View Full Version : Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs
08-08-2014, 11:59 AM
up u back:D
upz 10+ to 965:)
08-08-2014, 12:05 PM
Already upped u ...cheers!
Just rtn 7 bro :)
08-08-2014, 12:09 PM
Humble up for your kind considerations. Hope you do not mind. Have a great day.
points return
08-08-2014, 12:23 PM
can up me? will rtn favour thanks
08-08-2014, 12:24 PM
Happy National Day.
Anyone who wish to exchange points are most welcome. My up list is clear now.;)
08-08-2014, 12:25 PM
Just rtn 7 bro :)
Bro just up you +7pt,have a nice day ahead . ( A min of 5pt exchange )
08-08-2014, 12:28 PM
Just rtn 7 bro :)
Hi bro just up you +7pt for exchange. ( For exchange at least 5pt onward )
08-08-2014, 12:42 PM
Any 5 points and above to exchange...:)
08-08-2014, 12:49 PM
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
26 or 20 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 40 or 69 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded
08-08-2014, 01:01 PM
Just Upz bro wolverman :)
Favour reciprocated with tks.:)
08-08-2014, 01:07 PM
just got to know this thread. thanks bros in advance for upz!
Upped you my power 2
08-08-2014, 01:10 PM
Minimum 5 points to exchange.
08-08-2014, 01:10 PM
points return
upped you :D
08-08-2014, 01:20 PM
just got to know this thread. thanks bros in advance for upz!
just ups you
08-08-2014, 01:42 PM
points return
up u +1 for your consideration :)
08-08-2014, 02:11 PM
Any 5 points and above wish to exchange?
upped u :):):)
08-08-2014, 02:13 PM KJxZX0CtFxXs2ZT5Us3fQ
08-08-2014, 02:15 PM
Just rtn 7 bro :)
Upzzz you Bro Didi~wa~Didi :) Cheers from Sailsingapore :D
08-08-2014, 02:55 PM
good afternoon...
any outstanding Q?:)
08-08-2014, 03:19 PM
Just returned bro HonestCrook
Next "It's your daddy" :)
08-08-2014, 03:22 PM
upped u to 384
Returned favour ! Thanks man ! :D
08-08-2014, 04:26 PM
[FONT="Trebuchet MS"]A humble list of all the kind people for their support
Max_Priest - Support is reciprocated
dmonangel - Post expired
fbuddy - Post expired
WooHoo (大姐大)
Thank you many many for the points exchanged
08-08-2014, 04:43 PM
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
26 or 20 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 40 or 69 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded
08-08-2014, 05:42 PM
Bro MensPlus, had upz u as request, cheers
Up list is empty.Any bro care to trade??
Bro, can PM your latest post, so I can return favor. Thanks
Uplist: traex( need PM your latest post)
sc slayer
08-08-2014, 05:55 PM
Have returned your upz with my humble +18.
To the rest of you guys who have increased my points, please send me a pm and I will return the favour.
Those with less than half of my +18, please wait as I return those with higher points first.
Have already upped your points for exchange! :rolleyes:
08-08-2014, 06:40 PM
up u my 4 points bro! :)
Upz you today
08-08-2014, 06:41 PM
Dear Bros
Those interested to exchange points plz contact me. Best to upped me first and I return favor ASAP. Cheers!
08-08-2014, 07:07 PM
We didn't. :D
Hi Bro HappyOwl, I've just in return upped your points. Cheers! :)
Bros out there, I'm definitely welcome any bros (with at least 1-Power Point) who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Thanks. :)
Bros whom are awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, <<Bro who have up my points with unknown nick pls PM me>>, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, truthful, shawnanderson
08-08-2014, 07:44 PM
My humble up for your kind considerations please. Hope you do not mind. Thanks. :) Happy National Day/nice Weekend.
Appreciate your pts bro, just return u. Cheers. Happy National day too:)
08-08-2014, 07:59 PM
Any 4 points and above welcome to exchange .
1)Crackpod ( Done 23/07/14 )
2)MMKing ( Done 24/07/14)
3)marlborotan ( Done 26/07/14)
4) Andythai (Pending for latest post )
5) ctchua ( Done 25/07/14)
6) kristoa7 ( Done 28/07/14)
7) swagelock ( Done 29/07/14)
8) slyer ( Done 30/07/14)
9) songest ( Pending for latest post)
10)powerkid ( Done 31/07/14)
11)Clinton ( Done 01/08/14)
12)wally888 ( Done 02/08/14)
13)formula1 ( Done 03/08/14)
14)smgg ( Done 04/08/14)
15)president ( Done 05/08/14)
16)joyseeker ( Done 06/08/14)
17)me siam bu ( Done 07/08/14)
18) ah rat ( Done 08/08/14)
19) naka_timo
20) DarthRevan
21) GeGe
22) owl888
23) justdoit
24) guess67
25) fbuddy
26) Hurinecane88
27) Traex
28) Bulleye
29) joe fox
30) ebonkie
31) fatspider
32) cumexplorer
33) sunhuan-con
Thanks for the ups.Please be patient will up one by one as soon as I recover my power. Due to the overwhelming kind support the shop is now temporarily close. I will open shop again once the list is cleared. Again many thanks to the kind support really appreciate
Pse do not up me anymore until I have cleared the list.TQ
08-08-2014, 08:23 PM
Up list is empty.
08-08-2014, 08:36 PM
Kind brudders pls help me up my pts.
Will return after regain my power. thank you.
08-08-2014, 08:39 PM
Up u my humble points.
Favour returned. Thanks bro...
08-08-2014, 08:51 PM
Hi bros/sis,
Sorry bro Jason.8987 I could not return fav to you. When I tried to return fav to you, it prompted a message from the system " You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Jason.8987 again".
I have just returned fav to sex-newbie with 7 simple points with thanks.
Up List : Nil
Exchange will be welcome with bros/sis of 4 points power and above. Thank you very much. Have a nice weekend!
08-08-2014, 08:59 PM
Exchange will be welcome with bros/sis of 4 points power and above. Thank you very much. Have a nice weekend!
Add you to 800 pts. Up me back if you can :)
08-08-2014, 09:28 PM
Next up-list
Oink Oink , Uncharted , Nextview , ParaParaSakura .
- Please post and pm me yr link so that i can up u back. Thanks .
Unicornboy (Done)
iersan (Done)
Justl00king (Done)
Kuan Aik Hong
Devil Reds
Sex Crusader
08-08-2014, 09:30 PM
Just rtn 7 bro :)
bro joining your uplist!
08-08-2014, 09:32 PM
Anyone wants 28 premium pts up? Points Exchange with power 5 and above! Short Q now..
08-08-2014, 09:38 PM
Up list:
rickey, sex crusader.....
Many, many thanks to bro Matrix for so quickly returning favour wif his generous points ! :)...Deeply Appreciated ! ...PTL !!
08-08-2014, 09:59 PM
Upz you my 2 points. :)
up u back. any bro wana trade???
08-08-2014, 10:54 PM
any 5 points and above to exchange...:)
08-08-2014, 11:02 PM
up u back. any bro wana trade???
My 3 humble pts...
08-08-2014, 11:31 PM
:) Cheers from Sailsingapore :D
Thank you for the upz Bro sailsingapore.
I have returned the favour with my humble +18.
All those who have increased my points, please send me a pm.
09-08-2014, 02:02 AM
Points return. Here is 11 points.
upped u in ur latest thread! enjoy the national day weekend!
09-08-2014, 02:09 AM
Just upped you. Thanks.
Anyone wants 28 premium pts up? Points Exchange with power 5 and above! Short Q now..
09-08-2014, 02:38 AM
Bro up u 6 humble points,awaiting for your returns...cheers :D
Uplist empty,any 3 points n above wanna exchange? :)
return fav :)
Wishing all a Happy National Day - 9.8.14
Happy Birthday Singapore
points return
Nice bro. Very kind/generous of you. Very grateful. Many thanks.
Wishing all a Happy National Day - 9.8.14
09-08-2014, 07:59 AM
Happy Birthday Singapore!
Happy National Day to all bros!
09-08-2014, 08:07 AM
wishing all a Happy National Day!
RusticKun thks for the up. favor +11 returned! :D
09-08-2014, 08:14 AM
Any 4 points and above welcome to exchange .
1)Crackpod ( Done 23/07/14 )
2)MMKing ( Done 24/07/14)
3)marlborotan ( Done 26/07/14)
4) Andythai (Done 09/08/14 )
5) ctchua ( Done 25/07/14)
6) kristoa7 ( Done 28/07/14)
7) swagelock ( Done 29/07/14)
8) slyer ( Done 30/07/14)
9) songest ( Please post something new )
10)powerkid ( Done 31/07/14)
11)Clinton ( Done 01/08/14)
12)wally888 ( Done 02/08/14)
13)formula1 ( Done 03/08/14)
14)smgg ( Done 04/08/14)
15)president ( Done 05/08/14)
16)joyseeker ( Done 06/08/14)
17)me siam bu ( Done 07/08/14)
18) ah rat ( Done 08/08/14)
19) naka_timo ( you are next )
20) DarthRevan
21) GeGe
22) owl888
23) justdoit
24) guess67
25) fbuddy
26) Hurinecane88
27) Traex
28) Bulleye
29) joe fox
30) ebonkie
31) fatspider
32) cumexplorer
33) sunhuan-con
Thanks for the ups.Please be patient will up one by one as soon as I recover my power. Due to the overwhelming kind support the shop is now temporarily close. I will open shop again once the list is cleared. Again many thanks to the kind support really appreciate
Pse do not up me anymore until I have cleared the list.TQ
09-08-2014, 08:32 AM
Morning guys and gals! :D
09-08-2014, 08:34 AM
any 5 points and above to exchange for Sinkie National Day...:)
09-08-2014, 08:40 AM
Returned favour ! Thanks man ! :D
up u for exchange
09-08-2014, 08:41 AM
Upz you today
Bro up u 6 humble points,awaiting for your returns...cheers n thanks :D
Uplist empty,any power 3 n above wanna exchange?
09-08-2014, 08:59 AM
Outstanding up list PM me if you up me
Upcomming list hahaha...lai lai lai
This pending i cannot find your post even in this thread pages last 10.
Lai arh...anymore. till the few below pm me.
waiting list come come Today cleared
Upcomming outstanding list. Lai
Cleared list Return points
austin69(cleared return 13/2)
szczesny (return 14/2)
iFuck (Upped)
Spicy98 (Cleared up)
cupid (cleared up 27/2)
Spikerman cleared
Fuckworm ( 11/3) cleared
mrvin(pm me your post.)
wally888 cleared
botakhead cleared 21/4
billysg cleared 22/4
Dysfunk 24/4 cleared
Sailsingapore cleared 25/4
Krom cleared 5/5
Mervrick69 cleared
Kp338 28/5cleared
5121314 22/7cleared
peacekris 23/7 cleared
clownteaser 30/7 ceared
Koiz Done 6/8 cleared
S.B.Y.1 cleared 7/8
list i upped not return.
13th taibao
09-08-2014, 09:25 AM
Upz you my 3+3, :)
Bro, thanks for UpZ. I've returned your favour. Thanks
09-08-2014, 10:02 AM
Returned favour ! Thanks man ! :D
thxs bro .....
09-08-2014, 10:49 AM
Juz returned upZ to bro Risingdick with my +11 power maxis ... Anybody keen to enjoy my power maxis on National Day? :)
09-08-2014, 12:30 PM
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
26 or 20 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 40 or 69 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded
09-08-2014, 12:37 PM
5 goalies to up daily.
09-08-2014, 12:46 PM
Any 5 points and above to exchange...:)
Just rtn 7 bro.
Happy Nat Day to all. :)
Welcome to xchange 5 or above.
09-08-2014, 12:58 PM
Upzzz for exchange
09-08-2014, 01:01 PM
Juz returned upZ to bro Risingdick with my +11 power maxis ... Anybody keen to enjoy my power maxis on National Day? :)
Bro I am keen on your power maxis and had up you with my humble 1 point for your consideration :)
09-08-2014, 01:06 PM
Happy NDP guys!
09-08-2014, 01:14 PM
Minimum 5 points to exchange.
09-08-2014, 01:24 PM
Just upped you. Thanks.
Bro just up you +7pt,have a nice day ahead . ( A min of 5pt exchange )
09-08-2014, 01:25 PM KJxZX0CtFxXs2ZT5Us3fQ
Returned with Thanks.
Up Kristoa7 too
Next to up:
max priest
P/s PM me when you do a posting:
siam bu - can't find your nick when I did a search. Please PM me your Nick and date when you up me. Thanks.
Please do not up me anymore until I cleared the above.
Thank you.
Next Batch - will have to wait a while:
09-08-2014, 01:27 PM
return fav :)
Hi bro just up you +7pt for exchange. ( For exchange at least 5pt onward )
09-08-2014, 02:03 PM KJxZX0CtFxXs2ZT5Us3fQ
09-08-2014, 02:17 PM
Thank you for the upz Bro sailsingapore.
I have returned the favour with my humble +18.
All those who have increased my points, please send me a pm.
09-08-2014, 02:18 PM
Any 4 points and above welcome to exchange .
1)Crackpod ( Done 23/07/14 )
2)MMKing ( Done 24/07/14)
3)marlborotan ( Done 26/07/14)
4) Andythai (Pending for latest post )
5) ctchua ( Done 25/07/14)
6) kristoa7 ( Done 28/07/14)
7) swagelock ( Done 29/07/14)
8) slyer ( Done 30/07/14)
9) songest ( Pending for latest post)
10)powerkid ( Done 31/07/14)
11)Clinton ( Done 01/08/14)
12)wally888 ( Done 02/08/14)
13)formula1 ( Done 03/08/14)
14)smgg ( Done 04/08/14)
15)president ( Done 05/08/14)
16)joyseeker ( Done 06/08/14)
17)me siam bu ( Done 07/08/14)
18) ah rat ( Done 08/08/14)
19) naka_timo
20) DarthRevan
21) GeGe
22) owl888
23) justdoit
24) guess67
25) fbuddy
26) Hurinecane88
27) Traex
28) Bulleye
29) joe fox
30) ebonkie
31) fatspider
32) cumexplorer
33) sunhuan-con
Upzz you Bro MASTERWANKER :) Cheers from Sailsingapore :D
09-08-2014, 02:23 PM
Bumpz for N-day..:D
09-08-2014, 02:25 PM
return fav :)
just ups you :D
09-08-2014, 02:31 PM
Just rtn 7 bro.
Happy Nat Day to all. :)
Welcome to xchange 5 or above.
Up u 5 bro..
09-08-2014, 02:37 PM
Daily exchange up with fellow bro & Sis i have not had with, are welcome!!
Kindly up and i will return at the soonest possible time, thanks ..
09-08-2014, 03:26 PM
Just returned bro 胡's your daddy :)
09-08-2014, 03:30 PM
Up u 5 bro..
up u +1 for your consideration :)
09-08-2014, 04:19 PM
Just rtn 7 bro.
Happy Nat Day to all. :)
Welcome to xchange 5 or above.
+9 ups .....:)
09-08-2014, 04:34 PM
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
26 or 20 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 40 or 69 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded
09-08-2014, 05:14 PM
Up list is empty.
returned :)
09-08-2014, 05:40 PM
My 3 humble pts...
Upzz u 2 sticks ;)
09-08-2014, 06:27 PM
A humble list of all the kind people for their support
lonexiaobao - Support is reciprocated
dmonangel - Post expired
fbuddy - Post expired
saas - Post expired
WooHoo (大姐大)
Thank you many many for the points exchanged
09-08-2014, 07:32 PM
Up list is empty.
Thanks bro, upz u in return, cheers!
Uplist: traex( Need your latest posting)
09-08-2014, 07:35 PM
Any 4 points and above welcome to exchange .
1)Crackpod ( Done 23/07/14 )
2)MMKing ( Done 24/07/14)
3)marlborotan ( Done 26/07/14)
4) Andythai (Done 09/08/14 )
5) ctchua ( Done 25/07/14)
6) kristoa7 ( Done 28/07/14)
7) swagelock ( Done 29/07/14)
8) slyer ( Done 30/07/14)
9) songest ( Please post something new )
10)powerkid ( Done 31/07/14)
11)Clinton ( Done 01/08/14)
12)wally888 ( Done 02/08/14)
13)formula1 ( Done 03/08/14)
14)smgg ( Done 04/08/14)
15)president ( Done 05/08/14)
16)joyseeker ( Done 06/08/14)
17)me siam bu ( Done 07/08/14)
18) ah rat ( Done 08/08/14)
19) naka_timo ( you are next )
20) DarthRevan
21) GeGe
22) owl888
23) justdoit
24) guess67
25) fbuddy
26) Hurinecane88
27) Traex
28) Bulleye
29) joe fox
30) ebonkie
31) fatspider
32) cumexplorer
33) sunhuan-con
Thanks for the ups.Please be patient will up one by one as soon as I recover my power. Due to the overwhelming kind support the shop is now temporarily close. I will open shop again once the list is cleared. Again many thanks to the kind support really appreciate
Pse do not up me anymore until I have cleared the list.TQ
09-08-2014, 08:13 PM
just got to know this thread. thanks bros in advance for upz!
Hi Bro SAR22, I've just in return upped your points. Cheers! :)
Bros out there, I'm definitely welcome any bros (with at least 1-Power Point) who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Thanks. :)
Bros whom are awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, <<Bro who have up my points with unknown nick pls PM me>>, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, truthful, shawnanderson
09-08-2014, 08:26 PM
Add you to 800 pts. Up me back if you can :)
Hi bros/sis,
Thank you bro justhorny to upz to 800 points, I have just returned 7 simple points.
Up List: Nil
Exchange will be welcome with bros/sis with 4 points power or above. Thank you very much. Happy National Day!
09-08-2014, 08:49 PM
5 goalies to up daily.
Favour returned. Thanks bro.
09-08-2014, 08:58 PM
Next up-list
Oink Oink , Uncharted , Nextview , ParaParaSakura .
- Please post and pm me yr link so that i can up u back. Thanks .
Unicornboy (Done)
iersan (Done)
Justl00king (Done)
WooHoo (Done)
Kuan Aik Hong
Devil Reds
Sex Crusader
阿佬 Hcg explorer
09-08-2014, 09:20 PM
any 5 points and above to exchange...:)
09-08-2014, 09:30 PM
any one anyone?
09-08-2014, 09:52 PM
Bro just up you +7pt,have a nice day ahead . ( A min of 5pt exchange )
return 28 premium pts. Points exchange with power 5 and above.
09-08-2014, 09:56 PM
Happy National Day !
Anyone who wish to points are most welcome. My up list is clear now.:D
09-08-2014, 10:28 PM
return 28 premium pts. Points exchange with power 5 and above.
When u wanna rtn me pts ...:D
09-08-2014, 10:30 PM
Hi bros/sis,
Thank you bro justhorny to upz to 800 points, I have just returned 7 simple points.
Up List: Nil
Exchange will be welcome with bros/sis with 4 points power or above. Thank you very much. Happy National Day!
Upzz ya bro
09-08-2014, 10:31 PM
Thanks bro, upz u in return, cheers!
Uplist: traex( Need your latest posting)
Wow bro ..long time no see ..u Mia so long
09-08-2014, 10:32 PM
Upzz ya bro
at last u appeared.. old indie debts still haunting you har.. :p
09-08-2014, 10:38 PM
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
26 or 20 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 40 or 60 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded
09-08-2014, 10:40 PM
Have already upped your points for exchange! :rolleyes:
Bro upped you before
Anyone for points exchange
09-08-2014, 11:27 PM
Bro up u 6 humble points,awaiting for your returns...cheers n thanks :D
Uplist empty,any power 3 n above wanna exchange?
return up:D
09-08-2014, 11:34 PM
Thank you for the upz Bro sailsingapore.
I have returned the favour with my humble +18.
All those who have increased my points, please send me a pm.
Juz added u 10+ tere.:)
09-08-2014, 11:37 PM
Wow bro ..long time no see ..u Mia so long
Haha.. Only cheonging MIA. Now exchange pts loh:p. U still busy with cheonging:D
Rasta Marley
10-08-2014, 12:11 AM
Just rtn 7 bro :)
Hi Bro, 10 Litres of sex fluids just added for you :D
10-08-2014, 12:23 AM
just up u bro.
bro i need u to post smth
10-08-2014, 12:40 AM
I hope some brothers and sisters would kind enough to up my points to above 40 for me to gain reputation power. I have posted several FRs and believe they are not good enough and I will continue to learn and improve myself.
I will return favour to all the people who would help me upon my successful elevation. Thank you.
10-08-2014, 01:34 AM
Bro, thanks for UpZ. I've returned your favour. Thanks
Bro Kent, had upz u for exchange. Cheers!
10-08-2014, 01:38 AM
Humble up for your kind considerations. Hope you do not mind. Have a great day.
Thanks and appreciate for the pts. Had return u my small humble 3 pts. Happy National Day.
10-08-2014, 01:56 AM
Bro up u 6 humble points,awaiting for your returns...cheers n thanks :D
Uplist empty,any power 3 n above wanna exchange?
return favour :)
10-08-2014, 02:40 AM
UP you
Thank you bro Reya for the return upz :D
Anyone keen to exchange for my +8 daily? :)
Thanks and appreciate for the pts. Had return u my small humble 3 pts. Happy National Day.
Nice bro. Very nice/kind of you. Very grateful. Many thanks. Have a nice weekend.
10-08-2014, 07:28 AM
5 goalies to up daily.
10-08-2014, 07:38 AM
Yes! I need to boost my rep points!
Come on! Give it to me!
Upz me back!
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
26 or 20 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 40 or 60 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded
10-08-2014, 08:44 AM
Juz added u 10+ tere.:)
Bro up u 6 humble points,awaiting for your returns..cheers n thanks :D
10-08-2014, 08:59 AM
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
26 or 20 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 40 or 60 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded
10-08-2014, 09:10 AM
Any 4 points and above welcome to exchange .
1)Crackpod ( Done 23/07/14 )
2)MMKing ( Done 24/07/14)
3)marlborotan ( Done 26/07/14)
4) Andythai (Done 09/08/14 )
5) ctchua ( Done 25/07/14)
6) kristoa7 ( Done 28/07/14)
7) swagelock ( Done 29/07/14)
8) slyer ( Done 30/07/14)
9) songest ( Please post something new )
10)powerkid ( Done 31/07/14)
11)Clinton ( Done 01/08/14)
12)wally888 ( Done 02/08/14)
13)formula1 ( Done 03/08/14)
14)smgg ( Done 04/08/14)
15)president ( Done 05/08/14)
16)joyseeker ( Done 06/08/14)
17)me siam bu ( Done 07/08/14)
18) ah rat ( Done 08/08/14)
19) naka_timo ( Done 10/08/14)
20) DarthRevan ( You are next )
21) GeGe
22) owl888
23) justdoit
24) guess67
25) fbuddy
26) Hurinecane88
27) Traex
28) Bulleye
29) joe fox
30) ebonkie
31) fatspider
32) cumexplorer
33) sunhuan-con
Thanks for the ups.Please be patient will up one by one as soon as I recover my power. Due to the overwhelming kind support the shop is now temporarily close. I will open shop again once the list is cleared. Again many thanks to the kind support really appreciate
Pse do not up me anymore until I have cleared the list.TQ
10-08-2014, 10:09 AM
return favour :)
Just up u +7 humble points.............cheers!
10-08-2014, 10:29 AM
Just up u +7 humble points.............cheers!
up u brother
in 3 pts exchange
10-08-2014, 11:20 AM
up u brother
in 3 pts exchange
Returned you with 9pts
10-08-2014, 11:44 AM
I hope some brothers and sisters would kind enough to up my points to above 40 for me to gain reputation power. I have posted several FRs and believe they are not good enough and I will continue to learn and improve myself.
I will return favour to all the people who would help me upon my successful elevation. Thank you.
upped u to 35 :)
10-08-2014, 12:51 PM
Daily can up 10 points. Minimum 5 points to exchange.
10-08-2014, 01:07 PM
upped u to 35 :)
Thanks for the up bro, will up you soon:)
10-08-2014, 01:08 PM
up 4 exchange.
Hi Bro, thanks for the up. Will up you soon:)
10-08-2014, 01:23 PM
Uplist empty
14pts exchange, 7pts up, daily prompt return. ;)
10-08-2014, 01:33 PM
Up for sunday
10-08-2014, 01:44 PM
Bro just up you +7pt,have a nice day ahead . ( A min of 5pt exchange )
Just rtn 7 bro. :)
5 or above welcome to xchange.
10-08-2014, 02:03 PM
at last u appeared.. old indie debts still haunting you har.. :p
Once a while just drop by lor always so busy ..
10-08-2014, 02:20 PM
Up list is empty.
Q in.... up +5 for u;)
10-08-2014, 02:21 PM
Upz you today
Upzz you Bro ChiongKing :) Cheers from Sailsingapore :D
10-08-2014, 02:35 PM
upped u to 35 :)
Many thanks brother for your support. I have returned 3 humble points to you.
10-08-2014, 03:09 PM
Good day all.... All interest to exchange pts r most welcome :)
10-08-2014, 03:37 PM
Once a while just drop by lor always so busy ..
Bro just up you +7pt,have a nice day ahead . ( A min of 5pt exchange )
10-08-2014, 03:43 PM
Once a while just drop by lor always so busy ..
Hi bro just up you +7pt for exchange. ( For exchange at least 5pt onward )
10-08-2014, 04:00 PM
Just Upz U bro vanram :)
10-08-2014, 04:20 PM
Bro just up you +7pt,have a nice day ahead . ( A min of 5pt exchange )
Hi bro just up you +7pt for exchange. ( For exchange at least 5pt onward )
Tks for all the upzz will rtn super pts once power resume ..
10-08-2014, 04:49 PM
Appreciation :)
Grateful thanks to bro mrloner for returning his generous points so promptly...T.Q. very much, bro !
Thank you bro Reya for the return upz :D
Anyone keen to exchange for my +8 daily? :)
Congratulations ! to bro DarthRevan for reaching the 4000 points mark !...T.Q. for upping other bros' points 1st ! :)...Keep it up !...Cheers !
I hope some brothers and sisters would kind enough to up my points to above 40 for me to gain reputation power. I have posted several FRs and believe they are not good enough and I will continue to learn and improve myself.
I will return favour to all the people who would help me upon my successful elevation. Thank you.
bro ss333 is a nice n humble guy.. Hv upzz u liao wif my +6 !
10-08-2014, 04:55 PM KJxZX0CtFxXs2ZT5Us3fQ
10-08-2014, 05:03 PM
Tks for all the upzz will rtn super pts once power resume ..
up u +1 for your consideration :)
10-08-2014, 05:06 PM
10 points ups :D
Is this the thread to ask for pts?
10-08-2014, 06:06 PM
A humble list of all the kind people for their support
Thank you many many for the points exchanged
Bro, upz u, have a great weekend. Cheer!
10-08-2014, 06:16 PM
Is this the thread to ask for pts?
No nah! It's one of the threads to exchange rep points, you up me and I up you. By the way, I just did my usual High +5 Up to you! :D
Anyway, the title of the threads is self-explanatory liao :D
10-08-2014, 06:28 PM
A humble list of all the kind people for their support
DevilChan78 - Support is reciprocated
dmonangel - Post expired
fbuddy - Post expired
saas - Post expired
WooHoo (大姐大)
Thank you many many for the points exchanged
10-08-2014, 06:35 PM
Bro Kent, had upz u for exchange. Cheers!
Bro add 5 to your points. Hope can help my. Thanks!
10-08-2014, 06:36 PM
Is this the thread to ask for pts?
Hi bro, just +12 to you :)
10-08-2014, 07:02 PM
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
26 or 20 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 40 or 60 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded
10-08-2014, 08:12 PM
Any 4 points and above welcome to exchange .
1)Crackpod ( Done 23/07/14 )
2)MMKing ( Done 24/07/14)
3)marlborotan ( Done 26/07/14)
4) Andythai (Done 09/08/14 )
5) ctchua ( Done 25/07/14)
6) kristoa7 ( Done 28/07/14)
7) swagelock ( Done 29/07/14)
8) slyer ( Done 30/07/14)
9) songest ( Please post something new )
10)powerkid ( Done 31/07/14)
11)Clinton ( Done 01/08/14)
12)wally888 ( Done 02/08/14)
13)formula1 ( Done 03/08/14)
14)smgg ( Done 04/08/14)
15)president ( Done 05/08/14)
16)joyseeker ( Done 06/08/14)
17)me siam bu ( Done 07/08/14)
18) ah rat ( Done 08/08/14)
19) naka_timo ( Done 10/08/14)
20) DarthRevan ( You are next )
21) GeGe
22) owl888
23) justdoit
24) guess67
25) fbuddy
26) Hurinecane88
27) Traex
28) Bulleye
29) joe fox
30) ebonkie
31) fatspider
32) cumexplorer
33) sunhuan-con
34) sbftiankon
35) Sailsingapore
36) max_priest
37) SureScore
Thanks for the ups.Please be patient will up one by one as soon as I recover my power. Due to the overwhelming kind support the shop is now temporarily close. I will open shop again once the list is cleared. Again many thanks to the kind support really appreciate
Pse do not up me anymore until I have cleared the list.TQ
10-08-2014, 08:40 PM
Once a while just drop by lor always so busy ..
Bros/sis, thank you bro superman67, I have just returned 7 simple points.
Up List: Nil
Exchange will be welcome with bros/sis with 4 points power and above. Thank you very much! Have a great week ahead!
10-08-2014, 09:01 PM
Next Up-list
Oink Oink , Uncharted , Nextview , ParaParaSakura , Kuan Aik Hong , Devil Reds .
- Please post and pm me yr link so that i can up u back. Thanks .
Unicornboy (Done)
iersan (Done)
Justl00king (Done)
WooHoo (Done)
Sex Crusader (Done)
阿佬 Hcg explorer
10-08-2014, 09:06 PM
Just rtn 7 bro. :)
5 or above welcome to xchange.
upz u brother
10-08-2014, 09:14 PM
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
26 or 20 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 40 or 60 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded
10-08-2014, 09:18 PM
Anyone wants 28 premium pts up? Points Exchange with power 5 and above! Short Q now..
Have up your pts. Cheers....
10-08-2014, 10:46 PM
Up list almost cleared.... bro Slide2despair, need your latest post....
10-08-2014, 10:57 PM
I hope some brothers and sisters would kind enough to up my points to above 40 for me to gain reputation power. I have posted several FRs and believe they are not good enough and I will continue to learn and improve myself.
I will return favour to all the people who would help me upon my successful elevation. Thank you.
No worries, dude ... I shall up you when I regain my power ... In the meantime, please continue to feed us with more juicy FR of GL WLs ... ;):D
10-08-2014, 11:12 PM
No nah! It's one of the threads to exchange rep points, you up me and I up you. By the way, I just did my usual High +5 Up to you! :D
Anyway, the title of the threads is self-explanatory liao :D
Upz you my 2 points. :)
10-08-2014, 11:15 PM
Bro who upzzz my point, send me a PM
Will return asap:D
10-08-2014, 11:19 PM
No worries, dude ... I shall up you when I regain my power ... In the meantime, please continue to feed us with more juicy FR of GL WLs ... ;):D
Just upped your points bro
Any bros for exchange ? :)
10-08-2014, 11:37 PM
Is this the thread to ask for pts?
yes bro, up u 4 points for exchange! :)
10-08-2014, 11:45 PM
Is this the thread to ask for pts?
bro just ups +14 :D:D
10-08-2014, 11:49 PM
Is this the thread to ask for pts?
bro just ups +13 pts cheers and welcome :D
10-08-2014, 11:52 PM
Many thanks brother for your support. I have returned 3 humble points to you.
thxs u too :D
11-08-2014, 12:28 AM
+6 points anyone?:D
Kuan Aik Hong
11-08-2014, 12:40 AM
Have up your pts. Cheers....
Up u 5 bro...
11-08-2014, 12:55 AM
Juz added u 10+ tere.:)
return up :D
11-08-2014, 04:06 AM
any exchange?
Hi Bro DrPussy, I've just upped your points. Hope you can help to up my points. Thanks! :)
Bros out there, I'm definitely welcome any bros (with at least 1-Power Point) who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Thanks. :)
Bros whom are awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, <<Bro who have up my points with unknown nick pls PM me>>, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, truthful, shawnanderson
11-08-2014, 07:19 AM
Bro up u 6 humble points,awaiting for your returns..cheers n thanks :D
Favour rtd with tks.:)
11-08-2014, 07:21 AM
Thanks and appreciate for the pts. Had return u my small humble 3 pts. Happy National Day.
Queuing for your kind considerations. Hope you do not mind. Wishing you a nice day.
11-08-2014, 08:44 AM
Favour rtd with tks.:)
Bro thanks for the prompt returns...cheers :D
Hi bro, just +12 to you :)
Bro up u 6 humble points,awaiting for your returns...cheers n thanks :D
11-08-2014, 09:03 AM
Bro...just up +7 for u.....
thanks, returned +11! :)
11-08-2014, 09:10 AM
Any 4 points and above welcome to exchange .
1)Crackpod ( Done 23/07/14 )
2)MMKing ( Done 24/07/14)
3)marlborotan ( Done 26/07/14)
4) Andythai (Done 09/08/14 )
5) ctchua ( Done 25/07/14)
6) kristoa7 ( Done 28/07/14)
7) swagelock ( Done 29/07/14)
8) slyer ( Done 30/07/14)
9) songest ( Please post something new )
10)powerkid ( Done 31/07/14)
11)Clinton ( Done 01/08/14)
12)wally888 ( Done 02/08/14)
13)formula1 ( Done 03/08/14)
14)smgg ( Done 04/08/14)
15)president ( Done 05/08/14)
16)joyseeker ( Done 06/08/14)
17)me siam bu ( Done 07/08/14)
18) ah rat ( Done 08/08/14)
19) naka_timo ( Done 10/08/14)
20) DarthRevan ( Done 11/08/14 )
21) GeGe ( You are next)
22) owl888
23) justdoit
24) guess67
25) fbuddy
26) Hurinecane88
27) Traex
28) Bulleye
29) joe fox
30) ebonkie
31) fatspider
32) cumexplorer
33) sunhuan-con
34) sbftiankon
35) Sailsingapore
36) max_priest
37) SureScore
Thanks for the ups.Please be patient will up one by one as soon as I recover my power. Due to the overwhelming kind support the shop is now temporarily close. I will open shop again once the list is cleared. Again many thanks to the kind support really appreciate
Pse do not up me anymore until I have cleared the list.TQ
11-08-2014, 09:11 AM
Retd favour 3+ to u.
Nice bro. Return greatly appreciated. Most generous of you. Many Thanks.
11-08-2014, 09:28 AM
Up u 5 bro..
upped you ... hope to exchange please :)
11-08-2014, 09:36 AM
Hello bro,
My up list clear. Anyone who wish to exchange points are most welcome.
11-08-2014, 09:57 AM
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
26 or 20 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 40 or 60 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded
11-08-2014, 10:19 AM
up u brother
in 3 pts exchange
Return +7 power for u............cheers!!!
Exchange of 5 points and above..........
11-08-2014, 12:03 PM
Return +7 power for u............cheers!!!
Exchange of 5 points and above..........
bro, i have upped you for xchng (:
11-08-2014, 12:29 PM
A humble list of all the kind people for their support
Thank you many many for the points exchanged
Hope to exchange with you too Bro :) Thanks :)
11-08-2014, 12:59 PM
Up for sunday
rtn favour bro :)
11-08-2014, 01:04 PM
done!! pls leave nick if up me
11-08-2014, 01:04 PM
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
26 or 20 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 40 or 60 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded
ah rat
11-08-2014, 01:26 PM
Any exchange Up :D
11-08-2014, 01:35 PM
Is this the thread to ask for pts?
5 goalies added.
11-08-2014, 02:02 PM
Hi Bro DrPussy, I've just upped your points. Hope you can help to up my points. Thanks! :)
Bros out there, I'm definitely welcome any bros (with at least 1-Power Point) who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Thanks. :)
Bros whom are awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, <<Bro who have up my points with unknown nick pls PM me>>, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, truthful, shawnanderson
Hi Bro Tho66 I had up you with my humble 1 point for your consideration :)
11-08-2014, 02:23 PM
Bro who upzzz my point, send me a PM
Will return asap:D
Upzz you Bro MAUI_BOY :) Cheers from Sailsingapore :D
11-08-2014, 02:50 PM
With the utmost of pleasures, just rtn 7 to bro marlborotan. :)
5 or above welcome to xchange.
11-08-2014, 03:03 PM
Hi bro just up you +7pt for exchange. ( For exchange at least 5pt onward )
Rtn upzz Liao bro
up u +1 for your consideration :)
Added on upz list bro ..tks
11-08-2014, 03:10 PM
Bro just up you +7pt,have a nice day ahead . ( A min of 5pt exchange )
Upz u before Liao bro
11-08-2014, 03:23 PM
bro ss333 is a nice n humble guy.. Hv upzz u liao wif my +6 ![/QUOTE]
Thank you brother marlborotan for helping and upping me and I have returned the favour of 3 humble points minutes ago.
Thank you brother Rickey for your kind encouragement. I remember clearly that you upped me 6 points on 18.7.14 and will return the favour tomorrow when I regain the power.
I would like to thank brother S.B.Y. 1 who has helped me and I will return the favour in about two days.
Last but no least, I would like to thank the other brothers for their kind words and motivation.
11-08-2014, 03:34 PM
Is this the thread to ask for pts?
Already upped you 10 points.
Minimum 5 points to exchange.
11-08-2014, 03:59 PM
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
26 or 20 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 40 or 60 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded
11-08-2014, 04:57 PM KJxZX0CtFxXs2ZT5Us3fQ
11-08-2014, 05:34 PM
With the utmost of pleasures, just rtn 7 to bro marlborotan. :)
5 or above welcome to xchange.
upped u:):)
11-08-2014, 05:50 PM
Bro who upzzz my point, send me a PM
Will return asap:D
+9 ups....:)
sc slayer
11-08-2014, 06:10 PM
Up you with 6 ...............
Upped you back for exchange :D
11-08-2014, 06:16 PM
Upz you my 2 points. :)
High +5 Up Returned :D
11-08-2014, 06:32 PM
A humble list of all the kind people for their support
RisingDick - Support is reciprocated
dmonangel - Post expired - Please pm me your latest
fbuddy - Post expired - Please pm me your latest
saas - Post expired - Please pm me your latest
WooHoo (大姐大)
Thank you many many for the points exchanged
11-08-2014, 06:49 PM
1 left in my queue to up. :D
11-08-2014, 07:06 PM
Any 4 points and above welcome to exchange .
1)Crackpod ( Done 23/07/14 )
2)MMKing ( Done 24/07/14)
3)marlborotan ( Done 26/07/14)
4) Andythai (Done 09/08/14 )
5) ctchua ( Done 25/07/14)
6) kristoa7 ( Done 28/07/14)
7) swagelock ( Done 29/07/14)
8) slyer ( Done 30/07/14)
9) songest ( Please post something new )
10)powerkid ( Done 31/07/14)
11)Clinton ( Done 01/08/14)
12)wally888 ( Done 02/08/14)
13)formula1 ( Done 03/08/14)
14)smgg ( Done 04/08/14)
15)president ( Done 05/08/14)
16)joyseeker ( Done 06/08/14)
17)me siam bu ( Done 07/08/14)
18) ah rat ( Done 08/08/14)
19) naka_timo ( Done 10/08/14)
20) DarthRevan ( Done 11/08/14 )
21) GeGe ( You are next)
22) owl888
23) justdoit
24) guess67
25) fbuddy
26) Hurinecane88
27) Traex
28) Bulleye
29) joe fox
30) ebonkie
31) fatspider
32) cumexplorer
33) sunhuan-con
34) sbftiankon
35) Sailsingapore
36) max_priest
37) SureScore
Thanks for the ups.Please be patient will up one by one as soon as I recover my power. Due to the overwhelming kind support the shop is now temporarily close. I will open shop again once the list is cleared. Again many thanks to the kind support really appreciate
Pse do not up me anymore until I have cleared the list.TQ
11-08-2014, 07:51 PM
bro ss333 is a nice n humble guy.. Hv upzz u liao wif my +6 !
Thank you brother marlborotan for helping and upping me and I have returned the favour of 3 humble points minutes ago.
Thank you brother Rickey for your kind encouragement. I remember clearly that you upped me 6 points on 18.7.14 and will return the favour tomorrow when I regain the power.
I would like to thank brother S.B.Y. 1 who has helped me and I will return the favour in about two days.
Last but no least, I would like to thank the other brothers for their kind words and motivation.[/QUOTE]
can onli up you humble 1.....thank you
11-08-2014, 07:55 PM
1 left in my queue to up. :D
Ups you +4 , thanks you....cheers
11-08-2014, 07:58 PM
any 5 points and above to exchange...:)
11-08-2014, 07:59 PM
1 left in my queue to up. :D
up u +1 for your consideration :)
11-08-2014, 08:45 PM
Up List is empty and I could return fav within one to two hours' time.
Exchange with bros/sis will be welcome for bros/sis with 4 points and above. Thank you very much!
11-08-2014, 08:47 PM
Hahahha, A area full of ceweks, price range from 80k to 200k per st (my experience).
return ups
11-08-2014, 08:51 PM
Thank you brother marlborotan for helping and upping me and I have returned the favour of 3 humble points minutes ago.
Thank you brother Rickey for your kind encouragement. I remember clearly that you upped me 6 points on 18.7.14 and will return the favour tomorrow when I regain the power.
I would like to thank brother S.B.Y. 1 who has helped me and I will return the favour in about two days.
Last but no least, I would like to thank the other brothers for their kind words and motivation.
can onli up you humble 1.....thank you
Return Upz With Many Thanks :p
11-08-2014, 08:59 PM
Up u 5 bro...
Bro return upz +9 points. Cheers :)
11-08-2014, 09:02 PM
Next Up-list
Oink Oink , Uncharted , Nextview , ParaParaSakura , Devil Reds .
- Please post and pm me yr link so that i can up u back. Thanks .
Justl00king (Done)
WooHoo (Done)
Sex Crusader (Done)
Kuan Aik Hong (Done)
阿佬 Hcg explorer
11-08-2014, 09:22 PM
Just upped your points bro
Any bros for exchange ? :)
I've returned the upz to you, bro ... ;)
11-08-2014, 09:23 PM
1 left in my queue to up. :D
Bro just up you +7pt,have a nice day ahead . ( A min of 5pt exchange )
11-08-2014, 09:27 PM
1 left in my queue to up. :D
Hi bro just up you +7pt for exchange. ( For exchange at least 5pt onward )
11-08-2014, 09:44 PM
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
26 or 20 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 40 or 60 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded
11-08-2014, 10:15 PM
Hope to exchange with you too Bro :) Thanks :)
Favour returned. Thanks bro...
11-08-2014, 10:24 PM
Return +7 power for u............cheers!!!
Exchange of 5 points and above..........
Return 28 premium pts
Pervy Sage
11-08-2014, 10:28 PM
Return 28 premium pts
five soiled lacy panties for you..... upz
11-08-2014, 10:52 PM
Return 28 premium pts
Bro, just UpZ u my humble 9 pt. Special request for premium rtn... KamXia
11-08-2014, 11:17 PM
Favour rtd with tks.:)
Thank you for the upz Bro unicornboy.
I have returned the favour with my humble +18.
All those who have increased my points, please send me a pm.
11-08-2014, 11:23 PM
I've returned the upz to you, bro ... ;)
Thanks bro
Any bros for points exchange? :)
Return 28 premium pts
Upped your points bro
11-08-2014, 11:37 PM
No nah! It's one of the threads to exchange rep points, you up me and I up you. By the way, I just did my usual High +5 Up to you! :D
Anyway, the title of the threads is self-explanatory liao :D
Noted and favor returned
11-08-2014, 11:47 PM
1 left in my queue to up. :D
bro just ups +14 :D
11-08-2014, 11:50 PM
Up List is empty and I could return fav within one to two hours' time.
Exchange with bros/sis will be welcome for bros/sis with 4 points and above. Thank you very much!
bro just ups +13 pts cheers
12-08-2014, 12:02 AM
Up List: Nil, I have regained my power and could return fav any time.
Exchange with bros/sis with 4 points power and above will be welcome. Thank you very much!
12-08-2014, 12:17 AM
Thank you for the upz Bro unicornboy.
I have returned the favour with my humble +18.
All those who have increased my points, please send me a pm.
Wow your +18 is not humble points:D, my 4 points to u! :)
Hi Bro simple2kee had supported u :)
12-08-2014, 12:44 AM
any bro/sis wish to exchange pts? :D
12-08-2014, 12:46 AM
any bro/sis wish to exchange pts? :D
Upz you my 2 points. :)
12-08-2014, 12:47 AM
Hi Bro simple2kee had supported u :)
Up u 8 bro...
Kuan Aik Hong
12-08-2014, 12:49 AM
+6 points anyone?:D
up u 5 for exchange...
12-08-2014, 01:26 AM
any bro/sis wish to exchange pts? :D
Upz you my 3+3, :)
12-08-2014, 02:00 AM
Return 28 premium pts
Just Upz U bro.. :)
12-08-2014, 02:26 AM
Looking for points exchange.
Current uplist
nitro trans(upped)
fatspider (need new post)
justdoit (need new post)
Min 3points for exchange
12-08-2014, 04:52 AM
Thanks and upz for the thread
12-08-2014, 05:27 AM
Hi Bro simple2kee had supported u :)Bro, 14upz :)
12-08-2014, 07:10 AM
Hi Bro Tho66 I had up you with my humble 1 point for your consideration :)
Hi Bro lauren, I've just in return upped your points. Cheers! :)
Bros out there, I'm definitely welcome any bros (with at least 1-Power Point) who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Thanks. :)
Bros whom are awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, <<Bro who have up my points with unknown nick pls PM me>>, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, truthful, shawnanderson
12-08-2014, 07:36 AM
I just up you 10 roaring points!
Awaiting your return!
Bro who upzzz my point, send me a PM
Will return asap:D
12-08-2014, 07:58 AM
Rtn upzz .. ..tks
Queuing for your kind considerations. Hope you do not mind. Wishing you a nice day.
12-08-2014, 08:19 AM
Uplist empty, anyone for +5? :)
12-08-2014, 09:15 AM
Hi Bro, thanks for the up. Will up you soon:)
thxs bro for returned fav ... cheers
Anymore exchange ...No queue ... :D
12-08-2014, 09:32 AM
Hi Bro simple2kee had supported u :)
Already upped u, cheers!
12-08-2014, 09:37 AM
5 goalies to up daily.
12-08-2014, 09:55 AM
upped u points! hv a good week! =D
up you back +13
12-08-2014, 10:37 AM
Upz you my 2 points. :)
return up:D
12-08-2014, 10:58 AM
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
26 or 20 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 40 or 60 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded
12-08-2014, 11:06 AM
Outstanding up list PM me if you up me
Upcomming list hahaha...lai lai lai
This pending i cannot find your post even in this thread pages last 10.
Lai arh...anymore. till the few below pm me.
waiting list come come Today cleared
Upcomming outstanding list. Lai
Cleared list Return points
austin69(cleared return 13/2)
szczesny (return 14/2)
iFuck (Upped)
Spicy98 (Cleared up)
cupid (cleared up 27/2)
Spikerman cleared
Fuckworm ( 11/3) cleared
mrvin(pm me your post.)
wally888 cleared
botakhead cleared 21/4
billysg cleared 22/4
Dysfunk 24/4 cleared
Sailsingapore cleared 25/4
Krom cleared 5/5
Mervrick69 cleared
Kp338 28/5cleared
5121314 22/7cleared
peacekris 23/7 cleared
clownteaser 30/7 ceared
Koiz Done 6/8 cleared
S.B.Y.1 cleared 7/8
list i upped not return.
13th taibao
12-08-2014, 11:35 AM
return up:D
Hi bro... Upped your points :)
12-08-2014, 11:44 AM
Hi bro... Upped your points :)
upped you 9 bro
12-08-2014, 12:31 PM
Thanks and upz for the thread
As promise, upz u liao. Cheers!
12-08-2014, 01:03 PM
Hi bro just up you +7pt for exchange. ( For exchange at least 5pt onward )
Bro Jason, just +6 for you :)
Nitro Trans
12-08-2014, 01:39 PM
Bro Jason, just +6 for you :)
Bro, 7-Upz for u. Cheers!:)
12-08-2014, 02:14 PM
Any 4 points and above welcome to exchange .
1)Crackpod ( Done 23/07/14 )
2)MMKing ( Done 24/07/14)
3)marlborotan ( Done 26/07/14)
4) Andythai (Done 09/08/14 )
5) ctchua ( Done 25/07/14)
6) kristoa7 ( Done 28/07/14)
7) swagelock ( Done 29/07/14)
8) slyer ( Done 30/07/14)
9) songest ( Please post something new )
10)powerkid ( Done 31/07/14)
11)Clinton ( Done 01/08/14)
12)wally888 ( Done 02/08/14)
13)formula1 ( Done 03/08/14)
14)smgg ( Done 04/08/14)
15)president ( Done 05/08/14)
16)joyseeker ( Done 06/08/14)
17)me siam bu ( Done 07/08/14)
18) ah rat ( Done 08/08/14)
19) naka_timo ( Done 10/08/14)
20) DarthRevan ( Done 11/08/14 )
21) GeGe ( Done 12/08/14)
22) owl888
23) justdoit
24) guess67
25) fbuddy
26) Hurinecane88
27) Traex
28) Bulleye
29) joe fox
30) ebonkie
31) fatspider
32) cumexplorer
33) sunhuan-con
34) sbftiankon
35) Sailsingapore
36) max_priest
37) SureScore
Thanks for the ups.Please be patient will up one by one as soon as I recover my power. Due to the overwhelming kind support the shop is now temporarily close. I will open shop again once the list is cleared. Again many thanks to the kind support really appreciate
Pse do not up me anymore until I have cleared the list.TQ
12-08-2014, 02:24 PM
Hi bro... Upped your points :)
Upzzz you Bro kthan10 :) Cheers from Sailsingapore :D
12-08-2014, 02:24 PM
20) DarthRevan ( Done 11/08/14 )
Thank you bro masterwanker for the return upz :D
Anyone keen to exchange for my +8 daily? :)
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