View Full Version : Samsters/Bros , please NOTE this incident if u r buying a new hp
04-03-2005, 07:33 AM
To all Samsters n bros,
2 days back,i went to parkway parade to purchase a new Nokia phone without line. Was at the shop located near e traffic light directly opposite Parkway(the shop can b identified by the big ad of phone prices displayed outside and just next to a photo shop) ... the shop comprises of 2 uncles,1 lady n 1 ah-beng
I decided to get the nokia7610 (stated in shop ad for $718) s old phone was faulty uncle served me, did e usual paperwork n reciept stuff... after he finished, he asked "U noe the conditions,rite" i ask wat he meant....he claim to buy at tt price I got to buy one extra batt n charger. I look at the ad n saw nthing written there ...tried to explain nicely although i felt cheated. He claimed i have to pay 778 if without e accessories n i rejected to buy e phone. To my surprise, e ah-beng came to me n asked y i m wasting their time den? He looked at me in a threatening manner. I tot since my phone is spoilt n i dun wan any public conflicts,i agreed reluctantly to take the phone n accessorises.Uncle took out a 7610box (no phone inside) n took e phone seperately out frm the drawer n put in e box. I asked wat he doing....he say the phone was taken out for inspection, no prob n sure brand new. I asked to look.....had sum tips frm my nokia centre fren on how to check a new phone my horror, the phone IMEI identification was diff from the box IMEI. The phone oso had dent marks on top left corner, uncle claimed due to shippin damage. I say sorry n quickly walked away n could hear the ah beng cursing hokkien vulguraties non stop at me. Ppl, pls reali reali check carefully if u wan to buy the products from this shop. There could b many naive customers who alred bought such sets without realising :-(
04-03-2005, 07:59 AM
Well, hope you learn from this experience. NEVER buy from authorised dealers. I ever saw hp dealers packing NON-original handsets into original nokia boxes. You are considered lucky as they can change the IMEI number thru computer to match the IMEI shown on the box without u knowing. Dat dealer whom you intended to buy the phone from is just plain lazy to do dat, otherwise, you would have been cheated...
Wat you can do now, is to either just warn all ur frens abt this, or you can call up Nokia Singapore to inform them. Dat shop would be investigated and license suspended. The owner will also go to jail for selling pirated products. FYI, I happened to know a few shops in Jurong area praticing this stunt.
Next time if you wanna get a new phone, go to the MAIN M1, Starhub or Singtel outlets instead of visiting authorised dealers who could not be trusted. Cheap deals dun always work out.... ;)
04-03-2005, 10:21 AM
Never really trusted all those shops, especially if the set up looks suspectable. Anyway, it was a lesson learnt and luckily no harm done for you. Good for you to walk away, actually just tell them you no longer interested and walk away, no need to say sorry. As for the Ah Beng, he will be the one sorry if he did anything funny. ;)
04-03-2005, 10:28 AM
To all Samsters n bros,
2 days back,i went to parkway parade to purchase a new Nokia phone without line. Was at the shop located near e traffic light directly opposite Parkway(the shop can b identified by the big ad of phone prices displayed outside and just next to a photo shop) ... the shop comprises of 2 uncles,1 lady n 1 ah-beng
the phone IMEI identification was diff from the box IMEI. The phone oso had dent marks on top left corner, uncle claimed due to shippin damage. I say sorry n quickly walked away n could hear the ah beng cursing hokkien vulguraties non stop at me. Ppl, pls reali reali check carefully if u wan to buy the products from this shop. There could b many naive customers who alred bought such sets without realising :-(
Actually I would report this matter to the relevant agency if i were you. Who knows how many people have they cheated or try to cheat. At least let CASE know and blacklist the shop
04-03-2005, 10:41 AM
brudder, got a lot of such stunts being pulled ard here...
i think the situation is such....
a) M1 normally sells fone a bit more expensive (unless special promo) n hence their authorised dealers plays more of hard-to-get as pple will naturally wanna get fone frm authorised dealers...
b) Singtel n Starhub normally sells fone a bit cheaper n hence authorised dealers lan lan got to suck thumb n eat humble pies 2 get more sales...
i have a merry-go-round recently when i was looking for motorola E680 (which at dat time i tot was good)... n hence called up authorised dealers... always claiming they have it but once go down dun have (u know who u r~!) n give shit reasons like sold out lah, blahx3...
best part is i went to a mobile shop in city plaza inside got one authorised dealer which i've called in d afternoon n they claimed they have one set... so happily go down 2 make purchase...
n once reached there, saw an partial golden hair ah beng inside sitting alone... asked him abt d price, he gave me a celestial quotation of ard $900 when their shop is offering at ard $600.. i think knn, out 2 cheat mi izit?... so i act blur n ask how come so expensive when mobile operators is selling at $600+ only...
he claimed got accessories n extra batteries all rolled into one package... den i came w a stinger dat I have checked w other branches n price is ard $600 w nothing else only... den he made stoopig excuses n i left...
but heaven really had a way w things n i ended up w mi current mobile due 2 a great promotion last sat..... kekekeke...
but thkz for d pointers on swapping fones as i will keep dat in mind... but humblejunior, if i'm u, i'll f d dat fella up for doing things so slooppy.... kekekeke...
Big Sexy
04-03-2005, 10:41 AM
haiz.. just how old are you? why cant u even stand for your rights? Those bastard sold u a second-rated handphone and u accepted it, apoloised and walked away???? They have a physical shop and a business to run and thus got more to lose than you ... .... Why did you bow to such threats?:confused:
Hope you learn from this experience. Dont just let any fucker step over you.
If it is not for your good intention of warning bros here on that shop. i would have flamed you.. this thread isnt relevant in the first place.
To all Samsters n bros,
The phone oso had dent marks on top left corner, uncle claimed due to shippin damage. I say sorry n quickly walked away n could hear the ah beng cursing hokkien vulguraties non stop at me.
I always purchase new handsets from M1 .. so far I never need to send my HP for repair :D
duno this thread will kena zap or not leh .. :o
04-03-2005, 11:00 AM
my frends working in M1 n starhub always ask me to buy from the main shop. seriously i see those ulu ulu shop, i nv seem to trust them.
04-03-2005, 11:42 AM
To all Samsters n bros,
2 days back,i went to parkway parade to purchase a new Nokia phone without line. Was at the shop located near e traffic light directly opposite Parkway(the shop can b identified by the big ad of phone prices displayed outside and just next to a photo shop) ... the shop comprises of 2 uncles,1 lady n 1 ah-beng
You have been zapped 7 points for starting an off topic thread. :mad:
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