View Full Version : PREMIUM forum membership now available!

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03-02-2013, 03:29 AM
Is there a restriction for adding points to other Bros? Can't seem to up their points....

03-02-2013, 06:17 AM
Is there a restriction for adding points to other Bros? Can't seem to up their points....

You have "0" power.

Big Sexy
03-02-2013, 06:53 AM
few more post and you should get your first rep power. ;)

Is there a restriction for adding points to other Bros? Can't seem to up their points....

07-02-2013, 02:33 AM
May i know that is it malaysia is not entitle for Verotel?
Is there any other alternative way?

07-02-2013, 03:06 AM
May i know that is it malaysia is not entitle for Verotel?
Is there any other alternative way?

PM me and I'll work something out.

14-02-2013, 12:12 AM
I just became a Premium member... just to pay back a little towards the forum that has in a way given us quite a bit in the past - although in the last 2 years, the forum has "sort of deteriorated". Points mean nothing much to me. I never solicit for points - all the points I had (600+ before the 200 was added) were given to be by others without me asking for them.

The only reason I decided to pay the premium is to "support" the forum such that (and similar like-minded people can do the same) the forum will not degenerate into a mouth-piece of the fee-paying OKTs.

Threads created were deleted.. (for no reason even when they are non-advertising in nature).

The vibrancy of the forum has been lost in the past 2 years or so. Very little FR. Threads deleted. Posts deleted.. - even good ones..

15-02-2013, 05:56 PM
Hi, i'm from Indonesia. So how do i sign up premium membership? Beacuse i don't have verotel account.

Big Sexy
15-02-2013, 07:28 PM
read post 261

Hi, i'm from Indonesia. So how do i sign up premium membership? Beacuse i don't have verotel account.

thanks mate..
we need more samsters like you.. :)
I just became a Premium member... just to pay back a little towards the forum that has in a way given us quite a bit in the past

16-02-2013, 07:21 PM
may i ask why my post keep getting delete @ gambling section. i only ask who most zai agent i wan to open plate also cannot? zzz pay premium den keep kena delete 2 times already!! any admin can pm me tell me what i do wrong. thanks

Big Sexy
16-02-2013, 08:29 PM
send a pm to the adv moderator greentea.
he will be able to advise :)

may i ask why my post keep getting delete @ gambling section. i only ask who most zai agent i wan to open plate also cannot? zzz pay premium den keep kena delete 2 times already!! any admin can pm me tell me what i do wrong. thanks

21-02-2013, 10:43 PM
Hi , How do I see my reputation points? I can't access from User CP.

24-02-2013, 05:35 AM
Hi may I know how to cancel the premium membership?

24-02-2013, 06:02 AM
May i know that is it malaysia is not entitle for Verotel?
Is there any other alternative way?

me too , admin pm pls , i have pp.

24-02-2013, 06:37 AM
Hi may I know how to cancel the premium membership?

All the info regarding premium accounts and how to manage them is in the first post of this thread.;)


26-02-2013, 02:51 AM
I am already signed up with Verotel more than a ago. Do I qualify for the premium membership? Or must I re-setup a new Verotel account?

26-02-2013, 02:56 AM
I am already signed up with Verotel more than a ago. Do I qualify for the premium membership? Or must I re-setup a new Verotel account?

It all depends what you want. ;)

Those who are only interested in the images don't need premium membership.

26-02-2013, 11:34 AM
Hi Boss, i would like to ask something. Say now i signed up for premium membership which means i get +200 rep points.

After the duration of my premium membership, will i get to keep the points that other Samsters have upped me for when my membership was active?

For example, i have 215 rep points after signing up for the premium membership. Samsters upped my points till 315.

Will i get to keep the 100 points that Samsters have upped me (Total: 115 points) after my membership has expired? or will i be reset to 15 points which is prior to my signing up as premium member? Thank you.

Big Sexy
26-02-2013, 11:42 AM
yea mate.. you get to keep whatever points minus the 200..;)

Hi Boss, i would like to ask something. Say now i signed up for premium membership which means i get +200 rep points.

After the duration of my premium membership, will i get to keep the points that other Samsters have upped me for when my membership was active?

26-02-2013, 01:04 PM
alright.. thanks boss.. already signed up and looking forward to start contributing after so long :)

Big Sexy
26-02-2013, 01:12 PM
no problem mate
thanks for signing up
btw i am not the boss here.. sam is. ;)
alright.. thanks boss.. already signed up and looking forward to start contributing after so long :)

04-03-2013, 07:16 PM
What will happen to the power?

Will it goes back to normal?

Big Sexy
04-03-2013, 07:51 PM

so long you have enough rep points(40points),
you will retain your rep power.

What will happen to the power?

Will it goes back to normal?

04-03-2013, 08:18 PM
so long you have enough rep points(40points),
you will retain your rep power.
Now, I see.

I think it can be very hard to go up 40 points.

04-03-2013, 08:20 PM
so long you have enough rep points(40points),
you will retain your rep power.
By the way, my account was once completely blocked and inaccessible.

If I cancel the subscription, will I be blocked again?

Big Sexy
04-03-2013, 08:33 PM
blocked? mate, we don't block any account here.
did u change your email?
if u did, you need to login to your email and activate your account again...
if not, was there any error message?

By the way, my account was once completely blocked and inaccessible.

If I cancel the subscription, will I be blocked again?

04-03-2013, 08:39 PM
blocked? mate, we don't block any account here.
did u change your email?
if u did, you need to login to your email and activate your account again...
if not, was there any error message?
I am very sure.

It was totally blocked.

I can't access private message nor post.

There was an error message but can't remember.

What I did was, I took a risk and subscribed. It activated! How can I assure my account wasn't block.

I wonder, will I be blocked again if I cancel my subscription?

Big Sexy
04-03-2013, 09:04 PM
hmm..if u are sure u didn't change your email address
pm sam for advise..;)

I am very sure.

It was totally blocked.

I can't access private message nor post.

There was an error message but can't remember.

What I did was, I took a risk and subscribed. It activated! How can I assure my account wasn't block.

I wonder, will I be blocked again if I cancel my subscription?

04-03-2013, 09:14 PM
hmm..if u are sure u didn't change your email address
pm sam for advise..;)
ok... I will pm him. See how.

05-03-2013, 03:30 AM
ok... I will pm him. See how.

Yes your account was disabled for some reason way back in 2011. However, no reason is given in the database and it is such a long time ago I cannot remember what happened.

Accounts are normally disabled if

1. The account is used to spam.
2. The owner of the account requests that the account be disabled.

05-03-2013, 07:07 PM
Yes your account was disabled for some reason way back in 2011. However, no reason is given in the database and it is such a long time ago I cannot remember what happened.
Never mind. Let is past.

Accounts are normally disabled if
1. The account is used to spam.
2. The owner of the account requests that the account be disabled.
1. I never spam.
2. Neither I made the request.

My question is, after my subscription, will my ID/log-in be blocked again?

Big Sexy
05-03-2013, 08:07 PM
i would think so mate..
after the subscription expires..
it should revert back to its original status
unless sam tweak the system..

Never mind. Let is past.

1. I never used to spam.
2. Neither I made the request.

My question is, after my subscription, will my ID/log-in be blocked again?

05-03-2013, 08:31 PM
i would think so mate..
after the subscription expires..
it should revert back to its original status
unless sam tweak the system..
"evert back to its original status" - meaning to be blocked again?

Big Sexy
05-03-2013, 08:56 PM
yes, if the original one has limited access.
but u can write to sam and discuss the issue with him.

"evert back to its original status" - meaning to be blocked again?

06-03-2013, 07:27 PM
yes, if the original one has limited access.

Agree. It will revert back to normal. I am looking forward be reinstated.

This period of premium membership for me is to test-try.

I wonder what if those members with '-9999' points signing up for membership? I presume they may be credited with positive '200' points. However, after 30days, I am afraid it goes back to negative. Totally "sian" for them. When one's power revert to original state, it is meaningless to continue playing this game.

Pay to get some points in return permanently is one good way. Can Sammyboy consider this?

To attract more people into signing up for membership and to continue with membership, t-&-c can modified. I think there are rooms for improvement (regarding this membership entitlement).

Big Sexy
06-03-2013, 07:54 PM
not sure..
sam isnt in favour of selling rep points.
you will find it very difficult to convince him to do that..

Pay to get some points in return permanently is one good way. Can Sammyboy consider this?


06-03-2013, 10:13 PM
not sure..
sam isnt in favour of selling rep points.
you will find it very difficult to convince him to do that..
I believe what you said. You know him more than me.
I will take you words. :)

10-03-2013, 08:36 PM
hey anyone know why i signed up member already still cannot send private message?

11-03-2013, 03:46 AM
hey anyone know why i signed up member already still cannot send private message?

What sort of error message are you getting?

You sent one to me and I received it loud and clear.

Big Sexy
11-03-2013, 04:46 AM
can try again mate..
you shouldnt have problem sending out pm
let sam know if you still cannot do it

btw read the newbie helpline too
make sure your pm feature is not disabled.;)

hey anyone know why i signed up member already still cannot send private message?

11-03-2013, 05:31 AM
can try again mate..
you shouldnt have problem sending out pm
let sam know if you still cannot do it

I'm pretty sure he has no issues because I received his PM without any problems. Something could have gone wrong since then though. Let's see what sort of error message he's getting.

Big Sexy
11-03-2013, 07:50 AM
sam..what is the chance that he tells you that
he thought i didn't went thru because he didnt see it in his sent box
50 pence?:D

I'm pretty sure he has no issues because I received his PM without any problems. Something could have gone wrong since then though. Let's see what sort of error message he's getting.

12-03-2013, 10:26 PM
Dear Sam,

How can Malaysian sign up for membership ?

13-03-2013, 01:20 AM
sorry im confused. what's the difference between premium membership and the other one (asiangirlnextdoors. that is 2 dollars more). which one can access the privAte photos forum?

13-03-2013, 03:52 AM
sorry im confused. what's the difference between premium membership and the other one (asiangirlnextdoors. that is 2 dollars more). which one can access the privAte photos forum?

Asiangirlsnextdoor.com is a different site altogether. It contains images and videos taken from this forum.

Premium membership advantages are listed in the first post of this thread.:p

15-03-2013, 08:10 PM
debit card is allowed?

Big Sexy
15-03-2013, 09:02 PM
should be ok..
if it doesnt work then PM sam..:)
debit card is allowed?

30-03-2013, 08:32 AM
Bro i renew but the monthly de nv come in lez

Big Sexy
30-03-2013, 10:36 AM
sorry mate.
do u mean u didnt get the extra 10 points?
did u auto renew or did u terminate it and then sign up again?
pls advise
Bro i renew but the monthly de nv come in lez

05-04-2013, 05:40 PM

I did not get any additional 10pts per month even though have subscribe to premium membership for 2 months plus through cc. pls advice

Big Sexy
05-04-2013, 07:51 PM
mate... check your usercp and make sure noone zap you..
if you are certain that u didnt get the additional points, then drop sam a pm. :)

I did not get any additional 10pts per month even though have subscribe to premium membership for 2 months plus through cc. pls advice

06-04-2013, 05:09 PM

I did not get any additional 10pts per month even though have subscribe to premium membership for 2 months plus through cc. pls advice

Should be fixed. Please check. ;)

08-04-2013, 06:26 AM
Boss, premium membership is indeed good! Perhaps it'll be better if premium members can see who added/deducted their rep..

08-04-2013, 10:09 AM
Hi Boss, I will be posting as an independent FL. Can I know if the rate is USD17.95 as per stated? Anyway, I have sent you an email. Looking forward to your reply soon. Thanks ya :)

08-04-2013, 01:50 PM
Hi Boss, I will be posting as an independent FL. Can I know if the rate is USD17.95 as per stated? Anyway, I have sent you an email. Looking forward to your reply soon. Thanks ya :)

Read the words in RED.


08-04-2013, 03:12 PM
Bro , am I able to pay through paypal instead of using cards ?

08-04-2013, 03:34 PM
Bro , am I able to pay through paypal instead of using cards ?

Paypal cannot be used for adult transactions.

09-04-2013, 02:50 PM
Hi, I'm living in Indonesia and can't register using verotel. My country is not listed in the country option.
Is there any alternative payment method ?

Big Sexy
10-04-2013, 07:32 AM
sent a pm to big boss sam
he may be able to work something out for you. :)

Hi, I'm living in Indonesia and can't register using verotel. My country is not listed in the country option.
Is there any alternative payment method ?

17-04-2013, 06:26 AM
Boss, Premium members can Upz 4 members a day ??
Ref: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=8835646&postcount=1583
Suggests updating post 1 if true.

Wishing all a nice day. :) Cheers.

Big Sexy
17-04-2013, 09:22 AM
probably using 4 different nicks,
otherwise it cannot be done.

Boss, Premium members can Upz 4 members a day ??

Wishing all a nice day. :) Cheers.

2335 Man
20-04-2013, 02:05 PM
can advise the date of payment? Is it on every 1st day of the month? If I join today then when will the bank charges me?


Big Sexy
20-04-2013, 03:09 PM
you become a premium member immediately after payment(via credit/debit card) is accepted by the system.

Transaction details will be reflected in your next credit card bill.

can advise the date of payment? Is it on every 1st day of the month? If I join today then when will the bank charges me?


20-04-2013, 03:12 PM
can advise the date of payment? Is it on every 1st day of the month? If I join today then when will the bank charges me?


Your visa/mastercard is charged the day the transaction is processed. If you choose the rebill option, it will rebill on the same date every month.

24-04-2013, 11:30 PM
I am already a premium member but instill need to purchase a verotel ticket to viewcall the girls??

25-04-2013, 03:51 AM
I am already a premium member but instill need to purchase a verotel ticket to viewcall the girls??

No you don't have to purchase verotel ticketsclub unless you want to view the old stuff.

You can download all the attachments directly from the private picture forum. Just click on the attachment icons. :p

04-05-2013, 12:20 PM
Just to check, I seem to have 10 points but can't seem to post (am I in moderated status?) If so, must I sign up for this to post?

Big Sexy
04-05-2013, 12:58 PM
you will need more post to get out of moderation.
you only have 5 to update.
do note that posting in the newbie and soccer doesnt add to your total post count.

however there is an easy way out,
sing up for the premium membership, read the first post of this thread for more info.

Just to check, I seem to have 10 points but can't seem to post (am I in moderated status?) If so, must I sign up for this to post?

04-05-2013, 10:04 PM
Thanks Big_Sexy - I'll do as you suggest!

11-05-2013, 12:46 PM
Hi admin,

Im having problem to purchase the membership.

I cant have Malaysia as my country in option, then I insert any country but with my credit card issued in Malaysia (OCBC) also failed.

Kindly help!

Big Sexy
11-05-2013, 12:58 PM
hi there

kindly sent a pm to boss sam ( sammyboyfor).
he should be able to work out something for you. ;)

Hi admin,

Im having problem to purchase the membership.

I cant have Malaysia as my country in option, then I insert any country but with my credit card issued in Malaysia (OCBC) also failed.

Kindly help!

12-05-2013, 01:53 PM
Boss, can i ask what is the difference when i sign up as a premium member versus signing up as a tickets club member? Both also got access to the private picture collection right? Thank you

12-05-2013, 03:52 PM
Boss, can i ask what is the difference when i sign up as a premium member versus signing up as a tickets club member? Both also got access to the private picture collection right? Thank you

Ticketclub gives you access to all the images ever posted in the private section since day one. These images are hosted on a different site.

Premium membership gives you direct access to the attachments that are available in the private picture forum. You can download them directly by clicking on the attachments.

There are also a host of other privileges that are listed in the first post of this thread.

12-05-2013, 04:03 PM
Boss, just to clarify with you.

Is it true that your power doubles when you are Premium Member even when it does not show it?

Eg, I have 8 points. When I up a member, it shows as 16.

12-05-2013, 04:20 PM
Boss, just to clarify with you.

Is it true that your power doubles when you are Premium Member even when it does not show it?

Eg, I have 8 points. When I up a member, it shows as 16.


12-05-2013, 04:46 PM
Many not aware. Suggest Post #1 be updated with this (similar to addition of Item 6). :D Very good advertising mileage to get new members !! :) Cheers.

12-05-2013, 04:57 PM

Ahh......okok. I get it now. Thanks, Boss.

13-05-2013, 12:51 AM
you become a premium member immediately after payment(via credit/debit card) is accepted by the system.

Transaction details will be reflected in your next credit card bill.

What will the charges be reflected as in the credit card bill? My card is sponsored and I do not want my sponsor to find out I subscribed to SBF.

13-05-2013, 01:47 AM
What will the charges be reflected as in the credit card bill? My card is sponsored and I do not want my sponsor to find out I subscribed to SBF.

it is stated in the first post of this thread ;)

'Verotel*vtsup.com' will appear on your credit card or bank
statement as the beneficiary of this transaction.

Big Sexy
13-05-2013, 06:06 AM
you dont have to worry on that..
it will be reflected as "vtsup.com vertotel" ;)

What will the charges be reflected as in the credit card bill? My card is sponsored and I do not want my sponsor to find out I subscribed to SBF.

21-05-2013, 02:14 AM
Want to ask a question, whats the difference between advertiser and
premium account?

Can a premium account holder also advertise his/her wares?

21-05-2013, 04:20 AM
Want to ask a question, whats the difference between advertiser and
premium account?

Can a premium account holder also advertise his/her wares?


21-05-2013, 09:35 PM
Just to ask, the discounted rates is for which OKTs?

22-05-2013, 03:44 AM
Just to ask, the discounted rates is for which OKTs?

The ones that advertise in the Premium lounge.

22-05-2013, 07:36 PM
The ones that advertise in the Premium lounge.

Mind giving a few examples?

Big Sexy
22-05-2013, 07:52 PM
from what i see, there are sg girl, thai girls there..

Mind giving a few examples?

22-05-2013, 08:57 PM
from what i see, there are sg girl, thai girls there..

I mean examples of the OKTs or stables.

Big Sexy
22-05-2013, 09:15 PM
it is not difficult to identify those premium advertisers...
those who advertises in the premium lounge has the title " Advertiser - Premium Lounge" under their nick. they have threads in the FL domes too.. you can check them out in the fl domes.

I mean examples of the OKTs or stables.

22-05-2013, 10:18 PM
it is not difficult to identify those premium advertisers...
those who advertises in the premium lounge has the title " Advertiser - Premium Lounge" under their nick. they have threads in the FL domes too.. you can check them out in the fl domes.

Thanks! That helps :)

23-05-2013, 12:35 PM
I can't view the pics through my mobile.It downloaded but in *php. PC access is blocked by Star**ub. How do i go about viewing the pics..Thanks.

23-05-2013, 01:57 PM
I can't view the pics through my mobile.It downloaded but in *php. PC access is blocked by Star**ub. How do i go about viewing the pics..Thanks.

There is no block by starhub. I checked the traffic stats and there are hundreds of successful connections and downloads from starhub. :)

It is difficult for me to troubleshoot your mobile connection as there are so many factors involved. What OS are you using?

If you change .php to .jpg manually, can you view the image?

23-05-2013, 02:41 PM
I can't view the pics through my mobile.It downloaded but in *php. PC access is blocked by Star**ub. How do i go about viewing the pics..Thanks.

Just checked with iOS6

Everything works fine.

Are you on Android?

24-05-2013, 01:25 AM
Just checked with iOS6

Everything works fine.

Are you on Android?

Using Android..but i got it figured out..Thanks. Can't use PC still,blocked..will enjoy the pics thru mobile..

Big Sexy
24-05-2013, 07:40 AM
hi mate, care to share how you did it? thanks. ;)

Using Android..but i got it figured out..Thanks. Can't use PC still,blocked..will enjoy the pics thru mobile..

24-05-2013, 02:01 PM
Like the Boss said.Download the file,change the extension to .jpg and save file.Then u can open it.

26-05-2013, 02:40 AM
im malaysian and i cant pay through verotel pls help.

26-05-2013, 03:54 AM
im malaysian and i cant pay through verotel pls help.

If you're willing to do a whole year at a discounted rate, PM me and I'll work something out.

04-06-2013, 01:23 PM
can I pay the sub in cash into your bank account. i do not want to use my CC.


04-06-2013, 02:03 PM
can I pay the sub in cash into your bank account. i do not want to use my CC.


The TT charges alone would be more than the subscription. :p

2335 Man
04-06-2013, 02:21 PM
Dear boss how long does it take to be able to log on.

Big Sexy
04-06-2013, 03:43 PM
sorry mate, i dont really get what you mean.
if you are asking about when you will being a premium member after you made the payment.. then the answer is, you become a premium member immediately once payment is received.;)

As it is now, you are already a premium member,
Welcome to the premium member club and start to enjoy the benefits :)

Dear boss how long does it take to be able to log on.

04-06-2013, 03:50 PM
Dear boss how long does it take to be able to log on.

If you can post the above message, it means you are already logged in. :p

04-06-2013, 10:59 PM
Anybody can help me?

I already paid for subscription but I can not really access the forum "Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION)"
There are more than 1000 threads in that forum, but I can only see few of them. There are no pages 2,3,4, etc.

I am pretty sure I log in using the correct id and password provided by verotel after I made the payment around 10 hr ago.

I have a question, for the premium members is "Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION)" the only forum that we can download attachments?

Please help..

05-06-2013, 03:41 AM
Anybody can help me?

I already paid for subscription but I can not really access the forum "Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION)"
There are more than 1000 threads in that forum, but I can only see few of them. There are no pages 2,3,4, etc.

I am pretty sure I log in using the correct id and password provided by verotel after I made the payment around 10 hr ago.

I have a question, for the premium members is "Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION)" the only forum that we can download attachments?

Please help..

same problem, i can only access asianggirlnextdoor.com thought, nothing from this forum!

05-06-2013, 06:19 AM
Anybody can help me?

I already paid for subscription but I can not really access the forum "Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION)"
There are more than 1000 threads in that forum, but I can only see few of them. There are no pages 2,3,4, etc.

I am pretty sure I log in using the correct id and password provided by verotel after I made the payment around 10 hr ago.

I have a question, for the premium members is "Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION)" the only forum that we can download attachments?

Please help..

At the bottom of the page you'll see "Display Options". The default is "one month" or "45 days" depending upon what you set in your CP.

Change it to "the beginning" and you'll see all the threads.

Please not that attachments older than 2 months will be purged though. This is to make way for the new attachments that are posted daily.

Hope that helps.

The private picture forum is the only section where attachments are uploaded.

05-06-2013, 06:21 AM
same problem, i can only access asianggirlnextdoor.com thought, nothing from this forum!

That's because you have not purchased premium membership. You have opted for a ticketsclub membership to the site asiangirlsnextdoor.com

The advantage of the ticketsclub option is that you can access ALL the images that have been posted since day one. ;) However, you do not get the other benefits such as additional rep points and direct access to the attachments.

Big Sexy
05-06-2013, 07:25 AM
the user id and password provided by verotel isnt for you to login to the forum..you should access the forum using your sbf login.

You can download movie and pictures from the link/picture exchange plaza forum (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=8)
however the private section is the only forum here that allows user to upload a attachment.

I am pretty sure I log in using the correct id and password provided by verotel after I made the payment around 10 hr ago.

I have a question, for the premium members is "Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION)" the only forum that we can download attachments?

Please help..

05-06-2013, 11:11 PM
At the bottom of the page you'll see "Display Options". The default is "one month" or "45 days" depending upon what you set in your CP.

Change it to "the beginning" and you'll see all the threads.

Please not that attachments older than 2 months will be purged though. This is to make way for the new attachments that are posted daily.

Hope that helps.

The private picture forum is the only section where attachments are uploaded.

thanks it helps me :D

08-06-2013, 12:59 PM
Once I get a sufficient numbers of a core group of premium users, I will be able to work something out. It is early days yet.;)

testing my new upgrade..


13-06-2013, 11:54 PM
I paid last month, however my membership status has always been samster(M) not premium. Why am I still not a premium member?

14-06-2013, 04:28 AM
I paid last month, however my membership status has always been samster(M) not premium. Why am I still not a premium member?

You did not purchase premium membership. You purchased ticketsclub access to to asiangirlsnextdoor.com which stores all the images from the Private Picture Forum. You can view the images by click on the "Ticketsclub Members Entrance" at the private picture forum section.

17-06-2013, 09:52 PM
Hi bro!

I tried purchasing premium membership but for some reason it got declined.
I'm currently in Indonesia. Does this have an effect?


18-06-2013, 04:06 AM
Hi bro!

I tried purchasing premium membership but for some reason it got declined.
I'm currently in Indonesia. Does this have an effect?


I believe credit cards issued in Indonesia are not accepted by the system. :cool:

18-06-2013, 07:32 AM
Dear boss,if my point r in negative,does it meant once i purchase the membership,it wil revert to positive? And wat if i discontinue after one month,will it become red again,thank.

18-06-2013, 10:23 AM
Dear boss,if my point r in negative,does it meant once i purchase the membership,it wil revert to positive? And wat if i discontinue after one month,will it become red again,thank.

Purchasing premium membership adds 200 points to your account. When you cancel, it deducts 200 points. However, the monthly bonus points are yours to keep.

26-06-2013, 01:24 PM

Big Sexy
26-06-2013, 07:50 PM
the boss of this forum is sammyboyfor
sent him a pm if u have a proposal for him.;)


28-06-2013, 11:20 AM
hi boss, I have already completed my 1st month and I still have not received my 10 points. Can you please check?

OK here is the latest!!! :p

200 points added upon sign up.

10 points added every month as long as you remain a member. This means in one year 120 points will be added in addition to the 200 points you gained when you first signed up.

Example :

Member "xxxxxyyy" has 50 rep points. He decides to sign up for premium membership.
Upon completing the transaction, 200 points is added so the total is 250.
He remains a premier member for one year. Each month, 10 points is added so that adds another 120 points by the end of the anniversary date so total = 370 after one year of premium membership.
He cancels after one year. 200 points is deducted for canceling but the monthly bonus remains so rep points after canceling will be 170.

28-06-2013, 06:30 PM
hi boss, I have already completed my 1st month and I still have not received my 10 points. Can you please check?

I'll check what is going on later and get back to you. ;)

You will definitely get what you paid for. :)

29-06-2013, 09:26 AM
hi boss, I have already completed my 1st month and I still have not received my 10 points. Can you please check?

An error occurred. I have added the points manually.

It should be fine from the next billing cycle onwards. ;)

Sorry about that.

29-06-2013, 11:29 AM
Thank you sir.

An error occurred. I have added the points manually.

It should be fine from the next billing cycle onwards. ;)

Sorry about that.

09-07-2013, 02:02 PM
How does the power system work?

09-07-2013, 02:21 PM
How does the power system work?


Big Sexy
09-07-2013, 02:44 PM
u can start enjoying most of the benefit of a premium member already
e.g viewing the pictures in the private forum , post are not moderated and the discount in the premium lounge.

however to gain your first rep power, u will need to have about at least 10 post.

How does the power system work?

16-07-2013, 11:02 PM
hi sam, I jus bought a membership and i got toaly no idea how to log in with it. can you please guide me ? thanks, my email is [email protected]

17-07-2013, 07:51 AM
hi sam, I jus bought a membership and i got toaly no idea how to log in with it. can you please guide me ? thanks, my email is [email protected]

You have purchased ticketsclub membership to the private picture forum archives at http://www.asiangirlsnextdoor.com/adultcheck/verotelgate/

When prompted, enter the usercode and passcode that was assigned to you by verotel.

17-07-2013, 04:45 PM
hi.. quite new to this thing ..does it mean i get the membership i will gain access to the private pics forum?:confused:

17-07-2013, 09:18 PM
Hi Admin,

I just buy the membership thing, but I cnt access to http://www.asiangirlsnextdoor.com

any ideas how to solve this prblm???

17-07-2013, 11:28 PM
hello bro,

i signed up for the membership but somehow i'm still at 20 rep points. is there a problem?


paiseh bro please ignore the above. i just checked and realized that my july payment bounced so my membership is not premium anymore. does this mean the 200 points are gone forever even if i were to resume my subscription?

18-07-2013, 03:57 AM
Hi Admin,

I just buy the membership thing, but I cnt access to http://www.asiangirlsnextdoor.com

any ideas how to solve this prblm???

Premium membership is for this forum not asiangirlsnextdoor.com.

To gain access to asiangirlsnextdoor.com, you need to sign up for a ticketsclub account at http://www.asiangirlsnextdoor.com/adultcheck/harryauk.html

Click on the verotel banner at the top of that page :


18-07-2013, 03:58 AM
hello bro,

i signed up for the membership but somehow i'm still at 20 rep points. is there a problem?


paiseh bro please ignore the above. i just checked and realized that my july payment bounced so my membership is not premium anymore. does this mean the 200 points are gone forever even if i were to resume my subscription?

If you renew your membership, your 200 points are restored straight away. ;)

18-07-2013, 11:28 PM
If you renew your membership, your 200 points are restored straight away. ;)

thanks bro! best news of today :)

24-07-2013, 11:20 PM
How do i unsubscribe? I click on this link http://www.vtsup.com but the page doesn't load (failed to open page message).

Big Sexy
25-07-2013, 06:40 AM
hi. can u try again. i have no problem accessing that link
use another web browser if necessary

How do i unsubscribe? I click on this link http://www.vtsup.com/ but the page doesn't load (failed to open page message).

25-07-2013, 07:27 AM
hi. can u try again. i have no problem accessing that link
use another web browser if necessary


04-08-2013, 10:33 AM
hey bro im in indonesia. i want subscribe but country not available. help me.

Big Sexy
04-08-2013, 11:04 AM
please pm sammyboyfor
he will be able to help you :)

hey bro im in indonesia. i want subscribe but country not available. help me.

04-08-2013, 03:05 PM
hey bro im in indonesia. i want subscribe but country not available. help me.

Click on my nick to PM me. :)

07-08-2013, 02:12 PM
Can any bro enlightened me how to up points? N how does it works?

ah rat
07-08-2013, 02:42 PM
Can any bro enlightened me how to up points? N how does it works?

See the link :http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=1447237&postcount=2

09-08-2013, 01:08 PM
hi can anyone let me know why i cannot post my photos in the private pic forum? when i click "new thread" it says i dun have enough privileges to post? :eek:

09-08-2013, 01:42 PM
hi can anyone let me know why i cannot post my photos in the private pic forum? when i click "new thread" it says i dun have enough privileges to post? :eek:

The private picture forum is for those who have original images to contribute.

If you have taken some pix that meet the requirements (http://www.sammyboy.com/legacyoff/originalpixrules.html), please follow the directions in the link I've provided. ;)

14-08-2013, 01:54 PM
Just curious, can I delete /edit other user's post in my (sponsored) thread with premium membership?

In forum KTV & Health Centre

15-08-2013, 01:57 PM
Just curious, can I delete /edit other user's post in my (sponsored) thread with premium membership?

In forum KTV & Health Centre

No Premium membership does not enable you to delete or edit the posts of other members.

16-08-2013, 11:20 AM
I had Premium membership and 458 reputation points. Then I terminated my premium membership, that left me with 258 points. And suddenly, this morning, I found that my rep points is now -342. Is there a system glitch? Or is there more to it?

Big Sexy
16-08-2013, 02:30 PM
you could have violate one of the rules.
did u use vulgarities while zapping others without leaving your nick?

I had Premium membership and 458 reputation points. Then I terminated my premium membership, that left me with 258 points. And suddenly, this morning, I found that my rep points is now -342. Is there a system glitch? Or is there more to it?

16-08-2013, 04:11 PM
I had Premium membership and 458 reputation points. Then I terminated my premium membership, that left me with 258 points. And suddenly, this morning, I found that my rep points is now -342. Is there a system glitch? Or is there more to it?

Same thing happened to me. And within 1-2 hours i got zapped another 200 points. I havent even posted anything recently:confused:

16-08-2013, 04:58 PM
In my whole life here, I have NEVER zapped anybody.

Can you please check some more, thanks.

you could have violate one of the rules.
did u use vulgarities while zapping others without leaving your nick?

16-08-2013, 05:02 PM
you could have violate one of the rules.
did u use vulgarities while zapping others without leaving your nick?

In my whole life here, I have NEVER zapped anybody.

And now I have been zapped another 600 points, what is happening???

Can you please check some more, thanks.

you could have violate one of the rules.
did u use vulgarities while zapping others without leaving your nick?

Originally Posted by bdlb23 View Post
I had Premium membership and 458 reputation points. Then I terminated my premium membership, that left me with 258 points. And suddenly, this morning, I found that my rep points is now -342. Is there a system glitch? Or is there more to it?


16-08-2013, 05:05 PM
.. terminated.. premium .. 258 points... rep points is now -342. .. system glitch.. (now -942 pts)

Same thing happened to me..... havent even posted anything recently.. (now -961 pts)

Most likely, fine tuning of script for Premium termination required. Not to worry - Boss will rectify. :) Cheers.

Big Sexy
16-08-2013, 05:06 PM
mate, one zap or multiple zap?

Same thing happened to me. And within 1-2 hours i got zapped another 200 points. I havent even posted anything recently:confused:

Big Sexy
16-08-2013, 07:22 PM
Hi all

There seems to be a bug with the system.
I have already drop sam a pm with regards to the problem.
Do give him some time to fix the problem.
you will definitely get the points back once he sort out the problem.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Originally Posted by bdlb23 View Post
I had Premium membership and 458 reputation points. Then I terminated my premium membership, that left me with 258 points. And suddenly, this morning, I found that my rep points is now -342. Is there a system glitch? Or is there more to it?

Same thing happened to me. And within 1-2 hours i got zapped another 200 points. I havent even posted anything recently:confused:

16-08-2013, 07:59 PM
Hi all

There seems to be a bug with the system.
I have already drop sam a pm with regards to the problem.
Do give him some time to fix the problem.
you will definitely get the points back once he sort out the problem.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for the notification. I almost flipped the table when I saw my points further dropped to -961 after my last post.

Big Sexy
16-08-2013, 08:04 PM
sorry about it mate.
i will "up" u guys some points once the problem has been fixed. :)

Thank you for the notification. I almost flipped the table when I saw my points further dropped to -961 after my last post.

david chew
16-08-2013, 11:45 PM
I cann't recall my ID and password, I am a premium member
Please advise how to retrival.
My email is [email protected]

17-08-2013, 12:12 AM
sorry about it mate.
i will "up" u guys some points once the problem has been fixed. :)

Problem solved! My points are back!!! Thank you Sam Bro, Big Sexy Bro and whoever that had help in solving the issue! :)

17-08-2013, 08:31 AM
I cann't recall my ID and password, I am a premium member
Please advise how to retrival.
My email is [email protected]

Your ID and password is sent to you via email when you sign up for premium membership. Check your mailbox. ;)

17-08-2013, 08:34 AM
Thank you for the notification. I almost flipped the table when I saw my points further dropped to -961 after my last post.

The problem was with verotel. Their system sent out multiple cancellation notifications instead of just one and each time the script received such a notification, it deducted 200 points from your account. :p

My programmer has modified the script so that this will not happen again even if the verotel side of things goes haywire.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

17-08-2013, 09:48 AM
Thank you Boss, for the rectification. My points are back to where they should be.

17-08-2013, 12:51 PM
Thank you Boss, for the rectification. My points are back to where they should be.

Perhaps it's a good idea to deduct 1000 points as a form of punishment from anyone who cancels their Premium membership :p

17-08-2013, 06:14 PM
.. verotel.. system sent out multiple cancellation notifications .. each time ..script .. deducted 200 points ....
:p Multiple joining notifications better - each time +200 !! ;) Suggests 40 pts for each - hours of fright/panic. Good Job Boss. :) Cheers.

18-08-2013, 12:50 PM
please help me guide registering for membership...:(

ah rat
18-08-2013, 01:36 PM
please help me guide registering for membership...:(

Here the link to register as member: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/verotelsubscribe.php

18-08-2013, 01:42 PM
Here the link to register as member: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/verotelsubscribe.php

bro Please PM me and guide me slowly in subscribing...me very slow...

ah rat
18-08-2013, 01:45 PM
bro Please PM me and guide me slowly in subscribing...me very slow...

Click the link & then click at the subcribe.:D

18-08-2013, 02:21 PM
Just asking I'm currently a premium member. I have gotten my user code and pass code. But cannot login. Any kind advise? The code are send to my email.

Big Sexy
18-08-2013, 02:30 PM
hi Radical, thank you for signing up the premium membership
the info you need is in the first post of this thread.
Please read it.;)

The verotel usercode and passcode in the email you receive above is NOT for logging into the forum. Your log in details to this forum remain exactly the same.

The verotel usercode and passcode above is for logging into your verotel account at http://www.vtsup.com/ if you want to cancel your subscription or check other details of your subcription such as the expiry date............

Just asking I'm currently a premium member. I have gotten my user code and pass code. But cannot login. Any kind advise? The code are send to my email.

18-08-2013, 02:37 PM
Just asking I'm currently a premium member. I have gotten my user code and pass code. But cannot login. Any kind advise? The code are send to my email.

What are you trying to log in to?

18-08-2013, 04:45 PM
dear boss, i wish to cancel my subscription but had lost my user name n password. can u help me on this:)

18-08-2013, 05:03 PM
dear boss, i wish to cancel my subscription but had lost my user name n password. can u help me on this:)

Check your email box. It must be there somewhere. I don't have your password. It is encrypted in the system and cannot be read by anyone else.

18-08-2013, 05:09 PM
What are you trying to log in to?

Hi boss, not sure if premium member able to view the private picture section? 😃😃 because I'm being send a email which my username is radical and the password is not the one I use to login this forum. No idea what is the password for. Tried logging into an auth page but fail. Using iPhone tho.

hi Radical, thank you for signing up the premium membership
the info you need is in the first post of this thread.
Please read it.;)

I have read and seems lost. Haha.

18-08-2013, 05:18 PM
You can view the private picture forum images simply clicking on the attachment icons.

The images will download to your computer.

Hi boss, not sure if premium member able to view the private picture section? because I'm being send a email which my username is radical and the password is not the one I use to login this forum. No idea what is the password for. Tried logging into an auth page but fail. Using iPhone tho.

I have read and seems lost. Haha.

Big Sexy
18-08-2013, 05:20 PM
Hi, u dont need the id and password to view the pictures in the private forum. You can view it directly by clicking on those link in the threads.

the login id and password is for you to login via vtsup.com to cancel your premium membership.

Hi boss, not sure if premium member able to view the private picture section? 😃😃 because I'm being send a email which my username is radical and the password is not the one I use to login this forum. No idea what is the password for. Tried logging into an auth page but fail. Using iPhone tho.

I have read and seems lost. Haha.

18-08-2013, 06:19 PM
Ok. Thanks boss and big sexy

18-08-2013, 06:21 PM
Check your email box. It must be there somewhere. I don't have your password. It is encrypted in the system and cannot be read by anyone else.

Boss, the problem is i accidentally clear all my mail inbox. that the main reason i had lost the passcode n user id:(. Or can we request for the passcode n user id resent to our email?

Big Sexy
18-08-2013, 06:25 PM
try writing to [email protected] or [email protected]
ask them to sent the id and password to your email account.

Boss, the problem is i accidentally clear all my mail inbox. that the main reason i had lost the passcode n user id:(. Or can we request for the passcode n user id resent to our email?

18-08-2013, 06:43 PM
will do that thks for the info:)

18-08-2013, 07:12 PM
Boss, the problem is i accidentally clear all my mail inbox. that the main reason i had lost the passcode n user id:(. Or can we request for the passcode n user id resent to our email?

What email address did you provide when you registered for a premium account?

21-08-2013, 01:05 PM
Had settled boss, thks for the help :)

31-08-2013, 12:15 AM
if i was already subscribing to verotel, would i get automatic premium status?

31-08-2013, 02:51 AM
if i was already subscribing to verotel, would i get automatic premium status?

That's a different site. The membership is not linked. However, if you prefer premium membership, just cancel that one and subscribe here.;)

09-09-2013, 12:18 AM
ANy bros here could advise me on how to up a bro who is kind enough to share contact? Many thanks!

Big Sexy
09-09-2013, 07:26 AM
hi mate, u need to have rep power before u can up anyone
for more info , click and read the newb helpline in my signature.;)

ANy bros here could advise me on how to up a bro who is kind enough to share contact? Many thanks!

12-09-2013, 03:39 PM
I've added another option to Premium
Membership. Premium members can delete their own posts

Boss is this option also available to advertisers as well or is it strictly for
premium signups?

12-09-2013, 03:49 PM
Boss is this option also available to advertisers as well or is it strictly for
premium signups?

Premium membership can be added to your account so that you have the benefits of being an advertiser as well as a premium member.

Let me know once you have signed up and I'll do the necessary. ;)

15-09-2013, 04:11 AM
Such a good deal

16-09-2013, 04:59 PM
Boss, i just paid for premium member but i am unable to log on to view pics..

16-09-2013, 05:02 PM
Boss, i just paid for premium member but i am unable to log on to view pics..

You don't have to log in. Just click on the attachments and they will download.

Try from my latest uploads http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=9711313#post9711313

17-09-2013, 07:57 PM
Hi Boss,

Can check on the 2 prices :US $17.95 & US $19.95.

Is it for the same website to view the private pictures or it is 2 seperate website?

Pls kindly advised.

Thank you

Big Sexy
17-09-2013, 08:32 PM
it is 2 different thing

US $19.95 is for access to http://www.asiangirlsnextdoor.com/adultcheck/harryauk.html ... it has an archive of past privates photo dating many years

US $17.95 is for the premium membership. u can view the latest private photo album in the private section(kept up to about 2 months) + alot of other benefits. read Premium Member Benefits (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=338343).

Hi Boss,

Can check on the 2 prices :US $17.95 & US $19.95.

Is it for the same website to view the private pictures or it is 2 seperate website?

Pls kindly advised.

Thank you

18-09-2013, 12:20 AM
Hi Boss,

Thank you for the reply.

In this case, if I join the US $19.95, can I view the US $17.95 pictures also?

Or I must subscribe 2 separately?

Please kindly advised.

Thank you so much

18-09-2013, 12:26 AM
Hi Boss,

I just wanna check what's the difference as I wanted to see all the pictures.

So sorry if any inconvenience is caused.

Thank you

18-09-2013, 01:52 AM
Hai there my bro...

IM from malaysia and dont have any credit card..
any others way to join as premium member..?

Please pm me

Thank you..

18-09-2013, 03:42 AM
Hi Boss,

Thank you for the reply.

In this case, if I join the US $19.95, can I view the US $17.95 pictures also?

Or I must subscribe 2 separately?

Please kindly advised.

Thank you so much

It's the same files. However, the asiangirlsnextdoor.com site archives all the images way back to 2002.

18-09-2013, 05:56 AM
Hi bro, i am very interested in signing up the membership for sam's sex site private collection. May i know do i have to pay twice for both video and pictures? And is it just pure Singaporean girls or what kind of girls are included.


18-09-2013, 05:58 AM
Hi bro, i am very interested in signing up the membership for sam's sex site private collection. May i know do i have to pay twice for both video and pictures? And is it just pure Singaporean girls or what kind of girls are included.


The price gives you access to both the image and the video section.

18-09-2013, 06:35 AM
May i know is it instant access?


Big Sexy
18-09-2013, 06:56 AM
yes, once the payment is approved.

May i know is it instant access?


18-09-2013, 09:00 AM
May I know the videos are of what kind of category? Singaporean scandals or hookers.

18-09-2013, 09:40 AM
May I know the videos are of what kind of category? Singaporean scandals or hookers.

Singapore scandals are all available FOC. You don't need to sign up in order to view those.

The videos are mainly of cheongsters screwing their girlfriends or hookers.

18-09-2013, 09:57 AM
got a promotional pm for joining premium account. .... one of them stated. .. $20 to $30 off selected advertisers gal.... asking something hor.... the 20 30 off is to be deducted from advertiser discounted price or normal price ? eg $160 - 20 (early bird discount) -20 or 30 (premium member) = $120 or $110 izit? can boss or advertisers advise?

Big Sexy
18-09-2013, 10:35 AM
mate,how did u get the notice when you are not a premium membership list??
anyway, the special discount price are shown in the sponsors threads in the premium forum.. if u have any doubt, pm the sponsor.

got a promotional pm for joining premium account. .... one of them stated. .. $20 to $30 off selected advertisers gal.... asking something hor.... the 20 30 off is to be deducted from advertiser discounted price or normal price ? eg $160 - 20 (early bird discount) -20 or 30 (premium member) = $120 or $110 izit? can boss or advertisers advise?

18-09-2013, 01:17 PM
mate,how did u get the notice when you are not a premium membership list??
anyway, the special discount price are shown in the sponsors threads in the premium forum.. if u have any doubt, pm the sponsor.

A mass PM was sent out to all non Premium Members.

18-09-2013, 04:34 PM
Free? Under which section

18-09-2013, 05:24 PM
Free? Under which section

Lots in the link exchange plaza. If you can't find what you're looking for, use google.

20-09-2013, 10:43 PM
Hi Sam,

Seems like I lost the username & code. On top of that, I forgot which email account I used. Double whammy. Are you able to cancel my subscription from your side?

21-09-2013, 02:55 AM
Hi Sam,

Seems like I lost the username & code. On top of that, I forgot which email account I used. Double whammy. Are you able to cancel my subscription from your side?

Done. Sad to see you go. :(

21-09-2013, 05:26 PM
hi bro , i just register for the member , but i couldnt go inside your Sam picture department . i tried logging on to Sam's Sex Site but keep cannot .

Big Sexy
21-09-2013, 06:25 PM
hi mate, u dont need to go there to view the pictures
u can view the picture at the private section (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=14).
pls see post 444 and 448 of this thread :)

hi bro , i just register for the member , but i couldnt go inside your Sam picture department . i tried logging on to Sam's Sex Site but keep cannot .

23-09-2013, 12:35 AM
got a promotional pm for joining premium account. .... one of them stated. .. $20 to $30 off selected advertisers gal.... asking something hor.... the 20 30 off is to be deducted from advertiser discounted price or normal price ? eg $160 - 20 (early bird discount) -20 or 30 (premium member) = $120 or $110 izit? can boss or advertisers advise?

hmmm any answer to this for non-premium member.. am deciding if i should join. :)

Big Sexy
23-09-2013, 06:07 AM
mate, pls see post 456 :)

hmmm any answer to this for non-premium member.. am deciding if i should join. :)

28-09-2013, 12:50 AM
boss pls up my point thank you


Big Sexy
28-09-2013, 03:44 PM
mate, it doesnt work this way.
u dont go around asking others to up your points.
start to contribute constructively and some good soul will up your points.

boss pls up my point thank you


28-09-2013, 03:46 PM
mate, it doesnt work this way.
u dont go around asking others to up your points.
start to contribute constructively and some good soul will up your points.

It is perfectly acceptable to ask for points. It is also perfectly acceptable when your points end up going down instead. :p

12-10-2013, 12:34 PM
Hello everybody. :o:o
แทงบอลออนไลน์ (http://sbobetth88.blog.com/) สล็อต (http://goldclubewin.edublogs.org/)gclub (http://gclubtgonline.exteen.com/)

20-10-2013, 04:40 PM
how come i cannot enter the ticket entrance althought i hav purchase the premium member. i using the exact same username n password that received by your site

Big Sexy
20-10-2013, 04:57 PM
hi , thanks for signing up
if u are want to view the pictures.
you dont have to sign in with the with the ticket entrance password.
they are available in the private section (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=14).
please see post 444 and 448 of this thread ;)

how come i cannot enter the ticket entrance althought i hav purchase the premium member. i using the exact same username n password that received by your site

20-10-2013, 05:34 PM
how come i cannot enter the ticket entrance althought i hav purchase the premium member. i using the exact same username n password that received by your site

You purchased premium membership not a ticketsclub pass.

Premium members download the images directly from the private picture forum.

They don't need to go to asiangirlsnextdoor.com

03-11-2013, 11:21 PM
Is there anything new benefits added to premium member? xD..:D

04-11-2013, 04:02 AM
Is there anything new benefits added to premium member? xD..:D

Yes you have storage space for images on the forum server. You don't have to upload to an image hosting site. ;)

Big Sexy
07-11-2013, 06:49 AM
pls pm boss sam. he will be able to help you with it;)

from malaysia how?? paypal can? cozz vero not accept malaysia

11-11-2013, 07:14 PM

I seem to have -258 rep points suddenly. What did I do wrong?

Big Sexy
11-11-2013, 08:21 PM
mate, did u break any of the rules here (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=60407)?
kindly drop sam a pm if you are sure u didnt break any of the rules. ;)


I seem to have -258 rep points suddenly. What did I do wrong?

12-11-2013, 11:51 AM
-258 rep points suddenly. What.. do wrong?
If you zap with vulgarities without identifying your nick; will be reversed zapped by script for Violation of Rule 8. If stop PM now = -458 pts. :p If not PM, will only be -58 pts. Boss, disadvantage of PM. :)Cheers.

ah rat
12-11-2013, 02:13 PM

I seem to have -258 rep points suddenly. What did I do wrong?

Seem ok now :D

12-11-2013, 08:09 PM
Thanks, my points looks ok now.

I didn't zap with vulgarities... Unless there's more description on what is considered as vulgarities/profanities or not :D

15-11-2013, 07:36 AM
.. points .. ok now. I didn't zap with vulgarities...
Problem with auto-script ? or :p $$$ talks ? Another two: "WithoutEuu ", "odanobunaga ". Have a nice weekend. :): Cheers.

16-11-2013, 11:13 AM
Hello!May I ask how do you want to advertise。

16-11-2013, 01:09 PM
Hello!May I ask how do you want to advertise。

Hi there. If you want to advertise your services, please contact the moderator (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=540734) for details.

04-12-2013, 10:19 AM
Look like a goo deal not to be missed.

16-12-2013, 01:09 PM
Hey Big Sexy or other wise Forum consultants!

I share my accounts w/ the wife and while she gives me a long leash for cheonging, a monthly charge would cause continual questions. Cash is the discrete and best way for me. If I can go somewhere in Geylang to pay in person or could use the AXS or other type of Non-CC payment, I can start contributing financially in addition to posting ;-).


Big Sexy
16-12-2013, 01:38 PM
sorry mate, but there is no other method besides those existing ones.

If I can go somewhere in Geylang to pay in person or could use the AXS or other type of Non-CC payment, I can start contributing financially in addition to posting ;-).


16-12-2013, 05:03 PM
sorry mate, but there is no other method besides those existing ones.

I believe the DPS option should work with pre paid CCs. Perhaps you can try and confirm that this is the case.

In NZ, many use what is called the "prezzy card" for their on line naughty purchases. :p


Singapore should have something similar.

18-12-2013, 06:46 AM
Does this get you into Sam's Private Pictures Forum as well?

Big Sexy
18-12-2013, 06:59 AM
yes it does..u will be able to access the pictures in the
Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION) forum

Does this get you into Sam's Private Pictures Forum as well?

18-12-2013, 06:59 AM
Does this get you into Sam's Private Pictures Forum as well?

Yes it does... all the attachments can be downloaded directly. ;)

24-12-2013, 03:09 AM
i want to know is there any other way to get the reputation point and power

24-12-2013, 03:11 AM
i want to know is there any other way to get the reputation point and power

By earning it through contributions and hard work. :p

24-12-2013, 04:45 AM
I think contribution and hard work dont built your reputation point fast. Many do not upz you for your contribution even if it is useful, rather many will uppz samster who can uppz them back because everyone is crazy over the rep pts and its a easier way to earn point compare to contribution. You do not get as much points by contributing as compare to exchanging point with others.

Reputation pts is not really a good indication of how much you contributed, it was even mention that you are not supposed to award rep pt to return a favour and yet a thread for exchanging pt is allow and exist many in there are senior bros. Its an irony and a fact in SBF.

But the rep system has been successful to mimic real life example where ppl like form gang to make themselve strong and do things only to benefit ownself by exchanging pt instead of uppz for useful info.

By earning it through contributions and hard work. :p

24-12-2013, 05:04 AM
If you offer something that people want, your points will rise quickly.

I think contribution and hard work dont built your reputation point fast. Many do not upz you for your contribution even if it is useful, rather many will uppz samster who can uppz them back because everyone is crazy over the rep pts and its a easier way to earn point compare to contribution. You do not get as much points by contributing as compare to exchanging point with others.

Reputation pts is not really a good indication of how much you contributed, it was even mention that you are not supposed to award rep pt to return a favour and yet a thread for exchanging pt is allow and exist many in there are senior bros. Its an irony and a fact in SBF.

But the rep system has been successful to mimic real life example where ppl like form gang to make themselve strong and do things only to benefit ownself by exchanging pt instead of uppz for useful info.

24-12-2013, 02:34 PM
How to access verotel member entrance if i have subscribed using MY cc.. Thanks.

Big Sexy
24-12-2013, 03:35 PM
mate, please read the first post in this thread ;)

How to access verotel member entrance if i have subscribed using MY cc.. Thanks.

24-12-2013, 04:28 PM
How to access verotel member entrance if i have subscribed using MY cc.. Thanks.

Verotel members' entrance if the link the other site at http://www.asiangirlsnextdoor.com

Premium members don't have to go there at all. They can download attachments directly from the private picture forum. ;)

Thanks very much for your support. It is much appreciated. :D

24-12-2013, 05:57 PM
.. any other way to get the reputation point and power
.. earning.. through contributions and hard work...
.. contribution and hard work dont built .. pts .. Many do not upz you for your contribution even if it is useful,.. You do not get as much points by contributing as compare to exchanging point with others. ...
If you offer something that people want, your points will rise quickly.
Just like in real world - there is always a silent ("inactive") majority. Only some will Upz for contributions (especially for those with lower Power = 0,1,2 etc) .

Just like in the real world - Trading gives the best returns viz: exchange points / Upz me first for contacts/pics/VIDs etc. Offer something that people want and :rolleyes: insists that they Upz U first.

Take it as a game / ;) join in / have fun.

:p Life is short / Enjoy while you can / No point getting upset with things beyond your control.

Wishing all

A Very



24-12-2013, 06:06 PM
How to access verotel member entrance if i have subscribed using MY cc.. Thanks.

Why is this premium member in red, and the title is PremiumD?

Specially for MY cc?

Just like in the real world - Trading gives the best returns viz: exchange points / Upz me first for contacts/pics/VIDs etc. Offer something that people want and :rolleyes: insists that they Upz U first.

Replace cyber points with money. :D :D

24-12-2013, 06:34 PM
Why is this premium member in red, and the title is PremiumD?

Specially for MY cc?

Replace cyber points with money. :D :D

Yes this is a different processor that accepts Malaysian and Indo CC. Verotel blacklists these countries because they are historically high risk.

30-12-2013, 11:41 AM
I have decided to sign up today as Premium member. While I have enough points 727 and Rep power 12 through the years, this is show support to sammyboy boss for his great effort. I have also been tracking the Rep points thread and found that SBF boss is reasonable and very professional in handling disputes. Good job.

30-12-2013, 11:59 AM
I have decided to sign up today as Premium member. While I have enough points 727 and Rep power 12 through the years, this is show support to sammyboy boss for his great effort. I have also been tracking the Rep points thread and found that SBF boss is reasonable and very professional in handling disputes. Good job.

Thanks for the support and the compliments. Much appreciated. :)

I hope to keep this place going for as long as there is a demand for the content.

If enough members signed up, I could reduce the amount of paid advertising. Unfortunately, only a very small percentage of the 250,000 accounts are willing to pay anything.

Big Sexy
30-12-2013, 12:41 PM
thanks for the signing up..
that is the sbf spirit..
her... have some rep points ;)

I have decided to sign up today as Premium member. While I have enough points 727 and Rep power 12 through the years, this is show support to sammyboy boss for his great effort. I have also been tracking the Rep points thread and found that SBF boss is reasonable and very professional in handling disputes. Good job.

30-12-2013, 01:54 PM
I am willing to pay my time to surf this website

Unfortunately, only a very small percentage of the 250,000 accounts are willing to pay anything.

31-12-2013, 10:18 AM
.. willing to pay my time to surf ...
Just join Premium Membership - easier for SBF to manage. You will get power = 4. Your Upz as PM = 8 pts. (2 x power). With PM power, get more points here: Geylang Exchange Thread (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=337422&page=1189). :p Many can terminate PM after 1 or 2 month (s) with permanent power (> 40 pts). All the best. :) Cheers.
