View Full Version : PREMIUM forum membership now available!
31-12-2013, 01:09 PM
Thank you very much.
This nick pleasezapme sure get zap one. More zap than up. Only reason can encourage sign up PM on pleasezapme: PM allow changing the nick with a meaningful name.
Just join Premium Membership - easier for SBF to manage. You will get power = 4. Your Upz as PM = 8 pts. (2 x power). With PM power, get more points here: Geylang Exchange Thread ( :p Many can terminate PM after 1 or 2 month (s) with permanent power (> 40 pts). All the best. :) Cheers.
31-12-2013, 01:17 PM
Unfortunately, only a very small percentage of the 250,000 accounts are willing to pay anything.
One way is to listen to what users are willing to pay for, and start offering them. e.g. ability to see who zapped you - sure very popular.
Just join Premium Membership - easier for SBF to manage.
You keep asking people to join, but you ownself never join. :D You join already your power = 18. Song bo :D :D
31-12-2013, 02:41 PM
Not true!
Many zappers has 0 post to receive revenge. Cannot zap back.
One way is to listen to what users are willing to pay for, and start offering them. e.g. ability to see who zapped you - sure very popular.
03-01-2014, 07:44 PM
Yes you have storage space for images on the forum server. You don't have to upload to an image hosting site. ;)
How do we use the storage space for images and copy the link to it?
Big Sexy
03-01-2014, 08:08 PM
mate, thanks for signing up..
you can find the instruction in this sticky (
question 51
How do we use the storage space for images and copy the link to it?
04-01-2014, 07:22 AM
mate, thanks for signing up..
you can find the instruction in this sticky (
question 51
I created two albums. Not sure why one I can see the album cover the thumbnail pics. The other does not showed thumbnails nor cover pic.
Big Sexy
04-01-2014, 07:27 AM
mate, did u select the cover for the other album?
I created two albums. Not sure why one I can see the album cover the thumbnail pics. The other does not showed thumbnails nor cover pic.
04-01-2014, 07:36 AM
mate, did u select the cover for the other album?
Yes. I did. I even try to add new photos to the album that shows cover pic and thumbnails. This time round the new photos do not show thumbnails too.
Please ignore my request. For some reason, it is working this morning when I add new photos. Will clean up and remove the old photos now. Thanks. 😄
Big Sexy
04-01-2014, 07:43 AM
no problem mate, let me know if u need any help.. :)
Please ignore my request. For some reason, it is working this morning when I add new photos. Will clean up and remove the old photos now. Thanks. 😄
04-01-2014, 07:57 AM
no problem mate, let me know if u need any help.. :)
Your support is really good. Much better than the banks. Seems like they have to learn from SBF about customer services.
04-01-2014, 08:22 AM
Please ignore my request. For some reason, it is working this morning when I add new photos. Will clean up and remove the old photos now. Thanks. 😄
Iceage bro, ur photos for us to beo issit? :D
04-01-2014, 08:49 AM
Iceage bro, ur photos for us to beo issit? :D
Few photos from the high profile controversial threads. Set to private and not mean for casual surfers. Need to be added as friends before you can see. If I have not seen your participation in those threads, no need to ask me for it. Condition is that you must not share these photos and mean for your own personal consumption.
04-01-2014, 09:41 AM
Your support is really good. Much better than the banks. Seems like they have to learn from SBF about customer services.
SBF customer support is top notch because I put in a lot of effort to hire the best staff and pay them top dollar. :p
04-01-2014, 09:43 AM
Few photos from the high profile controversial threads. Set to private and not mean for casual surfers. Need to be added as friends before you can see. If I have not seen your participation in those threads, no need to ask me for it. Condition is that you must not share these photos and mean for your own personal consumption.
Wah ... Sound so fierce.... Pics shld not be porn related ..... Skip then :D
04-01-2014, 09:58 AM
SBF customer support is top notch because I put in a lot of effort to hire the best staff and pay them top dollar. :p
Great. Enjoy being a premium member. Will be around for a long time. 😄
17-01-2014, 03:18 AM
Just subscribed but can't enter the private forum, it says need to have additional verotel login?
When I click on the above "Sam's Private Picture Forum - so much pussy juice!", I get directed to this site "", thereafter im stumped there with no way to access. Can any kind sir help me?
Big Sexy
17-01-2014, 06:23 AM
mate.. thanks for signing up.;)
there is no reason why u can view the photos via the private forum.
pls note that premium member is different from verotel membership
premium forum offers more than just photo viewing..
The verotel usercode and passcode in the email you receive above is NOT for logging into the forum. Your log in details to this forum remain exactly the same.
The verotel usercode and passcode above is for logging into your verotel account at if you want to cancel your subscription or check other details of your subcription such as the expiry date.
You can cancel your subscription at any time. If you cancel, your premium membership status continues until the current subscription expires at the end of your billing cycle. You will then be automatically returned to the user category that you were in prior to signing up.
This separation of the two log ins may be a bit confusing but is necessary in order to ensure your privacy.
When the transaction is completed, you will be given a link to return to the forum. When you return, you will find that your account status has been upgraded to "Samster (Premium)" and your privileges are immediately available.
Just subscribed but can't enter the private forum, it says need to have additional verotel login?
When I click on the above "Sam's Private Picture Forum - so much pussy juice!", I get directed to this site "", thereafter im stumped there with no way to access. Can any kind sir help me?
20-01-2014, 07:50 AM
Is it true that by signing up Premium member, your add and zap will be double of your rep? How about if others zap you?
20-01-2014, 09:09 AM
Is it true that by signing up Premium member, your add and zap will be double of your rep? How about if others zap you?
As a premium member, your power will be double and you are immune to zapping.
20-01-2014, 08:16 PM
As a premium member, your power will be double and you are immune to zapping.
What do you mean immune? People zapped you no points being deducted?
Premium member power will be double, mean if power 3 up others will be 6. But does it mean it could up or zap twice per day?
21-01-2014, 03:42 AM
What do you mean immune? People zapped you no points being deducted?
Premium member power will be double, mean if power 3 up others will be 6. But does it mean it could up or zap twice per day?
Why don't you try zapping a premium member so you can witness first hand what happens. ;)
Power doubles means what it says.. if your power is 5 you add 10.
21-01-2014, 03:46 AM
Those premium member claim that ppl can zap them leaving vulgarities just that their point dont deduct from zapping. I guess they prefer premium member Voting dispproval function disable.
Why don't you try zapping a premium member so you can witness first hand what happens. ;)
Power doubles means what it says.. if your power is 5 you add 10.
21-01-2014, 04:18 AM
Those premium member claim that ppl can zap them leaving vulgarities just that their point dont deduct from zapping. I guess they prefer premium member Voting dispproval function disable.
You can put anything you want in the remarks even if you're adding points. :p
21-01-2014, 06:37 AM
Why don't you try zapping a premium member so you can witness first hand what happens. ;)
Power doubles means what it says.. if your power is 5 you add 10.
What do you mean immune? People zapped you no points being deducted?
Premium member power will be double, mean if power 3 up others will be 6. But does it mean it could up or zap twice per day?
Thanks for clarification sammyboyfor.
I don't think could up or zap twice as it is mentioned ONE Reputation click allowed every 24 hours so award those clicks only when necessary.
21-01-2014, 09:50 AM
This is good and very worth considering :p
22-01-2014, 02:25 AM
i didnt know premium member can up more than once per day.
If someone buys 10 premium accounts, they can "up" 10 times a day. :D
22-01-2014, 03:49 AM
updated by Big Sexy (17 July 2010)
10. Those caught registering multiple nicks in order to build up their "war chest" to abuse the system will be placed in moderation mode.
sammyboyfor, do you mean ONLY Premium members could disregard the above rules?
22-01-2014, 07:37 AM
sammyboyfor, do you mean ONLY Premium members could disregard the above rules?
I don't have access to sign up details so as long as they don't give themselves away, I have no idea who is behind the nicks. It could be the same person or it could be 10 different people.
I'm pretty sure that there are many ordinary members with multiple accounts too who are abusing the system. However, if they zap "strategically", I won't be able to tell whether they're clones or not.
22-01-2014, 10:30 AM
So are you going to do anything about it since he had obviously give himself away so openly now. From the way he quote in posting daily twice or more up, it not difficult to know is it 1 or more persons operating right?
I can't just take action based upon what's said in this forum. If there is conclusive evidence of mass zapping and other sorts of abuse, then the clones will be dealt with. So far nothing has emerged.
22-01-2014, 10:36 AM
Sammyboyfor is aware:
As Supreme Commander / Owner, Sammyboyfor, has the final say. Time to fine-tune/remove Rule10 ?? :) Cheers.
All the rules are there for a purpose but it does not mean that I'll catch ALL cases of offending.
It's no different from a speeding ticket. I used to break the speed limit regularly while I was in Singapore. I was lucky to have never got caught. Keeping a sharp eye out for cop cars and bikes and knowing where and when speed traps were likely possibly helped save my skin.
However my colleague who is a very careful driver got fined numerous times for speeding.
23-01-2014, 10:02 PM
boss has fine immunity
07-02-2014, 06:26 PM
dear moderator, i canceled my rebilling but it still charged me. there is no way to check my rebilling status as the user cp section only let us change and no status is displayed. please help
Big Sexy
07-02-2014, 08:18 PM
mate, drop sam a pm.. he will be able to help you. ;)
dear moderator, i canceled my rebilling but it still charged me. there is no way to check my rebilling status as the user cp section only let us change and no status is displayed. please help
08-02-2014, 02:11 AM
dear moderator, i canceled my rebilling but it still charged me. there is no way to check my rebilling status as the user cp section only let us change and no status is displayed. please help
What date did you cancel?
08-02-2014, 09:47 AM
Hi, I paid through INDO CC
How do I get access to Ticketsclub Members' Entrance ?
09-02-2014, 01:54 AM
Hi, I paid through INDO CC
How do I get access to Ticketsclub Members' Entrance ?
Ticketsclub is a separate site altogether. It is at and it needs a verotel account in order to access.
10-02-2014, 10:38 AM
I not sure what was samster (C) means...the C means what in this case...M is moderation...A is Advertiser...?
ah rat
10-02-2014, 10:58 AM
I not sure what was samster (C) means...the C means what in this case...M is moderation...A is Advertiser...?
Bro, C means chat :D
Big Sexy
10-02-2014, 11:09 AM
C = chatroom moderator
A= Advertiser
I not sure what was samster (C) means...the C means what in this case...M is moderation...A is Advertiser...?
10-02-2014, 12:28 PM
C = chatroom moderator
A= Advertiser
Bro, C means chat :D
thank on...xie xie...:)
What is a "Donor" ?:
Can clarify ?:
1) Qualification for "(Donor)", viz: minimum amount, frequency, etc.
2) "Donor" rewards: Number of points/US$1 donation, other benefits etc.
Many interested/waiting to donate!! :)Cheers.
Lunar New Year 2014
Year of the
馬 Mǎ Horse
Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year
14-02-2014, 02:23 AM
Congratulations !!! jump from 7487 to 8000 points...told you dun worry about me...your 6600 turbo powered twin engine vroom...hehe...:)
thx buddha bro.. thats why I change from Tiko head to Dragon head mah.. cos 龙头 more turbo mah.. :p
Was told that loyalty Premium member get to reward 500 points free without even being a donor like the above samster. Is that true?
14-02-2014, 04:02 AM
Was told that loyalty Premium member get to reward 500 points free without even being a donor like the above samster. Is that true?
I have not heard of such an arrangement.
Big Sexy
14-02-2014, 06:37 AM
who did u hear from? sam is the best person u can listen to over here.
if he says there isnt any such arrangement, then there is it.
Was told that loyalty Premium member get to reward 500 points free without even being a donor like the above samster. Is that true?
14-02-2014, 08:48 AM
who did u hear from? sam is the best person u can listen to over here.
if he says there isnt any such arrangement, then there is it.
I said I have "not heard" of such an arrangement. However, I can't stop private deals between members. :D
Big Sexy
14-02-2014, 09:07 AM
sam...that wont fall under the "loyalty Program" he was talking about..
but you are right on the private deals thingy..
those who wants to do some private deals can pm me :D :p
I said I have "not heard" of such an arrangement. However, I can't stop private deals between members. :D
14-02-2014, 10:56 AM
sam...that wont fall under the "loyalty Program" he was talking about..
but you are right on the private deals thingy..
those who wants to do some private deals can pm me :D :p
Pm sent LOL :D
15-02-2014, 11:30 AM
Does it mean if we want access ticketsclub, we need to subscribe separately?
Ticketsclub is a separate site altogether. It is at and it needs a verotel account in order to access.
15-02-2014, 12:19 PM
Does it mean if we want access ticketsclub, we need to subscribe separately?
Yes but why would you want to subscribe to ticketslub? That's for those who don't want to sign up as forum members but just want to view naughty pictures.
Big Sexy
15-02-2014, 12:57 PM
yes, you need to subscribe separately..
there is an archive for those older photos there..
so if u are into photos.. sign up at ;)
Does it mean if we want access ticketsclub, we need to subscribe separately?
15-02-2014, 11:09 PM
Yes but why would you want to subscribe to ticketslub? That's for those who don't want to sign up as forum members but just want to view naughty pictures.
I have sign up the ticketslub many yrs back, always thought is the same as SBF premium membership.:D
yes, you need to subscribe separately..
there is an archive for those older photos there..
18-02-2014, 12:52 PM
It looks interesting :p
Big Sexy
18-02-2014, 12:56 PM
mate, waiting are you waiting for? sign up now.
not only do u get discount, u also get extra rep point, you are immune to zapping and u get to access the private photo forum... ;)
It looks interesting :p
23-02-2014, 12:11 PM
C = chatroom moderator
A= Advertiser
Hi hi
I saw a samster with V...not sure what it meant...:)
A - Advertiser
M - Moderation
C - Chatroom Moderator
Donor - Donor
Premium - Premium
V - ??
V is rare in this forum ... drum roll .....
V for Virgin.
I think V is a category that can view some private pics.
Probably a legacy category.
Big Sexy
23-02-2014, 12:31 PM
bypass moderation..
it is obsolete, replaced with premium membership ;)
Hi hi
I saw a samster with V...not sure what it meant...:)
23-02-2014, 12:36 PM
Hi hi
I saw a samster with V...not sure what it meant...:)
A - Advertiser
M - Moderation
C - Chatroom Moderator
Donor - Donor
Premium - Premium
V - ??
V s also paid subscription to get u out of moderated status when you 1st log in as new account in the forum..
23-02-2014, 12:46 PM
V s also paid subscription to get u out of moderated status when you 1st log in as new account in the forum..
bypass moderation..
it is obsolete, replaced with premium membership ;)
oh ok...thank you very much...learning daily...:)
23-02-2014, 01:07 PM
I think i saw one cP below the nick, what it mean?
I think i saw one cP below the nick, what it mean?
cP must be certified ChangPing cheongster ;-)
Think shld be eP, can view private pics if I remember correctly.
23-02-2014, 01:55 PM
I think i saw one cP below the nick, what it mean?
Never seen that one before. Must be a new invention.
23-02-2014, 02:41 PM
Yah is eP not cP:)
cP must be certified ChangPing cheongster ;-)
Think shld be eP, can view private pics if I remember correctly.
Never seen that one before. Must be a new invention.
Big Sexy
23-02-2014, 03:49 PM
P- those who have access to the private forum
EP - expired p
Yah is eP not cP:)
24-02-2014, 08:06 PM
SBF page unresponsive n refresh slow n hang this few days ... any bro encounter tat too ??
sorri out of content here dum know where to post :p
24-02-2014, 08:45 PM
SBF page unresponsive n refresh slow n hang this few days ... any bro encounter tat too ??
sorri out of content here dum know where to post :p
Yes...I encountered too sine yesterday...:)
Big Sexy
24-02-2014, 09:21 PM
problem could be with cloudflare
try accessing it via
also do let us know if the problem persist. ;)
SBF page unresponsive n refresh slow n hang this few days ... any bro encounter tat too ??
sorri out of content here dum know where to post :p
Yes...I encountered too sine yesterday...:)
24-02-2014, 11:12 PM
problem could be with cloudflare
try accessing it via
also do let us know if the problem persist. ;)
same case ... 1st log in within 5 min ok ... then start to unresponsive n hung again
ah rat
25-02-2014, 12:08 PM
same case ... 1st log in within 5 min ok ... then start to unresponsive n hung again
Ya lor,yesterday very slow respond on the page.I thought my wifi giving problems :D
25-02-2014, 01:42 PM
Ya lor,yesterday very slow respond on the page.I thought my wifi giving problems :D
Cloudflare has become very laggy in the last few days. Switch over to if you experience lag.
ah rat
25-02-2014, 01:54 PM
Cloudflare has become very laggy in the last few days. Switch over to if you experience lag.
I log in sammyboyforum lah from google :D
25-02-2014, 01:57 PM
I log in sammyboyforum lah from google :D
Why do you need to google when you already know the url???? :rolleyes:
ah rat
25-02-2014, 02:05 PM
Why do you need to google when you already know the url???? :rolleyes:
Only google can bring the Sammyboyforum link :)
25-02-2014, 03:56 PM
Only google can bring the Sammyboyforum link :)
Never heard such rubbish in all my life. :rolleyes:
You must be some sort of nutcase.
ah rat
25-02-2014, 04:14 PM
Never heard such rubbish in all my life. :
You must be some sort of nutcase.
Need me to print shot to show u :D
Here it go
Now who Nutcase :D
25-02-2014, 04:19 PM
Need me to print shot to show u :D
then print out and show to us to share
25-02-2014, 04:52 PM
Why do you need to google when you already know the url???? :rolleyes:
Only google can bring the Sammyboyforum link :)
bro rat, there are many ways to access SBF.. for your case, you go tru' search engine sites to access SBF.. while most of us just key in URL like http:// to log into SBF.. sometimes the weblinks offered by Search Engines like yahoo or google may not identify the correct link to the website u require.. :)
ah rat
25-02-2014, 04:57 PM
bro rat, there are many ways to access SBF.. for your case, you go tru' search engine sites to access SBF.. while most of us just key in URL like http:// to log into SBF.. sometimes the weblinks offered by Search Engines like yahoo or google may not identify the correct link to the website u require.. :)
Bro,I don't want to leave the addressee at the search enagine :)
26-02-2014, 12:12 AM
SBF page unresponsive n refresh slow n hang this few days ... any bro encounter tat too ??
sorri out of content here dum know where to post :p
same case ... 1st log in within 5 min ok ... then start to unresponsive n hung again
Both sammyboyforum n sammyboysexforum same case for today n pass few days too
26-02-2014, 12:16 AM
Bro,I don't want to leave the addressee at the search enagine :)
haha then bro u can clean up yr cookies n clear yr history in yr com b4 u shut down ma :p
ah rat
26-02-2014, 07:49 AM
haha then bro u can clean up yr cookies n clear yr history in yr com b4 u shut down ma :p
If forget how? :D
Cloudflare .. very laggy .. last few days. Switch over to if you experience lag.
Morning status: Sammyboyforum still very laggy. SammyboySexforum also laggy - slightly better. Just for your info/necessary actions. :) Cheer.
26-02-2014, 09:10 AM
Bro,I don't want to leave the addressee at the search enagine :)
I'm not disputing the the fact that typing in the url into a search engine will bring up a list of relevant links.
What I am doing is questioning the logic of your strange actions.
If you're going to type the url, why don't you just enter the address directly into your browser.
Most normal people simply bookmark the page.:rolleyes:
28-02-2014, 03:22 AM
If forget how? :D
ya if you surfing SBF in office or using a public pc, forget to clear. your superior or colleague would accidentally click to a previous link and see which mm FR you reading.. hahaha
ah rat
28-02-2014, 10:33 AM
ya if you surfing SBF in office or using a public pc, forget to clear. your superior or colleague would accidentally click to a previous link and see which mm FR you reading.. hahaha
Yalor,u are right.Must be careful :D
02-03-2014, 11:58 AM
Yah is eP not cP:)
P- those who have access to the private forum
EP - expired p
here this is an example of eP...
... Sammyboyforum still very laggy. SammyboySexforum also laggy - slightly better. ...
Boss, Currently Active Users: only 41477. Both Sammyboyforum / Sammyboysexforum very laggy: 10 - 30 sec for loading after click (even "timeout" once). For your info/necessary action. :) Cheers.
03-03-2014, 12:05 AM
Boss, Currently Active Users: only 41477. Both Sammyboyforum / Sammyboysexforum very laggy: 10 - 30 sec for loading after click (even "timeout" once). For your info/necessary action. :) Cheers.
today bro ur points number today very nice.. 7777..
Great Job Boss, both Sammyboyforum/SammyboySexforum very fast now. :) Cheers.
04-03-2014, 09:14 PM
Hi admin.. i got a question here.. if after i bought permium membership, and i don't continue the membership after the first month, will i still have the privileges like points and viewing of picture in the private forum? Or will everything be reset to the original state? :confused:
04-03-2014, 11:09 PM
Great Job Boss, both Sammyboyforum/SammyboySexforum very fast now. :) Cheers.
Lols .... Interesting :)
05-03-2014, 03:34 AM
Hi admin.. i got a question here.. if after i bought permium membership, and i don't continue the membership after the first month, will i still have the privileges like points and viewing of picture in the private forum? Or will everything be reset to the original state? :confused:
Everything will be back to the original state.
05-03-2014, 11:40 AM
Great Job Boss, both Sammyboyforum/SammyboySexforum very fast now. :) Cheers.
Much better but still a slowdown on and off. There is a bit more work to do.
05-03-2014, 11:48 AM
Much better but still a slowdown on and off. There is a bit more work to do.
Yes...much better today...thanks for effort...:)
06-03-2014, 01:31 PM
Yes...much better today...thanks for effort...:)
The forum should be 100% fixed by now. If you experience any slowdowns, please PM me and I'll look into the cause.
ah rat
06-03-2014, 01:50 PM
The forum should be 100% fixed by now. If you experience any slowdowns, please PM me and I'll look into the cause.
If pm u,will u say nutcase again :D
06-03-2014, 01:56 PM
The forum should be 100% fixed by now. If you experience any slowdowns, please PM me and I'll look into the cause.
yup...smooth flow and nice...back to normal now...even can remember all the past threads being read and tell me no more new threads similar to last time before the move to cloudfare...:)
sure will inform you if anything else weird happened...although here many weird stories...but nice to read...haha...:)
06-03-2014, 02:04 PM
If pm u,will u say nutcase again :D
I referred to you as a nutcase for having to log in via google instead of simply bookmarking the forum url. :eek:
Cloudflare has been under a lot of pressure over the last few weeks too. The web is becoming a very complicated place. It mirrors real life in almost every aspect nowadays.
It's very interesting but scary at the same time.
Technical Details Behind a 400Gbps NTP Amplification DDoS Attack
Published on February 13, 2014 01:00AM by Matthew Prince.
On Monday we mitigated a large DDoS that targeted one of our customers. The attack peaked just shy of 400Gbps. We've seen a handful of other attacks at this scale, but this is the largest attack we've seen that uses NTP amplification. This style of attacks has grown dramatically over the last six months and poses a significant new threat to the web. Monday's attack serves as a good case study to examine how these attacks work.
NTP Amplification 101
Before diving into the particular details of this attack, it's important to understand the basic mechanics of how NTP amplification attacks work. This is a quick overview of how these attacks occur. John Graham-Cumming on our team previously wrote a detailed primer on NTP amplification attacks if you're interested in further technical details. If you're interested in amplification attacks, you may also find interesting our posts about DNS Amplification attacks. These attacks use a similar method but target open DNS resolvers rather than NTP servers.
An NTP amplification attack begins with a server controlled by an attacker on a network that allows source IP address spoofing (e.g., it does not follow BCP38). The attacker generates a large number of UDP packets spoofing the source IP address to make it appear the packets are coming from the intended target. These UDP packets are sent to Network Time Protocol servers (port 123) that support the MONLIST command.
I'd personally be curious to talk with whoever added MONLIST as a command to NTP servers. The command seems of such little practical use -- it returns a list of up to the last 600 IP addresses that last accessed the NTP server -- and yet it can do so much harm. If an NTP server has its list fully populated, the response to a MONLIST request will be 206-times larger than the request. In the attack, since the source IP address is spoofed and UDP does not require a handshake, the amplified response is sent to the intended target. An attacker with a 1Gbps connection can theoretically generate more than 200Gbps of DDoS traffic.
Not Just Theoretical
Monday's DDoS proved these attacks aren't just theoretical. To generate approximately 400Gbps of traffic, the attacker used 4,529 NTP servers running on 1,298 different networks. On average, each of these servers sent 87Mbps of traffic to the intended victim on CloudFlare's network. Remarkably, it is possible that the attacker used only a single server running on a network that allowed source IP address spoofing to initiate the requests.
While NTP servers that support MONLIST are less common than open DNS resolvers, they tend to run on beefier servers with fatter connections to the network. Combined with the high amplification factor, this allows a much smaller number of NTP servers to generate very large attacks. For comparison, the attack that targeted Spamhaus used 30,956 open DNS resolvers to generate a 300Gbps DDoS. On Monday, with 1/7th the number of vulnerable servers, the attacker was able to generate an attack that was 33% larger than the Spamhaus attack.
ah rat
06-03-2014, 02:19 PM
I referred to you as a nutcase for having to log in via google instead of simply bookmarking the forum url. :eek:
Cannot bookmark,Company pc.Work as the same time surf SBF :D
06-03-2014, 02:28 PM
Cannot bookmark,Company pc.Work as the same time surf SBF :D
The make sure you use an incognito window and simply type in "sammyboyforum"
Big Sexy
06-03-2014, 02:44 PM
wow... scary figures :eek:
my server dont even generate 400gb of traffic in a month..
thanks for fixing the problem sam.. :)
Monday's DDoS proved these attacks aren't just theoretical. To generate approximately 400Gbps of traffic, the attacker used 4,529 NTP servers running on 1,298 different networks. On average, each of these servers sent 87Mbps of traffic to the intended victim on CloudFlare's network. Remarkably, it is possible that the attacker used only a single server running on a network that allowed source IP address spoofing to initiate the requests.
06-03-2014, 03:24 PM
wow... scary figures :eek:
my server dont even generate 400gb of traffic in a month..
thanks for fixing the problem sam.. :)
The process was very interesting and enlightening.
The MySQL/Vbulletin guru that I use is a fantastic guy. He spent many hours analysing and trying to pinpoint the cause of the problem but because it was random in nature, he just could not nail it. We tried all sorts of things some seemed to help but many produced no real results. We even put new DRAM in thinking it was a memory problem.
Finally, he got the help of a database guru who has experience in working in one of the top 3 websites in the world. Once he heard the problem was random, his solution was simple...delete the existing database config file and reconfigure a new copy and do a reinstall of the MySQL "core".
Viola!... all the problems went away. :p
As you can see, the top websites in the world don't bother troubleshooting. They simply do what we do all the time... computer not working properly?... reinstall the OS.
Whatever was going wrong seems to be fixed as it is running smoothly now fingers crossed. X ;)
06-03-2014, 03:38 PM
Now that the forum is running smoothly, can more people please sign up for premium membership.
I can assure everyone that their identities are not revealed in the process because the sign up process is separate from the forum database.
If you want this forum to keep going, I need to pay the bills so all support no matter how small is most welcome.
Even if you just sign up for ONE month, it will go a long way towards paying the bills.
ah rat
06-03-2014, 04:54 PM
I need to pay the bills so all support no matter how small is most welcome.
Whether to have a donation thread to the SBF Website,starting from $1 to $......
Depend on ppls able to contribute :)
No more the word 'nutcase' :D
06-03-2014, 05:03 PM
Whether to have a donation thread to the SBF Website,starting from $1 to $......
Depend on ppls able to contribute :)
One less fuck per month and contribute 10% of the savings to sammyboyforum. :)
06-03-2014, 08:18 PM
Heard u loud and clear ..... PM sent :D
Now that the forum is running smoothly, can more people please sign up for premium membership.
I can assure everyone that their identities are not revealed in the process because the sign up process is separate from the forum database.
If you want this forum to keep going, I need to pay the bills so all support no matter how small is most welcome.
Even if you just sign up for ONE month, it will go a long way towards paying the bills.
ah rat
07-03-2014, 02:55 PM
One less fuck per month and contribute 10% of the savings to sammyboyforum. :)
But too them,one less F**K per month is going to kill them. :eek:
Lucky I did not F**K around,my extra $ go family usage.Any better solution to get $ :D
Big Sexy
07-03-2014, 03:36 PM
mate, u do realise sam isnt talking about big money, right? Matter of fact, i think he probably just want to see his work and effort being appreciated more than anything else.
the premium membership cost less than $1 a day and u get alot of benefits inreturn. do it mate, like many have done. :)
But too them,one less F**K per month is going to kill them. :eek:
Lucky I did not F**K around,my extra $ go family usage.Any better solution to get $ :D
ah rat
07-03-2014, 04:00 PM
mate, u do realise sam isnt talking about big money, right? Matter of fact, i think he probably just want to see his work and effort being appreciated more than anything else.
the premium membership cost less than $1 a day and u get alot of benefits inreturn. do it mate, like many have done. :)
I appreciated what Sam have done.That why I everyday log in SBF to give my support. :D
Do u believe I skip lunch everyday to save $ for my family.If SBF need $,I may consider to fork out some $. :)
Big Sexy
07-03-2014, 04:17 PM
it is alright mate.. u dont need to if u dont have that extra penny..
support the forum in other ways.. sam will just be just happy ;)
I appreciated what Sam have done.That why I everyday log in SBF to give my support. :D
Do u believe I skip lunch everyday to save $ for my family.If SBF need $,I may consider to fork out some $. :)
07-03-2014, 05:17 PM
I appreciated what Sam have done.That why I everyday log in SBF to give my support. :D
Do u believe I skip lunch everyday to save $ for my family.If SBF need $,I may consider to fork out some $. :)
Ah rat bro,
Serious? U the man!! Real man .....
ah rat
08-03-2014, 07:31 AM
Ah rat bro,
Serious? U the man!! Real man .....
Oh rich man! Thanks! :D
.. I skip lunch everyday to save $ for my family...
So Poor / Pitiful ! :p I only skip all tea breaks and suppers.
Health is wealth. Take care of your health. Do not take your health for granted.
Money will not be enough if unhealthy/sick - increasingly high medical/health care costs.
Wishing all a nice weekend. :) Cheers.
08-03-2014, 08:22 AM
Oh rich man! Thanks! :D
Ah rat bro, I also scrimp and save ..... :D
08-03-2014, 08:33 AM
ok boss, hope this will help you bring in more premium member. :)
guys, i will upload some nice photos of this 20years old girl i upped from we chat. sign up for premium member to view them.
here are some of the screencapture from wechat account
08-03-2014, 08:52 AM
[QUOTE=Hurricane88;10552135]Hi hi
what is P...:confused:
Big Sexy
08-03-2014, 09:14 AM
sorry mate.. i accidentally edit your post instead of quoting it..
anyway.. see here
[QUOTE=Hurricane88;10552135]Hi hi
what is P...:confused:
ah rat
08-03-2014, 09:18 AM
ok boss, hope this will help you bring in more premium member. :)
guys, i will upload some nice photos of this 20years old girl i upped from we chat. sign up for premium member to view them.
here are some of the screencapture from wechat account
Bro,able to share some pixs for poor man :D
Hi hi
what is P...:confused:
P is those who post pixs at the Private Section
EP is those previous time they post pixs at Private Section & have Expired :D
08-03-2014, 10:31 AM
sorry mate.. i accidentally edit your post instead of quoting it..
anyway.. see here
thank you very much...:)
so in summary...
A - Advertiser
M - Moderation
C - Chatroom Moderator
Donor - Donor
Sponsor - Sponsor
Premium - Premium
V - bypass moderation
P - access private forum
eP - expired access private forum
Big Sexy
08-03-2014, 10:52 AM
yea, that about right..;)
thank you very much...:)
so in summary...
A - Advertiser
M - Moderation
C - Chatroom Moderator
Donor - Donor
Sponsor - Sponsor
Premium - Premium
V - bypass moderation
P - access private forum
eP - expired access private forum
12-03-2014, 11:25 PM
Boss, existing premium member but my credit card going to expire already. How do I update new credit card details to payment gateway?
Big Sexy
13-03-2014, 06:36 AM
hi mate, kindly pm sam.
He will be able to work something out for you :)
Boss, existing premium member but my credit card going to expire already. How do I update new credit card details to payment gateway?
23-03-2014, 02:56 PM
Hi Sam,
I'm abit lost and confuse. Which membership do i have to purchase if i want to look at pictures and videos from ur personal collection? from what i know the US$17 is for premier membership and to download the private picture in ur forum. how about the one which has the above two + ur own collections and videos.?
23-03-2014, 03:04 PM
Hi Sam,
I'm abit lost and confuse. Which membership do i have to purchase if i want to look at pictures and videos from ur personal collection? from what i know the US$17 is for premier membership and to download the private picture in ur forum. how about the one which has the above two + ur own collections and videos.?
If you just want to view the images and videos collected over the years, go to the ticketsclub link. ;)
23-03-2014, 03:17 PM
Oh, so do you mean even the USD$17 membership i can also access the tickets club link?
23-03-2014, 03:53 PM
Oh, so do you mean even the USD$17 membership i can also access the tickets club link?
The 17.95 is for premium membership.
If you're not interested in premium membership benefits but just want to download images and videos, the ticketsclub link is at
Big Sexy
23-03-2014, 03:55 PM
yes, but u wont get to enjoy the premium member benefits
Oh, so do you mean even the USD$17 membership i can also access the tickets club link?
23-03-2014, 04:11 PM
yes, but u wont get to enjoy the premium member benefits
Premium membership does not give access to the ticketsclub site.
Big Sexy
23-03-2014, 04:43 PM
sorry sam.
yes you are right, i got the price mixed up..
USD17.95 per month for premium membership
benefits here (
19.95 USD per month for access to
you get to view all the past photos/video from the private section in the archive.
Premium membership does not give access to the ticketsclub site.
01-04-2014, 01:32 AM
Thanks.. it helps me alot as newbie here! :)
03-04-2014, 08:56 AM
how can i trust this ? when someone online claim to be the admin and took 350 from me to place a ad and then there is no ads and he went missing? his nick is niaPsIxes . he say he will have to meeet greentea and pass the cash so being as a newbie , he show me the convo he had with greentea in the forum so as a newbie now he cheated me ..
03-04-2014, 08:58 AM
now i wanna sign up also how? what if got cheated again ?
Big Sexy
03-04-2014, 09:15 AM
mate, welcome to the internet..
i doubt greentea know this guy NIAPSIXES..
did u pm greentea for help?
the way i look at only blame yourself for being gullible..
All forum leaders are listed here (
there is also a sticky on premium membership sign up here (
how can i trust this ? when someone online claim to be the admin and took 350 from me to place a ad and then there is no ads and he went missing? his nick is niaPsIxes . he say he will have to meeet greentea and pass the cash so being as a newbie , he show me the convo he had with greentea in the forum so as a newbie now he cheated me ..
now i wanna sign up also how? what if got cheated again ?
03-04-2014, 09:28 AM
how can i trust this ? when someone online claim to be the admin and took 350 from me to place a ad and then there is no ads and he went missing? his nick is niaPsIxes . he say he will have to meeet greentea and pass the cash so being as a newbie , he show me the convo he had with greentea in the forum so as a newbie now he cheated me ..
hi i did not know any guy nick niaPsIxes. You should deal with me directly.
By the way even you sign up for the Premium member you are not allow to advertise. :o
03-04-2014, 12:36 PM
hmmm.... niaPsIxeS is a Chatroom Mod. you have any evidence of this? :rolleyes:
how can i trust this ? when someone online claim to be the admin and took 350 from me to place a ad and then there is no ads and he went missing? his nick is niaPsIxes . he say he will have to meeet greentea and pass the cash so being as a newbie , he show me the convo he had with greentea in the forum so as a newbie now he cheated me ..
03-04-2014, 01:41 PM
Hi Admin,
I have made the payment last week but I still don't see any changes to my account and only able to view those archived files and not the newer once. Am I missing some steps? Please advice
03-04-2014, 02:01 PM
Hi Admin,
I have made the payment last week but I still don't see any changes to my account and only able to view those archived files and not the newer once. Am I missing some steps? Please advice
You signed up for a ticketsclub pass at which is for access to the archives.
However, I cannot find any transaction for premium membership from your account.
To purchase premium membership, go to ;)
03-04-2014, 02:14 PM
hi i did not know any guy nick niaPsIxes. You should deal with me directly.
By the way even you sign up for the Premium member you are not allow to advertise. :o
What he is trying to put across is, since he was scammed into paying for advertisements, he is worried about being scammed into paying for Premium Membership.
03-04-2014, 02:31 PM
What he is trying to put across is, since he was scammed into paying for advertisements, he is worried about being scammed into paying for Premium Membership.
While I cannot vouch for all the advertisers as they come and go, I can certainly vouch for myself. I have never scammed anyone in my life.
Big Sexy
03-04-2014, 02:54 PM
hi mate, please see post 636 ( of this thread
Hi Admin,
I have made the payment last week but I still don't see any changes to my account and only able to view those archived files and not the newer once. Am I missing some steps? Please advice
03-04-2014, 03:32 PM
While I cannot vouch for all the advertisers as they come and go, I can certainly vouch for myself. I have never scammed anyone in my life.
That is good to hear.
If I may, I'd like to raise an issue. I believe users are getting confused between purchasing directions for the Ticketsclub Account and Premium Membership. Is there a possibility to make it more friendly ?
Like Big Sexy, I personally got the prices mixed up.
03-04-2014, 03:38 PM
That is good to hear.
If I may, I'd like to raise an issue. I believe users are getting confused between purchasing directions for the Ticketsclub Account and Premium Membership. Is there a possibility to make it more friendly ?
Like Big Sexy, I personally got the prices mixed up.
I'm trying to figure out how there could be any confusion because in order to sign up for the ticketsclub pass, you are taken to a different site altogether which is at
At, you are then presented with this banner
which says "click here to join this website". Only after clicking that banner is the price revealed. There is no mention whatsoever of premium membership at
On the other hand, premium membership is explained comprehensively at and the link to sign up is provided there and nowhere else.
If there is any way I can improve it, please let me know.
03-04-2014, 11:21 PM
If there is any way I can improve it, please let me know.
Sure. I will be more than happy to provide feedback and ideas.
05-04-2014, 11:06 AM
mate, welcome to the internet..
i doubt greentea know this guy NIAPSIXES..
did u pm greentea for help?
the way i look at only blame yourself for being gullible..
All forum leaders are listed here (
hi i did not know any guy nick niaPsIxes. You should deal with me directly.
While I cannot vouch for all the advertisers as they come and go, I can certainly vouch for myself. I have never scammed anyone in my life.
hmmm.... niaPsIxeS is a Chatroom Mod. you have any evidence of this?
So what's the conclusion?
Chatters would see Chatroom Mod(s) as sort of a forum leader... So I'm surprised they are not.
Forum Leaders don't know who are their Chatroom Mod(s). So who assign them as Chatroom Mod(s)?
Just thinking out loud... Nothing for/against Chatroom Mod(s).
Big Sexy
05-04-2014, 11:56 AM
mate, what conclusion are you looking for?
or did you actually believe everything hotlatinachick said?:D
So what's the conclusion?
Chatters would see Chatroom Mod(s) as sort of a forum leader... So I'm surprised they are not.
Forum Leaders don't know who are their Chatroom Mod(s). So who assign them as Chatroom Mod(s)?
Just thinking out loud... Nothing for/against Chatroom Mod(s).
05-04-2014, 12:09 PM
mate, what conclusion are you looking for?
or did you actually believe everything hotlatinachick said?:D
Everyone is free to make their own conclusion here.
Since the accuser and accused are not here.
Not that it matters to me.
Perhaps a more relevant Q to this thread.
Does Premium membership allows kick/ban immunity from chatroom?
Big Sexy
05-04-2014, 12:21 PM
none can kick you out if u are a premium member.. chatroom users wouldnt even know that u are login..
no, premium member cant kick or ban people out of the chatroom and they are not immune to being banned by the admins if they break the rules.
"'You can log in cloaked in the chat room. Nobody will know you are there until you voluntarily uncloak your account.:"
Perhaps a more relevant Q to this thread.
Does Premium membership allows kick/ban immunity from chatroom?
05-04-2014, 12:30 PM
none can kick you out if u are a premium member.. chatroom users wouldnt even know that u are login..
no, premium member cant kick or ban people out of the chatroom and they are not immune to being banned by the admins if they break the rules.
"'You can log in cloaked in the chat room. Nobody will know you are there until you voluntarily uncloak your account.:"
Orh... Didn't see the chatroom rulebook. Maybe the Chatroom Mod(s) also dunno?
I didn't say PM to kick/ban hor... Mai sabo.
Never really understood what this "cloaked" mode actually do. If nobody can see you, nobody can chat to you? Lol
Chatroom Mod(s) relac hor... Just asking questions nia.
Big Sexy
05-04-2014, 12:43 PM
premium members can still chat if they choose to..
it is just that their login staus isnt reveal so u wont know they are in the chatroom until they reveal themselves.. a feature that even i do not enjoy.
Never really understood what this "cloaked" mode actually do. If nobody can see you, nobody can chat to you? Lol
05-04-2014, 11:49 PM
yeah you are right . but now i deal with mr green tea directly. that guy who claim to be the admin , i show the proof to the greentea. i hope he ban that guy soon !!
05-04-2014, 11:50 PM
i have the proof , send to greentea already .
06-04-2014, 12:17 AM
i have the proof , send to greentea already .
Good one... maybe you and forum leader should share what's the outcome, esp since Chatroom Mod is involved.
Btw, what are you selling? Support.
06-04-2014, 04:28 AM
selling ? not selling anything .. a freelancer from spain . limited time only. see post to see detail and photos.
Big Sexy
06-04-2014, 07:01 AM
no worries mate, GT will check.
thanks for the info ;)
yeah you are right . but now i deal with mr green tea directly. that guy who claim to be the admin , i show the proof to the greentea. i hope he ban that guy soon !!
i have the proof , send to greentea already .
06-04-2014, 02:40 PM
no worries mate, GT will check.
thanks for the info ;)
I see that justice has been served - niaPsIxeS being removed as Chatroom Mod.
So who has the authority to remove chat mod?
Good that hotlatinachick didn't suffer in silence.
08-04-2014, 02:49 PM
Sammy boss, what happened to my Premium membership account? I thought mine was recurring?
Big Sexy
08-04-2014, 02:59 PM
it should be..
anyway, please give sam a pm so he can check on it ;)
Sammy boss, what happened to my Premium membership account? I thought mine was recurring?
08-04-2014, 03:01 PM
it should be..
anyway, please give sam a pm so he can check on it ;)
Thank you Big Sexy.
08-04-2014, 04:36 PM
Sammy boss, what happened to my Premium membership account? I thought mine was recurring?
It is recurring but when a rebill attempt was made, it was not successful. Could be expired CC. :cool:
09-04-2014, 02:51 AM
It is recurring but when a rebill attempt was made, it was not successful. Could be expired CC. :cool:
Thank you boss, will check CC as it is still valid.
15-04-2014, 10:59 PM
To ask how to advertise in this forum billing above it?
Credit card payment or money is it?
16-04-2014, 12:12 AM
Do advertising
How to pay?
16-04-2014, 04:47 AM
Do advertising
How to pay?
Hi there. If you want to advertise your services, please contact the moderator ( for details.
20-04-2014, 06:30 PM
Hi new here but hope I can share or learn a thing or two here :)
21-04-2014, 05:37 PM
Bro, how can i unsubscribed the premium member?
Need your advice. Thank you.
Big Sexy
21-04-2014, 06:04 PM
sad to see you go... if there is anything we can do to keep you on premium membership, do let us know...
to unsubscribe..check the acknowledgement email sent to you when you first subscribe. look for the link and login detail to unsubscribe. ;)
Bro, how can i unsubscribed the premium member?
Need your advice. Thank you.
21-04-2014, 06:17 PM
Bro, how can i unsubscribed the premium member?
Need your advice. Thank you.
Go to your userCP and then to "manage subscriptions". You can cancel rebilling there.
Big Sexy
21-04-2014, 06:39 PM
i didnt know about this...
new feature? thanks for adding the feature sam ;)
Go to your userCP and then to "manage subscriptions". You can cancel rebilling there.
21-04-2014, 06:42 PM
i didnt know about this...
new feature? thanks for adding the feature sam ;)
There are two ways of subscribing to premium membership.
The first way is via verotel and this was the method that everyone started off with. Verotel premium members have green nicks.
The other way is via DPS. This is for those whose credit card will not work with verotel. This method uses the Vbulletin built in subscription system. The nick is orange and the "PremiumD" is displayed under the nick.
Big Sexy
21-04-2014, 07:26 PM
ok noted sam thanks ;)
There are two ways of subscribing to premium membership.
The first way is via verotel and this was the method that everyone started off with. Verotel premium members have green nicks.
The other way is via DPS. This is for those whose credit card will not work with verotel. This method uses the Vbulletin built in subscription system. The nick is orange and the "PremiumD" is displayed under the nick.
06-05-2014, 06:09 PM
Go to your userCP and then to "manage subscriptions". You can cancel rebilling there.
Sorry sam, I can't seem to find manage subscriptions under usercp
06-05-2014, 06:18 PM
Sorry sam, I can't seem to find manage subscriptions under usercp
In your case you signed up via verotel so go to to manage your subscription. :)
16-05-2014, 03:56 PM
Pay alrdy but cannot log in why??
Big Sexy
16-05-2014, 04:44 PM
u dont need to login.. u can access the private section straight away.
Pay alrdy but cannot log in why??
16-05-2014, 05:40 PM
Pay alrdy but cannot log in why??
You are already logged in. If you weren't, you wouldn't be able to post your message. ;)
17-05-2014, 12:51 AM
I forgot my Verotal usercode and passcode.
Can you guys help cos I need to change the card details for this mths deduction.
Please PM me.
17-05-2014, 04:57 AM
I forgot my Verotal usercode and passcode.
Can you guys help cos I need to change the card details for this mths deduction.
Please PM me.
I tried to gain access to change my card details for this month's subscription, but I cant. What should I do?
Wait for it to expire and subscribe again with a new card?
Big Sexy
17-05-2014, 07:27 AM
pm sam for help ;)
I tried to gain access to change my card details for this month's subscription, but I cant. What should I do?
Wait for it to expire and subscribe again with a new card?
17-05-2014, 08:24 AM
I tried to gain access to change my card details for this month's subscription, but I cant. What should I do?
Wait for it to expire and subscribe again with a new card?
What happened when you tried to change your card details?
17-05-2014, 08:01 PM
hi bro how to join member?i'm not in sg how to pay and apply?
17-05-2014, 08:07 PM
hi bro how to become member?i not in sg how to pay and join member?
Big Sexy
17-05-2014, 08:11 PM
see post 674 and 676
if all fail, drop sam a pm ;)
hi bro how to become member?i not in sg how to pay and join member?
18-05-2014, 05:22 AM
What happened when you tried to change your card details?
Couldn't even use the password to gain entry.
Options were for either to terminate subscription or for unauthorized deductions.
18-05-2014, 07:14 AM
hi bro i mean i want to be member how to apply?
ah rat
18-05-2014, 07:22 AM
hi bro i mean i want to be member how to apply?
Bro,pm Sam lah!
18-05-2014, 07:27 AM
sam i mean i not u sg and no card how can i apply to become member?can reply me asap thanks bro
ah rat
18-05-2014, 07:31 AM
sam i mean i not u sg and no card how can i apply to become member?can reply me asap thanks bro
U don't have credit card :)
18-05-2014, 07:38 AM
ya bro dun have is there any other way to pay and apply?
Big Sexy
18-05-2014, 07:42 AM
mate.. the same applies..
Go to your userCP under Paid Subscriptions>DPS Premium Membership> Billed as "DLTT" on your CC statement
there is also be a donor, or monthly donor option ;)
hi bro i mean i want to be member how to apply?
18-05-2014, 07:53 AM
bro i not card cant apply ah?they say me for card number how?
Big Sexy
18-05-2014, 08:02 AM
ask a friend who has a card to help
bro i not card cant apply ah?they say me for card number how?
28-05-2014, 01:16 AM
bro i not card cant apply ah?they say me for card number how?
You can apply C.C. Online at bank site and request mail to your location :D
08-06-2014, 04:47 PM
I got the receipt prompting site:
Is it the Same?
Big Sexy
08-06-2014, 05:35 PM
no.. it is different from the premium membership.
to access the photos at
you can use the username and password provided to login
click on this link ( to login to
I got the receipt prompting site:
Is it the Same?
09-06-2014, 06:09 AM
Hi, I signed up for premium membership and can access the - Pictures to Private Escapes (Private Section).
If I want to access the asiangirlnextdoor, I would need another subscriptions?
Only those who signed up with Verotel get access to this? Cause I'm from Malaysia, hence I didn't signed up via Verotel but with the new cc option for Malaysian. Is there anyway I can access the asiangirlnextdoor?
Big Sexy
09-06-2014, 07:18 AM
thanks for signing up
the premium membership is different from the asiangirlnextdoor sign up.
if you want access to those photos @ asiagirlnextdoor u can sign up here (
you will need a credit card though.
If I want to access the asiangirlnextdoor, I would need another subscriptions?
Only those who signed up with Verotel get access to this? Cause I'm from Malaysia, hence I didn't signed up via Verotel but with the new cc option for Malaysian. Is there anyway I can access the asiangirlnextdoor?
09-06-2014, 07:39 AM
Hi, I signed up for premium membership and can access the - Pictures to Private Escapes (Private Section).
If I want to access the asiangirlnextdoor, I would need another subscriptions?
Only those who signed up with Verotel get access to this? Cause I'm from Malaysia, hence I didn't signed up via Verotel but with the new cc option for Malaysian. Is there anyway I can access the asiangirlnextdoor?
You don't need to access once you have premium membership as all the images can be downloaded directly from the private section. ;)
Hi, I signed up for premium membership...
Congratulations (Premium D) ! :) Right way to go. Have fun.
Benefits for Premium Members (Summary):
Give another 8 posts (elsewhere) to get your Power = 5 (See 1 & 2) :
With power, your (PM) Upz will be + 10 pts each, then (See 6).
Wishing all a nice day. :) Cheers.
Big Sexy
09-06-2014, 08:16 AM
not all sam..
he wont have access to the older ones or did u tweak the system again? ;)
You don't need to access once you have premium membership as all the images can be downloaded directly from the private section. ;)
09-06-2014, 09:20 AM
not all sam..
he wont have access to the older ones or did u tweak the system again? ;)
With the new server set up, there is no need for me to remove older attachments anymore.
Big Sexy
09-06-2014, 09:33 AM
ok noted sam.. thanks ;)
With the new server set up, there is no need for me to remove older attachments anymore.
Big Sexy
09-06-2014, 11:18 AM
photos lovers...
i am going to re-post some of the photos of yesteryears in the private section.. look out for it.. here is an example
09-06-2014, 12:36 PM
thanks for signing up
the premium membership is different from the asiangirlnextdoor sign up.
if you want access to those photos @ asiagirlnextdoor u can sign up here ( you will need a credit card though.
I can't signed up through Verotel, cause they don't accept M'sian CC
You don't need to access once you have premium membership as all the images can be downloaded directly from the private section. ;)
Oh? the images are the same? I thought it would be different images.
Because i see there are 2 different forum section, hence i thought the images are different.
1) Pictures of our Sexual Escapades
2) Sam's Private Picture Forum
Big Sexy
09-06-2014, 02:21 PM
sort of... the photos collection at goes all the way back to 2001. it is a huge archive there..
the photos in the private section goes back to 2013. however there is a lot of added value benefits about the premium membership
so it really depends on individuals. if u are only interested in the photos.. sign up @ asiangirlsnextdoor , otherwise go for the premium membership.
try getting a friend to help if you cannot do with with your malaysia credit card...
I can't signed up through Verotel, cause they don't accept M'sian CC
Oh? the images are the same? I thought it would be different images.
Because i see there are 2 different forum section, hence i thought the images are different.
1) Pictures of our Sexual Escapades
2) Sam's Private Picture Forum
09-06-2014, 11:23 PM
Is it true we can up other bros double points?
10-06-2014, 03:46 AM
Is it true we can up other bros double points?
Yes positive :D , You can try it out on me as a start up :p
10-06-2014, 07:36 AM
Is it true we can up other bros double points?
I'm not really sure abt the points system,but I dun mind b guinea pig so u can try upz my points ;):p:D
10-06-2014, 02:45 PM
Hi admin,
Sorry to ask stupid question here:confused:
1. the 200 points still valid?
2. With this premium membership, can I gain access to Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION) ?
3. What will stated in my CC bills?
10-06-2014, 02:50 PM
Hi admin,
Sorry to ask stupid question here:confused:
1. the 200 points still valid?
2. With this premium membership, can I gain access to Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION) ?
3. What will stated in my CC bills?
It's not a stupid question but it is 3 questions that are all answered in the very first post of this thread.
10-06-2014, 03:08 PM
How come after my purchase it direct me to instead of sammyboy?
Big Sexy
10-06-2014, 03:12 PM
mate, which link did u use to signup ? this one (
How come after my purchase it direct me to instead of sammyboy?
10-06-2014, 03:19 PM
So I was purchase the wrong members?
mate, which link did u use to signup ? this one (
Big Sexy
10-06-2014, 03:32 PM
there are 2 ways to sign up..see the (premium) sign under your nick?
u are already a premium member
thanks for signing up and enjoy the benefits ;)
So I was purchase the wrong members?
10-06-2014, 03:47 PM
I had been purchase 2 premium... :(
sammyboy & AsianGirl
there are 2 ways to sign up..see the (premium) sign under your nick?
u are already a premium member
thanks for signing up and enjoy the benefits ;)
Big Sexy
10-06-2014, 05:15 PM
mate, u can enjoy the benefit of both world then..
if u wish, u can cancel one of them however it will only take effect at the end of the cycle. ;)
I had been purchase 2 premium... :(
sammyboy & AsianGirl
10-06-2014, 11:39 PM
Yes positive :D , You can try it out on me as a start up :p
Haha bro, not that u need my points of humble 6 and my pleasure to up, problem is how to do it ar?
Mayb I sld check this whole thread again.
Is it true we can up other bros double points?
Yes positive :D , You can try it out on me as a start up :p
Haha bro, not that u need my points of humble 6 and my pleasure to up, problem is how to do it ar? ...
PM Upz = 2 x Power:
Thread to Upz him (clubenjoy Upz = 12 pts):
UbErZoNe Upz will be 20 pts. Have fun.
Wishing all a nice day. :) Cheers.
12-06-2014, 02:56 AM
This the link you should read up in regards on your queries :p
Take care and have fun then :D
Haha bro, not that u need my points of humble 6 and my pleasure to up, problem is how to do it ar?
Mayb I sld check this whole thread again.
12-06-2014, 11:30 AM
today, I saw one new alphabet B...not sure what it means...:)
thank you very much...:)
so in summary...
A - Advertiser
M - Moderation
C - Chatroom Moderator
Donor - Donor
Sponsor - Sponsor
Premium - Premium
V - bypass moderation
P - access private forum
eP - expired access private forum
16-06-2014, 05:35 PM
I would like to advertise. Ask is how charges.You add my Line: anna335
ah rat
17-06-2014, 10:43 AM
I would like to advertise. Ask is how charges.You add my Line: anna335
Contact Greentea
Big Sexy
21-06-2014, 09:05 AM
More of Mei, dont miss it!
Remove that annoying spot covering mei's lovely pussy, signup for the premium membership to enjoy all the benefits.
photos lovers...
i am going to re-post some of the photos of yesteryears in the private section.. look out for it.. here is an example
22-06-2014, 11:17 AM
I signed up for the DPS Premium Membership for one month. How do i cancel the subscription after this month? Thanks
Big Sexy
22-06-2014, 12:01 PM
the same way u sign up..
to stop the subscription. goto your usercp>paid subscriptions
You can cancel rebilling there.
I signed up for the DPS Premium Membership for one month. How do i cancel the subscription after this month? Thanks
22-06-2014, 08:52 PM
Thanks. How do i access ? or is it the same as ?
23-06-2014, 07:17 AM
Thanks. How do i access ? or is it the same as ?
That's a different site altogether. ;)
23-06-2014, 11:52 AM
Since i subscribed to DPS Premium Membership, can i access . Im from Malaysia so I cant pay via verotel. Pay via DPS Premium
23-06-2014, 01:03 PM
Since i subscribed to DPS Premium Membership, can i access . Im from Malaysia so I cant pay via verotel. Pay via DPS Premium
You don't need to go to as you can download all the images directly from the private picture forum. ;)
23-06-2014, 01:25 PM
I was hoping to access the achieve of Which u mention is expired and is archived in
Big Sexy
23-06-2014, 02:27 PM
no mate.. it is a different thing.. if u have sign up for the premium membership. u enjoys the benefits of the premium members, but it doesnt allow u to access
read the post in this thread... this has been answered many times.
Since i subscribed to DPS Premium Membership, can i access . Im from Malaysia so I cant pay via verotel. Pay via DPS Premium
I was hoping to access the achieve of Which u mention is expired and is archived in
Big Sexy
30-06-2014, 03:32 PM
She is a whore turn Fuck buddy of one of the samster here.
check them out at the private section.
02-07-2014, 06:50 PM
Payment can be connected to me yet. Yesterday I paid but can not. How it happened
Big Sexy
02-07-2014, 07:44 PM
mate, it shouldnt take a day.. did u check if the transaction went thru and if it is for the premium membership and not for
read post 738 of this thread
Payment can be connected to me yet. Yesterday I paid but can not. How it happened
03-07-2014, 12:26 AM
I want to buy ads can add me Line:. Anna335
The connection to me can you pay for
03-07-2014, 05:55 AM
I want to buy ads can add me Line:. Anna335
The connection to me can you pay for
Hi there. If you want to advertise your services, please contact the moderator ( for details.
22-07-2014, 06:18 AM
I have signed and paid 17.95 at verotel but my moderated message still moderated.
Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION) <== can't see picture posted in thread "220 Attachment(s) Hero's Girl No.1119 ". I just tested all pictures in that forum can't see also. Please help.
Why is that so? have I missed out any key info?
Kindly PM me the answer thanks.
22-07-2014, 07:03 AM
I have signed and paid 17.95 at verotel but my moderated message still moderated.
Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION) <== can't see picture posted in thread "220 Attachment(s) Hero's Girl No.1119 ". I just tested all pictures in that forum can't see also. Please help.
Why is that so? have I missed out any key info?
Kindly PM me the answer thanks.
I believe you signed up for the image archive at
Your log in to the image site is at
Use the usercode and passcode that was assigned you and sent via email.
Thanks very much for your support. It is much appreciated.
If you want premium membership as well, sign up is at
23-07-2014, 07:58 PM
I believe you signed up for the image archive at
Your log in to the image site is at
Use the usercode and passcode that was assigned you and sent via email.
Thanks very much for your support. It is much appreciated.
If you want premium membership as well, sign up is at
hi, same case here..but i lost my old email that register and i just update another email...can u help me about this ? i did not get the mail after i paid..
Big Sexy
23-07-2014, 09:03 PM
mate, u dont need the id to access the private forum (
do note that the premium membership is different from the asiangirlnextdoor subscription
premium membership give u more benefits, where the asiangirlnextdoor subscription only give u access to the photos in the archive
hi, if i pay using DPS, how can i go to the asiangirlnextdoor archive as mentioned at the web ? can you kindly assist me ?
hi, same case here..but i lost my old email that register and i just update another email...can u help me about this ? i did not get the mail after i paid..
23-07-2014, 09:36 PM
mate, u dont need the id to access the private forum (
do note that the premium membership is different from the asiangirlnextdoor subscription
premium membership give u more benefits, where the asiangirlnextdoor subscription only give u access to the photos in the archive
noted with thanks
29-07-2014, 03:50 AM
I have many posts in the forum under a previous nick that I'd like to change now because now people can google that nick and find out I posted those. If I sign up with the premium service, will I be able to change the nick on those posts? Or will I be able to delete those postings?
29-07-2014, 04:11 AM
I have many posts in the forum under a previous nick that I'd like to change now because now people can google that nick and find out I posted those. If I sign up with the premium service, will I be able to change the nick on those posts? Or will I be able to delete those postings?
No but if you PM me to explain the issue, I'll see what I can do.
02-08-2014, 03:19 PM
By signing up premium membership, we are mask from zap right ?
02-08-2014, 08:51 PM
I hope you can accept Premium Member can post Images at:
03-08-2014, 03:49 AM
By signing up premium membership, we are mask from zap right ?
Yes you will be immune to zapping but can still receive points.
07-08-2014, 06:25 PM
FYI on below two posts by Snowleopards.
Premium Member/Clones has the power to spy on other samsters in chatroom?
Maybe Boss can add that to the list of privileges.
Big Sexy
08-08-2014, 08:14 AM
New photo set uploaded in the private section.
they are a lesbian couple, and they love fucking each other
and yes they are also Samsters :p
Sign up for the premium membership to view them now
30-08-2014, 11:30 AM
If we are premium member, can we access the video or just see pictures only ?
Thanks for answering
04-09-2014, 04:45 AM
If we are premium member, can we access the video or just see pictures only ?
Thanks for answering
You can access any videos that are posted in the private picture forum.
04-09-2014, 10:29 AM
You can access any videos that are posted in the private picture forum.
Thanks boss
06-09-2014, 06:32 PM
I've signed up through Verotel . Does it consider as premium membership?
It allows me to access " " and those are old stuffs i guess.I just wanna view pic and vids only from private forum.
if i signed up wrongly, please provide me the link to sign up premium membership.
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