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View Full Version : very experienced in asia and beyond seeking new places

04-02-2013, 02:48 PM
I have been been punting since 1989. I was active on many previous boards including one from Singapore that is no longer. I provide detailed reports but focus on facts not opinions or experiences. I don't like reading the private adventures of others so don't post mine--photos, names of girls etc. All I post and all I seek is maps, directions, names and ratings of venues, prices, etc.

All I look for is cheap sex with fresh accommodating prostitutes short-time or all-night, with fellatio and some fun, who do not try to be my girlfriend, which is why I don't like Philippines. So far, I like the secret brothels of Vietnam and would like freelancers like in Cuba in the 1997. My budget is low and I could care less about fancy venues or entertainment.

I prefer mamasans to pimps, teenage to over 21, daytime to evening sex, and girls who don't speak English. If a place is extra special I am telling you now, honestly I won't post about it risking bringing media/police attention.

06-02-2013, 01:28 PM
I would join, support the operator of sammyboy, but I am in Bintan and Verotel refuses to accept money from Indonesia (even though my credit card is from elsewhere).

Want to find lokalisasi NOW. Wading through chit-chat and sex stories. Trying to find hard facts--maps, GPS, names, addresses, etc. Need practical info other than 'ask a taksi' (commission). I find mulsim land hooker system strangely hidden and requiring intermediarries. I like fast, direct and open like Cuba 1997. OK, different stle here.

06-02-2013, 03:27 PM
???????? @#$%^&... :p