View Full Version : Story #1- Steph
14-03-2013, 11:43 PM
Hi guys i'm new here, used to patrol and write a little in another forum with the name of a delicious singapore dish, but decided to browse more. :D
Well, i wrote this back 2-3 years ago, found it lying in the archives; still deciding whether to cont this story, with busy schs and all. :D
So this being my "virgin post", i would like all to "duo duo bao han"... hahaha...
15-03-2013, 09:04 AM
camp for more... :D
15-03-2013, 01:44 PM
Just Do It.
15-03-2013, 01:54 PM
Chapter 1- the beginning.
Okok... let's begin this story with a little introduction.
When i was studying in secondary school, i knew this girl. She was cute,
I was a slacker and she was in the top express class. Now in our school, people in the top class are quite arrogant and "looks down" on us, so i really hated them and would love very much to give them a kick in the ass. However, she was special and we were very good friends.
Being good friends means that i could see her zao-geng as much as possible (one of the best) , and we would hang out, and i could see her C-cups "longkangs" whenever we went to the movies.
Her name was Stephanie.
When we were in Secondary 4, she hooked up with this dude, who has the same name as i do, and she didn't know him through me. The surprising thing was that he and i was "ar-ka-liao" bros, and that he was heavily involved in secret societies. I was in the same secret society (higher rank than him) too, but i had a double life(now don't have already), and i couldn't risk Stephanie knowing it.
Let's just call him Ken.
So one day the following things happened.
S: Hey let's go out after class today, i want you to meet someone.
Me: Who? Aiya, you always want me to meet all your boring nerd girlfriends... don't want!
S: Don't be a spoilsport lehs.... come la...
So i went, and when i saw that face, with that familiar Koi fish tattoo on his right arm... both of our faces was full of shock.
S: Nah, Ken, this is Ken.
Me: Hi...(awkward)...
Ken: Eh, what you doing bro? I...(Me staring furiously)... orh, orh.... ah... hi...hi.
S: what's the matter with both of you... come, let's go out and have fun today!
So week after week, she would sometimes ask both of us to go out. I was okay in the beginning, but soon, i began to feel very "extra" because they would kiss and make out sometimes... i felt like a gooseberry and soon i didn't want to go at all.
About a week later, at our zai tui meeting, Ken approached me.
Ken: Eh, you know hor, steph rite, i got a problem leh.
Me: Yeah why?
Ken: You see ar, we kissed liao, play with each other liao, but she always don't want to fuck leh, how ar?
Me: She's your girlfriend right, not mine, so not my problem.
Ken: Eh, bro, she got tell me, you and her like abang adeh de, so go and ask larh.
Me: Eh you siao arh bro, if she knows i know you, then she will suspect that i from XXX one right?
Ken: You got a lot of brains one, you sure can do it one larh, i also never say you must ask her directly.
I was shocked that she, as such a innocent and guai express girl, can do all those kinds of things, but i agreed and since, i was like the relationship counsellor for most of my social circles, i agreed.
To be continued....
16-03-2013, 04:04 PM
I was shocked that she, as such a innocent and guai express girl, can do all those kinds of things, but i agreed and since, i was like the relationship counsellor for most of my social circles, i agreed.
S: Hey, what you want to talk to me about so urgent?
Me: You got time or not? i want to ask you something.
S: Ask lor.
Me: You and that boy Ken, how you know him de? He doesn't look like he's from your social circle.
S: No larh, got one time he come over when we was at Causeway Point, then he ask my number. why, you scared of him ar? *laughs*
Me: (Scared of him? HAHA) No larh, you and him how far liao?
S: What you mean how far?
Me: Like kiss, hug that kind larh!
S: *teases* Eeee! you this kind of guai guai type also know this arh? I thought you still virgin?
Me: Ya la, but i concerned mah.
S: *giggles* got kiss, got hug, and then...
Me: and then?
S: And then we got petting a bit larh... why you ask so much? * changes subject* I didn't know you like all these one leh! Pervert! You at home watch all the japanese porn right?
Me: *denies Don't have la. So means you still virgin liao right?
S: Yeah, why, you horny arh? Pian Tai!
Me: *trying to maintain composure* Aiya, since you want to play until like that, then i'm not talking to you.
S: Okay okay larh, don't play liao. *suddenly serious* but honestly, why you want to know so much? i never thought you would ask me about him. I thought you didn't like him?
Me: It's not i don't like him. You crazy arh? Who want to be there, when you all kissing and stuff? You think i like to be Dian Deng Pao meh?
S: *smile* orh... i know liao, you jealous right? Okay larh, don't say i bad...
Then the shocking thing happened. She looked around for a few seconds, then grasped my hand, and held it to her chest.
We were at the back of the school pond like 3-4PM, and i think anyone would be shocked to see a guy with his hand holding a girl's tit.
S: We know each other for so long liao, you know i like you right? But i thought that you didn't like girls... so...
Me: (SHOCKED) What the fuck? You thought i was fucking gay?!
S: Yeah, who won't? You never seem to talk about girls and you always hang around guys...
Me: I just don't have anyone i like, and the guys i hang around are my friends!!
S: Shh.... Can you feel my heart beating?
Me: I... I... i don't know larh.
All i could feel at that point of time, was a very silky feeling of fabric and that i was feeling very hot.
S: I go upstairs a while and take my bag, you wait for me here can? We go home together?
Me: (daze)
S: Ken?
Me: Huh? erm, yeah, okay.
To be continued....
16-03-2013, 11:29 PM
Do keep it up. Great start
16-03-2013, 11:42 PM
omg, story's engine just start but the pants a bit tight liao
17-03-2013, 12:54 AM
Pitching tent
17-03-2013, 12:22 PM
Omg faster update. Can't wait
17-03-2013, 04:38 PM
Chapter 2- Love, Sex, Magic
So I accompanied her home, both of us eyeing each other hungrily, anticipating what was going to happen to us next. I was quite horny already, but then i realised i would be betraying my brother that way, cause of the rule, "Peng you qi bu ke qi", but my body wasn't following my brain at that point of time.
When we reached her house, she said,
S: Hey, we reach liao.
Me: Yeah *uncertain*
S: Erm... you wanna go upstairs? I let you play my laptop as usual.
Me: Orh, okay lor, i anything de.
I visit her house frequently, but i only went there to use her laptop; somehow i knew that this time wasn't going to be the same.
When i reached her room, everything was the same, i put down my bag and start switching on her laptop. Her parents wasn't in, but it wouldn't make any difference; her mom and i were very familiar with each other. She went to take a shower, as usual, without saying a word. 'Maybe she is shy and now she don't want liao", i thought.
Moments later, she came out wearing nothing but a blue checkered pairs of panties.
S: Nice?
Me: *shocked* Yeah.... very,very n-nice.
S: Hee Hee... you are always the flatterer, Ken... come here. *finger beckoning*
Me: *like a fool, goes over*
S: I let you see something...
I was thinking that she would show me her V, but the silly thing was that she took out a box and opened it.
S: See, all the notes that we used to send each other in class when we're in Sec 1, and birthday cards you gave... i kept it all.
Me: Wow... that's...
S: Now you believe that i truly like you, Ken? I love you so much.
That was the fucking limit. I pounced towards her and kissed her with such fiery passion that till today, i never felt a kiss that same way again. I wasn't sure how i knew, but i frenched her fiercely and moved to her earlobes, then her neck, finally to her beautiful breasts, with those little brown cute nipples, hardening as i licked it.
S: Yes! Ken, don't stop, don't stop....
Her hands moved to my crotch.
S: Ken, baby, don't stop...
Me: Wow, usually nice bookworm girl Steph is good, but this Steph-gone-wild rocks my world too.
She said the following words, which was the hottest thing that i think a girl can say:
S: *looks in my eyes* When i'm good, i'm very good, when i'm bad, i'm better... *winks*
To be continued.....
17-03-2013, 05:02 PM
Here to support TS
17-03-2013, 05:06 PM
Support support
19-03-2013, 03:36 AM
Camping here
19-03-2013, 04:38 AM
Woah! I love school stories! More please~~ ^^
19-03-2013, 07:14 AM
TS, don't deny our daily staple. Hot thread.
19-03-2013, 02:39 PM
Here come the actions.
19-03-2013, 07:41 PM
Very good. Please continue..
20-03-2013, 12:14 AM
Hey guys sorry for the long wait....
I'm currently in camp right now... so the story will have to wait.
I'll be back during the weekend, so stay tuned!
20-03-2013, 03:20 AM
Waiting for more
20-03-2013, 03:33 AM
Great story :cool:
24-03-2013, 01:39 PM
Ts please be back to continue soon!!
24-03-2013, 04:20 PM
Awaiting for more from TS
24-03-2013, 06:47 PM
As promised, ladies and gents.... i'm back!
She unzips my crotch and let my weapon out. Licking it around the head first, with the other hand massaging my balls, and then putting the head through the mouth, giving it the in-out motion, my mind went blank.
My hands and body was static; i didn't think of anything else.
Kissing it and giving my rod love, then licking it constantly, with the other hand never leaving my balls, then she finally started sucking it with passion.
A few minutes later, i could not bear it any longer, and shouted,
Me: I'm cumming, I'm cumming!!
As soon as those words left my mouth, i let loose. All i could feel with the awesome magic that Stephanie had done. When i regained composure, her face, neck and breasts were filled with my hot, sticky and thin cum. Sexiest look ever.
S: Come on, my turn, babe
My turn, alright. I was determined to make her feel as good as i did. I took off that cute little panties, and started playing around with her V. It was beautiful, with a small mound of hair above and a pinkish tinge to it. Due to a expansive knowledge in japanese AVs, i found that teeny little nub you and i know very well, and then licked it once.
S: Oh YES, baby!!
Fingering slowly with my index finger, i peered closely at her face. She was in complete ecstasy. Intent to make her cum on my first try, i went deeper, licking her again and again. Then, when i started the second finger, she screamed.
S: Oh my fucking god, baby, oh my god, I'm cumming!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Much of a clear fluid flowed out from her V. It was her love juice, and my fingers were full of it.
Me: Am i good?
S: A+, Ken... come on.... come on, Ken, ready for your 3rd round?
I froze. I suddenly realised that i had broken the rules, and i went too far. Furthermore, there was something else:
I have this bad-ass full back tattoo of Kwan Kong, the chinese God of War, which was quite nice ( i did it when i was in Hong Kong for a visit, cost me fucking HKD 27,000 plus), so i had to wear a sleeveless shirt everytime i was in school. Nobody but my gang and my family members knew.
Me: No, no, no... Wait! *just as she wanted to come and kiss me* Cannot.
S: *sad* eh? why?
Me: I already bastard your boyfriend already. We cannot continue, Steph, please. I'm... I'm sorry.
S: *pouts* like that arh... then what you want now sia?
Me: I.. I would like to go home.
S: *changes* fine then. See you in school tomorrow.
I packed up my stuff and went. My mind was full of images created just minutes ago. God, i kept thinking about her, i almost went crazy during the night.
The next day, i went to school. She didn't try to talk to me or anything, just normal. She said, "Hi", and " Bye", which was all. I was shocked and worried about the sudden change in attitude, but to keep things safe, i didn't ask her anything.
Three days later, Ken called me....
To be continued.....
24-03-2013, 06:51 PM
Double issue everybody!! But i'll be back only after 2 weeks, got exercise :(
Chapter 3- I wanna be your man.
The next day, i went to school. She didn't try to talk to me or anything, just normal. She said, "Hi", and " Bye", which was all. I was shocked and worried about the sudden change in attitude, but to keep things safe, i didn't ask her anything.
Three days later, Ken called me....
Ken: Hello?
ME: Arh what? *scared*
Ken: Eh she finally gave me a fucking blowjob today man! Wah, you should be here lah! She damn best.... I went to seventh heaven then come back down in one swop!
ME: *relieved* good for you lor.
Ken: Hey man, what's the attitude? Come on larh! Be happy for your brother!
ME: Yeah, i'm very fucking happy. You happy?
Ken: We going out drink tomorrow? Going?
ME: Yeah whatever. Bye.
I was quite glad that she didn't tell on me to Ken, but yet there was this strange feeling coming up in me... Is she truly in love with me, and that she currently settling for second place? Or is she just horny and just wanted to blow guys?
I went to my friendster account and started lighting a cigarette. ( No facebook at that time)
There was a new comment by Stephanie:
Miss you, want you, need you every second of my life. You are the reason i live and i dun want anyone else but you.
Stephanie<3 Kenneth
All i was thinking that i was so glad that i didn't add any of my gang affliates to my friendster.
So does that mean that she really liked me? I didn't have the answer that time.
But all i knew that i was so horny that i didn't know what to do. Masturbation had become nothing, and i didn't want to visit pros or fls at that time.
It only meant one thing. i want her, no matter what happens.
And if it happens, i would not let this chance skip away again.
Before i slept that night, i smsed her a message:
Thinking of you as i'm falling asleep, your smile can light the darkest nights.
Will you believe in me again? I'm sorry for being a coward.
10 minutes, she replied:
LoVeR BoI, aPoLoGy aCcEpTeD. Mt Mi 6 TmR at Mi HsE. WaItInG 4 U =)
To Be Continued...
24-03-2013, 11:40 PM
Old man camping to read young peoples' story! :D . cheers ..................
25-03-2013, 02:33 AM
Good read, camping for more
25-03-2013, 02:45 AM
please continue , thanks
25-03-2013, 02:58 AM
Camping for more
27-03-2013, 08:50 PM
Eagerly waiting for more, TS!
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