View Full Version : Friends Special
25-02-2005, 05:55 PM
Seems like story-telling is coming back and so I have a story for all here... a Friends Special for those still missing it.... censored scenes frm d series... kekeke... if u dun like it, i'll stop d series... :D
Friends Special - Censored Scenes ... After Wedding
It was the day after Monica and Chandler's wedding. Monica sat alone in their apartment, surrounded by wedding gifts. Even though she had promised otherwise, she had opened some without Chandler.
Joey came in. "Ooh-ooh-ooh! Are we opening presents?" he said excitedly.
Monica was distraught. "No! No! I shouldn't have even opened these! I mean I..." She became more animated. "Joey, I am out of control!! Joey, you have to do me a favor," she pleaded. "No matter what I say... no matter what I do... please do not let me open another present! Okay?"
"Okay," he agreed.
She paused for a moment, but she couldn't control herself. "Give me one more," she whined.
"Okay," Joey said, handing her a box.
Monica quickly set the gift down. "No, no, no, you HAVE to help me stop. You have to help me get my mind off these."
Monica's frantic emotion had caused erect nipples to poke through her top. Joey got a sly look on his face. "Well, I know ONE thing that will get your mind off the presents."
"What is it? Anything," she asked, desperately.
"Well, I'm just saying that yesterday, during the reception, in my hotel room... you probably weren't thinking about presents."
"You... you think we should have sex again, so I won't open any more gifts? You think we should cheat on my new husband, so he doesn't get mad about me opening all our presents without him?" She clearly had a change of heart from the day before.
"Monica, I kind of think we already cheated yesterday, and even though you were a little drunk, it didn't bother ya too much then. Look, Chandler's my best friend, and I don't want him to know about yesterday either. But if we're both gonna make sure he doesn't find out..."
25-02-2005, 06:10 PM
As he was speaking, Joey unzipped his pants and took out his rod. He slowly jacked it as he walked over to Monica, who was kneeling on the floor among the wrapped boxes.
"...what's the harm in doing it again? Ya know, just to keep you from opening the presents... "
He stood right beside her, stroking her head, and holding his dick straight out. Monica looked over at it, eye level. It was big and thick and hard. She really did want it, as much as she said she shouldn't.
Monica hesitantly faced him, still on her knees. She caressed the side of Joey's cock with her cheek. Her eyes were closed and she nervously wetted her lips, as she summoned the will to do what she really wanted.
Her face turned inward and she brushed her lips against his shaft, slowly moving them from side to side. Joey couldn't believe how seductive this was, though he was certain that wasn't why Monica was doing it. Tentatively, she kissed it, just a little peck on the pecker.
Then she faced forward, once again wanting to feel the soft skin of his penis on her silky cheek. Monica's lip quivered slightly. She swallowed hard.
Monica never looked up at Joey. She was trying to tell herself that this was Chandler's member that she was desiring. But she quickly gave up these thoughts. Knowing that it was Joey, that one thing was overpowering her.
Taking it a step further, she gave the side an open-mouth kiss, gliding the tip of her tongue on his skin. With each of these steps, her desire was growing.
She took his cock from his hand and slowly rubbed the full length. To Monica, his cock looked so huge in her hand. To Joey, her hand looked so small holding his cock.
The long sleeves of her gauze top were bunched around her wrists. Monica pulled the white fabric down, so it fully covered her hand, then resumed rubbing Joey's rod. The softness of the gauze felt good on his dick.
"Oooh, Mon..." was all he could say.
She smiled slightly, looking up at him for the first time. " I... I thought you might like that."
Holding his cock, and slowly stroking it, Monica moved to place her lips on the large head, then after hesitating a moment, she pushed it into her mouth.
Joey groaned at the warm wet mouth that he had felt the day before.
"Suck it, Monica... you can do it," he encouraged, quietly.
This spurred her on. Pulling her sleeve back up to her wrist, Monica masturbated him with both hands as she sucked, wanting some part of her to touch every part of his cock. She even attempting to deep-throat him, though she found she wasn't relaxed enough to take all of him.
Her oral sex seemed to be... not out of passion for Joey, though it certainly was hot. But rather it flowed out of her own necessity. Her own need, whatever that may have been.
"See, Mon? I bet you aren't even thinking about opening any presents."
Monica paused. "Yeah, but I can still see them," she whined. "I think we need to go to the bedroom."
Joey followed her and closed the door behind them. Monica stood a few feet away, looking at him with uncertainty.
"Look, Monica... if you don't want to..."
She ended his sentence with, "Shut up, Joey," as she quickly closed the distance between them.
Any thoughts of necessity in Monica's mind were now replaced by complete desire. She pressed her small frame into him as they kissed.
He played with her dangling necklace and his fingertips glided across the skin above her shirt's scooping low neckline. She breathed heavily. Joey cupped her breast and felt a nipple that he had seen poking forward. He thought, "god, it's so hard!"
His dick was still out, and Monica stroked him fast. She broke their kiss and rested her forehead on his chest.
"I want this, Joey... make me think only about this," she implored.
This was not the smoldering passion they had the day before. It was a raging desire for nothing but sex.
Monica fell to her knees and devoured his cock in a way he'd never felt from her before. Her long hair swayed with the rapid bobbing of her head. She ran her mouth and tongue up and down both sides of Joey's shaft, pausing at the top for a couple quick sucks. Her constant soft moans during this time were both clear and muffled, depending upon whether her mouth was full at that moment. Her uncontrollable lust made Monica even hotter than she usually was.
She sucked one of his balls, pulling it into her mouth as she masturbated his long rod. Monica let it audibly pop out of her mouth, and immediately licked his cock from sack to head. Then more of her fast, lusty sucking as both hands pressed into his body at the very base of his shaft, pulling the skin tight against his rod.
He knew she was good at giving head, but this was incredible. Joey couldn't help but think how lucky Chandler was to have such a sexy wife.
Suddenly she stood. "Take me, Joey." Her eyes begged, matching the tone of her voice.
Joey grabbed her upper arms, just roughly enough to entice her, and pulled her to himself. He gave her one long, erotic kiss.
Monica felt so controlled. She wanted him to do anything to her... anything he wanted.
Joey pushed her, gently but firmly, against the door. He stood behind her and moved locks of hair to expose the nape of her neck. Monica shivered, not a cold shiver, but one created by his warm breath on her skin.
He grabbed her ass. She had filled out a bit recently. By no one's view, was she fat. But he could tell that her ass was now a little more full and round like Rachel's.
His hands roamed her thighs. Monica felt her lower body sandwiched between his hips and his hands. She whispered a little "oh" at the feel of his body against hers.
Joey's hands moved upward. Under her tight see-through shirt. Beneath her white tank undershirt. Grabbing her breasts through a thin cotton sports bra.
He pushed it up and Monica felt his hands holding her bare breasts. His lips on the side of her neck. His hips and hard rod putting pressure on her ass and the small of her back. Her body being groped - that's what she wanted.
Monica felt the fabric of her shirt tickle her nipples as Joey abandoned them. His fingers undid her tan pants. She stood there, allowing him her body.
"Anything you want," she whispered, almost to herself.
25-02-2005, 06:23 PM
Hi japboy, thanks for sharing the story....
more pls?? :p
25-02-2005, 11:37 PM
Well done, Nihonboy. Drooling liao. :D
26-02-2005, 01:02 PM
Part 4
He pushed the tight pants over her hips and crouched behind her to pull them to her ankles. Her thong joined them.
Joey kissed and licked Monica's ass cheeks as he ran his hands all over her thighs, brushing his fingers against her already wet pussy. She gave a trembling exhaled "ohhh."
As if reading her mind, Joey slid one finger straight up into Monica. She closed her eyes as he slowly began drawing it in and out of her. She spread her feet, giving him open access to her cunt.
"Anything you want," she whispered again, though her permission already was obvious to both.
Her mouth hung open, enjoying the sensations Joey was giving her. Monica softly whimpered, "Oh... oh... oh... oh..."
Soon, Joey sensed she was ready for something more. He scooted back slightly, and took her hips, pulling her bare ass back toward him.
She took this guided step backward, and leaned forward. Her hands were pressed against the door, beside her face. They were shaking.
Monica knew her most intimate parts were exposed to a man that was not her husband. But that thought was quickly pushed from her mind, as Joey's tongue met her pussy.
"Yes," she whined as she bent slightly further, presenting more of herself to Joey.
"YES!" she moaned, as his tongue went up into her.
He licked her wet lips, holding her ass in both hands.
"Oh, yes," Monica moaned, "oh god, yes!"
Joey's tongue settled into the rhythm of a cock going in and out. He wanted to build the desire in Monica to have something larger take the place of his tongue.
She whimpered. She whined. She moaned.
After a couple minutes, his intention came to fruition as she moaned more deeply, "please go in me... please..."
Joey stood and placed his cock at Monica's entrance.
"No, wait," she panted, "I don't have my diaphragm in. You, you have to use a condom. They're in... in the nightstand by the bed."
Joey retrieved one, and as he sheathed himself, he looked at Monica. What a sight!
Naked from the waist down. Pants around her spread feet. Shapely ass sticking out at him. Long black hair draped across her back. Hands and head against the door. Waiting for him. Not even caressing her breast, or rubbing her clit, or doing anything to keep herself aroused. She was far beyond needing that. She was just... waiting for him.
Monica felt his hands on her hips. Then a light pressure on her pussy lips.
"Do it, Joey," she said softly.
She threw her head back and groaned as Joey's thick cock slowly filled her small tight pussy. He had dropped his pants to his knees, and she felt his skin against her ass when he was all the way in her. He settled into a strong slow rhythm.
The door's wood was cold on her cheek. Joey's wood was warm in her cunt. The ribbed condom, the kind that she liked Chandler to use, stimulated her lips as Joey repeatedly thrust into her.
She looked back over her shoulder. Joey's look of lust and determination made her want this even more. "Fuck me," she mouthed.
Joey ran his hands under her top, caressing her back. He drew them out, and trailed his fingers through her hair, admiring her beauty as he nailed her slowly.
He caressed her cheek. His fingers came so close to Monica's lips that she took one in. She licked and sucked it, like a little cock.
Monica tasted herself, just like the times she finished Chandler off with a blow job after he fucked her. Part of her wanted her husband there, just so she could have a cock in her mouth. But that could never happen... or could it? Her thoughts played in her mind, wondering if someday Chandler might...
Joey removed his finger from her mouth. His hands roamed her arms, back and ass. Monica was panting and moaning.
"Mmmm.... mmmm... yes... oh yes... do me, Joey... please... please don't stop..."
Her forehead was resting on the door as she swam in her senses. Monica pushed her ass against his hips, moving it in a tight circle and feeling his cock probing deep inside her. He stopped his action to allow Monica to fuck herself on him. Then she pulled off slightly.
"More," she moaned.
26-02-2005, 08:11 PM
Bro Japboy, You are very imaginative leh. Keep the stories coming. :)
How's your BKK trip? Any FRs to file here? Hehehehee
Haha, funny twist, Japboy, though I think Friends fans wont like it.
Lets have something on Rachel and Chandler soon - those two never got together!
27-02-2005, 04:35 AM
I tot smth for all to imagine abt... hope i do not offend Friends fans as this thread meant 2 b light.... plus another great story coming up.. starring michelle sarah gellar~!.....
(FR is in International BKK thread.. have a look.... :D )
Part 5
Monica wanted to be fucked. She didn't want to do the fucking. She wanted to be desired and fucked.
Joey had been squatting slightly, so his dick could go straight into Monica's pussy. But his legs were getting tired. He stood, bringing her body up on his hard rod. This pushed his cock into her G-spot, rubbing it tightly.
She stood on her tip-toes, as her friend resumed fucking her.
"Oh god... oh god... YES! FUCK ME, JOE... YES!!"
Her voice reached a fevered pitch and she pounded her fist on the door.
Joey held her hips to steady Monica as he rammed into her. Her body was tense and trembling. She was groaning one word, over and over.
She felt herself so close to orgasm.
"I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna CUUUUUUUU...." The word evaporated into a long moan.
Joey had been holding out as long as he could. But hearing Monica climax was more than he could handle. He released and filled the condom.
"OH, MAAAAAHHNNN!!" he groaned. For a moment, Monica missed the sensation of hot jizz shooting into her.
They heard the front door open. Both froze with frightened looks, thinking they had been caught.
Phoebe called out, "Mon, you home?"
Joey pulled out of Monica and they hurriedly pulled their pants up.
"Uh... yeah... I'm in the bedroom... I'll be right out," she answered, trying to control her panting.
She was reaching under her shirt, pulling her sports bra back into place, and trying to think of their next move.
"What do we do? What do we do?" Joey whispered.
"Okay, don't panic," she whispered back. "I'll get her to leave for a minute, then you run to the bathroom. When she comes back, you come out of the bathroom, like you were always there."
"OK!" he replied in a hushed tone.
"And don't act guilty," she instructed, "no one's gonna find out about this, ok?"
"Okay," he said, firmly.
Monica stood by the door.
"Um, Phoebe? I think we may have some more presents over at Joey's place. Could you go over and get them for me? Like... um, now? I, uh... want them all here when Chandler gets back."
"Yeah, sure," was the reply. They heard the front door open and close.
"Okay, go!" Monica said, opening the bedroom door. But then she stopped him with a hand on his arm. "Thanks, Joey."
He returned her smile and they shared a brief kiss.
"Now, go... GO!"
When Phoebe returned, Monica walked out into the living room. "I didn't see any over there."
"Oh, well maybe... they're all here!"
Joey came out of the bathroom. "What, the presents? Um, yeah, I brought the rest over here earlier."
"Well, I'm very proud of you Monica," Phoebe said. "You haven't opened any more gifts without Chandler."
She didn't notice the eye contact between the two. Monica tried to hide a little smile as she looked at her partner-in-crime.
"Yeah, well... I just had to get my mind off them for a while."
27-02-2005, 04:45 AM
Stars Corner (I'm really seeing stars now~!)
Waking up one morning I realize my life would never be the same.
I The Call
The phone rings and I answer it.
"Hello" I say as I hear a woman's voice on the other end. She informs me that the audition I went to last week was successful and I've landed the part. I thank her with great enthusiasm as she tells me when and where to be. I of course agree and hang up the phone. They want me to come in for an informal meeting to talk about the scene I'm going to be in. I shower and clean my body for at least a good half an hour. I make sure my penis looks and is big, full and beautiful. While I shower I stroke it for a while, work up a semi hard-on by thinking about the actress I'll be fake fucking in the scene. Letting my mind drift to it being some superstar actress. After I finished showering I dry myself off, first with a towel, then my hair with a hairdryer. Afterwards I butter in my body with different lotions and creams, most of them to buff and brighten up my body. Making it look better. My name is David and I'm a attractive man. I'm 24 years of age. White, about 180cm and 180lbs. I've got brown eyes, and brunette hair. It's long at the front, falls down to in front of my eyes. I have a good washboard stomach and my dick comes out at 9inches hard and hangs at a good five or six normally.
I step outside my apartment and head for the bus stop. On the bus I can't stop my mind from racing, thinking about the meeting. I climb off the bus at my stop and head for the MAX Corporation building. I give my name to the pretty young receptionist behind the counter. She tells me to sit down and I'll be called soon. I do as I'm told. While I'm sitting there I for the first time realize the buzz that's coming from me. I never even gave the receptionist, who, ten out of ten times other than this time, I would start to chat up. Let's just say I try to be a ladies man. So I know the phone call has made some effect on me. I start to leaf through some magazine in front of me. I keep at it, reading about ten ways to please your woman until the receptionist calls my name. She tells me to go to floor twenty, to room 2004.
I knock on the door and a voice tells me to enter.
II The Casting
I sit in front of an attractive business-like woman. She identifies herself to me as Janice the casting manager. She has long strawberry-red hair, which cuts off just below her shoulders. Her C-size breasts are mashed inside her vest, which has only six buttons, but only four are buttoned up so she's showing quite a bit of cleavage. She's dressed in a black business suit with a matching short skirt, cutting off not far after her hips. She's in her 30's but you wouldn't think she's a day over 25 by looking at her.
"Right, your part is the stranger the main actress picks up in a bar and takes home for a little nookie. You won't have any lines since the director wants it to be a montage sequence.
"A what?"
"Montage. It means it's not a standard scene. It'll flow without speech. Music on top of images, you see?
"Sure. Can I ask who I'm acting against."
"Sarah Michelle Gellar." I feel my heart stop and my cock grow. I'm gonna simulate sex with Sarah Michelle Gellar! -the sexy vixen vampire hunter from Buffy I think to myself. This just makes me harder. Janice's voice brings me back to reality but not my cock. It stays semi hard.
"Right, as you have to understand since we're filming with 35 millimeter film and we're on a low budget we, the project, that is, have to know that you are properly well endowed... So if you wouldn't mind." She gestures for me to strip off my clothes. I stand up and start to pull off my clothing, all to aware of my hard cock. This is going to be embarrassing I think to myself as I undo the zipper of my jeans and drop them to the ground. My cock stretches the fabric of my cotton white underwear and I know they can tell.
"All the way?"
"Yes. Since its on 35 millimeter we can only do one take and if your penis was to flash on screen we'd have to roll with it. So..." Janice gets up and walks over to me, carrying a couple of Porno mags.
"We'd, uhmm... we'd like to see you when you are hard. You can go behind the screen if you like." She points to a screen on my left. I try and play my cards right, replying, as I accept the magazines, "No thank you. I've all ready stripped in front of you, may as well conquer any fears about any kind of nudity and get it over with. I start to jerk my semi hard cock. Watching Janice's fine, sexy, tight ass, which hugs her skirt, walk away as she sits back down at her seat. I then start to think about SMG and truth be told, it doesn't talk long for me to work my cock to its full nine inches. Janice seems impressed.
"Well, you certainly have enough talent." She says as she grins. I put on a smile for her. She picks up a digital camera sitting on the desk in front of her and snaps off a few pictures of me and my cock.
"Don't worry. This is just for the director and producer to see. It will be discarded afterwards of course." She reassures me. "You can get dressed now and if you'd like to take a seat outside again we'll call you in a little bit. I dress and leave the room, Janice accompanying me. She disappears down the hall as I take a seat.
Ten minutes pass, then twenty.
By the time half an hour has gone I get up and ask the receptionist if anything is wrong. She checks her computer for me and tells me everything is fine and that I should sit back down. So I do. Another twenty minutes pass, nothing. All though I can't seem to stop thinking about the sex scene with Sarah and I can't seem to stop my cock from staying hard. That's when I hear it. Low ruffled moaning sounds coming from the interview room. I think nothing of it at first and let it go on for another minute. I then decide to investigate. I creak the door slightly, just to listen in a bit better and now I can clearly hear the sound of a woman moaning and panting. I open the door some more and stick my head.
"I'm sorry. I just thought... I stop dead and stare as I see Janice. Or more correct, Janice half naked, her legs spread with two fingers inside her pussy, her other hand holding onto the digital camera.
"Oh my god" she screams as she closes her legs.
"Please, don't stop on my account. I'll leave, I'm sorry. I just thought... You know with the moans and all." I say as I try and reassure her.
"Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed."
"No need. I'm cool with it. I was just thinking, why go for peanuts when you can have the real deal." I put on my smug smile. "I guess the camera is me."
"Yeah" she replies while blushing.
"You know it's funny. I think you're really sexy too."
"Oh my god. I'm so busted." She mutters to herself.
"No kidding." I reply. "Do you want me to leave, or??"
"No. No. Don't leave. In fact, why don't you come closer."
I grin and make my way up to the desk, unbuttoning my shirt as I do. Never taking my eyes off of Janice. I stop by the desk and look down at her long, shapely legs. I reach my hands out and gently rest them at the bottom of her thighs. I start to slowly trace them up to her knees. Then back down again. I gently lift her left leg up and take of her red high heel pumps. I take her toes to my mouth and pop her big toe into my mouth and suck on it very gently. This makes her laugh slightly and she starts to loosen up. I take her toe out of my mouth and lick up her entire foot. I place her leg back down on the desk, making sure it's spread out a bit more, then change over to her other foot. Taking off her shoe and gently licking, making circular motion over her foot before popping it into my mouth and sucking on her toes. I start to kiss the insides of her thighs and work my way upward. I lift her other leg up again and gently spread them out some more while kissing her thighs. I trace my tongue along the insides of her left thigh, when I start getting close to her crotch, I jump over to her other leg and work my way inwards again. I slowly but steadily drop to my knees and face her pussy. It's bright, pink and looks extremely tender. I kiss around her thighs for a while, getting closer and closer to her pink pussy. I extend my tongue and touch the folds. I lay a few kisses on it and taste that she is quite wet.
"MMM..." I moan. "Nice and wet." I lick up and down at her folds, starting from the bottom, going to the top. Dampening her hole with my saliva. I use my fingers to rub her clit while gently licking her pussy lips. Janice starts to moan more and more, never taking her eyes off of me. I gently but firmly thrust my tongue slowly inside of her. Tasting how wet she is. I start to fuck her with my tongue. Increasing my rhythm. Doing it faster and faster. I also start to scoop up and down with my tongue while it goes in and out. Janice can't stop moaning so I decide to pinch her clit a few times. This makes her wetter and I can sure taste it since I'm feeling a small orgasm of hers starting to begin. I take my tongue out and lick up to her clit where I start to flick it and fuck it. I hear the door slam shut and I panic. I turn and see...
SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR ( standing at the door, looking at both of us. :eek:
(To be cont'd....)
27-02-2005, 11:52 AM
Wow.....Sarah Michelle Gellar, my fav.
27-02-2005, 11:45 PM
"Catch you two at a bad time?" she mockingly says, with a sense of slyness, to us. I stand in horror. Wanting to say one of my flirty remarks. 'Contraire, you caught us at the perfect time' but I don't. Instead I just stare at her. I come to my senses when Janice throws herself off the desk and starts dressing. I stand up and watch as Sarah Michelle Gellar walks towards me. I stare at her as she walks, dressed in a white tank top and white Lycra pants that hug her figure. Her nipples can be seen sticking through the fabric of her clothes. Her blond hair is wrapped up into a ponytail and she is wearing glasses that accentuate her good looks. She looks fucking spectacular!
"Are you the fucker?" She says.
"What what what what??
"The one for the sex scene?"
"Ubb... Ub... ... I try and come to my senses. "Yea.."
"Well... I like what I see. I think I'll enjoy working with you. Now. I'd shake your hand but I don't know where it's been." She mockingly tells me as she walks past me. As she does I inhale her perfume and it nearly knocks me out. Making my dick nearly want to blow right there, in my pants. I watch as she walks and sits down at a sofa. I stare at her ass swaying in those tight Lycra pants.
"Dave, clothes." Janice tells me --my unconscious picks it up but none other since I've gotten so seduced by SMG and her sexy ass.
"Ahh, yeah." I say as I grab my shirt and slip it back on. "So, uhmm... this is embarrassing."
"Just a little bit." SMG says, again mocking me and Janice. Do you wanna go clean up or run some lines with me? We've got a few extra minutes."
"Whatever you prefer. I mean... I'll run the lines. I can understand you're a busy woman. LADY." I approach SMG sitting at the sofa and sit down opposite her, but only after she offers me a seat.
"I'm Sarah."
"I'm Dave. "Janice, could you bring Dave a script."
"Of course." Janice replies as she quickly and extremely embarassed disappears out of the room. I turn back to Sarah. "Look, could I just apologize for that. Catching us. I don't know really what happened. It just kind of did, I hope you understand?" "Animal urges?" "No. It just... ... well... maybe. We didn't plan for it. Let's put it like that. Anyway... uhmm... It's great to meet you. I'd just like to say I'm a fan. A big fan. Loved you in I Know What You Did Last Summer. Always felt you should have had a bigger part. You were much better than that Jennifer girl. She was horrible in the role. And not even close to as beautiful."
"Thanks." I grab a bottle of water in front of me on the table, pop off the cap and start to drink. Not knowing what to say anymore.
"So, how was it?" she asks me.
"How was it??? Uhmm... well, I'd like to say 'what are you talking about, but that would be a lie... uhmm... what do you want to hear??"
"The truth of course, silly." I hesitate for a moment, then speak up; "Good. Nothing more to say really. I'm just a little bit psyched out." Sarah giggles and looks at me. I try and stay strong and look back at her but can't. It just doesn't feel right. "So, how's celebrity life treating you?"
"Not good. Long days, lots of work. It's hard." I think of my erect penis hiding in my pants and shift my body to try and hide the creases in my jeans.
"Yah... I think I can understand that. I always wondered one thing, though. If it's worth it."
"Truth be told, some days I wish I never became famous. Others I can't get enough of it." We both chuckle together and we continue talking about life in the fast lane for another minute or so. Then Janice reappears with the script for my scene. She hands it to me and I thank her. By now the awkwardness has subsided and we are mostly focused on the scene, all though the aroma sex is still in the air. But luckily we're smiling about it. Janice excuses herself again and leaves us to going through the scene.
"Right. There's no dialogue but for now we'll just improvise with some lines" she tells me. "Just so we can get into our characters." I agree and we start running through the scene, mostly with small talk and casual flirting. By the third time Sarah has moved in closer to me, trying to get a more intimate feel of the characters. She gently rests her hand on my leg, not far from my subsiding erection. She gently strokes my leg with her hand and it nearly vexes me from continuing. Here I'm sitting with Sarah Michelle Gellar and she's stroking my leg. I shape up and try and become professional about it. We run through the scene once more, this time I run my hands through her hair and rest it on her shoulder. I start to caress gently.
There's another knock on the door and the man responsible for Sarah's itinerary walks in. He informs her that she has to move on to a different location where she has more rehearsals to do. She thanks me and we both stand up. I make sure to thank her especially. She gives me a quick peck on the cheek and she seems to react to the taste. But not in a bad way. I say good bye as she disappears out of the room. This is gonna be one interesting film.
III The Shoot
Watching the crew set up for the scene I stand in my rope, underneath nothing on. Opposite of the stage, in a chair, eating a piece of fruit is Sarah Michelle Gellar. She is also in a robe, and I can only imagine what she is wearing underneath, if anything at all. I take a seat in one of the many Director Chairs around and wait. Casually reading through a magazine as I wait for the lighting crew to set up the scene. I'm covered in all kinds of oils and lotions, smeared in by the make up artists. They took special care around my thighs, arms, stomach and butt. Making sure it looks tanned, firm and tight. Which is it, but the special make up only makes it look even better. I stare at Sarah and see that even though, with all the make up there is not much change to the time I first met her. She is just as stunning. The director shouts a few words, commanding people around and then a person with a radio headgear tells me that I have to lose the rope and get on stage. I take off my rope and hand it to him, then make my way to the stage. The director tells me where to stand and I do, never really caring about all the eye on me. The director screams for all unnecessary crew to leave the room and ten are about left. Three on the camera, four on the lighting, a script supervisor, and two runners. Then Sarah walks up to me. I greet her and she greets me back.
"Are you ready?" I ask her.
28-02-2005, 09:16 AM
She nods and drops off her rope. My mind goes ballistic as I stare at Sarah Michelle Gellar in nothing but a thong. She looks good enough to eat. Her tits are round and firm, don't sag, they are nearly produ of themselves. Her long tanned legs run up to her tight, firm, round ass which has a small thong running through her crack. I can't help but stare at her. She catches my attention by waving her hand in front of my eyes.
"Up here, big boy." She says as I realize my cock growing.
"Uhmm... Sorry. I just... you're just... just spectacular. I'm sorry. I'll try and be more professional. She chuckles and replies; "I don't wanna brag, but I can understand." I smile at her and she smiles back.
"So, I want you two to start kissing, start walking around the room, crash up against that wall, Dave, lift her up, hold her up by the legs and fake fuck her. Then move to the kitchen counter and place her on it, there continue fucking for a while till I tell you to fake your orgasm. We'll be doing this in one shot from three different cameras. SO just keep at it till I yell cut." The director informs the two of us. "Are you both ready?" I nod. So does Sarah.
"Good. ARE WE READY!?"
"Check." From lighting. "Check" from camera.
"Then, three two one, and action!"
I step forward and sling my arms around her and feel her sliding my arms around me. My semi hard on rubs up against her and she starts to stroke up and down my muscled arms. She starts to gently grope them while I move in for a kiss. She kisses me back. We start to walk around, clutched tight together, my growing cock rubbing up against her. She slides her hands down and starts to cup my ass cheeks so I do the same. Running my hands from her slender arms down to her ass I grope them and they feel nice and firm. I moan and she moans with me as we continue walking around the room, fully aware of the cameras on us. I I gently stick my tongue in and start to massage the inside of her mouth. I feel her start massaging my tongue with hers so I concentrate on massaging hers as well. We continue doing this, just standing still. I run one hand up and down her back, while the other still gropes her ass.
I push her up against the wall and continue kissing her. I feel that her hands go to my chest and starts to massage my stomach and pecks. I move my hand to my cock and pretend to enter her with it. We both grunt and moan as I start to fake fuck her. Banging her up against the wall while still groping her ass, even being so naughty as to slide my fingers in between the crack of her ass and gently touch her asshole, of course, pretending that I'm not fully aware of this. She doesn't seem to mind too much since she is all over me with her tongue inside my mouth. My other hand goes to her breasts and I start to cup them, running from one to the other, then gently tweaking the hardening nipples. She moans and I thrust my tongue further into her mouth. I pull away and start to kiss and nibble on her neck as I lift her up and grab hold of her legs, which she wraps around me while I continue to fuck her against the wall.
"Good. Good." I hear the director say. "Now move her over to the counter. But take your time."
I continue banging her against the wall, feeling my cock become fully erect. I turn her and carry her to the kitchen counter. I go in for another kiss and she more than happily kisses me back, sticking her tongue into mine and massaging it again as I lay her down on the counter. She opens her legs and we shift her body so it's more comfortable for both of us. I pretend to enter her again and while doing this I start to look into her eyes. She looks back at mine an smiles hard. I leap my head forward and go in for more kisses as we both moan and fuck each other.
"This is great." "Keep it going... keep it going... keep it going...and cum!" Those words I hated hearing from the director but I start to kiss on her neck again and then fake my orgasm, which, to be truthful, isn't far away. I go limp over her body and she hugs me tight. I return the favor for a moment till I hear the director scream cut!
IV For Real
Leaving the set, I pick up my cheque from accounting, signed to my name and it is worth 3000 dollars. I pocket it and start to leave the pay roll room. Walking down the hall I decide to grab a drink of water from the water cooler and take a seat for a second. To contemplate what I just did. I realize that my dick isn't all the way down yet and I've still got Sarah on my mind. From within one of the room comes Sarah. She is alone and casually looking at a piece of paper. I look at the clothes she ( has changed into. A nice purple spahetti silk top which proudly display her full firm breasts and a short silver skirt, cutting off not far after her crotch. She isn't wearing any stockings so her sexy legs are on full display. Her high heels elevate her to my height (when standing) and she stops when she spots me.
"Oh hi." I greet her back and ask what she thought of the scene.
"I thought it was fun, too short, but I enjoyed it."
"Yeah. Me too."
"I think the whole room knows you enjoyed it." I chuckle and she laughs with me.
"So..." I try and think of something to say.
"Am I fully done, then or what?"
"Yeah." She replies. "It's just a dream sequence."
"More like an erotic dream sequence."
"True. Say, would you like to come have a drink with me... I've got a twenty minute break and thought I'd get a quick drink. I hate drinking alone. But if you're not available or can't, I understand."
"No. No. I'm up for it. Like you said, my job is done. I'm available."
"Great." I get up and escort her out of the building. We casually talk about the rest of the movie as we climb into her Mercedes. I tell her I'm curious what the rest of the film is about because of the sexy scene as she drives and explains to me the story and what happens. I nod along all though I don't hear much, instead my mind races with thoughts off how I'm about to go have a drink with her.
We arrive at the outside of a bar and she parks her car. I get out and rush around to her side and open the door for her. She sticks her legs out of the car door and gets up. While she does this I look at her long, beautiful legs in that short skirt, catching a quick peep at her red, lacy panties hidden only inches from the skirt. I start to fantasize back to my scene but try and control myself as we both walk into the bar. We both head for the bartender who freezes when she spots who it is.
"What do you drink?" I ask her.
"Double JD and Vodka with coke and a lemon."
"Two of those, barkeep." I flip out a twenty and throw it on the counter. "Keep the change, my friend.
"Now that's a waste. You may as well get a couple of shots with that."
"True. Couple of Tequila shots as well. Now keep the change." We both chuckle and wait for a minute until the barkeep comes back with the drinks, he places them on a tray and I pick it up. We make our way to a booth and slide in. She sits down in the middle of the sofa, which goes around a small table while I take the edge. Sarah slides in closer to me and reaches over and takes the tequila while I pass her the JD and Vodka. I take my tequila and turn and look at her.
"Down the hatch, is it?"
"Always." She replies. We both slam the tequila down and up, downing the contents.
"You drink much tequila." She asks me.
"Well, I used to be a different person, more of a bar fly. I'd be out every day with me friends, always trying to find out who could drink the most."
"I bet you won all the time." "Well... can't deny that. Only lost on a bad day. But back then, a bad day was the days I lost."
"That doesn't make any sense." She giggles.
"I know. Double negative sort of attitude, I guess." She giggles again and I join her. We start to drink our drinks and she doesn't seem to mind the strong alcohol.
"So, what made you want to be in this film?" I ask her.
"I dunno. I thought the story was really cool, my character was just to die for. Weak but tough, you know. Sweet but deadly.
"Ahh, that double negative again." She lets out another laugh and we continue our drinks.
"How about you, what are you doing in this industry?"
"Don't know really... I'm not sure if this is for me, but I've always lived in LA, thought, might as well be in the industry. Why else live in Los Angeles, right?"
"Yeah. Typical run of the mill."
"Hang on... typical run of the mill... how's that possible. Shouldn't it just be run of the mill, since that is typical. Otherwise it's like saying typical-typical."
"Shut up." She says with a sense of flirtation, hitting me on the shoulder.
"I know, it's that double negative again." We both start to laugh as we finish the drinks.
"How about we get some more drinks?" she asks me.
"Well, I'm game, but are you sure. I mean, if you need to go back..."
28-02-2005, 09:37 AM
"Ahh... well it's nearly five now. We're gonna stop shooting today at five so I'm sure even If I get back we won't be shooting anymore. I'll just do prep. Then we'll wrap for the day. Besides, the director won't complain. We just did the sex scene, so I'm sure he'll have his mind occupied on editing it up than anything else."
"Sure. I'll get some drinks then."
"I'll buy. You got the last round."
"Please... don't insult me. I got a beautiful woman out for drinks, I'll pay. Besides, I got three g's today. I'm sure it doesn't seem like much to someone like you but it's a small celebration to me. Sarah looks at me for a while, then smiles at me.
"You're so sweet."
"That's only my middle name." She giggles and I turn and head for the bar. I order more drinks and come back with two more Double JD and Vodka's with coke and lemon. Six shots of tequila, a bottle of Whiskey and a jug of Sex on The Beach. I sit back down at the booth and place the drinks in front of me.
"Right... now, what do you want?" She giggles again and I join in with her. I take off half the drinks and place them next to me, where she is now sitting. I line up my three shots, then do the same for her.
"Wanna race?"
"Love to." She replies and we dive into the tequilas. We down all six of them in a matter of seconds and we can both feel the alcohol through our system.
I get up and head for the free pool table. I place my drink up by the window and walk around to the coin hole, where I pop in a quarter and release the locking system on the balls. I start to rack them up into the triangle, asking her if she'd like to shoot some pool. "I must warn you, though. I'm pretty good."
"Wanna bet on it?"
"I never bet for money. But what's the stakes then?"
"Hmm... a shot of tequila for each ball."
"You'll be drunk before the first game is over."
"What's wrong with that?" she asks me flirtatiously. I swallow and try and keep my cool with her.
"I never said I was complaining." She gets up, drinking her JD and Vodka as she walks over to the pool queues and takes one. She walks around to the end of the table and places the white. She shoots and knocks a few balls off of the triangle.
"Beat that." I smile and walk up to her, getting nice and close as I take the pool queue off of her and take my aim, she quickly walks over to the other side of the table and leans down, spilling her cleavage to my eyes.
"Hey. That's cheating." I say.
"No. Cheating would be bending over the other way." I chuckle and try and concentrate. I fire and knock down a stripe and a full ball.
"You've put my entire game off with your sexy looks."
"It's not against the rules. She giggles and runs up to me and grabs the queue off of me. She walks around to where the white is and leans over and takes aim. I walk up behind her and grab my drink, which I placed by the window and drink it as I look at her, from behind, bent over the table, flashing her sexy lacy red thong and her firm and sexy ass cheeks to me. I feel my cock starting to twitch in my pants again as she shoots and misses completely, knocking down the white.
"Ohh.. what does that mean?"
"I guess you have to down an entire drink for that." She grabs her drink and downs it, then runs back to the table and grabs the bottle of Whiskey. She gets back as I line up my shot and fire the ball, knocking down another stripe ball.
"Time to drink." She takes a good long swig from the bottle as I walk around the table and take aim again she walks up to me and leans in close, rubbing her breasts across the side of my face.
"I can predict that you're gonna miss this shot." She nuzzles her breasts even closer to me and I shot, missing it. The ball returning back to it's original position.
"How'd you know?" I ask her playfully.
"Let's just say I have a sixth sense for it." She giggles, obviously the alcohol having a big effect on her. She squeezes in front of me and bends forward, now running her ass over my crotch, rubbing it over my hardening cock.
"Oh my, big... queues." She turns and looks at me. I smile at her and she gives me another one of her sexual looks back at me.
"I'll just move back, give you better room."
"You stay right where you are. I'm not complaining." I start to feel a bit hot under the collar as she continues rubbing her ass over my cock. She shoots and knocks down a half.
"HAH! You drink."
"Not to be picky, but you just knocked down one of mine."
"Oh no. More drinks for me?"
"Afraid so. Since this is another foul you'll have to down a drink. We don't have any. I guess it will have to be the bottle.
"Wow... wow... wow... that'll probably kill me, how about the Sex On The Beach.
"Good idea." She runs back to the table and gets it, she starts to down it and spills about half of it over her shirt. Wettening it, making the white material to go see trough. I can clearly see she isn't wearing a bra and I see the outline of her sexy pink areolas and her hard nipples.
"I made a mess."
"That's life." She giggles and walks back to the table, this time taking out a pack of smokes and dropping them on the ground. She bends down to pick them up, this time the skirt riding up her body and her showing off her sexy ass and thong. I shoot and totally miss any balls.
"Hey... now didn't we say that was cheating?"
"But I dropped something."
"Well... I missed as well, so how about we both drink.
"Yeah." She says as she grabs the bottle, downing a heavy swig. She exhales heavily from it as I walk up to her, handing her the queue and taking the bottle, which I swig Whiskey from. She shoots and misses again, the white bouncing around the table for a second, then knocking the black ball into the hole. I chuckle and she pouts at me. I smile at her and she starts giggling, walking up to me and putting the queue on the table.
"So. I lost. What happens now."
"Well, what do you think is a suitable punishment."
"Maybe a good spanking is in order." I chuckle and she looks at me.
"Shall we leave?" she asks me. I more than happily nod and we both leave the bar, she grabs my arm and places it on her rear.
"Squeeze it." She orders me.
"Whatever the missus demands." I squeeze her cheeks in my hand as we head out the door and move to the car. She fiddles out the car keys and unlocks the door with the automatic lock. We get to the car and she spins around and pushes me closer. Grabbing my arms and placing them on her ass. One hand one each cheek.
"So, I lost the game... what's the suitable punishment?" she asks me.
"I thought a spanking was in order."
"No. I said punishment." I chuckle and look down at her.
"How about we go back to your place? In fact, I'm not asking. I'm telling. You said you wanted a suitable punishment." I tell her. She moves her mouth closer to mine. "What are you going to do to me back at my hotel room?"
"I'll improvise when we get there."
She ( sticks her lips to mine and we start to kiss, she wraps her arms around me and I start to squeeze her ass. She wraps her arms around me and I lean up against her, still squeezing her ass. I thrust my tongue into her mouth and start to massage her tongue. We kiss for a good minute then pull away, our saliva sticking to each other, making a long line. I stick my tongue out and gobble up her spit, then swallow it.
"Mmmm..." I reach around her and open the door for her. She gets in and I walk around to the driver's seat and climb in.
"You're gonna drive my car, huh?"
01-03-2005, 11:08 AM
"Of course. Now where are we going?" I start the car and pull out of the parking lot and head down the road. Sarah leans over from her seat and starts to bite and lick my earlobe.
"I want you to fuck me. I want you to take me doggy style. I want your balls in my mouth." She whispers to me while licking my ear. I nearly lose control of the car but keep my calm, sending all of those thought to my dick, which was growing in my pants. Sarah looked down and saw my cock straining to get out.
"I'm horny too. Have a feel." She grabs my hand and places it on her thigh. I start to run it up, getting closer to her skirt. I run it to the insides of her thigh, before slipping it inside of her skirt. I feel around and touch her panties, they are wet. Extremely wet.
"You dirty girl. You're not horny. You're dripping." She moans, feeling my fingers graze her pussy through the thin fabric of her thong. I gently slide the panty to the side and run my index finger up and down the slit of her pussy. Feeling my fingers get wetter and wetter with Sarah Michelle Gellar's juices. She moans more and drops her hand to my crotch, starts rubbing my hard cock. I moan and pull my fingers out of her skirt, I hold them up and we both look at the juices hanging from them. I stick my fingers in my mouth and suck the juices off of them. This sends my dick into over ecstasy and quickly start to unbuckle my belt, I zip down my zipper and Sarah slips her hand inside, feeling around, She pulls my 9 inch cock out.
"Ahh, baby, you gotta suck it. I'm dying."
"I will... we'll take our time. She gets a grip around it and starts to slide her hand up and down it slowly and gently. I lean my head back against the headrest and moan as she continues to give me a hand job.
"Goddamn you're big."
"You've gotta suck it, honey. I'm ready to pop here. Please, baby."
"Hold on. We'll get to it."
She runs her hand up to the head of my cock and leans forward, spitting out a gob of spit over it, then running her hand over it and lubing my cock up. I put my hand back down in her skirt and start to rub her pussy lips. Feeling the moisture come over my fingers again. We both moan as she continues rubbing the head of my cock. She leans her face in closer to my cock, so I can feel her breath over it. She sticks her tongue out and licks the tip of it. I shudder and moan even louder. This makes me push my fingers into her. I start fucking her with my fingers.
"Oh god, fuck me harder!" I start to drive my fingers in and out of her, faster and faster. She moans louder and louder as she puts my cock into her mouth and wraps her lips around it. She starts to bob her head up and down on it. Sucking and lubricating it with spit. She sucks up and down on my cock while I drill my fingers all the way till my knuckles touch her soft folds. I withdraw them and see them glisten with her juices.
I pull into the parking lot of the hotel and we both rush our way inside. She hits the call button for the elevator and we wait for the elevator. The doors open and we both get inside the box. She hits the penthouse button and puts in a key, she turns it and the doors close and the elevator starts to rise. We wait. I put my pussy juice soaked fingers up to her nose and rub them across the top of her lips. She inhales the scent and goes weak in the knees. I shoves my hand into her mouth and starts to suck on it as she shoves her hand into my pants and pulls out my hard cock. Sarah gets on her knees, still sucking my fingers, while she grabs hold of my cock and starts to jerk it.
"Ahh... Sarah..." She puts my cock in her mouth and starts to suck me off. She bobs her head up and down, licking her tongue over the head of my cock. Sticking the tip of her tongue into my hole. I wrap my hands around her head and force her cock further down into her mouth.
"Suck me off...Suck my cock, Sarah. Put that cock down your throat."
"Yeah, you like that, baby? You like my tongue licking your cock?" She sticks her tongue to the bottom of my cock and licks her way up. She trails her wet tongue to the head of my cock and rims around it. Then goes back down to the bottom of my shaft. She starts to jerk it while her mouth goes down to my balls. She pops one in my mouth and sucks on it. Then switches to the other ball. Sucks it, whilst stroking my cock with her hand. She guides her other hand in between her leg and starts to finger her pussy through the panty.
"God I'm so wet, baby. I wanna cum."
"Yeah, me too, sexy. I'm so close to blowing."
"Do it in my mouth. I wanna drink your cum." She runs her tongue from the bottom of my shaft and puts it back into her mouth, now sliding my cock, inch by inch, into her mouth until the full 9inches are down her throat. She starts to use her mouth muscles to suck my entire cock. I grab both hands around her head and push her tighter to me as I feel my cock contract and blow my load. I start to shoot load after load down Sarah Michelle Gellar's mouth. She swallows it. Licking my cum that escaped her mouth and stuck to her lips. I start to fuck her mouth while my cock starts to relax, until it's become semi erect.
I put my cock back into my pants as the doors open and we both walk into her penthouse.
"So, you said something about fucking me?" she asks. "Is that still on the table?" I pull down my pants and underwear, take her hand and place it on my cock, "What do you think."
"On the bed. I just wanna slip into something a little more comfortable."
"Yeah. Nothing." I say as I slip her vest over her head and press myself closer to her. I lean down and start to fondle her breasts with my hands. Pulling at her bra. I rip the front of the bra and the breasts go free. They don't hang. They stand upright. Her nipples perky and hard. I run one hand over her breasts while the other one plays with her nipples. Tweaking them. I tweak them while I start to run my tongue over them. Going between both of them, she arches her back and moans while she starts to slide her skirt off. I I run my tongue over her nipples, flicking it up and down while I run my hands over her body. Feeling the softness of her skin. I put my mouth onto her nipples and suck. Suck harder at them. Pulling them with my mouth. I slowly drop to my knees, pulling her skirt off. I stare at her red thong, running my hand up and down her firm rear. Feeling her ass cheeks. Using my hands to grab and fondle them. I go forth and attach my mouth to her cunt. Sucking at it through her panty.
01-03-2005, 11:09 AM
"God, you're so wet. I wanna taste you again."
I slide my right hand and push the fabric to the side, then sticking my tongue forth and running it up and down her slit. Her wet pussy is dripping juices, which I gladly lap up with my tongue. She walks backwards while I, on my knees, follow. She lies back on the bed and lifts her legs up. Closing them, her pussy sticks out, through the legs and I keep lapping it. Feeling more and more juice run out and onto my tongue. This just makes me harder and I thrust my tongue into her wet hole. I'm tongue fucking Sarah Michelle Gellar while massaging her breasts with my left hand while the other runs it's way down to her pussy and enter her, I fuck her fast and quickly, both with my tongue and with two fingers from my hand. I start to suck on her pussy lips, attaching my top lips to her clitoris, and sucking hard. She moans and thrusts her pelvis up and down, back and forth. I pull my hand out and start to tweak and play with her nipples again. Still fucking her hole with my tongue, now pushing it in as far as I can.
"CUM!" I scream as I wrap my lips on her wet cunt. She suddenly stops thrusting her hips and screams in ecstasy as her juices flood out, all over my face and my mouth. I gladly drink them as I try and get every drop. She grabs my hand and puts it in her mouth, sucking on it hard. I start to lap at her wet crotch, taking up her juices, while swallowing them. I lick around her till I'm sure I've done a good enough clean up job. I stand up and lean in and start kissing her. Rubbing my hard cock, just gagging to get out of my pants, over her wet pussy. We swap fluids, she tasting herself.
"I love the taste of pussy." She says as she shoves her tongue into my mouth, running it all over. I pull myself back and unwrap my underwear. Dropping my pants and pulling out my cock. I start to jerk it while Looking down at Sarah Michelle Gellar lying naked, legs spread high in the air. Her pink pussy waiting for my cock. I rub the head and spit on it, lubing it up. I step forward and aim my cock in. I push forward and it enters her, I continue pressing forwards while we both moan loud. Until my full nine inches are inside her.
Yeah. I'm gonna fuck you so hard, baby. I'm gonna fuck you!" I start to slide in and out of her. We both moan together as I start to thrust my cock in and out faster. I grab her legs and hold them up while I fuck her hard. I start to bang forwards, feeling my balls bash out up against her soft but firm ass cheeks. I rest on leg up on my shoulder while stretching the other one further away. I use my free hand to rub and grab at her breasts while I continue fucking her hard. Feeling my cock slide all the way in and out of her tight cunt.
"Ahh fuck yeah... ahh fuck...!
We both continue moaning while I drill her harder and harder with my dick. I pull it out and continue to jerk myself, spitting out more which lands over her cunt. I push my cock in again and continue fucking her. I lean forward, her leg bending all the way backwards till it touches the bed. I start to kiss her, using my hand to grab hold of her hair. We French while I continue fucking her for a good five minutes. I pull it out and start to jerk off. She slides herself down at the side of the bed. She grabs hold of it and starts jerking it. Sarah Michelle Gellar puts my cock into her mouth and sucks it. I can barely hold on, looking down at this beautiful actress suck my cock. I grab around her head and force it all the way in, and down her throat while I shoot my cum into her mouth. This one even more mighty thab my last blow. I fire six huge globs off cum straight down her throat and into her stomach. She keeps sucking making sure she gets it down. I stand there for a moment, her cock all the way down her throat while I twitch. I pull my cock out of her mouth slowly and climb into bed. She gets up and starts heading for the bathroom. She turns on the shower and starts to turn valves.
"Leave the door open, please." She bends forward and lets me look at her pussy and closed asshole.
"Maybe next time you can play with my ass." She climbs into the shower and turns on the water.
V Celebrity 3Some
I wake up. I look at the ceiling. It's light blue and very soothing. I turn to my side and see an empty bed. I'm quick to look around.
"Sarah? Sarah?"
"Yeah baby?" I hear from the kitchen. I lean back in the bed and start to chuckle. I reach my hand under the sheets and start to play with my dick. Rubbing it, touching the head. Sarah comes walking into the room. Dressed in a white, satin bed gown. It's very revealing and cuts off just under her ass. Shaped like a sand glass, it shows off her breasts and barely holds them inside her gown, then cuts back outwards after her bellybutton so it show's off her curves. "That is nice." Is all I can say.
"You like it, huh? So does my friend." I react to this, and look at her a bit more puzzled.
"It's a surprise." She jumps onto the bed and starts to crawl towards me. Just one look in her eyes.
"I got you another part for a film. Spoke to my agent. It's the least I could do."
"Baby, you did all ready more than enough."
"You don't know the half of it."
"So... what's the part?"
"Charlie's Angels 3. You're gonna be the henchman of the baddie. Demi Moore.
"Didn't she die in the second one."
"No. Just got hurt."
"I know. They're really reaching for stories now." I hear footsteps come from the kitchen.
"Who else is here?"
"My friend. She's dying to meet you."
"Good friend"
"Good friend?"
"Very good friend." I chuckle as I see... RACHEL STEVENS ( standing at the threshold of the door to the kitchen. My jaw drops as I look at this 21-year-old, in tight black leather jeans and a fitting silver top. Her hair is blond and brunette, long, and drops past her shoulders. Her large c-size tits are hidden behind the white top, tight up against it. There's no bra since there are no marks running along them. And I can clearly see her nipples protruding through them.
"Hi there."
"Hi yourself." I get up and realize that my dick is semi hard. I grab the sheets and stumble to my feet. I stick my hand out, even though we are ten feet apart.
"Come over here." She says.
"Uhpp... can't. Sheets aren't long enough.
"Then leave them." I consider, look back at Sarah who has fixated on my tight ass. I drop the sheet and my semi erect, five inch long cock hangs through my tightly wrapped underwear. I walk closer to her. "Uhmm... so... you're that British singer part of that club."
"S Club."
01-03-2005, 11:33 AM
Bravo! Bravo! bro you are good man! the way you write this make me all hot up! thanks for the good stories :D
02-03-2005, 04:17 PM
Last Part
Ahh... yeah. I liked you in that series. S Club in LA, wasn't it?"
"No. Not any more." She says as she looks down at my crotch. She smiles sly.
"Well... I'd shake your hand but you don't know where mine's been." I say, trying to cover over the tension and fragrance of sex in the air. She sticks her hand out, waiting for me to shake it. I do.
"No. Nothing sticky on my hand. At least not yet." She says.
"Uhmm... yeah. so how do you two lovely ladies know each other?"
"We met at a Hollywood bash. Sarah said, continuing; "she was so sweet. I had just been knocked and spilt my drink; she came over and helped me clean it off." Even offered to give me her vest."
"Just offered, doesn't sound very good."
"Shut up... she did, and afterwards we ended up talking."
"Close ever since." They both look at each other and smile.
"Very close."
"So..." I say, trying to entice; "I got you two lovely, sexy women, but nothing to do. Anyone for scrabble?" They both laugh, Sarah rolls around on the bed.
"I think we had something a bit more substantial in mind."
"Monopoly?" They both laugh together again. Rachel starts walking closer to me. She gets close enough for me to feel her breath on my face. She looks right at me, and I look back at her. Soon realizing my dick is growing. It ever so slightly rubs up against her jeans.
"You're getting hard..." I grin. "I'll control myself."
"Did I say you were doing something bad?" she says to me as she walks over and sits down on the bed, next to Sarah, who's lying on her back. She places one hand on Rachel's left leg, and rubs it gently. She repays the favor by placing her hand on Sarah's chest and tracing her fingertips around.
"What do I do?"
"Just enjoy." Rachel says as she runs her fingers in between the gown of Sarah breasts. Her middle finger running up and down the cleft. Her other hand is tracing through her hair and rubbing across her soft cheeks. Sarah smiles as she runs her hand up and down Rachel's leg, tracing towards the insides of them. Running her hand closer to her crotch. They both go in for a kiss and meet each other with willing tongues. I fumble as I sit down on a chair, relaxing back into it. Rachel and Sarah continue kissing each other. Licking each others tongues and kissing each other with lust and intensity. They pull apart from each other and a trail of spit follows. Sarah laps at it and breaks it off, getting it into her mouth. The other half falls from Rachel's mouth and onto Sarah's stomach. Rachel climbs onto the bed, sticking her ass high in the air, turning her body so she's facing away from me while she leans down and licks at Sarah's stomach, lapping up the saliva whilst running her tongue across her bellybutton. I start to rub my hardening cock through my underwear, staring at Rachel. She runs one hand over her butt cheeks whilst the other trails over Sarah's stomach. Her hand runs over her cheeks and rubs her ass through her clothes. She dips her hand in between the jeans and runs her fingers down the crack of her ass. Sarah uses her hands to unbutton and pull off Rachel's jeans. I see her fingers rubbing up and down on her panties over her clit. Her g-string runs along her crack and she places her legs further apart, stretching her cheeks more apart. I can see her puckered little asshole, the string barely covering it. Sarah grabs at her tank top and pulls it off. Rachel's breast dangle free and Sarah grabs hold of them. She grabs one and gropes at it, running her fingers over her nipples and tweaking it. Rachel moans as she goes in for another kiss with Sarah.
I watch in anticipation as they massage each other's tongues, feeling each others bodies with their hands. Rachel slips out of her jeans and climbs on top of Sarah, placing themselves in a 69. Sarah slips her hand in between Rachel's panties and pulls the string covering her pussy down. She then rubs her hand up and down the clit, rubbing the folds ever so slightly. Rachel moans and leans down, resting her face on Sarah's crotch while rubbing her hands up and down the inside of her thighs. She yanks the gown up and stares at Sarah's pink luscious clit.
"I can't wait to taste your cunt... to taste those juices, swallowing them down into my stomach" Rachel moans out in speech, feeling Sarah rub two of her fingers over her folds. I reach my hand inside my underwear and pull out my erect cock, I rub my hand over the head and spit on my hand, then lube it while I lean back in the chair and jerk off, watching Sarah Michelle Gellar rub Rachel Steven's clit with her fingers. She enters her with middle and index finger, making Rachel moan loudly.
"Oh god yeah! Finger me hole!" Sarah spreads her legs further apart and her folds open up her vagina. Showing her pinkness to Rachel who's rubbing her head over the insides of her thighs.
"My clit is soooo wet... lick it! Eat my pussy!!" With those words Rachel sticks her tongue in and runs it along the inside of Sarah's pussy. Lubing it up with saliva. She runs her tongue up and down it, hearing Sarah moan. Rachel takes hold of the folds and spreads them even further apart. She laps at it while Sarah shoves three fingers in and out of Rachel's pussy. Fingering her hard and fast. Sarah pulls her fingers out and spits on them, then sucks on them, tasting Rachel's pre cum while also making her finger wetter. She shoves them back into Rachel's opening.
"You taste so good. I can't wait for you to come all over my face."
I stand up and slip my underwear off, then make my way over to the bed. I stop next to Sarah and jerk my cock off.
"You want me to suck your cock?" she asks. "Is that what you want?" I guide my cock down and into Sarah's willing mouth. I stick my head in and she wraps her tongue around it, sucking on it. I place one of my hands on Rachel's pussy and push in with my index finger. Rachel moans even more as she's got four fingers fucking her pussy. She places her mouth over Sarah's wet cunt and starts to suck at it, hard and hungrily. Transferring her pleasure to Sarah. I press my cock further down into her mouth, now another inch in and I start to rock back and forth. I pull out my finger from Rachel's pussy and put it in my mouth, sucking off her sweet and salty juices. Sarah pushes her head forward and takes my cock all the way in, to the back of her throat. I moan and quake as I feel my head touching her throat. My cock running and bashing into her uvula, making her gag. I don't care and continue fucking her pretty little hot mouth while she sucks on my cock. I pull my cock out it with my cum covered fingers. Sarah sucks on them greedily while also fingering Rachel with her fingers while I use my free hand to jerk my cock off.
02-03-2005, 04:18 PM
"Fuck me now! Put your cock in my aching pussy!" Hearing those words I just can't resist so I line it up with her pussy, which Sarah is spreading with her fingers and opening it up for me. I push forwards and feel the head entering Rachel Steven's pussy. I start to slide in and out, never pushing my cock in more than a couple of inches. I take my fingers out of Sarah's mouth, and put my balls over her face. She pops one in her mouth and sucks on it, while I fuck Rachel from behind. Rachel is busy licking Sarah's clit and fingering her with two fingers, which, when get sticky and wet she hungrily devours in her mouth. I feel my stomach bashing up and rubbing against Rachel's cheeks. I feel my heart beating faster and faster as I push my cock all the way in, until all nice inches are inside of this stunning, pink, wet pussy. I slide my hands around her thighs and spread them apart even more while I start fucking her for real. I go faster and faster, Sarah having problems sucking on my balls because of it, but I don't stop. Juices squirt and run out of Rachel's pussy, running down my cock, down my balls and into Sarah's mouth and face. I moan while I fuck her harder and harder. All she can do is suck and bite on Sarah's clit more, while moaning loudly. I stop and take my cock out, quickly replacing it with two of my fingers which I ram in and out of her fast, feeling juices cover them. I put my cock into Sarah's mouth and she hungrily sucks my cock, again covered with pussy juice, until it is nice, shiny and clean. I take my fingers out and start fucking her cunt with my cock again, now feeling it wanting to shoot. I run my hand over her ass cheeks while I steady my pace, putting my fingers in my mouth and sucking on them, cleaning them of her juices. Sarah climbs out of the sandwich and walks around me, she lies down on her back on the bed, and spreads her legs.
"She's like a factory with those juices, huh?" she says to me. I nod and position myself in front of Sarah, she places her legs around me and closes tight, My cock standing proud, leaking plenty of pre cum, rubbing up against Sarah's pussy.
"Rachel, come and sit on my face, I want you to watch Dave fuck my tight pussy, while you cum all over my face."
"All over your pretty little face?" she asks as she turns and faces me.
"Yeah." I slap my cock over Sarah's pussy, rubbing it over her pink hole for a minute, while Rachel climbs and places herself on top of Sarah's face. She leans forward and grabs hold of my cock, she starts stroking it and places her mouth over the head. She starts sucking it like a lollypop, licking her tongue around it. I take hold of her breasts and start to tweak and jiggle them. We both moan heavy together. She lets go and straightens her body and places her legs apart so she squats on top of Sarah's mouth. She feels Sarah attack her pussy with her tongue, licking it and sucking on it. I take my cock and press it into Sarah, now rough and hard as I can feel myself only moments from blowing. I start fucking her hard, grabbing hold of her legs and spreading them while I fuck her with all my power. Thrusting in and out. We all moan louder and louder.
"OH GOD! I'M CUMMING!" Rachel moans as she releases her hot girl cum all over Sarah's face, who laps it from her pussy. Rachel falls backwards and I see Sarah with cum all over her tongue, face, mouth, lips, cheeks. She is literally covered with cum. This pushes me over the edge and I pull out, and jerk off quickly. Making myself cum. It shoots and splatters over Sarah's stomach and face. Rachel turns and sticks her tongue to Sarah's cheek. My second load flies and splatters Sarah and Rachel's faces, who laps it up. Mixing my cum with her cum. I send off two more heavy loads, one hitting Rachel, the other splashing in Sarah's mouth and on the bed sheets. I wobble as I feel my balls unload their cum and then fall to my knees as I watch Sarah and Rachel kiss and tongue each other. Rubbing my cum around in their mouths.
Finally satisfied, I finally slumber to dreamland with my two beauties in each of mi arms.
07-03-2005, 09:31 AM
Episode Two of Friends Special.
Friends: It jz Started With Eyedrops
Rachel ( and Monica ( had been to the eye doctor earlier in the day, where Rachel ( got some drops for her eye. She was freaked out about anything going near her eyes, so Monica offered to help her. As Rachel slouched with her head resting on the back of the couch, Monica sat beside her with the medicine. She suggested doing a practice run, however Rachel knew her roommate was lying. She moved her head, just as Monica squeezed the dropper, getting fluid on her cushions.
"All right, come here!" Monica said, getting up and pulling Rachel off the couch by her legs.
"What are you? Monica!! Stop it!! Oh my god! Stop it!" Rachel protested as she was dragged onto the floor and rolled onto her back.
"I am going
I'm going--Turn over!" Monica scolded as Rachel tried to wriggle away, "I'm
I am going to get these drops in your eyes."
Monica was straddling the woman's body. She put the bottle in her mouth, so she could hold Rachel's arms.
"Oh my god! You really are freakishly strong!" Rachel exclaimed, as she was easily overpowered by her roommate.
Monica started biting on the plastic bottle, trying to squirt drops into Rachel's eye.
"Monica! Stop it!" Rachel protested, in vain.
She thrashed her head back and forth. Because of this, Monica missed her eyes completely, and ended up spraying the liquid all over Rachel's face and the carpet around her head.
Finally, the stronger woman spit out the bottle onto the floor. "Damn! It's empty!"
As Monica restrained Rachel, her struggling eventually abated. The girls held their positions, each trying to figure out what to do next.
Rachel spoke first, realizing how Monica was on top of her, holding her down.
"Wow, y'know if Joey and Chandler walked in right now, we could make a fortune!"
They looked into each other's eyes. Moments passed; although to them, time had stopped. They hadn't been with each other since Chandler and Monica had gotten together. All three had felt that the couple needed some exclusive time to grow their relationship. Yet at that moment, each woman knew what the other was thinking.
"Are you as turned on as I am?" Rachel asked.
"Hell, yeah!" Monica replied.
Without a second thought, she pounced on Rachel's mouth. Months of pent up passion exploded. Monica's body pressed down into her roommate, as she straddled her waist and hips. Neither girl seemed to notice how tightly Monica continued to hold Rachel's arms to the floor. Their mutual desire was all they knew.
Monica released her right arm, but only to grope Rachel's breast through her grey tank-top. Rachel took the opportunity to wrap her fingers around the back of Monica's head and hold it as they french-kissed passionately.
Monica sat up and pulled her light green V-neck shirt over her head. Then she reached around back and quickly removed her black bra.
"I need you to suck my tits, Rach," she announced with resolve.
Monica scooted back onto Rachel's thighs and, grabbing her wrists, pulled her up to a sitting position. Rachel caressed the smooth skin of Monica's back as she licked and sucked her best friend's breasts.
"Oh god, Rach... I've missed feeling you suck them. Oh, I need this."
"I need it too, Mon. I need you to make me cum."
Monica tugged at Rachel's shirt, pulling it off her body. As Rachel kept licking her breasts, Monica unsnapped her partner's bra and helped her out of it. Hard nipples pushed into Monica's stomach.
"Move to the couch," she said softly.
best if have foursome(joey, monica, phoebe, rachel) or mass orgy? :D
08-03-2005, 01:41 PM
keeep reading n u will know bro~!
It was clear that Monica wanted to be the aggressor right then, and that was just fine with Rachel. Both girls quickly crawled over. Rachel sat up on the cushions, and Monica knelt between her legs. They embraced, kissing.
"Oh, Monica, I'd forgotten how good it is to feel your breasts on mine."
"I hadn't," was Monica's lustful reply as she initiated another long impassioned kiss.
Their hands roamed each other's torsos, touching skin and fondling flesh. Monica held Rachel's breasts as she took one in her mouth and gently sucked it.
"Oh Mon! Yes!"
Monica ran her tongue all over Rachel's breasts, paying special attention to her sensitive nipples. She gently nibbled on one, eliciting a moaned "omigod" from her roommate.
Monica found her way back to her friend's mouth. She probed it lavishly with her tongue, before pushing her back into the pillows of the couch. As Monica sat back on her heels, she unbuttoned Rachel's dark blue jeans. They locked eyes as she pulled the zipper down.
"Yes," Rachel whispered with a look of anticipation.
Monica pulled the jeans off her partner's body, removing her shoes at the same time. Rachel's white thong was quickly tossed aside. And last, Monica took off her little white socks. She wanted her girl to be as naked as the day she was born.
With a look of serious, determined lust, Monica slid her hands under Rachel's ass, leaned in, and lifted her hips off the couch. She was indeed "freakishly strong" and she showed this as she brought a pussy to her mouth, resting her elbows on the edge of the furniture. Both women were well beyond the need for more foreplay, and Monica dove in with abandon. She hadn't had a pussy in months, and Rachel's was her favorite.
With Monica holding her hips up, Rachel's hands were under her, balancing her body as she rested her shoulders against the back cushions. Her toes brushed on the floor. Rachel was focused on her roommate. Brilliant blue eyes looked back as her cunt was serviced.
She whimpered as Monica sucked on her clit. She moaned as Monica licked every fold of her labia. She gasped as Monica plunged her tongue deep inside her, wagging it up and down. She threw her head over the back of the couch, groaning, "god, yes, Mon... oh my god... that feels incredible..." Monica knew exactly what her roommate loved, and she did exactly those things.
This erotic scene was interrupted by an opening door. Monica dropped Rachel's hips to the couch and stood up, forgetting that she was topless.
"Chandler!" she said in surprise, then brought her arms up to hide her breasts.
Rachel stood and grabbed the throw blanket, trying to cover herself.
"What? What's going on here? You two promised..."
"I know, I know, Chandler, I'm so sorry," Monica pleaded. She gestured, not realizing that she was revealing her chest again. "Please don't be mad. Rachel and I... I don't know... I'm sorry, it just happened..."
Rachel continued, "Please don't be mad at her, Chandler. It was my fault. I started it."
"Look, Mon, you know I don't mind AT ALL that you and Rachel... did stuff... together. It's just that I thought you and I needed some time, y'know, for ourselves..." he started to say.
Monica stopped him, "We'll make it up to you. Honest, we will."
"How?" he challenged.
The girls glanced at each other. Rachel's look said everything Monica needed to know.
"We'll do this with you..." she said, gesturing to herself, Rachel, and the couch, "and we promise it'll be better than any sex you've ever had." Rachel stepped over and whispered in Monica's ear. "Really?" was her quiet reply, "Are you up for that?"
"Well, yeah... are you?"
Monica gave her a sneaky little grin, "Yeah, it sounds like it could be hot."
"What? What could be hot?" Chandler asked frantically.
Monica and Rachel moved to stand on either side of him. Rachel discretely opened her covering.
"Well, if you want to find out," Monica said seductively, "you need to come with us to the bedroom."
He looked down at their beautiful bare breasts.
09-03-2005, 01:32 PM
"Do you want to find out?" Rachel asked, taking his hand and placing it on her breast. Chandler gave a panicked looked to his new girlfriend, like he was going to get in trouble.
Monica smiled, taking his other hand and placing it on her own tit. Answering his unspoken question, she said, "It's okay, sweetie. I want you to touch her."
They went to Monica's bedroom, where Rachel threw off the blanket. She went to her roommate's lingerie drawer and began throwing all the garments on the bed.
Monica quickly stripped out of her black pants and black tennis shoes. Her thong went to the floor, and she was as naked as her roomie. Then she helped Chandler out of his clothes. She gave him little suggestive pecks on his neck and chest, but found that he was somewhat distracted by Rachel's naked body... her pert breasts, slim frame, sexy legs, and small round ass. Monica quietly laughed at him.
"Thinkin' about what you want to do to her, big guy?" Chandler stammered a denial, still uncertain of what was happening. She smiled. "Well, you better. Like I said, we're BOTH going to make it up to you."
She kissed him passionately, and he tasted Rachel in his girlfriend's mouth.
"I know you like your women in lingerie," Monica said. "So how about you pick out some things for me and Rach to wear for you?"
Chandler smiled, "Really? All right."
He picked through the garments and handed Monica a black satin bustier.
"Let's see you need some of these," he said, fishing out a pair of black sheer-top stockings. "Oh, and high heels from your closet."
"What? No panties?" she gently needled him.
Chandler returned her teasing. "Why bother? They wouldn't be on you for very long."
Monica smiled at him and began putting on the strapless lingerie.
"What about me, Chandler? Everything that Monica has should fit me, too," Rachel said, snuggling into his side, and provocatively sliding her hand down his chest to his cock.
"Hmmm... let's see... for you..." He found a white silk slip. "...this. Oh, can't forget these," he said handing her a pair of white lace-top thigh-highs.
She seductively wagged her head. "Oh no... can't forget those. Um, lemme guess... no panties for me either?" she asked with a knowing smile.
"Do I even need to answer that?" he replied.
"How about heels?" she asked.
He thought a moment. "No, let's not. This will make you seem more... innocent."
She smiled. It was anything but a naive smile. She cupped his balls in her hand, and gently massaged them. His mostly hard dick, slowly came to full firmness.
"Well, I think you're gonna find out just how innocent I'm NOT."
Monica was nearly dressed, and she fastened her stockings to the garter straps of the bustier. When she finished, she turned, and asked in a sultry voice, "Are my seams straight, Chandler?"
She ran her fingers up the back of her thigh and caressed her cheek. Chandler ogled her legs and bare ass. His eyes traced the line all the way up from her 3" stiletto heel.
"DAMN!" he stammered, as she smiled at him over her bare shoulder. He wanted to stick his dick in her right then, but he told himself that even better things would happen if he waited.
Chandler looked to Rachel. She was straightening the shoulder strap, having donned her required garb. The lingerie came down just past her ass, and the stockings' white lace bands peeked out below the bottom of Monica's sexy slip. Rachel's breasts filled the top quite nicely, and her erect nipples created two soft vertical creases down the front of the fabric.
Monica let down her hair as she strutted toward her boyfriend.
"So I bet you want to just throw us on the bed and fuck us. Am I right, Chandler?"
"Well, that's the general idea," he laughed softly. Then a look of uncertainty came on his face. "That IS the idea, right?"
Rachel answered from her new place, kneeling in the middle of the bed.
"Well... that's the eventual idea... but we thought about some OTHER things to do first. C'mere, Mon."
Monica gave Chandler a sexy smile as she joined Rachel. Her roommate pushed garments out of the way to make a space for her on the bed, then casually dug through the lingerie scattered around them.
Rachel secretly applauded Monica's ability to control her obsessive neatness amid the messy pile of clothes. She'd have to tell her that, later.
"Gee, Monica, you missed a pair of stockings," she said nonchalantly. "Here. Let me help you put them on."
The roommates knelt facing each other. Chandler watched as his girlfriend gave him a knowing glance, then held out her hands. Rachel flashed her own mischievous look at him, as she took a black stocking and began tying it around Monica's wrists.
With the soft restraint in place, Monica turned to face Chandler. Rachel moved behind her, playing with her black hair and caressing her shoulders.
"Do you think this is too kinky, Chandler?" Monica asked seductively, "That we would want to try a little light bondage?"
"No, no, not at all," he stammered in disbelief, wondering if he was going to awake any moment from this steamy dream.
"Good," Rachel smiled as her hands glided under Monica's arms. "'Cuz we were thinking that maybe I could tie Monica up... and then maybe you could tie me up... and then..."
Chandler finished her words in his mind, imagining what he would do with Monica and Rachel in that situation.
He watched as Rachel's hands slid behind the cups of Monica's strapless bustier.
"Ooo, her nipples are hard," Rachel reported, as she gently massaged her friend's tits. "I think she's really getting into this."
Chandler began stroking his dick as he watched Monica. Her eyes were closed, enjoying the touch of Rachel's hands, and the soft nibbles of Rachel's mouth on her neck and ear.
"Wanna see?" Rachel asked, coyly.
He nodded. Rachel slowly pulled down the bodice of Monica's black bustier, folding it back on itself to expose her full breasts.
"Watching is sooo sexy, isn't it, Chandler?" the dirty blonde asked, as resumed fondling Monica's breasts. He agreed, wholeheartedly.
"Well," she continued, "they say that the imagination is the MOST erotic thing. They say it can be far more of a turn-on... than what you actually see. So how about... for the next little while... we let Monica try to imagine what's happening?"
At this, Rachel took the mate to the silk hose holding Monica's wrists, and brought it over her head to her eyes. She snugly tied it as a blindfold for her roomie. A slight smile crossed Monica's lips.
"Omigod," Chandler mumbled. He had never realized that it could be so arousing to see his girlfriend being tied up like this.
Rachel held out her hand to him. He came to the bed and took it. She guided him up and joined him in front of his beautiful girlfriend. Rachel kissed him, then whispered in his ear, "lick her tits with me."
Chandler and Rachel both bent down and began licking. They tried not to touch Monica with anything but their mouths. She moaned, imagining what they looked like, and trying to determine who was at which breast.
"Oh you guys," she whispered, "oh, wow."
Rachel's hand gently grabbed onto the breast that Chandler was licking, letting her manicured nails press into it, and hoping it would throw a little curve at Monica. They lovingly bathed her breasts with their tongues, as Monica giggled and swam in her erotically dark world.
Chandler left her chest, but Rachel continued licking. He took Monica's hands, and then ran his fingers up her arms, and back down to the stocking at her wrists.
"Do you really like this, Mon?" he asked, wanting to make sure that she wasn't uncomfortable with something so unusual for them.
A broad smile shone on her face. "Oh Chandler, please don't think I'm... sick... or anything... but... yes! I like this... a lot!"
"You are so sexy," he smiled at her, though he knew that she couldn't see him. He leaned in and kissed her. At first she jumped slightly, not knowing he was so close, but then her lips searched the air to find him.
"Why don't you move up?" he suggested, lovingly.
Chandler and Rachel helped her crawl to the head of the bed, and Monica curled up amid the pillows. They looked at her. So erotic. High heels, black stockings, sexy legs demurely together, wrists tied, blindfolded. Almost looking like a dirty pinup from the 1940's.
"So what are you going to do with me?" Rachel asked him, luridly.
Monica felt them crawl off the bed. "Guys, where are you going?"
"Don't worry, Mon. We're still here."
"Well, um, tell me... things... okay?" she said with a shy grin.
"Let's see," Rachel began to narrate, "he's picking out some stockings... they're your tan ones." Monica heard Rachel's voice move from the side to the end of the bed. She could tell that her roommate was facing away. "And now Chandler's put my hands on the footboard of the bed..." A nasty smile entered her voice, "mmm, and he's tying me to it. Ooo, yeah... you can go tighter, baby."
Chandler cinched the knot around her small wrist, then tied the loose end of the fabric to the wood. "Like that?" he taunted.
"Mmm, yeah, Chandler, just like that. Oh god, this is so kinky," Rachel groaned, obviously pleased with things.
Monica was rubbing her nipple. "Tell me..." she whispered.
Chandler spoke up. "She feels so good, Monica. I can't believe you're letting me do this. Sexy slim legs... soft breasts... she feels good wearing your stockings and slip."
Rachel took over from him.
10-03-2005, 05:42 PM
"He's got my wrists tied to the footboard. He's caressing my body... oh, this silk feels nice... Do it, Chandler, do it... Now he's grabbing my breasts... mmm, yeah, he's rubbing my tits. Is this your fantasy, Chandler? To have your way with a beautiful woman? To grope her body? While she can't... do... a thing... about it?"
Rachel stared alluringly at him. Chandler answered her by lowering the straps of her slip, and letting them fall to her elbows. The garment peeled away from her chest. Her long hair came nearly to her nipples.
Chandler slid his hands inside her locks and held her head as he kissed her passionately, probing with his tongue. Their soft moans of passion resounded in each other's mouth. Monica caressed her breasts as she listened to the erotic sounds.
"Mmm, yes, my neck," she heard. Then a little while later, "Oh Chandler, yes, your tongue... oh yes, feel how hard my nipples are... Oh, suck them... oh yeah, suck on them..."
Monica pictured Chandler suckling Rachel's tit, and she longed for her mouth to be attached to the other. She licked her lips.
Chandler reached around and caressed Rachel's ass, then slid his hand under the front of the slip and gently rubbed her clit. She opened her legs, allowing him further in.
"Mmmm, rub my pussy. Mmmm.. oh FUCK, Chandler, I wish you'd do this more often... I bet Monica would let you... I bet Mon would let you take me... and fuck me... whenever you want... How does that sound to you, Mon?"
Monica's hands had found their way between her legs. She was slowly rubbing herself.
"Tell me more," she purred.
"He pulled down my top and now he's sucking on my tits. Mmm... now his hands are caressing by bare shoulders and... oh my, Chandler. You dirty boy!" she mockingly scolded. "I guess he wants me on my knees, Mon. Is there something you want, Chandler? With me, like th- mmmm!"
Monica heard her word cut off as her mouth was filled. She smiled, imagining her beautiful roommate on her knees... tied hands by her shoulders... with Chandler's hard dick in her mouth. Monica's fingers were rapidly rubbing across her clit.
"Keep going," she panted. "Keep talking."
"I've got her on her knees. And I'm holding her head and sliding my cock in her mouth. That's it, Rach, suck it good."
His eyes went from his sex-partner to his girlfriend.
"Oh yeah, Mon," he groaned. "Do that... touch yourself... rub your clit for me."
"I hate... I hate to break it to you... honey, but... I'm not doing it for you," she panted with a smile.
He got a little grin. "All right, Monica? I'm standing here, getting my dick sucked by Rachel. I don't think it really matters who you're doing it for... as long as you just keep doing it!"
"You got it, big guy," Monica giggled, as she stretched her legs out and opened them a bit, hoping she was giving him a better view.
She listened to the sloppy sucking sounds that her roommate was making as Chandler fucked her mouth. Occasionally, he would pull out, and Monica would hear a wet pop, then Rachel's lewd encouragement.
"That's it, Chandler... stroke your nice hard cock... ooo yeah... it's so big... and hard... oh, Chandler... put it back in my mouth... give it to me, give it to me... let me suck on it again... mm hmm, mm hmm... MMMMmmm."
More sucking sounds, as Rachel passionately blew his dick, then another pop.
"Mmm, yeah... I love sucking cock... yeah, baby... let me watch you jerk off... ooo yeah, do it, Chandler... let me see you stroke it... oh god, I wish I could touch my pussy right now..."
Sexual frustration oozed from her voice.
"Oh, so your pussy needs some lovin' huh?" Chandler teased.
"You know it does, baby," Rachel erotically replied. "Will you fuck me now?"
Her beautiful eyes looked up at him. He knew he could go on like this if he wanted to. He could keep fucking her mouth until he shot his load into it... and Rachel wouldn't object at all. But her lascivious invitation was more than he could resist.
"Well, since you asked..." he quipped, as he brought her to her feet. Chandler untied the stockings from the bed.
"So how do you want me now?" Rachel asked.
"What's happening? Tell me," Monica almost demanded, in her arousal.
"He's turning me around... hmmm, well, well, Mon... so that's what Chandler was watching," she said approvingly.
Monica was alternating between rubbing her clit and shoving a finger in her pussy. She had tried to do both at once, but her sexy restraint wouldn't allow that. Her mouth hung open and her breasts were heaving as she panted deeply, masturbating.
"I'm being tied to the bed again," she went on with obvious delight.
"How?" Monica asked, between shaky breaths.
Rachel described her position.
"My arms are tied to opposite sides of the bed... Chandler's got me bent over and..."
"Spread your feet, Rach," he softly interrupted her. As she did this, she kept talking to her blindfolded roommate.
"...and he's standing behind me. I can feel his stomach against my ass, and his body is covering my back. He's reaching down and caressing my legs... running his fingers up the insides of my thighs... oh, so close to my pussy... and now he's feeling my breasts again... Mmm, his dick is between my thighs, and the shaft is rubbing against my lips."
"Go in her, Chandler," Monica said lustfully. "I want to listen to you both do it."
"You heard the lady," Rachel purred as she looked over her shoulder.
Chandler straightened up and lifted the hem of the slip, fully exposing Rachel's bare ass. He held his dick right at the entrance to her pussy.
"You ready, Rach?" he asked.
"Ooo, yeah, go in me, Chandler."
13-03-2005, 09:18 PM
Rachel groaned as Chandler's long hard cock slid into her.
"Yes," Monica whined. She shifted around, and spread her legs, knees up and high heels flat on the bed. Her bound hands were between her stockinged thighs, and she slowly rubbed tiny circles on her hard clit.
"Look at her, Chandler," Rachel said softly. "You're the luckiest man alive, you know."
"Mmm, I do know," he agreed.
Monica returned the smile she heard in his voice.
"Oh god, I want that pussy," Rachel moaned, as she watched Monica.
"All in due time, Rach," Chandler answered with his dick inside her. He waited a few moments, caressing her ass and enjoying the feeling of being in Rachel. "But first you need to get fucked good."
"Yeah, fuck me good, baby," she echoed.
Chandler and Rachel's groans joined together as he slowly fucked her. Her pussy was wet and tight, and fit his cock like a glove. His hands traveled Rachel's body, admiring how toned and sexy it was.
Hearing them moan each other's names was surprisingly arousing to Monica. Her petite body writhed in the pillows as she frantically masturbated, adding her own erotic sounds to the mix.
"Fuck her... fuck her..." she moaned.
Soon, Rachel begged to be done harder, and Chandler was only too happy to oblige. He put his hands on her slim hips and jammed his dick into her; fast and hard, burying it to the hilt. Rachel screamed in surprise and pleasure.
"YES!" she screamed again with the second hard thrust. "Do it, Chandler. I know you want to fuck me hard," she said with clenched teeth.
He started to take the next thrust a bit easier, slowly pushing in, but then halfway through the motion he rammed her hard. He gradually withdrew this dick, and did it again; slowly in, then nailing Rachel to the hilt. Her head snapped back and she groaned in pleasure.
"FUCK, Chandler... mmmm... FUCK!... Yeah, do it again. Bang me like that. UHN!"
Monica tried to imagine what was happening, but soon she could tell her boyfriend and her best friend had settled into a fast steady rhythm, as they grunted together with each thrust.
Rachel's wrists strained against the soft bonds. The silk trailed through her hands and was held in a white-knuckle grip, as her pussy sustained his fleshy assault.
"Fuck me, Chandler, fuck me... oh shit, fuck me... ohhhh... ohhh...."
Rachel's moans were soon drowned out by sound of Monica's orgasm. She threw her head back into the pillows as two finger dove rapidly in and out of her pussy.
"OH CHANDLER!" she groaned, "omigod, omigod, omigod, UUUHHNNN.... UUUHHHNNNN..."
Her head thrashed from side to side, unaware and uncaring that she was giving her friends such an erotic show.
Rachel heard a whisper in her ear. "Do you want her pussy?"
"Yes... please!" she moaned back, begging to have her roommate.
"Let's get you on the bed then," he said as slipped the straps back onto her shoulders and then untied her.
They quickly moved to the bed, where Chandler directed her to lay on her back between the widely spread heels. Monica's orgasm was just passing, and she was barely aware that they had joined her.
Chandler pushed Rachel's feet up near her butt, and tied the silk stocking of each wrist to her ankle. She looked at him with a dirty smile. Chandler was usually fairly reserved, and she liked the fact that he was willing to let out his kinky side. He ran his hands all over her body, as he looked at her, pleased with his risque handiwork.
"Guys?" Monica asked, trying to catch her breath. "What's going on? Did you cum, Rach? I didn't hear you cum."
Chandler moved past Rachel, and bent over to kiss his blindfolded girlfriend.
"Just getting ready to do some things for you," he told her, lovingly.
"Ooo, I like the sound of that," she smiled.
Acting on impulse, Chandler did the single obvious thing in his mind.
Monica flinched in surprise, then giggled as a hard cock was pushed into her mouth. Monica lustily took it, tasting her roommate all over it.
"Oh yeah, baby... I love watching you suck dick."
Rachel arched her back to catch a glimpse of Monica's blowjob, and to see a bit of the pussy waiting for her. She breathed in her roomie's scent, just a few inches from her face.
Chandler pulled out of Monica's mouth, though she gladly would have serviced him more.
"Give me your hands, Mon." She blindly offered her tied hands to him.
He helped her to her knees, then slowly guided her forward to straddle Rachel. Monica's knees bumped her friend's shoulders and she got the idea.
"Mmm, I like where this is going," she smiled.
15-03-2005, 05:40 PM
She edged farther, her knees hugging Rachel's body. A tongue began lapping at her wet pussy. Monica moaned her desire, "More, Rach."
Chandler knelt between Rachel's legs and eased back into her. A muffled "yes" came from below Monica.
He started fucking again, as he watched his girlfriend's hands travel from one of her roommate's breasts to the other. She caressed them through the fabric. He reached forward and again pulled down Rachel's top, this time to let Monica feel her bare tits.
"Mmmm, yes, lick me, Rach," she moaned. "Mmm, like that... just like that."
Rachel's tongue was slowly licking the full length of Monica's slit, over and over.
"Oh yeah... I love it when you do that... oh, touch me, Rach... touch me..."
Chandler answered for Rachel, with a mischievous tone. "She can't... she's kinda... tied up right now."
Monica's fingers found their way to Rachel's arm, then leaning forward, she traced it down. Her fingertips found soft nylon around her roommate's wrist. Then she realized that it was tied to Rachel's ankle. Monica smirked. Her hands moved across Rachel's abdomen to the other side, and found the same thing.
"Chandler, you nasty man..." she said, with approval.
Monica's hands moved between Rachel's legs and cupped her roommate's mound on either side of Chandler's thrusting pole. She felt him sliding through her index fingers.
"Tying up Rachel and fucking her like this... I like your idea."
"Ya do, huh?" he teased.
"Oh yeah... I never realized you could be such an erotic lover."
Monica felt his cock slow its motions, and then stop, still in her roommate.
"Y'know, I've got another idea, Mon," he said, untying her wrists. "Turn around."
Still unable to see, Monica carefully turned to face the other way over Rachel's face.
"Do you want to tie them behind my back?" she asked over her shoulder.
"You're reading my mind," he said, as he responded to her presented wrists. "But let's see if you can read my mind on this one."
He reached down and untied the stockings at Rachel's legs. Then he brought her arms up.
Monica felt his fingers... then Rachel's hands on her calves... and finally, the feel of a soft bond wrapped around her own slim ankle.
"You like it when I tied her up..." He paused. ", do you like it when she's tied to you?"
Monica smiled as she felt a second knot being cinched around her other leg. "OH YES... I just, I just wish I could see all this."
"Nuh un," the response came from between her legs, "just enjoy how it feels. Isn't this the kinkiest thing you've ever done, Mon? I'm so glad I'm doing it with you guys."
"Enough talking... more sex," Chandler declared as he started pumping Rachel.
She obediently resumed licking, as her fingertips caressed the silk covering Monica's legs. Her tongue slid through her roomie's folds, tasting her arousal, and working to create more.
16-03-2005, 09:42 AM
(Last part... will be closing down dis section. thkz for cuming... )
Monica never had felt more restrained, and more free, at the same time. She'd always wanted to try light bondage, but never found someone she felt comfortable with. But now, being tied to Rachel... with both of them as Chandler's sex dolls in this kinky she knew... that it could be better than she had ever imagined.
Chandler wanted to bring Rachel back to where she was when he did her at the end of the bed. He wanted to hear her moaning his name. He gradually sped up his fuck, gently rubbing her little clit as he did.
"Oh Chandler," she moaned around Monica's labia. "Mmmm... mmmm..."
"Oh god, Chandler... whatever you're doing to her... keep doing it," Monica groaned, lowering onto Rachel's face.
Lips cupped her pussy, and a tongue pushed up into her.
"UHN! Oh, yes! Lick me, Rachel! Fuck me with your tongue!"
Chandler reached out and caressed Monica's ass. He saw Rachel's chin peeking out from below, slowly pulsing as she worked Monica over.
He dropped his hand and fondled Rachel's breasts, flicking his thumb gently across her pert nipple. His hand traveled down her stomach, and ran the length of her leg, feeling the soft thigh-high encasing it. He brought her foot up and over his shoulder and held it there as he watched his dick slide in and out of her. Monica was rocking her hips forward and back, grinding her cunt on Rachel's face. The sensual sounds of the women were intoxicating.
Chandler could tell that Rachel was getting closer and closer to orgasm. The fabric of the slip fluttered ever so slightly as it draped across her stomach. He thought he heard Rachel moan something like, "harder... harder."
In moments, he decided just how he wanted to make her cum. Quickly, he grabbed her other leg, and threw it over his head to join its twin. He wrapped his arm around her knees, clutching them tightly together. Her hips rested between his thrusting thighs. Chandler fucking her as hard and fast as before.
Rachel's pussy grabbed around his cock, and her moans took on a whining sound as her climax washed over her. Her muffled moans still filled the bedroom with a carnal din. Her fingernails pressed firmly into the flesh of Monica's calves.
At that instant, Chandler reached out and took Monica's hands. He gently pulled them back and up, making her lean forward and press her clit into Rachel's devouring tongue.
Monica screamed at the repeated shots of pleasure as Rachel suckled.
As Rachel's orgasm passed, her furious sucking threatened to turn into just lazy lip licking. Chandler knew that Monica needed more than that, if she was going to cum.
He pulled out of Rachel, and crawled up her body to Monica. He quickly untied her hands, and brought them around front, where he held them on the headboard. Without a word, he entered her.
"Oh Chandler," she whined, "I'm so close... please bring me... please make me cum."
"I want to fuck you, Monica," he panted, very much out of breath, yet very much wanting to bang his beautiful girlfriend. "I want to hear you cum... I want to hear you scream..."
Chandler slowly screwed Monica, not wanting to pop before her orgasm. The couple felt Rachel's tongue lavishing both their genitals with sloppy attention. She had perfect access to his balls and rod, her labia and clit. Rachel generously licked everything she could reach.
"Oh... oh yeah... oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah," Monica whimpered, her face contorted in ecstasy. "Oh yeah, oh yeaaaAAAAHHHH... OHHHHH.... OHHHHH... UHHHNNN... MMMMMMmmm... OHHHHhhhh... Ohhh.... mmmm... yessss..."
He grabbed Monica's petite body, and pumped his stiff dick into her. Just a couple hard thrusts and Monica felt a stream of hot jizz shooting inside her.
Chandler quickly pulled out, firing cum onto Monica's pussy as he moved back slightly.
Rachel squealed and giggled, when a shot of Chandler's cum landed on her lips. He jacked himself hard and fast, scattering random cum-shots on Monica's pussy and her helpless roommate's face.
"AWWW YEAH," he groaned, "That's the stuff!"
"Monica," Rachel feigned protest, "Your boyfriend just unloaded his cum on my face."
Trails of sperm slowly ran down her chin and cheeks, onto her neck and into her hair.
"Well, I'd help ya out," Monica panted, with a smile, "but I'm kinda... tied up."
"Yeah, but-mmph," her retort was interrupted by a cock unexpectedly filling her mouth, demanding to be sucked dry. She gladly obliged, feeling it jerk slightly in her lips.
"So Chandler," Rachel questioned as he took his member back, "does this make up for you catching me and Monica?"
"Ohhh, more than!"
"So can I take the blindfold off now?" Monica asked.
"Allow me," he said, reaching up and untying the stocking. Monica shook out her long hair, and ran her fingers through it. She scooted back slightly, and looked down at Rachel's cum-splattered face, smiling between her stockinged thighs. Monica reached down and let Rachel suck her finger, then she wiped the cum from her chin, and licked her digit clean.
Chandler embraced her, caressing her breast and legs. Monica surveyed just how she and Rachel were bound together. She nodded approvingly.
"Very nice, Chandler. Something tells me we'll be doing this again. But next time, do me like Rachel, k?"
"You got it, Mon. And next time, I want to see you tie her up. Is that alright with you two?"
Rachel answered for both. "Chandler, after tonight, I think we'd be pretty dumb to say 'no'."
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