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06-05-2016, 06:19 PM
any pending queue ? :)

06-05-2016, 07:20 PM
6pts for exchange~~ Upped you bro

Give 9 balls :D

06-05-2016, 07:24 PM
Exchanges welcome. Zero queue at this moment.

sc slayer
06-05-2016, 07:56 PM
Want to trade points?

06-05-2016, 08:26 PM
+12 available for +5 and above. :D

06-05-2016, 09:30 PM
10 points available for exchange. Minimum power 6 please. TQ.

06-05-2016, 09:48 PM

exchange? Min 2pts. Thks.
target 300.
Need +4pts. Thks.

siam66-where are you?
thanks for the Ups,
want to return to you.
where are you?

06-05-2016, 10:19 PM

06-05-2016, 10:47 PM
Upz Today: spas (+6 to 619)

Upz Next: 126gal

Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
__________________________________________________ _
exchange of points welcome.. will surely return points to u..

Post Expired: Priority will be given
saas / Gem08 / RedFrog / mrvin / levine / TomMaffo1ter

Error No Match: Please update me again

To Up List:
tunc / Eumiru

May 16
spas/ BBHumper / katong
Apr 16
Jubilation / SilentReader888 / Wende11a / SGP51 / Deborah / chaku / Super00 / Sex1314 / BigBird123 / Ktmakmak / esssinine / lhwalong / Madpig / HornyKingKong
Mar 16
VRossi1980 / Exbros / lonebonker / tarma69 / Goldrabbit / SkyIsMighty / QT169 / SirLance / AhSoonNo1 / SibueyJialat / skyleon / reading / mevius / arboy123
Feb 16
love2paint / mikeshinodaz / cyberkoh88 / power69 / divedeeper / Steventan / Brunt / Ramirez / aimbird / derrickboy / Moderator888 / Moderator88
Jan 16
edwinx / scooby1 / winner38 / TwinTowers / Lawrence1713 / iluvp / avkaki / chatlovers / VIETLONER / Zeith / hongkongdoggy / MattJB

Upped in 2015 (https://www.sammyboyforum.co.nz/showpost.php?p=14039709&postcount=3927)

06-05-2016, 10:54 PM
10 points available for exchange. Minimum power 6 please. TQ.

Just up you

06-05-2016, 10:57 PM
Ups you 2/5, 10.50am,
pending return.:D

returned ups.
thank u! ;)

06-05-2016, 11:16 PM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 4-Power Points who can help to up my points. My apology to those Bros & Sisters who have lesser than 4 power points & have upped my points as I won't in return up your points. Would like to seek your understanding on this requirement. Thanks.

For those Bros & Sisters who have at least 4-Power Points and have upped my points pls help to state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)

Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.

List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77, jsparrow

06-05-2016, 11:18 PM
6pts for exchange~~ Upped you bro

upped u bro :)

06-05-2016, 11:24 PM
6pts for exchange~~ Upped you bro

my humble 5 ;)

06-05-2016, 11:59 PM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power 6.

For those bros who upped me, kindly leave your nick behind so that I am able to returned the points to return. Thank you.
But with the long list, it will take quite a long time.

Following the list to be upped : bulleye, Denniswhite, anotherlife, fullofrubbish, Best123, Smoky7, ah rat, ngengheng, hungten, Ash_christiano, lglg666, norigo77, Andrew101, Mito, Jackbl, kristoa7, topcook1, owen10, Harvest, Supervert, chochochang2, Exbros, deathryuk, xxxdreamer, PocketRocket, reading, Aceyfox, loneyheart, smartke, jay.lay, conquer, silverstrike, dyelook. Exbro, sbftiankon, Fun12345, owl888, pervy sage

Upped : Siam66, SureScore, Kingsle, Goalie, Hurricane88, Tarma69, voltaredonda, justl00king, DevilChan78, CoCK ShoCk, TwinTowers, gasscut, BMW69, SimplyUnperfect, Sex crusader, ctchua, wittyman, qizai, HonestCrook, Tho66, ShaolinHamster, clinton, 胡's your daddy!, kopigaogao, Cumexplorer, Sailsingapore, bbbjkim, hamsapkwai, esssinine, waikeekee, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, shctaw, meatvegelove, Apollo, powerkid, Sexy_lion, tinalam, Kalv, bigbirdbird, cash8877, manu_no7, Josh_Ray, Lamborghini, jc_wtc, Botakhead, S.B.Y.1, p00t, Froster, crackpod, masterwanker, cyberkoh88, The Old Nite, hairy_abalone, DarthRevan, badboys, wohaha96, bunty, NorthEast, bababoo, compgen, marlboroken


The following list of bros, please start a new posting so that I am able to up and returned your points : bulleye, Denniswhite, anotherlife, fullofrubbish


07-05-2016, 12:47 AM
Bros as listed below, you are on my return upzzzz list !!


bigbirdbird - upped in returned 21/11/15, 7pm
bukit mewah - upped in returned 22/11/15, 11pm
Kingsle - upped in returned 24/11/15, 11am
Rasta Marley - upped in returned 25/11/15, 11am
dysfunk - upped in returned 26/11/15, 4pm
Sailsingapore - upped in returned 27/11/15, 7pm
voltaredonda - upped in returned 29/11/15, 9am
SureScore - upped in returned 30/11/15, 4pm
Goalie - upped in returned 1/12/15, 4pm
lonebonker - upped in returned 3/12/15, 2am
ctchua - upped in returned 4/12/15, 2pm
Supervert - upped in returned 5/12/15, 3pm
CoCk shock - upped in returned 6/12/15, 3pm
PeaceKris - upped in returned 7/12/15, 5pm
Hurricane88 - upped in returned 8/12/15, 7pm
Truthful - upped in returned 14/12/15, 3pm
HayDay - upped in returned 15/12/15, 6pm
ClownTeaser- upped in returned 17/12/15, 2am
manu_no7 - upped in returned 20/12/15, 4pm
El bistro - upped in returned 21/12/15, 6pm
mplover- upped in returned 23/12/15, 11am
JustANewbie- upped in returned 24/12/15, 3pm
Informer- upped in returned 28/12/15, 3pm
owl888- upped in returned 30/12/15, 6pm
Koiz- upped in returned 02/01/16, 4am
JJmagic- upped in returned 03/01/16, 4pm
PPGirl- upped in returned 04/01/16, 5pm
szczesny- upped in returned 05/01/16, 7pm
curiousSG- upped in returned 06/01/16, 7pm
Sexy_lion- upped in returned 07/01/16, 7pm
madpig88- upped in returned 10/01/16, 2am
baigonggong- upped in returned 12/01/16, 9am
gasscut- upped in returned 13/01/16, 6pm
S.B.Y.1- upped in returned 14/01/16, 11pm
anotherlife- upped in returned 16/01/16, 1pm
Vrossi1980- upped in returned 17/01/16, 2pm
wally888- upped in returned 18/01/16, 5pm
lobangkingz- upped in returned 20/01/16, 9am
Slyer- upped in returned 21/01/16, 4pm
TellManyLies- upped in returned 22/01/16, 6pm
Tingtonglove- upped in returned 24/01/16, 6pm
hairy_abalone- upped in returned 26/01/16, 12pm
Gem08- upped in returned 27/01/16, 4pm
badboys- upped in returned 28/01/16, 4pm
Lemon2- upped in returned 29/01/16, 7pm
SirLance- upped in returned 01/02/16, 2am
SimplyUnperfect- upped in returned 02/02/16, 12pm
vampangel- upped in returned 03/02/16, 6pm
Greenfrog- upped in returned 06/02/16, 11pm
johnboy- upped in returned 09/02/16, 11pm
ah rat- upped in returned 12/02/16, 10am
Prince7- upped in returned 14/02/16, 11am
ProjectAlice - upped in returned 15/02/16, 6pm
Dom1976- upped in returned 17/02/16, 2pm
withouteuu- upped 19/02/16, 4pm
conquer - upped 22/02/16, 7pm
dyelook- upped 28/02/16, 4pm
devilchan78- upped 02/03/16, 7pm
Ktmakmak- upped 04/03/16, 7pm
Cafu- upped 06/03/16, 3pm
99099- upped 08/03/16, 1pm
AhSoonNo1- upped 17/03/16, 8pm
SibueyJialat- upped 07/05/16, 12am

Thank you bros for all your support. :D

Can bro bulleye & starbuck & guess67 put up a new posting so that I can upped your points.
PM to me after you have put up your posting.

07-05-2016, 01:52 AM
Please up me bros so that we can exchange!

07-05-2016, 05:45 AM
can i Exchange points 2 :D:D

07-05-2016, 06:31 AM
can i Exchange points 2 :D:D

up u +3 for your consideration :)

07-05-2016, 06:32 AM
siam66-where are you?
thanks for the Ups,
want to return to you.
where are you?

Upz you my 4 points. :)

07-05-2016, 06:38 AM
can i Exchange points 2 :D:D

upped you bro:)

07-05-2016, 07:05 AM
10 points available for exchange. Minimum power 6 please. TQ.

Upz you, have a nice day.

07-05-2016, 07:32 AM
9 points for exchange, all are welcome

07-05-2016, 09:08 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power 6 .

For those who upped me , kindly pse leave your nick behind . No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : massage ; stiffness ; Ryuuken ; ArowanaBullet ; Linkus ; fatty_leo ; BenjiGlory ; BrillantKnight ; xtr3 ; Inceptor ; leumas ; alanthedevil ; Doriemus ; Skycarpenter ; conquer ; tarma69 ; mazda1947 ; luvuass ; BlueCondor ; Alfonse ; ReddySpeed ; InnocentStar ; Islands ; volokov ; xiaoreno ; rrr9g ; acemanfred55 ; Binbin81 ; Oh yes ; zl1983 ; sex-newbie ; Analingusman ; hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed :

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up _________again.

07-05-2016, 09:48 AM
11 pts for exchg daily.
min 8 to exchg

07-05-2016, 10:26 AM
upz brothers

07-05-2016, 10:54 AM
hey dudes how to exchange points?

07-05-2016, 11:04 AM
Can exchange points.

Min 5 points to trade. Uplist - Nil.

07-05-2016, 11:12 AM
Exchanges welcome. Zero queue at this moment.


07-05-2016, 11:24 AM
back for exchange!
Good morning. Many thanks for your kind return. Greatly appreciated. :) Wishing you a nice day.

07-05-2016, 11:42 AM
I have upped back Ah Pink and the following bros: ctchua , Sanuuk, siam66, Koiz, szczesny, PeaceKris, ClownTeaser

Thanks :)

Upped you 3 points to trade.

07-05-2016, 11:45 AM
7 points for exchange. Zero queue for now :)

07-05-2016, 11:56 AM
7 points for exchange. Zero queue for now :)

+3 for you.

07-05-2016, 01:47 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 3 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )

07-05-2016, 01:53 PM
+3 for you.

Returned 4 points :D

07-05-2016, 02:17 PM
7 points for exchange. Zero queue for now :)

My humble points added to you to trade.

07-05-2016, 03:08 PM
15 green apples returned to Steventan today

Another 15 green apples available for exchange today.

Green apples will be return daily.

Do join in the queue if you are interested.

Thank you :)

Note: Priority will be given to bros with the HIGHEST POWER.

Next To Up List: LuckyKnight (+6), plantronic (+4), szczesny (+4)

New Post Required KIV List:RenaCross (+5), KimEmma (+5), SuperbLoverBoy (+5)

Already Up List: Lamborghini, Hurricane88, SureScore, Redapple26, simple2kee, sgiceboy, Naka_Timo, Cumexplorer, justl00king, Kalv, Nato17, xxxdreamer, waikeekee, submarinez, sex crusader, xlao, loneyheart, kyc2110, Apollo, mobliepod, Goalie, PPGirl, Rickey, sam30sg, nitecrawllerr, marlboroken, justfuckit, qizai, songest, lookingaround, NorthEast, compgen, ah rat, smartke, formula1, ShaolinHamster, clinton, wittyman, venussg, DrPussy, HonestCrook, lglg666, President, MMKing, fdomme, siam66, SEAJ, hardone, 胡's your daddy!, nocturnal1984, GeGe, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, Cash8877, aalibaba, joHnnyBoy90, laoba, SimplyUnperfect, cupid, MimeBoxer, Cafu, hayhay, beautyhunter, BMW69, bestlicker, saas, Josh_Ray, starbuck, acemanfred55, cumminology, Swagelock, watssupp, SMGG, Tnuc111, Joe Fox, Pervy Sage, JustANewbie, hornyhubby, Ramirez, macktamer, Koiz, andrew101, Hilary, ClownTeaser, Nitro Trans, justdoit, Devil-Man, PeaceKris, ProjectAlice, 002nabe, lovecim, conly, reading, oxeso, Acegik, sexy_lion, FeiGohGoh, jc_wtc, Yakuza, mazda1947, jimfairy, Javabeans, mePoke, memorablez, TingTongLove, jorje, 222nge, devilchan78, S.B.Y.1, hamsapkwai, esssinine, Woei, bunty, ken6890, Mito, guess67, shctaw, GoldRabbit, bbbjkim, Hanster, surbana, wpns, best123, snowcap, FishingPartner, Babarella, Spector69, HunnyCame888, BlueFinTuna, bk81665, masters, chaku, PeroPero, 99099, Supervert, iSaigon, Doubledare, Rasta Marley, Baigonggong, SirRumble, slyer, iphone1s, bizbiz, le113ru, Gem08, ComplainKing, BrillantKnight, masterwanker, Kuan Aik Hong, buzett, koebshaq0_0, ShiningGlory, More, AceAmando, Devil Reds, BlickBassy, Fishypartner, Abastor, takashi31400, KohOnly21, Evetan86, sleeping, Big Sister80, XiaoLaoPO, norigo77, 1deg, kthan10, sc slayer, urgg, JollyOne, GoldPool, CherryQQ, Jubilation, FookKew, b00bs, hairy_abalone, Ho-Lee, JokerDeBest, charcoalfilter, RedFrog, Lemon2, Treemon99, NRider, PowerSeh, raw1, bigbirdbird, Zacelfron, igor123, SingaHarimau, LeeHsienLoong, w00f, Greenfrog, Happyman007, VRossi1980, Raddy69, madpig88, curiousSG, Xxon, hakone, NastyThaiboy, Skypiea, BK4ever, MPLover, Truthful, JohnnyStorm, BBHumper, tarma69, mantaray73, MagicEight, Guardsmen, lion81, gilaxes, Coronet Peak, wester22, pompy, KnightScorpio, randily, crackpod, damong777, OserbergGold, manu_no7, tinalam, VoltaRedonda, fun12345, Sailsingapore, Shoot To Target, wally888, chatlovers, ctchua, Black Page, Abbie Mayo, ChinaAngel, CherryPickle, wohaha96, retepoet, zl1983, simifly, bababoo, gasscut, smoky7, anotherlife, Harvest, Arse-nal, Tho66, Young Hero, ReelSchnick, lobowolf, meatvegelove, SunRayys, skyscrape, sbftiankon, The Old Nite, clapton, ReddySpeed, ExBro, divedeeper, Ladypink, Nzkiwi, skyleon, Ashbirdy, Milobing, Spicy98, tittytitty, MattJB, ExBros, sg50, owl888, deathryuk, SkyBandit, plsfloodme, kopigaogao, VIETLONER, ml1138, Don28, ivan_tan00, aloius, pocketrocket, sinjktcnx, Love 6969, fullofrubbish, Froster, Regaine, Islands, JulianLuther, dyelook, howgoodisthat, Analingusman, BroRelax, Madpig, SnowLeopards, i44444, DarthRevan, lawbah, chochochang2, BlueCondor, SeanSky, oldslywolf, FireShark, DJMixologist, max_priest, BikinisLover, James Teo, sggirls, InnocentStar, 0808, mevius, lalala89, Brunt, RapidoBoy, Eternal Luck, kristoa7, SilentMan, RisingShadow, SkyCarpenter, Joyluck, QT169, Born1988, HornyKingKong, ArowanaBullet, dysfunk, bigtube99, BenjiGlory, marc5, BulleYe, bluezben, Blackcloud, sanuuk, Wu Song Jr, lonebonker, 126gal, oFudge, conquer, cyberkoh88, CoCK ShoCk, Steventan

07-05-2016, 04:50 PM
Hi Bro Upped you 7 pts for trade!

Jus upped u +9

07-05-2016, 06:04 PM
Hi Bro Upped you 7 pts for trade!

Hi, up u back , thanks! :D

To Up List:
blackcloud, conquer, gasscut, justl00king, BenjiGlory, Black Page, BBHumper, BikinisLover, aloius, sbftiankon, more, Belt

Bluezben, wally888, SibueyJialat, AhSoonNo1, SkyIsMighty, Wu Song Jr. ProjectAlice, Exbro, Nzkiwi, Harvest, Milobing, InnocentStar, bluerabbit, lone_dog69, Tingtonglove, SimplyUnperfect, owen10, loneyheart, Prince7, lglg666, Javabeans, memorablez, ho-lee, tarma69, cyberkoh88, baigonggong, Eternal Luck, Supervert, Greenfrog, deathryuk, GoldRabbit, silverstrike, ComplainKing, lonebonker, JokerDeBest, CherryPickle, Kuan Aik Hong, Ktmakmak, crackpod, ZacCommand, skyleon, i^Xi0n, Smoky7, Denniswhite, Fun12345, bunty, fullofrubbish, SilentMan, Naka_timo, Cafu, ReelSchnick, bulleye, Informer, Treemon99, El bistro, p00t, RapidoBoy, ctchua, Doubledare, lobangkingz, Exbros, jc_wtc, grey82, CoCk shoCk, meatvegelove, Spicy98, 1deg, Mito, chochochang2, norigo77, DarthRevan, tuyet, voltaredonda, REYA, SirLance, powerkid, madpig88, anotherlife, badboys, hairy_abalone, surbana, starbuck, truthful, Slyer, tinalam, dysfunk, jay.lay, mePoke, S.B.Y.1, Sleepyguy2, owl888, compgen, cashcow, Nitro Trans, masterwanker, curiousSG, dyelook, wohaha96, Josh_Ray, kristoa7, Sailsingapore, esssinine, hamsapkwai, smartke, Lamborghini, Tho66, DevilChan78, cash8877, Rasta Marley, raw1, Kingsle, manu_no7, reading, simifly, guess67, ramirez, Chaku, Clownteaser, Koiz, vrossi1980, PeaceKris, mplover, bk4ever, hardone, mantaray73, Sexy_lion, JJmagic, Kalv, marlboroken, justanewbie, bbbjkim, ah rat, basfreak, sponge05, ebonkie, SureScore, Goalie, Hurricane88, BMW69, Rickey, Laoba, wittyman,HonestCrook, Jorje, Swagelock, Cumexplorer, 胡's your daddy!, waikeekee, ShaolinHamster, NorthEast, Apollo, Drpussy, clinton, NastyThaiboy, Pervy Sage

Please PM me with your new post:
Abastor, Xxon, igor123, JulianLuther, ReddySpeed, unknown2013, Jojoboy, yakuza

07-05-2016, 07:29 PM
Tingtong up :p

Done, No waiting list at the moment! exchange 1 point are welcome

07-05-2016, 07:44 PM
Done, No waiting list at the moment! exchange 1 point are welcome

Up 10 claws :D

sc slayer
07-05-2016, 08:47 PM
Want to exchange points?

07-05-2016, 09:13 PM
All exchange are welcome. :)

07-05-2016, 09:26 PM
Anyone looking for me ??? ... to return rep points ???

:D I am here !!! :D I am here !!! :D


07-05-2016, 10:51 PM
Hi Bro Upped you 7 pts for trade!

Bro bluezben, had returned your nice gesture!

Cheers and enjoy!

07-05-2016, 11:08 PM
13+ to up daily.

Exchange for min power of 3 & above. Priority Q for min power of 10 & above.

Only ONE in up list queue now.

Please remember to PM me after up and I will return fast :)

NB: Min points to exchange will up when target is reach.

07-05-2016, 11:09 PM
Upz Today: Eumiru (+6 to 83)

Upz Next: bigtube99

Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
exchange of points welcome.. will surely return points to u..

Post Expired: Priority will be given
saas / Gem08 / RedFrog / mrvin / levine / TomMaffo1ter / 126gal

Error No Match/Invalid User specified: Please update me again
Steady / tunc

To Up List:
nitefalcon / sg50

May 16
Eumiru / spas/ BBHumper / katong
Apr 16
Jubilation / SilentReader888 / Wende11a / SGP51 / Deborah / chaku / Super00 / Sex1314 / BigBird123 / Ktmakmak / esssinine / lhwalong / Madpig / HornyKingKong
Mar 16
VRossi1980 / Exbros / lonebonker / tarma69 / Goldrabbit / SkyIsMighty / QT169 / SirLance / AhSoonNo1 / SibueyJialat / skyleon / reading / mevius / arboy123
Feb 16
love2paint / mikeshinodaz / cyberkoh88 / power69 / divedeeper / Steventan / Brunt / Ramirez / aimbird / derrickboy / Moderator888 / Moderator88
Jan 16
edwinx / scooby1 / winner38 / TwinTowers / Lawrence1713 / iluvp / avkaki / chatlovers / VIETLONER / Zeith / hongkongdoggy / MattJB

Upped in 2015 (https://www.sammyboyforum.co.nz/showpost.php?p=14039709&postcount=3927)

07-05-2016, 11:35 PM
Jus upped u +9

bro fire u up 2 shots kopi gao gao :D

08-05-2016, 02:15 AM
Done, No waiting list at the moment! exchange 1 point are welcome

hi bro, pls remember me. Lots of Thanks

08-05-2016, 03:32 AM
10 points available for exchange. Minimum power 6 please. TQ.

Hi Bro, upped you 7 pts for trade~

08-05-2016, 06:17 AM
Done, No waiting list at the moment! exchange 1 point are welcome

12 positive points added :D

08-05-2016, 07:27 AM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 4-Power Points who can help to up my points. My apology to those Bros & Sisters who have lesser than 4 power points & have upped my points as I won't in return up your points. Would like to seek your understanding on this requirement. Thanks.

For those Bros & Sisters who have at least 4-Power Points and have upped my points pls help to state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)

Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.

List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77, jsparrow

08-05-2016, 07:35 AM
9 points for exchange, all are welcome

08-05-2016, 07:36 AM
zero queue, all upz shall be returned withOut fail :D

Good morning. Many thanks for your very generous return. Most grateful :) Have a nice weekend.

08-05-2016, 08:19 AM
hi bro, pls remember me. Lots of Thanks

up u +3 for your consideration :)

08-05-2016, 08:20 AM
Can exchange points.

Min 5 points to trade. Uplist - Nil.

08-05-2016, 09:06 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power 6 .

For those who upped me , kindly pse leave your nick behind . No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : A+++ ; massage ; stiffness ; Ryuuken ; ArowanaBullet ; Linkus ; fatty_leo ; BenjiGlory ; BrillantKnight ; xtr3 ; Inceptor ; leumas ; alanthedevil ; Doriemus ; Skycarpenter ; conquer ; tarma69 ; mazda1947 ; luvuass ; BlueCondor ; Alfonse ; ReddySpeed ; InnocentStar ; Islands ; volokov ; xiaoreno ; rrr9g ; acemanfred55 ; Binbin81 ; Oh yes ; zl1983 ; sex-newbie ; Analingusman ; hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed :

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up _________again.

08-05-2016, 09:11 AM
up list empty , any one :D

08-05-2016, 10:36 AM
Bro bluezben, had returned your nice gesture!

Cheers and enjoy!

Upz you my 4 points. :)

08-05-2016, 10:48 AM
Done, No waiting list at the moment! exchange 1 point are welcome

Upz you, have a nice day.

08-05-2016, 10:56 AM
Done, No waiting list at the moment!

Just upped you back 3. Thanks.

08-05-2016, 02:07 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 3 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )

08-05-2016, 02:12 PM
Appreciation ! :)
upz upz upz
T.Q. v. much to...bro SteelX...for returning favour so super quickly wif his generous points ! :)...Deeply appreciated !...Cheers !

08-05-2016, 02:30 PM
Appreciation ! :)

T.Q. v. much to...bro SteelX...for returning favour so super quickly wif his generous points ! :)...Deeply appreciated !...Cheers !

Upped you bro :)

08-05-2016, 03:15 PM
15 green apples returned to LuckyKnight today

Another 15 green apples available for exchange today.

Green apples will be return daily.

Do join in the queue if you are interested.

Thank you :)

Note: Priority will be given to bros with the HIGHEST POWER.

Next To Up List: Evileyes (+14), plantronic (+4), szczesny (+4)

New Post Required KIV List:RenaCross (+5), KimEmma (+5), SuperbLoverBoy (+5)

Already Up List: Lamborghini, Hurricane88, SureScore, Redapple26, simple2kee, sgiceboy, Naka_Timo, Cumexplorer, justl00king, Kalv, Nato17, xxxdreamer, waikeekee, submarinez, sex crusader, xlao, loneyheart, kyc2110, Apollo, mobliepod, Goalie, PPGirl, Rickey, sam30sg, nitecrawllerr, marlboroken, justfuckit, qizai, songest, lookingaround, NorthEast, compgen, ah rat, smartke, formula1, ShaolinHamster, clinton, wittyman, venussg, DrPussy, HonestCrook, lglg666, President, MMKing, fdomme, siam66, SEAJ, hardone, 胡's your daddy!, nocturnal1984, GeGe, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, Cash8877, aalibaba, joHnnyBoy90, laoba, SimplyUnperfect, cupid, MimeBoxer, Cafu, hayhay, beautyhunter, BMW69, bestlicker, saas, Josh_Ray, starbuck, acemanfred55, cumminology, Swagelock, watssupp, SMGG, Tnuc111, Joe Fox, Pervy Sage, JustANewbie, hornyhubby, Ramirez, macktamer, Koiz, andrew101, Hilary, ClownTeaser, Nitro Trans, justdoit, Devil-Man, PeaceKris, ProjectAlice, 002nabe, lovecim, conly, reading, oxeso, Acegik, sexy_lion, FeiGohGoh, jc_wtc, Yakuza, mazda1947, jimfairy, Javabeans, mePoke, memorablez, TingTongLove, jorje, 222nge, devilchan78, S.B.Y.1, hamsapkwai, esssinine, Woei, bunty, ken6890, Mito, guess67, shctaw, GoldRabbit, bbbjkim, Hanster, surbana, wpns, best123, snowcap, FishingPartner, Babarella, Spector69, HunnyCame888, BlueFinTuna, bk81665, masters, chaku, PeroPero, 99099, Supervert, iSaigon, Doubledare, Rasta Marley, Baigonggong, SirRumble, slyer, iphone1s, bizbiz, le113ru, Gem08, ComplainKing, BrillantKnight, masterwanker, Kuan Aik Hong, buzett, koebshaq0_0, ShiningGlory, More, AceAmando, Devil Reds, BlickBassy, Fishypartner, Abastor, takashi31400, KohOnly21, Evetan86, sleeping, Big Sister80, XiaoLaoPO, norigo77, 1deg, kthan10, sc slayer, urgg, JollyOne, GoldPool, CherryQQ, Jubilation, FookKew, b00bs, hairy_abalone, Ho-Lee, JokerDeBest, charcoalfilter, RedFrog, Lemon2, Treemon99, NRider, PowerSeh, raw1, bigbirdbird, Zacelfron, igor123, SingaHarimau, LeeHsienLoong, w00f, Greenfrog, Happyman007, VRossi1980, Raddy69, madpig88, curiousSG, Xxon, hakone, NastyThaiboy, Skypiea, BK4ever, MPLover, Truthful, JohnnyStorm, BBHumper, tarma69, mantaray73, MagicEight, Guardsmen, lion81, gilaxes, Coronet Peak, wester22, pompy, KnightScorpio, randily, crackpod, damong777, OserbergGold, manu_no7, tinalam, VoltaRedonda, fun12345, Sailsingapore, Shoot To Target, wally888, chatlovers, ctchua, Black Page, Abbie Mayo, ChinaAngel, CherryPickle, wohaha96, retepoet, zl1983, simifly, bababoo, gasscut, smoky7, anotherlife, Harvest, Arse-nal, Tho66, Young Hero, ReelSchnick, lobowolf, meatvegelove, SunRayys, skyscrape, sbftiankon, The Old Nite, clapton, ReddySpeed, ExBro, divedeeper, Ladypink, Nzkiwi, skyleon, Ashbirdy, Milobing, Spicy98, tittytitty, MattJB, ExBros, sg50, owl888, deathryuk, SkyBandit, plsfloodme, kopigaogao, VIETLONER, ml1138, Don28, ivan_tan00, aloius, pocketrocket, sinjktcnx, Love 6969, fullofrubbish, Froster, Regaine, Islands, JulianLuther, dyelook, howgoodisthat, Analingusman, BroRelax, Madpig, SnowLeopards, i44444, DarthRevan, lawbah, chochochang2, BlueCondor, SeanSky, oldslywolf, FireShark, DJMixologist, max_priest, BikinisLover, James Teo, sggirls, InnocentStar, 0808, mevius, lalala89, Brunt, RapidoBoy, Eternal Luck, kristoa7, SilentMan, RisingShadow, SkyCarpenter, Joyluck, QT169, Born1988, HornyKingKong, ArowanaBullet, dysfunk, bigtube99, BenjiGlory, marc5, BulleYe, bluezben, Blackcloud, sanuuk, Wu Song Jr, lonebonker, 126gal, oFudge, conquer, cyberkoh88, CoCK ShoCk, Steventan, LuckyKnight

08-05-2016, 03:44 PM
Hi Bro, upped you 7 pts for trade~

Returned. Thks!

10 points available for exchange. Minimum power 6 please. TQ.

08-05-2016, 03:50 PM
Go holidays ... just come back.... returned Upz...

Exchange for today & tmr.


08-05-2016, 03:52 PM
up u +3 for your consideration :)

hi bro tomorrow will return

08-05-2016, 04:54 PM
Go holidays ... just come back.... returned Upz...

Exchange for today & tmr.


Jus upped u +9

08-05-2016, 04:59 PM
Queue empty.

Min 6pts to exchange.


08-05-2016, 05:18 PM
Returned. Thks!

10 points available for exchange. Minimum power 6 please. TQ.

Up u 10 bro...

08-05-2016, 07:35 PM
Queue empty.

Min 6pts to exchange.


aloius up 11pts to trade

08-05-2016, 08:52 PM
any pending queue ?:)

08-05-2016, 08:55 PM
Upped you bro :)
T.Q. bro for yr upzz :)...will return you favour asap !..Cheers !

08-05-2016, 09:23 PM
Upz you my 4 points. :)

Noted, Many Thanks,
will return by tomorrow.

sc slayer
08-05-2016, 09:56 PM
Want to trade points?

08-05-2016, 10:44 PM
Anyone looking for me ??? ... to return rep points ???

:D I am here !!! :D I am here !!! :D


08-05-2016, 11:04 PM
13+ to up daily.

Exchange for min power of 3 & above. Priority Q for min power of 10 & above.

Only ONE in up list queue now.

Please remember to PM me after up and I will return fast :)

NB: Min points to exchange will up when target is reach.

08-05-2016, 11:09 PM
Upz Today: nitefalcon (+6 to 53)

Upz Next: sg50

Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
exchange of points welcome.. will surely return points to u..

Post Expired: Priority will be given
saas / Gem08 / RedFrog / mrvin / levine / TomMaffo1ter / 126gal / bigtube99

Error No Match/Invalid User specified: Please update me again
Steady / tunc

To Up List:

May 16
nitefalcon / Eumiru / spas/ BBHumper / katong
Apr 16
Jubilation / SilentReader888 / Wende11a / SGP51 / Deborah / chaku / Super00 / Sex1314 / BigBird123 / Ktmakmak / esssinine / lhwalong / Madpig / HornyKingKong
Mar 16
VRossi1980 / Exbros / lonebonker / tarma69 / Goldrabbit / SkyIsMighty / QT169 / SirLance / AhSoonNo1 / SibueyJialat / skyleon / reading / mevius / arboy123
Feb 16
love2paint / mikeshinodaz / cyberkoh88 / power69 / divedeeper / Steventan / Brunt / Ramirez / aimbird / derrickboy / Moderator888 / Moderator88
Jan 16
edwinx / scooby1 / winner38 / TwinTowers / Lawrence1713 / iluvp / avkaki / chatlovers / VIETLONER / Zeith / hongkongdoggy / MattJB

Upped in 2015 (https://www.sammyboyforum.co.nz/showpost.php?p=14039709&postcount=3927)

09-05-2016, 12:14 AM
1deg,胡's your daddy!,
Acemanfred55,Ah rat,Andrew101,anotherlife,Apollo,arse-nal,
Badboys,Baigonggong,basfreak,bbbjkim,BBhumper,beau tyhunter,benjiglory,best123,brillantknight,brunt,B ulleYe,
Cash8877,Chatlovers,Chochochang2,Clinton,ClownTeas er,Compgen,Crackpod,ctchua,CumExplorer,curiousSG,c yberkoh88,
hairy_abalone,hamsapkwai,hayDay,honestcrook,hunten ,hurricane88,
Jason.8987,jc_wtc,JJMagic,josh_ray,justhorny,Just looking,jy8987,
Madpig88,malboroken,manu_no7,menshealth,,mePoke,mp lover,
Sadlonelyguyer,Sailsingapore,sbftiankon,sc slayer,Sexy_lion,ShaolinHamster,shctaw,simifly,sim plyunperfect,slyer,smartke,smoky7,songest,sponge05 ,Starbuck,surescore,
waikeekee,wally888,wittyman,woei,wohaha96,wu song Jr,

Going to up....
saas,tnuc111,sirRumble,SEAJ,joyseeker,Doubledare,n itecrawller,mmking,chailai,swagelock,just_did_it,s zczesny,KimEmma,Laoba,masterwanker,informer,aceyfo x,S.B.Y.1,complainKing,ahpek64,aceamando,submarine z,oldslywolf,kristoa7,norigo77,jokerdebest,bunty,l ifeduos,lobangkingz,fullofrubbish,harvest,Exbro,la dypink,Ramirez,darthrevan,treemon99,conquer,jay.la y,Javabeans,mito,aloius,botakhead,plsfloodme,eumir u,
Thanks for all the upped!!!

Will up u back, CCS.
(btw I am a sis, lollll)

09-05-2016, 01:42 AM
Just upped you back 3. Thanks.

upped u =) have a good week!

09-05-2016, 02:29 AM
up u +3 for your consideration :)

Thanks Returned...

09-05-2016, 06:48 AM
6 for you, start of the week.
Have a great day.

Hi, up u back , thanks! :D

To Up List:
blackcloud, conquer, gasscut, justl00king, BenjiGlory, Black Page, BBHumper, BikinisLover, aloius, sbftiankon, more, Belt

Bluezben, wally888, SibueyJialat, AhSoonNo1, SkyIsMighty, Wu Song Jr. ProjectAlice, Exbro, Nzkiwi, Harvest, Milobing, InnocentStar, bluerabbit, lone_dog69, Tingtonglove, SimplyUnperfect, owen10, loneyheart, Prince7, lglg666, Javabeans, memorablez, ho-lee, tarma69, cyberkoh88, baigonggong, Eternal Luck, Supervert, Greenfrog, deathryuk, GoldRabbit, silverstrike, ComplainKing, lonebonker, JokerDeBest, CherryPickle, Kuan Aik Hong, Ktmakmak, crackpod, ZacCommand, skyleon, i^Xi0n, Smoky7, Denniswhite, Fun12345, bunty, fullofrubbish, SilentMan, Naka_timo, Cafu, ReelSchnick, bulleye, Informer, Treemon99, El bistro, p00t, RapidoBoy, ctchua, Doubledare, lobangkingz, Exbros, jc_wtc, grey82, CoCk shoCk, meatvegelove, Spicy98, 1deg, Mito, chochochang2, norigo77, DarthRevan, tuyet, voltaredonda, REYA, SirLance, powerkid, madpig88, anotherlife, badboys, hairy_abalone, surbana, starbuck, truthful, Slyer, tinalam, dysfunk, jay.lay, mePoke, S.B.Y.1, Sleepyguy2, owl888, compgen, cashcow, Nitro Trans, masterwanker, curiousSG, dyelook, wohaha96, Josh_Ray, kristoa7, Sailsingapore, esssinine, hamsapkwai, smartke, Lamborghini, Tho66, DevilChan78, cash8877, Rasta Marley, raw1, Kingsle, manu_no7, reading, simifly, guess67, ramirez, Chaku, Clownteaser, Koiz, vrossi1980, PeaceKris, mplover, bk4ever, hardone, mantaray73, Sexy_lion, JJmagic, Kalv, marlboroken, justanewbie, bbbjkim, ah rat, basfreak, sponge05, ebonkie, SureScore, Goalie, Hurricane88, BMW69, Rickey, Laoba, wittyman,HonestCrook, Jorje, Swagelock, Cumexplorer, 胡's your daddy!, waikeekee, ShaolinHamster, NorthEast, Apollo, Drpussy, clinton, NastyThaiboy, Pervy Sage

Please PM me with your new post:
Abastor, Xxon, igor123, JulianLuther, ReddySpeed, unknown2013, Jojoboy, yakuza

09-05-2016, 07:37 AM
9 points for exchange, all are welcome

09-05-2016, 08:21 AM
zero queue, all upz shall be returned withOut fail :D

Happy Monday. Very grateful for your very prompt / generous return. Many thanks. :) Wishing you a wonderful week.

09-05-2016, 08:27 AM
Bro, just up you +9..:D

Upped you 3 points to trade.

09-05-2016, 08:28 AM
All brothers & sisters welcome to exchange points.

09-05-2016, 08:40 AM
Just up 13 points, jc_wtc

Queue empty.

Min 6pts to exchange.


09-05-2016, 08:46 AM
Latest upz : BinBin81 Next on target list : (too long to list)

Exchange acknowledgements :

(Note: I will no longer list the nicks of those who returned my points as there is 4k character limit when composing a message.)

So here's a BIG "Thank You" to all

*Special mention :
All higher power bros who put me in their queue and return my upz
Most points (+48) received to date > Naka_Timo
Upped and immediately added me as a friend > eBonkie
Unable to return as acct was removed > drrtt
Did not meet their req or/and upped me 1st esp when they are higher power (+5) >
Ho-Lee, Kass, Volcano, Xtr3, CTChua, Kuan_Aik_Hong, Surbana, Wally888, GohZXC, NewYorker88, FatSpider, SunHuan-Con, Bunty, VoltaRedonda, SimiFly, Rasta Marley, Halogen019, Tiko, Retepoet, Prince7, Wu Song Jr, AnotherLife, BadBoys, Innoncent$, Reya, Mr Romeo, Conquer, AlanTheGreat. Reuters

To compliment :
humhum (MiA), roamario (MiA), ....
(Note : Priority given to those higher power than me. Returning up once every fortnight for the rest.)

Awaiting their return upz :
17-04-2015 08:10 AM big_ben (MiA)
21-04-2015 10:08 AM SiPayChun (MiA)
24-04-2015 10:13 AM Pikadrian83 (MiA)
11-07-2015 08:56 AM tinalam (min 7 power):(
04-12-2015 08:37 AM Evetan86 (min 5 power)
23-12-2015 08:04 AM Ash_Christiano
28-12-2015 08:20 AM More (min 5 power)
01-01-2016 08:54 AM Sweetprcbabes2
04-01-2016 08:07 AM 3ssss
06-01-2016 09:42 AM Big Sister80
13-02-2016 08:37 AM Rookies
18-02-2016 08:26 AM Shoot To Target (min 5 power)
07-03-2016 08:22 AM Sweetgemss
07-04-2016 09:45 AM Brunt

* * * Alert : Search function returns result off by 2-3 pages. * * *

09-05-2016, 08:52 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power 6 .

For those who upped me , kindly pse leave your nick behind . No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : A+++ ; massage ; stiffness ; Ryuuken ; ArowanaBullet ; Linkus ; fatty_leo ; BenjiGlory ; BrillantKnight ; xtr3 ; Inceptor ; leumas ; alanthedevil ; Doriemus ; Skycarpenter ; conquer ; tarma69 ; mazda1947 ; luvuass ; BlueCondor ; Alfonse ; ReddySpeed ; InnocentStar ; Islands ; volokov ; xiaoreno ; rrr9g ; acemanfred55 ; Binbin81 ; Oh yes ; zl1983 ; sex-newbie ; Analingusman ; hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed :

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up _________again.

09-05-2016, 08:57 AM
Noted, Many Thanks,
will return by tomorrow.

up u kopi gao gao! :)

09-05-2016, 09:19 AM
Bro, just up you +9..:D

Joining your queue, upz you 3 points

09-05-2016, 10:41 AM
Can exchange points.

Min 5 points to trade. Uplist - Nil.

09-05-2016, 12:29 PM
Welcome exchange of points !!! Return of +8 !!! Minimum 1 points for Exchange!

09-05-2016, 12:58 PM
upped u =) have a good week!

Thanks. have returned 3 to you already...all exchanges welcome.

09-05-2016, 01:15 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 3 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )

09-05-2016, 01:29 PM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!


Up & Returned List:
jc_wtc / fookydud / hot1168 / Fun12345 / naemlo / Cumexplorer / Linkus /

Queue List:
*empty as of now*

Need New Post:
*empty as of now*

Target: 2500 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

09-05-2016, 01:51 PM
Upz you my 4 points. :)

Thanks bro.
Hectorlove returned +5 love hearts to u.

09-05-2016, 01:53 PM
Welcome exchange of points !!! Return of +8 !!! Minimum 1 points for Exchange!

Upz you my 4 points. :)

09-05-2016, 01:56 PM
Bros as listed below, you are on my return upzzzz list !!


bigbirdbird - upped in returned 21/11/15, 7pm
bukit mewah - upped in returned 22/11/15, 11pm
Kingsle - upped in returned 24/11/15, 11am
Rasta Marley - upped in returned 25/11/15, 11am
dysfunk - upped in returned 26/11/15, 4pm
Sailsingapore - upped in returned 27/11/15, 7pm
voltaredonda - upped in returned 29/11/15, 9am
SureScore - upped in returned 30/11/15, 4pm
Goalie - upped in returned 1/12/15, 4pm
lonebonker - upped in returned 3/12/15, 2am
ctchua - upped in returned 4/12/15, 2pm
Supervert - upped in returned 5/12/15, 3pm
CoCk shock - upped in returned 6/12/15, 3pm
PeaceKris - upped in returned 7/12/15, 5pm
Hurricane88 - upped in returned 8/12/15, 7pm
Truthful - upped in returned 14/12/15, 3pm
HayDay - upped in returned 15/12/15, 6pm
ClownTeaser- upped in returned 17/12/15, 2am
manu_no7 - upped in returned 20/12/15, 4pm
El bistro - upped in returned 21/12/15, 6pm
mplover- upped in returned 23/12/15, 11am
JustANewbie- upped in returned 24/12/15, 3pm
Informer- upped in returned 28/12/15, 3pm
owl888- upped in returned 30/12/15, 6pm
Koiz- upped in returned 02/01/16, 4am
JJmagic- upped in returned 03/01/16, 4pm
PPGirl- upped in returned 04/01/16, 5pm
szczesny- upped in returned 05/01/16, 7pm
curiousSG- upped in returned 06/01/16, 7pm
Sexy_lion- upped in returned 07/01/16, 7pm
madpig88- upped in returned 10/01/16, 2am
baigonggong- upped in returned 12/01/16, 9am
gasscut- upped in returned 13/01/16, 6pm
S.B.Y.1- upped in returned 14/01/16, 11pm
anotherlife- upped in returned 16/01/16, 1pm
Vrossi1980- upped in returned 17/01/16, 2pm
wally888- upped in returned 18/01/16, 5pm
lobangkingz- upped in returned 20/01/16, 9am
Slyer- upped in returned 21/01/16, 4pm
TellManyLies- upped in returned 22/01/16, 6pm
Tingtonglove- upped in returned 24/01/16, 6pm
hairy_abalone- upped in returned 26/01/16, 12pm
Gem08- upped in returned 27/01/16, 4pm
badboys- upped in returned 28/01/16, 4pm
Lemon2- upped in returned 29/01/16, 7pm
SirLance- upped in returned 01/02/16, 2am
SimplyUnperfect- upped in returned 02/02/16, 12pm
vampangel- upped in returned 03/02/16, 6pm
Greenfrog- upped in returned 06/02/16, 11pm
johnboy- upped in returned 09/02/16, 11pm
ah rat- upped in returned 12/02/16, 10am
Prince7- upped in returned 14/02/16, 11am
ProjectAlice - upped in returned 15/02/16, 6pm
Dom1976- upped in returned 17/02/16, 2pm
withouteuu- upped 19/02/16, 4pm
conquer - upped 22/02/16, 7pm
dyelook- upped 28/02/16, 4pm
devilchan78- upped 02/03/16, 7pm
Ktmakmak- upped 04/03/16, 7pm
Cafu- upped 06/03/16, 3pm
99099- upped 08/03/16, 1pm
AhSoonNo1- upped 17/03/16, 8pm
SibueyJialat- upped 07/05/16, 12am
Botakhead2- upped 09/05/16, 1pm

Thank you bros for all your support. :D

Can bro bulleye & starbuck & guess67 & racghu & Vespa0l & A88088 put up a new posting so that I can upped your points.
PM to me after you have put up your posting.

09-05-2016, 02:09 PM
Upz you my 4 points. :)

Thanks & Returned.

Next : kopigaogao

09-05-2016, 02:13 PM
Queue empty.

Min 6pts to exchange.


Upz you, have a nice day.

09-05-2016, 02:22 PM
Queue empty.

Min 6pts to exchange.


up u 8 brother

09-05-2016, 03:03 PM
Thanks. have returned 3 to you already...all exchanges welcome.

5 points returned, thanks :D

09-05-2016, 03:12 PM
16 green apples returned to Evileyes today

Another 16 green apples available for exchange today.

Green apples will be return daily.

Do join in the queue if you are interested.

Thank you :)

Note: Priority will be given to bros with the HIGHEST POWER.

Next To Up List: xxFTOxx (+7), plantronic (+4), szczesny (+4)

New Post Required KIV List: RenaCross (+5), KimEmma (+5), SuperbLoverBoy (+5)

Already Up List: Lamborghini, Hurricane88, SureScore, Redapple26, simple2kee, sgiceboy, Naka_Timo, Cumexplorer, justl00king, Kalv, Nato17, xxxdreamer, waikeekee, submarinez, sex crusader, xlao, loneyheart, kyc2110, Apollo, mobliepod, Goalie, PPGirl, Rickey, sam30sg, nitecrawllerr, marlboroken, justfuckit, qizai, songest, lookingaround, NorthEast, compgen, ah rat, smartke, formula1, ShaolinHamster, clinton, wittyman, venussg, DrPussy, HonestCrook, lglg666, President, MMKing, fdomme, siam66, SEAJ, hardone, 胡's your daddy!, nocturnal1984, GeGe, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, Cash8877, aalibaba, joHnnyBoy90, laoba, SimplyUnperfect, cupid, MimeBoxer, Cafu, hayhay, beautyhunter, BMW69, bestlicker, saas, Josh_Ray, starbuck, acemanfred55, cumminology, Swagelock, watssupp, SMGG, Tnuc111, Joe Fox, Pervy Sage, JustANewbie, hornyhubby, Ramirez, macktamer, Koiz, andrew101, Hilary, ClownTeaser, Nitro Trans, justdoit, Devil-Man, PeaceKris, ProjectAlice, 002nabe, lovecim, conly, reading, oxeso, Acegik, sexy_lion, FeiGohGoh, jc_wtc, Yakuza, mazda1947, jimfairy, Javabeans, mePoke, memorablez, TingTongLove, jorje, 222nge, devilchan78, S.B.Y.1, hamsapkwai, esssinine, Woei, bunty, ken6890, Mito, guess67, shctaw, GoldRabbit, bbbjkim, Hanster, surbana, wpns, best123, snowcap, FishingPartner, Babarella, Spector69, HunnyCame888, BlueFinTuna, bk81665, masters, chaku, PeroPero, 99099, Supervert, iSaigon, Doubledare, Rasta Marley, Baigonggong, SirRumble, slyer, iphone1s, bizbiz, le113ru, Gem08, ComplainKing, BrillantKnight, masterwanker, Kuan Aik Hong, buzett, koebshaq0_0, ShiningGlory, More, AceAmando, Devil Reds, BlickBassy, Fishypartner, Abastor, takashi31400, KohOnly21, Evetan86, sleeping, Big Sister80, XiaoLaoPO, norigo77, 1deg, kthan10, sc slayer, urgg, JollyOne, GoldPool, CherryQQ, Jubilation, FookKew, b00bs, hairy_abalone, Ho-Lee, JokerDeBest, charcoalfilter, RedFrog, Lemon2, Treemon99, NRider, PowerSeh, raw1, bigbirdbird, Zacelfron, igor123, SingaHarimau, LeeHsienLoong, w00f, Greenfrog, Happyman007, VRossi1980, Raddy69, madpig88, curiousSG, Xxon, hakone, NastyThaiboy, Skypiea, BK4ever, MPLover, Truthful, JohnnyStorm, BBHumper, tarma69, mantaray73, MagicEight, Guardsmen, lion81, gilaxes, Coronet Peak, wester22, pompy, KnightScorpio, randily, crackpod, damong777, OserbergGold, manu_no7, tinalam, VoltaRedonda, fun12345, Sailsingapore, Shoot To Target, wally888, chatlovers, ctchua, Black Page, Abbie Mayo, ChinaAngel, CherryPickle, wohaha96, retepoet, zl1983, simifly, bababoo, gasscut, smoky7, anotherlife, Harvest, Arse-nal, Tho66, Young Hero, ReelSchnick, lobowolf, meatvegelove, SunRayys, skyscrape, sbftiankon, The Old Nite, clapton, ReddySpeed, ExBro, divedeeper, Ladypink, Nzkiwi, skyleon, Ashbirdy, Milobing, Spicy98, tittytitty, MattJB, ExBros, sg50, owl888, deathryuk, SkyBandit, plsfloodme, kopigaogao, VIETLONER, ml1138, Don28, ivan_tan00, aloius, pocketrocket, sinjktcnx, Love 6969, fullofrubbish, Froster, Regaine, Islands, JulianLuther, dyelook, howgoodisthat, Analingusman, BroRelax, Madpig, SnowLeopards, i44444, DarthRevan, lawbah, chochochang2, BlueCondor, SeanSky, oldslywolf, FireShark, DJMixologist, max_priest, BikinisLover, James Teo, sggirls, InnocentStar, 0808, mevius, lalala89, Brunt, RapidoBoy, Eternal Luck, kristoa7, SilentMan, RisingShadow, SkyCarpenter, Joyluck, QT169, Born1988, HornyKingKong, ArowanaBullet, dysfunk, bigtube99, BenjiGlory, marc5, BulleYe, bluezben, Blackcloud, sanuuk, Wu Song Jr, lonebonker, 126gal, oFudge, conquer, cyberkoh88, CoCK ShoCk, Steventan, LuckyKnight, Evileyes

09-05-2016, 05:38 PM
Thanks bro.
Hectorlove returned +5 love hearts to u.

Up u 10 bro...

09-05-2016, 06:21 PM
Thanks to all bros.
It is good response from many bros.... The list is getting longer and STILL EXPANDING. :)

Thanks to all the bros who had already given me their points.

In sequence to return points are :
Abastor, DarthRevan, ReelSchnick, masterwanker, ah rat, simifly, kristoa7, cash8877, wohaha96, Exbro, Milobing, ChinaAngel, skyleon, Bunty, Clownteaser, Koiz, ComplainKing, TwinTowers, menshealth, sg50, silverstrike, Botakhead2, Tho66, baigonggong. S.B.Y.1, guess67, RenaCross, reading, Jackbl, Smoky7, igor123, 1deg, Xxon, oldslywolf, ZacCommand, bulleye, topcook1, tho123goh, ReddySpeed, esssinine, kuan aik hong, starbuck, ho-lee, bareback, BlueCondor, bigtube99, Harvest, MarlboroKen, Best123, lone_dog69, Swagelock, owen10, Chaku, deathryuk, evetan86, plsfloodme, Spicy98, jay.lay, PocketRocket, Prince7 Submarinez, badboys, RapidoBoy, Javabeans, Nzkiwi, Jerr143, Redapple26, Wu Song Jr, sbftiankon, xxxdreamer

Listing Of Bros whom I had returned points are :
loneyheart (returned on 21/11/15), meatvegelove (returned on 22/11/15), sc slayer (returned on 24/11/15), Hurricane88 (returned on 25/11/15), SureScore (returned on 26/11/15), Goalie (returned 27/11/15), sponge05 (returned on 29/11/15), Laoba (returned on 30/11/15), basfreak (returned on 1/12/15), i^Xi0n (returned on 3/12/15), shctaw (returned on 4/12/15), Crackpod (returned 5/12/15), bbbjkim (returned 7/12/15), HonestCrook (returned 8/12/15), NorthEast (returned 14/12/15), qizai (returned 15/12/15), manu_07 (returned 17/12/15), 胡's your daddy (returned 20/12/15), Sexy_lion (returned 21/12/15), ShaolinHamster (returned 23/12/15), waikeekee (returned 24/12/15), Cafu (returned 28/12/15), Doubledare (returned 31/12/15), Devil Reds (returned 02/01/16), apollo (returned 03/01/16), Josh_Ray (returned 04/01/16), clinton (returned 06/01/16), CumExplorer (returned 08/01/16), wittyman (returned on 10/01/16), cyberkoh88 (returned on 12/01/16), voltaredonda (returned on 14/01/16), szczesny (returned on 15/01/16), owl888 (returned on 17/01/16), Kalv (returned 18/01/16), Pervy Sage (returned 20/01/16), Kingsle (returned 22/01/16), hamsapkwai (returned 23/01/16), tarma69 (returned 24/01/16), p00t (returned 26/01/16), PeaceKris (returned 28/01/16), DevilChan78 (returned 29/01/16), CoCk shoCk (returned 01/02/16), dysfunk (returned 03/02/16), Lamborghini (returned 06/02/16), curiousSG (returned 07/02/16), truthful (returned 09/02/16), nastythaiboy (returned 11/02/16), madpig88 (returned 12/02/16), Sailsingapore (returned 15/02/16), jc_wtc (returned 16/02/16), denniswhite (returned 18/02/16), compgen (returned 24/02/16), chochochang2 (returned 28/02/16), mplover (returned 04/03/16), jjmagic (returned 07/03/16), igor123 (returned 08/03/16 by hcbj), tinalam (returned 16/03/16 by hcbj), fullofrubbish (returned 18/03/16 by hcbj), hairy_abalone (returned 23/03/16 by hcbj), Informer (returned 24/03/16 by hcbj), anotherlife (returned 27/03/16 by hcbj), norigo77 (returned 19/04/16), mePoke (returned 09/05/16)

:) :)

09-05-2016, 06:47 PM
5 points returned, thanks :D

up u +3 for your consideration :)

sc slayer
09-05-2016, 06:58 PM
Want to exchange points?

09-05-2016, 07:06 PM
Thanks bro.
Hectorlove returned +5 love hearts to u.

Just up you

09-05-2016, 07:48 PM
Please don't stop posting . Your cousin got a lovely body . Would also love to see more of yours. :)

Hi, up u back , thanks! :D

To Up List:
conquer, gasscut, justl00king, BenjiGlory, Black Page, BBHumper, BikinisLover, aloius, sbftiankon, more, Belt, Steventan, madpig

blackcloud, Bluezben, wally888, SibueyJialat, AhSoonNo1, SkyIsMighty, Wu Song Jr. ProjectAlice, Exbro, Nzkiwi, Harvest, Milobing, InnocentStar, bluerabbit, lone_dog69, Tingtonglove, SimplyUnperfect, owen10, loneyheart, Prince7, lglg666, Javabeans, memorablez, ho-lee, tarma69, cyberkoh88, baigonggong, Eternal Luck, Supervert, Greenfrog, deathryuk, GoldRabbit, silverstrike, ComplainKing, lonebonker, JokerDeBest, CherryPickle, Kuan Aik Hong, Ktmakmak, crackpod, ZacCommand, skyleon, i^Xi0n, Smoky7, Denniswhite, Fun12345, bunty, fullofrubbish, SilentMan, Naka_timo, Cafu, ReelSchnick, bulleye, Informer, Treemon99, El bistro, p00t, RapidoBoy, ctchua, Doubledare, lobangkingz, Exbros, jc_wtc, grey82, CoCk shoCk, meatvegelove, Spicy98, 1deg, Mito, chochochang2, norigo77, DarthRevan, tuyet, voltaredonda, REYA, SirLance, powerkid, madpig88, anotherlife, badboys, hairy_abalone, surbana, starbuck, truthful, Slyer, tinalam, dysfunk, jay.lay, mePoke, S.B.Y.1, Sleepyguy2, owl888, compgen, cashcow, Nitro Trans, masterwanker, curiousSG, dyelook, wohaha96, Josh_Ray, kristoa7, Sailsingapore, esssinine, hamsapkwai, smartke, Lamborghini, Tho66, DevilChan78, cash8877, Rasta Marley, raw1, Kingsle, manu_no7, reading, simifly, guess67, ramirez, Chaku, Clownteaser, Koiz, vrossi1980, PeaceKris, mplover, bk4ever, hardone, mantaray73, Sexy_lion, JJmagic, Kalv, marlboroken, justanewbie, bbbjkim, ah rat, basfreak, sponge05, ebonkie, SureScore, Goalie, Hurricane88, BMW69, Rickey, Laoba, wittyman,HonestCrook, Jorje, Swagelock, Cumexplorer, 胡's your daddy!, waikeekee, ShaolinHamster, NorthEast, Apollo, Drpussy, clinton, NastyThaiboy, Pervy Sage

Please PM me with your new post:
Abastor, Xxon, igor123, JulianLuther, ReddySpeed, unknown2013, Jojoboy, yakuza

09-05-2016, 07:56 PM
11 points to exchange - min 8 points please

09-05-2016, 08:38 PM
Welcome exchange of points !!! Return of +8 !!! Minimum 1 points for Exchange!

Up you with 10 claws :D

09-05-2016, 08:47 PM
List cleared. Any 6pointers keen to trade points?

09-05-2016, 09:37 PM
5 points returned, thanks :D

8 ups for u bro :)

09-05-2016, 10:05 PM
Upz you my 4 points. :)

Bro Botakhead2, had returned your nice gesture!

Cheers and enjoy!

09-05-2016, 10:52 PM
Anyone looking for me ... to return rep points ???

:D I am here !!! :D I am here !!! :D


09-05-2016, 11:09 PM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 4-Power Points who can help to up my points. My apology to those Bros & Sisters who have lesser than 4 power points & have upped my points as I won't in return up your points. Would like to seek your understanding on this requirement. Thanks.

For those Bros & Sisters who have at least 4-Power Points and have upped my points pls help to state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)

Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.

List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77, jsparrow

09-05-2016, 11:21 PM
Point Exchange?

(Min 6 pts plz, thks)

09-05-2016, 11:40 PM
bro ! good evening
long time no come back ,can up my point ? :D
Return will do !;)

09-05-2016, 11:42 PM

09-05-2016, 11:46 PM
bro ! good evening
long time no come back ,can up my point ? :D
Return will do !;)

hi 5 to u bro :) wishes u get yr power soon

10-05-2016, 08:12 AM
Who is next ?? min 4 pts ..
Good morning. Upz U my humble 4 pts. Appreciate return. Many thanks. :) Have a nice day.

10-05-2016, 08:58 AM
Hi, up u back , thanks! :D

Fire u up 2 shots kopi gao gao!

10-05-2016, 09:04 AM
Just up 13 points, jc_wtc

bro ! good evening
long time no come back ,can up my point ? :D
Return will do !;)

10-05-2016, 10:00 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!


Up & Returned List:
jc_wtc / fookydud / hot1168 / Fun12345 / naemlo / Cumexplorer / Linkus / Xyberduke /

Queue List:
*empty as of now*

Need New Post:
*empty as of now*

Target: 2500 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

10-05-2016, 10:27 AM
Reputation Points Exchange, Welcome.

Daily 4 points returned.

Up Today: King Reborner

Up-list:- EMPTY

Those who wish to trade, Power 2 and above, please.

10-05-2016, 10:46 AM
In queue to be upped by me in exchange (in order):


Will return the favour to all, once I get my power back. Kindly be patient. Thanks to all, who have upped me.

Islands, SkyIsMighty, FacesBook, TwinTowers, conquer, smartke, 99099, Sammmysiao, madpig, CoCk shoCk, apple77, HornyKingKong, Arse-nal, Slyer, SilentReader888, AhSoonNo1, NatalieDi, tinalam, derrickboy, magix01m, Wende11a, TomMaffo1ter, anotherlife, wittyman, 胡's your daddy, surbana, Mr Romeo, lonebonker, Lemon2, dysfunk, El Bistro, cyberkoh88, Bluezben, redsky0022, wohaha96, gasscut, BBHumper, skyleon, Exbros, bk81665, BCMan, badboys, Super00, beautyhunter, hairy_abalone, Milobing, NorthEast, crackpod, vietloner, Belt, BigBird123, love2paint, mattjb, francined69, sexykido, Abbie Mayo, pocketrocket, plsfloodme, SimplyUnperfect, Dom1976, bbbjkim, TonySeng, watsunder, look4fats, marlboroken, MeePokDry, compgen, topcook1, Javabeans, wasilang, chatlovers, Evetan86, Love 6969, deathryuk, simple2kee, smoky7, hamsapkwai, Mito, waikeekee, Lawrence1713, DarthRevan, Informer, mplover, Nzkiwi, grey82, justl00king, jay.lay, owl888, vampangel, baigonggong, raw1, clinton, ShaolinHamster, pilter, Tho66, justanewbie, bk4ever, WOOHOO, REYA, madpig88, Swagelock, wally888, Kingsle, kopigaogao, kristoa7, bulleye, curiousSG, szczesny, S.B.Y.1, ah rat, JJmagic, cash8877, DevilChan78, ebonkie, Andrew101, bababoo, ctchua, vrossi1980, Sexy_lion, voltaredonda, nastythaiboy, Rasta Marley, Spicy98, truthful, manu_no7, PeaceKris, NaughtynSensual, SureScore, Goalie, Koiz, Hurricane88, Clownteaser, powerki, Sailsingapor

10-05-2016, 11:00 AM
Can exchange points.

Min 5 points to trade. Uplist - Nil.

10-05-2016, 11:13 AM
+15 to exchange

10-05-2016, 01:10 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 3 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )

10-05-2016, 01:16 PM
Anyone for exchange?
Short queue :)

10-05-2016, 01:34 PM
5 points returned, thanks :D

Thanks. All exchanges welcome...

10-05-2016, 03:15 PM
16 green apples returned to xxFTOxx today

Another 16 green apples available for exchange today.

Green apples will be return daily.

Do join in the queue if you are interested.

Thank you :)

Note: Priority will be given to bros with the HIGHEST POWER.

Next To Up List: kick_ass (+9), plantronic (+4), szczesny (+4)

New Post Required KIV List: RenaCross (+5), KimEmma (+5), SuperbLoverBoy (+5)

Already Up List: Lamborghini, Hurricane88, SureScore, Redapple26, simple2kee, sgiceboy, Naka_Timo, Cumexplorer, justl00king, Kalv, Nato17, xxxdreamer, waikeekee, submarinez, sex crusader, xlao, loneyheart, kyc2110, Apollo, mobliepod, Goalie, PPGirl, Rickey, sam30sg, nitecrawllerr, marlboroken, justfuckit, qizai, songest, lookingaround, NorthEast, compgen, ah rat, smartke, formula1, ShaolinHamster, clinton, wittyman, venussg, DrPussy, HonestCrook, lglg666, President, MMKing, fdomme, siam66, SEAJ, hardone, 胡's your daddy!, nocturnal1984, GeGe, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, Cash8877, aalibaba, joHnnyBoy90, laoba, SimplyUnperfect, cupid, MimeBoxer, Cafu, hayhay, beautyhunter, BMW69, bestlicker, saas, Josh_Ray, starbuck, acemanfred55, cumminology, Swagelock, watssupp, SMGG, Tnuc111, Joe Fox, Pervy Sage, JustANewbie, hornyhubby, Ramirez, macktamer, Koiz, andrew101, Hilary, ClownTeaser, Nitro Trans, justdoit, Devil-Man, PeaceKris, ProjectAlice, 002nabe, lovecim, conly, reading, oxeso, Acegik, sexy_lion, FeiGohGoh, jc_wtc, Yakuza, mazda1947, jimfairy, Javabeans, mePoke, memorablez, TingTongLove, jorje, 222nge, devilchan78, S.B.Y.1, hamsapkwai, esssinine, Woei, bunty, ken6890, Mito, guess67, shctaw, GoldRabbit, bbbjkim, Hanster, surbana, wpns, best123, snowcap, FishingPartner, Babarella, Spector69, HunnyCame888, BlueFinTuna, bk81665, masters, chaku, PeroPero, 99099, Supervert, iSaigon, Doubledare, Rasta Marley, Baigonggong, SirRumble, slyer, iphone1s, bizbiz, le113ru, Gem08, ComplainKing, BrillantKnight, masterwanker, Kuan Aik Hong, buzett, koebshaq0_0, ShiningGlory, More, AceAmando, Devil Reds, BlickBassy, Fishypartner, Abastor, takashi31400, KohOnly21, Evetan86, sleeping, Big Sister80, XiaoLaoPO, norigo77, 1deg, kthan10, sc slayer, urgg, JollyOne, GoldPool, CherryQQ, Jubilation, FookKew, b00bs, hairy_abalone, Ho-Lee, JokerDeBest, charcoalfilter, RedFrog, Lemon2, Treemon99, NRider, PowerSeh, raw1, bigbirdbird, Zacelfron, igor123, SingaHarimau, LeeHsienLoong, w00f, Greenfrog, Happyman007, VRossi1980, Raddy69, madpig88, curiousSG, Xxon, hakone, NastyThaiboy, Skypiea, BK4ever, MPLover, Truthful, JohnnyStorm, BBHumper, tarma69, mantaray73, MagicEight, Guardsmen, lion81, gilaxes, Coronet Peak, wester22, pompy, KnightScorpio, randily, crackpod, damong777, OserbergGold, manu_no7, tinalam, VoltaRedonda, fun12345, Sailsingapore, Shoot To Target, wally888, chatlovers, ctchua, Black Page, Abbie Mayo, ChinaAngel, CherryPickle, wohaha96, retepoet, zl1983, simifly, bababoo, gasscut, smoky7, anotherlife, Harvest, Arse-nal, Tho66, Young Hero, ReelSchnick, lobowolf, meatvegelove, SunRayys, skyscrape, sbftiankon, The Old Nite, clapton, ReddySpeed, ExBro, divedeeper, Ladypink, Nzkiwi, skyleon, Ashbirdy, Milobing, Spicy98, tittytitty, MattJB, ExBros, sg50, owl888, deathryuk, SkyBandit, plsfloodme, kopigaogao, VIETLONER, ml1138, Don28, ivan_tan00, aloius, pocketrocket, sinjktcnx, Love 6969, fullofrubbish, Froster, Regaine, Islands, JulianLuther, dyelook, howgoodisthat, Analingusman, BroRelax, Madpig, SnowLeopards, i44444, DarthRevan, lawbah, chochochang2, BlueCondor, SeanSky, oldslywolf, FireShark, DJMixologist, max_priest, BikinisLover, James Teo, sggirls, InnocentStar, 0808, mevius, lalala89, Brunt, RapidoBoy, Eternal Luck, kristoa7, SilentMan, RisingShadow, SkyCarpenter, Joyluck, QT169, Born1988, HornyKingKong, ArowanaBullet, dysfunk, bigtube99, BenjiGlory, marc5, BulleYe, bluezben, Blackcloud, sanuuk, Wu Song Jr, lonebonker, 126gal, oFudge, conquer, cyberkoh88, CoCK ShoCk, Steventan, LuckyKnight, Evileyes, xxFTOxx

10-05-2016, 05:04 PM
bro ! good evening
long time no come back ,can up my point ? :D
Return will do !;)

Jus upped u +9

10-05-2016, 05:21 PM
bro ! good evening
long time no come back ,can up my point ? :D
Return will do !;)

sure... just upz you with 9 points for exchange.

10-05-2016, 05:54 PM
empty queue....

10-05-2016, 06:01 PM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!


Up & Returned List:
jc_wtc / fookydud / hot1168 / Fun12345 / naemlo / Cumexplorer / Linkus / Xyberduke /

Queue List:
*empty as of now*

Need New Post:
*empty as of now*

Target: 2500 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

10-05-2016, 06:02 PM
Bro Botakhead2, had returned your nice gesture!

Cheers and enjoy!

bro just up you

10-05-2016, 07:20 PM
empty queue....

Just up you

sc slayer
10-05-2016, 08:33 PM
Want to trade points?

10-05-2016, 08:36 PM
Wishes to all brotherhood who up me !
will return everyday !
The best wishes to your career or bonk ,even a wonderful bbbj !

+10 points from chochochang2 to exchange
Cumexplorer +17, cheers
apollo ups +16 cheers
clinton ups +8
Appreciate support/return. Kalv.
upz 9 from crackpod
up u +9---222nge
+69 to you naka_timo
Compliments +11 - Swagelock
+9 for exchange..TQ..bk81665
Nzkiwi upz u to trade.
Slyer up 13!
wittyman ups +8, thanks bro
SkyIsMighty up
+13 points pls return favour to Hurricane88
Goalie up 196 to 205
SureScore up u 168 to 181
upped +15 for exchange, cyberkoh88
My humble 4 points for exchange. BBHumper
Upzz you Bro KING_REBORNER Cheers from Sailsingapore
up 13 points, jc_wtc
Tupz for exchange pts - hungten
i^Xi0n - +16 for you to exchange
sponge05 - points exchange with you
basfreak - trade points with you
7-UPz served chilled by DevilChan78
8 SarongS delivered by S.B.Y.1
Smoky7 up 9 for exchange
hairy_abalone points exchange
7+2 PM u when new post cheers.
Froster 7+2 cheers
7 to sir to gain power and will wait for sir return favor. Abbie mayo
To help u with my humble 8 and hope u will return. Sleeping
7 upped to help u to gain your power. Once u gain pls return. Evetan86
HayDay humble 4 points up
SimplyUnperfect----UP TODAY !

10-05-2016, 09:28 PM
11 points to exchange - min 8 points please

10-05-2016, 10:41 PM
Wishes to all brotherhood who up me !
will return everyday !
The best wishes to your career or bonk ,even a wonderful bbbj !

8 ups for u bro :)

10-05-2016, 10:45 PM
Anyone looking for me ... to return rep points ???

:D I am here !!! :D I am here !!! :D


10-05-2016, 10:52 PM

10-05-2016, 11:09 PM
13+ to up daily.

Exchange for min power of 3 & above. Priority Q for min power of 10 & above.

NONE in up list queue now.

Please remember to PM me after up and I will return fast :)

NB: Min points to exchange will up when target is reach.

10-05-2016, 11:13 PM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 4-Power Points who can help to up my points. My apology to those Bros & Sisters who have lesser than 4 power points & have upped my points as I won't in return up your points. Would like to seek your understanding on this requirement. Thanks.

For those Bros & Sisters who have at least 4-Power Points and have upped my points pls help to state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)

Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.

List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77, jsparrow

11-05-2016, 01:42 AM
Wishes to all brotherhood who up me !
will return everyday !
The best wishes to your career or bonk ,even a wonderful bbbj !

+10 points from chochochang2 to exchange
Cumexplorer +17, cheers
apollo ups +16 cheers
clinton ups +8
Appreciate support/return. Kalv.
upz 9 from crackpod
up u +9---222nge
+69 to you naka_timo
Compliments +11 - Swagelock
+9 for exchange..TQ..bk81665
Nzkiwi upz u to trade.
Slyer up 13!
wittyman ups +8, thanks bro
SkyIsMighty up
+13 points pls return favour to Hurricane88
Goalie up 196 to 205
SureScore up u 168 to 181
upped +15 for exchange, cyberkoh88
My humble 4 points for exchange. BBHumper
Upzz you Bro KING_REBORNER Cheers from Sailsingapore
up 13 points, jc_wtc
Tupz for exchange pts - hungten
i^Xi0n - +16 for you to exchange
sponge05 - points exchange with you
basfreak - trade points with you
7-UPz served chilled by DevilChan78
8 SarongS delivered by S.B.Y.1
Smoky7 up 9 for exchange
hairy_abalone points exchange
7+2 PM u when new post cheers.
Froster 7+2 cheers
7 to sir to gain power and will wait for sir return favor. Abbie mayo
To help u with my humble 8 and hope u will return. Sleeping
7 upped to help u to gain your power. Once u gain pls return. Evetan86
HayDay humble 4 points up
SimplyUnperfect----UP TODAY !

Upped you bro :)

11-05-2016, 06:38 AM
Up u 10 bro...

4 furby returned :p

11-05-2016, 07:40 AM
9 points for exchange, all are welcome

11-05-2016, 08:11 AM
... exchange ...
Good morning. Just upped U back. Thanks. :) Wishing all a nice day.

11-05-2016, 08:25 AM
Wishes to all brotherhood who up me !
will return everyday !
The best wishes to your career or bonk ,even a wonderful bbbj !

+10 points from chochochang2 to exchange
Cumexplorer +17, cheers
apollo ups +16 cheers
clinton ups +8
Appreciate support/return. Kalv.
upz 9 from crackpod
up u +9---222nge
+69 to you naka_timo
Compliments +11 - Swagelock
+9 for exchange..TQ..bk81665
Nzkiwi upz u to trade.
Slyer up 13!
wittyman ups +8, thanks bro
SkyIsMighty up
+13 points pls return favour to Hurricane88
Goalie up 196 to 205
SureScore up u 168 to 181
upped +15 for exchange, cyberkoh88
My humble 4 points for exchange. BBHumper
Upzz you Bro KING_REBORNER Cheers from Sailsingapore
up 13 points, jc_wtc
Tupz for exchange pts - hungten
i^Xi0n - +16 for you to exchange
sponge05 - points exchange with you
basfreak - trade points with you
7-UPz served chilled by DevilChan78
8 SarongS delivered by S.B.Y.1
Smoky7 up 9 for exchange
hairy_abalone points exchange
7+2 PM u when new post cheers.
Froster 7+2 cheers
7 to sir to gain power and will wait for sir return favor. Abbie mayo
To help u with my humble 8 and hope u will return. Sleeping
7 upped to help u to gain your power. Once u gain pls return. Evetan86
HayDay humble 4 points up
SimplyUnperfect----UP TODAY !

My humble points added to you to trade.

11-05-2016, 08:44 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power 6 .

For those who upped me , kindly pse leave your nick behind . No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : XxFTOxX

Upped : Belt ; A+++ ; massage ; stiffness ; Ryuuken ; ArowanaBullet ; Linkus ; fatty_leo ; BenjiGlory ; BrillantKnight ; xtr3 ; Inceptor ; leumas ; alanthedevil ; Doriemus ; Skycarpenter ; conquer ; tarma69 ; mazda1947 ; luvuass ; BlueCondor ; Alfonse ; ReddySpeed ; InnocentStar ; Islands ; volokov ; xiaoreno ; rrr9g ; acemanfred55 ; Binbin81 ; Oh yes ; zl1983 ; sex-newbie ; Analingusman ; hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed :

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up _________again.

11-05-2016, 08:49 AM
Wishes to all brotherhood who up me !
will return everyday !
The best wishes to your career or bonk ,even a wonderful bbbj !

+10 points from chochochang2 to exchange
Cumexplorer +17, cheers
apollo ups +16 cheers
clinton ups +8
Appreciate support/return. Kalv.
upz 9 from crackpod
up u +9---222nge
+69 to you naka_timo
Compliments +11 - Swagelock
+9 for exchange..TQ..bk81665
Nzkiwi upz u to trade.
Slyer up 13!
wittyman ups +8, thanks bro
SkyIsMighty up
+13 points pls return favour to Hurricane88
Goalie up 196 to 205
SureScore up u 168 to 181
upped +15 for exchange, cyberkoh88
My humble 4 points for exchange. BBHumper
Upzz you Bro KING_REBORNER Cheers from Sailsingapore
up 13 points, jc_wtc
Tupz for exchange pts - hungten
i^Xi0n - +16 for you to exchange
sponge05 - points exchange with you
basfreak - trade points with you
7-UPz served chilled by DevilChan78
8 SarongS delivered by S.B.Y.1
Smoky7 up 9 for exchange
hairy_abalone points exchange
7+2 PM u when new post cheers.
Froster 7+2 cheers
7 to sir to gain power and will wait for sir return favor. Abbie mayo
To help u with my humble 8 and hope u will return. Sleeping
7 upped to help u to gain your power. Once u gain pls return. Evetan86
HayDay humble 4 points up
SimplyUnperfect----UP TODAY !

Upz you my 4 points. :)

11-05-2016, 09:06 AM
Wishes to all brotherhood who up me !
will return everyday !
The best wishes to your career or bonk ,even a wonderful bbbj !

+10 points from chochochang2 to exchange
Cumexplorer +17, cheers
apollo ups +16 cheers
clinton ups +8
Appreciate support/return. Kalv.
upz 9 from crackpod
up u +9---222nge
+69 to you naka_timo
Compliments +11 - Swagelock
+9 for exchange..TQ..bk81665
Nzkiwi upz u to trade.
Slyer up 13!
wittyman ups +8, thanks bro
SkyIsMighty up
+13 points pls return favour to Hurricane88
Goalie up 196 to 205
SureScore up u 168 to 181
upped +15 for exchange, cyberkoh88
My humble 4 points for exchange. BBHumper
Upzz you Bro KING_REBORNER Cheers from Sailsingapore
up 13 points, jc_wtc
Tupz for exchange pts - hungten
i^Xi0n - +16 for you to exchange
sponge05 - points exchange with you
basfreak - trade points with you
7-UPz served chilled by DevilChan78
8 SarongS delivered by S.B.Y.1
Smoky7 up 9 for exchange
hairy_abalone points exchange
7+2 PM u when new post cheers.
Froster 7+2 cheers
7 to sir to gain power and will wait for sir return favor. Abbie mayo
To help u with my humble 8 and hope u will return. Sleeping
7 upped to help u to gain your power. Once u gain pls return. Evetan86
HayDay humble 4 points up
SimplyUnperfect----UP TODAY !

4 points added to you for exchange.

11-05-2016, 09:17 AM
Latest upz : KING_reborner Next on target list : (too long to list)

Exchange acknowledgements :

(Note: I will no longer list the nicks of those who returned my points as there is 4k character limit when composing a message.)

So here's a BIG "Thank You" to all

*Special mention :
All higher power bros who put me in their queue and return my upz
Most points (+48) received to date > Naka_Timo
Upped and immediately added me as a friend > eBonkie
Unable to return as acct was removed > drrtt
Did not meet their req or/and upped me 1st esp when they are higher power (+5) >
Ho-Lee, Kass, Volcano, Xtr3, CTChua, Kuan_Aik_Hong, Surbana, Wally888, GohZXC, NewYorker88, FatSpider, SunHuan-Con, Bunty, VoltaRedonda, SimiFly, Rasta Marley, Halogen019, Tiko, Retepoet, Prince7, Wu Song Jr, AnotherLife, BadBoys, Innoncent$, Reya, Mr Romeo, Conquer, AlanTheGreat. Reuters

To compliment :
humhum (MiA), roamario (MiA), Moderator888, SilentReader888, SirLance....
(Note : Priority given to those higher power than me. Returning up once every fortnight for the rest.)

Awaiting their return upz :
17-04-2015 08:10 AM big_ben (MiA)
21-04-2015 10:08 AM SiPayChun (MiA)
24-04-2015 10:13 AM Pikadrian83 (MiA)
11-07-2015 08:56 AM tinalam (min 7 power):(
04-12-2015 08:37 AM Evetan86 (min 5 power)
23-12-2015 08:04 AM Ash_Christiano
28-12-2015 08:20 AM More (min 5 power)
04-01-2016 08:07 AM 3ssss
06-01-2016 09:42 AM Big Sister80
13-02-2016 08:37 AM Rookies
18-02-2016 08:26 AM Shoot To Target (min 5 power)
07-03-2016 08:22 AM Sweetgemss
07-04-2016 09:45 AM Brunt

* * * Alert : Search function returns result off by 2-3 pages. * * *[

11-05-2016, 09:24 AM
thanks bro! currently got 7 in queue, will up u back in due time :D

Upped you 3 points for exchange.

11-05-2016, 09:58 AM
Favor returned. Cheers...

8 ups for u bro :)

11-05-2016, 10:04 AM
Just return 13 points, jc_wtc

Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!


Up & Returned List:
jc_wtc / fookydud / hot1168 / Fun12345 / naemlo / Cumexplorer / Linkus / Xyberduke /

Queue List:
*empty as of now*

Need New Post:
*empty as of now*

Target: 2500 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

11-05-2016, 10:06 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!


Up & Returned List:
jc_wtc / fookydud / hot1168 / Fun12345 / naemlo / Cumexplorer / Linkus / Xyberduke /

Queue List:
nitefalcon /

Need New Post:
*empty as of now*

Target: 2500 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

11-05-2016, 11:33 AM
In queue to be upped by me in exchange (in order):


Will return the favour to all, once I get my power back. Kindly be patient. Thanks to all, who have upped me.

SibueyJialat, Islands, SkyIsMighty, FacesBook, TwinTowers, conquer, smartke, 99099, Sammmysiao, madpig, CoCk shoCk, apple77, HornyKingKong, Arse-nal, Slyer, SilentReader888, AhSoonNo1, NatalieDi, tinalam, derrickboy, magix01m, Wende11a, TomMaffo1ter, anotherlife, wittyman, 胡's your daddy, surbana, Mr Romeo, lonebonker, Lemon2, dysfunk, El Bistro, cyberkoh88, Bluezben, redsky0022, wohaha96, gasscut, BBHumper, skyleon, Exbros, bk81665, BCMan, badboys, Super00, beautyhunter, hairy_abalone, Milobing, NorthEast, crackpod, vietloner, Belt, BigBird123, love2paint, mattjb, francined69, sexykido, Abbie Mayo, pocketrocket, plsfloodme, SimplyUnperfect, Dom1976, bbbjkim, TonySeng, watsunder, look4fats, marlboroken, MeePokDry, compgen, topcook1, Javabeans, wasilang, chatlovers, Evetan86, Love 6969, deathryuk, simple2kee, smoky7, hamsapkwai, Mito, waikeekee, Lawrence1713, DarthRevan, Informer, mplover, Nzkiwi, grey82, justl00king, jay.lay, owl888, vampangel, baigonggong, raw1, clinton, ShaolinHamster, pilter, Tho66, justanewbie, bk4ever, WOOHOO, REYA, madpig88, Swagelock, wally888, Kingsle, kopigaogao, kristoa7, bulleye, curiousSG, szczesny, S.B.Y.1, ah rat, JJmagic, cash8877, DevilChan78, ebonkie, Andrew101, bababoo, ctchua, vrossi1980, Sexy_lion, voltaredonda, nastythaiboy, Rasta Marley, Spicy98, truthful, manu_no7, PeaceKris, NaughtynSensual, SureScore, Goalie, Koiz, Hurricane88, Clownteaser, powerki, Sailsingapor

11-05-2016, 12:01 PM
+15 to exchange

11-05-2016, 12:01 PM
9 quarts of beer indebted to the following members:


11-05-2016, 01:08 PM
Can exchange points.

Min 5 points to trade. Uplist - Nil.

11-05-2016, 01:15 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 3 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )

11-05-2016, 01:23 PM
9 points for fast trade.

upz list empty..thanks!

11-05-2016, 01:26 PM
11 points to exchange - min 8 points please

up u 11 points...izaaat

11 points to exchange, min 6 points

11-05-2016, 01:44 PM
Anyone to trade with 1point? Immediate exchange

11-05-2016, 01:52 PM
[B]Will return the favour to all, once I get my power back. Kindly be patient. Thanks to all, who have upped me.

Cheers. All exchanges welcome...

11-05-2016, 01:58 PM
Cheers. All exchanges welcome...

Hi bro, humble 1 for your consideration

11-05-2016, 02:03 PM
Wishes to all brotherhood who up me !
will return everyday !
The best wishes to your career or bonk ,even a wonderful bbbj !


Fire u up 2 shots kopi gao gao!

11-05-2016, 03:04 PM
Open for min 1 point exchange.

11-05-2016, 03:05 PM
9 points for fast trade.

upz list empty..thanks!

return 5 points, thanks :)

11-05-2016, 03:14 PM
Seeking for points exchange. Target 1000 points :D

11-05-2016, 03:22 PM
Care to exchange? My humble 2 pts for exchange

11-05-2016, 03:22 PM
return 5 points, thanks :)

upped u :)
take ur time, have a good week! :o

11-05-2016, 03:28 PM
16 green apples returned to szczesny today

Another 16 green apples available for exchange today.

Green apples will be return daily.

Do join in the queue if you are interested.

Thank you :)

Note: Priority will be given to bros with the HIGHEST POWER.

Next To Up List: plantronic (+4)

New Post Required KIV List: kick_ass (+9), RenaCross (+5), KimEmma (+5), SuperbLoverBoy (+5)

Already Up List: Lamborghini, Hurricane88, SureScore, Redapple26, simple2kee, sgiceboy, Naka_Timo, Cumexplorer, justl00king, Kalv, Nato17, xxxdreamer, waikeekee, submarinez, sex crusader, xlao, loneyheart, kyc2110, Apollo, mobliepod, Goalie, PPGirl, Rickey, sam30sg, nitecrawllerr, marlboroken, justfuckit, qizai, songest, lookingaround, NorthEast, compgen, ah rat, smartke, formula1, ShaolinHamster, clinton, wittyman, venussg, DrPussy, HonestCrook, lglg666, President, MMKing, fdomme, siam66, SEAJ, hardone, 胡's your daddy!, nocturnal1984, GeGe, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, Cash8877, aalibaba, joHnnyBoy90, laoba, SimplyUnperfect, cupid, MimeBoxer, Cafu, hayhay, beautyhunter, BMW69, bestlicker, saas, Josh_Ray, starbuck, acemanfred55, cumminology, Swagelock, watssupp, SMGG, Tnuc111, Joe Fox, Pervy Sage, JustANewbie, hornyhubby, Ramirez, macktamer, Koiz, andrew101, Hilary, ClownTeaser, Nitro Trans, justdoit, Devil-Man, PeaceKris, ProjectAlice, 002nabe, lovecim, conly, reading, oxeso, Acegik, sexy_lion, FeiGohGoh, jc_wtc, Yakuza, mazda1947, jimfairy, Javabeans, mePoke, memorablez, TingTongLove, jorje, 222nge, devilchan78, S.B.Y.1, hamsapkwai, esssinine, Woei, bunty, ken6890, Mito, guess67, shctaw, GoldRabbit, bbbjkim, Hanster, surbana, wpns, best123, snowcap, FishingPartner, Babarella, Spector69, HunnyCame888, BlueFinTuna, bk81665, masters, chaku, PeroPero, 99099, Supervert, iSaigon, Doubledare, Rasta Marley, Baigonggong, SirRumble, slyer, iphone1s, bizbiz, le113ru, Gem08, ComplainKing, BrillantKnight, masterwanker, Kuan Aik Hong, buzett, koebshaq0_0, ShiningGlory, More, AceAmando, Devil Reds, BlickBassy, Fishypartner, Abastor, takashi31400, KohOnly21, Evetan86, sleeping, Big Sister80, XiaoLaoPO, norigo77, 1deg, kthan10, sc slayer, urgg, JollyOne, GoldPool, CherryQQ, Jubilation, FookKew, b00bs, hairy_abalone, Ho-Lee, JokerDeBest, charcoalfilter, RedFrog, Lemon2, Treemon99, NRider, PowerSeh, raw1, bigbirdbird, Zacelfron, igor123, SingaHarimau, LeeHsienLoong, w00f, Greenfrog, Happyman007, VRossi1980, Raddy69, madpig88, curiousSG, Xxon, hakone, NastyThaiboy, Skypiea, BK4ever, MPLover, Truthful, JohnnyStorm, BBHumper, tarma69, mantaray73, MagicEight, Guardsmen, lion81, gilaxes, Coronet Peak, wester22, pompy, KnightScorpio, randily, crackpod, damong777, OserbergGold, manu_no7, tinalam, VoltaRedonda, fun12345, Sailsingapore, Shoot To Target, wally888, chatlovers, ctchua, Black Page, Abbie Mayo, ChinaAngel, CherryPickle, wohaha96, retepoet, zl1983, simifly, bababoo, gasscut, smoky7, anotherlife, Harvest, Arse-nal, Tho66, Young Hero, ReelSchnick, lobowolf, meatvegelove, SunRayys, skyscrape, sbftiankon, The Old Nite, clapton, ReddySpeed, ExBro, divedeeper, Ladypink, Nzkiwi, skyleon, Ashbirdy, Milobing, Spicy98, tittytitty, MattJB, ExBros, sg50, owl888, deathryuk, SkyBandit, plsfloodme, kopigaogao, VIETLONER, ml1138, Don28, ivan_tan00, aloius, pocketrocket, sinjktcnx, Love 6969, fullofrubbish, Froster, Regaine, Islands, JulianLuther, dyelook, howgoodisthat, Analingusman, BroRelax, Madpig, SnowLeopards, i44444, DarthRevan, lawbah, chochochang2, BlueCondor, SeanSky, oldslywolf, FireShark, DJMixologist, max_priest, BikinisLover, James Teo, sggirls, InnocentStar, 0808, mevius, lalala89, Brunt, RapidoBoy, Eternal Luck, kristoa7, SilentMan, RisingShadow, SkyCarpenter, Joyluck, QT169, Born1988, HornyKingKong, ArowanaBullet, dysfunk, bigtube99, BenjiGlory, marc5, BulleYe, bluezben, Blackcloud, sanuuk, Wu Song Jr, lonebonker, 126gal, oFudge, conquer, cyberkoh88, CoCK ShoCk, Steventan, LuckyKnight, Evileyes, xxFTOxx, szczesny

11-05-2016, 04:08 PM
Exchange points with all brothers & sisters. All are welcome.

11-05-2016, 06:41 PM
Man... How furious the BBBJ was? :o

Hi, up u back , thanks! :D

To Up List:
gasscut, justl00king, BenjiGlory, Black Page, BBHumper, BikinisLover, aloius, sbftiankon, more, Belt, Steventan, madpig, kopigaogao

conquer, blackcloud, Bluezben, wally888, SibueyJialat, AhSoonNo1, SkyIsMighty, Wu Song Jr. ProjectAlice, Exbro, Nzkiwi, Harvest, Milobing, InnocentStar, bluerabbit, lone_dog69, Tingtonglove, SimplyUnperfect, owen10, loneyheart, Prince7, lglg666, Javabeans, memorablez, ho-lee, tarma69, cyberkoh88, baigonggong, Eternal Luck, Supervert, Greenfrog, deathryuk, GoldRabbit, silverstrike, ComplainKing, lonebonker, JokerDeBest, CherryPickle, Kuan Aik Hong, Ktmakmak, crackpod, ZacCommand, skyleon, i^Xi0n, Smoky7, Denniswhite, Fun12345, bunty, fullofrubbish, SilentMan, Naka_timo, Cafu, ReelSchnick, bulleye, Informer, Treemon99, El bistro, p00t, RapidoBoy, ctchua, Doubledare, lobangkingz, Exbros, jc_wtc, grey82, CoCk shoCk, meatvegelove, Spicy98, 1deg, Mito, chochochang2, norigo77, DarthRevan, tuyet, voltaredonda, REYA, SirLance, powerkid, madpig88, anotherlife, badboys, hairy_abalone, surbana, starbuck, truthful, Slyer, tinalam, dysfunk, jay.lay, mePoke, S.B.Y.1, Sleepyguy2, owl888, compgen, cashcow, Nitro Trans, masterwanker, curiousSG, dyelook, wohaha96, Josh_Ray, kristoa7, Sailsingapore, esssinine, hamsapkwai, smartke, Lamborghini, Tho66, DevilChan78, cash8877, Rasta Marley, raw1, Kingsle, manu_no7, reading, simifly, guess67, ramirez, Chaku, Clownteaser, Koiz, vrossi1980, PeaceKris, mplover, bk4ever, hardone, mantaray73, Sexy_lion, JJmagic, Kalv, marlboroken, justanewbie, bbbjkim, ah rat, basfreak, sponge05, ebonkie, SureScore, Goalie, Hurricane88, BMW69, Rickey, Laoba, wittyman,HonestCrook, Jorje, Swagelock, Cumexplorer, 胡's your daddy!, waikeekee, ShaolinHamster, NorthEast, Apollo, Drpussy, clinton, NastyThaiboy, Pervy Sage

Please PM me with your new post:
Abastor, Xxon, igor123, JulianLuther, ReddySpeed, unknown2013, Jojoboy, yakuza

11-05-2016, 06:56 PM
Care to exchange? My humble 2 pts for exchange

up u +3 for your consideration :)

11-05-2016, 07:44 PM
+12 available for +5 and above. :D

11-05-2016, 08:12 PM
return 5 points, thanks :)

Just up you

sc slayer
11-05-2016, 09:04 PM
Want to exchange points?

11-05-2016, 09:11 PM
Upz you my 4 points. :)

Ups you back!

Next : kopigaogao.

11-05-2016, 09:36 PM
bro just up you

Bro sbftiankon, had returned your nice gesture!

Cheers and enjoy!

11-05-2016, 10:00 PM
return 5 points, thanks :)

+15 added :D

11-05-2016, 10:22 PM
I just up you 13 roaring points!

Pls return points!

13 points for exchange everyday!

Wishes to all brotherhood who up me !
will return everyday !
The best wishes to your career or bonk ,even a wonderful bbbj !

+10 points from chochochang2 to exchange
Cumexplorer +17, cheers
apollo ups +16 cheers
clinton ups +8
Appreciate support/return. Kalv.
upz 9 from crackpod
up u +9---222nge
+69 to you naka_timo
Compliments +11 - Swagelock
+9 for exchange..TQ..bk81665
Nzkiwi upz u to trade.
Slyer up 13!
wittyman ups +8, thanks bro
SkyIsMighty up
+13 points pls return favour to Hurricane88
Goalie up 196 to 205
SureScore up u 168 to 181
upped +15 for exchange, cyberkoh88
My humble 4 points for exchange. BBHumper
Upzz you Bro KING_REBORNER Cheers from Sailsingapore
up 13 points, jc_wtc
Tupz for exchange pts - hungten
i^Xi0n - +16 for you to exchange
sponge05 - points exchange with you
basfreak - trade points with you
7-UPz served chilled by DevilChan78
8 SarongS delivered by S.B.Y.1
Smoky7 up 9 for exchange
hairy_abalone points exchange
7+2 PM u when new post cheers.
Froster 7+2 cheers
7 to sir to gain power and will wait for sir return favor. Abbie mayo
To help u with my humble 8 and hope u will return. Sleeping
7 upped to help u to gain your power. Once u gain pls return. Evetan86
HayDay humble 4 points up
SimplyUnperfect----UP TODAY !

11-05-2016, 10:43 PM
Hi Everyone

5 points to be given away daily, please feel free to up my points too ;)

All are welcomed! :)

12-05-2016, 01:42 AM
return 5 points, thanks :)

Tingtong up :p

12-05-2016, 05:45 AM

please trade, any points willl do


please trade brothers

people that UP me please ensure new post all the time

12-05-2016, 07:12 AM
Favor returned. Cheers...

6 to you. Have a great day.

12-05-2016, 07:44 AM
9 points for exchange, all are welcome

12-05-2016, 08:08 AM
Bro, return you 9 points.
Good morning. Many thanks for your prompt/generous return. Very grateful. :) Have a nice day.

12-05-2016, 08:54 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power 6 .

For those who upped me , kindly pse leave your nick behind . No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : tsuna7

Upped : XxFTOxX ; Belt ; A+++ ; massage ; stiffness ; Ryuuken ; ArowanaBullet ; Linkus ; fatty_leo ; BenjiGlory ; BrillantKnight ; xtr3 ; Inceptor ; leumas ; alanthedevil ; Doriemus ; Skycarpenter ; conquer ; tarma69 ; mazda1947 ; luvuass ; BlueCondor ; Alfonse ; ReddySpeed ; InnocentStar ; Islands ; volokov ; xiaoreno ; rrr9g ; acemanfred55 ; Binbin81 ; Oh yes ; zl1983 ; sex-newbie ; Analingusman ; hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed :

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up _________again.

12-05-2016, 09:42 AM
No waiting list at the moment! exchange of 2 point are welcome

12-05-2016, 10:33 AM
Want to exchange points? min 1 points

12-05-2016, 10:40 AM
Just up 13 points, jc_wtc

Tingtong up :p

12-05-2016, 11:07 AM
Want to exchange points? min 1 points

Bro up you on 2nd May. Waited till now. Appreciate your return

12-05-2016, 11:31 AM
In queue to be upped by me in exchange (in order):

Xiaomidnightz (No latest post in the last 24 hours)

Will return the favour to all, once I get my power back. Kindly be patient. Thanks to all, who have upped me.

tundrawolf, SibueyJialat, Islands, SkyIsMighty, FacesBook, TwinTowers, conquer, smartke, 99099, Sammmysiao, madpig, CoCk shoCk, apple77, HornyKingKong, Arse-nal, Slyer, SilentReader888, AhSoonNo1, NatalieDi, tinalam, derrickboy, magix01m, Wende11a, TomMaffo1ter, anotherlife, wittyman, 胡's your daddy, surbana, Mr Romeo, lonebonker, Lemon2, dysfunk, El Bistro, cyberkoh88, Bluezben, redsky0022, wohaha96, gasscut, BBHumper, skyleon, Exbros, bk81665, BCMan, badboys, Super00, beautyhunter, hairy_abalone, Milobing, NorthEast, crackpod, vietloner, Belt, BigBird123, love2paint, mattjb, francined69, sexykido, Abbie Mayo, pocketrocket, plsfloodme, SimplyUnperfect, Dom1976, bbbjkim, TonySeng, watsunder, look4fats, marlboroken, MeePokDry, compgen, topcook1, Javabeans, wasilang, chatlovers, Evetan86, Love 6969, deathryuk, simple2kee, smoky7, hamsapkwai, Mito, waikeekee, Lawrence1713, DarthRevan, Informer, mplover, Nzkiwi, grey82, justl00king, jay.lay, owl888, vampangel, baigonggong, raw1, clinton, ShaolinHamster, pilter, Tho66, justanewbie, bk4ever, WOOHOO, REYA, madpig88, Swagelock, wally888, Kingsle, kopigaogao, kristoa7, bulleye, curiousSG, szczesny, S.B.Y.1, ah rat, JJmagic, cash8877, DevilChan78, ebonkie, Andrew101, bababoo, ctchua, vrossi1980, Sexy_lion, voltaredonda, nastythaiboy, Rasta Marley, Spicy98, truthful, manu_no7, PeaceKris, NaughtynSensual, SureScore, Goalie, Koiz, Hurricane88, Clownteaser, powerki, Sailsingapor

12-05-2016, 11:33 AM
Lai lai lai, dun be shy to "up me" :D

12-05-2016, 12:17 PM
Can exchange points.

Min 5 points to trade. Uplist - Nil.

12-05-2016, 12:50 PM
15 to exchange, anyone?

12-05-2016, 01:34 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 3 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )

12-05-2016, 02:37 PM
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?

I m READY to provide you wiz
54 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 91 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p

Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!

PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)

P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.

12-05-2016, 02:45 PM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 4-Power Points who can help to up my points. My apology to those Bros & Sisters who have lesser than 4 power points & have upped my points as I won't in return up your points. Would like to seek your understanding on this requirement. Thanks.

For those Bros & Sisters who have at least 4-Power Points and have upped my points pls help to state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)

Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.

List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77, jsparrow

12-05-2016, 03:02 PM
16 green apples returned to evo5555 today

Another 16 green apples available for exchange today.

Green apples will be return daily.

Do join in the queue if you are interested.

Thank you :)

Note: Priority will be given to bros with the HIGHEST POWER.

Next To Up List: Belwins555 (+6)

New Post Required KIV List: kick_ass (+9), RenaCross (+5), KimEmma (+5), SuperbLoverBoy (+5), plantronic (+4)

Already Up List: Lamborghini, Hurricane88, SureScore, Redapple26, simple2kee, sgiceboy, Naka_Timo, Cumexplorer, justl00king, Kalv, Nato17, xxxdreamer, waikeekee, submarinez, sex crusader, xlao, loneyheart, kyc2110, Apollo, mobliepod, Goalie, PPGirl, Rickey, sam30sg, nitecrawllerr, marlboroken, justfuckit, qizai, songest, lookingaround, NorthEast, compgen, ah rat, smartke, formula1, ShaolinHamster, clinton, wittyman, venussg, DrPussy, HonestCrook, lglg666, President, MMKing, fdomme, siam66, SEAJ, hardone, 胡's your daddy!, nocturnal1984, GeGe, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, Cash8877, aalibaba, joHnnyBoy90, laoba, SimplyUnperfect, cupid, MimeBoxer, Cafu, hayhay, beautyhunter, BMW69, bestlicker, saas, Josh_Ray, starbuck, acemanfred55, cumminology, Swagelock, watssupp, SMGG, Tnuc111, Joe Fox, Pervy Sage, JustANewbie, hornyhubby, Ramirez, macktamer, Koiz, andrew101, Hilary, ClownTeaser, Nitro Trans, justdoit, Devil-Man, PeaceKris, ProjectAlice, 002nabe, lovecim, conly, reading, oxeso, Acegik, sexy_lion, FeiGohGoh, jc_wtc, Yakuza, mazda1947, jimfairy, Javabeans, mePoke, memorablez, TingTongLove, jorje, 222nge, devilchan78, S.B.Y.1, hamsapkwai, esssinine, Woei, bunty, ken6890, Mito, guess67, shctaw, GoldRabbit, bbbjkim, Hanster, surbana, wpns, best123, snowcap, FishingPartner, Babarella, Spector69, HunnyCame888, BlueFinTuna, bk81665, masters, chaku, PeroPero, 99099, Supervert, iSaigon, Doubledare, Rasta Marley, Baigonggong, SirRumble, slyer, iphone1s, bizbiz, le113ru, Gem08, ComplainKing, BrillantKnight, masterwanker, Kuan Aik Hong, buzett, koebshaq0_0, ShiningGlory, More, AceAmando, Devil Reds, BlickBassy, Fishypartner, Abastor, takashi31400, KohOnly21, Evetan86, sleeping, Big Sister80, XiaoLaoPO, norigo77, 1deg, kthan10, sc slayer, urgg, JollyOne, GoldPool, CherryQQ, Jubilation, FookKew, b00bs, hairy_abalone, Ho-Lee, JokerDeBest, charcoalfilter, RedFrog, Lemon2, Treemon99, NRider, PowerSeh, raw1, bigbirdbird, Zacelfron, igor123, SingaHarimau, LeeHsienLoong, w00f, Greenfrog, Happyman007, VRossi1980, Raddy69, madpig88, curiousSG, Xxon, hakone, NastyThaiboy, Skypiea, BK4ever, MPLover, Truthful, JohnnyStorm, BBHumper, tarma69, mantaray73, MagicEight, Guardsmen, lion81, gilaxes, Coronet Peak, wester22, pompy, KnightScorpio, randily, crackpod, damong777, OserbergGold, manu_no7, tinalam, VoltaRedonda, fun12345, Sailsingapore, Shoot To Target, wally888, chatlovers, ctchua, Black Page, Abbie Mayo, ChinaAngel, CherryPickle, wohaha96, retepoet, zl1983, simifly, bababoo, gasscut, smoky7, anotherlife, Harvest, Arse-nal, Tho66, Young Hero, ReelSchnick, lobowolf, meatvegelove, SunRayys, skyscrape, sbftiankon, The Old Nite, clapton, ReddySpeed, ExBro, divedeeper, Ladypink, Nzkiwi, skyleon, Ashbirdy, Milobing, Spicy98, tittytitty, MattJB, ExBros, sg50, owl888, deathryuk, SkyBandit, plsfloodme, kopigaogao, VIETLONER, ml1138, Don28, ivan_tan00, aloius, pocketrocket, sinjktcnx, Love 6969, fullofrubbish, Froster, Regaine, Islands, JulianLuther, dyelook, howgoodisthat, Analingusman, BroRelax, Madpig, SnowLeopards, i44444, DarthRevan, lawbah, chochochang2, BlueCondor, SeanSky, oldslywolf, FireShark, DJMixologist, max_priest, BikinisLover, James Teo, sggirls, InnocentStar, 0808, mevius, lalala89, Brunt, RapidoBoy, Eternal Luck, kristoa7, SilentMan, RisingShadow, SkyCarpenter, Joyluck, QT169, Born1988, HornyKingKong, ArowanaBullet, dysfunk, bigtube99, BenjiGlory, marc5, BulleYe, bluezben, Blackcloud, sanuuk, Wu Song Jr, lonebonker, 126gal, oFudge, conquer, cyberkoh88, CoCK ShoCk, Steventan, LuckyKnight, Evileyes, xxFTOxx, szczesny, evo5555

12-05-2016, 03:49 PM
4 points added to you for exchange.

4 points returned, thanks bro :D

12-05-2016, 04:32 PM
Lai lai lai, dun be shy to "up me" :D

brunt up 6pts for exchange

12-05-2016, 04:37 PM
Care to exchange? My humble 2 pts for exchange

just upped u! :D

12-05-2016, 04:51 PM
48 points to be given daily

12-05-2016, 04:57 PM
7 points for exchange.

12-05-2016, 06:06 PM
Anyone looking for me ... to return rep points ???

:D I am here !!! :D I am here !!! :D


12-05-2016, 06:52 PM
Appreciate your return

Returned you 3 encouragements...:D All exchanges welcome.

12-05-2016, 07:00 PM
+3 for exchange :)

sc slayer
12-05-2016, 08:24 PM
Want to exchange points?

12-05-2016, 08:32 PM
up for exchange. min 4 points:)

Hi, up u back , thanks! :D

To Up List:
justl00king, BenjiGlory, Black Page, BBHumper, BikinisLover, aloius, sbftiankon, more, Belt, Steventan, madpig, kopigaogao, bk81665

gasscut, conquer, blackcloud, Bluezben, wally888, SibueyJialat, AhSoonNo1, SkyIsMighty, Wu Song Jr. ProjectAlice, Exbro, Nzkiwi, Harvest, Milobing, InnocentStar, bluerabbit, lone_dog69, Tingtonglove, SimplyUnperfect, owen10, loneyheart, Prince7, lglg666, Javabeans, memorablez, ho-lee, tarma69, cyberkoh88, baigonggong, Eternal Luck, Supervert, Greenfrog, deathryuk, GoldRabbit, silverstrike, ComplainKing, lonebonker, JokerDeBest, CherryPickle, Kuan Aik Hong, Ktmakmak, crackpod, ZacCommand, skyleon, i^Xi0n, Smoky7, Denniswhite, Fun12345, bunty, fullofrubbish, SilentMan, Naka_timo, Cafu, ReelSchnick, bulleye, Informer, Treemon99, El bistro, p00t, RapidoBoy, ctchua, Doubledare, lobangkingz, Exbros, jc_wtc, grey82, CoCk shoCk, meatvegelove, Spicy98, 1deg, Mito, chochochang2, norigo77, DarthRevan, tuyet, voltaredonda, REYA, SirLance, powerkid, madpig88, anotherlife, badboys, hairy_abalone, surbana, starbuck, truthful, Slyer, tinalam, dysfunk, jay.lay, mePoke, S.B.Y.1, Sleepyguy2, owl888, compgen, cashcow, Nitro Trans, masterwanker, curiousSG, dyelook, wohaha96, Josh_Ray, kristoa7, Sailsingapore, esssinine, hamsapkwai, smartke, Lamborghini, Tho66, DevilChan78, cash8877, Rasta Marley, raw1, Kingsle, manu_no7, reading, simifly, guess67, ramirez, Chaku, Clownteaser, Koiz, vrossi1980, PeaceKris, mplover, bk4ever, hardone, mantaray73, Sexy_lion, JJmagic, Kalv, marlboroken, justanewbie, bbbjkim, ah rat, basfreak, sponge05, ebonkie, SureScore, Goalie, Hurricane88, BMW69, Rickey, Laoba, wittyman,HonestCrook, Jorje, Swagelock, Cumexplorer, 胡's your daddy!, waikeekee, ShaolinHamster, NorthEast, Apollo, Drpussy, clinton, NastyThaiboy, Pervy Sage

Please PM me with your new post:
Abastor, Xxon, igor123, JulianLuther, ReddySpeed, unknown2013, Jojoboy, yakuza

12-05-2016, 09:26 PM
Returning Favour ! :)
Upped you bro :)
Hv just returned favour to...bro apple77...as promised wif my +9 cherries :)....powering UP^ his pts from 1133 to 1142 !...T.Q. to the bro for upping my pts 1st...Cheers !

12-05-2016, 09:38 PM
can ups 6 pts every day :)

12-05-2016, 10:09 PM
13+ to up daily.

Exchange for min power of 3 & above. Priority Q for min power of 10 & above.

NONE in up list queue now.

Please remember to PM me after up and I will return fast :)

NB: Min points to exchange will up when target is reach.

12-05-2016, 10:22 PM
No waiting list at the moment! exchange of 2 point are welcome

+15 added. :D

13-05-2016, 01:39 AM

13-05-2016, 02:49 AM

please trade, any points willl do


please trade brothers

people that UP me please ensure new post all the time

hi Reya.. Thanks for your help in advance

13-05-2016, 08:10 AM
Auspicious +15 returned :D
Good morning. Many thanks for your very generous up. Most grateful. :) Have a nice day.

13-05-2016, 08:30 AM
bro ups +5 cupid arraws :D

My humble points added to you to trade.

13-05-2016, 09:11 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power 6 .

For those who upped me , kindly pse leave your nick behind . No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : tsuna7 ; XxFTOxX ; Belt ; A+++ ; massage ; stiffness ; Ryuuken ; ArowanaBullet ; Linkus ; fatty_leo ; BenjiGlory ; BrillantKnight ; xtr3 ; Inceptor ; leumas ; alanthedevil ; Doriemus ; Skycarpenter ; conquer ; tarma69 ; mazda1947 ; luvuass ; BlueCondor ; Alfonse ; ReddySpeed ; InnocentStar ; Islands ; volokov ; xiaoreno ; rrr9g ; acemanfred55 ; Binbin81 ; Oh yes ; zl1983 ; sex-newbie ; Analingusman ; hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed :

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up _________again.

13-05-2016, 09:13 AM
No waiting list at the moment! exchange of 2 point are welcome

Had upped u on
16-04-2016 06:47 PM sap800

Had sent u pm few days ago.

Yr minimum is 2 pts which I qualify. Yet u say no wait list at the moment.

What's happening ?!

13-05-2016, 09:33 AM
bro, upp me and let me know so can reciprocate.

Upped you 3 points to trade

13-05-2016, 09:43 AM
4 points returned, thanks bro :D

Done, Exchange of points welcome. Min power 2

13-05-2016, 10:12 AM
Can exchange points.

Min 5 points to trade. Uplist - Nil.

13-05-2016, 10:17 AM
Favor returned. Cheers...

6 to you. Have a great day.

13-05-2016, 10:36 AM
Favor returned. Cheers...

Just added you 3 points to trade, thanks.

13-05-2016, 10:41 AM
Just up 13 points, jc_wtc

48 points to be given daily

13-05-2016, 10:43 AM
9 points for fast trade

ups list empty....thanks!

13-05-2016, 10:57 AM
9 points for exchange, all are welcome

13-05-2016, 12:31 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 3 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )

13-05-2016, 12:40 PM
+15 to exchange

13-05-2016, 12:56 PM

13-05-2016, 01:08 PM
Just up you

+12 ups....:)

13-05-2016, 01:09 PM
humble point to trade

13-05-2016, 01:33 PM
up list empty , anyone ?:D

13-05-2016, 01:49 PM
48 points to be given out daily

13-05-2016, 02:09 PM
48 points to be given out daily

Bro, 1 pointer trying my luck. Will up you once recover

13-05-2016, 02:18 PM
All exchange welcome

Currently 2 bros in queue

13-05-2016, 02:50 PM
+3 for exchange :)

Return 12 points bro, thanks.

13-05-2016, 02:58 PM
+3 for exchange :)

Thanks Bro, returned you 2 pts already. Any other bros want to exchange just up me and I'll return the favour.

13-05-2016, 03:28 PM
16 green apples returned to Belwins555 today

Another 16 green apples available for exchange today.

Green apples will be return daily.

The queue is now empty so do join in the queue if you are interested.

Thank you :)

Note: Priority will be given to bros with the HIGHEST POWER.

Next To Up List: -

New Post Required KIV List: kick_ass (+9), RenaCross (+5), KimEmma (+5), SuperbLoverBoy (+5), plantronic (+4)

Already Up List: Lamborghini, Hurricane88, SureScore, Redapple26, simple2kee, sgiceboy, Naka_Timo, Cumexplorer, justl00king, Kalv, Nato17, xxxdreamer, waikeekee, submarinez, sex crusader, xlao, loneyheart, kyc2110, Apollo, mobliepod, Goalie, PPGirl, Rickey, sam30sg, nitecrawllerr, marlboroken, justfuckit, qizai, songest, lookingaround, NorthEast, compgen, ah rat, smartke, formula1, ShaolinHamster, clinton, wittyman, venussg, DrPussy, HonestCrook, lglg666, President, MMKing, fdomme, siam66, SEAJ, hardone, 胡's your daddy!, nocturnal1984, GeGe, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, Cash8877, aalibaba, joHnnyBoy90, laoba, SimplyUnperfect, cupid, MimeBoxer, Cafu, hayhay, beautyhunter, BMW69, bestlicker, saas, Josh_Ray, starbuck, acemanfred55, cumminology, Swagelock, watssupp, SMGG, Tnuc111, Joe Fox, Pervy Sage, JustANewbie, hornyhubby, Ramirez, macktamer, Koiz, andrew101, Hilary, ClownTeaser, Nitro Trans, justdoit, Devil-Man, PeaceKris, ProjectAlice, 002nabe, lovecim, conly, reading, oxeso, Acegik, sexy_lion, FeiGohGoh, jc_wtc, Yakuza, mazda1947, jimfairy, Javabeans, mePoke, memorablez, TingTongLove, jorje, 222nge, devilchan78, S.B.Y.1, hamsapkwai, esssinine, Woei, bunty, ken6890, Mito, guess67, shctaw, GoldRabbit, bbbjkim, Hanster, surbana, wpns, best123, snowcap, FishingPartner, Babarella, Spector69, HunnyCame888, BlueFinTuna, bk81665, masters, chaku, PeroPero, 99099, Supervert, iSaigon, Doubledare, Rasta Marley, Baigonggong, SirRumble, slyer, iphone1s, bizbiz, le113ru, Gem08, ComplainKing, BrillantKnight, masterwanker, Kuan Aik Hong, buzett, koebshaq0_0, ShiningGlory, More, AceAmando, Devil Reds, BlickBassy, Fishypartner, Abastor, takashi31400, KohOnly21, Evetan86, sleeping, Big Sister80, XiaoLaoPO, norigo77, 1deg, kthan10, sc slayer, urgg, JollyOne, GoldPool, CherryQQ, Jubilation, FookKew, b00bs, hairy_abalone, Ho-Lee, JokerDeBest, charcoalfilter, RedFrog, Lemon2, Treemon99, NRider, PowerSeh, raw1, bigbirdbird, Zacelfron, igor123, SingaHarimau, LeeHsienLoong, w00f, Greenfrog, Happyman007, VRossi1980, Raddy69, madpig88, curiousSG, Xxon, hakone, NastyThaiboy, Skypiea, BK4ever, MPLover, Truthful, JohnnyStorm, BBHumper, tarma69, mantaray73, MagicEight, Guardsmen, lion81, gilaxes, Coronet Peak, wester22, pompy, KnightScorpio, randily, crackpod, damong777, OserbergGold, manu_no7, tinalam, VoltaRedonda, fun12345, Sailsingapore, Shoot To Target, wally888, chatlovers, ctchua, Black Page, Abbie Mayo, ChinaAngel, CherryPickle, wohaha96, retepoet, zl1983, simifly, bababoo, gasscut, smoky7, anotherlife, Harvest, Arse-nal, Tho66, Young Hero, ReelSchnick, lobowolf, meatvegelove, SunRayys, skyscrape, sbftiankon, The Old Nite, clapton, ReddySpeed, ExBro, divedeeper, Ladypink, Nzkiwi, skyleon, Ashbirdy, Milobing, Spicy98, tittytitty, MattJB, ExBros, sg50, owl888, deathryuk, SkyBandit, plsfloodme, kopigaogao, VIETLONER, ml1138, Don28, ivan_tan00, aloius, pocketrocket, sinjktcnx, Love 6969, fullofrubbish, Froster, Regaine, Islands, JulianLuther, dyelook, howgoodisthat, Analingusman, BroRelax, Madpig, SnowLeopards, i44444, DarthRevan, lawbah, chochochang2, BlueCondor, SeanSky, oldslywolf, FireShark, DJMixologist, max_priest, BikinisLover, James Teo, sggirls, InnocentStar, 0808, mevius, lalala89, Brunt, RapidoBoy, Eternal Luck, kristoa7, SilentMan, RisingShadow, SkyCarpenter, Joyluck, QT169, Born1988, HornyKingKong, ArowanaBullet, dysfunk, bigtube99, BenjiGlory, marc5, BulleYe, bluezben, Blackcloud, sanuuk, Wu Song Jr, lonebonker, 126gal, oFudge, conquer, cyberkoh88, CoCK ShoCk, Steventan, LuckyKnight, Evileyes, xxFTOxx, szczesny, evo5555, Belwins555

13-05-2016, 06:58 PM
Just up 13 points, jc_wtc

Returned 48 points.

sc slayer
13-05-2016, 08:22 PM
Want to trade points?

13-05-2016, 09:35 PM
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?
Need to BOOST your Rep Points level?

I m READY to provide you wiz
54 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 91 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p

Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!

PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)

P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.