View Full Version : The Betrayal

23-03-2013, 02:08 AM
love brings naught but everlasting sorrow..

oh so, how true is that sentence as Will ponders in this cold hash reality of the cruel society.

Nothing seems more important than the person laying asleep in front of him, yet does it seem so as the angelic face suggested?

As he paused and struggled with his inner demons, the figure stirred...a soft moan left the sweet full lips as the velvet silk caresses the figure, that women will die for, creased slightly, signalling that the person is stretching her long 42 inch legs and half turning in bed.

Will is in a dilemma..how should he face with the reality? does his love and the love for him still sparkling? is that love, oh sweet love that once shared and had still is or has been?

thinking back, weeks ago, he could scarcely believe what his brothers had told him, if not for the fact after some crazy investigations and lucky breaks that had him otherwise.

it makes him wonders, every time when he had make love with her, her moans were for him or for others in her closed eyes imagination.

The questions gawed at his mind every single time he make his penetration and she would reciprocate through her soft velvet lips and through her heaving of her soft, full, white breasts that would drive men insane.

Will never fails to wonders how many pair of hands had grope that asset that belongs to him...and with that, he always pumps her with a vengeance.....

love that was all so sweet becomes a bitter pill when he saw the photos that were taken..

* coupled of months ago*

Will : " yo bro. sorry I'm late have to do a last min report to the idiot."

Alan : "S'ok, life's a bitch hahahaha.."

Will : " Sooooo...whats the rush? you were harping over the phone la huh, saying its important and is urgent huh, cannot discuss with me over the phone, must meet face to face...so what is so so so important?"

Alan : " Eh...i duno how to tell you la...its hard la but....if dun tell you, looks like I'm a bad guy..."

Will : " Aiyah...say la dun be like a girl la hahaha"

Alan : " ok you say wan de ah...actually a couple of days back, when im heading down to orchard there to meet the gang, i saw your wife.."

Will : " wah lan..bo liao...i thought what...you tell me something urgent and is because you saw my wife? "

Alan : " Eh wait la..i also haven finish..i saw your wife with another guy la..."

Will : " Sooo? hello bro, she is working ma...not surprising that she would have a male colleague with her for maybe lunch or so lo...anyway hahaha i had made my presence felt liao le la in her office..so every one knows she is married..happily married to me lo....."

Alan : "..............holding hands?"

will : " huh?"

Alan : " then later linked her arms across his arms and walking to M hotel? your wife is not working there right?"

23-03-2013, 03:12 AM
Hmmm.... Nice story... Keep it coming please~ ^^

23-03-2013, 10:33 AM
love brings naught but everlasting sorrow..

oh so, how true is that sentence as Will ponders in this cold hash reality of the cruel society.

Nothing seems more important than the person laying asleep in front of him, yet does it seem so as the angelic face suggested?

As he paused and struggled with his inner demons, the figure stirred...a soft moan left the sweet full lips as the velvet silk caresses the figure, that women will die for, creased slightly, signalling that the person is stretching her long 42 inch legs and half turning in bed.

Will is in a dilemma..how should he face with the reality? does his love and the love for him still sparkling? is that love, oh sweet love that once shared and had still is or has been?

thinking back, weeks ago, he could scarcely believe what his brothers had told him, if not for the fact after some crazy investigations and lucky breaks that had him otherwise.

it makes him wonders, every time when he had make love with her, her moans were for him or for others in her closed eyes imagination.

The questions gawed at his mind every single time he make his penetration and she would reciprocate through her soft velvet lips and through her heaving of her soft, full, white breasts that would drive men insane.

Will never fails to wonders how many pair of hands had grope that asset that belongs to him...and with that, he always pumps her with a vengeance.....

love that was all so sweet becomes a bitter pill when he saw the photos that were taken..

* coupled of months ago*

Will : " yo bro. sorry I'm late have to do a last min report to the idiot."

Alan : "S'ok, life's a bitch hahahaha.."

Will : " Sooooo...whats the rush? you were harping over the phone la huh, saying its important and is urgent huh, cannot discuss with me over the phone, must meet face to face...so what is so so so important?"

Alan : " Eh...i duno how to tell you la...its hard la but....if dun tell you, looks like I'm a bad guy..."

Will : " Aiyah...say la dun be like a girl la hahaha"

Alan : " ok you say wan de ah...actually a couple of days back, when im heading down to orchard there to meet the gang, i saw your wife.."

Will : " wah lan..bo liao...i thought what...you tell me something urgent and is because you saw my wife? "

Alan : " Eh wait la..i also haven finish..i saw your wife with another guy la..."

Will : " Sooo? hello bro, she is working ma...not surprising that she would have a male colleague with her for maybe lunch or so lo...anyway hahaha i had made my presence felt liao le la in her office..so every one knows she is married..happily married to me lo....."

Alan : "..............holding hands?"

will : " huh?"

Alan : " then later linked her arms across his arms and walking to M hotel? your wife is not working there right?"

if happen reality it will be pretty disappoint and stunned:mad:

25-03-2013, 01:28 AM
Will just left the question hanging...a seed of doubt had been planted, awaiting for fertilizers and water for it to make its first sprout in the trusting heart.

That seed that had been planted is wrecking havoc and claiming many brain cells of his...should he trust or should he have confirmation?

things which he used to do with her has now been shrouded with a great heavy mist...

Not long after, after the coffee session with Alan, Will had began to notice some changes which he had not notice before..changes like putting on perfume when going to the super mart, started to go on dinner outings with her supposed colleagues, late night meetings that seems so frequent, coming home sneaking about and with the sound of a car throttling off into the distance.

Will could never seem to catch that particular car, but it was always the moment she return with 5 mins after that particular seems to roar off. it was like clock work never fails.....

the seed that has been planted begun to take root...

Agony was gawing at his very soul..why had he failed to notice these subtle changes..when did it happen? what happen when they had quarrelled? what did she do? where had she disappeared to?

one night, when he had the yearning for a love making session, he came home early in anticipation of a tryst that he had put off a week ago citing that it would make them yearn for it even more.. he had put it across that it is like a girl who is riding you, sucking you off, jerking you while you are not allowed to lay a hand on her flesh...it was to promote that kind of kinky feeling that would make you wanted it even more..

Will came home to find her listless and slightly dishevelled in her dressing..at that time when a warning bell should have sounded within his head was quickly silenced with a shake of his head.

As he closed the distance towards her, he was practically tearing his clothes apart..that sight of her dishevelled image was setting his groin on fire..he just have to had her there and that.

she seemed surprised at the animalistic behavior he was showing and was taken slightly aback...perhaps this was a guilty conscious on her part?

Anyway as the clothes were taken off part by part as Will was crossing the distance, rapidly closing the distance between them, she took a step backwards involuntary and that seems to set his heart racing even more..its was as though as he was gonna rape her and he love that feeling she is exhibiting as her eyes grew larger at the incoming animal and that fake fear that she showed...it was like a role play that they had did ions ago..

it did not take long for him to strip completely, with his engorged manhood sticking out of his contours in the moonlit bedroom...he pounced on her, forcing a shriek from her soft soon to be ravaged lips...

25-03-2013, 03:05 AM
Camping for more

25-03-2013, 04:31 AM
Good story! I like ur descriptions..! ^^
Keep it going~~~~~ Please~ Don't stop....

25-03-2013, 12:31 PM
Interesting story.

Very well written so far.

Keep it up

25-03-2013, 01:01 PM
Good story. Awaiting next installment

25-03-2013, 06:07 PM
he practically tore off her nightie and started a tongue war that lasted many minutes...with his right hand to support the back of her head, his left began to cup her soft tender breast started squeezing it...not to hard to the point of screaming, nor too soft like a virgin that is afraid of hurting..but just firm enough to get a response from her twisting body that was underneath him.

he swung her to the bed, upon her head touching the soft linen mixed cotton, he began to resume what he was doing earlier on...cupping her breast with his hand, his right began to forage down south...all this while he was kissing her all around while she is squirming...

whether in reluctance or with pleasure...he will never know....

nothing beats a pleasure more so than having the willing victim squirming underneath enacting a scene out from a rape textbook..the deepest hidden and unwilling to admit dark desire is there, in every guys, just that those feelings were too hidden or played down..

not for Will at the point of impact..it reared it's ugly head as the need to overpower and urges that would soon follow, will lead to the sexual fantasy comes true..

His hand reached the intended target and began to exact its mission..the mission in finding an oasis that would sprung forth its lip smacking "thirst" quenching form of life giver..he struck gold as the spot that he was roughly fondling were damp through the lacy pantie and it seems like it was dripping with the life saver...

the smell of carnal pleasure drove him into ecstasy and drove him into near madness....he ripped the panties like it was just a piece of broken rag cloth, producing a sharp intake of breath as his fingernails accidentally tore into the flesh as the pantie broke away...leaving traces of clawed marked skin..this is like some sort of branding to Will, which provoked him into a frenzy....

She muffled a scream in fear of things to come..whether she is purely going with the flow or she was stricken with fear at the onslaught of actions that were soon to be, we will never know...

As soon as she was naked, Will wasted no time, no time at all as he began to insert his middle finger into the well that was producing the life giver..all this time, he positioned himself so that his erected manhood was pointing at her soft lips..as soon as the finger was in process of "digging" without a single warning, he plunged his manhood into that soft mouth that was awaiting..

Struggled as she may, she could not stifle a soft moan which required her to open her mouth as the sound travel out..as soon as the deed was done, she was already being penetrated by the meat and she was, at the same time being aroused by that animal that was controlling her,,punishing her,, pushing her inner self to accept that fact that she wanted to be ravaged that badly..

25-03-2013, 08:29 PM

26-03-2013, 03:10 AM
Will was already in a frenzy at that point of time and could not help but thrust deeper into her mouth that was already engulfing his penis..one thrust too deep and a gagging sound made him clear headed for a moment..

as he much as he wanted, he does not wants to hurt his love..not this way...he laid still, forgone his thrusting..or should he as he had found a new pleasure just a moment ago...he had not experience gagging and that sort of fuel his desire...he filed that away for future..

His mouth began to inch closer to the well and as soon as he reaches, his breath hit the outside of her vagina and involuntarily she wanted to clamp her legs together preventing any sort of access to the forbidden ground..a last ditch resort of sorts..

Will, laying to the side, freed both his hands and prised open the clamps, and with one, one swift motion, plunged his mouth nose and all onto the vagina and begin to suckle and lick...

Soft uncontrolled moans echo into the distance coupled with some weak struggling which proved futile under the domination of Will..

resigned to the fate that the gods had cursed, she was actually enjoying the ravaging of the beast whom she had call darling earlier in the years where they were together..

As soon as Will touches her vagina, something was amiss...he did not realized that her life saver were actually salty to the taste...there were some whitish fluid, lit by the perfect rounded moon, around the entrance of the hole....unfortunately, as the carnal desire took over, which was supposed to be another warning bell, Will shrug it off thinking that she was too horny and that maybe she was gushing even more lubricant as they were starved........

grunting with excitement at his own naive thoughts, he turned around, and flip her onto her stomach and entered into her, unknowing, thrust into the wrong hole...Will was too far away from realizing and continuing ravaging her..

she was taken aback...she could feel the engorged meat in her anal, she screamed in pain, but Will covered her mouth and continued with his assault..after awhile, Will came into her..she could feel the pulsating dick pumping semen into her anal, while tears kept flowing down her cheeks that was red from the abuse..

Will was so lost in his thoughts...thinking back..was that really her lubricant?...Will gagged on reflex...with a hatred burning in his eyes, like a fire that cannot be extinguished...he wanted to engulf the whole house with fire and let her burn in hell...

26-03-2013, 11:13 PM
Few weeks later, Will finally decided to do some snooping around...he took a few emergency leave and started trailing her everywhere she went, her office building, shopping center, eatery, almost like a second shadow...he was never not a few feet away from her, stalking her, like a lion hunting, his sight in view never wavered for a moment..

such obsession was not uncommonly heard of...but because of the desire to know, fuel him on the go...stares by the passerby were frequent but singaporeans did what they did best, ignoring...

Will was getting tired...such constant surveillance is taking a toll on his mental and physical strength...such things are better left to the pros don't you think? even pros needed shift work...but the feeling of being betrayed is like a fuel to this madness..he could not stop.....

after 2 days of private investigation, he struck gold...the guy in question was no other than his Brother..ALAN!!!!!!

"FUCK!" was the only word he could summarise the whole situation. that feeling was indescribable.........

the worst feeling ever...catching your beloved with a stranger whom you are totally clueless about seems better than catching your infidelity slut with none other than your best mate, your close friend, your brother whom you spend your last 10 years with going through thick and thin, in the army and personal life...

Will was in pain...like a million of daggers flew through the air and converged at one spot...his heart..he could hear the shattering of his heart....he wished the heavens could open up and swallow him whole...he was prepared to know who that bastard was..not his own bro that betrayed him now...

Why the fuck did Alan tipped him off? why must Alan informed Will about this...million of whys, but there, in front of him was the answer to his whys...Alan had betrayed him...Will saw them checking into the hotel...

after a good 5 mins, a long five mins that seemed like an eternity to Will, he dragged his foot, heart and soul towards the hotel lobby...he was still hoping that this was just a misunderstanding...when he went into the lobby, he move half heartedly towards the receptionist, when he happen to looked up towards the lift lobby, just as the lift door was closing shut, he spied that two, arms in linked, standing at the back of the lift...co incidentally, at that moment, when the 2 pairs of eyes were about to meet his gaze, he fell..tripped and fell...and the lift door closes shut..

26-03-2013, 11:36 PM
Will picked himself up amidst the help of the floor manager who was nearby..he shrugged off the helping hands and headed for the receptionist...

Recep : " hello sir, are you all right? do you need any help?"

Will : " no...no need..thanks..but i do need your help..could you tell me the door number of that couple whom had went up..the lady was wearing a bareback dress, reaching her thighs, the guy was wearing a pink shirt with a silvery blue pants?

the receptionist upon hearing that, quizzed with a raised eyebrow and, just about to open her mouth when Will said..

Will :" i know its not possible to infringe on customer details, but they had something which i needed..and its very urgent..look, you can get the chambermaid or the bell boy or a manager to confirm with me...they just got up.....please?

luckily or rather unluckily, the floor manager whom was nearby offered to go up with Will...and Will, overheard that room number given by the receptionist to the manager, was thinking how to to shrug them off...

just as fate decided otherwise, sometimes gods just wants to play a cruel joke on mortals that were desperate..Will phone rang...he wanted to ignore the call when a sudden notion inspire him to act it out..he ignore the call and place the phone to his ears and begin to talk...self conversation

he signalled to the manager that he was on the phone, asking him to wait while he spoke loudly...

Will : " hey bro...yeah caught up to you at the hotel lobby...yeah yeah my stuff you were holding on..no no no..no trouble at all..i'm sorry to bother you..yeah yeah it'f fine..i thought you had forgotten about it..yeah tonight you can pass it to me then.."

with that, he made a pretence of hanging up and turned to the manager saying that it was settled and that there is no need for them to be up and he would be going off...

he made a show of going to the exit, stopping at the bakery which was near the hotel lobby, to admire the cakes..asking the sales lady as to which cake was better for his wife and sort...

after a while, god knows how many minutes had passed, after checking that the manager had left and the receptionist attention had been diverted to another customer, he slipped past the hall and went to the lift...

he went up to the floor and headed towards the room..upon reaching the room door, with his heart racing with both anticipation of sorts, he pressed his ears on the wooden door and listened with baited breath..

soft moans were heard and he was crest fallen..part of him wanted to bang down the door other part of him just wanted to walk away...he could do neither..he was rooted to the spot, blankly listening the deed that was being done behind the closed door...

after a long time, he composed himself..he knocked on the door and went to hide behind the corridor that was near the lift..he peeped out and saw a sight that was both heart wrenching and gut busting ever..

the sight of Alan clad only in his towels open the door, standing half out with his body looking around..and seconds later, his wife..that bitch pop out her head and drag him in...

Will sat down..his legs had given away..that confirmation was a sight hard to bear..his soul was gone...he wanted to kill himself there and then to spite them...

after a while he pull himself up and headed home......

27-03-2013, 02:36 PM
the waiting for the slut to be home took a surprisingly short while as he just stared blankly into space, no lights were switched on no nothing..he sat at the balcony..just staring...entertaining light thoughts of her..and the times spent..with both her and alan..

unknowingly, a drop of fat tear started to flow down his cheeks...he was half surprised as it had been a long while since he had teared and that he thought that he had long forgotten how to cry....

one tear followed by the next and soon, it became a river.....but not once did he sob...he just let the tears flow..as the tears was flowing, so was his heart..instead of tears..it's blood...blood of betrayal, blood of wrenching pain...every drop of tears would wrench his heart so much...

soon night came..and he heard the same familiar throttling sound roaring off into the distance...then the sound of key being inserted into the key hole and he quickly stood up, scampering into the bathroom to wash up...

he spent a good 20 mins washing up and exited the bathroom..when he walked to the living room, he saw her sitting down, massaging her calves...gone were his arouses as he was numb..really numb...

Will casually asked..

Will : " hey dear you are home...how'w work?"
she gave a nod and replied that she was tired...

Will : " okay..had dinner already?"
She nod her head and said she wanna turned in soon as the next day still needs to go OT..

with that Will just simply nodded and walk away...into the kitchen and opened a can of beer...walked back to the living room, switched on the tv and stared at those mindless program............

27-03-2013, 02:56 PM
love brings naught but everlasting sorrow..

oh so, how true is that sentence as Will ponders in this cold hash reality of the cruel society.

Nothing seems more important than the person laying asleep in front of him, yet does it seem so as the angelic face suggested?

As he paused and struggled with his inner demons, the figure stirred...a soft moan left the sweet full lips as the velvet silk caresses the figure, that women will die for, creased slightly, signalling that the person is stretching her long 42 inch legs and half turning in bed.

Will fumed with rage....when he checked the laundry basket...he found every thing was in where they should be..except...except for her panty...that slut actually never wore any panty when coming home...

As Will mind was replaying every thing from day 1 till now...he snapped...moving quietly to the kitchen...he took hold of a steak knife and walk with a man on a purpose...

Will : " hey dear..wake up...i need.." Will shook her gently...

as soon as she mumbled a no...Will shook her awake and as she sleepily open her eyes...Will wasted no time and said...

Will : " Bye bye love..."

with that he plunged the steak knife into her heart and stifled a scream with his hands...when the knife was embedded in her heart...he gave a twist..and twist...and twist....and finally ripped out the knife...perhaps the twist was to show that his heart had been twisted and wrenched by their deeds and so she must pay it back...

Will finally drop the knife, moved back a few steps away from the lifeless body whom he used to call beloved...he sat down...staring at the messy scene..bloody was still flowing, soaking the bed linen...the walls were splatted with the spurts of blood...

after a good long moment, Will got up..he shut himself off and went to work...he went into the kitchen and got a turkey carver...went back to the room..

First he slid her throat, plunge the carver into the tummy and slid upwards...it was gory but he just didnt care anymore...he split open her flesh revealing organs, bones, nerves..then he moves downwards..and rammed the carver hard down through her pelvic splitting the whole body into 2..

Will : " hey dear..now you can't be fucking around can you..hahahaha you are being split into two...your fucking vagina cannot wrap around other meat can you..." Will grinned manically as he begin butchering her part by part...the whole bed was stained with blood and gore...but he just did not care...

After a while, he called the police, but not after successfully, chopped, ripped, gutted his lover into pieces....

27-03-2013, 03:47 PM
Wow dark story.... Hopefully you are not writing from your experience and what you feel like doing...

27-03-2013, 03:50 PM
nah lol its just a story...not yet completed :)

27-03-2013, 05:26 PM
Or merely a nightmare Will had?

27-03-2013, 11:50 PM
being charged in court with manslaughter...thanks to his lawyer advise...Will was looking at a 10 year sentencing...after the final verdict was out, and the police was leading Will to the van, Alan pop out...

Alan requested a min or two from the police escort, and they relented...

Alan : " Will...i don't know what to say...you don't have to kill her for it..its my fault that I told you this....

Will : " save your lies you bastard...i saw you and her together..in the hotel fucking..."

Alan was shocked...he did not knew...in court during session all he heard was how Will brutally butchered her and with third party..not a single time was his name being announced...All he could said was sorry..and that...

Alan : " its not only me that was fucking her...the rest of the guys did...Pete drugged her the first time..and we were all high..you were not around...after that she became addicted to groupies...I was being forced..i tried to stop but..."

Will : " you bastards...."

before he could complete his sentence, the police lead him away...

Alan : " i'm sorry Will...but your beloved was a Nympho..just that you did not realized it...not only at the hotel but at your office and at your bed...I just think that you deserved to know..." Alan yelled after Will...

Will had no choice in this matter...As he was being lead away...his mind was plotting revenge...

Alan stood there a good few mins staring at the on going police van...a small grin crept up to his face...

Alan : " Will..i've always loved her...what i can't get..nobody could get it.." Alan muttered.....

love is, but a fool's game
bitter yet so sweet
naught springs up from love itself
sweeten souls and agony within
parting is such sweet sorrow
yet bitter in thy aftertaste
love is, but a fools game

27-03-2013, 11:52 PM
well the end..i hope the readers like it...thanks for reading..:)