View Full Version : siam god
25-02-2005, 04:50 PM
hi there, i understand tat there is some bros here who have knowledge regarding siam gods or rather thai gods corect me if im wrong. I got a fren here, his frens daughter some how got "abducted" by a uncle age ranging ard 40-50 plus. At first they though its a case of kidnapping, n they report the thing to police. So police went over to the uncles home n ask if its true, but then, the gal who is really staying in the uncle home, din really noe wat shes mumbling, n doesnt seems tat she wana go home. secondly, for their info, this uncle is gd in this kinda bomoh thingy. So, somehow, the mata got physco, n left. Funny isnt it..? Or becos the gal herself din wana leave the home, n shes above 16, so mata canot do anything but to lan lan leave? My frens fren doesnt have any quarell with the gal so family prb is out. So they r more concern whether she really kena gong tao anot? They try calling up the uncles home, but the wife pick up. Saying she din dare to "release" the daughter as the uncle threatend them if she does, he will kill her n the children. So can i say the uncle himself got abit prb too? For wat i noe so far, the little gal is slping with the uncle for 1mths plus, shes a sex slave to him.
Can she be help??wat sort of bomoh, or black magic can be so powerful if one really obeys the one who lay the spell?
My story abit one piece one piece as i just type out to wat i noe..n i really wana help out if can. I noe its wise tat a stranger not to be kpo as "such things" really hard to describe..if suey we might end up becuming a victim..
Any sugestion..?Hope its still related to sex the galw as a sex slave mah..n only! Everytime i was tinking, such power god do exist, so dun play play...
25-02-2005, 05:16 PM
I still feel your topic is out of the range of this forum and suggest you PM Sam to delete this thread ASAP.
Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!
GL Lor 10 Coffeeshop TCSS Session On 1 March 2005
25-02-2005, 05:23 PM
How about suggesting to the girl's parents to go to Thailand and seek help from powerful monks to remove this kongtao? Should bring along some pieces of her belongings. etc.
Sometimes i heard of these sex-kongtao but not really convinced of whether is true or not. Not sure.
25-02-2005, 05:40 PM
Sometimes i heard of these sex-kongtao but not really convinced of whether is true or not. Not sure.
I suggest we keep off this topic lah... since its got to do with the supernatural and we're here to talk about sex leh...
It's only a suggestion, but I'm off this thread unless it turn into TCSS...
Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!
GL Lor 10 Coffeeshop TCSS Session On 1 March 2005
25-02-2005, 05:42 PM
I suggest we keep off this topic lah... since its got to do with the supernatural and we're here to talk about sex leh...
It's only a suggestion, but I'm off this thread unless it turn into TCSS...
Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!
GL Lor 10 Coffeeshop TCSS Session On 1 March 2005
This gongtao is sex-related....
25-02-2005, 06:13 PM
Just my two cents worth, cases like this is not just tongtao but fatal instinct
the person must seek Thai monk from thai and visit the house on the "unlce"
But why they parent don't go there with the mata? Uncle say kill them so he kill meh singapore not mata lao lee his father :rolleyes:
25-02-2005, 06:43 PM
This gongtao is sex-related....
The gongtao and the sex may be. But not the situation.
You believe in sillypore that mata will not help the parents get back their daughter b'cos she's 16 yrs old and say she don't want to go back????
NBzzz My friend's 17 years old daughter ran way to grandparent's house, mata still say have to go back cos' she still consider a minor and legal parents/guardians have the right!
So situation is not correct in details so I don't know what he actually want to find out.
Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!
GL Lor 10 Coffeeshop TCSS Session On 1 March 2005
25-02-2005, 06:47 PM
The gongtao and the sex may be. But not the situation.
You believe in sillypore that mata will not help the parents get back their daughter b'cos she's 16 yrs old and say she don't want to go back????
NBzzz My friend's 17 years old daughter ran way to grandparent's house, mata still say have to go back cos' she still consider a minor and legal parents/guardians have the right!
So situation is not correct in details so I don't know what he actually want to find out.
Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!
GL Lor 10 Coffeeshop TCSS Session On 1 March 2005
Agreed. Gnn how come the parents never ask mata to get the girl back ?
25-02-2005, 07:53 PM
[/quote] Or becos the gal herself din wana leave the home, n shes above 16, so mata canot do anything but to lan lan leave? My frens fren doesnt have any quarell with the gal so family prb is out. So they r more concern whether she really kena gong tao anot? [/quote]
sorry if i miss out some details, the parents was with them, but the gal didnt wana leave, so i mention mata lan lan..cos gal itself didnt wana leave, gal din admit being "abducted", so consider "willing" to stay on lor. well, this kinda gong tao thingy, sex related ones, cos once u "invite" them, u can put spell on them, so i assume its sex related?? Correct me if im wrong, anyway, im here to "seeK help cos i rem someone here posted topics related to thai amulets. I didnt noe any other forums in SG tat +++s about the thai amulet thingy. Haha, if some bros here still find it extra to be in the section here, k i will PM sam to have this del. Fine? I hope tat doesnt piss ya off. Trying to earn a living here, not to chak pple nor to make troble.
btw, to make it simple, i just wana find out do such amulet exist anot? Since u r a thaivisotor, u shd noe abit of it.? Wud be glad if u wud share ur pointers to everyone here. At the end of the day, my story is not complete at all, sorry.
25-02-2005, 08:20 PM
How about suggesting to the girl's parents to go to Thailand and seek help from powerful monks to remove this kongtao? Should bring along some pieces of her belongings. etc.
Sometimes i heard of these sex-kongtao but not really convinced of whether is true or not. Not sure.
if go thailand to get those shifu to remove the kongtao.. why not invite a master to come over and use the head flying kongtao to let the uncle die? :D
its called 'fei tou shu' i think.. :)
25-02-2005, 08:55 PM
You believe in sillypore that mata will not help the parents get back their daughter b'cos she's 16 yrs old and say she don't want to go back????
Bro TV is right! Teenagers under the age of 18 are all considered as minors! Therefore the Parents/Guardians have a right to insist that the person goes home with them even if the person refuses!
If I am not wrong the Thread-Starter mentioned "Kidnapped" and tha the girl also admitted to being "kidnapped"! He also mentioned that the "Uncle" had threated to kill his wife and children if she allows the girl to go home without his permission. Thats a "Verbal Threat"
"Kidnapping" is consider a capital offence here and is punishable by "Death By Hanging"
I sincerely doubt that the Police would not do anything. This type of case will be referred to the SIO of the Police Station who will informed the matter to Serious Crime Unit of CID. The "uncle" will definitely be "detained" for investigation by CID. Therefore it is highly unlikely that the Police Officers attending to the case would just walk off!
Very Doubtful story!
25-02-2005, 11:47 PM
I have ever met a gorng-tau-sian-xee many years ago. Being told that not many gorng-tau-sian-xee can do this.
The one who cast the gorng-tau, ultimately must be the one to dispel the spell.
Presently, there are three exorcists in Singapore. One in Malaysia and one in Thailand. Probably, these are 5 famous exorcists among those powerful exorcists in Southeast Asia region who can to help to dispel gorng-tau.
25-02-2005, 11:53 PM
Since u r a thaivisotor, u shd noe abit of it.?Eh... I thought thaivisitor help to solve problems about women? :D
26-02-2005, 12:07 AM
Eh... I thought thaivisitor help to solve problems about women? :D
you thought right! :)
I've heard many things about this gong tou, and also from many people who experience it. But I stay off supernatural matters as I don't think my karma can take the burden. Anyway, his case or the girl's case have so many legal means to handle like recording conversation with the uncle's wife, etc, etc.
KNN, worst come to worst, wait uncle die of old age lor... sure girl will be release mah...
Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!
GL Lor 10 Coffeeshop TCSS Session On 1 March 2005 [/QUOTE]
26-02-2005, 12:10 AM
btw, to make it simple, i just wana find out do such amulet exist anot? Since u r a thaivisotor, u shd noe abit of it.? Wud be glad if u wud share ur pointers to everyone here. At the end of the day, my story is not complete at all, sorry.
Sorry, you don't sound serious to me. Which make me think that you create this "common story" so that me or other samsters may lead you to such things so that you could use it for yourself. No can do.
Too bad even if your case is genuine b'cos I don't believe. Sorry.
Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!
GL Lor 10 Coffeeshop TCSS Session On 1 March 2005 [/QUOTE]
26-02-2005, 12:40 AM
KNN, worst come to worst, wait uncle die of old age lor... sure girl will be release mah...By the time uncle die of old age. The girl also lau liao... :(
Too bad even if your case is genuine b'cos I don't believe. Sorry.Seemed like very hard to convince thaivisitor hor... :D
26-02-2005, 12:52 AM
Sorry, you don't sound serious to me. Which make me think that you create this "common story" so that me or other samsters may lead you to such things so that you could use it for yourself. No can do.
Too bad even if your case is genuine b'cos I don't believe. Sorry.
I agreed with Bro TV. There are too many loopholes in the story! I also find this tale too incredible to believed! Sorry Thread Starter!
26-02-2005, 10:19 AM
to the thread starter
if the mata kia dun do anything compliant to their officer IO, if fail bring up to your minister during during or before their meet their people session. these is the white way of handling the situation. 16 y/o live with a ah pek dun you find something wrong.
the black way is to get people with background to go settle by words or by action, the decision is up to you. FYI brutal force work faster than his magic
the other way will really depend on what is the family religion or practise. i am informed of the number of way to counteract this sort of things.
if all you say is true this is part of their karma (an action/s that had ripen from a past action/s with the presence of the according condition/s) you can alter them by making the condition unfavourable.
I hope I am not annoying everyone here by talking so much. I shall not continue if you wish me too.
26-02-2005, 10:30 AM
Sorry, you don't sound serious to me. Which make me think that you create this "common story" so that me or other samsters may lead you to such things so that you could use it for yourself. No can do.
Too bad even if your case is genuine b'cos I don't believe. Sorry.
Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!
GL Lor 10 Coffeeshop TCSS Session On 1 March 2005 [/QUOTE]
ya, trying to describe a incomplete story may eventualy let pple thinks tat its gona be a so call "common story" again. Or this member is trying to make up a story then gain any exp or exp in other bros real life story. Well, at least i still have something to surport my story, if anybody here got any mata backgrd or frens, kindly check with the NPP at admiralty, see if they got such case but they lan lan walk away anot. N then, anybody here who is taking bus svc no 900 home everyday, or noes any bus driver from wdlands interchange, may noe there is such "uncle" who is quite knowledgeble regarding siam god. Well, such things just nv occur nor happen within ur reach. I fully understand why u belif this is another bullshit story then :) Anyway, i rem its bro diesel, the member here have knowledge on siam god, i will PM him n ive oredi PM boss to remove this thread on yday( 25th fri 05). So lets just ends everything here n cool out. Will post more FRs instead of this not related topics here. Cheers
26-02-2005, 10:45 AM
ive oredi PM boss to remove this thread on yday( 25th fri 05). So lets just ends everything here n cool out. Will post more FRs instead of this not related topics here. Cheers
Thank you. Because I've seen too many people misused this "supernatural assistance" to "con" girls (even though they started seeking to help solve problems like yours) that I've promised myself not to introduce or get involve in such matters anymore.
Look forward to your FRs.
Thaivisitor’s Annual Samsters Trip to Hatyai!
GL Lor 10 Coffeeshop TCSS Session On 1 March 2005
26-02-2005, 10:47 AM
if anybody here got any mata backgrd or frens, kindly check with the NPP at admiralty, see if they got such case but they lan lan walk away anot. [/QUOTE]
Bro Stud100,
The Police Officers at Sembawang NPC would not reveal such details to anyone even their colleagues from other Divisions.
I am very certain that the Police would not walk away if the girl is only 16 yrs old.
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