View Full Version : Pretty & slutty Natural D Cupper PRC Massage+FJ

15-12-2012, 02:39 PM
at my usual hunting ground recce, the usual attractions (waving, smiling, winkling) coming fr the shops lining the main foyer. managed to fend off the temptations & reached the last row of shops, suddenly a pretty sight caught my eyes, initially i tot Thai bcoz of slightly tan & sharp features. walking closer the "monsoon drain (longkang)" looks deeper & deeper. though clad all in black like those beautician @Jean Yip etc (unlike the typical short & revealing attire common to those shops in front) i can see the melons hard squeezed n wrapped behind the black shirt, almost popping the buttons & begging to be unwrapped...

soon found myself within the small cubicles lying naked on the mattress, facing up & she massage a full 15mins with pistol aiming to the sky all the way. tested the melons & they felt real. reached the point of no return & soon settled on a price. she stripped completely naked, the melons proofed to be 100% natural firm Ds. her figure was small & cute like porn star Tia Tanaka but armed with bigger boobs. nice slow bj & looking at her figure from the mirror damn shiok, almost came. have to enter her quickly & she rides well. soon i was on top of her holding her legs wide spread open & pump n pump, finally shot.

coming out fr shop saw another 2 PRCs also in same black (pants & shirt) attire, looks ok too but cannot match the pair i just squeezed.

pls dun PM me, this place has floors of sin (u should recognize this quote & know where by now). happy recce. dun need to mention her name, their melons can clearly tell them apart.

as for damage, std at this place, quite ex for a short 30+mins. Cat150 may be more worth it but the thrill is different. will RTM/F sooner if not for the ex $

15-12-2012, 04:57 PM
bro i am the 1st. care to share? will be feeling very grateful.

15-12-2012, 07:42 PM
Bro can share CTC and Location?

17-12-2012, 05:02 PM
Can pm location?

Thanks!!! :)

27-12-2012, 06:54 PM
Bro, would love to try this joint. Care to share?

27-12-2012, 08:47 PM

Care to share the location? PM me.

Thanks a lot

03-01-2013, 01:09 AM
Hi Bro, Can you PM me with the location? Thanks!