guy's face they lied to me that the price was actually RM350.
2 weeks later I decided to try the same chick again & another OKT charged me only RM300.
For local girls I am really tulan with their pricing. Why don't they have same price for all the girls there? Different pricing will only affect the girls morale and make them jealous of the more expensive girls. I don't know whether it was the girls themselves who set the price or that OKT making money out of it.
...I dont think I will ever go to Deluxe again. I was there last week and just because I didnt like any of the girl I saw, the captains showed me Lan Jxxx face. ...
Aiyoh, which captain is that man.... Luckily I have always kenah polite ones....
21-03-2005, 10:39 AM
Hello guys,
I think we are here miss KL Player. He hasnt posted for quite a while.
Here's my report for the weekend:
Went to Mandarin Court in the hope of seeing Jia ning. "Not working" replied the OKT. Very very disappointed. OKT also seemed funny when I asked for her. It is as if he is trying purposely to hide something. Then he recommended 33 to me. Ok... recommended by KL Player. "A must try for serious Cheongster" So took the chance. She was pretty, 30+. THe best pair of tits I have ever seen and had my hand on. RTF: Dont think so.
Called Mandarin again to check if Jia Ning was working. No was the answer again. Damn sad liao. Met up a friend and took me to Ginza spa at Mint hotel.No mood so asked for a vege massage. Friend had a girl called peggy. Very small spa. But i must say the quality of girls there are quite high. You guys should check it out.
22-03-2005, 09:43 AM
I'm back by popular demand (by my bro KL_LOCAL)!
Ok, sorry that i'm MIA these days. Been busy playing golf recently....only 18 holes and not the 19th hole. Any cheongsters want to play golf together?
To my bro KL_LOCAL, i'm glad u tried no 33 at Mandarin Court. Had lots of milk there? I bet u did. And Ginza is still open, huh? I must go there soon!
Because of the interest in the thread, i ventured to other HCs looking for gems...followed my buddy to Quality Inn HC on Jalan Raja Laut (my first trip). Heres my FR:
The Spa is on level 5, i guess. (Use the hotel lift) The place is not very posh compared to other HCs. Quite run down. Basic facilities but looks quite gross!
Anyway, check out some chicks and they r not my type. This place caters to the 'matured woman afficiandos' out there.
Took this lady, named Lilian, 30+ who is the ang pai there. I took her only for her massage, becos she is not my type. Massage is oklah. But to my suprise, she offered me hand job for RM 50 and she totally stripped all except her g-string. Thats what i call value for money.
Did the hand job and thats it. But if u want to bonk her, she is quite ok for her age. Nice fair skin, slight tummy and a pair of 35B (a bit soft liao). I read some post here by the 'mature lady afficiandos' here before that they dig this type of ladies, so if u r reading this, give Lilian a go!
22-03-2005, 09:59 AM
Bro Prince Spa,
Man, great FR again. Luv reading them.If u don't mind me being a busy body, i would like to give u some brotherly advice on ur quest for a GF.
First, u r a very lucky man cos u have plenty of money and don't have to work. I really envy u, man. We all do!!!! So let me ask u this, why r u spending all this on HCs trying to look for a true love or GF? This is not the place to look for GFs or any wife materials! I read that u don't mind marrying a HC girl before, but that will not be too rational in the long run. Too many complications.....
My brotherly advice to u is, to start to hang out at other places, restaurants, cafes, book shops, shopping centres and etc....And when u really meet someone u really fancy, take a deep breath and approach her. U never know unless u try. And never be envious of other men with their GFs. Thats a wrong approach. Instead, look at them for inspiration and motivation.
If they can do it, u can too. Remember, i read that u r good looking, below 40, decent guy (u claim to be) and have tons of money!!!! With all that, i don't see why u are still single? Hope that helps, and stop abusing that pillow man, thats sick! Just kidding.
Just some friendly advice..... :)
22-03-2005, 01:24 PM
All cheongsters out there,
Especially to KL Player. Welcome back.
Bro PrinceSpa, KL Player has a really good point, you should start looking somewhere else instead of HCs. I think we are similar in a way that we are still single. Broke up in a good relationship and has been single and cheonging since. HCs are addictive.... trust me when i say this. Sometimes its not that you are horny but it is just that you might feel lonely and just wanna to be with a different sex. And sometimes sex is not even on your mind when you visit those HCs' girls. I am not sure whether this sounds familiar to you. A HC's girl cannot never be your wife. All the issues are bound to be digged out and discussed and argued over with over the years. Find a decent girl at bookshop, music stores is a good start.
I know you have tons of money but not working and mixing with people can make you really anti-social. Find yourself a job (any job will do since you dont need the money), and get to know people through your job, your colleague, your clients. There are endless things to do. Trust me. Your life will be more satisfying. If you ask me to give up all the friends, colleagues and things that I have now for all your money be it billions. I dont think (?) i will trade for that and live by myself with that money.
I can see you are a good guy. So do something and be happy.
22-03-2005, 01:29 PM
To all brothers,
Sorry my previous post was a bit nagging. But its all for the good of our brother Prince Spa right?
Coming back to the topic, Yes... Ginza Spa is still operating despite the closure of Mint Hotel. I always think that hotel looks damn ugly.... (thats the first hotel a foreigner see when they enter KL... can you imagine?) When i was there on a Sunday.... there were about 10+ girls working which is pretty good quantity for any HCs. I saw about 8 of them and they were quite hot. I must say their quality can match, if not better than Armada. The captains are nice and they tend to give fair and honest comments on the service levels of the girls. Please be rest assured that from my experience, this Spa is definitely good if you go on weekdays. I will try this place very soon but I have got a target for the whole of the week.... so will not visit HCs for another week. But do post your experience here to share with all the brothers here.
22-03-2005, 01:37 PM
yo brothers...
this is my first post in this forum but i am not new here... i have been reading for the past 2 months in here.
Last time i went to ginza, captain didnt allow me to choose and i feel thats really bad. he just said "You go in and guarantee i get a nice girl for you".
So for me, i neva gonna go ginza.
Anybody tried the WLs in Sky River yet?
22-03-2005, 02:01 PM
regarding ginza mint, yeah this place got quite alot of pretty gal and captain service quite good. Gal that u can try there:
1. Diane (very pretty and body very nice, once u saw her, u cannot resist to fuck her....very fair lady and give very good service.....tried her many times liao.....last time work in sgpore hc)
2. Peggy (very pretty also and service ok)
3. Jasmine (pretty but never tried....captain say service quite good)
4. Chris (dunno still there or not....quite mature looking but service tiptop)
5. Ice (anyone that easy to cum advise not to take her coz her service will make u cum very fast....i tried her 2-3 times and each time cum very not worth the 1 occastion even b4 fj already cum sien.....i even ask her not to provide 2 good service to me hehehe)
hope this recommendation help.....
22-03-2005, 02:42 PM
Anybody tried the WLs in Sky River yet?[/QUOTE]
My sources tell me that "wind is blowing very strongly" around KL. So the quality of the PRC are not that good. One new girl 592 came in on Saturday night. Didnt try but my sources recommended as she is good in service and used to work in HK mongkok. Give the place a try and please do not forget to post your experience here ok.
22-03-2005, 04:27 PM
Thank you Bro KL_Player for your info of Lilian at Quality Inn HC. I like mature ladies like her too and will be keen to try her out.
If she strips down to only her G-string for hand job at RM50.00 that is indeed value for money.
By the way, did you get to auto-roam during her hand job session and did she say how much for a bonk?
22-03-2005, 04:36 PM
Bro cyberkoh88,
Thank u very much on ur fr on ginza spa. Have been waiting for some good recommendation on that place for quite sometime.
I have tried Jasmine before and she is very good, man. I will try ur other recommendations the next time i'm there.
As a summary for the dudes out there, I can say that Ginza Spa is the best pick for pretty chicks with great service at the moment. I mean, their service is always superb...ass licking, blow job, boob fuck, cim, etc.
If can book two ang pais together, then it will be superb. I will try to do so the next time i'm there and post it here if successful.
PS: KL_LOCAL is right, the wind is very strong in KL right now. So please be careful when u guys cheong. And he has given some good advice to Prince Spa too!!! I hear u bro........
22-03-2005, 04:43 PM
Hi Bro KL_Player,
beside cheonging mint, my other fav place actually is sunshine spa near to Pudu....this spa is totally for fuck only coz facility wise cannot make it....even no food to eat...only can eat biscuit......but gal selection i can say the best in klang valley....all the gal normally wear normal tight attire that can see their body.....i can say at least 80% all r lenglui. Got many angpai there:
1. Connie
2. Win
3. Wine and alot more....
now the current hotlist is Wine follow by flora....
22-03-2005, 04:47 PM
Yep, RM 50 for a HJ plus totally stripped to her G-string only. Value for money alright!!!
And auto roam every where also can. Where to find? Instead of Quality Inn they should be called Value Inn right?
For Lilian, shes very friendly. Bonking her is RM 100, but don't pay thru the Spa. Arrange with her in the room, ok? That's the way to go for the other girls there as well.
Other ang pai ladies are Mun Mun, Angie.....heard that Kitty BJ for RM 50 only. Don't ask the OKTs there, find out urself thru the ladies. If not, the Spa charges more to the customers. Good luck in ur hunting. Post for us soon.
22-03-2005, 04:52 PM
Bro cyberkoh88,
Maybe i've met u there before. I'm a kaki at Sunshine too.....
Tried Connie and Win before. Care to share how does Wine and Flora looks like? Boobs?
Thanks in advance man.
22-03-2005, 05:15 PM
Thank you for the information Bro KL_Player.
It is indeed the best to negotiate with the ladies in private for all extra services like you say. I do the same too.
It is damn silly making such arrangement with the OKT considering the higher cost to pay plus the ladies still get the basic charges and not a cent more for the extra service they provide.
Will post FR after I have been there.
22-03-2005, 05:23 PM
Warning to all bros,
Went to Armada with my buddy yesterday. Didn't get any chicks but opt for foot reflexology (after golf mah).
My friend took the captains advice and went for BM. KNN, he maxsimum complained to me after his time with her. This is what he said:
Went into the room, waited damn long. Tulan. After she came in, just stripped and get to the shower. Very small tits, probably 34A only. Face is OK. Never properly wash him. After that, licked his nipples for 5 seconds on each side, then BJ him with cap. Only about 15 seconds of BJ and she asked to be bonked.
He said cannot really steam yet but she insisted he banged her from the back. He went ahead to bonk her doggie style and try to enjoy himself. But during the whole bonking session, BM complained that her ass is very sore from bad diaorhea (lau sai). Immediately, he can't steam after hearing that statement.
Next, ask her to HJ him but she did it with turbo hands until his little brother feels like its skin is about to peel. More tulan now. Anyway, he HJ himself but to no avail. He then gave up and showered himself and left the HC totally pissed. Very bad experience for him but he did not complain as he is a very nice guy.
So, give this BM a skip if u guys are there in Armada.
22-03-2005, 05:28 PM
Only been away for a couple of days... and man, its more work here updating this thread than reporting back to work. Really!
But this thread is doing great thanks to the bros out there. Especially KL_LOCAL, he has been regularly posting in the thread. To the other bros, BLUESMAN, Prince Spa (where r u, abusing ur pillow?) and others, keep it up. :)
22-03-2005, 06:22 PM
Bro KL_Player.
It was unfortunate your good friend went through such an experience from such lousy service by BM. Perhaps it would be a good idea to let your friend know its not wrong for him to voice his disappointment to the OKT.
These type of ladies working there should not be allowed to get away with such bad service. My opinion is that if they are not in the mood to work and provide the kind of service expected they might as well stay home right?
One time I went to a HC. The OKT recommended a lady saying she is good and can provide excellent massage and extra service. The massage was like just touching a bit here and there, then insist I start to bonk her. Upset as I was with her massage I proceed to bonk her cos I just wanted to end the session.
At the counter I told the OKT if his ladies are not up to the mark to do massage please dont make such recommendations. I think he felt bad at the polite yet firm manner I spoke to him and he decided to waive the charges for the lousy massage.
Thank you for giving your brothers here warning about BM.
22-03-2005, 10:19 PM
Wow, this thread is great with all the Di Tou Ser contributing here! So can bros here give any good recommendation for cheonging first time in KL? Me coming to KL next week for work lah, so not much time to recce.
Staying in Istana H, closest i think is Genesis(HSBC) and maybe spa de palace? are they good?
Will give FR if get to bonk.
22-03-2005, 11:48 PM
Have gone thro' the whole thread
seems that MandarinCourt, Jianing, Wendy not around
33 is possible - sometimes around
thanks to Brudder KL player for info
Armada - Blue 31 is missing
seems Ginza Spa is next happening place with Diane and Jasmine
so which is the most best places now?
happening, more choices with hot ladies to parade and choose :confused:
keeping up with information is hard, as there are so many destinations
myself just came back from HK, so posted latest there for all to read
GL Spore very bored with happening there already, after a while same old boring places.....
but the good HC and GL Cat150 should still be good
Bangkok is tops
next stop is Eastern Europe lah!
meanwhile, can any brudder help provide some latest information
also, is Ginza at Mint Hotel and where is this place, pls? thanks
Making my first trip to KL in 20 years so need all the help...
Brudder Prince Spa,
it does not mean when you marry someone, you will get sex on tap
if you like sex on tap, then HC and cheonging is there
but when you marry someone, you should get love and relationship and care
life is short, be daring and go for it
just approach the girl you see and like, and use your charm
if she reject, go for next one, no love lost
there are many fish in the ocean, the ocean is very deep, you just need to work hard to get your girl, so go get it!
just some advice, no hard feelings
meanwhile, happy cheonging to all!
Prince Spa
23-03-2005, 02:39 AM
Spa De Palace got VIP room with Jacuzzi. Pay a little bit extra, Singapore dollar no problem. There are 2 rooms inside with 1 Jacuzzi & sofa seat, TV & karaoke, fridge with Calrsberg beer (they will charge u), and mineral water. The bed is waterbed which I don't like because difficult for me to fuck the girl.
Btw, the Jacuzzi water is damn dirty because so many people had sex inside this Jacuzzi even though the sign there says "No sex in jacuzzi" & "Dilarang melakukan perhubungan seks disini."
I like the place but the local girls are not pretty.
I will go there again next week once I accumulate enough sperms inside my penis ball.
23-03-2005, 03:12 AM
Prince Spa,
Just to share with you. I had a decent earning back in 2002, was lonely and share the same perception like you. As long as GF/ wife is pretty, who the hell give a damn if they are WL or not?
Remember I mention to you that the most beautiful WL I bonk before is Regina from Deluxe? I actually 'bao' her for 2mth. 1st time we went out agree on RM1000 for a day, she said like me and we end up spending 3 days together in Genting. Other than the hotel room charge, food etc, she don't want a single cent from me.
Visit her 1 week later and stay in her rented apartment this time. Don't want her to work during my 6days stay there, so end up paying her RM5K for shopping with her. Told her don't work as WL anymore, she said must take care of family etc... So finally agree that I pay her RM10K per mth.
1mth later, she told me life in KL expensive and venture oversea can make at least RM 30K per mth and if I can give her more money. I was not ready to give up everything for her, told her I still need to pay instalement for my car, insurance etc. She then said she need at least RM12K every month. Told her not possible, cause I won't fork out money for one of her unhealthy + expensive hobby which I won't disclose in respect of her privacy. After that, we broke off and I understand from her friend (WL also working in Deluxe), she went oversea in mid 2003... I still miss her sometime, even though I have a steady SIA stewardess girl friend now as Regina is much more beautiful than her. Even Ferrari can't hold a candle to her IMHO...
Since you need not to work and have enough $$ to throw, I suggest you propose to 'bao' the WL you fancy, after which when you are sick of her, change to a new one like changing car. After a period of time, you will be sick of pretty WL as emotional sex is much more enjoyable compare to pure physical sex...
Just sharing my point of view.
Best regards,
23-03-2005, 09:56 AM
I must say that all the advice given by those caring bros out there like JardinalBlade, tigershark75 and etc is very true and rational... Its great for u guys to be so caring towards Prince Spa.
I totally agree with u guys as i also shared the same experiences u guys went thru. In the midst of all the sex and 'make believe' fantasy world u r in with the WL or girl, its hard to make the right decisions.
I once pao a PRC for 7 months before, and many issues came up too, just like tigershark75. It all boils down to money man. Never, never enough of money!!!
I'm glad i learnt my lesson then, thats why i'm a HC man now. View, bang, pay and bye-bye. No strings attached.
Bro tigershark75,
Tried Regina (RM280) before too. Shes that tall and pretty chick, right? Sad to hear that she stole ur heart man.
Bro Prince Spa,
If i were u, with all the dough and no need to work, i'll be at Shanghai, dude. The babes there r something out of this world, i've tried many! Check out the China thread for more info on where to cheong or hunt for FLs.
Bro JardinalBlade and Bruce Lee,
My best bet now will be Mandarin Court at Jalan Maharajalela and Ginza, Mint Hotel. Both places are easily visited by taxis in KL. Mint hotel is near the sungai besi toll plaza, u can't miss the damn thing. Very square building.
Fortune favours the bold
....If i were u, with all the dough and no need to work, i'll be at Shanghai, dude. The babes there r something out of this world, i've tried many...
Shanghai is one of the most expensive places in China to cheong... Girls in other lesser known cities are just as good, but at 60%-70% of the price...
But then, you were addressing that piece of advice to someone who doesn't give a hoot about price....
That being the case, I would say go to London! Escorts there are really out of this world man. Real fashion magazine models, secretaries, etc... even girls who do it cos they enjoy escorting and sex.... The variety for nationalities is endless too - from all over Europe, Australia, Asia....
23-03-2005, 10:23 AM
Thanx bro KL player and prince spa for the info! I up yous liow!
Bro prince spa, you going to spa de palace next? wanna meet up? will be good to have a local dai gor around and maybe have coffee and TCSS.PM me.
If time permits, also wanna go Ginza since both bro KLs and others highly recommends it.
23-03-2005, 10:57 AM
Hello to all new brothers in the thread,
This is becoming one of the hottest thread on Malaysia sex scene.
If anyone out there is thinking of visiting Spa De Palace, I would advise you to go only at late April. Was there last night with a friend. The facilities are the best in KL, i think. Had a good shower & jacuzzi. Good food and nice seating area. When we were shown the girl (all PRC except on Malay girl), we were very disappointed. There were 11 girls and i have to say none of them matches my taste. The malay girl was ok but you can get those kind of girl in any HCs. Checked with the captain, a young guy. Known him quite some time ago. He also understands that the quality has dropped a lot lately.... The good old days of pauline, ck etc... is no longer there. But they are guaranteed 7-9 good quality girls in late April.
I ALSO tried Regina before. The tall, fair, bigboobs and looks a bit mixed type of girl from Ipoh (RM280) girl right? Had her three times. The last (3rd) time I bonked her, I got bored. So never seen her again soon. Didnt know she hurt our brother heart here.
Shanghai is definitely the place the look for pretty PRCs. Was there last year for a stop-over after a working trip to hang zhou. Went to xe jia bau, a HCs. Paid RMB600 for quite an extraordinary experience. Imagine watching Sex and Zen (Yu Pu Tuan in chinese) (HK R rated movie). All kind of love making position you can think of can be found there in the HCs. Freaking mad.... Too bad it was a very short stop over. I will find out more the next time i visit shanghai.
I agreed with a few brothers out there that Ginza is one of the most happening place right now in KL. Please share your experience when you do find a gem.
I myself am interested about Sunshine Spa. Never been in there, drove past a few times. Seems to me like there are a lot of recommendation for the place. Can anyone enlighten me please on the place, the girls.... etc.
Cheers :D
23-03-2005, 11:21 AM
bro KL Local,
Got any big boobs or not? Looks wise ok can standard not so more of a boobsman lah. If not then maybe go Ginza looksee looksee first
23-03-2005, 11:47 AM
I myself am interested about Sunshine Spa. Never been in there, drove past a few times. Seems to me like there are a lot of recommendation for the place. Can anyone enlighten me please on the place, the girls.... etc.
sunshine is anything but a is a brothel. But the quality is good. the chicks are pretty. all locals there.....if u r handsome and good at sweet talk (being a regular and loyal customer also helps :D ), u may even get their handphone and have an outside arrangement.
meanwhile, still in bangkok and have not cheong yet cos too busy. met up with 2 samster last night but didn't cheong as we were all low on vitamin m...sigh!!! we had to control ourselves when we were in siam cafe! :(
all other bros, keep the thread alive!
23-03-2005, 12:39 PM
Bro Bruce Lee,
Look wise (PRC) at Spa De Palace pretty bad...... Only one or two that is average. If you like boobs, i saw one with very big boobs... but the face.... sigh.... If you like boobs, why dont you try 33 at Mandarin Court. One of the nicest pair of D cup i have ever seen. and they are real. YOu wont be disappointed. And she has the look.
Can anyone tell me who should i go for in Sunshine Spa if my requirement is at at least B-C cup tits, pretty face, not too short, fair? (haha... arent we all looking this type of girl) Thank you.
23-03-2005, 01:41 PM
Bro KL Local
been to sunshine a few times, i think Sao Man is the one you can try. Fair, nice boobs and provides good service.
i would rate her:
looks: 6.5
BBBJ: 7.5 (various position, includ bath BBBJ)
Boobs: 7 (handful)
FJ: 7
other sunny girls i tried are Carol (pretty, one of my beloved but seldom works) and Aida (Malay Freelance, model-like, big boobs but face complexion not so good, use make-up to hide it) My buddy told me porsche provides good service and Ah Win (ex-geylang cat150) who provides superb service, all you need to do it lie down and she'll do the magic..
Went to SkyRiver last night to try one of the prettiest PRC i ever seen. (No.680), Petite, small boobs (good enuff for me) but not much experience. One thing abt SkyRiver which puts me off are the young PRCs. Looks very young and sometimes is hard to bonk them.
Hope this helps...
so is Blue from Armada that good? dying to try
23-03-2005, 05:21 PM
Hi big brother out there,
anyone know which HC in KL that got pretty brown sugar that provide good service....actually last time tried Tina frm Deluxe and Baby from Ginza.....both of them provide good service but i think not working anymore......
23-03-2005, 06:03 PM
Bro Tazzer,
I just cannot believe it. After posting my reply at noon. I couldnt wait for the answers from cheogsters here as I am free from 1 -3. So I decided to pay Sunshine a visit. Guess who I bonked? Sau Mun!!! I cant believe it.
Anyway, there were about 12 girls while i was there. Porchse was there... and the rest not really attractive. So took sau mun because of her height and skin complexion.
Look: 6.5/10
BBBJ: 8/10
FJ: 8/10 (too fast as I got really excited from the BBBJ)
Body: B cup... slight tummy.
RTF: Dont think so as I think the place has got a lot more beauty
My full report:
Went in the room. Had a cigratte. TCSS a bit. then undress and went to shower. Pretty thorough shower. BBBJ in the toilet (10 seconds), quite shiok. Then went on to the bed. Excellent catbath, different position, more than 5 minutes.... and again good BBBJ. By that time I was already in a state of cumming... luckily I managed to hold on and she then put on the cap on my little brother.... Her on top for 2 minutes and missionary for another 4 minutes ... came..... Too soon but I guess I was too excited. Never expected good service from a place slightly dodgy like Sunshine. Definitely will go back to Sunshine the next time i feel horny.... which i presume wont be too long.
Cheers... and thanks for the recommendation.
23-03-2005, 06:18 PM
"Went to SkyRiver last night to try one of the prettiest PRC i ever seen. (No.680), Petite, small boobs (good enuff for me) but not much experience. One thing abt SkyRiver which puts me off are the young PRCs. Looks very young and sometimes is hard to bonk them." Quote from Brother Tazzer.
I have mentioned in my previous post that many of the recent new imported goods from good old China at SkyRiver are very young. In particular 398?/368?, she looks like a standard 6 student lah....
Bro... when you were there, did you see any good one... tall, fair,boobs....? Please let me know so I can pay them a visit. Always prefer the PRC.
23-03-2005, 08:21 PM
hello friend
dont forget sucasa HC also. there have some good PRC hiding there. U need to ask the captain. example, marry, fifi, mun mun all good.
I still prefer massage by aunty. Winnie, not bad. good figure, nice massage, nice HJ.
23-03-2005, 08:26 PM
You really a rich guy. Jealous on you, kidding.
Dont say 10K, 2k I also got problem. :p
You are lucky guy.
Prince Spa,
Just to share with you. I had a decent earning back in 2002, was lonely and share the same perception like you. As long as GF/ wife is pretty, who the hell give a damn if they are WL or not?
Remember I mention to you that the most beautiful WL I bonk before is Regina from Deluxe? I actually 'bao' her for 2mth. 1st time we went out agree on RM1000 for a day, she said like me and we end up spending 3 days together in Genting. Other than the hotel room charge, food etc, she don't want a single cent from me.
Visit her 1 week later and stay in her rented apartment this time. Don't want her to work during my 6days stay there, so end up paying her RM5K for shopping with her. Told her don't work as WL anymore, she said must take care of family etc... So finally agree that I pay her RM10K per mth.
1mth later, she told me life in KL expensive and venture oversea can make at least RM 30K per mth and if I can give her more money. I was not ready to give up everything for her, told her I still need to pay instalement for my car, insurance etc. She then said she need at least RM12K every month. Told her not possible, cause I won't fork out money for one of her unhealthy + expensive hobby which I won't disclose in respect of her privacy. After that, we broke off and I understand from her friend (WL also working in Deluxe), she went oversea in mid 2003... I still miss her sometime, even though I have a steady SIA stewardess girl friend now as Regina is much more beautiful than her. Even Ferrari can't hold a candle to her IMHO...
Since you need not to work and have enough $$ to throw, I suggest you propose to 'bao' the WL you fancy, after which when you are sick of her, change to a new one like changing car. After a period of time, you will be sick of pretty WL as emotional sex is much more enjoyable compare to pure physical sex...
Just sharing my point of view.
Best regards,
24-03-2005, 02:20 AM
I must say that all the advice given by those caring bros out there like JardinalBlade, tigershark75 and etc is very true and rational... Its great for u guys to be so caring towards Prince Spa.
I totally agree with u guys as i also shared the same experiences u guys went thru. In the midst of all the sex and 'make believe' fantasy world u r in with the WL or girl, its hard to make the right decisions.
I once pao a PRC for 7 months before, and many issues came up too, just like tigershark75. It all boils down to money man. Never, never enough of money!!!
I'm glad i learnt my lesson then, thats why i'm a HC man now. View, bang, pay and bye-bye. No strings attached.
Bro tigershark75,
Tried Regina (RM280) before too. Shes that tall and pretty chick, right? Sad to hear that she stole ur heart man.
Bro Prince Spa,
If i were u, with all the dough and no need to work, i'll be at Shanghai, dude. The babes there r something out of this world, i've tried many! Check out the China thread for more info on where to cheong or hunt for FLs.
Bro JardinalBlade and Bruce Lee,
My best bet now will be Mandarin Court at Jalan Maharajalela and Ginza, Mint Hotel. Both places are easily visited by taxis in KL. Mint hotel is near the sungai besi toll plaza, u can't miss the damn thing. Very square building.
Fortune favours the bold
Yeap, she the one. Actually I am not sad that my heart is broken by her, I still miss the 1st few weeks in the beginning of ours relationship. She suddenly change from a Ice Maiden, (bro who take her before know her attitude in HC, I was too give the same treatment the 1st 2 times I take her service), into a caring tender lovable girl that will do thing to please you and melt your heart. (Like asking what is your favourite food and cook it for you, buy some small gifts for you during her shopping trip with her friends)... In real life, especially SG girl, you got to wait long long before they actually do that or they expect you to do that for them!
Anyway, it was when I really step into her life then I know how problematic her life was, and I never want to experience it again...
24-03-2005, 02:33 AM
Hello to all new brothers in the thread,
This is becoming one of the hottest thread on Malaysia sex scene.
If anyone out there is thinking of visiting Spa De Palace, I would advise you to go only at late April. Was there last night with a friend. The facilities are the best in KL, i think. Had a good shower & jacuzzi. Good food and nice seating area. When we were shown the girl (all PRC except on Malay girl), we were very disappointed. There were 11 girls and i have to say none of them matches my taste. The malay girl was ok but you can get those kind of girl in any HCs. Checked with the captain, a young guy. Known him quite some time ago. He also understands that the quality has dropped a lot lately.... The good old days of pauline, ck etc... is no longer there. But they are guaranteed 7-9 good quality girls in late April.
I ALSO tried Regina before. The tall, fair, bigboobs and looks a bit mixed type of girl from Ipoh (RM280) girl right? Had her three times. The last (3rd) time I bonked her, I got bored. So never seen her again soon. Didnt know she hurt our brother heart here.
Shanghai is definitely the place the look for pretty PRCs. Was there last year for a stop-over after a working trip to hang zhou. Went to xe jia bau, a HCs. Paid RMB600 for quite an extraordinary experience. Imagine watching Sex and Zen (Yu Pu Tuan in chinese) (HK R rated movie). All kind of love making position you can think of can be found there in the HCs. Freaking mad.... Too bad it was a very short stop over. I will find out more the next time i visit shanghai.
I agreed with a few brothers out there that Ginza is one of the most happening place right now in KL. Please share your experience when you do find a gem.
I myself am interested about Sunshine Spa. Never been in there, drove past a few times. Seems to me like there are a lot of recommendation for the place. Can anyone enlighten me please on the place, the girls.... etc.
Cheers :D
Yeap, she is from Ipoh. Actually I am wondering (no offence, I apologzie if I cause any misunderstanding), how come so many guys, including lot of my close friends, are crazy over PRC girls? Personally, I don't find the attractive. I took 2 china girls in Allson Genesis, 3 in Sky River before but I still prefer malaysian girl. The moment china girls talk, I am turned off by their accent. Maybe it because I have read too many negative reports over the press about PRC girls conning people, (1 of my close friend also a victim before, being cheat of SGD15K in 2mth by a GRO holding student pass) ... I have been to Shanghai, ShenZhen, but didn't 'cheong', maybe I really lost out the best part...
Will definately try more PRC to discover their hidden charm in the near future...
24-03-2005, 08:34 AM
bro kl local..
hope you enjoyed your session there... update if you do try other gems there..
as for the prc at skyriver.. i misquote.. it shld be prc no.580....
any luck of meeting carol? there's another freelancer by the name of joey... tall, slender... but service so so only... not recommended.. i was decieved by her looks from far... what a mistake!
24-03-2005, 08:56 AM
A piece of advice here on the forum, pls dun quote the WHOLE article when you bros reply. edit it first. many bros have had their rep points deducted by Bro sammyboy and other big bros here for doing that. aminly becos it takes up server space.
24-03-2005, 12:54 PM
all bros,
edit the quote first la....putting everything sure wasting server resources.
anyway any bro going or intend to go bangkok and would like to try something different then check out my post at
24-03-2005, 04:07 PM
hello friend
dont forget sucasa HC also. there have some good PRC hiding there. U need to ask the captain. example, marry, fifi, mun mun all good.
I still prefer massage by aunty. Winnie, not bad. good figure, nice massage, nice HJ.
Yup! Agree! Some 6 girls were hidding upstair on the aprt...China mari..RM 200 +-..i banged Xiu Xiu Oct 04...she is so humble, do what ever u want her to do..lick ass, suck dick, let me lick her CB..also can chage variuos position...i even bang her on bed, on the floor, sitting bang on the toilet bowl...wnet into the shower area...finally cum on the sofa...
She is great...only shouting and hard working....never stop swinging and moving to slot her pussy into my dick dick.
24-03-2005, 05:41 PM
Happy to see all the bro active in this trend now. At least, it is better than the mama k spe cial lurker forum coz by a lurker moderator team. LOL
Yesterday nite just went to Plaza Hotel. Definitely a MILF place.
Captain show me many name, josep, star still there. Totally around 10 MILF working there.
I try ICE.
I think she near age 40. MILF face, aunty body.
Talk a lot, service is not very good.
Go there earlier, have dinner and a bath. then see there, you can see some MILF walk in and out. Dont trust the CB captain.
24-03-2005, 08:52 PM
Harlo guys! I think this is the thread that I m looking for all along!
Me just got laid for the first time yesterday (25 this year) :o YEah yeah ..I know..ANyway..Everyone has his/her first time. YEsterday afternoon, I decided to hop into Grand Season at around 3 pm with my fren. Was allowed to view the gals b4 we decide. I think it was early then..So not many choices..BUt I set my eyes on one gal (Ivy)..SHe was goin into one of the rooms lar...So..NOt for me lor..Hahahah..ANyway...To cut the story short..We left..As we work nearby..We decided to head for Dynasty after working hour..KNN..Was walking there...(should have driven there)..We were caught in the rain..We were soakin wet when we reached Dynasty..So no choice lor..Masuk aje lar...
ONe thing lar..Dynasty (at P13)..REally have a nice layout and facilities..Very nice compared to Grand Season.Big tvs..The facial gals all very chiao..Etc..So asked for package lor..RM218 (45 min of Bonking and then another 45 mins of massage). Was shown 3 gals only..NO choice lor..Was dying to loose it..Hahahah Chose a gal name Tracy
Went into the room..TOld the gal it was my first time..Kekekeke..She told me most of the customers will say that.. :D Took me in for a cat bath..Really thorough...Allowed me to touch and touch..FInnally..Kautim liao..Went to the bed lor..Very SOP lor..LIcking...From head to the toes..THen proceeded to BJ w/o cap (say..Do u guys opt for BJ w/ cap or w/o cap? ME worry lar..No experience..Scared too)..Nothing special lor her BJ..She warned me about cumming too early..BUt I told her I will be ok gua..Tiu...Can tahan what...Then she proceeded to cap me after 1 min and started off on Missionary first time..Sad to say..after 5 mins..I came..So game over lor....
THen..I went for this massage..I really recommend this to u guys who lov massage..(Roman style) ..Very very relazing...Serious shit guys..Very very good..
WEnt home..Sleep..
Looks: 6/10
Body: 7/10 (slight Tummy)
Boobs: 6/10 (34 B)
BJ: SOP 5/10 (why? Read my second review)
FJ: 3/10 (didnt managed to rasa all mar)
Second review
WEnt to GrandSeason at 1 pm today coz wanna check out and see..Tiu...Too early..No gals around..Only 1 or 2 MILF lookin chics..So went back to work..Finally..AFter 4.45 pm..Headed over again..Wah..First person I saw was Ivy..Booked her lor..My fren was presented with a parade of chics lor...GOt some are ok lar...BUt I dun know u guys standard lar..TO me..Some ok some not ok lor...Then ..I ask the captain..wey ..Got anymore gals coming in or not? He said no more lor..I was like ..tiu...My fren here no lui wor..THen he said ..Wait for a while..I got a new comer ( First time in GS lar)..Ask he to come over..Wah..She was like in this jeans and something else only..Quite pretty lor..Wonder if u guys bonked her b4..Used to work in MInt Hotel..Goes by the name Elvy..NOt bad..So my fren opted for her..His review unknown lar..
BUt got stats
Face: 8.5/10
BOdy: 8/10
BJ: 7/10
FJ: 8/10
RTF: 10/10 (me, I dunno bout him)
Damage: RM188
My turn pulak with this IVy..WEnt into the room..Hm..THey dun insist on bath for one thing...BUt I insisted..I told her..Practice good hygiene mar..( I m working in a health related field guys)...She was okok..Hahahah
The funny thing was..She chatted with my for 30 mins plus (nude ler) because she got something to ask about (medi)...Wah..NIce lor..She said no extra charge wan..I said sure boh? Hahahahha Then okok lor..chit chat and enjoy first lor..She was very frenly..Not bad..Finally..Decided to start bonking session..Wah ..Not bad..She told me..Second time ar..NO worries..I ll be the teacher..Wah..Nice BJ w/o cap and until she put on the cap with her mouth..(I didnt realize..Wah..LIke Jap show lar)..NIce..Very good suction..Then..After bout 3 mins..SHe mounted on me..NIce and steady movement guidance..Assuring me on how I was doin..THen she changed to face the front..She told me to try various positions..NOt bad..Tried doggy where she moan nicely lar..(wah..) and then Turned over..Pumping her for 10 mins before cumming..
Face: 7/10 ( she looked like my fren's wife)
BOdy: 7/10 (Slight tummy but cute)
Boobs: 7/10 ( firm and nice)
BJ: 7/10
FJ: 9/10 ( my teacher mar)
RTF: I dun mind further lessons...
Finally..Thank you for those good reviews sifus!!!! Keep coming in with the reviews..And one thing lar..I don earn much like u guys..BUt HOpe to learn from u guys..Adios !
25-03-2005, 12:04 AM
I posted a review today..I wonder why it is not here..
WEnt to Dynasty yesterday
WEnt to GrandSeason today..
Prince Spa
25-03-2005, 01:04 AM
Yesterday, I called Armada again looking for Blue & was told that she is on leave. I went to watch House of Fury. Saw Gillian Chung. Felt so horny. I never like Charlene Choi because she is chubby & she looks very fierce but in this film she is so cute in school uniform. For the first time I felt like fucking Charlene instead of her prettier twin sister Gillian.
I felt awkward watching cinema alone in Malaysia cinema. Unlike Singapore cinema I hardly see anyone watching movie alone. All got date. After the movie felt so depressed and so horny. Decided to go to Cititel but on the way to the lift can see so many Singaporeans. So decided to wait. But so many people kept on coming. Decided to go to Mirama. Took a cab. Then cannot decide whether want to go to Miramaor Sky River. Last week went to Mirama the girls are not up to my standard. Then told the taxi driver to go to Sky River instead.
The door was locked. I thought it was closed. Then the OKT opened the door for me & brought me in. Was shown a few Chinese girls. I was surprised that the blonde small little girl that I fucked many months ago is still there. I don't like her. I took the fairest & sweetest looking girl there . No 338. She looks so sweet & petite. She is very small in size. Small not shorty or dwarfy. Her skin quite fair. So happy because long time already never fucked pretty girl. So this 338 can fuck lah...
I asked her name a few times but still forgot her name. Started with shower and she washed my penis and body with soap. Her pussy not hairy and nice to suck. Watery juice cummed out. Nice to drink. I told her that I wanted to marry her. She laughed. She said okay but she didn't believe that I am serious.
Went to bed. Suck her breast. Not so big but can lah. Her body smell is okay. Suck her vagina again. Nice. Very wet. Then put my penis at her pussy trying to insert it raw but cannot go in because my penis not hard enough. Old alreadylah. After a few times trying put on condom & she helped me to insert my penis into her pussy. Nice. Kept on fucking her until perspired. Difficult to cum but definitely will cum one because I like her sweet face. After kept on trying finally cummed. So happy.
I asked her whether she will work tomorrow. She told me she is going back tomorrow, She is from Shenzhen but will go to Hong Kong. She looks so familiar like one of the girls posted in one Hong Kong prostitute web site that I could not remember the address. I asked her to quit he job and marry me. Man! What am I talking? Am I serious? Actually if she is a little bit taller and her breast a little bit bigger tastier & pinkier I don't mind marrying her because she has a sweet smile that can brighten up my day.
Went to take shower and she washed my penis until my penis felt so hard like cumming. Asked her about her family. She told me that her dad passed away and mother not working and she has one little brother. That is why she is in this line. She is 20 only. What a pity. I believe her story. I felt like giving her RM1000 to help her but didn't bring enough money because from past experience I decided not to bring so much money just in case the girl asked me for money. But this time this girl did not asked me for money & I believe her & felt sorry for her. Some people out there really have a tough time and difficult life and have to resort to selling their bodies while I am enjoying myself with hookers every week in KL & don't need to work. Why am I still not happy? :confused:
I feel like quiting this boring life in KL & go back to Singapore. I really need to find a wife. Read in the Malaysian paper the other day where one boy whose father went to jail & mother don't know go where and the boy is living with his grandma & he has to work while schooling. Everyday eat rice with one egg only while I eat at fancy restaurants in shopping centers and hotels. Why am I still not happy? :confused: I feel like I have no purpose in life. I am longing for love that never come. If I become a dad I don't want my children to suffer if I die. Probably it is better for me to remain single. Talking about raw I will not do it again. What happens if I did raw with that poor girl just now? If she gets pregnant & go back to China then I will add more burden to her poor life. She might give birth to my baby that I will never know exist. I feel really sad.
So sorry for expressing my disappointment with my life here in KL in this thread. Bye all! I feel like retiring from this cheonging. I don't think I really need sex because most of the time I went there just to seek a life companion. Just want to have someone to hug and to talk to. I don't think sex is what I really want after going there so many times. It has become a habit & addiction that I find difficult to give up.
25-03-2005, 01:26 AM
So sorry for expressing my disappointment with my life here in KL in this thread. Bye all! I feel like retiring from this cheonging. I don't think I really need sex because most of the time I went there just to seek a life companion. Just want to have someone to hug and to talk to. I don't think sex is what I really want after going there so many times. It has become a habit & addiction that I find difficult to give up.[/QUOTE]
Bro PrinceSpa,
If you decided to leave the cheonging scene, you have my ultimate encouragement. I sometimes have the same feeling as well (not all the time cos my little brother still very naughty). Check out my previous post. I know how you feel.
Bro PrinceSpa, KL Player has a really good point, you should start looking somewhere else instead of HCs. I think we are similar in a way that we are still single. Broke up in a good relationship and has been single and cheonging since. HCs are addictive.... trust me when i say this. Sometimes its not that you are horny but it is just that you might feel lonely and just wanna to be with a different sex. And sometimes sex is not even on your mind when you visit those HCs' girls. I am not sure whether this sounds familiar to you. A HC's girl cannot never be your wife. All the issues are bound to be digged out and discussed and argued over with over the years. Find a decent girl at bookshop, music stores is a good start.
You sound like you are very unhappy. Take your time and think through. NO offence to our brothers across the border, but KL is really a better place than singapore.
25-03-2005, 01:31 AM
Bro prince spa, relec lah. dun get your self so depress.nothing wrong with wanting to seek love and company in your life. its in the nature of man. dats why we get married. But i think you need to seek them in the right places. not in the sex trade. Consider looking at places like church, community and volunteer groups, social gatherings..... etc
As for how you feel about your life now, think you need to find a purpose in life. Since you have the financial ability, why not get into charity? I dun earn much, but once i saw a very very sad documentary on how children is being exploited in cambodia(chew chor meng and zoe tay hosting), i committed myself to financially support World Vision for 1 whole year. I m not boasting, just wanna encouage you and all the bros here to do something when you see things that are not right!
Sorry bros, think i m sounding to preachy already. Take care and happy bonking!! its makes you shhiiookk and forget your troubles, at least for the moment. hahaha :p
25-03-2005, 03:08 AM
You sound like you are very unhappy. Take your time and think through. NO offence to our brothers across the border, but KL is really a better place than singapore.[/QUOTE]
I totally agree with you. I am a singaporean, born and raise here, but the moment I step foot in KL, I have this urge to settle down there and not to return to Singapore again. So much of freedom in your country, race track, pretty girl etc... How I miss KL.
Currently applying for Australia PR and US green card at the same time. However, if I happen to meet any pretty good hearted girl with Regina standard, I won't have any 2nd thought of having a home in your fabulous country!
25-03-2005, 05:40 PM
Dear Fellow KL Cheongsters,
Nice to know you all! I am currently understaking a new project which requires me to shuttle btw Sg and KL on a monthly basis. Hope to cheong together with you guys soon.
I cannot help but noticing that one major difference between KL's commercial sex scene and that of Sg's is the seemingly absence of a "mid-market" segment. In Sg, one can opt for $30-50 FJ at Geylang (Thai) or Keong Saik, $80 - $100 FJ at Geylang or Tui Na (China-styled massage parlours), $150 premium package at Geylang or Health Centres. One without much appetite for FJ can also get HJ/BJ served at Tui Na for some $50-$70 (on top of the $20 for a 1/2-hr massage).
While in KL, I only come across two types: RM30-50 FJ behind Jln Petailing (which I have no interest at all) and RM188-238 package deals at HCs (which I cannot afford to go too often too).
Wondering if there is indeed a mid-market segment that I have not been aware of? The discontinuity looks quite odd on a classic Price vs Demand/Supply Chart ;)
Thanks A Million!
27-03-2005, 03:32 PM
I cannot help but noticing that one major difference between KL's commercial sex scene and that of Sg's is the seemingly absence of a "mid-market" segment. Dan
can not really compare sg n sg there is a designated and legal red light district aka geylang while in kl, it is almost illegal. if u really want to compare, then you should compare sg with thailand. In thailand, all market is catered for and so much more (just check out the international thread) the commercial sex scene in sg is not that great. sorry to pour cold water on your patriotism on sg, hope u r not offended. Peace! :)
27-03-2005, 04:49 PM
sorry to pour cold water on your patriotism on sg, hope u r not offended. Peace! :)
I read his post twice and don't see anything patriotic. :) Sounds like he is just asking if there is a mid range segment.
Anyway, HCs in Malaysia (around KL/PJ) can go for massage, RM83-RM88 followed by a RM50 HJ.
Cheaper ones are those Urut Tradisional places. Around RM50 for a massage followed by a RM30-RM50 HJ. Some also provide FJ, dunno how much.
There used to be more variety but due to the crackdown over the past couple of months, not anymore.
27-03-2005, 07:08 PM
Thanks for you reply. A born-bookworm, I just cannot help relaying all business activities to economics theories. Haha:D
Btw where are those "Urut Tradisional" places? Those traditional foot reflexology places along Jln Bukit Bintang? Their "promoters" on the street are pretty aggressive. But all aunties leh...
I read his post twice and don't see anything patriotic. :) Sounds like he is just asking if there is a mid range segment.
Anyway, HCs in Malaysia (around KL/PJ) can go for massage, RM83-RM88 followed by a RM50 HJ.
Cheaper ones are those Urut Tradisional places. Around RM50 for a massage followed by a RM30-RM50 HJ. Some also provide FJ, dunno how much.
27-03-2005, 07:22 PM
I have been to a couple of those massage places too and so far have only managed to get HJ for the amount you mentioned but have yet to get any FJ.
Could you tell which of these places provides HJ?
27-03-2005, 07:26 PM
Sorry forgot to mention...was asking about the massage traditional places and those not HC in hotels.
28-03-2005, 01:41 PM
KL LOcal and bros...
went to armada on friday and asked for Blue (highly recommended by some bros here) and found out that she met an accident.. so now she's recuperating.. saw somes chicks.. so so only and i picked kitty (no.66).. think she shld be in her mid-late twenties... nice body.. boobs i think got B-cup (not expert in boobs size).. catbath was excellent.. lick from body to armpit to hand and back to the bottom.. her BBBJ was excellent.. teasing up and down and suck balls as well...
after she's done with you.. she would want you to catbath her.. quite shiok.. after all is quite an enjoyable bonk... :)
also during the weekend.. i checked out orchid at mandarin court.. not alot of chicks and met channel... a part-timer there... quite pretty (face and body) and huge knockers... i was pretty broke so ended going home with a hard-on
28-03-2005, 02:38 PM
Sorry forgot to mention...was asking about the massage traditional places and those not HC in hotels.
Can try Pandan Indah area. Hear there are many traditional massage places. Usually Malay or East Malaysia masseuses. They offer batin or what you Singapore bros refer to as Jua Gen. But they will usually let you come.
Not all provide batin or FJ for that matter. So it is kind of a hit and miss.
Usually the masseuse do this on the side, so if you ask the receptionist for extras you might get strange looks :D
Other places are in Puchong. PJ also got a couple.
The worldsexguide forum has more coverage on these places. Ask there for more pointers.
I am going to try BT massage at Puchong soon. One lady there named Rose got good ratings. worldsexguide also got FRs on her.
28-03-2005, 02:55 PM
Thanks for you reply. A born-bookworm, I just cannot help relaying all business activities to economics theories. Haha:D
Btw where are those "Urut Tradisional" places? Those traditional foot reflexology places along Jln Bukit Bintang? Their "promoters" on the street are pretty aggressive. But all aunties leh...
Definitely not those along Jalan Bukit Bintang. See earlier post.
Sorry to say, the places might be a bit off the beaten track for out of towners.
28-03-2005, 03:33 PM
KL LOcal and bros...
went to armada on friday and asked for Blue (highly recommended by some bros here) and found out that she met an accident.. so now she's recuperating.. saw somes chicks.. so so only and i picked kitty (no.66).. think she shld be in her mid-late twenties... nice body.. boobs i think got B-cup (not expert in boobs size).. catbath was excellent.. lick from body to armpit to hand and back to the bottom.. her BBBJ was excellent.. teasing up and down and suck balls as well...
after she's done with you.. she would want you to catbath her.. quite shiok.. after all is quite an enjoyable bonk...
Kitty (66) is the top Ang Pai at Armada. I never tried her because i dont really like her look as well as her complexion. If brothers out there are looking for service, then I dont think you will be disappointed by her service. She is not ugly.... trust me... Just not my type.
Been really busy nowadays and no time to cheong. Am thinking of visiting Sunshine again but then also thinking of visiting Ginza. Cant decide... cos i dont know any good one there. Would anyone care to share/recommend?
Went to Skyriver on Saturday night..... Captain recommended 351..... described her as not knockout looks, very "fresh" tools/body..only came in on Friday... so only one day.. so said ok... 10 minutes later told me that 351 has been booked out for the whole night by one brother. RM1000 per night leh.... My guess is that one of our lucky cheongsters from Singapore booked her out. Damn... But saw 580 as tested by one of the cheongsters here. Yeah... she is very pretty.... but she has very small boobs... not for me lah..... if only her breast was one cup bigger.... so took 617 (my old fling)
28-03-2005, 03:41 PM
where is skyriver?
28-03-2005, 03:49 PM
Thought Rose is no longer working in BT?
Can try Pandan Indah area. Hear there are many traditional massage places. Usually Malay or East Malaysia masseuses. They offer batin or what you Singapore bros refer to as Jua Gen. But they will usually let you come.
Not all provide batin or FJ for that matter. So it is kind of a hit and miss.
Usually the masseuse do this on the side, so if you ask the receptionist for extras you might get strange looks :D
Other places are in Puchong. PJ also got a couple.
The worldsexguide forum has more coverage on these places. Ask there for more pointers.
I am going to try BT massage at Puchong soon. One lady there named Rose got good ratings. worldsexguide also got FRs on her.
28-03-2005, 05:59 PM
Thought Rose is no longer working in BT?
Is it? Then my information is outdated. Thought I read a recent FR on her. Too bad. Hope she resurfaces at another place soon. :o
28-03-2005, 06:57 PM
where is skyriver?
at the back of KL Plaza, next to Starhill and Marriott
30-03-2005, 01:22 AM
Just got back from KL so I am reporting live...
went to Mandarin court as recommended - the local gals are really pork chops and like shit! fat and ugly, give me free also don't want!
Karling and Wendy (PRC gals) no more already
33 was there, eating dinner, so I went to see the dinner place
3 chinese gals and 1 angmor, maybe Russian or spanish-related types
if 33 was among them, also gone case.......
wanted to try Mint Hotel but so far away (quite lah) near Sungei Besi toll, so give it a miss
walked 10 metres backwards along Jalan Mahaleralela (whatever the spelling)
saw this crappy-looking hotel called MIRAMA (noted spelling ah!)
went just walk up 1 floor
talked to the captain..........
he told me something
"the wind in KL very strong, especially the northern wind from China" so the AV is catching like mad......even captain will kena haul to court, so....
saw the gals here, recommended some M'sia young chickadee (walau! look like some mother F... hen to me) - how can the captain do this? what kind of standard is this? ISO or audit check meh!
I asked him got PRC or not, then he propose "GOT"
from somewhere came 3 gals, I think 2 of them working in Deluxe (in other thread posting) - name and tit size the same, so I guesstimate lor!
ALL 3 from Hubei (so no coincidence rite)
took Ah Min - aged about 22
BJ - willing to without cap - 8/10 (but of course, take cap lah!)]
lick you all over (trained in HC/GL style of service)
GF feeling - 8/10 (hug you in bed like lover)
FJ - 8.5/10
Damage : RM230 (a little high) - include room in hotel
- same as GL Cat 100 PRC
Date of happening : Saturday 26 Mar 2005
to me, quite good overall - not that bad....
so, my analysis so far of Malaysia HC
1. most of good ones working in Spore, in HC or GL
2. wanna call good ones and young, ask for PRC, if not move on
3. hotels change all the time with good stock, so must move around and with the tide (need contribution on latest) from most brudders here....
4. Msia HC gals - most suck big time
Enjoy! :cool:
30-03-2005, 06:18 AM
I am a regular cheongster in Msia, Sin, Bangkok, China, HK for the last 6 years. I have bonked over 300 girls and counting. I do most of my cheonging in KL unless i get to cheong abroad. I have visited nearly all the HCs and also the local NCs in KL. And this is what i have to say.
The quality of chicks in KL sucks big time!! PORK CHOPS everywhere!!! With due respect to the other cheonging bros who frequent the famous HCs in KL, all are not up to standards at all. Compared to the chicks 2-3 years ago, they are totally disgusting. (Or maybe i'm just used to foreign chicks)
I am not sure what makes u says that. I find HC in KL still pretty good. Unless you gone to the wrong one.... Plus from what I read in other forum, there are still many good comments and quality chicks..
30-03-2005, 08:03 AM
Bro KL LOcal..
Received a call from the OKT of SkyRiver.. told me there are 2 new PRCs (No. 351 and 337) as mentioned by you earlier, i was excited and went down to check it out... turn out to be quite dissapointing.. IMHO, PRC No.580 is still the prettiest... 351 looks very err.. innocent... 337 can't make it at all.. so ended up with 661..
went into the room... was delighted to find her boobs are pretty big and firm (c-cup) and her nipples are pink.. TTCS.. found out she's from Yunan and born 19 years ago... BBBJ sucks and FJ are not very delighting... finished my business and get the hell out...
i must add that i'm bored of the scene in KL already.. must agree to some bros that is true, the quality of HCs is declining... the magic is not there anymore... or maybe im over doing it.. time to take a long and lengthy break as im going to bkk soon.. saving bullets as well..
happy cheonging and share your FRs if you find any gems out there in this city
30-03-2005, 09:25 AM
Hey dude,
I am not sure what makes u say that too! If u have such shitty tastes, then its fine for u, not me. Forget about other forums, read thru this whole thread before u post. U r missing the whole point here, in this thread. :mad:
30-03-2005, 11:03 AM
Bro KL Player,
It has been a while..... Where have you been? Cheonging the town for us?
Kinda miss your FR. I myself went to Oasis & Skyriver the past week. Nothing to shout about so am keeping quiet until I find new exciting ones. Any place to recommend?
Cheers and take care :cool:
30-03-2005, 07:22 PM
Sorry for MIA (missing in action) as i have just returned from Shenzen, China. Had a blast there for 4 days. Great golf, great food and superb chicks! Will post my FR in the International thread soon.
While i was in China, i am also checking out the thread from China. I'm addicted to this site, man!!!
Anyway, i went to Oasis Spa today too (monday) and tried no 66 (Sydney) as recommended by bro Lingwu....
As usual, went to the room and waited....when she came in, i was quite suprised as she has a very pretty face, like some taiwanese singer (Rene Liu Rou Wing). Not bad. Her massage is very good too with strong strokes. After that, stroke my little brother. Her boobs are b cups and very soft. What else, did her HJ on me and i came. Maybe, after my sexcapade in China, this experience did not satisfy me. I was spoilt like a king there! However, No 66 is a very soft spoken and well mannered person and i also enjoyed talking with her.
And as mentioned by Lingwu before, she is the ang pai there. The next target is No 18. Sorry for the short and unexciting post here, as i need to recuperate first. But, i'm already planning to go to Ginza soon. Wait for my FR soon.
And thats all for the moment bro....ZZZZ.....ZZZZ....ZZZZZ
31-03-2005, 08:03 AM
ooh well...
i get the point of this thread.. but is just my personal opinion... not trying to mess anything here... :)
31-03-2005, 03:20 PM
bro KL Player,
You were there on Monday??!! I must have missed you. Well....may be not cos we have never met. :D
I went there asking for 18 but she was booked all the way till 730. So no hope. Mamasan Jackyln? recommended 73.... what the heck ... so decided to go with her recommendation.
FR on 73
Looks: 5/10
Body: 6/10 (I dont know who to measure the boobs.... 40D?, huge!)
waist about 28 i think
Massage: 6/10 (tried better massage)
Body massage: 3/10 (no rythm.... kept rubbing her watermelon all over my
body.... not eroctic whatsoever, disappointed)
HJ: 5/10 (I dont think she knows how to pleasure a man with
the hands)
RTF: No way!
I would love to try 66/18 the next time round. The thing is that this oasis can be quite costly at times:
2 session of massage 177 + massage 100 = RM270!
Anyone tried "The Spa"/"Andana Spa" at Menara Citibank/ Wisma MPL. It advertises as RM148++ . I have no doubt that the facilities is top of the tops. Anyone knows whether I can get extras :p at this place?
31-03-2005, 03:43 PM
Was feeling kinda miserable after the session at oasis on Monday, decided to go to sunshine hoping to see some local gems. Got there, only four girls on shift..... what the hell?
Girls on shift on Tuesday: Rachael, Win, Sao Man, Crystal
Took Win as recommended by cheongsters here before.
FR on Win (Sunshine)
Look: 7/10 (ok looking, young)
Body: 7/10 (A cup boobs, skinny,looks tall)
BBBJ: 8.5/10 (BBBJ started in bathroom)
FJ: 7/10 (i personally prefer blowjob to FJ anytime)
Win took me to the room. Had a cigratte and off to the bathroom. Body quite ok, nipple very pink/red.... I think she uses some cream to make it look nice. Anyway, very thorough shower, then started with warm water BJ in the toilet. Damn shiok. Then off to the bed. I first lied on my stomach hoping that she would do catbath on my back. Damn... was asked to turn around. Ok... never mind. Started with very wet cat bath from ear all the way down the toes.... very shiok. While working her way down from the ear... she french kiss me..... ok fine by me. Once she finished with the toes.... started the AR on me... Very good indeed. Then started licking my little bro.... very teasing as she keeps looking up at me and giving me the CFM look. Then work her catbath upwards again towards my neck... nice... But suddenly french kiss me again :eek: "no.. I dont want it" I wanted to scream out loud. She jusk licked my anal and now she kissed me.... ooh.... Luckily it was just a brief one(I didnt move my tounge at all).
Then she turn her body to 69 position. BBBJ was shiok but i dont do pussy licking (sorry...) I think she sort of got the idea so got me to stand up and gave me a bbbj with me standing and her sitting on the edge of the bed. After 2 minutes of that.... capped me and we started getting in missionary. That lasted for only 3 minutes when I asked her to stop claiming that I was too tired to do anymore and requested for handjob. She then said ok and sat down on the floor by the edge of the bed and said "fuck my mouth, baby) and took my brother into her month. So i started "fucking her mouth" with my two hands supporting my weight on the bed. This lasted for a full minute before I blew it in her mouth....
Overall a very good experience. Cant wait to try out other ang pai like wine, connie and ????? please recommend.
01-04-2005, 09:49 AM
Place:Armada Hotel HC :cool:
time: 3pm
Finished my work for the day . Called my clients wanna to cheong HC. They told me yes.
As normal we do our fitness centre activities..........30 minit pass
I call the okt for catwalk.. He show me the gal about 12 of them and he also show me his FUCK face also. nowonder some forumer said this place service are BAD!!!
I choose no99 venessa , my client A choose 32 yoko , client B choose 1 channel.
Went to the room. After a while, she entered the room. She was such a BABE! She was not tall...about 5ft 3 in......nice big B cup tits, slim waist and she look like HK singer LOH HOW YAM . Yeah...that's her...yum..yum...
She's fleshy thin. Very friendly and talkative
Process to massage, nothing to shout about..
Took a shower. Start with back knee ..for last 10 min. then turnover front catbath and bbbj and she is wet.....very wet...
After 15 mins...she put on a cap. she quickly go on top of me. lotus style.So, I laid down on the bed. She stood up...opened her legs and lowered herself on my pole...eyes closed and loud moans coming out from her mouth. Sometime, she would look into my eyes as if to make sure I was enjoying the fuck
Later, with her eyes half closed ( very sexy), she asked whther I would like to be on top.
Yeah....brought her to the edge of the bed...entered her deep with her legs on my shoulder. Moans turned into little screams of joy...her eyes went wide opened and a second later they would be closed. I pounded her harder and harder and the screams became louder n louder...
At one point, her waist was up in the air...I groped her ass and pulled her towards me and she said..."hmmmm...u last long..." I said yes.
Finally, I came in loads. :D
Name: Venessa
Look: 7/10
Body: 6.5/10
Boobs: BCup
BJ: 7.5/10
Attitude: Very friendly
Will try her again if no other choice.....
Damage: RM248 package.
01-04-2005, 05:00 PM
Just came back from my sexapades in KL. here is the very disappointing first FR.But still thanx to bro KLs for the info.cos i had better bonks after that.
On the first day that I'm there, I decided to visit Mandarin Court to see if I can get some big boobs, No.33. Reach there and the OKT asked if I want massage. I said package and ask for 33. He started to lead me to the rooms and said 33 has knocked off from work at 9pm and that she cost 230. ask me wait in the room and he'll get me a 198 one. WTF, din even ask me if i want!
well, thot i'll take a look. then a mature lady (abt 35yrs) came in. WTF, no parade one har! Immediately she started to strip and intro herself as Candy. Her face was quite chio but her body a bit too meaty even though i usually like the fleshy kind. She was very friendly and started to help me undress. So ok lah, see how things goes.
First she gave me a back massage. too hard for me.then turn me over and give me a catlick and boob rub with her b-cup. not too bad soft and smooth. letting me squeeze and play with them. things are looking better but the rest of events was all down hill!
she tried to cap and give me bj, ask for bbbj, say she dun do that, so cap and suck for a min only! then came up and rode on me. as she rode me, i move up to suck on her brown nipples after a few sec she complain they are painful already, little bro then when dead. turn her over, suck her nips again and finger her vagina. she stopped me from fingering her and said dun feel good. I was really pissed off by then. she then wanna do hj for me saying no time liow. I said blow me again and she reply no cos already when inside her and its dirty. I insisted and she changed a new cap before bj to come.
After the shower, she say still got time and give me a massage. WTF, just now no time liow, now still got time?!! Si bei tu lan. Paid up and left immediately.
Looks = 7/10 – quite chio.
Body = 4/10 – a bit too meaty even for me!!
Boobs = 6/10 – B-cup. smooth and soft
Catbath = 4/10 - Not much
BBBJ = non cos she dun do that.
Fingering = cannot also.
FJ = 6/10 - decent
Massage = too hard for me
RTF = you think i stupid?! never!! :mad:
02-04-2005, 08:45 AM
I wonder if u guys bonked a malay gal b4? If not..Do go and try out..And u ll find out that they really have amazing sex drive..
Last fri..Was really a marthon bonk..(wed, thurs and fri)..I went to Grand season again..This time..Opted for a malay chic...Came into the room with a smile..Very very frenly..Chatted for about 15 mins...Really nice..I mean..They dun rush rush ..TOld me about herself (ex bf and stuffs lar)..Finally..Hehehe I told her..WEy..I got to rush back to work o.. She immediately stripped and asked me to follow into the bathroom..After a quick bath..We head on to the bed..
Wah..Very nice catbath..(nips, face, everywhere lar) Allows u to finger and ur hands can roam freely..
Then BBBJ..Nice those slurp slurp sound lar...THen she turned over..Hahaha..Allowing me to catbath her pulak...So suck suck her nip and finger her too lor..I dun dare to suck her pussy lar..After bout 5 minutes...She capped me and me started bonking her..The thing is..She allows various positons..And she can sense that u are tired...and she will take the initiative to move (as in bonkin me back lar)...Wah..really enjoyable and the pussy muscle is like grabbing ur didi and letting it go...Finally..Beh tahan liao..Unloaded after 10 mins..Wah..She complained..Why so fast wan..I was like..UR kung FU very terror mar...She smiled and both of us lay down on the mattress and caressed each other for about 3 mins..THen went into toilet to bath again..I was hard again..Managed to persuade her to BBBJ me again in the toilet for a second shot...Happily obliged...And I came too...Wah! NIce!
Face: 6/10
Body: 7/10
Attitude: 9/10
BBBJ: 7/10
FJ: 10/10
RTF: 8/10
Prince Spa
02-04-2005, 01:55 PM
I never try a Muslim before. I am not interested in Malay women. So far in KL there is only one Malay girl that I felt like bonking - a girl that I saw in shopping center. Very damn beautiful! Other than that my penis has no appetitie for Malay girls. Not my kind. Even if given opportunity to bonk Siti Nurhaliza I will still think twice.
Furthermore, I don't want to get caught for khalwat and forced to marry a Malay hooker and convert to Islam.
02-04-2005, 10:37 PM
Wah bro..Nowadays..U cant really differentiate a malay from a chinese..Most of them are quite fair nowadays..(alot of them are mixed too)...BUt their Kungfu is really something else from the regular bonks with chinese..heheheh
sb song
02-04-2005, 10:56 PM
Big win is blowing in KL the MIB were going after PRC WL,about 10 days ago the MIB nap 3 PRC n 4 OKT fr Orkade Spa,now no Prc is avalable there ,the good news is PRC WL Wendy is back n will start work on4/4/05 n only avalabie to regular cheongster .
03-04-2005, 12:14 PM
ooh well...
i get the point of this thread.. but is just my personal opinion... not trying to mess anything here... :)
Bro tazzer,
Sorry bro, the post was meant for CNNcmg. Hope that is OK. Didn't mean to disrespect you, bro. Your opinion is great, as we share the same view too!!!! :p
03-04-2005, 01:14 PM
U were there on monday too? Next time, just shout out loud "KL_player!!!! Are u here?????". Just kidding.
To answer ur questions on Andana Spa/The Spa. The 3 spas belong to the same owner. I know him quite well and he is a very nice guy. I get a hefty discount whenever i'm there.
All 3 spas r '100% legit' spas, meaning no hanky panky and not even HJs. But the facilities are great and the food they serve r the best in Msia. Nasi lemaks, popiahs, satays, great soups, fruits and etc.... In the citibank Spa (men only) u get free flow of Heineken beer!!! Yep, u got that right. Unlimited beer per entry, so those beer guzzlers better get there now!
Massages r considered top notch and their staffs r very well trained. If u visit The Spa at Jalan Raja Chulan, look for the lady captain named .......(sorry can't remember) anyway shes about 23 years old and very pretty. Tell her i (u know my real name) sent u and see what extras can u get. No hanky panky but she will chat with u all day long, if thats what u want.
Always at your service, bro KL_LOCAL.
04-04-2005, 01:44 AM
I never try a Muslim before. I am not interested in Malay women. So far in KL there is only one Malay girl that I felt like bonking - a girl that I saw in shopping center. Very damn beautiful! Other than that my penis has no appetitie for Malay girls. Not my kind. Even if given opportunity to bonk Siti Nurhaliza I will still think twice.
Furthermore, I don't want to get caught for khalwat and forced to marry a Malay hooker and convert to Islam.
The religious officials can only take action against Muslims.
However, the police may take action against you for vice which whether the hooker is Muslim or non-Muslim is irrelevant. Anyway they usually don't.
04-04-2005, 02:18 PM
Hi Everyone,
,the good news is PRC WL Wendy is back n will start work on4/4/05 n only avalabie to regular cheongster .
Yeah..... Called Mandarin Court just now and was informed that she will only be back tomorrow 5/4/05. May be I am not regular enough?
Hi bro Kl player,
Massages r considered top notch and their staffs r very well trained. If u visit The Spa at Jalan Raja Chulan, look for the lady captain named .......(sorry can't remember) anyway shes about 23 years old and very pretty. Tell her i (u know my real name) sent u and see what extras can u get. No hanky panky but she will chat with u all day long, if thats what u want.
Havent seen you posting for quite a while bro.... taking a break? I visited Andana Citibank last Friday. Place is quite nice, food is excellent, the massage very good....Hanky panky.... hell no. Damn.... got so horny after the massage especially with all the facial girls walking around. (one particular one with shoulder length hair (slightly curly towards the end) damn chun oh. Wanted to ask for facial from her but she never came to ask.... none of them did actually. Also pai seh to go up to anyone and request for her to do facial for me. May be next time lah. Fuck, didnt know about the free flow of beer, wasted. Captain also didnt tell me. Hee hee.....
Was surfing net during the weekend and found this website..... so tempting. Dont know if anyone here has tried. Part time model? promoters? damn.... I dont mind paying for them. Anyone know any kang tau of getting models or just beautiful girls lah.
04-04-2005, 05:12 PM
Was surfing net during the weekend and found this website..... so tempting. Dont know if anyone here has tried. Part time model? promoters? damn.... I dont mind paying for them. Anyone know any kang tau of getting models or just beautiful girls lah.
are the pictures real or not? my god.. is very tempting leh
04-04-2005, 05:48 PM
Dear bros and especially KL_LOCAL,
I have made arrangements for Tuesday 5/4/05 with a HC with a superb chick (i was told). So be patient guys, i will post my FR later after I test drive first.
04-04-2005, 06:06 PM
Bro KL Player,
How come you always get special treatment everywhere you go? Very jealous of you.
But not to worry, cos I have you as a friend.... :D
But shy that you always have to be the test driver. Let me know and I dont mind being the test driver. My after test review might not be as good as yours but i will try
04-04-2005, 09:48 PM
Hi guys,
New to this forum. :) I'm here to contribute,share andseek new FR on HC around KL areas. Hope the response is good.
Have any of you try Vegas agency chicks ? I've tried Thai and Indon from that agency. It's so-so lah...but Malay girls at Crystal Crown PJ damn sedap loo...Have try Ayu n Noreen before, both gorgeous n GF services....
Any latest FR on Indian chicks that is gorgeous and can provide GF service ?
05-04-2005, 02:32 AM
Pictures of girls posted in 99pinkrose are all pictures of Japanese AV (Adult Movie) stars and Western porn. Every single one of them.
Maria Takagi, Ran Asakawa aka Ran Muto, Yui Sarina etc. Don't be duped!
The escort agency really think foreigners are so "bank cheque".
05-04-2005, 09:31 AM
Hi all, a FR on my latest sexcapade. Went to Lisa De Inn last nite and managed to get hold of Sasha after months of trying. It was either she was not working or the timing wasn't right. But anyhow, it happened yesterday. Typical of a Malay girl, she was friendly and warm. No problem warming up to you for sure.
Started off with an oil+baby lotion massage - strong, firm hands. If you like a good workout, she will be a good choice. Felt like a cross between TN and shiatsu. Up and down your back all the way down to the thighs and feet. very refreshing indeed. Oh, all this with her top off and her pair of 35Bs ogling at you. Opened my legs wide and ass raised, she started caressing/massaging my already stiffening cock and balls. Shiok habis!
Turned me over. Put some oil onto her breasts and rubbed them against my thighs, my attentive cock, up to me chest and finally all over my face. Steamy! :p She them asked me to remove her G-string while sitting on me and guided my hand to fondle her supple breasts and light brown nipples. Fantastic foreplay man. And all these before the actual service!
Off we go to the shower. She applied body shampoo on the both of us and asked me hold her from the back. She rubbed her ass on my cock and then wanking it using her thighs! Showered me and then went down on my cock and started to give me a BBBJ with loud slurping sounds. Need to fuck her liao so quickly dried myself up and went to the bed and waited whilst she finished off her own shower.
She started with a catbath - nipples, earlobes, stomach, thighs, kneecap. Pretty SOP but her earlier maneuvres more than enough to make up for it. She gave me a BBBJ again in the 69 position but his time more rigorously with even louder slurps. Very wet as she used a lot of saliva to make the slurps so the strokes and the blow job was really smooth. She then capped me and went on top. She moaned sexily as she went down slowly on my cock. And then she proceeded to go faster, riding my little brudder. Changed position, still on top of me but now with her back facing me. My turn to fuck her while groping her breast tightly for maximum penetration. After thrusts after thrusts, she asked me to do her doggy standing up. We are getting all sweaty by now and I can anticipate my self cumming soon. I liked it missionary so asked to lie on her back and started fucking her, pushing my cock deep into her nicely trimmed pussy. She tilted her hips to give me deep penetration. Could feel that I am hitting the top of her pussy. Very 'chi kek' man. As I was about to come, she said to me in malay, 'Pancut dalam mulut' - 'Cum in my mouth'. Already wanna cum liao, the moment she said that, immediately pulled out my cock, she stripped off the condom in a flash and blowed me to glory. I shot a shole load of cum into her mouth as she continued to blow my cock. Very tired and satisfied! We talked for a while and she then washed me down in the shower before I called it day.
Cheongsters, a gem is not easy to find. Be gentle and and you will get your money's worth! Have fun.
WL: Sasha
Race: Malay
Looks: 7/10 (not drop dead but with CFM looks)
Body: 35b-25-37 (good boobs size, supple, soft and squeezable)
Massage: 8/10 (reasonably firm)
BBBJ: 9/10 (good suction and she is able to deep throat, took my entire cock length)
AR: Yes
FJ: 9/10 (read the full report above)
Other extras:10/10 (U don't normally get a package like this with normal HC WL, so I will have to give credit where it is due)
05-04-2005, 11:22 AM
Before I proceed must pay my respect to this thread Tai Kor, KL player.Tks for this thread.
Dear moneymoney,
I am a big boobs chinese mature lady affiando. I come to KL once in a while and I would like to indulge in HC. Can you recommend any lady in HC Plaza and the damage for massage,hj and fj(bbbj?). I do not want to get rip off.
Any other HC to recommend?
05-04-2005, 12:44 PM
thanks for the good FR on Lisa De INN!! anyone has the contact number? think i shld call b4 i go there to avoid dissapointment.. would love to try sasha
Prince Spa
05-04-2005, 02:07 PM
Pictures of girls posted in 99pinkrose are all pictures of Japanese AV (Adult Movie) stars and Western porn. Every single one of them.
Maria Takagi, Ran Asakawa aka Ran Muto, Yui Sarina etc. Don't be duped!
The escort agency really think foreigners are so "bank cheque".
Malaysian Indian girls so fair white skin like that one hah?
Western European girls pic quality looks like taken from porn site.
Local Malay girl like that meh? Look a bit like Siti Nurhaliza lah but all Malay girls so fair like that meh?
Thai girl is trying hard to look like Thai. A little bit resemblance to Thai lah.
Philippine girl like that meh? I have seen thousands of Filipino maids and none are like that.
Indonesian girl? RFOL
Vietnamese girl is the funniest one. Look exactly like Japanese.
Stupid deceiving web site! But if they have a lookalike I don't mind to try.
I have been to Deluxe many times and they always showed me photos of Russians or Uzbeks. Most of the time you will disover that the photo does not tell you the whole picture. If the girl is ugly (I mean not that pretty) they will take the pic from certain angle one in order to make the girl look more presentable. There was once I was shocked to discover a Russian girl is one so damn huge giant. No choice paid money already. Have to fuck this giant.
So if you are given photo to pick, make sure you choose the one that shows you the face of the woman directly looking at you. Not taken from side angle.
05-04-2005, 03:21 PM
thanks for the good FR on Lisa De INN!! anyone has the contact number? think i shld call b4 i go there to avoid dissapointment.. would love to try sasha
I don't have her mobile but you can always call up the hotel and ask for the spa's extension. Hotel's no. 03-79553636. The OKTs there are pretty honest so they will tell you exactly whatcha gonna get. Go quick because I think she will be on long leave again soon!
05-04-2005, 05:20 PM
Bro KL Player,
Hows did your test drive on the superb chick go? I cant wait to get the contact and FR from you. Nowadays no mood to cheong anymore. Went to a few HC and left empty handed everytime. The girls are all ok..... sort of standardised already. Am still looking for one that can make my heart beat faster.
My OKT at Green Elephant called me last night that there is a RM500 girl at Deluxe. Said the girl quite ok. Quite ok? for RM500? it'd better be good. Could it be that your Superb Chick is this RM500 girl at deluxe. Might pop by tonight to look at the girls. But very unwilling to go to deluxe unless the girl is confirmed beautiful cos i cant stand the captains there. Damn lan si.
Do let me know if you can find some gem in KL. Am getting bored already. Went to Mandarin Court today and was told that Wendy called up the Spa this morning and told them she wont be coming back to work. Damn sian already.
Heard that some KTVs in Seremban has PRCs. If the quality is good, I really want to drive down to Seremban to see those PRCs. Just my preference. Cant seem to find PRC in KL anymore (except for SkyRiver, De Palace, Dynasty). Anyone know of where I can get pretty PRCs in KL, please let me know.
Oopss..... Forgot to welcome all the new brothers in the thread. WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME! Lets do our best and keep this thread going and share the little gem our lovely KL has to offer.
05-04-2005, 05:23 PM
Today 02:32 AM
TohKeiFung Pictures of girls posted in 99pinkrose are all pictures of Japanese AV (Adult Movie) stars and Western porn. Every single one of them.
Maria Takagi, Ran Asakawa aka Ran Muto, Yui Sarina etc. Don't be duped!
The escort agency really think foreigners are so "bank cheque".
Brothers out there,
Of course I am not stupid enough to think that the girls in the website are real. But considering the fact that they put in the effort to create a website of this quality (best for Malaysia escort, i think). I am just wondering may be they do have contacts for pretty girls. What ya all think?
05-04-2005, 05:56 PM
Heard that some KTVs in Seremban has PRCs. If the quality is good, I really want to drive down to Seremban to see those PRCs. Just my preference. Cant seem to find PRC in KL anymore (except for SkyRiver, De Palace, Dynasty). Anyone know of where I can get pretty PRCs in KL, please let me know.
There are still plentiful of PRC as FL in KL or kept by rich biz man. You can contact mummy 1 at Subaru, she has a lot of PRC FL with her. I have seen some of them. But you must tip her well lor. She has good contacts with the PRC still even no more PRC works at Subaru.
As for the Seremban PRC quality, its onli so so. I have been there for few trips but nothing turns me on compares the one at Atlantis. However, one of my bro got a very GFE PRC ger last week and she spend her last few days here with him in KL for FOC !!! Damn lucky him. I was supposed to pick her during the parade but i let him choose and wah la.... :D
05-04-2005, 06:01 PM
Bro TCK,
How do I contact this mamasan 1 at subaru? Can PM me her contact number ah?
05-04-2005, 06:56 PM
sorry to ask u mate...Ur FR is fantastic and revealing.. Whereabout is LisaDee Inn n how much is the damage ? I really wanna try Shasa if I come to KL next month......Any other recommendations?
06-04-2005, 07:56 AM
hi all..
after work.. feel abit bored.. decided to call Lisa De inn to check out sasha.. was told she wasnt feeling well and went home early.. damn it.. called up armada and found out Blue is working.. as recommended by some cheongster here.. decided to visit her...
went to armada and there were heaps of ppl there... booked Blue straight away incase she kena taken by other punters.. sat in the room and wait.. then she came in.. first glance.. she didnt look that fantastic.. she bun up her hair and personally i thought her face is abit long and looked abit 'aunty'.. talk abit and she didnt response much.. one liner that ends conversation and i can feel this negative vibes from her :( .. well she told me she was very tired, woke up at 10am to attend court... (she had an accident)
after some small talk.. she undress and get the shower ready.. i must say that she has a nice pair of breast... nipples are skin colour.. havent seen such breast for a awhile.. body is superb.. the rest of the experience is so so only.. caught her at bad time i think...
one more thing.. called up deluxe and asked abt the $500 bucks chick.. the OKT told me that you cant view the chick and apparently she's a well known model.. you need to book a few days in advance.. and she told me there's also another expensive chick.. no names mentioned, just price.. she's was 2nd runner up in a beauty pageant... and it will cost you $2000... yes my fellow bros... no typo error.. RM2000 to see who she is..
any rich bros out there willing to try any of them?? will be great to read a FR on them.. till then..
06-04-2005, 09:27 AM
Dear Cheongsters,
Welcome to the new bros and to especially to Cokester for his very erotic FR. Lovely man!
After much anticipation, I went to Sunshine Spa yesterday afternoon for this superb chick called Pinky. When i first saw her, i must say that i wasn't too keen to bonk her. Why? Bcos she is just a regular pretty face and can't be considered superb.
Anyway, took her and went up the room. KNN, she was talking all the way on her HP up to the room and continue to do so even after i have stripped myself. Some conversation about some money issues. This is where i must give me 2 cents worth of opinion here : HC or NC chicks are not supposed to be talking on their HP (without the customers approval). Very TULAN!!!!!!!
Shower me and took me to the bed. Gave my nipples some gentle licks which i quite enjoy (credit given) and proceeded to approach my dick. Next, took some tissues to wipe my dick like its full of shit (credit taken back). KNN, very mood destroying!!
What come next was the worst BJ i had in recent years!!!! After all that wiping, i thought she was going to give it some very good sucking. But, hell no. She just placed my dick (limp at the moment) into her mouth and gave it that half hearted suck. Well, it didn't do it for me.
I asked her to lie down so i can lick her tits. She has a very young pair of firm tits. Hers is about 34 B with light brown nipples. Not bad. I gave her some very tender and gentle licks, while sucking on her tits and i was getting aroused. Dick was getting firm and i put it in her asap. Cunt is also so-so only.
This went on for only 1 minute and she opened her mouth saying, don't suck so hard. And that was it, dick went limp and i couldn't pump her anymore. Ask her to HJ me and that was bad too. HJ myself but my sex drive was beyond repair then. Showered and ta pao. And yes, she immediatedly use her HP after sex (if that can be considered) and i have to shower myself.
My very honest FR on Pinky:
Face : 6/10 (baby faced chick)
Body : 7/10 (34B-24-34)
BJ: 3/10 (worst for 2005)
Service and attitude : 4/10 (worst for 2005)
Summary: If u r looking for a young pretty chick with no importance on service or feel, then u might try her. Otherwise, give this chick a miss.
But, all is not lost. After that, i saw a very bonkable chick there. Name is Moon. Apparently i bonked her before and she is looking great with that improved body of hers. I'm telling u guys, that is one hell of a superb body (36B-24-36) and her face is pretty too (7/10). If i remember clearly, her service is quite acceptable. Anyway, I have to and will do her again soon, and i will post my FR for u guys.
PS: sorry for the long and whining FR, but i am just damn TULAN!!! I want to visit Ginza soon, so could some bros give me the most updated Ang pais there for me to release my anger on. I've tried Ice and Jasmine (superb) already. Who else can i bonk? Feedback much appreciated.
06-04-2005, 10:38 AM
sorry to ask u mate...Ur FR is fantastic and revealing.. Whereabout is LisaDee Inn n how much is the damage ? I really wanna try Shasa if I come to KL next month......Any other recommendations?
Sorry for not setting the damage expectations. Should have done so in the FR itself. Anyway, damage is RM210. Facilities at LDI are very basic but the rooms are not too bad. Some even have mirrors on the ceiling. Can observe heads bobbling up and down during BBBJ. LDI is located in Petaling Jaya right at the Rothmans Roundabout. Near SS2, Shouldn't be too hard to get directions to get there or worse come to worse grab a cab and all will be done.
Apart from Sasha, I have also tried Michelle. Mini FR on Michelle: Looks 7/10, Body 8/10, Massage 8/10 (Very firm and if you are up to it, she can even do the 'stepping massage', BBBJ with warm water, AR, CIM dunno because she did not offer and I did not ask, smooth fair skin, very friendly. Age: 25 or 26 (not exactly SYT but compensate with commendable services)
06-04-2005, 12:31 PM
Hello guys,
Agree that the girls in KL suck big time. I was totally disappointed at the midvalley and continental.
06-04-2005, 08:07 PM
Before I proceed must pay my respect to this thread Tai Kor, KL player.Tks for this thread.
Dear moneymoney,
I am a big boobs chinese mature lady affiando. I come to KL once in a while and I would like to indulge in HC. Can you recommend any lady in HC Plaza and the damage for massage,hj and fj(bbbj?). I do not want to get rip off.
Any other HC to recommend?
Sigh, why you never have any FR before?
For Plaza, I just try my luck, spend a lot of money too.
Another milf from Holiday Villa Ampang I want to share.
very nice breast.
Good massage and HJ skill.
sb song
06-04-2005, 08:30 PM
Sigh, why you never have any FR before?
For Plaza, I just try my luck, spend a lot of money too.
Another milf from Holiday Villa Ampang I want to share.
very nice breast.
Good massage and HJ skill.
Hi bro u can try no33,6,36 of Mandariant Court Hotel all age 30+ but nice body n good service as well
07-04-2005, 12:02 PM
Bro moneymoney,
Tks a lot for yr reply. Recommended to this thread by a HC kaki friend of mind. Like this thread a lot so decide to join. I'm from northern region and do my HC activity mostly in Penang. After reading all the juicy info provided by all the bros, I decide to join in the HC action in KL whenever I'm in the city. Need all the necessary info and guidiance from the old birds. Haven't been to KL HC in donkey's year(Since I move back north moons ago).
Will definately fr after I've visit the HC.
07-04-2005, 06:30 PM
Hi bro,
can provide some HC information around PJ area, like SUMMIT or SSJ. I will go for business trip at the month end. Appreciate your sharing.
Thanks :D
07-04-2005, 07:24 PM
Hi again,
Any good news from Federal H ? I heard they have nice Indians there? I just wanna finish my collections from Malay, Chinese, Thai, Filipinos, Vietnamese, Indons but Indians not yet..........Can someone from KL verify dat there still many horny Indians there ? I'm too far away in Australia mate....Thanks..
# I miss the Filipinos at Beach Club............ :)
07-04-2005, 07:30 PM
After much anticipation, I went to Sunshine Spa yesterday afternoon for this superb chick called Pinky. ....
Actually, I generally like the Sunshine Spa set up because its like a mini GL. In fact, if you are looking for service and some looks, you can always call on some of the ex-GL angpais who are working there. If you are into young chicks and don't mind the sub-standard or average service, there are always these very yound non-house girls which the OKT can source for you. So I find that there is a good mixture of different types catering to different tastes there. I guess sometimes, its a matter of wrong level of expectations...... Make no mistake, Sunshine is not a HC, even though the name has a Spa word in it. I seriously doubt the massage skills of almost all the girls there. Its a place to pick one and shag it out. So don't waste time expecting a massage and negotiating for one.
08-04-2005, 10:58 AM
hi to all the bros in kl!
although i reside in sydney i've had the pleasure of checking out most HCs in kl and i must agree the quality is indeed dropping. although it is very helpful when bros post their experiences on the forum i find that at different times or days and depending on the number of bonks she's had for the day invariably some of us will have better times than others. i'm sure its also got to do with us guy's appearance. after saying all this i must say my better fucks have been at mandarin court. i've had the pleasure of chia ling(PRC) wendy(PRC)aida(local malay)camy(local chinese)jess(local chinese) and probably a few more.frankly my best fuck was aida. very sweet, gentle fairly tall (5-7) great body especially the boobs (35C) firm and pert and the nipples were the right size and colour. she just wanted to fuck forever. it was difficult to keep up. i couldn't believe when she showed me her IC. yet to turn 17!! yes bros only 16+!! that was in dec04/jan 05.
chia ling was also pretty good. quite pretty very friendly and a good body with fairly nice boobs. the only complaint was her nipples were inverted.
wendy i didn't enjoy too much. although she was pretty and had a great body man those boobs definitely 35D and one of the best pairs i've seen for a while - i don't know. she must have had a bad day. very rushed. only became friendly after i came. was telling myself - a bit late isn't it? maybe she wanted me to come back. i know some of u bros are still raving about her. i just wished my time with her was as good but it wasn't.
so it goes back to my point about different times create different experiences.
the two local chinese jess and camy were not too bad. camy had good sized boobs(34b+) but soft and jess was a little under developed.
you guys should know by now that i am a boobs man! its hard to find locals with good sizes. the PRCs win hands down but i find myself compromising on service. the rapport does improve however when i tell them i'm from sydney.
i forgot to mention that apart from wendy frenching was inclusive with the others.
if any bros out there need guidance in sydney please let me know.
btw i golf and will be back in kl end of month. much appreciate if any bros would like to get together for a round or some drinks and maybe some fucks!
08-04-2005, 10:02 PM
Dear Austboy,
Good day mate. I totally agree with what u mentioned. I mean chicks are just human after all, and they have mood swings too. Imagine that u have to be bonked about 7-8 times a day. U will not be too keen and friendly to any Tom, Dick or Harry that comes ur way right?
Therefore, its always good to be considerate with them. They're just trying to make a living. To me, I honestly don't ever despise them. In fact, I respect them for what they are willing and capable of doing.
Those chicks u mentioned, i have tried all except Jess. Why? Bcos i'm a boobs man like u mate! Got milk?
U must pm me when u r down in KL. I will be glad to golf and cheong with u. I'll even show u around KL and we'll have a great time. Till then.....have a nice day.
By the way, whats ur handicap? :)
11-04-2005, 11:01 AM
hello to all bro in this thread,
I have been cheonging in bangkok and not in Kl for about 3 weeks liao...kl_player and kl_local, interested to go cheonging in bangkok? Let me know pls cos i spent half of the month there every month. So yesterday decided to go Topaz....haven't been there for about a year liao. Went there about 3pm..not many people. Saw a few girls signing in for the day.Was recommended to take Joanne (66) and was informed that she was the ang pai there.
went in and waited for 3 mins and she walked in...looks so so and boobs about 34 only but very fair and smooth skin. Age about 28years old. Her massage was quite good but was very a bit attitude problem so was a bit pissed.
Once done, she showered me....ask for bj in shower, she say cannot. then dry up and wait for her in bed...her catbath was SOP and only the front....she did bbbj for about 5 mins and was good with a lot of suction...nearly cum but she then capped me and ride me...damn! she was rough and very fast (actually can hear her phanting too with a bit of moaning)...cum in a short was so rough that the skin on my didi peel a bit...a quick check on the clock and i found out that it was all over in 30 mins including massage!
overall, i won't rtf and the rm238 i think is not worth it as I can get better in bangkok! (and more shots too!) HC in kl sucks!!!!!!! :mad:
11-04-2005, 11:27 AM
Hello Guys and girls (errr.. if any),
Been busy for the whole week and dont have the time to keep this thread up to date. Welcome all new brothers to the thread and good to see this thread growing.
Still no sign of Wendy coming back to work at Mandarin Court. I guess I have slow down a lot on my cheoging. When I first joined the thread, I was so excited with all the postings and were like cheonging everyday, yes EVERYDAY for two weeks non stop. Burnt a big hole in my wallet. Am disciplining myself to cheong once a week. (may be 2? 3?) ah....Its hard. Will try to stick to once a week.
08-04-2005 10:58 AM
chia ling was also pretty good. quite pretty very friendly and a good body with fairly nice boobs. the only complaint was her nipples were inverted.
Welcome austboy to the forum!!! Yes chia ling is pretty. And about her inverted nipples... haha.....It seems like every captain at Mandarin court. At least thats what the OKT told me the first time I asked for her description. Bro.... a little more work of the tounge on the nipples will make them stand out like little strawberries.... yummy.
I love to join you on the golf and sex escapades, unfortunately I am only at driving range standard only... havent been to the green .... screw my coach!! haha..... Will let you know if I do go to sydney and will definitely ask for your help and directions to cheong. I was there 1 1/2 years ago and only went to two places... 1)ESP on crow st. (i think...) had a really hot brunette doing body 2 body massage ..... stilll dreaming of it once in a while 2) a health spa on fourth floor (i think) of the mall adjacent to victoria market. Had a photo album to choose my girl. All koreans. So chose one and was only given a HJ after the massage. paid 100+ aussie. and left damn tulan. DOnt know wheter got ripped off. Have you been to any of the legal brothel in Sydney? are the quality of the girls there good? I mean australians and the kiwis? are they like centrefold quality? hee hee.... you take care.
07-04-2005 07:30 PM
cartman10 Quote:
Actually, I generally like the Sunshine Spa set up because its like a mini GL. In fact, if you are looking for service and some looks, you can always call on some of the ex-GL angpais who are working there.
Bro Cartman 10,
Its good to have you in our thread. I agree with you totally. There are times when you want to release and do not want to go to other HCs and waste time going through all the girls and not knowing her level of service. I have been to Sunshine twice recently and both time I came out very sextified. So brothers out there, if you want excellent service by good looking girls. Sunshine spa is the place to go. Although the two times I was there, there was very limited choice. (5 girls) and they close very early. I was there at 1030 pm there once and all the WL had gone home!!! But they open pretty early at 11am. So brothers out there who would like a quickie during lunch hour, this is the place to go.
Currently I found a WL which is very much to my liking. Slow and sensual BBBJ, GFE experience, good body. So I guess I will be sticking to her for a few more weeks to come. But I am sure I will get bored of her very soon. (bastard!) So if any brothers out there who has a good recommendation. Please let me know.
Cheers. :D
11-04-2005, 11:39 AM
Hi bro,
can provide some HC information around PJ area, like SUMMIT or SSJ. I will go for business trip at the month end. Appreciate your sharing.
Thanks :D
Summit hotel has a HC. Can get action there.
11-04-2005, 11:40 AM
Today 11:01 AM
lingwu74 hello to all bro in this thread,
I have been cheonging in bangkok and not in Kl for about 3 weeks liao...kl_player and kl_local, interested to go cheonging in bangkok? Let me know pls cos i spent half of the month there every month.
Bro Lingwu,
Thats why we havent seen you in a while. You lucky bastard. Cheonging in Bangkok. I actually miss bangkok a lot. I only visited Poseidon and Cupid (the two proper ones). Of course I was also stupid enough (being new to Bangkok that time) to try a small MP at Patpong.(2000 baht) was nothing compared to what i got at poseidon. Had a penthouse girl (5500 baht) but was worth it. Will let you know if I am going. There is a long weekend holiday coming (21st April) so may be.......
If you go to Topaz, try Yoko (fairly short but nice boobs) or Jasmine (tall and ok boobs) However, all are SOP. Dont expect to get extras there. By the way, check your PM.
11-04-2005, 02:20 PM
greetings kl player,
thanks for your offer. will definitely get in touch when i'm back in kl. my golf handicap is 15. used to be 6 when i was still in kl many years ago. these days don't play as much and age catching up. also the concentration not there any more. by the 13th hole will be thinking about the 19th hole!! thats my usual routine - cheong after golf.
greetings to u too kl local,
i'm getting confused with your names!
esp that u went at crows nest is not bad as far as the quality of girls concerned but the place is not so pleasant. i'm glad u enjoyed the RnT experience which is not so readily available in kl. in fact i don't even know if there are such establishments at all. the other place that u mentioned might be Xanadu which is on the 4th floor opposite the galleries victoria. i don't frequent this place cos its quite glaring on busy pitt st and the citibank boys will hang out just opposite checking out whose going up! bloody idiots.
there are probably some bros out there that might be wondering why waste money on RnT when a fuck costs just as much. for me the idea's just to be there to relax. let her do all the work but i would participate if called upon to! it really depends on the girl. the RnT girls are so much prettier(normally)but they don't normally fuck. they might offer a bj and its normally covered. for me the better place would be mistys at bondi junction. the rooms are so tastefully decorated and it really provides a nice ambience if only they'll let us fuck them! i normally go without much expectations but on two ocassions i struck jackpot. they offered sex as extras but it didn't come cheap. its a real thrill when u're not expecting it.
about the brothels in sydney - u're right. they are legal. lots of choices aussies, prc's, euro's, koreans, japs, kiwis etc. really spoilt for choice. definitely not all aussies or kiwis are like centrefiolds. u might find an occasional gem but generally their frames are big. very hard to find a size 8 and below. service is very ordinary. can't match the asians. from time to time i would have my preferences and at the momment its the koreans. i can dare say no one beats them for service. comming from me its a big call. i've cheonged in kl, bangkok, chiengmai, jakarta, kunming and races from euro's russians or the tans to prc's, phillo's and aussies/kiwis. my brother who can never find a reason to visit me in sydney before can confirm that. he says he's gotta get out here more often from now on.go the kimchis! no point me going on and on. you guys gotta be out here to experience it for yourselves.
till my next post, happy cheonging bros!!
11-04-2005, 05:20 PM
I only visited Poseidon and Cupid
bo kl_local,
hey there are a lot more than those two!
Will let you know if I am going. There is a long weekend holiday coming (21st April) so may be.......
Do let me know cos I'll be there from 18/4 to 23/4. There is a particular place in bangkok that u definately must try cos it is really something and we can't get in m'sia or s'pore!
thanks for the pm. my disappointment has now turn into excitement! oh by the way, will be in penang from 13/4 to 15/4....want to cheong there but I am always disappointed...haven't got a good one yet. i guess will have to try again..any bros want to give a helping hand?
12-04-2005, 09:25 AM
Greetings bros,
Sorry that i have been M.I.A recently. Catching up on golf these past weeks.
However, everytime after golf, my habit is to get a good massage and a bonk too. Therefore, i ended up at Esteem Spa at Eastin Hotel yesterday (11.4.05)
Went to the spa about 3.00 pm and there was not much chicks yet. Asked the cibai captains (2 of them) to view the chicks. KNN, they started to show me their sour faces after showing me only 3 chicks. They have the guts to say that they have a policy of showing only 3-4 chicks to every customers. Not more than that!!! I couldn't believe that this fucking attitude exists!!!!
Anyway, fuck them no free!!!! Went to eat and read the papers. As i was doing that, another customer was yelling at the captain cos he said the same thing to him (only 3-4 chicks). Serve the asshole right!
Ok, back to the chicks. All the chicks are PORK CHOPS!!!! Worst i have ever seen recently. However, there was this Malay chick named Sheila who is quite a looker. I was reluctant as i'm not a Malay chick fan, but i read in this thread that a few bros are keen on Malay chicks. So, to add variety and flavour to this thread, i decided to try her.
She is about 160 cm tall with a superb body. She is very slim and yet very curvy, i must say. 35C-24-35. Her boobs were also trying to burst out from her sexy tiger body hugging dress! And it was such a turn on. Its quite a while since my little bro was this keen.
Shes very friendly too. She gave quite a good catbath and assrimming too (however, it was quite fast). Her BJ is average. Fans of Malay chicks must try her out. I would highly recommend her cos:
Face: 7/10 (very sweet and pretty)
Body: 8/10 (slim, curvy, busty-round and firm tits!)
Attitude :8.5/10
BJ: 7/10
Assrimming:7/10 (i'm not a fan of this)
RTF: No (cos i hate the captains there!!!! Very TULAN!!!!!)
Price :RM 198
To Lingwu74,
I'm going to Bangkok end of this month too, but no cheonging together as this is a family trip. Maybe next time.
To Austboy,
I'm playing with a handicap of 18 but always end up with an extra stroke in the HC after golf. Same as u dude!!! We r icthy and horny doubt on that.
I agree that all this cheonging is tough on the wallet too!! Total cost for cheonging per month escalates to a few thousands every month. Fuck, could be driving the new BMW X3 anytime!!!! Anyway, i'm not a car buff anymore as its not worth it (especially in Msia with that crazy tax!).
Since u r a PRC fan, I heard that there are many PRC actions in Ipoh these days. The KTV/Spa joint opens about 2pm everyday till late. Booking per hour is only RM 39 and per bonk is only Rm 150. Sounds good right? Let me find out more and i will let u know. Ant bros who can help out here would be highly appreciated.
Thanks to all the new bros who contributed and shared with us. :)
12-04-2005, 12:08 PM
Bro KL_Local
sheila from eastin hotel... what a sweet girl.. one of my fav malay chicks and she's a looker.. another one that i tried at eastin is Summer... quite pretty and big boobs.. and fair as well... she's from JB if im not mistaken..
anyone else tried sasha from Lisa De Inn? waiting for my next salary to come in first.. cheonged alot down at singapore.. hahahaa.. control now.. or else over spent!!
till then
Hi Tazzer
Sasha is excellent in her gfe ... gives you the warmth of a long lost gf..
can chit chat and no rush at all.
She may not be a looker but definitely patient and take great lengths to satisfy you!
You won't be disappointed!
She is definitely one of my fav brown sugars ...
anyone else who loves sweet tasting brown sugar hv any other flavours to suggest... will definitely be appreciated!
Bro Tazzer,
Shasha is a gem at LDI who will give you a real great GFE. No rush and she takes great effort to put you at ease and please. Definitely one of my favourite brown sugars.
Perhaps those with such sweet taste like myself can share where we can find such tasty delicious brown sugar.
As for Sheila, thats one I will try as you have listed her down as one of your fav brown sugar! Btw, is Summer also a brown sugar from Eastin?
Many thanks to this forum, its been a wealth of information!
CHeeRS to all BroS!
13-04-2005, 05:09 PM
thanks for your info..
summer from eastin is a chinese girl... =)
feeling like cheoing tonite... hopefully will find a gem out there tonite.. will post something anything turns up...
till then
sb song
13-04-2005, 10:08 PM
Sunshine Spa
Were there this aft.the place is pack the good news is WL Wine is back for 2 weeks,all Wine fans pl take note don't miss this baby is value for money
14-04-2005, 10:03 AM
Dear Bros,
Mmmm....didn't know so many bros out there are fans of brown sugar. Well, in that case, brown sugar fans must check out this Malay chick from Legend Hotel Spa.
I'm sorry that i don't recall her name but u guys can check with the Spa. Few months ago, i went to that spa for some roman massage. But when i saw this Malay chick, i just have to have her. Great body with a giant pair of tits!!! It was 37D-25-36. Huge and solid tits man!!!!
She told me that she works at Deluxe NC and she drops by the Spa for part time work before going to work at the NC. Well, great bargain to get a NC chick at the HC for only RM 200++.
I can remember this chick even after so many months bcos she gave me one of the best foreplay ever. Gave the usual catbath and assrimming, but her BJ was awesome. Very slow and sensual, deep throat with great suction. And polish my dickhead so long that i think i was about at least 15 mins of heaven. Her technique was to suck the shaft with her mouth and tickle the dick head with her tongue!!! That does it for me, man!
And for me, the better the foreplay, the longer and faster i can bonk. Needless to say, I was banging her like crazy. Even after 20 mins of heavy (porno style) fucking, I still couldn't come yet. But i was damn tired and my legs was getting shaky and weak already. She then voluntered to suck my dick again. And its not the fast sucking to make u come fast. She was sucking it the way she was doing during the foreplay!! Whoa!!! That feeling was damn shiok! And trust me, that went on for another 10 mins before i put all my swimmers into her mouth. And on that moment, i felt that i have not ever ejaculated that much swimmers ever. It was like pouring out into her mouth man. Superb climax for me. FYI, she didn't swallow and i don't blame her as it really was a mouthfull of cum.
After that, she told me that she really enjoyed it as well and i can tell that it was true. She asked my permission to enjoy a smoke after that, and of course she can. I was already so satisfied!!!!!
So brown sugar fans out there, please check her out. For me, that bang left me so satisfied with a big smile on my face. And also a pair of shaky legs for the rest of the day! :)
14-04-2005, 11:24 AM
Bro Kl Local, had PM you the contact for some time liao, so far have you get any of her ger out yet ?
14-04-2005, 11:34 AM
Bro TCK,
I havent contacted her yet lah.... Have to make arrangement (hotels, weekends.... you know lah). So a bit troublesome. But will definitely give her a call.
How are things lately? Still cheonging the KTV scene huh :D . Enjoy
14-04-2005, 02:31 PM
thanks to thus thread, I have drawn up my list for super bonk session from Friday till sunday when I go K.L. thanks all bro for the information.
14-04-2005, 02:46 PM
Tats an excellent FR.. i'm going to look for this babe when i go during the weekend :)
Mmmm....didn't know so many bros out there are fans of brown sugar. Well, in that case, brown sugar fans must check out this Malay chick from Legend Hotel Spa.
14-04-2005, 03:21 PM
hai brother... any to recommend at armanda or midvalley? feeling like go cheong after stop for 3month...
anyone got ideal yoko still work in lisa de inn?! miss her
14-04-2005, 05:20 PM
Hi to all new brothers that join our thread,
A big welcome to you all. Sorry I have been quiet for some time. Two reasons: 1. found one WL that I like 2) got a bad experience and didnt want to share.
But what the heck. Check out my two FR
1) Michelle-Green Elephant
Damage: RM230 (member RM198)
Look: 8/10 (To me, she has class and she looks different from other WLs)
Body: Tall, slim, big boobs. (what else can you ask for?)
Attitute: 9/10 (very well mannered girl)
BBBJ: 11/10 (agree with another samster that her BBBJ is really out of the
FJ: 7/10 (pretty SOP but the feel is there)
I have visited her three times since I first visited her about 2 weeks ago. The first time I was there. I was already feeling like extending my session while I was receiving the good BBBJ. Her BBBJ skill is the soft sensual one. Those brothers that like agressive one, she is not for you. Her ball licking skill will send you to heaven. Haha. I dont want to elaborate anymore. Try her and be nice to her and you will be rewareded. And I like to plead to all cheongsters out there to please treat all WL nice. Especially those that provide excellent service. That way, all of us can share the good things these WLs can provide. I have heard some stories from WLs that some cheongsters do not treat them nice (abusive etc...) So please be nice.
2) the disappointing one
Natalie- Esteem Spa, Eastin Hotel
After reading the FR by my good bro. KL Player on Sheila. I decided to try her. Went there on 13 April 2005. Sat down at the lounge and waited for the captain to come. After reading about those cibai captains, I anticipated the same thing. So when the captain came and showed my 3 girls not suited to my taste. I asked for more. He said that's it... I said fine... I will just wait. Then he said "ok loh..... you wait lah... " with their cibai attitute. Was pre-warned so not so tulan. Then 10 minutes later brought a girl to show me. Natalie. First quick glance (very quick), ok... only saw the breast. So ok.
Went to the room. In she came, fuck... wrong choice. The face damn round after she put up her hair, dont think her body is fat. Waist quite slim. Boobs C cup, butt got 36, waist about 25 i think. But I know she must have gone through some intensive slimming session. Waist got fixed but not the face. She looks like the before and after of the famous "gutsy girl". Still fat.
Saw the face I already lost all my mood.... Was cursing myself in the shower room as to why I didnt see carefully. Went on to the bed. Little bro... stayed soft.... i think it got scared. After some BBBJ, managed to rise to 60%. Whole process, my eyes were closed imagining Angelina Jolie sucking my brother. Then she stopped and wanted to cap me. So I quickly told her I dont want a full job telling her that I am not used to be capped and asked her to finish me off with BBBJ. While talking to her, angelina jolie slipped out of my mind, didnt like what i see. Little brother went down again. :o So I told her I will jerk off myself. Closing my eyes again (this time carmen electra)and came asap.
Dressed myself soon after and left.
Sigh... HCs quality in KL sucks BIG TIME!!!! (if you dont know where to get the gem). Thats why we must unite together and get rid of all pork chops and share the good one.
Till next time. Wish my little brother luck that my next visit will be a Carmen Electra lookalike and take care
14-04-2005, 05:45 PM
Hahahaha KL_local bro..U really lit up my day lar..Reading ur second FR really got me laughing hard lar... :D
14-04-2005, 06:59 PM
Welcome back Bro KL_LOCAL!!!!! I missed u and ur FRs.
What KL_LOCAL mentioned is extremely true. For 'test drivers' like me and KL_LOCAL, finding a gem is a hard, tiring, and financially exhausting experience. We always have to go hunting for gems to keep the thread interesting so u bros can enjoy with our good recommendations. In order to find gems, very often we encounter pork chops!!!
Don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining here. Just hope u guys appreciate what we are doing for u guys.
Anyway, we are just some horny bastards who like to do charity! Remember the multiple effect of the ringgit. The more we spend, the more money circulates in the economy. So bros, do your part for this thread and the economy too.
14-04-2005, 07:02 PM
Welcome back Bro KL_LOCAL!!!!! I missed u and ur FRs.
What KL_LOCAL mentioned is extremely true. For 'test drivers' like me and KL_LOCAL, finding a gem is a hard, tiring, and financially exhausting experience. We always have to go hunting for gems to keep the thread interesting so u bros can enjoy with our good recommendations. In order to find gems, very often we encounter pork chops!!!
Don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining here. Just hope u guys appreciate what we are doing for u guys.
Anyway, we are just some horny bastards who like to do charity! Remember the multiple effect of the ringgit. The more we spend, the more money circulates in the economy. So bros, do your part for this thread and the economy too. :)
Ken yeang
14-04-2005, 08:16 PM
YEs!! Keep the economy "stimulated"!!! ;)
15-04-2005, 03:22 AM
Thanks to all the bros' "hard" work and efforts to contribute the colorful (chinese for color is "se", also sounds like ...) other side of KL.
Hope I can contribute my v own 1st FR soon. hv already taken note of Jalan Raja Laut and the Value for $$ HC. crossing my fingers to squeeze some time off my family schedule to sneak out.
Anyway, i will be staying @ cititel hotel. Can anyone help to furnish me with the diff type of damage expected here for juz massage ? Will get the mgr to recommend someone skilful.
Juz in case I can't get away, at least my back can get some relief.
Any bros here can recommend where to get a good back massage (wif it's exact location also cos i'm not familiar with the places in KL)? Thanks!
Hv a nice weekend everyone!
15-04-2005, 08:14 AM
Fellow Bros...
As recommended by bro KL_Player, went down to sunshine for Miss Moon.. i must say that place is packed!!! thank god i called before hand to book Moon.. havent seen her before.. hopefully she's a gem...
the OKT showed me who she is... first glance.. so so la.. her face quite moody (found out later the guy before was a bastard).. took her and up we go.. i must say that her BODY is superb... breasts not too big (not a big fan of big breasts) slim, and tender.. her skin is so soft and fair.. hold her hand and i felt so good... TTCS a long time.. she's a great talker... very passionate abt her own life and bf.. here's my rating..
Looks: 6.5
Breast:8 (my type)
BBBJ: 6.5
FJ: 7.5
RTF: Most likely
thanks bro KL_Player for the recommendation... =)
saw another WL at sunshine.. thinks she's a FL by the name of channel.. not too bad looking.. might try her next time...
BTW... the OKT from SkyRiver smsed me last night and asked me to drop by... 8 new PRCs there...
till then..
15-04-2005, 10:29 AM
Bro Tazzer,
I'm glad u enjoyed yourself dude! And does she have a great body or what? Really a killer body.
And to help u out on your next target of Chanel of Sunshine Spa, this is what i have to say. Chanel is considered an old timer already. Not that she is old, but she has been working there (on and off) for more than 4-5 years already. However, I think she is only about 25 or 26 years old.
Her body is still superb, and theres no doubt about that. 35C-24-35. She has really great, fair and smooth skin. (she works in a beauty parlour, or she owns one). Very friendly and has that girl next door feel to it. Looks like a very young Karina Lau Kar Ling. Very pretty, man. And, her service is very good too. All in, i would rate her a overall 8.5/10. Another must try for serious cheongsters out there. (KL_LOCAL take note!!!!)
I had her about 5 times before and that is all way back 3-4 years ago. If she is still so desireable now, imagined how she was back then. Much younger and fresher, but maybe her skills have improved to another level now!
Posting on her made me horny again. Mmmmm.....maybe i will bonk her again!!! :)
15-04-2005, 10:47 AM
Dear Bors,
After the FRs by my bro KL_LOCAL and the Green Elephant thread, i have declared a personal challenge for myself. It is said that Michele has a BJ rating of 11/10. Therefore, i must try her. Why?
In my cheonging life, my BJ (cum without FJ) record stands at 0 to 500 now. Meaning, no chick ever made me cum just by BJ (without FJ). So, i must try her to see if she can break my record.
And to put on record, i had the best foreplays (including BJs) by Chinese, Malays, Ang Mohs and etc before. And my record still stands.
Will let u guys know next week. Till then bros.......
15-04-2005, 12:34 PM
Her BJ beats any girls i ever had.... Her attitude is good, No regrets after trying her :)
After the FRs by my bro KL_LOCAL and the Green Elephant thread, i have declared a personal challenge for myself. It is said that Michele has a BJ rating of 11/10. Therefore, i must try her. Why?
18-04-2005, 05:35 AM
Her BJ beats any girls i ever had.... Her attitude is good, No regrets after trying her :)
was there this evening for traditional massage but before that had a look at the girls. Agree that Michelle's body looks very sexy but face so so only. Maybe will try her one day since u all gave her such good reviews until she sounds like a blow job superstar :D
18-04-2005, 10:38 AM
Hi bros.....just had a visit to Lisa De Inn in PJ on last saturday.....they had four gals on duty that time.
Captain brought me to show the gals there and was unlucky Shasha was not there....she went off for short vacation.
End up with a gal Jacy....face was so so only....but superb body......service was not that bad also......sure no regret.
18-04-2005, 11:39 AM
was there this evening for traditional massage but before that had a look at the girls. Agree that Michelle's body looks very sexy but face so so only. Maybe will try her one day since u all gave her such good reviews until she sounds like a blow job superstar :D
KNN bro TD0620G,
Go spa oso dun ask me to join!! Somemore i live so near u can go with 1 car!! Call me next time ok? :D
18-04-2005, 12:31 PM
Hello guys,
Hope you guys had a wonderful weekend filled with fun & sex. I myself had no such luck.
Knowing that Michelle is now the hot topic among the samsters and the many forum lurkers, I decided to skip seeing her over the weekend. Dont want to have to wait too long.
Decided to take a shot at SkyRiver cos our brother Tazzer informed us that there were 8 new PRCs. Yeah! I love PRCs. So went there at about 10 at night, alone as usual. Checked out the stocks available. Quality ok only lah... For Sky River, it is disappointing lah. 8 girls were on parade that time (5 more working). Damn a lot of brothers eating and relaxing outside, so i decided to take a girl that I like now than having to wait somemore.
Took 6xx...., sorry forgot the number already. A tall girl, fair and B size boobs. Her accent is very malaysian and I didnt think she was a PRC at first.
Look: 6.5/10 (ok only look. Took her because of her height)
Body : 7/10 ( fair, smooth skin, ok breast)
Attitute: 7/10 (nice girl but loves to talk)
BBBJ: 7.5/10
AR: none
Overall, the procedure was pretty SOP.
Am now looking forward to see michelle @sunshine. Can anyone give me the phone number so that I can call up before hand to check.
Also, here is my list of girls that i wanna to try at sunshine, please do not hesitate to add your recommendation to my list. Thanks
1. Moon (for the solid body)
2. Channel (Look and body.... :cool: )
3. Wine (recommended by brothers but went to GL already)
18-04-2005, 02:28 PM
Hello guys,
Hope you guys had a wonderful weekend filled with fun & sex. I myself had no such luck.
Knowing that Michelle is now the hot topic among the samsters and the many forum lurkers, I decided to skip seeing her over the weekend. Dont want to have to wait too long.
Decided to take a shot at SkyRiver cos our brother Tazzer informed us that there were 8 new PRCs. Yeah! I love PRCs. So went there at about 10 at night, alone as usual. Checked out the stocks available. Quality ok only lah... For Sky River, it is disappointing lah. 8 girls were on parade that time (5 more working). Damn a lot of brothers eating and relaxing outside, so i decided to take a girl that I like now than having to wait somemore.
Took 6xx...., sorry forgot the number already. A tall girl, fair and B size boobs. Her accent is very malaysian and I didnt think she was a PRC at first.
Look: 6.5/10 (ok only look. Took her because of her height)
Body : 7/10 ( fair, smooth skin, ok breast)
Attitute: 7/10 (nice girl but loves to talk)
BBBJ: 7.5/10
AR: none
Overall, the procedure was pretty SOP.
Am now looking forward to see michelle @sunshine. Can anyone give me the phone number so that I can call up before hand to check.
Also, here is my list of girls that i wanna to try at sunshine, please do not hesitate to add your recommendation to my list. Thanks
1. Moon (for the solid body)
2. Channel (Look and body.... :cool: )
3. Wine (recommended by brothers but went to GL already)
I would recommend you to try connie. They are 2 channel at sunshine, one in-house & the other outside girl. Both are equally good.
For good service, try win or sau mun.
Wine is available this week.
18-04-2005, 02:30 PM
Hi to all new brothers that join our thread,
A big welcome to you all. Sorry I have been quiet for some time. Two reasons: 1. found one WL that I like 2) got a bad experience and didnt want to share.
But what the heck. Check out my two FR
1) Michelle-Green Elephant
Damage: RM230 (member RM198)
Look: 8/10 (To me, she has class and she looks different from other WLs)
Body: Tall, slim, big boobs. (what else can you ask for?)
Attitute: 9/10 (very well mannered girl)
BBBJ: 11/10 (agree with another samster that her BBBJ is really out of the
FJ: 7/10 (pretty SOP but the feel is there)
I have visited her three times since I first visited her about 2 weeks ago. The first time I was there. I was already feeling like extending my session while I was receiving the good BBBJ. Her BBBJ skill is the soft sensual one. Those brothers that like agressive one, she is not for you. Her ball licking skill will send you to heaven. Haha. I dont want to elaborate anymore. Try her and be nice to her and you will be rewareded. And I like to plead to all cheongsters out there to please treat all WL nice. Especially those that provide excellent service. That way, all of us can share the good things these WLs can provide. I have heard some stories from WLs that some cheongsters do not treat them nice (abusive etc...) So please be nice.
2) the disappointing one
Natalie- Esteem Spa, Eastin Hotel
After reading the FR by my good bro. KL Player on Sheila. I decided to try her. Went there on 13 April 2005. Sat down at the lounge and waited for the captain to come. After reading about those cibai captains, I anticipated the same thing. So when the captain came and showed my 3 girls not suited to my taste. I asked for more. He said that's it... I said fine... I will just wait. Then he said "ok loh..... you wait lah... " with their cibai attitute. Was pre-warned so not so tulan. Then 10 minutes later brought a girl to show me. Natalie. First quick glance (very quick), ok... only saw the breast. So ok.
Went to the room. In she came, fuck... wrong choice. The face damn round after she put up her hair, dont think her body is fat. Waist quite slim. Boobs C cup, butt got 36, waist about 25 i think. But I know she must have gone through some intensive slimming session. Waist got fixed but not the face. She looks like the before and after of the famous "gutsy girl". Still fat.
Saw the face I already lost all my mood.... Was cursing myself in the shower room as to why I didnt see carefully. Went on to the bed. Little bro... stayed soft.... i think it got scared. After some BBBJ, managed to rise to 60%. Whole process, my eyes were closed imagining Angelina Jolie sucking my brother. Then she stopped and wanted to cap me. So I quickly told her I dont want a full job telling her that I am not used to be capped and asked her to finish me off with BBBJ. While talking to her, angelina jolie slipped out of my mind, didnt like what i see. Little brother went down again. :o So I told her I will jerk off myself. Closing my eyes again (this time carmen electra)and came asap.
Dressed myself soon after and left.
Sigh... HCs quality in KL sucks BIG TIME!!!! (if you dont know where to get the gem). Thats why we must unite together and get rid of all pork chops and share the good one.
Till next time. Wish my little brother luck that my next visit will be a Carmen Electra lookalike and take care
For esteem spa,
try Kiko or maggie.
18-04-2005, 02:33 PM
Bro Tazzer,
I'm glad u enjoyed yourself dude! And does she have a great body or what? Really a killer body.
And to help u out on your next target of Chanel of Sunshine Spa, this is what i have to say. Chanel is considered an old timer already. Not that she is old, but she has been working there (on and off) for more than 4-5 years already. However, I think she is only about 25 or 26 years old.
Her body is still superb, and theres no doubt about that. 35C-24-35. She has really great, fair and smooth skin. (she works in a beauty parlour, or she owns one). Very friendly and has that girl next door feel to it. Looks like a very young Karina Lau Kar Ling. Very pretty, man. And, her service is very good too. All in, i would rate her a overall 8.5/10. Another must try for serious cheongsters out there. (KL_LOCAL take note!!!!)
I had her about 5 times before and that is all way back 3-4 years ago. If she is still so desireable now, imagined how she was back then. Much younger and fresher, but maybe her skills have improved to another level now!
Posting on her made me horny again. Mmmmm.....maybe i will bonk her again!!! :)
KL player,
The in-house channel seldom comes to work nowadays but there is a channel from outside. Very very good service & won't regret.
18-04-2005, 02:37 PM
Hello Guys and girls (errr.. if any),
Been busy for the whole week and dont have the time to keep this thread up to date. Welcome all new brothers to the thread and good to see this thread growing.
Still no sign of Wendy coming back to work at Mandarin Court. I guess I have slow down a lot on my cheoging. When I first joined the thread, I was so excited with all the postings and were like cheonging everyday, yes EVERYDAY for two weeks non stop. Burnt a big hole in my wallet. Am disciplining myself to cheong once a week. (may be 2? 3?) ah....Its hard. Will try to stick to once a week.
Welcome austboy to the forum!!! Yes chia ling is pretty. And about her inverted nipples... haha.....It seems like every captain at Mandarin court. At least thats what the OKT told me the first time I asked for her description. Bro.... a little more work of the tounge on the nipples will make them stand out like little strawberries.... yummy.
I love to join you on the golf and sex escapades, unfortunately I am only at driving range standard only... havent been to the green .... screw my coach!! haha..... Will let you know if I do go to sydney and will definitely ask for your help and directions to cheong. I was there 1 1/2 years ago and only went to two places... 1)ESP on crow st. (i think...) had a really hot brunette doing body 2 body massage ..... stilll dreaming of it once in a while 2) a health spa on fourth floor (i think) of the mall adjacent to victoria market. Had a photo album to choose my girl. All koreans. So chose one and was only given a HJ after the massage. paid 100+ aussie. and left damn tulan. DOnt know wheter got ripped off. Have you been to any of the legal brothel in Sydney? are the quality of the girls there good? I mean australians and the kiwis? are they like centrefold quality? hee hee.... you take care.
Bro Cartman 10,
Its good to have you in our thread. I agree with you totally. There are times when you want to release and do not want to go to other HCs and waste time going through all the girls and not knowing her level of service. I have been to Sunshine twice recently and both time I came out very sextified. So brothers out there, if you want excellent service by good looking girls. Sunshine spa is the place to go. Although the two times I was there, there was very limited choice. (5 girls) and they close very early. I was there at 1030 pm there once and all the WL had gone home!!! But they open pretty early at 11am. So brothers out there who would like a quickie during lunch hour, this is the place to go.
Currently I found a WL which is very much to my liking. Slow and sensual BBBJ, GFE experience, good body. So I guess I will be sticking to her for a few more weeks to come. But I am sure I will get bored of her very soon. (bastard!) So if any brothers out there who has a good recommendation. Please let me know.
Cheers. :D
Was wondering whether Kelly (PRC) of mandarin court still working there or not. at least 36 or maybe 38 boobs. good service too.
18-04-2005, 02:41 PM
A few of the bros got infected with STDs at deluxe spa, federal hotel. Avoid this place for the time being.
18-04-2005, 03:43 PM
Hello Aussie Guy,
Thanks for your posting. Will definitely take your advice and head to Sunshine to take a look at them. Have tried Win and Sau Man. Both also provide excellent service. Look wise still lacks a bit. Heard that wine is very pretty, and so is channel (in & out). Will be there in a few days time.
On your question on Kelly, I am sorry I really do not know. I have been to Mandarin court may be about 5 times. (only started going to this place in January 2005). 4 times was with Jia Ning and the last one was with no. 33 (jia ning not there). Dont recall seeing a girl call kelly. May be she is a massage+package WL so no parade. May be KL Player can help you out. He is my Sifu.
I dont think I will ever visit Esteem Spa anymore lah. Bad experience. Unless the girl is really really pretty. Then I will go. Very hesistant lah especially with all the cibai captains and the limited number of girls. Whats Kiko and Maggie like?
Bro KL Player,
So? How did the big challenge go? I doubt that she can break your record. Noo one has ever make me cum with the mouth unless I want them to. Its all in the mind. I am now trying to stay cool and totally relaxed when receiving BBBJ instead of thinking about the next step , bonking. That way, I can really enjoy a session with a girl.
Do share with us.
See ya.
18-04-2005, 03:55 PM
Hello Aussie Guy,
Thanks for your posting. Will definitely take your advice and head to Sunshine to take a look at them. Have tried Win and Sau Man. Both also provide excellent service. Look wise still lacks a bit. Heard that wine is very pretty, and so is channel (in & out). Will be there in a few days time.
On your question on Kelly, I am sorry I really do not know. I have been to Mandarin court may be about 5 times. (only started going to this place in January 2005). 4 times was with Jia Ning and the last one was with no. 33 (jia ning not there). Dont recall seeing a girl call kelly. May be she is a massage+package WL so no parade. May be KL Player can help you out. He is my Sifu.
I dont think I will ever visit Esteem Spa anymore lah. Bad experience. Unless the girl is really really pretty. Then I will go. Very hesistant lah especially with all the cibai captains and the limited number of girls. Whats Kiko and Maggie like?
Bro KL Player,
So? How did the big challenge go? I doubt that she can break your record. Noo one has ever make me cum with the mouth unless I want them to. Its all in the mind. I am now trying to stay cool and totally relaxed when receiving BBBJ instead of thinking about the next step , bonking. That way, I can really enjoy a session with a girl.
Do share with us.
See ya.
Hi KL Local,
Kelly is a PRC & a student here in m'sia. Package girl similar to wendy & jia ling.
If you ever want to try esteem again which i agreed that the captain is a bit stuck up, take maggie or kiko. Maggie is quite pretty with good figure but Kiko give betterservice.
Sunshine used to be my homeground but has not been there lately. Channel is definitely a good chioce. Since you have not tried Connie, give her a try too. Best time to visit is in the afternoon.
18-04-2005, 08:49 PM
Heya brudders! I'm new here but here's my FR as an opening gift to everyone.
Having cheong since 2001 where the days of Regina & Victoria of Deluxe Spa reigned supreme and going into hibernation mode for the following 2 years for various reasons. I was quite willing to get myself back into the scene again. Unfortunately, since I was relatively out of touch for 2 years. Many of the places that I used to frequent either no longer exist or just too far away to fit my work schedule. What was a brudder to do to get himself updated? Ask friends and search Internet la :D
Sidenote: Contrary to what some of my fellow cheongsters here think, the following were my opinions after going through Regina/Victoria.
Victoria: Good looks, nice body. Poor attitude. Somewhat accomodating until I took up too much time. Fuck job became poor (due to being rushed), blow job was nothing to shout about. No GFE since I probably don't know her well. Took me awhile to cum, but when I finally did - my brother was red and sore. No doubt she looked great but with poor attitude, a good fuck would turn sour easily.
Regina: As above, but she was even worst. One of the quietest fuck I've EVER HAD. Hardly any moans, straight to the point business affair. Christ!
FR 1:
Time: 2:30p.m. Early March 2005.
Location: Cititel Mid-Way Spa.
Went to the MW Spa on an afternoon, you know being in sales has its perks heh heh, was feeling so damn frustrated with work and my personal life was heading towards a rollercoaster spin downwards. Doing my g/f just wasn't going to cut it anymore and since I was out of the SPA scene for quite sometime, I figured now was a good time as any to get back in. Nothing beats frustration better than a good fuck.
Went in, captain showed me a selection of girls. Nothing really to shout about, and since it's my first time in ages, I was feeling rather nervous. Opted for a girl called Ice I think. Unfortunately, after I paid the captain, then only did I find out she was Malay. FUCK! Too late liao so just had to go along with it. No offense to anyone around here but the idea of screwing Malays cannot do it for me even though this was girl that looked damn Chinese. Mentality thing la but moving on...
Proceeded into the massage rooms. Waited for about 15 minutes for her cause she had to eat.... a bit tulan but hey, these girls also need to eat for a living la, so I was somewhat a little bit sympathetic to her. When she came in - my first thought was like - ok, she looks alright and she can't be that bad. CCB! I was proven so wrong the moment she took of her clothes. My god, damn skinny (can see the ribs) and breast damn small. KNN, what a turn-off but WTF, I already paid good money to get laid, I might as well tried to enjoy it. Took the standard shower and baths. Shower and stuff, not much hanky panky there. No frenching allowed as well, that to me was a real turn-off. I need GFE to get turned on fast and losing that means it'll take extra work to get me off.
After the shower, she proceeded to dry me off and started to prepare herself. Guys, I don't know about you all but for me - seeing someone moaning fakely turns me off. Particularly when I haven't even begain to touched her and she hasn't even begin to suck me. How the FUCK can you actually moan like you're in heat when you haven't even begin anything yet. Ok nevermind, I play along and she did the standard BBBJ. Actually, it wasn't too bad but again another, it soon became a turn off when she would wipe my little didi with tissue every 2 minutes of sucking. WTFFFF!!!
She then proceeded to ass-rim me, and this was the only good thing that I did she did a decent job off. Soon my brudder was hard and then she proceeded to cap and sandal me like a horse that I am...which brings me to turn-off no. 5, she was so fucking loose. I felt like I was fucking a garbage bag. KNNCCB!!!! I tried many different positions but I could not get it off. She was just too loose.
By the end of it, I couldn't cum. Try as I might, no HJ, BBBJ would do it. I was too turned off and left the room a pissed man. Guys, if you see a Malay girl that looks Chinese. Avoid her!
Girl: Ice (I think), Malay girl with Chinese looks
Looks: 6/10
Body: 4/10
FJ: 3/10
BBBJ: 4/10
AR: 7/10
GFE: None whatsoever.
Specials/Extras: Are you kidding?
Would I return? : Fuck, HELL NO!
19-04-2005, 06:02 AM
KNN bro TD0620G,
Go spa oso dun ask me to join!! Somemore i live so near u can go with 1 car!! Call me next time ok? :D
traditional massage only la, didn't go for package. Don't really like cheonging in HCs KL coz of the short time limit.
19-04-2005, 10:43 AM
[QUOTE=Angrycum]Heya brudders! I'm new here but here's my FR as an opening gift to everyone.
FR 2:
Time: 2:30p.m. Mid March 2005.
Location: Cititel Mid-Way Spa.
Ok work sucks on this particular day, once again, my little head was dictating the direction in which I was heading. Since I was travelling along Federal Highway once again, the closest stop was once again Mid-way Spa at Midvalley.
Drove in, parked and headed into Cititel. This time I opted to go along with the full package. Damn, that was a mistake, I wasn't allowed to choose the chick of my desire. So all I could do was hope, hope to god that the Captain gave me someone decent.
Proceeded into the massage rooms. Waited for about 10 minutes - man, the suspense was killing me. Soon there was a knock on the door and I rushed to open it....
Ok, so not too bad. Rather petite looking girl, JB Chinese, maybe about 158cm or so. The face was passable although the makeup was rather heavy. We chatted up and overall, it was kind of pleasant.
The massage. I have to say that the massage was good, for someone her size, her strength was surprisingly what I wanted. Soon I became relaxed to super horny.
Next came the standard shower, again - not much hanky panky here. After drying me off, we chatted somemore and she surprised me by suddenly giving me a blowjob. Wow! I like surprises and I can definitely live with that! Hehehe.
But, like the previous girl, she started to AR me followed by the BBBJ. She (like the previous girl) also had the habit of wiping my didi every few minutes after sucking. I was beginning to think that I smelled or something. No matter, the blowing was ok, the only bad thing about it was it was somewhat short before she started to cap me and sandle me like a horse again. I guess I was erecting pretty hard this time.
This time round, this girl is tight. The fuck felt good and soon we switched to doggy and ended in the missionary position. I like the way she was accomodating to what I wanted hehee :D The problem was me I think, I had a hard time trying to sustain my manhood. For some reason, I became soft after awhile and had to HJ myself in order to get me off. Don't get me wrong my fellow brudders, this girl ain't bad. While she ain't supermodel quality, at least she had decent sized breast. Body wise, she was rather skinny as well and I could see a little bit of ribs which was somewhat a little of a turn off.
Girl: Lemon (JB Chinese)
Looks: 6/10
Body: 5/10
FJ: 7/10
BBBJ: 5/10
AR: 5/10
GFE: None whatsoever.
Specials/Extras: Surprised me with a sudden blowjob, very accomodating.
Would I return? : Nah, probably have better ones out there.
19-04-2005, 11:11 AM
FR 3:
Time: 2:30p.m. Late March 2005.
Location: Cititel Mid-Way Spa.
It's becoming a habit for me to frequent Cititel around this time of the noon. I wasn't expecting much this time round but I needed to blow myself off. I was so damn horny on this day. Again, did the standard thing and proceeded into Mid-Way Spa.
This time round the Captain presented me with a decent selection of girls and I was quite pleased because there was quite a few chicks that looked decent, including one that just reported for work. In the end, I opted to go with Sammi. The difference though is that I paid an extra 10 bucks to use the room facilities and that extra 10 was well worth the money.
Headed up into the room and man I was fucking horny as hell. This time I had selected someone who was somewhat to my liking. Waited for about 5-10 mins when a knock on the door finally came. Hohoho! It was time for some ACTION!
Sammi had a sweet look about her. Long hair, fair skin. Rather nice figure and firm butts. Breast-wise, it was a little disappointing but at least she wasn't skinny like the rest and have some meat to hug.
Proceeded to the standard shower and had some chit-chat to break the ice. Ok, her service was good, she cleaned me thoroughly and I was pleased with that. Headed onto the bed and she started to dry me off nicely and slowly kissed my back and moved slowly to my ass. This time round I stopped her coz I wasn't too keen on being ARed.
So she turned me around and took her time to kiss and suck my body before stopping to take her time to blow me. She started with my balls, sucked and licked it before taking in my manhood. Oh yeah, this time round I knew I had picked the right girl. Her blowing involved a series of soft and hard sucking and soft scratching with her hands around my body. For awhile, I thought I was going to lose it and blow my load in her mouth. Good thing I managed to maintain control. I think she could see it too and decided to cap me and ride me.
The fuck was good, she was moderately tight. I liked especially the way she moaned because they sounded natural to me. I knew I couldn't hold it much longer and decided to finish it off in the missionary position. I was grabbing her breast and sucking them while humping her and yes it was enjoyable. Even though there was not much GFE, she reciprocated by kissing my cheeks and neck. I liked hugging her hard and fucking her coz she was meaty enough for me to hug. My brudders, she's no pork chop and nor is she fat but to me, she was just alright.
In the end, I blew my load and she did the usual compliments and stuff. Overall, it was a good fuck. I was satisfied, before she left, she hugged me and kissed my cheek and asked me to come again. Not bad, at least it's some aftersales service given there. heh heh heh.
Girl: Sammi
Looks: 7/10
Body: 7/10
FJ: 8/10
BBBJ: 7/10
AR: I wasn't feeling up for it.
GFE: 2/10, no frenching which sucked.
Specials/Extras: Minor hugging and cheek kissing
Would I return? : Definitely.
19-04-2005, 11:12 AM
Hello all brothers,
Cititel, my latest experience (2 months ago) there is not even worth an FR. Banged Alice. claimed she was chinese but looked malay.. anyway :-
Face : 6.5/10 --> ok but sour faced
Body : 6/10
Boobs: B cup maybe?
BBJ: 3/10 --> keep on wiping my didi
AR: 3/10 -> same as BBJ
FJ: 8/10 --> she was a dead fish but I fucked her soo hard plus she's got a warm hole.. hehe..
RTF: no way!
All in all I think she's best avoided. Really looks tired and over f**ked!
I'm planning to go there tomorrow, do you guys know if many girls are in by 2.00 pm? Is it possible to use hotel rooms there for massage / package?
Any best bonk recommendations for Cititel?
19-04-2005, 11:52 AM
Bro Cartman 10,
Its good to have you in our thread. I agree with you totally. Sunshine spa is the place to go. Although the two times I was there, there was very limited choice. (5 girls) and they close very early. I was there at 1030 pm there once and all the WL had gone home!!! But they open pretty early at 11am. So brothers out there who would like a quickie during lunch hour, this is the place to go.
Cheers. :D
Thanks Bro KL_LOCAL. I always call ahead to check if my favourite targets are there working or how girls working etc..... It helps to prevent situation where I go there and there are no nice girls around. I have tried Win, Sau Man and Steph but haven't been back for quite some time because I have been going to Armada. PM me if you need the number to Sunshine. there is also another place in the middle of town that I read somewhere has a pretty interesting girl working there. Will try it out the next time I get a chance to drop into KL and let you guys know.
19-04-2005, 05:52 PM
hi all cheongster
any recommendation for crystal crown ....i need loaded there
thanks all bro
Night Devil
19-04-2005, 07:00 PM
Hi KL Player and KL Local
thanks for your sharing of information... i have been to Faderal last month and almost ask for ferrari, luckily no as you all mentioned that she is not that good... the one i picked is Princess, quite pretty and service is ok...
Just to ask is there any Japanese or Korean can we find in KL???
19-04-2005, 08:56 PM
Hello all brothers,
Cititel, my latest experience (2 months ago) there is not even worth an FR. Banged Alice. claimed she was chinese but looked malay.. anyway :-
Face : 6.5/10 --> ok but sour faced
Body : 6/10
Boobs: B cup maybe?
BBJ: 3/10 --> keep on wiping my didi
AR: 3/10 -> same as BBJ
FJ: 8/10 --> she was a dead fish but I fucked her soo hard plus she's got a warm hole.. hehe..
RTF: no way!
All in all I think she's best avoided. Really looks tired and over f**ked!
I'm planning to go there tomorrow, do you guys know if many girls are in by 2.00 pm? Is it possible to use hotel rooms there for massage / package?
Any best bonk recommendations for Cititel?
Hey bro, I think we both got the same lousy lay. God she was terrible. Everyone should stay fucking clear of her. There should be a decent selection of women by 2:00p.m. I believe, but I usually just wait till like 2:30p.m. and let the lunch crowd finish their bang first. heh heh.
As for using the hotel room, just tell the captain you want to use the room facilities by paying an extra RM10 and he'll get the picture. As for recommendations, I'm just getting back into the scene as well. Would appreciate any good WL for curing my didi.
22-04-2005, 01:02 AM
Hi all!! New to this forum and been reading for sometime.
By the way, for all cheongers out there, currently top HC is still the usual like Cititel, Armada, Crystal Crown...and some of those you guys mentioned.
For me, I frequent Cititel as I get some friendly service from the Captain and the cashiers too. Guess a little lucky though. Here they have lots of gals, im sure some of the brudders here would know. The popular gals here mayb would be No 1, name mayb is cartier. Bibi, Winter, Monica(if shes still around), gosh cant remember some of them. But if they still have the prc then theres 2 I know. One of the is Kei kei and the other is Lala. Kei kei would be the recommended. Hope they bring them back. Havent been there for at least 3 weeks. So they might hve some new faces. No.1 will have to book in advance. Mayb some of you might have tried her......
By the way, theres this new product which is called the vibrating ring. Feedbacks from female frens all the gals tried this, they just love it. You just have to wear it on your didi on top of your cap. It will then make ur didi vibrate. Cool yeah!!!
For more info do pm me.
[email protected]
All we want is to enjoy and live life to the fullest.
Night Devil
22-04-2005, 02:12 AM
Dear Bro KL_Local
Thank you for your high rated recommend on Sky River.. I have went there on yesterday and found that there really a fantastic place for me... the PRC there averagely is very young and pretty.. i just a new bird in Cheong life, so may be can not judge this is one of the best place in KL, but i really like this place and think will go there again soon...
back to yesterday story, i went there a bit early abt 1:30pm afternoon, so there still some PRC not yet report to work. only 4 available for me to choose. But before parade i ask for 351 as recommended by Bro here and the OKT tell me she already went back to China. then ask for 580 also recommended by bros here but also not come in yet as she book overnight by some1 a day b4 and will not be report to work that early. with a bit disapointed and the 4 PRCs has come. i found that 2 of them a quite pretty, finally i decided to pick a small size PRC with no. 335 with sweet pretty face, who just came here for about half month. and i quite satisfied with her overall service, may be she is pretty i think... hahah. And after finish 'work' come out saw another 4-5 PRC come in and averagely is pretty. i think i will go there very soon to try another one... can't wait...
Just to ask bros here, i never see 580, so for bros who try 335 and 580 before can let me know which one is more pretty and how about the service?? any other good recommendation for other PRC??
My FR on 335
Looks: 7.5/10 (Small size body but sweet looking)
Service: 7/10 (Average)
BJ: 7.0/10 (Just normal, nothing special but willing to suck longer when requested by me after ask me is it enough. consider good manner)
AR : N/A
Body: 7/10 (still newbird, dont know to judge, but consider good for me)
FJ: 7/10
Would like to say thank you very much again to KL_Local to introduce me this good place. And also thank you to KL_Player and other bros here to share your experience which i think is very usefull for the new bird like me...
Cheers..... :)
Prince Spa
22-04-2005, 09:31 AM
But if they still have the prc then theres 2 I know. One of the is Kei kei and the other is Lala. Kei kei would be the recommended. Hope they bring them back. Havent been there for at least 3 weeks. So they might hve some new faces. No.1 will have to book in advance. Mayb some of you might have tried her......
All we want is to enjoy and live life to the fullest.
When was the last time you tried Lala?
I called Mid Way last month, one whole month but no luck. I been longing to fuck Lala. Please let me know when she is available because I already feel 'paiseh' to call Mid Way again & again everyday.
22-04-2005, 10:53 AM
Hello Bro Night Devil,
Glad you enjoyed SkyRiver. However, I must say the quality of the girls have dropped from maybe half a year ago. When I first started cheoging there after the big raid two years back, the girls were my cup of tea. I prefer girls that are tall, sexy looking with good figure. Now their import are mostly young girls. But from your FR I sorta figure you like young girls. Then this is the place for you.
I Was there last week, didnt see anyone i like although there were 15 girls that night. So took back one of the girls I have tried before. Her no. is 651. She is pretty with a decent B cup boobs. Overall ok. Give her a try the next time you are there.
To all brothers,
My holiday was ok. Decided to take a break on the day. Went to check out dorsett regency spa for the first time. My virgin trip. Got there at about 3pm. The place was quite full. Decided to check out the facilities. OK... not as big and grand as sunway oasis. Then went to the lounge area. Quite small and congested. Nonetheless, sat down and asked mamasan for recommendation. THen she asked what sort of masseur i like, told her i go for the face rather than the massage. So she recommended 77. Massage was fairly good. after about an hour then she started raba my lil' brother. Ask if I wanna HJ. I said ok. Then she told me "vege" hand job RM60. If I touch her then its RM100. OK i said. Not that I wanna save the RM40, but was trying my willpower not to touch her while she was masturbating me. Feeling was quite shiok but gave in after 5 mins. So started touching her, she then unbuckled her bra for my easy access. Nice breaks, soft and firm. Nice. Then came.
After the massage, I went back to the lounge area. Wah lau. Damn packed. Luckily found a sofa to sit down. Ordered food and soup, they were excellent. Talked to mummy for a while. Was recommended no. 11, 18 and 2. Anyone tried them before, please share with me. Thanks
Till then, enjoy your weekend :D
22-04-2005, 12:31 PM
Brother KL_Local, does Dorsett Regency Spa offer any FJ or is the place "clean"? Any additional information would be welcome :D
22-04-2005, 12:57 PM
By the way, theres this new product which is called the vibrating ring. Feedbacks from female frens all the gals tried this, they just love it. You just have to wear it on your didi on top of your cap. It will then make ur didi vibrate. Cool yeah!!!
Last wednesday i was with bro's TV, TD0620G, West and 2 none samaters... 1 of the thing bro TV told me was the ring u mention. He said it got a build in battery that can last for 15 minutes....
Bro, do u sell it?
22-04-2005, 01:12 PM
Wanna give face to a captain i know for long time, he work in Nikko Spa before it closed down... ask me to check Malaya Hotel HC he works currently. This HC has a large group of indian WL's n few malays WL's too, after a quick look i went down to petaling street buy dvd... the WL's quality is damn poor.
PS: It is possible to call in gers from A1, Green Elefant, Federal hotel. Price is RM180 - RM230.
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