View Full Version : Bluewave in Jb
09-04-2013, 04:55 PM
I salute u bro...U de MAN!!!!....Blue Wave fcukers!!!!...Thx for de info which hv stroke my interest in goin there again aft 3 lame years
i think girls have changed much after 3 long years. before cny, i spotted lots of nice looking girls, after cny, looks like another group of chio girls came man.
knn so many more i like when i going to finish my list.
09-04-2013, 04:57 PM
my friend tried 183..and another tried one more which i forgot her number liao..
the guy who tried 183 said lol...KNN the moment she enter the room i Steam liao...My KKJ is like semi erected liao even when she not stripping...then when proceed to the bathtub...My KKJ is like F1 car like that VROOM VROOM VROOM...up down up down...she still can ask first time first time like that also make me shy leh...
overall experience was good...
the other friend of mine tried another girl...maybe 69?....i seriously forget liao..coz we at the makan area ma smoking then i just finish up my bonk :(....went to meet up with them..conversation is as follows..
my friend ( bonk 69 i think ): " wah lau...the girl hor......" he massage his head..." no front no back...looks CMI...i sian..."
im like why what happen?
my friend ( bonk 69 i think ) : " wah first im like waiting excited liao...then the moment she came in...I totally cannot stand !!!"
me : " huh then got shoot not...."
my friend ( bonk 69 i think ):" got la...bathing me that time cannot stand boobs never mind back..also never mind...but looks....i see her..wah lan......"
me : " wah lau ai pi ai chi ai tua liup nee knn "
my friend ( bonk 69 i think ) : " no lo...after all i first time ma...decent looking cannot meh....somemore when she BBBJ me i close my eyes...wah i can stand leh..fully erected...then when she climb ontop me...i still close my eyes still can...when she lie down beside me..i open my eyes....ZI JIE LIMP blood flowing lo..."
me : " then how?"
my friend ( bonk 69 i think ):" bo bian close eyes hurry up finish lo.."
lol funny la we all...2 limp only one managed a good bonk..maybe i must do more research liao lol in SBF..
BTW the price still the same 218RM whole package
don't think it's 69 bro. no figure could be correct, but she is a pretty looker. but then again. different people different standards, so what works for one may not work for your friend.
when go bluewave, best to go around 12.30pm. then makan and wait for girls to arrive. sit near the entrance or computer table to observe.
but of course is best you go many times. each time you take note of which girl you wanna bonk. rather than leaving it to the captain to appoint for you.
my first time also damn kns when i was introduced to 88. but subsequently i noted down the girl's number liao. you can either ask the captain for their numbers or ask the girls direct. they will tell you one.
09-04-2013, 05:03 PM
I kena 69 b4...intro by de capt...says veri gd...But in de end more like dead this no tt...but pretty la buttt no de end my lil bro was still in a limp due to no chemistry & end up she hj me...
09-04-2013, 05:18 PM
Here are the bluewave girls which i've tried. in terms of service and not looks.
199 Elva (Die die must try)
109 Forgot her name (sex is really enjoyable, chatty)
73 Blue (work in geylang before)
135 Miko (work in singapore HC before)
69 Charmaine (pretty but small boobs. compliment her to get better service)
98 cat (gives bj while washing)
198 Diamond (looks like hong kong actress sonija kwok)
85 rain
168 eileen (looks pretty but attitude sucks)
117 Victoria (chatty, not for boobs lovers)
66 red bean ice
67 kelly (tall and leggy. great for those who likes to doggy)
77 yumiki (for boobs lovers. moaning damn fake)
103 yiyi (arms looks muscular, able to french)
88 lily (cannot this and cannot that. sucks to me. depends on chemistry)
wish to try: 138,189,112 (ang pai), 183, 122 (ang pai), 108.
48 (rtf cause she looks ok and treats me well. no boobs nor figure).
16 (good feel, also good at making me erect. like her service)
60 (no sex)
57 (for boobs lover. ang pai)
29 (for boobs lover)
wish to try:39 (ang pai)
39 is one OL that know hows to handle her client well. for the boobs side, it would be on the slight disappointment side.
27 is good for those whom like boobies.
09-04-2013, 05:45 PM
39 is one OL that know hows to handle her client well. for the boobs side, it would be on the slight disappointment side.
27 is good for those whom like boobies.
eh bro, u sure 27 got good boobies? 27 is chatty only lo. she's mickey le. if u talking about 29 moon then maybe i understand.
no chance for me to try 39 le. either not around or busy.
09-04-2013, 05:47 PM
I kena 69 b4...intro by de capt...says veri gd...But in de end more like dead this no tt...but pretty la buttt no de end my lil bro was still in a limp due to no chemistry & end up she hj me...
she allows me to paint her le. must compliment her that she is beautiful then can.
09-04-2013, 05:50 PM
I kena 69 b4...intro by de capt...says veri gd...But in de end more like dead this no tt...but pretty la buttt no de end my lil bro was still in a limp due to no chemistry & end up she hj me...
aiya, u boobs man. must know which numbers to get. not many boobies around. just go for 138 lo.
09-04-2013, 06:48 PM
she allows me to paint her le. must compliment her that she is beautiful then can.
Me try 69, not worth and like died fish. Cannot French too
09-04-2013, 07:34 PM
Recommended numbers are 73, 112, 118, 133, 151, 126, 66. Good service. I have personally tried them.
the last i knew (last updated abt 1-2 weeks ago....), 118 and 151 no more already! At least thats wat the counter girl said when i tried to call and book...Btw I also tried to call and try to book 112 on almost every occasion but never seems to be able to get her!
09-04-2013, 07:58 PM
my friend tried 183..and another tried one more which i forgot her number liao..
the guy who tried 183 said lol...KNN the moment she enter the room i Steam liao...My KKJ is like semi erected liao even when she not stripping...then when proceed to the bathtub...My KKJ is like F1 car like that VROOM VROOM VROOM...up down up down...she still can ask first time first time like that also make me shy leh...
overall experience was good...
the other friend of mine tried another girl...maybe 69?....i seriously forget liao..coz we at the makan area ma smoking then i just finish up my bonk :(....went to meet up with them..conversation is as follows..
my friend ( bonk 69 i think ): " wah lau...the girl hor......" he massage his head..." no front no back...looks CMI...i sian..."
im like why what happen?
my friend ( bonk 69 i think ) : " wah first im like waiting excited liao...then the moment she came in...I totally cannot stand !!!"
me : " huh then got shoot not...."
my friend ( bonk 69 i think ):" got la...bathing me that time cannot stand boobs never mind back..also never mind...but looks....i see her..wah lan......"
me : " wah lau ai pi ai chi ai tua liup nee knn "
my friend ( bonk 69 i think ) : " no lo...after all i first time ma...decent looking cannot meh....somemore when she BBBJ me i close my eyes...wah i can stand leh..fully erected...then when she climb ontop me...i still close my eyes still can...when she lie down beside me..i open my eyes....ZI JIE LIMP blood flowing lo..."
me : " then how?"
my friend ( bonk 69 i think ):" bo bian close eyes hurry up finish lo.."
lol funny la we all...2 limp only one managed a good bonk..maybe i must do more research liao lol in SBF..
BTW the price still the same 218RM whole package
Bro, u got any more details on 183 on looks and services provided?
09-04-2013, 08:15 PM
I personally tried the following girls and meant for sharing:-
73 - service is memorable like most bros here said; remember the hot n cold bbbj and many pattern. i like her attitude as she seems very pro in her job
85 - not bad looking and consider chio but a bit fleshy/meaty. service very good, u just need to pre empt her your expectations. can french
96 - very pretty looks to me but very noisy, as in talking from the moment she step in till she leaves the room. service wise also so so and no AR!
98 - looks not bad. service a bit rush but will lick all the way to ur toes. can french also.
108 - my bro tried b4, chio looking but service sucks coz got attitude
112 - nvr seen her but heard she's very chio also. also super hot ang pai and not able to book her till now...
115 - my friend tried b4 n said she's one of the best! tink she's a part timer last time and likely no more working there
118 - Ever seen her a few years back, very very chio! but never seems to be able to book her. tink she super ang pai last time and now if i'm not wrong she's no more working
133 - GND type and looks not bad. but service so so and no AR!
135 - chio and seductive looks, electrifying eyes and long AR. Also offer not bad massage b4 deed. can french also.
168 - chio looking but service so so. no AR!
191 - very sweet looking and makes u feel very cheerful. service and looks also ok. but i tink she no more working there already.
Along the way I've also tried some others whom i forgot their numbers or rtf some in my list. Other bros may also want to share their experiences with the girls...?
09-04-2013, 08:41 PM
aiya, u boobs man. must know which numbers to get. not many boobies around. just go for 138 lo.
Im not boobs man bro...for me gfe is a must...
09-04-2013, 09:00 PM
the last i knew (last updated abt 1-2 weeks ago....), 118 and 151 no more already! At least thats wat the counter girl said when i tried to call and book...Btw I also tried to call and try to book 112 on almost every occasion but never seems to be able to get her!
112 also ang pai. v hard to get. see your luck.
u saw 118 and 151 before? never come across 151 before. maybe only work during CNY period.
09-04-2013, 09:02 PM
Im not boobs man bro...for me gfe is a must...
wah... gfe is v hard to find in this place. haven't had a good gfe le. think must rtf for a few times then will be ok.
u try 16 and see bro.
09-04-2013, 09:07 PM
Bro, u got any more details on 183 on looks and services provided?
i never tried. but on first look, she looks kinda cute and definitely someone attractive in comparison to all the other girls around.
09-04-2013, 09:51 PM
Well 183 i never see la...coz me and my guys very ham sup de..with my guys first time to blue wave courtesy from me lol
all i heard from my friend who bonk that she is chio...thats all...she tried BBBJ on my friend..but since he is not into BBBJ lol he went straight to fucking her there and then hahaha so i cannot comment on the service..but the captain told us that 183 quite hot in demand..for looks lover..not for service ppl can call her.
09-04-2013, 09:55 PM
oh oh one more thing..out of topic for a bit...i wonder if Ol'coyote ever went to Blue wave before lol i would really love to hear his conquest...
09-04-2013, 10:07 PM
eh bro, u sure 27 got good boobies? 27 is chatty only lo. she's mickey le. if u talking about 29 moon then maybe i understand.
no chance for me to try 39 le. either not around or busy.
by far , for the OL, 27 has a pair of sizeable boobs that didnt disappoint me. no doubt , agree she is chatty .
09-04-2013, 10:12 PM
message deleted. found what i requested for. :)
09-04-2013, 11:30 PM
btw, anyone knows any OL that does AR? tried one in my first trip to BW.. but forgot her number.. and her boobs pretty good too.
it's part of their job to give you AR le. try 135 bro. my buddy loves AR and he said 135 does a good job.
09-04-2013, 11:52 PM
Here are the bluewave girls which i've tried. in terms of service and not looks.
199 Elva (Die die must try)
109 Forgot her name (sex is really enjoyable, chatty)
73 Blue (work in geylang before)
135 Miko (work in singapore HC before)
69 Charmaine (pretty but small boobs. compliment her to get better service)
98 cat (gives bj while washing)
198 Diamond (looks like hong kong actress sonija kwok)
85 rain
168 eileen (looks pretty but attitude sucks)
117 Victoria (chatty, not for boobs lovers)
66 red bean ice
67 kelly (tall and leggy. great for those who likes to doggy)
77 yumiki (for boobs lovers. moaning damn fake)
103 yiyi (arms looks muscular, able to french)
88 lily (cannot this and cannot that. sucks to me. depends on chemistry)
wish to try: 138,189,112 (ang pai), 183, 122 (ang pai), 108.
48 (rtf cause she looks ok and treats me well. no boobs nor figure).
16 (good feel, also good at making me erect. like her service)
60 (no sex)
57 (for boobs lover. ang pai)
29 (for boobs lover)
wish to try:39 (ang pai)
Bro, may i know what's the different between 169 and 218 ??
10-04-2013, 09:49 AM
I personally tried the following girls and meant for sharing:-
73 - service is memorable like most bros here said; remember the hot n cold bbbj and many pattern. i like her attitude as she seems very pro in her job
85 - not bad looking and consider chio but a bit fleshy/meaty. service very good, u just need to pre empt her your expectations. can french
96 - very pretty looks to me but very noisy, as in talking from the moment she step in till she leaves the room. service wise also so so and no AR!
98 - looks not bad. service a bit rush but will lick all the way to ur toes. can french also.
108 - my bro tried b4, chio looking but service sucks coz got attitude
112 - nvr seen her but heard she's very chio also. also super hot ang pai and not able to book her till now...
115 - my friend tried b4 n said she's one of the best! tink she's a part timer last time and likely no more working there
118 - Ever seen her a few years back, very very chio! but never seems to be able to book her. tink she super ang pai last time and now if i'm not wrong she's no more working
133 - GND type and looks not bad. but service so so and no AR!
135 - chio and seductive looks, electrifying eyes and long AR. Also offer not bad massage b4 deed. can french also.
168 - chio looking but service so so. no AR!
191 - very sweet looking and makes u feel very cheerful. service and looks also ok. but i tink she no more working there already.
Along the way I've also tried some others whom i forgot their numbers or rtf some in my list. Other bros may also want to share their experiences with the girls...?
BRo thanks for sharing planning to go in these few days....haha...
10-04-2013, 10:03 AM
it's part of their job to give you AR le. try 135 bro. my buddy loves AR and he said 135 does a good job.
So far. Only got once AR . Then the rest of the OL never service me that. Nevertheless , thank you for the tip.
10-04-2013, 11:37 AM
Went 2 wks ago.. Tried 98..
Attitude n service sucks big time..
10-04-2013, 11:44 AM
Hi bros, planning to go bw end of mth w some frens. First time. When we pay 218, is it to counter or captain? Also the 218 includes massage & fj + use of facilities?
10-04-2013, 12:29 PM
Thinking of going there 1st time. Do we need to call and book the gal in advance which I want? Which day do you all recommend to go for not so crowded. Do we need to give any tip to the worker working in the safe or the changing area? How much tip do we give as norm? Thank you for sharing.
10-04-2013, 12:37 PM
Hi bros, planning to go bw end of mth w some frens. First time. When we pay 218, is it to counter or captain? Also the 218 includes massage & fj + use of facilities?
Pay at de counter only when u r leavin...Enjozzz de facilities & de gals to de max b4 chao bro...
10-04-2013, 02:47 PM
Went 2 wks ago.. Tried 98..
Attitude n service sucks big time..
looks hot.. CFM look..
10-04-2013, 03:50 PM
i got give tip....i gave the worker who help me wear robes 5 rm..then the worker in the makan area 5 rm as he kept serving us and being very attentive to us lo...for the Xiao Jies..never..i never give tips..never bring money into the room
10-04-2013, 04:57 PM
Pay at de counter only when u r leavin...Enjozzz de facilities & de gals to de max b4 chao bro...
Noted. What abt cd? They provide or u bring ur own? Also, how do the counter know tt u want the 218 package? Sorry for so many noob questions.
Devil Reds
10-04-2013, 06:02 PM
Noted. What abt cd? They provide or u bring ur own? Also, how do the counter know tt u want the 218 package? Sorry for so many noob questions.
well....if ur titi are allergy to certain brand of cd...then u bring ur own lor :D:D
Can't expect us to bring CD to HC mah...
after your 'deed' with OL or package girls......they will send your 'bills' to the counter....when u get ur stuff at front desk locker, the receptionist will say "locker XXX RM 169/218" ...then u pay up and hopefully go back as a happy man
Happy Bonking!!!!!!
10-04-2013, 06:42 PM
Thanks fellow bros their sharing. Usually how long you stay over there at the bw. Wat their operating hr?
10-04-2013, 07:14 PM
Waiting to try 183 now
10-04-2013, 07:58 PM
Bro, may i know what's the different between 169 and 218 ??
rm 169 are those ladies aged 30 and above.
rm 218 are ladies who are younger.
difference is the 169 is 69massage plus optional of 50 (hj no strip), 80(breast massage plus strip) and 100 (bbbj + fj).
for those 218, they do not massage. some may offer but it is very light touches. then they will perform their usualy tricks on you. could be catbath, lick you and suck you, then bbbj and whatever and then fuck u silly.
usually those ladies who are in their 30s do not look as good. so manage your expectation when u call them.
10-04-2013, 07:59 PM
So far. Only got once AR . Then the rest of the OL never service me that. Nevertheless , thank you for the tip.
hmm.... maybe u should try asking the captian if they will lick arse before you choose them.
i don't enjoy it so i never ask for it. i know 98 does give AR and so does 135.
10-04-2013, 08:00 PM
Went 2 wks ago.. Tried 98..
Attitude n service sucks big time..
no idea why bro. but she gave me great service when she serviced me. maybe u should try around 11am when she is the freshest. she always arrives at 11am.
10-04-2013, 08:03 PM
Hi bros, planning to go bw end of mth w some frens. First time. When we pay 218, is it to counter or captain? Also the 218 includes massage & fj + use of facilities?
you pay after you finish up with everything. no need to pay to girl. any money u give her is your tips to her. i also tip the captain and the workers.
218 girls do not give you massage.
use of food, facilities plus clean decent massage is rm69.
if you want those 218 girls, then it's food, facilities plus girl. no massage.
if you want facilities, food, massage plus fuck, then it's rm169 for those in their 30s. do manage your expectations as they are not some chio syt.
10-04-2013, 08:06 PM
Thinking of going there 1st time. Do we need to call and book the gal in advance which I want? Which day do you all recommend to go for not so crowded. Do we need to give any tip to the worker working in the safe or the changing area? How much tip do we give as norm? Thank you for sharing.
if you go there the first time, how u know about the worker working the safe or the changing area? you've been to some other joints ah?
there is no point in thinking which day is less crowded. the least crowded time is when u go there at 11am everyday. i guarantee you. but if you wanna go after 1pm, it's subjective already.
no you do not have to tip. it is up to your generousity. i usually give rm1 to the workers and rm5 or 10 to the captain.
10-04-2013, 08:07 PM
looks hot.. CFM look..
98 looks hot when she ties up her hair.
but she usually walks around with her hair let down, like dont want people to see her like that.
anyway, her bum seems to be bigger now liao. haha....
10-04-2013, 08:08 PM
Noted. What abt cd? They provide or u bring ur own? Also, how do the counter know tt u want the 218 package? Sorry for so many noob questions.
i usually use my own cd. cd buy from jb is much cheaper than buy from sg.
not that i don't like their cd. i just like using my own that's all. their cd also good one la.
don't worry la, they will know which girl you ordered. the girl herself will also note down your number one. why u need to know this for?
10-04-2013, 08:10 PM
Thanks fellow bros their sharing. Usually how long you stay over there at the bw. Wat their operating hr?
up to you one la bro. if you want the girl but got long queue, then u wait lo.
if cannot wait, then just anyhow pick the girls la. sometimes waiting for 4 hours is a norm coz the girl is v hot.
operates from 11am to 11pm. but girls usually come after 1pm.
10-04-2013, 08:11 PM
Waiting to try 183 now ��
wa kao, u 7pm waiting for 183. my friend today 1pm already 2nd in queue liao.
hope she is not tired and worn out. heh...
10-04-2013, 08:52 PM
i usually use my own cd. cd buy from jb is much cheaper than buy from sg.
not that i don't like their cd. i just like using my own that's all. their cd also good one la.
don't worry la, they will know which girl you ordered. the girl herself will also note down your number one. why u need to know this for?
Wah bro...Everyday u cum here for Q & A session ah hahaha...But its good to hear yr views coz u a season fucker at gbw...Keep up de gd wrk...& kum sia
10-04-2013, 10:39 PM
wa kao, u 7pm waiting for 183. my friend today 1pm already 2nd in queue liao.
hope she is not tired and worn out. heh...
haha .. i had her at about 8pm earlier on. her name is wiwi.
she told me she serve like 15 customers le (might be up and coming ang pai). But definitely not for boob lovers. very slim figure and accomodating, service so-so, bbbj was not bad can feel her tongue snaking around when she clamp onto your tool. her moaning sounds quite good (but dunno is fake or not, and i didn't wanna spoil it by asking her. haha
10-04-2013, 10:52 PM
haha .. i had her at about 8pm earlier on. her name is wiwi.
she told me she serve like 15 customers le (might be up and coming ang pai). But definitely not for boob lovers. very slim figure and accomodating, service so-so, bbbj was not bad can feel her tongue snaking around when she clamp onto your tool. her moaning sounds quite good (but dunno is fake or not, and i didn't wanna spoil it by asking her. haha
15 customers!!!...Wah lau...If each customer she got rm100 tt means tdy she earn rm1,500!!!!....Jeez...Easily one mth work 15 days can earn ard rm20k!!!... Jeez...
10-04-2013, 11:48 PM
rm 169 are those ladies aged 30 and above.
rm 218 are ladies who are younger.
difference is the 169 is 69massage plus optional of 50 (hj no strip), 80(breast massage plus strip) and 100 (bbbj + fj).
for those 218, they do not massage. some may offer but it is very light touches. then they will perform their usualy tricks on you. could be catbath, lick you and suck you, then bbbj and whatever and then fuck u silly.
usually those ladies who are in their 30s do not look as good. so manage your expectation when u call them.
My fren was mersmerised by 183 at the corridor.. since his first visit.. but he was assigned 108 that day.
Seems like 183 is upcoming hot fav.. i planning to visit her one of these days..
Bros, any girls in BW who is tall and tanned complexion + good service ? Pls reccomend .. Thanks !!
11-04-2013, 12:22 AM
Wah bro...Everyday u cum here for Q & A session ah hahaha...But its good to hear yr views coz u a season fucker at gbw...Keep up de gd wrk...& kum sia
wa lau, u know how long i've been waiting for a thread like this to exist or not?
better share while i can man. nabeh, everytime a thread about bluewave will kerna deleted one. ccb.
11-04-2013, 12:24 AM
haha .. i had her at about 8pm earlier on. her name is wiwi.
she told me she serve like 15 customers le (might be up and coming ang pai). But definitely not for boob lovers. very slim figure and accomodating, service so-so, bbbj was not bad can feel her tongue snaking around when she clamp onto your tool. her moaning sounds quite good (but dunno is fake or not, and i didn't wanna spoil it by asking her. haha
i think she'll be popular cause she looks good. but otherwise, i don't she will become ang pai. like u said, her boobs is small lo. a bit too skinny for my liking but i still wanna try and experience for myself.
if not because 189 caught my fancy, i'd have banged 183 liao. i first saw 183 and noted down her number. 189 came and just took my breath away. i'll write more about 189 later.
11-04-2013, 12:24 AM
15 customers!!!...Wah lau...If each customer she got rm100 tt means tdy she earn rm1,500!!!!....Jeez...Easily one mth work 15 days can earn ard rm20k!!!... Jeez...
that is nothing surprising my friend.
someone once commented if a lady working this line cant have at least a house all paid up, she really have failed in this line liao.
11-04-2013, 12:27 AM
My fren was mersmerised by 183 at the corridor.. since his first visit.. but he was assigned 108 that day.
Seems like 183 is upcoming hot fav.. i planning to visit her one of these days..
Bros, any girls in BW who is tall and tanned complexion + good service ? Pls reccomend .. Thanks !!
yes, so was i mesmerised by her cuteness. but if you were to ask me, it's just the novelty. cause if you were to be like me, every week hanging around seeing the same girls, you also will get sian one.
183 is just like a breath of fresh air. something new and delightful. but if u really ask if her service is good or figure is great, i really doubt she has that class. Same goes for 138.
while i am not a boobs man, but service is something which is necessary.
if i have found it, it will be in 189. more later.
11-04-2013, 12:53 AM
If it is a girl which i will not forget, it will be 189. simply love this girl and i'd give it an overall of 9/10. another die die must try girl.
she reminds me of sharon au (mediacorp artist). more like the flabbier version but not overly fat. really nice to just hold her and hug her.
the moment she enters the room, she brings cheers and joy with her. she basically broke the ice the moment she opened her mouth. not too chatty and will talk just sufficiently. just nice.
if it is gfe that you're looking for, this girl knows how to give you a reply which will satisfy you. chatting with her is really very enjoyable which i was hoping the moment will never end.
though she is not really a cutsey type of girl, but she still looks good when she dresses up. gives you the type of OL feel. when she strips down, her boobs are ample and her butt is fleshy which you'd like to give it a tight slap. really nice and fleshy whether you wanna grab the top or the bottom.
service wise, she does her best to please. she starts by giving you a simple back massage. then goes on to licking the back and alternating with a breast massage. she will make you feel high by sensationally tickling your legs and gently massaging your balls. you will feel so high and ticklish.
later on, she will give you a bbbj and cap you off. but the thing is you don't really know when she caps you. the next moment you see her, it's already capped. but that's not all, she calls you to stand up and continues to give you a bj with cap on. but her bj is really strong, makes it feel like you have no cap at all. looking down at her giving a blow job is a sight to behold.
next, i thought it's gonna just be another fuck job. but i am so wrong. the way she starts to moan and purr like a pussy cat. the stereo moaning which is simply just so sensational. just listening her moan is simply so intoxicating, makes my sexual drive just go into overdrive mode. her every 'ugghhh' and 'ahhhsss' is simply so seductive and will draw you deeper and deeper into her pussy. it's like the sirens calling out to Odysseus, luring you into her snare. simply blissful to listen to her stereo moans like an AV star.
while you're fucking her, she does not just go through the motion. she will want you to fuck her, want you to have her. desire and crave for her. every poke and every thrust, she lets a soft sensual seductive moan which you can feel within your soul that she wants you to enjoy this moment of just fucking her. you'll be enthralled with her very being and feel that sex is really this enjoyable. those who enjoy girls teh-ing them, will enjoy this wonderful girl.
Looks: 7.5/10
Boobs: C, more than a handful. soft and natural
Frenching: no
kissing: ok
catbath: yes
massage: simple
GFE: 9/10
RTF: definitely
Note: she is ex-dragon girl.
11-04-2013, 02:52 AM
RTF: definitely
Note: she is ex-dragon girl.
Nice FR :D, but what is ex-dragon girl ah? Do you mean a bit on the bah bah side?
11-04-2013, 06:11 AM
Looks: 7.5/10
Boobs: C, more than a handful. soft and natural
Frenching: no
kissing: ok
catbath: yes
massage: simple
GFE: 9/10
RTF: definitely
Note: she is ex-dragon girl.[/QUOTE]
What a great fr that was,thanks for sharing and can't wait to see your next fr on your wanting to be bonk ML - the one and only 39*
11-04-2013, 08:27 AM
that is nothing surprising my friend.
someone once commented if a lady working this line cant have at least a house all paid up, she really have failed in this line liao.
Guys wrk so hard to provide for their own families & their own pleasure outside...Yes WL also sacrifice their bodies in order to attain wealth...Not to mention the stigma & fear of diseases but their "reward" is huge comparable to a senior manager!!!!....I also wont say its an easy job comparing to a senior manager but not as stressful la....But if got customers tt r ugly or rowdy then they hv to turn on their charm to "satisfy" them...I knw its not easy 4 them but aft 45mins bang $$$ in de pocket...To some guys, 1 customer's profit for de gals is equivalent to a guy's one day pay!!!!....Stimes does makes u wonder hahaha..
11-04-2013, 08:29 AM
wa lau, u know how long i've been waiting for a thread like this to exist or not?
better share while i can man. nabeh, everytime a thread about bluewave will kerna deleted one. ccb.
Bro i get wat u mean abt gbw thread...Always goes AWOL aft stimes...Lets keep our balls cross for this one!!!!
11-04-2013, 01:01 PM
rm 169 are those ladies aged 30 and above.
rm 218 are ladies who are younger.
difference is the 169 is 69massage plus optional of 50 (hj no strip), 80(breast massage plus strip) and 100 (bbbj + fj).
for those 218, they do not massage. some may offer but it is very light touches. then they will perform their usualy tricks on you. could be catbath, lick you and suck you, then bbbj and whatever and then fuck u silly.
usually those ladies who are in their 30s do not look as good. so manage your expectation when u call them.
Bro, thanks for the info, upzed u my humble few point :D
hopefully 1 day can go cheong together wif bros here.
I gonna go at 12pm enjoy until night 8pm LOL :p
comfirm can get what gal i want by booking early LOL
11-04-2013, 01:30 PM
Waiting to try 183 now ��
Be prepared for the wait. Hot hot for 183.
11-04-2013, 03:38 PM
Feeling bore and a bit horny, decided to go to Bluewave for some fun.
Reached there by cab at around 12.30pm, greeted by OKT, asked for package including massage. Asked for all the gals recommended by bros but most are not in yet.
Tried the steam room and sauna but didn't try the pools, the place looks quite run down.
Went to the canteen, saw many beautiful SYT (can see side view only) reporting to work but my table is a bit far and no OKT beside, so can't ask their numbers, will get a seat close to the entrance next time.
Action time...
Brought to room:
Told her I will write a FR
Gal no.: 92 (her 1st customer today)
Name: Koko
Age: 27
Started with the usual SOP, bathed together, she wash me and I wash her. Then I waited for her on bed and watched her dry herself. She is a bit fleshy on the hip, little baby fat on tummy, B size breast with small and pinkish nipples (my favourite), quite bushy but organise abalone area (looks hungry)
She started massage me. Wow, got strength, man. She claimed paid $2k to learn in Singapore but a lot of raids and policeman at 20+ act as customer (think kenna caught).
Felt relaxing during massage until she started to massage my balls, very shiok, 2IC started to salute.
She started with kissing on my neck, nipple and 2IC and get my hand to explore her body(me not a good lover dun know what to do). She changed to 69 position BBBJ me and expect me to suck her abalone, wahlau, how can? dun know got virus or not but abalone no smell, very pinkish and small, I just finger her and kiss her near her buttock, water started to flow.
As I dun fancy ass rimming and BJ, and almost CIM, asked for action front, tried missionary position, so tight, around less than 5 minutes, can't tahan anymore, she hold me inside her until I almost soften, I think she wants.
Looks : 7 (petite)
Body : 6.5 as I like big boob and petite
Altitude: 8 (accommodate and GFF)
ML : 15 (old), regretted didn't wait for 39 and forgot about 13
Massage: suck
Juageng: lousy
Asked her to recommend gals:
decent looking: 112 and 199 (any bro tried?)
Ang pai: 73, 199
Big boob: 77
12-04-2013, 12:05 AM
If it is a girl which i will not forget, it will be 189. simply love this girl and i'd give it an overall of 9/10. another die die must try girl.
she reminds me of sharon au (mediacorp artist). more like the flabbier version but not overly fat. really nice to just hold her and hug her.
the moment she enters the room, she brings cheers and joy with her. she basically broke the ice the moment she opened her mouth. not too chatty and will talk just sufficiently. just nice.
if it is gfe that you're looking for, this girl knows how to give you a reply which will satisfy you. chatting with her is really very enjoyable which i was hoping the moment will never end.
though she is not really a cutsey type of girl, but she still looks good when she dresses up. gives you the type of OL feel. when she strips down, her boobs are ample and her butt is fleshy which you'd like to give it a tight slap. really nice and fleshy whether you wanna grab the top or the bottom.
service wise, she does her best to please. she starts by giving you a simple back massage. then goes on to licking the back and alternating with a breast massage. she will make you feel high by sensationally tickling your legs and gently massaging your balls. you will feel so high and ticklish.
later on, she will give you a bbbj and cap you off. but the thing is you don't really know when she caps you. the next moment you see her, it's already capped. but that's not all, she calls you to stand up and continues to give you a bj with cap on. but her bj is really strong, makes it feel like you have no cap at all. looking down at her giving a blow job is a sight to behold.
next, i thought it's gonna just be another fuck job. but i am so wrong. the way she starts to moan and purr like a pussy cat. the stereo moaning which is simply just so sensational. just listening her moan is simply so intoxicating, makes my sexual drive just go into overdrive mode. her every 'ugghhh' and 'ahhhsss' is simply so seductive and will draw you deeper and deeper into her pussy. it's like the sirens calling out to Odysseus, luring you into her snare. simply blissful to listen to her stereo moans like an AV star.
while you're fucking her, she does not just go through the motion. she will want you to fuck her, want you to have her. desire and crave for her. every poke and every thrust, she lets a soft sensual seductive moan which you can feel within your soul that she wants you to enjoy this moment of just fucking her. you'll be enthralled with her very being and feel that sex is really this enjoyable. those who enjoy girls teh-ing them, will enjoy this wonderful girl.
Looks: 7.5/10
Boobs: C, more than a handful. soft and natural
Frenching: no
kissing: ok
catbath: yes
massage: simple
GFE: 9/10
RTF: definitely
Note: she is ex-dragon girl.
Power FR Bro SP. You should really go for 183 on your next visit. She's really fresh....keke. And tks for breaking my virgin trip there too.
12-04-2013, 07:54 AM
Be prepared for the wait. Hot hot for 183.
Apparently she is the type of early worker. So best time is go around 11. she comes before 12 one.
12-04-2013, 07:54 AM
Nice FR :D, but what is ex-dragon girl ah? Do you mean a bit on the bah bah side?
U never cheong ag hc scene? Last time in sg got thia dragon hc v famous. Their services are top notch.
12-04-2013, 07:58 AM
Never see my list of girls I banged bro? Heh yea 199 is hot property.
But her boobs is augmented one. So if u dun like fake boobs, then better not. Her service is great. Looks also pretty. But she not alwaya there one. Sometimes got to wait quite long before she appears.
If u really wanna bang her, let me know.
Feeling bore and a bit horny, decided to go to Bluewave for some fun.
Reached there by cab at around 12.30pm, greeted by OKT, asked for package including massage. Asked for all the gals recommended by bros but most are not in yet.
Tried the steam room and sauna but didn't try the pools, the place looks quite run down.
Went to the canteen, saw many beautiful SYT (can see side view only) reporting to work but my table is a bit far and no OKT beside, so can't ask their numbers, will get a seat close to the entrance next time.
Action time...
Brought to room:
Told her I will write a FR
Gal no.: 92 (her 1st customer today)
Name: Koko
Age: 27
Started with the usual SOP, bathed together, she wash me and I wash her. Then I waited for her on bed and watched her dry herself. She is a bit fleshy on the hip, little baby fat on tummy, B size breast with small and pinkish nipples (my favourite), quite bushy but organise abalone area (looks hungry)
She started massage me. Wow, got strength, man. She claimed paid $2k to learn in Singapore but a lot of raids and policeman at 20+ act as customer (think kenna caught).
Felt relaxing during massage until she started to massage my balls, very shiok, 2IC started to salute.
She started with kissing on my neck, nipple and 2IC and get my hand to explore her body(me not a good lover dun know what to do). She changed to 69 position BBBJ me and expect me to suck her abalone, wahlau, how can? dun know got virus or not but abalone no smell, very pinkish and small, I just finger her and kiss her near her buttock, water started to flow.
As I dun fancy ass rimming and BJ, and almost CIM, asked for action front, tried missionary position, so tight, around less than 5 minutes, can't tahan anymore, she hold me inside her until I almost soften, I think she wants.
Looks : 7 (petite)
Body : 6.5 as I like big boob and petite
Altitude: 8 (accommodate and GFF)
ML : 15 (old), regretted didn't wait for 39 and forgot about 13
Massage: suck
Juageng: lousy
Asked her to recommend gals:
decent looking: 112 and 199 (any bro tried?)
Ang pai: 73, 199
Big boob: 77
12-04-2013, 09:46 AM
Never see my list of girls I banged bro? Heh yea 199 is hot property.
But her boobs is augmented one. So if u dun like fake boobs, then better not. Her service is great. Looks also pretty. But she not alwaya there one. Sometimes got to wait quite long before she appears.
If u really wanna bang her, let me know.
Thanks Bro.
You got her number? Definitely I will want to bang her since you strongly recommended.
12-04-2013, 09:53 AM
Hi bros
Anyone got bluewave number ?
Wanna check if gt my fav girl Before i chiong down.
Thanks .
12-04-2013, 03:19 PM
Never see my list of girls I banged bro? Heh yea 199 is hot property.
But her boobs is augmented one. So if u dun like fake boobs, then better not. Her service is great. Looks also pretty. But she not alwaya there one. Sometimes got to wait quite long before she appears.
If u really wanna bang her, let me know.
hi bro shiokpleasure, I had saw 199 once and was memerised by her looks. I faster ask the captain beside me wat's her number and was told she is 199! :D
I had always wanted to book her but also one of the difficult to book gals like 112 or maybe me and her no fate! Would u be able to help me secure a session with her?! Many thanks in advance! ;)
12-04-2013, 03:22 PM
Any bros here got any idea is the part timer 115 still working at bw? I got a buddy tried her and rtf a few he wanted to find her but to no avail, just to check if any bros here got her contact number or any news of her?
12-04-2013, 09:47 PM
This tread come live again....cheers....
12-04-2013, 10:59 PM
Any brought an confirm if 23 has come back to work? Miss her hdly very much;)
13-04-2013, 12:48 AM
tried no. 135 a few months back. Very shiok feeling. definitely will RTF!
Will massage even after bonking & have very strong GFE!!
Slow & Stedy! will not rush you.
Looks: 8.5/10
Boobs: 4.5/10
GFE: 9/10
French: YES!!!
RTF: Definitely!
13-04-2013, 01:52 AM
I'm SO SO SO GOING TO 189 liao after shiok pleasure recomand lol but i really miss the girl who use toothpaste then hotwater de...pattern alot...all chut ka liao lol but
anyway..ex-dragon girl......i got a bit of bad experience with them sia lol last time i went dragon for my very first time in chionging virgin exploration was marred by a poor service dragon girl...never went back liao....
then there is youth one bah bah girl saying she from where...think korea de...kept pushing for bj then fj.....sigh....
then in come blue wave....took the toothpaste and never look back since...hahahaha...
13-04-2013, 02:30 AM
How's the price over there ?
13-04-2013, 08:40 AM
How's the price over there ?
Full Package (45mins): 218RM
Massage(45Mins): 69RM (Additional session: 69RM per addition 45mins)
Full Package(45mins)+1 Session Massage(45mins): 259RM (As this is discounted package, so no additional time and session allow)
Addtional Shot: 130RM (No extra time included)
Juagen: 50RM
B2B: 80RM (Not all ML do B2B, need to check with Captain)
FJ by ML: 100RM/120RM (Not all ML doing FJ, need to check with Captain)
I am really interested in expanding my horizon but haven't read any FR of any NL from BW. Do they even have any? I might have to venture it on my own I guess, but please share if any bro have info. Thank you.
13-04-2013, 10:48 AM
bluewave here i come:D
price, just go check it out, dfefinitely cheaper than SG:)
13-04-2013, 11:26 AM
i few years no go NY and GBW, just wanna ask, heard that gal is more choice at GBW, how about the facilities? i heard NY just renovated, the facilities is very nice... how about GBW?
13-04-2013, 03:11 PM
I'm SO SO SO GOING TO 189 liao after shiok pleasure recomand lol but i really miss the girl who use toothpaste then hotwater de...pattern alot...all chut ka liao lol but
anyway..ex-dragon girl......i got a bit of bad experience with them sia lol last time i went dragon for my very first time in chionging virgin exploration was marred by a poor service dragon girl...never went back liao....
then there is youth one bah bah girl saying she from where...think korea de...kept pushing for bj then fj.....sigh....
then in come blue wave....took the toothpaste and never look back since...hahahaha...
Korean milf in youth call Belle rite...Uses some kind of sticks for massage...I dont think she korean leh
Bro yellowbro,
To book hot girls like 199, you Need to call in the morning to place booking. She is by far the best you can find in Malaysia spa. U won't find any girls more accommodating than her. You can try out whatever you desire in your dream. I even try raw sex with her, and she help my fren who is a CIM favorite, she swallow her semen. I dun think she will be for long once she earn enough.
14-04-2013, 01:09 AM
Bro yellowbro,
To book hot girls like 199, you Need to call in the morning to place booking. She is by far the best you can find in Malaysia spa. U won't find any girls more accommodating than her. You can try out whatever you desire in your dream. I even try raw sex with her, and she help my fren who is a CIM favorite, she swallow her semen. I dun think she will be for long once she earn enough.
wow wow wow...reminds me of Evon the old Roman Spa WL who has retired. She used to do raw with regular customer and can do CIM and her attitude towards sex is 100%. I tried her once but did not do raw or CIM as that was my first visit to Roman Spa (now NZ spa) but she did allow me for a passionate frenching. Regarding 199, can i just come early, say 1230 pm and book with captain?
Hi jnudes,
Cim is normal but she swallow whatever you shoot. She also allow frenching, will give you bbbj even during bath.
I do raw but pull it out and shoot in her mouth. Next time will try creampie on her if she ok.
You need to call the spa and placed booking at morning 10.30am even when u not sure she is working on that day.
You can then call again around noon to see if she working, this can secure your chance of booking.
14-04-2013, 08:06 AM
Hi jnudes,
Cim is normal but she swallow whatever you shoot. She also allow frenching, will give you bbbj even during bath.
I do raw but pull it out and shoot in her mouth. Next time will try creampie on her if she ok.
You need to call the spa and placed booking at morning 10.30am even when u not sure she is working on that day.
You can then call again around noon to see if she working, this can secure your chance of booking.
bro, u got a PM!
14-04-2013, 08:53 AM
Wow.... seriously really long time didn't go to GBW already I think more than 5months.... Dunno what's the changes over there..... But thanks your all updates the info..... must arrange 1 day go back to visit...
14-04-2013, 09:18 AM
Hi jnudes,
Cim is normal but she swallow whatever you shoot. She also allow frenching, will give you bbbj even during bath.
I do raw but pull it out and shoot in her mouth. Next time will try creampie on her if she ok.
You need to call the spa and placed booking at morning 10.30am even when u not sure she is working on that day.
You can then call again around noon to see if she working, this can secure your chance of booking.
199 hot property? like SG property market;)
but raw...hmmm
went weekend but she is not available;
14-04-2013, 09:23 AM
183 Vivi
As Bros mentioned, someone fresh and not for boob lovers.
she is petite in size and look like teenage schoolgal, early 20s.
All oral above waistline, but downsouth was real tight; if anything, the tightness is worth it;)
heard 185 and 188 also newbies? but did not get to see them
136 not bad, mid 20s
14-04-2013, 10:43 AM
What is the number to call for booking?
199 dun work on weekend.
The number to call is +6072217458
14-04-2013, 01:51 PM
hi bro shiokpleasure, I had saw 199 once and was memerised by her looks. I faster ask the captain beside me wat's her number and was told she is 199! :D
I had always wanted to book her but also one of the difficult to book gals like 112 or maybe me and her no fate! Would u be able to help me secure a session with her?! Many thanks in advance! ;)
eh, i not okt la. u pm me i give u her number to call to check.
she not always there which is why v hard to book her. so when she comes, her previous customers all flock.
that time i went down 2 consecutive days just to book her but all fully book. heng i know the captain, got slot he immediately haul me out of the pool. knn i got into the pool for less than 5 mins nia.
14-04-2013, 01:53 PM
I'm SO SO SO GOING TO 189 liao after shiok pleasure recomand lol but i really miss the girl who use toothpaste then hotwater de...pattern alot...all chut ka liao lol but
anyway..ex-dragon girl......i got a bit of bad experience with them sia lol last time i went dragon for my very first time in chionging virgin exploration was marred by a poor service dragon girl...never went back liao....
then there is youth one bah bah girl saying she from where...think korea de...kept pushing for bj then fj.....sigh....
then in come blue wave....took the toothpaste and never look back since...hahahaha...
try 73 lo. lots of pattern in bj, u got read my fr or not?
14-04-2013, 01:54 PM
I am really interested in expanding my horizon but haven't read any FR of any NL from BW. Do they even have any? I might have to venture it on my own I guess, but please share if any bro have info. Thank you.
already stated no NL. by their local laws, if kerna caught is v jialat one. so they don't do.
14-04-2013, 01:56 PM
i few years no go NY and GBW, just wanna ask, heard that gal is more choice at GBW, how about the facilities? i heard NY just renovated, the facilities is very nice... how about GBW?
yes, NY has just renovated, but are you there to see girls or to enjoy facilities?
BW is great, at least you get to see girls walking around. NY spa, u see ghost till you go into the room. and my bet is, they are going to recommend u number 79 as the best girl.
seriously, if NY best girl is like that, it's really just average lo.
14-04-2013, 01:58 PM
wow wow wow...reminds me of Evon the old Roman Spa WL who has retired. She used to do raw with regular customer and can do CIM and her attitude towards sex is 100%. I tried her once but did not do raw or CIM as that was my first visit to Roman Spa (now NZ spa) but she did allow me for a passionate frenching. Regarding 199, can i just come early, say 1230 pm and book with captain?
1230pm is too late liao.
even at 1030am, u might not have chance. best is to confirm with her first.
14-04-2013, 02:08 PM
Can book VIP bo?
14-04-2013, 02:13 PM
Can book VIP bo?
book what VIP?
14-04-2013, 02:15 PM
Mis-typed....i meant i remember there is another hot pool at the very end, that one is VIP need booking?
14-04-2013, 02:33 PM
199 dun work on weekend.
The number to call is +6072217458
Thanks bro for the number.
14-04-2013, 02:58 PM
Mis-typed....i meant i remember there is another hot pool at the very end, that one is VIP need booking?
no la, rubbish. that pool is smaller. if u want, just request them to give u locker behind. lecheh to walk all the way to the back ma.
14-04-2013, 03:19 PM
no la, rubbish. that pool is smaller. if u want, just request them to give u locker behind. lecheh to walk all the way to the back ma.
Hahaha....think heard wrong info....
14-04-2013, 03:36 PM
yes, NY has just renovated, but are you there to see girls or to enjoy facilities?
BW is great, at least you get to see girls walking around. NY spa, u see ghost till you go into the room. and my bet is, they are going to recommend u number 79 as the best girl.
seriously, if NY best girl is like that, it's really just average lo.
:D i wanna enjoy both, becoz few years back, i used to go at noon, book a gal at 6pm, then enjoy the facilities at NY, after the facilities, i go to the movie room around 3pm, try my luck any nice movie then have a small nap until 6pm then go for the action. :p
the enviroment is relax :cool: , i just treat it as a "1day tour holiday" out of singapore. :D
14-04-2013, 04:00 PM
:D i wanna enjoy both, becoz few years back, i used to go at noon, book a gal at 6pm, then enjoy the facilities at NY, after the facilities, i go to the movie room around 3pm, try my luck any nice movie then have a small nap until 6pm then go for the action. :p
the enviroment is relax :cool: , i just treat it as a "1day tour holiday" out of singapore. :D
hahaha that's a good one bro. really is nice to relax. cause less crowd. but just the girls issue is something for me la. so dislike going back there.
somemore always the same girl being pushed. i'm like "wtf? no other girls meh?"
for NY, u can try 26 if u haven't.
14-04-2013, 08:01 PM
already stated no NL. by their local laws, if kerna caught is v jialat one. so they don't do.
Thank you for your answer. So it is confirmed not even Sabahan there, all there is Local CKT rite?
14-04-2013, 10:36 PM
After uesterday read the treads, this morning change all the schedule to evening. Wake up early morning rush out to Jb GBW to cheong arrrr....
tried no. 173 Wawa
Very shiok on the service...
she give bbbj deep throat with alot pattern untill you said stop....
Strongly recommend try doggy cause meaty ass... :)
GFE!! Slow & Stedy! will not rush you.
Looks: 6.5/10 (for me cause early 30)
Body: 7/10 (abit meaty nice to hug)
Boobs: 6/10 (D cup but.....)
GFE: 8/10 (for me)
French: No didn't try
RTF: Definitely! But as she said next month will take off....
14-04-2013, 10:45 PM
hahaha that's a good one bro. really is nice to relax. cause less crowd. but just the girls issue is something for me la. so dislike going back there.
somemore always the same girl being pushed. i'm like "wtf? no other girls meh?"
for NY, u can try 26 if u haven't.
is BW also have a movie room to relax? if yes, my next trip to jb will go bw lo. :p try my luck on this 199 or 73 :D
Hi bro 513513,
Yes, BW have a movie room to relax but the place not as new as the newly renovated NY spa.
is BW also have a movie room to relax? if yes, my next trip to jb will go bw lo. :p try my luck on this 199 or 73 :D
I still think the best time to book is at 10.30am, just that its not confirm that she will be working despite your reservation. So I guess best is to call again around noon to check if she did came in to work. Of course you can SMS her personal number to check if she working but she may or may not reply or may aeroplane. ( it did happen before to me, she SMS me said she last min got something on)
I call to book so many times around 1pm and told that she is fully book, so I think most ppl book in morning. So far been success booking her at 10.30am around 5 to 6 times for pass few months.
Hanging at the pool waiting for slot not practical unless u got too much time to waste as she is always fully book. Unless u got full day time to waste at the spa without getting any sexists factory girl.
1230pm is too late liao.
even at 1030am, u might not have chance. best is to confirm with her first.
Hi bro Shiokpleasure,
You have been coming to gbw since years back? Last time there is one angpai tcs actress Paige Chua look alike, I always fail to book her but saw her before, really pretty. My greatest regret din try her. Have u try her before? If so, Can share your experience?
Are you the guy who always chat with the Botak captain.
Hi bro,
Many hear of raw got scared, but raw is the best thing u can feel from sex enjoyment. Who is the stupid guy who invent condom and prevent MAN from enjoying sex. 要玩就不要怕,always enjoy the best.
199 hot property? like SG property market;)
but raw...hmmm
went weekend but she is not available;
15-04-2013, 12:16 AM
Korean milf in youth call Belle rite...Uses some kind of sticks for massage...I dont think she korean leh
YEAH YEAH....knn...she told me she
15-04-2013, 12:22 PM
Hi bro Shiokpleasure,
You have been coming to gbw since years back? Last time there is one angpai tcs actress Paige Chua look alike, I always fail to book her but saw her before, really pretty. My greatest regret din try her. Have u try her before? If so, Can share your experience?
Are you the guy who always chat with the Botak captain.
No bro, I.m a newbie samster. U see my join date was when I just started going jb.
15-04-2013, 12:23 PM
I still think the best time to book is at 10.30am, just that its not confirm that she will be working despite your reservation. So I guess best is to call again around noon to check if she did came in to work. Of course you can SMS her personal number to check if she working but she may or may not reply or may aeroplane. ( it did happen before to me, she SMS me said she last min got something on)
I call to book so many times around 1pm and told that she is fully book, so I think most ppl book in morning. So far been success booking her at 10.30am around 5 to 6 times for pass few months.
Hanging at the pool waiting for slot not practical unless u got too much time to waste as she is always fully book. Unless u got full day time to waste at the spa without getting any sexists factory girl.
Of course dont wait around la. But.if u got a captain friend, then he will definitely help u.
Anyway, I not friend with botak captain.
15-04-2013, 12:24 PM
Thank you for your answer. So it is confirmed not even Sabahan there, all there is Local CKT rite?
Sabah have, but only clean decent massage. But if u asking for fuck, then no. anyway, all the girls are chinese.
15-04-2013, 10:21 PM
long time never go Bluewave,during going back Sin saw a long jamm at customso decice go Bluewave.
wah alot people,need goto another locker to change bur any were the stock still enough.
Was assign a 29 oil massage gril., overall service not bad, during walk out to cofee room saw a two pretty gril and the body also hot, hear from captain is 131 and 13, any bro try before? how is the service?:D
15-04-2013, 11:35 PM
Any parking at bluewave? And how the rate? Many thanks
I hesitate but still think is time to contribute and write a full FR. Half a year ago when i do my medical checkup, i realise I am HIV posiitive, I then start trying raw with a couple of FL and girls in spa, then i realise raw and cap really feel so different.
Below are the FR for girls i try.
1) 199, also known a Elva, smooth skin, best is she willing do raw with me (of course i din tell her my medical condition), like wat was written about her, die die must try.
2) 135, pretty face and very slim,service ok but no chemistry with her, she french with my fren but dont want to le me french her.
3) 168, also call eileen, pretty face but service sucks..she claim that she used to work in dragon spa in sg.
4) 98, many guys there said her service sucks, she play music from her handphone while doing her service. her bbbj actually very skillful that can make you ejaculate.
5) 85, pretty face and service very good. very accomodating too, can try all sort of things with her, but her body alot of excess fats.
6) 79, service not that good but chatty and always not in a rush. She is usually slow when washing you. one of my favourite for chatting girls but she do part time now in gbw, work only 3 times a month.
7) 99, she claim that she is ex dragon spa girl, not bad looking but her service too sop that i stop getting her. My fren try her, get AR from her and after that complain his asshole keep feeling itchy. Dun know is it infected...with something. LOL
8) 183, new girl and the youngest in the spa, fresh and pretty, but not for boobs lover and service. Her bbbj not that skillful but did I manage to make her to do raw? hmm...for you to find out.
Target: Now one bro told me 73 also do raw, i am going to try her soon.
16-04-2013, 02:02 AM
I hesitate but still think is time to contribute and write a full FR. Half a year ago when i do my medical checkup, i realise I am HIV posiitive, I then start trying raw with a couple of FL and girls in spa, then i realise raw and cap really feel so different.
Below are the FR for girls i try.
1) 199, also known a Elva, smooth skin, best is she willing do raw with me (of course i din tell her my medical condition), like wat was written about her, die die must try.
2) 135, pretty face and very slim,service ok but no chemistry with her, she french with my fren but dont want to le me french her.
3) 168, also call eileen, pretty face but service sucks..she claim that she used to work in dragon spa in sg.
4) 98, many guys there said her service sucks, she play music from her handphone while doing her service. her bbbj actually very skillful that can make you ejaculate.
5) 85, pretty face and service very good. very accomodating too, can try all sort of things with her, but her body alot of excess fats.
6) 79, service not that good but chatty and always not in a rush. She is usually slow when washing you. one of my favourite for chatting girls but she do part time now in gbw, work only 3 times a month.
7) 99, she claim that she is ex dragon spa girl, not bad looking but her service too sop that i stop getting her. My fren try her, get AR from her and after that complain his asshole keep feeling itchy. Dun know is it infected...with something. LOL
8) 183, new girl and the youngest in the spa, fresh and pretty, but not for boobs lover and service. Her bbbj not that skillful but did I manage to make her to do raw? hmm...for you to find out.
Target: Now one bro told me 73 also do raw, i am going to try her soon.bro pls dont do that ! you will go to 18 level hell !
16-04-2013, 05:04 AM
I hesitate but still think is time to contribute and write a full FR. Half a year ago when i do my medical checkup, i realise I am HIV posiitive, I then start trying raw with a couple of FL and girls in spa, then i realise raw and cap really feel so different.
Below are the FR for girls i try.
1) 199, also known a Elva, smooth skin, best is she willing do raw with me (of course i din tell her my medical condition), like wat was written about her, die die must try.
2) 135, pretty face and very slim,service ok but no chemistry with her, she french with my fren but dont want to le me french her.
3) 168, also call eileen, pretty face but service sucks..she claim that she used to work in dragon spa in sg.
4) 98, many guys there said her service sucks, she play music from her handphone while doing her service. her bbbj actually very skillful that can make you ejaculate.
5) 85, pretty face and service very good. very accomodating too, can try all sort of things with her, but her body alot of excess fats.
6) 79, service not that good but chatty and always not in a rush. She is usually slow when washing you. one of my favourite for chatting girls but she do part time now in gbw, work only 3 times a month.
7) 99, she claim that she is ex dragon spa girl, not bad looking but her service too sop that i stop getting her. My fren try her, get AR from her and after that complain his asshole keep feeling itchy. Dun know is it infected...with something. LOL
8) 183, new girl and the youngest in the spa, fresh and pretty, but not for boobs lover and service. Her bbbj not that skillful but did I manage to make her to do raw? hmm...for you to find out.
Target: Now one bro told me 73 also do raw, i am going to try her soon.
U guys still wan visit and do raw ar. This guy already admit hiv and do some more later also HIV.
And punt, u know if u continue u really no conscience. Zzzz
Devil Reds
16-04-2013, 12:12 PM
Can any bro. zapped tt fucking idoit !!!!!! The girls are just making a living and u are trying to put them in risk!!!!! KNNBCCB......
16-04-2013, 12:35 PM
Just what the fuck you trying to achieve from doing raw? Revenge act or some idiot brain talk... You just endanger those gals who just wanna make a leaving and endanger us bros too... How can you even call yourself a bro of SBF... Omg this bring disguise to a whole new level and you even seem really proud of it... I wanted to go there too... Jes
16-04-2013, 02:49 PM
What the fuck is this idiot doing and harm all these girls? Must warn the girls no raw or else many bros will not take the risk to go.
16-04-2013, 03:13 PM
Why once awhile got such IDIOTS posting....???
16-04-2013, 03:26 PM
Any parking at bluewave? And how the rate? Many thanks
If can afford to pay rm218 for de girls wat is a few tens of ringgit for parking bro
16-04-2013, 04:04 PM
I hesitate but still think is time to contribute and write a full FR. Half a year ago when i do my medical checkup, i realise I am HIV posiitive, I then start trying raw with a couple of FL and girls in spa, then i realise raw and cap really feel so different.
Below are the FR for girls i try.
1) 199, also known a Elva, smooth skin, best is she willing do raw with me (of course i din tell her my medical condition), like wat was written about her, die die must try.
2) 135, pretty face and very slim,service ok but no chemistry with her, she french with my fren but dont want to le me french her.
3) 168, also call eileen, pretty face but service sucks..she claim that she used to work in dragon spa in sg.
4) 98, many guys there said her service sucks, she play music from her handphone while doing her service. her bbbj actually very skillful that can make you ejaculate.
5) 85, pretty face and service very good. very accomodating too, can try all sort of things with her, but her body alot of excess fats.
6) 79, service not that good but chatty and always not in a rush. She is usually slow when washing you. one of my favourite for chatting girls but she do part time now in gbw, work only 3 times a month.
7) 99, she claim that she is ex dragon spa girl, not bad looking but her service too sop that i stop getting her. My fren try her, get AR from her and after that complain his asshole keep feeling itchy. Dun know is it infected...with something. LOL
8) 183, new girl and the youngest in the spa, fresh and pretty, but not for boobs lover and service. Her bbbj not that skillful but did I manage to make her to do raw? hmm...for you to find out.
Target: Now one bro told me 73 also do raw, i am going to try her soon.
Is ur family infected as well bro? Which other mp do you visit?
16-04-2013, 04:33 PM
dont bother to zap him.. it is his ploy to collect negative points..
16-04-2013, 05:14 PM
raw means screw without a cap? they willing?
just back from bw. reached there 1pm. first time there and alone, abit kanchiong.
before going in the hotel, took a capsule of VIA.X which i bot from nature farm. my friend recommended me, said it will make ur lj harder and tahan longer..
went in the message centre, one muslim captain approached me, asked me wat i want. i said i want full package, he told me rm218.
after changed, he asked me want relax first or immediate wan to f.
"relax first la", i said. then i requested for 112, but was told she is only avail ard 6pm. knn...
then ask for 189.. "she is off today" the captain replied. PUI!!!
"how abt 173?"
"173...wait i check... hmm...2.45pm, ok?"
it was 1.25pm. went to take the buffet lunch and headed to the movie room to relax.
About 2.30pm, the captain came in and shouted my number, then bring me to a room and ask me wait inside. waited for donkey 15 mins then 73 came.
a v slim and friendly gal. her eyes make up like cat eyes, dun really like...
She asked me came here before, i said first time and alone. she was surprised and said i very brave, hahaha..
then she washed my cock and ask me to relax, cos i peng kanchiong and looks stiff. in the bathroom she sucked my didi and lick my asshole...v shiok!
16-04-2013, 05:30 PM
after washed asked me wait for her on the bed.
in the bed, she continued to lick my nipples and body, suck my didi and lick my asshole, with few different patterns she asked me to pose.
altot i felt hard and shiok, but i hv no urge to coming yet. Then she open her legs for me to f her. fuck her really hard and she hold me tight and mourns like v shiok.
abt 10 mins gone and still no urge of coming, and i feel shag liao..
knn... jialat..
she said maybe i kanchiong tats y so long cannot come out. i didint tell her i eat the pill, haha..
then she continued to blow and hand job for me for abt 2 mins, but to no avail. i still cannot jua siao :(
both of us damn shag, then i told her nv mind, next time got chance i find her again. she told me her name is Blue.
in the end, left the place rm218 poorer but w/o jua siao. kb, shouldnt had take the pill, so power... :( next time i will not take it.
Looks: 6/10 (not really my cup of tea)
Body: 7/10 (quite slim)
Boobs: 6/10 (shd be A cup only)
service: 8/10 (friendly and pro)
French: didn't try
overall: 7/10
16-04-2013, 09:54 PM
this punt idiot
183 don't allow cunninglingus, let alone raw :confused::mad:
you want do raw, you go your mama ok, giv you raw octopus :rolleyes:
16-04-2013, 11:20 PM
don;t worry to all bro, that idiot is just scaring ppl to go GBW, i wonder any gal will raw with this 1 inch guy .. LOL.. :D
:o lazy to zap him also .. :cool:
Some bro curse me, some pm me and said sad for me, some said Girls won't do raw with me. People just like to hear positive things. It's true not all girls willing but some regular yes. But it doesn't matter way bro here like to post or zap.
I be there tonite again and try my luck with another girl.
17-04-2013, 09:40 AM
Any bros interested to go in tomorrow?
17-04-2013, 01:04 PM
Hi bros
Where is gbw?
Gave not been to bluewave for long long time
17-04-2013, 01:40 PM
Any big boobies to recommend? Ytd tried 135 service v good but small boobs. On the way out saw 29 look big anyone try b4?
17-04-2013, 01:43 PM
112 good service...
Devil Reds
17-04-2013, 02:04 PM
Any big boobies to recommend? Ytd tried 135 service v good but small boobs. On the way out saw 29 look big anyone try b4?
No. 29 melon is big but a bit sagged due to the gravity lor......service quite SOP...nothing really to shout about :rolleyes:
17-04-2013, 03:39 PM
Any big boobies to recommend? Ytd tried 135 service v good but small boobs. On the way out saw 29 look big anyone try b4?
number 29, number 57. u never see my list of girls eh?
others, maybe can try 77.
17-04-2013, 03:39 PM
don;t worry to all bro, that idiot is just scaring ppl to go GBW, i wonder any gal will raw with this 1 inch guy .. LOL.. :D
:o lazy to zap him also .. :cool:
actually must thank him. fewer people go, easier for me to book girls. haha...
17-04-2013, 03:40 PM
No. 29 melon is big but a bit sagged due to the gravity lor......service quite SOP...nothing really to shout about :rolleyes:
yea lo, i feel quite SOP. won't even chat with me. when i had her, i just bonk and left. can't be bothered.
i think must bonk more then she will become better. see she quite friendly with some of the customers le. can joke along the hallway.
17-04-2013, 04:12 PM
actually must thank him. fewer people go, easier for me to book girls. haha...
U r rite bro hahaha...Actually payin rm218 is only $88 & get the whole spa treatment...In Spore,payin $150 doesnt even hv a pool or gigantic tv room!!!...No brainer where to go la...
17-04-2013, 04:14 PM
yea lo, i feel quite SOP. won't even chat with me. when i had her, i just bonk and left. can't be bothered.
i think must bonk more then she will become better. see she quite friendly with some of the customers le. can joke along the hallway.
Maybe inside de room she's a deadfish but when walkin out laughin & joking wz the customer is just for show only to bait horny bros to book her!!
18-04-2013, 06:07 AM
Any big boobies to recommend? Ytd tried 135 service v good but small boobs. On the way out saw 29 look big anyone try b4?
big boob 173 just tried her on tue :D
18-04-2013, 08:49 AM
big boob 173 just tried her on tue :D
I also go on tue btw how 173 service ?
Devil Reds
18-04-2013, 10:18 AM
Maybe inside de room she's a deadfish but when walkin out laughin & joking wz the customer is just for show only to bait horny bros to book her!!
ya lor.....that's how I kana conned by her!!!!! :(:(
18-04-2013, 11:03 AM
I also go on tue btw how 173 service ?
Before her I got 1 recommended by the captain, told him I want a big boob gave me a b cup, so change to her, overall her service was good. 8/10
18-04-2013, 11:08 AM
Any massage milf with big boob there? auntie is OK as long as boob is big big.
Devil Reds
18-04-2013, 12:13 PM
Any massage milf with big boob there? auntie is OK as long as boob is big big.
57(Ang Pai)......better call to book if not prepare to wait :rolleyes:
18-04-2013, 12:14 PM
Before her I got 1 recommended by the captain, told him I want a big boob gave me a b cup, so change to her, overall her service was good. 8/10
bro can 173 french?:D
18-04-2013, 01:13 PM
57(Ang Pai)......better call to book if not prepare to wait :rolleyes:
57 How big are her boob? What cup size? 29 how big are her boob? Which one is bigger ;p
Some gals only do Fj and some only only do massage only
18-04-2013, 01:14 PM
bro can 173 french?:D
Never try, I think depends on chemistry
18-04-2013, 04:25 PM
What is the operating hours of bluewave?
18-04-2013, 05:15 PM
what time open i not sure..but last call is 11.15 pm
parking for 24 hours outside the hotel is 15 rm with the security guard looking after for you ^^
Devil Reds
18-04-2013, 06:21 PM
57 How big are her boob? What cup size? 29 how big are her boob? Which one is bigger ;p
Some gals only do Fj and some only only do massage only
I am lousy in judging their cup size....57 shd be C+ and 29 probably D lar
18-04-2013, 08:53 PM
Some bro curse me, some pm me and said sad for me, some said Girls won't do raw with me. People just like to hear positive things. It's true not all girls willing but some regular yes. But it doesn't matter way bro here like to post or zap.
I be there tonite again and try my luck with another girl.
Hi punt,
Those bro who zap or curse you are not doing it because of ur HIV status ( not sure whether is it true atm), we are angry because ur irresponsible action may ruin another person's life. I am sad at your encountered but sometime when we think about it, we can blame no one , it is all planned for us by god.
Let me shared with you what I received today, I was diagnose with third stage
colon cancer today. so you see, whether I got HIV unluckily by your action doesn't reallie matter anymore. Doctor told me I only have a yr life span left and I decided not to go for chemo ( saw alot of case ppl go for chemo, instead of killing cancer cell , the cancer spread more rapidly than usual). So think about it, why not create more happiness rather than harming more lives.
I hope to meet you... maybe not now but at the gate of judgement. But given me a chance to speak up , I will daringly ask god to forgive u , forgive ur ignorance due to hatred building in ur heart.
If it is true about ur doing, I suggest that you stop right now. Let not bring sadness to ppl surround us, i believe that the correct approach throughout the remaining days of ours.
I truly believed u can lived longer than I am due to the advance medical technology we have now. Wishing u all the best ahead
For your info, I am a 35 yrs old man, married with an one yr old kid.
18-04-2013, 09:35 PM
Just to share my FR for all bro,
57 n 29 is the $169 but they will try to massage u abit n u can chose if u want HJ $50 , stripped nake n rub u n with HJ/BBBJ $80 or the FJ $100RM...
I have try 57 twice as she has a nice teh teh n CFM face with her white fair n NICE PINK NIPPLE... BiG C bOOb, if u r a fast gunner maybe u can bring some money n go for 2shot straight, for 29 I have not try her but I saw her Ne Ne quite BiG more to D when she walk pass as her face is normal look lady...
77 is the $218 package lady...
Woo, her Ne Ne is soft n natural big... As she show me her Bra I think izzt C-D depend on the brand...
number 29, number 57. u never see my list of girls eh?
others, maybe can try 77.
I am lousy in judging their cup size....57 shd be C+ and 29 probably D lar
Ahkong, I think the massage lady I saw is small boob, maybe u can ask the Captain to intro...
Ha Pi bonking at BW... Woooo...
Any massage milf with big boob there? auntie is OK as long as boob is big big.
18-04-2013, 10:15 PM
Hi all bros,
Any 1 know does 183 work recently? Coz I call to receiptcent, they told me that 183 not come to work. So jz wanna confirm with yo guys.
19-04-2013, 02:34 AM
If can afford to pay rm218 for de girls wat is a few tens of ringgit for parking bro
I never mention izzit cheap to park there.. iask how much only.. like tat also offence u ah.. come on la read my question properly.. u buy a bowl noodles also ask how much right wah piang..pls use ur brain before make any comment......zzzz
19-04-2013, 02:45 AM
I never mention izzit cheap to park there.. iask how much only.. like tat also offence u ah.. come on la read my question properly.. u buy a bowl noodles also ask how much right wah piang..pls use ur brain before make any comment......zzzz
Or i took a cab in malaysia also ask how much de ma den means i cannot afford la... dun tell me u in ur life u never ask how much in anythings at all? Wah piang can ask a not .. can ask question a not need ur permission ma..zzz 真是莫名其妙?
hi phlim79.
I been cheonging for 10 over years, been in gbw for at least 6 years, I even give some nice bro real picture of some spa girl which i bonk, bring them out and manage to take photo of them. Just unfortunate to get HIV on my last checkup.
Dun tok all these god stuff becoz you are dying. If you are dying then you should spend more quality time with your family and child rather than waste your time coming to sbf or visit chicken. You should be the one to 回头是岸.
This week i manage to try number 69, abit plump, butt quite fleshy. Her number is 69 for good reason, when she do blowjob for me, her position is actually like doing 69, her pussy is actually facing my face.
Looks: quite pretty actually
Body: a bit plump, butt fleshy
Service: quite SOP but lack of GFE
Overall: 6/10 but i think she is th type where you can get more from her if you are her regular customer
Good to chat, she claim she been working this line giving money to 小白脸, wonder why so many handsome malaysian guys are like that.
Hi punt,
Those bro who zap or curse you are not doing it because of ur HIV status ( not sure whether is it true atm), we are angry because ur irresponsible action may ruin another person's life. I am sad at your encountered but sometime when we think about it, we can blame no one , it is all planned for us by god.
Let me shared with you what I received today, I was diagnose with third stage
colon cancer today. so you see, whether I got HIV unluckily by your action doesn't reallie matter anymore. Doctor told me I only have a yr life span left and I decided not to go for chemo ( saw alot of case ppl go for chemo, instead of killing cancer cell , the cancer spread more rapidly than usual). So think about it, why not create more happiness rather than harming more lives.
I hope to meet you... maybe not now but at the gate of judgement. But given me a chance to speak up , I will daringly ask god to forgive u , forgive ur ignorance due to hatred building in ur heart.
If it is true about ur doing, I suggest that you stop right now. Let not bring sadness to ppl surround us, i believe that the correct approach throughout the remaining days of ours.
I truly believed u can lived longer than I am due to the advance medical technology we have now. Wishing u all the best ahead
For your info, I am a 35 yrs old man, married with an one yr old kid.
19-04-2013, 03:54 AM
Any bros know does 183 work recently?she is 1 of my fav...:cool:
Devil Reds
19-04-2013, 09:55 AM
Hi punt,
Those bro who zap or curse you are not doing it because of ur HIV status ( not sure whether is it true atm), we are angry because ur irresponsible action may ruin another person's life. I am sad at your encountered but sometime when we think about it, we can blame no one , it is all planned for us by god.
Let me shared with you what I received today, I was diagnose with third stage
colon cancer today. so you see, whether I got HIV unluckily by your action doesn't reallie matter anymore. Doctor told me I only have a yr life span left and I decided not to go for chemo ( saw alot of case ppl go for chemo, instead of killing cancer cell , the cancer spread more rapidly than usual). So think about it, why not create more happiness rather than harming more lives.
I hope to meet you... maybe not now but at the gate of judgement. But given me a chance to speak up , I will daringly ask god to forgive u , forgive ur ignorance due to hatred building in ur heart.
If it is true about ur doing, I suggest that you stop right now. Let not bring sadness to ppl surround us, i believe that the correct approach throughout the remaining days of ours.
I truly believed u can lived longer than I am due to the advance medical technology we have now. Wishing u all the best ahead
For your info, I am a 35 yrs old man, married with an one yr old kid.
19-04-2013, 10:37 AM
Or i took a cab in malaysia also ask how much de ma den means i cannot afford la... dun tell me u in ur life u never ask how much in anythings at all? Wah piang can ask a not .. can ask question a not need ur permission ma..zzz 真是莫名其妙?
U dont need my fuckin permission to ask a fuckin question to get a fuckin answer...
19-04-2013, 01:35 PM
Any bro try 29? Can share your fr?
19-04-2013, 01:59 PM
Hi punt,
Let me shared with you what I received today, I was diagnose with third stage
colon cancer today. so you see, whether I got HIV unluckily by your action ........
I pray for your recovery too ; miracles do happen in life. But most of all I admire your courage in facing up to your sickness.
I've been screwing all around the globe, including JB, for the past 30+ years, and I must say it is never easy to get callgirls (who are definitely more intelligent and aware of the risks of getting HIV) to go raw even if your wave more $$$ in front of their eyes. Unless have the cock of TOM CRUISE.
In social media, ppl are always free to write anything they like, but only the gullible will take it seriously. Many bros b4 me have advised on safe sex (with condoms) with prostitutes, and I just wish to emphasise on this.
Neverthless, BW remains one of my top favourite spa whenever I visit JB.
Safe journey, BROS
19-04-2013, 04:39 PM
U r rite bro hahaha...Actually payin rm218 is only $88 & get the whole spa treatment...In Spore,payin $150 doesnt even hv a pool or gigantic tv room!!!...No brainer where to go la...
ya la bro, but some bros here are just held captive in sg or lazy to travel. anyway, good for us. heh...
19-04-2013, 04:41 PM
57 How big are her boob? What cup size? 29 how big are her boob? Which one is bigger ;p
Some gals only do Fj and some only only do massage only
29 boobs bigger. but both are big la.
also, u want a nicer looking face then u go for 57 lo. u want tall, then go for 29 lo.
19-04-2013, 04:45 PM
wa kaoz, u ignited my fantasy about her again. yea, her nice pink small nipples are really nice.
anyway, both of them never give me a good feel. quite cold for both le. never look for them again liao.
Just to share my FR for all bro,
57 n 29 is the $169 but they will try to massage u abit n u can chose if u want HJ $50 , stripped nake n rub u n with HJ/BBBJ $80 or the FJ $100RM...
I have try 57 twice as she has a nice teh teh n CFM face with her white fair n NICE PINK NIPPLE... BiG C bOOb, if u r a fast gunner maybe u can bring some money n go for 2shot straight, for 29 I have not try her but I saw her Ne Ne quite BiG more to D when she walk pass as her face is normal look lady...
77 is the $218 package lady...
Woo, her Ne Ne is soft n natural big... As she show me her Bra I think izzt C-D depend on the brand...
Ahkong, I think the massage lady I saw is small boob, maybe u can ask the Captain to intro...
Ha Pi bonking at BW... Woooo...
19-04-2013, 04:45 PM
Hi all bros,
Any 1 know does 183 work recently? Coz I call to receiptcent, they told me that 183 not come to work. So jz wanna confirm with yo guys.
thursday i was there, she never work. could be code red or she just lazy. u know they only need to work 12 days per month?
19-04-2013, 04:46 PM
I never mention izzit cheap to park there.. iask how much only.. like tat also offence u ah.. come on la read my question properly.. u buy a bowl noodles also ask how much right wah piang..pls use ur brain before make any comment......zzzz
now is rm4, but remember to chop yr entry card or u will have to argue with them about this thing.
19-04-2013, 04:48 PM
Any bro try 29? Can share your fr?
just go for it la, it's only rm169 bro. FR is only words, your kuku can't feel the shiokness.
19-04-2013, 04:49 PM
thursday i was there, she never work. could be code red or she just lazy. u know they only need to work 12 days per month?
thx bro, i jz realize that they only need to work 12/mth, anyway hopefully all bro can update mi if 183 working, or any girls is comparable with 183. Thanks....;)
Devil Reds
19-04-2013, 04:52 PM
29 boobs bigger. but both are big la.
also, u want a nicer looking face then u go for 57 lo. u want tall, then go for 29 lo.
Wiseman thinks alike.....:D:D:D
19-04-2013, 04:58 PM
I pray for your recovery too ; miracles do happen in life. But most of all I admire your courage in facing up to your sickness.
I've been screwing all around the globe, including JB, for the past 30+ years, and I must say it is never easy to get callgirls (who are definitely more intelligent and aware of the risks of getting HIV) to go raw even if your wave more $$$ in front of their eyes. Unless have the cock of TOM CRUISE.
In social media, ppl are always free to write anything they like, but only the gullible will take it seriously. Many bros b4 me have advised on safe sex (with condoms) with prostitutes, and I just wish to emphasise on this.
Neverthless, BW remains one of my top favourite spa whenever I visit JB.
Safe journey, BROS
how often do you go BW bro?
19-04-2013, 05:51 PM
29 boobs bigger. but both are big la.
also, u want a nicer looking face then u go for 57 lo. u want tall, then go for 29 lo.
29 will be on my next target list. I only go for boob, face never mind
19-04-2013, 09:42 PM
[QUOTE=fishhead;8849724]Just to share my FR for all bro,
57 n 29 is the $169 but they will try to massage u abit n u can chose if u want HJ $50 , stripped nake n rub u n with HJ/BBBJ $80 or the FJ $100RM...
I have try 57 twice as she has a nice teh teh n CFM face with her white fair n NICE PINK NIPPLE... BiG C bOOb, if u r a fast gunner maybe u can bring some money n go for 2shot straight, for 29 I have not try her but I saw her Ne Ne quite BiG more to D when she walk pass as her face is normal look lady...
RM169 inc FJ or + 100 for FJ tat means total is RM269 most ex than RM218 package leh
19-04-2013, 10:45 PM
by the way bros..57 boobs are augmented..really obvious one she if you all dont mind fake but big boobies then you can try her
20-04-2013, 10:41 AM
now is rm4, but remember to chop yr entry card or u will have to argue with them about this thing.
Omg I been paying 5 RM all this while .. those parking attendant &$@*%#
20-04-2013, 10:59 AM
hi phlim79.
I been cheonging for 10 over years, been in gbw for at least 6 years, I even give some nice bro real picture of some spa girl which i bonk, bring them out and manage to take photo of them. Just unfortunate to get HIV on my last checkup.
Dun tok all these god stuff becoz you are dying. If you are dying then you should spend more quality time with your family and child rather than waste your time coming to sbf or visit chicken. You should be the one to 回头是岸.
This week i manage to try number 69, abit plump, butt quite fleshy. Her number is 69 for good reason, when she do blowjob for me, her position is actually like doing 69, her pussy is actually facing my face.
Looks: quite pretty actually
Body: a bit plump, butt fleshy
Service: quite SOP but lack of GFE
Overall: 6/10 but i think she is th type where you can get more from her if you are her regular customer
Good to chat, she claim she been working this line giving money to 小白脸, wonder why so many handsome malaysian guys are like that.
Hi Punt,
For your info I am always spending quality time with my family all this while, going to BW is purely for relaxation and meeting up old friends. But I don't think you will get to enjoy this cos you are are so tight up with you vengeance and scaring ppl off about your cheonging in BW with your currently HIV status.
Sharing your FR is not useful at all, maybe you are just trying to scare off the brothers here so that you can enjoy the place with less crowds. I am thinking that you may be engaged from the competitor spa too. Anyway that is childish of you.
Actually I feel quite sad to you too cos of the heavy medical burden you are going to face in the future, or perhaps you can choose like me , dun opts for any medication means.
Just to share with everyone here , yesterday I was talking to the uncle there , he told me that there is a fellow who was f*** by one of the Ma Ma attendant and got HIV recently. Which I was wondering whether us that you.
Still that same piece of advice to you: 回头是岸
20-04-2013, 12:38 PM
I hesitate but still think is time to contribute and write a full FR. Half a year ago when i do my medical checkup, i realise I am HIV posiitive, I then start trying raw with a couple of FL and girls in spa, then i realise raw and cap really feel so different.
Below are the FR for girls i try.
1) 199, also known a Elva, smooth skin, best is she willing do raw with me (of course i din tell her my medical condition), like wat was written about her, die die must try.
2) 135, pretty face and very slim,service ok but no chemistry with her, she french with my fren but dont want to le me french her.
3) 168, also call eileen, pretty face but service sucks..she claim that she used to work in dragon spa in sg.
4) 98, many guys there said her service sucks, she play music from her handphone while doing her service. her bbbj actually very skillful that can make you ejaculate.
5) 85, pretty face and service very good. very accomodating too, can try all sort of things with her, but her body alot of excess fats.
6) 79, service not that good but chatty and always not in a rush. She is usually slow when washing you. one of my favourite for chatting girls but she do part time now in gbw, work only 3 times a month.
7) 99, she claim that she is ex dragon spa girl, not bad looking but her service too sop that i stop getting her. My fren try her, get AR from her and after that complain his asshole keep feeling itchy. Dun know is it infected...with something. LOL
8) 183, new girl and the youngest in the spa, fresh and pretty, but not for boobs lover and service. Her bbbj not that skillful but did I manage to make her to do raw? hmm...for you to find out.
Target: Now one bro told me 73 also do raw, i am going to try her soon.
Not sure what is your motive or what u r saying is true ( u r HIV positive) but the bottom line is pls act responsiblely. You not only causing harm(death) to those girl u have try raw or BBBJ but also their business. U deserve to go to Hell if what u say is true. Please stop looking for Prositute and get treatment.
20-04-2013, 01:37 PM
don't know can report this to our big bro sam, ask him to help us to :rolleyes:pin down the person (punt) address?:rolleyes:
20-04-2013, 05:04 PM
if it;'s true, u will burn in level 18 of hell when u die. and for eternal burning. for causing so much harm.
20-04-2013, 10:18 PM
Hi punt,
Let me shared with you what I received today, I was diagnose with third stage
colon cancer today. so you see, whether I got HIV unluckily by your action doesn't reallie matter anymore. Doctor told me I only have a yr life span left and I decided not to go for chemo ( saw alot of case ppl go for chemo, instead of killing cancer cell , the cancer spread more rapidly than usual). So think about it, why not create more happiness rather than harming more lives.
I hope to meet you... maybe not now but at the gate of judgement. But given me a chance to speak up , I will daringly ask god to forgive u , forgive ur ignorance due to hatred building in ur heart.
If it is true about ur doing, I suggest that you stop right now. Let not bring sadness to ppl surround us, i believe that the correct approach throughout the remaining days of ours.
I truly believed u can lived longer than I am due to the advance medical technology we have now. Wishing u all the best ahead
For your info, I am a 35 yrs old man, married with an one yr old kid.
Good Luck to U .God will bless U.:)
21-04-2013, 03:59 AM
now is rm4, but remember to chop yr entry card or u will have to argue with them about this thing.
I see thanks for enlighten me really never been there before tat why start to have question here and there... anyway thanks for the info bro. I never ask i'll never nod..
21-04-2013, 04:10 AM
Omg I been paying 5 RM all this while .. those parking attendant &$@*%#
See i never ask i'LL never nod really thanks to tat bro r so willing to share den otherwise.
21-04-2013, 11:58 PM
See i never ask i'LL never nod really thanks to tat bro r so willing to share den otherwise.
:p always go by taxi.. RM8 :D
22-04-2013, 01:39 AM
hi any idea the massage ladies provide special?
22-04-2013, 02:19 AM
how often do you go BW bro?
Somehow can't reply u in PM so replying u here bro.
Farking good. The AR and Make me stand up to let her bj... Unexpected and good!
Only downside is her tummy, but other parts more than make up for it. So far tried 183 and 189. 183 no figure but very cute.
22-04-2013, 12:14 PM
hi any idea the massage ladies provide special?
walao :eek:... are expected we book the gal for u even blow u for free?
can't u do abit of homework by chking few page...
mummy boy waiting for feed... :o
23-04-2013, 04:30 AM
Bro, the 169 u can opt if u want the FJ anot, as that time I book a 169 lady m she told me u can chose
1) HJ $50RM
2) BBBJ $80RM nake include
3) FJ $100RM
As $69RM is the useage of the spa... Sorry for my mistake...
[QUOTE=fishhead;8849724]Just to share my FR for all bro,
57 n 29 is the $169 but they will try to massage u abit n u can chose if u want HJ $50 , stripped nake n rub u n with HJ/BBBJ $80 or the FJ $100RM...
I have try 57 twice as she has a nice teh teh n CFM face with her white fair n NICE PINK NIPPLE... BiG C bOOb, if u r a fast gunner maybe u can bring some money n go for 2shot straight, for 29 I have not try her but I saw her Ne Ne quite BiG more to D when she walk pass as her face is normal look lady...
RM169 inc FJ or + 100 for FJ tat means total is RM269 most ex than RM218 package leh
Bro, maybe u catch 57 at a bad day, as izzt very tired for them to get laid by all the tiko bro, give her a chance... Good luck...
wa kaoz, u ignited my fantasy about her again. yea, her nice pink small nipples are really nice.
anyway, both of them never give me a good feel. quite cold for both le. never look for them again liao.
Ah kong, wait for ur FR... 👌...
29 will be on my next target list. I only go for boob, face never mind
Bro, it should be all HORNY MAN THINKS ALIKE... Hahaha...
Wiseman thinks alike.....:D:D:D
23-04-2013, 10:10 AM
knn i just posted opinion to share with bros and got zapped for that?what the fuck is wrong with some pple here....
23-04-2013, 09:40 PM
ok here is my another FR :)
i went to GBW yesterday night...beat the farking jam at 9 pm at the bloody SG custom...
went to GBW with a couple of my bros...
here goes...
i ask the captain for recommandation..and he recommand me 173...i ask pretty not..he say ok la 27-28 yr lo...i ask slim not..he say ok la not bad...ok lo..i take..
when she appear..swee la...she went to one corner of the room strip and ask if i bathe alrd not...i said yes and she proceed on to bath while i went to the bed..
when she was bathing...i heard some farting sound...not once...but twice..i'm like KNNPCB kukujiao was semi erected...but after hearing the farting sound......lose steam liao....lucky no smell sia KNN
ok nvm i give benifit of doubt lol i think is the shower pipe...i calm my dulan heart down and waited...
i wan to stress that i was not wearing specs so i never see clearly of her...
she came out wipe here wipe there and ask me to be in doggie style..ok lo..i accomodate sound like im the one servicing she is the pay master...ok nvm...she wan to start AR ..i stopped her..say i dun like...
the she say huh you dun like..then nothing to play liao..
in my heart im like huh..KNN not I lie down you blow till i errected meh?!!!!
ok lo...but she stand up..against the like huh...police check ah hahahahaha
she went to me and start her thing...FUUYU.....i wan to say her blowjob farking shiok...takes her time....and a looooong blow job.....i love it..
she ask me lie i duno why la...but she was telling me that she had a lot of bao very like huh you full i must lie side ways ah....hmmmmmmm
she blow me...wah that was when i notice her breast was big....a big C confirm..soft....damn a baby ass....soft...........i feel like suckling reminds me of a baby sucking neh neh...i went down to it....farking shiok....
anyway...she told me her menses coming...thats why her breast got slightly like ok lo....nvm i like BBW hahahaha her farking breast damn soft regrets lo..
anyway she rode me first..but the strange thing is i can fell my kukujiao shrinking liao.....KNNBCCB....fuck la.....
then change lan jiao kukujiao let me down liao..deflated....KNNBCCB im thinking..the other time like that now like that i getting impotent?!!!!!!!!
but bo tio leh...i still can stand leh....when i see sbf post and come.....why..why why....must be the condom i blame anything but myself liao le lo at this stage..
anyway she help me to pcc and when i comming tell her lo...ok lo...a bit sian liao...but after a while my kukujiao stand liao...WTF........why...fucking cheapskate...cannot insert into pussy but can react to BBBJ.....CCB stupid lanjiao....i cum into her mouth and you surprise..she swallow my like i came into her mouth she still continue sucking me off till i came out legs become kena electric shock like
so..all in all 173 good...nice set of neh neh...body wise...ok la...but she got a bit of bruise on the right shoulder arms too...maybe is pigmentation..i told you i wasnt wearing specs at that time...and..she looks ok...lao chio is what i have to say lo...
cb on time when i wan to bonk liao...i maybe its part of the reason hahahaha..
23-04-2013, 11:06 PM
called Fri 199 not working; hard to get:o
went Sunday 183 not working:(
saw 1 girl was told to be 135
look ok and heard FR not bad, so try
seem like 182, 189 not working
provide massage, not too bad
closer look, so so, age 26 +-
bj was pretty good, no frenching nor pussy licking, my 2 fav ad-hoc activities:confused:
overall 6/10
captain attitude is wanting, tap shoulder while walking past to try to ask about girl‘s no.
act blur & walk off, later saw him chitchat with another captain
attitude sucks big time
another one try asking, give girl attire description, don't pause to think just shrug shoulders and say no idea, idiot : (
23-04-2013, 11:38 PM
173 I think the hiv guy bonked edy and u still dare cum in mouth uh bro?
24-04-2013, 12:38 AM
tml gonna try :)
24-04-2013, 01:00 AM
Re: Bluewave in Jb
173 I think the hiv guy bonked edy and u still dare cum in mouth uh bro?
Bro...oral sex minimal chance ba..beside quite a number of woman give that hiv guy bonk too...i asked the girl ba...have she done raw...well she told me if got regular customer yes lo....but even the regular also wan condom...well...i never go raw with her for one..and that she dosent have ucler so.....i think its fine beside..i think that hiv guy is thing..if you got hiv..i think if im not not allowed to leave the
24-04-2013, 02:02 AM
hi brothers/sister!
newbie here, never been to a spa, or massage parlor before, read through the post, seems like there is lots of fun and fr in here! appreciate those who post their fr and experience in here:D:D
intend to go on weekdays next week, can any bro advice me, for the spa/massage/steamroom/suana. do we have to get naked in the pool/room? im abit shy regarding this, thanks bros out there
24-04-2013, 02:22 AM
anybody know labour day eve will jam? gonna go in:D
24-04-2013, 12:33 PM
Bro...oral sex minimal chance ba..beside quite a number of woman give that hiv guy bonk too...i asked the girl ba...have she done raw...well she told me if got regular customer yes lo....but even the regular also wan condom...well...i never go raw with her for one..and that she dosent have ucler so.....i think its fine beside..i think that hiv guy is thing..if you got hiv..i think if im not not allowed to leave the haha im scared to shit coz that irresponsible guy ley
24-04-2013, 06:07 PM
ok here is my another FR :)
cb on time when i wan to bonk liao...i maybe its part of the reason hahahaha..
interesting FR, +7 for you bro
24-04-2013, 06:37 PM wave becoming worst..
....parisss is far much better...
24-04-2013, 06:46 PM
Tried 112 last fri, as advised by bros here i called as early as 10+ to book!
Thks bros...sharing is chionging!
cut the story short, she come in n my opinion is she look a bit old n matured but still chio nonetheless, so considered lao chio?! :D
strip, the figure perfect shape to me n she's really chatty!!! talk from the min she step in till i step out!
service wise excellent! fantastic as she licked me all over including armpit n where dun even dare to kiss myself! hahaha
fj wise i can't comment much coz frankly speaking i didn't last long...was too aroused during the foreplay! u tried it n u will know! but her slutty face while i bonking her cowgirl n sitting position really stimulating!
overall she's 8/10 n if she look younger i definitely gonna give her 9/10!
24-04-2013, 11:33 PM
so after reading so many threads on this famous place i decided to check this place out. I had been to massage joints in singapore but this is my first visit to spas in i wanted to find out their system, this is kind of a combined fr from two visits (last week and this week)
first of all, as per most bros here mentioned, once you step into the spa, you can literally use the facilities already. unlike cash obsessed singapore, you dont need to pay first. you pay when you are done and leaving. when you first reach, usually the counter will ask you whether you want to keep anything in the deposit boxes...yes or no, they will give you a locker key as this will be how you are identified everywhere you, most ppl will head to the shower/changing room to change to provided boxer shorts and robe, slippers...i had seen some who just straight away go to the rooms in their own attire. I believe those are just there for a quick massage or FJ and not interested to use the facilities...
if you are new there and look a bit blur, there is always an attendant in the shower room eager to help. once change up and shower, you can use any of the facilities there. there isnt anyone walking around naked, most ppl walk around with their robe and boxer ( for me, its a bit cold too with the air con so i also fully clothed) those who use the pool are using in their boxers as well as you can keep changing a new set or ask for fresh towels for another shower...
the internet are just at the corridor and is a great place to chope a seat because it is just beside the entrance so you can see the girls walking is ever present as well in buffet style so you can grab a bite anytime if hungry...on the other side is the movie room where you can grab a nap or chill...
other than that without any booking you cant really go into any of the rooms or massage need to look for any of the captains for this one...
on the captains, i see that some say they are not friendly but some say they very nice. over two visits i realise that it really first time there, nobody approach me so i just walk over to approach a captain after trying to make eye contact with him and book a girl...the second visit, i try to book the hot girl 199 and 2 captains i approach say fully booked no more what is written here, i tot she really so hot, but then while relaxing at the TV room, I heard one of the captains offer two ang pai to a customer who just stepped in (199 and 112) so i think you reqlly need to pally with the captains...i did something to pally with another captain who managed to book 199 within the next hour! i was impressed so i tip him though tipping is not tip is if you dont have much time, just approach any captain. they will make arrangements for you. if you have time, observe first, dont kan cheong...some captains seem always in a hurry and always dont make eye contact with you or cant be bothered...some sibei friendly...i see one captain walk into the dining room ask every table: "book already boh?, arrange already? got girl already?" super friendly and accomodating...
on pricing i wanted to see whether 218 is actually price of just the girl or its a package including the spa what i did on the second visit was to reach there around one and relax then book another girl in the total they charge me 436 which means you dont get a package or discount if you second round....but in any case, cheong in malaysia is darn cheap already...218 is not even 90 SGD! singapore a similiar place with free food, pool and movie room, internet probably entrance fee already 80 bucks (i know of one such place near town)
now for FR on girls...i tried 3 on my 2 visits...
boobs: a handful and sizeable enough...
figure: slim not bah bah. not very tall though
face: i can only give a 6.5 at most, maybe my standards high
Service: quite good, chatty and aim to please...long cathbath (i realise its the standard here where the cathbath is head to toe mostly), spent long time with the bj with many swirl and twirl action, packs a mean bj, intense frenching (as per most standard spas actually, frenching depends. when comparing notes with frens, i realise its purely up to the girl whether to french or not. diff brothers will get different treatment) first she was trying to blow my load out as there was some pre-cum but i was able to resist so eventually we finish in missionary position. gave me a kiss on my cheek and said thanks for booking her. she does AR too but she dont like anyone to touch her hair.
boobs: a handful as well around B to C
figure: a bit bah bah, a little taller
face: someone mentioned look like sharon au, yes there is a resemblance there but not very...i would give a 6.5-7
Service: so-so, chatty as well but no frenching for me...try to resist me cathbath her but her cathbath is good. BJ is satisfying enough although a bit short though she did this nice trick of capping me with the mouth before BJ. i didnt even feel it. allow painting and did a good AR too. after i finished, did a quick short massage for me, very nice.
this is the ang pai that is always fully booked. at first glance i thought looks ok only but now i know why highly recommended and really must try
boobs: smaller than the other two but looks very perky...but i wonder whether fake as wasnt soft to the touch
figure: devilish figure...perky boobs, great ass, nice figure
face: at first its a 7 for me but close up while fucking, you can see she has nice features so became 8 for me
service: top notch gfe...chatty and if you click with her, literally anything also bj while showering, intense frenching, long period of bj and cathbath all over your body head to toe, tightest amongst the three i tried and accomodating to any positions. good AR and also do some light massage after my shot. she mention she doesnt work on weekends and her shift is usually around 1-8...she is hard to book also because some of the captains may try to recommend her to their regulars...i suggest try to find a captain friendly enough to help you.
in conclusion, having cheong here, i realise how overpriced joints in sg are...i think this might be a more regular playground for me from now on...cheers
25-04-2013, 03:57 AM
so after reading so many threads on this famous place i decided to check this place out. I had been to massage joints in singapore but this is my first visit to spas in i wanted to find out their system, this is kind of a combined fr from two visits (last week and this week)
first of all, as per most bros here mentioned, once you step into the spa, you can literally use the facilities already. unlike cash obsessed singapore, you dont need to pay first. you pay when you are done and leaving. when you first reach, usually the counter will ask you whether you want to keep anything in the deposit boxes...yes or no, they will give you a locker key as this will be how you are identified everywhere you, most ppl will head to the shower/changing room to change to provided boxer shorts and robe, slippers...i had seen some who just straight away go to the rooms in their own attire. I believe those are just there for a quick massage or FJ and not interested to use the facilities...
if you are new there and look a bit blur, there is always an attendant in the shower room eager to help. once change up and shower, you can use any of the facilities there. there isnt anyone walking around naked, most ppl walk around with their robe and boxer ( for me, its a bit cold too with the air con so i also fully clothed) those who use the pool are using in their boxers as well as you can keep changing a new set or ask for fresh towels for another shower...
the internet are just at the corridor and is a great place to chope a seat because it is just beside the entrance so you can see the girls walking is ever present as well in buffet style so you can grab a bite anytime if hungry...on the other side is the movie room where you can grab a nap or chill...
other than that without any booking you cant really go into any of the rooms or massage need to look for any of the captains for this one...
on the captains, i see that some say they are not friendly but some say they very nice. over two visits i realise that it really first time there, nobody approach me so i just walk over to approach a captain after trying to make eye contact with him and book a girl...the second visit, i try to book the hot girl 199 and 2 captains i approach say fully booked no more what is written here, i tot she really so hot, but then while relaxing at the TV room, I heard one of the captains offer two ang pai to a customer who just stepped in (199 and 112) so i think you reqlly need to pally with the captains...i did something to pally with another captain who managed to book 199 within the next hour! i was impressed so i tip him though tipping is not tip is if you dont have much time, just approach any captain. they will make arrangements for you. if you have time, observe first, dont kan cheong...some captains seem always in a hurry and always dont make eye contact with you or cant be bothered...some sibei friendly...i see one captain walk into the dining room ask every table: "book already boh?, arrange already? got girl already?" super friendly and accomodating...
on pricing i wanted to see whether 218 is actually price of just the girl or its a package including the spa what i did on the second visit was to reach there around one and relax then book another girl in the total they charge me 436 which means you dont get a package or discount if you second round....but in any case, cheong in malaysia is darn cheap already...218 is not even 90 SGD! singapore a similiar place with free food, pool and movie room, internet probably entrance fee already 80 bucks (i know of one such place near town)
now for FR on girls...i tried 3 on my 2 visits...
boobs: a handful and sizeable enough...
figure: slim not bah bah. not very tall though
face: i can only give a 6.5 at most, maybe my standards high
Service: quite good, chatty and aim to please...long cathbath (i realise its the standard here where the cathbath is head to toe mostly), spent long time with the bj with many swirl and twirl action, packs a mean bj, intense frenching (as per most standard spas actually, frenching depends. when comparing notes with frens, i realise its purely up to the girl whether to french or not. diff brothers will get different treatment) first she was trying to blow my load out as there was some pre-cum but i was able to resist so eventually we finish in missionary position. gave me a kiss on my cheek and said thanks for booking her. she does AR too but she dont like anyone to touch her hair.
boobs: a handful as well around B to C
figure: a bit bah bah, a little taller
face: someone mentioned look like sharon au, yes there is a resemblance there but not very...i would give a 6.5-7
Service: so-so, chatty as well but no frenching for me...try to resist me cathbath her but her cathbath is good. BJ is satisfying enough although a bit short though she did this nice trick of capping me with the mouth before BJ. i didnt even feel it. allow painting and did a good AR too. after i finished, did a quick short massage for me, very nice.
this is the ang pai that is always fully booked. at first glance i thought looks ok only but now i know why highly recommended and really must try
boobs: smaller than the other two but looks very perky...but i wonder whether fake as wasnt soft to the touch
figure: devilish figure...perky boobs, great ass, nice figure
face: at first its a 7 for me but close up while fucking, you can see she has nice features so became 8 for me
service: top notch gfe...chatty and if you click with her, literally anything also bj while showering, intense frenching, long period of bj and cathbath all over your body head to toe, tightest amongst the three i tried and accomodating to any positions. good AR and also do some light massage after my shot. she mention she doesnt work on weekends and her shift is usually around 1-8...she is hard to book also because some of the captains may try to recommend her to their regulars...i suggest try to find a captain friendly enough to help you.
in conclusion, having cheong here, i realise how overpriced joints in sg are...i think this might be a more regular playground for me from now on...cheers
Very nice fr... Thanks for the updated...
25-04-2013, 04:20 AM
Yap very informatic bro geordie. Thanks
25-04-2013, 07:47 AM
some bro mention can call in and book? how to book ah? i interested in trying 199 :D
25-04-2013, 09:29 AM
anybody know labour day eve will jam? gonna go in:D
If i can predict the jam situation for u, i would have gone to Spore Pools & Magnum every wkend to collect my 4d winnings....
25-04-2013, 11:12 AM
Bros there! May i know wat is AR and also AJ? Paiseh...
25-04-2013, 05:18 PM
If i can predict the jam situation for u, i would have gone to Spore Pools & Magnum every wkend to collect my 4d winnings....
Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,...... :D
I predict that there will be a massive traffic jam of at least 3 - 4 hours at the Causeway on Tuesday 30/4/13 and on Wednesday 1/5/13 .... better stay at home in SillyPore and PCC or go to Rowell Road to look for Thai ladyboys :p
25-04-2013, 06:22 PM
Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,...... :D
I predict that there will be a massive traffic jam of at least 3 - 4 hours at the Causeway on Tuesday 30/4/13 and on Wednesday 1/5/13 .... better stay at home in SillyPore and PCC or go to Rowell Road to look for Thai ladyboys :p
So I had proven to have made a CORRECTION PREDICTION .... see report from The Straits Times below ..... BTW, what 4D numbers to buy for this weekend's draws ???
Report from The Straits Times dated 25 April 2013 :-
Heavy traffic expected at checkpoints for Labour Day holiday
By Joanna Lee, The Straits Times | Thu, Apr 25 2013
Travellers should expect delays from April 30 till May 5. ICA advises travellers to adjust their travel plans if possible or help to ease congestion by car-pooling or using of public transport
Here is the full statement from the ICA:
With the Labour Day holiday coming up on 1 May 2013, traffic flow through the land checkpoints at Woodlands and Tuas is expected to be heavy.
Travellers intending to use the land checkpoints during the peak periods should take note of the following information.
Traffic is expected to be heavy at both checkpoints
Traffic volume at the two land checkpoints is expected to build up from 30 April and will continue till 5 May 2013. Travellers using the land checkpoints during these periods can expect delays.
Travellers have a part to play
To avoid a surge of people and vehicles seeking clearance at the land checkpoints, travellers are advised to adjust their travel plans if possible.
With enhanced security checks, traffic build-up is inevitable, particularly when a large number of travellers use the checkpoints at the same time.
If you must travel during the peak periods and will be driving, you can play a part to ease congestion at the land checkpoints by maintaining lane discipline at all times. You are also encouraged to car-pool or make use of public transport.
Singaporeans issued with the BioPass or registered with the National Registration Office, are encouraged to use the enhanced Immigration Automated Clearance System (eIACS) lanes at the bus halls for immigration clearance. The eIACS allows you to clear immigration through automated lanes within 12 seconds at no additional cost.
Travellers are reminded to ensure that they are carrying their own passports before presenting themselves for immigration clearance at the checkpoints.
The ICA has detected a number of cases where travellers presented the wrong passports for immigration clearance. This has affected clearance efficiency and caused inconvenience to other checkpoint users.
In addition, travellers should also make sure that they do not bring unlawful or prohibited goods into or out of Singapore.
The list of controlled and prohibited items can be found on ICA's website
Traffic information Travellers leaving Singapore by Woodlands or Tuas Checkpoints will be able to know in advance the traffic situation from LTA's Expressway Monitoring & Advisory System (EMAS) installed along the AYE and BKE respectively. You can also call the traffic information hotline at 6863-0117, listen to TrafficWatch on the radio or visit LTA's One Motoring website to check the latest traffic conditions at the land checkpoints before embarking on your journey.
Security is our utmost concern Our borders are our first line of defence in safeguarding Singapore's security. The enhanced security checks are critical to our nation's security. The ICA will put in every effort and continue to take the necessary measures to improve clearance efficiency as much as possible without compromising security. We seek your understanding and cooperation, as your security is our utmost concern.
----- KatoeyNewsNetwork
25-04-2013, 06:45 PM
Bros there! May i know wat is AR and also AJ? Paiseh...
no one can advise??
25-04-2013, 09:22 PM
Bros may I know what time does BW close . Thanks
25-04-2013, 10:03 PM
Last call at 11 bro
25-04-2013, 10:14 PM
ok here is my another FR :)
i went to GBW yesterday night...beat the farking jam at 9 pm at the bloody SG custom...went to GBW with a couple of my goes...
i ask the captain for recommandation..and he recommand me 173...i ask pretty not..he say ok la 27-28 yr lo...i ask slim not..he say ok la not bad...ok lo..i take..
when she appear..swee la...she went to one corner of the room strip and ask if i bathe alrd not...i said yes and she proceed on to bath while i went to the bed..
when she was bathing...i heard some farting sound...not once...but twice..i'm like KNNPCB kukujiao was semi erected...but after hearing the farting sound......UNQTE.
bro, this is so-called:
Front side HAPPY, BACK side SING songs:D
26-04-2013, 06:38 AM
I want to go this Saturday! Now hot property like 183 189 I think got no chance to try this sat. Sure fully booked. =( Any nice melons to reccomened? So far haven't taste any big melons there. =(
26-04-2013, 09:37 AM
Was there at bw yesterday, wanted to try no 29, was told by the captain she not working... then I say 57, he replied also not working... i was like wtf.... In the end asked him to recommend someone who juagen. Overall no. 8 is ok, good massage and jg. Guess is not my day.
26-04-2013, 07:05 PM
any fr on 138 bros?:D
26-04-2013, 11:24 PM
Is golden palace ktv still around ?
Anybody has the address?
27-04-2013, 09:14 AM
next week, any bro wanna go together? drop me a PM. :cool:
28-04-2013, 09:57 AM
ya lah,,,, spa bcums ktv. I know the answer but choose not to reply ktv stuff here
28-04-2013, 10:29 PM
Any bros saw 183 working last week?
29-04-2013, 10:31 AM
no 182
looks 6/10. teeth not nice
fj 6/10
bbbj 6/10
gfe 5/10
boobs a cup
rtf no
no frenching nor light kissing on lip. the place looks down and small. saw some real beauty but all reserved for regulars. don think will go back. captain service sucks.
Devil Reds
29-04-2013, 11:12 AM
why bother about the captain services's the girl services matter mah!!!! :D:D
29-04-2013, 12:39 PM
no 182
looks 6/10. teeth not nice
fj 6/10
bbbj 6/10
gfe 5/10
boobs a cup
rtf no
no frenching nor light kissing on lip. the place looks down and small. saw some real beauty but all reserved for regulars. don think will go back. captain service sucks.
I will not go this place as I heard too much complaints. This is the only spa in JB town I am yet to visit. Later go alone kena chopped by the captain. I prefer experienced bro to bring me in rather than go alone. Any takers? Plz PM me. Thanks.
Hi bro jnudes,
Dun worry, go for the standard package, standard price, usually the spa in jb like gbw and new york don't chop customer, only thing is captain may recommend a girl which her service sucks if you do not have a regular girl.
I will not go this place as I heard too much complaints. This is the only spa in JB town I am yet to visit. Later go alone kena chopped by the captain. I prefer experienced bro to bring me in rather than go alone. Any takers? Plz PM me. Thanks.
30-04-2013, 01:39 PM
Hi bro jnudes,
Dun worry, go for the standard package, standard price, usually the spa in jb like gbw and new york don't chop customer, only thing is captain may recommend a girl which her service sucks if you do not have a regular girl.
Some captains attitude really sucky, i must say... And never ever believe or ask the captain for their recommendation. They will recommend you girls that they like or they have accepted lots of benefits from them.
Anyway this no 168 in Bluewave really good in her PR with the captains, Know how to curry with the captains, she want alot of customers, but dont know how to provide good and solid service to customers. :cool:
30-04-2013, 02:01 PM
Hi bro jnudes,
Dun worry, go for the standard package, standard price, usually the spa in jb like gbw and new york don't chop customer, only thing is captain may recommend a girl which her service sucks if you do not have a regular girl.
Bro, what you say has a lot of truth. For example when I visited GP Spa back in 2012, once entering I asked for ang pai, I am not specific what gal I want, I asked the captain arrange, also dunno which number to get. I got an average looking gal with many this cannot service. Fake frenching, 69 not allowed, no CIM with the only PLUS point is she is not rushing and her BBBJ was deep and nice.
After finish service captain ask how the service. I said ok. Later he said the spa has many angpai to choose from. After doing research from this forum and other forum I realized how good the captain was sweet mouthing to fool the customer and me as first time customer feel cheated. And his other job is also to make sure every ML get equal share of their daily income by doing first come first serve in rotation format, even though she may not be good looking and her service sucks.
Now as I look back and think why I am so stupid and careless not refer to the forum first before go cheong because randomly selected stock by the captain are 90% chance to end in disappointment. Also my own fault too as I did not give complete description of what type of gal I want as I only ask for angpai. Lesson learnt from my first visit and for my future trip will be more careful and cautious.
30-04-2013, 02:04 PM
I will not go this place as I heard too much complaints. This is the only spa in JB town I am yet to visit. Later go alone kena chopped by the captain. I prefer experienced bro to bring me in rather than go alone. Any takers? Plz PM me. Thanks.
Scratchin my head bro...."I will not go this place as I heard too much complaints. This is the only spa in JB town I am yet to visit" and then u say this "I prefer experienced bro to bring me in rather than go alone. Any takers? Plz PM me. Thanks".....
What talkin bro???
30-04-2013, 02:19 PM
Scratchin my head bro...."I will not go this place as I heard too much complaints. This is the only spa in JB town I am yet to visit" and then u say this "I prefer experienced bro to bring me in rather than go alone. Any takers? Plz PM me. Thanks".....
What talkin bro???
Bro, I am still deciding whether want visit this spa or not. First sentence is no. Next is yes. Sorry for the confusion. If indeed going I can go there alone as I oredi had few gals number in my mind. So its no problem for me. I am used to cheong alone.
30-04-2013, 03:34 PM
Bro, I am still deciding whether want visit this spa or not. First sentence is no. Next is yes. Sorry for the confusion. If indeed going I can go there alone as I oredi had few gals number in my mind. So its no problem for me. I am used to cheong alone.
Thx for clearing my doubts bro...Thgt u r Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde haha...
I prefer to cheong alone in HC...Taking my own sweet time...
30-04-2013, 05:40 PM
Lol it happened to me before too in GBW. My first girl was 88. Knn this cannot and that cannot. When I.painted her, ahe shrieked till I thought what happened. Gave me a shock. Knn one.
I know why she screamed .... because of your sharp mustache hairs piercing her pussy causing her pain :eek: ..... happened to me before
30-04-2013, 09:50 PM
Lol bro, u said what I wanna say man. Should pr with the customers instead of pr with the captains. No doubt she looks good. But her services really sucks.
One time I tried her, she made comment I too hairy. Turn off sia.
Yeah, she looks good, i agreed, but services sucks and her attitude is not right. Always like to make rude comments about customers and say things that are unpleasant to the ears... She want lots of customers book her but with such poor services and attitude, how to command lots of customers??? Someone should really knock some sense into her big and curry favours with captains is no use in long run....newbies will be smoked by the captains to take her, but after 1st time, no more 2nd time liao. Instead of treating the captains well and bribing them with benefits, she should reverse the situation instead. :cool:
02-05-2013, 11:37 PM
I know why she screamed .... because of your sharp mustache hairs piercing her pussy causing her pain :eek: ..... happened to me before
:D :D power sia.. can piercing thru :confused:
03-05-2013, 11:39 AM
No bro, my tip just inserted a bit only.then she anyhow scream liao.
tell you straight she don';t like painting....u will get mood ...
so just \scream pain the 1st moment you lick
03-05-2013, 09:37 PM
Any bros going tomorrow?Pm me
Went to BW this afternoon.
Was assigned to WL 111.
Looks: 6/10
Figure: 5/10
Boobs: 5/10 (lovely mounds to hold when she was riding cowgirl, but does not allow sucking and kissing of nipples.)
Kissing: Does not allow
BJ: 6/10 SOP, nothing special, very mechanical
AR: Very brief
FJ: Very mechanical, constantly avoiding eye contact, dead fish
Final verdict: I would rather not fired and went home with a full sac of bullets if she was the only WL available.
As i was leaving i saw WL 122, she looks meaty and very busty. Might try her next.
08-05-2013, 01:14 AM
Some captains attitude really sucky, i must say... And never ever believe or ask the captain for their recommendation. They will recommend you girls that they like or they have accepted lots of benefits from them.
Anyway this no 168 in Bluewave really good in her PR with the captains, Know how to curry with the captains, she want alot of customers, but dont know how to provide good and solid service to customers. :cool:
hahaha bro .. her pr with captains i dont know... one thing i totally agree is her lousy attitude when dealing with customers ..tried her once and never again ... although her Looks is considered to be one of the better ones in BW... My buddy tried also say she got attitute problem ..
10-05-2013, 04:09 PM
Now at bw giving live report.
99 cherry
looks 6/10. Clean look stright hair fair skin
fj 6/10 acomodating
bbbj 8/10
Gfe 5/10
Boobs a cup
Rtf yes
Simple massage press u all over n lick u all over with soft moan.
Bj is good. Hard working tongue. Like vibrator
Fj not so tight. But willing to accommodate.
11-05-2013, 11:21 AM
77 the biggest breast in BW. :p
11-05-2013, 11:47 AM
hi kind bros, planning to go down bw this coming week with 3 friends, any friendly tips to share? our virgin trip.... TIA fellow bros.....:D
11-05-2013, 05:32 PM
hi kind bros, planning to go down bw this coming week with 3 friends, any friendly tips to share? our virgin trip.... TIA fellow bros.....:D
talk to the captain about ur preferences
13-05-2013, 10:52 PM
77 the biggest breast in BW. :p
Any FR on 77? How big are her boob? What cup is that? Is she the package type?
16-05-2013, 10:31 AM
Going this sunday... going for the 218 full package? any gal to intro??
16-05-2013, 08:55 PM
Going this sunday... going for the 218 full package? any gal to intro??
You can try 173 service very good,when lick ar go to suck ur little bro damn shiok..
16-05-2013, 08:59 PM
Any FR on 77? How big are her boob? What cup is that? Is she the package type?
D cup very soft nice body damage 218
19-05-2013, 12:22 AM
Bluewave was raided last sunday 12 May 2013 in the afternoon. The girls and staff were detained for a few hours. Customers were okay but left high and dry
19-05-2013, 01:21 AM
I think somebody forget to pay or they are trying to increase the rental. If y know what I mean. Oh no, maybe the cost will pass to the poor customers like us :mad::mad:
19-05-2013, 06:51 AM
Wah lan . So on the ball now??
This is JB leh....
Wah pianng
19-05-2013, 02:21 PM
I think somebody forget to pay or they are trying to increase the rental. If y know what I mean. Oh no, maybe the cost will pass to the poor customers like us :mad::mad:
Heard they paid as usual but this was a different unit. Actually no big deal ie. customers okay (don't get caught fucking in the room!), just take away the ladies and some captains for urine test (becareful with this in JB!) and harassment.
Not the first time they kanna raided like this.
19-05-2013, 02:25 PM
Wah lan . So on the ball now??
This is JB leh....
Wah pianng
Relax bro,
This is JB, you pay the locals but kanna raided by the federal boys. Once in a while the spa sure kanna one ie. cannot pay off every police unit in malaysia leh.
want to enjoy, sure got some risk one!
19-05-2013, 02:28 PM
any good numbers to intro lately??? :D:D:D
19-05-2013, 04:13 PM
Y? U itchy lioa izzt... 😋😋😋...
any good numbers to intro lately??? :D:D:D
19-05-2013, 05:43 PM
Y? U itchy lioa izzt... 😋😋😋...
i just went BW two days in a row, buay itchy liao...:D
haha, just want to see bros feedback on all the different numbers....interesting read and analysis. :D
19-05-2013, 06:10 PM
OMG God Bless U...i guess I got to bring up to the mountain, hope u will be cure... 🈳Amitaho
i just went BW two days in a row, buay itchy liao...:D
haha, just want to see bros feedback on all the different numbers....interesting read and analysis. :D
19-05-2013, 10:35 PM
went over the weekend.
first stop - ocean. will post fr at that thread.
2nd stop - bw.
Girl : 183
Age: 24 (but look 18yrs old. like a poly xmm)
Body: super slim and petite size.
Boobs: A size or smaller. (not for boob lover)
Skin: super fair and smooth
Attitude: good.
Pussy: tight, no smell and smaller? (she seems to be in pain. everytime i thrust in, seems to hit some bones inside.. and she will moan in pain... i have to slow down everytime..)
Perhaps i keep slowing down and took very long until my little bro numbed or my earlier ocean first shot.. could not cum inside.
A bit pity her as she said she will be in pain when having sex and she seems to be running a cold everytime...
hope some rich bro who like syt will bao her:o
20-05-2013, 02:21 AM
OMG God Bless U...i guess I got to bring up to the mountain, hope u will be cure... 🈳Amitaho
No choice, BW can be considered as my 2nd home ground liao. :D
When is the last time u go there liao??? :D
20-05-2013, 02:23 AM
went over the weekend.
first stop - ocean. will post fr at that thread.
2nd stop - bw.
Girl : 183
Age: 24 (but look 18yrs old. like a poly xmm)
Body: super slim and petite size.
Boobs: A size or smaller. (not for boob lover)
Skin: super fair and smooth
Attitude: good.
Pussy: tight, no smell and smaller? (she seems to be in pain. everytime i thrust in, seems to hit some bones inside.. and she will moan in pain... i have to slow down everytime..)
Perhaps i keep slowing down and took very long until my little bro numbed or my earlier ocean first shot.. could not cum inside.
A bit pity her as she said she will be in pain when having sex and she seems to be running a cold everytime...
hope some rich bro who like syt will bao her:o
183 i personally find her too thin liao, ....prefer those with more meat for better cushion and support.
but she do has quite a cute face...
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